L-R: Ms. Rose Gamwera, Secretary General ULGA; Mr. Ben Kumumanya, PS. MoLG and Dr. Arthur Bainomugisha, Executive Director ACODE in a group photo with award winners at the launch of the 8th Local Government Councils Scorecard Report FY 2018/19 at Hotel Africana in on 10th March 2020

1.0 Introduction agrarian with majority of the population engaged in Agriculture. Some of the crops grown in the This brief was developed from the scorecard district include Irish potatoes, cereals, beans, report titled, “The Local Government Councils coffee and matooke. Administratively, the district Scorecard FY 2018/19. The Next Big Steps: consists of 3 Counties of Ndorwa East, Ndorwa Consolidating Gains of Decentralization and West and Kabale Municipality. The three counties Repositioning the Local Government Sector in are further sub divided into 12 sub counties. .” The brief provides key highlights of 1.2 The Local Government Councils the performance of elected leaders and Council Scorecard Initiative (LGCSCI) of Local Government during FY 2018/19. The main building blocks in LGCSCI are the principles and core responsibilities of Local 1.1 Brief about Kabale District Governments as set out in Chapter 11 of the Kabale District is located in the Western part of Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, the Uganda and originally was part of Local Governments Act (CAP 243) under before the Districts of , and Section 10 (c), (d) and (e). The scorecard were made autonomous districts. It is comprises of five parameters based on the bordered by to the north, core responsibilities of the local government to the northeast, Republic of Councils, District Chairpersons, Speakers and to the east and south, District Individual Councillors. These are classified into to the west and to the northwest. five categories: Financial management and As of 2020, the total population of Kabale District oversight; Political functions and representation; is estimated at 248,700 people with males Legislation and related functions; Development constituting 120,000 and females constituting planning and constituency servicing and 128,700 (UBOS, 2019). The District is largely Monitoring service delivery. The parameters are

Jonas Mbabazi • Moses Bahati1 • Benja Twinomuhwezi KABALE DISTRICT LOCAL GOVERNMENT council SCORECARD assessment FY 2018/19

broken down into quantitative and qualitative accountability; planning and budgeting and indicators. Separate scorecards are produced monitoring service delivery. The District Council for the District Chairperson, Speaker of Council, scored a total of 55 out of 100 points. This was Individual Councillors, and Council as a whole. an improvement from the 36 points that it scored in the FY 2016/17 assessment. This performance The major rationale of the LGCSCI is to induce placed Kabale District in the 25th position among elected political leaders and representative the 35 district councils assessed nationally and organs to deliver on their electoral promises, 6th among the 11 district councils assessed in the improve public service delivery, ensure western region. Figure 1 shows the performance accountability and promote good governance of Kabale District Council per parameter. through periodic assessments. The total council score was 7 points and 4 points 1.3 Methodology below the national and regional average scores The FY 2018/19 LGCSCI assessment used face- respectively. With regard to providing political to-face structured interviews, civic engagement and administrative accountability to the citizens, meetings, documents’ review, key informant council scored 15 points, similar to the national interviews, field visits and photography to and regional average scores. With such scores, collect the relevant data. The assessment was council performed well. Results further showed conducted between Novembers to December that council had obtained 15 out of 25 points in 2019. A total of 30 elected leaders (28 District its legislative function. However, this score was Councillors, Chairperson and Speaker of Council) slightly below the national average. Kabale District and Council were assessed. Council’s performance was largely undermined by poor performance registered under monitoring service delivery where council scored 16 out of 30 2.0 Results of the Assessment points. Whereas the committees of council could have conducted monitoring in the various sectors This section highlights the performance of there was limited evidence to substantiate this. In Council, Chairperson, Speaker of Council and addition, there was minimal evidence of follow up Councillors of Kabale District Local Government actions undertaken to ensure positive changes during the FY 2018/19. arising from the monitoring exercises. Further 2.1 Performance of Kabale District details are shown in Table 1. Council 2.2 Performance of the District Kabale District Council has 30 members (28 Chairperson District Councillors, Chairperson and Speaker Hon. Patrick Keihwa was the Chairperson of of Council). The council which is the highest Kabale District in the year under review. Hon decision making organ of the district was Keihwa is a member of the ruling NRM party and assessed on: executing the legislative mandate; Figure 2: Performance of Chairperson on Figure 1: Performance of Kabale District Key Parameters Relative to National and Council on Key Parameters Relative Regional Average Performances to National and Regional Average Performances

