Version 0.5 24 November 2008 Fixed-Target Charm at the J. A. Appela, P. S. Cooperb, S. Kwanc, W. Dunwoodied, B. Meadowse, A. J. Schwartzf, M. V. Purohitg, J. Russh aFermilab, Batavia, Illinois 60510 bFermilab, Batavia, Illinois 60510 cFermilab, Batavia, Illinois 60510 dSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, California 94309 ePhysics Department, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221 f Physics Department, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221 gUniversity of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 29208 hCarnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213

1. INTRODUCTION opportunities below. In the recent “Roadmap for US High-Energy Physics” written by the Particle Fixed-target charm at the Fermilab Tevatron? Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5), future Didn’t we do that for over twenty years ending a operation of the Tevatron was not considered. decade ago? Why revisit that strategy? However, there exists a plan to keep the Teva- Yes, we did have a very successful fixed-target tron cold after completion of the Collider pro- charm program at Fermilab. Not only did it pro- gram such that it could easily be operated again vide high precision measurements (some of which should sufficiently compelling physics opportuni- remain the most precise even today), but it also ties arise. We believe one such opportunity is in advanced flavor physics thinking in a way that charm physics, where mixing has recently been still underlies many current analyses. It also observed, but current sensitivity to CP violation demonstrated the utility of precision vertexing (CPV) is limited. A fixed-target charm experi- for heavy flavor physics, paving the way for the ment at the Tevatron has the potential to greatly incorporation of silicon tracking systems in all improve upon the sensitivity to mixing and CPV the latest experiments. The fixed-target charm achieved by the B factories. Such an experiment program ended when the technologies used were could be the only way forward. A fixed-target more-or-less played out, and attention turned to charm experiment at the Tevatron could also be the opportunities at colliders, both at e+e- and cost effective, as the Tevatron would not need to hadron machines. The reason to bring a fixed- be run in collider mode, and also the beam en- target charm experiment up now is a combination ergy could be reduced and still remain far above of the availability of technology well beyond what threshold. The goal in this paper is to present was available at the end of the previous program, the physics case for such a charm experiment. and because it may be the most cost-effective way We note that the most sensitive measurements of forward in this area. We will address these new

