ICD-9 to ICD-10 Code Conversion Table for Assisted Reproduction Codes arranged numerically by ICD-9 code ICD-9-CM Description ICD-10-CM 112.1 Vulvavaginitis-Candidiasis B37.3 180 Cancer , (canal) C53.0 182 Cancer, C54.1 183 Cancer, ovarian C56.9 218 Submucous leiomyoma of D25.0 218.1 Intramural leiomyoma of uterus D25.1 218.2 Subserous leiomyoma of uterus D25.2 218.9 Leiomyoma of uterus, unspecified D25.9 219 Adenomatous Polyp of Cervix D26.0 221.8 Benign teratoma D28.7 227.3 Pituitary Microadenoma D35.2 233.1 Cancer, cervix (in situ) D06.9 233.3 Cancer, Vagina (in situ) D07.30 236.4 Testicular seminoma D40.10 241 Thyroid Nodule E04.1 244.9 Hypothyroidism, unspecified E03.9 245.2 Autoimmune thyroiditis E06.3 251.1 Hyperinsulinism E16.1 251.8 Insulin Resistance E16.8 253.1 Hyperprolactinemia E22.1 253.2 Hypopituitarism E23.0 255.2 Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia E25.0 255.2 Virilization, female (suprarenal) E25.9 255.2 Androgenital Syndrome E25.0 255.3 Hyperadrenocorticism E27.0 256.1 Ovarian hyperstimulation N98.1 256.1 Androgen Excess E28.1 256.31 Premature E28.310 256.39 DOR/POF E28.39 256.4 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome E28.2 256.8 Ovarian Dysfunction E28.8 257.2 Hypogonadism, male E29.1 257.2 Testicular Hypofunction E29.1 259 Delayed Puberty E30.0 259.1 Precocious Puberty E30.1 259.51 Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, complete E34.51 259.52 Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, partial E34.52 276.51 Dehydration E86.0 277.09 CF, unspecified E84.9 278 Obesity E66.09 278.01 Morbid Obesity E66.01 278.02 Overweight E66.3 338.18 Other acute postoperative G89.18 338.4 Chronic Pain syndrome G89.4 456.4 Varicocele I86.1 511.9 Pleural Effusion J91.8 568 Abdominal Adhesions K66.0 599 Urinary Tract Infection N39.0

**Please note this document was developed by the ASRM Coding Committee as a resource for our members. Please confirm codes with the appropriate reference. Last updated 3.18.2014. ICD-9 to ICD-10 Code Conversion Table for Assisted Reproduction Codes arranged numerically by ICD-9 code ICD-9-CM Description ICD-10-CM 606 Male , azospermia N46.01 606 Azoospermia N46.01 606.1 Male Infertility, oligospermia N46.11 606.1 Oligospermia N46.11 606.8 Male Infertility, Extra Testicular N46.029 606.9 Male Infertility, unspecified N46.9 608.87 Anejaculatory Orgasm N53.13 608.87 Retrograde ejaculation N53.14 610.1 Fibrocystic disease N60.1 611.6 not associated with N64.3 611.6 Galactorrhea N64.3 611.72 Breast Lump N63 614 Acute and N70.0 614.1 N70.11 614.1 Salpingitis Isthmica Nodosa N70.11 614.1 Chronic salpingitis and oophoritis N70.1 614.2 Salpingitis and oophoritis, unspecified N70.9 614.6 Pelvic Adhesions N73.6 614.9 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease N73.9 615 , acute N71.0 615.1 Endometritis, chronic N71.1 616 N72 616.1 /, unspecified 616.1 Vulvovaginitis N76.0 617 of uterus N80.0 617 N80.0 617.1 Endometriosis of N80.1 617.2 Endometriosis of N80.2 617.3 Endometriosis of pelvic peritoneum N80.3 617.4 Endometriosis of rectovaginal septum and vagina N80.4 617.5 Endometriosis of intestine N80.5 617.6 Endometriosis in scar of skin N80.6 617.8 Endometriosis of other specified sites N80.8 617.9 Endometriosis, site unspecified N80.9 620 Follicular cyst N83.0 620.1 N83.1 620.2 , unspecified N83.2 620.8 N83.6 620.9 defect N83.9 621 N84.0 621.31 , benign N85.01 621.4 N85.7 621.5 Intrauterine Adhesions N85.6 622.4 Cervical Stenosis N88.2 622.7 Mucous Polyp of the Cervix N84.1 622.8 Cervical Abnormality, DES N88.8 623.8 , Vaginal N89.8 625 Dysparunia N94.1

