'/ I


of the Town of Dunbarton New Hampshire

Hamilton Smith Library, University of New' Hc;mpshire

For the Year Ending January 31, 1940

Annual Reports



OF THE Town of Dunbarton NEW HAMPSHIRE

For the Fiscal Year Ending- January 31, 1940 WITH THE Report of the School District for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1939 AND

Vital Statistics for the Year Ending Dec. 31, 1939

THE CLARKE PRESS Manchester, N. H. 1940





Collector of Taxes DAVID M. HADLEY




Health Officer




Sextons LEON S. TUCKER— Center Cemetery WALTER E. WARRINER—East Cemetery RALPH C. WALKER—North Cemetery




Moderator JOHN W. FARRAR


School Board



Auditor IRU M. WAITE

Superintendent of Schools J. BYRON TARNEY :


Dunbartoiu N. H., March 14, 1939

^IiH'tin.i;- called to order and warrant read by the Moderator I'ro Tempore, John B. Ireland, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon. Checklist posted by the Supervisors.

AirncLE 1. Polls open for balloting.

On motion of Walter C. Blackman, voted that tbe meet- ing adjourn to March 21st at ten o'clock in the forenoon.

March 21st 1939

]Meeting called to order by the Moderator, Francis H. Buffum.

Weston P. Lord, Robert M. Baker, Charles A. Little and Earle H. Stone served as Iiispectors of Elections.

On motion made by Weston P. Lord, voted, that the minor town officers be elected in open meeting.

The following named officers were elected Auditors—David Story and Earlo H. Stone.

Sextons—Leon S. Tucker, Center Cemetery; Ralph C. Walker, North Cemetery; Walter E. Warriner, East Ceme- tery.

Fence Viewers—John W. Farrar, Warren A. Story, Wal- ter C. Blackman, Abraham L. Burnham.

Surveyors of Wood and Lumber—Walter C. Blackman, Abraham L. Burnham, John W. Farrar and William L. Merrill.

Hog Reeves—Lewis N. AVheeler and Robert H. Marshall. Airrici.K •.*. ^^(lti(lll iiiadc l»y John B. Ireland to raise and approiiriatc the sum of -i^l ')()(). fo defray town charges for the ensuing year.

Amendment by Cyrus C. Wheeler to add the sum of ^oGo.S.") making a total of $2,063.25. Motion passed as amended.

Article 3. On motion made by Cyrus C. Wheeler, voted to raise and aj)jtropriate the sum of $2600. for town high- ways.

On motion made by Louis D. Holcombe, voted that tlie meeting recess for one hour.

Article 4. On motion made by Cyrus C. Wheeler, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $1400. for winter main- tenance.

Aeticle 5. On motion made by John B. Ireland, voted to pass over the article.

Aeticle 6. Motion made by Iru M. Waite to raise and appropriate the sum of $579.87 for Class V roads to match a sum of $2,319.46 from the State.

Amendment by Louis D. Holcombe that from the joint fund of $2,899.33, $1500. be used to gravel and tar the road from Grape Vine Hill toward jSTorth Bow. On a division of the House the vote on the amendment was Yes 50, No 30.

Amendment to the amendment, by John G. Pride, that the sum of $1000. of the Appropriation for Class V roads be expended on the Gorham Pond road. The motion, and amendment as amended was carried.

Aeticle 7. On motion made by Cvrus C. Wheeler, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $1379. for the care of town poor, dependent soldiers and old age assistance, and add to this sum the sponsors share of W.P.A.

Aeticle 8. On motion made by Louis D. Holcombe, voted that the selectmen be authorized to provide a suitable Imildiiiii- to liuuyc the fire trucks and tractor. The said buildings to be erected on the site of the ])resent building, now used for that purpose. Also that the selectmen bo authorized to use funds for that purpose from the surplus

SIS of January 31st, 1939. Said sum not to exceed $550.00.

Article 9. Motion made by Alfred Earle that the select- men be authorized to administer the water riglits to the town well.

Amendment by Charles E. Earle that the selectmen have said authority until this action is rescinded by vote of the lown. Motion passed as amended.

Article 10. On motion made by Abraham L. Burnham. voted, that the sum of $150. as raised and appropriated at the Town Meeting on March 8, 1938 be used this year to make a partial map of the town, and that a rey)ort be made at the next town meeting.

Article 11. On motion made by Lyman H. Nutt, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $1000. to purchase three snow plows, the purchase of the same to be under the super- vision of the Road Agent.

Article 12. On motion made by Cyrus C. Wheeler, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $2B. for Memorial Day.

Article 13. On motion made by Alice M. Hadley, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $100. for the support of the Library.

Article 14. On motion made by Louis D. Holcombe, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $205. for the care of cemeteries. $105. for the Center Cemetery; $50. for the East Cemetery, and $50. for the North Cemetery.

Article 15. On motion made by Louis D. Holcombe, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $300. for the re- checking of an area for White Pine Blister Rust. 8

Article 1G. On inotioii made by John 1>. Ireland, voted, that the town hereby authorize the selectmen to administer or dispose of any real estate acquired by the town through Tax Collector's deeds.

AuTiCLE 17. On motion made by Alfred Earle, voted to allow a discount of 31/0% on all taxes paid on or before July


Article 18. On motion made by Frank E. Garvin, voted to authorize the selectmen to borrow money in anti- cipation of taxes.

Article 19. On motion made by Weston P. Lord, voted

to pass over the article.

Article 20. On motion made by Weston P. Lord, voted, that the reports of Agents, Auditors and other officers as printed be accepted.

Article 21. On motion made by Walter C. Blackman, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $300. to defray expenses under authorization of House Bill No. 314, To appropriate money for facilities for salvaging timber.

Aet*icle 22. On motion made by Alfred Earle, voted to pass over the article.

Article 23. On motion made by Louis D. Holcombe, votfed to authorize the selectmen to release the town's title

to the Bunten Field so called, to its original owners.

Polls closed and ballots counted.

Total number of names on check list 291

. ballots given in 198 . Total number of

For Town Clerk David M. Hadley, Eepublican 169 For Town Treasurer Frank E. Garvin, Republican 159 John G. Pride, Independent 3

Earlo TT. Stone, Independent 1

For Selectman for Three Years John G. Pride, Independent 110 Abraham L. Burnham, Republican 82

Ralph C. Walker, Democrat 1

For Road Agent Charles E. Earle, Republican 154 Robert Baker, Democrat 1 John G. Pride, Independent 1 Robert Marshall, Independent 2

For Constables

Walter C. Blackman, Republican 150 Charles E. Earle, Republican 146 Wilfred H. Marshall, Republican 161 Walter Warriner, Independent 1

John G. Pride, Independent 1 Robert Conn 1

For Town Forest Committee Frank E. Garvin, Republican 144 Caleb A. Fuller, Jr., Republican 148 Robert F. Baker, Independent 7

Abraham Burnham, Independent 1 Dane Ireland, Independent 1

Library Trustee for Three Years Alice M. Hadley, Republican 154

Mary Holcombe, Democrat 1 Katherine A. Fuller, Independent 1

Trustee of Trust Funds for Three Years

Elizabeth F. S. Caldwell, Republican 154 : : :


The followinc: named elected ofi'icers ai)i)eared before the Moderator and in open meeting took the oath of office

David Storv and Earl 11. Stone, as Auditors.

.lohn W. Farrar, Walter C. Blackman and William L. iMerrill. as Surveyors of Wood and Lumber.

Leon S. Tucker, Ealph C. Walker, as Sextons. John W. Farrar and Walter C. Blackman. as Fence Viewers.

David M. Hadley, as Town Clerk.

John G. Pride, as Selectman.

Charles E. Earle, as Eoad Agent.

Walter C. Blackman, Charles E. Earle and Wilfred H. Marshall, as Constables. Caleb A. Fuller Jr., as Town Forest Committee.

Alice M. Hadley, as Library Trustee.

Elizabeth F. S. Caldwell, as Trustee of Trust Funds.

Lewis N. Wheeler, as Hog Reeve.

On motion made by Eobert Conn, voted to adjourn at nine minutes past nine in the afternoon.

A true record—Attest DAVID M. HADLEY, Tozvn Clerk

A true copy of record—Attest DAVID M. HADLEY, Tozvn Clerk :




To the Inhabitants of the Town of Dunbarton, N. H., in thr County of Merrimack, in said State, qualified to vote ir Town Affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Town Hall in said Dunbarton on Tuesday, the 12th day of March next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, to act upon the followin

Article 1. To choose all necessary Town Officers fc the year ensuing.

Article 2. To raise such sums of money as may be nee essary to defray town charges for the ensuing year and make appropriation of the same.

Article 3. To see what sums of money the town wil' vote to raise and appropriate for town highways.

Article 4. To see if the town will raise and appropriate-

ci fixed sum of money for winter maintenance.

Article 5. To see if the town will vote to raise and ap- propriate $834.00 to receive $1,668.00 from the State on Dun^ !>arton Center road.

Article 6. To see if the town will vote to raise and .ippropriate the sum of $581.34 for class V roads to match

a sum of $2,325.37 from the state.

Article 7. To see how much money the town will votf to raise and appropriate for care of town poor, dependent soldiers and old age assistance.

11 12

Article 8. To see what action the town will take in re- gard to granting the Volunteer Fire Department permission to replace the Model T fire truck with more modern equip- ment.

Article 9. To see if the town will vote to authorize the selectmen to release its title to the right of way across the

Bowie field.

Article 10. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to have a map of the town made.

Article 11. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for a road maintainer.

Article 12. To see how much money the town will vote to raise and appropriate for Memorial Day.

Article 13. To see how much money the town will vote to raise and appropriate above the amount required by law for the support of the Library.

Article 14. To see how much money the town will vote to raise and appropriate for the care of cemeteries.

Article 15. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate money for the rechecking of an area for white pine blister rust.

Article 16. To see if the town will authorize the select- men to administer or dis})ose of any real estate acquired by the town through tax collector's deeds.

Article IT. To see if the town will vote to allow a dis-

count on all taxes paid on or before the first of July.

Article 18. To see if the town will authorize the select- men to borrow money in anticipation- of taxes.

Article 19. To see if the town will vote to adopt the provision of the Municipal Budget Act. :


Article 20. To see if the town will vote to petition the state tax commission to have an audit made by the muni- cipal accounting division and to make an appropriation to cover the expense of such audit.

