WINDY CITY THE VOICE OF ’S GAY, , PROFILING BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 ARTEMIS Jan. 9, 2013 SINGERS PAGE 15 vol 28, no.14 www.WindyCityMediaGroup.comTIMES Marriage-equality push falls short

BY KATE SOSIN introduced marriage bills before, but with civil unions taking effect in , marriage equality appeared actor michael By the time pro-gay lawmakers, LGBT activists, media, closer to possible than ever before. Anthony gay families and even a sitcom celebrity, had appeared Stunning victories for LGBT candidates and causes in fights bullying in Springfield last Wednesday (Jan. 2), the immediate November further energized LGBT proponents. page 9 passage of same-sex marriage in Illinois felt almost in- Still, when pro-gay lawmakers announced weeks ago evitable to many. that they would push a marriage equality bill in Il- But what began as a seemingly abrupt push to- linois, some LGBT advocates quietly questioned if the wards equal marriage for Illinois, proved to be a longer bill could pass in the 97th General Assembly. stretch, the end of which remains to be seen. “It’s absolutely possible, and we don’t need people talking like that,” responded Rep. , a Leading up to Springfield house sponsor of the bill and an out lesbian, when first Actor Jesse Tyler Ferguson and fiance Justin Mikita A year ago, openly gay Rep. Greg Harris sat down asked about that sentiment. were among those in Springfield last week to help with LGBT leaders to discuss the possibility of introduc- push for the marriage-equality bill. Read more on ing a bill that would legalize gay marriage. Harris had Turn to page 6 page 6. Photo by Kate Sosin RALLYING POINT


TRANS CONFERENCE IS ENDING A woman holds a sign at a marriage-equality rally that took place Jan. 5 at the Thompson Center in the Loop. Organizers estimated that approximately 250 people at- pagE 5 tended the event. Read more and see images on page 8. Photo by Hal Baim 2 Jan. 9, 2013 50 Shades of Blues Thursday, January 31 $15/$10 CHM Members and Students 5:30 p.m. Cocktail Reception 7:30 p.m. Program

Through suggestive lyrics and tongue-in-cheek performances, Blues vocalists brought gender fluidity to their music. Through conversation and live performance, presenters Sharon Bridgforth and Dr. Omi Osun Joni L. Jones will break down how a complex musical movement expressed social and sexual taboos and called for greater freedoms during the 1920s and 1930s. Get here early for the complimentary pre-program cocktail reception as performer Katherine Davis and her trio sings Blues.

MAKING Come mark the 50th birthday of Windy City Times Publisher Tracy Baim 50 A benefit for the Windy City Times Investigative Reporting Fund

Contribution levels get you listed in our thank you ad, and also Sunday, Jan. 27, 4-8 p.m. get you these bonus benefits: 3160 Cabaret and Bar, $25 3160 N. Clark St., Chicago A copy of the Scrooge & Marley movie DVD Contributions accepted at the door $50 — just make it a number that has a 5 and a 0 in it Autographed copy of Tracy’s (50 cents, $5.00, $25.00, $50.00 ... you get the idea) new Gay Press, Gay Power book

$105 Music, hors d’oeuvres and cash bar Quarter-page ad in Windy City Times You will be entered to win a wide range of movie, book and $250 music prizes from the Windy City Times archives Half-page ad in Windy City Times $500 Can’t make it? You can still contribute to the fund! or more Full-page ad in Windy City Online link: Times for every $500 increment OR Checks to: Windy City Media Group, #192, 5315 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60640 (These contributions are not tax deductible) WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 9, 2013 3 this week in WINDY CITY TIMES NEWS ENTERTAINMENT/EVENTS LGBTs soften on Hagel 4 Dancin’ Feats 11 Transgender confab ending 5 Dennis Watkins interview 14 World news; Cookie Crumbles dies 5 Book reviews 14 Illinois marriage push 6 Artemis Singers profile 15 Round Lake homecoming couple 7 Knight: Cloudburst, Amour 16 Marriage-equality rally 8 Dish: City Winery 17 Gay in the Life; actor on bullying 9 Billy Masters 21 Views: Martel, McAlpin 10 OUTLINES Photos on cover (left, from top): Artemis Real estate; classifieds 18 Singers photo from Joanne Swanson; Michael Calendar Q 20 Anthony photo from Anthony; photo of Friends—and runners 22 Bougest Sutton and Bryant Jenkins from Sutton; Mara Keisling at the 2012 Be-All Conference by Kate Sosin



PROFILING AGE 15 ARTEMIS P TIMESWindyCityMediaGroup. www. SINGERS Marriage-equality

