1388 NIV NOTTING HAl\~SHIRE. Ne\·ille C.Cottage gro.,Nttnghm Norton F. Bridgeford rd. Osborne Mrs. 4 Allan terrace, North Neville George Hammond, I2 Maples Norton John, 6I Bruce gro. Sherwood street, Nottingham street, , Nottingham Norweb J. J. 5 Broad Oakst.Nottinghm Osborne Mrs. 55 Cranmer st.Nottinghm N eville W. Cottage ~To. Chil well,N ttnghm N ugee Rev. Francis Edward M.A. Vicar- Os borne William, 14 Lorne gro. N ttng-hm Neville William Hadleigh, Alma street, 1 age, Dale st. Old ,Nottn~hm Osbourne James Scott, The Hollies, New Basford, Nottingham NunnC.2o3XorthSherwood st.Nottnghm Appleton gate, Newark New Mrs. Waverley house, Waverley Nuttall George, St. John's pl. Oscroft Charles, Osman house, Sutton- streP,t., Nottingham Nuttall Mrs. 2 Newstead grove, l'i"orth in-Ashtield, Nottingham Kewark Viscount M.P., D.L., J.P. The Sherwood street, Nottingham Oscroft Mrs. 5 Russoll place, Lower Hall, ; & 6 Tilney Oak den E. 8 North Church st.Nottinghm Tal bot street, Nottingham street w & Guards' & Carlton clubs, I1 Oak den R. Bank ho. Kirk gate, Newark Oscroft SI. Wm. 27Chaucer st.Nottnghm London s w Oakey A. A. 12 Arboretum st.Nottnghm Oscroft Wm. D. Hound rd.We. Bridgfrd Newbald Mrs. I4 Lombard st. Newark OakeyH.s8 Gregory boulevard,Nttnghm Oswald Rt. D. 25 Tennyson st.Nottnghm N ewball C.A.37 Shakespeare st.Ntnghm Oakey Waiter, rs Yew Tree avenue, Oswald Thos.S. hall, Nottinghm N ewball Thomas Ayre, 13 Sherwood I Carrington, N ottingharn Otter Robert Charles J. P. Royston house, rise, Nottingham Oak land William, IO Ht. Ann's valley, Clayworth, Newbo!d Thomas Henry, 9 Tennyson Hunger hill, Nottingham Ottowell Isaac,I68 Queen's wlk.Ntnghm street, Nottingham Oakley Mrs. 76 Burford road, Hyson Outram William, , Newark ~ ewbould Chas. A. Sunnyside, Worksop I green, Nottingham Over bury Mrs. 4 Tudor grove, Colville Newcastle His Grace the Duke of, I Oaksford C. 65 Hunger Hill rd.Ntnghm street, Nottingham , Worksop; & 30 Wilton Oates Mrs. Potter street, Worksop Overend Mrs. West ho. Retford crescent, London s w & Carlton & 1 Oates Thos. 6 Sherwood road, Worksop Owen Thos.2oRookwood rd.Nottingham Wellington clubs IOates W.H.C.J. P.Langford ball, Newark Owtram Miss, Park street, Worksop Newcomb Frederick, 122 Noel street Oates William Miller J.P. The Lawn, Owtram Robert, Sunny side, Worksop north, Hysou green, Notting-ham Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottingham Oxenham Rev. George William lii.A. Newcorne Chester Peru, r Middleton Oberbach Charles William, 3 Derby ter- Vicarage, Whatton, Nottingham villas, London road, Newark · I race, Derby road, Nottingham Packer Rev. Daniel Powell, 5 Wilford Ncwell-Atkins Mrs. 319 Mansfield road,! Oberbock J.G. 148Arkwright st.Ntnghm grove, Nottingham Sherwood, Nottingham 1 0borne W. 26 rd. Nottinghm Packer Gilbert, 24 Regent st.Nottinghm 1 N ewhamJn. 3rSt.Matthias rd.Nottnghm O'Daly Dominick, 2 Spring villas, Sta- Packer John W. ,N ottnghm Newham :\liss, 2 Hedley villas, Albanyj tion road, Beeston, Nottingham Packer Waiter, 5 Tennyson st.Nttngbm

