Friends Series 6 Episode 2 Cambridge Proficiency gapfill

In the previous episode, Ross and Rachel got married whilst drunk in Las Vegas. Chandler and Monica nearly got married too but backed out. Instead, they've decided to move in together. Work together to try and predict what happens to these characters and the two who didn’t even think about marrying (Phoebe and Joey) in this episode.


Without thinking about the gaps yet, read through the following dialogue from the episode and see if it changes your mind about what happens.

Ask your teacher about any of the words in bold that you don’t understand.

Work together to try to put one word into each of the gaps below, then check your answers as you watch the episode.

You didn’t ______the annulment?

I don’t want my tombstone to ______, Ross Geller- three divorces

Mine _____ gonna say Phoebe Buffet, buried alive.

So, I _____ have it all worked out.

Can I get ____ gumball machine?

We’ve just ______to get it over with.

______minute Monica and I break up…

Oh, _____ am I kidding? He’s the best roommate ever!

My little sister and my ______friend, shacking up.

Would you ______lay off, please?

I’ll be ______the bottom of the dating barrel.

You really think you’re ______progress at work and then...

Yer, we ______work on that.

Because you seem ______little creepy.

They’re ______yummy!

When we told Joey he cried his eyes ______.

Is this the same Rachel ______name you said at the altar in the second marriage?

There are a ______of forms to fill out.

To testify that you were not of ______mind.

______point in dragging it out.

I don’t think 6 years ______as an era.

Don’t ______mad at me!

You ______going to get married at Vegas and then you backed out.

Do you ______you and I should hook up?

But then we ditch ______two.

We have words ______I kill him.


Friends Series 6 Episode 2 Mixed-up Answers seem yummy dragging blinking counts at get say wouldn’t machine out gonna on progress mind out out up altar out cute over ‘d at up who shacking can those have