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Show #503 Find Nightspots on 4 Jan. 9, 2013 WINDY CITY TIMES can [through…] own authority.” three Congressional sessions, and a 20 out of In a press release January 4, SLDN Executive 100 in the last session he served. Hagel opposed LGBTs soften on Hagel Director Allyson Robinson said Hagel “clearly an effort to ban same-sex marriage nationally has the military credentials and experience” for through an amendment to the federal constitu- By Lisa Keen the Secretary’s job but that it is “incumbent tion. Keen News Service upon him during the nomination and confirma- Former U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, who is both tion process to lay out demonstrable actions he gay and Jewish, said last month that he thinks U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin said Monday (Jan. 7) will take” to support his words. The press release Hagel would be “very good” with respect to Is- that she wants to see whether Defense Secretary said SLDN wants the nominee, if confirmed, to rael and the Defense budget but that Hagel’s nominee Chuck Hagel’s apology for anti-gay re- add “sexual orientation” to the language of anti-gay comments were a “disqualification from marks 14 years ago is “sincere and sufficient.” military’s non-discrimination policies and ex- being appointed.” Baldwin made her remarks just minutes after tend “all benefits” possible to married same-sex Neither the president nor Hagel referred to President Obama officially nominated the former couples, while DOMA is still in force. any opposition to the Hagel nomination during Republican Senator from Nebraska to the top HRC’s scoring of Hagel’s voting record while a White House press conference Monday after- Pentagon post. During an interview with MSNBC, the Republican represented Nebraska in the U.S. noon. Baldwin said she did not know Hagel, but that Senate earned him the lowest grade possible ©2013 Keen News Service. All rights re- she plans to ask him “some tough questions.” on LGBT-related issues—zero in two of his last served. Baldwin does not sit on the Senate Armed Ser- vices Committee but, as a member of the U.S. Senate, will vote on Hagel’s confirmation. Supreme Court to hear Military computers She told MSNBC she plans to give Hagel’s nom- ination a “thorough review” and will “be fair.” marriage arguments blocking LGBT “But I do want to speak with him particularly The Supreme Court said it will hear two days’ worth of arguments over laws affecting websites about his comments 14 years ago to … see if his Log Cabin Republicans Interim Executive Military computers are reportedly block- same-sex marriage March 26-27, according to apology is sincere and sufficient,” said Baldwin. Director Gregory Angelo. ing a number of LGBT blogs and websites, “I want to see how he’s evolved on this issue the Huffington Post. including those of AMERICAblog Gay and the in last 14 years” and how he will contribute to The justices hear arguments in Holling- Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation the successful implementation of the repeal of Hagel’s past comments on gays and his Congres- sworth v. Perry on March 26 and (GLAAD), according to GLAAD. “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” sional voting on gay-related issues “unaccept- v. Windsor on March 27. The first case in- GLAAD discovered that the Department of The Human Rights Campaign has backed off able.” But after Hagel issued his apology for his volves California’s constitutional amendment Defense uses a web-filtering product made from its initial opposition to Hagel as Secretary 1996 hostile remarks over openly gay ambassa- that prohibits same-sex marriage. The second dorial nominee James Hormel, HRC softened its by Blue Coat Services, a company based in of Defense, but the National Gay and Lesbian concerns a federal law that denies same-sex opposition to the nomination. Sunnyvale, Calif. Blue Coat responded to a Task Force continues to express “concern” and couples who legally marry the right to obtain “Senator Hagel’s apology and his statement GLAAD inquiry with a statement that it cat- Log Cabin Republicans says he’s “not the right federal benefits available to their heterosexu- of support for LGBT equality is appreciated egorizes websites into 90 categories that nominee.” al counterparts. range from type of content to audience to The national LGBT Republican group ran a full- and shows just how far as a country we have page ad in the Washington Post Monday, saying come when a conservative former Senator from topic. Hagel’s apology for past anti-gay remarks is “too Nebraska can have a change of heart on LGBT Petition wants The Department of Defense told AMERICA- little, too late.” The ad highlights his previous issues,” said Griffin, in a statement issued Mon- Westboro church blog Gay, “No filter is perfect and some sites opposition to repealing the military ban on gay day. “Our community continues to add allies to may have unnecessarily been blocked. The servicemembers and his opposition to allowing our ranks and we’re proud that Senator Hagel is called hate group Department Chief Information Officer will equal marriage rights for gay couples. one of them. The number of people who have signed a work with relevant components to address “Until his name surfaced as a potential nomi- “The next Defense Secretary should get off to petition to the White House asking for it to these situations.” nee for Secretary of Defense, he has stood firmly a fast start and ensure LGBT military families label the notorious Westboro Baptist Church and aggressively against not only gay mar- have access to every possible benefit under the a hate group is approaching 300,000, accord- Frank wants to riage, but also against gay people in general,” law,” said Griffin. “Every day these families con- ing to said Gregory Angelo, who took over as interim tinue to face unfair treatment and the Secretary The petition—aimed at the Kansas church be U.S. senator executive director of Log Cabin less than two can take meaningful action to remedy this dis- known for picketing military funerals and Just-retired U.S. Rep. Barney Frank would weeks ago. “Log Cabin Republicans helped lead crimination.” other events with signs declaring “GOD HATES like to serve as a temporary successor to Mas- the charge to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and is This week, HRC added, “We look forward to FAGS”—is believed to be the most popular sachusetts Sen. John Kerry, the secretary of extremely invested in seeing that we don’t lose Senator Hagel’s testimony on how he intends to cause ever on the White House’s “We the Peo- state nominee, according to the Washington any ground due to a lack of sincere commitment ensure equal benefits for gay and lesbian service ple” petition site. The church as picketed the Post. Taking a more proactive stance, Frank to gay people and their families on the part of members and their families.” funerals of military members killed in combat has said that he’s asked Gov. Deval Patrick the incoming Defense Secretary.” Zeke Stokes, spokesman for the Servicemem- in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as ceremonies to appoint him, although Frank added he In a phone interview Monday afternoon, An- bers Legal Defense Network (SLDN), said his for of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary doesn’t want the job for the long term. Pat- gelo said he thinks people should “pause and organization never opposed Hagel’s nomination School massacre. rick will be required to fill Kerry’s seat with question” the timing of Hagel’s “so-called apol- and believes the apology was worth consider- Four other petitions targeting the church’s an interim appointment, while setting a day ogy.” ation. tax-exempt status have garnered nearly for the special election between 145 days and “I’m not about to hypothesize what was in his Hagel issued a statement shortly after reports 200,000 additional signatures. 160 days after Kerry’s resignation. head, but the timing of the apology does seem surface that he was a leading candidate for Sec- rather suspect—that his evolution [on gay is- retary of Defense, apologizing for his remarks sues] came days after his name floated” as a against the nomination of James Hormel to be- There’s petition for nominee, said Angelo. come ambassador to Luxemburg under President , too “Log Cabin Republicans spent a lot of time Bill Clinton. At that time, in 1998, Hagel char- A White House online petition seeks to and money on repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell—a acterized Hormel’s openness about his sexual have the Roman Catholic Church classified bipartisan effort,” said Angelo. “Now is not the orientation as an “aggressive” act that could as a hate group, according to WhiteHouse. time to roll the dice on a nominee who may or inhibit his ability to represent the United States gov. Thousands of people have signed the may not smoothly implement” that repeal. “He’s in a foreign post. petition, which partially states, “Using hate- not the right nominee.” “My comments 14 years ago in 1998 were in- ful language and discriminatory remarks, the A spokesperson for the National Gay and Les- sensitive. They do not reflect my views or the Pope painted a portrait in which gay people totality of my public record, and I apologize to bian Task Force expressed “grave concerns” last are second-class global citizens.” Twenty-five Ambassador Hormel and any LGBT Americans month about Hagel’s potential nomination and thousand signatures are needed by Jan. 24 for who may question my commitment to their civil this week said NGLTF “continues to have con- the White House to file an official response. cerns.” rights. I am fully supportive of ‘open service’ “Though Chuck Hagel has recently apologized and committed to LGBT military families,” said for past anti-gay remarks, we expect him to Hagel in his statement. Brown appeals fully explain his views during the confirmation “Senator Hagel pretty quickly addressed those California Gov. Jerry Brown appealed a process and what steps he intends to take as remarks and apologized for what he said 14 court injunction that has blocked enforce- defense secretary to demonstrate his support for years ago, so we certainly want to give him the ment of a new law that prohibits conversion LGBT members of the military and their fami- same space we would give anyone to evolve over therapy for minors, according to the L.A. lies,” said NGLTF Executive Director Rea Carey. 14 years on this issue,” said Stokes. “He’s indi- Times. State Attorney General Kamala Harris “We recognize that people do evolve on these cated he has [evolved] and, just as we would filed the notice of appeal was filed on behalf issues and we hold out hope that, if confirmed, with anyone, we are communicating to him and of Brown and the Medical Board of California Hagel will meet the bar set by other cabinet sec- to the White House things we believe need to with the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, retaries and the administration when it comes happen.” which decided Dec. 21 to block the law that to ensuring fairness for all LGBT military families Specifically, said Stokes, SLDN wants to hear was to take effect Jan. 1, pending a decision and for women in the military.” from the nominee whether he will “take a seri- on its constitutionality. Barney Frank. Human Rights Campaign President Chad Grif- ous look at the inequities” for gay servicemem- fin issued a statement last month when Hagel’s bers serving today “and make an immediate name was floated as a likely nominee, saying commitment to remedy those inequities that he WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 9, 2013 5 NewTown Writers’ World news Cookie Crumbles dies COMPILED BY ANDREW DAVIS NewTown Writers (NTW) board member, author and performer Cookie Crumbles (also known as Russell Neumann), who enriched Charges dropped so many of NTW’s events and workshops against producer with her warmth, intelligence and vivacity, In Uganda, the courts have dropped all passed away Dec. 27 due to cancer at 63. charges against David Cecil, the 34-year- Her loving spirit will always be with us. old theater producer who had faced prison A service of remembrance for Cookie will time for staging the gay play The River be held Sunday, Jan. 13, 1-4 p.m., at How- and the Mountain, according to an Advo- ard Mohr Community Center, 7640 Jackson item. (In addition, his passport Blvd., Forest Park. The memorial ceremony was returned to him.) Little evidence was will begin at 2 p.m. A suggested donation produced against the defendant, but more in an envelope with a contribution for than 2,500 people, including celebrities, Grace (her partner) to help pay Cookie’s fi- signed a petition to drop the charges. nal medical expenses is requested in lieu of flowers. Nigerian “In honor of her contributions and dedi- cation to NewTown Writers, we would like face sex charges form an award to transgender writers, in In Nigeria, two pastors—Prince Ejimole, her name,” said NTW President, Timothy 26, and Lawrence Udo, 25—have been ar- Rey. “I think she would have liked that.” rested and charged to court after they were allegedly caught having sex with each oth- er in a hotel room, according to PM News Nigeria. They are facing charges of having carnal knowledge of each other against the Chaz Bono (left) and Olivia Connor at the 2011 Be-All Conference. Photo by Jerry Nunn order of nature before the presiding magis- trate, Mrs A. O. Awogboro. Transgender conference Argentina’s blood- donation bill ending after 30 years Argentina’s Chamber of Deputies—the equivalent of the U.S. Congress—has by Kate Sosin But many now lament that Be-All failed to at- passed a bill that would make it legal for tract younger participants to keep the organiza- gays and to donate blood, accord- Citing waning participation and a shortfall of tion going. ing to an EDGE Boston item. The bill will funds, one of the nation’s largest transgender “Generationally, we’re a lot older than the kids go up before the Argentina Senate in 2013. conferences has ceased organizing after more that are out there now,” Thomas said. “We got to Mexico recently lifted a similar ban. than three decades in the Chicago area. be an old ladies group.” The Be-All Conference, which gathered hun- But for those who have relied on Be-All for dreds and hosted big-name speakers in Downers decades, Thomas points to a glimmer of hope. Grove, has been cancelled. Transgender people have longed for acceptance “Everything has a life cycle and, unfortunate- in society beyond the conference, she said. Or- ly, it looks like we’re at the end of ours,” said ganizers worked hard to create a high-quality ARE YOU HIV POSITIVE AND Katie Thomas, an organizer of the conference. conference, with an emphasis on education to According to Thomas, attendance at the spring improve the lives of attendees beyond its annual NOT TAKING ARTs? event has dwindled in recent years, from about meeting. Diminished attendance may signal the 500 at its peak to around 325 in 2012. That, actualization of that dream. combined with a struggling economy and a lack “It’s kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy,” Thomas of volunteers, did the conference in. said. “We set the standards ourselves, and we If you or a loved one Organizers faced a Dec. 28, 2012, deadline for have no regrets about it.” booking a hotel for the 2013 conference. Facing has recently been declining attendance and financial liability, they diagnosed with HIV you called off the event. may be interested in News of the cancellation came just weeks Mell denies this clinical research after Illinois Gender Advocates, long the only study being carried out transgender policy organization in the state, an- retirement reports at one of Chicago’s nounced it was considering dissolution due to Longtime Chicago Ald. Richard Mell is de- declining membership. nying reports that he may leave his post major clinical research Both organizations were primarily run by mid- within the next few months, according to centers. dle-aged transgender women, a large commu- the . nity currently experiencing waning participation The Chicago Sun-Times reported that across the board. This study is being conducted worldwide with patients who have Mell—the powerful chairman of the City Chicago Gender Society, a transgender social Council’s Rules Committee and father-in- been diagnosed with HIV and are not taking any ARTs. group that formerly organized Be-All, has also law of convicted former Gov. Rod Blago- struggled to maintain members. jevich—may leave his post within a few “It’s all in decline, really,” Thomas said. “It’s YOU OR SOMEONE YOU QUALIFYING PARTICIPANTS WILL months after serving as an alderman for no fun playing in an empty house.” KNOW MAY QUALIFY IF: RECEIVE—AT NO COST TO YOU For years, Be-All served as one of few places almost four decades. • At least 18 years of age OR YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY in the country where many wanting to explore Mell, 74, told the Tribune, “I’ve been (YOU DO NOT NEED INSURANCE TO gender could go. While some identified as trans- retiring for the past five years. ... This • Diagnosed with HIV gender publicly, others only crossed gender [report] is premature. I haven’t made any • Has not previously taken QUALIFY): boundaries at the conference, often safely away decision, and I may not make a decision (to anti-retroviral therapies • Study drug from spouses or kids. retire).” Be-All began 30 years ago, under the steward- He did add that he would like daughter, • Study-related medical care, including doctor ship of Tri-Ess, a national cross-dresser organi- lesbian state Rep. Deb Mell, to succeed physical exams, lab tests, and ECGs. zation. Chicago Gender Society eventually took him when he does retire. He would not say, over the conference in 2000. It later became its however, if he has told Mayor Rahm Eman- You will receive up to $850 in cash compensation own non-profit and has operated independently uel he would like his daughter appointed to since. his seat should he decide to retire. for your participation in this study. Be-All trailed only one other conference, the In response to the rumors, Deb Mell Southern Comfort Conference, in attendance. tweeted, “Whereas I am truly honored to FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS IMPORTANT HIV Two years ago, the conference hosted Chaz receive so many wonderful messages, I am RESEARCH STUDY AND TO SEE IF YOU MAY QUALIFY Bono. Last year Amanda Simpson, the first out 100% focused and love my job as State Rep FOR THIS PROGRAM PLEASE CALL ICCT RESEARCH transgender presidential appointee, keynoted of the 40th district.” INTERNATIONAL AT 312-988-4500. the event. 6 Jan. 9, 2013 WINDY CITY TIMES MARRIAGE from cover bans discrimination in public accommodations. Testifying opponents of the bill echoed Right- Cassidy’s stance was echoed by LGBT activists er’s concerns. and supportive lawmakers over the following stated that neither weeks. two men nor two women can form a marriage The votes were in fact very close, they said. and that that the bill would encroach on reli- Following that announcement, major LGBT gious rights. groups launched a coalition, Illinois Unites “The law can be used in ways that violate reli- for Marriage. The Coalition listed the support gious freedom,” he said. of approximately 30 groups, and was headed Ralph Rivera of the Illinois Family Institute by Lambda Legal, the American Civil Liberties lamented that since Massachusetts legalized gay Union of Illinois (ACLU) and . marriage, children in schools are taught that gay Equal marriage opponents likewise launched families are normal. the “Coalition to Protect Children & Marriage.” In the end, senators voted along party lines. Among its member organizations are the Illi- No votes included Republicans Matt Murphy, nois Family Institute, Eagle Forum of Illinois, David Luechtefeld, Bill Brady, Dale Righter and Abstinence and Marriage Partnership, Illinois Christine Radogno. Of those, only Radogno, who Citizens for Life PAC, Lake County Right to Life, has a history of LGBT support, appeared to wa- Concerned Christian Americans and Family-Pac. ver. Chicago Archbishop Cardinal “I think that when this comes to the floor, fired off a letter opposing the measure and call- there is a potential for bipartisanship on the ing on parishes across the city to do the same. bill,” she said. She said she voted no because ”Civil laws that establish ‘same sex marriage’ of concerns that the bill marginalized religious create a legal fiction,” the letter stated. institutions. Countering that sentiment was support from Voting yes were Harmon, Maggie Crotty, Sen- President Barack Obama, who urged lawmakers ate President , Kimberly Lightford, to pass the “Religious Freedom and Marriage Antonio Munoz, Donne Trotter, Terry Link, Iris Fairness Act.” State rep. Kelly Cassidy spoke in favor of the marriage-equality bill. Photo by Kate Sosin Martinez. (Link and Martinez sat in for James The Chicago Teachers Union weighed in favor Clayborne and Jeff Schoenberg.) of marriage equality, as did groups of prominent Consequently, the bill passed out of com- businesses, African American leaders and LGBT- Republican Suzi Schmidt of Lake Villa and executive meeting, further slowing matters as mittee 8-5. Proponents leapt from their seats affirming clergy. Democrat James Clayborne of Belleville had the senators had to be temporarily replaced be- cheering and hugging. Sitcom star Jesse Tyler Ferguson also became been called away from Springfield on family fore the amendment could be heard in commit- In the hall outside the committee meeting, a vocal proponent of the bill. Ferguson, the emergencies, leaving sponsors scrambling to se- tee. media swarmed Steans. openly gay actor who portrays Modern Family’s cure needed votes. (Schmidt’s mother died and Finally, word came that the Senate’s Friday ses- Some pressed Steans on the lack of available Mitchell (half of a gay couple on the show), there was an illness in Clayborne’s family.) Also sion would likely be cancelled. If sponsors could votes for the measure, questioning if she had made appearances in both Chicago and Spring- missing was Evanston Democrat Jeffrey Schoen- not secure a vote Thursday, their last hope would pushed the bill prematurely. field to rally support. berg who reportedly finished out his term on be a special session on Tuesday. Even that did “We unexpectedly had members that were not But backing for the measure also came from vacation in Israel. not guarantee enough time for missing senators here today. That’s beyond my control,” she said. unexpected places. All bills must be posted at least 24 hours be- to return, and it increased chances that other Many left the Capitol building with the under- Pat Brady, chair of the Illinois Republican fore they enter committee. Senators could have outgoing senators would be absent. standing that with the hurdle of committee pas- Party, announced his support for the bill and waived that rule for the marriage bill, but with By the time the committee meeting finally be- sage cleared, the push for equal marriage would vowed to call Republican lawmakers to ask them three “yes” votes missing, Steans could not se- gan in the late afternoon, supporters had spent resume Sunday afternoon. Consequently, many to vote for in favor of it. cure a waiver. As a result, the bill would have to the better part of the day fretting over lost time. who had traveled from Chicago started the trip “More and more Americans understand that if wait at least a day to be heard. The Executive Committee room was packed home. two people want to make a lifelong commitment Attempting to hasten the vote, Steans filed with LGBT families, activists, media and oppo- An hour later, however, coalition members an- to each other, government should not stand in the marriage bill as an amendment to a bill nents. nounced that the clock had run out on the mea- their way,” Brady said in a statement. “Giving already bound for committee. HB4963, an un- Committee Chair Sen. Don Harmon called the sure and that they would try again with the next gay and lesbian couples the freedom to get mar- related bill that dealt with automobile rentals meeting to order. set of lawmakers. ried honors the best conservative principles. It and the Collateral Recovery Act, would carry the Harmon reported that hundreds had submitted “With just a handful of days remaining in the strengthens families and reinforces a key Repub- marriage bill on Thursday. online testimony in favor of the bill. current lame duck session, time to move the lican value—that the law should treat all citi- Advocates expressed hope that missing Sena- Steans stepped up and made a case for the bill. bill through both chambers is not on our side,” zens equally.” tors might return in time for a vote. “Same-sex couples want to marry for the same wrote Cherkasov to supporters. The National Organization for Marriage, a The fray Wednesday night was treated as little reasons we all do,” she said. Civil unions, seen as A press release announcing the decision cel- national anti-gay group, has vowed backlash more than a blip, with sponsors and LGBT groups second to marriage, invited the opportunities for ebrated the historic achievement of pushing the against Republicans like Brady. stating that the setback would not negatively discrimination, she said. bill through committee. And it said that advo- Despite momentum, the bill’s sponsors knew impact the bill’s passage. Backing that sentiment was the testimony of cates would pursue equal marriage early on in they had a limited amount of time. The Senate “It’s a technical way for us to get the bill mov- Theresa Volpe and Mercedes Santos, who ap- the next session. had been scheduled to meet Jan. 2-4, while the ing,” said TCRA’s policy advisor, Rick Garcia. proached the microphone with their two young Garcia was upset with the decision to back off. House would be in Session Sunday through Tues- But ultimately, it foreshadowed available Sen- children and explained how their civil union fell He said late Thursday night that he thought the day. ate votes for the bill. short. measure had a chance. Still, the lame-duck session offered an unprec- Volpe reported that when their son was hospi- “What I have learned—and I have been down edented opportunity for passing tough legisla- Thursday talized, only one mother was allowed to enter to here [in Springfield] for 20 years, and I have tion because outgoing lawmakers could vote Thursday morning began hopefully for sup- see him because a hospital administrator argued worked things—is that on every piece of legis- without fear of reprisal. porters. that only one of the women could be his mother. lation I have worked on, there are dark times, It was a similar strategy used to win civil Sponsors held a press conference in the Capi- “No one really understands what a civil union when you think it’s not going to go. You push unions in 2010. tol building with sitcom star Ferguson and fi- is referring to,” Volpe said. “We ask you to think forward, and you stand firm, you move and move ancé Justin Mikita. for a moment about how you would feel if your until you can’t move any more. To throw in the Wednesday Ferguson urged legislators to pass the bill. son were close to death and you were blocked towel now is a stupid maneuver. TCRA is here, The Senate’s Executive Committee room “I can’t imagine anyone who is a fan of the from being by his side, all because you can’t say and we’ve been here for past three years, and we buzzed with excitement Wednesday evening, show who would want to deny Mitchell and Cam- you’re a married family.” knew nothing about this decision until we saw as gay couples and their children filed into the eron the opportunity to get married,” he said. Also testifying was PFLAG mother Bonnie Gar- the press release.” rows of red leather chairs and waited for the Other speakers included Steans and House neau, Rev. Vernice Thorn of Broadway United Garcia later softened those comments, stat- committee meeting to begin. sponsors Greg Harris and Kelly Cassidy. Methodist Church, Rev. Kim Beckman of Evan- ing that he was not accusing Steans of throwing The hearing had been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., The new bill was expected in committee late gelical Lutheran Church in America, and Illinois in the towel. He remained optimistic about the and major LGBT leaders had flocked to the capi- Thursday morning, but the Senate Session ran State University psychology professor Dr. Laura bill’s chances of passage soon. tol for what many expected to be a historic few over, and a committee hearing was rescheduled Berk. days. to mid-afternoon. Republican Sen. Dale Righter challenged Ste- Moving forward But a hearing on the Religious Freedom and LGBT leaders paced the halls, making phones ans’ statements that the bill adequately protect- Despite any internal conflicts between TCRA Marriage Fairness Act did not come, and what calls and checking in with Cassidy, Rep. Ann Wil- ed religious institutions. “Most churches with and other groups working on the bill, activ- started as a little more than a hiccup in the plan liams and other lawmakers. With repeated de- which I’m familiar will not qualify,” Righter said, ists and sponsors walked away from Springfield to pass the measure ultimately foreshadowed a lays, the chances of passing equal marriage in adding that bill mandates that churches that ac- Thursday with the same sentiment. longer struggle. the lame duck session appeared to be shrinking. cept public funds or charge for weddings will be “It’s still ‘when,’ not ‘if,’” said Rep. Cassidy. Moments before the hearing was scheduled to “It doesn’t mean that the whole marriage required to perform same-sex ceremonies. Harris said that he believes the bill will pass begin, sponsoring Sen. entered equality bill in the lame duck session dies,” said ACLU LGBT Project Director John Knight and before 2013 runs out. the room and informed coalition members that Bernard Cherkasov, CEO of Equality Illinois. Lambda Legal Marriage Project Director Camilla “I think we will do it,” Harris said. “We just three senators they had counted on were ab- Still missing, however, were the three Sena- Taylor countered that the bill would not overturn need to redouble our efforts.” sent. tors. Two of those missing sat on the Senate’s the Illinois Human Rights Act, which already Turn to page 7 WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 9, 2013 7 would be] a football player and a cheerleader. Now people realize that it can be two guys, two MARRIAGE from page 6 Homecoming couple best friends, two gays,” Sutton said. “This [hon- or] is the first step toward bigger and greater Harris said that while votes fell short in things for me. Hopefully, I will get into market- the Senate and the House was anticipated has LGBT twist ing and advertising [in college and beyond]. I to be the greater hurdle, he felt he could also want to blog and more. have secured the votes. By Ross Forman They were one of four couple on the school’s “Who knows? Maybe I’ll run for president [of With a Democratic supermajority step- ballot for homecoming king and queen, with the United States].” ping into office this week, chances of pass- Bougest Sutton and his best friend, Bryant Jen- Sutton holding the king title. They were the only “I want to become my own brand.” ing the bill soon are only improved. kins, hatched a plan last summer. They were, at same-sex couple in the running. Sutton said his mom and his siblings have all Lawmakers will be back in session come the time, on the train heading home to suburban “I felt outnumbered [during the voting], so I been supportive. February, and LGBT groups report that con- Round Lake Beach after attending the annual was worried that we wouldn’t win,” Sutton said. But he also has endured negative responses, versations with incoming lawmakers have Chicago Gay Pride Parade. “But, we had a lot of students come up and say mostly online, he said. Facebook posts about the been ongoing since before elections. Fur- They wanted to become the first same-sex pair that they voted for us; that really inspired me.” two last fall were not critical of either person- ther, activists say that many who voted to be named homecoming king and queen at The final voting results were not released pub- ally, just that a male was running for the title of against civil unions in 2010, including Re- Round Lake High School. licly, but the winners—Sutton and Jenkins— queen. Some Facebook posts tagged their deci- publicans, are showing a change of heart. sion to run as “weird and unorthodox.” “We’re looking at a larger pool of po- “What I’ve realized is, they have not brought tential voters than we ever did with civil [the negativity] to me personally, so they don’t unions,” said Jim Bennett, regional direc- have an issue with me personally; they just have tor for Lambda Legal Midwest. an issue with the gay community,” Sutton said. Advocates continue to urge supporters “So, I feel the change that we made in our small to contact their lawmakers and to tell their community also can be made in a larger com- friends and family throughout the state to munity. do the same. “This is a big step for LGBT youth.” While time ran out in the lame duck ses- Sutton and Jenkins attended, and danced to- sion, they said, a vote remains on the ho- gether, at the Round Lake Homecoming on Sat- rizon. urday night, Oct. 6, 2012. Erik Roldan, public information officer “There were absolutely no problems at Home- for Lambda Legal, said he thinks marriage coming, other than too many pictures [were be- equality is overdue in Illinois. ing taken,]” Sutton said, laughing. “Overall, it “It’s time,” he said. “There’s not stop- probably was the most positive night I’ve ever ping us right now.” had in high school.” Sutton has taken charge of trying to start at —Contributing: Tracy Baim GSA at Round Lake and is hoping to have it of- ficially formed before the end of the school year. “It would break my heart to leave this school without even trying to make a change for my LGBT community,” Sutton said. “Often, when kids say the word ‘faggot,’ they Wed., Jan. 16 don’t usually think ‘gay.’ Instead, they use it as 7:30 p.m. a euphemism for any disapproval, yet they don’t The Color Complex know who they are offending. But, it’s important by Midge Wilson and that we speak out against all slurs, no matter Kathy Russell who it’s offending. “Hopefully that, too, is changing at Round Thursday, Jan. 17 Bougest Sutton (left) and Bryant Jenkins. Photo courtesy of Sutton Lake High School and elsewhere.” 7:30 p.m. Chasing Sylvia Beach Angelique Munro by Cynthia Morris “Once the school year started, we got really were announced, as planned, during the Powder fireside chat Jan. 23 dedicated to make a difference—and it played Puff Extravaganza, a Homecoming week event Leatherman Douglas O’Keeffe’s LGBT fireside- 5233 N. Clark out well,” Sutton said. “The plan just seemed that is an all-girls football game. chat series continues Wed., Jan. 23, with Chi- (773) 769-9299 really regular to us. But when we got home to “I was so nervous; I was shaking, almost light- cago entertainer Angelique Munro. It will take Round Lake, we didn’t really think it would go headed,” right before the announcement of the place at the Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted that far.” winning couple, Sutton said. “All of the couples St., at 7:30 p.m. So they went online, mostly on Facebook, ask- were introduced and the crowd really was roar- Munro will discuss her history, community in- ing if fellow students would care for, and sup- ing for us; that made me really feel loved.” volvement and transgender issues before a live port, a same-sex homecoming king and queen. Finally, the winners were announced. All Sut- audience. Following the formal interview, the Everyone was supportive, Sutton said. ton heard was Bryant, and then the crowd erupt- floor will open for questions. “Initially, I wasn’t too concerned if we would ed with screams of support. The suggested donation is $5. O’Keeffe, [email protected] win. More, I wondered if it would be allowed and Sutton and Jenkins joined in—they screamed, Joanne Gaddy and Brian Mincey are producing would it be accepted, particularly from adults— jumped up and down. the series. The suggested donation is $5. Parking Available the teachers and staff—because they are from a “I’ll never forget what one girl told us. She Wheelchair Accessible different generation. I was worried that it would said, ‘You made a difference, now everyone can become an issue,” Sutton said. do it,’” Sutton said. “I feel, to even begin mak- So, the two met with the school’s principal, ing a dent in the LGBT community in a large city, Juan Gardner Sr. They didn’t know before the such as Chicago, this was sort of a test run for meeting started where Gardner stood on LGBT what I plan to do in the world. I plan to be a Chicago’s Dedicated and issues. larger-than-life LGBT activist. Comprehensive LGBT Program “Ultimately, he was really dedicated and moti- “Yes, Round Lake is very small, and because it ALEO vated to make sure that our names were still be is small, people automatically think small also VAT CHICAGO LAKESHORE HOSPITAL Valeo at Chicago Lakeshore Hospital on the ballot,” Sutton said. “Mr. Gardner called means ignorant. But at least from my standpoint, provides comprehensive psychiatric what we were doing ‘courageous’ and said that that hasn’t been the case, at all. I’m very grate- and addiction-related treatment for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender he was ‘100 percent OK’ with our decision to ful to have gone to Round Lake High School, to and questioning (LGBTQ) individuals. run.” have met the faculty, staff and students who I The program offers a safe, affirming Plus, Gardner told the two that, if they have have. Everyone has been really gracious. therapeutic environment for members of the LGBTQ community. The Valeo any problems with anyone, they can come back “I’m not sure we even would have made it on staff is comprised of well-trained, to him immediately. the ballot at other schools.” experienced gay and gay-sensitive “That felt great,” Sutton said. Sutton lives in a single-parent home, with his behavioral health professionals from a wide variety of disciplines. Sutton, 17, a senior, is openly gay. He came mom, Tamyra, and three siblings: Jonte, 16, a out during the second semester of his sopho- sophomore at Gages Lake School; Trenton, 10, more year. He hopes to attend college in the fall a fifth-grader; and Brycen, 9, a fourth-grader. in New York City. He also has an older sister: Jessika, 22, a Round 4840 N. MARINE DRIVE Jenkins, 17, also a senior, is bisexual. Lake High School graduate. CHICAGO, IL 60640 The two are just good friends, not romantically “In the past, whenever I thought of the home- 1-800-888-0560 involved. coming king and queen, I always thought [it 8 Jan. 9, 2013 WINDY CITY TIMES

Rally held for Illinois marriage equality law By Matthew C. Clark children,” Boyd added. Boyd said she is lucky she lives in a state where she could put her name on the childrens’ birth certificates, and legally adopt “We’d like to sing a little song to you about yearning for a better world,” them in order to be recognized as their legal guardian. said Patrick Sinozich, artistic director for the Chicago Gay Men’s Chorus. “And we are lucky that we could afford to do that,” she said. “We shouldn’t As “Over the Rainbow” could be heard throughout the James R. Thomp- have to pay thousands and dollars and hire someone to navigate the legal son Center in downtown Chicago, signs reading “Opposition to legal equal- system for us in order to have our family be protected and legitimate in the ity is bigotry,” “I am no different than your own daughter,” and “Call your eyes of the state and the nation.” legislators for marriage equality” could be read. Anthony Martinez, executive director of The Civil Rights Agenda, urged A coalition of LGBTQ activists and organizations organized a rally at noon people to call their representatives, senators, as well the Speaker of the Saturday, Jan. 5 to help garner support for the same-sex marriage bill that House, the President of the Senate, and to urge others to do so. passed an Illinois Senate Committee two days earlier. “If we call 10 people and tell them to contact their legislators, we might After CGMC’s song, Andrea Crain, a member of Join the Impact Chicago, actually be able to get this done sooner rather than later. And it’s not a introduced a number of speakers who appealed to hearts with emotional matter of if, it’s a matter of when. And if we continue to push hard now, we stories, and urged everyone in the crowd to call their legislators. can get this done now.” Beth and Boyd Bellinger stepped up to the microphones at the edge of Long-time LGBT activist and TCRA policy advisor Rick Garcia, openly gay the plaza with their two five-and-a-half-month-old children in their arms. Ald. James Cappleman, Jose Rivera of the Children’s Rights Council of Illi- Beth told the story of the couple’s wedding back in 2010 in Charleston, SC., nois, Gay Liberation Network activist Andy Thayer, Join the Impact Chicago and about being elated afterwards and telling an attendant at the airport. activist Rachel Miller, and Ald. Robert Fioretti also spoke, among others. “Not here you didn’t,” was the attendant’s response, according to Beth, “Our organizers counted over 250 people in attendance,” said Martinez. suggesting their marriage isn’t legally recognized. The session of the Illinois General Assembly begins Jan. 9. “We also want our marriage to be legitimate and legal for the sake of our WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 9, 2013 9

