As Filed

The Bridge Preservation and Repair Plan for Calendar Years 2009- 2011

Respectfully submitted by the Structurally Deficient Bridge Improvement Program Coordination and Oversight Council to the clerks of the House of Representatives and the Senate, the Joint Committee on Transportation, the Joint Committee on Bonding, Capital Expenditures and State Assets and the House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means in accordance with section 19(a) of Chapter 233 of the Acts of 2008.


Following on a pledge to repair the Commonwealth’s most neglected bridges, Governor Deval Patrick, on May 13, 2008 filed legislation to accelerate the repair and replacement of bridges controlled by the Highway Department (MassHighway), owned by cities and towns, or controlled by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). The bill was enacted by the Legislature and signed into law on August 4, 2008 as Chapter 233 of the Acts of 2008.

Due to decades of neglect, more than 500 bridges controlled by MassHighway and DCR or owned by cities and towns are classified as structurally deficient. At current funding levels, left unchecked, that number would increase to close to 700 structurally deficient bridges in the next eight years.

The Accelerated Bridge Program (Program) will repair bridges across the Commonwealth that are currently structurally deficient or would otherwise become structurally deficient during that time period. Instead of seeing the number of structurally deficient bridges increase by approximately 30 percent over the next eight years, the number will be reduced by approximately 15 percent during that time. Major bridge repair projects across the state will be accelerated, including the Longfellow Bridge over the , the Fore River Bridge in Quincy, the Whittier Bridge in Amesbury and the Route 9 Bridge over Lake Quinsigamond in Shrewsbury and Worcester, as part of the Program.

Building upon the lessons learned from the Central Artery Project, accountability to the state will be a core principle of the management plan. Included among the steps being taken to accomplish this objective is that the management of the Program will be overseen by state officials to ensure accountability for timely and cost efficient work. These steps will be summarized in a project controls report to be submitted to the Legislature later this month.

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As required by section 19(a) of the Act, this report provides cost estimates and scopes of work for specific bridges for calendar years 2009 through 2011 and also for all bridges requiring multiple years to be completed, plus annual key milestones.

Two lists of bridges in the Program, one sorted by projected advertisement date, and one sorted by municipality, are attached to this report as Exhibit A and Exhibit B, respectively.

Accelerated Bridge Program Overview

Chapter 233 of the Acts of 2008 (Act) created the Program, providing approximately $3 billion for the design and construction of Commonwealth and municipal bridges. The goals of the program as defined by the Patrick-Murray Administration are to:

• Improve the safety and condition of bridges in the Commonwealth, with a particular focus on structurally deficient bridges and on bridges projected to become structurally deficient in the next eight years, so that by the end of the Program the number of structurally deficient bridges will be approximately 250 fewer than would be the case under existing revenue streams;

• Create thousands of construction-related jobs and maintain the critical infrastructure necessary for the long-term economic growth of the Commonwealth; and

• Generate significant cost savings by accelerating projects now, thereby avoiding construction cost inflation and cost increases due to deterioration caused by deferred maintenance.

Approximately $2.1 billion under the Act is allocated to MassHighway for bridges under its control or owned by cities and towns, and approximately $900 million is provided to DCR for bridges under its control. Expenditures will occur over a period of eight years and conclude on or before June 30, 2016. In order to meet this schedule, project advertisement is expected to occur primarily in the first four years of the program and be fully complete by June 30, 2013. This level of spending will require the agencies to nearly double their combined production efforts. Put another way, the level of accelerated bridge projects advertised on average over each of the next four years ($547 million) will approximate the agencies’ combined road and bridge program for 2008 ($590 million).

Background on the Problem

There are 4,521 bridges that are eligible for funding under the Program – 2,857 are controlled by MassHighway, 1,551 are locally owned, and 113 are controlled by DCR.

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As of the Program’s inception in May 2008, approximately 543 of these structures were structurally deficient.1

Based upon the age and deterioration rate of the Commonwealth’s infrastructure, it is projected that the level of structurally deficient bridges would increase to 697 in the next eight years if funding were maintained at historic levels. The goal of the Program is to reduce that number to 450, while saving money in the long run by fixing bridges earlier thereby saving costs attributable to inflation and additional deterioration due to deferred maintenance. In order to accomplish this goal it is necessary to fix a significant number of structurally deficient bridges, while simultaneously repairing other bridges to keep them from declining into structural deficiency, and it is necessary that the agencies conduct this work in an expedited manner.

Figure 1 illustrates the reason why increased investment is so critical to reducing our inventory of structurally deficient bridges. Under current spending trends, for each structurally deficient bridge that is repaired, another bridge slips into structural deficiency. In order to address this trend, the Commonwealth needs to repair or replace approximately 2.1 bridges to achieve a net decrease of one structurally deficient bridge.

Figure 1: MassHighway SD Bridge Trend (2008)

10 518 520 517 9 516 518 8 516 514 7 512 514 6 511 SD Removed 511 512 5 509 509 SD Added 508 508 508 510 4 Total SD 508 3 2 506 1 504 0 502

07 08 8 8 8 08 8 0 008 0 0 0 0 008 0 008 00 008 20 20 2 2 2 2 . 2 20 l. 2 ec. 2 b r. r. y u ct. v. Jan. p J o D Fe Ma A Ma Jun. 2 Aug. Sep. 2008O N

1 As of the date of this report, the number of structurally deficient bridges in the Commonwealth eligible for work under the Program is 537.

3 As Filed

Types of Bridge Projects

Bridge projects can be classified into three basic types – preservation and maintenance, betterment and partial rehabilitation, and replacement and full rehabilitation.

Preservation projects are performed on bridges that are generally in acceptable condition, but have some problems that have been identified through regular bridge inspections. Preservation projects are intended to address these relatively minor deficiencies before they have a chance to grow into major problems requiring more costly work. Preservation is a cost effective means of keeping bridges in a state of good repair and extending their service life. Examples of this type of work include painting, joint repairs, and deck, superstructure, and substructure repairs. Bridge preservation work is less expensive and generally takes less time than rehabilitation and replacement work, requires limited or no design, right-of-way, and environmental permits, and offers the best opportunity to bundle several bridges of similar need together in one contract to expedite delivery of projects under the Program. It also is a wise investment that has been shown, over time, to be an effective way to maintain healthy bridges.

Betterment and minor rehabilitation is performed on bridges to repair or replace individual components that have deteriorated sufficiently to cause the entire bridge to be rated structurally deficient or, in some limited cases, where the components are not yet deficient but are nonetheless sufficiently deteriorated to require significant repair or replacement rather than preservation. An example of this type of project would be a deck replacement or major superstructure or substructure repairs. Betterments and minor rehabilitation projects require limited design services, typically involve little or no right- of-way or environmental permits, and may offer some opportunity to bundle projects or use other innovative project delivery techniques, such as design/build or installing pre- engineered, pre-fabricated components.

Structurally deficient bridges undergo replacement and full rehabilitation when the structural adequacy of more than one of the major components is such that it needs significant repair or replacement. On occasion, MassHighway will replace a bridge that is not structurally deficient; this is only done when replacement is more cost effective than rehabilitation or when replacement is needed due to functionality issues. DCR bridges are typically heavily traveled, complex structures that have historical and cultural significance, are uniquely designed to complement the surrounding parks and parkways, and have many demands from heavy bike and pedestrian traffic that must be included in the project considerations. DCR is, therefore, constrained in its scope to rehabilitate rather than replace these structures wherever possible to maintain the historical and cultural character of its bridges. Replacement or major rehabilitation is significantly more complex than other types of bridge projects. It requires full design services, including the submittal and review of bridge sketch plans, preliminary bridge designs and final bridge designs, as well as 25%, 75% and 100% approach (roadway) designs, may require right-of-way and environmental permits, and offers limited opportunity for bundling projects.

4 As Filed

Developing the 2009 - 2011 Bridge List

Developing a plan to double the capacity of MassHighway and DCR to deliver public works projects has been an aggressive and thought-provoking venture that has challenged the agencies to rethink existing processes and to work together to chart a new course. An interagency coordination director has been established at the Executive Office of Transportation to support the role of the Oversight Council in facilitating communication and coordinating efforts between MassHighway and DCR. Staffing plans have been developed and are being implemented to bring on-board the necessary engineers and program staff to get the job done. Close to three hundred personnel will be hired by the agencies, augmented by contractors where appropriate. Fourteen consulting contracts have been procured to bring the designers on-board in advance of final project selection to expedite design. New techniques and program controls have been developed and will be applied. These controls will involve new reporting and electronic project tracking against benchmarks with quality control personnel in the field, as well as in the central agency offices.

The project selection criteria for the Program are based upon a continuous, ongoing prioritization effort. The underlying basis for these criteria is the condition of the bridges based largely on information gathered through the Bridge Inspection Management System. Bridges in Massachusetts are inspected at a minimum every two years, with more frequent inspections provided based upon condition if warranted. The inspection examines various structural and functional aspects, but focuses primarily on the condition of the deck, the superstructure (beams supporting the deck), and the substructure (piers and abutments). Each of these components is rated on a scale from zero to nine, with zero representing a failed condition requiring bridge closure and nine representing an excellent condition usually resulting from recent construction.

A bridge is rated as structurally deficient when the combination of these components (deck, substructure and superstructure) have measurably deteriorated to the point at which action is needed or when any individual component is rated at four or below (4 = poor, 3 = serious, 2 = critical, 1 = imminent failure, and zero = failed). These bridges are then prioritized for repair based upon the seriousness of the structural problem, the structure’s regional and local importance, geographic equity and cost and budgetary considerations. In addition to these structurally deficient bridges, the agencies also strive to appropriately maintain and preserve other bridges so that they do not fall into structural deficiency. One final factor that must be considered is each project’s relative level of difficulty, since one of the overarching requirements of the Program is that all projects be completed within eight years.

The bridge list was developed from a combination of data analysis and professional judgment. It began with an assessment of existing bridge conditions and projected deterioration rates. The selection of candidate projects reflected the Program’s primary goal of reducing the number of structurally deficient bridges, as well as improving overall bridge health, and resulted in a mix of replacement, rehabilitation and preservation

5 As Filed

projects. This approach provides the most cost effective method of improving bridges in the Commonwealth.

MassHighway Controlled and Municipally Owned Bridges

To develop its portion of the list, MassHighway first examined a list of major bridge projects that previously could not be pursued due to a lack of funding. Based upon an analysis done at the inception of the Program in May, it was estimated that as much as $800 million of accelerated bridge funding should be dedicated to a small number of critical bridge projects.

MassHighway then analyzed the list of over 500 structurally deficient bridges within the purview of the Program. In order to ensure that Program funds would be used to accelerate projects, this list was culled to eliminate bridges currently under construction or scheduled for construction in 2009 using previously identified funding. The remaining bridges were then prioritized based upon four primary factors: average daily traffic, fracture critical issues (risk of a single point of failure due to a lack of structural redundancy); scour issues (substructure deterioration due to water flow); and District priorities. This analysis resulted in a list of over 200 candidate structurally deficient bridges.

The analysis also involved an assessment of system preservation and maintenance needs based on MassHighway’s bridge management system, informed by input from MassHighway District, Maintenance, and Bridge units. MassHighway, like most states, uses the Pontis bridge management system to help determine system level bridge needs. Using bridge inventory data, Pontis can be used to forecast bridge life-cycle deterioration rates and costs and formulate system preservation, replacement, and maintenance needs. MassHighway personnel review Pontis outputs and confirm or adjust the recommendations as needed to reflect on-the-ground realities.

DCR Controlled Bridges

To develop its portion of the list, DCR reviewed its inventory list of structurally deficient bridge projects that were unfunded in its five-year capital plan. Structurally deficient bridge projects from the five-year capital plan that met the criteria of the program – construction start within five years and construction completion within eight years – were immediately included in the Plan. DCR further evaluated structurally deficient projects that did not immediately meet the schedule criteria of the program and, where possible, project schedules were accelerated and synchronized to meet the schedule criteria of the program and added to the list.

DCR additionally analyzed its inventory of critical bridge projects that are not structurally deficient to determine the rate of deterioration over the duration of the program. This analysis utilized available inspection and rating reports, site visits, and average daily traffic flow. A schedule analysis was also performed to determine if the initial or accelerated project schedule would fit within the duration of the Program.

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Critical bridges were then added to the list as major preservation projects where the project schedule fit and the deterioration rate was determined to put the bridge into a structurally deficient category within the duration of the Program.

The results of the agencies’ analyses were refined through several iterations to develop their respective portions of the Program. These iterations were primarily based upon ongoing assessments of individual project readiness, complexity, costs and schedules.

DCR and MassHighway’s project lists have been combined to create the 2009 - 2011 Bridge Preservation and Repair Plan. As required by the Act, the list includes bridges for which spending will be made during these initial three years, but which will not be completed until later years of the Program. Because of this requirement, all bridge candidates for the Program are included in the list. As noted below, the list will be reviewed and updated annually and may be modified based on particular progress that s achieved.

Based on agency expertise, a common program has been achieved. Each agency has selected landmark projects that have not been funded under annual bond caps, has maintained a focus on structurally deficient bridges, and has provided an increased level of funding for an ongoing preservation and repair program to improve bridge health at the least cost to the taxpayers.

A Summary of the Program

The Program strikes a balance between replacement, rehabilitation and preservation. The focus of the Program is structurally deficient bridges. It will result in a significant reduction of the number of structurally deficient bridges and improve the overall health of bridges in the Commonwealth.

The Program has made it possible for both agencies to assess their bridge needs and develop a systematic plan of action. Table 1 provides a brief overview of the Program.