road, New Basford, Nottingham 1 0ffiowJn.35North Church st.Nottinghm Packwood F.E. Hoveringham,Nottnghm .1\' ewham Thomas, r r Queen's road, Ogle H. 13Tudor gro.Colville st.Nttnghm Padey Thomas, 9 Wellington terrace, Beeston, ~ottingham IOgleR.B.E.Fairview ,London rd.Retford Radford, Nottingham NewloveR.Bright st.Radford,~ottinghm Okell John B. 2 Magdala rd. Nottnghm Page Rev . .Arthur Thomas B.A. Cot- Newman F.L. r8 Rookwood rd.Ntnghm Oldacre Mrs. 26r Mansfield road, Car- grave, Nottingham NewmarchW.6o Huntingdon st.Ntnghm rington, Nottingham Page Rev. Percival, , Nottnghm Kewmarsh George Nelson, 10 Fourth OidercholeJas.B.3Sherwin st.Nottinghm Page Alfred, 19 Cavendish crescent sth. avenue, Sherwood rise, Nottingham OldershawJn.B. rd.We.Bridgfrd The Park, Nottingham NewsteadMrs.Oak cot.Chilwell,Ntnghm Oldershaw Mark, ,Nottnghm Page Arthur, 64 Castle gate,Nottinghm NewtonE.R.I6Rose gro.Beeston,Xtnghm :OldershawW.26 Chaucsr st.Nottingham PageF.54Abbey st.Old Lenton,~ttnghm Newton Frederick George, 31 Birkland O!dershot George, 79 1\oel street north, Page Sam.uel, 17 Notintone place, Snein- avenue, Peel street, ~ottingham Hyson green, .\fottingham ton road, Nottingham . Newton George, Melbourne house, Belle Oldham John, Appleton villas, Appleton Page Samuel, I2 Vickers st. Nottinghm vue, Beeston, Nottingham gate, Newark PageSydneyG.s7HunterHill rd.Ntnghm Newton Mrs. 48 Burns st. Nottingham Oldham John, 8 Claypole road, Hyson Page Thomas, Hazlewood, Cavendish Newton Mrs. Hill top, Eastwood S.O I green, Nottingham terrace north, The Park, Nottingham Newton Mrs. , Oldham John, 4 Gloucester villas, Col- PaQ·et Lieut.-Col. George Ernest J.P. l\lansfield I ville street, Nottingham Sutton hall, Loughborough Newton Mrs. 83 Nottingham road, New Oldham Samuel, 204 Highbury road, Failing- Mrs. Cheapside, Worksop Basford, Nottingham , Nottingham Paine Harry, Beaumont house. Newark Newton Will, Thyra grove, Alexandra Oldham William, "Villiam st. Newark Painter Mrs. 24 Addison st.Nottingham park, Nottingham Oldknow Lady A. r8 Villa rd.Nttngham PalethorpeDvd.A.3Thurland st.Ntnghm Newton William, Hill side, Newark Oldknow Mrs. 8 Colville st. Nottingham Palethorpe Job Samuel Watson, 10 PeJ- 1\i blett Charles, 97 Noel street north, Oldrini Basil H.M. Port land vil. Worksop ham terrace, The Park, Nottingham Hyson green, Nottingham IOldriniMrs.4Lilac gro.Beeston,Nttnghm Palethorpe Miss, The Uhanntry, Tux- Nicholls William, 24 Villa rd.Nottnghm 1 0liphant-Collingwood Henry Waiter, ford, Newark ..1\'ichols Creswick, St. John's grove, Clayworth ball, Bawtry Palethorpe Mrs. 10 Mapperley Park Bceston, Nottingham O!iver Andrew, 5 Villa rd. Nottingham drive, Nottmgham Nicholson E. H. 13 Londonrd. :Newark ·Oliver Henry, Hound rd. We. Bridgford Paley Rev. Francis Henry M.A. Rectory, I\icholson Mrs. Halktield, Retford Oliver Joel, Oakleigh, Worksop Gonalston, Nottingham 1 