Chris Pierce coordinates the monthly events at the Center on Halsted for the bisexual community, Age relying on his diverse personal relationships, past and present, and an open-book look at his life. 29 He came out at age 15 as bisexual while in a heterosexual relationship. They continued to date and BI in the eventually were married, living a mostly monogamous life for nine years, separating in September, Neighborhood 2011, for reasons unrelated to his orientation. LIFE Edgewater Pierce is now in an open, same-sex relationship and tags himself polyamorous. Chris Pierce Hometown “I like to think I can be helpful and relate to people on most issues,” he said. “I know I was very lucky figuring out I was bisexual while in a relationship with someone who was so understanding. Most Text AND photos by Ross Forman Grew up in Lake County (Ill.) and Kenosha County (Wis.); has lived in people don’t have that luxury. Chicago since November 2011 “My past lets me relate to most people and many feel very comfortable asking me any question, mainly because I’m so open about my life.” Job title Pierce leads the Center’s monthly bisexual social discussion, Massage therapist at Revive Massage which recently has included politics and other current events, Therapy and Spa and a once-a-month bi movie night. Hobbies “The biggest issue facing the bisexual community is, visibil- Reading or watching Netflix with a ity. That’s simply identifying [each other], and also [identifying] bottle of port, card games, and kink within the LGBT community as a whole,” Pierce said. “Often, we Relationship status feel we aren’t understood by both the homosexual and the het- In an open, same-sex relationship erosexual community, so often we are, or feel we are, left out. “A lot of statistics will combine gay men and bisexual men into Identifies as one group, which isn’t always helpful for bisexual men. Bisexual “The big thing we discuss at the Center is, awareness and sup- Favorite local bar port.” Taverna 750, Marty’s Martini Bar, or Through Pierce’s leadership, events and participation at the Jackhammer Center for bisexuals has slowly, steadily, grown—now with a mix of men and women, and a variety of ages. Little-known fact “I specifically try to help bisexuals learn how to have a useful Admitted cocktail snob conversation, so they are not continually dismissed and make themselves angry for no reason,” he said.

the celebrity or the corresponding letter. He graduated from Wheeling High School in “While it would be great to know who wrote 1999, and then from the University of Southern Former Chicagoan asks, some of these [letters], it’s anonymous because California in 2003. But back in 1993 or 1994, I’m not sure that is necessary. We can empha- Anthony was the one bullied. size; we don’t need to identify,” he said. “This Anthony, who is now openly gay, had his first ‘What bullies you?’ [book] is not [strictly] about gay teen bullying; same-sex crush while in eighth grade at Ma- this is about the bullies that live inside of us. cArthur Middle School in Prospect Heights, Ill. By Ross Forman “This campaign is not about Anthony made a Reba McIntyre mixtape for the convincing people that, ‘It gets subject of his crush, and it took him 90 minutes Michael Anthony Nalepa has come full circle better.’ Of course we provide to make. from his days being bullied while growing up in them with resources, if they need His classmate “freaked out,” Anthony said, suburban Wheeling. them. What it is is, an opportu- and he let everyone at school listen to it. “That’s Now known as simply Michael Anthony, he is nity to tell your story and realize when I started to be bullied—because I was gay. a Los Angeles-based actor, writer and producer. that you’re not alone—and when I also was overweight, dorky and loved show He came back to Wheeling in late August to dis- you’re in the thick of a problem, choir though I was tone-deaf. I had a bunch of cuss and sign copies of his new book, anthol- I firmly believe that knowing strikes against him. ogy of anonymoUS. Anthony also discussed the that you’re not alone provides “I was quite often picked on in school.” “anonymoUS initiative” and his similar-themed strength.” In 2006, he was diagnosed with bipolar disor- documentary, set to be released this year. About 80 percent of the letters der. “I’m really proud of the book and am actu- in the book are from Chicago, “My bully is bipolar disorder,” Anthony said. ally shocked at the life it’s taken,” Anthony said. particularly the suburbs. All are He has since battled and beaten his bully. The book also has an accompanying soundtrack, from the United States. “I’m really proud, perhaps also a bit shocked, anonymUS: mUSical mUSings, about the ways we Anthony and his anonymoUS by how many people have decided to help with bully ourselves, available on iTunes. initiative are no stranger to con- this project,” Anthony said. “It’s touched some- Much of Anthony’s entire “anonymoUS initia- troversy, he admitted: “A huge thing in people, whereas I just thought it was tive” has had a strong groundswell, dating back part of the initiative is that we going to be a little quick email back and forth to March 2011, when he returned to Wheeling to don’t try and convince people between 100 people in Wheeling, Ill.” film an inspirational anti-bullying documentary that ‘It Gets Better!’ Yes, when For more information or to order the book, go for local gay teens, inspired by the “It Gets Bet- it comes to gay teen bullying, it to ter” campaign. always gets better. But this cam- He ultimately learned that most did not want paign isn’t a ‘gay thing’ and it’s to speak out about the bullying they endured. not a ‘teen thing.’ It’s about the Dating-site launch So he turned to emails with a simple question ways we all bully ourselves and, in the subject line: “What is it that bullies you?” let’s face it, not everything gets party Jan. 12, a new dating and social The replies came in, lots of replies—hundreds, better. Cancer, the loss of love, networking site exclusively for men, will then thousands. money problems, losing a spouse hold a launch party Saturday, Jan. 12, at Some came from Wheeling’s gay teens, as well ... those don’t get better; they Jackhammer, 6406 N. Clark St., at 11 p.m. as their parents, their siblings, their straight only get different. The site has been described as “a bus- friends and classmates, and others, he said. “A few influential people have tling virtual hub of dating, networking, en- “Some of these letters were long, multiple Michael Anthony. Photo from Anthony told me that because I’m gay and pages. Some, meanwhile, were short, maybe only because I’m speaking about bul- tertainment and socializing with a healthy a single word. There also were poems and draw- lying, I have to say ‘It Gets Bet- dose of blogs, news and local events.” ings,” he said. pened 10 years ago, yet you can still see/feel so ter! It Gets Better!’ But I’m not There are also features such as chat rooms Those emails led to the “anonymoUS initia- many emotions, including guilt, pain, forgive- going to do that. and a high-tech web chat. tive,” and letters from literally around the world, ness and love. That story really touched me,” “This campaign is about helping people of though mostly from the United States. Anthony said. all ages, races, demographics and orientations Equality Illinois’ He has received about 3,000 replies overall, About 50 percent of the book’s stories are gay- come together and realize that their inner bul- and 99 of them are spotlighted in his new book. related. lies are exactly the same. I love the ‘It Gets trans community Each was published exactly as received and as “The point of this project, and encourag- Better’ campaign, and I think it is so vital in ing people to write their letters, is because social Jan. 19 written by its author. this day and age. But that’s not what the anony- Equality Illinois will hold its 2013 winter although I’m pretty open, a lot of others are moUS initiative is about. It’s not about telling “Originally, I just wanted to get these letters season transgender community social Sat- not that open,” Anthony said. “But a letter is people that things always get better. I’m not out there, but I think people have really been urday, Jan. 19, at 12 p.m. at the Mayne kind of the first chance/opportunity to take the qualified to do that and, frankly, I don’t know if taken in by these short stories,” Anthony said. Stage Theater, 1328 W. Morse Ave. problems in their head, which they are wrestling I believe that either. All I know is that we are “What I have found across the board is that peo- The event will feature cocktails, hors with, and actually put it on paper and give it a not alone. Even in our darkest moments, we are ple talk about how the letters make them feel.” d’oeuvres, complimentary appetizers, raffle voice. I think, if you have the strength to write never alone.” Such as the letter from a mom living in Elgin, prizes and a cash bar. it, you will eventually have the strength to talk Anthony will be launching a live stage show in who wrote about her daughter who had commit- The suggested donation is $10. RSVP at about it with people.” 2013 a la The Vagina Monologues. It will feature ted suicide. “The thing I loved most about this [email protected]. letter was, she talks about something that hap- The book features stories sent from celebri- actors bringing the letters to life. ties, Anthony said, though he would not identify 10 Jan. 9, 2013 WINDY CITY TIMES VIEWPOINTS WINDY CITY TIMES VOL. 28, No. 14, Jan. 9, 2013 The combined forces of Windy City Times, founded Sept. 1985, and Outlines newspaper, was a “dangerous social experiment,” that in- Massachusetts had attached their names to the founded May 1987. CHARLES stead of seeing this as a matter of fairness to Declaration. While this was in support of the same-sex couples, it would introduce chaos into rights for civil marriage, it was a witness that PUBLISHER & EXECUTIVE EDITOR MARTEL the social fabric, creating confusion. This has God was not absent from these proceedings. Tracy Baim not happened. As a practicing Roman Catholic, the challenges were never easy with the hierarchy continuing ASSISTANT PUBLISHER Terri Klinsky There were those who were afraid that this MANAGING EDITOR Andrew Davis legal right would infringe on the rights of reli- their opposition at every opportunity to recog- BUSINESS MANAGER Ripley Caine gious denominations to decide what constituted nizing same sex couples. But what became very DIRECTOR OF NEW MEDIA Jean Albright for them a sacramental marriage, that somehow clear and evident to me was that the laity saw ART DIRECTOR Kirk Williamson they would be forced by the government to of- this very differently, for these couples were their SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGERS: Terri Klinsky, Amy Marriage equality: Matheny, Kirk Williamson, Chris Cheuvront ficiate at weddings they did not wish to bless. families and friends, those whom they loved, PROMOTIONAL SUPPORT Cynthia Holmes Nothing to fear None of this has come to pass, but rather the and whose love for each other they witnessed on NATIONAL SALES Rivendell Media, 212-242-6863 laws in each state protect the rights of each re- a daily basis. For them, this was not an abstrac- SENIOR WRITERS Kate Sosin, Bob Roehr, Rex in Illinois ligious denomination to determine whom they tion but a reality, and they were advocates and Wockner, Marie J. Kuda, David Byrne, Tony Per- egrin, Lisa Keen, Yasmin Nair, Erica Demarest choose to marry, as has always been the case. allies throughout the political journey, which Eight years ago, the citizens of Massachusetts THEATER EDITOR Scott C. Morgan Religious liberty has been preserved. Religious followed the ruling of the Supreme Judicial CINEMA WRITER Richard Knight, Jr. were given a long list of fears by some as to denominations that wish to bless same sex cou- Court of Massachusetts. BOOKS WRITER Yasmin Nair the predictions of what would happen to mar- SPORTS WRITER Ross Forman ples are free to do so, and those who choose not Right now, the legislature in Illinois is at an riage now that same sex couples had been given ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WRITERS to, do not have to. important juncture with the possibility of up- the legal right to marry. Now—15,000 couples Mary Shen Barnidge, Steve Warren, Lawrence Fer- When I was invited to join the Board of the coming vote on marriage equality. Many of the ber, Mel Ferrand, Jerry Nunn, Jonathan Abarbanel later—not only has nothing bad happened, and Religious Coalition for the Freedom to Marry same stories of fears have been told, and re- COLUMNISTS/WRITERS: Yvonne Zipter, Jorjet none of those fears realized, but also we have Harper, Meghan Streit, Charlsie Dewey, Carrie in 1997, an organization of Massachusetts’ peated over and over again. But Illinois lawmak- come to experience the reality that love really Maxwell, Billy Masters, Tyler Gillespie, Sarah Toce, clergy—as a lay Roman Catholic—the idea that ers and citizens are in a very different position did win out. And so has society. Dana Rudolph, Sally Parsons, Melissa Wasserman, marriage equality would ever become a reality than were the citizens and lawmakers of Mas- Jamie Anne Royce, Matthew C. Clark, Joe Franco The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is unique was a distant hope. But we were committed to sachusetts eight years ago, for our Massachu- SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHERS Mel Ferrand, Hal Baim, in terms of being the first state to grant civil Emmanuel Garcia, Tim Carroll, Ed Negron, Susan this endeavor, each mindful that a movement of setts story, and the stories of all the states with marriage rights to same-sex couples, but what Mattes justice evolves over time, grounded in the belief marriage equality, offer you the experience and is not unique is experience in now eight other CIRCULATION that the stories of love would be the source of knowledge that these fears are unfounded. states and the District of Columbia, where these CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Jean Albright change. Recalling when we had the 100th clergy Now, in Illinois, perhaps it is your turn to en- DISTRIBUTION: Ashina, Allan, Dan, John, Renee, couples have stood before family and friends to signer to our declaration, a faith-based state- sure that love, in the end, wins out. Sue and Victor make the same commitments of love that is the WEB HOSTING: (lead pro- ment of support for marriage equality, we began A Boston-based licensed clinical social core of what we call the institution of marriage. grammer: Martie Marro) to see the possibilities. worker in private practice, Charles Martel is a There were those who feared that somehow When the signing of the 1,000th member of co-founder of Catholics for Marriage Equality, the granting of these rights to same sex couples the clergy took place in the Great Hall of the an advocacy organization. Copyright 2013 Lambda Publications Inc./Windy City Media would diminish our understanding of marriage, Group; All rights reserved. Reprint by permission only. Back State House in Boston, by the Suffragan Epis- issues (if available) for $5 per issue (postage included). or that it would it reduce the specialness of such copal Bishop of Eastern Massachusetts Gayle Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, drawings, a pledge, one to another. Some worried that this and photographs submitted if they are to be returned, and Harris, clergy of 23 denominations throughout no responsibility may be assumed for unsolicited materials. All rights to letters, art and photographs sent to Windy City Times will be treated as unconditionally assigned garbage? To be subject to police intimidation ued members of our greater LGBT community. for publication purposes and as such, subject to editing and comment. The opinions expressed by the columnists, FRANK and abuse? To be denied services by community Care for them. Fight for them. Include them. Ex- cartoonists, letter writers, and commentators are their own agencies? And to be targeted and discriminat- tend to them, what we, as LGBT folks have been and do not necessarily reflect the position ofWindy City Times. Publication of the name, photograph, or likeness of MCALPIN ed against by local businesses and community working towards for decades: equality, justice a person or organization in articles or advertising in Windy members?” and LOVE. City Times is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of such person or organization. While Our collective acceptance of youth homeless- Frank McAlpin is a social worker and human- we encourage readers to support the advertisers who make ness in our community is nothing short of child rights activist; he’s on Twitter at FrankMcTalk. this newspaper possible, Windy City Times cannot accept abuse and neglect. It is an injustice so horrific responsibility for advertising claims. and painful, it disgraces our humanity. And its (773) 871-7610 FAX (773) 871-7609 e-mail: [email protected] or Queer street existence greatly stains the very equality and [email protected] justice the LGBT-rights movement is accomplish- Letters: youth need ing today. Dear Editor, Queer youth homelessness is, without ques- radio: OUR love tion, an issue of equality and justice and must The recent maneuvers of the Catholic Con- video: not be neglected in the broader LGBT-rights As a queer person there is much to be proud of ference in Illinois only highlight its dimin- WINDY CITY MEDIA GROUP, movement happening now. Queer youth are part as 2013 begins. Last year was an unprecedented ishing importance in the marriage-equality 5315 N. Clark St. #192, Chicago, Illinois 60640 of OUR LGBT family and we must care for them. U.S.A year of progress in the LGBT-rights movement, debate. One confused bishop in Illinois If we, as LGBT folks, don’t stand up for and with (MAILING ADDRESS ONLY) with greater LGBT visibility and support for mar- (Daniel Jenky of Peoria) even compared queer street-based youth, who will? If we don’t riage equality gaining huge momentum. And President Obama to Adolf Hitler and Stalin Windy City Times Deadline every Wednesday. recognize them, who will? If we don’t love and that momentum doesn’t seem to be slowing, as in the marriage-equality/HHS [Department Nightspots Deadline Wednesday prior to street date. support them, who will? OUT! Resource Guide ONLINE it looks like the state Illinois will soon legalize of Health and Human Services] debate. We, as the LGBT community, can no longer al- same-sex marriage. Yes, in many respects, it’s He exposed the most basic rule of debate, low the gross realities of being young, queer an exciting time for LGBT justice and things do when you bring in Hitler to the scenario and homeless to dominate these young people’s seem to “get better.” you have obviously lost the debate. lives. We must do something to make it better Yet all this excitement and progress is greatly Recently, a coalition was formed to op- for these youth. Windy City Times recently high- diminished by the hundreds of queer young peo- pose marriage-equality legislation which “Windy City Media Group generated lighted many actions one could take that would ple who are sleeping on the streets of Chicago will be introduced in January. These far- enormous interest among their readers help chip away at the injustice that is youth every night. The truth is, for many queer street- right organizations (absent the Illinois in this year’s LGBT Consumer Index homelessness. I encourage you to read “Genera- Survey. Out of approximately 100 based youth in Chicago, being queer isn’t that Catholic Conference) represent, in my tion Halsted: Recommendations” and do some- print and online media partners who exciting and things aren’t “getting better.” opinion, the Looney Tunes mentality of thing ( participated in the survey, Windy For most of us, the daily reality that so many Generation-Halsted-Recommendations/41012. Cardinal Francis George, whose paw prints City was the best performing regional queer homeless youth experience is difficult to html). are all over this move. Such stealth ma- media in the U.S. Only survey partners imagine. It is a reality of constant hunger. A But at the very least my hope for all of us, as neuvering may have worked a decade ago, with a nationwide footprint were reality of being physically and emotionally tired individuals, is to change our own attitudes and but today the marriage-equality debate able to generate a greater number of all the time. A reality of violence and abuse. A behaviors towards queer street-based youth. We has entered the arena of reason. responses.” ­­—David Marshall, Research reality of rejection and stigma. A reality con- must recognize them. Smile at them. Talk with All the Catholic Conference of Illinois Director, Community Marketing, Inc. sumed with doing everything possible to sur- them. Because queer street-based youth are no has done has shone the spotlight on its vive. And these unimaginable realities are often different from you or me. They have interests, impotency in this debate. Their threats compounded by racism, sexism, homophobia, hopes and dreams—and love to kiki. Chicago’s of gloom and doom under the banner of transphobia, ageism and other forms of oppres- queer street-based youth are beautiful, creative, promoting marriage in our society do not sion. courageous, expressive, resourceful, passionate, seem reasonable given its present reality. When trying to imagine these realities I can’t determined, loving and resilient. Most of all, help but think, “What kind of community allows they are epically inspiring. Joe Murray young people—already marginalized because of So become epically inspired! See Chicago’s Chicago their sexual orientation, gender identity or gen- queer street-based youth, as important and val- der expression—to be homeless? To eat from the WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 9, 2013 11 GOINGS-ON WINDY CITY TIMES’ ENTERTAINMENT SECTION

Photo courtesy of TapMan Productions HERO EFFECT TapMan: Origin is running in Skokie—but does it fly or fall flat? Read the review on page 13. DISH PERFORMANCE SPORTS City planning. Like magic. Step by step. Page 17. Page 14. Page 22.