Article 21. To hear all the reports of Agents, Auditors and other officers heretofore chosen, and pass any vote' re- lating thereto.

Article 22. To transact any other business that may"','', legally before this meeting. ,;,, '; come , .;;;',y ;.!

Given under our hands and seal this nineteenth da^ ;of;;' '.', February, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred, aiid...

forty. ., . ; ,

WM. L. MERRILL, CYRUS C. WHEELER, '/;•/ JOHN G. PRIDE/ Selectmen of Dunharion "'"

A true copy of Warrant—Attest WM. L. MERRILL, '/v^Ajr'" CYRUS C. WHEELER, '-''- JOHN G. PRIDE, Selectmen of Dunbarton 14


Estimates of Revenue and Expenditures for the Ensuing

Actual Revenues and Expenditures of the Previous

Actual Estimated 3ouacBs OF Revenue revenue revenue previous ensump In De- year, 1939 year. 1940 crease crease

I'' RUM STATE: Interest and Dividends Tax $116.32 $116.32 -15 .15 Insurance Tax ^^^ • 45.04 45.04 Railroad Tax . Savings Bank Tax 245.24 245.24 7.20 13.28 For KiKhting Forest Fire.s . 20.48 Olttss V Roads Maint 38.86 198.46 159.60 Kountics 13.20 10.00 '3.26 County Poor 100.00 100.00 FROM LOCAL SOURCES EXCEPT TAXES: iH.g Licenses 231.00 231.00 Rent of Town Hall and Other Build ings 53.09 53.09 Interest Re«eiTed oa Taxes and Deposita 382.09 382.09 Sale of property 313.21 20.00 293.21 Tax sales redeemed 1,125.06 1,125.06

Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 615.62 500.00 115.62 FROM LOCAL TAXES OTHER THAN PROPERTY TAXES: Poll Taxes 546.00 500.00 46.00

TOTAL REVENUES .'};.'!, 845.36 $3,533.65 .$159.60 $471.31 :


Year, February i, 1940, to January 31, 1941, Compared With

Year, February i, 1939, to January 31, 1940

Actual Estimated Purposes of Expenditures expenditures expenditures previous ensuing In- De- .vear, 1939 year, 1940 crease crea»e CURRENT MAINTENANCE EX- PENSES: General Government Town Officers' Salaries Town Oflficers' Expenses Election and Registration Ex-

OUTLAY FOR NEW CONSTRUC- TION AND PERMANENT IM- PROVEMENTS: Highways and Bridges: Town Construction 289.4.-5 New Buildings 835.21 New Equipment 1.000.00 PAYMENTS TO OTHER GOVERN- MENTAL DIVISIONS: County Taxes 2,996.22 2.996.22 Payments to School Districts 6,065.99 6,065.99 16 SUMMARY OF INVENTORY Lands and buildings $353,083.00 Horses, 48 3,800.00 Oxen, 2 335.00 Cows, 206 9,995.00 Neat stock, 35 1,270.00 Fowl, 3455 3,455.00 Wood and lumber 550.00 Gasoline tanks and pumps, 5 390.00 Stock in trade 3,450.00 Electric lines, etc 181,572.00

Total $556,790.00


Total tax assessed on valuation at rate of $40 por thousand $22,371.60 289 polls at $2.00 578.00 Interest and dividend tax, estimate 100.00 Savings bank tax, estimate 250.00 Eailroad tax, estimate 50.00 Automobile permit fees, estimate 713.43


LIST OF APPROPRIATIONS Town charges $3,063.35 Town maintenance of roads—Summer 2,600.00 T. R. A r,79.8?' Memorial Day 25.00 Library 100.00 Cemeteries 305.00 Timber salvage 300.00 Relief 1,379.00 W. P. A 1,200.00

Snow plows . 1,000.00 County tax 2,996.32 17

Pine Blister Rust 300.00 Winter Main 1,400.00 School District 8,776.82

$22,935.16 Less—Estimated Revenue 1,113.43

$21,811.73 Overlay 1,037.87

Committed to Tax Collector $23,849.60 Less Poll Taxes, 289, at $2.00 578.00

To be raised on Property Tax $23,271.60


Town of Dunbarton

Town Program: Crew cost (Paid by Town) $300.00 Foreman cost (Paid by State) 75.00

Total cost $375.00

Area covered 678 acres Currant and gooseberry bushes destroyed 1,354 Number of local men employed 5 18 BALANCE


Town of Dunbarton


Tn. hands of treasurer (Do not in- clude sinking funds) $5,262.82 In hands of officials (Road Agent) 261.13

Accounts Due to the Town Due from State Bounties 10.00

Forest fires 7.20 Due from County: Care of County poor 12.50

Unredeemed Taxes (from tax sale on account of)

Levy of 1938 1,228.81 Levy of 1937 534.19 Previous Years 47.30 Uncollected Taxes: (Levy of 1939) 6,463.58

Total Assets $13,566.40

Grand Total $13,566.40

Surplus, January 31, 1939 $974.48 Surplus, January 31, 1940 1,328.35

Increase of Surplus 353.87 19



Accounts Owed by the Town:

Orders outstanding

Timber Salvage appropriation . . $201.97 Town Map appropriation 150.00

Due to School Districts:

Dog licenses 159.26 Balance of appropriation 5,226.82

Outstanding Temporary Loans in An- ticipation of Taxes:

Library Trustees 1,000.00 First National Bank, Concord, N. H., due May 19, 1940 5,500.00

Total Liabilities $12,238.05 Excess of assets over liabilities (Surplus) 1,328.35

Grand Total $13,566.40 : :



Current Revenue:

From Local Taxes: Total taxes committed to Collector, 1939 $22,851.60 Less discounts and abatements, 1939.. 149.62 Less uncollected, 1939 6,463.58 Property taxes, current year, ac- tually collected $16,944.40 Poll taxes, current year, actually collected 294.00

Total of current year's collections $16,388.03 Property and poll taxes, previous years, ac- tually collected 5,637.08 Tax sales redeemed and partial payment on tax sale redemptions 1,135.06

From State: For Class V Highway main- tenance* $38.86 Interest and dividend tax 116.32 Insurance tax .15 Railroad tax 45.04 Savings bank tax 245.24

Fighting forest fires 20.48 Bounties 13.20


From County For support of poor 100.00 100.00

From Local Sources, Except Taxes Dog licenses $231.00 Rent of town property 63.09 Interest received on taxes 382.09 :


Income from property sold .... 313.21 Registration of motor vehicles, 1939 Permits 576.55 Registration of motor vehicles, 1940 Permits 39.07


Receipts Other Than Current Revenue Temporary loans in anticipation of taxes during year $19,500.00 Refunds 1,340.63

Total Receipts Other Than Current Reve- nue $20,740.63

Total Receipts From All Sources $46,065.09

Cash on hand February 1, 1939 3,655.02

Grand Total $49,720.11 : : : :



Current Maintenance Expenses

General Government: Town officers* salaries $725.45 Town officers' expenses 272.30 Election and registration expenses 68.10 Expenses town hall and other town buildings 584.40

Protection of Persons and Property: Police department, including care of tramps 7.60 Fire department, including forest fires 236.10 Blister Rust 300.00 Bounties 10.00 Damage by dogs 71.74

Health: Health Department 6.00 Vital statistics 6.50 Highways and Bridges Town Maintenance (Summer — $2,563.86), (Winter—$1,475.00 4,038.86 General expenses of Highway De- partment 27.33

Libraries Libraries 100.00

Public Welfare: W.P.A., sponsors* share 1,414.34 Old age assistance 348.76 Town poor 925.34 County poor 112,50

Patriotic Purposes Aid to G.A.R. Memorial Day ex- ercises 29.48 : : : : —:


Public Service Enterprises: Cemeteries 224.43

Unclassified Damages and legal expenses 20.00 Taxes bought by town 1,484.02 Discounts and abatements 204.23

Interest Paid on temporary loans in anti- cipation of taxes $362.08 Bonds and Insurance 242.15

Total Interest Payments $604.23

' Miscellaneous : Loan to Town Forest Committee and Volunteer Fire Dept $1,200.00 Town construction 289.43 Timber salvage appropriation .... 129.20 Gruhn timber 119.53

Outlay for New Construction and Permanent Improvements Lands and buildings 835.21 New equipment (Highway $1,000.00) 1,000.00

Total Outlay Payments $3,573.37

Indebtedness Payments on temporary loans in anticipation of taxes $20,000.00

Total Indebtedness Payments $20,000.00

Payments to Other Governmental Divisions Tajces paid to County $2,996.32 :


Payments to School Districts .... 6,065.99

Total Payments to Other Gov- ernmental Divisions $9,063.21

Total Payments for all Purposes $44,457.39 Cash on hand January 31, 1940 5,262.82

Grand Total -$49,720.11

SCHEDULE OF TOWN PROPERTY Description and Value Town Hall, Lands and Buildings $12,000.00 Furniture and Equipment 500.00 Libraries, Lands and Buildings: Furniture and Equipment 1,250.00 Fire Department, Lands and Buildings 1,200.00 Equipment 800.00 Highway Department, Lands and Buildings .... 1,000.00 Equipment 1,200.00 Parks 150.00 Schools, Lands and Buildings 9,000.00 Equipment 1,500.00

All lands and buildings acquired through Tax Collectors' deeds G. Gruhn Farm, 80 A 1,200.00 H. Prescott Farm, 2 A. 600.00

I. Prescott Place, 3 A 500.00 Cheney Meadow, 14 A. 25.00 Lynch Lot, 27 A 100.00 Maxwell Lot, 20 A 100.00 All Other Property and Equipment: Town Forest, 525 A 3,000.00

Total $34,125.00 TOWN OLERK'S REPORT

To cash received for 217 automobile permits, 1939-40 $576.55 To cash received for 8 automobile permits, 1940-41 39.07

By cash paid Town Treasurer $615,62 To cash received for dog licenses for 1939, 91 males at $2.00 $182.00 14 females at $5.00 70.00


Less fees for issuing 105 licenses at 20c each . . 21.00

By cash paid Town Treasurer $231.00

25 : :