Table 1 – The Accelerated Bridge Program at a Glance (Construction Cost Only)

Number of Number of Percentage Projects Bridges Estimated Cost of Cost Total Program 192 590 $2,211,000,000 100% Site-Specific Projects 156 235 $2,002,000,000 91% Preservation Program 36 355 $209,000,000 9%

DCR Program 32 85 $733,000,000 100% Site-Specific Projects 31 35 $633,000,000 86% Preservation Program 1 50 $100,000,000 14%

MassHighway Program 160 505 $1,478,000,000 100% Site-Specific Projects 125 200 $1,369,000,000 93% Preservation Program 35 305 $109,000,000 7%

Note 1: Site-specific projects include both replacement and rehabilitation of structurally deficient bridges and preservation of identified structures to keep them from becoming structurally deficient. The total number of

7 As Filed

structurally deficient bridges being addressed by the Program is 135: 111 under the MassHighway portion and 24 by DCR.

Note 2: The Bridge Preservation Program will be undertaken in a corridor or districtwide approach. Bridges are typically addressed under this program based upon relative need and the scope of work required. The number of bridges included in the preservation program is an estimate based upon historic trends and preliminary engineering estimates. The actual number of bridges may vary.

Ongoing Project Development

As noted earlier, selecting the projects for the Program involved multiple types of analysis. This analysis has been limited by the data available between the inception of the program in May and this report in November. Over time, as additional staff and data are available and projects are moved farther along in development, additional information will refine the choices made, and as required by the Act, the list will be updated annually. Many issues will continue to evolve over time, but perhaps none more than cost estimating and project scheduling. Of necessity, many of the projects included in the Program are based upon a system-level analysis that can only be refined through additional iterations as more project-specific information is developed.

Scoping and estimating generally starts with an in-depth evaluation of the structure. This process consists of one or more site visits. If required, material testing may be performed to assist in the evaluation process. Once an evaluation is completed, an initial scope is developed. Based upon this scope, a preliminary cost estimate is determined based upon industry standards and historic and trended cost information. This preliminary cost estimate is refined throughout the design process.

The process of developing project cost estimates and a schedule for the Program also has several stages that will continuously be revised over time. In reviewing these cost estimates and those in subsequent annual lists that the Council will submit, it is necessary to understand the stage of each project in order to interpret the reliability of the estimate. As will be documented in the Council’s upcoming “Project Controls” report, greater confidence can be placed in estimates and schedules at the later stages of the design. All information presented in the Plan is based on the best available data at the time this report was generated.

While the Council will monitor early programmatic milestones, including expediting project scoping and the development of improved conceptual estimating formulas, it is important to reinforce that each review will be based on the best available data at that time and subject to change over time. In light of this, several contingencies have been anticipated and included such as recent inflation rates, schedule drivers (i.e. permitting, right-of-way, sequencing, utility removal, etc.), historical agency performance in similar projects, performance goals aimed at accelerating future project delivery, project size and complexity.


The Accelerated Bridge Program will enable the Commonwealth to realize several important benefits. The lack of adequate funding for the health of critical infrastructure

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has taken its toll on Massachusetts bridges. This financing, coupled with the intense focus on innovation and improved project delivery, will truly maximize the public’s investment. One month after the funding for this initiative was put in place, there is substantial progress on specific projects and future projects are being scoped and design planned at an accelerated pace. In the coming weeks a new set of project controls will be introduced advancing important data-driven performance measures not only for the Accelerated Bridge Program but throughout the all of the agencies’ road and bridge programs. Over time, it is anticipated that the specific dates and deliverables on this plan will change as projects are further developed, cost estimates are refined, and schedules are better defined.

To enable programmatic success in light of the complex variables involved in designing a program of this size, the Accelerated Bridge Program is built on the principles of transparency and accountability. Throughout the life of the Program, the Council will closely monitor and report on progress.

9 Accelerated Bridge Program (ABP) Plan - By Estimated Advertisement Season

Pursuant to 2008 Accelerated Bridge Program Act Chapter 233 §19

Advertised Construction Cost by FFY Total Program Cost by Category Agency Federal Fiscal Year (6) Preliminary Estimate Agency Category Preliminary Estimate DCR DCR 2009 $253,450,000 Advertised Construction Projects $733,410,000 2010 $46,740,000 Design/ROW/Environmental $34,970,000 2011 $155,720,000 Overhead $115,000,000 2012 $267,500,000 Unallocated $22,620,000 2013 $10,000,000 DCR Total: $906,000,000 DCR Total: $733,410,000 MHD MHD Advertised Construction Projects $1,478,446,287 2009 $266,607,509 Design/ROW/Environmental $194,172,713 2010 $352,240,646 Overhead $275,381,000 2011 $501,082,612 Unallocated $130,000,000 2012 $343,242,901 MHD Total: $2,078,000,000 2013 $15,272,618 Total: $2,984,000,000 MHD Total: $1,478,446,287 Total: $2,211,856,287

Column Header Footnotes:

1 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE - Reflects estimated dollar values at the earliest conceptual level through the final office estimate prior to bid, depending upon the status of design for the individual project. The Preliminary Estimate includes the estimated value of the construction work to be performed by the contractor, contingencies, utility relocations, incidentals and an adjustment for inflation. This amount does not include the costs associated with Design, Right of Way and oversight. These additional costs are noted on the Summary Table. 2 ESTIMATED DATES – For projects that are early in development, design ntp, construction ntp, advertising and construction completion dates are preliminary only. These dates have been estimated based upon the best available information at the time of this report. For individual projects, all construction-related dates will vary depending upon the issues identified (i.e., the size of the project, environmental permitting issues, utility relocations, etc.) as design progresses from the earliest stage (pre-25%) to final design. 3 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION NTP DATE - For purposes of this report, one quarter has been added to the Ad Date to generate the Construction NTP date. The Program will adhere to the standard MHD practice of issuing Construction NTPs within 120 days after the Project is advertised for construction (the Ad Date). Note that the Program will measure compliance by the 120-day mandate rather than the quarter listed in this report. 4 CONSTRUCTION BUDGET AMOUNT - Dollar values reflect actual bid amount plus incidental costs for the project after the contract has been awarded and the Construction NTP has been issued. Construction Budget Amounts will be added to this Report as projects reach the Construction NTP stage. This number does not include design, right of way, environmental permitting, or oversight expenses. These additional costs are noted on the Summary Table. 5 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION DATE - The dates included here are preliminary estimates only. Final Construction Completion Dates are not available until design is progressed to the point that construction staging, sequencing and scheduling can be determined, and when the project is advertised. 6 FEDERAL FISCAL YEAR - The Federal Fiscal Year begins October 1 and ends September 30. Totals for each year represent the dollar amount of projects advertised during each Federal Fiscal Year. 7 SD STATUS - Bridges that are not structurally deficient (those that are defined as functionally obsolete or not deficient) are included in the Program because cost effective preservation work is being undertaken in order to keep them from declining into structural deficiency.

Report: Chapter 233 § 19 ABP Plan With Seasons (R-132), Run Date: 12/2/2008 5:21 PM Page 1 of 18 Estimated Estimated Estimated Construction Project Bridge Preliminary Design NTP Estimated Ad Construction Construction Completion Number Description Number SD Status (7) Agency Estimate (1) Date (2) Date (2) NTP Date (2)(3) Budget Amount (4) Date (2)(5)

605507 BOSTON- SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT, B-16-007, ROUTE 2 OVER B16007 Structurally DCR $2,240,000.00 Summer-2007 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 $2,311,320.00 Summer-2009 SOLDIERS FIELD ROAD & CHARLES RIVER (BU BRIDGE) 4EG Deficient

605509 BOSTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, B-16-365, BOWKER B16365 Functionally DCR $5,630,000.00 Fall-2006 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 $6,961,152.00 Summer-2010 OVERPASS OVER STORROW DRIVE 4FL Obsolete

605523 BOSTON- DECK AND SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS, (B-16-187), B16187 Structurally DCR $3,390,000.00 Fall-2006 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 $3,490,093.20 Summer-2009 RIVER STREET OVER MOTHER BROOK 4EJ Deficient

605525 BOSTON- STRUCTURES MAINTENANCE, (B-16-462, B-16-457) B16457 Structurally DCR $12,900,000.00 Fall-2006 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 $13,290,090.00 Summer-2009 STORROW DRIVE WEST BOUND OVER STORROW DRIVE EAST 4EE Deficient BOUND B16462 Functionally 4EK Obsolete

605531 EVERETT- MEDFORD- STRUCTURES MAINTENANCE, E-12- E12004 Structurally DCR $1,570,000.00 Fall-2007 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 $2,889,150.00 Summer-2009 004=M-12-018, (ROUTE 16) OVER 4E9 Deficient THE MALDEN RIVER (WOODS MEMORIAL DRAW BRIDGE)

604932 QUINCY- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, Q-01-009, HANCOCK STREET Q01009 Structurally MHD $741,217.00 Summer-2007 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $1,011,508.00 Fall-2009 OVER SAGAMORE STREET 399 Deficient

604982 AGAWAM- SPRINGFIELD- BRIDGE PRESERVATION (PAINTING), A05001 Not Deficient MHD $9,632,496.50 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $9,508,880.00 Fall-2010 A-05-001=S-24-005, ROUTE 5 OVER THE 0W6 A05001 Not Deficient 0W7

605057 CHICOPEE-WEST SPRINGFIELD- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, C-13- C13034 Not Deficient MHD $1,655,820.00 Summer-2007 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $4,428,167.50 Fall-2009 034=W-21-043, I-91 OVER CONNECTICUT RIVER 0X1

601447 FALL RIVER- SOMERSET- BRIDGE PAINTING, F-02-058=S-16-008, F02058 Structurally MHD $15,542,256.50 Fall-2007 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 Fall-2011 ROUTE I-195 OVER THE (BRAGA BRIDGE) 3TK Deficient

604747 BROCKTON- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, B-25-048, ROUTE 123 B25048 Structurally MHD $4,354,884.00 Winter-2006 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $4,663,199.70 Spring-2010 (BELMONT STREET) OVER ROUTE 24 3V4 Deficient

604703 FALL RIVER- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, F-02-041, HIGHLAND F02041 Structurally MHD $1,438,912.80 Winter-2007 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $1,847,365.00 Spring-2010 AVENUE OVER ROUTE 24 (SB) 41A Deficient

604704 MIDDLEBOROUGH- RAYNHAM- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, M-18- M18041 Structurally MHD $1,843,299.00 Fall-2005 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $2,688,079.00 Summer-2010 041=R-02-017, I-495 (NB) OVER THE TAUNTON RIVER 47C Deficient M18041 Not Deficient 47E

602570 SPRINGFIELD- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, LONGHILL STREET (NB & S24049 Structurally MHD $2,646,108.00 Winter-2006 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $5,201,630.50 Fall-2010 SB) AND ROUTE 5 OVER I-91, INCLUDES S-24-049, S-24-050, S-24 121 Deficient -051

Report: Chapter 233 § 19 ABP Plan With Seasons (R-132), Run Date: 12/2/2008 5:21 PM Page 2 of 18 Estimated Estimated Estimated Construction Project Bridge Preliminary Design NTP Estimated Ad Construction Construction Completion Number Description Number SD Status (7) Agency Estimate (1) Date (2) Date (2) NTP Date (2)(3) Budget Amount (4) Date (2)(5)

602570 SPRINGFIELD- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, LONGHILL STREET (NB & S24050 Structurally MHD Winter-2006 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 Fall-2010 SB) AND ROUTE 5 OVER I-91, INCLUDES S-24-049, S-24-050, S-24 120 Deficient -051 S24051 Structurally 0WC Deficient

603595 ATTLEBORO- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, BR# A-16-042, I-95 NB & A16042 Not Deficient MHD $3,692,160.90 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 Spring-2010 SB OVER WASHINGTON ST (US 1); BR# A-16-043, I-95 NB & SB 3Q4 OVER NEWPORT AVE (RTE 1A); BR# A-16-061 I-295 NB & SB OVER I-95. A16042 Not Deficient 3Q5

A16043 Functionally 3Q6 Obsolete

A16043 Functionally 3Q7 Obsolete

A16061 Not Deficient 3UF

A16061 Not Deficient 3UG

605074 WESTBOROUGH- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, W-24-026, LYONS W24026 Functionally MHD $635,817.85 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 Spring-2009 STREET OVER STATE ROUTE 9 (TURNPIKE ROAD) 1M3 Obsolete

605082 HUNTINGTON- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, H-27-006, ROUTE 112 H27006 Functionally MHD $2,568,366.00 Spring-2007 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 Fall-2009 (WORTHINGON ROAD) OVER CSX RR AND 0DH Obsolete H27006 Functionally B1K Obsolete

604981 PEABODY- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, P-03-023 AND P-03-024, I-95 P03023 Functionally MHD $4,146,705.00 Summer-2007 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 Spring-2010 RAMPS (A & B) OVER STATE ROUTE 128 2VN Obsolete P03024 Functionally 2VP Obsolete

605224 DISTRICT 4- SCHEDULED & EMERGENCY STRUCTURAL MHD $3,651,300.00 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $4,000,660.00 Fall-2010 REPAIRS (MIDDLESEX COUNTY - CONTRACT #1)

605225 DISTRICT 4- SCHEDULED & EMERGENCY STRUCTURAL MHD $5,732,300.00 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $5,470,651.00 Spring-2011 REPAIRS (ESSEX COUNTY - CONTRACT #2)

Report: Chapter 233 § 19 ABP Plan With Seasons (R-132), Run Date: 12/2/2008 5:21 PM Page 3 of 18 Estimated Estimated Estimated Construction Project Bridge Preliminary Design NTP Estimated Ad Construction Construction Completion Number Description Number SD Status (7) Agency Estimate (1) Date (2) Date (2) NTP Date (2)(3) Budget Amount (4) Date (2)(5)

605226 DISTRICT 4- SCHEDULED & EMERGENCY STRUCTURAL MHD $7,683,600.00 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 Spring-2011 REPAIRS (NORFOLK & SUFFOLK COUNTIES - CONTRACT #3)

605234 DISTRICT 3- SCHEDULED SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS & RELATED MHD $2,937,420.00 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 Spring-2010 WORK (AREA A)

605240 DISTRICT 3- SCHEDULED SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS & RELATED MHD $2,937,420.00 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 Spring-2010 WORK (AREA B)

605241 DISTRICT 3- SCHEDULED SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS & RELATED MHD $2,936,520.00 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 Spring-2010 WORK (AREA C)

