

1RUZD\WRJHWKHUZLWK,FHODQGDQG/LFKWHQVWHLQFRQWULEXWH E\PHDQVRIWKH(($DQG1RUZD\JUDQWVWRDOOHYLDWLRQRI A list of acronyms economic and social disparities in the (EEA) and to the strengthening of cooperation with 1)3 1DWLRQDO)RFDO3RLQW 0LQLVWU\RI)LQDQFH 15 countries in Central and Southern . MoF) PO Programme Operator PP Programme Partner In the 2004-2009 period projects worth EUR 104.6 million DPP Donor Programme Partner were supported via these funds in the . 1*2 1RQJRYHUQPHQWDOQRQSUR¿WRUJDQLVDWLRQ 7KH\ZHUHSUHGRPLQDQWO\IRFXVHGRQFRQVHUYDWLRQ 1( 1RUZHJLDQ(PEDVV\ of cultural heritage, healthcare support and human 0R) 0LQLVWU\RI)LQDQFH resources development. 0R( 0LQLVWU\RIWKH(QYLURQPHQW 0R/6$ 0LQLVWU\RI/DERXUDQG6RFLDO$IIDLUV In the current period the Czech Republic will receive 0R& 0LQLVWU\RI&XOWXUH (85PLOOLRQIURPWKHGRQRUVWDWHV7KHIXQGV 0R(<6 0LQVLWU\RI(GXFDWLRQ

CZ01 Technical Assistance and Bilateral Fund at CZ03 Programme for Non-Governmental National Level / 2.6 Mil. € Organisations (NGO Programme) / 9.81 mil. € 7HFKQLFDODVVLVWDQFHLVGHVLJQHGH[FOXVLYHO\IRU The programme is designed to support NGOs pursuing the National Focal Point to cover the costs associated with public interest in their operations. The main topics WKHPDQDJHPHQWRI(($DQG1RUZD\*UDQWVLQWKH&]HFK LQFOXGHVXSSRUWIRUGHPRFUDF\KXPDQULJKWVDQGJHQGHU Republic. HTXDOLW\VWUHQJWKHQLQJ1*2FDSDFLW\DQGIRFXVRQ WKHQHHGVRIPLQRULW\JURXSVLQFOXGLQJWKH5RPD7KH The Bilateral Fund at national level has been established programme also focuses on environmental protection in order to strengthen bilateral relationships between the and work with children at risk. The programme will be donor states and the Czech Republic. Project proposals LPSOHPHQWHGE\PHDQVRIVHYHUDO2&V PD\DOVREHVXEPLWWHGDVSDUWRI2&V 32&LYLO6RFLHW\'HYHORSPHQW)RXQGDWLRQ 1526  + Environmental Partnership Foundation (Nadace 3DUWQHUVWYt

