You are invited to attend a meeting of the


At: Committee Room 2, Civic Centre,

On: Friday 17th June 2011.

Time: 11.00 a.m. (Refreshments will be available from 10.30am)


1. Apologies for absence.

2. To receive Disclosures of Personal Interests from Members in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct adopted by each Authority.

3. To receive and sign the Minutes of the West Glamorgan Archives Committee held on 11th March 2011 as a correct record.

4. To consider the Report of the County Archivist:

1. 2011/12 Improvement Plan and Audited 2010/11 Improvement Plan.

2. 2011/12 Marketing Plan.

3. Service Improvement.

4. Service Performance.

5. Service Outreach.

6. Accessions to Archives.

7. Staff.

5. Dates of Future Meetings 2011/12 – (all 11am) 9th September (), 9th December (Swansea), 9th March (Port Talbot)

Roderic Jones Acting Head of Legal, Democratic Services & Procurement 10th June 2011

Contact: Gareth Borsden 01792 636824

Item No. 3




PRESENT: HM Lord Lieutenant D B Lewis (Chairman) presided

Representatives of City and County of Swansea


J T Miles

Representatives of Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council

Councillor(s): Councillor(s): Councillor(s):

D W Davies D K Davies J Rogers

Representatives of Associated Organisations

Canon S J Ryan - Diocese of Llandaff Dr. L Miskell - University College, Swansea Mrs J L Watkins - Neath Antiquarian Society


K Collis, I Davies, D Michael, W John, S Harries and G Borsden.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors M E Gibbs, K E Marsh, H Morris, R L Smith and W E Morgan and Archdeacon Williams.


The Chairman prior to the commencement of the meeting referred with great sadness to the death of Mrs Joyce Howard, a long standing member of the Committee.

All present stood in silent tribute as mark of respect.

Minutes of the West Glamorgan Archives Committee (11.03.11) Cont’d


In accordance with the Code of Conduct adopted by both Authorities, no interests were declared.


The minutes of the meeting held on 10th December 2010 were agreed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record subject to the date in Minute No 39 being amended from 12th to 11th.


The Chairman welcomed Mrs Janet Watkins of Neath Antiquarian Society to her first meeting.

45. REVENUE BUDGET 2011/2012

The County Archivist provided details of the Joint Archive Service revised budget for 2010/11, the original budget for 2011/12 and the reserves held by Archives.

The main areas associated with the overall budget decrease of £44,200 were detailed as well as the proposals for the future funding and operation of Records Management Service in both Authorities.

The associated staffing and service issues associated with the budget reductions were outlined and discussed.

AGREED that the Revenue Budget for 2011/12 be noted.


Mr Kim Collis, County Archivist report on the following matters


The County Archivist paid tribute to Mrs Havard, a long standing, dedicated and enthusiastic member of the Committee who sadly passed away on 1st January 2011.

He referred to her passion for both the Archive Service and local history in general and outlined her key role in developing the Neath Archives Access Point as a partnership between the service and the Neath Antiquarian Society.

Minutes of the West Glamorgan Archives Committee (11.03.11) Cont’d

The Chairman and Members wholeheartedly supported and endorsed the comments of the County Archivist.


The County Archivist reported on the budget reductions agreed for the service as discussed in the previous report.

The amount agreed for reduction in the service’s budget was outlined and he detailed and explained the proposals for the achieving of the savings particularly relating to the Records Management Service, a reduction in opening hours and other relevant staffing issues.

He also detailed the proposed fees and charges for 2011/12.

AGREED that the revised fees and charges for 2011/12 be approved.


The County Archivist reported on the results of the TNA self assessment exercise in 2010.

He outlined that the service had now achieved a maximum four stars, an improvement on the previous assessment in 2008. The main areas of improvement were highlighted and explained.

The Chairman and Members welcomed the results of the assessment.

The County Archivist also reported on the TNA inspections of the Swansea and Neath repositories in the previous summer,.. Some of the recommendations of the reports will provide a challenge for the service and these will be fed into the updated Service business plan to be presented at the next meeting.


The County Archivist reported and outlined that the results on the two grant applications made by the service for CyMAL funding are expected in April.

The applications were for a document scanner and a joint project with the Richard Burton Archives, Swansea University involving the cataloguing of the South Miners Museum Collection.

Minutes of the West Glamorgan Archives Committee (11.03.11) Cont’d


The County Archivist reported that the total number of public using the service during the period 1st December 2010 to 28th February 2011 was 2403.


The County Archivist reported on the successful launch of the publication ‘A Vision Fulfilled - The Story of the Celtic Studios and Swansea’s Architectural Glass Tradition’. The launch of ‘Neath - The and its People’ was cancelled because of the inclement weather but the author Tony Hopkins will be giving an evening lecture on 18th April to the Neath Antiquarian Society in April which will help promote the book.

He reported that the Archive Service Exhibition on the 70th anniversary of the was opened by the Lord Mayor in the Civic Centre Foyer in Swansea on 7th February. The exhibition has been covered widely by the media and has been much visited.

He indicated that the Service has also co-operated with the National Waterfront Museum in creating a temporary exhibition on the history of the census.

He stated that 267 schoolchildren had either visited the Archive Service in groups or received a visit from Archives education officer during the quarter.


The County Archivist reported on the professional and local authority meetings attended by staff during the quarter.


The County Archivist outlined the various documents that had been deposited with the service during the quarter.


The County Archivist reported on the agreement reached with Legal Services in Swansea for the destruction of certain series of files.

