MICHIGAN PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTER The official publication of the Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Union www.mpffu.org Volume 35 Number 1 Autumn 2010 MPFFU 49th Biennial Convention Detroit, Michigan Election Information Inside This Issue OFFICERS Please make sure to register at mpffu.org Pr esident Secr etar y-Treasurer Mark Docherty Terrence H. Chesney 1651 Kingsway Court, Suite E 1651 Kingsway Court, Suite E to receive future Trenton, MI 48183-1959 Trenton, MI 48183-1959 734.675.0206 (office) 734.675.0206 (office) 734.675.6083 (fax) 734.675.6083 (fax) 586.243.9829 (cell) tchesney@mpf fu.or g issues electronically. markdocher
[email protected] Vice Presidents MPFFU 1651 Kingsway Court, Suite E Trenton, MI 48183-1959 You too, can be (office) 734.675.0206 (fax) 734.675.6083 a contributor! mpffu.org It’s very easy to do. Just send us a story, First/Third District Second District a picture, or both. It can be about Chris Reynolds Shaun Abbey 1502 Michigan Ave. 8116 Oldfield Ct. SE anything that is going on in your local Bay City, MI 48708-8773 Byron Center, MI 49315 Staff 989.225.2982 (cell) 616.541.7117 (home) or general information that has some- 989.894.2263 (station) 616.299.5474 (cell) Editor ............................................................................. Ter rence H. Chesney thing to do with unionism or being a
[email protected] shaunab
[email protected] Circulation & Account Manager ....................................... Michelle Chesney firefighter (union event or of fire, res- Layout & Design .................................................................. Mike Marinelli cue or EMS incidents involving local Advertising Sales ................................................................... Mike Marinelli members) and we will publish it on the web and/or magazine.