PR photo of City Winery PR photo of Dennis Watkins Photo of Will Dong and Ming Mac courtesy of Dong

DANCIN’ FEATS Jill of all trades

By Vicki Crain leading up to it,” she said. “I loved the sci- ences—biology, anatomy and physiology—so Student, teacher, dancer, choreographer, writer, I tried to find a combination of all the things curator, tech crewmember: She’s all of those I like about nursing and all the things I liked things and more. Lauren Warnecke is a jill of all about dance.” The result was a master’s degree trades. This busy lady teaches group exercise in kinesiology from the University of Illinois at at the University of Illinois at Chicago, works Chicago. on the tech crew for shows at The Dance Cen- Her master’s project turned into her website, ter of Columbia College and writes for numerous Arts Intercepts, a platform for Warnecke to en- publications, and enjoys traveling, cooking and gage the community in dance-based discourse. crafts. In what little spare time she has, she also The site redesign launches this month. For the dances, choreographs and independent site, she translated scientific studies about in- performances around Chicago. juries into language that dancers could under- Warnecke, 31, grew up on the West Coast, stand. “I felt like my role in the project was to but moved to Chicago’s northwest suburbs in take all the sciency stuff and all the dancers and have them meet in the middle,” said Warnecke. third grade. She wanted to take gymnastics, but Lauren Warnecke. Photo by Kelly Rose a physician recommended ballet and she was “Especially at the student level, I wanted danc- hooked. After bouncing around to a number of ers to have a place to go where they could get dance schools, she landed at in accurate information.” called Produce. With the aid of two Russells (Tim choose to say ‘that’s really cool’ or ‘that’s really Lake Forest. “I decided to go into dance in col- While pondering her post-college life, two Russell in 2011 and Russell Weiss in 2012), they lame, you should let us in more’.” lege because I really didn’t know what else to major things happened. One involved coming pick local music and movement artists from an Expect another round of Produce in 2013. do,” she said. After two and a half years, the out of the closet. “A group of friends of mine at open call audition and pair them up in different Looking forward to the coming year, Warnecke school closed and she transferred to Columbia Columbia accused me of being gay before I actu- combinations to see what will happen and then states her goal simply: “to keep my shit togeth- College in the South Loop. “It was a completely ally knew that I was,” she recalled. “It was very ask the audience for feedback. The goal is to cre- er.” She will be participating in a collaborative different environment, I love ballet, but I had offensive, but they were right.” Warnecke now ate artistic mash-ups of people that otherwise dance show with Francesca Bourgault and other the realization pretty early that I didn’t have lives with her girlfriend in Edgewater. would never meet. Warnecke said, “We thought, artists this spring. It will be a re-working of a the build for it as a professional dancer, so I sort The second major development was that her wouldn’t it be interesting if we could get an au- nine-minute piece she created last May. of forced myself to enjoy modern and learn more dance-writing career took off. She started read- dience in real-time to say what they’re seeing, “I’m just getting into the studio to finish that about it,” she said. ing dance blogs, particularly Dance Advantage, what they like and what they don’t. piece,” Warnecke said. “I used to be a firm be- After graduating with a B.A. in dance, War- commenting regularly. The editor took note and “There are so many choreographers that say liever in cranking out material really fast and I necke apprenticed with Luna Negra Dance The- asked her to be a contributing writer in 2010. they don’t care what the audience thinks or they have the ability to do that, but I think as I’ve ater, but was soon sidelined with a foot injury. She now also writes for The L Stop, don’t want them to understand, that they want matured and my opportunities to present work She couldn’t afford good insurance, so the injury and The Huffington Post as well as her own site them to form their own opinions. People don’t have grown, time-wise, I’ve grown more patient was recurring and she eventually left the dance and her blog, One Crafty Lady (www.craftylau- do that; they want to understand. They go to the and able to revisit things that are older and still world, albeit temporarily. A stint at nursing The Nutcracker because there is a story and it’s be inspired by them. I’m excited to have a rea- school led to a new career opportunity. “What For the past two years, she’s co-curated an accessible. This format gives the artist a chance son to work on it again.” I liked about nursing school were all the classes experimental artists’ lab with a live audience to say that to the audience and the audience can 12 Jan. 9, 2013 WINDY CITY TIMES SPOTLIGHT

A standup comedian learns to stand by his wife “in sickness and in health” when she develops early onset Parkinson’s disease in Side Effects May Include…, a poignant comedy co-written by former Seinfeld writer Marc Jaffe and Emmy nominee Eric Coble. MadKap Productions presents the Chicago premiere of Side Effects May Include…, which will be donating 10 percent of the A Nude Hope: A Star Wars Burlesque. Photo by Greg Inda proceeds from the show to the organization Shaking with Laughter in support of the Michael J. Fox Foundation. “Side” continues through Sunday, Feb. 10, at the Greenhouse Theater Center, 2257 N. Lincoln Ave. Performances are 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 3 p.m. Sundays. Tickets troopers clad in masked helmets, pasties and bi- THEATER REVIEW are $25 and $20 for seniors and students; call 773-404-7336, or visit www.greenhousetheater. kini-bottoms lead our heroes in a marching drill org or Photo courtesy of MadKap Productions A Nude Hope: to a spirited anthem of—what else?—”Macho Man.” The disco-era songbook takes a break dur- A Star Wars ing a full-cast Busby Berkeley- Charleston Burlesque line, but returns to the 1970s for the final battle Playwright: Dan Abbate and Kelly Williams and “Disco Inferno.” THEATER REVIEW eerie and hypnotic sound that makes the in- At: Gorilla Tango Theatre, You won’t see anybody tucking money into bras famous first scene of Act IV one of the real 1919 N. Milwaukee Ave. or garters, though a hat is passed, should any- Macbeth highlights. By William Shakespeare, Tickets: 773-598-4549; one want to contribute. Nor do the eight beau- Later, they don equally well-crafted masks adapted by Maxx Miller; $35 ties ever invoke offensively lascivious behav- and follow Macbeth (founding company mem- At: Suitcase Shakespeare Company Runs through: open run ior—these are not blank-faced gentlemen’s-club ber Matthew Davis) about the stage, reflect- chorines, nor tight-lipped academics conducting at the Athenaeum Theatre, ing his emotional toil visually and echoing it 2936 N. Southport Ave. BY MARY SHEN BARNIDGE research. Instead, the impression conveyed by with vocal effects and flourishes. Their hand Tickets: 773-935-6875, the convivial smiles of the athletic ensemble is twitches and choreographed movements add; $20 Among the spectators at the standing-room-only of nothing more than healthy and wholesome so much to the play, but the rest of the cast ($10 students, $15 show on a wintry day just before New Year’s Eve maidenhood engaging in good, clean, naughty is not required to treat us to the same energy. seniors/educators/industry) was a lad who had celebrated his 18th birthday fun. Although their supernatural nature under- Runs through: Jan. 27 a week earlier, accompanied by his father and The show’s Friday-night slot, 60-minute run- standably warrants a different performance uncle. All three declared their choice of enter- ning time and $35 admission price make this a technique than the rest of the cast, there’s BY STEVEN CHAITMAN tainment for a “boys’ night out” to have been perfect stopover during an evening’s Bucktown such a discrepancy in the level of creative based on their shared enthusiasm for ... science- crawl. Oh, and if a gray-wigged-and-bearded Obi- quality that something could have been done In Macbeth, as with much of Shakespeare, fiction movies. wan Kenobi doing a peekaboo dance to the coy artistically to bridge the gap. characters often bring bad tidings of violence Therein lies the distinction between “bur- double-entendre “Brand New Key” only leaves Shakespeare usually only goes as far as its as a substitute for the real thing, but not lesque,” as defined by Gorilla Tango’s Dan Ab- you wanting more, there’s a sequel—titled The actors, but adding to the sensory experience in Suitcase Shakespeare Company’s abridged bate and Kelly Williams, and your standard-issue Empire Brings Sexy Back—at 10:30 p.m. takes a little bit of pressure off the perform- take on the Scottish Play. skinfest. A Nude Hope’s plot—such as it is— ers. Nevertheless, the key players exercise a For nearly five years now, Suitcase Shake- spoofs the groundbreaking 1976 space-opera sufficient understanding of how to deliver speare has built its reputation on going be- film with a prologue in which a princess with Shakespeare, especially Davis, who demon- yond the Bard’s words, and in Macbeth, this a funny hairdo transmits a provocative plea via strates the important fact that less can be CRITICS’ PICKS added physicality allows for a more satisfying hologram. This time, however, the message is more and nails the all-important “she should expression of the characters’ intense para- intercepted by a prepubescent boy on whom her have died hereafter” monologue. noia, guilt and rage. Basically, there’s a lot of sexual innuendoes are lost. Fortunately, his el- As to Shakespeare’s many themes present stage fighting, and though timeless his work derly mentor is intrigued by this mysterious in- The Book of Mormon, Bank of America in Macbeth, the production doesn’t necessar- is, Shakespeare could always use more stage tergalactic booty call, and so the rescue journey Theatre, extended through Sept. 8. The ily shed a new light upon them so much as fighting. commences. creators of South Park and a co-creator of it streamlines the emotional intensity of the Unfortunately, there’s not much room for Did I mention that all the roles are played Avenue Q have concocted a hilariously blas- plot and the predicament of its characters to or attempts at visual embellishment in the by nubile young women, and that their adven- phemous and frequently raunchy Broadway the audience. With the Weird Sisters present first half of this adaptation, which feels like a tures all involve taking their clothes off? Rachel musical that smartly takes on Mormon cul- in background of the final scene, there’s also 40-minute sprint to intermission. The actors Singer’s choreography calls for two sections of ture and African superstitions. Yet the mu- greater sense of the stakes, but on the whole, rush their dialogue too often and it comes starship chassis to be transformed into props for sical also stresses the importance of faith, the production doesn’t offer any revelations out wooden and frankly a bit amateur, but a fan-dance, the mercenary Han Solo executes friendship and belief. SCM in spite of the liberties afforded by condens- everyone comes into their own in the second a steely-eyed chair dance, and a pair of storm The Glass Menagerie, Mary-Arrchie The- ing the material. atre Company at Angel Island, through Jan. act, or I should say Act II Scene IV and be- Yet Shakespeare’s revered work begs for in- 20. No, this is not the classroom-classic yond. terpretation upon reinterpretation and Mac- version—director Hans Fleischmann re- From start to finish, however, the compa- beth’s visceral nature especially suits the ar- Sandy Hook benefit stores the poignant and haunting magic of ny’s knack for the theatrical makes the three tistic vision of Suitcase Shakespeare Co. More memory that Tennessee Williams wrote into witches the production’s greatest strength could have been done to give this staging Jan. 6 at Victory and really accentuates what makes Macbeth Victory Gardens Theater will present The the play that launched his career. MSB the emotional punch it’s definitely capable unique among Shakespeare’s tragedies—the Warriors for Newtown, a benefit to support Hänsel und Gretel, Lyric Opera of Chica- of, but there’s no denying the creative think- emphasis on the supernatural element. Wear- the Sandy Hook Elementary Victims Relief go, through Jan. 19. Director Richard Jones’ ing that went into crafting a quick and acces- ing animal-inspired masks, the Weird Sisters sible version of one of Shakespeare’s finest Fund Sunday, Jan. 6, 2013, at 7:30 p.m. at Olivier Award-winning take on Engelbert speak in three distinct pitches to create an tragedies. the Victory Gardens Zacek McVay Theater, Humperdinck’s classic 1893 opera is back in 2433 N. Lincoln Ave. all its comical, creepy and brilliantly surreal glory. SCM The evening will include a one-night- The Magic Parlour, The House Theatre of only reading of The Warriors by Evan Linder Chicago at Palmer House Hilton, open run. (featuring Will Allen, Cora Vander Broek, Youthful master magician Dennis Watkins Matthew Brumlow, Cliff Chamberlain, Mary offers an intimate hour of jaw-dropping Hollis Inboden and Kristina Valada-Viars), sleight-of-hand magic and mind-reading in followed by a community conversation. an oak-paneled room. His clever repartee Tickets are $15; all proceeds will to go adds to the fun. It’s $75 with drinks, and the Sandy Hook School Support Fund. Tick- Fri.-Sat. only, 10:30 p.m. JA ets are available at the Victory Gardens box office; 773-871-3000 (TTY: 773.871.0682); —By Abarbanel, Barnidge or and Morgan WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 9, 2013 13

TapMan: Origin. Photo courtesy of TapMan Productions The Magic Cabaret. Photo courtesy of David Parr

THEATER REVIEW nemesis, the MADD Tapper (a great comic turn occupying the smallest of Lincoln Park’s by co-choreographer Zada Cheeks). Seeing Bruns The Magic Greenhouse studios on Wednesday nights, TapMan: Origin and Cheeks spar with frequent tap-shoe clashes Cabaret where the lanky Parr and sturdy Diamond Playwright: Tristan Bruns is very impressive; plus, their comic banter is Playwright: David Parr & Joe Diamond demonstrate such classic hocus-pocus as the and Zada Cheeks frequently funny in terms of self-aware camp. At: TMC Partners at the Greenhouse, “Chicago Closer” and the prop-oriented mul- At: TapMan Productions at Gorilla Tango’s When Bruns and Cheeks aren’t onstage is where 2257 N. Lincoln Ave. tiplying rabbits, as well as some eerie “phan- Skokie Theatre, 7924 Lincoln Ave., Skokie TapMan loses its way. Cartier’s pleasant group Tickets: 773-404-7336; tom light” levitation, while never losing their Tickets: 847-677-7762 or dance interludes feel like non-essential filler,; $20 hostly congeniality.; $15 when just a simple script detail could have Runs through: open run By contrast with this homey atmosphere, Runs through: Jan. 25 tied them closer to the superhero theme. For Dennis Watkins’ Friday night show is per- instance, the Drummin 2 dance interlude could formed in a wood-paneled, sconce-lit private BY SCOTT C. MORGAN have featured restaurant guests with breadsticks The Magic Parlour room (admission price includes drinks) at the who have been hit by a “percussive dancing ray Playwright: Dennis Watkins Palmer House, whose concourse once featured Tristan Bruns—the director, co-author, co-cho- gun” fired by the MADD Tapper. At: House Theatre of Chicago a shop for amateur prestidigitators, according reographer and star of TapMan: Origin—states Some of the other stagecraft is less than at the Palmer House, 17 E. Monroe St. to Parr. Watkins is a founding member of the in the program notes that his family show is smooth, especially transitions with non-essen- Tickets: 773-251-2195; award-winning House Theatre of Chicago and not a “concert” or a “professional recital.” Well, tial tables and a noisy podium. The backstage; $75 himself descended from three generations of Bruns may say that, but there are elements of crew and supporting cast also needs to be qui- Runs Through: open run illusionists. With the face of a Renaissance TapMan: Origin at Gorilla Tango’s Skokie Theatre eter backstage, since their chatter bleeds into angel and the patter of a county-fair auction- that unfortunately feel like an unpolished revue the auditorium. BY MARY SHEN BARNIDGE eer, he first acquaints us with the basic ele- or recital. There is a Super Villain Auditions sequence ments of stage magic—restoration, telepor- Now the idea of combining percussive dance where some guest dancers get to shine (Starinah Once upon a time not so long ago, exhibi- tation, etc.—and then proceeds to illustrate with our pop-culture craze for superheroes is one Dixon and Donnetta Jackson showed off their tions of magic—not the Vegas-sized specta- them, one by one, his hour-long demonstra- with loads of potential. Bruns originally created stuff on opening night), though it makes no cles we nowadays equate with that term, but tion culminating in a dazzling stunt involving TapMan as part of a late-night entertainment at sense for Bruns and Cheeks’ dueling characters mind-boggling manipulation of physical ob- a body-sized balloon, a deck of cards and a the former Lakeshore Theatre, later taking the to serve as panel judges. Also severely lacking is jects occurring at sufficiently close range to deadly-looking switchblade knife. nimble crime-fighting character on the road to a full scene featuring TapMan’s love interest of forestall hidden cameras or slyly-placed mir- “The point is not to fool people, though other burlesque and variety shows. Kim (Kirsten Uttich), who just makes beginning rors—could be found all over Chicago. These fool them you must,” Watkins’ grandfather But as the title character of his own full show, and ending cameos. Why the audience should days, urban fans of this entertainment genre once told him, “The point is to help them TapMan needs a sturdier plot than the revue on care isn’t offered, nor are we given a curtain call still have two weekly opportunities to satisfy imagine.” Scam artists can humbug us, after offer: a sprinkling of comic and dramatic super- to let us know that the show is officially over. their enthusiasm for experiences defying the all, but these magicians answer their call with hero vignettes, way-out-of-left-field songs per- TapMan: Origin definitely doesn’t live up to its laws of probability. a humility that renders us perfectly willing formed by Kyle Greer and non-connecting group potential. Next time Bruns should spend more Since 2007, David Parr and P.T. Murphy to be bamboozled by their chicanery, eagerly dance numbers choreographed by Julie Cartier. time crafting a more integrated script and may- (the latter now succeeded by Joe Diamond) assisting them in our deception. Parr and Dia- When TapMan truly works is when Tristan be shed one of his many responsibilities to get have paid homage to the legendary Matt mond even go so far as to return the favor, Bruns’ superhero performs tasks (like the enjoy- extra perspective on what the whole stage expe- Schulien, who popularized “Chicago-style” instructing us in a step-by-step drill with our able sand dance spoofing an iconic scene from rience is like for the audience. legerdemain—known more widely as “table very own cards, so that each one of us can Raiders of the Lost Ark), or does battle with his magic”—in his legendary Lakeview tavern. share in the wonder of our own extraordinary Likewise intimate is this cozy all-ages show powers. Owen Theatre (with opening night Mon- Goodman names day, Feb. 11). Tickets ($14-$45; subject to ‘Teddy Ferrara’ change) are available at www.GoodmanThe-, by phone at 312-443-3800 or at the cast members box office (170 N. Dearborn St.). Goodman Theatre has announced casting for the world-premiere production of Teddy Ferrara by Pulitzer Prize finalist Christopher Reading of ‘8’ at Beautiful Shinn. According to a press release, the produc- Goodman Jan. 14 Goodman Theatre, 170 N. Dearborn St., tion “explores what happens when a tragedy is presenting a one-night-only reading of sparks a movement—and the truth gets lost the new play “8” by Academy Award winner along the way.” Dustin Lance Black (Milk) Monday, Jan. 14, at The cast includes Liam Benzvi (Gabe), Pat- Thing 7:30 p.m. rick Clear (University President), Rashaad Hall By This riveting docudrama chronicles the (Nicky), Ryan Heindl (Teddy Ferrara), Christo- landmark Perry v. Schwarzenegger case (now Jonathan Harvey pher Imbrosciano (Jay), Jax Jackson (Jaq), called Hollingsworth v. Perry) filed by the Directed By Dev Kennedy and Fawzia Mirza (Campus Po- American Foundation for Equal Rights to lice), Paloma Nozicka (Jenny), Adam Poss John Nasca overturn California’s Prop 8. (Drew), Josh Salt (Tim), Kelli Simpkins (Ellen) See and Janet Ulrich Brooks (University Provost). January 17 - February 17 theatre. Teddy Ferrara runs Feb. 2-March 3 in the At The Athenaeum Theatre, Chicago 14 Jan. 9, 2013 WINDY CITY TIMES NUNN ON ONE: MAGIC for people. We need to build your gay audi- love a room of 50 people that I can involve with ence. it. I want to build this show here and make it DW: They have been trickling in, which I ap- a long-running experience. If I could make this preciate. show run forever at the Palmer House, I would Dennis Watkins: Not WCT: Do you want to move the show to oth- be really happy! er places? The Magic Parlour is an open run and cur- DW: I want to stay in Chicago because of the rently has two shows at 8 p.m. and 10:30 just a ‘Parlour’ trick theater scene and I love it. My family is all over p.m. every Friday at The Palmer House Hil- the country not just in Texas now. I have built a ton Hotel, 17 E. Monroe St. Tickets are $75; really great family here. People think I have to visit or call Harry Houdini, and the stage manager brought move to Vegas and make this a big show, but I 773-769-3832. in a suitcase just like you had. His dad had the suitcase in the attic for years with tricks in it. We opened the suitcase and all of the items were BOOK REVIEW stamped with “shipped to you from Douglas No Turning Back Magic Shop in Texas,” which was my grandfa- by Kim Flowers ther’s magic shop. I took pictures and sent it to $14.50; Queerteen my dad. Press; 228 pages WCT: Do you go to school for something like by SALLY PARSONS this? DW: I went to school for theater. I grew up A gripping story that pulls no punches for learning magic and all I wanted to do was be a young teens and preteens who might be magician. When I got to high school I studied considering running away, No Turning Back theater to help me with magic. I studied acting is also an eye-opener for adults who know in college then started a theater group in Chi- By Jerry Nunn young runaways or teens contemplating cago with friends from my college, which is The striking out on their own. While freedom House Theatre. Now it is fun that I am back in The House Theatre of Chicago has brought magi- from whatever lies behind is a strong incen- cian Dennis Watkins to the Palmer House for an tive to run away, the grimness of reality on open run of The Magic Parlour that promises to the run comes through in this, Flowers’ first astound audiences. Guests meet at the Potter’s book. The themes dealt with include parental Lounge then are escorted to a 32-seat intimate abuse, family loyalty, trust, responsibility and library-styled room. There the magic begins, accountability, as well as a budding lesbian from classic tricks such as linking rings to mind- romance. reading stunts. BOOK REVIEW The story centers around the escapades of Our dear Watkins keeps the room laughing and Ash, Dayna and Kevin, whose runaway adven- guessing at what he has up his sleeve. We met Rebellion in Ulster tures take place in cornfields, pastures, tree for lunch to learn more about what goes on be- by Angela Koenig growths and small towns somewhere in the hind the magic curtain. Midwest. Ash is the leader. At 13, her par- Windy City Times: So, Dennis, when did you $13 (e-book, $11); Blue Feather Books; 152 pages ents dead, she is determined to join forces start performing at the Palmer House? with her brother Matt (10), who was placed by TRACY BAIM Dennis Watkins: In January. The Magic Parlour in a separate foster home in a town at some is something we started down at the Chopin distance from her. Ash leaves her foster home Chicago writer Angela Koenig’s debut novel Theater, which is where The House Theatre does replete with the travel survival supplies she most of the shows. We started it two years ago. is a wonderful work of historical fiction, cen- It was a very different feeling event. Some of tered on a Boston lesbian who gets caught the same material is in the show but it was down up in the IRA (Irish Republican Army) of the 1980s. in their little basement bar area. Kim There’s plenty of passion and politics in WCT: I have seen shows down there before. Flowers. DW: Then you know it is a quirky space with this thriller, giving you an insider’s view of lots of furniture. It was a late-night Wicker Park the Irish-English debate that claimed thou- event. We ran it down there for a while but the sands of lives over hundreds of years. While opportunity came to run it at the Palmer House there is relative calm in Britain today, this and we jumped on it. book does a terrific job of bringing you right WCT: It must feel more upscale. Dennis Watkins. Publicity photo back to the anger and chaos of those fright- DW: It does. I think it was fun at Chopin but ful days of rage, where guns and bombs killed now at the Palmer House it is a special event. innocent civilians and military soldiers alike. It’s good for a date or special celebration. the magic world. Ulster is in northern Island, a province with WCT: It seems like the spiel is as important great historical significance. The book focuses WCT: You are a third-generation magician? needs. She knows what to carry because she as the tricks. on the life of Rhodes scholar Jeri O’Donnell, DW: Yes; my granddad was a magician. He did has made this journey before, only to be DW: Absolutely. The fun part of being the per- who makes the trip to England after a mostly slight of hand magic for a long time then after caught and placed in juvenile detention. Now former is making it fun for the audience. It is isolated life in South Boston’s Irish enclave. World War II started working at a magic shop in wise in the ways of evading capture, she sets taking the things that magicians did in the ‘30s Jeri has been writing her cousins in Ireland Texas that he stayed for 30 years. He did a lot of out with a timetable in mind. and making it current now. Scripting and enjoy- for many years, and her first chance to meet in magic at the shop and was an excellent sleight- Not too far along, she encounters Dayna ing it is the trick. person comes with a price—her cousin Fiona of-hand performer. He was my primary teacher (11) and her brother, Kevin (8), who have WCT: It is almost like a stand-up act. dies and Jeri spends several years in the Ar- when I was a kid learning to do magic. abusive parents. Shocked at how they’re DW: It is. I learned pretty quickly when I magh Women’s Prison as a result of the inci- WCT: So you learned from a young age? treated, Ash invites them to accompany her wanted to pay my rent and was doing corporate dent. While in prison, Jeri is recruited for the DW: From when I was a little kid, which is on her journey. They all band together to events that making it funny became incredibly IRA, and another prisoner, Arkadia O’Malley, funny because none of my three brothers had reach Matt and reunite the siblings. important to getting audiences to pay atten- tries to educate Jeri about the outside world an interest in doing magic. None of my cousins The action picks up halfway into the book. tion. Some performers take it very seriously but (and her inner world) through the books in did either so I was the only from my grandfather Ash has bitten off a pretty big chunk of re- it’s magic, man! It should be fun and light. the prison’s library. Especially interesting are that did. We used to go to magician conven- sponsibility promising her young charges she WCT: Your show was a modern take on styl- the many literary references—Koenig does a tions, so it was super-duper fun for me! will find them a better life. Eventually, lack ish magic from the past. nice job integrating these into her story. WCT: Doesn’t that take the magic out of it? of food and approaching winter forces Ash to DW: When we moved it to the Palmer House I Jeri does join the Provisional IRA, and she DW: Well, seeing the behind-the-scenes does, reconsider what is best for all of them. wanted it to be classic magic in an old school is trained both inside and outside of Ireland. but watching it I still get totally fooled. It is Matt’s story runs parallel to his sister’s. venue. The blindfold segment has been around But don’t worry—between the training she awesome when that happens. Flowers skillfully interweaves the two. Matt for a long time. Those things are still interesting has time for a few romantic entanglements. WCT: How much do you practice to do a has his own coterie of friends—boys liv- to people and fool them. It is probably nowhere The question is whether she is really ready for trick? ing under the charge of Auntie Helen, who as dry as it was the ‘30s and hopefully a lot fun- love. DW: An awful lot, especially when something is warm and loving, but not family. One of nier. The Sam the bellhop trick was done by my This is a highly recommended first novel is dependent on specific sleight of hand. I have the more appealing aspects of this novel is grandfather ages ago. from a Chicago talent—and an added bonus a little brother who is a pianist and I compare the developing attraction between Ash and WCT: It [takes] audiences back to being at the end is a short excerpt from her next the two. There is daily practice and daily repeti- Dayna. little kids. novel, a sequel entitled Rendezvous in the tion. It is like playing a piano where you can Flowers first began writing No Turning Back DW: I think it should. My hope is that people Himalayas. enjoy it and stop thinking about how you do it. at age 11. Her second book, The Divide: Up- come to see the show and don’t even ask how a Koenig will read from and sign copies of her WCT: When I did magic as a kid I had a suit- rising, is scheduled for publication early in trick works by the end of the show because they book at Women & Children First Bookstore, case full of tricks like yours onstage. Does 2013. She lives with her wife and son in Indi- won’t care at that point. I want them to have Wed., Jan. 23, at 7:30 p.m. at 5233 N. Clark everyone have a suitcase? ana. DW: When we did a show called Death and fun to be fooled and wonder about it. St. WCT: It seems like a good date night show WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 9, 2013 15