He reported on the preparation work that has been undertaken in Neath Port Talbot regarding the transfer of responsibility for records management from the Archive Service to Legal staff. Minutes of the West Glamorgan Archives Committee (11.03.11) Cont’d

The total number of records issued to both Authorities for the quarter was outlined.


The County Archivist reported on the staff changes over the quarter and paid tribute to the contribution of Rhian Phillips, former Senior Archivist, who resigned during the quarter to take up a position with Glamorgan Archives.

The meeting ended at 11.30 a.m.


S: West Glamorgan Archives Committee - 11 March 2011 (GB/HCR) 11th March 2011

Item No. 4




Report of the County Archivist West Glamorgan Archives Committee 17 June 2011

The purpose of this report is to outline the work of the Archive Service during the period March to May 2011

1. 2011/12 improvement plan and audited 2010/11 improvement plan

The Archive Service 2011/12 improvement plan is attached at Appendix 1. Also attached is an audited 2010/11 improvement plan showing which actions were completed and which others were in progress and not started by the end of March. Actions which have not been completed during 2010/11 have either been carried forward to the current year’s plan or else dropped through lack of funding or by being superseded, each action being marked appropriately.

2. 2011/12 Marketing Plan

The 2011/12 marketing plan for the Archive Service is attached at Appendix 2. This year’s plan takes a broader approach to marketing, including in its scope quantitative and qualitative statistics on archive users and non-users, communication with stakeholders and developing the key messages we need to get across to different target groups. An officer from the Swansea Council Culture and Tourism Marketing team will attend the meeting to answer questions from members about the plan and about marketing of the Service more generally.

3. Service improvement

CyMAL grant applications 2011/12 and purchase of book scanner

The Service was successful in only one of the two grant applications for CyMAL funding which were reported on in the last meeting. The successful project, the cataloguing of the Miners Museum archive collection, will take place in July and August using a project archivist based at the Richard Burton Archives, Swansea University. This project will then be integrated into the larger Archives and Records Council Wales cataloguing project Powering the World: Looking at Welsh Industry through Archives, which highlights the value of Welsh business records and the contribution of Wales to the . West Glamorgan Archives will then be represented in the project by two contrasting collections featuring Swansea copper and coalmining in the Afan Valley, with one from each of the parent authority areas.

Further small applications have been made to CyMAL for grant assistance with an exhibition to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day 2012 and for a joint image digitisation project with Swansea Libraries. Decisions on these will be made later by the CyMAL assessors.

The lack of success of the book scanner grant application to CyMAL did allow for further investigation and demonstration of other book scanners in the market, a search which led to the discovery of a larger and more sophisticated model which was offered with a substantial discount to bring it close to the price range of the competition. More information on this will be given verbally in the meeting before members confirm whether or not to proceed with the purchase of the equipment from Archive reserves.

4. Service performance

Total members of the public using the Service, March to May 2011, 2,774 (2,808). Figures for the same quarter 2010 are in brackets for comparison.

-Swansea 1,897 (2,039) -Neath 536(548) -Port Talbot 219 (221) -Group visits 122 (not differentiated)

In addition, the Archive Service dealt with the following number of enquiries:

Telephone enquiries: 873 (944) Postal enquiries: 147 (169) Email enquiries: 322 (337)

Over the last three months, 101 new readers (134) have registered to use the service.

5. Service outreach


The Annual Report of the County Archivist was prepared and printed during the quarter. It contains key data recording the performance of the Service in 2010/11, an overview of our outreach and conservation work, two local history articles (one for each local authority area) and a complete list of accessions in 2010/11. This year for the first time it will be distributed to selected schools in both authorities (those who have made contact about using our education service) and a copy will be given to each community library in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot.

As has become customary at the June meeting of the Archives Committee, members are requested to choose designs for two Archives Christmas cards, one from each local authority area.

Although the publications programme is currently frozen, members are requested to look at the publication proposal in Appendix 3, the estimated costs and merits of which will be respectively outlined and discussed in the meeting.

6. Accessions of archives

A comprehensive list of archives received during the period March to May 2011 is given in Appendix 4.

7. Staff

Following the budget cut outlined in last quarter’s report, Rosemary Davies has been redeployed from the role of Records Manager to that of Senior Archivist, with effect from 8 July 2011. Records management is now funded separately by each authority and from that date I shall be taking on the vestigial duties of the Records Manager post.

Contact Officer: Kim Collis, County Archivist Tel: 01792 636760 Email: [email protected] APPENDIX 1 Archive Service Improvement Plan for 2011-12

Source Responsible Number for Action Timescale Funding officer action Develop a number of prepared set themes for school group visits (e.g. Swansea Blitz), including an Existing 2011-14 1 option for Foundation stage 2011/12 Katie Millien revenue SIP 1 pupils and advertise in 4-site budget brochure. Create work sheets to allow for post-visit follow-up work. Purchase further microfilm of electoral registers for , Existing 2011-14 Neath and Aberavon; Rosemary 2 2011/12 revenue SIP 2 maintain and publicise free Davies budget public access to Ancestry and Find My Past Service Timescale RO Resources development/Review/Performance Digitise a further set of tape recordings (T3 series) and make them publicly Existing 2011-14 available; acquire further 3 2011/12 Andrew Dulley revenue SIP 4 recordings as able to and budget digitise them as necessary; publicise the oral history and film collections Continue the appraisal and Carried Existing listing of the Guildhall 4 over from 2011/12 Andrew Dulley revenue collections; place online 2010/11 budget existing Guildhall catalogues TNA Consult with Fire Brigade Kim Existing inspection about Swansea strongrooms 5 2011/2 Collis/Andrew revenue report and revise disaster plan as Dulley budget Swansea necessary TNA Kim Existing inspection Transfer remaining film 6 2011/12 Collis/Andrew revenue report material to NSSAW Dulley budget Swansea

