Winter 2004/2005 — Vol
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W&M CONTENTS WINTER 2004/2005 — VOL. 70, NO. 2 FEATURES The newly renovated Swem Library was recently dedicated on 32 THE PLACE TO BE Charter Day Feb.5. Students Study, Socialize in Renovated Swem BY SYLVIA CORNELIUSSEN 38 OKTOBERFEST HOMECOMING 2004 SCRAPBOOK 44 THE MARYS OF WILLIAM & MARY How Coeducation Reshaped the College BY SARA F. PICCINI 52 FIRE AND ICE Remembering the Jefferson Dorm Fire of 1983 BY JAMES BUSBEE ’90 56 THE PROFESSORS Recipients of the 2004 Alumni Fellowship Award BY JOHN T. WALLACE DEPARTMENTS 32 4 PUBLISHER’S NOTE 5 MAILBOX .; BOTTOM PHOTO: RANDY SEARLE .; BOTTOM PHOTO: RANDY 23 ARTS & HUMANITIES 7 AROUND THE WREN Brannon , INC 27 TRIBE SPORTS Thomas ’04 13 ALUMNI SPIRIT 27 30 PHILANTHROPY 19 VIEWPOINT Myths About Illegal Immigration 65 CLASS NOTES BY GEORGE W. GRAYSON J.D. ’76 113 VITAL STATISTICS 20 JUST OFF DOG STREET 125 WHO, WHAT, WHERE A Mogul’s Mogul BY MELISSA V. PINARD 128 CIRCA TOP PHOTO: LEE BRAUER PHOTOGRAPHY TOP PHOTO: LEE BRAUER ON THE COVER: W&M women through the years, see story page 44. ILLUSTRATION BY KATHY OSBORN ALUMNI MAGAZINE WINTER 2004/2005 3 PUBLISHER’SNOTE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Walter W. Stout III ’64, President Henry H. George ’65, Vice President Marilyn Ward Midyette ’75, Treasurer views with the committee, the staff and Russell E. Brown Jr. ’74, Secretary members of the William and Mary commu- James E. Ukrop ’60, L.H.D. ’99, Immediate Past President nity. While these applicants were very well Betsy Calvo Anderson ’70 qualified, the committee did not feel any William J. Barnes ’82 Linda Beerbower Burke ’70 were a fit for the Alumni Association. The Elizabeth A. Galloway ’79 committee is presently approaching candi- Kimberlee DeSamper Goldsmith ’78 dates whom it feels would be strong lead- Sally Swoope Horner ’62 David C. Larson ’75 ers for our Association. It is my feeling that Sharon E. Pandak ’75, J.D. ’78 the search should not be governed by a Martin D. Walsh ’66, J.D. ’73 time frame, but rather by insuring that we Julian L. White ’83 Earl L. Young ’59 get the right person. The search for a new College president STAFF is also underway. Please turn to page 7 for Editor: Melissa V. Pinard Associate Editor: John T. Wallace What a Fall! the latest information. Assistant Editor: Sylvia Corneliussen I mentioned the three extra games for Art Director: Jessica S. Grimes Design Consultants: B&G Design Studios which we had to be prepared and that is a Student Interns: Daniella Grossman ’06, all is a time of preparation for perfect lead-in to the efforts of Coach Jimmye Sandra K. Jackson ’05, Erin Zimmerman ’05 Proofreader: Pat N. Burdette winter. In a college community it Laycock’s ’70 25th-edition football team. I Printer: The Lane Press is a time of renewed activity as know many of you saw the final game Contributing Writers: Jennifer Blanchard, because it was sold out. And I hope those of James Busbee ’90, Melvin Patrick Ely, George students come back or come W. Grayson J.D. ’76, Sara Thomas Hunt ’74, Fanew and professors and admin- you who couldn’t attend saw the nationally Sara F. Piccini, William T. Walker Jr. istrators prepare for new challenges in shap- televised and under-the-lights game against Contributing Photographers: Lee Brauer, Bill Burton, Jeff Clarke, Pete Clawson, Tim Clay- ing the intellects of their charges. James Madison University (JMU), and could ton, Libby Covairt, Ray Crowell, Gene W. King, A recount of this busy fall is worthwhile for experience the electricity of the event. Matt Levinthal, Karen H. McCluney, Mark Mitchell, Steve Morrisette, Stephen Salpukas, many reasons. I would be remiss if I did not We have finished well before in football Randy Searle, William T. Walker Jr., Drew start with the staff of this organization. From under Coach Laycock, but the more impor- Webb ’06, David Williard tant result of this year was the galvanizing Contributing Illustrators: Robert Maganck, planning and executing the Fall Board meet- Kathy Osborn ing, Alumni Leadership Assembly and, of effect it had on students and alumni alike. Interim Executive Vice President and Director of course, Homecoming, they have done a mag- This was a school, as one Daily Press writer Alumni Records and Information Systems: John S. Kane nificent job. Add three extra home football said, that “did it the right way.” This season Director of Alumni Products and Services: games to deal with, and you see why the staff the Sports Network ranked the team third in Cindy B. Gillman Director of Alumni Travel: should receive plaudits. John Kane as interim Division I-AA. The lasting impression I’ll Elizabeth G. MacLeish executive