Source: Local Government Councils Scorecard Assessment FY 2018/19 Source: Local Government Councils Scorecard Assessment FY 2018/19

2 KABALE DISTRICT LOCAL GOVERNMENT council SCORECARD assessment FY 2018/19 was serving his second term in office. Overall, The decline in Hon. Zikampereza’s performance Hon. Keihwa scored 72 out of 100 points. This can be explained by low scores under is an improvement from the 67 points scored in maintaining close contact with electorates (9 the previous assessment. He was ranked him out of 20 points), participation in the lower local 18th among the 33 district chairpersons assessed government council meetings (4 out of 10 points) nationally and 6th among the 11 assessed district and monitoring services in her electoral area (14 chairpersons from the western region. Figure 2 out 45 points). These scores are attributed to the shows the details of performance. fact that the Speaker had not attended at least 4 council meetings at the sub county. In addition, Hon. Keihwa’s performance was impressive he also did not have any evidence of having under the parameter of initiation of projects and monitored at least half of the service delivery monitoring service delivery at 9 out of 10 points points in his constituency. Further details of and 32 out of 45 points respectively. These scores Speaker’s performance are presented in Table 3. especially under the parameter of monitoring was slightly higher than the regional and national 2.4 Performance of Kabale District average scores. There was sufficient evidence Councillors that the Chairperson had undertaken monitoring, A total of 28 councillors (16 male and 12 prepared reports, had these reports discussed female) were covered by the assessment. This in the District Executive Committee, followed up assessment was based on the four parameters with different offices to ensure that actions are of; i) legislative roles, ii) contact with electorate, undertaken. iii) participation in the lower local government, 2.3 Performance of the District Speaker and iv) monitoring service delivery. Overall, the of Council councillors scored an average 34 out of 100 points, an improvement from 30 points scored During the 2018/19 assessment, the Speaker in the FY 2016/17. Hon. Johnson Baguma of of Council for Kabale District was Hon. Loy Buhara Sub-county emerged as the best rated Zikampereza who also represents Butanda Sub councillor with 67 out of 100 points. On the other County in council. Hon. Zikampereza was among hand, Hon. Bridget Asiinga Tumwesigye was the the three female speakers of councils covered by best rated female councillor with a score of 47 the assessment in FY 2018/19. She scored 43 points. Figure 4 shows the details. out of 100 points and was ranked 32nd amongst the 35 speakers of councils assessed nationally These results also show that the average and 8th among the 11 speakers assessed from performance of Councillors in Kabale District was the western region. Hon. Zikampereza registered 9 points and 11 points below the national and a decline in her performance compared to the FY regional average performance. Their average 2016/17 assessment where she had scored 52 performance in contact with the electorate and out of 100 points. Details are shown in Figure 3. monitoring service delivery in their respective

Figure 3: Speaker of Council’s Performance on Key Parameters Relative to National and Figure 4: Performance of Kabale District Regional Average Performances Councillors on Key Parameters Relative to National and Regional Average Performances

Source: Local Government Councils Scorecard Assessment FY 2018/19 Source: Local Government Councils Scorecard Assessment FY 2018/19