Audit Obtain insurance valuation 7 report 2011/12 Kim Collis C&T budget of selected items 2009/10

Staffing Timescale RO Resources Set objectives for learning and development at Kim Investors Existing individual, team and service Collis/Andrew 8 in People 2011/12 revenue wide levels; develop the Dulley/Rosemary report budget evaluation of learning and Davies development Customer Care/Consultation Timescale RO Resources

Carry out survey of non- Carried Kim Existing users of the Archives and 9 over from 2011/12 Collis/Rosemary revenue annual reader registration 2010/11 Davies budget analysis Partnerships & Joint Working Timescale RO Resources Write a digital preservation policy; take part in the initiation and initial Existing 2011-14 10 implementation phases of 2011/12 KC revenue SIP 9 the ARCW digital budget preservation project (in partnership with ARCW) Participate in an all-Wales Stage 2 bid to HLF for the 2011-14 11 project 'Cynefin: Mapping 2011/12 KC HLF grant SIP 12 Wales' Sense of Place' (in partnership with ARCW) Investigate internal boarding up of strongroom windows at TNA Existing rear of Neath Mechanics inspection revenue and 12 Institute; revise NMI security 2011/12 KC/AD/RD report NPTCBC guidelines in consultation Neath budgets with NAS (in partnership with NAS) TNA Re-package rolled maps and Existing inspection rebox manorial documents 13 2011/12 MP revenue report at Neath (in partnership with budget Neath NAS) Develop a profile for WGAS on the People's Collection Wales and webmount the Existing 2011-14 14 SA1 walking trail, Hebrew 2011/12 KC/AD/RD revenue SIP 11 Congregation and Blitz budget exhibitions (in partnership with Culturenet Cymru) Marketing & Promotion Timescale RO Resources To issue 6 press releases 2011/12 during the year, send Existing 15 Marketing monthly emails to the My 2011/12 revenue Plan Swansea marketing budget database KC/AD/RD 2011/12 To run at least one set of Existing 16 Marketing Basic Archives Skills 2011/12 AD/RD revenue Plan courses during the year budget To publish an annual report Existing 2011-14 and a set of two Christmas 17 2011/12 KC revenue SIP 14 card designs (one Swansea budget and one Neath Port Talbot) Access to Services Timescale RO Resources Existing 2011-14 KC/RD/KATIE 18 Launch SA1 walking trail 2011/12 revenue SIP 15 MILLIEN budget Existing revenue 2011-14 Create an exhibition for 19 2011/12 DM budget and SIP 15 Holocaust Memorial Day CyMAL grant

Develop online reminiscence Existing resources in partnership with Carried revenue Swansea Libraries for 20 over from 2011/12 KC budget and People's Collection Wales 2010/11 CyMAL (reworded action 3 from grant 201/11 AIP) Records management Timescale RO Resources 2011- Create intranet page on Existing 21 2014 SIP depositing records in the 2011/12 KC revenue 16 Archives budget Add Childcare Legal to the Carried Existing Oracle system; extend to 22 over from 2011/12 KC revenue other sections as 2010/11 budget appropriate