FRANK E. GARVIN, Treasurer* In Account with the Town of Dunbarton

February 1, 1939 to July 31, 1939 by RUTH E. GARVIN, Treasurer

To Cash in Treasury Feb. 1, 1939 $3,655.02

Dr. Of David M. Hadley: Taxes for 1938 1,094.72 Interest on taxes for 1938 36.87 Tax sales redeemed 159.37 Tax sales 20.00 Auto permits for 1939-1940 476.73 Dog licenses 89.40

State Treasurer: Bounties 13.20 Forest fires 5.18

State of New Hampshire Class V roads 38.86

County Treasurer Poor off Farm 30.00 Town land, Prospect Hill 100.00 Repayment of loan, Town Forest 500.00 First National Bank, loan 11,000.00


Cr. Paid Town Orders $16,906.17 To Cash in Treasury Aug. 1 303.18

$17,209.35 Deceased*

26 :


HUTH E. GARVIN, Treasurer

111 Account with the Town of Dunbarton

August 1, 1939 to January 31. 1940

Balance brought forward Aug. 1, 1939 $17,209.35

Dr. Of David M. Hadley: Taxes for 1938 $4,542.36 Interest on taxes for 1938 351.86 Taxes for 1939 16,388.02 Interest on taxes for 1939 3.36 Tax sales redeemed 910.69 Tax sales 35.00 Taxes paid after abatement 5.72 Auto permits, 1939-1940 99.82 Auto permits, 1940-1941 39.07 Dog licenses 141.60

State Treasurer: Insurance tax .15 Railroad tax 45.04 Savings Bank tax 245.24 Interest on taxes and dividends 116.32 Forest fires 15.30

County Treasurer

Poor off Farm 70.00

One year payment on water right 10.00 Gruhn land sold 50.00 Hall rent, Stark Grange 51.50 Sesqui-Centennial refund .34 Cemetery lot 10.00 4-H Club, janitor 1.00 Town Forest loan repayment 500.00 Timber, Gruhn lot 143.21

27 2^

Loan, Fire Department, repayment 200.00 Timber Salvage Administration 31.76 First National Bank, loan 8,503.40


Or. Paid Town Orders $44,457.29 To Cash in Treasury 5,262.82

$49,720.11 — ——



Detail 1 From Local Taxes

Property taxes, 1939 $16,090.03 Poll taxes, 1939 298.00 Property taxes, 1938 5,389.08 Poll taxes, 1938 248.00


Detail 2—From State Insurance tax $.15 Savings Bank tax 245.24 Kailroad tax 45.04 Interest and Dividend tax 116.32 For Class V Koads 38.86 Forest fires 20.48 Bounties 13.20


Detail 3 From County

Care of poor away from farm $100.00


Detail 4 From Local Sources Except Taxes

Dog licenses $231.00 Interest on taxes 382.09 Tax sales redeemed 1,070.06 Part payment on tax sales 55.00 Pajonent on abated tax 5.72 Rent of town hall 53.09

29 —


Auto permit luos 615.68

Lot on Prospect Hill 1 00.00 Lot from Gruliii Farm 50.00 Timber from (fniliii Farm 143.21 Cemetery lot 10.00 •AVater from Town well 10.00


Deiail 5 From Other Sources

First National Bank, Concord, temporary loans. . $19,500.00 Repayment of loan, Forest Committee 1,000.00 Repayment of loan, Volunteer Fire Dept 200.00 Refund, Sesqui-Centennial Committee .34 Refund, overpayment of interest 3.40 Town of Goffstown, share of timber salvage

expense -. 31.17

$20,734.91 Total Receipts $46,065.09

Balance on hand, Feb. 1, 1939 3,655.02

$49,720.11 : : —



Detail 1 Salaries and Expenses of Tozvn Officers Salaries

William L. Merrill, Selectman $134.90 Cyrus C. Wheeler, Selectman 125.30 John G. Pride, Selectman 78.80 Frank E. Garvin Est., Treasurer 33.50 Euth E. Garvin, Treasurer 38.50 David M. Hadley, Town Clerk 40.00 David M, Hadley, issuing auto permits 56.25 David M. Hadley, Tax Collector 150.00 Louis D. Holcombe, Overseer of Poor 50.00 David Story, Auditor 12.60 Earle H. Stone. Auditor 12.60



Edson C. Eastman Co., supplies $6.65 Wheeler and Clark, supplies .70 Stanley K. Lovell. supplies 13.00 David M. Hadley, supplies 39.79 Clarke Press, Town Eeports 145.00 William L. Merrill, Selectman, expenses .... 7.67 Cyrus C. Wheeler, Selectman, expenses 4.54 John G. Pride, Selectman, supplies 8.45 Frank E. Garvin, Est., Treas., expenses 3.68 Euth E. Garvin, Treas., expenses 4.70 Louis D. Holcombe, Overseer .20 Association of N. H. Assessors, dues 2.00 Albert F. Merrill, transportation 24.00

Katherine Crowley, list of conveyances 10.32 Vira M. Holmes, Probate Court records .60 Alfred Osborne, surveying 1.00

$272.30 ——


Detail 2—Election and Registration Francis H. Buffum, Moderator $4.00 Charles H. Lord, Supervisor 7.20 L. Webster Burnham, Supervisor 13.20 Leon S .Tucker, Supervisor 8.00 Earle H. Stone, Ballot Clerk 3.60 Charles A. Little, Ballot Clerk 14.40 Weston P. Lord, Ballot Clerk 3.60 Edson C. Eastman, check-lists 1.85 Stanlev K. Lovell, ballots 12.25


Detail 3 Cars and Supplies for Tozvn Hall

Public Service Co. of N. H., lights $191.44 Dunbarton Telephone Co., telephone 25.60 Joseph Dulude, janitor service 124.40 Town Forest Committee, standing wood 12.00 Gustav Gruhn, cutting wood 27.00 Charles A. Little, wood 29.00 Walter C. Blackman, yarding, hauling and saw- ing wood 33.50 Fred Paris, hauling wood 10.00 David M. Hadley, supplies 79.06 Henry Caldwell, mowing common 1.50 Ralph E. Fellbaum, tuning piano 5.00 Sidney Flanders, repairs 12.50 John Untiet, repairs 33.40


Detail 4 Protection of Persons and Property Walter C. Blackman, Constable $6.60 Sharlot B. Payne, care of tramp 1.00

$7.60 — —— — —


Detail 5 Fh'e Department A. L. Burnham, Fire Warden $45.00 J. J. Sampson, fire truck driver 34.50 N. H. Forestry Dept., pumps 21.00 Robert Baker, stove 20.00 Oscar P. Stone, dues 12.50 David M. Hadley, supplies 103.10


Detail 6 Bounties & Blister Rust William L. Merrill, bounties $1.00 Cyrus C. Wheeler, bounties 1.20 John G. Pride, bounties 7.80 State of New Hampshire, Blister Bust 300.00


Detail 7 Toivn Highway Maintenance

CHAKLES E. EARLE, Rood Agent Town Appropriation, Summer $2,525.00 Town Appropriation, Winter 1,475.00 From State of N. H., maintenance Class V roads .1,^.86


Detail 8 General Expenses of Highway Department

State of New Hampshire, signs $27.33


Detail 9 Health

Louis D. Holcombe, Health Officer $6.00 David M. Hadley, Vital Statistics 6.50

$12.50 ————


Detail 10 Library Library appropriation $100.00


Detail 11 Memorial Day

Speaker, Rev. Wm. J. Setzer $15.00 David M. Hadley, music and flags 11.50 Pictures, Rogers Rangers 2.98


Detail 12 Cemeteries

Leon S. Tucker, Sexton, Centre $100.00 Ralph C. Walker, Sexton, North 21.90 Walter E. Warriner, Sexton, East 50.00 David M. Hadley, supplies, fence and paint .... 52.53


Detail 13 Unclassified Taxes bought by Town $1,484.02 Discount on taxes 9.62 Abatements, 1938 polls 44.00 Abatements, 1938 property 1.71 Abatements, 1939 polls 4.00 Abatements, 1939 property 136.00 Tax refunded 7.00 Tax paid by Town 1.90 Bonds and insurance 242.16 Charles E. Earle, timber salvage roads and skid- ways 129.20


Detail 14:—Charities Direct Relief, Town cases $925.34 Direct Relief. Countv cases 112.50 —— —— — :


Old Age Assistance 348.76 W.P.A. sponsors' share 1,414.34


Detail 15 Interest Interest paid on temporary loans $362.08


Detail 16—Toivn Road Aid

I»ai(l State of N. H. (Town's share) $579.87

Tsed for trucking under W.P.A. (above) $579.87

Detail 17 Temporary Loans First National Bank. Concord, N. H $20,000.00


Delail 18 Payments to Other Governmental Dirisions Merrimack County, tax $2,996.22 Alice M. Hadley, School Treasurer Balance of 1938 appropriation $2,378.55 Dog tax, 1938 137.44 Part of 1939 appropriation 3,550.00


Detail 19 Neiv Equipment and Road Construction Snow plows $1,000.00 Tarvia 289.43


Detail 20 Damage by Dogs

Walter C. Blackman, collecting dog tax $22.64 Wheeler & Clark, dog license book and tags .... 4.10 —— —


F. E. Woodbury, Jr., poultry killed by dogs 45.00


Detail 21 Damage on Highway

George Adams, damage to auto at culvert on Line Hill $30.00


Detail 22 Fire House and Tractor Shed Gale Dudley, carpenter and materials $339.93 David M. Hadley, materials 274.43 John Perley, lumber and sawing 61.36 C. M. & A. W. Rolfe, finish lumber 31.79 J. Hodgje Co., windows 17.85 John G. Pride, labor 20.86 D. Freeman Dudley, labor 9.80 Arthur Emerson, labor 7.50 Gustav Gruhn, labor 5.63 Jean Boisvert, labor 2.63 Robert Marshall, labor 2.63 John Prescott, labor 3.00 Robert Conn, trucking 10.75 H. L. Burnham, trucking 4.80 Dane Ireland, trucking 3.45 W. C. Blackman, trucking 5.30 Wm. J. Markey 1.50 George F. Cote, mason 12.00 .lerrv J. Sampson, painting 12.00 .Sidney D. Flanders, wiring 8.00


Defnil 23 Timber Salvage on Gruhu Place Gustav Gruhn, cutting $56.00 .