1 2J. A. Appel, P. S. Cooper, S. Kwan, W. Dunwoodie, B. Meadows, A. J. Schwartz, M. V. Purohit, J. Russ mixing and CPV rely on measuring decay-time experiments had center-of-mass energies and de- distributions. For this type of measurement, a tector geometries similar to those that a new fixed-target experiment has an advantage over an charm experiment at the Tevatron would have. e+e− B factory experiment due to the fact that the mean decay length is notably larger than the 2.1. Scaling from HERA-B vertex resolution. HERA-B took data with various trigger con- figurations. One configuration used a minimum bias trigger, and from this data set the experi- A Fermilab Tevatron fixed-target experiment ∗ ∗ ment reconstructed 61.3 13 D -tagged “right- could produce very large samples of D mesons sign” D0 K−π+ decays± in 182 106 hadronic that decay via D∗+ D0π+, D0 K+π− [1]. → × → → interactions [7]. This yield was obtained after The decay time distribution of the “wrong-sign” all selection requirements were applied. Multi- D0 K+π− decay is sensitive to D0-D 0 mixing → plying this rate by the ratio of doubly-Cabibbo- parameters x and y. Additionally, comparing the suppressed to Cabibbo-favored decays RD 0 0 D decay time distribution to that for D allows Γ(D0 K+π−)/Γ(D0 K−π+)=0.380% [8]≡ one to measure or constrain the CP -violating gives a→ rate of reconstructed,→ tagged D0 K+π− (CP V ) parameters q/p and Arg(q/p) φ. This → −9 | | ≡ decays per hadronic interaction of 1.3 10 . method has been used previously by Fermilab ex- To estimate the sample size a Tevatron× exper- 0 periments E791 [2] and E831 [3] to search for D - iment would reconstruct, we assume the experi- 0 D mixing. However, those experiments ran in ment could achieve a similar fractional rate. If the the 1990’s and reconstructed only a few hundred experiment ran at an interaction rate of 7 MHz flavor-tagged D0 K+π− decays. Technologi- → (which was achieved by HERA-B using a two- cal advances in vertexing detectors and electron- track trigger configuration), and took data for ics made since E791 and E831 ran now make a 1.4 107 live seconds per year, then it would much improved fixed-target experiment possible. nominally× reconstruct (7 MHz)(1.4 107)(1.3 We estimate the expected sensitivity of such an 10−9)(0.5) = 64000 flavor-tagged D×0 K+π×− experiment, and compare it to that of the B fac- decays per year, or 192000 decays in three→ years tory experiments Belle and Babar. Those experi- of running. Here we have assumed a trigger effi- ments have reconstructed several thousand signal ciency of 50% relative to that of HERA-B, as the decays and, using these samples along with those trigger would need to be more restrictive than the 0 + − + − for D K K /π π , have made the first ob- minimum bias configuration of HERA-B. servation→ of D0-D 0 mixing [4,5]. The CDF ex- 0 0 periment has also measured D -D mixing us- 2.2. Scaling from E791 0 + − ing D K π decays [6]. Although the back- Fermilab E791 was a charm hadroproduction → + − ground is much higher than at an e e experi- experiment that took data during the 1991-1992 ment, the number of reconstructed signal decays fixed-target run. The experiment ran with a mod- is larger, and the statistical errors on the mixing est transverse-energy threshold trigger, and it re- parameters are similar to those of Babar. constructed 35 D∗-tagged D0 K+π− decays in Although we focus on measuring x, y, q/p , and 10 → | | 5 10 hadronic interactions [2]. This corre- φ, a much broader charm physics program is pos- sponds× to a rate of 7 10−10 reconstructed de- sible at a Tevatron experiment. We also briefly cays per hadronic interaction.× Assuming a fu- present some of these other opportunities. ture Tevatron experiment achieves this fractional rate, one estimates a signal yield of (7 MHz)(1.4 7 −10 × 2. EXPECTED SIGNAL YIELD 10 )(7 10 ) = 69000 per year, or 207000 in three years.