Audited Archive Service Improvement Plan for 2010-11

Increase overall use of the service by developing an Preparation of education service for 10/12 Rhian ca £5K resources Aug 2010; 1 schools, in collaboration 2010/11 COMPLETED SIP 1 Phillips allocated first school groups with the Local Studies Sep 2010 section of Swansea Libraries Free access to Find My Past website Apr 2010; digitise ca £2K municipal cemetery Increase overall use of the allocated burial indexes up to 10/12 service by purchasing and Rhian from existing 2 2010/11 1920, Sept 2010; COMPLETED SIP 2 developing resources for Phillips budget and purchase microfilm family historians CyMAL both/either of support Cambrian newspaper or electoral registers, Mar 2011 Create a project which will Application for INCOMPLETE - 09/10 respond to the adult health Kim 3 Mar-11 CyMAL grant CyMAL grant, Jun CARRY AIP and well-being government Collis 2010 FORWARD agenda Install a wireless Kim 10/12 environmental monitoring Summer Collis/An CyMAL grant Work completed 4 COMPLETED SIP 3 system for the Civic Centre 2010 drew or reserves summer 2010 strongrooms Dulley Undertake a pest survey in Summer Andrew Existing Work completed 5 New the Civic Centre COMPLETED 2010 Dulley budget summer 2010 strongrooms Install more shelving in the Summer Kim Existing Work completed 6 New COMPLETED Civic Centre strongrooms 2010 Collis budget summer 2010 INCOMPLETE - Obtain insurance valuation Summer Kim Existing Work completed 7 New CARRY of selected items 2010 Collis budget summer 2010 FORWARD Purchase portable dehumidifiers for the Neath Antiquarian Society Summer Andrew Existing Work completed 8 New COMPLETED Archives and as part of the 2010 Dulley budget summer 2010 disaster planning kit in Swansea Put all OS maps in Andrew Existing Work completed end 9 New Dec-10 COMPLETED polyester sleeves Dulley budget 2010 Arrange for TNA inspection Inspection completed 10/12 of strongroom Kim 10 Dec-10 Free summer 2010; report COMPLETED SIP 4 accommodation in Swansea Collis received end 2010 and Neath Work completed or to INCOMPLETE - Appraise and list the Andrew Existing 11 New Mar-11 be rolled over into CARRY Guildhall archive collections Dulley budget 2011/12, end Mar-11 FORWARD Survey carried out INCOMPLETE - 10/12 Carry out survey of non- Kim 12 End 2010 £500 and report received, CARRY SIP 6 users of the Archives Collis end 2010 FORWARD Report on the profile of 10/11 Archives Wales reader Support Kim Report received June 13 ticket holders for WGAS, Jun-10 Free COMPLETED Service Collis 2010 benchmarked against rest AIP of Wales Report on the feasibilty of 10/12 linking item level catalogue Kim Report received by 14 Mar-11 CyMAL grant COMPLETED SIP 7 data to allow for cross- Collis Mar 2011 Wales archive searches Gareth To issue 6 press releases Jones, 10/11 during the year, send Andrew Existing 6 press releases, 12 15 Marketi monthly emails to the My Mar-10 Dulley COMPLETED budget emails in 2009/10 ng Plan Swansea marketing and database Rhian Phillips 09/10 To market the free Rhian Existing Jun-09 exhibition 16 Marketi availability of the 1911 Jun-09 COMPLETED Phillips budget online ng Plan census To run at least one set of Andrew Existing Mar-11 courses 17 New Basic Archives Skills Mar-11 COMPLETED Dulley budget completed courses during the year To put a display chest in the CyMAL grant 09/10 archive searchroom to allow Kim Mar-11 display case INCOMPLETE - 18 Mar-11 or existing AIP regular displays of archive Collis purchased DROP ACTION budget material Jun-10 annual report To publish an annual report, published; Aug-10 a set of Christmas cards, a Reserves Xmas cards 10/12 Kim 19 History of Celtic Stained Dec-10 and existing published; Sept-10 COMPLETED SIP 10 Collis Glass Studios and a History budget first book published of Neath and Dec-10 second book published Mar-11catalogue 10/12 Webmount the archive Andrew Existing 20 Mar-11 online, or else carry COMPLETED SIP 11 catalogue Dulley budget forward to 2011/12 Create exhibitions for the 100th anniversary of the Aug-10 first online Mayhill Cottage Homes Andrew exhibition; Nov-10 exhibition (online), recently Existing 21 New Nov-10 Dulley/Ki boards exhibition; COMPLETED received synagogue records budget m Collis Dec-10 second (online) and for online exhibition Remembrance Day (on boards)


West Glamorgan Archive Service Marketing Plan 2011-2012

To: Kim Collis, County Archivist From: Roger Gill, Marketing Officer Date: March 2011

Overview West Glamorgan Archive Service is a joint service for the City and County of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council, responsible to the West Glamorgan Archives Committee. It is based at the Civic Centre, Rd, Swansea, and also operates the Neath Antiquarian Society Archives in partnership with the Neath Antiquarian Society. Additionally it provides assistance to family historians one day a week in Port Talbot Library.

West Glamorgan Archive Service collects documents, maps, photographs, film and sound recordings relating to all aspects of the history of West Glamorgan.

Its mission is the preservation and development of its archive collections, to safeguard the documentary heritage of West Glamorgan and to enable research in order to further collective knowledge. It is committed to providing information and the opportunity to engage with archives to everybody.

The archives can be used for all kinds of research, tracing the history of a house, a village or a family. A significant majority of the researchers (around two thirds) using the service are tracing their family tree, although the Service aims to encourage people to use a wider range of resources than the core records used by family historians.

The following information is an analysis of the registered user base as at 31 March 2010, taken from the diversity monitoring forms issued at time of registration:

54% of WGAS’s registered readers are male and 46% female The largest age group who have a reader’s ticket is aged 55-64 (30%), the next highest being in order: 45-54 (21%), 65-74 (17%), 22-34 (12%), 75+ (9%), 35-44 (7%), and 14-21 (3%). In a question about national identity which allowed more than one box to be ticked, 56% classed themselves as Welsh, 46% classed themselves as British, 7% as English, 1% Scottish and 2% as other, which included Irish and overseas nationalities. Apart from English, 5% put Welsh as their main language and 1% another language. 52% said they could not understand any Welsh, 30% could understand some with 17% able to understand the language. 99% of registered readers are from a White background. 8% of registered readers consider themselves to have some form of disability.

The graph to the left shows the distribution by postcode of WGAS’s registered readers as at 31 March 2010. Compared to the previous year, the number of registered readers resident in Swansea has diminished by 7%, with all other categories sharing the corresponding increase.

Summary of Last Year’s Marketing Plan

The following marketing activity was achieved during the 2010/11period.

• 6 press releases issued • Direct emails issued every month to subscribers. • Advertising in tourist brochure • Publicity for St David’s Day family history activity. • 4000 double-sided A5 flyers produced to advertise the family history services • Reprint of Swansea and Neath A1 A-frame posters • 500 A4 Annual Reports produced and distributed • Distribution of A5 flyers to Culture and Tourism venues • Updated photography for publicity • 2 TV filming and 3 radio recording sessions

Objectives for Marketing Campaign

This marketing plan will be a year-long campaign which will aim to raise and maintain the profile of the West Glamorgan Archive Service for the community that it serves in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot, for residents from elsewhere in the UK who use the service and for overseas visitors. It will include anything that helps WGAS to first identify and then satisfactorily meet customer needs in a cost effective and measurable way.

• Increase media coverage of Archive Service • Increase public awareness of Archives Service and its facilities • Increase usage of the Archive Service • Build awareness amongst key target user groups and stakeholders • Increase numbers for the My Swansea marketing database • Exploit opportunities for internal communications in both authorities • Increase income from sales of publications.