electoral areas was also below the national and • Limited follow up on service delivery regional averages as shown in Figure 4. This was concerns after monitoring: Whereas it mainly due to poor recording keeping practices councillors did monitoring, few took the step among the councillors. Further details of these of following up to ensure that the issues they findings are presented in Table 4. identified were addressed. • Conflicting schedules of council meetings. It was noted that schedule of 3.0 Critical Factors Affecting council meetings at the district conflicts with Performance the schedules of council meetings at the • Limited number of motions and use of sub county and municipal levels. As such special skills in council: With regard to only 14 councillors out of 28 attended and legislation, 22 out 28 councillors were not able participated in Council Meetings at lower to move any motions in council. In addition, local government level. there was no record, all the councillors were • Failure by urban councils to invite district not able to use their special skills acquired councillors to their council meetings. from elsewhere to assist council in making There were reports from members of council informed decisions. that urban councils in this district seldom • Failure to actively participate in Council invite the district councillors to attend their Meetings: The results show that 15 out of council meetings which also affected their 28 councillors did not debate at least 4 times scores. in council in the FY 2018/19. It’s therefore not enough to attend council. All members of council should continuously contribute to 4.0 Recommendations debates on the floor of the house. • There is need for Kabale District Council • Failure to monitor the delivery of public to introduce a mandatory requirement for services: The average score for councillors’ councillors to produce individual written monitoring was 10 out of 45 points. This monitoring reports and present them to shows that there was very limited monitoring secretaries and various committees of and lack of documentation of monitoring council. activities. Although some the elected leaders • The speaker of council should adhere to the in the district made attempts to monitor standard rules of procedure where there is service delivery majority of them failed to a limitation on the times members speak compile monitoring reports. on a matter so that all members of council • Large and multiple electoral areas for can be given a chance to contribute in the some leaders: Some councillors especially deliberations in council. women, youth and PWDs reported difficulty • The Council should invest in further building in monitoring and touching base with their the capacity of councillors in legislation and electorates because of the exceptionally monitoring. huge size of their constituencies and the fact that they represent more than one sub county. • There is need to provide additional facilitation It was reported that there are some women to members of council that have large who represent more than two constituencies constituencies to cover especially women in council and thus find it difficult to service representing two sub-counties, PWDs, them without adequate facilitation. Youth, elderly and workers. • Limited participation in the LLGs council • There is need to harmonise council schedules meetings: This was partly due to lack of for the district and sub counties to enable all facilitation and high community expectations councillors to attend council meetings in the based on the unrealistic promises made lower local governments. during campaigns.



Sub Total Sub

Sub Total Sub

30 16 17 45 32 29 Environment

5 3 3 ENR 4 0 2 FAL

5 5 2 FAL 4 0 1

Water Sources Water

Agriculture 7 2 4 4 0 2


Roads 7 7 5 4 2 2


Water 7 3 5 4 4 2


Health 7 6 5 5 5 3


Education 7 6 5

Monitoring Service Delivery 5 5 3 Monitoring Service Delivery

Sub Total Sub

9 9

Sub Total Sub 9

10 20 14


5 5 5

Local Revenue Local 0 5


Communal Projects Communal

2 1 1

District Budget District 4 4 4 Projects Projects Initiated Projects

Initiation of 3 3 3

Budgeting Mission

5 5 5

Planning and Total Sub

Plans, Vision and and Vision Plans, 7 8


Issues by electorate by Issues Sub Total Sub 5 5 4

25 15 15


Meetings Electorate Meetings

Accountability 5 2 4 Contact

3 0 0

Electorate Principles of of Principles Sub Total Sub 9 9


Involvement of CSO of Involvement 2 2 2

Bills by Executive by Bills

5 3 2


8 4 5 Motions Executive Motions

Administrative Administrative 8 4 5


Legislative Council

Political Accountability Political 2 2 2 Accountability 8 5 5

Sub Total Sub

Fiscal Accountability Fiscal 4 4 3 20 15 16

Central Gov’t Central Sub Total Sub 4 4 3

25 15 16


Capacity Building Capacity 2 2 2 3 0 2

Oversight Civil Servants Civil Oversight

Petitions 4 2 3 0 1 2

State of Affairs of State

Legislative Resources Legislative 2 2 2 4 4 3

Monitoring Admin Monitoring Public Hearings Public 5 4 4 2 0 1

Political Leadership Political


3 1 2 Initiatives 1 0 1

Conflict Resolution Resolution Conflict 2018/19 72 72


Ordinances 3 2 3

Legislation 2016/17

Council 67 62 Perfor

mance 3 2 2 100

Motions passed by the the by passed Motions



Committees of Council of Committees 2 2 3

Political Party Political

Membership to ULGA to Membership 2 2 1


Rules of Procedure of Rules 2 2 2 District

55 62 2018/19 Kabale

100 Gender M

36 51

2016/17 100 Identifiers Name

Performance District Max Score Kabale Average Keihwa Patrick Score Average Table 1: Performance of Kabale District Council FY 2018/19 Performance 1: Table FY 2018/19 of Kabale District Chairperson Performance 2: Table



