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1899 Notes on a collection of from Clarence Luther Herrick

John Ridge Terry

Horace N. Herrick

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Recommended Citation Herrick, Clarence Luther; John Ridge Terry; and Horace N. Herrick. "Notes on a collection of lizards from New Mexico." University of New Mexico biological series, v. 1, no. 4, University of New Mexico bulletin, whole no. 22 1, 4 (1899). unm_bulletin/34

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The following notes are based on the collections of lizards made by the voluntary geological and natural history survey of the University of ,New Mexico during the season of 1898, with such additions as were possible from the collections made by .the senior writer during several years previous. The area cov- ered is chiefly within the Rio Grande valley between Albuquer­ que and Socorro and the area of the field-work in geology re­ ported elsewhere in this volume.' For specimens from Gallup , we are i~debted to Mr. Wallace Bowie, and for a: few specimens from Magdalena to Mr. James Fitch. The object in presenting these fragments is simply to facilitate the prosecution of this work during the corning seasons and to give to the residents of the territory who may be willing to assist in it the basis for the recognition of the commoner . None of our lizards,are venomous and they are mostly to be ranked with the harmless, if not actively helpful, inhabitants of the plains and mount

':'Reprinted from the Bullet.iu of the Scientific T,aborat.ories of Denison University" Vol. XI. HERRICK-TERRy-HERRICK, New Mext'cq Lt'zards. '119


118 Bulletin oftlte Univelsity of New Me:r£co. This family is admittedly nearly related to the geckos, from which its members differ in the proccelian vertebrae and ~ingle tected stations. They also. have the' camelion-like power of pa:ri~tal bone. The limbs are slender and the claws are retrac­ t~e adapting themselves in a s'hort 'time to color of theJ?ack­ tile. The rather few species are widely distributed, the family ground: being represented in . ~orth and Central America and in Asia. , LACERTILIA. The color patterns among those widely separated species, is very similar. The lizards may be distinguished from the recel~t faQ1ilies l' Coleonyx variegatus, Ed., has been found in Texa~ and ,in of by their scaly bodies, the presence of lImbs; the California and so may be expected to occur in:so'uthern New absence of a carapace, the three~cha:m.bered heart, the fad: that Mexico. It may be recognized by the characters of the family the jaw is not dislocatable from its cranial attachment as in ~nd the five dark brown bands crossing the yell~w of the back. snakes or; more technically, by the following characters : quad­ The eyelids ~ave a series of pointed scales. Males have six to r.ate bone articulated with the skull, parts of the ali- and orbito-. eight preanal pores. sphenoid regions fibro-carti'laginous, rami of'the madible llnited by a sutu~e, analcleft transverse, copulatory organs paired. Family. IGUANIDAE. A very large family' restricted to America and the islands KEY TO THE FAMILIES DESCRIBED. '

Bullett'n ofthe Unzverst'ty ofNew Mext'co, HERRleK~TERRy-HERRICK,'New Mext'co Ltzards. 121 II. No dorsal crest. States, was said to occur in as well as in the desert region A .. Head without spines. 9f southern California and . It may therefore occur in a.One PI' more transverse gular folds. New Mexico. Stejniger, however, denies that it,occurs in either' b. Toes with a lateral fringe of movable spines, ,Uma. ' Texas or New Mexico. ' bb. Toes without spines. . Genus. HOLBRooKfA. c.' Supralabial plates strongly imbricated; symphyseal . plate smaller than the largest ,infralabial. " Unlike 'the'related genera, this genus is devoid of external d. An ear opening, ' Callt'saU1us. ear discs, the tympanum being covered. The dorsal scales small, dd. No opening, Holbtookl~. uniform; head scales small, interparietal enlarged. A long cc. Supralabials not imbricated; symphyseal not smaller series of femoral pores; two tr;;tnsverse gular folds, 'the pos­ than the l~rgest infralabial. terior with a denticulated edge; no abdominal 'ribs; males with e.N0 largeinterparietal plate; caudal scales sn1::tll; enlarged postanal plates. The genus is limited to the south­ hot strongly keeled or pointed. western part of North America. ( f. Ear without strongdenticulations and neck with­ Holbrookia Maculata, Girard. out spinose tubercies'; supercilaries imbric~te; tail long and tapering, CrotopllytuS. Plate XIV, Fig. I. ff.. Ear with strong denticulations and neck with Holbrookia maculata, Girard, Proc. Am. Assoc. Ad. Sci., numerous spinose tubercles on lateral folds; super­ 1851 ; Staribury's Expedition Gt. Salt Lake; Cope, Proc. U. <., - dIaries no~ imbricate; tail scarcely longer than S. Natl. Mus. 1880. distance from snout to vent, Sauroma(us. val'. flavilenta, Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1883; ee. A very 'large interpariet~l plate; caudal sca,les Stejniger, N. A. Flora, No., 3; Boulenger, Cat. Liz. Btit. Mus. large, strongly keeled, and, sharply,pointed, ' Uta. ,I ,approximans, Baild,Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. aa. No complete transverse gular fold, Sceloporus. maculata approximans, Van Denburgll, Cal. Acad. Sci., 'AA. Head with large spines posteriorly, Pll1ynosoma. V, 1897. , Description: Body depressed fusiform, head short, V~ Genus. DfPsosAuRus. shaped in perpendicular section; nostrils on the upper surface; The single species of this genus, Dipsosaurus dorsalis, J?d. head plates mostly small and irregular, except the interparietal, and' Gd., ,has been found in the and Mojave Deserts whiCh is large, as wide as long; one 'or more series of axial and is abundant. in, the neighborhood of Yuma. It pr~b~bly scales 'in front of the interparietal larger than the other head does not occur within our limits. It is entirely vegetarian in plates; supraocular regions covered with small granules; super­ habit. ciliaries strongly i,mbricated ; .middle subocular plate very large; " , Genus. ,UMA. eyelids well fringed; about six upper labials, strongly imbri­ cated; lower labials smaller, not imbricate, separated from en­ ,r largt;d sublabials by a row of small scales; gulars flat, not im~ bricate, but becoming so on the last gular fold; ventral scales ,larger ,.than the dorsals and laterals, which are granular; a ,lat­ eral fold between the fore and hind limbs which- are short; 122 Bulletin of the Unz'verst'ty of New Mexz'co, femoral pores about 12 ; 'tail short, abruptly narrowed at about the proximal third. ', HERRICK-TERRy-HERRICK, New Mexico'Lzzards. 123 Color: Upper parts gray yellow or light brown: with two or four, longitudinal series of dark splotches and numerous Color: background above pale gray to yellow; upper sur­ lighter spots; top of head like back but wjthout definite pat­ face of tail and caudal half of. the back marked with transverse "tern; upper surfaces of legs marbled with brown; .throat white bands of brown; anterior part of back with circular spots es­ or yellowish, sometimes marbled with darker; tail with a si~gle peCially laterally: sides in front of hind leg marked with two series of ~pots; under parts white or ye~lowish, with tw'~ or deep black crescentic' lines extending from the' iateral fold three transverse of black laterally beli.ind the fore legs 'and toward the median line on a bright yellow field; 'upper surfaces which do not extend dorsally above the lateral fold and' are of limbs with irregular dark markings; under parts white or sometimes edged with blue. , yellowish; under surface of tail with transverse bars of black; This little species is abun?ant everywhere in the RioGra,nde throat and lateral belly patches blue in the male; a dark streak valley and elsewhere in central New Mexico. It is extreI?ely , along the caudal aspect of thighs. variable in color and adapts itself both temporarily and perma­ This beautiful species has been collected no further north nently to local c~lor conditions, It feeds largely on plants than Socorro where it i~ not rare. It ranges from northern and clim'bs readily. , Mexico into the adjacent states. Holbrookia Texana, (Troschel), Baird and Gir.ard. ( Genus. SCELOPORUS. . Plate XIV, Figs. 2'5· ' Head and body somewhat depressed, shor:ter than the tail; Cophosaurus texanus, 'Trosc/zel, Arch. f: Natur., IS'5 0 ;' no dorsal cre?t; dorsal scales keeled imbricate, equal; head Holbrookiatexana, Bd. and Gd. P~oc. Acad. Phila.,1852; U. scales large, especially the interparietal, usually with a definite S. Bound, Surv.; Bocourt, Miss.Sc, Mex. Rep.; Cope, Btll. U. pattern; 'no gular fold; tympanum distinct' protected by strong, S. Natl. Mus., 1880; Boulenger, Cat. Liz. Brit. Mus. . teeth; femoral P?res present; superciliaries imbricate. affinis, Baird and Girard, Proc. Ac. Phil., 18 52.' Description:, Body slender, head as long or longer ,than Sceloporus Poinsettii, Baird and Gir~rd. head and body; head very small, V-shaped in verti!=al outline; Plat~ XV, Figs: 6·8. nasal openings dorsal, prominent; head plates mostly smal1'and , Seloporus poinsettiii" Bd. and Gd., Proc. Acad. Phil,,:.,' irrelegular\ except the interparietal which is not large, and a 1852; U. S. Bound, Surv.; Sceloporus torquatus, var. C. Bo­ series of rather large ax'ial plates in front of the latter; super­ court; toquatus poinsettii, Cope;' torquatus cyanogenys, Cope; ciliaries large and strongly imbricated; one of the suboculars. torquatus, var. poinsettii, Boulenger, Cat. Liz., Brit. Mus. very large; eyelids fringed; about seven la~ge imbricated upper Description: Head and body somewhat depressed, very labials; lower labials smaller, not imbricated, ,bordered below broad; nasal opening near the end of the snout, on the dorsal 'by one or more series of enlarged sublabials; gular scales smface, and within the canthus nasalis; upper head plates 'flat, not imbricated; posterior margin of. the gular fold feebly smooth, convex, not imbricated, irregular; interparietal largest; denticulate; ventral scales larger than the dorsals and laterals; frontal divided transversely, caudal portion divided into four or a lateral fold extending from .the fore to the hind limb; fen;oral more unequal parts, cephalic portion di,vided longitudinally; pores from t\velve to fourteen; males with enlarged ' postanal supra-oculars forming two irregular longitudinal rows, seperated plates; tail slender,; hind foot very long. from the axial head 'plates by a continuous series of smaller scales; superciliaries large, strongly imbricated, keeled, separ­ ated from the supra-occular by an irregular series of granules -and small scales, middle sub-.occulars as long as the remainder of Ii