The scope of the plan will include • further research or data on users and non-users • partnership and outreach initiatives • online activities • TV, radio, press, PR and promotional activities • exhibitions • annual report

Campaign Targets • Achieve the 2011/12 usage target of 11,250 visitors to the Archive Service • Broaden the user base of the Archives to increase use by target audiences (outlined below) • Achieve the 2011/12 income targets of £7,000 for copying charges and £7,000 for sale of publications • Raise the profile of the Service by issuing a minimum of six press releases during the year, including a minimum of two profile stories • Communicate key messages to stakeholders (outlined below)


Stakeholders in the Archive Service are identified as follows: • Members and officers of the two parent authorities • Depositors and donors of records • Third sector partners (in particular the Neath Antiquarian Society) and volunteers • Welsh Assembly Government acting through CyMAL: Museums Archives and Libraries Wales • The National Archives Kew • Users and potential users of the service

Core audience

The usage data suggests our core audience is as follows:

• men and women 45 and over • retired people • residents of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot

We need to continue to appeal to and extend our core audience, who are often familiar (but not always) with how to use our service.

Typical profiles might be:

• retired couples researching family history on behalf of the extended family • People who have just moved into a new house interested in its history • residents with a particular query, such as a boundary or a right of way dispute • enthusiasts looking at the history of their particular subject of interest (e.g. sport, railways etc) • Council officers or members with a query

Target Audience

There is a need to maintain existing user groups whilst also developing new audiences. We need to attract our target audience, who the data suggests might be less familiar with how to use our service. The usage data suggests our target audiences should be:

• children and young people under 21 years old • young adults, 21-44 years old • members of the Black and Minority Ethnic community • visitors from outside Wales

Typical profiles might be:

• schoolchildren working on a project • students at one of Swansea’s two universities • holidaymakers looking for indoor activities • parents with young families • young and old members of the BME community

Themes / Messaging for the Campaign

Key messages we need to communicate: • The Archives is open to all-comers, including casual callers (i.e. there is no need to book in advance) • We have staff trained to help you with your research. Furthermore, Archives staff have a greater in-depth knowledge, particularly to help with family history. • Make a day of it – there is a café in Swansea Civic Centre, other attractions are an easy walk away. Our Neath service point is a town centre drop-in facility which is welcoming and easy to use. • We have an attractive and distinctive range of goods and merchandise for sale

Existing Straplines

Discover…People, Places, Memories Connecting People and History [Archives Wales] Your Gateway to History

There is a need to look at updating the straplines. When looking at the new straplines the 2 existing archives brands will need to be taken into consideration (WGAS + Archives Wales).

The Archives Wales strapline and branding can only be used as part of a co- ordinated marketing strategy by archives in Wales, which will set parameters for its use.

Further research or data on users and non-users

The objectives for the research include:

• Obtaining, collating and updating quantitative and qualitative data and information about current usage and users; non-users and potential audiences • Further confirmation of target audiences, and verification of existing communications strategies. • Analysis of data, and trends within this, to determine and confirm the rightness of existing key messages

The Plan includes the following elements for 2011/12: • Analyse the results of the March 2011 customer survey • Carry out a non-user survey in 2011/12 to investigate the awareness of the Service amongst non-users (Eleanor Moore) • Analyse the 2010/11 registered user base (Eleanor Moore) • Preliminary investigation of the options for a ‘Friends’ organisation if this would be appropriate

Projects 2011/2012 • Cataloguing of the South Wales Miners Museum collection as part of the all- Wales ‘Wales Powering the World’ project promoting the archives created by Welsh companies and heavy industry (, steel, slate, copper etc) • The WGAS archive catalogue should go online in 2011/12 once technical problems are overcome • Potential joint project with Swansea Libraries to place images of Swansea on the People’s Collection Wales

Marketing Tools to be used

Literature to be produced

A complete set of the four WGAS leaflets will need to be reprinted during 2011/12 with our revised opening hours and minor text amends, in the following order of priority, taking into account existing stocks. Due to the associated cost, it will not be possible to reprint more flyers and other promotional material during the year.

Design and Print – costs are to be confirmed Material Quantity Cost General leaflet 1000 £529 Tracing the history of your house 500 £551.00 Maritime records 500 £551.00 Family history 1000 £631.00 £5 Session leaflet 500 £150.00 Total £2412

Media Activity Date Title Media May • 6 members of same family A minimum target of 6 receiving Swansea press releases to be Freeman status from Lord prepared during the year, Mayor. Background to with more possible press history of hereditary releases as opportunities freemen in Swansea arise. July Neath Abbey history feature PR will be sent out to a around the event planned number of media for the site on 23 July providers:- SWEP, Western (include reference to Mail, Bay Radio, Real repaired NA Ironworks Radio, The Wave, BBC plans) and ITV and other suitable September • Archives Skills classes media contacts November • New Archives Christmas cards + range of gifts January • Exhibition: Wales and the Nazi persecution of Jews 1933-1945 February • Tracing your family history: Family and Local History Fair, National Waterfront Museum and family history activities for St David’s Day ‘Tracing your Welsh Roots’

Internal Communications Publication/Resource Relevant dates News@5 - all PR sent out via the news@5 email April 2011– March 2012 Swansea Leader – relevant stories will be considered May and July

Distribution Locations Company Cost Council venues – flyers Pear Free Appropriate venues in Swansea, Pear £26 per1000 Neath and Port Talbot - Bookshops, museums, art galleries, colleges, universities, libraries, etc Total TBC