Paul Caldwell. Photo from Gerry Johnson Windy City Performing Arts has new director LGBT choral-arts organization Windy City Performing Arts has named Paul Caldwell as artistic director of Windy City Gay Cho- rus and Aria, Windy City Performing Arts’ women’s chorus. In addition to directing WCPA’s flag- ship choruses, Caldwell is artistic director Artemis Singers. Photo courtesy of Joanne Swanson of the Youth Choral Theater of Chicago, a community-based after-school program enrolling 200 young people in Chicago’s northern suburbs. Additionally, he is ar- tistic director for the ¡Canta! Costa Rica Artemis Singers: festival in San Jose, Calif., and resident conductor for the Sing A Mile High choral festival in Denver. Caldwell’s debut performance will be at A look at Chicago’s Windy City Performing Arts’ spring concert entitled “A Flood of Hope,” a special ben- efit for the Ali Forney Center, a shelter for homeless LGBT youth in New York City that was devastated by Hurricane Sandy last lesbian feminist chorus fall. By Carrie Maxwell the country. They hosted both the third festival “I have a community. That has been the most See in 1986 and the 10th festival in 2010. gratifying and wonderful thing for me,” said As the first lesbian feminist singing ensemble Additionally, Artemis Singers held a concert Hellman. “It’s a lot of work but you are working Sinfonietta’s in the United States, Artemis Singers has been to benefit the Lesbian Community Cancer Proj- on something that is bigger than you are. It’s making music for decades. Founded in 1980, Ar- ect (now known as the Lesbian Community Care kind of a sisterhood thing where we care about tribute to King temis Singers is open to every woman who is Project) in 2003; in 1987, the chorus partici- each other.” interested in singing regardless of their musical pated in a fundraiser for the AIDS Foundation of Hellman also noted that “everyone should sing Jan. 20-21 Chicago Sinfonietta will continue its abilities. Chicago. and can sing. We feel that every woman has a 25th-anniversary season with its annual The 29-member chorus is, according to its In 1982, Artemis Singers received the Paul R. voice and Artemis is here to help women make tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The website, “[composed] of women with diverse Goldman Award from the early LGBT group ONE their voice become a part of everyday reality.” concert will be presented at Wentz Concert backgrounds who are dedicated to performing of Chicago and, in 2008, the group was inducted “Artemis is my extended, chosen family,” said Hall of North Central College, 171 E. Chica- music written or arranged by women. The chorus into the Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame. Stocker. “ One of the great things about Arte- go Ave., Naperville, on Sunday, Jan. 20 ,at works to effect positive change in cultural atti- Artemis Singers is a self-directed chorus. Each mis is that we teach and learn from each other 3 p.m. and at Orchestra Hall of Symphony tudes toward women and women artists, as well member is invited to select the music that the as well as help each other outside the musical Center, 220 S. Michigan Ave. in downtown as to increase the visibility of lesbian feminists. chorus sings at each concert. For their upcom- realm. That has changed the lives of lots of the Chicago on Monday, Jan. 21, at 7:30 p.m. “Our goal in selecting and performing music ing concert in January, all members of the group women for the better over the years.” Grammy-winning bass-baritone Eric Ow- is to provide an emotionally moving, spiritually picked songs to perform that speak to their own As scheduler, Clegg (along with Hellman) ens will be the special guest; Mei-Ann and aesthetically uplifting, and politically moti- personality and experiences such as falling in looks at the song list and determines the re- Chen is the Sinfonietta’s music director. vating experience to our audience. We want to love, coming out as a lesbian or giving birth. hearsal schedule each week so every song gets Single tickets range from $40-$50 for entertain, amuse and educate ... and most of all, “The chorus has a diversity of ages and ex- equal rehearsal time in the weeks prior to each concerts at Wentz Concert Hall and $26- to share a sense of community with our audi- periences,” said Loraine Edwalds. “The result is concert. $50 for concerts at Symphony Center, with ence.” a beautiful mosaic of music and poetry.” Since Clegg noted that the best part of being a special $10 pricing available for students. Artemis Singers was first introduced in Decem- Edwalds came up with the theme for the concert, member of Artemis Singers is the family atmo- Call 312-236-3681, ext. 2, or visit www. ber 1980 at the second annual Chicago Gay/Les- she was chosen to be the artistic director. As sphere. “Artemis Singers is still going strong and bian Community Band and Windy City Gay Chorus artistic director, Edwalds is responsible for the we would love it if people came to see our con- concert. order of each musical performance. certs.” Clegg said. Since then, the group has performed at a va- Although Artemis Singers operates in an or- The chorus will be performing “Many Voices riety of venues including the Center on Halsted, ganic and non-hierarchical way, as a 501(c)(3) Create the Song: Artemis Singers in Concert” the Chicago Cultural Center, the Chicago History organization the group has a president, Meta at the Ethical Humanist Society, 7574 N. Lin- Mei-Ann Museum, the VI at Millennium Hellman; vice-president (to be determined); coln Ave., Skokie, on Saturday, Jan. 19. The Chen. Park’s Jay Pritzker Pavilion, the Harold Wash- treasurer, Midge Stocker; and scheduler, Diana group will also be performing in June for ington Library, Lincoln Center in New York City, Clegg. Stocker and Clegg met and fell in love Pride month and in December to celebrate the Women and Children First Bookstore and many through their involvement with Artemis Singers. winter solstice. Dates and locations for those other places. As president, Hellman is the face of the group concerts are to be determined. Artemis Singers has also participated in the to the rest of the world and as production coor- See and find “Ar- Sister Singers Network’s—a nationwide coopera- dinator, she is responsible for publicity, gather- temis Singers” on Facebook for tickets and tive of feminist choirs, singers and musicians— ing volunteers, securing a house manager and all information. International Women’s Choral Festivals around other non-creative aspects of each show. 16 Jan. 9, 2013 WINDY CITY TIMES cago Filmmakers, 5243 N. Clark St. The evening, than a bit of Blanche in the demure, refined but dark after lovemaking that we often think of which Sharon Zurek’s Black Cat Productions and quietly resigned Dotty. The two actors, expert at as the true intimacy between couples; instead, Reeling are co-presenting, begins at 7 p.m. with finding nuance and telegraphing that to audi- it focuses on the moments spent in bringing a one-hour social period followed by the 8 p.m. ences, bring out the best in these two women trays of food and medicine, helping the loved KNIGHT screening. (The movie is also screening tonight, in spite of the plot lapses and odd tonal shifts. one take a sip of water, going in and out of the AT Wednesday, Jan. 9 at 7:30pm at Columbia Col- Most endearingly, you believe wholeheartedly bathroom and trying hard to discern when com- THE lege’s Hokin Hall, 423 S. Wabash Ave., as part that these two are deeply in love, and Dukakis munication skills have broken down—just what of the Chicago Filmmakers monthly screening and Fricker gift their characters with a real bond the loved one desperately needs and is trying to MOVIES series.) of intimacy. convey. It’s an emotionally devastating, deeply Cloudburst follows the adventures of Stella moving approach. (Dukakis), a tough old bird if there ever was Intimacy is also at the heart of Amour, in the- That this incredibly heartfelt film has come one, and her lover of 31 years, Dotty (Fricker). aters this Friday and the official Austrian sub- from writer-director Haneke—noted for his cold, After Dot has an accident and winds up in the mission for this year’s Academy Awards. But flinty movies that often portray humanity at its hospital temporarily, her granddaughter decides while the intimacy between retired music teach- worst (Funny Games, The White Ribbon, Cache, By to put Dot in a nursing home and sell the home ers Anne (Emmanuelle Riva) and her husband, etc.)—is perhaps Amour’s greatest surprise. Richard Knight, Jr. she shares with Stella in Bangor, Maine. Stella, Georges (Jean-Louis Trintignant)—with warmth What’s no surprise is that it will instantly reso- mad as hell and as profane as a truck driver, isn’t and unnamable pleasures—will be instantly fa- nate with a generation of gay men and women about to be separated from sweet, legally blind miliar to many longtime couples so, too, will the who became caretakers during the AIDS crisis Dotty. After rescuing her partner from the nurs- heartbreaking and often uncomfortable affinity and are now dealing with aging parents and sig- Cloudburst; ing home, Stella and Dotty head for Canada to inherent in caring for a terminally ill loved one nificant others. Amour is a tough but rewarding wed, in the hope of bringing some legal stand- that suddenly is thrust upon them without warn- film experience that honestly earns its tears— ing to their relationship. ing. and the performances of Riva and Trintignant are Amour; With k.d. lang blaring from the speakers in After Anne suffers a debilitating stroke and a revelatory. their red pick-up truck, the two head off in surgery to clear a blocked artery goes badly, it what is a sort of geriatric Thelma & Louise. Like is up to Georges, along with a series of nurses, Film note: film note that classic female-buddy road picture, the duo to take care of her when she returns home from —A silent classic returns: The historic Music pick-up a hot little hitchhiker (named Pren- the hospital. A series of health reverses fol- Box Theatre, 3733 N. Southport Ave., is present- “Getting old ain’t for sissies” Bette Davis once tice, played by Ryan Doucette) who joins them lows as Georges does his best to keep up with ing a restored, colored tinted print of the 1926 famously declared, and both out writer-director in their quest. Prentice, who has the habit of Anne’s constants needs. By the time the cou- Italian silent classic The Last Days of Pompeii Thom Fitzgerald’s Cloudburst and writer-direc- removing parts of his clothing when the mood ple’s daughter (Isabelle Huppert) shows up, he as part of its Silent Saturday matinee series. The tor Michael Haneke’s Amour vividly attest to the strikes, is heading home to visit his dying moth- has little patience for her tears and remonstra- epically scaled movie, which features lots of veracity of Davis’ statement, albeit from very er, and finds himself caught up in the constant tions—there’s no time left for regrets, miracle decadent behavior from the citizens of wicked different perspectives. love spats between ditzy Dotty and impatient cures or second opinions. It’s all down to days, Pompeii before the eruption of the nearby Mt. Fitzgerald’s movie, driven by star performanc- (really impatient) Stella. The tone of the movie then hours and, finally, minutes. Soon, Georges Vesuvius wipes out their wanton ways, screens es from Olympia Dukakis and Brenda Fricker, is wrenches about nearly as much as the trio do is nearly as much a prisoner as Anne is, and the Saturday, Jan. 12, at 12 p.m. with Dennis Scott much lighter in tone, helping the medicine go inside the high-speed pick-up (that Stella cer- couple’s apartment—stuffed with music and appropriately providing the dramatic music at down with a spoonful of sugar while Haneke’s books—becomes as familiar and inviting to us the Music Box pipe organ. www.musicboxthe- as to Anne and Georges. The film clearly dem- onstrates the importance and calming effect of Check out my archived reviews at www. accustomed surroundings to the chronically ill. or www.knightat- Amour eschews the shared sunsets and walks Readers can leave feedback on the beach, and the unspoken moments in the at the latter website.