KicholsonT. ISGoldswong ter.N ottnghm Oliver Lyall G. l\LA. Grammar school, Palin William, r8 Beech avenue, New .Nicholson' Thomas, IO Station road, I Appleton gate, Newark Basford, Nottingham Hecston, Nottin..:ham Oliver Thomas, 4 Third avenue, Sher- Palliser Mrs. r7 Yew Tree avenue, Car- Nicholson W.N.J. P. r2London rd.N ewark wood rise, Nottingham rington, Nottingham Nix William, Rampton, Lincoln Oliver Thomas .Andrew, 9 Alexandra st. Palmer Charles, Welbeck villa, :Xixon Wm. 59 Goldsmith st. Nottnghm New Basford, Nottingham Torkard, Nottingham .Noble George, Everton, Bawtry Oilier Jn. ISI Woodboro' rd. Nottingbm Palmer Edward, 6 Second avenue,Hher- X oble~Irs. 52St. Ann's Well rd.2'r ottnghm 1l O'Mullane Eugene J oseph, 32 Heathcote wood rise, Nottingham Noble Mrs. 16 Waterloord. Kottingbam street, Nottingham Palmer Mrs.33 Shakesp..,arest.Nttnghm Noble Wm. 23 Chancer st. Xottingham O'Neill John G. 38 Appleton gt. Newark Palmer Mrs. 27 Wiverton road, E.her- Norledge W. H. 19 Soutll par. Xewark Onions Mrs. 23 Promenade, Robin Hood wood rise, Nottingham Norm.an James Edward, 24 Church street, Nottingham Palmer Wm. 15 Chaucer st.Nottingham drive, Carrington, ='T ottingham Openshaw Wm. Beacon Hill rd. N ewark Palmer William, 394 Mansfield road, Norman Joseph, I Oliver st. Nottingbm Orchard James, 9 Baker st. Nottingham Sherwood, Nottingham Norman Thos. 23 Park st,. Nottingham Orme Miss, 25 Low.Talbot st.Nottinghm Pahner William Heruy, 25 Burford rd. NormanW.64Forestrd.west,Nottinghm Orme Mrs. 78 Burford road, Hyson Hyson green, Nottingham Norris H. J. IS l\"atcombe ci.rcus, Car- green, Nottingham Palmes Rev. Geo. M.A. Elston, Newark rington, Nottingham Ormiston Miss,93 Goldsmith st.Ntnghm Pannell John, 129 Robin Hood's cha~e, Norris J. S. 64 Mapperley rd.Nottng-hm Orton Rev. Owen M.A. Normanton-on- Nottin!!ham Norris Miss,s Blue Coat street,Manstield Soar, Loughborough Pare Fredk. I Redcliffe rd. Nottingham road, Nottingham Orton Edward, 6 Mapperley Park drive, Pare John, 20 Waterloo rd. Xottin..rham North Benjamin, Alandale, Cavendish Nottingham Pare .Mrs. 307 Mansfield road, Sher- road east, The Park, Nottingham Orton George, Bronklyn ho. l\Iapperley wood, Nottingham North Hy. r85 Arkwri~ht st. SottinglHn Private road, Sherwood, Nottingham Pargo Hy. 23 Queen's walk,Xottingharn North Henry, Kirkby lane, Sutton-in- Orton John M.D.i\tlanor house, Middle st. Pariden Miss, I Russell place, J .. ower Ashfield, Nottingham I west, Beeston, :"fottingham Talbot street, Xottingham North Mrs . .Aibert vil. , Xewark 1 0sbom Hy. H. 23 gt. Newark Park Alfred, Headon manor, Retford North Mrs. 5 Spring gardens, :"fewark Oshorn Jsph. 16 Larkdale st.Nottinghm Park Alfred, 184 Wilford rd. Kottinghm North Wtlliam, jun. Langford villa, Os borne Arthur J. Chesterfield road, Parke Waiter, Chapelgate, Retford Sntton-in-Ashfiell, l\'" ottingham Mansfield Parker Alfred Geor.re, The Hawthorns, N orthage W. H. Col wic ~i: rd. We>!t Bridgfrd Osborn3 Henry, B