W. C. Blackman, hauling 63.53


Detail 24

Money advanced to Town Forest Committee . . $1,000.00 Money advanced to Volunteer Fire Department. 200.00

$1,200.00 :


For Year 1939

Cash on hand Feb. 1, 1939 $27.39 Deposits Feb. 17, 1939 $500.00 Mar. 18. " 300.00 Mar. 88, " 450.00 Apr. 18, " 500.00

May 1. " 500.00 May 27 " 250.00 June 10, " 200.00 July 19, " 100.00 July 31, " 300.00

Sept. 1, '' 200.00 Nov. 15, " 150.00

Jan. 4, 1940 100.00 Jan. 24, " 250.00 Jan. 31, " 238.86

Total road money $4,066.15

Stark Mills, May 1, 1939 $45.00

Spiller drive, May 1, 1939 8.80 Kimball Pond skidway, June 10, 1939 84.20 W.P.A., Oct. 17, 1939 373.75

W.P.A., Nov. 6, 1939 110.06

Total $621.81 Total Deposits $27.29 621.81 4,038.86

$4,687.96 Total Expenditures $4,426.83 Cash on hand Jan. 31, 1940 $261.13


For Year Ending Jan. 31, 1940

Anagons, Harry $30.35 Burnham, William 30.50 Baker, Robert 1.20 Burleigh, Dan 6.40 Bernatas, Joseph 6.00 Bridge, Vernon 18.00 Boisvert, Jean 9.00 Bridge, Austin 101.26 Barnard, CliflPord 4.35 Burnham, Hoyt .40 Burnham, H. L 144.90

.' Blackman, Walter . . 76.00 Concord Welding Co 44.50 Concord Gas Co 25.00 Crosby, Reginald 129.60 Conn, Robert 176.18 Dulude, Robert 15,90 Dugrenier, William 26.63 Dudley, Freeman 8.00 Dugrenier, George 41.45 Dugrenier, Ernest 341.45 Ellis, William 14.63 Ellis, Edgar 27.00 Earle, Alfred 42.00

Earle, William .-. . 33.60 Earle, Chas. C 933.75 Fuller, Allan 4.00 Farrar, William 5.40

Foster, E. S. ' 8.10 Green. Charles 1.60

39 40

Gruhn, Gus 13.50 Gagnon, William 22.50

Hill, Maynard 1 8.38 riorner, William 3.38 Hadley, D. M 64.02

[iTlaiid, Dane 1 34.51 Kascoims, William 3.00 Knapp, Arthur 4.00 Kennedy, Richard 19.60 Luksza, Leonard 20.63 Luksza, Constantine 21.00 Marshall, Robert 12.60 Mills, Fred 15.00 Merrill & Cote 9.30 McNealey, Albert 27.00 Mack, Lester 4.88 Markey, WiUiam 3.00 Morrisaette, Paul 30.75 Merrill, Albert 57.76 Meekins. Earl 15.00 Marsliall, Wilfred 386.23 Noyes, Eli 13.50 NTassahas, N. J 8.85 O'Brien, Frank 3.00 f'ayne, Robert 13.55

l»o\v. Bruw 26.60 Paris, Maurice 14.25 Pow, Walter 19.60 Paris, Albert 13.60

Perkin, P. J. nAd Soule, Joseph 3.00 .Supplies 108.19 Story, Artbiir 27.60

Hpillor, C'Uiyton : . . 38.10 Town Fore-

Untiet, George 1 .20 Tiitipt, Jobii .80 41

Walsh, Theodore 4.40 Weir, Elbridge 18.19 Wilson, John 15.00 Welch, William 33.00 Weatherbee, George 71.49 Warriner, Elmer 48.56 Walsh, John 33.48 Warriner, Walter 7.40 Warriner, Robert 7.75 Wheeler, Lewis 32.03 Weiss, Kenneth 30.20 Warriner, Douglas 2.63 Walker, Ealph 17.82 Warriner, Joseph 13.70 Young, Joseph 41.44

Total $3,941.50

W. P. A.

Burnham, H. L $40.2.') Conn, Robert 65.55 Dugrenier, Ernest 58.65 Earle, Chas. E 124.20 Farrar, William 16.05 Ireland, Dane 69.00 Markey, William 60.95 NTassakas, N. J 19.7-' Town Forest Committee 36.7(i


10 shovels, 1 bar, 2 scythes, 2 bush shears, 4 truck |)lows. 2 bomb torches, 3 picks, 6 snow shovels.

CHARLES E. EARLE, T^oad Agent 42

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Jan. in, 1939 Cash on hand $1.85 Sept. 13 Town, appropriation. 100.00 Fines 5.74 Gift 1.00

Jan. 31, 1940 Interest on note . . . 50.00 $158.59 EXPEXDrnnjEs July 1940 Cleaning Library $2.00 Book Nook—liooks .... 6.65

Goodman's Bookstore . . 66.43

Sept. 1940 W. C. Gibson ^. . . 3.00 H. G. Hadley, Librarian 40.00

Stamps and supplies . . .45

Literary Guild—books . . 8.73 M. 0. fee .11

$127.37 Jan. 31, 1940, Cash on hand 31.22 $158.59

m HANDS OF TRUSTEES, JAN. 31, 1940 Cash on hand, Manchester Savings Bank $308.08 Chase Endowment Fund (Town note) 1,000.00 Balance on hand, January 31, 1940 31.22



49 :


Books in Library Janiuary 28, 1939 3269 Books discarded since January 28, 1939 11


Books bought since January 28, 1939 150 Books given since January 28, 1939 33 183


Books in circulation since Jan. 28, 1939 Fiction 3830

Non-Fiction 30{St Juvenile 666 At East Dunbarton 273

In the Schools: Fiction 997 Non-Fiction 163


Fines taken since January 28, 1939 $5.74 Gift 1.00


Respectfully submitted,

HELEN G. HADLEY, Librarian.

50 51



A Blunt Instrument, Georgette Heyer Across the Years, Emilie Loring Alias Black Mask, Anthony Morton And So My Heart, Harriett Thurman A People's Man, E. Philip Oppenheim A Ranger Rides Alone, iimos Moore Ask Miss Mott, E. Philip Oppenheim A Son of the Sea, Sara Ware Bassett At Last, Olive Wadsley At the End of A Texas Rope, Caddo Cameron

Bloody Saddles, L. P. Holmes Bullets for Buckaroos, Wm. C. McDonald Bury the Past, Maysie Greig

Calling All Suspects, Carolyn Wells Career by Proxy, Faith Baldwin Celiacs Choice, Ethel Vezolles Davis Code of the West, Zane Grey Cottonwood Canyon. Archie Joscelyn

Daphne Dean, Grace L. Hill Dark Valley, Jackson Gregory Death of the Deputy, Roger Francis Didelot Death on the Nile, Agatha Christie Death Sits on the Board, John Rhode

Deeds 111 Done, Adele Seifert District Nurse, Faith Baldwin Doctor Hudson's Secret Journal, Lloyd C. Douglas

Edge of Beyond, James B. Hendryx Enchanted Oasis, Faith Baldwin Envoy Extraordinary, E. Philip Oppenheim Escape, Ethel Vance

Feathered Water, Ethel Austin Holton Fighting Angel, Pearl S. Buck 52

Fighting Jack Warbonnet, Frank S. Robertson Firebrand, Tom Gill Footprints of Cinderella, Philip Wylie Forgive Us Our Trespasses, Lloyd C. Douglas

(;irl Hunt, Laurence D. Smith Grass Means Fight, Dirk Deming Guns of Smoky Fork, George B. Eodney Guns of the Eound Stone Valley, Vingie E. Roe

Half-mile to Heaven, Gerald Foster IToneyball Farm, Ethel M. Dell

It's a Great World, Emilie Loring

It's Hell to Be a Ranger, Caddo Cameron

Jamaica Inn, Daphne du Maurier

Kennedy of Bar 77, Claude Rister Knights of the Range, Zane Grey

Ladies Go Masked, Margaret Widdemar Jjisten for the Voices, Anne Colver Lonesome Road, Patricia Wentworth Long Furrows, Dora Aydelotte Lost Island, Nora Burglon Lost River Buckaroos, Charles M. Martin Lost Sunrise, Kathleen Norris Love Comes Last, Helen Topping Miller

Man Lost, Arthur Stringer Marshall of Sundown, Jackson Gregory Marriage for Rosamond, Louise Piatt Hauck Men as Her Stepping Stones, Mays'ie Greig More Stately Mansions, Pauline Benedict Fisher Mr. Emmanuel, Louis Golding

Mr. Pratt's Patients, Joseph C. Lincoln _ Mr. Smith's Hat, Helen Reilly Murder Goes to the World's Fair, Timothy Brace Murder on Stilts, Gregory Dean 53

Mysterious Mr. Sabin, E. Philip Oppenheim ;\[ystorY Flowers, Grace Livingston Hill

Next to V^ilor, John Jennings

One Is Beloved, Louise Pratt Hauck One Who Kills, Eidgewell Cullum

Parade of the Empty Boots, Charles Alden Seltzer I'aul Bunyan, James Stevens

Keekless Eange, Johnston McCulley Red and Black, Grace S. Eichmond Eed Clark, Eange Boss, Gordon Young Ehymes of the Old Cape, Joseph Lincoln Eich Eelations, Priscilla Wayne Rustlers of The Bar T, Del Morrow

Seasoned Timbers, Dorothy Canfield Shooting Melody, E. B. Mann Singing Guns, Max Brand Skycruiser, Howard M. Brier Skyline Eiders, Francis W. Hilton Sleepy Horse Eange, Wm. Colt McDonald Strangers Within the Gates, Grace Livingston Hill Sudden Eides Again, Oliver Strange

Tarj)aper Palace, Lida Larrimore Texas Triggers, Eugene Cunningham The Brandons, Angela Thirkell The Case of The Crawling Cockroach, Harlan Eeed The Case of The Gold Coins, Anthony Wynne The Closed Door, Agnes Louise Provost The Coast of Freedom, Adele Marie Shaw The Coming of The Law, Charles Alden Seltzer The Corpse in the Green Pajamas, E. A. J. Walling The Corpse with the Floating Foot, E. A. J. Walling The Cow Thief Trail, Bennet Foster The Delectable Country, Leland D. Baldwin The Glass Slipper, Mignon G. Eberhart 54