Day two of the festival begins with Lesbian Little Queer Factory. What began as a documentary about the unfair treatment of foreign migrant work- Film Fest in ers in Taiwan wound up doubling as a love story following the lives of seven lesbian Chicago Feb. 2-3 couples. Little Queer Film Festival (LQFF), a new film The second featured film, the award-win- series in Chicago, will be held at the Center ning North Sea Texas, is a coming-of-age on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted St., on Feb. 2-3. story set on the Belgian coast. Fourteen- Revenue from the festival, in addition to year-old Pim navigates his way through his several other fundraising events and dona- teens while figuring out his feelings for his tions from supporters and partners, will go 17-year-old neighbor Gino and dealing with a toward the financing LQFF screenings. single mother who cares more about her rela- LQFF, launched after the annual LGBT Reel- tionships with men than being a mom. ing Film Fest went on hiatus in 2012 (and it is Rounding out the festival, LGFF will pres- not associated with Reeling), will be a smaller ent the award-wining I Do. A British gay man intimate experience with alternative venues marries his lesbian friend in order to get a during the festival and throughout the year. green card. Things get complicated when he Venues showcasing films will be conducive to falls in love with the man of his dreams, jeop- social/mingling and conversation while pro- ardizing the validity of the marriage and the viding a space where the community can par- friendship. Can love conquer all? ticipate. LQFF films will touch on a wide range Sapphic Adventures and Jeanette Diaz Pho- of issues and raise awareness of LGBT equality tography are producing LQFF in partnership Olympia Dukakis (left) and Brenda Fricker in Cloudburst. and social issues. with Center on Halsted, 2100°DG and Baby Kicking off day one of the festival is award- Girls & Co. winning Call Me Kuchu. Veteran activist David film, winner of the Palm d’Or at Cannes and tainly has a lead foot) and the actors struggle To learn more about supporting this event Kato labors to repeal Uganda’s homophobic drawing raves for its performances and sumptu- to keep the material, which veers wildly in tone, or to register, visit www.littlequeerfilmfest. laws and liberate his fellow LGBT men and ous photography, is much more sobering—and on track. And though certain sidebar sequences org. women, or “kuchus.” A very timely movie con- much closer to real life. Both films—along with have their individual charms and warm laughs— sidering the recent move to legalize sentenc- the forthcoming Quartet (Dustin Hoffman’s di- a visit to Prentice’s dying mother descends into ing homosexuals to death in Uganda. rectorial debut), the story of four opera singers screwball comedy when his naked father mis- ‘Normal Heart’ Next is the award-winning Kiss Me, a love reuniting for one last performance in a nursing takenly comes on to Dotty, etc.—they stretch story with a twist. Mia and Frida meet for the on HBO in ‘14 home for classical musicians and the recent DVD plausibility and undercut the actors’ attempts to first time at their parent’s engagement party HBO announced that it will adapt the Tony- release of The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel—cer- bring the characters fully to life. and their mutual attraction is undeniable. winning Larry Kramer play The Normal Heart, tainly point out a growing trend toward movies But Fitzgerald—who will be familiar to queer There’s just one small complication. Mia has according to The movie will focusing on characters dealing with life during film audiences from previous efforts like 3 Nee- just announced her engagement to her long- star Julia Roberts and Mark Ruffalo in the key the sunset years. dles and Beefcake—has written great parts for time boyfriend Tim. roles, along with out actor Matt Bomer (White It’s nice to see—as in Cloudburst—that LGBT Dukakis and Fricker and these alone are worth The first feature by Negar Azarbayjani, the Collar). senior folks are part of this cinematic mix. The the price of admission. With Dukakis chewing award-winning Facing Mirrors, is the first Glee creator Ryan Murphy will direct the movie, which began as a play in Fitzgerald’s na- the scenery one moment, tenderly embracing Iranian film with a transgender protagonist. film, which will feature Roberts as Dr. Emma tive Canada and which has been an audience Fricker the next, opining about her lust for lang Facing Mirrors is a film that explores the rare Brookner, the paraplegic physician who treats favorite on the queer festival circuit over the and telling off the clueless granddaughter a mo- solidarity that is sometimes achieved through several of the earliest victims of the disease. last year—is screening Saturday, Jan. 9 as the ment later, the movie is nothing if not enter- mutual oppression while following the devel- Ruffalo portrays Ned Weeks; Bomer plays Felix kickoff for the tenth season of Delicious, taining. There’s more than a bit of Baby Jane in opment of an unlikely friendship and ensuing Turner, a reporter who becomes Weeks’ lover. the popular lesbian-themed screening series the loudmouth, crude Stella, who apparently has advocacy for a friend despite differences. The Normal Heart will run in 2014. held the second Saturday of every month at Chi- no use for manners or decorum, and there’s more WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 9, 2013 17 theDISH WEEKLY DINING GUIDE IN Exposed brick, colorful artwork and a fireplace in the middle of the main dining room make it cozy. You can dine at City Winery any day of the week, and you should. But, if you opt to have Images of dinner and see a show, then you are in for a real City Winery. treat, albeit a pricy one. Depending on your ap- Press photos petite for lovingly crafted glasses of wine, you City Winery can easily drop $200 on a meal for two. If you’re By Meghan Streit seeing a show, it’s recommended to arrive about an hour early if you’d like to have dinner. The When I first heard about City Winery—a West idea is that you’ll be finishing up your meal, Loop spot that is at once a working winery, 300- perhaps lingering over dessert, as the show gets seat concert venue and full restaurant—I was a underway. bit skeptical. I’m generally a believer that you Seating is tight because, hey, you’re getting a can’t be all things to all people, and so I figured fine dining experience in a concert venue. I like City Winery would excel at one of its goals, but my space, so I was a teensy bit irritated at first, be lackluster in the other departments. Boy, was but I was happy to have a chair at all, and my I wrong (and pleasantly surprised!). fiancée and I ended up chatting with our table- Sandra Bernhard I had my first full City Winery experience in mates and had a great time. performed her November when one of my favorite artists, Ra- After you’re settled with a glass of wine— one-woman show chael Yamagata, played at the venue. Instead of there are nearly 100 to choose from, but I’d “I Love Being Me, standing on tired tiptoes to see the stage, I was recommend sampling one of City Winery’s own Don’t You?” at seated comfortably in a chair and could hear varietals that are “on tap”—then it’s time to City Winery, Fri., every beautiful word. Glasses of robust Sonoma dig into the menu. The concert venue menu is Jan. 4. zinfandel replaced the watery overpriced beer I’d a smaller version of the restaurant’s main menu. Photo by normally be forced to drink at a concert. Some- You’ll find a nice selection of small plates that Jerry Nunn where around Yamagata’s third song, as I stuffed are well thought out and made with fresh and myself with delicious Burrata cheese spread on just downright tasty ingredients. Smaller items crusty toasted bread, a waitress appeared qui- average about $6 a pop, and the heartier dishes etly to set down a fresh glass of wine in front cost around $12 each. Four to five dishes will of me, and I thought to myself, “This place is a satisfy—but not stuff—a party of two. But so freaking urban amusement park for adults!” many sound tempting, so I wouldn’t blame you I had seen Yamagata perform several times be- for ordering more than that. In a culinary world now saturated with braised used to grill in the backyard when I was a kid. fore, and I initially thought I’d miss the grit of I have a mid-level obsession with City Winery’s short ribs, this one definitely stands out. The So, either my dad is a secret culinary genius or being at a rock concert. Nope. As it turns out, Burrata, as I discussed in my last column (http:// meat was infused with so much flavor and was these burgers are fairly average. I think the slid- standing in a long line and then missing your ridiculously tender. The polenta makes a per- ers could have benefited from some cheese or favorite song to pay $9 for a crappy beer ac- Spice-The-10-best-things-I-ate-in-2012/40937. fect companion, and a dollop of tomato com- some sort of a secret sauce, but nonetheless, I tually sucks. Eating delicious food and drinking html). The cheese itself is impossibly soft and pote gives the dish a little extra zing. If you happily gobbled them up just like I did at back- high-quality and reasonably priced wine while creamy, but what makes it so memorable is the want to sneak a vegetable into your meal, the yard barbeques as a child. you listen to your favorite artist is such a su- bread it’s served with. The crusty Italian bread cauliflower gratin is a delightful way to do it. If you’re looking to treat yourself or impress perior concert experience. Obviously, Chicagoans is slathered with a generous dose of olive oil, The cauliflower is baked beneath a gooey and someone special with a truly lovely evening, City aged 30 and above are going to love this place. dusted with herbs and then toasted to perfec- piping-hot layer of Gruyere, Mornay sauce and Winery is the place to do it. The dinner and con- But, you don’t have to have wrinkles to enjoy tion. It’s the perfect start to a lovely meal. Other toasted breadcrumbs (which perhaps disqualifies cert I enjoyed there was sincerely one of the City Winery. I was sat next to two University lighter and highly sharable plates include white it as a vegetable, but who the heck cares?). The best nights out I’ve had in a long time, and I’ll of Chicago students at the Yamagata show, and bean and garlic dip served with pita and an as- portion was quite small, and when Gruyere is be hoping that all of my favorite musicians book they seemed to enjoy the experience as much as sortment of arancini balls (fried risotto) that I’m involved, I don’t like to share, so next time I’ll gigs there, so that I have many excuses to return I did. dying to try. order my own cauliflower gratin. to City Winery. Chicago’s City Winery is the second location. I also tried the salame flatbread, which was Not that I needed any more calories at this City Winery is located at 1200 W. Randolph There’s also one in New York, and from what I’ve basically to die for. The light and crispy crust point, but midway through the concert, dizzy St.; call 312-733-WINE or visit www.citywinery. read, the Chicago location is bigger and bet- was phenomenal, and the sopressa and smoked with the special happiness that can only come com/chicago. ter. I haven’t been to the Big Apple location, mozzarella worked in perfect harmony as top- from drinking good wine and listening to great Do you need some more Sugar & Spice in but the Second City version is positively visu- pings. This pizza pairs nicely with City Winery’s music, I decided to order the City Winery sliders your life? Follow me on Twitter @SugarAnd- ally spectacular. Thirty-foot ceilings, walls lined slightly spicy house zinfandel. as a late-night snack. They are served simply on SpiceMS for inside scoop and commentary on with wine bottles and huge stainless-steel wine Among the more entrée-like offerings is a pretzel rolls with lettuce and tomato. The burg- Chicago’s dining scene. vats behind the bar make the space stunning. braised short rib with creamy rosemary polenta. ers themselves tasted eerily like the ones my dad

theDISH DINING LISTINGS American Hamburger Mary’s Bakery Club Lucky german The Counter 5400 N. Clark St., Chi- Swedish Bakery 1824 W. Wabansia Ave., Chicago Brauhaus 666 W. Diversey Pkwy. cago 5348 N. Clark St., Chi- Bucktown 4732 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago 773-784-6969 cago 773-227-2300 Chicago 773-935-1995 773-561-8919 773-784-4444 Custom built burgers with chicago 1940s style, Italian supper hormone-and-antibiotic-free Burgers, salads and sass European-style cookies, club and cocktail lounge. Serving up traditional Award-winning, must-see 100% Angus beef. Facebook: served up in a kitschy pastries, breads, and tortes. German specialties, beer, The Counter Lincoln Park. atmosphere with an on-site holiday decorations and We’ll create a cake for any wine, music and dancing 6 brew pub. celebration. private party room. Accepting days a week. Jane’s Restaurant online reservations. NOW DELIVERING. 1653-55 W. Cortland Ave. ASIAN ITALIAN MEDITERRANEAN 773-862-5263 Thirteen Tapas Taverna 750 Ceres’ Table Troy Mediterranean 4202 W. Irving Park Rd., 750 W. Cornelia Ave., 4882 N. Clark St., Grill An everyday, upscale eatery 773-283-6626 Chicago Chicago 2908 N. Broadway located in neighborhoody 773-348-5172 773-878-4882 773-770-3866 Bucktown. Stunning Special Serving unique Asian tapas- Bright and fresh Italian Facebook: Events Room. Brunch, Lunch style cuisine, inspired by small plates with an exciting Sustainable, locally sourced & Dinner. dishes of the Philippines. Half cocktail menu. Surprisingly TroyMediterraneanGrill off tapas Tue. -Thu. from 3-6. contemporary Italian food, 100% homemade, fresh menu affordable. great cocktails, and fabulous includes veggie dishes. All wine and beer lists. food is prepared fresh as the time of ordering. 18 Jan. 9, 2013 WINDY CITY TIMES CLASSIFIEDS ANTIQUES HELP WANTED Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the ***SAFE BUS DRIVERS WANTED***DAILY TAKE HOME Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, that Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, that ZURKO ANTIQUE EVENTS PAY*** Do you enjoy helping others? Do you like hav- Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. will conduct sale(s) Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. will conduct sale(s) ANTIQUE & COLLECTIBLES ing the freedom to work on your own? Is your safety at Public Storage by Competitive bidding on January at Public Storage by Competitive bidding on January 24th, 2013 at 12:30 pm on the Premises where 24th, 2013 at 11:30 am on the Premises where Sat. Jan 12th & Sun. Jan 13th and the safety of others a priority for you? Is earning a paycheck important to you? If you answered “YES” property has been stored, which are located at Public property has been stored, which are located at Public Hours: Sat. 10am-4pm to each question please read on. We are hiring SAFE Storage #22335/2101 W. Howard Street, Chicago, Storage #24524/8050 McCormick Blvd. Skokie, IL Sun. 8am-3pm / $7 BUS DRIVERS to work in the City of Chicago and sur- IL 60645-2191. (773) 262-0902. In the matters of 60076-2919 (847) 675-4604. In the matters of Early Buyers: Sat. 8am-10am / $25 rounding communities. This is year ‘round work. We pay the personal property for the individuals listed below. the personal property for the individuals listed below. Lake County Fairgrounds $12.50/hour, $13.00/hour for weekends. We offer medi- 0011 - Martinez, Clifford, 0098 - Dacres, Tiffany, 0127 A030 - Ford, Eldridge, B014 - Mikhail, Eddie, B019 - GRAYSLAKE (1060 E. Peterson) cal, dental and vision insurance, a 401k plan, a free - McFarllar, Desiree, 0133 - MARTIN, VERNON, 0156 - Ellingson, Colin, C010 - Jackson, Theresa, D003 - Oliver, $5,000 life insurance policy and PAID VACATION AND Ryan, Glenn, 0177 - Schmidt, Janet, 1009 - Oladipo, Landers, D071 - MARQUEZ, HARRIET, D137 - Khan, Mir, ANTIQUE FLEA MARKET PAID HOLIDAYS! WE HAVE FULL TIME WORK AVAILABLE Taibou, 1061 - Lopez, Ronald, 2026 - Chisom, John, F014 - Sayeed, Ashfaq. Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Sat. Jan 19th - 8am - 3pm/$5 FOR DRIVERS! Must have a class “C” CDL or be able to 2031 Hightower, Raymond, 2057 - Tillman, Elizabeth, Inc. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid County Farm & Manchester obtain one with passenger endorsement. We provide 2071 - Garnett, Dionne, 3022 - Bennett, Tracy, 3027 at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must Dupage County Fairgrounds CDL training. TRAINING STARTS IMMEDIATELY...COME - Lawrence, Yolanda, 3048 - Geanes, Marcel, 3061 - be removed at the time of purchase. Sale is subjected WHEATON, IL IN AND APPLY TODAY TO START EARNING A PAY CHECK! Priklonskis, Jegors, 3084 - Urbaniak, Nichole, 3127 - to adjournment. Sundin, William, 3165 - Nankya, Anna, 3179 - Payton, Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the Dealers Welcome! We are easily accessible from the PACE 290 bus and the CTA 85A bus! MV Transportation, Inc. 6230 W. Otesha, 4104 - EDWARDS, TRACY, 5078 - OYEWOPO, Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, that Gross Point Road Niles, IL 60714 773-467-2455. ISAAC, B13 - Kus, Michael, B7 - MALIK, UMAR. Public Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. will conduct sale(s) ZURKO • 715-526-9769 Must pass a drug test and have a Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. Purchases must be made at Public Storage by Competitive bidding on January clean driving record and clean criminal background. with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods 24th, 2013 at 10:30 am on the Premises where EOE (1/23/13-8) are sold as is and must be removed at the time of property has been stored, which are located at Public HEALTH CARE - CAREGIVERS WANTED. Growing, li- purchase. Sale is subjected to adjournment. Storage #25518/6460 N. Lincoln Ave. Lincolnwood, BUSINESS FOR SALE censed homecare company has positions open for Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the IL 60712-4038. (847) 677-5975. In the matters of RARE OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE HIGH-END RETAIL Caregivers who want to make a difference. All shifts Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, that the personal property for the individuals listed below. BOUTIQUE specializing in home accessories and gifts available; one year experience required. Apply on-line Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. will conduct sale(s) 1091 - bynum, Samantha, 2061 - rahmen, murad, 3017 from American & European artisans; located in premier (1/30/13-9) at Public Storage by Competitive bidding on January - burns, Christopher, 3077 - burns, Christopher, 4128 Chicago shopping district; recognized locally and 24th, 2013 at 10:00am on the Premises where - Pearson, Samantha, 4173 - Kucharski, Michael, 4197 nationally; includes strong wholesale and Internet HAULING property has been stored, which are located at Public - ardales-kurita, suzette, 5034 - Drew, Cynthia, 5050 - business; asking price: $200,000 plus inventory; Sales: Storage #22339/5838 N. Pulaski Road, Chicago, hernandez, pedro, 6049 - Castellon, Alex. Public Storage $880,549; Cash flow: $115,110.Please contact Toby IL 60646-6008. (773) 539-9549. In the matters / PS Orangeco, Inc. Purchases must be made with cash (773) 775-1291 of the personal property for the individuals listed only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as Davis of Sunbelt Business Brokers at 312-878-1232 Ask for Jim or [email protected] (1/16/13-4) below. A016 - raulston, Michael, A035 - Boras, Rose, is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Sale is A-AFFORDABLE HAULING A052 - Cruz, Fe, A077 - moore, tonya, A155 - Cichon, subjected to adjournment. CLEANING SERVICES “We load and haul away just Susan, A196 - lopez, julio g, A221 - ABBAS, NAIMAT, Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of CHESTNUT CLEANING SERVICES: We’re a house cleaning about anything” A226 - ABBAS, NAIMAT, A232 - Shooper, Jacqueline, the Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, service for homes, small businesses and small buildings. Cleaning out: A240 - Sellountos, Nephele, A288 - Izquierdo, Carmen, that Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. will conduct We also have fabulous organizational skills (a separate • Estate Clean outs B010 -cadet, angelica, B017 - De Leon, Diana, B123 - sale(s) at Public Storage by Competitive bidding on function at a separate cost that utilizes your assis- • Basements Williamson, David, B131 - cvejic, dejan, D050 - Banks, January 24th, 2013 at 1:00 pm on the Premises tance) for what hasn’t been cleaned in many months • Furniture Johnese, D122 - Limbachiya, Jitendra, Public Storage / where property has been stored, which are located at or years due to long-term illness, depression, physical/ • Garages PS Orangeco, Inc. Purchases must be made with cash Public Storage #28160/1512 W. Jarvis Ave. Chicago, mental challenges, for the elderly, if you have down- • Hot Tubs only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as IL 60626-1909 (773) 338-6828. In the matters of sized and more. Depressed about going home to chaos? • Storage units is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Sale is the personal property for the individuals listed below. subjected to adjournment. 018 - Sheppard, Soraya, 058 - Phillips, Alfreda, 126 - We can organize your chaos, straighten out your chaos, • Remodeling Debris help you make sense of your chaos and finally clean Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of Jones, Brittany, 137 - Mechanic, Sean, 139 - Wilkie, what is no longer chaos. Can we help you? Bonded and Free Estimates / Senior Discount the Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, Jermaine, 199 - Gordon, Kevin, 264 - LEWIS, MONIQUE, insured. Chestnut Cleaning Service: 312-332-5575. that Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. will conduct 266 - Hynes, Joan. Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. (11/20/13-52) sale(s) at Public Storage by Competitive bidding on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at MALE HOUSEKEEPER. Experienced male housekeep- January 24th, 2013 at 3:00 pm on the Premises where the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be er offers his service in Chicago. If you need Your [email protected] property has been stored, which are located at Public removed at the time of purchase. Sale is subjected to house,condo or apartment clean,let me know. call or Storage #23404/5643 N. Broadway St. Chicago, IL adjournment. text Andy at:630-841-3311 Free estimate Refer- 60660-4415. (773) 784-8410. In the matters of Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the ences available. (12/26/12-1) the personal property for the individuals listed below. Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, that HOME IMPROVEMENT 0005 - Scott, Chelsea, 0015 - YEARWOOD, CASSIE, 1060 Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. will conduct sale(s) COUNSELING Get Your Home Ready for the Holidays. Painting, Bath- - Talley, Pearl, 1075 - Barbise, Joseph, 1083 - Price, at Public Storage by Competitive bidding on January room Remodeling, Home Repairs. “A” rating with Angie’s Betty, 1100 - Masciola, Paul, 1119 - Luckett, Juanita, 24th, 2013 at 2:00 pm on the Premises where property List, A+ with BBB. Licensed-Bonded-Insured, One year 2263 - Jenkins, Sheri, 2323 - Howard, Hugh D, 3338 - has been stored, which are located at Public Storage Warranty. Free Estimates! Andy OnCall 773-244-9961. Riddle, Latasha, 3362 - Deisch, Manford, 3481 - Crosby, #28161/5733 N. Broadway St. Chicago, IL 60660- (8/1/13-52) Latosha, 3510 - Garcia, Sergio, A029 - Neely, Verna, 4301 (773) 878-3913. In the matters of the personal TOP TO BOTTOM PAINTING AND CLEANING. Need to get A039 - Zamudio, Guillermo, A071 - Brown, Shalisha, property for the individuals listed below. 0017 - Kirksey, LOVE FROM THE CENTER a fresh look and have the place cleaned as well? Get it B132 - Castillo, Matt, B164 - Tanala, Virginia, B224 Gregory, 0028 - DANIEL, ANDRE, 0348 - AJAVON, AYI, OF WHO YOU ARE done now before all the entertaining starts. Call me for - Faceson, Teresa, B231 - Galloway, Shondra, C321 0362 - Werderitch, Garry 0476 - wynn, Stephanie. a free estimate. 847-444-1482 (1/23/13-13) - Estes, Cynthia L., C379 - MCANANY, CHRISTOPHER. Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. Purchases must be Life Coaching • Ceremonies RENAISSANCE REMODELING + REPAIR 20 years Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All Office & Phone Appointments experience in remodeling high end kitchens and made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of bathrooms, home repairs, painting, built-ins. Fully goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Sale is subjected to adjournment. Rev. Jacki Belile, CEC insured. Jobs of all sizes welcome. Free Estimates. Call purchase. Sale is subjected to adjournment. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of Nurturing Pride & Faith for 20 Years 773-946-7559, email renremodelchicago@gmail. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the the Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, 773.655.4357 com. (1/30/13-4) Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, that that Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. will conduct Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. will conduct sale(s) sale(s) at Public Storage by Competitive bidding on LEGAL NOTICES at Public Storage by Competitive bidding on January January 24th, 2013 at 2:00 pm on the Premises where COUNSELING AND CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY: Providing NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF 24th, 2013 at 12:00 pm on the Premises where property has been stored, which are located at Public help to individuals and couples in our community since PERSONAL PROPERTY property has been stored, which are located at Public Storage#-07116, 362 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago, 1987. I specialize in relationship issues, spiritual Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the Storage #23609/2050 Green Bay Road Evanston, IL IL 60654, (312) 266-0174. In the matters of the issues, childhood trauma, and recurrent patterns Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, that 60201-3536. (847) 864-4304. In the matters of personal property for the individuals listed below: 1032 that inhibit potential. Starla R. Sholl, LCSW, PC, Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. will conduct sale(s) the personal property for the individuals listed below. - Lewellen, Augustus, 2024 - Faist, Barton, 2031 - BASS 773.878.5809, (2/20/13-26) at Public Storage by Competitive bidding on January 0041 - Lovers & Madmen, 0088 - Lovers & Madmen, PRODUCTIONS / Donnie Lyle, 3020 - Parker, Chastity, SOLUTION FOCUSED COUNSELING Solution focused 24th, 2013 at 11:00 am on the Premises where 0106 - Kerr, Colin, 2033 - Henderson, Audrey, 3022 - 4054 - THOMAS, AURRIE, 4120 - Carter, Jacqueline, counseling in warm & affirming environment by licensed property has been stored, which are located at Public Plokita, Bartholomew. Public Storage / PS Orangeco, 5070 - Brown, Eugene, 6160 - Kranz, Shanna. Public psychotherapist. Wounded self-esteem, body image Storage #08062/3501 W. Touhy Ave., Lincolnwood, Inc. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid Storage/ PS Orangeco, Inc. Purchases must be made issues, career counseling and relationship challenges. IL 60712-2730 847-674-5302. In the matters of the at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods BCBS PPO & Aetna. Sliding Scale. Lakeview, close to CTA personal property for the individuals listed below. 1010 be removed at the time of purchase. Sale is subjected are sold as is and must be removed at the time of & Parking. Dr. John Moore. (773) 704-5300. www. - Porsangi, Eden 1101 - Durakovic, Nadil, 2102 - Osses, to adjournment. purchase. Sale is subjected to adjournment (2/20/13-13) Maria. Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time of FIREWOOD sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at WISCONSIN’S FINEST: Seasoned dry oak, fruitwood, the time of purchase. Sale is subjected to adjournment. white birch, etc. Guaranteed to burn. Fast delivery or pick-up. 1/4, 1/2 or full facecord. 2175 S. Canalport.; 773-975-0251 (1/30/13-13) WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 9, 2013 19 CLASSIFIEDS LEGAL NOTICES Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the NEED LEGAL ASSISTANCE? William H. Ransom & NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF the Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, that Associates, Estate Planning & Trusts; Real Estate; PERSONAL PROPERTY (cont.) that Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. will conduct Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. will conduct sale(s) Commercial/Contract Litigation; Employment Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the sale(s) at Public Storage by Competitive bidding on at Public Storage by Competitive bidding on January Discrimination and Retaliatory Discharge; Personal Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, that January 24th, 2013 at 10:30 am on the Premises 24th, 2013 at 11:00 am on the Premises where Injury; Mortgage Foreclosure Defense. 312-953-9120; Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. will conduct sale(s) where property has been stored, which are located at property has been stored, which are located at Public [email protected]. (1/16/13-13) at Public Storage by Competitive bidding on January Public Storage#-20620, 4430 N. Clark , Chicago, Storage#-22336, 2835 N. Western Ave, Chicago, 24th, 2013 at 1:00 pm on the Premises where IL 60605, (773) 989-4619. In the matters of the IL 60618, (773) 772-9209. In the matters of the MASSAGE property has been stored, which are located at Public personal property for the individuals listed below: C010 personal property for the individuals listed below: 0053 FIRST-CLASS ASIAN MALE MASSEUR. London-trained Storage#-08066, 947 West Van Buren, Chicago, - Washington, Ron, C011 - Harrison, Michael, C044 - - Wright, Tim, 0102 - SMALUK, ALLISON, 0115 - SPACIO and qualified. Over 25 years of worldwide experience IL 60607, (312) 421-0049. In the matters of the Cowans, Richard, C058 - Supran, Richard, C069 - Meltzer, LLC / Patricia Feeley, 0119 RUDOLPH, KAREN, 0147 and 100% attuned to your needs. Satisfaction assured. personal property for the individuals listed below: 0036 - Howard, C071 - Flaherty, Colleen, D038 - Cashman, - BALANZAR, MIRIAM, 0202 - Rice, Kathleen, 0219 - Please call Dennis at 773-248-9407 (7/3/13–26) Thomas, Joyce, 0103 - Mumphery, Audrey, 0204 - Jones, Kathleen. Public Storage/ PS Orangeco, Inc. Purchases Palmer, Thomas, 0268 - Howlett, Edward, 0279 - Rosen, Karl, 0225 - Mack, Tamara, 0345 - Tolliver, Patricia, must be made with cash only and paid at the time of Lisa, 0301 - QUINONES, RAFAEL, 0337 - BATES, OMAR, PETS 0366 - Miklusak, Carol, 0452 - Lozado, Maya, 0456 - sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at 0356 - Rivera Perez, Alexis, 0563 - MARTIN, LINDA, Jeffries, Ryan, 0546 - Black, Letanya, 0672 - Rambo, the time of purchase. Sale is subjected to adjournment. 0570 - Martin, Helen, 0608 - FARRELL, KATHLEEN, Elisha, 0705 -Dinwiddie, Ronda, 0772 - Kauffman, Corie. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of 0669 - MILLER, CHERYL, 0742 - SMITH, IDELLA, 0765 - PARKVIEW PET Public Storage/ PS Orangeco, Inc. Purchases must be the Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, Ayende, Juan, 0823 - WILSON, NEKETA. Public Storage/ SUPPLIES made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All that Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. will conduct PS Orangeco, Inc. Purchases must be made with cash goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of sale(s) at Public Storage by Competitive bidding only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as EST. 1921 purchase. Sale is subjected to adjournment. January 24th, 2013 at 11:30 am on the Premises where is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Sale is Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the property has been stored, which are located at Public subjected to adjournment. 5358 N. Broadway Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, that Storage#-21807, 1916 N. Elston Ave, Chicago, Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of Chicago, IL 60640 Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. will conduct sale(s) IL 60642, (773) 227-3114. In the matters of the the Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, at Public Storage by Competitive bidding on January personal property for the individuals listed below: that Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. will conduct 773-561-0001 24th, 2013 at 12:00 pm on the Premises where A229 - HIGAREDA, VIRGINIA, A237 - ACEVEDO, ARTURO, sale(s) at Public Storage by Competitive bidding on property has been stored, which are located at Public A320 - HOSKINS, CYNTHIA, A421 - HAWLEY, DUSTIN, January 24th, 2013 at 1:30 pm on the Premises Sensible Food Storage#-08067, 1711 West Fullerton Ave, Chicago, A481 - BERNSTEIN, GAIL, C005 – 1637 PIERCE DW where property has been stored, which are located at IL 60613-1912, (773) 525-5518. In the matters of LLC FOR BUSINESS / Joseph Varan, C055 - BERNAHL, Public Storage#-22338, 1129 N. Wells St., Chicago, Sensible Prices the personal property for the individuals listed below: DAVID, C095 - SANDERS, LEONARDO, D537 - CHALMERS, IL 60610, (312) 951-8891. In the matters of the 1107 - Booth, Aaron, 1203 - Hassan, Quawana, 2016 ROBIN, D547 - KOLLATH, DENNIS, D566 - SUMA, MARY, personal property for the individuals listed below: - McDonald, Stephanie, 2034 - Wilkinson, Loren, 2104 D573 - LEANER, MARIE, D634 - PIERCE, MARVIN, D681 A006 - Harrison, Suzanne, A008 – LANDAHL DESIGN PIANO & VOICE LESSONS - Lambert, Debrah, 2247 - Lewis, Corey, 3066 - REED, - RAMIREZ, GEORGE D714 - WALKER, CHARLES, D726 STUDIO,LLC / Gregory Landahl, B077 - Nguyen, Canh, PIANO & VOICE LESSONS – in my studio or your home ANTOINE, 3158 - Rosen, Herb, 4013 - Roland, Kerdia. - HOLSHOE, JASON, D741 - KOLLATH, DIANE. Public B089 - SYNAGOGUE, CENTRAL , B095 - Robinson, offered by young, gay, professional with Master’s in Public Storage/ PS Orangeco, Inc. Purchases must be Storage/ PS Orangeco, Inc. Purchases must be made LaTonja, B124 - NAVIGANT DEVELOPMENT, LLC / music. Andersonville, Boystown and Near Northside. made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods Anthony Tomaska, C310 - HANNEY, SUZANNE, D402 - Take lessons with a neighborhood teacher. All ages goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of are sold as is and must be removed at the time of Nowak, Elizabeth, D414 - Ress, Penelope, D416 - Rhine, welcome. Jonathan at 646-418-4043. (1/30/13–12) purchase. Sale is subjected to adjournment. purchase. Sale is subjected to adjournment. Nigeria, D468 - Mui, Teresa, D485 - LEE JR, CHARLES, Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of D500 - KLEPTACH, THERESA, D522 - Jones, Paige, SPIRITUALITY the Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, the Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, E563 - Koppel, Flora, E661 - Cantwell, Steven, E676 WINDOW TREATMENTS that Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. will conduct that Public Storage / PS Orangeco, Inc. will conduct - mannsell, roy, E690 - LANDAHL DESIGN STUDIO,LLC WONDERING WHAT TO DO WITH THOSE WINDOWS?: sale(s) at Public Storage by Competitive bidding on sale(s) at Public Storage by Competitive bidding / Gregory Landahl, E692 - Dumbuya, Salimatu, E695 - Call me! I take care of it all from design through January 24th, 2013 at 12:30 pm on the Premises on January 24th, 2013 at 10:00 am on the Premises Ress, Penelope, E698 - Dumas, Lorell. Public Storage/ installation, customizing to your needs. JOSEPH RICE where property has been stored, which are located at where property has been stored, which are located at PS Orangeco, Inc. Purchases must be made with cash Interiors, Inc. Full Decorating Services with a specialty Public Storage#-20485, 1414 S. Wabash, Chicago, Public Storage#-22331, 4072 N. Broadway, Chicago, only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as in window treatments for over 25 years. 773-271- IL 60605, (312) 427-1043 . In the matters of the IL 60613, (773) 404-8592. In the matters of the is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Sale is 2361. (12/29/12-26) personal property for the individuals listed below: personal property for the individuals listed below: A012 subjected to adjournment. 0020 - Hutchinson, Michael, 0068 - matthews, eddie, - Hareas, Cathy, A023 - Roca, Meloney, B026 - Cargill, B1018 - GSSP Enterprise, B1019 - Diaz, Veronica, B1035 Denise, B044 - Toledo, Manuel, B051 - Hood, Isaac, LEGAL SERVICES - Muhammad, Dianna, B1048 - Wiggins, Lisa, B1055 B083 - AJAYI, SAMUEL, B108 - Valadez, Eustaquio, - Lewis, Monique, C2005 - Robinson, Joann, C2020 - C016 - IBRAHIM, ALI, C025 - BELL, AMIR, C028 - Butler, Massey, Walter, C2066 - Myers, Peter, D3043 - Eubanks, Edward, C054 - Lanieche, Sofiane, C067 - Frempong, Reviving REAL ESTATE Chiquita, D3076 - JONES, CEDRIC, E4007 - McCants, Michael, C070 - Davenport, Eric, C075 - BALOGUN, Marlon, E4031 - Robinson, Shanta, E4042 - Dias, Brian, KOLAPO, C095 - Mueller, Neal, D006 - Gwendolyn, Bailey, The Spirit... TAVERN FOR SALE E4115 - Roeder, Ingrid, E4138 - HAMMOND, HOWARD, D016 - GISH, DIANE MARIE, D031 - PRINCE, MAE, D073 E4148 - Shannon, Robert, F5019 - CARIDINE, DALE, - CLARK, SHANNON, E014 - Jaranilla, Virgina, E026 - The Renewing 4 A.M. license & PPA license. F5094 - Thomas, Arnesia, F5097 - Bell, Lauren, F5111 Three Dollar Store ,Inc / Brian Brothers, E057 - HAREAS, Rogers Park near 7000 N. - DeGroat, Marian, F5112 - Thompson, Nikia, G6047 - CATHY. Public Storage/ PS Orangeco, Inc. The Life... Clark St. 6 blocks north of Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at Fikes, Gregory, G6128 - Joseph, Cheryl, G6132 - Kidd, Clark & Devon. Tyjuan, G6139 - kennedy, patricia, H7051 - Scott, the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be Atonement Episcopal Church Occupancy is 135 people. Hughie, H7059 - Roberts, Sanford, H7068 - Adams, removed at the time of purchase. Sale is subjected to 5749 N. Kenmore adjournment. Delrice, H7120 - Vinson, Sheila, H7128 - Walton, www.ChurchOfTheAtonement.Org Contact: Soraya. Public Storage/ PS Orangeco, Inc. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time of Sundays at 11 A.M. Richard at 773-671-1273 sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at or email at the time of purchase. Sale is subjected to adjournment. [email protected]