11 I' , ,

\ HERR1CK-::r)RRY.HERRICK, New Mexico Lizards. 125

124 Bulletin oj tlte University oj New Mexico. tion of about 6, 500\eet in the western part of the Magdelena the series, keeled; rostral plate narrow, nearly rectangular;,labials mountains and is ,reported also from Socorro though no speci­ speci~ens low, upper and lower subequal; symphyseal plate large, pen-' mens are available from that place. Our were kind­ tagonal, .followed by a series of plates larger than tJle gulars, ly secured for us by Mr. James Fitch, of Magdalena.. This­ not separated from the lower labials, the latter" ho'wever" in a speCies seems to be shy and restricted to rocky places in our double row; gular scales smooth, flat,'bicuspid, strongl:(im~ range.' Sceloporiks, Magister, Hallowell. bricated; those of a median portion of the belly not toothed, Plate XVI, Figs. 9-u: toward the sides first becoming bicuspid, then strongly denti­ ,I Description: Head and body little depressed, sub-cylin~ culate; passing gradually into the dorsals; ear opening large, nearly vertical, protected by a small series of acuminate scales, drical; nasal opening nearer the end of the snout than the only two of which are,specially modified; scales of back broad, orbit-; upper head plates smooth, often somewhat convex, equal, slightiyk~eled, short-pointed and serrate, in longitudinal usually slightly imbricated; interparietal largest; frontal divided series but converging backward toward the median line; dorsals transversely, two portions sub-equal or caudal part larger; par­ enlarg~d of the lumbar region, smaller than the caudal scales; scales ,of ietals and fronto-parietals not separated from the' the sides pointing obliquely upward; no longitudinal dermal' supraoculars; latter very broad as are the strongly imbricated superciliaries': middle sub-occular long, narrow and strongly folds; a transverse gular fold behind the ea~ opening; l!pper surfaces of limbs covered with strongly keeled and long-pointed keeled; rostral plate wider than high; labials long but very low; scales; scales on the posterior surfaces of thigh similar ; .upper, inferior longer than superior; symphyseal plate large, followed by several plates larger than the gulars, separated' from the lower caudal scales not: serrate, strongly spined, spines, di~ected' , J .obliquely outward; femoral pores varying from eleven to thir­ labials by one to three rows of narrow sub-Iabials; gular scales teen or more,; six to ten dorsal scales, equal in length to smooth, flat, bi-cuspid, strongly inibricated, as are those, of shielded part of head; number of scales from the interparietal -the belly; ear opening large and nearly vertical, protected by a a,resp~cial­ to a line drawn through the posterior surface of ,thighs about series of very long accuminate scales, four of which ly modified and not keeled projecting backward and slightly 30; males with enlarged post-anal plat~s; tail as lo':!g as head ,downward; back with equal, keeled, strongly pointed ,scales' and body. Color: upper parts olivaceous brown, head dar~er; black bearing a spine on either side of the'poin't, arranged in nearly collar in front of shoulders; distinct, nearly complete rings of parallel16ngitudinal rows; i4 rows of keeled dorsals; scales of obliqu~ly dark on tail; back with dark,' broad, irregular inconspicuous sides ranging upward, merging gradually into the '~pper bauds; male much darker than female;. under side of throat smooth ventrals. No longitudinal dermal folds; surface , bluish grey, in the male 'darker and more highly colored; bluish 'of the limbs provided with strongly keeled and pointed scales; longitudinal bands, on either siqe of abdomen in both sexes, scales on the poster si.l,rface of thighs large, aCGuminate, strongly merging into a dark spot in front of the, thighs; 'under parts keeled, and long pointeq; upper caudal scalis\ similar to the yellowish white; spines ofupper surfaces of limbs dark-tipped. 'dorsals but longer pointed; femoral pores varying from II to IS on each side; five to ten dorsal scales equal in length to Measurements: Total length, -2 I 5 mm.; Length to anus, the shieldeq part of the head; number of scales from interpar­ 105' mm.; Length of tail, 110 mm.; Snout to ear, 26 mm.; Width of head, 27 mm.; Fore leg, 42 mm.; Hind leg, 70 ~m..; ietal to line connecting posterior surfaces ,of the thighs varying Base, of fifth to end of fourth toe, 20 mm. from 29 to 35; males with enlarged post-anal scales. This species has been found living upon rocks at, an eleva- ~" HERRICK-TERRY·HERRICK, New Mextco Lt'zards. 12 .. ' 7 126 Bulletin oftlte Univetsity of New Mexico. SceZoporus OccidentaZis, Baird and Girard. (?) Color: back grey, yellow or bro'wn, With 'indistinct mot­ , Plate XVII, Figs. £2-£4, tlings of brown anteriorly; a black bar or collar in front of:each shoulder; head nearly uniform; faint brownish rings on the Description: Head and body somewhat depressed; nasal , , tail; central patch of blue on throat of adult males; lateral openings nea~er the end of snout than the orbit; upper head band or blue ,bordered with black;, a dar,k area in froqt of plates smooth, somewhat convex, 'somewhat imbricated; inter­ thighs; under parts white or yellowish. ' , parietal largest; frontal divided transversely, cephalic portion Measurements: Total length, 194 mm.; Length to anus, larger; parietals and frontoparietals separated from the enlarged 85 mm.; Lengh of tail" 1°9 mm.; Snout to ear, 20 mm.,; Width supraoculars by a series of granules ; latter in the single series, :of head, 18 mm.; Fore leg, 39 mm.,; Hind leg, 54 mm,;~, Base very broad and convex, separated from the narrow, imbricated ,of fifth to end of fourth toe, 23 rnm. superciliaries by a series of granules, middle suboccular long , ... and keeled ; rostral plate broader than high; labials long and 2 SceZopus CZarkii; -Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad, 'Nat. Sci, PhiL185 • low, the upper and lower nearly equal; symphyseal plate very Baitd, U~ S. and Mex. Boundary Surv., 1859 ;~Cope, large, followed by a row of enlarged plates on either side, which Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci, Phil., 1866; Cope, Check List, '1875. are separated from the lower labial by a single row of sublabials; Coues, Synopsis of the Reptiles of Arizona, 18 75. (,Fig.) gular scales smooth, flat, some of them bicuspid'; strongly im­ Yatrow, Che~k List of N. Am. Reptilia, 1882.', Stejnigrr, N. bricated; ear opening of moderate size" protected in'front by Am. Fauna, 'No.7, Van