Mathews Is Elected Senior President Song Leader DR
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ATTEND HEAR CONVOCATION DR. SMITH THE BALL STATE NEWS BALL STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, MUNCIE, INDIANA, OCTOBER 6, 1944 Price Five Cents Vol. 24, No. 2 Z - 186 Mathews Is Elected Senior President Song Leader DR. H. AUGUSTINE SMITH Forty- Seven Fort Wayne Girl To Be Here Cadet Nurses Selected As New Enroll Here In Programs Leader of Class at Elli- Dr. H. Augustine Smith To New Group Housed ott — Take Classes With Carmen Moody, Loren Betz Speak, Display Pictures, Student Nurses. Paul Manship Lead Sings. and Dick Valandingham Forty-seven girls are enrolled this Head Other Classes — year in the Ball Memorial Hospital To Give Talk On October 9, 10, and 11 Dr. H. School of Nursing, beginning their Other Officers, SEC Mem- Augustine Smith, well-known song studies on September 18, it has been leader, authority on hymnology, and Famous Sculptor To Be bers Also Chosen. author, will be the guest speaker and announced by Miss Margaret I. Boal, director of nurses. Brought to Campus for leader of several programs for fac- Betty Mathews, active member of ulty and students of Ball State cam- All but four of this group are ca- Convo Program. det nurses, and six are enrolled in senior class, was elected president pus. the new four-year curriculum. The of the class of 1945. She is a gradu- Dr. Smith, who occupies the Chair arrival of this new group of students Members of the Muncie Art Asso- ate of Central High School of Fort of Sacred Music and Kindred Arts at To Be on Campus brings the total enrollment in the ciation and the Convocations Com- Wayne and is president of Alpha Boston University, will bring with mittee are bringing to our campus an Sigma Alpha and W. A. A. Other or- what he calls his "1/10 mile of school up to 164, of which 138 are him members of the Cadet Nurses' Corps. outstanding art event of the year at ganizations to which she belongs are pictures, taken all over the world." The new students passed an en- 10 o'clock Wednesday, Oct. 11, in As- S. E. C., Alpha Phi Gamma, Girls These pictures will be on display in Coeds Find Lucina Halls Still sembly Hall — Paul Manship, inter- Club, Ball State News, Religious trance - examination consisting of a the college art gallery during his nationally known sculptor. physical examination, a mathematics anima, Inter-Sorority Council, and three-day visit here. Two of his famous pieces of bronze test, a personal interview at the hos- Y. W. C. A. Echoing with Memory of AST sculpture, "Diana" and "Aecteon," On Monday morning at 10 o'clock pital, and a psychological - examina- Other members elected to office in With open arms, Lucina Hall welcomed Ball State girls after an absence are in Sculpture Hall of the Ball Dr. Smith will make a talk on "Build- tion given at the college. For the the senior class are Rachel Quirk, a Spiritual Empire Through the Fine State art gallery. Mr. Manship, of a year. The hall's corridors still echo with the memories of the ASTP, first three or four months, their work Muncie, vice-president; Pat Pekarski, Arts," which will be illustrated with America's leading worker in bronze, who used Lucina as a "barracks" from July, 1943, to March, 1944. will consist only of classes, but at Michigan City, secretary, and Berna- music and pictures. At 7 o'clock has designed a statue called "Lin- Dormitory life is entirely new to many of the upperclassmen, as well as the end of this period they will go on dette Jones, Gary, treasurer. Monday evening he will have a mass coln as a Youth," which is now in the freshmen. But readjustments are quickly being made, so that life is duty at the hospital, continuing also meeting of the YWCA, YMCA, the the front of the Lincoln Life Insur- Unopposed for Treasurer in their classes. Religious Council, and those students 'rolling smoother. The housemothers ance Company Building at Fort Carmen Moody of Shelbyville was who are interested in religious work announced that the general condition Pianist Housed at Elliott Wayne. Some of his outstanding work chosen president of the junior class. on the campus. This meeting will be of the rooms is better than it has Chilean may be seen in Rockefeller Center. A member of Alpha Sorority, Music been for many years. Congratula- This preliminary group is housed held in the East Lounge of the Arts He was born in St. Paul, Minn., Club, Religious Council, and Y. W. C. tions, girls! A system for room check in Elliott Hall under college super- Building with Alice Higgs presiding. Headliner Here on Christmas Day, 1885. He began A., she holds offices in the Religious