× This value is similar to that obtained We estimate the signal yield expected by scal- by scaling from HERA-B. We have assumed the ing from two previous fixed-target experiments, same trigger + reconstruction efficiency as that of E791 at Fermilab and HERA-B at DESY. These E791. We note that E791 had an inactive region Fixed-Target Charm at the Fermilab Tevatron 3 in the middle of the tracking stations where the 4. COMPARISON WITH HADRON π− beam passed through, and a future Tevatron COLLIDERS experiment could avoid this acceptance loss. We The LHCb experiment has a forward geom- do not include any improvement for this in our ∗+ projection. etry and is expected to reconstruct D D0π+, D0 K+π− decays in which the D∗ orig-→ inates from→ a B decay. The resulting sensitivity to mixing parameters x′2 and y′ has been studied in Ref. [12]. This study assumes a b¯b cross section of 500 µb and estimates several unknown trigger and reconstruction efficiencies. It concludes that approximately 58000 signal decays would be re- 3. COMPARISON WITH THE B FAC- constructed in 2 fb−1 of data, which corresponds TORIES to one year of running. This yield is similar to that estimated for a Tevatron experiment. How- We compare these yields with those that will be ever, LHCb’s trigger is efficient only for D mesons attained by the B factory experiments after they having high p , i.e., those produced from B de- have analyzed all their data. The Belle experi- T ∗ − cays. This introduces two complications: ment reconstructed 4024 D -tagged D0 K+π −1 → decays in 400 fb of data [9], and it is expected 0 + − −1 1. Some fraction of prompt D K π de- to record a total of 1000 fb when it completes cays will be mis-reconstructed→ or undergo running. This integrated luminosity corresponds multiple scattering and, after being paired to 10060 signal events. with a random soft pion, will end up in the The Babar experiment reconstructed 4030 D0 K+π− sample (fitted for x′2 and y′). tagged D0 K+π− decays in 384 fb−1 of data [4], → → −1 As the production rate of prompt D’s is and the experiment recorded a total of 484 fb two orders of magnitude larger than that of when it completed running in early 2008. Thus B’s, this component may be non-negligible, the total Babar data set corresponds to 5080 sig- and thus would need to be well-understood nal events. Adding this to the estimated final when fitting. yield from Belle gives a total of 15100 D0 + − → K π decays. This is less than 8% of the yield es- 2. To obtain the D∗ vertex position (i.e., the timated for a Tevatron experiment in three years origin point of the D0), the experiment of running. must reconstruct a B D∗X vertex, and The KEK-B accelerator where Belle runs the efficiency for this is→ not known. Monte is scheduled to be upgraded to a “Super-B” Carlo studies indicate it is 51% [12], but factory running at a luminosity of 8 there is uncertainty in this value. 1035 cm−2 s−1 [10]. There is also a proposal∼ to× construct a Super-B factory in Italy near the The LHCb study found that, for NK+π− = I.N.F.N. Frascati laboratory [11]. An experiment 232500, a signal-to-background ratio (S/B) of at either of these facilities would reconstruct very 0.40, and a decay time resolution (σt) of 75 ps, large samples of D∗+ D0π+, D0 K+π− de- the statistical errors obtained for x′2 and y′ were cays, and in fact the→ resulting sensitivity→ to x′2 6.4 10−5 and 0.87 10−3, respectively. These and y′ may be dominated by systematic uncer- values× are less than half× of those that we estimate tainties. This merits further study. We note that can be attained by the B factories by scaling cur- ′2 −5 the systematic errors obtained at a future Teva- rent errors by √NK+π− : δx 14 10 and tron experiment are expected to be smaller than δy′ 2.2 10−3. As the signal≈ yield,× S/B, and + − ≈ × those at an e e collider experiment, due to the σt of a future Tevatron experiment are similar to superior vertex resolution and π/K identification those for LHCb, we expect that similar errors for possible with a forward-geometry detector. x′2 and y′ can be attained. 4J. A. Appel, P. S. Cooper, S. Kwan, W. Dunwoodie, B. Meadows, A. J. Schwartz, M. V. Purohit, J. Russ

