World Investment Report 2019 Special Economic Zones I Ure IV Ist Rical Trend in Sezs M Ers O Co Ntries An Sezs
CHAPTER IV SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES INTRODUCTION Special economic zones (SEZs) – geographically delimited areas within which governments facilitate industrial activity through fiscal and regulatory incentives and infrastructure support – are widely used across most developing and many developed economies. Although the performance of many zones remains below expectations, failing either to attract significant investment or to generate economic impact beyond their confines, new zones continue to be developed, as governments increasingly compete for internationally mobile industrial activity. Policymakers face not only the traditional challenges of making SEZs succeed, including the need for adequate strategic focus, regulatory and governance models, and investment promotion tools, but also new challenges brought about by the sustainable development imperative, the new industrial revolution and changing patterns of international production. SEZs go by many names and come in many varieties and sizes. They have in common that, within a defined perimeter, they provide a regulatory regime for businesses and investors distinct from what normally applies in the broader national or subnational economy where they are established. The most common types of SEZs are variations on free zones, which are essentially separate customs territories. In addition to relief from customs duties and tariffs, most zones also offer fiscal incentives; business-friendly regulations with respect to land access, permits and licenses, or employment rules; and administrative streamlining and facilitation. Infrastructure support is another important feature, especially in developing countries where basic infrastructure for business outside these zones can be poor. In return for these customs, fiscal and regulatory concessions; business-support measures; and investments in physical infrastructure, governments expect investors operating in SEZs to create jobs, boost exports, diversify the economy and build productive capacity.