Denburg, Cal. Acad. Sci., V. ' about three enlarged scales; back with equal, keeled, short­ , The re'lation between this species and Sceloporus magister, pointed scales in' longitudinal parallel rows; about 22 or 24, which i~ confessedly very close, has been, discussed in extenso, rows'of keeled dorsals; scales of sides ranging obliquely up­ in N. Am. Fauna, NO.7, by Stejniger, who, claims that the ward, passing graduaily into the smooth ventrals; scales of the two species are constantly distinguished by a difference in the dorsal surfaces of the limbs like those of the back, those of the , ~" ~pines guarding the ear openings; these modified spines.' being posterior surfaces of the t1~ighs smooth, no longitudinal dermal ,differ~ "c.. smaller and less acute in S. clarkii. There is said to be a folds; scales of the tail, like those of the back, but larger '; fe­ ',\ en~e in habit also and although the habitats overlap in south- moral pores 16 to 18; about ten dorsal scales equal in length to ,eastern Arizon~, the stations affected by the two species are said the shielded part of the head; number of scales from the inter­ 'to be different, S, magister affecting an arboreal life while S. parietal toa line connecting the posterior aspect of,the thighs ~l;;'rkii is found upon the rocks. It is probably that this species 40 to 42; males with enlarged postanal scales~ will be found in the extreme south-western part of the territor¥. Color: Brownish or grayish above, ,with a 'lateral light, , The species extends into Mexico an unknown distance. stripe' on either side, crossed a zig zag line of dark brown which Farther south, 'it is said to be replaced by S. boulengeri, which usually does not cro~s the median line but may cross the light 'is similar to S. clarkii but has fewer femoral 'pores, short and lateral bands and merges with the darker coloring of the sides; broad ear spines and a very broad interparietal.. S. acanthinus head marked with bro~n, especially a' transverse line connect­ is said to be modification of the same type still further,to the ing the' supereilaries and another in front of the eyes ; a dark ~ollth, line passing through the eyes; upper surfaces of legs marbled with dark;.. tail obsc~rely ringed with dark; lower parts light;

" male with two spots on the gular region, not confluent on the 128 Bulletin of the Uni'z!ersity of New. Mexz'co. HERRicK-TERRY-HERRICK, New Mexz'co Lizards. median line; flanks blue, passing in~o black; black spot iri front internasals large labials long but narrow, the inferior larger than of shoulder. the superior; symphys~al plate larger than the rostral, followed Measurements: Length' of' anus, 57-55 mm.; ~rlOut to by several plates.larger than the gulars, separated by one row , ear, 15-13 mm.; Width of head, I2-U mm.; Fore leg; 28-27 (or two incomplete rows) of s'ub-labials from the lower labials; mm.; Hind leg, 34-32 mm.; Base of fifth to tip of fo~'i-th toe, gular region with scales smooth, flat, bicuspid, and strongly im, ' ' 15-14 ~in. ,bricated like those of the belly; ear opening large and nearly With the materials at hand it is impossible to discrirriinate vertical, protected by three or four small, acute, modified S. occidentalis from S. biseriatus. The' basis of separ"ation of­ scales; back with moderate-sized, keeled, simply-pointed scales fen::d by Van Denburgh in the coloration of throat, which in in parallel rows; scales of 'sides ranging obliquely upward; males of 5. occidentalis sai<;l to have two, dark lateral· spots, about '45 scales in a dorsal series from cephalic plates to a line ~hile in S. biseriatus they may be confluent. He says''I have d\awn, through the'posterior border of the thighs; transition examined many hundreds of sp'ecimens of S. occidenfa1is and from the lateral to ventral scales gradual; no longitudinal dermal biseriatus and have not found a si.ngle male of the JaW;r with folds; upper surfaces of the limbs with keeled and pointed two blue throat patches. Highly colored male of S. occiden­ scales, like those of the back; scales of the posterior surfaces' talis are sometimes .found in which the two blue patctJ~s have of the thighs not enlarged; upper caudal scales similar to the extended to end even merged on the median line, but by secur- (, dorsals; about' 14 femoral pores; about 8 to 12 dorsal scales ing very young or less brilliantly colored males, there should be equal in length to the shielded part of the head. , no difficylty in determining which species occurs in a given lo­ Color: pale oliv.aceous 1;>rown; head darker and uniform; cality." Unfortunately he omits to say how he knew that he back with narrow whitish, bands one on either side and separ­ 'was dealing with a given species while determining the validity ated by a broad area in which is a double row of dark, irregular ot the sole criterion. S. occidentalis is said to be the' more blotches which may be edged with lighter; sides passing grad­ northern species. It may be that the best plan is to .accept ually into the white of the lower aspects; a dark line from the Boulenger's suggestion and call, all 'the phases of this exceed­ posterior 'canthus of the eye to upper angle of ear opening and ingly variable group varieties of S. undulatus. This form, what­ thence bordering the lateral light line laterally to the tail; upper eyer it is, is extremely abundant in the Rio Grande valley and and lo~er labiaIs darker than adjacent parts; limbs marbled the range of individual variation is enormous. with dark brown; tail with obscure dark rings. (The above description refers to the female, the male being more highly ScelopQrus Consobrinus, 'Baird and Girard. colored. ) Description: Head and body little depressed, fusiform; Measurements: Total length, 145 mm.; Length to anus, nasal opening nearer the end of the snout than the orbit; upper 7 I mm.; Length of tail, 74. mm.; Snout to ear, 15 mm.; Width head plates smooth, somewhat convex, not obviously imbri­ of head, 14 m.m.; Fore leg, 27 mm.; Hind leg, 4 I mm.; Base cated ; interparietal largest; frontal divided' tr<;tnsv~rsely, ceph­ of fifth to end of fourth toe, 18 mm. alic portion much larger than the caudal; parietals and fronto­ This species seems not to be uncommon in the Rio Grande parietals separated by small granules from the enlarged supra­ , \ valley near Socorro. ,Collected by John Terry and Harry N. oculars; latter broad (but not so broad as in S. magister) and Herrick. separated by a number of scales from the narrow, imbricated superciliaries; sub-occular keeled; rostral plate wider than high; n

