Http://www.chinaphar.comActa Pharmacologica Sinica 2005 Feb; 26 (2): 143–149 Cheng Y et al

Invited review Anti-amnestic and anti-aging effects of ginsenoside Rg1 and Rb1 and its mechanism of action

Yong CHENG, Li-hong SHEN, Jun-tian ZHANG1

Institute of Materia Medica, Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100050, China

Key words Abstract ; ginsenoside-Rg1; ginsenoside-Rb1; In the present paper, we overview the discovery of new biological activities learning memory; neural progenitor cells; induced by ginsenoside Rg1 and Rb1 and discuss possible mechanisms of action. apoptosis; immunity; synaptic plasticity; muscarinic cholinergic receptor; long-term Both compounds could increase neural plasticity in efficacy and structure; espe- potentiation cially Rg1, as one small molecular drug, can increase proliferation and differentia- tion of neural progenitor cells in dentate gyrus of hippocampus of normal adult 1 Correspondence to Prof Jun-tian ZHANG. mice and global ischemia model in gerbils. This finding has great value for treat- Phn 86-10-6316-5179. ment of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders which is char- Fax 86-10-6316-5211. acterized by neurons loss. Increase of expression of brain derived neurotrophic E-mail [email protected] factor, Bcl-2 and antioxidant enzyme, enhanced new synapse formation, inhibition Received 2004-08-30 of apoptosis and calcium overload are also important neuron protective factors. Accepted 2004-10-27 Rg1 and Rb1 have common effects, but there are some differences in pharmacol- ogy and mechanism. These differences may attribute to their different chemical doi: 1.111/j.1745-7254.2005.00034.x structure. Rg1 is panaxtriol with two sugars, while Rb1 is panaxtriol with four sugars.

Introduction sentative constituents of panax ginseng and , respectively. Rg1 and Rb1 have different chemical Ginseng, the root and rhizome of Panax ginseng C A structure: Rg1 is panaxtriol with 2 sugars, while Rb1 is Meyer, has been used as a tonic remedy in Chinese tradi- panaxtriol with 4 sugars. The chemical structure of Rg1 and tional medicine for over 2000 years. The word panax is de- Rb1 are shown in Figure 1 and 2. Many researchers believe rived from panacea, which means cure-all and longevity. In that they share many beneficial effects of ginseng, including 200 AD when this herb was described in the oldest Chinese alleviating learning and memory impairment, reversing patho- materia medica book: Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing, the author logical and physiological changes induced by stress and depicted many pharmacological functions of ginseng, in- aging, etc. In the review, we take an overview of the proven cluding both nootropic and anti-aging effects. Since then, anti-amnestic and anti-aging effects of both compounds and ginseng has been widely used as a supplemental medicine. discuss their possible mechanisms in detail. However, it is neither a tonic nor a remedy for a certain disease. Anti-amnestic effects With the development of modern technology, more and more active principles have been isolated and purified from Various memory-impairment models have been used to this herb, and the field of ginseng research has drawn in- evaluate how ginseng and its active ingredients affect learn- tense attention in Asia, Europe, and the United States. Ev- ing and memory. In a passive avoidance test, ginsenoside ery year, there are hundreds of papers published and new Rg1, (25–100 mg/kg) improved learning and memory’s uses for ginseng discoveried. More than 40 ginsenosides acquisition, consolidation and retrieval, which were impaired have been isolated from several species of ginseng. Among by anisodine, cycloheximide, and respectively, indi- all the active ingredients isolated from ginseng, we selected cating that Rg1 can improve all stages of memory. To study Rg1 and Rb1 for study because Rg1 and Rb1 are the repre- the effect of Rg1 on the learning and memory induced by β-