The CDF measurement of charm mixing [6]has ∗+ 0 + 0 + − h20f 12700 D D π , D K π decays from 1.5 20000 Entries 700000 −1 → → Mean 0.1833 ± 0.0006326 fb of integrated luminosity. This could increase 18000 RMS 0.5293 ± 0.0004473 χ2 / ndf 200.1 / 196 16000 by about a factor of five by the end of Run II at Prob 0.4055 14000 p0 0.003176 ± 0.000034 the Tevatron collider. p1 0.0001598 ± 0.0000416 12000 p2 0.007768 ± 0.000638 p3 1.048 ± 0.002 To compare to these estimates, we have done a 10000 “toy” Monte Carlo (MC) study to estimate the 8000 sensitivity of a Tevatron experiment. The re- 6000 sults obtained are similar to those of LHCb: for 4000 2000 N + − = 200000, S/B = 0.40, σt = 75 ps, and K π 0 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 a minimum decay time cut of 0.5 τD (to re- ∆ duce combinatorial background), we× find δx′2 = t (ps) 5.8 10−5 and δy′ = 1.0 10−3. These errors × × 16000 are the RMS’s of the distributions of residuals h140f Entries 406246 obtained from fitting an ensemble of 200 experi- 14000 Mean 0.3002 ments. A typical fit is shown in Fig. 1. 12000 RMS 0.6641



