The Fishery of the Yahara Lakes Technical Bulletin No
The Fishery of the Yahara Lakes Technical Bulletin No. 181 Department of Natural Resources Madison, Wisconsin 1992 Covrr photos (lop to bottom right): Richard Lathrop, DNR Re.<;('arc/1; Dea 11 Tvedt, DNR Ce11tral Office Collect/Oil; Eugene Sa11born , DNR Ce11tral Office Col/eclio11; Ken Christmsen, The Capital Times . ABSTRACT Parl of a larger study on the biology and water quality of the 4 Yahara River lakes Mendota, Monona, Waubesa, and Kegonsa-this report summarizes fi shery data from the extensive amount of published and unpublished surveys and research studies that were conducted from the late 1800s through 1985 on these lakes, which are located in and around Madison, Wisconsin. These surveys and studies were conducted principally by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, its predecessor the Wisconsin Conservation Department, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Major data sources include creel surveys, rough fish removal records, fish population surveys (using boom shockers, fyke nets, shoreline seines, and survey seines), stocking records, fish distribution surveys, and research projects focusing on individual species. To gain insight into the lakes' fishery dynamics, lake environment data were also compiled; top ics include morphometric characteristics, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, lake fer tility, toxics, macrophytes, invertebrate food o rganis ms (zooplankton and macroinvertebrates), wetlands, and water level changes. The report focuses on ecological requirements and relative abundance of 17 fish species that are or have been major components of the fishery of the Yahara lakes: yellow perch, bluegill, black and white crappie, white and yellow bass, largemouth and smallmouth bass, walleye, northern pike, cisco, common carp, freshwater drum, bullheads (yellow, brown, and black), and white sucker.
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