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cognitive activities in cellular and synaptic levels. In Zhang’s lab[8,9], both total ginsenosides (25–100 mg/kg, ip) and ginsenoside Rg1 (10 and 100 nmol/L, icv) were found to im- prove the basic synaptic transmission and increased the amplitude of LTP induced by high-frequency-stimulation (HFS) in anesthetized rats. In contrast, although ginsenoside Rb1 (10 and 100 nmol/L, icv) administered 30 min after teta- nic stimulation was found to increase population spike (PS) amplitude[10], it exerted an inhibitory effect on LTP induced by HFS when given at the same time of stimulation and

Figure 1. The structure of ginsenoside Rg1. R1=OH; R2=OGlc; showed no influence on basic synaptic transmission. Fur-

R3=OGlc ther research suggests that nitric oxide (NO) synthesized by nitric oxide synthase (NOS), especially by nNOS, was in- volved in synaptic transmission improving the effect of Rg1[11]. In order to eliminate the influence of anesthetics on synaptic transmission, rats were chronically implanted with a stimula- tion electrode in the perforated path and a recording elec- trode in the granule cell of dentate gyrus. After Rg1 was administrated (10 and 30 mg/kg, ip) for 12 d, an extracellular recording technique was used to record PS. The results demonstrated that Rg1 significantly increased the sensitiv- ity of evoking PS and the amplitude of PS in freely moving rats[11].

Figure 2. The structure of ginsenoside Rb1. R1=OGlc(2-1)Glc; Mechanisms underlying the nootropic effect of ginseng

R2=OGlc(6-1)Glc First, ginsenoside might potentiate the cholinergic system in the (CNS). Acetylcholine (ACh) amyloid (25–35), passive avoidance and performance in is a very important neurotransmitter in the brain and its scar- Morris water maze were assayed after final treatment, and we city often leads to learning and memory impairment. In found that Rg1 at 5–10 mg/kg significantly decreased la- Zhang’s lab, Rg1 and Rb1 were found to enhance cholin- tency and swimming distance, and improved corresponding ergic system’s function through two different pathways: first, changes in search strategies in the Morris water maze and both ginsenosides showed the ability to increase the den- increased step-through latency also. Rg1 significantly im- sity of central M-cholinergic receptors, although they proved memory deficits in aged rats, ovariectomizde rats, showed no specific binding to the receptors. Second, Rg1 and cerebral ischemia-reperfesion rats. Results of the present and Rb1 increased the level of ACh in the CNS, which might study showed that ginseng extract and ginsenoside Rg1, be the result of ginsenoside-induced enhancement on cho- Rb1 (25–100 mg/kg) facilitated acquisition and retrieval of line acetyltransferase activity and inhibition on acetylcho- memory. Moreover, they also antagonized memory loss and line esterase activity[2,12]. Meanwhile, Banishin et al reported cognitive deficit under various pathological conditions such that both ginsenosides facilitated cholinergic neurotrans- as cerebral ischemia and dementia. However, the nootropic mission by increasing cholinergic in the CNS[13]. effect of Rg1 was generally stronger than that of Rb1. All the It is very interesting to point out that according to exist- beneficial effects of ginsenosides observed in the memory- ing theory, receptor density is directly dependent on trans- impairment models have been repeated many times in differ- mitter activity in the brain. For instance, muscarinic recep- ent labs[1–7]. tor level falls in response to the administration of its agonists, Long-term potentiation (LTP) was first observed in 1973. while there is a rise in response to chronic administration of Since then, it has been thoroughly investigated. Many sci- muscarinic antagonists. However, findings in Zhang’s lab entists believe that LTP in the hippocampus is the key form show simultaneous increases in M receptor density and Ach of long-lasting synaptic plasticity and it connects the be- level, which is not in line with previous observations[14]. So, havior of learning and memory with the plasticity of neurons. maybe a new theory should be provided to elucidate the Therefore, LTP has been considered as an important index of effects of ginseng on the cholinergic system.

