WHY I WHAT WILL END TO DO IN UP ALONE vie HOBOKIN Opinions, Page 06 Arts, Page 18 Features, Page 19 * THE OBSERVER *i. April 19,2007 fordhamobserver.com Volume XXV, Issue 13 The SCHOOL SHOOTINGS What psychology Ties to tragedy ifit of a killer happens By CHRISTINA SHANAHAN NEWS EDITOR here? FORDHAM—Americans have come to know the story Fordham of Cho Seung-Hui since he made national news by shoot- security officials ing 32 people and then him- self at Virginia Tech on April 16. But what causes a person allay concerns to get to that ? Dr. John Cecero, S.J., asso- by explaining ciate professor of psychology and clinical psychologist, of- fered two possible explana- tions for Seung-Hui's motiva- protocol tion. The first possibility that could account for why one By NANCY YOUNG s ^^ might commit a masso killing, .EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Cecero said, is psychopathol- ogy, which is characterized by g# a history of behavior that vio- tragic shootings that occurred ;, . lates cultural norms, truancy . on April 16 at Virginia Tech, and delinquency. "If he was in many students have posed sev- "' -fact a sociopath," Cecero said eral questions. Could something about Seung-Hui, "then there like this happen here? How safe Sam Dean/The Raanota limes is a whole.lifetime of predic- are we? How would security re- tors." • ; A Virginia Tech student mourns the loss of classmates. spond? John Carroll, director of The second possible expla- security at , nation for the 'mass killer's By NANCY YOUNG & Hui killed 32 people in the West coin (FCLC) students spoke with the Observer in an . motivation that Cecero of- CHRISTINA SHANAHAN Ambler Johnston dormitory who personally felt the effects attempt to answer many of these EDITOR- IN-CHIEF & NEWS fered, which he believes is EDITOR and Norris Hall before turning of what news sources called questions. He said, "This is a the more likely possibility, is the gun on himself. the worst.school massacre in horrible incident. The first thing that Seung-Hui is not a chron- FORDHAM—"I called his "Panic setting in, I called my American history. we have to ask ourselves should ic sociopath, but rather he is phone repeatedly, but was un- only friend from home here Morgan Greene, FCLC '10, be is there anything we can do "defenseless against uncon- able to get through," said Vir- at Fordham," WennersHerron also from Virginia Beach, said to make sure this doesn't hap- trollable rage." According ginia Beach native Ashley said. "Between the two of us, that on the day of the shootings, pen again? How do we prevent to Cecero, when this type of WennersHerron, FCLC '10, we were able to get a hold of she was panicking as she tried this?" rage surfaces in an individu- about trying to reach her best almost all of our friends at Vir- to get information about friends "My head is always in preven- al, he or she is likely to turn friend, a freshman at Virginia ginia Tech and make sure they at Virginia Tech. 'We probably tion," he said. Carroll said this the guilt on him or herself in Polytechnic State University were okay." sat in front of the TV for five kind of thinking could be appli- the form of suicide. "The fact (Virginia Tech), where on Mon. WennersHerron is among sev- cable to any serious felony. He that Seung-Hui [committed April 16. shooter Cho Seung- eral Fordham College at Lin- see TRAGEDY pg. 03 added that emergency protocol suicide] gives more weight to at Fordham is constantly being this philosophy," Cecero said. revisited and looked at in light of Cecero added that in cases of "The fact that it took place on a university new incidents. He said, "Emer- such uncontrollable rage, there gency protocol is re-evaluated are no possible warning signs. campus, a setting in which students expect that they semi-annually, at least, and may- "People just break," he said. be more, depending on incidents "It's anger. Indiscriminate, will be protected, and in which we all expect reason that occur." murderous rage. Any of us, in and civility to hold sway, makes it all the more sho- Although Fordham, and the circumstances completely out cking. " -FATHER UCSHANE, University President campus in par- see PSYCHOLOGY pg. 03 see SECURITY pg. 02 Fordham signs settlement with attorney general; agrees to repay student borrowers

By DANNY ECHEVARRIAIA some student loan borrowers. The Over a one-year period, the stu- the bestt deals and advantages— ulty from the Rev. Joseph M. Mc- STAFF WRITER settlements came after indications dent lender Education Finance and 90% of loans borrowe'd are Shane, S.J., president of Fordham that some schools' financial aid Partners paid Fordham $13,840 from preferrerl lenders, Cuomo's University. FORDHAM—After months officers received kickbacks from for directing students to their office stated. Students who borrowed from , of investigating the profits some student lenders, The New York company through the University's Fordham cycled all the money Education Finance Partners be- colleges have made made from Times reported. Fordham's Public "preferred lender" lists, a press re- earned from revenue sharing with tween June 30, 2005, and March their student lenders, New York Affairs office said that no finan- lease from Cuomo's oiTice stated. Education Finance Partners back 31, 2006, are subject to refunds, State attorney general Andrew cial aid administrators at Fordham Preferred lender lists provide stu- into financial aid in the form of and they will receive written noti- Cuomo announced that Fordham personally profited from student dents and their families with infor- an endowed scholarship fund, ac- and five other colleges will repay lenders. mation about which lenders olTcr cording to an April 3 letter to fac- see ATTORNEY GENERAL pg. 07

FORDHAM'S AWARD WINNING STUDENT NEWSPAPER 02 NEWS I April 19,2007 I THE OBSERVER fordhamobserver.com VT Campus massacre evokes Security

CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE There are^PA systems in all the response from Fordham buildings at Lincoln Center, which ticular, deals smore with "garden can address everyone on campus variety larcenies," according to simultaneously, making people administrators Carroll, "we are certainly excel- at Lincoln Center^ according to lently positioned to address any Carroll,'"better positioned" than type of issue like this." at Rose Hill, since the Rose Hill At Lincoln Center alone, we campus does not haye^PA's in ev- have five security supervisors, ery building. In addition to the PA Ken McCarthy, Tom Mahoriey, systems and the TV alerts, secu- Bob Daven, Robert Dineen and rity can notify the entire Fordham Dan Gonin, who are former rank- community of an incident within ing members of the NYPD, ac- minutes using the magna alert sys- cording to Carroll. tem, which according to Carroll, "If an incident like this were to can send thousands of texts and occur here, we would send im- voice messages within minutes. mediate notification to the NYPD, Students at FCLC who spoke to EMS, emergency services, what- the Observer said they had mixed ever we need," Carroll said. He feelings about their safety, saying added, "Most colleges in America that although they didn't feel im- couldn't bring those kinds of re- mediately threatened, they thought sources to their schools. Students such an incident was conceivable are in better shape with us than at Fordham. with some schools out in the Shilpa Garg, a Fordham Law sticks." After notifying the student, who is originally from In- NYPD and emergency services, dia and has only been in the United the next step security would take States for a year, said her parents would be to secure the scene and were concerned for her after hear- lock-down the campus, "nobody ing the news about the shooting. in, nobody out," Carroll said. She said, "These things just don't Kenneth McCarthy, assistant happen there; it's unheard of. Kids director of security at Lincoln in India are academic oriented, Center, said, "We would render and there isn't a big drug or alco- aid and gather as much informa- hol problem." She added, "Access tion as possible and turn it over to guns or weapons [is] impossible to the NYPD. They'd take care of unless you have contact with the the criminal aspect, tracking down mafia." and arresting the perpetrator. Our Kit Byrne, FCLG '07, said she tasks would be to notify every- felt "fairly safe" at Lincoln Center. one." The next step, according She said the guards can be strict to Carroll, would be to safe-guard about checkinglDs, but who's to the crime scene, interview wit- say a resident wouldn't bring a nesses and remove uninvolved gun? "It's a really safe neighbor- people. He said, "There is no hood," Byrne added. She said, .^coakie^cutter.appjoach to this. We "It's really residential. I see more ,j3i(luldJia,ye.to,do a jot ofjyhatwe strollers than cars, almost." would do base.d on witness' state- Carroll said, "We really need ments." After preparing a course help from the students." He said of action, Fordham security would that students need to update their then alert the entire community. emergency contact information on There are several ways, according OASIS. "Unless we have current to Carroll, in which they could no- information, we won't be able to tify the community. A c- getahold'ofyou." cording to Carroll, one key mode McCarthy said, "Students can of communicating with students feel safe with the NYPD and the could be through the television. type of security we have." He He said, "We can cut through the added, "It's a safe community. The cable TV on campus and commu- city has really changed and this is nicate with you no matter what a safe neighborhood." Should an MattGentry/nBRranokeTlmej station you are watching." In ad- incident occur at Fordham, Car- dition, he said, "We have news roll said, "Students, faculty, and Police respond to shootings at Virginia Tech on April 16. channel three, Fordham's cable staff should feel confident that By MEAGHAN DILLON gency planning conversations that follow the other." Vincent Atchity station, which we have a security we ate well positioned to handle ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR have been had with administrators and Arleen Pancza-Graham, both override for where we can put up any type of emergency here." • and security, he said. assistant deans were unavailable a security alert bar." FCLC—In the wake of the According to Eldredge, "You for comment. shooting at Virginia Tech, admin- can't plan for every emergency Apart from the size difference istrators and deans at Fordham are situation and you can't 'what if between FCLC and Virginia Virginia Tech timeline fl forced to respond to the incident everything or you would spend Tech, a large difference is the lo- hicnrfsy, April 16 from an official standpoint. your whole life creating scenarios. cation of the two schools. "I think The Rev. Joseph M. McShane, However, we do spend a lot of because of our location, we have S.J., president of Fordham Uni- time with our Emergency Man- different security procedures set •srr g|e -oure ctea••••-•a • ' • -• ••••. Mf:---:••>& versity released a statement to the agement team reviewing possible up ahead of time, which makes it 9;45 tun, a*' on &«?-* polrce Fordham community in response situations and using case studies really hard to compare and con- :i> guv ft? a: Noira Hall; jofr to the tragedy. "The fact that it . to practice our response to various trast," Eldredge said. Twenty-four 3^!? f *5ond Njjdir«;n^nflfe^^|»?^^^ildi ? took place on a university campus, situations." hour security guards in McMahon ..^"' a setting in which students expect Hall, as well as security at all en- 117 Although nothing has been sent : Vi/ that they will be protected, and in out to faculty at this time regard- try points of the university are a ' |sl5^:iii;ot ij'iiii . .-:^ti which we all expect reason and ci- reflection of FCLC being located ing how to address the issue with Hi aii K?i . •} vility to hold sway, makes it all the students, security plans to send in- in the middle of , mdre shocking," McShane wrote. formation out, Eldredge noted. he said. iPrilHletdK ;'^V Additionally, the deans at Ford- According to Dr. Cecilia Petit- As Dean of Students, Eldredge Hr,t*r.r -till; ham College at Lincoln Center Hall, assistant dean for transfer is concerned for the safety and C o was a Saut' Korsaii (FCLC) responded to the situation students and academic events, all well being of the students who are native and in the L3. as

The following are deadly inci- dents that have occurred mis week in

April 19,1993 - Waco Siege

After a 51-day standoff between the FBI and Bureau of AlcohoL Tobacco and Firearms against the Branch Davidian religious cult; 75 people are killed when the David- ian compound ignites into a deadly blaze. T9day,we are all Hojties April 19,1995 - Oklahoma City Bombing

A truck bomb explodes outside a federal building in Oklahoma City, claiming the lives of 168 people, including 19 children.

April 20, 1999 - Columbine High School Shooting

Two students kill 12 classmates and one teacher in Littleton, Col- orado, after going on a shooting rampage. Until the Virginia Tech incident, die Columbine shoot- SMDwi/DiiRoimlaiinw Today, tve are all HQkiw ing was considered the wont Students hold hands and pray after shootings at Virginia Tech. school shooting in US. history. • ,04 NEWS I April 14.2007 I THE OBSERVER fordhamobserver.com STAFF EDITORIAL Coming of age in the face of catastrophe As college students, most of us have grown were shocked as more than 1,000 human beings everything in our power to come together and up in a time when violence, specifically vanquished in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. figure out the best way to find love, peace and school violence, is not a foreign concern. Because of these and other tragic events, happiness, even when violence and sorrow seem In the moments after the first shooting at we have become all too accustomed to death to be the only things in sight. Virginia Tech, which occurred at the West occurring on a mass scale, on American soil. Of course, finding optimism can be even Ambler Johnston residence hall, there is We are no strangers to the faces of grieving harder when this kind of tragedy is executed a good chance that many people in our age , family members praying for some last ray of by and affects those of our own age. Not only bracket had the same reaction: "Not again." hope to carry them through to the next day. must we try to somehow understand the loss Two hours later, when it was announced that We are familiar with the voices of public of human lives, but we must also somehow a second shooting had occurred at the Norris officials grasping for words to help explain try to understand how these lives could be so Hall engineering building, and that more than the unexplainable, to try to make, some kind of similar to our own. This can be quite a scary and 30 people had been killed, it became obvious sense of the senseless. These are things we have overwhelming thought. that this was unlike any event we had seen in grown used to. We must work through our fears, though. Our our lifetimes. Nonetheless, the fact remains that This terrible truth* leaves us to ask: What job, as tomorrow's parents, teachers and leaders, the events of April 16 were not beyond any of kinds of effects will these tragedies have on our is to work for a better future. In order to fulfill our imaginations. generation? How can we cope in a world where this duty, we must focus on understanding each Call it desensitization, call it the world going catastrophe seems to be constantly staring us in other and coming together as universal citizens. down the tube, or call it the loss of a generation's the face? If we can succeed in this, we may be able to collective innocence. No matter what you call Will we be able to live together: peacefully succeed in saving future generations from the series of events we have bore witness to in when fear is an emotion that is so prevalent in having to deal with these kinds of tragedies. the past ten years, it is clear that we have been our minds? Our sincerest and deepest thoughts go out to forced to deal with trauma on a grand scale. In No one, can give a definite answer to any of everyone who was touched by the shootings at 1999, we saw 13 people die at Columbine High these questions. Instead, we must do our best Virginia Tech. Our strongest wishes go out School. In 2001, we sat glued to our televisions to understand our fellow human beings and to the children of the future, who, hopefully, in horror as over 3,000 people were killed in acknowledge that we are all living in the same will be able to live in a world free of needless the tragedies of September 11th. In 2005, we world, coping with the same fears. We must do violence. you know Fordam's 33 dead by lone gunman adds history emergency proccedure? to tragedy

By CHRIS BARLOW found stabbed in their respec- mitting suicide. -'" C6ffi]5He

By NANCY YOUNG you would see a temporary EDITOR-IN-CHIEF. need tp hire more adjuncts." Understaffing due to 3- FCLC—As full time faculty 2 is a concern for multiple move towards a 3-2 course load, departments, although not it will make the University in the immediate future. more competitive, it will allow Albert Auster, associate for more research in the field chair of communications and and more creative teaching in media studies at FCLC, said, the classroom, say faculty and "In our department, we're go- administrators. But could this ing to need more faculty. Right downsize have a downside? now we're very understaffed." Articulating what other fac- He added, "It's going to be ulty and administrators have a problem for us if [we're] also said, John Davenport, as- going to offer the same num- sociate chair in the philosophy ber of course in the future." department for undergraduate' Barry Goldberg, associ- studies at FCLC, said, "Three ate chair of history at FCLC, effects would be bad: if few- said, "In the fall it's not af- er courses were offered for a fecting us at all... For the fall major, if class sizes were in- it basically is a moot point." creased, or if there were an in- Goldberg said only one of his creased number of adjuncts." department's nine full-time Robert F. Himmelberg, dean historians [no quote neces- of the faculty of arts and sci- sary] would receive the 3-2 ences, announced via email in course load in the first phase Feb. that in fall 2007 full-time of the plan and professors faculty who currently carry won't actually have their first a 3-3 course load—three "2" semester until spring 08. courses per semester will Similarly to Auster, how- gradually begin, to receive a ever, Goldberg expressed 3-2 course .load—teaching concern for the future. He tteceeT^opcs^s^ one seiriestef said, "If the core remains a year, two course the other. the same size...we will be According to Davenport, needing more" adjuncts." there will be a four-year More adjuncts mean fewer phase-in in order to hire more fulltime professors teaching. faculty, aiming to make up for Samuel Hubler, FCLC' 10, said the deficit lost. "It is .conceiv- he believes Fordham needs, able,"1 Davenport 'said, "that '•':.':aimuchmotd)s1tabl^sys't'em [the number'"of] electives of professors tnaf kflbV'wha't A'MctftfankafllwHiSRver may decrease in the interim." they're teaching, not profes- Rose Hill students peruse campus. An additional problem, sors who are working for their faculty say, is that people own names while students By CHRISTINA SHANAHAN Rose Hill. '' doors open." may be unable to graduate on aren't even taught by them." NEWS EDITOR "In my experience, it is just as Daniel Rolon, FCLC '08, said that time because they are unable Davenport said he believes easy to purchase and consume al- because there is only one residence •lei"get'into an increasingly there should be no cause for FORDHAM—Christine Schmitt- cohol downtown as it is uptown," hall building at Lincoln Center, there, limited' number of electives. fear or alarm over 3-2. He gall, FCLC '09, finds that her Man- Glidden said. "The difference is that is only one opportunity to go past a This is a concern for some said, "Faculty who are more hattan life' breeds maturity and re- Lincoln Center residents need to security desk and get caught in the undergraduates at FCLC, skilled in research bring that sponsibility, a sentiment which she encounter fewer security guards on act of violating University policy. includjng David Claps, into their classrooms and believes is shared by her classmates the way back to their beds, and the "In the Bronx, you've got [security] FCLC'10, who said, "Part of courses can be related to and keeps the number of serious bars and clubs they frequent are not patrol and more RAs, just by sheer college is discovering your what they are writing on." policy violations low at Fordham's as conspicuous and as closely as- quantity of students," he said. interests. After all, so many Sarah Zimmerman; asso- Lincoln Center campus. "I find that sociated with Fordham as are those Caroline Barnes,FCRH '07,reiter- kids come in undeclared, ciate professor of English at at the Rose Hill campus, students ex- uptown." ated that because the Rose Hill cam- and electives allow you to FCLC, said regarding 3-2, perience much more of a traditional But in response to hearing that pus is larger and more spread out, find what you like. And then "It's a gradual phase-in and I ; college life, but at Lincoln Center we 23 out of the 27 suspensions and students are more likely to encounter bam, you found your major." do think that's been very de- have more of an adult life," she said. expulsions at Rose Hill involved campus security in their "drunken or Davenport said the philoso- liberate so as to avoid [this] "Everyone just wants to get out into alcohol use, Lisa Madalone, FCLC destructive gallivanting." phy department is hiring three kind of upheaval." She added, the real world." '09, said, "I think there are so many "Most students are on the Rose people (full-time) this year "I think that it's clear that In the April 4 issue, The Observer different places to go in New York Hill campus doing what Lincoln and that over a three-year pe- long-term the university is reported that all 27 of the University's City and so many different things to Center students do on the streets of riod they've hired six people. going to have to keep add- suspensions and expulsions have oc- experience," she said. "In the Bronx New York City...walking around "That should allay student ing [and] is going to have to curred at the Rose Hill campus over I think students are more reluctant drunk, arguing, destroying property, concerns," he said adding that, supply faculty lines where the past five years. Now, Schmittgall to go out and travel because of the etcetera," Barnes said. "Therefore "one of the strategic goals is we need them, full-time." • and other Rose Hill and Lincoln Cen- area, so they stay in and drink more. Lincoln Center students don't fall to increase the number of fac- ter students offer explanations rang- I'm not saying that no one at Lin- under the jurisdiction of campus se- ulty teaching* core classes." ing from campus culture and alcohol coln Center drinks alcohol, but they curity as much of the time." The increase in faculty will use to differing male demographics can go out off campus." Barnes noted that she thinks the also mean adding new fac- for why the most severe policy viola- Glidden said that the more visible differences in the male demograph- ulty salaries to the budget, INTERESTED IN: tions have occurred at Rose Hill. behavior of Rose Hill students af- ics at Rose Hill and Lincoln Center is leading Dean Grimes to term Grant Glidden, FCRH '08, who fects the vigilance of administrators a contributing factor to the violations the 3-2 shift "a phenomenal- attended the Lincoln Center cam- in the Bronx. "I think it is plausible that warrant suspensions and expul- ly expensive proposition." pus before transferring to Rose Hill, that due to this difference in vis- sions at Rose Hill. "The Rose Hill According to Davenport CURRENT EVENTS? disagreed with Schmittgall and said ibility of behavior and statistical guys are more likely to be stereotypi- increased expenditures for he finds that there is a difference in outcome, the administration at Rose cal male prototypes, [although] not the university could translate POLITICS? culture between the two campuses, Hill has become increasingly more all of them arc," she said. "Guys tend into an increase in tuition. but "this should not be confused with adamant and effective in cracking to get rowdier when they drink and The Rev. Robert R. Grimes, SOCIAL ISSUES? the contention that Lincoln Center down on the questionable behavior most girls don't liave the strength to S.J., dean of FCLC, addressed students are 'artsy' and 'sophisti- of its students, while Lincoln Cen- 'beat the tar' out of security guards." this cost concern at a col- CAMPUS EVENTS? cated' and tliat Rose Hill students ter has remained self-assured and is Carmine Cammarata, FCLC '08, lege council meeting held are 'mcatheacls,' which any Lincoln thus unmotivated to do the same," also said that there arc differences in on March 8, saying that the Center, to Rose Hill transfer can tell he said. the male populations at Lincoln Cen- University would have to be- you is untrue," he said. Rob Kelly, FCLC '08, said that ter and Rose Hill that may make seri- come much stricter about cut- WRITE FOR Glidden said he also disagrees the apartment-style dormitory at oiis policy violatioas more likely to ting under-registered classes with the point made by Christopher Lincoln Center is indeed a factor in occur at Rose I li 11. Cammarata said, and much more careful with JEWS! Rodgcrs, dean of students at Rase allowing violations to go unnoticed. "It may sound sexist, but I just think what classes can be run. Hill, that the accessibility to alcohol "There's an incredible clement of it's more likely for a guy to do some- at Bronx bars and bodegas is signifi- privacy here [in McMahon Hall]," thing like attack one of the security In addition to a decrease - '.M-'.ff*JJ-'V. in electives Davenport cant contributor to the higher num- he said. "We can get away with a guards." • said, "In the short term ' ber of suspensions and expulsions at lot more because we can't leave our 06 NEWS 1 April 19,2007 I THE OBSERVER fordhamobserver.com UNDY Awards


CaurtnyofumMWilt Courtesy si Daniel Witt, Senior of the Year, Robert Isabella, Sophomore of the Year, Dave De la Fuente.Freshman of the Year, and Roxanne Garcia, Students and faculty look on as the student leaders are recognized.