602349 CHESTER- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, C-11-013, MAPLE STREET C11013 Structurally MHD $2,485,791.00 Spring-2005 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 Fall-2009 OVER THE WEST BRANCH OF THE WESTFIELD RIVER 03P Deficient

603406 FRAMINGHAM- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, F-07-040, MAIN STREET F07040 Structurally MHD $651,440.00 Spring-2006 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $827,487.00 Spring-2009 OVER ROUTE 9 275 Deficient

605262 DISTRICT 1- SCHEDULED & EMERGENCY SUBSTRUCTURE MHD $951,007.50 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Winter-2008 Summer-2009 REPAIRS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS

603794 PETERSHAM- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, P-08-001, ROUTE 32 & 122 P08001 Structurally MHD $1,699,173.00 Summer-2005 Summer-2008 Winter-2009 Winter-2010 OVER THE EAST BRANCH OF THE SWIFT RIVER 190 Deficient

605236 DISTRICT 2- BRIDGE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (SECTION 2A) MHD $3,782,668.50 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2010

605237 DISTRICT 2- BRIDGE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (SECTION 2B) MHD $3,782,668.50 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2010

605363 DISTRICT 4- SCHEDULED & EMERGENCY SUBSTRUCTURE MHD $5,091,620.00 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $4,798,980.00 Fall-2010 REPAIRS ON I-93 CORRIDOR & VARIOUS LOCATIONS

604749 LAWRENCE- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, L-04-001, ROUTE 28 L04001 Structurally MHD $13,834,600.15 Winter-2006 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Winter-2012 (BROADWAY) OVER THE 2YH Deficient

605532 DCR- BRIDGE PRESERVATION AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS DCR $100,000,000.00 Fall-2008 Fall-2008 Fall-2008 Summer-2016

603290 SPRINGFIELD- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, S-24-068, LIBERTY S24068 Functionally MHD $4,047,348.60 Summer-2005 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2010 STREET OVER ROUTE I-291 AND S-24-069, ARMORY STREET 13J Obsolete OVER ROUTE I-291 S24069 Functionally 13K Obsolete

604933 SOUTH HADLEY- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, S-18-015, ROUTE 202 S18015 Structurally MHD $5,710,592.50 Spring-2007 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2011 OVER BARDWELL STREET & S-18-016, ROUTE 202 OVER ROUTE 0VU Deficient 116 S18016 Structurally 0VT Deficient

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605209 MILTON- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, M-25-028, PONKAPOAG TRAIL M25028 Functionally MHD $4,193,487.00 Spring-2006 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2010 OVER I-93/US-1 2MK Obsolete

605133 DISTRICT 5- EMERGENCY & NON-ROUTINE STEEL BEAM MHD $2,058,903.00 Winter-2008 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Winter-2010 REPAIRS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS

605247 DISTRICT 3- SCHEDULED & EMERGENCY BRIDGE DECK MHD $2,867,058.00 Spring-2008 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2010 REPAIRS

605359 DISTRICT 4- SCHEDULED & EMERGENCY DECK AND JOINT MHD $5,664,327.50 Spring-2008 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2011 REPAIRS (ESSEX & MIDDLESEX COUNTIES)

605360 DISTRICT 4- SCHEDULED & EMERGENCY DECK AND JOINT MHD $5,664,327.50 Spring-2008 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2011 REPAIRS (NORFOLK & SUFFOLK COUNTIES)

603244 RANDOLPH- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, R-01-012, MDC ACCESS R01012 Structurally MHD $5,046,913.00 Fall-2003 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2011 ROAD OVER ROUTE 24 (NB & SB) 36P Deficient

604218 SPRINGFIELD- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, S-24-032, STATE S24032 Functionally MHD $2,817,914.40 Winter-2008 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Winter-2010 STREET OVER ROOSEVELT AVENUE 0N7 Obsolete

604604 CHICOPEE- SPRINGFIELD- INTERSTATE MAINTENANCE & C13035 Not Deficient MHD $7,427,470.00 Winter-2008 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2011 RELATED WORK ON I-91 0WG C13036 Not Deficient 0WH C13037 Functionally 0X2 Obsolete S24078 Not Deficient 10P S24079 Not Deficient 10Q S24080 Functionally 10R Obsolete S24085 Not Deficient 10T S24088 Not Deficient 10N

605078 HAWLEY- BRIDGE DECK PRESERVATION, H-13-007, WEST H13007 Structurally MHD $4,241,190.60 Fall-2007 Fall-2008 Spring-2009 Fall-2010 HAWELY ROAD (ROUTE 8A) OVER CHICKLEY RIVER 0F9 Deficient

605506 BOSTON- DECK REPLACEMENT, B-16-007, ROUTE 2 OVER B16007 Structurally DCR $25,860,000.00 Fall-2005 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 $28,251,701.12 Summer-2011 SOLDIERS FIELD ROAD & CHARLES RIVER (BU BRIDGE) 4EG Deficient

604463 ASHBURNHAM- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, A-11-016, LAKE ROAD A11016 Structurally MHD $488,750.00 Spring-2005 Fall-2008 Spring-2009 Winter-2010 OVER WATATIC LAKE OUTLET 1K2 Deficient

605045 BECKET- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, B-03-016, McNERNEY ROAD B03016 Structurally MHD $1,433,424.60 Fall-2007 Fall-2008 Spring-2009 Winter-2010 OVER SHAKER MILL BROOK 6EN Deficient

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605085 MARLBOROUGH- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, M-06-016, I-290 (EB & M06016 Not Deficient MHD $8,282,712.75 Winter-2008 Fall-2008 Spring-2009 Fall-2011 WB) OVER I-495 1TX M06016 Not Deficient 1TY

604683 BOSTON- BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION, B-16-196, MORRISSEY B16196 Structurally DCR $9,140,000.00 Fall-2006 Winter-2009 Winter-2009 Summer-2011 BOULEVARD OVER MOUNT VERNON STREET (AKA - LECH 4F5 Deficient WALESA BRIDGE) DCR

604685 BOSTON- CAMBRIDGE- DAM BRIDGE REHABILITATION, B-16- B16013 Structurally DCR $7,200,000.00 Fall-2005 Winter-2009 Winter-2009 Summer-2010 013=C-01-019, CHARLES RIVER DAM ROAD (STATE ROUTE 28) 4EM Deficient OVER THE CHARLES RIVER (CRAIGIE BRIDGE) B16013 Structurally 4ET Deficient

605522 NEW SALEM- STRUCTURES MAINTENANCE, N-09-003, N09003 Structurally DCR $2,750,000.00 Fall-2006 Winter-2009 Winter-2009 Summer-2010 REGULATION DAM ROAD OVER QUABBIN RESERVOIR 4CL Deficient (PATTEN'S COVE)

605530 BOSTON- CAMBRIDGE- DRAWBRIDGE REHABILITATION, B-16- B16013 Structurally DCR $43,870,000.00 Fall-2005 Winter-2009 Winter-2009 Summer-2011 013=C-01-019, CHARLES RIVER DAM ROAD (STATE ROUTE 28) 4EM Deficient OVER THE CHARLES RIVER (CRAIGIE BRIDGE)

604827 LOWELL- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, L-15-059, L-15-060 & L-15-061, L15059 Structurally MHD $15,915,978.90 Summer-2006 Winter-2009 Spring-2009 Spring-2012 (HUNTS FALLS & ROTARY BRIDGES) SR110 & SR38 OVER THE 2PA Deficient MERRIMACK RIVER L15060 Not Deficient 2PC

L15061 Not Deficient 2PB

605514 DOVER- SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS, D-10-007, CHENEY BRIDGE D10007 Functionally DCR $740,000.00 Fall-2007 Winter-2009 Winter-2009 Summer-2010 OVER CHARLES RIVER 4D8 Obsolete

68611 LOWELL- BRIDGE REHABILITATIONS ON ROUTE I-495, L-15-082, L15082 Not Deficient MHD $23,750,000.00 Spring-1995 Winter-2009 Spring-2009 Spring-2012 , L-15-083, B&M RR & L-15-084, WOBURN 2JH STREET L15082 Structurally 2JJ Deficient

L15083 Not Deficient 2JK

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68611 LOWELL- BRIDGE REHABILITATIONS ON ROUTE I-495, L-15-082, L15083 Not Deficient MHD Spring-1995 Winter-2009 Spring-2009 Spring-2012 CONCORD RIVER, L-15-083, B&M RR & L-15-084, WOBURN 2JL STREET L15084 Not Deficient 2JM

L15084 Not Deficient 2JN

605521 BOSTON- FULL DECK REPLACEMENT, B-16-390, ROUTE 3A B16390 Structurally DCR $30,860,000.00 Fall-2006 Winter-2009 Summer-2009 Summer-2013 (MORRISEY BOULEVARD) OVER (NEPONSET 4F7 Deficient RIVER BRIDGE-PHASE II)

B16390 Structurally 4FQ Deficient

B16390 Structurally 4FR Deficient

B16390 Functionally 4FT Obsolete

B16390 Not Deficient 4FU

605518 CAMBRIDGE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, C-01-041, MAGAZINE C01041 Structurally DCR $2,430,000.00 Fall-2006 Spring-2009 Spring-2009 Summer-2011 BEACH PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OVER ROUTE 3 (MEMORIAL 9WR Deficient DRIVE)

605520 ARLINGTON- DECK AND SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS, A-10-014, A10014 Structurally DCR $4,870,000.00 Fall-2006 Spring-2009 Spring-2009 Summer-2011 MYSTIC VALLEY PARKWAY OVER ALEWIFE BROOK 4D1 Deficient

605097 NEWBURYPORT- SALISBURY- BRIDGE PRESERVATION N11011 Not Deficient MHD $3,463,731.00 Fall-2008 Spring-2009 Summer-2009 Winter-2011 (PAINTING), N-11-011=S-02-003, ROUTE 1 OVER MERRIMACK 2TD RIVER

603492 CLINTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, C-16-002, WATER STREET C16002 Structurally MHD $4,186,898.10 Spring-2002 Spring-2009 Summer-2009 Winter-2011 OVER THE 1BA Deficient

601393 BROCKTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, B-25-060, BARTLETT B25060 Structurally MHD $1,446,845.40 Summer-2008 Spring-2009 Fall-2009 Summer-2010 STREET OVER SALISBURY BROOK 454 Deficient

603975 GARDNER- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, G-01-023, TRAVERS G01023 Structurally MHD $1,519,906.77 Summer-2008 Spring-2009 Fall-2009 Fall-2010 STREET OVER TRAVERS POND OUTLET 1FR Deficient

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604483 HANOVER- HANSON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, H-06-003=H-07- H06003 Structurally MHD $2,122,200.00 Summer-2005 Spring-2009 Fall-2009 Fall-2010 003, BROADWAY OVER 421 Deficient

605441 GRAFTON- BRIDGE REHAB, G-08-007, PLEASANT STREET OVER G08007 Structurally MHD $4,500,000.00 Winter-2008 Summer-2009 Fall-2009 Spring-2011 (ABP-DB1) 1BU Deficient

603321 WESTMINSTER- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-28-021, ROUTE 2 W28021 Structurally MHD $15,602,108.69 Winter-2002 Summer-2009 Fall-2009 Fall-2012 (EB & WB) OVER WEST MAIN STREET 1P3 Deficient W28021 Structurally 1P4 Deficient

602543 IPSWICH- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, I-01-007, ROUTE 1A (HIGH I01007 Functionally MHD $10,711,114.15 Fall-1998 Summer-2009 Fall-2009 Fall-2012 STREET) OVER THE MBTA & B&M RAILROAD 32B Obsolete

603417 NORWOOD- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, N-25-003, MORSE STREET N25003 Structurally MHD $1,179,000.00 Spring-2001 Summer-2009 Fall-2009 Summer-2010 OVER THE NEPONSET RIVER 3JR Deficient

605099 FALL RIVER- SOMERSET- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, F-02-058, I- F02058 Structurally MHD $12,847,800.00 Spring-2008 Fall-2009 Winter-2010 Winter-2013 195 OVER THE COMB SR 79 & TAUNTON RIVER (BRAGA 3TK Deficient BRIDGE)

603350 STURBRIDGE- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, S-30-004, HAYNES S30004 Structurally MHD $3,479,877.00 Summer-2001 Fall-2009 Winter-2010 Summer-2011 STREET OVER THE 1M5 Deficient

604464 EASTHAMPTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, E-05-019, HENDRICK E05019 Structurally MHD $1,179,000.00 Summer-2005 Fall-2009 Winter-2010 Fall-2010 STREET OVER BROAD BROOK 0LD Deficient

602640 WINDSOR- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-41-020, HIGH STREET W41020 Not Deficient MHD $1,092,591.00 Fall-1998 Fall-2009 Winter-2010 Fall-2010 HILL ROAD OVER WESTFIELD BROOK (AKA- POLLY HARWOOD 098 BRIDGE)

604166 CHESHIRE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, C-10-007, HARBOR ROAD C10007 Structurally MHD $1,702,156.50 Winter-2004 Fall-2009 Winter-2010 Winter-2011 OVER 03K Deficient

605515 LYNN- ELECTRICAL/MECHANICAL REPLACEMENT, L-18-015, L18015 Not Deficient DCR $3,650,000.00 Fall-2007 Fall-2009 Winter-2010 Summer-2011 ROUTE 1 OVER THE LYNNWAY AND (GENERAL 4D7 EDWARDS DRAWBRIDGE)

605098 FALL RIVER- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, F-02-045, ROUTE 24 (NB & F02045 Structurally MHD $5,687,555.00 Summer-2008 Winter-2009 Spring-2010 Fall-2012 SB) OVER BEDFORD STREET 3ME Deficient

605517 BOSTON- DECK AND SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS, B-16-011, B16011 Functionally DCR $15,870,000.00 Winter-2009 Winter-2010 Winter-2010 Summer-2014 NORTH HARVARD STREET OVER CHARLES RIVER (LARZ 4F2 Obsolete ANDERSON BRIDGE)