External websites www.swansea.gov.uk Updates and event synopsis FREE www.enjoyswansea.com Blog and event details to be listed FREE

Online – External www.britevents.com Events Listing FREE www.thebestof.co.uk/swans Events Listing FREE ea www.wherecanwego.com Events Listing FREE www.whatsonwales.co.uk Events Listing FREE www.swansea.info Events Listing FREE www.whatson2day.com Events Listing FREE www.walesonline.co.uk Events Listing FREE www.netmums.com Events Listing FREE www.swansea.towntalk.co.u Events Listing FREE k

Digital Marketing/Social Networking Facebook • Event information FREE

Twitter • Event information and press FREE release links PR Log • Online press releases FREE distributed by Google news YouTube • Videos to be uploaded with FREE the subjects including. o Guide to start researching family history. o How to use the Archive service. RRLog • All press releases will be FREE added to this site My Swansea Blog • Event information FREE Staffnet • Event information FREE Bulletin Board • Event information FREE

Direct email Date Title/Outline April • Included in Discover Email - Census exhibition May • Included in Discover Email – Archives Skills classes June • Included in Discover Email - Annual report online + Archives Skills classes July • Included in Discover Email - National Day, Swansea Museum and Neath Abbey event August • Included in Discover Email September • Included in Discover Email - Archives skills classes October • Included in Discover Email - Archives Skills classes + Christmas Cards + Local History bookfair, Swansea Museum November • Included in Discover Email - Basic Archives Skills • Swansea Christmas email – cards + gifts December • Included in Discover Email - Christmas Gifts January • Included in Discover Email - Wales and the Nazi persecution of Jews 1933-1945 February • Included in Discover Email – Family and Local History Fair, National Waterfront Museum March • Included in Discover Email - St David’s Event

Online Advertising Google Adwords to advertise Swansea Bay History Shop £35 Google Adwords to advertise Christmas gifts £10

Advertising Media Cost ½ page advert in What’s On Free when possible Swansea Bay 2011 Tourism Brochure £300 Total £300

Cross working There are a number of events and venues where the West Glamorgan Archive Service could provide cross promotion with other cultural venues a few suggestions have been included in the list below:

Tourism Event dates to be promoted via the tourism newsletters and emails

• Swansea Central Library - exchange of leaflets • Swansea Local History Bookfair at Swansea Museum • Joint exhibitions + events i.e. St David’s Week and Following the Flame Field Marketing Marketing Trailer: Archive Service literature to be distributed from marketing trailer at summer events. Budget: Free

Things to consider for 2011/2012

• Develop new strap-lines to be used on all marketing material • Review where merchandise is sold. Look at selling tea-towels, postcards/greetings card and other merchandise in other C&T venues, i.e. Swansea Museum, Central Library, Swansea TIC/ TIC and also look into using other means to sell online, i.e. eBay • Look to sell Research Units online – with online payment system/shop • Look at introducing a post research one-to-one meeting to explain the findings for an extra cost and to give a more personal service • Develop 4site to include more set themes for pupils • Need to look at activities for small children to do when they are visiting Archives with their families • Look at cross working opportunities for Following the Flame.

Budget The estimated marketing budget for the above activities is no more than £6000.


Output packs The Marketing Services team will produce one yearly service output report which will outline the marketing activity that has been undertaken during the year.

Customer profile monitoring An annual survey is made of the profile of registered readers (i.e. those who apply for a reader’s ticket). This profile is gathered from the anonymous ‘About you’ diversity monitoring forms issued with the reader registration forms and the results of which are entered into a database. The customer profile can be compared against that of other repositories which are part of the reader’s ticket scheme. The County Archivist will share this and other data from the operation of the reader’s ticket scheme with the central marketing team, in order to target our marketing more effectively.

Help Required To ensure that the campaign successfully meets the campaign targets, full support and co-operation from the County Archivist will be required. The service manager will provide, in advance, regular updates and information about forthcoming events and activities that require marketing support. In return the central marketing team will consult with the County Archivist about ideas and possible improvements that could be made to the marketing plan. Activity Plan

April Activity Date Exhibitions – Census – online and at NWM April Discover Swansea email – Census exhibition W/C 4 Events on external websites April Finalise Marketing Plan April Manager’s meeting – Civic Centre April

May Activity Date Ideas for Following the Flame cross working May Discover Swansea email – TBC W/C 2 Events on external websites May Swansea events blog May Direct mail – Annual report May Add Annual report online May Press release – Annual report May Intranet article - Annual report May Manager’s meeting – Civic Centre May Press Release – 6 members of same family receiving May Swansea Hereditary Freeman status from Lord Mayor

June Activity Date Discover Swansea email Annual report online + Archives W/C 31 May Skills classes Events on external websites June Email – Annual report online – list TBC June Reprint of Tracing the history of your house June Reprint of Maritime records June Manager’s meeting – Civic Centre June Swansea events blog June Review straplines June Look to sell Research Units online June

July Activity Date Event – National Archaeology Day, Swansea Museum July Press Release - Neath Abbey history feature around the July event planned for the site on 23 July (include reference to repaired NA Ironworks plans) Press release – Archive feature July Discover Swansea email - National Archaeology Day, W/C 5 Swansea Museum Events on external websites July Swansea events blog July Reprint of General leaflet July Reprint of Family history July

August Activity Date Press release – Local History bookfair, Swansea August Museum Discover Swansea email - Local History bookfair, Swansea W/C 1 Intranet article August Events on external websites August Swansea events blog August Review where merchandise is sold August Reprint of £5 session leaflet August Review where merchandise is sold August

