The Civil War in Answer all questions in your SS Journal.

1. Look at the photos in the 5th grade photo gallery titled, The Battle of Chickamauga. Because photos make your mind run wild, write down 5 thoughts which come to mind as you browse through the photos. 2. What was the Great Locomotive Chase? 3. Look into the brochure, and list the stops it made. 4. Look at the timeline. What day was burned? 5. What dates did Sherman and Union troops capture Savannah? 6. Which date did Georgia vote to leave the Union? 7. Looking at the map, name 3 battles which took place in or nearest to Atlanta. 8. Check out the driving trails. Which looks the most interesting for a family trip? Why? 9. In the gallery, find Jefferson Davis. 10.In the News section, watch the video about the Battle of Chickamauga. 11.What is one interesting thing you leanred about the Battle in Chickamauga? 12.Look at the differnt events. Record 3 events which sound interesting to you. Why did you choose them? 13.In the stories section, choose 1 person to read about first. Jot down 2-3 interesting things you learned in your own words. Cite evidence from the text to prove you learned it here. 14.An author’s perspective can greatly influence the work he/she produces. If an author who loved the Confederacy were going to write a book about the life of General Sherman, what might it be titled? If a Union supporter were to write a book about General Sherman, what might they title it? (Label the two answers appropriately in your journal so you don’t confuse them.) 15. Look back at your work. Did you title your journal page appropriately? Did you number each answer? Is each answer in a complete sentence? Does your work reflect your best effort?

Congratulations! You’re done!