Tlu' Golden Gate, Carol HoUister The Importance of Being Murdered, Carolyn Wells The Keeper of The Red Horse Pass, W. C. Tiittlo The Killer, Carolyn Wells The Lazy L Brand, James L. Eubel The Lone Fighter, Charles W. Sanders The Lost Patrol, Phili]) MacDonald The Lost Wagon Train, Zane Grey The Moon in the Water, Ruby M. Ayres The Nation's Missing Guest, Hulbert Fostner The Needle's Eye, Arthur Stringer The Nutmeg Tree, Margery Sharp The Other Brother, Clarissa Fairchild Cushman The Outlaw of Antler, Frank E. Robertson The Ownley Inn, Joseph and Freeman Lincoln The Rains Came, Louis Bromfield The Redlanders, Sigman Byrd The Runaway, Kathleen Norris The Sea Tower, Hugh Walpole The Secret House, Edgar Wallace The Strange Proposal, Grace Livingston Hill The Stranger's Gate, E. Philip Oppenheim The Trail to Yesterday, Charles Alden Seltzer Trigger Trail, George C. Henderson Trouble Trail, Max Brand True by the Sun, Lid a Larrimore Tuesday Never Comes, Li da Larrimore Twenty-Four Hours a Day, Faith Baldwin

Unseen, Albert Payson Terhune

Valley of Thunder, Rex Beach

Wait for the Tide, Edith Austin Holton We Ask So Little, Anne Wormser Union, Zane Grey While Murder Waits, John Esteven 55


An ximericau Doctor's Odyssey, Victor Heiser

Cape Cod Yesterdays, Joseph Lincoln Country Lawyer, Bellamy Partridge

Inside Europe, John Gunther

Reaching for the Stars, Nora Wain

Soaring Wings, George Palmer Putnam

The Challenge of Burma, Alice Towne Eveleth The Nile, Emil Ludwig The Patten Families, Howard Parker Moore

Wind, Sand and Stars, Antoine Palmer Exupery


A Fish Story, Gayand Crespi

Bat, The Story of a Bull Terrier, Stephen W. Header Bed Time Story Book Boys and Girls of Modern Days, Carolyn Sherwin Bailey

Chester, Charles A. Bracker

Five Bushel Farm. Elizabeth Coalsworth Four Little Kittens Frankie, Helen and Alf Evers

Heidi Grows Up, Johanna Spru Hobby Horse Hill. Laviiiia E. Davis

.limniie Drury, Candid Camera Detective, David O'Hara Joan and The Three Deer, Marjorie Medary Ju-Ju and His Friends, Maria Von Vrooman

Little Sir Galahad. Phoebe Gray Littling of Gaywood. Edna Turpiji

Mistress Pat, L. M. Montgomery Mrs. IN |•('^|•ill(' at 'I'lic Fair, Esther Burns My Treasurv of Nursery Classics

Raggedy Ann in The Magic Book, Johnny Gruelle Ri[) Van Winl^lc, Washington Irving

Sandman Stories Silver Pitchers, Louisa May Alcott Sleepytime Stories Story Hours

Tlie Astonishing Letter, Hill & Maxwell The Bobhsey Twins at The Circus, Laura Lee Hope The Country Bunny and The Little Gold Shoe, Heyward The Diary of Ducky Daddies, Eunice Obenschain The Girl Who Was Marge, Edith Tallant The Golden Cockerel, Elaine & Willy Pogany The Little House on Eunners, Marjorie Hayes The Milkman's Baby, Josephine DeWitl The New Wizard of Oz, J. Frank Baum The Young Aunts, Alice Dalgliesh The Young Pitcher, Zane Grey The Watchbirds, Monroe Leaf Three Minute Bedtime Stories

Ungle Wiggily on the Farm, Howard E. Gares

Val Eides The Oregon Trail, Sanford Tousey

What The Dark Eoom Eevealed, David O'Hara

Story Parade Magazine 57


This certifies that we have examined th(^ accounts of the Town Treasurer, Tax Collector, Eoad Agent, Town Clerk. Library Trustees, Town Trust Fund Trustees, Selectmen. Town Forest Committee, and found them correctly cast and duly vouched.

Dunbarton, N. H., Feb. 19, 1940.


The Dunbarton Town Forest comprises three tracts : the

Winslow Lot of 200 or more acres of the Stark Farm ; the Huard Lot of 100 or more acres fronting the road one-

quarter of a mile soiitli from Kim])all's Pond ; and the Parker Lot of 231 acres, a part of the Stinson Farm about a mile northwest from Gorham Pond. This latter lot has been bad-

l\ burned. 200 acres havino- l)t'en covered by fire.

^'()ur committee has expended some money in "weeding"

on the Winslow and Huard lots. However there should be more work done along this line. The income which the town receives in the future from these lots depends on the im- ])rovements made now.

'i'he hurricane of September 1938 did little damage to the

lots with the exception of the Winslow Lot. From this lot, however, 236,575 feet of timber were salvaged. This com- prised mostly White Pine but also included some Norway

Pine and Hemlock. There is still marketable timber on this lot.


C. Allen Fuller, Jr., Secy.



Cash oil liand Jan. 31, 1939 $65.90 Town Loan 1,000.00 Sale of gravel 64.95 Firewood 12.00 Timber salvage 2,543.03

Total Receipts $3,685.88 Total Expenditures 3,556.27

Balance, January 31, 1940 $129.61 EXPENDITUEES Walter Blackman $245.21 Ralph Walker 73.18 George Mills 63.88 Theodore Labbee 78.25 Dane Ireland 63.88 Louis Campeau 1,748.73 Town of Dunbarton 1,143.21 A. L. Burnham 55.22 Iru M. Waite 15.80 Henry Prescott 3.20 Alfred Labbee 26.00

Charles Tucker » 11.20 John Sticknev 11.20 R. H. Payne 6.40 Lester Mack 9.60 David M. Hadley 1.31

Total Expenditures $3,556.27

C. Allen Fullee, Jr., 8ec\j. January 31, 1940.

59 : :


Our local forest fire organization will be able to continue its s]')lendid record during tbe coming year, our town will be spared costly fire losses and suppression expenditures.

We were fortunate last year because you were careful, com- plied so willingly with forest fire regulations and consulted witli our local warden before undertaking any burning on your |)roporty.

This co-operative spirit is more essential this year because, as 3'ou well know, conditions in the blowdown sections will be much more critical than last year. Material will be more highly inflammable and fire occurring in this areas will be more difficult to control.

For everyone's guidance the following suggestions are made

1. DON'T burn brush or other debris in or near woodlands, or where fire may be communicated to such land, once the

snow has left the ground, without first securing written permission from the forest fire warden.

Violation of this requirement makes tbe responsible party liable to

a. A fine not to exceed $500.00 or imprisonment of not more than one year or both.

b. The town for expenses incurred by the warden in

attending or extinguishing such fires.

c. Damages to abutting owners if fire runs upon abut-

ters' property.

60 61

2. DON'T drop or tlirow from any vehicle wliile same is upon a public highway or private way and

DON'T drop, throw or otherwise deposit on or near wood- lands any lighted match, cigar, cigarette, live ashes or

any other substance liable to cause a fire.

Violation of these prohibitions penalizes whoever is found guilty with a fine of not more than $25.00.

3. DON'T fail to promptly notify your local warden of any fires you see.

Because some New Hampshire citizens refused or failed to comply with necessary regulations in 1939, they were obliged to pay the costs of fire suppression and in some instances appear in court.

A little team work will be most beneficial to all of us and save you and your town much trouble and expense. Good citizenship dictates it. Good judgment demands it.

A. L. BuRNHAM, Warden. :


To the Inhabitants of the School district in the Town of

Dunbarton, N. H., qualified to vote in district affairs :

You are hereby notified to meet at the Town Hall in said district on the 9th day of March 1940, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to act upon the following subjects

1. To choose a Moderator for the coming year.

2. To choose a Clerk for the ensuing year.

3. To choose a Member of the School Board for the en- suing three years.

4. To choose a Treasurer for the ensuing year.

5. To determine and appoint the salaries of the School Board and Truant Officer, and fix the compensation of any other off'icers or agent of the district.

6. To hear the reports of Agents, Auditors, Committees, or Officers chosen, and pass any vote relating thereto.

7. To choose Agents, Auditors and Committees in relation to any subject embraced in this warrant.

8. To see if the district will vote to make any alteration in the amount of money required to be assessed for the en- suing year for the support of public schools and the payment of the statutory obligations of the district, as determined by the school board in its annual report.

62 :


9. To see what action the district will take in regard to transporting elementary school children.

- 10. To transact any other business that may legally come before said meeting.

Given under our hands at said Dunbarton this 7th day of February 1940.



A true copy of Warrant—Attest EVA A. TUCKER,

MARY I. STONE, WESTON P. LORD, School Board. :


To the Inhabitants of the School District of Dunharion:

The School Board herewith submit-^ its annual report for the year 1939.

A request was received from the Silver Birch 4-H Club for the privilege of using the North Dunbarton schoolhouse as a clubhouse. The request was granted and this ambitious club has held its meeting there every two weeks. With per- mission, they have recently installed electric lights. The work of the 4-H Club is educational. It encourages boys and girls to live better and more useful lives and helps them to become good community workers.

The repair work during the year included painting the interior of the Montalona and Center school rooms. The flagpole at the Center was painted.

Mrs. Dorothy Lovell. the music instructor, sums up her work as follows

An adequate music course should offer a well balanced program of performing and listening adapted to the varied interests and capacities of the children.

In our music department, we have offered a well balanced program of music performance, through the toy orchestra, note study, theory, choral groups, concerts and operettas.

This year, through the additional medium of high grade recordings, the pupils have been enabled to listen to the world's best music. Study of the story told by the music aa well as the instruments and their function, together with

64 65 the lives of the composers serves to more fully broaden the musical horizon of the students and make music an active force in child development.