BUSINESS/BUILDING FOR SALE Special content from 7000 N. CLARK AREA TAVERN WITH REAL ESTATE, 4 am and public place of amusement licenses. Eleven units nightspots Happy New Year, see? in 3 brick adjoining buildings. 100 x 100 property with driveway and 3-car garage. $995,000. Richard at 773- 671-1273 (4/3/13-13)

Wise guys and molls took it way back for 2013 at Hamburger Mary’s gangster-themed New Year’s party. The festivities took place on both TWO BEDROOMS FOR RENT floors, with the brassy antics of Meghan “Big Red” Murphy in the sports bar. Photos by Jerry Nunn. Look for many more photos in this EDGEWATER COMMUTER ADVANTAGE. You’d be happy to week’s issue of Nightspots, on stands now. come home to. Walk to beach and park, redline and buses or go shopping. Spacious bedrooms with walk in closets. Formal dining room. Big kitchen with new floor and sink. $1300 with heat. Parking $80. Plus laundry, storage ,video intercom, patio and yard. IT’S YOUR MOVE…773-706-6065. (1/23/13-3)

SEEKING RENTAL EXCELLENT TENANTS SEEK SAME IN LANDLORD of well maintained non-smoking owner-occupied 2-3 flat. Fi- nancially stable couple of 18yrs seek quiet life in top floor apt w/pkng. Preferred area: Montrose-Touhy/ Lakefront-Western. 773-271-2488, sndstravel@aol. com (1/30/13-4) 20 Jan. 9, 2013 WINDY CITY TIMES

Ripley Caine opens for Husker Du’s Grant Hart and Jeremiah Webb. $10. in ad- vance, $12. at door. 8pm, Red Line Tap, 7006 N Glenwood Ave., www.brownpaper- Rhinoceros Theater Fest Opening Gala: Full Moon Vaudeville. Long running fringe Brought to you by the combined efforts of festival continues through Feb. 17. 8pm, Prop Theater, 3502 N. Elston Ave.: http:// WINDY CITY PLANET JANET Dyke Delicious Series presents Cloudburst TIMES Oscar®-winning actresses Olympia Dukakis and Brenda Fricker play a couple together Friday, Jan. 11 31 years. Now in their seventies, Dot’s Wed., Jan. 9 neurotic granddaughter putts Dot in a re- The music of Janet tirement home and Stella breaks her out Cloudburst Oscar®-winning actresses Olym- THE ‘GOSPEL’ TRUTH Jackson will be of the nursing home and the two embark pia Dukakis and Brenda Fricker play a cou- on a Thelma & Louise-style road trip. 7 showcased at Mary’s ple together 31 years. Now in their seven- Jan. 19-20 pm social hour, 8 pm screening. $10; 8pm, Attic, 5400 N. Clark St. ties, Dot’s neurotic granddaughter putts Rodrick Dixon (right) will be Chicago Filmmakers, 5243 N Clark St., Dot in a retirement home and Stella breaks among those performing at her out of the nursing home and the two Album cover photo cloudburst-0 embark on a Thelma & Louise -style road “Too Hot to Handel: The Jazz Launch Party The official trip. 7:30pm, Hokin Hall, Columbia Col- Gospel Messiah” at Auditorium launch party for the new website exclu- lege, 623 S. Wabash Ave. Theatre, 50 E. Congress Pkwy. sive to, about, and for men. Featuring Boy Gets Girl Theresa Bedell is on top and Women Wednesday Second Wednesday performances by Lady Tajma Hall, Purple in control; that is, until a seemingly harm- of every month, Equality Illinois holds a Photo by Dan Rest Haze, and Amy Eisenberg, plus hot male less date turns into a terrifying display monthly social gathering for women. 7pm- dancers. 11pm, Jackhammer, 6406 N Clark of obsession and desperation. Through 9pm, 773-477-7173, Mary’s Attic, 5400 N St., March 2. $22 during previews, $45 open- Clark St., ing night and $36 all other performances; HyDrag Revue Xmas Show: Naughty or 8pm-10pm, 773-338-2177, Raven The- Nice! Join Hydrate for the world famous players of all levels. $7/night; $30/ Friday, Jan. 11 Sunday, Jan. 13 Urban Village: Wicker Park Service LGBT- atre’s West Stage, 6157 N. Clark St., www. HYDRAG REVUE XMAS Show! Hosted by month; 6pm, Center on Halsted, 3656 N Wood Unique multi-media installation with welcoming worship services at Urban Vil- Tajma Hall featuring DiDa Ritz, Sor- Halsted St., wood utilized in the creation of film, lage Church are eclectic and experiential, raya Dash, and special guest Mimi Marks! CAPS Meetings Chicago Alternative Policing sculpture, print and musical instruments. Strategy regular meeting with the public; practical and intelligent, relevant and, Wed., Jan. 16 10pm, Hydrate, 3458 N. Halsted, Chicago, 7pm-10pm, Las Manos Gallery, 515 W. Fos- Marriott Theatre 2013 Season The Marriott 7pm, Illinois Masonic Hospital, 836 W. hopefully, inspiring. 10:30am-11:45am, ter Ave., Theatre, Chicago’s longest running musi- Wellington Ave., 7th Floor Chopin Theatre, 1543 W. Division St., Third Annual BroadwayWorld Chicago CCPA Guest Artist Recital: Bruce Briney, cal theatre, will soon open subscriptions Lewis & Clark (Farewell Party) and Q-we’re Awards 3rd annual Chicago theater fans trumpet Roosevelt University’s Chicago for the 2013 season; 1pm-3pm, 847-634- & L-Stop Calendar Shoot The owner of Q- Urban Village Church: Andersonville ser- choice awards. Join members of Chicago’s College of Performing Arts presents Briney 0200, Marriott Theatre, http://www.mar- we’re, a new edition to the queer erotic vice Andersonville is a neighborhood full diverse theater community as they receive and other featured artists Julieta Mihai, scene, is shooting folks at Berlin starting of passion, art, diversity, and eclectic en- their awards and enjoy Showtune night. violin; Tammie Walker, piano; and Rick Midge Wilson and Kathy Russell author at 11 pm. Wanna see yourself in the 2014 ergy, all which makes Urban Village Church 9pm, The Call (Chicago), 1547 W Bryn Kurasz, percussion. This concert is free reading The Color Complex explores West- edition of Q-we’re’s calendar? Come get thrilled to be involved in the community! Mawr Ave., and open to the public. Tickets are not ern standards of beauty influencing cul- your picture taken and enter for a chance required; seating is on a first-come, first- 10:30am-11:45am, Bethany Retirement Center, 1602 W. Ainslie St. (at Ashland), tures across the globe and affecting per- Thursday, Jan. 10 to be one of the next Q-we’re Calendar served basis. 7:30pm-9pm, 312-341-2352, sonal, professional, romantic, and familial Exhibition: The Almost Metal Collective model. The L Stop will be posting the pho- Ganz Hall at Roosevelt University, 430 S. Meet and greet star of Real Housewives relationships in ways like skin lightening Visual excursion into the opinions and tos for the public to help vote who is the Michigan Ave., of New Jersey Dinner with Kathy and in India, hair straightening among African ideas of this group, which uses technol- next model. DJs Lewis and Clark (Farewell Caucasian Chalk Circle Promethean The- Richard Wakile. Sit-down, family style, Americans. 7:30pm, Women & Children ogy to create things out of the castoffs Party), Nicki Butler, and Teen Witch Fan atre Ensemble presents a work by Bertolt four-course dinner, a picture with them, First Books, 5233 N. Clark St., Chicago, of contemporary culture. 11am-8pm, 312- Club. Photos by ASL (http://asl-media. Brecht. When a servant girl becomes the gift bag. $75. 2pm-4:30pm, Cafe Buona- 369-8668, A+D Gallery, 619 S. Wabash com) $2 PBR, $3 Berlin Bombs, $5.50 42 less-than-willing guardian to the infant ro’s, 300 E. 5th Ave., Naperville, Tickets: Ave., Below. 10pm, Berlin Nightclub, 954 W Bel- of her wealthy mistress during a revolu- Thursday, Jan. 17 Open Gym Volleyball Mondays and Thurs- mont Ave., tion, great consequences hang upon her Oscar-Winning Films matinee series pres- Beautiful Thing Presented by Pride Films days. Co-ed, open court volleyball for smallest choices. 8pm-10:30pm, 800- and Plays. A boy who skips school to 838-3006, City Lit Theater, 1020 W. Bryn ents: A Place in the Sun (1951) Tickets are $7.25 at the box office. 11:30 a.m., Music avoid playing sports is attracted to his Mawr Ave., next-door neighbor, an athletic teen on-stage.aspx Box Theatre, 3733 N Southport Ave., www. who is regularly beaten by his father and Mary’s Old Skool House Party feat. Ja- brothers. Illustrates the struggle of grow- net Jackson showcase Back by popular ing up in a world that can be cruel and demand, a whole night of old skool jamz Monday, Jan. 14 Join LCCP @ Cen- unforgiving to anyone perceived as differ- from DJ Moose, with a special focus of ent. Through Feb 17, 2013; 7:30pm, Ath- the Nasty girl herself, Miss Janet Jackson. ter, Bright Pink, and Force: Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered for an engag- enaeum Theatre, 2936 N Southport Ave., 9:30pm, Mary’s Attic, 5400 N Clark St, ing panel discussion on understanding your risk for breast and ovarian cancer, being proactive with your health, and Friday, Jan. 18 Saturday, Jan. 12 Miami Nice: A Golden Girls Musical Miami, Free Seminar: Secrets of the Ideal Kitchen special considerations for the LBTQ com- munity. Up to 3 FREE CEUs available for 1986. Divorced and over 60, a substitute A great kitchen is more than just pretty teacher is spending another lonely Friday cabinetry and plenty of counter space. social workers and professional counsel- ors! Light refreshments will be served. night playing Scrabble with her mother Find ways to maximize your kitchen’s and friends, but is suddenly plunged into functionality as well as ways to make RSVP [email protected] or (773) 388-8993. a world of drugs, guns, and cheesecake. textures, colors and styles meld together 7:30pm-8:30pm, 773-598-4549, Gorilla to create a kitchen that’s uniquely you! One-night-only reading of 8 by Academy Award winner Dustin Lance Black Docu- Tango Theatre, 1919 N. Milwaukee Ave., 10:30am-12:30pm, 630-455-5600, Nor- mandy Remodeling 440 E Ogden Ave., drama chronicles the landmark case filed Hinsdale, by the American Foundation for Equal Rights to overturn California’s Proposition Saturday, Jan. 19 seminars.aspx Artemis Singers concert Chicago’s lesbian Youth Speak OUT! Saturdays. Open Mike for 8—the constitutional amendment adopt- ed to deny gay and lesbian couples the feminist chorus will perform “On the young people to express themselves and Street Where You Live,” “Testimony” and to hear from legendary artists in the mak- right to marry. P ost-performance panel. Free with reservation. 7:30pm, Goodman other favorites. Tickets are a suggested ing. Free. 4pm, Center on Halsted, 3656 N donation of $10 in advance; $15 at the Halsted St., Theatre, 170 N Dearborn St.; Tickets: door. 7:30pm, Ethical Humanist Society, Dating for Queer Nerds New Year’s resolu- 7574 N. Lincoln Ave., Skokie, tion fixer mixer Smart queer singles build Tuesday, Jan. 15 their best year at a New Year’s resolutions Too Hot to Handel: The Jazz Gospel Mes- fixer mixer including a Calendar Construc- Faculty and Guest Artist Recital: Michael Strauss Roosevelt University’s Chicago siah Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. with tion Kit icebreaker, Try, Try Again trivia the 8th annual Messiah (also on Jan. 20). on famous second chances, and a Check College of Performing Arts presents the Faculty and Guest Artist Recital: Michael 7:30pm-9:30pm, 800-982-2787, Audito- Yo’self before you Wreck Yo’self quiz on rium Theatre of Roosevelt University, 50 ‘8’ EXPECTATIONS past geek gaffes, plus board gaming and Strauss, viola, Roger Roe, oboe, and R. Kent Cook, piano. The program is as fol- E Congress Pkwy., www.auditoriumtheatre. themed drink specials. Registration re- org Monday, Jan. 14 quired:; 4pm-7pm, 855- lows: 7:30pm-9pm, 3123412352, Ganz 637-3568, The Aberdeen Tap, 440 N. Aber- Hall, 430 S. Michigan Ave., http://roos- A one-night-only reading of the Prop 8-themed play deen St., 8 (written by Dustin Lance Black, above) will take place at the Goodman Theatre, 170 N. Dearborn St. Get Publicity photo : online WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 9, 2013 21 BILLY MASTERS LOVED 2012. “I was so glad that I didn’t have to sing ‘Broad- porter of our community and has really em- Making even bigger way F*cking Baby’ that I ended up having a really braced her role as a gay icon. After hearing so nice time.”—Elaine Stritch tells a friend about many stories about the difficulties facing her plans for 2013! a holiday party she went to. So if you want a young fans, she’s come up with a unique way 1000s more photos at happy guest, don’t ask her to sing! to help. The upcoming leg of her Born This Way If you’re like most people, one of your New Ball tour will include the BornBrave Bus before Year’s Resolutions was something about los- each show. Gaga calls this an “ultimate tailgat- 3349 N. Halsted ing weight. While I have often kvetched about ing experience,” complete with individual and the video bar... those last pesky five, 10 or 20 pounds, it may group counseling sessions on suicide, depres- be time for some action. Last week, I did quite sion, bullying and mental health. It will also a bit of travelling. For one flight, I arrived at feature food, games and live DJs. It sounds like the airport uncharacteristically early, so I was having a therapy session at Disneyland! Still, it’s able to go standby on an earlier flight. After I a great idea. But I bet follow-up appointments boarded, the doors closed and the pilot started will be a bitch to get to! the engines. Suddenly the engines stopped, the Ke$ha has reaffirmed that she’s not just a doors reopened and several airline employees straight ally—she’s a member of our community. got on board. They spoke excitedly with the crew In the February issue of Seventeen (which you ... while looking at me! After several tense mo- know I read religiously), she says, “I don’t love ments, a uniformed person approached me and just men. I love people. It’s not about gender. said he’d have to escort me off the plane. Why? “Well, Mr. Masters, it’s a weight issue.” Huh? “We’re over our weight limit, so you will have to deplane.” It has finally happened—I am too fat to fly! Next time I travel, I’ll probably have to R E