, 130 Bulletin ofthe Universz'ty of New Mexz'co. HERRICK-TERRy-HERRICK, New,lV/exico Lizards. I3 1 'Sceloporus Gratiosus, Baird and Girard. Description: Head and body,somewhat depressed:; nostrils Nevada and ,will doubtless be encountered in the northwestern opening much nearer to the end of th'e'snout than to th,C;: or-, parts of New M,exico. ~f , bits;, uppear head shields smooth, moderately la~ge, and sli'ght­ After careful comparison descriptions by various authors ly convex, interparietal largest; frontal usually divided tt~ns. we incline to believe that this but, a smaller mountain·loving versely; parietal, frontoparietal and frontal plates separated, race of S. consobrinus.' One of our specimens of the latter from the supra-occulars by a series of small plates of granu'les; .species is but I30 mm. but otherwise resembles the types. "~ub­ superciliaries long, wide, and strongly imbricated; middle Genus. PHRYNOSOMA. occular very long, narow strongly keeled; rostral plate very The horned toads are among the most characteristic of liz­ wide arid rather high; labials long, low, and almost rectangular; ards, and form ,a. rather compact American group which ar~'not ' beloW lower labials series of large sublabial plates; symphyseal to be confused with any other.. Their bizaire spiny, 'disc-like arge, pentagonal; gulars small, smooth, imbricate, frequ~htly, bodies and short ,horned' h~ads which they know well how to , emarginate posteriorly, about the size of the ventrals; ear open­ use in, the defensive and even in offensive struggles are eminent­ ,ing large, slightly oblique, with 'an anterior armature oLfrom ly characteristic., The plates of the head and body are hetero­ four to seven accuminate scqles; dorsal scales equal, ke~led, geneous and ~end to assume the' spinous form while the exist­ pointed, and arranged in longitudinal' parallel rows; scales on ,ence of strong bony spines from th'e ba~k of the head is a uni­ ,sides similar to those of the back, but directed obliquely up­ versal 'character. The tympanum is distinct and mayor may ward;, no longitudinal dermal folds; superior surfaces of'- the not be covered with scales. There is a transverse aular fold limbs with keeled scales; posterior surfaces'of thighs with small b and usually a series of peripheral spines along the lateral mar-' smooth scales; ventrals smooth but usually bicuspid; caudal gins of the body. Femoral pores are present. The tail is short scales very much larger than the dorsals, heeled and strohgly as are the legs. The digits have keeled lamellae below. ' Lateral pointed; , femoral, pores varying in number from twelve to teeth subcoincal or indistinctly tricuspid; no pterygoid teeth. twenty; eleven to seventeen dorsal scales equal in number to No abdominal ribs. A large' sternal fontanelle. Other osteo­ the shielded portion of the head; scales in the longitudinal ~ow logical chara~ters may be gathered from the figures. from parietal plate to a line connecting the posterior aspects of In our region (eastern New Mexico) we have been able to the thighs varying. from 45 to 66; males with enlarged P9stanal' distinguish but three species though there is a considerable plates. range of variation which may serve to invalidate ~ome so-called - Color: above, brown, olive or bluish or greenish gray; species. These are essentially insectivorous and slug­ with one dorsal and two lateral series of closely set brown spots gish and rely upon their spinous armature for protection as well o'n each side, spots sometimes more or less confluent, forming as upon their very considerable power of modifying tl}e color longitudinal bands separated by narrower' bands of the lighter of the skin to conform to the color of the station. 'This power ground color; tail usually with trace of darks rings; males with is due to the capacity of the chromatophores to alter their form a blue spot, sometim(=s bordered with black, on each side of the in obedien<;e to nervous stimuli of varying kinds. belly; throat more or less washed with blue which has a ten­ They protect themselves from the ex~remes of 'heat and d'ency to form narrow oblique'lines. cold by burying themselves in the earth. We have never been This 'species is 'closely related to'S., consobrinus, but is able to observe that they construct burrows but they sink into smaller. It occurs in the mountains 'of California, ' ~nd the sand in such a way as to completely cover the body and Bulletz'n Of tile Unz'versz'ty of New Mexz'co. 13 2 HERRICK-TERRy-HERRICK, New Mexz'co Lz'zards. 133 may be seen after a cold night imerging from the sauce-like de- b)J. Head spines moderately large, occipital~ as long as pression so made. , the transverse diameter of the eye; gular scales Like many others we long regarded ·the statement'i:hat perfectly smooth,. P. orbz'culare. these animals sometimes discharge a qauntity of blood ',from aa. Several longitudinal series cif enlarged'pointc:~d gular scales; their eyes' when disturbed asa fable. ' Upon ,a single occ~sion a series of large spinose plates below the lower however we have had an opportunity to verify this statement. labials; head spines long. So far as we could discover the anim~l was not injured aDsl we b. Gular scales spinose. ' have handled others much more roughly without such .a r'esult C! Head shields convex and almost smooth. 'p blaz'nvillti'. but. in this case (P. cornutum) a large drop of a red fluid was cc. Head shields flat, with numerous ridges and granula- thrown out from the eye and moistened, its head as well as the tions, P. fr~ntCfle. hands of the intruder. ) bb. Gular scales feebly keeled. Although' the most peaceful of ariimals, the horned toads c. Occipital spin'es extend upward and ou~ward. defend th~mselves with energy. The writer once witnes'sed a . . P. boucardti·. contest betwe~n two large lizards (Crotophytus) and axery AA. Nostr(ls opening in the line of the canthi' rostrale or large specimen of P. douglassii. The toad threw himself into slightly. above; several longitudinal,series of en­ the most am~sing posture of defense by kneeling down with the , larged gular scales; a series 'of very large bony legs of one side while standing on tip'toe with the opposite set shields below the lower labials. and thu~ presenting the shield-like dorsal surface to the enemy. a. Occipital spines directed ~bliquely upward, like the tem~ With a single opponent these tactics succeded well and the liz­ porals; ,ventral ,scales, smooth, ,P. coronatum. ard received some shrewed thrusts with the powerful horns,but aa. Occipital spines vertical, erect; ventral scales keeled. wl~en there wel'e two foes it was easy 'for one' to take advantage' P. asz'o. of the weaker side and sieze the. toad in the soft region under AAA. Nostrils pierced within the canthi rostrale ; gular'scales , the neck where he hung with a grip not to be . ~mall, ~qual or with one series of 'enrarged ones