Respectfully submitted,


School Board. : : :


For the Year Beginning July 1, 1938 and Ending June 30, 1939


From State, State Aid $2,698.55 Income from Local Taxation For the support of elementary schools $4,790.55 For the payment of high school tuition 2,700.00 For the salaries of district officers 150.00 For the payment of per capita tax 238.00 Special appropriation March 1939 to cover deficit 550.00

Total $8,428.55

From Sources Other Than Taxation Dog licenses (from Selectmen) $137.44

Total receipts from all sources $11,264.54

Cash on hand at beginning of year, July 1, 1938 102.41

rirand Total $11,366.95


Salaries of District Officers

Mary I. Stone $17.20 Eva A. Tucker 24.40 Weston P. Lord 32.80

66 :


Eva A. Tucker, Secretary of School Board 25.00 Alice M. Hadley, Treasurer 20.00 John W. Farrar, Moderator 3.60 David M. Hadley, Clerk 4.00 Tru Waite, Auditor, 1937 and 1938 3.60

$130.60 Superintendent's excess salary $141.67 Truant officer and school census 15.00 Expenses of administration 70.29 Teachers' Salaries Josephine Sw'indlehurst $900.00 Agnes Marshall 1,050.00 Sarah Ames 900.00 Mary Stirk 850.00 Dorothy Lovell, Music Supervisor 236.75

$3,936.75 Text books 99.68

Scholars' supplies '. 108.60 Flags and appurtenances 2.18 Other expenses of instruction 91.79 Janitor service 144.00 Fuel 130.50 Water, light, janitor's supplies 45.13 Minor repairs and expenses 172.19 Medical inspection, health supervision 122.09

Transportation of Pupils: Walter Warriner $356.00 J. Gardiner Mills 1,076.25 Dorothy Burnham 225.00 Florence Maxfield 295.80 William Foss 180.25 Cleophas Morrissette 346.00

$2,479.30 68

High school tuition $2,730.00

Elementary school tuition . 36.00 Other special activities 16.15 Tax for state wide supervision 238.00 Insurance 34.00 Alterations of old buildings 232.09 New equipment 48.75

Total payments for all purposes $11,024.76

Total cash on hand at end of year, June 30, 1939 342.19

Grand Total $11,366.95


This is to certify that I have examined the books and other financial records of the school board of Dunbarton,

N. H., of which this is a true summary for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939, and find them correctly cast and properly vouched.

July 14, 1939.

IRU M. WAITE, Auditor. .



Support of Schools: Teachers' salaries $3,950.00 Text books 115.00 Scholars' supplies 110.00 Flags and appurtenances 10.00 Other expenses of instruction .... 50.00 Janitor service 148.00 Fuel 160.00

Water, light, janitors' supplies . 55.00 Minor repairs and expenses 350.00 Health supervision (medical in- spection 140.0,0 Transportation of pupils 2,150.00

Payment of elementary tuitions . 36.00 Other special activities 20.00


Other Statutory Requirements: Salaries of District Officers $150.00

Truant Officer and school census . 15.00 Payment of tuitions in high schools 2,780.00

Superintendent's excess salary . . . 166.00 Per capita tax 234.00 Other obligations 250.00


Total amount required to meet School Board's budget $10,889.00

69 70

Estimated Income of District: Balance June 30, 1940 (estimate) $1,000.00 State Aid (December 1940 allot- ment) 2,147.81 Dog tax (estimate) 165.00 Elementary school tuition receipts 36.00


Total assessment required to balance School Board's budget $7,540.19

This is to certify that the information contained in this report was taken from official records and is complete and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.



FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1939 As Account of Alice M. Hadley, Treasurer. Receipts Cash on hand June 30, 1938 $103.41 Received From: Selectmen, appropriations for cur- rent year $8,428.55 Dog tax 137.44 State Treasurer (State Aid) 2,698.55 11,364.54

Total amount available for fiscal year .... $11,366.95

Payments : School orders paid $11,034.76

Balance on hand June 30, 1939 . . 342.19 11,366.95

Fitmncial Statement Jan. 31, 1940 Cash on hand $1,316.83 Cash due from town 5,336.82 Dog tax due from town 159.36

Balance available for balance of school year .... $6,702.91


This is to certify that I have examined the books, vouchers, bank statements and other financial records of the treasurer of the school district of Dunbarton, N. H., of which the above

is a true summary for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939, and find them correct in all respects. IRU M. WAITE, Auditor. July 14, 1939. 71 REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS

To the Citizens of Dunhavlon: The present year has not been marked by any particular changes. Four teachers in four rooms, and Mrs. Lovell as supervisor of music, and Miss Walker, the School Nurse, and the School "Carriers" make up the working force. The enrollment has varied but little. The School Census last September showed 99 under the ages 5 to 16 years— (over 5 years and under 16). A number of these are not in the local schools but have finished here and m-o now in liigli school.

^ Last Jime the following completed the work thronoh grade eight. Alice Armstrong Shirley Prescott *Alice Paris ^'^l^ay Wilson Eendolph Towle Fred Blackman * Cyrus Wheeler Xornian Weatherboe Algert Bernatas *Douglas Warriner Edith Colby *Glenise Wilson Those starred entered high school in September. From Dunbarton 16 have enrolled in Concord Tligli School and 8 at Goffstown. Listed as seniors in Concord are: Eobert Horner, Eobert Pow and Dorothy Towle. At Goffs- town, Rosella Waite. Four of this total group of 24 in high school will graduate, leaving 16 under-class pupils to con- tinue next year. The present enrollment in grade 8 is 13. Some of these may not enter high school. Probably 9 or 10 will, so it Avould appear that the next year's tuition item might be a little more than for the present year.

With appreciation to the members of the School Board and teachers for their co-operation. The report is Respectfully submitted,

J. BYRON TARNEY, Superintendent of Schools.

71 :


Every child should make a regular annual gain, therefore,

each pupil is weighed and measured so that we may ascertain their rate of growth according to the scale prepared by the State Board of Health.

About 85 pupils were examined the first of the school year and the parents notified of any weakness, deformity or de- fects found.

Few parents realize the numerous agencies that play an important part in our school health program.

Among the activities that come under this head and which have been most helpful is the cardiac and orthopedic clinics held at the Balch Hospital. The District Nursing Associa- tion has an orthopedic, goiter, and a mental hygiene clinic which handles mental and nervous diseases and endeavors to help the problem child. There is also a trained worker here for those children with speech defects.

The tubercular clinics are held every Saturday with Dr. Kerr in charge. We have taken advantage of the Hanover eye clinic this Winter in one of our towns in this Union.

Free lessons in lip reading are being given by Mrs. Charles Hammond of Manchester to those children who are hard of hearing. This series of lessons are being financed by the Rotary Club and the Hard of Hearing Club.

The following is the record of the annual examination and follow-up work during the school year 1939

73 74

Defective teeth 45 Defects corrected 16 " Defective vision .... 14 " g " Diseased tonsils 12 " 4 " Adenoids 1 " X Impetigo 1 Abscessed ear 1 Measles 5 April 1939 Head injury 1 Fractured arm 1 Fractured leg 1 Back injury 1 Appendectomy 1

Arranged for two to go to an occulist.


APRIL 1, 1939 Real Personal Estate Property Ames, Sarah M. 1 poll Aiiagnos, Harry 1 poll Anagnos, Jennie 1 poll Anagnos, Peter 1 poll Anthony, Abbie E. 1 poll Anthony, Walter T. 1 poll Armstrong, John D. 1 poll Armstrong, Mildred E., Bailey place, 125a $2,000.00 $75.00 Audet. Armand, B. H. Wheeler place, 105a 2,700.00 .^OO.OO Audet, Bertha 1 poll Audet, Marion 1 poll Averill, Benjamin 150.00 i/ga Baker, J. Edward Est., home 1,700.00 Baker, Mary F. 1 poll Blaisdell, L. N. and R. F. Baker, Bar- nard place, 100 acres 2,000.00 875.00 Ballanger, Lionel E. 1 poll

Ballanger, Millicent 1 poll Barnard Charles P., outland, 100a 1,100.00 Barnard Edith P., home, 10a 650.00 Barnard, William A. 1 poll Barnard, William A. Jr. 1 poll Bates, Charles 50.00 Bellmore, Antonie 1 poll Bellmore, Rachel 1 poll Bernatas. Helen, Kelsea place, 75a 600.00 185.00 Bernatas, Joseph, Richard's place, loa 250.00 Blackman, Gladys 1 poll

75 76

Estate Property Real Personal Blackmail, Nettie 1 poll Blackmail, Walter C, Crane, Howe, Morse & Merrill. Burnham-Markey, 387a 2,625.00 566.00 Blackmail, VVilliani 1 poll Blaisdell. Viola 1 poll Blanchard, Pliney A. and Marion H., Spidell Farm, 90a 3,300.00 455.00 480.00 Boisvert, A. J., 160 acres 3,500.00

Boisvert, Mrs. A. J. 1 poll Bowie, Elmer, home, 2y2a 950.00 Bridge, Austin V. 1 poll Bridge. Austin Y. 1 poll 400.00 Bridge. Mary S. 1 poll Brown. George H., home, 3a 700.00 Buffum, Annie E., cabin on Lord land, 100a ($1,000 exempt) 1,200.00 Buffum, Francis H. (exempt) Buffum, William 1 poll

Burnham. Alice E. 1 i>'»n Burnham, Charles G. 1 poll Bunihani, Dorothy M. 1 poll Burnham, Flora M., home 12a ($1,- 000 exempt) 1,200.00 Burnham, Harold L., home, Hall and Stone land, 131a 2,350.00 Burnham. Hoyt 1 poll Burnham, L. Webster & Co., home and outland 524a 5,398.00 830.00 Burnham. Walter H., Est., home and outland, 80a 1,900.00

Caldwell, H. M. and E. F. S., Nute 65 acres 900.00 45.00 Caldwell, William A., Orne land, home place, 6a 1,700.00 Childs. Florence E. 1 poll 11

Real Personal Estate Property Childs, Martin L. 240.00 Chmiel, Kasmir, Noyes place, 137a 1,800.00 550.00 Clinton. DeWitt 1 poll

Clinton, Thurley \'., home, 7i/^a 1. 000. 00 Conn. Barbara E. 1 poll Conn. Robert VV. 1 poll Cote. Donat 1 poll Cote, Ermelinde 1 poll Cote, George F., home, 12 a 4:)0.00 Cote, Grace 1 poll Crosby, Gladys E. 1 poll

Crosby. Luna J. 1 poll Crosby, R. W. & C. H., Waite place, 150a ($1,000 exempt) 1,100.00 40.00 Currie, Warren G., home, la ($1,000 exempt) 900.00 Deroche, Daniel E., Clifford, 190a 1,000.00