Sub Total Sub Sub Total Sub


27 24 24 18 25 14 45 14 24

ENR Environment


4 4 4 1 0 1 5 4 3


FAL 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 1 Roads


7 5 0 1 5 5 Roads Water 7 1 4

7 1 5 5 5 5 5



Water 7

1 5 5 1 5 1 7 0 4 Education

7 Agriculture Monitoring Service 7 5 5 5 5 1 7 5 3 Health

7 7 0 5 5 5 1

Education meetings 7 4 4


Sub county county Sub 6 4 6 0 8 6 Monitoring Service Delivery Health


7 0 5

Sub Total Sub Participation in LLG in Participation 20 9 5 13 14 17 15

4 4


LLG Office

9 5 6 9 6 2 9

Sub Total Sub Contact Electorate Meeting


20 16 8 8 0 3 6 11 Electorate 11

Coordinating Centre Coordinating Sub Total Sub

9 9 8 25

9 9 21 21 14 16

Special Skills Special Contact Electorate Meetings

Electorate 4

0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 11 Motion

5 Sub Total Sub 5 5 5 0 0 0 25 17 Committee 16


8 8 8 8 8 8

Special Skills Special Legislation 5 0 0 Plenary

8 8 8 1 8 1 1

Record of Motions of Record 3 2 Change % 3



Records Book Records 219

2 2 2


Business Committee Business 67 63 53 51 47 44

100 3 2 2

2016/17 Rules of Procedure of Rules

Performance 9 7 7 50 16 45 100

Presiding over Council Presiding over Served Terms Chairing Council Chairing

2 2 4 1 1 1

3 2 3

Gender % Change % F F M M M M

18 -17 2018/19

43 62 100 2016/17

57 52 Performance 100 Constituency Terms Served Served Terms

5 2 Gender

F District

Buhara S/C Buhara Butanda S/C Div Central Youth Kyanamira Kitumba S/C


Political Constituency Identifiers NRM NRM NRM NRM NRM NRM

Butanda Political Party Political

Identifiers NRM

Name Name Maximum Scores Maximum Zikampereza Loy Average Scores Maximum Johnson Baguma Eric Kigunzu Tumwesigye Ali Karama George Saturday Bridget Asiinga Tumwesigye Christine Turyakira Table 3: Speaker of Council, Kabale District FY 2018/19 Speaker of Council, 3: Table FY 2018/19 of Kabale District Councillors Performance 4: Table


KABALE DISTRICT LOCAL GOVERNMENT council SCORECARD assessment FY 2018/19 Sub Total Sub


3 7 7 5 7 3 2 1 1 8 1 1 1 5 2 0 16 10 19 15 15 13 10 ENR

5 0 0 1 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 FAL

5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Roads

7 1 0 5 4 5 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 7 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 Water

7 5 0 5 5 5 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2

Delivery Agriculture

7 5 0 5 5 5 1 0 5 5 1 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 Education

7 Monitoring Service 0 7 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Health

7 5 3 1 1 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 meetings

10 Sub county county Sub 6 4 0 6 0 0 0 6 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 3

10 10

LLG Sub Total Sub


2 6 9 3 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 2 2 8 13 19 12 12 17 12 16 10 10 Office

9 5 9 9 2 9 9 9 0 6 9 0 9 9 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 2 2 5 Contact Electorate Meeting

8 3 0 3 8 3 6 3 7 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 11 Electorate 10 Sub Total Sub


9 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 9 9 16 11 16 16 14 11 21 16 16 16 13 16 13 Special Skills Special

4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Motion

5 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Committee 8

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8

Legislation Plenary

8 1 1 1 8 1 8 8 1 1 3 8 8 8 8 1 0 1 8 1 1 1 1 4 % Change %


22 11 57 94 26 70 10 18 35 -46 -13 -36 -53 -56 163 138 2018/2019

44 42 40 39 38 36 35 34 34 32 31 28 28 27 22 21 20 19 17 14 13 11 34 100 2016/17

Performance 36 16 35 16 23 18 27 20 29 57 32 42 45 17 20 25 30 100 Terms Served Served Terms