KEY TO THE GENUS PHRYNOSOMA. on either side. a. Tail longer than the head. The following key is largely a compilation from various b. Head bordered posteriorly by a series of contigu,ous sources and we suspect that th~re may be synonyms or at most large'spines, ofwhich four are occipital. Pregt}le..: geog;aphical races among the species enumerated. It is hoped bb. Two occipital spines larger than the other head that the table such as it is may nevertheless be serviceable. '/ spines, with an interval between t~eir bases and pra~ A .. Nostrils opening on or near the lines con necting the su those of the temporal. . orbital ridges with the end of the snout (canthi c. Enlarged dorsal tubercles spinose, erect; tympanum .rostrales). naked, P. comutum. a. Gular scales small, nearly equal in size; a series of enlarged cc. Enlarged dorsal' tubercles flat, or feebly raised; scales below, but not larger than, the lower tympanum covered with scales; occipi>t~l spi~es labials. as. long as the horizo,ntal diameter of ,t4e ,9rqit; spin~s b. Head short (variable); occipitals shorter than the two or three serres of peripheral spines; 1:8~'"7}9 transverse diameter of the eye ball. P douglassti'. 'femoral p'qres, .. "r ... P. platyrky,1lYf.

'I,I •_.-'"-_.--.,------. -~_---..------~---_.,---~--,.------.._-_.

HERR1CK-TERRY-HER),UCK, New MeXiCO Lizards. 135 uted; a single row of. sharp spines along the sides; tail with a 134 Bulletin of tlze University of New Mexico. lateral a,n~ two dor~al rows ,of spines; scales on the breast, belly and proximal ,aspect of the tail. smooth, but those on the'ter­ ccc. Enlarged dorsal tube~~les flat or feebly raised; minal partoL'tail keeled; in a large specimen the latter 'hands tympanum covered with ,scales; occipital spines as well as the blotches of dark on the back often indistinc;'" shorter than the transverse diameter of the eye; , lower surfaces pure white. ' peripheral spines a single series or nearly 'absent; Measurements: Length of anus, 40 mm.; tail;- 20·mm.; . 6-12 femoral pores; more than three sljblabials . snout to eye, 10 mm.; width of head, 16 mm.; length of QC­ enlarged,. P. platyrlLJlIZus, cipital spine, 3 mm.; fore leg, 25 mm.; hind leg, 35 mm.; base cccc. One seri'es of peripheral spines; 7-Iotemoral of .fifth to end of .fourth toe, 10 mm.· pores;' only three sublabials enlarged. ' P. goodei. Sp. 2',Phrynosoma Cornut'um, (Harlan) Gray. than the '\longest bbb. Two occipital' spines not longer Plate XIX, Fig. I6. P: modestum. temporals, '. This seems,tobe the commoner form in the valley of the 'c., Tail not longer than head. RIO Grande. ". ' Occipit~l li~tle larger than the temporals. d. spines a (1- Description: Head as broad or broader than long; nostrils P. bracoJl1ziC7'i. opening the canthi rostrales; tympanum naked; gules scales ,dd. Occipital spines much smaller"than the temporals. F:,taurus. keeled, with a longitudinal series of enlarged pointed s'cales on either side of neck; .gular f~lds several, irregular, a: series of The following probable synonyms are indicated: P. plani­ very large projecting sublabial scales; infralabials head' spin'e,s . .\ "~ '.' ceps is a variety of P. cornatum., P. brevirostris is P.' douglas- ' large, the occipital being much larger than the three temporals sii., P. ormi.tissiinum is P: d~uglassii., P: solaris is P. r~gale. and directed obliquely. upward and outward; interocc1pital arid postorbital present. Sp. I. Phrynosoma Doug~a~sii, Bell. ~ack Plate XVIII, Fig. I5· , with. very large erect spinose tubercles, the' longest . of which form a series of three or, four' on either side the ver­ This is the .commolf species in she mountains and upland tebral line; two lateral series of spines of' whicq the upper are' m~sas in northern New Mexico. ' longest; pecto~al and ventral scales more or less distinctly' Description: Nostril opening on the canthi rostrales; gular keeled; femoralp'ores twelve on a side not extending upon the s~ales small;, near equal in size; a series of enlarged ,s~b1ries of large, of scales on belly; long series of femoral pc;>res meeting spinose sublabial scales which increase posteriorly; infralabials not ~ jn fro~t of anus; two groups of slender spines behind the separated from. sublabials (in small specimens at least) by series of scales but the two series in juxtaposition; two groups tympanum. ' There are four rows of black spots on the back; each spot of weak spines on either side of neck; head spines rather short, consisting of from five to seven temporals, one occipital and bordered by strips of white and yellow; space between the postorbital; three scales in front of the occipital larger than the spot~ otheraceous; tail with six double rows of black~1?ots; underneath white often mottled with numerous black spl<;>tches. remainiI1 g head scales which are roughened with granulations and ridges and, except those in "front of the occipital and tem-'­ Measureme~ts of large individuals. poral spines nearly flat. -Length to anus, 100 mm. 80 mm. 42-loQ,mm. Back, tail and upper surfaces of the limbs covered with Length of tail, 3 1 ', 30 " 17- 4° ', scattered, slightly elevated, keeled, tubercular scales; one series Snout to ear, 28 " 20 " 10- 2 I ." of peripheral, scales which disappears behind or is obsolescent; Width of head, 30 " 24 " 12- 27 " tail edged ,vith small spines; scales in front of ar.m large, Length ,of occipital spine, 4" 2" 1- 2 " pointed, strongly keeled; those on breast, abdomen and proximal Length of fore leg, 4 2 .5" 32 ," 18- 35 " part of tail smooth; 'tympanum covered with scales; femoral Length ofhind leg, 56 ,,' 43 " 23- 45 " pores nine on a side, invading the preanal region; males 'with Base of fift!). to end of fourth toe, 14 " 12 " 7- 15 " enlarged postanal plates. Coloration of speCimen from San Pedro mountain at 7000 General color above, gray, yellowish brown, etc., variously feet. Upper surface of head mottled with brown and white; marbled with slaty, brown or blackish; a:large dark area on 'six pairs of vandyke to umber brown blotches on neck and either side of. the neck often extending back to in'front of 11ind body, the two middle pairs double as by confluence of, two, legs, tail transversely banded. ~pots b~rdered behind by a dark band shading into brown; this Ge~us.· UTA. still bounded posteriorly by a narrow band of brilliant or.ange; Head and body moderately depressed and shorter than the intervals 'between spots irregularly shaded with orange,. yellow tail; tympanum distinct; no dorsal crest; dorsal scales' small, and brown; numerous white spots on the side; irregular'gr,ay k.eeled, either uniform ~or heterogeneous; head plates large, ,the' bands on either side the median line; tail with seven dark bands, interparietal being larger than the ear opening;· one or more ,bdly burnt sienna with numerous small dark spots, whitisil on . transverse gular folds" the anterior on~ with denticulated edge; sides with brown bands and spots. labials not imbricated; superciliaries imbricated; femoral pores PlatyrhYn7~l/s, Sp. 3. Phrynosoma Girard. present; la~eral teeth tricuspid; no pterygoid teeth; a large, , Plait XX, Fig. I8. . ' sternal fontanelle; no abdominal ribs; males with enlarged post­ This species is excessively abundant in the valley of the anal plates. This is a genus confined to Mexico and the south­ Rio Grande and elsewhere at lower levels in the eastern part of western states of the Union. t4e territ~ry. It is rarely seen of a large size and is greatly exposed to the attacks of its enemies though it possesses the po\ver 'of changing' color to a greater extent than the others. I I