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By CHRISTINA SHANAHAN book, then shame on us," Gray said. earlier than originally sanctioned. NEWS EDITOR Eldredge, who said that physi- "[The University Judicial Coun- cal and sexual assault are the most cil] isn't actually a common part THOUGHTS OR FORDHAM—If you think sus- common violations seen in UJC of the [judicial] process largely be- pension or expulsion is the end of the hearings, clarified the meaning of cause the criteria for an appeal is line in Fordham's judicial process, due process within the University very narrow," Christopher Rodg- think again. Of the 27 suspensions setting. "Sometimes students get ers, current dean of students at Rose and expulsions that occurred in the confused because when they hear Hill and former dean of students OPINIONS THAT past 5 years at the Rose Hill campus, due process, they think criminal or at Lincoln Center, said. "I think... 22 of the cases were appealed to the civil court and they think, 'oh, no- since it's a part off the appeal pro- University Judicial Council (UJC), body read my Miranda rights,'" cess, there's an assumption that a group made up of three students, he said. "But our due process [at [UJC hearings are a common occur- three faculty members and a student Fordham] is basically to give [stu- rence in the judicial process, either YOU'D LIKE TO affairs administrator, appointed to dents] notification of a hearing, at Rose Hill or Lincoln Center." collectively decide whether the sanc- have a hearing and issue sanctions." Michele Burris, associate vice tion of a suspended or expelled stu- As Vice President of Student Af- president of student affairs, said dent appealing his or her case should fairs, Gray said that his main role in Lincoln Center students are prob- be reduced or upheld, according to UJC hearings is to keep the council ably less aware of the UJC process SHARE? Student Affairs administrators. focused on thetaskathand. "Therole simply because it is used less at the "It's pretty unusual that someone is of the group is not to decide if the Lincoln Center campus than it is at suspended or expelled and they don't student is responsible for a code of the Rose Hill campus. According to appeal," said Keith Eldredge, dean conduct violation," Gray said. 'That Burris, there have not been any sus- of students at Lincoln Center. "What decision has already been made." pensions or expulsions at Rose Hill do they have to lose at that point?" Gray said that "emotional at- in the past 5 years to warrant a UJC. As stated in the University Hand- tachments" of UJC members to a "We are not suspending or expel- book, to form a UJC, the Vice Presi- certain situation could lead them ling great numbers of students on a dent of Student Affairs appoints the to want to change a sanction. He regular basis," Burris said. "So when administrator, usually the Director said that a student who shows rea- you say that not a lot of people know LET US KNOW WHAT of Residential Life, and reaches out sonable remorse could be looked about the process, that's because to the president of the faculty senate upon more favorably by the UJC. suspensions or expulsions arc not and the United Student Government Gray gave the example of two un- regular sanctions that we're issuing." (USG) president to appoint the fac- related cases, both involving gradu- Rodgers commented on whether ulty members and students, respec- ating seniors who were suspended, certain UJC appeals should be made YOU THINK! tively, to serve on the committee. that were heard by the same UJC public knowledge in the Fordham According to deans in the Divi- because both were scheduled on the community. "There are two op- sion of Student Affairs, there are same day. In the first case, Gray said, erative values in our process that only two criteria for which a stu- the student had a physical altercation I think we're constantly trying to dent who has been suspended or with another student, but showed no balance," Rodgers said. "One of expelled can appeal a sanction: if remorse oracceptance of responsibil- them is assuring that the rights of they feel the University did not ity in his UJC hearing. In the second the community are respected and follow due process or if they be- case, Gray said, the student violently we're also trying to ensure that the [email protected] lieve the sanction is too harsh. assaulted a Fordham security officer, rights of the student involved in the Jeff Gray, vice president of stu- but was "a real nice kid who could adjudication process are respected." dent affairs, said that sanctions are not have been more remorseful." "A decision to suspend or ex- almost always appealed on the ba- hi the first case, Gray said that the pel a student is a decision to sepa- sis of too harsh punishment. "If our sanction was upheld, but in the sec- rate a student from his or her administrators don't follow due ond case, the sanction was reduced to education," said Gray. "We don't process as outlined in the hand- allow the student to return to school make those decisions lightly." • Attorney General U.S. Attorney General under fire, Fordham CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE "The phrase kickback is kind of reaction is varied fications from Fordham, a post on loaded," Howe said. "The attorney the Fordham website stated. general has used that language in ByKATECUSIMANO pressed a different view: liI think that ate Judiciary Committee. In his letter, McShane said, press releases, but remember that CONTRIBUTING WRITER he is being unfairly scrutinized. As at- "I'm fairly certain that the whole "The University discontinued the the attorney general was talking FCLC—United States Attorney torney general he reserves the right to thing is somewhat of a non-scandal," arrangement in 2006, after one about schools where millions of General Alberto Gonzales is under replace U.S. attorneys if he feels they said Ian Christie, FCLC '10. "Not year, when it became apparent dollars went back into schools, fire, with some calling for bis resig- are inadequate." that the scrutiny is a bad thing. When that the good accomplished for a where millions of dollars went nation, after he dismissed eight U.S. Gonzales has that right as the top mis story broke it was a good thing small number of students could be into universities. We're talking attorneys and apparently concealed law enforcement official in die U.S., that there was an investigation. There outweighed by the public percep- about less than 14,000 dollars that his part in the dismissals. But while but some expect him to be forthcom- are some serious possibilities for tion that revenue sharing itself is went into a scholarship fund." politicians are outraged, according to ing about the dismissals. wrong-doing, however it seems that an inappropriate or suspect busi- Along with Fordham, New York news sources, the responses from the "The American public has the right this is not the case." ness practice." McShane declined University, St. John's University, Fordham community ranged from to know why [the dismissals] oc- Critics of the attorney gener- to comment for The Observer and Syracuse University, the Univer- criticism to support curred," said Mark Nelson, FCLC al—including attorneys and politi- directed all inquiries to Public Af- sity of Pennsylvania, and Long Is- Although perfectly legal, the dis- '09. "Hiding the truth only further cians—claim the attorneys fired were fairs. land University all said they would missals raised eyebrows because they tarnishes any trust in our executive prosecuting cases the Bush adminis- Robert Howe, a spokesperson repay more than $3.2 million to were made in the middle of the U.S. branch." tration did not want prosecuted. San for Fordham from the Office of student borrowers, Cuomo's of- attorneys' terms and because some 'It's not clear that any laws were Diego U.S. Attorney Carol Lam was Public Affairs, said he did not fice stated. of the attorneys seemed to be giv- broken," DeLuca explained. "Prose- fired because, according to reports by know the details of the student All of the schools involved in the ing satisfactory or above-satisfactory cutors can be fired, probably even for Bush advisor Karl Rove, her com- reimbursement, or how soon the settlement voluntarily adopted the performances. However, the con- political reasons, without violating mitment to prosecuting immigration University will refund affected new Attorney General's College troversy has since become centered the law. The real issue here is... did the cases was unsatisfactory. In reality, students. "That is being worked Code of Conduct, which defines on whether or not the Gonzales was top level of the Bush administration Lam was one of the most successful out by the financial aid people. I the standards of an acceptable truthful when discussing his role in directly sanction the firings largely of the 93 US. attorneys in prosecut- don't know that they know yet," relationship between a university the dismissals. for political reasons, [and then] have ing immigration cases. Howe said. and a student lender, the press re- Reactions among those familiar key members [of the administration] Members of the Justice Department Assistant vice president of finan- lease stated. with the case have been varied in the lying about what was done?" have been reluctant to come forward cial services, Angela Van Dekker, The Office of the Attorney Fordham College at Lincoln Center AccoidingtoTheNewYorkTimes, with information on the firings, add- also declined to comment and di- General began investigating the (FCLC) community. "[Gonzales] Gonzales attended a meeting with his ing to the controversy. Initially, the rected inquiries to Public Affairs. relationships between colleges should never have been appointed," then-Chief of Staff D. Kyle Sampson Department refused to submit full Reiterating subject matter from and student lenders in November Thomas De Luca, associate chair of on Nov. 27,2006, at which the list of rhemos and e-mails to the Judiciary McShanc's letter, Howe said, "We 2006, reports show. the Department of Political Science attorneys to be dismissed was final- Committee, which is investigating became aware that there was the On Feb 1,2007, Cuomo's office at FCLC, said. "His insufficient re- ized. However, Gonzales had previ- this case. The department finally possibility that it could be per- announced it would be formally gard for civil liberties should liavc ously denied attending that meeting. submitted unedited documents for ceived as a kickback, that it could requesting information from more disqualified him from the start" Sampson resigned from his posi- review, but under the condition that be perceived badly. We thought for than 60 colleges around the nation Dc Luca also said that Gonzales' tion in March and came forward, the unedited documents not be used the amount of good that it does, about their standards for establish- decision whether or not to resign claiming that Gonzales was not being in hearings. it isn't worth the perception that ing preferred lender lists. • will likely depend on Hie president's honest about his role in the firings. "Whether or not Gonzales is fired, we're not acting above board." loyalties. "If Gonzalcs cannot defend "I don't think the attorney general's Ilic greater importance lies in the Me added that Fordham did not himself well in Hie next few weeks... statement that he was not involved in fact that our government is conceal- receive kickbacks from Education the pressure for Bush to push him out any discussions about U.S. attorney ing information from the public," Finance Partners. will become intensified." removals is accurate," Sampson said Mark Nelson said, "and this concerns Mcaghan Dohcrty, FCLC '09, ex- in a March 29 hearing with the Sen- me more limn Gonzales' career." • 08 NEWS I April 19J007 J THE OBSERVER fordhamobserver.com NEWS IN BRIEF USG campaigning underway: Candidate turnout low

By CALLY SPEED ning for junior senator, and Meghan highlight our successes in the hopes spective platforms." STAFF WRITER METRO: Carpenter, FCLC '10, SabarriHaque, that we can'change their minds." "We're very pleased with the in- •Seeking to finally fulfill FCLC '10 and Francis Pastorelle, USG vice president, Alex Morr, dividuals that have elected to run for a promise first made in the FCLC—Campaigning has be- FCLC '10, running for sophomore FCLC '07, responded to the current seats in the Senate and Executive gun for United Student Government senator, according to elections chair shortage of candidates. "Rome wasn't 1920s, the Metropolitan Trans- Board. Of course we would have hike (USG) elections, which will be held and senior senator Kit Byrne, FCLC built in a day, and we're not going to all the races to be competitive...ide- portation Authority (MTA) for the 2007-2008 academic year from '07. get the whole student body to vote ally, that would have raised turnout broke,ground once again for April 23 to April 26. But currently, the The current members of USG have over night," he said. "Hopefully stu- considerably without much additional the Second Avenue subway on winners for five of the six offices, in- yet to determine how the debate will dents realize that it's important to have efforV'Wittsaid. April 12, according to NY1. cluding president, treasure and secre- function, since there are presently both a say in who is representing them and The results of the elections will be The fifth and latest iteration tary, are shoe-ins with only one can- competitive and uncompetitive races, they come out and vote." announced April 27. "Once the votes of the project will take time didate for each position, according to according to USG president, Danny According to Byrne, campaign- are tallied, the candidates will be noti- and money: The first phase current USG officers. Of all the races, Witt, FCLC'07. ing time and voting time have been fied and USG will post the results on of construction is expected only the race for sophomore senator is "USG will look to increase turnout extended this year in hopes to draw our bulletin board on the plaza," said competitive, with three vying for one to cost about $3.9 billion, is in elections by attempting to show that more student attention. "Last semes- Byrne. posMoa astudent's vote has significance,"Witt ter, we laid out a timeline to allow for scheduled to be completed in Dorothy A. WenzeL, director of In addition to Dave de la Fuente, said. "USG's successes, both this year a more informed student body that Student Leadership and Commu- 2013, and will run from 63rd FCLC '10, running for president; and in years past, are directly linked we are hoping will result in a boost nity Development is confident in the Street to 96th Street, with sta- there is Daniel Rolon, FCLC '08, run- to the outcome of these elections. The in student interest," she said. "We are student leaders. "USG has worked tions at 72nd, 86th, and 96th. ning for treasurer, Cindy Siu, FCLC problem seems to be that students still also planning to put together a Town diligently all year to revise their NY1 reports that the- first '09, running for secretary; Roxanne fail to see the importance of student Hall where the candidates will have Elections code. I am proud of the phase of the project alone is ex- Garcia, FCLC '08, running for senior government Our job over the next the chance to address the student body work USG has done in an.attempt pected to service approximate- senator, Matt Puckett, FCLC '09, run- couple of weeks will be to try and and delineate in more detail their re- to increase voter participatioa" • ly 200,000 commuters when it opens, but politicians—from city officials to Governor El- THE CANDIDATES: iot Spitzer—are committed to more: a complete Second Ave line running from 125th Street to the Financial District.

NATIONAL: •Just one day after the charg- Dave de la Fuente Cindy Siu SabarriHaque , Francis Pastorelle es brought against three for- FCLC '10 FCLC'09 FCLC"10 FCLC'1Q \, mer Duke lacrosse players Presidential Candidate Secretary Candidate Sophomore Senator Candidate Sophomore Senator Candidate were dismissed, the Durham "USG this year has been wildly "Aside from performing my "While talking to a few people, "So far as a freshmen senator I County, N.C. prosecutor who successfUL We've taken on a boat- normal duties of taking minutes I realized that many people in the have been a leading force behind brought the changes against load of initiatives, and we've done and attending meetings, I want to school feel like the [FCLC] cam- the campaign to get a sandwich them publicly apologized, well with them. We have a new increase communication within pus can feel dead in spite of the cart However, I am the first to GNN reported. deli in the cafeteria, we sold out for USG. One of the issues I had this many events that occur throughout point out a number of inadequa- District Attorney Michael -Winter-BalL;- we had;the Amazing;—j—year-as- a senator is being-out-of the school yearrTherefore, I will cies still exist in the cafeteria Nifong apologized on April Race, Rambunction Junction (the the loop about certain decisions seek ways to let others know [how] and will continue in my quest to 12, conceding that he no lon- Spring semester club day), the Club that were made outside of gen- to get involved and enjoy college spruce things up in and out of the ger believed that the evidence Networking Dinner in the Fall, and eral meetings, so I think updat- life. I also plan on going through kitchen. An initiative I'm par- supported his original case now the Undergraduate Apprecia- ing members about decisions and defunct clubs to see if others would ticularly interested in taking up tion Awards. My goal is to continue progress being made outside of be interested in reviving them." • next year is USG's continuing and th.at the students had been the progress we've made thus far, meetings will provide a sense of efforts to obtain banners for our wrongfully accused. The North and hopefully bring student in- unity and involvement for all the street so our school's pride can be Carolina state bar has also ac- volvement and student awareness senators and e-board members." displayed outside McMahon and cused Nifong of withholding at this campus to a new level." Lowenstein." DNA evidence from the de- fense in the case and he could be disbarred if they find him guilty when the case is tried in June.

INTERNATIONAL: Corey Yeap Jennifer Vasquez Roxanne Garcia Matt Puckett •Baghdad's tightly secured FCLC '10 FCLC"09 FCLC '08 , FCLC W "Green Zone" was rocked by Sophomore Senator Candidate Junior Senator Candidate Senior Senator Candidate Junior Senator Candidate violence on April 12, when a '1 am running again because As Junior senator I would like to "My goals as Senior Senator is "My goals for the Fordham community are largely centered suicide bomber was able get there is much to improve at this unify the class to make it stronger. to continue to voice the issues and school, and I am going to pick To me it is very crucial the the Ju- concerns of the class of'08 within around this idea that we as stu- past security checkpoints and up the ball and call the shots like nior class become more vocal, the student govemmentln addi- dents are capable of establishing into the Iraqi parliament build- Kobe. If elected, I shall represent take more actions and make their tion, I want to use my experience a much more active and tightly- ing, where he detonated him- the students fully, and organize Fordham experience an unforget- as a commuter to help represent knit student body than we have self in the cafeteria, according more athletic events." table one. Furthermore, several of concerns of commuters within today. This is why, in my first to the Associated Press. my peers have voiced their con- USG. I would like to continue the year as a sophomore senator, I The explosion killed eight cern about many of their clubs and present USG's commitment to devoted the majority of my time people, including two Iraqi how they feel are being neglected, representing the student body by to reforming posting rules and lawmakers, and wounded and it is obviously something that being a vocal organization within securing performance space for the FCLC community." student-led groups. As a junior 20 others—including 14 ad- I would love to help them out with. I want to be able to change senator, I will continue to pur- ditional lawmakers. AP also things for the better by listen to my sue these and other such issues, reports that more explosives fellow classmates. with the goal of empowering were found near the parlia- the student body in mind." ment room itself after the ini- tial blast, and they were de- stroyed by security. Dan Rolon Meghan Carpcntier FCLC m FCLC '10 TYeasurer Candidate Sophomore Senator Candidate "My goal is to improve the qual- "I want the student body to feel ity of life for all students by im- like they ore being heard, and proving all of the events that USG whatever they tell me I would ex- already docs. I only want the club press to the administrators, wheth- to continue to grow, and I hope by er I agree or not." staying as treasurer it will." fordhamobserver.com THE OBSERVER I April 19,2007 I NEWS. 09 CALENDAR OF Students and administrators evaluate the . EVENTS living-learning community By MEAGHAN DILLON Grimes noted that one of the suc- Although there aren't academ- ministry, as well as our staff, to really THURS. APRIL 19 ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR cesses that resulted from the living- ic requirements in the spring for assess how this is working, and what Spring Fling Carnival learning community was the student- the integrated community, there we can be doing better," Schack said. 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. As the 2006-2007 academic year faculty dinner that took place in the are opportunities in the Resi- Some students said that the goal Outdoor Plaza fall. "What I liked so much about the dence Hall, according to Schack. comes to a close, students and ad- of bridging the gap between resi- Sponsored by the Spring Fling ministrators involved in the living- dinner, was that in my experience, "During the spring semester, we dents and commuters was achieved. Committee learning community, which connects I had never seen a sea of students have a programmatic series where "I definitely think the program freshman residents and commuters helped to get me acquainted with through academics and activities, ** We're not looking upon this as a special commuter students, who I may not Spring Fling Belly Dancing evaluated its successes and disap- have gotten to know otherwise," Class pointments. While some students program. We're looking on it as what we said Owen Gibbs, FCLC '10. 5:30 p.m. said that it was successful in bringing expect will be the standard by which the college According to Grimes, the living- Meet in the Lowenstein Lobby together students and faculty, oth- learning community has two parts. Sponsored by Dance Alliance ers said they did not think their ex- operates.** Under the academic office, the stu- perience in the community differed dents take freshmen seminars, which Spring Fling Latin Comedy from those who did not participate. - ROBERT R. GRIMES, S.J., dean of Fordham College at Lincoln Center connect them with the faculty, and the • Night However, administrators said that die residentialcomponent,whichconnects 8:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. success made the program valuable the residents to commuters, he said. Student Lounge enough to continue and expand it Alex Palomino FCLC '10, who is Sponsored by SOL The "freshman experience" next sit over dinner and talk to faculty faculty and administrators are go- a resident participating in the living- year will extend to half of the incom- members for as long as they did." ing in to the 5th floor lounge in the learning community said that the pro- ing freshmen class, as opposed to Amy Schack, director of Resi- residence hall and doing a variety gram has impacted her freshman year the quarter of the freshmen class mat dential Life, who is also involved of different types of presentations," in a positive way. "We became closer FRI. APRIL 20 participated this year, the Rev. Rob- in the program, agreed that the din- Schack said. However, atten- with our freshman seminar professors Spring Fling Row Boating in ert R. Grimes, S.I, dean of Fordham ner was a success, but she said that dance has not been great, she said. and other students on our floor," she the Park College at Lincoln Center (FCLC), she would like students to be more Some students said that the liv- said. "The extent to which residents 1:00 p.m. said. As a result, there will be two got to know commuters depended on active next year in other areas. ing-learning community had no Meet in the Lowenstein Lobby floors in McMahon Hall designated "This year, the [Resident Assis- effect on their freshman experi- the style of their seminar class though Sponsored by PARty and for the living-learning community, tants] formulated committees on the ence. "In all honesty, I experienced Personally, I only got to know a few." SPARC instead of die single floor that is used floor; 'the life ofthernmd,"the life of absolutely no difference other One thing that Grimes is most ada- for the program this year, he added. the spirit,' and 'the life of the heart,'" than the fact that the hall is painted mant about when it comes to the liv- A survey that was given out to Schack said. "We'd like those com- blue on my floor," said Steve Rus- ing-learning community is that it is Portions of the calendar are all freshmen concluded that com- mittees to be more active next year somano, FCLC '10, referring to goingtobe "the standardby which we provided by the Office of Stu- muters who were involved in the with a lot more student participation." the blue hallways of the fifth floor. [conduct] the freshman experience." dent Leadership and h'ving-leaming community ben- Keith Eldridge, dean of students According to Schack, focus groups Grimes said, "we're not looking Community Development. efited from it, according to Grimes. at FCLC, said mat more academic that will be held at the end of this se- upon this as a special program. "We did see significant differences requirements in the spring semester mester shouldhelptoimprovethepro- We're looking on it as what we in commuters who were connected to would be beneficial to students. Since gram so that administrators are more expect will be the standard by this," Grimes said. "In residents, we the freshmen seminars take place in aware of student feedback, and what which the College operates." It • v didn't see that much difference from the fall, enthusiasm went down dur- needs to be improved. "Since this is a is intended to be "a benefit, not a those who were [connected to the ing the spring semester, and students collaborative effort, we need to work burden" to those students that were community] than those who weren't" were not as active, Eldridge said with the Dean's office and campus chosen to participate, he said. •

Loyola Chair brings lecture on beauty and science to CRIME BLOTTER FCLC Thurs. March 29 By MEAGHAN DILLON introduced Consolmagno. Gen- that the fact that every picture the audience, engaging in discus- Two pairs of jeans were reported ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR erally, the purpose of the Loyola told a story is what made them sions of science and the solar sys- stolen from the 2nd floor laundry . Chair lecture is to foster research beautiful. "Each of those pictures tem with some students, though room in McMahon Hall between • FCLC -Br. Guy Consqlmagno, and teaching in the Jesuit tradi- are friends and neighbors that I only two students in the group were 1:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m., John Car- S.J. gave a lecture called "Beau- tion, according to the Fordham know," Consulmagno said. It is natural science majors. roll, director of security, said. ty, Truth, and Planetary Science: website. the human element that beauti- At the end of the lecture, Grimes' Finding Ourselves in the Solar Consolmagno served in the fies the slides, and that is the way asked Consolmagno for his thoughts Mon. April 2 System" to approximately thirty Peace Corps and later joined the to "finding ourselves in the solar on a quote from James Watson's Two students on the plaza who students and a handful of fac- staff of the Vatican as curator of system," he added. book, Double Helix: "It had to be were having a verbal dispute at ulty and administrators on Wed., the Vatican meteor collection. Al- "Any group who invites an as- true. It was too beautiful not to be 11:00 a.m. were brought to security, March 28. in a Lowenstein class- though the universe is generally tronomer deserves to see pretty true," Watson wrote about his dis- according to John Carroll, direc- room. The lecture provided at- viewed as rational, Consolmagno pictures," Consolmagno joked covery of the structure of DNA. tor of security. The dispute was tendees with astronomical images said that it doesn't have to be all to the attendees. The slides that he Consolmagno explained that al- referred to student affairs, said as well as detailed background on about science. "The universe can showed ranged from a picture taken though a theory's beauty does not Carroll. all of the slides that were viewed. be described using the laws of na- at sunrise by a Spanish Jesuit, to an mean that it is undoubtedly true, if The Loyola Chair brings Jesuit ture, but the universe is also beau- image of Jupiter's moon, to an im- one has a theory that is ugly, then that Wed. April 4 scholars from around the world tiful," he said. age of Saturn, which is visible with a person will not be satisfied until it is Over $500 worth of clothing was to speak to students and faculty, Consulmagno showed the telescope from a rooftop, beautiful. He added, "beauty or ugli- reported stolen from the 16th floor said the Rev. Robert R. Grimes, audience several slides taken he noted. ness is in the eye of the beholder... laundry room in McMahon Hall be- S.J.,' dean of Fordham College throughout his career, explaining After the viewing of the slides, to my mind that is the most wonder- tween 1:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m., said at Lincoln Center (FCLC), who a story about each one. He said Consolmagno took questions from ful thing about being a scientist." • John Carroll, director of security.