vice president has really settled have — and I think it shows the true value of Director of Business and Budget Management: Elaine Campbell into the job and deserves the thanks of the the event — is of the students forming a Director of Special Events and Interim alumni for his work. pathway as the players went to the locker Director of Alumni Programs: In other good news, your Alumni Magazine room after the loss to JMU. As the players Jennifer E. Hayes M.Ed. ’04 Associate Director of Alumni Products has received much attention for its redesign, came through, the students cheered all of and Services: Betty Vining including two Awards of Excellence from the them for a job well done. Quarterback Lang Associate Director of Alumni Programs: Cindy J. Garrett Council for the Advancement and Support of Campbell ’05 stayed back to talk with oppos- Associate Director of Alumni Programs: UT ’64 Education (CASE) District III. ing players and friends, perhaps wishing not Kristin L. Tarrant Associate Director of Alumni Records and In addition, I’m pleased to report that the to leave the field after his last collegiate Information Systems: Alumni Association has surpassed the $4 game. The students remained in their forma- Elizabeth Dolan Quinzio ’84 million mark of our $5 million goal for the tion and awaited the Payton Award winner, Assistant Director of Alumni Products and Services: Scott Crabbs Campaign for William and Mary. greeting him with a chant of “Campbell! William and Mary Alumni Magazine is published STO TER “PETE” W. This fall also saw the start of two search- Campbell! Campbell!” until he left the field. AL quarterly by the William and Mary Alumni Associ- es to fill key positions at the College. The There was enthusiasm, pride, a feeling of ation through the generosity of alumni and friends. Voluntary subscriptions of $25 per year are wel- search for the executive vice president of spirit, which galvanizes people to a place. come. Checks payable to the William and Mary Alumni Association can be sent to Alumni Com- the Alumni Association has gone forward Wow! What a fall! munications, P.O. Box 2100, Williamsburg, VA URTESY OF W URTESY and had 116 responses. After in-depth eval- — WALTER “PETE” W. STOUT III ’64 23187-2100. For advertising information call Cindy O Gillman at 757.221.1168. To change an address, call uations by the committee, four candidates President, Board of Directors 757.221.1178 or e-mail [email protected]. came to campus and had a series of inter- William and Mary Alumni Association PHOTO C 4 WINTER 2004/2005 WILLIAM & MARY MAILBOX STUDENT-ATHLETES Arts and Humanities section (I was an art SHOCKED BY I have been enjoying the William and Mary major). The updates on the impressive fac- STEWART’S SPEECH Alumni Magazine for years. As the parent of ulty and staff, the successful athletic pro- I recently saw on C-Span the commence- a college athlete, I read with great interest grams, the challenges of working with the ment address delivered by Jon Stewart ’84, the cover story of your Spring/Summer state, and the achievements of the students D.A. ’04 at the 2004 [W&M] graduation. 2004 issue, “Overtime: At William and all make me realize what a wise investment I was thrilled at first to see a figure from Mary, Coaches Invest in Their Players On my W&M education has been (especially popular culture and an alumnus such as Jon and Off the Field.” since Rector Susan Aheron Magill ’72 con- Stewart giving the address. The speech Coach-player relationships such as those firmed what we older graduates have sus- started off in a positive light and had mo- cited in Jay Busbee’s ’90 article are “the pected, that under President Tim Sullivan’s ments of inspiration, but at the very end I stuff dreams are made of” and reinforce my ’66 tenure the College has enjoyed “signifi- was horrified and extremely upset. He men- pride as a W&M alum. Athletic Director cant enhancement of the intellectual quality tioned Sept. 11 and reflected on his interpre- Terry Driscoll’s remark that “we look at our of the student body”). tation of normalcy after the tragedy by coaches as our faculty” is highly significant, I recently had the opportunity to read the telling a story of a homeless man who per- especially given that on too many campuses Alumni Magazine from cover-to-cover on a formed a lewd act in the public streets of there is a disconnect between a school’s plane. Not only was I entertained during the New York. I was shocked and embarrassed. coaching staff and its academic faculty. tribulations of flying, the Magazine attracted I felt the stellar reputation of the university An overlapping theme of the article is the attention of several William and Mary had been tarnished.