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First, both Rg1 and Rb1 were found to increase protein Fourth, ginsenoside may modulate synaptic plasticity. biosynthesis in the mouse brain[12]. This finding could also Synapses are the essential structure in the CNS through explain ginseng’s function on memory consolidation. In which signals are transmitted, processed and integrated addition, the increment of M-receptor density could be one among neurons. The plasticity of synaptic function is also of the secondary effects of the enhancement of protein regarded as one of the most important mechanisms underly- synthesis. ing the process of learning and memory. Interestingly, in Second, ginsenoside may interfere with immediate early weaning mice administered with Rg1 and Rb1 for 14 d, the genes. The c-fos proto-oncogene is the prototype of the early- thickness of cortex and density of synapses in the hippoc- response class of genes and its expression can be considered ampal CA3 region were significantly increased (Table 1)[20]. as a marker of neuronal activity. Rg1 was found to signifi- Meanwhile, Rg1 was found to induce the sprouting of mossy cantly increase the expression of c-fos gene in both young fiber and the expression of the growth-associate protein and old rats[15]. Furthermore, it had the ability to increase (GAP-43) dose-dependently in hippocampus in adult rats cyclic adenosine monophosphophate (cAMP) level in rat (Figure 3)[9]. Furthermore, both Rg1 and Rb1 were found to hippocampus. This might provide another explanation for increase hippocampal synaptic density[21]. These experiment the nootropic effect of Rg1. proofs provided morphological and physiological evidence Third, apoptosis or programmed cell death is a process to support nootropic effect of ginseng. by which a cell actively commits suicide under tightly con- trolled circumstances. Apoptosis is required for maintenance Table 1. Effects of ginsenoside Rb1 and Rg1 on the number of of the homeostasis and is essential in physiological pro- synapses in the hippocampus CA3 region in mice. n=5. Mean±SD. c cesses such as development, differentiation and aging. P<0.01 vs control group [Ref 20]. However, defective regulation of apoptosis might play a role -1 2 in the etiology of cancer, acquired immunodeficiency Group Dose/mg·kg Number/µm syndrome, autoimmune diseases and neural degenerative disorders. Therefore, pharmacological manipulation of this Control – 0.1718±0.07128 process may offer new possibilities for the prevention and Rb1 28.6 0.2557±0.1382c c treatment of many illnesses. In 1997, Zhang’s lab reported Rb1 56.1 0.2134±0.07327 Rg1 27.4 0.2023±0.08330c firstly that Rg1 at concentration of 1 µmol/L and 10 µmol/L Rg1 53.9 0.2340±0.07447c inhibited apoptosis induced by withdrawing serum from the culture system of primary cortical neurons[16]. In vivo study, an anti-apoptotic effect of Rg1 was seen in aged rats (24–27 month). Further study showed that mechanisms underlying Rg1’s effect on apoptosis involved decreasing NO content and NOS activity, reducing intracellular calcium concentra- tion and enhancing superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. Researchers from the same lab also found that both NOS expression and the activity of NOS enhanced significantly in aged rats (27 months old), which leads to the increment of NO concentration in rat’s cortex. This change was reversed [17] by Rg1 administration (20 and 40 mg/kg daily for 5 d) . Figure 3. Effect of ginsenoside Rg1 on the mossy fiber sprouting in Taken together with previous in vitro results, they confirmed CA3 field of hippocampus. A: Control group. B: Rg1 10 mg/kg. C: that NO played a role in the acceleration of senescence and Rg1 30 mg/kg. n=6. Mean±SD. bP<0.05, cP< 0.01 vs control [Ref that the inhibitory effect of Rg1 on NOS activity might pro- 9]. vide an explanation for its anti-aging function. Recently, the anti-apoptotic effect of Rg1 on neurons Finally, ginsenoside, especially Rg1 might regulate the was further proved by both in vivo and in vitro experiments proliferation and/or surviving ability of neural progenitor done in other labs[18,19]. The authors of these studies sug- cells. A neural progenitor cell (NPC) or Neural stem cell gested that this effect of Rg1 might attribute to enhancing (NSC) is a special kind of neural cell. Previous studies have the ratio of Bcl-2 to Bax protein and inhibiting activation of shown that NPC existed in certain areas in the adult brain as caspase-3. well as in developing brain[22]. Recently, several rodent stud-