September Activity Date Discover Swansea email September Events on external websites W/C 5 Press release – Archives Skills classes September Email – Archives skills classes September Intranet article – Archives skills classes September Swansea events blog – Archives skills classes September Bulletin Board – Archives skills classes September

October Activity Date Classes - Archives Skills classes October Event - Local History bookfair, Swansea Museum October Discover Swansea email - Archives Skills classes + W/C 4 Christmas Cards + Local History bookfair, Swansea Museum Events on external websites October Swansea Christmas/Brangwyn Hall email - Christmas cards + gifts Press release - Archives Skills classes + Christmas cards + W/C 19 gifts Intranet article - Christmas Cards W/C 19 Swansea events blog - Archives skills classes + Christmas W/C 19 cards + gifts Bulletin Board - Archives skills classes + Christmas cards + W/C 19 gifts

November Activity Date Classes – Basic Archives Skills November Discover Swansea email – Basic Archives Skills November Events on external websites November A5 flyer - Christmas cards + gifts November A1 poster - Christmas cards + gifts November Swansea Christmas email – Christmas cards + gifts W/C 1 Press release – Christmas cards + gifts November Intranet article – Christmas cards + gifts November Civic Centre foyer exhibition (Archives Libraries Museums) November for Remembrance Day - publicity Swansea events blog - classes and Christmas cards November Consider exhibition or event for St David’s Week November

December Activity Date Discover Swansea email W/C 6 Dec Press Release - Wales and the Nazi persecution of Jews 1933-1945 Events on external websites December Swansea Christmas email - Christmas Gifts December Intranet article – Christmas Gifts December Press release - TBC December Confirm exhibition or event for St David’s Week in early December December Swansea events blog December

January Activity Date Exhibitions - Wales and the Nazi persecution of Jews January 1933-1945 Discover Swansea email - Wales and the Nazi persecution W/C 3 Jan of Jews 1933-1945 Swansea events blog January Events on external websites January Press release – Archive feature January

February Activity Date Discover Swansea email - St David’s Day event + Family W/C 31Jan and Local History Fair, National Waterfront Museum Press Relelease - Tracing your family history: Family and February Local History Fair, National Waterfront Museum and family history activities for St David’s Day ‘Tracing your Welsh Roots’ Events on external websites February Email - Tracing your family history February Swansea events blog - Tracing your family history February

March Activity Date Event - St David’s Week event March Press release (part of St David’s Week PR) - St David’s March Day event Discover Swansea email - Tracing your family history + W/C 28 Feb Family and Local History Fair, National Waterfront Museum Intranet article March Events on external websites March Swansea events blog March

APPENDIX 3 Book proposal : The reconstruction of Swansea 1941-58

The impact of the war on Plymouth, Coventry, Hull, Bristol and other English cities has received attention from historians (Hasegawa, Tiratsoo) however the story of Swansea between 1939 and the late 1950s has not been told - despite its importance both on a local and national level.

Enemy action during the Second World War destroyed the centre of Swansea and when the bombing stopped, the town - the natural shopping centre for the whole of south west Wales - was left with a bleak landscape where once prosperous shops and stores had stood. Although the Guildhall, and Library were still standing, most of the town’s commercial, social and entertainment heart had all but disappeared. Although of February 1941 was hugely defining for the people of Swansea and the surrounding areas very little has been written and analysis is limited to a series of photographs with little or no discussion of the issues or the aftermath (N.Arthur, Swansea at war: a pictorial account 1939-45 (1988); J.R.Alban, ‘Picture Essay: The Second World War’ in R.A.Griffiths (ed) The city of Swansea, challenges and change, (1990). There is a need for a book which will address the issues involved in the rebuilding of Swansea town, the relationship and interaction between central and local government in the process and the reasons why the town was rebuilt as it was.

In Swansea, as in many other blitzed and cities, there was a conviction that the Government would be sympathetic to their cause and would understand that public confidence would only be motivated by the restoration of war damaged areas and therefore would allow Swansea to be rebuilt as Swansea people wanted it to be built. There were those who wanted to recreate the old pre-war Swansea in its original footprint while others sought modernism. However, the process of reconstruction in Swansea would revolve less around a contest between the traditional and modern and more on the struggle to erect any buildings at all – given the dire financial circumstances of the period.

This book will be of interest to a wide range of people; from those with an interest in the history of Swansea itself to those studying war-time and post-1945 Welsh and British history, politics, social policy and the built environment. It is based on the archival records of the West Glamorgan Archive Service, The National Archive, Kew, British Library and the National Library of Wales, .

The three maps (b/w), the plan of the boulevard (b/w) and b/w photographs (upwards of 20) are, together with the water colours of the proposed thoroughfare in the centre of the town, all in the ownership of the WGAS and all would sit comfortably in the centre of the book. The hardback book (+ dust jacket) will comprise a maximum of 250 pages.