has been devised, whereby little slips vision. Other student nurses live at At 9 o'clock Monday evening, Lu- his art studies at the St. Paul Insti- Council and Y. W. C. A. of paper are left in the rooms .each Maria Bingham Hall. Meals are eaten cina Hall will be honored by having Claudio Arrau To Appear on at the hospital. The girls receive col- tute of Art, and studied sculpture Molly Fulton, Hartford City, was Thursday. The condition of the room with Solon Borglum in New York Dr. Smith conduct a song fest. The lege activities tickets and library chosen vice-president, with Betty is checked, from excellent` to poor; Civic Music Association and also with Charles Grafly in the girls of Lucina Hall have invited cards, which enable them to use the Harris, Huntington, elected as sec- if poor, the cause is marked. Thus, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Dean of Women Grace DeHority and Program. facilities of the college. Classes meet retary. Rebecca Walters was unop- there is no question about what is Arts. The winner of a scholarship, the housemothers and residents of both in the college buildings and in posed for the office of treasurer. expected -of the occupants of that he went to Europe and spent three Frank Elliott Ball Hall as their guests For the first time here, a pianist the educational units of Maria Bing- MOM. years at the American Academy of Sophomores chose as their presi- at the sing. ham Hall. A bulletin is produced •by the will be the main attraction on the Rome. dent Loren Betz of Valparaiso. He The outstanding meeting of the housemothers, which tells the do's Muncie Civic Music Association pro- Girls who are members of the Ca- In recognition of his distinguished is president of Y. M. C. A, a member series will be a campus sing pre- and don't's of dormitory life, as well det Nurses' Corps take the same work, Mr. Manship has been made of Music Club, Commerce Club, and sented by the Girls Club at 7:30 gram, according to an announcement as the compliments and complaints classes as the student nurses. The an Academician of the American Religious Council. Mildred Morgan, o'clock Tuesday evening in Assem- made Monday evening by the local they may have. training of the cadets is financed by Academy of Arts and Letters; Fel- Montpelier, was the choice of the bly Hall. Marie Butler, president of talent committee. the government, and the girls in turn class for vice-president. In the absence of houseboys this low of the American Academy of Girls Club, will preside at this meet- Claudio Arrau, a Chilean pianist, sign a pledge that at the conclusion year to carry trunks, etc., to the at- Arts and Sciences; Academician of ing, and all sororities will attend. who, with his amazing virtuosity, has of their training they will continue Elect S.E.C. Representatives tic, the girls got along very nicely the National Academy of Design; Dr. Smith's last appearance on our been causing a stir in .this country nursing in either military or civilian To the office of secretary, Maxine by working together. So, in Lucina Member of the National Sculpture campus will be at the morning wor- since his first appearance in 1941, will hospitals for the duration of the war. Stafford, Dunkirk, was selected, and Hall, as well as other places on the Society, and Chevalier of the Legion ship service to be held at 7:30 o'clock be the headliner of a group of fam- as treasurer, Laura Ann Scheidler of campus, people are doing what they Enrolled Now of Honor. on Wednesday morning in Recital ous artists who are being brought Mr. Manship has his pieces of Muncie was chosen. Members to the can until the boys return. Members of the new September S. E. C. from the sophomore class are Hall. here by the association. sculpture in the Metropolitan Mu- Candy, popcorn, potato chips, milk, class are Emma Jane Abney and Dr. Smith with his songs, talks and seum of New York, the Chicago Art Vesta Phohl of Atlanta, Ga., a n d and orange drink, sold at the desk, Extended Tour Rosemary Dee Asbury, both of An- pictures promises to be one of the Institute, the Musee deLuxembourg, Charlotte Priest of Portland. are not helping waistlines keep slim. derson; Margaret Austin, Muncie; best programs on Ball State campus The local talent committee of the the Corcoran Gallery, and the mu- Dick Valandingham, a graduate of Nevertheless, these evening snacks Freda Beck, Ridgeville; Lillian Bell, association has selected Arrau be- seums in Boston, Philadelphia, Cin- Muncie Central, was the selection of this year. would •be missed by all, to say noth- Pennville; Edna Marie Bragg, Swa- cause no pianist since Paderewski has cinnati, Cleveland, Detroit, St.