Deroc'he, Ella 1 poll

Dicey, Everett 1 poll Dickey. Attie P., home and outlanrl. 28a 1,800.00 195.00 Dickey, Willis M., Rogers place 77a 1,600.00 Doucet, Helen 1 poll Doucet. Rodney, Flanders place, la 600.00 Dow, Inez 1 poll Dow. William A.. N. Colby place, Ilia 1.800.00 Dudley, D. Freeman 1 poll

Dudley, Emma 1 poll

Dudley, Florence E. 1 poll Dudley, Gale, Burnha]ii land, ($250.00 exempt)

Dufresnc. Fred 1 poll Dufresne, Henry 50.00 Dugrenicr, Ernest 1 poll

Dugrenier, George 1 poll Dugrenier. Hilda 1 poll 78

Real Personal Estate Property Dugrenier, Leon, Wescomb place, 2a 350.00 Dugrenier, Matilda A., Colby place 100a and 38a Harriman lot 1,800.00 160.00 Dugrenier, Maud, Simonds place. Oa 750.00

Dugrenier, William 1 poll Dunbarton Tel. Co., Morse place, la 1,900.00 Dulude, Anna M., home, la 800.00

Dulude, Joseph 1 poll Dulude, Octave 1 poll Earle, Alfred, Mills place, 23a 1,200.00 50.00 Earle, Charles E. 1 poll Earle, Lilian 1 poll

Earle, Lois 1 poll Ellis, Ada 1 poll Ellis, Edgar C, la, Ordway land 100.00 Ellis, Warren, Ordway place, a, $400 (exempt) Emerson, Arthur W., Ordway, Dick- inson, Stone & Bailey, 163a 800.00 100.00 Emerson, Mary E. 1 poll Evans, Lewis C. 1 poll

Farrar, Hazel I. 1 poll Farrar, John W., home place. 170a (100a classified) 2,700.00 140.00

Farrar, John W.. Jr. 1 poll Fitts, Benjamin E., home, 40a 1,800.00 60.00 Fitts, Carrie 1 poll Fitts. Ella M. 1 poll Fitts, George L 1 poll Flanders. Sidney 1 poll Foss, Rhode P., 35a home 1,200.00 70.00 Foss, William 1 poll

Fuller, C. Allen, Jr., 160a, Ryder land 1,100.00 10.00 Fuller, Catherine A. 1 poll Garvin. Frank E., Arbutus Farm, 100a 3,200.00 290.00


Real Personal Estate Property

Holt. Eddie 1 poll llornor, ,). Rickey Jr., 142a, Ireland place 3,300.00 65.00

Hunt, Aj2;nes R. 1 poll

Hunt, F. Cecil 1 poll Huse. Daniel F., Boynton place. ^'2.\ DOO.OO Ireland, Dane, home, l/3a. 2.000.00 Ireland. Lillian 1 poll

Ireland, John B , home 27Sa r$1.00u exempt) 2,675.00 150.00

Johnson, Charles I poll Johnson. Mildred 1 poll Kaskonias, Nellie. SOa, Jones place 1,900.00 460.00

Kaskonias. William 1 poll Kennedy, Margery 1 poll Kennedy, Richard, 198a, Emerson place 3,000.00 50.00 Labbee, Alfred 1 poll Labbee, Alida, 83a Butterfield place 4,100.00 475.00 Little, Charles A., home, 182a 3.425.00 645.00 Little. C. A. and H. A., woodland, 33a 100.00 Little, C. A. and Holt. C. M. Whipple land. 125a 725.00 Little. Mildred C. 1 poll Lord. C. H., and W. P.. home. 254:i 2,400.00 295.00 Lord. Lena G. 1 po^

Lord, Louise 1 poll Luksza, Anna, home and Gould lot. 96a 1,550.00 100.00 Luksza, Constant!, Jr. 1 poll Luksza, Gladys 1 poll Luksza. Leonard. 92a, Annis land 500.00 30.00 Markey. Gladvs M. 1 poll 60'i Marker, ^^'illiam J., home place. 1,450.00 290.00 Marshall, Aenes 1 poll Marshall. Hannah 1 poll Real Personal Estate Property Marshall, Herbert, home and outland, 60a 1,800.00 130.00

Marshall, Robert 1 poll

Marshall, Wilfred H. 1 poll Martin, Clara, home, 80a 2,200.00 T5.00 Maxfield, Ernest P., Johnson place and Parker land, 132a 1,700.00 700.00 Maxfield. Florence 1 poll McAffee, Alice 1 poll Meekins, Charles W., P. M. Lord place, 105a 3,700.00 1,075.00 Meekins, Earle 1 poll Meekins, Rilla M. 1 poll Merrill, Cora E. 1 poll Merrill. Francis 1 poll Merrill, Ransom 1 po^l .Merrill, William L., Heselton place, 100a 2,000.00 350.00 Merrjfield. Frances 1 poll

Merrifield, Linvvood 1 poll Milhurn, Henry, land, i^a 250.00 ^ Mills, Eva L. 1 poll Mills, Frederick L., home, la 1,500.00 440.00 Mills. Harrie E.. home and outland. 180a 2,500.00 290.00

Mills, TTelen 1 poll

M'lls. J. Gardner, 50a, Perkins land, 200.00 Milner, Edward C, Surette place, 67a 800.00 40.00

Milner, Gladys 1 poll Montgomery, Donald, Milburu and Tobey piaces, 3a 2,750.00 230.00 Montgomery, Helen W. 1 poll Morse, Edgar H., home, 75a 1,400.00 Morse, Florence 1 poll

Morris, Frank (exempt) 1 poll Morrissette, Cleophas, 47a 850.00 260.00 82

Real Personal Estate Property

Morrissette, Mary Louise 1 poll Murray, Mabel L., home place, 23a 2,800.00 Murray, Virginia 1 poll Murray, Mr and Mrs. George, Stark bungalow, la 1,100.00

Murray, William V.., borne and Hani niond place, Ordway, 140a 1,900.00 Murray, William E., Jr. (exempt) Newell. Arthur, 3a, Fortune place 1.800.00

Newell, Mrs. Arthur 1 poll Noyes, Eli N., Haines place, 100 a 2,100.00 175.00

Noyes, Margaret A. 1 poll Nutt, B. E. and Nutt, L. H., ($1000 exempt), Eaton Place, la 600.00 O'Brien, Frances J. 1 poll O'Brien, Frank, camp, la ^ 00.00 O'Brien, John J. 1 poll Osgood, Charles, loSa, Lewis Page place 3,300.00 150.00 Page, Helen A., home, 200a 4,000.00 Page, Nellie, home, 2a 2,300.00 i'aris, Frederick, home and Whipple land. 90a ($1,000 exempt) 1,400.00 135.00 Paris, Orilda 1 poll Payne, Rob't and Sharlot B. 2 polls 150a, Grace Lord place 3,000.00 40.00

Pow, Blanche 1 poll Pow, Walter S., Ballou place, 80a ($1,000 exempt) 2,100.00 Powell, Arthur 83

Real Personal Estate Property Pride, John G, and M. L., Center View, 50a 3,400.00 340.00 Progen, George 1 poll Proulx. Dora 1 poii Proulx. William. Dani's place, 65a 1,800.00 280.00 Ramsey. Mary T., Thistle farm, 93a 1,800.00 Ramsey. Talmadge 1 poll Reed, Gertrude 1 poll Reed, Ray E., Barnard place, 25a 1,200.00 Robichaud, Emile 1 poll

Rogers, Cora 1 poll

Rogers, Herbert 1 poll Rogers, Natalie 1 poll Rogers, Perley, Stevens place, l^a 1,200.00 Rogers, William, Est., Fish place, 60a 900.00

Rollins, Lora 1 p'^U

Sampson, Jerry J., Chamberlain place, 8a ($1,000 exempt) 1.600.00 50.00 Sampson, Margaret 1 poll Sanborn, Jennie L.. home place, 50a 1.300.00 Savage, Barbara 1 poll Savage. Daw^son 1 poll Soule, Joseph, Holmes place, 74a 1,000.00 60.00 Soule, Muriel 1 poll Spiller, Clayton R. 1 poll Spiller, James A., (exempt) Spiller, Jennie H., Heart's Delight. 115a 2,800.00 100.00 poll Spiller, Maretta J. 1 Stark, Annie M.Est., home, 12 a 2,500.00 Stark, Charles F. M.. Est.. Stark farm, 200a 7.000.00 Stark, John M. 1 poll

Starrett, Marion M. 1 poll 84

Real Personal Estate Property Stickney, John, camp and Flainders land, 2a 100.00 Stockwell, Marianna and Sidney VV. Home place, 135a 3,000.00 Stone Bros., Hammond lot, 40a 600.00 Stone, Earle H., home and outland 225a 3,500.00 1.050.00

Stone, Mary I.. >^ Wallace lot, 25a 200.00

Story, David 1 poll Story, W. A., home, 300a 5,000.00 1,035.00

Story, Mary 1 [)nn Swindlehiirst, Josephine 1 poll Thompson, George 1 poU Tucker, Amenda 1 poll Tucker, Charles, home, la 800.00 Tucker, Eugene S. 45.00

Tucker, Eva A. 1 poll

Tucker, Leon S., Dickey place, 40a ($1,000 exempt) 2,200.00

Tucker, Lucy B. 1 poll

Tucker, Warren 1 poll Untiet, John B., Wayside Farm, 35a ($1,000 exempt) 800.00 140.00

Untiet, Rose R. 1 poll Waite, George E., part of town farm, 40a 400.00 Waite, Iru M.

