Master Thesis: Integrated Natural Resources Management (M. Sc.) Dissecting “Feminizing politics”: the case of Barcelona en Comú Submitted by: Name: Jean François Donoso Registration number: 586041 Email:
[email protected] 1st Examiner: Prof. Dr. phil. Christine Bauhardt 2nd Examiner: M.A. Meike Brückner Berlin, February 2020 Acknowledgements To my interview partners of BComú who opened their homes and offices, took their time and shared with me their thoughts and experiences. To my supervisors Christine Bauhardt and Meike Brückner who guided me through the research and gave me thoughtful ideas that facilitated what I researched. To my friends that accompanied me during the whole process of the master, especially Ruby, Chanaye, Charlotte, and Thúy. To my partner Nicole. Abstract The citizen platform Barcelona en Comú (BComú) started in 2014 as a response to the Spanish economic crisis and the anti-austerity policies from traditional political parties. The organization –which currently governs the Municipality of Barcelona– emerged in the Spanish political sphere with the concept of feminizing politics: a term understood not only as gender equality in institutions but also an open door that goes beyond politics-as-usual. It means inserting empathy into the core of political action (e.g., collaboration, dialogue, horizontality, etc.), questioning traditional understandings of strong leadership, learning how to distribute municipal power and services throughout society, and decentering the role of institutions towards a collective self-governance. Drawing on the theoretical framework of ecofeminism this research analyzes and contributes to the interpretation of feminizing politics by members of BComú and those academics who are closest to the organization, and shows how members are including the concept into daily practices at work.