605527 BOSTON- DECK AND SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS, B-16-010, B16010 Not Deficient DCR $6,770,000.00 Winter-2009 Winter-2010 Winter-2010 Summer-2011 WESTERN AVENUE OVER CHARLES RIVER (WESTERN AVENUE 4EP BRIDGE)

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601667 MILLIS- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, M-23-006, PLEASANT STREET M23006 Structurally MHD $4,396,200.30 Summer-2008 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Fall-2011 OVER CHARLES RIVER 2A6 Deficient

603495 PHILLIPSTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, P-09-004, ROUTE 2 P09004 Structurally MHD $2,709,000.00 Summer-2008 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Spring-2011 OVER ROUTE 2A (STATE ROAD) 19B Deficient

603654 BOSTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, B-16-163, MORTON STREET B16163 Structurally MHD $4,157,100.00 Winter-2003 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Fall-2011 OVER THE MBTA & CSX RAILROAD 3H2 Deficient

603670 BOURNE- WAREHAM- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, B-17-017=W-06- B17017 Functionally MHD $15,216,625.00 Summer-2003 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Spring-2013 012, US RTE 6 & STATE RTE 28 (CRANBERRY HIGHWAY) OVER 45G Obsolete COHASSET NARROWS

604415 BRIDGEWATER- MIDDLEBOROUGH- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, B- B23005 Structurally MHD $4,053,540.60 Spring-2006 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Fall-2011 23-005=M-18-002, SUMMER STREET OVER THE TAUNTON RIVER 42K Deficient

604506 NORTHBRIDGE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, N-21-002, ROUTE 122 N21002 Structurally MHD $6,013,500.00 Summer-2008 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Fall-2012 (PROVIDENCE ROAD) OVER THE BLACKSTONE RIVER (AKA 1L7 Deficient ROSAIRE "ROSS" ROJETTE MEMORIAL BRIDGE)

605223 FALL RIVER- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, F-02-059, SR 79 F02059 Structurally MHD $115,780,822.50 Fall-2008 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Spring-2014 (WESTERN EXPRESSWAY) INCLUDING ALL CONNECTING 3TA Deficient RAMPS F02059 Structurally 3TB Deficient

F02059 Structurally 3TC Deficient

F02059 Structurally 3TD Deficient

F02059 Structurally 3TE Deficient

F02059 Structurally 3TF Deficient

F02059 Not Deficient 3TG

F02059 Structurally 3TH Deficient

F02059 Structurally 3TJ Deficient

F02059 Structurally 3TR Deficient

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605223 FALL RIVER- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, F-02-059, SR 79 F02059 Structurally MHD Fall-2008 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Spring-2014 (WESTERN EXPRESSWAY) INCLUDING ALL CONNECTING 3TT Deficient RAMPS

604419 BROCKTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, B-25-032, WHITE AVENUE B25032 Structurally MHD $2,097,000.00 Summer-2008 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Spring-2011 OVER SALISBURY BROOK 44Y Deficient

601322 SOUTHWICK- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, S-22-005, ROUTE S22005 Functionally MHD $2,028,175.20 Fall-2007 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Spring-2011 202/ROUTE 10 OVER JOHNSON BROOK 0V6 Obsolete

603576 TAUNTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, T-01-021, BAY STREET T01021 Structurally MHD $990,000.00 Fall-2002 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Winter-2011 OVER THE MILL RIVER 3K1 Deficient

604264 STERLING- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, S-25-006, ROUTE 62 S25006 Structurally MHD $2,560,801.50 Fall-2008 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Spring-2011 (PRINCETON ROAD) OVER THE STILLWATER RIVER 1YN Deficient

600776 WELLESLEY- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-13-007, ROCKLAND W13007 Structurally MHD $2,286,128.70 Spring-2004 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Spring-2011 STREET OVER CONRAIL 2P7 Deficient

603983 ATTLEBORO- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, A-16-018, NORTH MAIN A16018 Structurally MHD $3,324,835.17 Spring-2001 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Fall-2011 STREET OVER 945 Deficient

603180 CHICOPEE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, C-13-007 & C-13-008, C13007 Not Deficient MHD $4,789,089.46 Spring-2004 Winter-2010 Summer-2010 Winter-2012 ROUTE 116 (SPRINGFIELD STREET) OVER THE CHICOPEE 12G RIVER (AKA - DAVIT MEMORIAL BRIDGE) C13008 Structurally 12H Deficient

604252 SUTTON- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, S-33-013, MAIN STREET S33013 Structurally MHD $1,688,453.10 Summer-2008 Winter-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011 OVER THE 1YV Deficient

605475 DISTRICT 3- INTERSTATE DECK REPAIRS (ABP-PR7) MHD $1,800,000.00 Summer-2009 Winter-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011

605482 DISTRICT 4- INTERSTATE DECK REPAIRS (ABP-PR10) MHD $1,800,000.00 Summer-2009 Winter-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011

605493 DISTRICT 5- INTERSTATE DECK REPAIRS (ABP-PR13) MHD $1,800,000.00 Summer-2009 Winter-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011

601796 WEST BROOKFIELD- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-19-006, LONG W19006 Structurally MHD $2,979,849.60 Summer-2008 Winter-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011 HILL ROAD OVER CSX RR 1AY Deficient

603443 BOSTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, B-16-167, RIVER STREET B16167 Structurally MHD $9,633,664.05 Spring-2007 Winter-2010 Summer-2010 Winter-2013 OVER AMTRAK & MBTA 3GL Deficient

604032 DUDLEY- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, D-12-010, WEST DUDLEY D12010 Structurally MHD $3,177,000.00 Spring-2005 Winter-2010 Summer-2010 Winter-2012 ROAD OVER THE QUINEBAUG RIVER 1FE Deficient

603003 EAST BROOKFIELD- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, E-02-002, SHORE E02002 Structurally MHD $1,420,921.53 Fall-2007 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Spring-2011 ROAD OVER 1BK Deficient

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603602 ASHLAND- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, A-14-002, ROUTE 135 A14002 Structurally MHD $2,122,785.00 Winter-2005 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011 (UNION STREET) OVER THE 289 Deficient

605511 BOSTON- DECK REPLACEMENT, B-16-367, CASEY OVERPASS B16367 Structurally DCR $28,370,000.00 Spring-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2014 OVER WASHINGTON STREET 4EX Deficient

603671 PEPPERELL- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, P-06-003, MILL STREET P06003 Structurally MHD $3,687,750.00 Summer-2008 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Winter-2012 OVER THE 25V Deficient

605477 DISTRICT 3- INTERSTATE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (ABP-PR8) MHD $4,500,000.00 Fall-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Winter-2012

605484 DISTRICT 4- INTERSTATE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (ABP-PR11) MHD $1,800,000.00 Fall-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011

605490 DISTRICT 4- SCHEDULED AND EMERGENCY REPAIRS (ABP- MHD $1,800,000.00 Fall-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011 PR12)

605495 DISTRICT 5- INTERSTATE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (ABP-PR14) MHD $1,800,000.00 Fall-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011

605466 DISTRICT 2- INTERSTATE DECK REPAIRS (ABP-PR4) MHD $1,800,000.00 Fall-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011

605469 DISTRICT 2- BRIDGE PRESERVATION CONTRACT NO.2 (ABP- MHD $4,500,000.00 Fall-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Winter-2012 NFA2)

605468 DISTRICT 2- INTERSTATE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (ABP-PR5) MHD $1,800,000.00 Fall-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011

605473 DISTRICT 2- SCHEDULED AND EMERGENCY REPAIRS (ABP-PR6) MHD $1,800,000.00 Fall-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011

604716 MEDFORD-BRIDGE REHABILITATION, M-12-002, MAIN STREET M12002 Structurally DCR $11,620,000.00 Spring-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2012 (STATE ROUTE 38 S) OVER (AKA - CRADOCK 4E0 Deficient BRIDGE) - DCR

605084 BARRE- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, B-02-005, ROUTE 122 OVER B02005 Not Deficient MHD $1,308,762.00 Winter-2008 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Spring-2011 PRINCE RIVER 18Y

605459 STATEWIDE- CSX DESIGN BUILD BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION C11002 Not Deficient MHD $30,027,543.00 Winter-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2013 (ABP-CSX1) 0DD C11008 Not Deficient 0DC H16013 Functionally 0DF Obsolete H16014 Not Deficient 0DG R06001 Not Deficient 0E5 W21008 Not Deficient 0UQ

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605460 STATEWIDE- CSX DESIGN BUILD BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION H27006 Functionally MHD $10,857,428.40 Winter-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2013 (ABP-CSX2) 0DH Obsolete

605461 STATEWIDE- CSX DESIGN BUILD BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION B26003 Functionally MHD $31,332,592.20 Winter-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2013 (ABP-CSX3) 21F Obsolete C06013 Functionally 21K Obsolete C06014 Not Deficient 21J S23024 Not Deficient 1XV W19015 Not Deficient 1B0 W24007 Not Deficient 22V W44022 Functionally 235 Obsolete

61301 HAVERHILL- WEST NEWBURY- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, H-12- H12020 Structurally MHD $6,369,750.00 Winter-1995 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Winter-2013 020=W-20-004, MAIN STREET OVER THE MERRIMACK RIVER 311 Deficient (ROCKS VILLAGE BRIDGE)

604046 FITCHBURG- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, F-04-007, ROUTE 2A F04007 Structurally MHD $2,003,400.00 Winter-2008 Spring-2010 Fall-2010 Fall-2011 (KIMBALL STREET) NASHUA RIVER 20L Deficient

604690 WORCESTER- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-44-010, (STATE W44010 Structurally MHD $5,704,423.20 Winter-2009 Spring-2010 Fall-2010 Spring-2013 ROUTE 12) WEBSTER STREET OVER MIDDLE RIVER 20A Deficient

604645 SOMERVILLE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, S-17-025, ROUTE 28 S17025 Structurally DCR $8,810,000.00 Spring-2009 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2012 (McGRATH HIGHWAY) OVER GILMAN STREET (AKA - GILMAN 4E4 Deficient STREET BRIDGE)

604660 EVERETT- MEDFORD- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, E-12-004=M-12- E12004 Structurally DCR $41,320,000.00 Fall-2009 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2013 018, REVERE BEACH PARKWAY (ROUTE 16) OVER THE MALDEN 4E9 Deficient RIVER (AKA - WOODS MEMORIAL DRAW BRIDGE) DCR

605510 MEDFORD- DECK REPLACEMENT, M-12-017, REVERE BEACH M12017 Functionally DCR $8,830,000.00 Fall-2009 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2012 PARKWAY OVER B & M RAILROAD AND CORPORATION WAY 4DW Obsolete

605513 NEWTON- DECK REPLACEMENT, N-12-080, RIVERSIDE N12080 Structurally DCR $1,420,000.00 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OVER CHARLES RIVER 9X6 Deficient

605519 SOMERVILLE- DECK AND SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS, S-17-039, S17039 Functionally DCR $22,910,000.00 Spring-2009 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2013 ROUTE 28 OVER WASHINGTON STREET (MCCARTHY 4E5 Obsolete OVERPASS)

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605519 SOMERVILLE- DECK AND SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS, S-17-039, S17039 Functionally DCR Spring-2009 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2013 ROUTE 28 OVER WASHINGTON STREET (MCCARTHY 4E6 Obsolete OVERPASS)

605528 REVERE- STRUCTURES MAINTENANCE, R-05-001, REVERE R05001 Structurally DCR $31,030,000.00 Fall-2009 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2012 BEACH PARKWAY OVER MBTA (WINTHROP AVE) 4DB Deficient

605512 NEWTON- DECK REPLACEMENT, N-12-078, AUBURNDALE N12078 Structurally DCR $1,430,000.00 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OVER CHARLES RIVER 9WX Deficient

604050 SANDISFIELD- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, S-03-004, ROUTE 8 & 57 S03004 Structurally MHD $6,894,720.00 Fall-2008 Summer-2010 Fall-2010 Spring-2013 OVER THE WEST BRANCH 0BX Deficient

604514 UXBRIDGE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, U-02-001, STATE ROUTE U02001 Structurally MHD $5,249,563.20 Spring-2006 Summer-2010 Fall-2010 Spring-2013 122 (MAIN STREET) OVER THE BLACKSTONE RIVER 201 Deficient

604675 HOLDEN- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, H-18-020, RIVER STREET H18020 Structurally MHD $2,397,399.57 Winter-2006 Summer-2010 Fall-2010 Fall-2011 OVER 1FY Deficient

605526 BOSTON- DECK REPLACEMENT, B-16-438, CHARLES STREET B16438 Not Deficient DCR $1,430,000.00 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OVER EMBANKMENT ROAD 9XL

605516 BOSTON- DECK REPLACEMENT, B-16-381, HUGH FARREN B16381 Structurally DCR $3,070,000.00 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2012 PEDISTRIAN BRIDGE OVER OLD COLONY AVENUE 9Y6 Deficient

603694 FRAMINGHAM- BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION, F-07-063, F07063 Structurally MHD $2,481,207.12 Winter-2003 Summer-2010 Fall-2010 Fall-2011 DANFORTH STREET OVER THE SUDBURY RIVER 24F Deficient

603892 DENNIS- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, D-07-001, UPPER COUNTY D07001 Structurally MHD $2,079,000.00 Winter-2009 Summer-2010 Fall-2010 Fall-2011 ROAD OVER SWAN RIVER 41N Deficient

604788 UXBRIDGE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, U-02-030, RIVER ROAD U02030 Structurally MHD $1,991,733.66 Fall-2008 Summer-2010 Winter-2010 Winter-2012 OVER THE IRONSTONE BROOK 1J5 Deficient

603713 DOVER- NEEDHAM- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, D-10-004=N-04-007, D10004 Structurally MHD $7,071,682.30 Summer-2008 Summer-2010 Winter-2011 Summer-2013 WILLOW STREET OVER CHARLES RIVER 33M Deficient