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Bulletin of the Univefsity of New Mexico. ,

KEY ,TO tIm AMERICAN SPECIES. HERRICK-TERRy-HER'RICK, New lVlexico Lizards. i39 I. Dorsal sc~les uniform, larger than th9se of the flank's: Description: Head and body depressed;' head truncately a. Dorsal scales not imbricate, smooth, a narrow bl~ck' pointed in front; h,ead plates flat smooth; interparietal largest; band from shoulder to shoulder above; U. mearnst. frontal plate divided transversely, followed in a cephalic direc­ tion by an irregular series of enlarged plates; three to five aa. Dorsals imbricate, keeled, no black band, f~om supraoculars enlarged and separated from the\ frontals by small shoulder to shoulder, a round blue spot behino granules; superciliaries imbricate, few, projecting; centrill sub'­ ,the axilla, U. stanisbun·a~a. ocular large keeled; rostral and supralabials long and low; the II. 'A band of six or eight longitudinal senes of' equal , . other plates of the 'upper surface small or granular; sy.mphyseaJ' enlarged scales al~ng the middle of back. plate rather small, followed on 'either side by larger smooth b. A lateral line of special scales, U. ornata;,~ , ' plates which are separated from the infralabials by Qne to th~ee III. Dorsal scales heterogeneous. 's<:ries of sublabials; gular region covered with small, smooth, c. Slender, tail more' than twice as long as head and 'nonim~ricating scales; gular fold with a series of projecting b~dy, enlarged dorsals sub-equal, U. gratiosa.' spines; tym'p'anic opening with an <\rmature of three enlarged cc: Sto~ter, tail less than twice as long as head and spines; lateral dermal folds present; back with keeled scales body, largest dorsals,in four series, U. symmetl'ica. hearly uniform in size but graduating into those of the side, Uta Ornata, Baird and Girard. on the neck and sides granular scales; scales of tail large, keeled Uta ornata, Bd. and Gd., Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila., I ~ 52; and pointed; femoral pores from, twelve to seventeen.' U. S. Mex. Bound. Surv.; Boulenger, Cat. Liz., Brit. Mus. Color: Upper parts with a ground color of brownish or "This species may be distinguished from U. stanisburiana,' yellowish gray densely spotted with darker and lighter; a more or \ ' 'le~s distin~t of which it has tht:; general appearance, by a dorsal space <:ov- distinct light band on either side of the back, most ered with five or six rows of scales larger than those' on the anteriorly; the small spots of the upper surface,tend to be blue sides?f the body. Along the middle o'f the sides thete exists or green and often give to the a prevailing tone of that one row of small scutellae imit'ating' the lateral lines of fishes. 'color; tail often with dark rings; upper surfaces ''Of limbs spot­ 1;he ground color is reddish brown, ,with transversely e!onga!ed ,ted like the back; toes of hind feet with dark bands; under black patches all along the upper part of -body and tail. Th~ parts light, variously marbled with dark;' throat blue,with light belly is U11icolor in the female \vhile it is blue in the male," spots; an irregular blue spot behind the fore leg which· is sur­ The range is said to be from Texas to California. It has not ,rounded by a light b::l11d; usually a brown spot in front of the been encountered by our collectors. shoulder; sides marked with large light spots. _ This graceful species is aburidant in the Rio Grande valley' Uta Stanisburiana, Baird and Girard. at Socorro :and further north. It is active and restricted to the {'late XXI, Fig. £9· - ground. Uta st~'nisburi~na, Bd.' and Gd, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Genus. CROTOPHYTUS. Phila., 1852; Stanisbury's Exp. Gt. Salt Lake, 1853; Boule1l er, g Head and body depressed or sub-cylindrical, much shorter Cat. Lizards Brit. Mus.; Van Denburglt, Bul. Cal. Acad. Sci. V. than the very slender tail; no dorsal crest; a gular, fold; tym­ Uta elegans, Yarrow, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus. 1882. panum present; all the head plates small; labials not imbricate; .' d'or~al scales small and nearly uniform; a long series of femoral .~------.,-...-~-----...,-~------' ~------,--~...,.--­ -" ----"------

·HER~ICK-TERRY.HER~ICK, New Me#co Lzzards. 141 , .. "r This. species seem,s: to, ~ccupy the entire t~rritory at,suit­ 140' Bulletin of the University of New Mexico. abl.e; s:atlOn.s but does not ascend into the mountain~an~~s w.~ere ItS pla<;:e is t