**Please note this document was developed by the ASRM Coding Committee as a resource for our members. Please confirm codes with the appropriate reference. Last updated 3.18.2014. ICD-9 to ICD-10 Code Conversion Table for Assisted Reproduction Codes arranged numerically by ICD-9 code ICD-9-CM Description ICD-10-CM 625.2 N94.0 625.2 Intermenstrual () pain N94.0 625.3 , primary N94.4 625.4 N94.3 625.8 N94.89 626 (Primary) N91.0 626.1 Scanty N91.5 626.1 , primary N91.3 626.2 /Menorrhagia N92.0 626.4 Menstrual Irregularity N92.6 626.5 Ovulation bleeding N92.3 626.6 Metorrhagia N92.1 626.7 N93.0 626.8 Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, specified N93.8 627.2 Menopausal Syndrome N95.1 628 associated with N97.0 628 Anovulation N97.0 628.1 Female Infertility of hypothalamic pituitary origin E23.0 628.2 Female Infertility of tubal origin N97.1 628.2 Infertility, tubal N97.1 628.3 Female Infertility of uterine origin N97.2 628.4 Female Infertility of cervical origin N97.8 628.8 Female Infertility of other origin N97.8 628.9 Female Infertility, unspecified N97.9 629.81 Spontaneous , Recurrent N96 629.9 Habitual Aborter N96 630 Classical hydatidiform mole O01.0 630 Incomplete and partial hydatidiform mole O01.1 631 Inappropriate rise in qhCG in early O02.81 631.8 Blighted Ovum O02.0 632 Missed Abortion O02.1 633 O00.0 633.1 Tubal pregnancy O00.1 633.1 without intrauterine pregnancy O00.1 633.11 with intrauterine pregnancy O00.1 633.2 Ovarian pregnancy O00.2 633.8 Other O00.8 633.9 Ectopic pregnancy, unspecified O00.9 634.91 Spontaneous Abortion, Incomplete O03.4 634.92 Spontaneous Abortion, Complete O03.9 637.9 Abortion Incomplete Z33.2 639 Complication following ectopic and O08 640.03 Threatened Abortion O20.0 641.93 Hemorrhage, antepartum, unspecified O20.9 643.03 Hyperemesis O21.0 646.3 Recurrent Pregnancy Loss N96 646.33 SAb, Recurrent, currently pregnant O26.21 647.3 Habitual Aborter, Preg O26.21

**Please note this document was developed by the ASRM Coding Committee as a resource for our members. Please confirm codes with the appropriate reference. Last updated 3.18.2014. ICD-9 to ICD-10 Code Conversion Table for Assisted Reproduction Codes arranged numerically by ICD-9 code ICD-9-CM Description ICD-10-CM 649.53 Spotting, 1st trimester O26.851 649.63 Uterine size-date discrepancy O26.841 656.13 Rh Incompatibility O36.011 656.83 Subchorionic Hemorrhage O36.8910 682.5 Cellulitis, buttock, gluteal L03.317 701.8 Acanthosis Nigricans L91.8 704.1 Hirsutism L68.0 752.2 Doubling of uterus with doubling of cervix and vagina Q51.1 752.2 Other doubling of uterus Q51.2 752.3 Müllarian Anomaly Q51.0 752.31 Agenesis and aplasia of uterus and cervix Q51.0 752.31 Müllarian Anomaly Q51.0 752.33 Uterus, unicornuate Q51.4 752.34 Uterus, bicornuate Q51.3 752.35 Uterus, septate Q51.2 752.36 Arcuate uterus Q51.0 752.4 Q52.9 752.49 Vaginal agenesis Q51.0 752.89 Congenital Bilateral Absence of the Vas Deferens N46.023 758.6 Turners syndrome; Karyotype 45,X Q96.0 758.6 Turner's Syndrome Q96.9 758.7 Klinefelters syndrome Q98 780.6 Fever R50.2 782.3 787 Nausea and Vomiting R11.2 787.02 Nausea R11.0 789 NOS R10.9 789.03 RLQ pain R10.31 789.04 LLQ pain R10.32 789.3 Mass, abdominal/pelvic R19.00 789.59 Ascites, other R18.8 789.6 Abdominal tenderness (rebound) R10.819 792.2 Abnormal Sperm Morphology R86.8 793.5 Abnormal Radiology exam (HSG, USG) R93.8 793.5 Filling Defect R93.4 795.71 HIV, non specific evidence R75 795.79 Positive APA panel R76.8 795.82 Elevated CA125 R97.1 998.5 Post-op Infection T81.4XXA V25.49 Essure Procedure Z30.49 V61.5 Multiparity Z64.1 651.0_ Twin pregnancy O30.0 651.1_ Triplet pregnancy O30.1 651.2_ Quadruplet pregnancy O30.2 789.3_ R or L R19.03 E932.4 Ovarian hyperstimulation N98.1 V06.4 MMR vaccine Z23 V23.0 Pregnancy, History of Infertility O09.01