1 5 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 5 Gender

F F F F F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M Constituency

Kyanamira S/C Kyanamira PWD Maziba s/c Kitumba/Kamuganguzi/ T/C Northern / Southern Div PWD Older persons Kaharo S/C Rubaya Maziba / Kaharo Southern Div Kitumba Workers Kamuganguzi S/C Buhara Youth Katuna TC Div Central Workers Older Persons S/C Rubaya Northern Div Political

Identifiers NRM NRM NRM NRM NRM NRM NRM NRM NRM NRM NRM NRM FDC IND NRM IND NRM IND NRM NRM NRM NRM Name Maximum Scores Maximum Rwakimari Pius Tumuranze Anne Kobusingye Elson Twinamatsiko Rutarimara Caroline Peace Murungi Mugabi Kenasi Evas Herbert katungi Louis Bazirakye Gracious Kabeth Tumwine Boaz March Twenda Norah Ahabwe John Paul Arineitwe Emmy Innocent Abariho Arinaitwe* Barusya Julius Annet Kabagambe Catherine Kyomugisha* Nicholas Mwesigwa* Tumuheki Tuyizere Verah Florence Musimenta Mugumya Teo Margaret Ahimbisibwe Christopher Mulenga* Average *Councillors Assessed Using Secondary Data


REFERENCES Bainomugisha, A., Mbabazi, J., Muhwezi, W., W., Bogere, G., Atukunda, P., Ssemakula, E.G., Otile, O., M., Kasalirwe, F., Mukwaya, N., R., Akena, W., Ayesigwa, R., The Local Government Councils Scorecard FY 2018/19: The Next Big Steps; Consolidating Gains of Decentralisation and Repositioning the Local Government Sector in Uganda. ACODE Policy Research Paper Series No. 96, 2020. Kabale DLG (2019) Minutes of Kabale District Local Government Council FY 2018/19 ______(2018) Minutes of Kabale District Local Government Council FY 2018/19 ______(2019) Minutes of Standing Committees of Kabale District Local Government Council FY2018/19 ______(2020). About Kabale District. https://www.Kabale.go.ug/about-us. Accessed on 25/03/2020. Republic of Uganda (1995), Constitution of the Republic of Uganda ______(1997), Local Governments Act (CAP 243) as amended UBOS (2019) District Projected Population by Single Age and Sex (2015 2025). https://www.ubos.org/ wpcontent/uploads/publications/2019_04District_Projected_population_single_age_and_sex_(2025-2015). xlsx. Accessed on 13/03/2020. ______(2019), District Population Projection 2015-2030

About ACODE: The Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE) is an independent public policy research and advocacy Think Tank based in Uganda, working in the East and Southern sub-regions on a wide range of public policy issues. Our core business is policy research and analysis, outreach and capacity building. Since it’s founding 19 years ago, ACODE has emerged as one of the leading regional public policy think tanks in Sub-Saharan Africa. For the last 8 consecutive years, ACODE has been recognized among the Top-100 Think Tanks worldwide by the University of Pennsylvania’s annual Global-Go- To Think Tank Index Reports. About LGCSCI: The Local Government Councils Scorecard Initiative (LGCSCI) is a policy research and capacity building initiative implemented by ACODE and ULGA. The initiative is a strategic social accountability initiative that enables citizens to demand excellence of their local governments and enables local governments to respond effectively and efficiently to those demands with the aim of improving service delivery.

ABOUT THE AUTHORS Jonas Mbabazi is a Research Fellow and Project Manager for the Local Government Councils Scorecard Initiative (LGCSCI) at ACODE. He is a policy and governance analyst with over 11 years of consistent contributions in developing and analysing policies of Ministries, Departments, Agencies and multinational organizations. He is adept at policy research, community engagement, advocacy and capacity building for local councils. He has published book chapters, policy research papers, policy briefs and opinion articles on decentralization and local governance in Uganda. Moses Bahati is an Independent Researcher and he is also an Assistant Lecturer in the department of business studies, . Benja Twinomuhwezi is an independent researcher. He is a research assistant under LGCSCI for Kabale District. He is also the Programme Officer –Kick Corruption out of Uganda.

ADVOCATES COALITION FOR DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT Plot 96, Kanjokya Street, Kamwokya. P. O. Box 29836, Kampala. Tel: +256 312 812150 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]. Website: www.acode-u.org