Waite, Mary T., home 1 po'i Waite, Mary Ella, Hopkins place. Ta

Waite, Mildred 1 poll Walker, Ralph C, home and Page land, 97a ($1,000 exempt) Walker, Reba 1 poll

Walsh. Dorothy S., home, 38i/2a 1 poll Warriner, Edgar P., Ellis and Dick- inson land, 41a 200.00 85

Real Personal Estate Property Warriner, Molly A., Hillside Honu-, 75a, and Page land. 27a 1,700.00 Warriner, Walter E. 235.00 poll Watts, Alice J. 1 Weatherbee, Annie F., home and outland, 201a 2,150.00 45.00 Weatherbee, Beryl 1 poll Weatherbee, Charles E. 1 poU Weatherbee, Chesley 1 poll Weatherbee, Jabez C. 1 poll Weatherbee, Lester 1 poll

Weatherbee. Marion 1 poll

Weatherbee, Margaret 1 poll Weatherbee, Warren H., home, la 450.00

Weatherbee, Louise 1 poll

Weiss, Irene M. 1 poll Weiss, Kenneth E., Dudley place, 91a 2,200.00 40.00 Welch, Elizabeth 1 poll

Welch. William F.. home place. 107 a 1,600.00 Weston, Carrie 1 poll Weston, Richard W., Kelso place, la ($1,000 exempt) 1,000.00 Wheeler. Bertha E.. shop, la 150.00 Wheeler, Cyrus C, home and out- land, 189a (88a classified) 2,750.00 45.00 Wheeler, Esther H. 1 poll

Wheeler, Lewis 1 i)o'.] Whipple. Arthin- E. 345.00

Whipple, Henry S., Est., home and outland, 159a 2,900.00 Whipple. Josie. bungalow, 2a 900.00

Whipple, Louise 1 poll Wight, Anna P., 6a, Knight place 1.200.00 Williams, Addie L. Putnam place. 75a 2.200.00 Willoughby, Eay, Atwood place, 50a 1,700.00 Wilson, Arline, Smith place, 16a 900.00 86

Real Personal Estate Property Wilson, Earle C, home, la 1,000.00

Wilson, Edith II. 1 poll

\y\hou, Paul H. 1 poll

Woodhury, Eleanor E. 1 poll Woodbury, Malbelle C, home. ?a 2,100.00 Woodbury, Frank Jr., home 200.00 Woodbury. Rebecca, woodland, 80a 600.00

Young, Margaret E. 1 poll

NON-RESIDENT Ackcrlcy, Eulas, Bailev land, 4a $20.00 Adams, David, Sargent Colby land, 112a 350.00

Ayer, Mrs. Warren, Hartmeadovv, "la 25.00 Bailey. Arthur D., Story land, 29a 150.00 Bangs, Annie, Est., Emerson land, 150a 750.00

Barnard, Clifford J.. Page land. 22a 400.00 Barnard, Fred N., Ryder land, ?0a 900.00 Bean, Charles, Straw land, 20a 100.00 Better, George, Chase place, 70a 2,700 00

Boutwell, Arthur J., Spofford land. Oa 25.00 Brown, Burt, Perkins land, 30a 100.00 Burnhani, William H., home and Lord land. 21 Sa 6.700.00 Burroughs, Edward P., Lincoln land, 4a 50.00 Burroughs, Russell E., Clough land, 26a 350.00 Butler, William 50.00 Carlson, \^^esley G. and Mabel E., Fes-

sendon lot, 140a 1,200.00

Carr, George, 1/2 Raymond land, 31a 100.00 Carter. Henry. Hammond and Nick- els meadow, 13a 50.00 Chagnon. Mr. Woodson place, 40a 150.00 87

Real Personal Estate Property 0.11)y. W. 11. and C. 0. Colby,

sprout land. l.">a 50.00 Conn. River Power Co. 166,750.00

C'uniniini^s, T.aura !•"-., and Howes Lottie, home place, 80a 2,750.00

Davis. Comer .S.. Stinson land, ;3-2a 1.800.00

Day, C. IT.. Cilley land. 30a 400.00

l)a\-, James B.. Heirs, Wilson, Kim- ball and Merrill land, 46a 600.00 Dodge, Gertrude, home, 2 5/T)a 1.200.00

Dunn, William S., Slnirtlcfif place, 14a 1,800.00

Eastman, Harold L., Batchelder lot, 20a 200.00 Farriugton, Blanche, Clough land, 2oa 150.00 Favor, Clara A.. Straw and Marshall land, 71a 350.00 Fessenden Companies, Inc., White and Barnard lots, 55a 300.00 Flanders, Parker, Est., Chase land, 7a 25.00 French, Ervin R., Page land, 55a 1,500.00 Fuller, Charlotte Anthony, Woodbary place and Tenny lots, 140a 5,200.00 Geer, Bert L., Hoyt and Baker land 200a 1,500.00 Oonrley, Chas., Heirs, Barnard Farm, 150a 2.500.00

Greer, Benjamin F., Est., Robert'--, Chamberlain, Gardner and Twi^s lots, 145a 485.00 Gulf Ref. Co., tanks, etc 330.00 Gutterson, Geo. P., Emerson bunga- low, 2a 700.00

Mr^. 1. ^^^ Hanson, Cottage on Bean land 300.00 88

Real Personal Estate Property Ileselton, Fred B. Est., Heath land, 86a 'TOOM

Jlill, Sarali L., Home place, 15a 600. 00 Hirst, Edgar C, Perkins, Heatli and Welch land. 98a (94a, classified) 600.00 Hovt. Henry, Est., Annis land, 3a 20.00 Hunt, Sara P., Mills land, 100a 3,000.00 Ilvdc. Mary E., Est., Smith meadow,

lOa ^ 25.00

Ireland, Edgar J. and Meta E., 8a Ireland land ' 1,700.00

Ireland, Theo, part of J. B. Ireland land. 5a 150.00 Jewell. B. Euby, 108a 4,600.00 Johnson, Cora A., Admr., part of Great Meadow, 4a 25.00

Johnson, I., and Johnson, E.. Heirs, Baker and Little land, 51a 425.00 Johnson, Harry A., Straw place, 100a 1,000.00 Jordan, John S., Brookings land, 115a 1,300.00 Karkonias, George, Qnimby land, 32a 50.00 Lake. Harry E., Sargent Colby land.

65a ' 150.00 Langdell Luml)er Co., Carr lot, 60a 200.00

Lessard, Madelyn S., Whipple land, 16a 200.00 Little, C. A., one stack land. 33a 150.00 Little, Guy C. Abbott land. 30a 150.00 Loan & Trust Sayings Bank, Barnard place, 340a 4.600.00 Lord, Harry E.. Guild land. 90a 400.00 Lord, Philander. Est., Spront land. 60a 150.00 Lnssier. Emery, Felch lot. 30a 150.00 89

Real Personal Estate Property Marshall, \\'arren H., Gorham Poiul property, 12i/2a 4,000.00 Mason, James, Marshall land, 9a 150.00 McGuire, Joseph E., Craine bake shop, la 700.00 MoLane & Taylor, Stinson land, 2r0a 600.00 Merrill, Iru C. Est., Great Meadow, Ga 50.00 Moore, Francis, V^ Raymond lot, 3 ta 100.00 Mnnro, Adelice P., 214a, Alden he'd l.oOO.OO

Nassikas, Achilles J., near Kimball Pond, 15a 1,000.00

Nassikas, N. J., Page land, 78oa 4,000.00 X. H. Sav. Bank, Valee place, 6a 1,000.00 Ordway, L. M., Est., McCiirdy pasture, 18a 67.00

Ordway. Pt. M., Heirs, McCurdy pas- ture, 36a 133.00 Oudett, Chas. P., Bm'ronghs land, 40a 150.00 Oxner and Hartry, Lnsignan place, 3a 900.00

Parker, Charles S., Est., Lord land, 50a 600.00 Parker, C. S., Est. and F. A. Barnard land, 80a 800.00 Parker, Frank A., Atwood, Page, Heath, Barnard, White, 215a 3.050.00

Parker, Harry C., Gonrley place, 28a (exempt $305.00) 1,295.00 Parker, John E.. Stinson pasture, 110a 800.00

Parker, William, Stinson place, 80a 1 ,200.00 Perley, John, Adams land, 18a 300.00 Poland, George M., camp 300.00 Pierce, Morris C, Avery lot, 75a 235.00 Prescott, Sherwood, Sargent Colby land, 40a 200.00 Provencal. Joseph Hadley land, 3a 150.00 90

Real Personal Estate Property l'ul)lic()\ cr, Constance. y-_> Wallace loi,

'>rin 200.00 rul)lic Service Co. of X. 11.. electric

wires poles, etc. 14.S2-2.00 Putney. Richard, Keyes and Ham- mond land. 30a 400.00 Richards. Arthur, Martin pasture, 100a 1,000.00 Eowell, William J., Long Pond land, 28a 100.00

Rowell, Winnie I^., Ordway, Page, Pierce, Heath, Buffum, 137a 1,050.00 St. Gelinas, Neree, Colby land, 8a 25.00 Sargent. David, Est., woodland. 150i 1,000.00 Sarette, Adolphe, Est., 145a Barnard land 400.00 Schenek, Robert H., Budd farm, 90a 3,100.00 Smith, P. P., camp 2500 75.00 Smith Edwin A., Paige land, 40a 150.00 Smith, Herman, Est., and Eaton land, 40a 300.00 State of N. H., Jones and Parker land, 100a ($800.00 exempt) Stevens, A. W'.. Horace Hammond land, 90a 400.00 Stone, Wesley P., Est., Sprout land, 6a 50.00 Tetrault, Jos. T., Bowie land, 19a 50.00 Texaco Oil Corp.. pumps 60.00 Thompson. Samuel L., Est., Roy place, 30a 1,000.00 Tilden, Ereeman, Clark place, fiOa 1,300.00 Fpton, Everett 60.00 Upton, Martha A.. Page and Heath land, 98a 1,750.00 91

Real Personal Estate Property W'aite, Aui^ustus V., W'aitc. Buntcn

aiu] outland, 286a 2,.-J()().()() Wheeler. Annie B.. Crane place, 108a 800.00 Whalen, Edwin 125.00

Wheeler, Ravinond P)., llaminond land, 26a 50.00 Wheeler, Benjamin H.. outland, 199a 450.00 100.00 Wheeler. Nathaniel E., home and ont: land, 386a, 91 classified 3,500.00 WHieeler, Scott M.. Est.. Colby, Little-

field, \\^ells and Pa.^e land, and Pa- quin place, and Caldwell land. Ran-

ney lot, 193a 2,580.00 Whipple. Carl A., A. Whipple home. 110a 2,200.00 \Vhipple, Edwin D.. Stinson meadow. 13a 50.00 Whipple, George H., Eyder land, 100a 400.00 Wdiipple, Maurice C, field and mea- dow, 15a 100.00 Wilkinson, Elizabeth Gorne place, 6a 1,900.00 \\'ilson, Estelle G., home, 125a 3,000.00

W^inslow, S. E., Stark field, ei/oa 300.00


Boisvert, Christian 1 ]ioll