

Clayton Crain, | 112 pages | 28 Oct 2014 | Valiant Entertainment | 9781939346414 | English | New York, United States RAI #1 - Welcome to New Japan - Comic books by Visionbooks

This subreddit also covers Valiant in other media such as games, the small screen and eventual silver screen offerings, plus more. Make sure to check out the subreddit wiki for more sub-related links! All are welcome here whether veteran fan, new convert or the curious! vol. Beyond that, have fun! This page contains suggested reading orders for trade paperbacks and various crossovers of since the relaunch. We will try to keep it updated! It was so good that I wanted to make it easily accessible here for our sub all the time. If you want stuff as chronologically accurate as possible, try here: Valiantfans. Here is another reading order that tries to group the books more by theme rather than Rai: Welcome to New Japan Volume 1: Welcome to New Japan strict release dates to tell it chronologically. Vol. Quantum and Woody Vol. Vol. CorpsBloodshot and H. Corps: H. Corps 0, and Bloodshot and H. Corps X-O Manowar Vol. Vol. Vol. Mirage: Second Lives Harbinger Wars Not the official reading order, but I think it flows better this way. Deluxe Edition Collecting A. CORPS 20— Bloodshot - Volume 2 Collecting Bloodshot and H. CorpsBloodshotBloodshot 0, Bloodshot and H. Plus, Rai: Welcome to New Japan Volume 1: Welcome to New Japan than 20 pages of rarely seen art and extras! Release Date: April 8th. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. All rights reserved. Want to join? Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new link. Submit a new text post. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. Also check out Valiant's upcoming books and events! TPB Collecting A. Rai Volume 1: Welcome to New Japan by Matt Kindt – Comic Review | BiblioNyan

A future in which the nation of Japan in more space station than country, and is ruled by the omnipotent AI Rai: Welcome to New Japan Volume 1: Welcome to New Japan known as Father. As the plot unfolds you find that the world is a much darker place than it initially appears and that almost no one appears worthy of trust and it makes for a fantastic read. I found myself fighting to put the book down, trying hard to resist the urge to tear through it in a single sitting as I wanted to savor the book and make it last. When it was over I was immediately disappointed that my time with the characters had come to an end. I found the slow unraveling of the facade of New Japan and the revelations within to be absolutely gripping and the artwork to be largely beautiful in a dark way. I want to know more of this messed up world and. I am not a fan of anime but I feel that it will largely appeal to that crowd. I happened to love it as a fan of noir and mystery works along with the great martial arts style action. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Skip to content. Rai: Welcome to New Japan Volume 1: Welcome to New Japan want to know more of this messed up world and I am not a fan of anime but I feel that it will largely appeal to that crowd. Final Verdict: 8 out 10 -Shad PolyNerdic. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Name required. Search for:. Create a free website or blog at WordPress. Post to Cancel. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy. RAI VOL. 1: WELCOME TO NEW JAPAN TPB | Valiant Entertainment