TERS 6000 If we assume the δx′2 and δy′ errors obtained 4000 in our toy MC study (which are close to the val- 2000 0 ues obtained in the LHCb study), we can estimate −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 the resulting sensitivity to CP V parameters q/p ∆t (ps) and φ. The first parameter characterizes CP| V in| − the mixing of D0 and D 0 mesons, while the sec- Figure 1. Monte Carlo D0 K+π decay time → ond parameter is a phase that characterizes CP V distributions (top) without and (bottom) with a resulting from interference between an amplitude minimum decay time cut. Superimposed is the with mixing and a direct decay amplitude. In the result of a fit. The ratio of signal to background , q/p and φ are essentially 1 and after the tmin (=τD/2) cut is 0.40, and the decay | | 0, respectively; a measurable deviation from these time resolution σt is 75 fs. values would indicate new physics. To calculate the sensitivity to q/p and φ, we | | do a global fit of eight underlying parameters to for q/p and φ; for comparison, the analogous 28 measured observables. The fitted parameters HFAG| plot| is shown in Fig. 2a. One sees that are x and y, strong phases δKπ and δKππ, RD, a future Tevatron experiment would yield a very and CP V parameters AD, q/p and φ. Our fit is substantial improvement. analogous to that done by the| Heavy| Flavor Av- eraging Group (HFAG) [13]. The only difference is that we reduce the errors for x′2 and y′ accord- ing to our toy MC study, and we also reduce the error for yCP by a similar fraction. This latter parameter is measured by fitting the decay time distribution of D0 K+K−/π+π− decays, which would also be triggered→ on and reconstructed by a Tevatron charm experiment. The results of the fit are plotted in Fig. 2b. The figure shows two-dimensional likelihood contours Fixed-Target Charm at the Fermilab Tevatron 5

1.5 σ HFAG- charm 1 2 σ FPCP 2008 3 σ 4 σ Arg(q/p) 1 5 σ





-1.5 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 |q/p|

1.5 1 σ 2 σ Tevatron 3 years 3 σ σ Arg(q/p) 1 4 5 σ





−1.5 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 |q/p|

Figure 2. q/p versus φ likelihood contours re- sulting from| a global| fit to measured observables (see text). Top: data after FPCP 2008, from the Heavy Flavor Averaging Group [13]. Bottom: af- ter three years of running of a Tevatron charm experiment. 6J. A. Appel, P. S. Cooper, S. Kwan, W. Dunwoodie, B. Meadows, A. J. Schwartz, M. V. Purohit, J. Russ

6. OTHER PHYSICS simple forms are to be expected, particularly for describing broad resonances with high statistics. 6.1. Lifetimes and lifetime differences This is already evident in Dalitz fits to, for ex- 6.2. Direct CPV searches 0 0 ample, the D KSππ. Another example is that 6.3. Rare and forbidden charm decays Gounaris and Sakurai→ provided a formula for the 6.4. Spectroscopy via Dalitz-plot analyses case of the well-known wide resonance ρ(770) [14]. A very high statistics charm experiment can Experimentally, one can try to examine scattering hope to unravel many mysteries related to reso- amplitudes [15] and one does not find clear Breit- nances in the 1-2 GeV region. This is because Wigner-shaped peaks. This further delineates the charm hadron masses are in the 2 GeV range need for high-statistics studies of scattering. and ππ, Kπ and KK resonances often dominate A related issue is that of parameterization via charm particle decays. For instance, one can as- Breit-Wigner peaks or via the K-matrix and P- pire to improve many aspects of our understand- vector formalisms [16–18]. The K-matrix method ing outlined below. There is much to be learned is well motivated, but does it (a) provide a better also from the decays of the J/ψ,ψ(2S), and even description of data than a simple sum of reso- the ηc, which could also be produced at some level nances and (b) is it merely a different parame- in any such experiment. terization since there are hidden assumptions in 6.4.1. Model-independent scattering am- this approach? A well-known success is the Flatte plitudes formula for coupled channel descriptions of the Investigators such as Dunwoodie, Meadows et f0(980). This description is being tested (at least) by BaBar analysis of Ds πππ data at the mo- al. have pioneered the approach of not param- → eterizing the scattering amplitude but, instead, ment. obtaining amplitudes and phases as a function of Another example of uncertainties in physics de- energy directly from the data. This gets around scriptions lies in the issue of whether the Zemach many of the problems that plague the various pa- formalism or the helicity formalism correctly de- rameterizations. On the other hand, it is not easy scribes decays [19,20]. to obtain convergent fits to data when a complex Barrier penetration factors modify the resonant amplitude is desired in fine steps of mass. Current propagators. Their derivation is based on simple results with this technique are in good agreement quantum mechanical models of mesons [21,22]. with the simple isobar model. The true benefits There is no reason to expect these expressions to will accrue when differences are well established. be rigidly true. Indeed, we must search for better It should be noted that the idea that interme- descriptions both empirically as well as theoreti- diate resonances necessarily exist is not univer- cally, especially when there are higher mass exci- sally accepted. Indeed, such doubts motivated tations in the same amplitude (e.g., the P-wave Dunwoodie to advocate that we measure scat- extracted from K pi scattering). tering amplitudes directly without any assump- tions about resonances, and compare with results 6.4.3. Improvements in masses and widths in other related processes. Higher statistics than of well-established resonances currently available will be required. It is well known that the parameters (and pa- rameterization) of the f0(980) are not well estab- 6.4.2. Improvement in descriptions of the lished. Indeed, as a simple scan of the particle resonances data table of light, unflavored mesons will estab- So far we have mostly used a Breit-Wigner lish, beyond a mass of around 1 GeV, one or more functional form to describe resonances, with of the mass, width and major branching fractions some modifications for barrier penetration factors of most resonances are not well known. This etc. However, there is no well-established theory is also true for strange mesons apart from the ∗ ∗ ∗ which prescribes a precise form for the propagator K (892): the K2 (1430), the K3 (1780) and the ∗ for wide resonances. Hence, deviations from the K4 (2045). Note however that mass and width Fixed-Target Charm at the Fermilab Tevatron 7