Wed. April 4 Rose Hill students 'forcibly touched' in Bronx A lock was damaged in a McMa- By KATE CUSIMANO & is not surprised by the incidents. spoke Spanish, hi all three incidents, report but the man was never found. hon Hall residence between 9:00 LAURASHIN All three incidents occurred in the suspect fled on foot immediately "It's very sad because there's really p.m. and 11:00 p.m., reported John STAFF WRITERS the vicinity of Fordham Road and after harassing them. nothing we can do." Carroll, director of security. The Arthur Ave. The alert described the "Forcible Touching" is defined as Sobel said she believes students residents were unsure how it hap- FORDHAM - On Monday, April suspect as being male, between the intentionally, and for no legitimate need take responsibility for them- pened, and security had to force the 16, Fordham Security at Rose Hill ages of 20 and 30, 5'6" tall, and of purpose, forcibly touching the sex- selves and not put themselves in door open in order to let the stu- sent out an email alert regarding stocky build. Carroll said the sus- ual or other intimate parts of another certain situations in order to prevent dents into their room, Carroll said. three female students and one fe- pect is believed to be the same man person, Carroll said. Forcible touch- tilings like this from happening. male guest who were victims of who was apprehended in 2002 for ing includes squeezing, grabbing or "I wasn't walking home from a "forcible touching" near the Bronx another Forcible Touching case in- pinching, he added. bar at 2 a.m. drunk," said Southern Tue. April 10 campus. Three separate incidents volving a student. "I want students to be aware," Car- who said she was walking to her A graduate student reported stolen occurred between the hours of 3 and NYPD detectives at the 48th pre- roll said. "They should know so that off-campus apartment at about 9 sunglasses that were worth $200, 4 a.m. on Sunday, April 15. In each cinct are looking for the suspect, if they're out and this guys shows up p.m. on a Sunday wearing sweats. according to John Carroll, director case, the suspect forcibly grabbed Carroll said. "He was probably and asks them if they speak Spanish, "It can happen to anyone," she of security. The sunglasses were or groped the victims, according to locked up for a few years and got they'll know what to do." said. taken from a locker in Lowenstein, the alert. None of the victims were out again," Carroll added. "NYPD Janet Southern, FCRH '07, said "It was frightening, and it did but there was no sign of forced injurcd, said John Carroll, director is doing everything they can to catch this happens more often than it make me very nervous, especially entry, Carroll said. of Security at Rose Hill. this guy." should. "It actually happened to right after," Southern said. "It's "I think when you go outside The alert indicated that in two of me last semester," Southern said. "I a challenge, because you have campus, you take a risk," said Ky- the three incidents, the suspect ap- don't think it was the same guy." to find a balance between being lie Sobcl, FCRH '08, who said she proached the victims asking if they Southern said she filed a police safe and being too cautious." • 10 '[• April 19,2007 OPINIONS THE OBSERVER OBSERVER AWARD Fordham Observer receives First Place prize in the American Scholastic Press Association's Scholastic Newspaper 2006-2007 competition NEW YORK (April 17, 2007) said, "This represents the second time put so much time and effort into our 2006 Newspaper Contest) Better College Newspaper Contest) - Fordham University's The Ob- The Observer has been recognized for publication, in an attempt to reach a First Place (2004-2005 Newspaper •Chronicle of Higher Education's server has been honored again for it's quality this semester, a recognition level of legitimate respectability. Be- Review) David W. Miller Award for Student its excellence in student journalism. it's staffrichly deserves. I am pleased ing honored with this kind of award •Associated Collegiate Press Journalists He American Scholastic Press As- that the editorial board has maintained makes us feel as if we are truly living Honorable Mention, 2007 News- Corinne Iozzio, FCLC '05 sociation offers a service in the form the excellence established by their up to that standard." paper of Year contest of a contest, which provides advice predecessors." This latest honor marks the elev- Second Place, 2005 Newspaper of Founded in 1981, The Observer is on page design, story layout, graphics, Christina Shanahan, FCLC '07, enth time since 2003 that The Ob- Year contest the award winning student newspa- headlining, cover design, advertising New Editor of The Observer said, server has been recognized for its •New York Press Association per of Fordham University, the Jesuit placement, photography and a variety "It's very exciting for the observer excellence. Other recent honors in- First Place, Column [Joe DeLes- University of New York. Based at of other useful items. The Observer staff members to have our work rec- clude: sio, FCLC '06] (2005 Better College Fordham University's Lincoln Center received a first place classification in ognized. We have a strong staff that •American Scholastic Press Asso- Newspaper Contest) campus in Manhattan, The Observer's the 2006-2007 Newspaper category. works very hard producing each is- ciation Third Place, Editorial (2004 Better circulation also reaches Fordham's Dn Elizabeth Stone, advisor to The sue." First Place with Special Merit College Newspaper Contest) Rose Hill campus in the Bronx, mak- Observer and professorofEnglish and Nancy Young, FCLC '07, Editor in (2005-2006 Newspaper Contest) Third Place, Editorial (20O3 Better ing it available to over 14,000 stu- communications and media studies at Chief and President of The Observer Most Outstanding University College Newspaper Contest) dents in the University's undergradu- Fordham College at Lincoln Center, likewise said, 'We at The Observer Newspaper for 2005-2006 (2005- Third Place, Photography (2003 ate colleges and graduate schools. • Reasons why I will end up alone (13) The universe is conspiring against me.

ByRAVDADEMO you'll end up alone.... This—mis self-obsession with your to believe they're intimidated by me. ten-plus dollars en a meal, I should get OPINIONS EDITOR Ray (preening): Oh! Do you read own quirks and shortcomings? You're God Do you really think you're more than justflour and beans. my column? placing your problems onapedestaL so unbearably attractive that men are God You need to find the fun, Ray materializes (fivm thin air) on God If I'm waiting for a bus or above everyone else's. And what dif- afraid to approach you? instead of always waiting for it to a sun-drenched beach. He looks dis- something. It's not really my cup of ficulties do you actually have? Do you Ray: Well, if it looks like a duck and come to you. oriented and frightened, perhaps with tea. I prefer journalism Vagina jokes even know where Darfur is? quacks like a duck... Ray Find the fun? Listen: People apuddingstain wound his mouth. A offend my senses. Ray (with a wave of his hand): Dar- (Godputs his head between his who try to find the fun in every situ- booming otherworldly voice calls to Ray Oh. I see. fur, Endor, lattooine—I don't know hiees and heaves.) ation are really just people with low him fivm above. God The reason I brought you up anything about 'Star Wars.' What I do Ray: What's wrong? standards. If I pretended to enjoy The Voice: Do you know where you here is to have a little chat.J can't help know is this: I speak for the common God It's just 1hat..well...sometimes myself while strawberry picking, I are,myson? but notice that lately your behavior man. I share his dreams and desires. I I don't know whetherto laugh or wouldn't be any better for it I would (Rqy'looks'amwidattheshoreline; ache,' I bleed Ijus t happen to filter my punch you in the face. just be a liar. Comprendefl e'cWshmgwrnsf l!ir1"1'1' grotesque. emotion through the prism of my art Ray (shiftingfiomfoot to foot): I get God (siglis): I don't know what else Ray (shouting): I'm—I'm at a Ray (alarmed): How so? God People who say preten- that a lot to say to you. If the voice of God can't beach. Am I in New Jersey? God Well, this is sort of an awk- tious things make me want to flood God Oh, please don't misunder- penetrate that melon of yours, I don't The Voice: No. Notice the perfect ward topic to broach. Last week, I something. stand me. I think you will definitely know what wilL Is this the person rainbow I have created. And the lack happened to catch you cradling your Ray (picks at a hangnail, sighs): I end up alone. Just not for the reasons you're going to be for the rest of your ofhazardous medical waste. iPod and saying, "Mommy loves don't put myself on a pedestal. I really you think. For starters, I think you life? Ray (gasping): Am I in Heaven? yoa" resent you for saying that Ugh. I just overeat Ray (massaging his temples): Don't (Ihe sky rumbles and onto the Ray; Well, I don't..uh...fco«gfo; I don't know what to do anymore, God. Ray (gasps): God! . psychoanalyze me, God I'm in no beach steps God. Ontyhisgiant don't see anything wrong with mat I feel so...meaningless. Know what I God Well, you do. You find great mood sandaled feet are visible, peeking out God: Ray, here in Heaven, we mean? So meaningless. So astound- solace in junk food Happiness, to God: I can see that we're getting no- fivm underneath a flowing, white have a rule. Only two types of people ingly meaningless. So incredibly, you, is something topped by ham. where. (God removes a bottle of Advil tunic. His voice is commanding and should ever call themselves 'Mom- tremendously meaningless. Ray (correcting): Topped with ham. fivm his tunic and struggles with the thunderous.) my': (A) People with actual, human (God scratches his head, unsure of God Excuse me? cap.) Divine intervention has proved God: Yes, Ray. This is Paradise—an children and (B) voluptuous, black how to ask this next question.) . Ray: You misspoke. Topped with to be a failure. endless stretch of sea and sand, a cleft prostitutes. If you want something to God Do you feel loved? ham. Ray (patting Gods ankle and taking in the rock of the universe... dress in little sailor suits, and fuss over, Ray: Why? What have you heard? God Are you really correcting my the Advil away from him): Aw, don't Ray: Hey! This is the beach and use so that you can call yourself God Nothing. I'm asking a simple grammar? beat yourself up over it Try to find the fromthatpoem—'Footprints.'My "Mommy," hunker down, find a man, questioa Ray: Well, you clearly meant it my fun in this situation. We're making a grandmother has it banging in her and have yourself a baby. Ray: I don't know. I'm told that my way. A sandwich is 'topped with ham,' memory. bathroom... Ray (defensively): Inanimate objects column for the school paper gets a lot not by it 'Topped by ham' conjures an (Ray opens the Advil bottle and God You bet your sweet patoot it is! need love too! And you can't press ofWeb site hits. (Ray smiles image of Porky Pig shtupping me. shakes two pills into God's giant Ray: Oh, wow. Now I'm impressed 'Shuffle' when you get bored with a optimistically. God looks uncomfort- (God crinkles his nose in revulsion. palm.) So, if mis is Heaven, you must be...? baby. able.) Why do you even ask? Are you Ray folds his arms.) God: I don't think I want to remem- God I am your Lord and Creator. God Well, if you're going to make insinuating that I'm unloved? That no Ray. Well, it does... ber this conversation. The one who makes all things pos- a life with something that won't love one wants to cuddle with me? God Let's see...I think you have an Ray Oh, don't be a Negative sible...the font from whiclL./Gcx/ you back, do it the right way. Get ., God Now, I didn't say anything oral fixation. You're always noshing Nancy. I remember everything-^good squints down at Ray.) Jesus, Ray. You cats. Stray cats. Lots of them. Leave about cuddling... on little candies and things. You eat and bad I can't help it I have the could have at least gotta] dressed the 'Mommy' stuff at the door of the Ray: No, I'd like your honest out of boredom. You have an addic- memory of an old elephant (Ray (Ray tugs, self-consciously, at the day-care center where you watch the opinion. Do you think I'm starting to tive personality. And you drink fir too giggles. His laugh slowly disintegrates teal sweatsuit hes wearing) children play and imagine what your repel people? (God opens his mouth much Diet Coke. into melancholy frown.) And the body. Ray: I'm sorry. I was eating pud- life might have been. to speak) Do I give off the stench of Ray Oh, please. That's an addiction God And the sexual proclivities. ding and watching 'Dancing with Ray (hurt): Duly noted I'm sorry desperation? (God opens his mouth to you? Come on! I could be snorting Listen, I'm going to take a little walk, the Stars". I didn't plan on having an that my flaws got in the way of you to speak.) Do I not afford people the lines of cocaine off a toilet seat When if you don't mind.. out-of-body experience. peeping in on me. Were you also opportunity to express themselves? you think about it that way, my few Ray Oh! I'll join yoa Hey. You (There is an awkward pause. Ray watching me in the shower? Hrnm. Personally, I think it's because liters of Diet Coke don't seem so bad, wanna carry me? I'm just kidding. It's shifts uncomfortably.) God: Don't act pissy. people are intimidated by my charm do they? a reference to the poem. Ray: I'm not dead, am I? Ray: I am not pissy. I just and dazzling teeth. Those two God: Aspaitame kills/And caffeine (As they walk off into tlie sunset, two God (laughing heartily): No, no. never dreamed that Yahweh—of all tilings—among others—can really be can cause migraines, or worse, ag- sets of footprints, side by side in the You aren't dead You have several re- people—could be so...obtuse. daunting to my gentlemen callers. gravate your P.M.S. sand...) warding months of life ahead of you. God: But don't you see tny point? God: Or maybe you're frigid. (Ray is very seriously struck by this.) Ray: God, you're being a little (Ray is visibly relieved He loosens You should be fixing your flaws, not Maybe that's why no one wants to Ray: Oh, no. I wouldn't want that distant the elastic on his pants.) taking bubble baths in them. cuddle with yoa God: Also, I think you complain God I have a headache, Ray. Stop God No, Ray. I've summoned you Ray (with an edge): My flaws make (Rays mouth hangs open for a too much. You won't go dancing, you trying to control me. for a little visit Nothing more, nothing me human, God If I wallow in them moment His eyes fix on God with an won't try new things...I can distinctly Ray: Are you trying to sabotage less. Please—have a scat on that tuffet and exploit them for public consump- icy glow.) recall you standing outside a Mexican me? Is it because I'm gay? of sparkly cloud fluff. tion, I'll be even more human. Twice Ray God, I don't know how you restaurant, folding your arms like a God: No, Ray. It is not because (Ray sits, crosses his legs, then as human. Superhuman. arrive at these ffinger-quotes)"conclu - teething brat and refusing to eat "(lie you're gay. I'm God. I don't hate gay thinks better of it.) God: See? This is what I'm talking sions" of yours, but your logic is cuisine of the poor." people. As a matter of fact, I don't hate Ray: Am I in trouble? about You don't think your flaws looser than Jared, the Subway guy's Ray (stage-whisper): Ssslih! For nnyonc. (beat) Except Eskimos. God: Frankly speaking, I think make you human. You think they pants. Maybe no one wants to cuddle God's sake! I would never say such o Ray: Oil, God You devil. Now, tell you're making a huge mistake. All moke you special. Don't you see in bed because...becausc I get night- tiling! Never! (after a pause) Though me more about this Darfur place... • this fussing and fretting over why that this is the height of arrogance? mares and kick in my sleep. I choose I do feel that if I'm going to spend fordhamobserver.com THE OBSERVER I April 19,2007 I OPINIONS 11 Hillary: why people like her, why I don't


So everyone is all excited about the first quarter fundrais- ing numbers being released by those vying for the presidential nominations in 2008. At the top of the list is Hillary Clinton's "record breaking" $26 million with Barack Obama follow- ing closely with $25 million. One can see pretty easily how Obama raised that much—he's been welcomed like Jesus by huge crowds all over the nation. Hillary, on the other hand, has released her husband, Bill, to roll across the country like a giant snowball of charisma, picking Up any funds and admirers fortunate enough to be in his path. Even taking Bill's influence, as well as the money from lobbyists and political action committees into consideration, we have to admit that raising $26 million in just a few months is no mean feat—a feat that, for me, brings up what is perhaps the most perplexing question of the current political season: why do some people like Hillary, and why can't those of us who don't figure out why? Let's start with the basics. First and most obvious is the fact that Hillary is a woman, and probably the most serious female candidate for president that the country has ; CHUCK KENNEDV/MCT eyer had. I know several people Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) speaks at a forum hosted by the AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Department (BCTD) 2007 Legislative who, every election, try to vote Conference, Wed., March 28,2007, in Washington, DC.(Chuck Kennedy/MCT) for as many female candidates as are on the ticket. Many liber- magical time before Bush, before ing universal healthcare before tion, and I just don't trust her for haha") over billionaire David als love the idea of awoman ., ' Iraq, in the days of the surplus universal healthcare was cool, it. With Obama, we at least get Geffen's barbs when he switched president, or amiflority president, and the dot-co^.bfipm.anii rWr,,,,," the cippgaraoc^thatJhe.'s }?een „„,* hi&,support to Obama,.Jt'cah'k"" or a gay president, or whatever. simple problems like Monica, T First Lady. On the,o.tberihaqd,,,,, drawn into the race by papular, „ help but feel teat h^s..C9pngnt.S;., It is part of our guilt over the Elian Gonzalez and Y2K. Hillary she did manage to upset males, demand, or that it's spontaneous. were accurate. As he said, Hillary discrimination in America's past, benefits from an association with ages 15 to 30, with her campaign With Hillary, it is obvious that seems "overproduced and over- and our desire to have our vision that time and from a not uncom- against Grand Theft Auto and she's been planning her current scripted." I can't explain exactly of a bright, happy, multicultural mon belief that, as one of the other violent video games. That, run for probably 10 years. My why presidential ambition makes America vindicated on a national more influential First Ladies in and her original support for the bet is that as soon as Bill was me nervous. It takes a serious ego scale. Of course, as a friend of history, she had a hand in making invasion of Iraq (with a recent elected to his second term, the to plan to be President and try to mine pointed out, this is part of the Clinton years what they were. change of heart regarding a pull- gears began to turn, plans started go through with it. It is a nagging Obama's appeal as well; every- If we elected her we would, as a out) tend to leave a bad taste in being formulated: the move to flaw with democracy that most one loves the chance to assuage ax bonus, get Bill back in the White my mouth. New York, her carefully crafted of the people we put in power e little white guilt now and then. House as the First Man or what- Mostly, though, I just don't like image as a strong, hard-line are people who are willing to put Then, there is Hillary's tie to ever. Given how smart and how her. A large part of this comes, I politico—more masculine than up a huge elaborate facade of a her husband, the former presi- widely and wildly loved he is, I think, from her obvious seething maternal—her rise to a leader- personality to get elected. It isn't dent. Lots of people love Bill can't say I wouldn't be pleased desire to win the White House. ship position in the Democratic that I necessarily think she'd be a Clinton. In fact, the only thing about that. Everything she has done as a Party, and now her bid for the bad President, but she wants it so they love more than Bill himself Of course, Hillary isn't a bad senator seems to have been meant nomination. Despite all the fuss bad I'm not sure she should get is the Clinton years, that joyous politician either. She was propos- to forward her presidential ambi- (Wikipedia used the word "brou- it. •