pay for two seats, or at the very least be forced H to wear one of those seat-belt extenders. C R

But all my sturm und drang was worth it to A

get back to Boston in time to see Pippin at the Y B American Repertory Theater on the arm of the dashing attorney to the stars Mark Sendroff. The S O moment the set and concept were revealed, I T O

said to Mark, “Now that’s a compelling argument H for a Broadway transfer.” The show is set in a cir- P cus-type environment, since it’s about a group of players telling the story of Prince Pippin. This also means that the cast includes some stunning (and I do mean stunning) half-naked acrobats who also, as luck would have it, are able to sing, dance and act—so they’re a quadruple threat! The show is ably stolen by the sublime Andrea Martin, whose performance quite frankly defies description; in fact, it also defies gravity—a cording artist and former member of Destiny’s Tony-winning turn if ever there was one. The Child Michelle Williams will join the national Pippin of Matthew James Thomas may lack some tour of the hit Award-winning Broadway mu- charm or even presence, but I can shallowly tell sical. you it gets better once he takes his shirt off. The Tickets are $20-$70; see www.Ticketmaster. com and the Arie Crown Theater box office. Leading Player of Patina Miller is fine, but she Ke$ha love$ everyone. never approaches the charisma of Ben Vereen or the terrifying stakes set by Sam Harris in Los Angeles. Still, this is such a fantastic production Emmy Rossum and incredible cast that I’m not surprised it will It’s just about the spirit that exudes from that takes listeners transfer to Broadway in the spring. other person you’re with.” This comes as no sur- There is some news regarding the oft-delayed prise to moi, who quite vividly remembers Ke$ha on ‘Journey’ Ryan Murphy film version of The Normal Heart. admitting to having sex with a ghost—and I Award-winning actress Emmy Rossum (cur- As I predicted months ago, a deal has been don’t mean Whoopi Goldberg! rently starring on the TV show Shameless) is signed with HBO. The film, with a script adapted I was amused by our “Ask Billy” question this releasing her first album with Warner Bros. by playwright Larry Kramer, will star Mark Ruf- week. Gary in Houston writes, “What is this I Records Jan. 29. falo as Ned Weeks, Julia Roberts as Dr. Emma hear about a nude photo of Channing Tatum that The album, titled Sentimental Journey, will Brookner and Matt Bomer as Felix Turner. Rumor has been circulating? Is it real? Have you seen it? feature a collection of covers done of clas- has it that some of the previously attached ac- Can you run it?” sic songs spanning the 1920s to the 1960s. tors will still be in it, including Alec Baldwin as It’s a fake ... pure and simple. And I must say Among the tunes covered are the title track, Ned’s brother and Jim Parsons as Tommy Boat- that I’m both shocked and disappointed that “Many Tears Ago,” “I’m Looking Over a Four- wright (the role he played on Broadway). Film- such an obvious fake has been perpetuated by Leaf Clover” and “All I Do Is Dream of You.” ing will begin in NYC this summer. people who should know better. The photo in Fans can pre-order Sentimental Journey at What’s ironic about this news is that about question is a well-known shot of Tatum in his Michelle Williams. Photo by Derek Blanks and receive a physi- 10 years ago, Larry rejected an offer from HBO underwear at a modeling shoot. The body (from cal CD, a calendar featuring exclusive pho- to make this film—a deal negotiated by Barbra the waist up) was cut out and placed on top of tos capturing the album’s 12-month musical Streisand (who no longer had the rights, but was a nude model leaning against a jeep. Ridiculous. journey and an instant download of the song still trying to get it made). Larry not only in- What makes this “news” even more ridiculous is ‘FELA!’ to run at “Pretty Paper.” sisted on a theatrical run, but he also wanted that the only real nude photo of Channing Tatum Arie Feb. 19-23 to be paid $1 million for the script. BTW, Babs’ was revealed by me, Billy Masters, years ago. Of FELA! will return to Chicago with six perfor- Khris Francis in cast also included Julia Roberts and Mark Ruf- course, you can see it on mances Feb. 19-23, 2013, at the Arie Crown falo. (Bradley Cooper was supposed to play the When my real nude of Channing Tatum is bet- Theater, 2301 S. Lake Shore Dr. Antioch Feb. 13-16 part of his lover.) When Ryan came on board, ter than any fake out there, it’s definitely time FELA! is the true story of musician Fela Fox’s Lounge is presenting comedian, singer Larry went out of his way to say that he would to end yet another column. Hmm, maybe I’ve Kuti, who created a type of music called Af- and songwriter Khris Francis for cabaret-style be able to do what Barbra was unable to ac- stumbled upon a new career: debunking ce- robeat, and mixed these eclectic rhythms (a performances Feb. 13-16. complish—which is somewhat amusing because lebrity nudes. Obviously, the only site you can blend of jazz, funk, and African rhythm and The lounge is located at 350 W. Highway it’s a virtually identical deal. Maybe Larry is just really trust is If there’s harmonies) with lyrics that openly attacked 173 in Antioch, Ill. showing us he has a sense of humor. After all, he anything else I can clear up for you, just send it the military dictatorships that ruled Nigeria Shows are from 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Feb. 13- recently told a reporter, “I’m sorry [Barbra] nev- along to [email protected] and I promise and much of Africa. 14; and 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Feb. 15-16. There er got around to making the movie. But she can to get back to you before I get mistaken for Producers Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter, Will & Jada is no cover charge for the show, but reserva- still sing our theme song!” That Larry Kramer is Chris Christie on my next flight! So, until next Pinkett Smith, and Ruth & Stephen Hendel tions are recommended; call 847-395-3606. a laugh riot. time, remember, one man’s filth is another man’s announced that Grammy Award-winning re- As you all know, Lady Gaga is a strong sup- bible. 22 Jan. 9, 2013 WINDY CITY TIMES Chicago friends ran wild in 2012

By Ross Forman Rochester, Minn., so, with Dong behind the wheel, they drove to Minnesota. A wild adventure conceived in October 2011 by Ironically, en route, they stopped at a McDon- two Chicago friends came to fruition on Sun- ald’s near Janesville, Wis., and met other run- day morning, Dec. 9, along the shores of Waikiki ners heading to Rochester instead of Madison. Beach. All four posed for a photo together after the Will Dong and Ming Mac, who are both openly marathon in Rochester. gay, ran the annual Honolulu Marathon, thus “It was a lot of fun trips,” Dong said. completing their running goal for the year: 12 “It was an awesome experience,” Mac added. marathons in 2012, one per month. Dong and Mac always started each marathon “Twelve [marathons] in ’12 just sounded together, but rarely ran long stretches together. good,” said Dong, who first suggested the idea. In Louisville, though, they were side by side Their running journey—encompassing 314.4 with not many others nearby. Fans yelled in sup- race-day miles—included stops in San Francis- port, shouting, “’Goooo … Asian people,’ since co, Indianapolis and Quebec City, among other they didn’t know what to say,” Dong said, laugh- courses. Both also ran the annual Chicago Mara- ing. thon in October. Dong said the San Francisco Marathon was his Mac, 41, who lives in East Edgewater and is favorite of the 12, mostly because it was near an accountant, has run 23 total marathons. His his native San Jose. Mac said Indianapolis was best time (3:48) came in Chicago in 2004, on his most memorable. his first-ever marathon. He has lived in Chicago Mac tagged Fort Lauderdale as his least favor- for 24 years. ite due to the heat, and the trouble he endured Dong, 36, who lives in the South Loop and is late in the race finding a bathroom. Dong said a software engineer, has run 16 marathons. His Quebec City was his least favorite, also due to best time (3:34) came in Louisville, and he has race-day heat, plus the limited shade over the lived in Chicago for about 10 years. final six miles. Will Dong (left) and Ming Mac. Photo courtesy of Dong “At first, we didn’t even know if it was possible Both spent about $5,000 on the year-long since we didn’t want to go to small towns,” Dong journey which, due to his day job, Mac was re- said. “Part of the fun [of the overall adventure] sponsible for. Dong handled most of the travel with him that he wanted to store at the gear- it. After all, they ran the Chicago Marathon two was the logistics, figuring out where to run, how plans. check area. However, there is no gear-check at weeks after running a marathon in Denver. to get there, etc.” Was it worth it? the start of the Honolulu Marathon. Dong has about 10 pairs of running shoes and Even when thrown a curve in their path. They “Oh, yes; this was a lifetime memory,” Mac Mac, Dong and a friend of theirs split up the ran about 1,100 miles in 2012, including races were, for instance, scheduled to run in Madison, said. times and ran with the items for the first 5 miles and training. He plans to have a quilt made with Wis., over Memorial Day weekend. However, or- “There were so many good memories,” Dong until they made it back into Waikiki and left the the shirts he acquired from each race. ganizers cancelled the 26.2-mile race days be- said. items with friends. Neither has a plan yet for their 2012 medals. fore due to heat concerns. Some nervous moments, too. Such as in Ho- “I was really stressed out, nervous, worried, Both have marathons scheduled to run for But they found a marathon that weekend in nolulu when Mac boarded a bus bound for the mostly because I had my cell phone,” in the bag, each of the first five months in 2013, but that starting-line and had a bag of personal items Mac said. “Ultimately, it all worked out.” doesn’t mean they’re shooting for 13 in ’13. But So what’s next? they haven’t ruled it out, either. ADVERTISEMENT Both are considering the 50 States Marathon For anyone considering running 12 marathons When experience counts... Club which, as the name implies, is running at in a year, go for it; it’s not as bad, as difficult In service to the community for over 30 years. least one marathon in all 50 U.S. states. as you may think,” Mac said. “It definitely is do- They have 39 states to go, but the drive to do able, but it takes a lot of planning.” The Law Offices of Roger V. McCaffrey-Boss & Associates Bull-riding at Sports shorts In Russia, fans of two-time defending Rus- Allstate Jan. 12-13 sian soccer champion Zenit St. Petersburg The Professional Bull Riders (PBR) an- are calling for non-white and gay players nounced that the 2013 PBR Built Ford Tough DIVORCE – LEGAL EQUALITY FOR EVERYONE to be excluded from the team, according to Series will be at , 6920 N. Landscrona, the largest Zenit fan Mannheim Rd., Rosemont, on Jan. 12-13. When the Civil Union Act was signed into law by Governor Quinn, everyone was rejoicing at the granting of club, released a manifesto saying, among all the legal benefits to same-sex couples. For Beth and her ex-lover Janet, however, the joy of the new civil Competition begins at 8 p.m. on Jan. 12 other things, that gay players were “unworthy union law was not that they could enter into a legally binding relationship in Illinois – the joy was that they and at 2 p.m. on Jan. 13. of our great city.” The team quickly distanced could finally end the legal relationship they created in Vermont in 2000. Tickets are $15-$125; visit the Allstate itself from those fans; coach Luciano Spalletti In 2000, LGBT couples from all states could travel to Vermont, apply to Vermont town clerks for a civil Arena box office or, or said, “tolerance for me is most of all the abil- union license and then receive a civil union certificate. Vermont intended that the legal status granted to call 800-745-3000. LGBT couples was to be parallel to civil marriage. But it only worked while in Vermont. ity to understand and accept differences.” Relationships change and it changed for Beth and Janet, who now live apart. In 2006 they split. Now A conservative website is trying to convince ready to move into new unions and marriages, they discovered they could not terminate their Vermont civil CMSA women’s its readers that CBS is mocking football player union in Illinois. Illinois did not allow them to “divorce” under Illinois law. The only way for Janet and social party Jan. 26 Tim Tebow and Christianity by featuring out Beth to terminate their Vermont civil union was for one of them to move to Vermont and meet the residency actor Neil Patrick Harris in its Super Bowl ads, requirement of living there for one year. They couldn’t afford to move back nor did they want to. So they at Joe’s Bar according to Calling Harris stayed together legally. The third annual CMSA women’s social party an “outspoken homosexual actor,” People change and grow, people can create ugly disasters and people make mistakes – what seemed like will take place Saturday, Jan. 26, 7-10 p.m., points out that the CBS sitcom star was used a good idea at one point in someone’s life may not be the same great idea years later. The new civil union at Joe’s Bar, 940 W. Weed St. law in Illinois provides a legal fix for the mistakes. It allows judges to grant legal dissolution of unions and in spots advertising next month’s Super Bowl. Among the slated performers are singer make declarations of invalidity of a civil union, and decree that a marriage between persons of the same sex, In the ad, Harris has blackeye paint that lists Mindy Bartlett, comedian Judy Fabjance, a civil union, or a substantially similar relationship (other than a common law marriage), legally entered into the date of the football game. (Beyonce used in another jurisdiction, can be dissolved here in Illinois. singer Daphne Willis, and Amy Kelly & The bill the same paint and pose to promote her half- Now Janet and Beth – as well as all the other LGBT couples who have marriage licensees from other Ande Band. There will also be a date auction time show for the Feb. 3 sporting event.) states and countries – can have the benefit of Illinois’ law and courts to terminate their legal ties – to unwind with members of the Chicago Force women’s Out figure-skating championJohnny Weir the mistakes and fix the bad ideas. This gives a real sense of equality to LGBT couples so they know they football team and the Chicago Women’s Rugby is taking his competitive skills from the ice won’t end up in legal limbo if their relationship changes. Football Club. rink to the kitchen in the show Rachael vs. CMSA members are admitted for free (and Guy Celebrity Cook-Off, according to Gay Star get free pizza and two drink tickets); non- News. Previews of the series show him kissing CMSA individuals pay $5. All of the door a fellow competitor, actor Dean McDermott, charges will go to benefit The Chicago Force who is married to Tori Spelling. Other celeb- and Fabjance. • Bankruptcy • Wills, Trusts & Probate rities on the show, which premiered Jan. 6 See • Real Estate Closings • Civil Unions on the Food Network, include actress Kathy Najimy, comedian Gilbert Gottfried, football 19 S. LaSalle, Suite 1500, Chicago, IL 60603 icon Hines Ward, singer Carnie Wilson, phi- 312-263-8800 [email protected] lanthropist Cornelia Guest and singer/rapper We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code. Chilli (of the group TLC). WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 9, 2013 23 CONNEXIONS MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS LAKE VIEW GALLERY To All Who Believe Specializing in: Palm Readings • Tarot Card Readings Crystal Readings • Aura Readings All problems can be solved today no matter what. Spiritual cleansing for the Mind, Body and Spirit. Specializing in tarot card readings and more to answer and guide you through love, happiness, wealth and health. See what life has in store for you! Contact Lauren for your private and confidential reading. 773-880-1003 [email protected] We do events and parties. Call us today to book us for psychic readings for your holiday party! i Visit the LGBT

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Specializing in Sensible Food Gay-Affirmative Psychotherapy Sensible Prices 24 Jan. 9, 2013 WINDY CITY TIMES