values must be in context, i.e., may not be iden- f0(980): Overlaps strongly with the σ(600), tical in all processes, (e.g., there could be effects • if such exists. (Leads to a dip in the ππ due to thresholds or to cross-channel interference spectrum at the KK threshold.) in Dalitz-plot analyses. f0(1500): Mass is fairly well-established, Note that there is also the possibility of learn- • ing about light meson systems from charm baryon but not precisely so. Whether this reso- decay. For example, in Ziegler’s thesis study of nance is mainly glue is an open question. + 0 Note however that the f0(1710), is seen Λc ΛK K [23], she showed that the Dalitz → in J/ψ radiative decay (indicating gg cou- plot is well-described in terms of a0 and Ξ(1690) amplitudes only. It would be interesting to look pling) while the f0(1500) is not. + at the Λc Ληπ Dalitz plot in order to relate Pseudoscalars: Is there only a single →+ 0 + the a0 to K K and ηπ amplitudes, assuming • η(1440) or are there also η(1405) and that one can obtain adequate statistics on both η(1475)? The latter two are not firmly es- Λc decay modes. tablished. Similarly, one can ask whether 6.4.4. Sorting out poorly established reso- the η(1295) is an established resonance. nances Theorists have questioned the need for As stated in the PDF reviews of low mass this large number of states. At the same resonances [24,25], scalar resonances have large time, classification schemes can accommo- widths; there are many in a short mass interval; date these resonances. Do they have large and there is ”competition” from glueballs and gluonic content? ++ multiquark states. In addition there is the ex- 1 isoscalars: Is the f1(1420) decaying to • ∗ perimental problem of distinguishing these from K K real? Similarly, an f1(1510) is re- ”non-resonant components” in Dalitz analyses. ported, and again, this resonance needs to A list of issues in charm spectroscopy includes: be firmly established.

Parameters for the well-established: What are the masses, widths and couplings • ∗ • K0 (1430). of all these resonances? Knowledge of the branching fractions and such coupling in- The κ: Wide and close to Kπ threshold; formation will lead to clearing up of oddi- • difficult to establish. Connections to theo- ties in data analyses, such as which channels retical work on poles of the T-matrix have should show which resonances. not been firm. Interpretation: Fitting the scalars into a • The a0(980): Being close to the KK thresh- nonet is a problem. The choice of the • old, it is difficult to establish this with- ninth member is ambiguous. Are they dom- out a proper coupled-channel analysis. The inantly multiquark (qqq¯q¯) states? Are they broad structure at 1300 MeV: needs fur- glueballs? And how many of the masses ther confirmation in existence and isospin and widths are predicted by lattice gauge assignment. calculations?