How nice it is to be number one By GAYLEEM J. AGUILAR elections have shown, there has Candidates tailor their respec- The funny thing is that I can't but it does, in fact, impact the STAFF WRITER been a bigger emphasis on cam- tive platforms to the positions of even hate New Hampshire and process, and gives a candidate paigning over governing. The two middle of nowhere agricul- Iowa, because I'm sure that the more momentum over the others. The 2008 election year is soon election process is a beauty-con- tural states. We have to love our primary election is the most I find it quite troubling that these approaching and the potential test...and it's very expensive for American [democratic] voting exciting thing that happens there. states have such a chokehold presidential candidates are hitting politicians to get that picture-per- system, huh? I honestly wouldn't even consider on the presidential election. the all-important states: New fect shot. There's no campaigning Aside from actually getting to them as part of the map if they This certainly leaves us with the Hampshire and Iowa. If you're without big money. Let's face know the candidates, receiving didn't play such a major role in pseudo-monopoly had by New reading this and you're a New it, something like $10 million is what I consider to be an unfair the election process. I'm clearly Hampshire and Iowa; it makes me Yorker, you're probably wonder- chump change. These two states, share of money and having can- not the only person that sees the wonder how democratic the elec- ing the same things I am...who completely unrepresentative didates spend time on issues that benefits of being first. Many tion process actually is. Should cares about New Hampshire or of the rest of the country, reap are only pertinent to them, these states, including New York, are these two states continue to play Iowa, and why does the presiden- economic benefits every election two states also get all the media hoping to move up their primary such a prominent role or should tial nomination depend, in any year leaving all other states in the attention. The media coverage election date. they give up the golden throne? way, on these two small-town gutter. And I thought it was bad they get is extensive. During Being number one doesn't For now, we'll just keep making states? Since Iowa holds the first enough that they had an influ- this time known as the "invisible entail deciding the nomination up nonsense like "Super Duper caucus and New Hampshire, ence on what the outcome of the primary," the name for the year the first primary, it is crucial for nomination would be... before the primaries actually start, candidates to spend all their time, What's most frustrating is the candidates begin to gain cclcb- money and effprt in these states way that potential candidates gear rity-typc status, and every time in return for media coverage and their policy views to coincide they go somewhere, [New Hamp- AGREE? DISAGREE? early recognition. The election with the feelings of the people shire and Iowa] it is recorded or myth is that once a candidate that live in the two states. I do televised. Though the two states wins either of these two states, wonder if the 2008 candidates aren't technically telling the rest WRITE TO US AND TELL US WHAT YOU the party nomination is in his or would be this concerned with the of the country who to vote for, her pocket. energy crisis iflowa, "The Corn the media exposure definitely has In the effort to garner public State," wasn't the first caucus. some input. We have no other THINK: support, candidates, particularly I also wonder if the candidates means to get to know the poten- the lesser known ones, spend sig- would be in support of civilians tial candidate, aside from what nificant sums of money on Iowa carrying firearms if New Hamp- the media feeds us, and it usually [email protected] and New Hampshire. As recent shire weren't a gun-slinging state. comes live from rural lown. 12 OPINIONS I April 19,2007 I THE OBSERVER fordhamobserver.com THE OBSERVER Name Brand By DANIEL ROSENBERG ing to Hell: Nike, Disney, Wal-Mart, STAFF WRITER Reebok, the Gap, Liz Claibome and Ralph Lauren, American Players, Look at what you're wearing. Tommy Hilfiger, Hanes, ADIDAS, All those names stitched onto your Puma, Fila, Target, Costco, Kohl's, clothes: Sean John, Nike, Echo, Kmart, Big Lots, Victoria's Secret, 113 West 60th Street Gap. How do you go out dressed LLC, Bloomingdale's, Inc. Macy's, Room 408 like that? Aren't you afraid you'll be Sara lee, JC Penny, Polo, Levi New York, New York 10023 seen? I guess that's the whole idea. I Strauss, Eddie Bauer, and on, and ; (212)636-6015 just haven't figured out how to dress on, and that's just clothes, I'll save like you and not be ashamed everything else for when I need to Editor in Chief As far back as I can remember, bring out the big guns. . Nancy Young my peers and I were taught that Underpaid and forced labor personality, while important, was factories operate worldwide; this .. Managing Editor not nearly as important as persona. isn't a problem that only affects Adam Kaufman In sixth grade it was JNCO jeans, foreign third-world countries. The in seventh, Think skate gear, and United States Department of Labor News Editor in eighth..! forget (I wasn't very estimates that 4,500 of New York Christina Shanahan popular,so Iprobably didn't wear City's 7,000 garment factories are it) If only mothers objected to their sweatshops. Not only is this horrible children's prostitution to clothing for the workers forced to work Opinions Editors designers like they do those scantily under these conditions, it is also RayDademo clad outfits worn by their daughters bad for domestic workers who find hurrying out the door. themselves unemployed. Data from Features Editor Ordinarily, I try and not take Forrester Research, a leading IT AlinaSoIer offence to other peoples' personal consulting organization, concludes behavior, but when that behavior that over 200,000 U.S. jobs are MARK AVERY/MCTf Arts & Culture Editor carries with it profound social conse- outsourced annually as a direct Collector Eric Hsieh of Irvine, California, is shown with most of his 175 pairs of sneakers. Chadner Navarre quences, I tend to get a Me pissed result of the increasing popularity of He is holding a pair of original Nike Air Jordans from 1984. (nk) 2004 off This is not the bitter retaliation sweatshop labor. literary Editor of a loner who couldn't afford the Okay, wearing clothing made and continue forcing entire villages wearer by creating a classist division Marissa Jumark cool kid clothes, but rather an assault in sweatshops is bad. Why? Well, to work surrounded by barbed wire, between those who bear the mark, Olivia Dano on all you who support money-grub- it indirectly Idlls hundreds of just to scrape a few extra pennies and those poppers who don't. bing corporations who rob our souls thousands of people every year. By out of our ever-so-flawed market "Well what can I do about Sports Editor and replace mem with their slave- paying wo±ers wages far below the economy. this horrible tragedy," you ask? KjranHefa wage symbols; and until further minuscule standard of living, and by Onward, wearing clothing with Put down this paper and throw notice, you are my enemy. forcing them to worklong grueling a visible name brand is bad. Why? away everything you own that hours without any form of health- has any relationship to forced Copy Editor The simple fact of the matter is, First, it reduces the wearer to merely wearing name brand clothing is evil, care, companies are insuring the a host for a product, a walking bill- labor whatsoever. Right now, go. Julian Oquendo bad, and wrong, all rolled into one. destruction of their workers. Second, board rat conveniently designed to The ECHO shirts, the Jordan's, Firstly, it encourages the use of for- forget number two; only the Devil infiltrate the. homes and business of those little shorts from Victoria's _ Layout Editor eign sweatshops which in turn hurts or a liar could say they want to sport real people. Second, a person wear- Secret: in the garbage. You look Joe Davidson America's economy by outsourcing Nike shoes after reading this. ing name brand garments is instantly like a fool in them anyway. The jobs which could be performed by It seems like companies would judged based on the categories into only way we're going to stop Pheto Editor our unemployed Americans. And disbarid the use bf foreign work which those garments fall. For ex- these tyrants is with our purchas- RusseU Hartonis, secondly, it denigrates not only those camps in the face incredible public ample, as a white emcee, I can't con- ing power. Vote with your dollar,, around the clothing, but also the pressure (in addition to the inherent vey how times I have performed at- because there's too much politics' Online Editors bearer of the mark. moral problem). If Nike were to cut venues and battles and been mocked to get anything done with the First, lets be clear as to which its marketing budget of $975 million for not bearing the Nike 'swoosh.' ballot. Forget about the illusions companies I am referring; if you by only 4 percent, it would have the Before I even open my mouth, I of status, wealth, and beauty, and think about doing what's right. Assistant Editors have ever purchased products from necessary funds to ensure that all its am discredited based on what I am, any of the following manufacturers, production workers received a living and am not, wearing. And third, it Besides, how good do you look wage; but no, companies press on, silently denigrates those around the with blood on your hands? • Lauren Oollard (Features) or distributors, you are probably go- Nicole Boumas Ney (Arts & Culture) Luke Teegarden (Arts & Cuiture) Seven Deadly Words Ashley WennersHerron (Copy) " ByJACKYIEVOLI Marc Girard (Copy) STAFF WRITER the table in the diner, and nar- for something to say, and Matt him. When Rob got off the Brooke Burdge (Layout) rowly missed sending sodas and Laura found tons of stuff in phone, he motioned to me to tell Caiie fisher (Layout) flying. "Oh my God! You have to common. I breathed a sigh of Laura I would call her back in a "Does your boyfriend have any set us up! It would be so perfect. relief and found myself feel- minute. Layout Stiff cute friends?" Just think, we can do doubles ing giddy when Matt said he "So, Matt's friend Tom called Keisey Butter Nothing makes me cringe more and all hang out, and it will be so would drive Laura home so they him and told him about this ' Massimo DiGtovanna than those seven words. They much fun!" could talk more. Maybe playing party in Hoboken, and Matt... Nina Cappichione are the words that will inevitably She must have made a semi- matchmaker wasn't so bad after well, I guess he forgot about his MaryAnn Spencer tumble from a single friend's convincing argument because all. plans with Laura—" Lauren Tsorri mouth once you have hooked a later that night I found myself The following Saturday, "Your idiot friend stood her hottie of your own. Apart they sitting on the couch with Rob however, I was kicking myself up! How could he do that to my best friend!" Faculty Adviser are merely insignificant words, showing him a picture of Laura for speaking too soon. Rob and but when joined together, they and asking if she would appeal I were settled on the couch with The screaming continued and Dr. Elizabeth Stone become a deadly ninja squad of to any of his friends. He studied popcorn, M&Ms and a movie erupted into our first fight. He stress, anxiety and pressure. it for a moment and mentally when my phone started ringing pointed the finger at me for Faculty Graphics Adviser My boyfriend Rob and I combed through his friends and incessantly. "Hello?" initiating the whole thing, while Joshua Penrod recently passed the six-month- their respective tastes in women. "He was supposed to pick me I blamed him for having crappy mark in our relationship—we "Matt would definitely think up at my apartment an hour ago. friends. He told me to learn to Faculty Polling Unit Adviser can comfortably hang out with she's hot," he finally decided. I talked to him yesterday and stay out of other people's lives Dr. Patrick Moynihan each other's friends, talk to "Well, how about we all go he said he would pick me up at and I informed him that he was one another's parents without out to dinner on Saturday?" 9:30. It is now 10:30, and I'm sleeping on the couch. Business Manager worrying about making a good If his attention were not all dressed and ready to go, but Your single friends may beg Anthony Hazell impression, and be perfectly focused so intently on the TV he's not here!" and plead with you to set them content with staying home on a screen, he would have thought She had probably spent hours up with a friend of your boy- friend or girlfriend. Take it as Assistant Business Manager Saturday night. Apparently, we about what a bad idea this was straightening her hair and pick- ing out the perfect sexy, sparkly a compliment, as it means that Catherine Whek can now also set our friends up and would not have replied, so that they too can be blissfully "Yeah, okay." top to go with her slinky dark they see you as a happy couple and wish to have what the two Public Notice: happy. My best friend, Laura, Saturday night came and jeans only to find herself pacing her bedroom in a rage instead of of you have. Whatever you No part of The Observer may bo reprinted or waited until this six-month-mark found me trying to convince stepping into Mart's Mustang. do, don't give in to the puppy reproduced without the before uttering those seven hor- Laura that the red skirt did not Needless to say, my advice to eyes and the pouting lip. The expressed written consent of The Observer rid words. make her butt look huge and Rob waiting with Matt at the "Calm down" did nothing to ap- problems the two set up experi- editorial board. "Does your boyfriend have any cute friends? " restaurant because she and I pease her anger. I held my hand ence become your problems and I paused for a moment and in were 10 minutes late because over the receiver and whispered can strain even the strongest of my head screamed "No! Nol the red skirt did make her butt to Rob, "Call Matt." I stayed on relationships. Uncdn Center, published on alternate Thursdays Ugly Friends!" but somehow look huge. Minus that minor the phone with Laura attempt- Should those seven words arise durtngtfB academic yoar found the word "Yes" rolling off snafu, dinner went off without ing to cover for Matt's lateness, in conversation, I pass along to Printed by Expedi Pflntlng. BrooWyn, N.Y. Tor my tongue. a hitch. There were no awk- hoping and praying that Rob you a fool-proof response: contact Information visit Mixnobsermcom She practically jumped across ward silences spent searching would get a good answer from "Boyfriend? We broke up." • fordhamobserver.com THE OBSERVER April 19,2007 OPINIONS 13 From Hide and Seek to Suffocation Roulette By ANGELA BRUNETTI . STAFFWWTER monkey, the dying game, and the game alone using ropes and Fine. Maybe younger children might be. suffocation roulette. scarves and dog leashes. don't know what the game If we're talking evolutionary I'm kind of disillusioned with I'll be honest. I, too, think could do. They only wish to theory, the choking game might I remember when hide and adolescence and maybe with' reality sucks and boredom emulate their older siblings and just be the earliest sign of our seek evolved into manhunt, humanity in general. Wikipedia is often insufferable. Still, I friends. But what of the older infatuation with death. Wheth- a game to be played in the says the choking game is an cannot imagine how playing; siblings and friends? I don't er we fear it, are indifferent to woods, in the dark, with a activity involving "the induce- with death could offer any believe that a teenager who it, or welcome it, death is a big greater number of people than ment of unconsciousness or kind of solace. Why play the ties himself to a bedpost with part of our lives. I've become two-on-two hide and seek. I near unconsciousness by the choking game? Adolescents a rope doesn't make some kind convinced that part of the think most of us consider the restriction of the supply of allegedly get a high from the of association between this human condition is to ques- devious, childish games of oxygen to the brain." Players choking game. I suppose that, "game" and suicide. tion death. Do we have some adolescence with affectionate of the game engage in either to them, it seems like the harm- So why play the game? Is it control over it? How close can sentiment. They remind us of strangulation or self-induced less alternative to drugs, yet simply boredom and careless- we come to it without actually a time when we didn't need hypomania (which is essen- the trouble with this game is ness? Stupidity? Morbidity? embracing it? What does it drugs, sex or alcohol to deal tially hyperventilation) until fairly obvious. Every time an Isn't this the kind of behavior feel like when it comes closer? with life. This was the time the point of dizziness. In both individual plays the game, indicative of some deep, seri- Why does the game have to when simple, monotonous tag instances, the participant they cause a tiny bit of brain ous problems? The most dis- end at all? • turned into "booty" tag. Taps blacks out for a few seconds at damage to themselves. The concerting thing for me about on the shoulder became pats on times and experiences dreams even greater danger is that an the choking game revelations is the behind, and the two second and hallucinations. Conscious- individual might not release my feeling that we never grow pecks of "Spin the Bottle" ness is regained once oxygen the pressure from their arteries out of such behavior. There is turned into "Seven Minutes In makes it way back to the brain in time causing the ultimate no way to stop it. The choking •" ->' Heaven." with the release of pressure or "end of game." So, really, this game, like man hunt and "boo- Well, my conception of some involuntary movement of game isn't any different from ty tag," can kind of be consid- childhood games has become hands and feet. abusing drugs or alcohol which ered a part of our evolution Want to tainted. I've recently discov- A recent article in The New really induce the same kinds of from childhood to adulthood in ered through recent reading York Times stated that asphyxi- damage to the individual. It's that our means of escape from and discussions with sev- ation games have been played all a game until someone takes reality become more complex write for eral people, that children and for many years, but only re- it too far. and destructive. As human be- adolescents have replaced the cently has it become a serious I imagine that some of you ings, we'll always experience the outdated "Seven Minutes in concern. Only recently, have might be thinking, "Well, kids moments of weakness at a time Heaven" with a game called children been inspired by vid- and teens don't really think when well, reality sucks and "Trip to Heaven." This game eos of others playing the game along those lines. Maybe they we'll try to escape with self- Observer? is also known as the choking on YouTube. What's more, don't realize that the game mutilation, drugs, alcohol, sex, game, the pass out game, space adolescents have been playing could cause serious damage." sleep, whatever our preference Email us at Letters to the Editor, Opinions articles, and Editorial policies fordhamobserver Letters to the Editor should be typed official titles, and year of graduation (if from the same individual on one topic. of the views held by the editorial board @yahoo.com and sent to The Observer, Fordham Uni- applicable) for verificatioa If submitters The Observer reserves the right to edit of The Observer or Fordham University. versity, 113 West 60th Street, Room 408, fail to include this information, the edito- all letters and submissions for content, The Editorial is the opinion held by New York, NY 10023, or e-mailed to rial board will do so at its own discretion. clarity and length. a majority of The Observer's edito- [email protected]. Length should ' The Observer has the right to withhold Opinions articles and commentar- rial board. The'editorialisinnowaya not exceed 200 words. All letters must be any submissions from publication and ies represent the view of their authors. reflection of the views held by . signed and incjude contact information, will not consider, moie.tban,two, letters Thesftarticlesaieij naway,a.reflee,tlon ForolianTUiiiversityr *''" ' , LOOKING FOR A MOTEL WHERE YOU CAN REST IN PEACE? At the Pinewood Motel we feature: • Free Movies • A Staff That's Up To Snig, • Killer Views :*t

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TWHYEVE#L IS DYING TO STAY HEfii 14 I April 19,2007. ARTS & CULTURE THE OBSERVER Will Fen-ell's "Hot Fuzz" review By ANDREW GNERRE comedy niche the morning that the man he makes for many entertaining STAFF WRITER arrested for drunk driving is exchanges, it also adds some By NICOLE BOURNAS-NEY than his panicked run around the the son of the chief inspec- real weight to the characters' ASST. ARTS & CULTURE EDITOR track in nothing but his undies. It is sometimes said that for tor. That man is also Angel's relationship, a quality often Li keeping with the theme of his a parody to really succeed, the new partner, Danny Butter- lacking from the very films Will Ferrell's latest offering, latest film, I think we can compare source material itself must be man, played by Pegg's real- "Hot Fuzz" is tributing. Pegg "Blades of Glory," finds him playing Ferrell's method of comedy to that of rich. Without a deep well from life mate Nick Frost. Butter- and Frost have such impecca- Chazz Michael Michaels, aka Sex an ice skater's way of creating pro- which to draw, the parody is man is an action movie junkie ble chemistry, that for maybe on Ice, who is forced to compete in grams. If throwing triple jumps, com- left to fend for itself, becom- who is bored by the shortage the first time in such a film, pairs skating with Jimmy MacElroy bination spins, a dazzling footwork ing a pointless exercise in of excitement in Sandford and the transition from partners (John Hedcr), who wins medals by sequence and a spiral in a program is repetition. This principle cer- dreams of participating in the at odds to best friends seems delicately portraying a peacock on successful, a skater will keep doing tainly seems to be at work in shootouts and car chases he natural and true. When Angel ice. The movie combines hilari- so. But he can take center ice decked • the films of the "Scary Mov- sees in Jackie Chan movies. finally agrees to have a pint ous, dead-on jabs at figure skating in silver, rocking out to "Thriller," or ie" franchise. The movies they Like any good buddy movie, with Butterman, the audience with slapstick comedy and throws he can glide gracefiilly in fur, shim- are mocking are already such the two officers—whose con- can sense the relief in Angel, in a little fantasy for good measure mying to'"Memory."Ferrel l takes a sorry films that more jokes flicting personalities lead to a as even the character seems (rocket blasters on skate blades!?). similar tack, dressing up and pack- at their expense seem a bit strained relationship at first— to realize that the bond was The main point of the movie, aging his very successful ridiculous pointless. The creators of the slowly learn to love and even- inevitable. though, is, of course, to let Will swagger and over-enunciated, loud new comedy action flick "Hot tually adopt qualities of the The crowning achievement Ferrell do his tiling—and if it feels delivery in different, all very funny, Fuzz" apparently have never other. While their partnership of the film, though, certainly like Ricky Bobby traded the race- scenarios. He is, in a way, expand- heard this bit of advice and blooms, however, the town comes in the third act when track for a skating rink or that Ron ing on a concept of Saturday Night decided to tackle a genre no- experiences an unusual num- the promise of balls-out action Burgundy left the news desk for the Live, when actors like Ferrell created torious for its vapidness: the ber of seemingly accidental is finally fulfilled. All refer- kiss-and-cry area—that's because in characters (like a very odd version buddy cop film. In their follow deaths, a mystery that the two ences to past films come to some ways that is, in fact, true. of Alex Trebek), who reappeared in up to the already cult classic officers investigate. fruition here, as the two cops There is no denying that Chazz numerous skits. "Shaun of the Dead," director What makes the movie such aim to put an end to the evil Michael Michaels, Ron Burgundy In comedy the bottom line is quite Edgar Wright and writer/actor an effective parody is its mas- in Sandford. Angel gathers an ("Anchorman: The Legend of Ron clear: if the audience is laughing, Simon Pegg show us that this tery of the genre it's aping. It arsenal of bullets and firearms Burgundy") and Ricky Bobby ("Tal- then the comedian is doing some- is not, however, the case and nails every aspect of the pop- so extensive it would make ladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky thing right All three Ferrell films that "Lethal Weapon" is as corn flicks it's paying homage Neo blush. In the scenes that Bobby") are all the same character. (which will be followed by a bas- rich a source as any. to: from cold, crowd-pleasing follow, Wright proves that he Each film shines a spotlight on a dif- ketball flick, "Semi-Pro") made me Pegg plays Sergeant Nicho- one-liners to the slightly more is as capable of directing John ferent part of the conceited, sex ob- laugh, giggle and guffaw, so as far las Angel, an emotionally than platonic relationship of Woo-esque action as he was of sessed, boneheaded character Ferrell as I am concerned, Ferrell did his devoid supercop. Early in the two buddies. This point handling the full-scale zombie has created, In Chazz, Ferrell's ever- job (and did it very well). Admit- the film, Angel is transferred in particular, the romance be- riots of "Shaun." As the gun- present "machismo" explodes into an tedly, 10 years down the line, there from his position in London tween Butterman and Angel, fire escalates, though, the hu- intense sex addiction; the character is a good chance that Ferrell may to the small country town of i is delightfully overdone. In mor never falters, cementing of Ron takes the stock Ferrell conceit run out of steam with his over-sexed Sandford because his superb interviews, Pegg has admit- the film as something special. so far that he pummels his co-anchor dimwit persona. But for the time police work is making the rest ted that Angel's female love While "Hot Fuzz" pays hom- when she insults his—gasp!—hair, being, Ferrell can coast along with of the officers look bad. His interest was cut from the age to the action classics, it and Ricky Bobby is quite possibly his stock character, because as they first night in this new town, script early on and that Frost's simultaneously pleads its case the stupidest individual to ever enter ,say, racter assumed 'many of for inclusion in that same can- sional sports—Jook iHc Jwe^WJ&rfh certainty- on some day? •••••• •"- ' :'B-•