604161 NORTHBRIDGE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, N-21-004, DOUGLAS N21004 Structurally MHD $2,396,520.00 Fall-2007 Summer-2010 Winter-2011 Winter-2012 ROAD OVER THE MUMFORD RIVER 1CY Deficient

604051 COLRAIN- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, C-18-023, ROUTE 112 C18023 Structurally MHD $620,500.00 Winter-2009 Summer-2010 Winter-2011 Fall-2011 (GRISWOLDVILLE ROAD) OVER GRISWOLDVILLE CANAL 0KP Deficient

604361 BOSTON- CAMBRIDGE- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, B-16-009=C- B16009 Structurally DCR $267,500,000.00 Spring-2005 Fall-2010 Spring-2011 Fall-2015 01-002, CAMBRIDGE STREET OVER THE CHARLES RIVER 4F0 Deficient (MEMORIAL DRIVE & STORROW DRIVE) (AKA - LONGFELLOW BRIDGE) DCR

605272 BARNSTABLE- B-01-019, (US 6) MD CP OVER (SR 132) B01019 Functionally MHD $8,432,739.60 Winter-2009 Fall-2010 Winter-2011 Summer-2013 IYANQUGH ROAD 46G Obsolete Report: Chapter 233 § 19 ABP Plan With Seasons (R-132), Run Date: 12/2/2008 5:21 PM Page 13 of 18 Estimated Estimated Estimated Construction Project Bridge Preliminary Design NTP Estimated Ad Construction Construction Completion Number Description Number SD Status (7) Agency Estimate (1) Date (2) Date (2) NTP Date (2)(3) Budget Amount (4) Date (2)(5)

605272 BARNSTABLE- B-01-019, (US 6) MD CP OVER (SR 132) B01019 Not Deficient MHD Winter-2009 Fall-2010 Winter-2011 Summer-2013 IYANQUGH ROAD 46H

602540 BRIMFIELD- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, B-24-006, ST ROUTE 19 B24006 Structurally MHD $2,700,000.00 Fall-2008 Fall-2010 Winter-2011 Winter-2012 (WALES ROAD) OVER MILL BROOK INCLUDING REPAIR OF 1A5 Deficient ABUTMENT

605476 DISTRICT 3- INTERSTATE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (ABP-PR23) MHD $1,800,000.00 Spring-2010 Fall-2010 Winter-2011 Winter-2012

54400 ATTLEBORO- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, A-16-025, OLIVE A16025 Structurally MHD $9,537,196.30 Winter-2009 Fall-2010 Winter-2011 Summer-2013 STREET OVER CONRAIL 3YW Deficient

601986 ANDOVER- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, A-09-011, STATE ROUTE 28 A09011 Structurally MHD $4,986,948.05 Fall-2008 Fall-2010 Winter-2011 Summer-2012 (NORTH MAIN STREET) OVER B&M RR 331 Deficient

605464 DISTRICT 1- SCHEDULED AND EMERGENCY REPAIRS (ABP- MHD $1,800,000.00 Spring-2010 Fall-2010 Spring-2011 Spring-2012 PR18)

605472 DISTRICT 2- SCHEDULED AND EMERGENCY REPAIRS (ABP- MHD $1,800,000.00 Spring-2010 Fall-2010 Spring-2011 Spring-2012 PR21)

605465 DISTRICT 2- INTERSTATE DECK REPAIRS (ABP-PR19) MHD $1,800,000.00 Spring-2010 Fall-2010 Spring-2011 Spring-2012

605467 DISTRICT 2- INTERSTATE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (ABP-PR20) MHD $1,800,000.00 Spring-2010 Fall-2010 Spring-2011 Spring-2012

605470 DISTRICT 2- BRIDGE PRESERVATION (ABP-NFA7) MHD $4,500,000.00 Spring-2010 Fall-2010 Spring-2011 Fall-2012

603701 DALTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, D-01-012, CLEVELAND ROAD D01012 Structurally MHD $755,603.25 Fall-2008 Fall-2010 Spring-2011 Winter-2012 OVER WAHCONAH BROOK 0D3 Deficient

604382 QUINCY- WEYMOUTH- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, Q-01-001=W-32- Q01001 Structurally MHD $242,592,000.00 Fall-2008 Winter-2011 Spring-2011 Spring-2015 001, STATE ROUTE 3A (WASHINGTON STREET) OVER THE FORE B1A Deficient RIVER

605524 BOSTON- DECK AND SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS, B-16-006, B16006 Functionally DCR $15,930,000.00 Summer-2009 Winter-2011 Winter-2011 Summer-2014 CAMBRIDGE STREET OVER CHARLES RIVER (RIVER STREET 4F3 Obsolete BRIDGE)

604329 FAIRHAVEN- NEW BEDFORD- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, F-01- F01002 Functionally MHD $12,370,377.50 Winter-2009 Winter-2011 Spring-2011 Spring-2014 002=N-06-001 (EAST & WEST BRIDGES) ROUTE 6 OVER 3PF Obsolete & N-06-025, HATHAWAY ROAD OVER ROUTE I -195 F01002 Structurally 3PG Deficient

F01002 Not Deficient 3PH

Report: Chapter 233 § 19 ABP Plan With Seasons (R-132), Run Date: 12/2/2008 5:21 PM Page 14 of 18 Estimated Estimated Estimated Construction Project Bridge Preliminary Design NTP Estimated Ad Construction Construction Completion Number Description Number SD Status (7) Agency Estimate (1) Date (2) Date (2) NTP Date (2)(3) Budget Amount (4) Date (2)(5)

604329 FAIRHAVEN- NEW BEDFORD- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, F-01- F01002 Structurally MHD Winter-2009 Winter-2011 Spring-2011 Spring-2014 002=N-06-001 (EAST & WEST BRIDGES) ROUTE 6 OVER 3PJ Deficient ACUSHNET RIVER & N-06-025, HATHAWAY ROAD OVER ROUTE I -195 N06025 Not Deficient 3WC

604729 SHREWSBURY- WORCESTER- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, S-14- S14001 Structurally MHD $137,303,500.00 Fall-2007 Winter-2011 Spring-2011 Spring-2015 001=W-44-018, STATE ROUTE 9 (BELMONT STREET) OVER LAKE 1L0 Deficient QUINSIGAMOND (AKA - KENNETH F. BURNS BRIDGE)

603690 CHATHAM- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, C-07-001, BRIDGE STREET C07001 Structurally MHD $11,970,000.00 Winter-2009 Winter-2011 Spring-2011 Spring-2014 OVER THE MITCHELL RIVER 437 Deficient

604634 FITCHBURG- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, F-04-053, ASHBY WEST F04053 Structurally MHD $946,512.00 Winter-2009 Winter-2011 Spring-2011 Winter-2012 ROAD OVER THE SCOTT RESERVOIR OUTLET 1K0 Deficient

603710 FRAMINGHAM- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, F-07-015, WINTER F07015 Structurally MHD $7,115,925.60 Winter-2009 Winter-2011 Summer-2011 Winter-2014 STREET OVER MBTA, AMTRAK & CSX RAILROAD 29G Deficient

604212 WARE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-05-004, ROUTE 9 (EAST W05004 Structurally MHD $1,872,612.00 Summer-2007 Winter-2011 Summer-2011 Summer-2012 STREET) OVER THE 0UW Deficient

605483 DISTRICT 4- INTERSTATE DECK REPAIRS (ABP-PR25) MHD $1,800,000.00 Summer-2010 Winter-2011 Summer-2011 Summer-2012

605485 DISTRICT 4- INTERSTATE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (ABP-PR26) MHD $1,800,000.00 Summer-2010 Winter-2011 Summer-2011 Summer-2012

605494 DISTRICT 5- INTERSTATE DECK REPAIRS (ABP-PR28) MHD $1,800,000.00 Summer-2010 Winter-2011 Summer-2011 Summer-2012

605496 DISTRICT 5- INTERSTATE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (ABP-PR29) MHD $1,800,000.00 Summer-2010 Winter-2011 Summer-2011 Summer-2012

604007 WELLESLEY- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-13-015, CEDAR W13015 Structurally MHD $5,017,947.50 Spring-2005 Spring-2011 Summer-2011 Winter-2014 STREET OVER ROUTE 9 WORCESTER STREET 2MH Deficient

603513 GARDNER- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, G-01-008, PLEASANT G01008 Structurally MHD $2,967,177.60 Winter-2002 Spring-2011 Fall-2011 Fall-2012 STREET OVER THE B&M RAILROAD 21T Deficient

603725 LOWELL- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, L-15-072, LOWELL L15072 Structurally MHD $8,930,000.00 Fall-2003 Summer-2011 Fall-2011 Spring-2014 CONNECTOR (EB & WB) OVER PLAIN STREET 2H9 Deficient L15072 Structurally 2HA Deficient

603793 HOPKINTON- SOUTHBOROUGH- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, BR# H H23004 Structurally MHD $2,648,475.00 Spring-2004 Summer-2011 Fall-2011 Fall-2012 -23-004=S-20-008 ROUTE 85 (RIVER STREET) OVER THE 208 Deficient SUDBURY RIVER

603992 SOUTHBRIDGE- BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION, S-21-033, ALPINE S21033 Structurally MHD $1,768,500.00 Winter-2004 Summer-2011 Fall-2011 Fall-2012 DRIVE OVER LEBANON BROOK 1HE Deficient

Report: Chapter 233 § 19 ABP Plan With Seasons (R-132), Run Date: 12/2/2008 5:21 PM Page 15 of 18 Estimated Estimated Estimated Construction Project Bridge Preliminary Design NTP Estimated Ad Construction Construction Completion Number Description Number SD Status (7) Agency Estimate (1) Date (2) Date (2) NTP Date (2)(3) Budget Amount (4) Date (2)(5)

603252 TAUNTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, T-01-051, HOLLOWAY T01051 Structurally MHD $1,273,950.00 Spring-2009 Summer-2011 Winter-2012 Fall-2012 STREET OVER ROUTE 140 N.B. 3YC Deficient

604409 WORCESTER- BRIDGE PRESERVATION ON I-290, INCLUDES W- W44103 Functionally MHD $8,778,000.00 Winter-2005 Summer-2011 Winter-2012 Summer-2014 44-108, W-44-107, W-44-106, W-44-105, W-44-104, W-44-103 1RJ Obsolete W44103 Not Deficient 1RK W44104 Not Deficient 1RL W44104 Not Deficient 1RM W44105 Functionally 1RN Obsolete W44105 Functionally 1RP Obsolete W44106 Functionally 1RQ Obsolete W44107 Functionally 1RR Obsolete W44107 Functionally 1RT Obsolete W44107 Not Deficient 1TP W44108 Structurally 1RV Deficient W44108 Not Deficient 1RW

605338 SOUTHBRIDGE - S-21-014, ST 169 N WOODSTK RD OVER RR S21014 Structurally MHD $2,783,448.00 Spring-2009 Summer-2011 Winter-2012 Winter-2013 PWRR (ABANDONED) (DEOMOLISH THE EXISTING BRIDGE 1Y9 Deficient STRUCTURE AND RELOCATE THE ROADWAY)

604005 CONWAY- BRIDGE REPLACEMENTS, C-20-003, C-20-004, NORTH C20003 Structurally MHD $4,954,250.00 Summer-2003 Summer-2011 Winter-2012 Summer-2013 POLAND ROAD OVER POLAND BROOK & C-20-005, POLAND 0F0 Deficient ROAD OVER SOUTH RIVER C20004 Functionally 0F1 Obsolete

C20005 Functionally 0F2 Obsolete

605335 SOMERVILLE - S-17-035, I 93 SB OFF RAMP OVER I 93 S17035 Structurally MHD $677,450.00 Spring-2009 Summer-2011 Winter-2012 Fall-2012 CONNECTORS 3BJ Deficient

603704 CHARLEMONT- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, C-05-036, MOUNTAIN C05036 Structurally MHD $1,072,800.00 Winter-2005 Fall-2011 Winter-2012 Fall-2012 ROAD OVER HARTWELL BROOK 0G5 Deficient

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605327 RAYNHAM- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, R-02-012, STATE ROUTE 24 R02012 Not Deficient MHD $5,165,150.00 Spring-2009 Fall-2011 Winter-2012 Summer-2014 OVER TAUNTON RIVER 3MR

604912 ATHOL- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, A-15-033, A-15-034, ROUTE 2 A15033 Structurally MHD $6,483,772.80 Winter-2007 Fall-2011 Winter-2012 Summer-2014 OVER SOUTH ATHOL & WHITE POND ROAD 19Q Deficient A15034 Structurally 19P Deficient

24090 KINGSTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, K-01-002, ELM STREET K01002 Structurally MHD $1,512,000.00 Summer-2009 Fall-2011 Winter-2012 Winter-2013 OVER THE B77 Deficient

605088 FITCHBURG- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, F-04-008, RIVER STREET F04008 Structurally MHD $2,899,771.20 Fall-2009 Fall-2011 Winter-2012 Winter-2013 (ST ROUTE 31) OVER 1KT Deficient

603735 HOLYOKE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, H-21-039, ROUTE 202 H21039 Structurally MHD $2,200,322.70 Summer-2009 Fall-2011 Winter-2012 Winter-2013 (BEECH STREET) OVER B&M R.R. 0VQ Deficient

602219 SOMERVILLE- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, S-17-005, CROSS S17005 Structurally MHD $3,781,512.00 Summer-2009 Fall-2011 Spring-2012 Fall-2013 STREET OVER THE B&M RAILROAD 3G2 Deficient

605344 TAUNTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, T-01-015, WASHINGTON T01015 Not Deficient MHD $1,524,664.80 Summer-2009 Fall-2011 Spring-2012 Spring-2013 STREET (SR 140) OVER THE MILL RIVER 3P6

605353 WEST SPRINGFIELD - W-21-025, ST147 WB/EB (MEM AVE) OVER W21025 Not Deficient MHD $5,038,594.80 Summer-2009 Fall-2011 Spring-2012 Fall-2014 US 5 RIVERDALE ST 15C W21025 Structurally 15D Deficient