σ(600): Hard to establish. Broad, must 6.4.5. Spectroscopy via production (e.g., • be ”distorted by background as required double charm baryons) by chiral symmetry”, from ”crossed channel Doubly-Charmed Baryons were discovered at exchanges” etc. The σ(600) plays an impor- Fermilab in forward hadroproduction with baryon tant role as the ”Higgs boson of strong inter- beams. Several states are reported, each in sev- actions” in chiral symmetry-breaking mod- eral decay modes. However, there has been no els, and supposedly ”generates” most of the confirmation of these states from non-baryon- and η′ masses. baryon interactions. These states are a new and 8J. A. Appel, P. S. Cooper, S. Kwan, W. Dunwoodie, B. Meadows, A. J. Schwartz, M. V. Purohit, J. Russ different window into QCD. Their spectroscopy, elements in all collider experiments; for the Teva- lifetimes, and decay schemes are all illuminating. tron, LEP, B-factories, and now the LHC. CCDs There are critical experimental issues for a 100- were limited to only e+e- colliders because of 1000+ event experiment. These include: their readout speed. On the other hand, the use of hybridized pixel detectors, in which readout chips High energy baryon beams • were bump-bonded to silicon sensors, have been High rate beam and detector used in heavy ion experiments at CERN (WA97, • NA62) and are now being employed as the ver- Excellent tracking, particularly in the ver- tex detector for ATLAS, CMS, and ALICE. With • tex region the development and experience gained over the last decade or so, the hybridized pixel detector Good downstream hyperon reconstruction technology has matured, and certainly can be an • efficiency for good charmed baryon recon- important tool for future fixed-target charm ex- struction efficiency periments. Excellent particle ID Pixel detectors offer excellent three- • dimensional information, which leads to much 6.4.6. Comparisons with other experi- better pattern recognition, avoiding ambiguities ments: and ghost tracks. Its advantage over the two- LHC • dimensional information provided by the silicon strip detectors have been demonstrated by both Super B-Factories • the fixed-target experiments at CERN and also 7. OVERVIEW OF NEW TECHNOLO- at SLD. With a pixel size of 50 microns by 400 microns, test beam results achieved a resolution GIES of better than 2 microns. The detector noise is 7.1. Silicon pixel detectors/vertexing about 100 electrons or less. This means such a Silicon pixel detectors will play a crucial role detector would give a signal-to-noise of better in a new high-rate fixed-target charm experi- than 200:1. These detectors are also very quiet, ment. Their contributions include pattern recog- and the spurious hits, as observed during the nition in complex event topologies, radiation-hard commissioning phase of the LHC experiments, − high-rate capability so that primary beam can are of order of 10 5. Furthermore, such devices go through the detector without compromising can be self-triggered. All the readout chips used performance, and excellent spatial resolution en- in the LHC experiments have the feature of being abling the reconstruction of interaction and decay data-driven, which means that the chip gener- points from measured charged particle tracks. ates a fast signal when a hit is registered above Historically, silicon microstrip detectors played threshold. ALICE has used this information, and an important role in fixed-target charm experi- has taken a lot of cosmic ray and first beam data ments. When these high precision vertex detec- using a pixel-detector trigger. tors were introduced in the eighties, they revolu- Pixel detectors, because of their fine segmenta- tionized the study of heavy flavors. Besides offer- tion, can also handle very high rate, and handle ing high precision tracking and vertex informa- high radiation dosage. It has all the excellent tion, they lead to the possibility of high statis- features that are required in a next generation of tics experiments, something that earlier gener- charm experiments. ations of experiments, using bubble chambers Since 1998, Fermilab has been active in the or emulsions could not possibly accomplish. In pixel R&D effort. This has led to the development 1985/1986, CCDs were used in a fixed-target of the FPIX series of pixel readout chips for the charm experiment, the first application of pixel BTeV experiment. When BTeV was cancelled, a devices in high energy physics. Since then, sili- group from Los Alamos picked up the design and con strip detectors have become major tracking used the chip, sensor, interconnect, and a lot of Fixed-Target Charm at the Fermilab Tevatron 9 the mechanical design to build a couple of for- The ring radius resolution was measured to be ward muon stations for the PHENIX experiment. 1.56 mm and, on average, 13.6 photons were ob- With small modification, such a design could be served for a β = 1 particle. well suited for a new charm experiment at the Tevatron. 7.4. Micro gas tracking detectors, e.g., GEM 8. SUMMARY 7.2. Triggering on decay vertices, impact parameters In summary, we note the following and con- 7.3. RICH detectors, π/K separation clude: The physics goals of a fixed-target charm ex- 0 0 periment requires good charged particle identifi- D -D mixing is now established, and • cation to observe various decay modes of interest. attention has turned to the question of At the Tevatron fixed-target energies, one must whether there is CP V in this system. be able to separate pions, kaons, and with Technical advances in detectors and elec- high efficiency over a range of momentum from • tronics made since the last Fermilab fixed- several GeV up to hundreds of GeV. This can be target experiments ran would make a new accomplished by using a Ring Imaging Cherenkov experiment much more sensitive to mixing detector (RICH). and CP V effects. Silicon strips and pix- ¿From the early days of the OMEGA experi- els for vertexing are well-developed, and ment, over the years, RICH detectors have been detached-vertex-based trigger concepts and built and operated in different environments. prototypes exist (e.g., HERA-B, CDF, They were used in fixed-target experiments at BTeV, LHCb). Fermilab (e.g., E665, E706, E789, E781), in − HERA-B at DESY, as well as in e+e collider Such an experiment would have substan- experiments (DELPHI and SLD). Currently, a • tially better sensitivity to mixing and CP V RICH detector is used in a hadron collider ex- than all Belle and Babar data together will periment (LHCb). provide. The Tevatron data should have The detector performance and cost is deter- less background than LHCb data. Sys- mined, to a large extent, by the choice of the tematic uncertainties may also be less than photo-detector. In the early days, experiments those of any Super-B Factory experiments used gas detectors based on photo-ionizing gas and LHCb. such as TMAE or TEA. Operationally, this has The Tevatron and requisite beamlines are not been easy. On the other hand, the new rounds • of experiments tend to use commercial detectors essentially available. such as PMT (SELEX), MAPMT (HERA-B) and Such an experiment could help untangle HPD (LHCb) which offer stability, ease of opera- • whatever signals for new physics appear at tion, and maintenance at a moderate cost. the Tevatron or LHC. We can take the SELEX RICH as an exam- ple. The RICH vessel is 10.22 m long, 93 inches Recently, a working group has formed to study in diameter and filled with neon at atmospheric the physics potential of a charm experiment at the pressure. At the end of the vessel, an array Tevatron in more detail. Information about this of 16 hexagonal mirrors are mounted on a low- working group and its results can be obtained at mass panel to form a sphere of 19.8 m in radius. Each mirror is 10 mm thick, made out of low- view/FutureTev/WebHome. expansion glass. For the photo-detector, SELEX In brief, we write this chapter to keep the pos- used 2848 0.5-inch photomultipler tubes arranged sibility of a fixed-target charm experiment at the in an array of 89 by 32. Over a running period Tevatron a viable option for Fermilab (and the US of 15 months, the detector operated very stably. HEP program), to be decided upon once there is 10J. A. Appel, P. S. Cooper, S. Kwan, W. Dunwoodie, B. Meadows, A. J. Schwartz, M. V. Purohit, J. Russ a clearer picture of available funding, manpower, 23. ”Hyperon and Hyperon Resonance Proper- and feasibility of the current roadmap. ties from Charm Baryon Decays at BaBar” by Veronique Ziegler (Univ. of Iowa). SLAC- R-868, May 2007. REFERENCES 24. C. 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