Plate XXII, Fig: ,20. Plate XXIII, Fig. 2I. Crotophytus Wislizenii, Baird and Girard' i I: . Crotophytus wislizenii, Bd. and Gd..'Proe. Acad. Sci., A&:,ama collaris, Say, L_o~g's ~xped. Rocky Mts.,.Harlan. Med. Phys. Res.' .,' , - Phila., 185 2 ; Stanisbur';r's Exp: Salt Lake, 1853; Baird, M'e"x. Bound. Surv. 1859; Boulenger. Cat. Liz. Brit. Mus.; Van Den- Cr;otophytus collaris, Holbrook, N. A. Her.petology· Wied­ m(m, ,NovaAda; 1865; Bai1'd, Pacific R. R. Surv. Pi. 'XXIV; , burg Il, Bu!. Cal: Acad. Sci. V. " M:u~:, Crotophytus gambelii, Baird and Girard,' I. cit. Cope, Proc. Acad. Phila., 1866; Boulenger, Cat. ,Liz. Bd't. Description: Body slender and strong; head large, de~ .. Descrip;tion:. Head large,depressed,~~c,hs~oile~J)()~t~'r­ pressed and broad behind;· head plates small, larger toward the IOI,1y, espeCIally In the males; pody fusiform; tail IOllg and Sl}out; ;mout convex; three to five longitudinal rows of shields terete; legs.very long and strong; plates of head all sm~ll, two or m~re senes between the granules of the supraocular regions; I between the supraocular regions; nostrils nearer the end: of head than the or,bit; supe~ciliaries small, imbricate; a long sub­ nos,tnls large and opening laterally; superciliaries .small 'and im­ ocular plate; rostral' plate very low; supralabials~f nearly equal bricate; supralapials of about equal size'; a large ,suJ?ocular size; lower labials somewhat larger ,than the upper, bordeTed plate; ear opening large, oblique, without prominent armature' .below ~y several series of small plates larger than the gul~rs; symphyseal plate large, followed by two short .rows of so'm~~ sy~physeal plate large; tympanic opening large oblique; one what ',enla~ged plates; one or two we\l-developed, gular ·!folds; strong gula~, fold 'with sometimes two additional ones; back arid bac~, and SIdes c0v~~ed with small granules; ,ventral, region ,}Vith sides covered with small granules merging into the larger scales larger scales; femoral. pores from' sixteen,to t~enty:-two. ' , of the belly; latter imbricate and sometimes ke~led; irregular _ 'Color: Upper surfaces olive or browish -gray, ,quite..varia­ lateral dermal folds; tail cylindrico-conical, more than twice ~s ble and variously' spotted and barred with lighter .eolor:.Jtwo Icing. as the h~ad and body; males with enlarged postanal plates. intensely black transverse shoulder bands which do not :,meet­ " Color: Upper parts browish gray, the head darker, with, above,_ the anterior one being interruptedby.a V-shaped sepia creamy white lines surrounding theorbits and in the s~pra~ band on the nape; under parts white, the throat and sides,mot­ ocular,regions and the snout; back crossed with'alternating light tl~_d with darker; tail near the end with !;lark rings. The form in~he c~nons- tha~ lines; between each pair of which a round spot of brown; the ,.living mountain.. , be. 1darker'-, ..- ~ ._,tthat-: .• oe- proximal part of taillike the back, the' distal part ringed with ~uring on the upland mesas.and· tJ;1espots are la~ger t~r~:jl~J~):'­ darK; upper surface of limbs marbled or spotted. With age rupt~d .by.tra.nsverse bars. The (ollowil1g desc~ipti,on pf,.a 1i.~\l)g II the spots on the back break up, the bands disappear or become sp~C,l,men~H~stra,~esa COm nlOn, tYP~ of'oP : ,'" . more marked and the whole color fades. No two specimens ." Heacli~bove )i,gl1t br.Qw:n!!:\hgXilY irrc;g\l:larlYJ:!IQ.F,-~_~d,.J~itp. \ exa~t1y s~wa; ~arj ba.nd~Qf are, alike. There is a change during the breeding sea- '. abq';1tseven.,plotsJ;1es.of .,oraQge". • t:'<;k of.• ;' ;'."",,: ...."'. ';"-'0 -''';'.\ ' I so~, especially in the' females.


\\\ -I 'I ,II'1 " ~? " " .

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Genus. GERRHONOTUS. Limbs well-developed, Re,ntadactyl; lateral' fold present; (Family. ANNIELLIDAE.) scales squarish or rhomboidal, forming tr~nsverse series; eye disc'~lVery large with a 'round pupil; no femo~al pores or enlarged postanal The student should be alert for the of subterra­ plates; ear opening distinct; no gular fold. A group of closely nean species of this family which, so far as now known, is con­ alli~d' species of this genus occupies the entire western coast of fined to Cali/onlia. The body is cylindrical and snake-like and ' the extel:nal limbs are absent. North A~erica, G. Cceruleus (G. scincicaudata) being the type. I I

, I • I , ......


HERRICK-TERRy-HERRICK, New Mexico Liz(lrds. 145 . I~4 B;Jlietin'of tke UniiJnsz:ty of Nezv Mexico. openings' present, pupii round; tWo or more gular fblds; femo­ . Family.' HELODERMATIDAE: ral pOl:es numerous. fhe CHit monsters are the" only lizards witl} venom-secret~ ing. gla~d~ but they are fortunately sO sluggish as. to rare!~ Cnemidophorus Sexill,eatus, Gray. strike eveil when disturbed. 1;hey may'be recognized by their Plate XXIV, Figs. 2], 24. large size, tub~rcular skin and snake-like dentition. ' ,Description: Slender, agile; head nearly flat above, with· .Hearly vertical sides; snout slender; rostral plate large, high, Genus. HELODERMA. trian'gular ; nostrils opening within the l~rge nasal' plates which Charach~rs'of,the family. are partly enveleped by t~e rostral; posterior nasal nea~lyquad­ Heloderma Suspectu,TYI>; Cope, rangular, articulating with the anterior nasal, first, s~cond, and , Description: Large, heavily set, clumsy- in form, ~ith third'labials, loreal;fron,tal, and prefrontal pla:tes; ,four' enlarged short legs and tail; t:lostrils large, opening laterally between supr~oculars, the two in the middle largest, all of them- separ- three plate~; ,eye small; ear opening large oblique; rostral', and '., ated·fromthe superciliaries by a row of granules; superciliaries ',symphyseal pl~te~ large; a pair of internasals; three' pairs of not imbricated, the anterior two large; supraoculars separated pla~es behind the sy~physeal; gular region with the small tuber­ froni. parietals and frontoparietals by granules; occipitals in two , ' or'more irregular' transverse bands; about five superior and six ,cles passing into the plates of the belly; upper parts covered l labial~ .with smooth convex' tubercles, separated by granules, lateral. inferior to middle of eye; inferior labials larger than the ~pper; . tubercl~s passing into the squarish' plates of the' qdly; a pair sublabials very large, connected with the symphyseal by a large azygous pl<;tte,separated from the lower labials by. o( enlarged preanal plates. , '. • . ." Color:. Upper parts variously and irregularly mark,ed With three or four large plates and a short' series of granules in dark brown and salmon color; tail sometimes, ringed ( belly, front of them; intermandibular region of throat with larger .orange or salmon, with tessalted markin~s of brown. "" 'scales than the throat behind the ears to the .first gular fold, be­ . The Gila monster probably occurs in this territory only in hind the latter larger scales merging i'nto those of 'the throat; ventral scales large; in eight longitudinal rows; upper surface the southwestern portion. ..~ with small ~qual granules; ear opening large, semicircular; ex­ Family. TEIIDAE. ternal aspect of upp,er arm and cephalic aspect of fore arm with New world lizards relateel to the true lizards of Europe enlarged scutes; ventral aspect of f01'e al1n with a patch of nz­ (Lacertidae). . Head shields free from the. cranial ossific~tions; larged scales below the elbow; scales of ventral aspect ,of hind . , r\.1fs'als'dbubie; frontal are parietal single; t9ngue slender and leg's very large; femoral pores from I6 to I8; scales of tail ending in two smooth points; head ~overed 'with large, regular strongly keeled; about three 'enlarged preanal scales. .plates; ear opening and' ~yelids usyally present; femo,ral.pores Color: Above dark olive brown, passing into clear olive present. A very large family repres~~ted wlthm our on' the head and greenish olive on the tail; back marked with limit~ by a s,ingle ge,nus. , three narrow, distinct yellowish white lines on either side and Genus.' c;NEMIDOPHORUS.. . sometimes a faint median stripe on .the median line, the latter' more distinct anteriorly; upper surfaces of limbs faintly mar­ Four ~en'tadactyllimbs; head ·pla.tes large';, t{vo frontopa­ bled; ,sides of hea.d and under parts immaculate. rietal plates; ba~k an9 sides covered with small' uniform gran­ On:ly a few specimens of this species, whtch i's referred- to ules; ventral plates large and serial~y arranged; eye' lids and ear· . , \