601096 AMESBURY- NEWBURYPORT- BRIDGE REPLACEMENTS ON A07016 Structurally MHD $285,000,000.00 Winter-2009 Spring-2012 Summer-2012 Spring-2016 ROUTE I-95, A-07-016=N-11-007, OVER MERRIMACK RIVER 2V1 Deficient (WHITTIER BRIDGE) & A-07-017 OVER EVANS PLACE A07017 Not Deficient 2V2

605326 PITTSFIELD- P-10-032, P-10-033, P-10-052 & P-10-065 US 20 P10032 Not Deficient MHD $7,775,750.00 Summer-2010 Spring-2012 Fall-2012 Spring-2015 OVER WATER W BR HOUSATONIC R 0B0 P10033 Not Deficient 0B1 P10052 Not Deficient 0B2 P10065 Not Deficient 0B3

605508 REVERE- SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS, R-05-016, BLUE LANE AND R05016 Structurally DCR $10,000,000.00 Fall-2011 Summer-2012 Summer-2012 Summer-2014 STATE ROAD (REVERE BEACH PARKWAY) 4DC Deficient

602464 FRAMINGHAM- BRIDGE REPLACEMENTS, F-07-003 & F-07-065, F07003 Functionally MHD $5,551,576.85 Winter-2011 Summer-2012 Fall-2012 Spring-2015 WINTER STREET OVER SUDBURY RIVER 245 Obsolete

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602464 FRAMINGHAM- BRIDGE REPLACEMENTS, F-07-003 & F-07-065, F07065 Structurally MHD Winter-2011 Summer-2012 Fall-2012 Spring-2015 WINTER STREET OVER SUDBURY RIVER 24H Deficient

604732 HUDSON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, H-25-003, STATE ROUTE 85 H25003 Structurally MHD $6,918,261.00 Spring-2007 Summer-2012 Fall-2012 Spring-2015 (WASHINGTON STREET) OVER THE 28P Deficient

605343 SWANSEA- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, S-35-018, I-195 (EB/WB) S35018 Not Deficient MHD $8,318,724.40 Summer-2010 Summer-2012 Fall-2012 Spring-2015 OVER THE 3U8 S35018 Not Deficient 3U9

605283 BROOKFIELD - B-26-002, ST 148 FISKDALE RD OVER WATER B26002 Functionally MHD $1,406,264.40 Spring-2010 Fall-2012 Winter-2013 Fall-2013 1B7 Obsolete

603531 PEABODY- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, P-03-013, HOWLEY STREET P03013 Structurally MHD $1,153,260.00 Winter-2002 Fall-2012 Winter-2013 Fall-2013 OVER NORTH RIVER 2RJ Deficient

602859 ALFORD- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, A-06-003, ALFORD ROAD A06003 Structurally MHD $1,589,420.25 Fall-2010 Winter-2013 Spring-2013 Spring-2014 OVER THE SEEKONK BROOK 034 Deficient

603591 HOLDEN- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, H-18-008, ROUTE 31 H18008 Structurally MHD $4,949,737.50 Summer-2002 Winter-2013 Spring-2013 Fall-2014 (WACHUSETT STREET) OVER THE QUINAPOXET RIVER 209 Deficient

605351 WEST BRIDGEWATER - W-18-012, ST106 W CENTER ST OVER W18012 Not Deficient MHD $837,688.60 Fall-2010 Winter-2013 Summer-2013 Spring-2014 WATER 3W2

605329 REHOBOTH- R-04-005, US 6 FALL RIV AVE OVER WATER R04005 Structurally MHD $2,073,045.60 Fall-2010 Spring-2013 Summer-2013 Summer-2014 PALMER RIVER 3WM Deficient

605291 DENNIS - D-07-006, ST 28 MAIN ST OVER WATER SWAN POND D07006 Structurally MHD $2,046,042.00 Winter-2011 Spring-2013 Summer-2013 Summer-2014 RIVER 47M Deficient

605087 DOUGLAS- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, D-09-003, MECHANIC D09003 Structurally MHD $1,217,160.00 Fall-2011 Fall-2013 Winter-2014 Fall-2014 STREET OVER MUMFORD RIVER 1BC Deficient

Report: Chapter 233 § 19 ABP Plan With Seasons (R-132), Run Date: 12/2/2008 5:21 PM Page 18 of 18 Accelerated Bridge Program (ABP) Plan - By Locality

Pursuant to 2008 Accelerated Bridge Program Act Chapter 233 §19

Advertised Construction Cost by FFY Total Program Cost by Category Agency Federal Fiscal Year (6) Preliminary Estimate Agency Category Preliminary Estimate DCR DCR 2009 $253,450,000 Advertised Construction Projects $733,410,000 2010 $46,740,000 Design/ROW/Environmental $34,970,000 2011 $155,720,000 Overhead $115,000,000 2012 $267,500,000 Unallocated $22,620,000 2013 $10,000,000 DCR Total: $906,000,000 DCR Total: $733,410,000 MHD MHD Advertised Construction Projects $1,478,446,287 2009 $266,607,509 Design/ROW/Environmental $194,172,713 2010 $352,240,646 Overhead $275,381,000 2011 $501,082,612 Unallocated $130,000,000 2012 $343,242,901 MHD Total: $2,078,000,000 2013 $15,272,618 Total: $2,984,000,000 MHD Total: $1,478,446,287 Total: $2,211,856,287

Column Header Footnotes:

1 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE - Reflects estimated dollar values at the earliest conceptual level through the final office estimate prior to bid, depending upon the status of design for the individual project. The Preliminary Estimate includes the estimated value of the construction work to be performed by the contractor, contingencies, utility relocations, incidentals and an adjustment for inflation. This amount does not include the costs associated with Design, Right of Way and oversight. These additional costs are noted on the Summary Table. 2 DATES – For projects that are early in development, design and construction dates are preliminary only. These dates have been estimated based upon the best available information at the time of this report. For individual projects, all construction-related dates will vary depending upon the issues identified (i.e., the size of the project, environmental permitting issues, utility relocations, etc.) as design progresses from the earliest stage (pre-25%) to final design. 3 CONSTRUCTION START DATE - For purposes of this report, one season has been added to the Design Complete Date to generate the Construction Start date. The Program will adhere to the standard MHD practice of issuing Construction Start Dates within 120 days after the Project is advertised for construction (the Design Complete Date). Note that the Program will measure compliance by the 120-day mandate rather than the season listed in this report. 4 CONSTRUCTION BUDGET AMOUNT - Dollar values reflect actual bid amount plus incidental costs for the project after the contract has been awarded and the Construction Start Date has been issued. Construction Budget Amounts will be added to this Report as projects reach the Construction Start stage. This number does not include design, right of way, environmental permitting, or oversight expenses. These additional costs are noted on the Summary Table. 5 END OF CONSTRUCTION DATE - The dates included here are preliminary estimates only. End of Construction Dates are not available until design is progressed to the point that construction staging, sequencing and scheduling can be determined, and when the project is advertised. 6 FEDERAL FISCAL YEAR - The Federal Fiscal Year begins October 1 and ends September 30. Totals for each year represent the dollar amount of projects advertised during each Federal Fiscal Year.

Report: Chapter 233 § 19 ABP Plan By Locality (R-137), Run Date: 12/2/2008 5:21 PM Page 1 of 12 Preliminary Design Start of Construction End of Construction Description Agency Estimate (1) Design Start (2) Complete (2) Construction (2)(3) Budget Amount (4) (2)(5)

AGAWAM- SPRINGFIELD- BRIDGE PRESERVATION (PAINTING), A-05-001=S-24-005, ROUTE 5 MHD $9,632,496.50 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $9,508,880.00 Fall-2010 OVER THE CONNECTICUT RIVER

ALFORD- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, A-06-003, ALFORD ROAD OVER THE SEEKONK BROOK MHD $1,589,420.25 Fall-2010 Winter-2013 Spring-2013 Spring-2014

AMESBURY- NEWBURYPORT- BRIDGE REPLACEMENTS ON ROUTE I-95, A-07-016=N-11-007, MHD $285,000,000.00 Winter-2009 Spring-2012 Summer-2012 Spring-2016 OVER MERRIMACK RIVER (WHITTIER BRIDGE) & A-07-017 OVER EVANS PLACE

ANDOVER- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, A-09-011, STATE ROUTE 28 (NORTH MAIN STREET) MHD $4,986,948.05 Fall-2008 Fall-2010 Winter-2011 Summer-2012 OVER B&M RR

ARLINGTON- DECK AND SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS, A-10-014, MYSTIC VALLEY PARKWAY DCR $4,870,000.00 Fall-2006 Spring-2009 Spring-2009 Summer-2011 OVER ALEWIFE BROOK

ASHBURNHAM- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, A-11-016, LAKE ROAD OVER WATATIC LAKE MHD $488,750.00 Spring-2005 Fall-2008 Spring-2009 Spring-2010 OUTLET

ASHLAND- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, A-14-002, ROUTE 135 (UNION STREET) OVER THE MHD $2,122,785.00 Winter-2005 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011 SUDBURY RIVER

ATHOL- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, A-15-033, A-15-034, ROUTE 2 OVER SOUTH ATHOL & WHITE MHD $6,483,772.80 Winter-2007 Fall-2011 Winter-2012 Summer-2014 POND ROAD

ATTLEBORO- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, BR# A-16-042, I-95 NB & SB OVER WASHINGTON ST MHD $3,692,160.90 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 Spring-2010 (US 1); BR# A-16-043, I-95 NB & SB OVER NEWPORT AVE (RTE 1A); BR# A-16-061 I-295 NB & SB OVER I-95.

ATTLEBORO- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, A-16-018, NORTH MAIN STREET OVER BUNGAY MHD $3,324,835.17 Spring-2001 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Fall-2011 RIVER

ATTLEBORO- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, A-16-025, OLIVE STREET OVER CONRAIL MHD $9,537,196.30 Winter-2009 Fall-2010 Winter-2011 Summer-2013

BARNSTABLE- B-01-019, (US 6) MD CP OVER (SR 132) IYANQUGH ROAD MHD $8,432,739.60 Winter-2009 Fall-2010 Winter-2011 Summer-2013

BARRE- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, B-02-005, ROUTE 122 OVER PRINCE RIVER MHD $1,308,762.00 Winter-2008 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Spring-2011

BECKET- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, B-03-016, McNERNEY ROAD OVER SHAKER MILL BROOK MHD $1,433,424.60 Fall-2007 Fall-2008 Spring-2009 Spring-2010


BOSTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, B-16-163, MORTON STREET OVER THE MBTA & CSX MHD $4,157,100.00 Winter-2003 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Fall-2011 RAILROAD

BOSTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, B-16-167, RIVER STREET OVER AMTRAK & MBTA MHD $9,633,664.05 Spring-2007 Winter-2010 Summer-2010 Spring-2013

BOSTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, B-16-365, BOWKER OVERPASS OVER STORROW DRIVE DCR $5,630,000.00 Fall-2006 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 $6,961,152.00 Summer-2010

Report: Chapter 233 § 19 ABP Plan By Locality (R-137), Run Date: 12/2/2008 5:21 PM Page 2 of 12 Preliminary Design Start of Construction End of Construction Description Agency Estimate (1) Design Start (2) Complete (2) Construction (2)(3) Budget Amount (4) (2)(5)




BOSTON- DECK AND SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS, (B-16-187), RIVER STREET OVER MOTHER DCR $3,390,000.00 Fall-2006 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 $3,490,093.20 Summer-2009 BROOK




BOSTON- DECK REPLACEMENT, B-16-007, ROUTE 2 OVER SOLDIERS FIELD ROAD & DCR $25,860,000.00 Fall-2005 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 $28,251,701.12 Summer-2011 CHARLES RIVER (BU BRIDGE)

BOSTON- DECK REPLACEMENT, B-16-367, CASEY OVERPASS OVER WASHINGTON STREET DCR $28,370,000.00 Spring-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2014

BOSTON- DECK REPLACEMENT, B-16-381, HUGH FARREN PEDISTRIAN BRIDGE OVER OLD DCR $3,070,000.00 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2012 COLONY AVENUE

BOSTON- DECK REPLACEMENT, B-16-438, CHARLES STREET PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OVER DCR $1,430,000.00 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011 EMBANKMENT ROAD


BOSTON- SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT, B-16-007, ROUTE 2 OVER SOLDIERS FIELD ROAD & DCR $2,240,000.00 Summer-2007 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 $2,311,320.00 Summer-2009 CHARLES RIVER (BU BRIDGE)

BOSTON- STRUCTURES MAINTENANCE, (B-16-462, B-16-457) STORROW DRIVE WEST DCR $12,900,000.00 Fall-2006 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 $13,290,090.00 Summer-2009 BOUND OVER STORROW DRIVE EAST BOUND

BOURNE- WAREHAM- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, B-17-017=W-06-012, US RTE 6 & STATE RTE MHD $15,216,625.00 Summer-2003 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Spring-2013 28 (CRANBERRY HIGHWAY) OVER COHASSET NARROWS

BRIDGEWATER- MIDDLEBOROUGH- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, B-23-005=M-18-002, SUMMER MHD $4,053,540.60 Spring-2006 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Fall-2011 STREET OVER THE TAUNTON RIVER

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BROCKTON- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, B-25-048, ROUTE 123 (BELMONT STREET) OVER ROUTE MHD $4,354,884.00 Winter-2006 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $4,663,199.70 Spring-2010 24

BROCKTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, B-25-032, WHITE AVENUE OVER SALISBURY BROOK MHD $2,097,000.00 Summer-2008 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Spring-2011

BROCKTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, B-25-060, BARTLETT STREET OVER SALISBURY MHD $1,446,845.40 Summer-2008 Spring-2009 Fall-2009 Summer-2010 BROOK

BROOKFIELD - B-26-002, ST 148 FISKDALE RD OVER WATER QUABOAG RIVER MHD $1,406,264.40 Spring-2010 Fall-2012 Winter-2013 Fall-2013


CHARLEMONT- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, C-05-036, MOUNTAIN ROAD OVER HARTWELL MHD $1,072,800.00 Winter-2005 Fall-2011 Winter-2012 Fall-2012 BROOK

