Community Council Minutes of Meetings of Penpont Community Council In Gladstone Hall 7.30 p.m. Tuesday 3rd Dec 2019

Present: Innes Carruthers, Fiona Cuthbertson, Leanne Young, Robbie Logan, Irene Haining, David Crosbie, PC Ian Harvey Apologies: Tim Simmonds Previous Minutes: Correction to November minutes ‘D&G budget: comments to be submitted by 4th Dec,2019’. Approved by Innes and Fiona.

Tote winners: December 1st Madge Rorison 2nd Jim Robertson 3rd Kirsty Simmonds

Police Report • Two antisocial behaviour incidents were reported in the village • Sheep were stolen from a field, reported by a farmer in Keir parish but the field was in Penpont parish. Investigations are ongoing. (Robert Gladstone also sent communication re the loss of 17 sheep from Cairnmill) • Quadbike and trailer were stolen from both Mennock area and Crawford John. The police are working with Q division and Lanark market to do spot checks on remote rural roads and raise awareness. Initiatives Ongoing: Make the public aware re contacting Police with reference to sightings of any suspicious person/vehicles Anti-crime patrols, to prevent and detect crime. Please report any suspicious incidents at the time. Intelligence sought in relation to drink drivers. Intelligence sought in relation to drug dealers/cannabis cultivations. . Treasurers Report £5698 in account, payments this month have been hall bills for electricity etc

Open business • Windfarms: PPC has heard that Martin Williams has now left CWL, the new manager/point of contact for II is Rob Fryer.

Rob Fryer

Innes to make contact to say that PCC are keen to engage in discussion re their Commitment to Communities. (Innes to email )

• Hall: The hall is booked for the elections. KPT have booked for a village party for Hogmanay. • Roads: Speed advisory signs The General Trustees of the Church of have given agreement to erection of a speed awareness sign in the corner of the glebe. D&G Council to arrange for purchase and installation, paid for by PCC. Grit bins: Fiona Cuthbertson and Fiona Daubney following up the request for D&G to fill up the recently purchased grit bins for near Druidhall and Chanlockfoot.(Fiona C to follow up) Road sweeper has not been seen since that one visit. Innes to follow up via CCES • Community Council Enquiry Service – Council have assessed the vegetation growth in the Penpont Burn up Marrburn Road and do not see it as their problem. PCC to look to get a volunteer team some weekend in the spring to clear the small trees while they are still small. CCES. No update on repair of school lane wall or gate at the MUGA end of the park, the ‘narrow road’ sign that needs a bend to keep it farther from the road and manhole at end of Grennan Road in need of repair and drain covers on A702 need sorted, all on CCES ‘list’. • Discretionary Grant nothing through yet, probably in the spring. • Druidhall Mast – no further information. • Gala marquee – Fiona and Innes completed the grant applications to ANCB and Lottery Award for All for grants to purchase a new marquee. Thank you very much Innes and Fio • D&G Budget options – last date for comments 4th Dec • Joint Community Benefit Fund – Innes and David attended the meeting regarding KPT request for funding to be used for the hydro scheme, -Keir path proposals and contribution towards KPT Development Officer salary. New Business • Santa visit to Penpont and Keir – Innes, Leanne, Robbie and Fiona to make arrangements for Santa and helpers to visit Penpont and Keir on Christmas Eve. Irene to publicise. (Leanne, Innes, Fiona, Robbie, Irene)

Correspondence • KPT New Development Officer – Bobby Hannaford has left his post. KPT management have held interviews for replacement and have appointed Senga Greenwood who lives at Gatelawbridge. • D&G Tackling Poverty stage 3 has just been launched. Fiona Dabney informed us that the focus is Rural Isolation. Grant applications for £100- £5000 are invited by 31st Jan. More information and application forms online at Challenge.Poverty@dumgal • Road Closure at Pringleton rescheduled 8.30 am Saturday 14th Dec - 8pm Sunday 15th Dec. Pedestrian and emergency access will be available if required. Diversions must be signed to similar roads so via /A76. Local in light vehicles may wish to go via Keir but please note weight restriction on the Keir bridge.

Meeting closed 8.15 pm

Next Meeting: Tuesday 7th January, 2019 at 7.30