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chronic stress, cause many diseases and accelerate aging, so anti-stress drugs are in high demand. Ginseng has long been considered to act as an adaptogen, but the mecha- nisms underlying its effect are still unclear. Recently, acute, chronic, and repeated stress models were used to observe the effects of ginsenosides on stress. Repeated hanging stress was used to observe the effect of stress on the reproduction-endocrine system. The results indicated that repeated stress reduced sexual behavior (licking, mounting, and mating), decreased plasma androgen or estrogen levels and increased corticorsterone level in male and female mice. Treatment with ginsenoside Rb1 at dosage of 2.5, 5, and 10 mg/kg prior to stress prevented the decrease Figure 4. Increase of ischemia-induced proliferation of cells by of sexual behavior and the increase of corticorsterone. Rb1 ginsenoside Rg1 in the dentate gyrus of adult gerbils. The number of brought the concentration of plasma sexual hormones back bromodeoxyuridine-positive nuclei in the subgranular zone (SGZ) of [28] animals killed 3 d (n=4), 7 d (n=4), 11 d (n=6), and 21 d (n=4) after to normal level . Further study proved that Rb1 (2.5, 5 and 6 min of global ischemia. Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) was injected 10 mg/kg, ip for 14 d) significantly improved sexual function every 4 h for 12 h on the day prior to sacrifice. A: Ischemia; B: in mice. The mechanism underlying its “zhuang yang” ef- Ischemia+Rg1 (5 mg/kg); C: Ischemia+Rg1 (10 mg/kg). Each bar fects might be the activation of NO/cyclic guanosine b [27] shows mean±SEM. P<0.05 vs ischemic group . monophosphophate (cGMP) pathway in mice corpus cavernosum[29]. ies have suggested that the proliferation ability of NPC was Dysfunction of reproductive-endocrine system is often reduced in association with age or diseases related cognitive accompanied by the degeneration of cognitive processes in decline[23–25]. Hence, many scientists hypothesize that dam- middle and late age. Therefore, the influence of chronic stress age of neurogenesis may be one of the elementary reasons on cognitive abilities in mice was observed. The result show- for function-declines in aging and neurodegenerative [26] ed that 60 consecutive days of stress caused a neuronal diseases. Recently, Shen et al reported that Rg1 enhanced damage as well as cognitive impairment. Further study sug- proliferation ability of rodent hippocampal progenitor cells gested that chronic stress decreased brain-derived neu- both in vitro and in vivo. Incubation of neural progenitor rotrophic factor and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) protein expres- cells with Rg1 resulted in significant increase in absorbency 3 sion throughout the brain area especially in the hippocampus. value, [ H]thymidine incorporation and the number of prolif- In addition, stress also induced the release of noradrenaline erating progenitor cell spheres. In addition, Rg1 adminis- in the homogenates of the hippocampus and the hypo- trated for 2 weeks (ip) led to marked enhancement of the thalamus. Similarly, ginsenoside Rb1 showed the ability to number of dividing cells in hippocampus of adult mice. reverse all the pathological changes induced by stress[30]. Meanwhile, the same authors found that Rg1 systemically However, ginsenoside Rg1 had no effect on both repeated administered not only promoted cell proliferation, but also and chronic stress-related changes. Instead, it accelerated enhanced the surviving rate of newborn cells in the dentate stress-induced pathological changes in mice, showing an- gyrus of adult gerbils suffered from transient global ischemia other difference between Rg1 and Rb1. Based on these (Figure 4)[27] . The authors suggested that influencing the results, Rb1 is believed to be the main anti-stress principle in NPC function might serve as one of the elementary mecha- ginseng and it might be a promising candidate for preven- nisms underlying pharmacological effects of Rg1 and gin- tion and treatment of stress-related diseases. seng on the CNS. Immunoregulatory effects It has been well documented To summarize, the nootropic effect of ginseng and that aging leads to a substantial decline of T cell function. ginsenosides has been proved in both behavioral and elec- The possible reasons for the decline include the inability of trophysiological studies, which is unique among existing lymphocytes to proliferation in response to mitogenic stimu- nootropic drugs. lation and the decrease of interleukin-2 (IL-2) production. Rg1 given at the concentration of 20 mg/kg in vivo and 10 Anti-aging effects µmol/L in vitro enhanced the proliferation of lymphocytes [31] Anti-stress effects Various kinds of stress, especially and the production of IL-2 in aged rats . However, it had