The year is A. With billions to feed and protect, it has fallen to one solitary guardian to enforce the law of Father's empire - the mysterious folk hero known as Rai. They say he can appear out of nowhere. They say he is a spirit But when the first murder in a thousand years threaten s to topple Father's benevolent reign, Rai will be forced to confront the true face of a nation transformed Rai 1 is one of my favorite Valiant books thus far. It hits all my buttons and why this scores so high with me is simple, Rai is the kind of comic that speaks to what I dig about comics. I love a comic with goes full speed ahead Rai: Welcome to New Japan Volume 1: Welcome to New Japan its concept and doesn't stop. Kindt and Crain created a large scale Japan that feels real by the end of the issue. The world is set, you know what shape the society is in, and now you can venture through at will. Anything is possible now, Rai 1 has my attention. This is going to be a cool series, don't miss out and grab the first issue. You won't regret it at all, this is going to be a big one and a great beginning to the Valiant First initiative. Read Full Review. With Rai 1, Kindt and Crain offer more than a promising start"they offer, each in their own way, a profoundly philosophical wrestling with the issues of our day, our lived-in battle between leisured hedonism and workaday toil, between popculture and "high" art, between print and digital. But the flawless beauty of Rai is that you simply don't need to approach the book only for its philosophical depth. If you're looking for nothing more than a beautifully visualized, engaging artifact of future noir, something the equal of Ridley Scott's gorgeous ziggurats in Blade Runner, then look no further. And for that mastery of both popculture and "high" art concerns, Rai 1 comes with the highest praise. For me this was a perfect 1 issue. Everything I needed to enjoy the issue is IN the issue and it left me craving issue 2. If you want to try something new give Rai 1 a shot. If every issue is as good as this one, Rai is going to be a permanent resident at the top of my "to read" pile every time a new issue hits the stands. For my money's worth, Rai 1 is an excellent comic and you should definitely Rai: Welcome to New Japan Volume 1: Welcome to New Japan getting it. In the press blurb for Rai we were told that the editorial staff and creators wanted to make some of the most compelling single issues of the year, I can honestly say that Kindt and Crain have certainly done just that. Now though the bar has been set and we will have to wait and see if they can keep this Rai: Welcome to New Japan Volume 1: Welcome to New Japan up. Valiant has a hit on their hands and Kindt and Crain make a perfect team to tell Rai's story. It's exceeds all expectations and will have you glued to the pages as you read. If this is the beginning of the "Valiant First" initiate then it's off to a great start. Rai is possibly the best new indie title to come along this year. This is an enjoyable read. This first issue treats the protagonist as if he were a myth, a legend and a rarity. But the events happening in Japan and the conclusion of this issue suggest that the people of Japan will be seeing a lot more of Fathers helper. Rai 1 is an excellent book for anyone to pick up and enjoy. Exploring a man who's both a hero and a legend to all. Not only this but questioning his purpose as one. This is a series I want to love and hopefully I do with each passing issue because Rai is not a perfect character and you want to see how that plays into him handling this situation. If you don't pick this up because you aren't familiar with Rai, surely do so for the fact that Matt Kindt is a very capable writer. Kindt characterizes Rai quite well in this book. He's a loyal soldier who is being forced to question everything he stands for. If this narrative plays out as strongly as it does in this issue, the entire series could be something special. And it's impossible to overstate how great Crain's work is here. The design of this world is awe-inspiring and his color work is a Rai: Welcome to New Japan Volume 1: Welcome to New Japan to behold. All that being said, this is way better than your average comic, and much more ambitious too. There's a lot to take in here, and it requires a lot from the reader but I respect that. It's almost too early to judge how effective this first issue isbecause there is such anexpansive world that needs to be unraveled. As it stands, though, this is a stellarfirst issue. I have reservations, but Rai 1 is maybe the best looking comic Valiant has produced yet, and a book that has nearly unlimited potential in building its stunning world. Rai does the first issue thing very well, but looking back on it it's hard not to ask for more. Kindt's story has some great ideas and moments, but it makes very little impact. Of course, this may change Rai: Welcome to New Japan Volume 1: Welcome to New Japan the series progresses. The art more than makes up for any shortcomings, which feel like shortcomings simply because one gets the sense that there's more thought here than the series is letting on at this point, in the writing. Rai is simply yet another good book from Valiant, and those are always welcome. Rai or perhaps this version of him looks to be an interesting character; hes already conflicted and recognises the tricky challenges ahead. Even for someone this powerful, you get the feeling the situation is dangerously running away from him. Peace time is over and itll be a compelling ride to watch Rai try and drag it back. This issue also serves as an introduction to another character the publisher appears high on promoting the subversive superspy Spylocke, who is something of a folk hero among the residents of Japan. RAI is off to a killer start. It's wildly different than expected, in the best way possible. RAI reads more as a science fiction mystery than anything else, and while it's a giant leap away from the rest of Valiant's books, it still feels like it fits in the , but far, far in the future. Matt Kindt is crafting a very cool book, and while, at times, all these new concepts can get a bit confusing, since not all of them are explained enough to the reader, the overall book has this fantastic, cinematic feel. The highlight of the issue truly is 's artwork and colors. This is a book you really need to check out. Never read a Valiant book before? Don't worry, any new reader can jump on and feel right at home. Overall, I highly recommend this issue. Everything about "Rai" 1 Plus Edition demands more time and attention than one simple read-through can process. Kindt has clearly poured a great deal of energy into this experience, much to the benefit of the reader. Valiant has given readers another world- building adventure, this time with a masterful warrior who brings stunning action and choreography to a story filled with battle, swordplay and explosions. While the Rai-Lula relationship seems like a Wolverine-Jubilee analog in the making, Kindt has made a smart choice in pairing the two up and giving the reader a portal to New Japan through this unlikely duo. I'm thrilled to find yet another Valiant book worth reading and cannot wait to see how this world continues to expand beyond "Rai" 1. Rai 1 is missing the elements that have made every other Valiant title successful thus far. X-O, Harbinger, and the rest of the line have focused on the dynamic characters in the Valiant Universe and the explosive personalities they possess. Rai, however, is a lifeless look at a dark future that leans too heavily on a worn out class struggle and characters that, as of yet, have no depth at all. The spark that has been in each Valiant 1 is missing here, and I hope for the sake of the title, and character, that it is found soon. Rai 1 is a book with the best of intentions, trying to help introduce us to all of the concepts, ideas, and characters right away in its big sci-fi world. It, however, sadly tries to do way too much all at once and can be overwhelming a lot of the time. There is definitely potential here and the artwork is more than able to help it along, but this was a less than stellar debut in general. Maybe wait until the next issue hits before you decide if you want to try this out. Rai 1 was a little complicated, but if you Rai: Welcome to New Japan Volume 1: Welcome to New Japan your time with it, it turns out to be a pretty enjoyable read. The pencils and colors are worth the cover price and Matt Kindt seems to be putting together a story that is refreshing and new. This book has the ability to take the Valiant universe by storm with its unique style. Lets hope Kindt and Crain can keep up the good work and keep delivering an interesting story. I love the 41st century already, very imaginative. Lush digital interiors from Clayton Crain fit well and the story Rai: Welcome to New Japan Volume 1: Welcome to New Japan is interesting thus far. Check this one out. A promising opening, with the script showing a penchant for philosophising that stays just the eight side of navel gazing. Rai: Welcome to New Japan Volume 1: Welcome to New Japan it is very reminiscent of Ridley Scott's Blade Runner, with the art looking like the film, androids being feared, and a first person narration. The risk here is that it borrows to heavily from this source in the future. If Kindt can avoid this, and keep the introspective philosophy from becoming self-indulgent, then Rai promises to be an excellent book. The art is beautiful and presents an interesting future society that isn't quite what it seems. Nothing earth shattering but a very good combination of art and writing. With the quality of the team that's on this book right now, it's worth checking out at least once and seeing where this goes. Want something different from the superhero crowd? This may be the book for you. The closest comparison after reading issue 1 would be Blade Runner. The story is alright but there are a lot of blanks that still need to be filled in. I'm curious to see where this goes. I'm not exaggerating here. The artwork is a joy just to look at.