**Please note this document was developed by the ASRM Coding Committee as a resource for our members. Please confirm codes with the appropriate reference. Last updated 3.18.2014. ICD-9 to ICD-10 Code Conversion Table for Assisted Reproduction Codes arranged numerically by ICD-9 code ICD-9-CM Description ICD-10-CM V23.42 Pregnancy with history of ectopic O09.11 V23.85 Pregnancy resulting from ART O09.811 V23.87 Pregnancy with inconclusive fetal viability O36.80X0 V23.9 High-risk preg. unspec. O09.90 V26.0 Tuboplasty, post previous sterilization Z31.0 V26.1 Artificial Insemination Z31.89 V26.21 Fertility Testing Z31.41 V26.29 Other Investigation and Testing Z31.49 V26.33 Genetic Counseling Z31.5 V26.42 Fertility Preservation Counseling Z31.62 V26.49 Procreative Counseling/Advice, other Z31.89 V26.81 Encounter during IVF cycle Z31.83 V26.82 Fertility Preservation Procedure Z31.84 V26.89 Other special procreative management Z31.9 V59.70 Egg Donor, unspecified Z52.819 V59.71 Egg Donor, < 35, anonymous Z52.810 V59.72 Egg Donor, <35, designated Z52.811 V59.73 Egg Donor, 35+, anonymous Z52.812 V59.74 Egg Donor, 35+, designated Z52.813 V67.00 Post-op follow-up Z09 V70.3 Encounter for Adoption Services Z02.82 V70.8 Exam of potential donor Z00.5 V72.4 Encounter for pregnancy test Z32.0 V72.40 …result unknown Z32.00 V72.41 …result negative Z32.02 V72.42 …result positive Z32.01 V72.86 Encounter for Typing Z01.83 V73.3 Encounter for screening for other viral diseases (Rubella) Z11.59 V73.89 Encounter for screening for HIV Z11.4 V74.5 Encounter for screening for STD's Z11.3 V78.0 Anemia (rule out) lab test Z13.0 V82.71 Encounter for nonprocreative screening for genetic disease carrier status Z13.71 V82.79 Encounter for other screening for genetic and chromosomal anomalies Z13.79 V83.81 CF gene carrier Z14.1 V83.89 Carrier of Defective Gene Z14.8 V88.03 Acquired absence of cervix with uterus remaining Z90.712 Solitary Cyst of Breast N60.0_ Other nontoxic goiter E04._ Nontoxic diffuse goiter E04.0 Nontoxic single thyroid nodule E04.1 Nontoxic multinodular goiter E04.2 Other specified nontoxic goiter E04.8 Nontoxic goiter, unspecified E04.9 Thyrotoxicosis [hyperthyroidism] E05 Thyrotoxicosis with diffuse goiter E05.0 ….without thyrotoxic crisis or storm E05.00 ….with thyrotoxic crisis or storm E05.01 Thyrotoxicosis with toxic single thyroid nodule E05.1

**Please note this document was developed by the ASRM Coding Committee as a resource for our members. Please confirm codes with the appropriate reference. Last updated 3.18.2014. ICD-9 to ICD-10 Code Conversion Table for Assisted Reproduction Codes arranged numerically by ICD-9 code ICD-9-CM Description ICD-10-CM ….without thyrotoxic crisis or storm E05.10 ….with thyrotoxic crisis or storm E05.11 Thyrotoxicosis with toxic multinodular goiter E05.2 ….without thyrotoxic crisis or storm E05.20 ….with thyrotoxic crisis or storm E05.21 Thyrotoxicosis, unspecified E05.9 ….without thyrotoxic crisis or storm E05.90 ….with thyrotoxic crisis or storm E05.91 Salpingitis and oophoritis N70 Acute salpingitis N70.01 Acute oophoritis N70.02 Acute salpingitis and oophoritis N70.03 Chronic salpingitis N70.11 Chronic oophoritis N70.12 Chronic salpingitis and oophoritis N70.13 Salpingitis, unspecified N70.91 Oophoritis, unspecified N70.92 Salpingitis and oophoritis, unspecified N70.93 Acute vaginitis N76.0 Subacute and chronic vaginitis N76.1 Acute vulvitis N76.2 Subacute and chronic vulvitis N76.3 Female Infertility associated with Stein-Leventhal Syndrome E28.2 Amenorrhea (Secondary) N91.1 Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, unspecified N93.9 Oligomenorrhea, secondary N91.4 Dysmenorrhea, secondary N94.5 Twin pregnancy, monochorionic/monoamniotic O30.01 …first trimester O30.011 Twin pregnancy, monochorionic/diamniotic O30.03 …first trimester O30.031 Twin pregnancy, dichorionic/diamniotic O30.04 …first trimester O30.041 Triplet pregnancy with 2 or more monochorionic O30.11 …first trimester O30.111 Triplet pregnancy with 2 or more monoamniotic fetuses O30.12 …first trimester O30.121 Quadruplet pregnancy with 2 or more monochorionic fetuses O30.21 …first trimester O30.211 Quadruplet pregnancy with 2 or more monoamniotic fetuses O30.22 …first trimester O30.221 …without obstruction Q51.10 …with obstruction Q51.11 Encounter for screening for other infectious and parasitic diseases Z11.8 Localized R60.0 Generalized R60.1 Unspecified R60.9

**Please note this document was developed by the ASRM Coding Committee as a resource for our members. Please confirm codes with the appropriate reference. Last updated 3.18.2014.