Annual Reports of the Selectmen, Treasurer, Auditors, Town Clerk
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'/ I ANNUAL REPORTS of the Town of Dunbarton New Hampshire Hamilton Smith Library, University of New' Hc;mpshire For the Year Ending January 31, 1940 Annual Reports OF THE SELECTMEN, TREASURER, AUDITORS, TOWN CLERK, TRUSTEES, AND OFFICERS OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY FIRE WARDEN AND TOWN FOREST COMMITTEE OF THE Town of Dunbarton NEW HAMPSHIRE For the Fiscal Year Ending- January 31, 1940 WITH THE Report of the School District for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1939 AND Vital Statistics for the Year Ending Dec. 31, 1939 THE CLARKE PRESS Manchester, N. H. 1940 TOWN OFFICERS Muderalor FKANCIS H. BUFFUM Town Clerk DAVID M. HADLEY Treasurer FKANK E. GARVIN* RUTH E. GARVIN Selechnen WMAAAM L. MERRILL CYRUS C. WHEELER JOHN G. PRIDE Highway Agent CHARLES EARLE Collector of Taxes DAVID M. HADLEY Trustees of Trust Funds DAVID M. HADLEY ELIZABETH F. S. CALDWELL JOHN W. FARRAR Auditors DAVID STORY EARL H. STONE Supervisor of ChecMists LEON S. TUCKER CHARLES H. LORD LINCOLN W. BURNHAM Town Forest Committee C. ALLEN FULLER A. LINCOLN BURNHAM WILLIAM A. BARNARD CHARLES A. LITTLE FRANK E. GARVIN* Health Officer . LOUIS D. HOLCOMBE Constables WALTER C. BLACKMAN CHARLES EARLE WILFRED H, MARSHALL Deceased* Libntry Trustees M \i:V ('. I'.AK'NAIM) EUGENE S. TUCKER ALICE M. IIADLEY Lihrarian HELEN HADLEY Sextons LEON S. TUCKER— Center Cemetery WALTER E. WARRINER—East Cemetery RALPH C. WALKER—North Cemetery Fence Viewers JOHN W. FARRAR WALTER C. BLACKMAN WARREN A. STORY ABRAHAM L. ]5URNHAM Surveyors of Wood and Lumber WALTER C. BLACKMAN ABRAHAM L. BURNHAM JOHN W. FARRAR WILLIAM L. MERRILL SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS Moderator JOHN W. FARRAR Clerk DAVID M. HADLEY School Board MARY I. STONE WESTON P. LORD EVA A. TUCKER Treasurer ALICE M. HADLEY Auditor IRU M. WAITE Superintendent of Schools J. BYRON TARNEY : RECORD OF TOWN MEETING Dunbartoiu N. H., March 14, 1939 ^IiH'tin.i;- called to order and warrant read by the Moderator I'ro Tempore, John B. Ireland, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon. Checklist posted by the Supervisors. AirncLE 1. Polls open for balloting. On motion of Walter C. Blackman, voted that tbe meet- ing adjourn to March 21st at ten o'clock in the forenoon. March 21st 1939 ]Meeting called to order by the Moderator, Francis H. Buffum. Weston P. Lord, Robert M. Baker, Charles A. Little and Earle H. Stone served as Iiispectors of Elections. On motion made by Weston P. Lord, voted, that the minor town officers be elected in open meeting. The following named officers were elected Auditors—David Story and Earlo H. Stone. Sextons—Leon S. Tucker, Center Cemetery; Ralph C. Walker, North Cemetery; Walter E. Warriner, East Ceme- tery. Fence Viewers—John W. Farrar, Warren A. Story, Wal- ter C. Blackman, Abraham L. Burnham. Surveyors of Wood and Lumber—Walter C. Blackman, Abraham L. Burnham, John W. Farrar and William L. Merrill. Hog Reeves—Lewis N. AVheeler and Robert H. Marshall. Airrici.K •.*. ^^(lti(lll iiiadc l»y John B. Ireland to raise and approiiriatc the sum of -i^l ')()(). fo defray town charges for the ensuing year. Amendment by Cyrus C. Wheeler to add the sum of ^oGo.S.") making a total of $2,063.25. Motion passed as amended. Article 3. On motion made by Cyrus C. Wheeler, voted to raise and aj)jtropriate the sum of $2600. for town high- ways. On motion made by Louis D. Holcombe, voted that tlie meeting recess for one hour. Article 4. On motion made by Cyrus C. Wheeler, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $1400. for winter main- tenance. Aeticle 5. On motion made by John B. Ireland, voted to pass over the article. Aeticle 6. Motion made by Iru M. Waite to raise and appropriate the sum of $579.87 for Class V roads to match a sum of $2,319.46 from the State. Amendment by Louis D. Holcombe that from the joint fund of $2,899.33, $1500. be used to gravel and tar the road from Grape Vine Hill toward jSTorth Bow. On a division of the House the vote on the amendment was Yes 50, No 30. Amendment to the amendment, by John G. Pride, that the sum of $1000. of the Appropriation for Class V roads be expended on the Gorham Pond road. The motion, and amendment as amended was carried. Aeticle 7. On motion made by Cvrus C. Wheeler, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $1379. for the care of town poor, dependent soldiers and old age assistance, and add to this sum the sponsors share of W.P.A. Aeticle 8. On motion made by Louis D. Holcombe, voted that the selectmen be authorized to provide a suitable