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Sanjaya: American Idol? o


Remember William Hung? He Who do you became a one-hit wonder with his think should be ridiculous cover of Ricky Martin's this season's "She Bangs" in an audition for "American Idol?" "American Idol" a few seasons ago. This year, the contestant America • "I think that Melinda hates to love has made it to the Top should win because she is Eight. Sanjaya Malakar may have just phenomenal!" Patrick captured the hearts of some pre-teen Comey, FCLC '10 fans, but his crazy hairstyles have caused some controversy and led to a movement to vote for him because • "Jordin and Melinda. he is the "worst" contestant. are definitely the top two. The 17-year old contestant has While I think Melinda sparked not one, but two fan (or anti- should win, I secretly hope fan?) groups leading the charge to that Jordin wins. I knew vote for him and, therefore, against she would be the wild card other singers who may be more de- from the very beginning." serving. One is Votefortheworst. Kimberly Moy, FCLC '08 com, which has chosen different contestants to support since 2004, somewhat in protest of how the pro- • "I think LaKisha ducers hand select, the contestants should win." Carishma that are the most entertaining despite Khubani, FCLC '09 '../ . their singing ability. Yet, beyond this site which has become a staple of the last few seasons of "Idol," Sanjaya • "I really liked Blake, has another, much more unlikely, Chris, and Haley, so I'd say of voters behind him—the any of those, three." Kristin Howard Stem Nation.- The often Pollan, FCLC '07 outrageous satellite radio host is en- couraging his audience to vote for Sanjaya in a mission to destroy the • "If I had to pick one, , show's credibility. Some listeners I guess I'd go with Blake, have confessed to voting hundreds the one that beatboxes. of times a day. He's different and pretty, "This strikes me as a great example talented." Michelle Spie- of what is referred to as 'oppositional gel, FCLC'07 . - . decoding' of a media message," Fr. Michael Tueth, S.J., associate pro- fessor of Communication and Me- "Probably Melinda dia Studies said. "Let us presume that the producers of shows like "American Idol" intend to get vot- ers excited about their candidate, just Frank WcobttsMP as sports fans support their favorite American Idol's Sanjaya Malakar sports the now infamqus pony-hawk. teams and athletes, and the viewers are expected to react in a predict- able way as they see people win sheds new light on how American to provide viewers with a chance to joke." the contestants are pretty lacklus- and lose. However, there can be a pop culture has become so focused feel superior to the 'idiots' who don't Several Fordham students do not ter.'* backlash where a certain sector of on its mediocre, or even outright mind embarrassing themselves for a find the Sanjaya craze appealing. Other students agree that San- the viewership takes an opposing bad, aspects. chance at their 15 minutes of fame." "I was a fan of 'American Idol,'" jaya is not a great singer, but they position." "When 'American Idol' and other Some, however, do not see the said Kristin Pollan, FCLC '07, "but find him entertaining to watch. So what does all of this fuss re- contest shows began, it looked like voting public as superior to the con- I stopped watching when Sanjaya Also, as Tueth pointed out, many ally mean for America's favorite a chance to cheer on some talented testants. "I think the people still vot- kept repeatedly being saved in the of the "Idol" losers, go on to big- talent competition? Could a San- people, but we soon found that, es- ing for Sanjaya who think it's still elimination rounds while better ger and better things than some jaya win realty change, or even pecially in the early rounds, it also hilarious are idiots," said Jennifer singers were being voted off." of the winners. So Sanjaya may end, "Idol"? Simon Cowell said provided opportunities to jeer at the Hillson, FCLC '09, "and that it's "I've watched the show ev- not win this singing competi- he will quit the show if Sanjaya less talented wannabes," Tueth said. unfair to the good singers, and that ery year," said Michelle Spiegel, tion on the votes of those who wins. Although it will likely not "So this is not a new phenomenon, it's also extremely mean to Sanjaya FCLC '07, "but I'm really not into claim to hate him, but- perhaps come to this, the whole situation but a continuation of the tendency who must know by now that it's a it as much this season. I think all the Oscars should watch out. • Fashion goes green

By IRENE MOLDAVER go green? Though it is more expen- food chain. In fact the majority of cotton in the entire collection. We ton. This is positive for the environ- STAFF WRITER sive to produce, due to fewer organ- the cotton plant, by weight, ends have created a 'green movement' ment and for the cotton growers." ic cotton resources, experts believe up in our food supply." Organic in the fashion world." While H&M, Loomstate and sev- Organic clothing has traditionally that the cultivation of organic cloth fibers, on the other hand, do not A number of companies, includ- eral other department store brands been categorized by itchy Birken- is less toxic on the ecosystem and contain any pesticides, fungicides, ing Eileen Fisher and H&M, have have already jumped on the "green" stocks and hemp skirts worn only healthier for humans. According to insecticides or herbicides and thus joined this "green movement." wagon, many high end designers by the environmentally conscious Organic Exchange, a non-profit or- pose less risk to nature and to hu- H&M, often seen as an affordable prefer the "designer" label instead and fashionably tasteless. However, ganization that encourages the use mans. alternative to retail department of the "green" label. Some notable with the recent green movement of natural and unprocessed fibers Because of its eco-conscious store prices, recently unveiled a designers who fall under the ex- and the increased public awareness in garments worldwide, "Conven- quality, organic clothing has be- new clothing line designated ex- ception are Giorgio Armani and towards eco-friendly consumerism, tional farming devours roughly a come popular and even stylish in clusively as organic. Venessa Cor- Stella McCartney. For some years eco fashion, clothing that involves third of a pound of pesticides and the fashion world. Big department rea, of H&M, stated, "The fabric in now, Armani lias used organic cot- the production of natural fibers, fertilizers to just produce enough stores such as Nordstrom, Macy's the garments is at least 95 percent ton and hemp in his collection and vegetable dyes, and biodegradable cotton foifa single t-shirt." These and Barney's New York feature cotton, mainly from Turkey, which Stella McCartney has used com and materials like bamboo and com, substances arc considered to be brands such as Mavi, Levi's and has been certified as organic. It may other recyclable materials in her has gained tremendous popularity. detrimental to the ecosystem as Loomstate. These companies use also contain a small amount of clas- handbags. Though the majority of luxury designer brands do not use No longer just your grandmother's well as to the consumers who/wear unprocessed fabrics in their collec- tane, for instance, to improve func- organic materials in their products, old pantyhose, organic garments the t-shirts. tions and promote earth-friendly tion." The collection features items such as dresses, tunics, and denim the trend has certainly received at- are now very much in style, with Not only do these damage plants practices. While Mavi and Levi's for women, men, teens, children tention and support from Holly- big name-brands such as Nike, Ei- and vegetation in the environment, have developed a special collection and babies. H&M has been using wood. Stars such as Sienna Miller, leen Fisher, EDUN, Loomstatc and but they ore also harmful to the exclusively dedicated to organic organic materials since 2005 in its Scarlett Johansson, Cameron Diaz H&M creating organic pieces in all farmers who harvest the cotton wear, the brand Loomstate special- children collection and encourages and Leonardo DiCaprio have been different kinds of colors, cuts and and to animals that graze in near- izes in only organic denim. Benin tlic development of organic cotton. spotted wearing organic brands. shapes. by areas. Even more so, Organic Noorata, of Loomstatc, said that "Loomstate is at the forefront of Cornea commented that "by wearing Hopefully, this support means that With so many conventional Exchange reports that "Pesticides the denim market and is dedicated these clothes, customers are helping the "green movement" and or- brands and styles to choose from, used in conventional cotton farm- to only using 100 percent organic to increase demand for organic cot- ganic fashion arc here to stay. • the obvious question looms—Why ing can [also] enter the human 16 ARTS & CULTURE I April 19,200/ I THE OBSERVER fordhamobserver.com Silhouettes from the Dancefloor ByDANNYLARKIN and curves into fascinating and STAFF WRITER dancing surface patterns. "Just as Warm" works well One of the more awkward as- pects of Facebook is the set of photos from drunken evenings By translating these that pervade most of our pro- photos into silhouettes, files. Our faces appear untamed as we strike an off-kilter pose. Farris-Gilbert distills Our photographer fares no better focus onto those uncan- as he or she usually captures a shot with poor composition at a ny facial expressions. bizarre angle. Considering how the Facebook profile is usually manicured to absurdity, there is something refreshing about the , as a six work series. The ongo- wild honesty of these pictures ing challenge of the series' ap- from forgotten evenings. proach is to create pieces mat Evening photography extends are similar to each other without this raw Dionysian aesthetic into exhausting the common theme the realm of high art. The goal is or becoming redundant. Farris- to show the subject in the midst Gilbert actually uses three dif- of his or her evening adventures ferent shades of orange paper in as though the camera was not the series. Two works are done there, as opposed to the over-de- in a lighter orange, another two termined poses of most daytime in a darker shade, and the final photos. That was the point of two in red-orange. She also var- departure for Domino Farris- ies the figural composition in Gilbert, FCLC '07, as she began each work. Three focus on one work on her senior show, which person, while the others present runs in Fordham's Pushpin gal- a group of figures on the dance lery until April 22. Farris-Gilbert floor. The orange-blue palate was quick to realize that photog- and the careful attention bond raphy was not the best medium Courtesy of Domino Fanta-fiJtart the works together in an en- for depicting this raw vitality One of Fanis-Gilbert's Facebook-inspired renditions chanting common style. and cathartic indulgence. While f Farris-Gilbert explained, with the facial expressions are often and distills focus onto those un- a carefully cut and meticulous- The portrait of a screaming a twinkle in her eyes, that she hilarious in those Facebook al- canny facial expressions. ly mounted piece of paper. The man is Farris-Gilbert's favorite strives to create something pret- bums, the backgrounds are of- From a distance, these orange intensity of the paper's color piece in the show. In the work, ty and visually appealing. She. ten plainly disappointing. Blank and blue silhouettes appear is partly the result of a special there is an extraordinary econo- works against the grain of post- white walls, a familiar couch, like paintings. They are actu- process in which the paper is my of detail. Strands of hair are modern tendencies to invest art or strange fragments of random ally pieces of paper, cut out and covered with an extra layer of delineated by curving and swirl- with arcane meaning. In many strangers in the background dis- mounted onto the background pigment. It is also the result of a ing lines. Swishes and twirls cap- ways her approach is a visual- . tract from the picture's subject. paper with rubber cement. keen application of color theory. ture the jean jacket's scrunches. ization of her nighttime subject By translating these photos into There is a certain technical These shades of light blue and With just a few lines, the eyes matter. Just like the dance floor, silhouettes, Farris-Gilbert re- orange reinforce each other's reveal the glee of the dance her style embraces the pure, sim- virtuosity in these works when 1 moves these irrelevant details one considers that each line is brilliance. floor. Farris-Gilbert wields lines ple pleasure of bright color. • Actor Profile: Greg Balla of "Pericles" By 1UKE TEEGARDEN and every single day, there's this "Our goal is to communicate the idea. Where the other drama? As you said, ASST. ARTS & CULTURE EDITOR great spontaneity about the art, there are hundreds of messages the fact that it only exists in the text lives in the body, and in the voice, within the text, and each line moment you're performing it, and carries enormous weight. One fine day, the Observer sat not after or before. When an artist communicates just as much as the words down with Greg Balla, who plays paints a picture, there's a beauti- themselves." It's a completely different ap- the title" character in the Main- ful painting left behind—we only proach to the material. Before one stage production of Shakespeare's have a memory of what we did. all the flashy showiness. The na- look at an actor as a creative art- gets on their feet and performs, "Pericles." It's living out a moment between ture of the work that they do here ist, [he] can really make the role there's a lot of homework that the two people. There's a visceral is very appealing to me^—-it's kind whatever [he] wants it to be. I actor has to do—it's really about The Observer: For people connection between audience and of what I refer to as "no-bullshit" want to bring as much of myself decoding the text. I spent weeks that don't know you, what's performer. acting. It strips away the flashy, to the role as I can, such that my and weeks just reading over the your story here in the Fordham gaudy stuff, really, and kind of Pericles is a completely unique script and looking up references theater program? O: You mean because an indi- gets to the heart of what's going version, different from your Peri- that I didn't understand. So yeah, vidual performance only exists on between people. cles or whatever the "Classical approaching it is a lot more ex- My major is acting, but I do a once? model" is. I had first impressions haustive than other texts. That lot of the tech work here. I've O: Yeah, I really like how the of him as being this regal, kingly being said, though, the way the been the electric supervisor for Yeah, it's like what you're Mainstage sets have always figure, but my understanding of text is structured, the rhythm of the Mainstage shows since I was feeling in your body, I'm feel- been pretty polished and seam- him [as a character] now is so far the text, the alliteration, and all a freshman. So I've had a hand ing in my body, because we're less. from that. It's in the discoveries the different elements, in some in all the mainstage productions in the same space. The ultimate that we make during rehearsal, ways make it easier to memo- since I've been here, but this is goal is to be a living, breathing Totally. I've been working in in playing with each other. It's rize. It kind of lives in your body my first time performing in one. thing within imaginative circum- the Black Box i and White Box really getting refined up until a little bit more. Your thoughts stances. You're trying to be as studios since I got here, and they the very last moment, and ide- have a natural rhythm to follow. O: What originally got you real as possible in a make-believe are more minimally based. When ally, through the very last perfor- The audience isn't going to un- into theater? world. you step into here [the Pope Au- mance, derstand every word. Our goal is ditorium], you can just see all the to communicate the idea. Where When I was young, I always ad- O: What are the pros and shit that's going on in here. We O: What can we expect from the text lives in the body, and in mired performers and actors, they cons of being a part of a small have musicians, we have giant this production of Pericles? the voice, communicates just as always looked like they were theater program as opposed to shadow puppets, we have storms much as the words themselves. having a lot of fun up there per- say, being at NYU? at sea—Pericles is a small man This is production is done forming. I was drawn to how free at the mercy of all these forces. I with, let's say, a company of ac- O: One last question, what's they are up there, how they're in The size of the program is nice. just concentrate on doing my job tors who are assuming the role of your favorite role ever? control of the room and the space, I' ve gotten to know my classmates and living out the reality of the a company of storytellers, who and to me that was kind of fas- really well, and how each of them moment while other these other are imparting the message of this I played Ben in The Dumb- cinating. 1 realized after u while works. I've been able to work great things are going on around play. And there are hundreds of waiter, who was. this British that I had some talent, and after with almost every one of them me. messages that can be found in the assassin... picture that movie, getting more training, I realized individually. The thing that's nice text, but one of the most impor- Snatch. I'had a shaved head, I got I liked learning more and more about this [small program] is that O: Does that take the pressure tant ones is how faith and fortune to hold a gun, I got to talk in a about it. I became fascinated with it takes any raw talent that you off of playing the lend role? really control the lives of human badass cockney accent. He was the movement of the body, and have and carves away at it, and beings on Earth, And that we arc very violent and alarming, and the text [of the script], and singing allows you to refine it. I really Yes, in a sense. There's always at their mercy. It's a very human he had this different energy that and dancing—really all different wanted focus on the acting for the pressure of playing a title message of joy and restoratives. was kind of unpredictable and aspects of it. I came here,'and it's a while, iind really get in touch character, let alone a Shakespeare combustible. So that was prob- never the same, you know—ev- with what that is, what it means character. But rcully, it's not so O: On that note, is Shake- ably the most fun experience ery single class, and performance, to just exist on a stage, aside from much about that because If you speare harder to. perform than I've ever had in tlic studio. • fordhamobserver.com THE OBSERVER 1 April 19,2007 ARTS & CULTURE 17

(WgCalefatB/TtieObwwr With online music stores and downloading sites like [Tunes, CDs are becoming obsolete. Low CD sales lead to the decline of the album By JESSICA GUERRA STAFF WRITER singles.downloaded were 140.9 as well as stickers to customize label gives the'artist a smaller unit." million, in 2005 it was 352.7 the packaging. And for the band stipend to create the singles than Rose explained the reasons million, and then in 2006 it went Barenaked Ladies, they released if they were to create an album. why album sales are sliding The recording industry as we up to 581.9 million. In order to different versions of their album It's a safer investment for the la- while singles sales are climb- knew it in our pre-teen days is find the silver-lining, die music "Barenaked Ladies Are Me:" a bel, because the expense of mak- ing, "It's easier, it's cheaper, and becoming obsolete in this digi- industry adds up all of their rev- 13 track version with two bonus ing an album may not be earned most albums aje 90 percent filler tal age. Even though this news enue from album sales, singles, tracks, a 16 track version, a 27 back if the album doesn't sell, so anyway." There are those who isn't exactly new, the latest de- music videos, and digital track really appreciate albums and pressing outcome from the lack downloads. In 2006 that totaled wouldn't want to see the end of of CD sales is the gradual de- 1.2 billion units, which was a M'l can t imagine listening to only one them. Monica Racic, FCLC '08, mise of the album itself. With 20.8 percent increase from 1 bil- or two songs by an artist I truly enjoy CDs and mostly purchases album-down- the increasing sales of single lion in 2005. loads for her music collection, songs, part of the music indus- In order to fight the album's other concrete formats are the lifeblood because to her, "an album is the try is scrambling to bring the slump in sales of both physical of true music lovers and anyone who truly artistic construction of the mu- album back into focus, while CDs and digital downloads, the sician or band, and to analyze others are adopting a new busi- industry is using different tac- appreciates the range of emotions that only a full. the music outside of that me- ness model which embraces the tics to entice consumers back. ' ticulous grouping would be to single. One technique many labels use album of music is capable of conveying. *' \ , devalue the artists' work." According to the Nielsen is to release different editions of - CHRIS PUTRINO, Fordham student and music collector Another music collector, SoundScan, album sales have the same CD. In certain stores Chris Putrino, FCLC '08, still been steadily decreasing since there may be a DVD attached buys an average of two or three 2000, which was when sales to the album or exclusive bonus track version, and a USB flash by spending less for the single CDs a week. "I continue to buy were at their peak since the last tracks that are only included in memory stick with 29 tracks and they have more of a chance to CDs for a number of reasons," significant low in 1996. In 2000, that edition. On iTunes, for ex- more bonus content. Then on make a profit. They also feel that Putrino said. "I obviously want 730 million albums were sold, ample, for a customer to own the the band's website visitors are the success of the singles are a to support musicians that make while in 2006, 588.2 million al- iTunes-only special tracks, he or encouraged to download multi- good predictor of how well the music that I love, but I also val- bums were sold. In comparing she would have to purchase the tracks for five songs on their Web album will do. ue the album as an art form and 2006 to 2005, the overall number whole album. Another service site where fans can remix and re- FCLC communications and the actual experience of buying of albums sold decreased by five that iTunes offers is the "Com- edit the songs themselves. media studies professor, Brian music in a tangible, concrete percent, from 618.9 million to plete My Album" option. If the Some recording labels are just Rose, feels that nothing can re- format." Putrino admits that he 588.2 million. Specifically, the customer has already purchased accepting the fate of the album. ally be done to increase album cannot relate to the mp3-single number of CDs sold decreased the single from an album, he or It is like we're regressing to the sales, and this new singles- downloading generation. "I more than seven percent, and she can buy the rest of the al- earlier times of the music indus- centered business model is can't imagine listening to only the amount of digital albums bum at a cheaper price, so the try when the success of a pop where the entire music indus- one or two songs by an artist I sold doubled, but the increase of customer won't end up buying a artist was measured by the num- try is headed. "They've had no truly enjoy. CDs and other con- digital album sales wasn't sig- track twice. However to get the ber of singles sold—before the choice—the market has basical- crete formats are the lifeblood nificant enough to make up for reduced price, the person has to invention of the LP record in the ly forced this on them," As for of true music lovers and any- the lack of CDs sold. complete the album within a cer- 1950s, which allowed the art- the album, Rose believes in the one who truly appreciates the However, the music industry tain amount of time. ists to place multiple tracks on future, "Only a few gifted artists range of emotions that only a is not completely doomed. The Musicians themselves arc get- one disc. New musicians arc be- will pursue it and be allowed to full album of music is capable number of digital tracks pur- ting creative in their attempts to ing signed to labels on a singles pursue it." However, he doesn't of conveying." As long as there chased legally through services obtain more album sales. Rock contract: if the artist manages to think that the CD will complete- arc music fans like Racic and like iTunes, Napster, and Rhap- musician Beck's last CD, "The create a certain number of profit- ly disappear because "there will Putrino, perhaps the music in- sody has been steadily increas- Information," came with a DVD able singles then they are moved always be people who want a dustry doesn't need to go into ing. In 2004 the total digital of short videos for each song, up to an album contract. The permanent, better sound quality panic mode just yet. • 18 ARTS & CULTURE | April 19,2007 I THE OBSERVER fordhamobservec.com Capturing hearts, literally

