On Some Problems Related to 2-Level Polytopes
On some problems related to 2-level polytopes Thèse n. 9025 2018 présenté le 22 Octobre 2018 à la Faculté des Sciences de Base chaire d’optimisation discrète programme doctoral en mathématiques École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne pour l’obtention du grade de Docteur ès Sciences par Manuel Francesco Aprile acceptée sur proposition du jury: Prof Hess Bellwald Kathryn, président du jury Prof Eisenbrand Friedrich, directeur de thèse Prof Faenza Yuri, codirecteur de thèse Prof Svensson Ola, rapporteur Prof Fiorini Samuel, rapporteur Prof Weltge Stefan, rapporteur Lausanne, EPFL, 2018 "You must go from wish to wish. What you don’t wish for will always be beyond your reach." — Michael Ende, The Neverending Story. To my brother Stefano, to whom I dedicated my Bachelor thesis too. He is now six years old and he has not read it yet. Maybe one day? Acknowledgements My PhD has been an incredible journey of discovery and personal growth. There were mo- ments of frustration and doubt, when research just wouldn’t work, even depression, but there was also excitement, enjoyment, and satisfaction for my progresses. Oh, there was hard work too. A whole lot of people contributed to making this experience so amazing. First, I would like to thank my advisor Fritz Eisenbrand for his support, the trust he put in me, and for letting me do research in total freedom. He allowed me to go to quite some conferences and workshops, where I could expand my knowledge and professional network, as well as enjoying some traveling. A big “grazie” goes to Yuri Faenza, my co-advisor: in a moment when I was not sure about the direction of my research, he gave a talk about 2-level polytopes, immediately catching my interest, and, a few days after, he was introducing me to extended formulations with an improvised crash course.
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