Imildiiiii- to liuuyc the fire trucks and tractor. The said buildings to be erected on the site of the ])resent building, now used for that purpose. Also that the selectmen bo authorized to use funds for that purpose from the surplus SIS of January 31st, 1939. Said sum not to exceed $550.00. Article 9. Motion made by Alfred Earle that the select- men be authorized to administer the water riglits to the town well. Amendment by Charles E. Earle that the selectmen have said authority until this action is rescinded by vote of the lown. Motion passed as amended. Article 10. On motion made by Abraham L. Burnham. voted, that the sum of $150. as raised and appropriated at the Town Meeting on March 8, 1938 be used this year to make a partial map of the town, and that a rey)ort be made at the next town meeting. Article 11. On motion made by Lyman H. Nutt, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $1000. to purchase three snow plows, the purchase of the same to be under the super- vision of the Road Agent. Article 12. On motion made by Cyrus C. Wheeler, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $2B. for Memorial Day. Article 13. On motion made by Alice M. Hadley, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $100. for the support of the Library. Article 14. On motion made by Louis D. Holcombe, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $205. for the care of cemeteries. $105. for the Center Cemetery; $50. for the East Cemetery, and $50. for the North Cemetery. Article 15. On motion made by Louis D. Holcombe, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $300. for the re- checking of an area for White Pine Blister Rust. 8 Article 1G. On inotioii made by John 1>. Ireland, voted, that the town hereby authorize the selectmen to administer or dispose of any real estate acquired by the town through Tax Collector's deeds. AuTiCLE 17. On motion made by Alfred Earle, voted to allow a discount of 31/0% on all taxes paid on or before July 1st. Article 18. On motion made by Frank E. Garvin, voted to authorize the selectmen to borrow money in anti- cipation of taxes. Article 19. On motion made by Weston P. Lord, voted to pass over the article. Article 20. On motion made by Weston P. Lord, voted, that the reports of Agents, Auditors and other officers as printed be accepted. Article 21. On motion made by Walter C. Blackman, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $300. to defray expenses under authorization of House Bill No. 314, To appropriate money for facilities for salvaging timber. Aet*icle 22. On motion made by Alfred Earle, voted to pass over the article. Article 23. On motion made by Louis D. Holcombe, votfed to authorize the selectmen to release the town's title to the Bunten Field so called, to its original owners. Polls closed and ballots counted. Total number of names on check list 291 . ballots given in 198 . Total number of For Town Clerk David M. Hadley, Eepublican 169 For Town Treasurer Frank E. Garvin, Republican 159 John G. Pride, Independent 3 Earlo TT. Stone, Independent 1 For Selectman for Three Years John G. Pride, Independent 110 Abraham L. Burnham, Republican 82 Ralph C. Walker, Democrat 1 For Road Agent Charles E. Earle, Republican 154 Robert Baker, Democrat 1 John G. Pride, Independent 1 Robert Marshall, Independent 2 For Constables Walter C. Blackman, Republican 150 Charles E. Earle, Republican 146 Wilfred H. Marshall, Republican 161 Walter Warriner, Independent 1 John G. Pride, Independent 1 Robert Conn 1 For Town Forest Committee Frank E. Garvin, Republican 144 Caleb A. Fuller, Jr., Republican 148 Robert F. Baker, Independent 7 Abraham Burnham, Independent 1 Dane Ireland, Independent 1 Library Trustee for Three Years Alice M. Hadley, Republican 154 Mary Holcombe, Democrat 1 Katherine A. Fuller, Independent 1 Trustee of Trust Funds for Three Years Elizabeth F. S. Caldwell, Republican 154 : : : 10 The followinc: named elected ofi'icers ai)i)eared before the Moderator and in open meeting took the oath of office David Storv and Earl 11. Stone, as Auditors. .lohn W. Farrar, Walter C. Blackman and William L. iMerrill. as Surveyors of Wood and Lumber. Leon S. Tucker, Ealph C. Walker, as Sextons. John W. Farrar and Walter C. Blackman. as Fence Viewers. David M. Hadley, as Town Clerk. John G. Pride, as Selectman. Charles E. Earle, as Eoad Agent. Walter C. Blackman, Charles E. Earle and Wilfred H. Marshall, as Constables. Caleb A. Fuller Jr., as Town Forest Committee. Alice M. Hadley, as Library Trustee. Elizabeth F. S. Caldwell, as Trustee of Trust Funds. Lewis N. Wheeler, as Hog Reeve. On motion made by Eobert Conn, voted to adjourn at nine minutes past nine in the afternoon.