CHATHAM- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, C-07-001, BRIDGE STREET OVER THE MITCHELL RIVER MHD $11,970,000.00 Winter-2009 Winter-2011 Spring-2011 Spring-2014

CHESHIRE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, C-10-007, HARBOR ROAD OVER HOOSIC RIVER MHD $1,702,156.50 Winter-2004 Fall-2009 Winter-2010 Spring-2011


CHICOPEE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, C-13-007 & C-13-008, ROUTE 116 (SPRINGFIELD MHD $4,789,089.46 Spring-2004 Winter-2010 Summer-2010 Spring-2012 STREET) OVER THE (AKA - DAVIT MEMORIAL BRIDGE)

CHICOPEE- SPRINGFIELD- INTERSTATE MAINTENANCE & RELATED WORK ON I-91 MHD $7,427,470.00 Winter-2008 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2011

CHICOPEE-WEST SPRINGFIELD- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, C-13-034=W-21-043, I-91 OVER MHD $1,655,820.00 Summer-2007 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $4,428,167.50 Fall-2009 CONNECTICUT RIVER

CLINTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, C-16-002, WATER STREET OVER THE NASHUA RIVER MHD $4,186,898.10 Spring-2002 Spring-2009 Summer-2009 Spring-2011

COLRAIN- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, C-18-023, ROUTE 112 (GRISWOLDVILLE ROAD) OVER MHD $620,500.00 Winter-2009 Summer-2010 Winter-2011 Fall-2011 GRISWOLDVILLE CANAL

CONWAY- BRIDGE REPLACEMENTS, C-20-003, C-20-004, NORTH POLAND ROAD OVER MHD $4,954,250.00 Summer-2003 Summer-2011 Winter-2012 Summer-2013 POLAND BROOK & C-20-005, POLAND ROAD OVER SOUTH RIVER

DALTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, D-01-012, CLEVELAND ROAD OVER WAHCONAH BROOK MHD $755,603.25 Fall-2008 Fall-2010 Spring-2011 Spring-2012

DCR- BRIDGE PRESERVATION AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS DCR $100,000,000.00 Fall-2008 Fall-2008 Fall-2008 Summer-2016

DENNIS - D-07-006, ST 28 MAIN ST OVER WATER SWAN POND RIVER MHD $2,046,042.00 Winter-2011 Spring-2013 Summer-2013 Summer-2014

DENNIS- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, D-07-001, UPPER COUNTY ROAD OVER SWAN RIVER MHD $2,079,000.00 Winter-2009 Summer-2010 Fall-2010 Fall-2011

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DISTRICT 1- SCHEDULED AND EMERGENCY REPAIRS (ABP-PR18) MHD $1,800,000.00 Spring-2010 Fall-2010 Spring-2011 Spring-2012

DISTRICT 2- BRIDGE PRESERVATION (ABP-NFA7) MHD $4,500,000.00 Spring-2010 Fall-2010 Spring-2011 Fall-2012

DISTRICT 2- BRIDGE PRESERVATION CONTRACT NO.2 (ABP-NFA2) MHD $4,500,000.00 Fall-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Spring-2012

DISTRICT 2- BRIDGE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (SECTION 2A) MHD $3,782,668.50 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2010

DISTRICT 2- BRIDGE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (SECTION 2B) MHD $3,782,668.50 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2010

DISTRICT 2- INTERSTATE DECK REPAIRS (ABP-PR19) MHD $1,800,000.00 Spring-2010 Fall-2010 Spring-2011 Spring-2012

DISTRICT 2- INTERSTATE DECK REPAIRS (ABP-PR4) MHD $1,800,000.00 Fall-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011

DISTRICT 2- INTERSTATE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (ABP-PR20) MHD $1,800,000.00 Spring-2010 Fall-2010 Spring-2011 Spring-2012

DISTRICT 2- INTERSTATE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (ABP-PR5) MHD $1,800,000.00 Fall-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011

DISTRICT 2- SCHEDULED AND EMERGENCY REPAIRS (ABP-PR21) MHD $1,800,000.00 Spring-2010 Fall-2010 Spring-2011 Spring-2012

DISTRICT 2- SCHEDULED AND EMERGENCY REPAIRS (ABP-PR6) MHD $1,800,000.00 Fall-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011

DISTRICT 3- INTERSTATE DECK REPAIRS (ABP-PR7) MHD $1,800,000.00 Summer-2009 Winter-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011

DISTRICT 3- INTERSTATE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (ABP-PR23) MHD $1,800,000.00 Spring-2010 Fall-2010 Winter-2011 Spring-2012

DISTRICT 3- INTERSTATE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (ABP-PR8) MHD $4,500,000.00 Fall-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Spring-2012

DISTRICT 3- SCHEDULED & EMERGENCY BRIDGE DECK REPAIRS MHD $2,867,058.00 Spring-2008 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2010

DISTRICT 3- SCHEDULED SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS & RELATED WORK (AREA A) MHD $2,937,420.00 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 Spring-2010

DISTRICT 3- SCHEDULED SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS & RELATED WORK (AREA B) MHD $2,937,420.00 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 Spring-2010

DISTRICT 3- SCHEDULED SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS & RELATED WORK (AREA C) MHD $2,936,520.00 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 Spring-2010

DISTRICT 4- INTERSTATE DECK REPAIRS (ABP-PR10) MHD $1,800,000.00 Summer-2009 Winter-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011

DISTRICT 4- INTERSTATE DECK REPAIRS (ABP-PR25) MHD $1,800,000.00 Summer-2010 Winter-2011 Summer-2011 Summer-2012

DISTRICT 4- INTERSTATE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (ABP-PR11) MHD $1,800,000.00 Fall-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011

DISTRICT 4- INTERSTATE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (ABP-PR26) MHD $1,800,000.00 Summer-2010 Winter-2011 Summer-2011 Summer-2012

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DISTRICT 4- SCHEDULED & EMERGENCY DECK AND JOINT REPAIRS (ESSEX & MIDDLESEX MHD $5,664,327.50 Spring-2008 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2011 COUNTIES)

DISTRICT 4- SCHEDULED & EMERGENCY DECK AND JOINT REPAIRS (NORFOLK & SUFFOLK MHD $5,664,327.50 Spring-2008 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2011 COUNTIES)

DISTRICT 4- SCHEDULED & EMERGENCY STRUCTURAL REPAIRS (ESSEX COUNTY - MHD $5,732,300.00 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $5,470,651.00 Spring-2011 CONTRACT #2)

DISTRICT 4- SCHEDULED & EMERGENCY STRUCTURAL REPAIRS (MIDDLESEX COUNTY - MHD $3,651,300.00 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $4,000,660.00 Fall-2010 CONTRACT #1)


DISTRICT 4- SCHEDULED & EMERGENCY SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS ON I-93 CORRIDOR & MHD $5,091,620.00 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $4,798,980.00 Fall-2010 VARIOUS LOCATIONS

DISTRICT 4- SCHEDULED AND EMERGENCY REPAIRS (ABP-PR12) MHD $1,800,000.00 Fall-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011

DISTRICT 5- EMERGENCY & NON-ROUTINE STEEL BEAM REPAIRS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS MHD $2,058,903.00 Winter-2008 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Spring-2010

DISTRICT 5- INTERSTATE DECK REPAIRS (ABP-PR13) MHD $1,800,000.00 Summer-2009 Winter-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011

DISTRICT 5- INTERSTATE DECK REPAIRS (ABP-PR28) MHD $1,800,000.00 Summer-2010 Winter-2011 Summer-2011 Summer-2012

DISTRICT 5- INTERSTATE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (ABP-PR14) MHD $1,800,000.00 Fall-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011

DISTRICT 5- INTERSTATE SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS (ABP-PR29) MHD $1,800,000.00 Summer-2010 Winter-2011 Summer-2011 Summer-2012


DOUGLAS- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, D-09-003, MECHANIC STREET OVER MUMFORD RIVER MHD $1,217,160.00 Fall-2011 Fall-2013 Winter-2014 Fall-2014

DOVER- NEEDHAM- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, D-10-004=N-04-007, WILLOW STREET OVER MHD $7,071,682.30 Summer-2008 Summer-2010 Winter-2011 Summer-2013 CHARLES RIVER

DOVER- SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS, D-10-007, CHENEY BRIDGE OVER CHARLES RIVER DCR $740,000.00 Fall-2007 Winter-2009 Winter-2009 Summer-2010

DUDLEY- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, D-12-010, WEST DUDLEY ROAD OVER THE QUINEBAUG MHD $3,177,000.00 Spring-2005 Winter-2010 Summer-2010 Spring-2012 RIVER

EAST BROOKFIELD- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, E-02-002, SHORE ROAD OVER EAST MHD $1,420,921.53 Fall-2007 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Spring-2011 BROOKFIELD RIVER

EASTHAMPTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, E-05-019, HENDRICK STREET OVER BROAD MHD $1,179,000.00 Summer-2005 Fall-2009 Winter-2010 Fall-2010 BROOK

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EVERETT- MEDFORD- STRUCTURES MAINTENANCE, E-12-004=M-12-018, REVERE BEACH DCR $1,570,000.00 Fall-2007 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 $2,889,150.00 Summer-2009 PARKWAY (ROUTE 16) OVER THE MALDEN RIVER (WOODS MEMORIAL DRAW BRIDGE)

FAIRHAVEN- NEW BEDFORD- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, F-01-002=N-06-001 (EAST & WEST MHD $12,370,377.50 Winter-2009 Winter-2011 Spring-2011 Spring-2014 BRIDGES) ROUTE 6 OVER ACUSHNET RIVER & N-06-025, HATHAWAY ROAD OVER ROUTE I- 195

FALL RIVER- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, F-02-041, HIGHLAND AVENUE OVER ROUTE 24 (SB) MHD $1,438,912.80 Winter-2007 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $1,847,365.00 Spring-2010

FALL RIVER- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, F-02-045, ROUTE 24 (NB & SB) OVER BEDFORD STREET MHD $5,687,555.00 Summer-2008 Winter-2009 Spring-2010 Fall-2012

FALL RIVER- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, F-02-059, SR 79 (WESTERN EXPRESSWAY) MHD $115,780,822.50 Fall-2008 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Spring-2014 INCLUDING ALL CONNECTING RAMPS

FALL RIVER- SOMERSET- BRIDGE PAINTING, F-02-058=S-16-008, ROUTE I-195 OVER THE MHD $15,542,256.50 Fall-2007 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 Fall-2011 TAUNTON RIVER (BRAGA BRIDGE)

FALL RIVER- SOMERSET- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, F-02-058, I-195 OVER THE COMB SR 79 & MHD $12,847,800.00 Spring-2008 Fall-2009 Winter-2010 Spring-2013 TAUNTON RIVER (BRAGA BRIDGE)

FITCHBURG- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, F-04-008, RIVER STREET (ST ROUTE 31) OVER NORTH MHD $2,899,771.20 Fall-2009 Fall-2011 Winter-2012 Summer-2013 NASHUA RIVER

FITCHBURG- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, F-04-007, ROUTE 2A (KIMBALL STREET) NASHUA MHD $2,003,400.00 Winter-2008 Spring-2010 Fall-2010 Fall-2011 RIVER

FITCHBURG- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, F-04-053, ASHBY WEST ROAD OVER THE SCOTT MHD $946,512.00 Winter-2009 Winter-2011 Spring-2011 Summer-2012 RESERVOIR OUTLET

FRAMINGHAM- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, F-07-040, MAIN STREET OVER ROUTE 9 MHD $651,440.00 Spring-2006 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $827,487.00 Spring-2009

FRAMINGHAM- BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION, F-07-063, DANFORTH STREET OVER THE MHD $2,481,207.12 Winter-2003 Summer-2010 Fall-2010 Fall-2011 SUDBURY RIVER

FRAMINGHAM- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, F-07-015, WINTER STREET OVER MBTA, AMTRAK & MHD $7,115,925.60 Winter-2009 Winter-2011 Summer-2011 Spring-2014 CSX RAILROAD

FRAMINGHAM- BRIDGE REPLACEMENTS, F-07-003 & F-07-065, WINTER STREET OVER MHD $5,551,576.85 Winter-2011 Summer-2012 Fall-2012 Spring-2015 SUDBURY RIVER

GARDNER- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, G-01-023, TRAVERS STREET OVER TRAVERS POND MHD $1,519,906.77 Summer-2008 Spring-2009 Fall-2009 Fall-2010 OUTLET

GARDNER- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, G-01-008, PLEASANT STREET OVER THE B&M MHD $2,967,177.60 Winter-2002 Spring-2011 Fall-2011 Fall-2012 RAILROAD

GRAFTON- BRIDGE REHAB, G-08-007, PLEASANT STREET OVER BLACKSTONE RIVER (ABP- MHD $4,500,000.00 Winter-2008 Summer-2009 Fall-2009 Spring-2011 DB1) Report: Chapter 233 § 19 ABP Plan By Locality (R-137), Run Date: 12/2/2008 5:21 PM Page 7 of 12 Preliminary Design Start of Construction End of Construction Description Agency Estimate (1) Design Start (2) Complete (2) Construction (2)(3) Budget Amount (4) (2)(5)

HANOVER- HANSON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, H-06-003=H-07-003, BROADWAY OVER INDIAN MHD $2,122,200.00 Summer-2005 Spring-2009 Fall-2009 Fall-2010 HEAD RIVER


HAWLEY- BRIDGE DECK PRESERVATION, H-13-007, WEST HAWELY ROAD (ROUTE 8A) OVER MHD $4,241,190.60 Fall-2007 Fall-2008 Spring-2009 Fall-2010 CHICKLEY RIVER

HOLDEN- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, H-18-020, RIVER STREET OVER QUINAPOXET RIVER MHD $2,397,399.57 Winter-2006 Summer-2010 Fall-2010 Fall-2011

HOLDEN- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, H-18-008, ROUTE 31 (WACHUSETT STREET) OVER THE MHD $4,949,737.50 Summer-2002 Winter-2013 Spring-2013 Fall-2014 QUINAPOXET RIVER