, " Art: VI.] HERRWK~TERRy·HERRICK New -Mexico Lizards. ' .. ' , .'. , 147 146 'Bulletin of tlte University of New ,Mexic,o. sought in moist places as under stones ne~r springs and in deep' \ . '.' . I' .'voods. ,C. sexlin~atus only doubtfully have been found among, :the 'numerous individuals of the next and nothing can be said ofi.ts range or habits. It is true that it seems to vary in the direction DEFINITION OF TERMS. of c. undulatus but the forms se~n are' easily disting~i.shed Azygous.-Not paired. 'from that species. emztltus rostralzs. -The, ridge from'above the eyes' to the Cnemidophoru8 Undulatus, Hallowell. 5 , extremity o( the snout. ~!atf XXIV, Fig. 22. , '. .Femoral pores.-Gland openings along the lower surface of This is perhaps the commonest in the Rio Gran~e' the thighs. valley and is everywhere in, evidence. It differs from the pre- \ Frontal plates.-One or more plates on top of the head ceding species iri the absence of the patch of enlarged scales on bet\veen the sup~a oculars. the under aspect of the fore arm and )n'the colors. The back Frontopandals.-Plates on top of head between the p'arietals is marked by from seven to nine wavy dark bands which, in the and the frontal.

" • I '. older individuals, break' up into irregular blotches to the almost· Gularfold...... :...-Fold of skin crossing the throat. entir~ suppr~ssion of the 'longitudinal arrangement; the sides yular scales.-The scales of throat. ,-of the. head are distinctly. marked with dark spots butthe spots Infralabials. --':'Scales of lower lip.

. on the throat are small and scattering; head and tail olive. We I hztenzasals.-Plates of snout behind the rostral. have not seen typical specimens of C. tigris but they no doubt Interpmietals.. -The plate on top of head in which is the occur and will be recognized by the almost entire absenqe ,of pineal or parietal eye. the black markings on the sides of the head and a'suffusion of Labials. -Scales of the edge of lip. gray on the throat. The' color of the back is more mi>lutely OCClpitals.LPlate·s behind the parietals and interparietal. broken up. Pandals.-Plates on either side of the interparietaL Family. SCINClDAE. Rostral.-Plate on end of snout. . Sublabials.-Plates below the lower labials. Tongue slightly notched at the tip; ',head coveted with Superciliary. -Plates on upper aspect of orbit of eye. large regular plate scales on body and tail of moderate siz'e, im· Supraocular.-Scales over the eye meSally of the super­ bricate,' supported by bODY plates; eyelids' present; pupils ciliaries. rou\ld; dendition pleurodont; no femoral pores. S)I"tp'hyseal.-Scale at tip of lower jaw. Genus. EUMECES. All the scales are thin, s:nooth and imbricate. There is a aistinct ear opening and the. gular and lateral folds are absent, ' lil~lbs pent~dactyl'; nostril peretrating the nasal plate; digits' not denticulated laterally. The skinks are of world·wide distri·' butiori and three species at least have been reported from New Mexico but as we. hav'e but once encountered a representative ,', J and have no authentic material it seems best to reserve the men- tion of these till material shall have been colkcted. ~t is to be T---­ 7 " I ,, ' ..' \

eulletin. Of the Unive.rsity of New MeXico. VoI••t >'89'o.6 pLATE xV. Bulletin.of tfte U,?zversity of New Mexico. -y , EXPLANATION OF FIGURES TO. ARTI<::LE VI, VOL. 1. .r .Fig. I. Holbrookia maculata. Fig. 2. Holbrookla texana. , 'P(;;. 3· Holbrookia texana, top of head, Holbrookia texana, side of head. Fig. 4. Holb~ookia ~rmatu~e Fig. 5. texana, anal of' male. Fig. 6. SSeloporus poinsetii. F'ig. 7. Sceloporus poinsetii, ear armature. Fig'. 8, Scelopdrus p~insetii, top of h~ad. Fig. 9 . Sceloporus magister; F'j;. IO. . Sceloporus magister, top of head. FTj;. II. Sceloporus magister, ear ·armature. Sc~loporus Fig. 12., occiclentalis, Sceloporus occidentalis, top of head.' F,j;.I3· Scel~porus aamatu~e Fig. 1

ERRATA. , The authors of the article on Lizards of New Mexico do not \~ish \ to be held responsible for the fact that the specific names in the title,.; are capitalized but confess t,o the comma seperating 'the specific na~e from the authority. In explamltion of the latter, in spite of various . f usage and authority for the omission of the point, we preferred to obey ~ \ ' the unambiguous dictates of rhetoric rather thai} the divided and ;irbi- Fig. 6. tr'ary authority of zoologists. II On page] 26, line 3. instead of Scelopus, read Sceloporus. On page '45, line 3, instead of Sexilieatus, read ·sexilineatus. On page 146, line r, instead of sexlineatus, read sexilineatus. 'Plate XVI, in~tead of MAJISTER read MAGISTER.


1\ ' < :Iil . ' Itl 1 Bulletin of the University of New Mexico. Vol. I. l898• PLATE XVI.

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, }~ig. lO.

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:.... , I I .( Fig. il.

, .. '


l HERRlc~-Lizards of New M'exico. Ifi SCELOPORUS MAJISTER. j l _____....:...- lIIIIIIIIIIIScilSnn 1IIIIIi Bulletin of- the University of New Mexico. Vol. I. J898. "PLATE XVII..

}'ig ]3.

"' ,

Fig. 14.

HERRICK-Lizards of New Mexico. ,.. "~~~~"'. ,i. 11, SCELOPORUS OCCIDEN.TALIS.

I l •

Bulletin of the University of New Mexicd. Vol. 1. J89S. PLATE XVIII.


,11 , ,

·Fjg.~{5 ..


Bulletin d the University ot New Mexico. Vol. I. 1898. 1>LA"rE XiX. J j

" 1,1 J 1.1;'.'1~l '1:1 1 :1' !, I:

11 I ,I '1:,.. '


Vig. 16.

Fig. 17.

HERRlCIc-Lizards of New Mexico. PHRYNOS9MA CORNUTUM. Bulletin of the University of New Mexico. Vol.'1. PLATE XX.


Bulletil:\ of the Ul1i versity of New M~~ico. Vol. I, 1898. PLA'r'E XXt.


HERRrCK-Lizards of New Mexico. ·UTA S.TANISBURIANA. =, '\' (

:Bulletin of the University of New Mexico. Vol. I. PLATE XXU.




______...;.. ..,b6 _ ,

Bulletin ~f the University of New Mexico. Vol. I• PLATE XXIII.

.Fig. 2,l••.

,HEI{RlCK·-Lizanls of New l\lexicn CROTOPHYTUS COLLARIS. o .

____....;.._...... ;_.....:. ~'••._ ...iIIIIII_.... 1IIIIIIIIIIiI AI . :

B,ulletin of the University of ~ew Mexico. Vol. I, l898. PLATE XXIV.

Fig. 24 ,l



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