EEA GRANTS CZ04 Children and Youth at Risk / 4.3 mil. € CZ02 and Ecosystem Services 7KHSURJUDPPHLVDLPHGDWLPSURYLQJWKHTXDOLW\DQG / Environmental Monitoring and Integrated GHLQVWLWXWLRQDOL]DWLRQRIWKHV\VWHPRIFDUHIRUFKLOGUHQ Planning Control / Adaptation to Climate DQG\RXWKDWULVN7KHREMHFWLYHLVWRHQKDQFHWKHTXDOLW\ of the network of services related to work with families Change / 18.42 mil. € and on increasing stakeholders´ involvement in decision- The objective of the programme is to stop the loss of making processes. An OC, an SGS and a PDP focused on ELRGLYHUVLW\WKURXJKDFWLYLWLHVDLPHGDWLQFUHDVLQJWKH FRGL¿FDWLRQRIOHJDOUHJXODWLRQV FDSDFLW\WRPDQDJHDQGPRQLWRU1DWXUDVLWHV PO: MoF / PP: MoLSA HIIHFWLYHO\LQFUHDVLQJSXEOLFDZDUHQHVVDQGHGXFDWLRQ RQELRGLYHUVLW\DQGHFRV\VWHPVHUYLFHVLPSURYLQJWKH CZ05 National, Regional and Local Initiatives LQWHJUDWLRQRIELRGLYHUVLW\FRQVLGHUDWLRQVLQWRVHFWRUDO to Reduce Inter-Group Inequalities and to Promote policies and legislation and preventing the fragmentation Social Inclusion / 1.24 mil. € RIHFRV\VWHPV7KHSURJUDPPHLQYROYHV2&V6*6V One PDP will be carried out as part of the programme, focused on the protection of endangered species and a aiming at strengthening the implementation inclusion PDP aimed at the protection of marshes. policies and combatting the manifestations of extremism PO: MoF / PP: MoE / DPP: Directorate of Nature and . The project entitled “Campaign against Management Racism and Hate Violence“ entails a national campaign in the media and educational programmes for teachers, SROLFHRI¿FHUVDQGORFDODXWKRULWLHVWKDWZLOOEHGHOLYHUHG in the Ústecký and Moravskoslezský Regions. 320R)337KH2I¿FHRIWKH*RYHUQPHQWRIWKH&]HFK 5HSXEOLF$JHQF\IRU6RFLDO,QFOXVLRQLQ5RPD/RFDOLWLHV CZ06 Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Art / 21.29 mil. € NORWAY GRANTS 7KHSURJUDPPHFRYHUVWZRSULRULW\DUHDV7KH¿UVW CZ08 Pilot Studies and Surveys on Carbon one – Conservation and Revitalization of Cultural Capture and Storage Technology (CCS) / 7.04 Heritage – is focused on projects dealing with - mil. € W\SHFROOHFWLRQVZULWWHQFXOWXUDOKHULWDJH¿OPFXOWXUDO The programme is designed to facilitate implementation heritage and renovation of immovable cultural heritage listed in the Central List of Cultural Heritage of the Czech RISLORWVWXGLHVDQGVXUYH\VFRQFHUQHGZLWK&&6 technologies that will result in enhanced knowledge and 5HSXEOLF DVVWLSXODWHGLQ$FW1R&ROORQVWDWH international cooperation in this . Moreover, the cultural heritage management). The area involves an OC SURJUDPPHHQYLVDJHVWKHFDUU\LQJRXWRIFDPSDLJQV DQG3'3VDLPLQJDWGLJLWDOLVDWLRQRI¿OPVDQGLQGXVWULDO to raise the level of awareness of CCS on the part of heritage. The second area – Promotion of Diversity in Culture and Arts within European Cultural Heritage – ERWKOD\DQGSURIHVVLRQDOSXEOLF2&VZLOOEHSDUWRI programme implementation. FRQFHUQVSUHVHQWDWLRQRIFRQWHPSRUDU\DUWV WKHDWUH PO: MoF / PP: MoE exhibitions, music, etc.). An SGS will be implemented within this area. CZ09 Research Support Fund / 12.5 mil. € 320R)330R&'33IRUFRQWHPSRUDU\DUWV$UWV &RXQFLO1RUZD\ This bilateral programme is focused on the development RIVFLHQWL¿FNQRZOHGJHYLDFRRSHUDWLRQEHWZHHQ&]HFK DQG1RUZHJLDQLQVWLWXWLRQV7KHSULRULW\DUHDVLQFOXGH humanities, the environment and health. The programme will be implemented through OCs. EEA AND NORWAY GRANTS 320R(<6'335HVHDUFK&RXQFLO1RUZD\