HOLYOKE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, H-21-039, ROUTE 202 (BEECH STREET) OVER B&M R.R. MHD $2,200,322.70 Summer-2009 Fall-2011 Winter-2012 Summer-2013

HOPKINTON- SOUTHBOROUGH- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, BR# H-23-004=S-20-008 ROUTE 85 MHD $2,648,475.00 Spring-2004 Summer-2011 Fall-2011 Fall-2012 (RIVER STREET) OVER THE SUDBURY RIVER

HUDSON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, H-25-003, STATE ROUTE 85 (WASHINGTON STREET) MHD $6,918,261.00 Spring-2007 Summer-2012 Fall-2012 Spring-2015 OVER THE ASSABET RIVER

HUNTINGTON- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, H-27-006, ROUTE 112 (WORTHINGON ROAD) OVER MHD $2,568,366.00 Spring-2007 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 Fall-2009 CSX RR AND WESTFIELD RIVER

IPSWICH- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, I-01-007, ROUTE 1A (HIGH STREET) OVER THE MBTA & MHD $10,711,114.15 Fall-1998 Summer-2009 Fall-2009 Fall-2012 B&M RAILROAD

KINGSTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, K-01-002, ELM STREET OVER THE JONES RIVER MHD $1,512,000.00 Summer-2009 Fall-2011 Winter-2012 Spring-2013

LAWRENCE- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, L-04-001, ROUTE 28 (BROADWAY) OVER THE MHD $13,834,600.15 Winter-2006 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Spring-2012 MERRIMACK RIVER

LOWELL- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, L-15-059, L-15-060 & L-15-061, (HUNTS FALLS & ROTARY MHD $15,915,978.90 Summer-2006 Winter-2009 Spring-2009 Spring-2012 BRIDGES) SR110 & SR38 OVER THE MERRIMACK RIVER

LOWELL- BRIDGE REHABILITATIONS ON ROUTE I-495, L-15-082, CONCORD RIVER, L-15-083, MHD $23,750,000.00 Spring-1995 Winter-2009 Spring-2009 Spring-2012 B&M RR & L-15-084, WOBURN STREET

LOWELL- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, L-15-072, LOWELL CONNECTOR (EB & WB) OVER PLAIN MHD $8,930,000.00 Fall-2003 Summer-2011 Fall-2011 Spring-2014 STREET


MARLBOROUGH- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, M-06-016, I-290 (EB & WB) OVER I-495 MHD $8,282,712.75 Winter-2008 Fall-2008 Spring-2009 Fall-2011

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MEDFORD- DECK REPLACEMENT, M-12-017, REVERE BEACH PARKWAY OVER B & M DCR $8,830,000.00 Fall-2009 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2012 RAILROAD AND CORPORATION WAY

MEDFORD-BRIDGE REHABILITATION, M-12-002, MAIN STREET (STATE ROUTE 38 S) OVER DCR $11,620,000.00 Spring-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2012 MYSTIC RIVER (AKA - CRADOCK BRIDGE) - DCR

MIDDLEBOROUGH- RAYNHAM- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, M-18-041=R-02-017, I-495 (NB) OVER MHD $1,843,299.00 Fall-2005 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $2,688,079.00 Summer-2010 THE TAUNTON RIVER

MILLIS- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, M-23-006, PLEASANT STREET OVER CHARLES RIVER MHD $4,396,200.30 Summer-2008 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Fall-2011

MILTON- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, M-25-028, PONKAPOAG TRAIL OVER I-93/US-1 MHD $4,193,487.00 Spring-2006 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2010


NEWBURYPORT- SALISBURY- BRIDGE PRESERVATION (PAINTING), N-11-011=S-02-003, MHD $3,463,731.00 Fall-2008 Spring-2009 Summer-2009 Spring-2011 ROUTE 1 OVER MERRIMACK RIVER

NEWTON- DECK REPLACEMENT, N-12-078, AUBURNDALE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OVER DCR $1,430,000.00 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011 CHARLES RIVER

NEWTON- DECK REPLACEMENT, N-12-080, RIVERSIDE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OVER DCR $1,420,000.00 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 CHARLES RIVER


NORTHBRIDGE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, N-21-004, DOUGLAS ROAD OVER THE MUMFORD MHD $2,396,520.00 Fall-2007 Summer-2010 Winter-2011 Spring-2012 RIVER

NORWOOD- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, N-25-003, MORSE STREET OVER THE NEPONSET MHD $1,179,000.00 Spring-2001 Summer-2009 Fall-2009 Summer-2010 RIVER

PEABODY- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, P-03-023 AND P-03-024, I-95 RAMPS (A & B) OVER STATE MHD $4,146,705.00 Summer-2007 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 Spring-2010 ROUTE 128

PEABODY- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, P-03-013, HOWLEY STREET OVER NORTH RIVER MHD $1,153,260.00 Winter-2002 Fall-2012 Winter-2013 Fall-2013

PEPPERELL- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, P-06-003, MILL STREET OVER THE NISSITISSIT RIVER MHD $3,687,750.00 Summer-2008 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Spring-2012

PETERSHAM- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, P-08-001, ROUTE 32 & 122 OVER THE EAST BRANCH MHD $1,699,173.00 Summer-2005 Summer-2008 Winter-2009 Spring-2010 OF THE SWIFT RIVER

PHILLIPSTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, P-09-004, ROUTE 2 OVER ROUTE 2A (STATE ROAD) MHD $2,709,000.00 Summer-2008 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Spring-2011

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PITTSFIELD- P-10-032, P-10-033, P-10-052 & P-10-065 US 20 OVER WATER W BR MHD $7,775,750.00 Summer-2010 Spring-2012 Fall-2012 Spring-2015 HOUSATONIC R

QUINCY- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, Q-01-009, HANCOCK STREET OVER SAGAMORE STREET MHD $741,217.00 Summer-2007 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $1,011,508.00 Fall-2009

QUINCY- WEYMOUTH- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, Q-01-001=W-32-001, STATE ROUTE 3A MHD $242,592,000.00 Fall-2008 Winter-2011 Spring-2011 Spring-2015 (WASHINGTON STREET) OVER THE FORE RIVER

RANDOLPH- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, R-01-012, MDC ACCESS ROAD OVER ROUTE 24 (NB & MHD $5,046,913.00 Fall-2003 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2011 SB)

RAYNHAM- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, R-02-012, STATE ROUTE 24 OVER TAUNTON RIVER MHD $5,165,150.00 Spring-2009 Fall-2011 Winter-2012 Summer-2014

REHOBOTH- R-04-005, US 6 FALL RIV AVE OVER WATER PALMER RIVER MHD $2,073,045.60 Fall-2010 Spring-2013 Summer-2013 Summer-2014

REVERE- STRUCTURES MAINTENANCE, R-05-001, REVERE BEACH PARKWAY OVER MBTA DCR $31,030,000.00 Fall-2009 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2012 (WINTHROP AVE)

REVERE- SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS, R-05-016, BLUE LANE AND STATE ROAD (REVERE DCR $10,000,000.00 Fall-2011 Summer-2012 Summer-2012 Summer-2014 BEACH PARKWAY)

SANDISFIELD- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, S-03-004, ROUTE 8 & 57 OVER THE WEST BRANCH MHD $6,894,720.00 Fall-2008 Summer-2010 Fall-2010 Spring-2013 FARMINGTON RIVER


SOMERVILLE - S-17-035, I 93 SB OFF RAMP OVER I 93 CONNECTORS MHD $677,450.00 Spring-2009 Summer-2011 Winter-2012 Fall-2012

SOMERVILLE- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, S-17-005, CROSS STREET OVER THE B&M MHD $3,781,512.00 Summer-2009 Fall-2011 Spring-2012 Fall-2013 RAILROAD

SOMERVILLE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, S-17-025, ROUTE 28 (McGRATH HIGHWAY) OVER DCR $8,810,000.00 Spring-2009 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2012 GILMAN STREET (AKA - GILMAN STREET BRIDGE)

SOMERVILLE- DECK AND SUBSTRUCTURE REPAIRS, S-17-039, ROUTE 28 OVER DCR $22,910,000.00 Spring-2009 Summer-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2013 WASHINGTON STREET (MCCARTHY OVERPASS)

SOUTH HADLEY- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, S-18-015, ROUTE 202 OVER BARDWELL STREET & MHD $5,710,592.50 Spring-2007 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2011 S-18-016, ROUTE 202 OVER ROUTE 116


SOUTHBRIDGE- BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION, S-21-033, ALPINE DRIVE OVER LEBANON MHD $1,768,500.00 Winter-2004 Summer-2011 Fall-2011 Fall-2012 BROOK

SOUTHWICK- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, S-22-005, ROUTE 202/ROUTE 10 OVER JOHNSON MHD $2,028,175.20 Fall-2007 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Spring-2011 BROOK

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SPRINGFIELD- BRIDGE BETTERMENT, LONGHILL STREET (NB & SB) AND ROUTE 5 OVER I- MHD $2,646,108.00 Winter-2006 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 $5,201,630.50 Fall-2010 91, INCLUDES S-24-049, S-24-050, S-24-051

SPRINGFIELD- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, S-24-068, LIBERTY STREET OVER ROUTE I-291 AND MHD $4,047,348.60 Summer-2005 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2010 S-24-069, ARMORY STREET OVER ROUTE I-291

SPRINGFIELD- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, S-24-032, STATE STREET OVER ROOSEVELT MHD $2,817,914.40 Winter-2008 Fall-2008 Winter-2009 Summer-2010 AVENUE

STATEWIDE- CSX DESIGN BUILD BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION (ABP-CSX1) MHD $30,027,543.00 Winter-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2013

STATEWIDE- CSX DESIGN BUILD BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION (ABP-CSX2) MHD $10,857,428.40 Winter-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2013

STATEWIDE- CSX DESIGN BUILD BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION (ABP-CSX3) MHD $31,332,592.20 Winter-2009 Spring-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2013

STERLING- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, S-25-006, ROUTE 62 (PRINCETON ROAD) OVER THE MHD $2,560,801.50 Fall-2008 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Spring-2011 STILLWATER RIVER

STURBRIDGE- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, S-30-004, HAYNES STREET OVER THE QUINEBAUG MHD $3,479,877.00 Summer-2001 Fall-2009 Winter-2010 Summer-2011 RIVER

SUTTON- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, S-33-013, MAIN STREET OVER THE MUMFORD RIVER MHD $1,688,453.10 Summer-2008 Winter-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011

SWANSEA- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, S-35-018, I-195 (EB/WB) OVER THE COLE RIVER MHD $8,318,724.40 Summer-2010 Summer-2012 Fall-2012 Spring-2015

TAUNTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, T-01-015, WASHINGTON STREET (SR 140) OVER THE MHD $1,524,664.80 Summer-2009 Fall-2011 Spring-2012 Spring-2013 MILL RIVER

TAUNTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, T-01-021, BAY STREET OVER THE MILL RIVER MHD $990,000.00 Fall-2002 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Spring-2011

TAUNTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, T-01-051, HOLLOWAY STREET OVER ROUTE 140 N.B. MHD $1,273,950.00 Spring-2009 Summer-2011 Winter-2012 Fall-2012

UXBRIDGE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, U-02-001, STATE ROUTE 122 (MAIN STREET) OVER THE MHD $5,249,563.20 Spring-2006 Summer-2010 Fall-2010 Spring-2013 BLACKSTONE RIVER

UXBRIDGE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, U-02-030, RIVER ROAD OVER THE IRONSTONE BROOK MHD $1,991,733.66 Fall-2008 Summer-2010 Winter-2010 Spring-2012

WARE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-05-004, ROUTE 9 (EAST STREET) OVER THE WARE RIVER MHD $1,872,612.00 Summer-2007 Winter-2011 Summer-2011 Summer-2012

WELLESLEY- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-13-007, ROCKLAND STREET OVER CONRAIL MHD $2,286,128.70 Spring-2004 Winter-2010 Spring-2010 Spring-2011

WELLESLEY- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-13-015, CEDAR STREET OVER ROUTE 9 MHD $5,017,947.50 Spring-2005 Spring-2011 Summer-2011 Spring-2014 WORCESTER STREET

WEST BRIDGEWATER - W-18-012, ST106 W CENTER ST OVER WATER HOCKOMOCK RIVER MHD $837,688.60 Fall-2010 Winter-2013 Summer-2013 Spring-2014

WEST BROOKFIELD- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-19-006, LONG HILL ROAD OVER CSX RR MHD $2,979,849.60 Summer-2008 Winter-2010 Summer-2010 Summer-2011

WEST SPRINGFIELD - W-21-025, ST147 WB/EB (MEM AVE) OVER US 5 RIVERDALE ST MHD $5,038,594.80 Summer-2009 Fall-2011 Spring-2012 Fall-2014

Report: Chapter 233 § 19 ABP Plan By Locality (R-137), Run Date: 12/2/2008 5:21 PM Page 11 of 12 Preliminary Design Start of Construction End of Construction Description Agency Estimate (1) Design Start (2) Complete (2) Construction (2)(3) Budget Amount (4) (2)(5)

WESTBOROUGH- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, W-24-026, LYONS STREET OVER STATE ROUTE 9 MHD $635,817.85 Winter-2008 Summer-2008 Fall-2008 Spring-2009 (TURNPIKE ROAD)

WESTMINSTER- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-28-021, ROUTE 2 (EB & WB) OVER WEST MAIN MHD $15,602,108.69 Winter-2002 Summer-2009 Fall-2009 Fall-2012 STREET


WORCESTER- BRIDGE PRESERVATION ON I-290, INCLUDES W-44-108, W-44-107, W-44-106, W MHD $8,778,000.00 Winter-2005 Summer-2011 Winter-2012 Summer-2014 -44-105, W-44-104, W-44-103

WORCESTER- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-44-010, (STATE ROUTE 12) WEBSTER STREET MHD $5,704,423.20 Winter-2009 Spring-2010 Fall-2010 Spring-2013 OVER MIDDLE RIVER

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