By ANDREW GNERRE (STAFF.WRITER sides Rob Zombie under the age , of 35, Tarantinoiarid Rodriguez can be seen as godfathers of a Over the.past few years, there sort. There is no doubt that this has been a revolution taking pjace new generation was influenced in movie theaters. This movement - by scenes such as Mr. Blonde has nothing to do with superhe- cutting off the ear of a police of- roes or pirates or even computer ficer in Tarantino's crime classic animated animals. Instead, this "Reservoir Dogs." It is exactly faction of films focuses mainly this type of scene that the Splat on young people with uncontrol- Pack mimics and tries to outdo. lable libidos and a general dis- One thing to note about taste for clothes, getting sense- these Splat Pack films: exactly lessly and savagely murdered in when their popularity began to increasingly creative ways. Some emerge. These bloody romps people in the media have dubbed started to pop tip around the the group of young filmmakers same time that the United States responsible for such pictures with went to war in Iraq. In a war that a moniker similar to past Holly- is being covered by the media wood cliques: The Splat Pack. at an unprecedented rate, the The group consists of seven or public has been exposed to im- eight vyriters and directors who ages and reports of questionable have collectively created over treatment of prisoners, outright a dozen of these sensationalist, torture and other general, brutal cringe-inducing films. Included violence. As this is the case, it is are filmmakers Eli Roth, Rob not too surprising that this theme Zombie and the team,of Leigh of bloodshed and savagery has Whannell and James Wan—who been transported to the cinema. are responsible for such films Interestingly, the horror films as "Hostel," "House of 1000 Photo courtesy of MCT of the 70's that these new films Corpses" and the "Saw" series, The latest in Splat Pack movies: "Grindhouse" starring Rose McGowan with a machine gun leg. resemble were made during the respectively. The connecting fac- final years of the Vietnam War. tor between all of these filmmak- $10 million to make, grossed $150 This is a very important fact, as as a challenge," she said, "It's The similarities of the films as ers' movies is the focus on gro- million worldwide. The first scene the filmmakers are constantly an endurance challenge. People well as the national conflicts tesque images of horrific violence of this film shows a man shatter- teetering on the edge of the ac- who don't like the movies don't seems to indicate a direct rela- and torture. These depictions of ing the bones of his own foot to , ceptable and the grossly offen- get it, but they [horror fans] do." tionship between cinema and • brutality often serve as the cen- escape chains. While not all of sive." Some people* disagree that People who.the-movies are made reality. . , ,..,.. ]:< •• terpieces of the films' plots. There the films are quite as successful they simply toe this line and feel for view each film as a badge of Perhaps another reason for the is absolutely nothing subtle about as this, they all are made with the filmmakers are far past the merit to add their sash. films' current prominence is the this horror film sub-genre. The similarly low budgets, ensuring at - realm of decent cinema. Others With the release of the zombie/ cyclical nature that, pervades films hearken back to the gritty, least a small profit. think these people should stop slasher extravaganza "Grind- all.forms of art. "The conven- low-budget slasher films of the All aspects of these films come whining. "They don't have to house" last week, Quentin Tar- tions have worn out," Williams '70s such as "Texas Chain Saw together to allow, for such low watch them," Catherine Wern- antino and Robert Rodriguez said of the horror genre. What Massacre" and the original "The budgets. The movies normally quest, FCLC '08, says of pebple made one thing very clear to the ,wa.P.,M99, sc-WY, Jsfl'^SSyin0^- Hills»Have Eyes.* , contain simple- sets,^fairly^un^ :who complain about the excess movie going public: these young People have seemingly seen ev- For the most part these films per- known actors and primitive spe- violence, "Some movies aren't Splat Pack kids have nothing on erything, whether in film or on form well at the box office and in cial effects. This all adds to the for everyone." t these two veteran filmmakers the news, so this new breed of DVD sales and rentals. The most grittiness that the filmmakers This is certainly true, but some when it comes to sensationalism filmmakers strain to offer fresh recent of these films to be released aspire to. Also, the low budgets people cannot see how these and gore. They established them- ideas to fans of the genre. Judg- on DVD, "Saw III," was at the top give the members of the Splat movies can be for anybody. Kar- selves as the elder statesmen of ing from the box office success of both the sales and rentals charts Pack a little more leeway from en Williams, communications the group. With the filmmakers of these.,films, there are plenty in the first week of its release, hi the studios since the movie exec- professor here at FCLC, had one of the Splat Pack fairly new to of peopjte; who are pleased with the theaters, the film, which cost utives face lower financial risks. suggestion. "Horror fans see it the game and every member be- the effort. • Tribeca Film Festival preview "The Last Mimzy" ByKENLOMBARDI ByKENLOMBARDI STAFF WRITER Andy Garcia are all on board for tween this divisive Cuban leader and STAFFWRTTER Emma's parents grow suspicious and this "Babel"-Hke epic, as die lives of our nation. concerned wi^ile, a looming agent from Tickets are now on sale for.the four seemingly unrelated individuals First came "Jackass: The Movie," tf^Departaent of Homeland Security tribeca Film Festival which begins merge together with unexpected con- and now comes the UJK. equivalent, . Director Robert Sjhaye yearns to'..en- (Michael Clarke Duncan) soon enters on April 25 and includes some of the sequences. "Dirty Sanchez." Yes, the name lighten his audience of ihe overwhelm- the picture. most anticipated releases of the year, According to the Tribeca website, of this perverse comedy is indeed ing distractions that we face on a dairy As the parents of these supematu- billing over 150 full length features the movie's title and story derives "Dirty Sanchez." basis, as evidenced .with his latest sci- rally endowed youngsters, actors and 80 shorts. Venues will include from an ancient Chinese proverb That should sufficiently reveal ence fiction tale, "The Last Mimzy." Timothy Hutton and Joely Richardson theaters spread throughout Man- which deals with the concepts of sev- the level of humor involved here Toldfromtheperspectivesoftwoyoung offer suitable performances as origi- hattan and, for the first time in the eral emotions, ranging from love and to anyone who is familiar with the siblings, "Mimzy" serves as a caution- nally skeptical parents who slowly Festival's history, locations in Asto- passion to sorrow. nauseating phrase. Twisted stunts, ary tale of die dangers presented with accept the surreal events that envelop ria, Queens. As screenings will obvi- French actress Julie Delpy, best including the consumption of dis- our growing dependence on electronic the lives of their children. Yet it is the ously take place within Tribeca itself, known for the charming "Before carded liposuction fluids, are not to devices (cell phones, flat screen TVs, performances .from Rairm Wilson other neighborhoods, including the Sunrise," has managed to direct, bemissed. video games, etc.) and the threat that and Kathryn Hahn, as Noah's science East Village, Chelsea and Kips Bay write, edit, produce and somehow Meanwhile action fans can look they pose to humanity. Updated and teacher Larry and his girlfriend Naomi, will also feature showings due to the even star in "2 Days in Paris," the forward to the gore-infused vampire adapted from Lewis Padgett's 1943 that ultimately the show as a com- ever-expanding line up of selections. actress's directorial debut Featur- thriller, "Rise: Blood Hunter," fea- short story, Shaye has delivered a sur- ical hippie couple who aid the children , Here's a look at what's in store for ing Adam Goldberg as her Ameri- turing Michael Chiklis. Lucy Liu prisingly sophisticated, if somewhat through their adventure. one of New York's most noteworthy can boyfriend, Delpy plays Marion, also co-stars as a young journalist gushy,' children's narrative, which nev- Helming this fantasy themed nar- events. No college-aged student will a Parisian who returns to her native who discovers that she is dead and no er seems juvenile or simplified for its rative, Shaye, who also serves as the want to miss the controversial "Day home with Goldberg in tow, much to longer human. Liu must now exact targeted youth demographic. founder and CEO of New Line Cin- Zero," which explores the reinstitu- the chagrin of her traditional French revenge upon those who have caused Noah, 10-year-old science enthusi- ema, shows depth throughout while tion of a military draft in America. family. Spoken in both English and her death, all the while managing to ast, and his five-year-oldsister , Emma, never underestimating the intelligence Elijah Wood and Chris Klein star as French, the film will undoubtedly resist the urge to drain the blood of encounter a set of futuristic objects of the viewer. And although fan- young men who arc forced to enlist generate a great deal of attention as others. along the Washington coast. It is later tasy movies are often aimed towards and unwillingly face the duties in- viewers will want to witness this The Tribeca Film Festival will also learned that these enigmatic objects children,"The Last Mimzy" presents volved with joining the military. A young actress's capabilities at the include several series of discussion were from the distant future and wcrc dramatic events in a similar vein as politically charged narrative, "Day helm of a full length feature. panels this year, including the event, sent to our time period to acquire a Spielberg's "E.T." Zero" should spawn discussion and Continuing witli the recent trend "No Pain...No Gain," which includes desperately needed object. One of Some scenes, however, cannot es- debate as it premieres at the time of a of films at the festival which focus former Giants running back Tiki Bar- these foreign items, a stuffed rabbit cape (lie obligatory sentimentality that highly contentious war, and perhaps on worldly matters, Vivien Lcsnik ber and rapper Ludacris.Therc's also named Mimzy, communicates solely pervades niiuiy liunily Ilicmcd films, presents some issues which many Weisman brings us The Man of Two "Bringing Home the Bacon" featur- with fimnia while the oilier discov- as evidenced by the conclusion and its viewers arc unwilling to (ace. Ilavanas, a documentary centering ing liva Mendes, Kosario Dawson ered instnimcnLs gnuit Noah with 1111 overwhelmingly optimistic vision of a Chinese director Jicho Lee presents upon Ihe life of Fidel Castro. A con- and Julia Stiles. elevated state of intellect. Reluming highly advanced Utopian future. Nev- a high profile cast with his upcoming sistent opponent of the United Slates, These pimels often sell out fast, so home from their holiday, Iimnia soon eitiieless, this film skillfully serves as a drama, "The Air I Breathe." Forest the adversarial Castro is explored tickets should be purcliascd as soon develops telekinetie powers while her parable of society's current state, as our Whitakcr, Kevin Bacon, Sarah Mi- through the lens of Weisman, who as possible. Further information is brother msuuiges to manipulate nature. rcliiuice upon technology continues to chelle Cellar, Brendan Frascr and presents both sides of the conflict be- available at tribccafilrnfcstival.org.B It doesn't bike long before Noiih sind develop at unprecedented levels. • 19 | April 19,2007 FEATURES THE OBSERVER 24 Hours in Hoboken •9


-Those from outside of the New York Metropolitan Area may view New Jersey as light years away. Yet just a 15-min- ute ride on the PATH train will bring you to Hoboken, a trendy, attractive city populated most- ly by young 20- and 30-some- things who bask in its cultural and social offerings. As the mild weather slowly approaches, Hoboken is the perfect destination for a day trip to escape the stench of overheated garbage and sweaty tourists who overpopulate the streets of New York. Hoboken offers a wide variety of dining, entertainment and outdoor ac- tivities without the crowds or outrageous prices, much like some of the less explored sec- tions in the boroughs of New York City. In order to get to Hoboken from Fordham, take the B or D train to 34th Street, and follow the signs to the PATH entrance. Here you will either pay $1.50 in cash or use your regular Me- trocard (not ynHmited Ride) to enter this slightly less intimi- dating ^version of the subway. WRN1NG

Once you arrive, you may want to grab a Jersey bagel Just across the Hudson River, Hoboken amusement awaits! from Bagels on the Hudson at 802 Washington Street. From ken, Castle Point Skate Park the PATH, walk straight toward has a variety of ramps as well River Street, where, immedi- as small and large halfpipes. ately upon arrival, you will The park is always bustling turn left. Make another left with skateboarders and BMX- onto Newark Street and a quick ers of all ages performing dar- right onto Washington Street, ing and sometimes dangerous Where you will continue some tricks, i time before you reach the ba- If shopping lis more your gel shop. Bagels and breakfast speed, Hoboken is home to sandwiches are priced from a variety of small boutiques $1.00-$2.50, and best of all, that house endless supplies of this location is open 24 hours, designer clothes, shoes, bags so you can stop in any time you and accessories. If that's the like. case, you'll want to head back Next you'll want to head over toward Washington Street. to Frank Sinatra Park on Peper Apparel at 1028 Wash- frank Sinatra Drive'to catch a ington St. offers a wide va- glimpse of thJe gorgeous New riety of designer denim and York City skyline. Make a original pieces that are hard right on Eighth Street, and to find elsewhere. Anastasia's head straight down Hudson Accessories is just down the until you reach Sixth Street, street at 1006 Washington St. where you will make another and offers an abundance of right. Walk forward for a short unique, frequently rotated mer- time, and you should arrive at chandise, including jewelry, Frank Sinatra Drive. bags and art. Named after the legendary Hudson Street also offers a singer who called Hoboken variety of desirable shopping Chartotte Caiwer/Dn Obnmr his hometown, Frank Sina- locations. Turn right on Ninth tra Park has a large gazebo to Street and make another quick A cute altemative to Starbucks, check out Empire Coffee & Tea Co. on 338 Bloomfield St (off Washington Street). shield park-goers from the sun right onto Hudson Street, and Most stores are open until acquainted with the late, great as potato pierogies and hum- and an amphitheatre that hosts you will find Lucy's of Hobo- about 8 p.m. on weekdays and one, and the restaurant is plas- mus with pita if you're in the free outdoor movies during the ken at 92 Hudson Street. Lu- 6 p.m. on weekends. tered with Sinatra's photos and mood for a snack. A full din- summer and live music events. cy's hosts a variety of femi-. memorabilia. ner menu is available as well, As if this weren't enough, nine pieces by designers such NIGHT After dinner, head back up along with a lengthy selection Frank Sinatra Park boasts a as Marc Jacobs and Diane to 1039 Washington St., where of beer, if you're of age. large grassy area, much like von Furstenburg. As a warn- After a long day of explor- you can catch a live perfor- At the end of a day in Hobo- NYC's Sheep's Meadow, ing, most of these boutiques ing Hoboken, Leo's Grande- mance at Maxwell's. This res- ken, you may be exhausted, complete with fountains and are not modestly priced. How- vous at 200 Grand St. (off taurant/bar features bands on but surely, y.ou'11 be satisfied. a large population of Hobo- ever, there are more affordable First Street) is the perfect a daily basis and is known to The possible activities in this kenites lounging in the sun. shops such as American Ap- spot to pick up a classic Ital- have been the launching pad exciting town are endless, parel (a necessity to any city) ian dinner. This neighbor- for' the careers of a multitude making it worthy of multiple AFTERNOON at 80 Hudson St. and Solid hood restaurant is located just of indie artists. Nirvana and visits. Even the PATH ride Threads at 365 First St., which four blocks away from where Sonic Youth are known to have home isn't so bad, as the trains Whether you're a skate- specializes in n variety of nov- Frank Sinatra grew up and is played shows on the stage in are fairly clean and absent of the ever-present shady charac- boarder or BMXer or just like elty tecs. Solid Threads can be said to have been frequented the back room of Maxwell's ters in New York. So, the next to watch, you may want to reached by making u left on to by the world-renowned singer. early on in their careers, and time the sun is shining and you make a stop at Castle Point Newark Street and traveling Leo's has a casual atmosphere the Ycnh Yeah Ycahs and Yo La straight until you reach Grand and offers entrees ranging in Tcngo have both played there in have the opportunity to escape Skate Park, which is also your responsibilities for a day, along Frank Sinatra Drive. Street, where you will make a price from $7-$ 16. The origi- recent years. The restaurant/bar right and shortly after/ another nal owner, Leo di Tcrlizzi, portion of Maxwell's offers a consider Hoboken for your day The only legally designated trip destination. • place to skateboard in Hobo- quick right onto First Street, boasts that he was personally variety of great appetizers such 20 FEATURES April 19,2007 fordhamobserver.com Silent sufferers: volunteering on an Lakota reservation Olivia Dana shares her experience with a Native American tribe

ByMICHALNERIA decision to put her studies on damage done by the long line the time," Dana said. she continues to visit and re- STAFF WRITER hold. of generations living in pov- "Between 2003 and 2004, we main in touch with many of the In 2004, Dana volunteered erty and a depleted state of lost about 17 young people," people on the reservation. Olivia Dana, FCLC '08, for a six-week program at an resources. "The Youth Project Garreau said of the reserva- "Olivia is extra special, spent hqr 19th birthday on an Indian reservation in South provides an outlet for reserva- tion's high suicide rates. She she will always stay con- Indian reservation, taking1 care Dakota. She felt an immedi- tion youth to spend their time attributes these rates to pover- nected," Garreau said.B of a four-year-old girj whose ate connection to the place and constructively," Dana said, ty, unemployment and" forced whole life was in the midst of people, so much so that she who Was' an active CRYP vol- assimilation. Unemployment a drastic change. decided to prolong her stay by unteer. on the reservation ranges from The girl's mother had left seven months. "Many kids come after school 75 to 85 percent, according Are you her that day, never planning According to Dana, the time and stay there for supper. It is to Garreau. Dana came to the to come back. Dana and the she spent on the reservation an outlet for them from an en- reservation after the rush of always out and other volunteers on the Indian was the most important time vironment where there might suicides that left the reserva- reservation were trying to get of her life. "I found some of be abuse or alcoholism," Gar- tion in a state of shock and de- about? in touch with the girl's fam- the most amazing and some of reau said. spair. ily, members in order to avoid the toughest things there—it Dana recalled encounter- Dana's volunteer work in- sending her to the children's breaks your heart," Dana said. ing several cases in which cluded becoming an educator, shelter. After some hours, they The reservation, called Chey- children were possibly being mentor and friend to the res- Do you know were able to get in touch with enne River Sioux Reservation, abused. She remembers two ervation's children, ages four all* the cool the girPs 18-year old brother, is home to four bands of the brothers who came in one day to 12 years old. Her activities who came to pick up his sister with them consisted of sports, places to go? after their mother's abandon- arts and crafts and literary ment. "I will never forget sit- • Times may be rough on Indian reservations, programs, but she spent most ting there and reading to this but one Fordham student tried her best to lend a of her time on the Children's kid, at the very moment that Garden. Is your love her entire life was changing," helping hand. The Garden consists of two Dana said. and a half acres of dry land, life too juicy to Since a young age, Dana said a space provided for a special she was fascinated with Native Lakota tribe, the Mni coujou, with broken limbs and black project by CRYP that incorpo- keep to your- American culture and customs the Ita zipcola, the Siha sapa eyes. When asked what hap- rates native farming practices but was unaware of conditions and the O'o'he numpa; each pened, they said they ran into and the traditional values of self? of Indian life. A transfer to band is an extended family. a tree. In these kinds of cases, the Lakota people. The volun- Fordham from Hofstra Uni- The reservation is located in where there is serious concern teers and children are involved versity, Dana decided in her one of the nation's five poor- for abuse, Dana and the other in every aspect of the Garden, Write for freshman year that she wanted est counties, according to the volunteers immediately call from planting and weeding to to take a break from her stud- Cheyenne River Youth Project the police to investigate. watering and harvesting. The ies to gain worldly experience. (CRYP). Julie Garreau, the ex- "It wasn't like the kids were goods of the Garden are then This'decision was fueled by ecutive director of CRYP, said just coming in and telling us Shared throughout the commu- FEATURES her growing.awareness of the the reservation encompasses all of this stuff. Kids are dif- nity. great distress present in Native almost three million acres ficult. Sometimes a kid you, Dana spent over 80 hours per American reservations across of dry, non-fertile land that were close to would start act- week working to improve the the U.S. and the need for peo- houses a population of 15,000: ing out and not behaving with conditions of the reservation. and share your ple like her to help. 12,000 of whom are native La- you. Most of the time, if you Still, she said, she would not ""Rear education comes from kota. • •• .•"•^ao, irf,'ft

By ASHLEY WENNERSHERRON enough for me to escape. Now, well ASSISTANT COPY EDITOR into April, I also have to contend with the couples. Spring is upon us, despite what the The presence of a third party makes weather says. Here at Fordham, it no difference to these comfortable isn't the disappearance of the ground- couples. Thankfully, more often than hog's shadow that tells the flowers not, innocent bystanders do not know when to bloom; it's the emergence of the public spit-swappers that they the Couples. witness in action. However, the dis- Hand holding, gig- comfort for third wheels gling "But I love you rises considerably from more," spoon-feeding irritation to mortification a cafeteria smoothie if they actually do know to each other; it seems the lip-lockers. to be too early in the One day, I invited a season for me to be couple of friends over annoyed. In theory, the to watch "The 40-Year- couple-isms are rather Old Virgin" in my dorm adorable. In practice... room. Apparently, they well, that's a different saw something they story. Public displays of affection can liked and decided to try out some be cute, but the line between sweet of the movie's suggestions on my and obnoxious is very fine. Once couch. Trying terribly not to notice, I the hand holding in the mail room be- focused on the movie until the grunts comes (ahem) more in the 16th floor and moans drowned out the char- laundry room, a line is crossed and acters' lines as my former friends singles like myself, must suffer. 'discovered' each other under the Very few places remain safe. As blanket we were all sharing. I ran my friend Danielle said, in a voice away and hid in the bathroom until I reminiscent of a movie announcer heard them leave, some hours, later. declaring the end of life as we know Personally, I am not a happy-go- it, "The couples are surfacing." From lucky type. Laid back is not in my HOW DO YOU SOLVE A BORDER Associated Supermarket to the Mc- vocabulary, although bitter and Mahon elevators to my own common lonely are. I'm pretty sure that I ex- WHEH THE VICTSfH IS YOU? room, lovebirds arc nesting. Unfortu- ude this at all times, especially in the nately, I usually find myself alone and company of those whose top goal is PG-131 PARENTS STRONGLY CAUTIONED T'•*•*•• iCanJ[cpmi2ej!e_^iththe thrill of» »•••jf gatpe/, therejmust b§ a neglected compromise. Maybe one hour of ship was sans-Sexbox. His maga- 1 "That's cool...," he s&d. Paufe* ** 'conquering evSry leveljlefeat- r.