CZ07 EEA Scholarship Programme & Bilateral CZ10 Capacity-Building and Institutional Scholarship Programme / 3.8 mil. € &RRSHUDWLRQEHWZHHQ%HQH¿FLDU\6WDWHDQG 7KHSURJUDPPHLQFOXGHVWZRSULRULW\DUHDV7KH¿UVW Norwegian Public Institutions, Local and Regional RQHLVFRYHUHGE\(($*UDQWVDQGHQWDLOVLQVWLWXWLRQDO Authorities / 1.76 mil. € cooperation and exchanges of pupils, students and staff One PDP envisaging bilateral cooperation with the Council DWEDVLFDQGVHFRQGDU\VFKRROVDQGKLJKHUHGXFDWLRQ of Europe will be implemented within the programme. Its institutions between the Czech Republic and EEA objective is to train the relevant persons at all levels of FRXQWULHV7KHVHFRQGDUHDLVFRYHUHGE\1RUZD\*UDQWV public administration in uncovering and investigation of and involves institutional cooperation and exchanges FRUUXSWLRQDQGUHODWHG¿QDQFLDOFULPHV7KHSURMHFWZLOO of students and staff at higher education institutions EHIRFXVHGSULPDULO\RQWKH¿QDQFLQJRISROLWLFDOSDUWLHV EHWZHHQWKH&]HFK5HSXEOLFDQG1RUZD\2&VZLOOEH FULPLQDOOLDELOLW\RIOHJDOHQWLWLHVDQGVHL]XUHRIDVVHWV implemented for both areas. derived from illegitimate sources. OP: MoF / PP: MoF / DPP: 321DWLRQDO$JHQF\IRU(XURSHDQ(GXFDWLRQDO Programmes (NAEP)/ DPP: Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education, Icelandic FHQWUHIRU5HVHDUFK1DWLRQDO$JHQF\IRU,QWHUQDWLRQDO Education Affairs, CZ11 Public Health Initiatives / 19.18 mil. € CZ14 Strengthening the Schengen Cooperation The programme is divided into two areas. The objectives and Combatting Cross- and Organised Crime, ZLWKLQWKH¿UVWDUHDDUHWRLPSURYHSV\FKLDWULFFDUHE\ ,QFOXGLQJ7UDI¿FNLQJDQG,WLQHUDQW&ULPLQDO*URXSV means of helping the target groups of patients obtain / 7.04 mil. € good health care, to enhance prevention and to avoid The programme consists of a number of PDPs the subsequent complications. This area involves an OC, REMHFWLYHRIZKLFKLVWRLQFUHDVHFLWL]HQV¶VHFXULW\ an SGS and a PDP focused on rehabilitation care. The E\PHDQVRILPSURYLQJWKHHI¿FLHQF\RIFRRSHUDWLRQ VHFRQGSULRULW\DUHDFRQFHUQVKHDOWKFDUHIRUFKLOGUHQ between the relevant government bodies. DQGLVGLYLGHGLQWRWKUHHSDUWVFKLOGLQMXULHVVHFRQGDU\ PO: MoF / PP: MoI prevention of diseases and health problems in the child age and rare diseases of children. It will take the form CZ15 Judicial Capacity Building and cooperation of an OC, an SMG and two PDPs. / Correctional Services Including Non-Custodial PO: MoF / PP: MoH / DPP: Norwegian Institute of Public Sanctions / 4.93 mil. € Health Several PDPs will be implemented within the programme. The projects deal with issues such as refurbishment of CZ12 Mainstreaming Gender Equality and VHOHFWHGSULVRQVDQGWKHWUDLQLQJRIHPSOR\HHVRIWKH Promoting Work-Life Balance / Fighting Domestic Probation and Mediation Service and the Service. and Gender-Based Violence / 6.2 mil. € 0RUHRYHUWKH\DUHIRFXVHGRQVXSSRUWIRUYXOQHUDEOH 7KHSURJUDPPHFRYHUVWZRDUHDV7KH¿UVWRQHGHDOV groups of prisoners (schemes for prisoners, materials with equal opportunities for men and women in business, for imprisoned foreign nationals) and enhancement of JHQGHUVWHUHRW\SHVLQHGXFDWLRQDQGLQWKHPHGLD HI¿FLHQF\RIFRXUWSURFHHGLQJVE\PHDQVRILQWURGXFLQJ institutional measures to ensure equal opportunities and videoconferences. a higher rate of participation of women in public life. The PO: MoF / PP: MoI / DPP: Council of Europe second area is concerned with prevention and support for people facing domestic violence. It is also focused Global Fund for Decent Work and Tripartite on support for education and watchdog activities of Dialogue / 0.7 mil. € public administration bodies. An OC and an SGS will be The programme, which is allocated 1% of the total implemented as part of the programme. DPRXQWIRUDOOEHQH¿FLDU\FRXQWULHVLVIRFXVHGRQ 322SHQ6RFLHW\)XQG promotion of decent work and improvement of tripartite FRRSHUDWLRQEHWZHHQHPSOR\HUV¶RUJDQLVDWLRQVWUDGH CZ13 Domestic and Gender-Based Violence / unions and public authorities in supporting equitable and Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Promoting sustainable economic and social development. Two OCs Work-Life Balance / 0.84 mil. € took place in 2012, no other OCs are expected. One PDP will be implemented as part of the programme. 32,QQRYDWLRQ1RUZD\ It will aim at supporting preventive measures to combat domestic violence and at building capacities at public LQVWLWXWLRQVDQGRWKHUHPSOR\HUVVRWKDWWKH\FDQSURYLGH effective opportunities for harmonising work and private/ IDPLO\OLIH0HGLDFDPSDLJQVIRUPDQLPSRUWDQWSDUWRI the project. PO: MoF / PP: MoLSA List of Photographs: (projects supported from EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2004-2009/ activities to EHVXSSRUWHGIURPWKH(($DQG1RUZD\*UDQWV 2009-2014)

Support for multi-cultural environment in communities © NROS

Renewal and development of vernacular culture © Wallachian Open Air Museum



6SULQJF\FOLQJWRXU ‹/XERPtU.RWHN$XWR 0DW Improving care of immature newborns © Charter 77 Foundation

Protecting the otter ‹-LĜt%RKGDO

5HQRYDWLRQRIWKHýHVNê.UXPORY&DVWOH Museum ‹ýHVNê.UXPORY&DVWOH Czech Scientists in © National Training Fund

Research into CO2 storage possibilities in the CR ‹&]HFK*HRORJLFDO6XUYH\

5HQRYDWLRQRIWKHýHUYHQê'YĤUSUHPLVHV Donor states %HQH¿FLDU\VWDWHV ‹ýHUYHQê'YĤUSV\FKLDWULFKRVSLWDO 6RXUFH)LQDQFLDO0HFKDQLVP2I¿FH ,OOXVWUDWLRQSKRWR±JHQGHUHTXDOLW\ © Fórum 50% www.eeagrants.cz Improving the work of Prison Service © Prison Service of the CR ZZZQRUZD\JUDQWVF] www.noramb.cz www.eeagrants.org