146 Http:// Cheng Y et al no influence on the immune function in young and adult the anti-aging and nootropic effects of this ancient herb. rats. Thus, it is reasonable to consider Rg1 as an “immuno- regulator” rather than an “immunopotentiating agent”. Fur- Concluding remarks ther investigation suggested that the mechanism underly- ing Rg1’s effect on immune function in aged rats might be Rg1 and Rb1 are believed to be the main active principles involved in increasing cAMP and cGMP levels in lympho- in ginseng. As we discussed above, both Rg1 and Rb1 cytes[32]. showed similar effects in improving learning and memory,

In contrast, Rb1 had no effect on the decline of immune increasing Bmax of M-cholinergic receptors, and accelerating function in aged rats, which was the third difference found cerebral protein and ACh biosynthesis. However, they do between Rg1 and Rb1. behave differently in some areas. For example, Rg1, but not Other effects In the previous paragraphs, we summa- Rb1, enhanced basic synaptic transmission and magnitude rized the pharmacological effects of ginseng, especially of LTP induced by HFS, and showed immunoregulatory ac- ginsenoside Rg1 and Rb1, and the possible mechanisms of tion in aged rats as well as an anti-osteoporosis effect in these actions. Recent studies have shown that ginseng sa- ovariectomized rats. However, Rb1 showed anti-stress ef- ponins are a diverse group of steroidal that dem- fect in acute, chronic, and repeated stress models, whereas onstrates the ability to target a myriad of tissues and pro- Rg1 aggravated stress-induced damage; in addition, Rb1 pro- duce an array of pharmacological responses, such as anti- tected mice against low temperature damage, and Rg1 osteoporosis, anti-platelet aggregation, anti-arrhythmia, and showed no such effect at the same dose. For the reason of anti-cancer[7,33–39]. Furthermore, besides ginsenosides, there the function differences between the two ginsenosides, some are also other constituents existing in ginseng, including researchers hypothesize it may be due to the difference be- glucoside, protein, poly-peptides, amino acids, vitamins, etc. tween their chemical structures (Rb1 has two more glucose Their pharmacological functions have been investigated as compared to Rg1). too[40,41]. With the application of modern scientific technology, the Senescence is a physiological process and cannot be research of ginseng has made big progress. Ginseng is be- reversed. Many factors act together in this process (Figure lieved to be the most unique traditional medical herb be- 5). As discussed above, ginseng, especially ginsenoside cause it contains the maximum numbers of active constitu- Rg1 and Rb1, have the ability to interfere almost all of the ents, has the most extensive pharmacological effects and pathways that accelerate aging process. Besides the effects specific mechanism of actions in Chinese materia medica. we mentioned above, some researchers also found that both Chemists have already acquired nearly 40 kinds of ginsenosides to some extent inhibited lipid peroxidation in- ginsenosides from various parts of this plant and new struc- duced by VitC-reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tures continue to identified[47–52]. Becuase ginsenosides and phosphate and Fe2+-cysteine in rat liver and brain micro- other constituents of ginseng produce different effects and some; reduced the concentration of intercelluar calcium; and a single ginsenoside initiates multiple actions in the same prevented hippocampal neurons from the damage induced tissue, the overall of ginseng is complicated. by excitatory amino acids[42–46]. All those findings may prove Therefore, we must investigate the effects of individual sa-

Figure 5. Sketch map of the pathophysiology of aging.

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