A look ahead: Microsoft's new 360 Elite . t -V- What it imam forfam and other game consoles f? . Interested in :^writing for the By PJ WILLIAMS The first noticeable difference Nintendo brand name, the Wii there is an even better ver- STAFF WRITER is its black color; the current will be attracting a much dif- sion out just a year and a half Observer? 360's are all white. The exte- ferent demographic than the after the first 360's release. Back in November 2005, rior design will give homage PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Releasing a different version many people criticized Micro- to the original matte finish Fans of the PlayStation 3 when thousand of people are : Write for: soft for releasing two different of the Xbox rather than the are what Microsoft is after. stuck with the original may versions of the Xbox 360: the glossy look of the PlayStation This new fully loaded Xbox not be the best idea. People News Core system and the Premium. 3. The Elite will come with • is still less than the "cheap" won't buy another version of The.Core is a barebones sys- a massive 120 gig hard drive $500 version of the PS3 and a console that they already Opinions tem with no hard drive and a which can not only store actually has a bigger hard own unless they're rich of if wired controller. The Premium game saves but also demos, drive. The graphics aren't their original breaks. Also, all ; Arts has a hard drive included, movies, music, TV shows and as sharp as the PS3 but this of the hardcore gamers who along with a wireless control- games from the Xbox Live will be hardly noticeable would spend the money for Features ler, an Xbox live headset and Market place. Also included to the untrained eye. And it the best version of an Xbox an Ethernet cable for connect- is an HDMI cable for all hardly seems a coincidence have already bought a 360. Literary ing to the Internet. The Core those lucky people with an that Microsoft has returned to costs $299 and the Premium is HD-TV who are trying to get a black color scheme, m.uch What to do? or priced at $399. Core owners the very best picture out of like its rival Sony console. If you own a 360, keep it; I - Sports who wanted to purchase a hard their 360. The Elite will have wouldn't even suggest buying drive needed to cough up an all of the accessories found What will fans think? the bigger hard drive separate- extra $100 for the upgrade, in the premium package. All Well, no matter what flavor ly. If you don't have a 360 then which allows users to play of this will still cost less then of 360 they get, anything get the Premium, unless you Email us at original Xbox games, rent $500 as the Elite will retail at from Microsoft will still be have an HDTV and plan to buy online movies and download $479 when it comes out April cheaper for the fans than the lots of TV shows and games game demos. This made things 29. PS3. In addition, Sony is los- from the Xbox Live online mar- both confusing and frustrating ing moneymaking exclusives ketplace. If you have a Wii and fordhamobserver for consumers. What does this mean for like Grand Theft Auto IV and want to buy another console, Now, Microsoft is releas- the rest of the gaining in- Devil May Cry 4. then go with a 360; any version @ ing yet another version of the dustry? But there is a bit of betrayal you get will still be less than yahoo.com Xbox 360, the 360 Elite. The Well, you will need to set on Microsoft's part. AH of tlie a PS3. And if you own a PS3 Elite is just that, the best itera- the Nintendo Wii aside for a loyal 360 owners (me includ- then you should just stick with tion of Microsoft's console, minute, With its $250 price ed!) bought the best version it because of the similarities with all the bells and whistles. tag, innovative controller and of the 360 only to learn that that it shares with the 360. • fordhamobserver.com THE OBSERVER I April 19,2007 I FEATURES 23 Grandma's Kitchen: homemade gnocchi What's

ByDANIELEVLACICH then Yugoslavia, currently Croatia) STAFF WRITER from the late 1930s through the 50s. in your When the kneading was complete, As children, my sister and I spent Nonna separated the dough into sec- Nonna's homemade gnocchi: our summers at my grandmother's tions and then gave me one chunk dream Ingredients: house. My grandma, who we refer to at a time. I'd step on a small stool 5 lbs. potatoes, 2 VZ lbs. flour, 8 eggs, 1 c. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. salt as "Nonna," Italian for grandmother, so that I could comfortably woik always made sure to include us in with the dough and began rolling it vending Prep daily tasks, particularly when cook- to thin it out Once the dough was 1. Boil potatoes with skin until soft. Peel the skin off potatoes ing. • • . long and thin like a rope, about two while still hot and mash mem until completely smooth. • There are several variations in inches in circumference, the next machine? the ways in which you can prepare procedure would begin. Equipped 2. Let mashed potatoes partially cool on working counter/ gnocchi, a unique potato-based with my own small knife, I'd cut the By LAUREN DOLLARD area While still warm, add 8 eggs, salt, oil, and 1/2 of the flour to the pasta, but my favorite is the way my strand of dough into 3/4 inch pieces. ASSISTANT FEATURES EDITOR mashed potatoes. grandmother makes it This is not After all the dough had been rolled only because of the phenomenal taste and cut, one more task remained. 3. Knead until almost all ingredients are mixed, then add the and texture of this homemade pasta, This part, my grandmother said we rest of the flour periodically while kneading to produce a thicker but also the rich memories I associate were perfect for, since our hands consistency of the dough. Continue kneading until all ingredients are with the dish. were small and gentle. Each gnocchi mixed and dough holds together as a large piece. Nonna sewed us special aprons, would have to be placed on a flat mini sized for my 10-year-old sister cheese grater and be pressed lightly, 4. Roll the dough into a large cylinder/rectangular shape and and me. Though I was seven at the just leaving a bit of an imprint on the cut into 2 inch slabs. tune, I remember loving that they dough. This last part of the process were white with red trim and had a is unique to Nonna Bruna's gnoc- 5. Take each piece individually and roll out to a long and thin small red heart-shaped pocket on the chi-The imprint allows the gnocchi rope-like strand (about 2in. in circumference). Cut strand into 34 in. right comer. The three of us would to cook better, stay firm and also pieces. Repeat with each remaining slab of dough. put aprons on and begin die three- allows for better absorption of the hour process of making gnocchi, added sauce. Three hours later, we enough for the next few months. had made hundreds of gnocchi which 6. Lightly press each individual 34 in. piece of dough on a flat cheese grater with index finger to leave an imprint on one side of the Nonna had already boiled the po- would be frozen and preserved until gnocchi. tatoes and set out the other ingredi- ready to be cooked ents while we were eating breakfast Nona prepares her gnocchi with 7. Place aUgncKxhi on flat baking sheets and place in freezer, My sister and I watched as she a delicious European meat sauce, There seems to be a new once frozen, remove and put them in a zip lock bag and store in kneaded together the flour, eggs and but they are delicious with a variety trend when it comes to vending freezer until ready to cooL If cooking immediately, let them sit and potatoes. We weren't strong enough of sauces. So, if you're into pasta, machines. Instead of stocking harden for a bit men boil. yet and our Bands were too small making gnocchi isn't that difficult them full of delicious, partially- to help in this part of the process. I and best of all, you can make enough hydrogenated oil-filled junk food Cooking waited and watched patiently until it for a few meals all at once and store snacks, manufacturers are turning 1. When cooking gnocchi, be surejust to boil until they soften was my turn to help. All the while, it Here's my grandmother's gnocchi to health foods. Yes, that's right. ^throughout (overcooked gnocchi will end up melting and break). my grandmother would tell us all recipe, but don't forget, as with most Healthy snacks. Powerbars, kinds of interesting stories about her things,practice makes perfect So the Vitamin Water, protein shakes, own childhood and what life was, more you make, the easier and better 2. Drain the water and quicly add any type of sauce desired. Luna Bars, milk and apple juice. like for her in the suburbs of Istria they will be. Prepare yourselves for These are just a few of the things (at the time, part of northern Italy, an incredibly delicious pasta dish! • Yo {Naturals has begun putting in its vending machines. According to their Web site, Yo^Nilrurals'has-specificxbmbiV'' I.,, Top 5: Pointless college facts nations of healthy snacks dep'ena-? ing on location. Gyms get things / / ! , By ANNE MARIE DEVTTO 4) What is the Holy Roman tike protein bars and shakes; STAFF WHITER five questions and you can appear culture and help keep our minds educated, eloquent or sober in in the gutter. According to thjs Empire? offices get organic carrots with' any situation. Don't let your FU crazy, .white-bearded Austrian, I dip, natural energy drinks and hot education suffer just because it's a every girl wishes she were a ' ANSWER: It's Holy: It's Ro- organic meals. The best part is Wednesday night! Even the walls guy (penis envy) and every guy man. It's an Empire. And it's also what they give to schools. They idealll!ald of Oz WoriklMh no of Lincoln Park are strewn with wants to get with his mom (Oedi- where Julius Caesar got stabbed. get organic milk, animal crack- real responsibilities; just keggers, quotes of great literary geniuses. pus complex). His psychoana- ers, juice and smoothies, healthy Cancun add condoms... oh my. Show the world that college stu- lytic theories revolve around the No, no, and no. We all heard that popcorn, dried fruit and nuts, and But we tend to forget that the dents value knowledge more than three parts of the unconscious Holy Roman Empire fell—but granolabars. essence of college is education. drunken stupors, After all, this is that are constantly at odds: the that's about it Historically, it This is obviously great news College courses should challenge Lincoln Center. id, the ego and the superego. He was a powerful conglomeration for health-nuts, but what about us with titillating discussions declares that all human behav- of Germanic tribes in the Middle the rest of us? Well, we asked that keep us awake and on the 1) What is existentialism? ior is based on repressing our Ages. (Note: don't worry about students what they would put in edges of our seats in anticipa- instinctual urges. In a nutshell, the actual dates back then, just call their very own dream vending tion. We should emerge from ANSWER: It's the idea that life it pretty much comes down to the it all 'the middle ages'.) During machines if they had any say in these four years equipped.with is meaningless because we're all wise words of the Bloodhound the early Middle Ages, the Holy the matter. Here are their interest- well-rounded knowledge for the going to die, so I can do whatever Gang, ''You and me baby ain't Roman Empire was run by power- ing (and creative) responses. real world. More realistically, we I want. "• • ' nothing but mammals, so let's do ful leaders like Charlemagne The need to survive cocktail hour in a it like they do on the Discovery Great, Otto The Great and other "I think I'd have beauty sup- room of pretentious Ivy Leaguers. Um, no. We've all fallen in mo- Channel." men who had nicknames like "The plies. I'm always looking for hair We need to know some pointless ments of existential despair where Good" or "The Terrible." Later bands, like twisties, because my facts. we scream "My life is nothing!" 3) Why did someone call me on during the Middle Ages, they hair gets annoying. Or tissues, Here at FU, freshmen and then locked ourselves in a room "Grendel?" fought a war that lasted 30 years, especially since I'm always sophomores are subjected to cruel and blasted Emo music. But keep later given the creative name, the forgetting to bring them when I'm and unusual punishment of two in mind, there are different kinds ANSWER: Because lama Thirty Years War. Then, towards sick. Or mini-mirrors so I can fix years worth of pointless college of existentialism. Since the 19th supreme intellect wim ungodly . the end of the middle ages, the great myself up between classes." facts. It's called the CORE. Think century, Nietzsche, Sartre, Kafka physical beauty. empire fell arid broke into many -Marjorie Contessa, FCLC '07 of it like Fordham's platter of and other depressives gathered to different pieces. There's probably intellectual hors d'oeuvres. The ponder the meaning of life. They Nope—-being called Grendel is a super cool 3-D puzzle that will "Lighters. Just lighters. People classes explore tidbits of philoso- determined that there is no one no ode to attractiveness. Grendel • allow you to recreate the moment are always looking for a light" phy, science, literature and history i truth. Instead, they emphasized is a grotesque troll-like creature again and again. -Michael Ferrer, FCLC '09 that are supposed to satisfy our the choice of the individual to of indeterminate gender. He's also insatiable hunger for real knowl- seek his or her own truth, In evil incarnate in the epic poem 5) What's the actual tide of . "If I had a dream vending edge. After all, after acing five other words, don't live life as if Beowulf, one of the oldest forms of Teenage Wasteland? machine, it would have full meals levels of foreign language, any there are no consequences. This Anglo-Saxon poetry. The major- in it. It would be something out Fordham student can finally order does not mean you are an exis- ity of words were translated from ANSWER: Duh. Teenage Waste- of a very 1950s retro-view of the from Burrito Box or Au Bon tentialist. It only means you'll grunts. It's basically about this land. future. Push a button and voila"! Pain with confident flair. With probably end up in jail, rehab or aging hero who spends his days Chicken Francaise or Thanks- our well-rounded curriculum, we with a new kind of STD. The getting plastered in a giant hall Wrong! The real title to this giving turkey. Either that or a learn to be the best Jesuits we can point is: it's your choice. surrounded by Danes. Those are classic song by The Who is "Baba machine to dispense pre-written be! However, with all our college his kinsfolk, not his dogs, mind O'Riley." Before leaving the walls and researched term papers." 'distractions,' it can be difficult 2) Who is Sigmund Freud? you. Eventually, he is called to of this school, do not be the one -Shane Rutkowski, FCLC '09 making it to an 8:30 a.m.-er when fight Grendel. Then, lie has to fool who misquotes the theme song you wake up drooling over the ANSWER: He was the guy fight Grendcl's mom. (I bet Freud of college life. It is not Teenage "A flask, some eyeliner and a plastic toilet scat and wearing who first started 'your mom' would have oodles to say about Wasteland. It is not "They're All couple of hair tics. Just out of someone else's lacy undcrthings. jokes. that) In classic hero form, Beowulf Wasted." Baba. O. Riley. convenience. I mean, really, who Don't distress. Read on for a triumphs, then dies. For further hasn't said, 'Damn, I need some Sparknotes version of college. Not quite. However, infamous information, rent Bravchcart. Congratulations. You've just eyeliner and a flask,'?" Learn the correct answers to these Freudisms do saturate pop graduated college. • •Joanna Kelly, FCLC'09 • 24 |." April 19,2007'": LITERARY THE OBSERVER Eliot Reese

By FHUJPGARDNER „ only about 10 feet away to save both of us any felt heavy, as if I had to make myself untouch- CONTRIBUTING WRITER and I could see that my further embarrassment, been drinking, and my .. able; If I could swallow Screensaver had not but as I reached out to tongue was thick and hazardous waste, they The television went on started working. embrace her, her arms bruised at the tip. My would be afraid. If I and I immediately got a "I'm from the Balti- were flailing and it was ,, whole face was swol- could really make them headache. more area." a struggle to get close. len, so when I spoke my hate me, I would be "I'm not the kind of "No, I mean, where is Jim and Terry rushed lips puckered. No mat- safe. If I could sweat person that you think I your family from?" into the room, and I ter how hard I tried to feces, no one would am. My motives are ut- I was acutely aware began to feel very claus- act and speak naturally, ever want to touch me terly transparent. And if that I'd only had coffee trophobic. I knew they I knew my appearance again^-not my father, any of my actions seem that morning. My throat would be concerned, must have been absurd, not Helen, not my doc- at all disorderly, it's only was dry andmy mouth but I didn't want Jim so I brought my face tor. I would defecate because God's finger tasted acidic. Iicnew that to think I had let things close the side of the doc- in my hands and rub it is nudging me around most of our clients were get out of control, so 1 tor's head, and placed a into my hair, and then every corner." men and that they would turned toward him and flattened hand between I could walk out with The news from four throw away the heav- started to say, "Back off, my mouth and her ear, absolute indemnity. hours earlier was being ily scented soaps before ive her some space." and whispered, "Helen's Backing away from re-broadcast. The stale their wives had a chance giut, only the first two crazy." the doorfl turned and information and stringent to put them in their words came out. and I "Mr. Reese, Helen's scanned the room. My voice of the anchorwom- guest bathrooms. No felt a whoosh oi air as going to be just fine. I skin was tightening as an, quoting an accused matter how tightly I tied Jim thrust his arm for- wantyOu to relax." my heart rate acceler- politician, confused my off the little cellophane ward, gripped my wrist As I sat back I guided ated, and I sensed that sense of time, diminisn- bonbon at the top of and at the same instant my hand to my face so my bowels were empty. ing what little sleep I had each gift package, when knocked me to the floor. that my fingers were Moving to the center of managed to get since the I braced the knot and The change in perspec- resting on my lips. I real- the small space I shim- first viewing. Defunct cut the ribbon, a little tive was very disorient- ized I nad said too much. mied my pants all the ambition, pixilated and puff of lavender exhaled ing. Everything seemed "I'm not the kind of way to the floor, so that regurgitated, settled with itself into my face and to slow down and I person that you think I they settled around my muted dissonance under made me swoon. became aware of the am. And if any of my ankles. Then I thrust my the ringing in my ears. "I mean Eliot Reese, ceiling panels laid out in actions seem at all disor- briefs down far enough Afterbeing caught in what is that?" a gria above me; all at derly, it's only because to make way at the back, a stare for what seemed Helen's bangle brace- ninety degree angles, the I haven't been sleeping but still in place at the like only a matter of sec- lets were clinking on squares were connected welllately." front. As I squatted! onds^ I realized that the the counter of the coat but not touching, di- The doctor pursed her noticed that my shoes television's halo of blue room and the fluorescent vided by thin borders of lips in a condescending^ were directly in front once obscuring lights were flashing an white metal, their interi- half smile and gave a of me. I used theni as a the dark room, had been indiscernible rhythm ors casting tiny shadows single nod of her head, focal point each time I subsumed by the morn- around the hollows of in semi-organic pat- signaling that our inter- Would bear down, and ing sun. The apartment her eyes. terns on the faux-stucco view had come to an end. as the blood rushed into was bright and clear and "It's English. Some- surface. My breathing "The Thorazin&defi- my eyes and my vision r clouded over, the shoes emi . I did not want to times it's German. Re- ese^I lih' would orient me back iusr ffle fondness, the path of into the room. Nothing "Where's my paper?" • "So, are all the men came, but as I continued I got up off the man's in your family accoun- motion that my arm took cut an arc across the trying I noticed that the paper and smiled at him tants? Are you one of a laces, at first, distinct gently. The 1 train mo- long line of Reese Fam- small room and I stuck the knife directly into from the leather, began mentarily breached the ily corporate accoun- to meld into the rest of tunnel at 125th Street tants?^ Helens right cheek. the shoe, forming a sin- and the air in the car "Actually, my father gles ^blurred mass. When seemed to moisten and was an accountant." I would rest and my reinvigorate his cologne. "A%but Grandpa was vision cleared, the laces I stared straight ahead a boxen'v < were distinguishable as and watchedas the The pastel wrapping was labored* but I could nitely brought you down overlapping diagonals, train's windows were glintea in the lignt and smell'the fiber of Jim's from when you first which penetrated the reflected in the windows for a moment every- slacks and I was aware came in. Now, just try to area above the tongue of the buildings that thing turned an abso- of the blunt curve of his relax, Mr. Reese, every- and then crossed back bracketed the tracks. I lutely neutral color. I knee, which was press- thing s going to be fine." on themselves, touching wondered who on earth wasn't sure I'd heard ing down on my chin. Clearly there had been as they intersected. would want to live there. Helen correctly, but I Shortly after that I lost a misunderstanding. No "Elliot, put your pants I imagined that the build- answered, "Grandpa was consciousness. matter how it looked, on." ings must just stand there a drunk," as I struggled I had not intentionally I immediately put my like dummies, like a set. in the confined space to Hospitals only seem to stabbed my boss and, the pants on and looked But then, right before seal the last grab-bag. I be sterile. The residues fact was, lhad recently back at Helen who was one of the frames moved tried to cut the last rib- of thousands of bodies been assured that I no standing in the doorway out of view, I saw a bon and simultaneously inhabit every centimeter longer needed medica- with her head tilted to woman in a housecoat wave the lavender cloud of their interiors. And tion. As the doctor left one side, a small square reaching for something. away from my face, but the same could be said the room, the frustration of gauze taped to her I couldir t tell if she was in my momentary blind- for doctors. I've always I felt was immense. It right cheek. black or white, but I re- ness, the path ofmotion known them to be judg- was time to take action. TEliot, I don't want minded myself, as I rode that my arm took cut mental because I've' "You're not going to you to worry about this. to \vork, that each of us an arc across the small seen that they're trained put me on the defensive! Jim says you've been is lucky to be alive. room and I stuck the to not speak, but only I adore Helen! I love under a lot of stress late- knife directly'into Hel- smile as they assess and everybody!" ly, and we're all Worried "Eliot, put the lotion in en's right cheek. At first tabulate every nuance I stood up. My clothes about you. I want you to the basket." I thought I'd knocked of a person's being. So felt like they were a take the rest of the week I immediately put the through one of the pack- even before I opened size too small, so while off. I feel really foolish lotion in the basket and ages and that the exacto- my eyes. I knew not to approaching the door I about this whole thing, handed it to Helen who blade had wedged into say anything without unbuckled my belt and so please, lets not make was placing the gift the pit of a peach. But carefully weighing each loosened my pants. The a federal case out of it at packages on the coat- I knew we fiadn't put word. room was at the end of the office, o.k.?" room counter. Helen was anything edible inside "Mr. Reese, how are a long hall; to the right I looked at my hands. my boss and, although the bags, so I quickly you feeling? there was a window and They were clean. I she was not entirely withdrew my arm. At first I thought the to the left I saw three looked at Helen. Thank- obese, the confined space Then I realized that doctor was a nurse but heavyset men talking fully, she did not want to was creating an intimacy Helen wasn't laughing her calm tone and au- with the doctor. I looked hug. which I was not accus- at my awkward physi- thoritative demeanor back into the room and , "I adore you. Helen. I tomed to. cality, but that she was quickly alerted me to saw a small container of love everybody." "Where are you from, screaming. My first her position. hazardous waste. At that "O.K. Eliot, just sign Eliot?" instinct was to reach "Mr. Reese?" moment I realized the the papers and try to My workspace was forward and subdue her The skin on my face only way to get out was get some rest." • fordhamobserver.com THE OBSERVER I April 19,2007 [ LITERARY' 25