Dr Dinah Evans, School of History, Welsh History and Archaeology, Bangor University. Dinah Evans is a modern and contemporary historian at Bangor University whose PhD thesis (2007) focussed on the reconstruction of Swansea between 1941 and 1964. APPENDIX 4


Creator/originator Description Dates Extent Reference number W. C. Rogers collection Miscellaneous collection plans of 18th-20th century 3 large folders D/D WCR/Pl Swansea, parts of Swansea and buildings and premises in Swansea and surrounding area Private deposit Planning records relating to the 1980s 5 items D/D Z 830/1-5 proposed Margam Drift Mine Private deposit Wartime diary of Mauro Rapado 1940 1 item D/D Z of Abercrave Private deposit Colliery papers of Herbert 19th-20th 1 bundle D/D Z 839/1-18 Griffiths centuries Swansea Valley History Photographs of the construction 1991-1993, c. 1 box D/D HSV 95/1-19 Society of the Swansea Valley Link Road 2009 from Pontardawe to Ynysmeudwy, and of St Peter's Church, Pontardawe Private deposit Crynant Primary School 1910-c1980s 3 vols E/N 11/4/1-3 admission registers, c 1910-1955; Creunant Primary School, 1983 onwards Private deposit Records relating to railways in 1960s-1980s 2 boxes D/D Z Swansea, including minutes, personnel records, circulars etc. connected with railway sidings and the people who worked there Creator/originator Description Dates Extent Reference number Private deposit Films of the Port Talbot area c. 1860s; 2010 1 box, 1 vol., 1 D/D Z 25/174 [temporary deposit for transfer to photo. the National Screen and Sound Archive]; photograph of William Stubbs, gamekeeper at Margam Estate, c. 1860s; book "The Mansel Talbots and their tombs" by the depositor (added to searchroom library) Baglan Estate Account book (including rental 1896 1 vol. D/D Xl 3 payments) Lonlas and Brithdir Sales particulars 1905 2 items D/D Z 834/1 Estates Private deposit Biography of Mervyn Matthews of 1989 1 vol. D/D Z 835/1 Cwmtwrch Gower Rural District Resin cast of coat of arms of 1974 2 items TC 69/6/2-3 Council Gower RDC, and menu for commemorative dinner including explanation of the arms Women's Archive of Information leaflets and other late 20th-21st 1 envelope WAW Wales, Deborah material regarding services for cent. Checkland papers vulnerable women in Wales Private deposit Newspaper cuttings relating to 1986 1 envelope D/D Z 836/1 the proposed development of land at Mumbles Community General correspondence April 2001-June 7 files P/121/6/18-24 Council 2006 Oystermouth Historical Facsimile of Oystermouth parish 1915-1922 1 bundle D/D Z 95/103-106 Association magazine Creator/originator Description Dates Extent Reference number Pentrepoeth Infants Log books, admission registers, 1880-2010 1 carload E/S School school governors' minutes, photographs and other records National Coal Board Garn Goch, Daren and Torclawd [early 20th cent] 3 rolls D/D PRO/NCB records Colliery plans Private deposit DVDs of interviews with John 2011 2 DVD D/D Z 717/22-23 Foster, stationed at RAF Fairwood in the Second World War, and Alexander Imlach, Swansea Home Guard Neath Port Talbot Cradle Roll register; A United 1929-1977 3 vols D/D Wes/N Methodisit Circuit Methodist Souvenir Chronicles; The Methodist Year Book Private deposit Papers relating to G. Johnson 1920s 1 bundle D/D Z 838/1 and the experimentation in wireless telegraphy Garnswllt Welfare Minutes, accounts and social 1946-2010 7 vols D/D GWA 1/1-2/1 Association committee books Private deposit Digital photographs of Swansea c. 1942-c. 1945 1 CD Rom docks during World War 2 Private deposit DVD of interview with Prof. Viv c 2010 1 DVD D/D NVP 56 Pope in which he gives an account of his career. Private deposit Letterheads from Davies Iron 20th cent 4 rolls, 1 folder D/D Z Mongers, Pontardawe; Second World War certificates and ration book; OS maps annotated with info re. coal workings in Neath area; Highway plan re. 4071 Creator/originator Description Dates Extent Reference number Shrievalty of West Declaration and ceremony of the 19th April 2011 2 items H/S W Glamorgan Swearing in of Mrs Susan Waller as Sheriff of West Glamorgan City and County of Reports and files from the office c. 1970s-2000s 1 bundle CC/S ICS Swansea, Information of the Information Manager and Customer services Private deposit "What Became of Goat Street" 2011 1 CD Rom D/D Z 837/1 CD Rom Private deposit Research papers relating to John 2011 1 bundle D/D Z 166/92 William Cadwalladr, former headmaster of Oxford Street School, Swansea Private deposit DVD showing footage of traffic on 1960s 1 DVD D/D Z 840/1 Carmarthen Road, Waunwen Private deposit Records relating to 93 Talbot 1933-2006 1 folder D/D Z 841/1 Road, Port Talbot Private deposit Scrapbook of documents and 1 album D/D Z ephemera regarding George Ernest Taylor (1873-1958) founder of Gower Vanguard Motor Co. Ltd. and pioneer of buses in Gower Private deposit Swansea and Port Talbot Docks 19th-20th century 1 DVD website photographs and articles


Byron Lewis (Chair) H M Lord Lieutenant

Councillors Swansea Administration Councillor: Keith E Marsh

Labour Councillors: John T Miles Hazel Mary Morris

Communities of Swansea Councillor: Roger L Smith

Non Aligned Councillor: Veronyca A Bates Hughes


NON VOTING ADDITIONAL MEMBERS Canon S J Ryan Diocese of Llandaff Venerable R Williams Diocese of Swansea & Brecon Dr L Miskell University College, Swansea Vacancy Magistrates Court Committee Mrs Janet L. Watkins Neath Antiquarian Society


City & County of Swansea Council: Phil Roberts Corporate Director (Regeneration & Housing) Iwan Davies Head of Culture and Tourism Kim Collis County Archivist Nigel Havard Directorate Lawyer Gareth Borsden Democratic Services Archives 1 Copy Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council Mr S Phillips Chief Executive Mr D Davies Director of Finance & Corporate Services Mr D Michael Head of Legal Mr W John County Librarian

Total copies – 32