ByPRESCOTTLOVELAND lots sprinkled through- there was no question run inside and cry, but with all my strength. It CONTRIBUTING WHITER out the neighborhoods, about that. I couldn't—I was13 bounced on the wind- but also the larger "They'll probably tear now. shield as cracks splin- My hometown "of woods as well. A year it down tomorrow Ni- Nicole saw my pale tered in every direc- Brick, N. J. peaked in and a half earlier, we cole said when she saw face getting bright red tion from the point of its transition from a rode our bikes to the the tractor. as I paced back and contact. I repeated the suburb to a burgeon- woods in the back of We examined the forth. "Calm down, process five more times ing mini-metropolis at the neighborhood to intruder. It had to be Prescott," she said, and with each smash, I about the same time I find ten giant yellow 25 feet tall. It had giant nearly laughing. felt a rush of relief—a was desperately trying tractors and half the wheels. There were all "You thinx this is rush of justice. to avoid my own transi- trees already gone. The kinds of gadgets and freakin' funny? They I climbed up to the tion into adolescence. township could have levers, which I knew are going to tear down driver's seat to look for Not long after my at least done, a mass operated the sharp- our damn woods and a key—I would drive 13th birthday, I came mailing or something toothed bucket in the you're laughing. You this tractor right out of home from school to to prepare us. You've front. The tractor was > don't even care. Why my woods if necessary. find that my biggest, don't you fuckin' just I found no key, but I most imminent fear o the hell home! did see a cluster of im- was about to come true. / closed my eyes as hard as I could and listened f (Du're a bitch." portant-looking red and There it was: a giant "Shut up, I do too white wires hanging yellow tractor in the . to the echoes of the tree climbing contests. In the care! But, what can we from the area beneath wooded lot across the do?" the steering wheel. I street from my house. silence of the woods, I heard the distant screams "Go up to the lookout grabbed a handful and I dropped my JanSport post and stand guard," yanked as hard as I book Bag in my drive- of warrior acorn fighters. In my domain, I said as I dug a gray could, pulling about way ano^sprinted down baseball-sized rock out two feet of wire from to Nicole's—three I prepared to break the silence. of the ground. under the dash. Nicole houses away. I ran in "Prescott, no...You're came walking ba"ck. I her front door to find gonna get in trouble." leaned but and held the her on the computer. never seen so many sad rusty and dirty—I "I don't freakin' wire high above my "Nicole, let's go! fifth graders in your knew this was one of care!" I yelled. "Go to, head like the bloody There is a damn trac- life, lfalselyassumed the machines that had the lookout!" heart of an enemy. tor in the fuckin' that my wooded lot, been destroying child- "Fine, but I'm just "Let them try to tear woods. They are tucked away in the hood memories all over gonna stand at the front down our freakin' gonna freakin' tear middle of the neighbor- Brick. I paced back and trail. I'm not going damn woods now!" em down!" The high hood, had escaped the forth. I wanted to blow up to the post. I don't Nicole's jaw dropped school kids around the destruction. the tractor up like in want to get my shirt as she looked at the corner had just taught Although the lot le- "Terminator 2" or set dirty, it's new." windshield and the me how to curse a few gally belonged to some up a booby trap so the "Whatever," I said as cluster of wires in my months before. old guy in North Jersey, operator would fall into she walked away. hand. "Hold on, I'm talkin' my friends and I were a giant hole when he Now I was alone with "I'm outta here," she on the, computer,"Jbe , pretty sure that we had came back the next day. said, antoaMMfyp said, without even" becbme the rightful I would have gath- macnine, ngnf versus • side trail back towara looking over. Nicole owners. We had booby ered all the neighbor- wrong. her house. She didn't was my freckle-faced traps set up at each hood kids to carry the "Fuck—you—trac- even look back. best friend who just entrance: two by fours damn tractor out of tor," I said, clenching I climbed down with recently turned from with nails sticking out. the woods; but I knew the rock, "this is my wires in hand and tom-boy to pretty girl. We had look-out posts they didn't care half as woods." darted out the front Boys started liking her in the trees 30 feet in much as I did. We were I closed my eyes as trail, ran across the and it was all she talk- the air. We made the in middle school now. hard as I could and lis- street, jumped my - ed about. It was gross. underground fort and Everybody else wanted tened to the echoes of fence, grabbed my "No, NOW!" I yelled. the fire pit. We made to make AOL profiles the tree climbing con- JanSport from the Seeing that I was fran- the zip fine and the tree and "chat" on the com- tests. In the silence of driveway and ran Into tic, she rolled her eyes, houses. We had the puter—not have acorn the woods, I heard the my backyard. The turned off the computer tree! climbing contests rights or build forts in distant screams of war- adrenaline of fighting and followed me back and the acorn fights. the woods. I on the oth- rior acorn fighters. In injustice was running up the street. We even had a little pet er hand, wanted nothing my domain, 1 prepared through my veins. All over Brick, the graveyard in the back, to do with teenagerdom to break the silence. I Unfortunately, my act woods were being torn where the remains of and this tractor was took a few steps back only served as a deter- down to make way a turtle, a gerbil, two- about to destroy any and got a running start. rent. The tractor was for new houses: They iguanas and a ferret chance I had of holding I screamed my mighti- fixed two days later and weren't just tearing rested peacefully. This on to my childhood. est 13-year-old scream the woods were gone down the little wooded was our wooded lot- I really wanted to and threw the rock in a matter of hours. •

SAD * ^ *••*

Announces the new... DEPRESSED?

i < i >•' WRITE FOR LITERARY AND Camplis'News - Weather - Current events •Security*- Athletics - Student Affairs - Fordharfi'TT " If LET YOUR FEELINGS OUT , tulijN/VeRlt.23V2007 :, ( 26 SPORTS 1 April 19,2007 I THE OBSERVER fordhamobserver.com Rams' Report Card FACE PAINT FILES Rose Hill gym ready ByROBBEATSON also lags. This was especially ing (164) and third in scoring (9.5 STAFF WRITER true during Fordham's four-game ppg), Greene's size and athletic losing streak, when sluggish de- ability make him a perfect com- for retirement? fense followed poor shooting. pliment for Dunston down low. Bryant Dunston Still, he led the Rams in steals on Greene had a tendency to take One of the highlights of in front of as many people as FCRH '08: B+ the year and is' an integral part of and miss too many threes, but Fordham University's Rose Hill possible. A new arena would There's little doubt that the 6'8" Fordham's stingy defense. - his most consistent shot was campus is the historic Rose.Hill also place Fordham oh the same' junior is the nucleus of this team Best Game: On Jan. 6, in Rich- the mid-range jumper. Greene Gym. The old stone walls, the playing field as other leading on both ends of the floor. Dun- mond, Stout dropped 18 of his played with intensity every compact size and its location o Catholic universities, such as ston has the capability to average game-high 21 points in the sec- night, and his ability to make near the center Notre Dame and Georgetown. a double-double a night, but con- ond half, including a lay-up with a steal and finish a fast break of campus all Without a larger facility, there sistent foul trouble (a team high 2.4 seconds left that broke a 55- frequently swung momentum combine to give will be no room for the school 97 over 31 games) limited his 55 tie and secured Fordham's first in the Rams' favor. the RHG the to grow on the athletic front. productivity. Still, the big man A-10 win. Stout carried the Rams Best Game: An 18 point per- feeling that the Yet many reasons also exist averaged 14.5 points per game, down the stretch, scoring 10 of formance in a win against St. Sixth Man Club to keep the RHG as the home good for second on the team, his team's last 12 in a clutch per- Bonaventure on Jan. 31 put the has fallen in love of Fordham basketball. One of and collected 217 rebounds, tops formance. Rams in a tie for first place in with. Although the building's most appealing for Fordham and ninth in the At- the A-10, as'Greene handled MARC this celebrated qualities is its historic value. lantic 10. Opponents used a 2-3 Brenton Butler Fordham's inside game with TURIANO facility has suc- It is the oldest active Division zone to stifle his productivity, but FCRH '10: B Dunston in foul trouble all cessfully served I basketball gym in the coun- even then, he battled in the post Butler didn't start a game all night. the Fordham community for 82 try, having opened in 1925. and drew fouls. season, but he did average 9.5 years, some voices are calling This fact could act as a major Best Game: Dunston earned points per game while showcas- Michael Binns for change. Though the RHG is selling point to recruits, as it game-highs in points, rebounds, ing the future of Rams' basket- FCRH'08: B- still thought of rather affection- makes Fordham more unique blocks and steals against St. Bo- ball. Butler's 284 points put him Binns looks like a dominant ately, its age prevents it from than schools that simply have naventure, but that game turned on pace to break 1,000 career inside player, but his game is offering the benefits that the new facilities. Also, only a into a 91-60 rout. Instead, if .you points, a mark he will almost much more versatile than that. newer facilities of rival schools few men's basketball games can look past the last-second foul certainly pass, especially as the He only averaged 5.3 points per can. With a large plot of land currently sell out each season. that resulted in the game-winning Rams begin to utilize his shooting game in 18 starts, but he has having recently been made With extra seats available for free throws, Dunston's 29 points, behind the arc. Despite his offen- the confidence to take a shot available for potential develop- most home games, expansion 13 rebounds and four blocks in a sive prowess, Butler sometimes from anywhere on the floor. ment, a new basketball arena is not a pressing matter. The 45-44 loss to Rhode Island was shows his youth in his decision His size belies his aim from may be in order. gym's small size and stone his grittiest performance coming making; he had as many turn- beyond the arc (44 percent), Since head coach Derek walls also, allow for maximum in Fordham's first big test of the overs (56) as assists. His game and his free-throw shooting Whittenburg's arrival, Ford- noise with minimum input; a year. is only going to get better, most (76 percent) was a team best. ham's basketball program has limited number of people can noticeably, on the defensive end, On the defensive end, Binns progressed in leaps and bounds. create an intimidating environ- Marcus Stout and this breakout player will lead has trouble sticking with more Every season surpasses the ment for opponents to play in, FCRH 08: A- the Rams in seasons to come. athletic forwards, but he plays success of the previous year. as screams echo effectively in the small space. If the same Stout has been a sharpshooter Best Game: Butler's breakout hard regardless of his foul situ- The 2006-07 campaign pro- number of fans were placed for the Rams since his freshman game came on Nov. 30 when he ation. duced Fordham basketball's in a larger arena, the level of year, but this season, he emerged scored 18 points in a win over Best Game: Binns proved how first winning season in 15 years. • intimidating noise would not as a true team leader. He led the cross-Bronx rivals Manhattan well he can compliment the With all of the Rams' starters be nearly as high. Rams in scoring with 15.3 points College, earning him the, Mike Dunston-Stout one-two punch returning next season, the future per game and the ability to hit 74 Cohen Award- as the game's in the March 3 regular season looks bright; and as attendance Some amount of pain al- 3.rpointers, while still having the MVP. finale when he scored 16 points numbers directly correlate with ways accompanies change, and strength to take the ball inside. in an 80-73 win over Temple. the success of the program, it this pain must sometimes be His biggest flaw remains that his Sebastian Greene > The'big'man showed his range, will only be a matter of time . endured to achieve a greater defense is "tied to his shooting; if FCRH '08: B- going 4-4 from three point land before a new arena will become good. While it makes sense to he's cold on offense, his defense Second on the team in - in 22 minutes of play. • a necessity. The school must jump at the chance of building think ahead and realize that in a new basketball arena while several years, more seats will the opportunity exists, there is be needed to house the rowdy something to be said for tradi- The Honor Roll: Marcus Stout (A-) and Bryant Dunston (B+) supporters of a soon-to-be top- tion and history as well. Since notch basketball team. Con- the need is not imminent, I side struction should begin soon so with tradition in saying that we that the new facilities will be keep the Rose Hill Gym the ready when the time comes. home of Fordham basketball A larger, more modem for the time being. However, basketball facility will also a sort of compromise may also only benefit the program in the be possible. A new basketball future. Recruiting would surely arena could be built, but a lim- reap die profits, as potential ited number of home games players would definitely be could still be played in the RHG. drawn to playing in a new arena With this solution, die best of that could showcase their talents both worlds can be achieved. •


FOR SPORTS! Marcus Stout prepares to dunk. Bryant Dunston goes for the two. .**.--.' .-JJ.; . . i «. ...J-.-I-IV-I-*;..-: fordhamobserver.com THE OBSERVER I April 19,20071 SPORTS 27 Draft day decisions

By ROBERT WHTTBECK seasons. STAFF WRITER ATLANTA FALCONS TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS Adrian Peterson, RB, Calvin Johnson, WR, Georgia Oklahoma Every year, the NFL draft allows Tech , 0 The Falcons cannot pass up the teams to build their franchises and Although offensive lineman opportunity to reinforce aging improve their teams. The draft is Levi Brown is an option, the Buc- running back Warrick Dunn with one of the most important ways of caneers should look to Calvin Adrian Peterson, a bargain if he keeping parity in the league, and, Johnson, a receiver from Georgia falls this far down in the draft. especially in recent years, produc- Tech, instead. Johnson can lead ing players who have had imme- the Buccaneers to prominence for MIAMI DOLPHINS diate impacts. the next decade and will benefit Greg Olsen, TE, Miami from the tutelage of veterans like The Dolphins must replace de- Joey Galloway and Ike Hilliard. parted tight end Randy McMi- OAKLAND RAIDERS chael. Greg Olsen was impres- JeMarcus Russell, QB, LSU ARIZONA CARDINALS sive in the combine and raised his The Raiders, with the first pick, Levi Brown, OT, Penn State draft value with his athleticism, have more than a few holes to fill. With Ken Whisenhunt and Russ speed and catching ability. JeMarcus Russell's hulking size, Grim, both former Steelers offen- athleticism and rocket arm make sive tacticians, leading the new NEW YORK GIANTS him a versatile and dangerous of- Arizona coaching staff, Arizona The Giants need to focus on fensive force. Russell would be a will not pass up an opportunity their offensive line, defensive great addition to the Raiders, and for an offensive lineman. The secondary and possibly acquire Keith Hadley/MCT his raw physical talent will pro- nucleus of the Steelers' division a running back. LSU safety Georgia Tech receiver Calvin Johnson (21) shrugs away Notre Dame defender Chinedum vide an immediate boost, espe- winning teams was always the of- Laron Landry would be ideal, Ndukwe for a reception. cially to receiver Randy Moss. fensive line, so look for Whisen- as would Pittsburgh cornerback hunt and Grimm to install a simi- Darelle Revis in the first round. DETROIT LIONS lar system in Arizona. However, it is likely that they Joe Thomas, &JfWisconsin will have to settle for Michigan The Lions should look to im- WASHINGTON REDSKINS cornerback Leon Hall or Arkana- prove their offensive line, which Aaron Ross, CB, Texas sas cornerback Chris Houston would benefit not only quarter- Although Aaron Ross has been instead. Darius Walker, a pass- back Jon Kitna and the passing projected significantly lower in catching scatback out of Notre game but also new running back the first round, Ross' aggressive, Dame, would be a nice pick-up acquisition Tatum Bell. Wiscon- ball-hawking style will appeal to in the second round. sin offensive tackle Joe Thomas eccentric Redskins owner Daniel is one of the best pure talents on Snyder. Ross is fast and likes to NEW YORK JETS the offensive line and will imme- jump passes and create turnovers, The Jets need help in the sec- diately solidify the Lions' infra- something the Redskins had trou- ondary .and could be in com- structure. ble doing last season. petition with the Giants for the services of Revis, Hall and CLEVELAND BROWNS MINNESOTA VIKINGS Houston. Rutgers running back Brady Quinn, QB, Notre Dame Dwayne Jarrett, WR, USC Brian Leonard, if converted to a Receiving options Kellen Win- The Vikings' offensive line fullback, could be a great com- slow, Antonio Bryant and Joe Ju- problems should be alleviated plement to new running back revicius are viable targets', but a by Adding a legitimate1 •receiv- Thomas Jones." Tight ends- 01^ talented quarterback is needed to ing threat. Dwayne Jarrett is a sen or Zach Miller from Arizona deliver the ball. Brady Quinn is a playmaker and, if drafted, will be State will add another target for quarterback capable of reinvigo- the premier receiver the Vikings quarterback Chad Pennington rating an offense that has been haven't had since Randy Moss and will make their improving nothing short of anemic in recent left. offense even more potent. • Notre Dame quarterback Brady Quinn (10) looks down field for a receiver.

CLASS OF '07 SPRING SPECIAL TAKE THE POINTS BUY YOUR COLLEGE RING AND GETA Fordharn Basketball 2007-08Sfieak Peek lTmslpas.t'Octpber,Ihadpre- * too much, of the team's offen- and Michael Binns FCRH '08, FREE iPod shuffle dicfed'ai 18 victory season and sive output will remain to be will have played over 100 games Restrictions apply, ask your Jostens representative for details. the team's first post-season birth seen. Yet, consider next season together by next winter. The fab- in 1? years. to be unfinished business for a five should know one another's At least I nailed 50 percent of duo that has already made their tendencies as well as any team that prediction—I just wish I . mark in the school's record in the country. You can't under- had been correct books. However, it will be the estimate the importance of that on the latter por- team's success, not individual chemistry translating on the tion. achievement, that will ultimate- floor when they're playing foes They say you ly dictate how these two will that have two returning starters must be able to be remembered amongst the and a jumbled bench of 18-year- walk before you all-time greats. old kids and juco transfers. run. I'm going I just can't seem to get my Anyone who followed the PETER to consider the head around the enigmatic play Fordham team this past season MARTIN 2006-07 cam- of Chris Bethel, FCRH '09. should hold a sincere feeling of paign a brisk jog. In terms of talent, he seems to incompleteness. The team that What I'm about to predict is for have the individual ability to took the floor for the latter part that jog to morph into a dead rival anyone on the team, yet his of the season showed glimpses sprint into the NCAA Tourna- inability to fit within the team of a high-caliber octane offense ment next spring. concept keeps him on the bench - and energetic defense that could Fordham's returning roster for rather than in the paint. Should pass, shoot and defend with the next winter will feature its top he find some consistency in his best of them. Quite frankly, an eight contributors from a team performance next winter, he can NIT appearance would have that finished first in the confer- serve as an invaluable third in- been all well and good, but ••OUMrtd tndanurt ol Applt Computtf, Inc. All rtohli msmwd. AppW Is not • (mlWpwl or «poM0c at Ml: ence on scoring defense. jection of offense to compliment memories of what could have Senior captains-to-be Marcus Dunston and Stout's ying-and- been in '06-07 will easily be April 23,24 Stout, FCRH '08, and Bryant yang. I can speculate Bethel's erased, should next season's Dunston, FCRH '08, will have upside for hours on end, but the result reflect the current outlook (23rd) 5:00-7:00 pm one final chance to bring a con- fact is, we just won't know how I foresee. For Fordham bas- (24th) 11:00 am-2:00pm ference-title home to the Bronx. this story will unfold until he ketball, next season may be as To be cynical, you can point to hits the floor. good as it's going to get. For all Lowenstein Building, a lack of progress in their evolu- The bar of talent for the entire the years that the program has tion from sophomores to ju- Atlantic 10 conference in 2007- talked about growing as a team 2nd Floor Lounge niors, both struggling for lapses 08 will be raised by an influx of and manning, next season will and showing similar strcakincss skill, yet it doesn't take a college be the pinnacle of that develop- that defined their sophomore hoops guru to tell you that vet- ment. It's here now. They have Hurry! Offer Ends May 11,2007 campaigns. Whether this play eran teams win games in March. one shot to get it right and de- reveals stagnation in develop- Fordham's core of Dunston, liver. Now we just have to wait 1.800.854.7464 ment or merely an example of Stout, Sebastian Greene, FCRH six months to watch the season f tain reiildollofH fi how the two arc shouldering '08, Kevin Anderson, FCRH '08 finale. • 28. I April 19,2007 SPORTS THE OBSERVER

NBA PLAYOFFS Hairy ElWter/HCT Toronto Raptors' Chris How the West will win Bosh hugs ftou t By ADAM KAUFMAN MANAGING EDITOR

Gilbert Arenas, goes down for the rest of the regular season and the playoffs. While Agent there are still plenty of things to look forward to. Otner stars are waiting to explode, there are players out to prove just how (most) valuable they are, and there are young upstarts itching to show that anything can happen in the playoffs. When all is said and done though, only four teams can make itto the conference championships, and only two of these teams can make it to the Finals. Here's what you should expect to see when it gets down to the final four:


MIAMIHEAT TORONTO RAPTORS Projected Starters: PG- Jason Williams; SG- Dwayne Projected Starters: PG- T.J. Ford: SG- Anthony Parker; Wade;SF- Antoine Walker; PF- Udonis Haslem; C- SF- ; PF- Chris Bosh; C- Rasho Nest- Shaquille O'Neal erovic At this point, it might seem crazy to think that the The Raptors, if the current seeding positions hold true, Heat could get past either the Pistons or the Cavaliers, will get a break in the first round, going up against a bat- but keep in mind that Wade is back and healthy; if terea Wizards team that is missing its two top players there's anyone who can come up clutch in late April (Arenas and Caron Butler). From there, the Raps should without being named Kobe Bryant, it's Wade. In ad- either play the Bulls or the Nets. The former of those dition, Shaq has been playing damn well lately, av- teams is young and inexperienced, and the latter team has eraging 17.5 points, 7.2 rebounds, and over a block a habit of falling apart during crunch time. Toronto will a game in the past month. Add to that the three-point also benefit from the solid point guard play of Ford and threat of Jason Kapono and the scrappy toughness of the unstoppable athletic prowess of Bosh, as well as the Haslem, and you're looking at an experienced playoff return of No. 1 draft picKBargnani. Expect the Raptors to team that wants to p^^yp they're not done winning play exciting basketball without losing the team unity that championships. ' ' l5 has made them one of this season'soiggest surprises.


DALLAS MAVERICKS PHOENIX SUNS Projected Starters: PG- Devin Harris; SG- Jason Terry; Projected Starters: PG- Steve Rash;-50- Raja Bell; SF- Josh Howard; PF- Dirk Nowitzki; C- Erick Dampi SF- Shawn Marion; PF- Boris Diaw;-^ Amare Stou- damire If Howard recovers from his sprained ankle in time for the playoffs, which; he should, the Mavs are going to The Suns have what amounts to the strongest overall be tough to beat. Harris has established himself as one lineup out of any team in the NBA. Nasn has been of the top point guards in the West, and Terry, Howard having another MVP-caliber season, and Stoudamire and Nowitzki are proven big-time players. After a 17- has proven that his knee injury may be completely game win streak that spanned from late January to early behind him, serving as a consistent force under the March, the Mavericks proved that, with a healthy lineup, basket. If Marion can provide some consistency and if they can be completely dominant. Should Nowitzki and Bell and Leandro Barbosa get on hot streaks, the Suns Howard stay healthy and Devean George, Jerry Stack- may end up embarrassing every team they face. house and Austin Croshere continue to make impacts off the bench, look for the Mavs to cruise through the first two rounds.

Wi IN MIAMI HEAT VS. PHOENIX SUNS Dallas Mavericks' Diik Nowitzki ^hungry for the hoop. Look for the Heat to beat Toronto in six games, while the Suns will need seven to sneak past Dallas. Although the Raptors' young legs and fast-paced nn-ma. «ii11 Vaan Fv»MY» a1ivf> fnr a u;hilp» Miami's niavnff «VTM»riftnr.f». alnna •with

OlttI HUG,

As far as the Finals match-up goes? That's easy. The Suns will dominate. . Finals Prediction: Suns defeat Heat, 4-1 Finals MVP: Steve Nash Harry E.W»to!/MCr Phoenix Sum1 Stove Nash means