Joint laireettgation


An Sateerstate foidlge Across tho

Columbia Blver between Portland^

end Vancouver Vlolnity, laehington

Prepared under the director of Vhe Oregon State Eighsray Department


The Department of HighutE^rs


tteaoewtsttiHtsweaseewiitwsiwiSBmiissaes oitesBMiiMBsmi«ese»»imgewHHH»N«Htoo

The Oregon The Waehlngton State Bli^way Departmsot Department of Bi^heaye

B« BaXdo0k| State Ei^n^ Engineer W* A. Bngge, Director of Hghwaye % 0* WlXXiaoiei Assists^ ^te 0» E» Dlnsmore^ Assistant Director Highway Engineer of Blgheaye C» Smithy ConetrueUon Shglneer Ceo* StevenBi Bridge Engineer 6| S. Ikseon^ Bridge ^^iginoer H* 0* l^gginsi Traffie ^iglneer B# CbmndalXf Q^afflo Englnoer V. J* MeH^f District &igineer % Ma ^tby Ps^oipaX liOOation Engr* fi* G« Porak^ Associate ffllgtcmy Engr*

Washington Stue {^apartment of"Darmponw®' Ubrary TABLE OF C»BTMTS

Sabjeet Fag©

X« Foreword

2* Growth and BereXoiaaent

3* Bdsoriptlott of Esiatisig Bridge

Urn TTaffio Volmses

5* Traffic Delays

6* Practical Oapacity and Peak Folmaes

7* Field Xavestlgetlones- (a) Boot© Bo* I 82nd Ave«

(b) Honte Bo« 2 — 39*^ Ave« (c) Rout© Ho* 3 ~ Znterati te Bridge via Interstate Ave« (d) Bonte Ho. 3 Alt. via Belawar© Avo. (e) Kottte Ho. A - Golmbla ^ver Timnele (f) Bottte So. 5 via St. ^ohnci 8. Table IF Bstlisatoo - Columbia Blver Bridgoo

9* Table F Estimates - Oregon Approaches

10* Table FX Estimates - Washington Approaches

11. Table FIX Composite Estimates - Bridges and Apjsroaohes

12. Avertable and ^snorated Traffic

13« Boslre linos of travel

M. Conclusions

Chraplis and Plans

Pig 1 Flolnlty Hap showing Highways Jig 2 Flclnlty Sap showing proposed Routes Fig 2A Ifep of Oregon Approactee Jig 3 Population trend to 1970 Fig 4. frai^fle Fol^ca© firend Page

Fig 5 Srldgd S3.er7;&tioxi Route X

Fig 6 Bridge SXeTetlon Route % %t 3

Flg7 Route 4 TouneX ProfiXa end geotloB

Fig 8 Route 5 - Bridge EXevatioa

Fig XO Route X - Oregon Approach - 82nd Are •Frof IX© Fig XX Route X - Washington Approach * PSH ^8 - tSap and Xnteroheaga £Xg 13 Route X - W^hlngtoB Approach 39th Are* BkI* S£ap 1 Fig 14 Route X Washlngtoa Approach «* PSH #8 ProfiXe Fig X$ Route 1 - Waehiugton Ar preach - 39th Aue# Bxt# ProfiXe |

Fig 17 Route 2 - Oregon Appsroach - 39th Ave# Profile

Fig 19 Route 3 - Oregon Approach via Xnterotnte - Profile

Fig 2X Route 3 - Oregon Approach via BeXceare ProfiXe Fig 22 Route 3 - Waahlngtoa Approach PSH #X thru Fanceuver Efep Fig 23 Route 3 - Waahingtoa Aj^jronch PSB #l thru Vaaeouver Profile

Fig 24 Route 3 - Wachingtcoi Approach Conneetlcn to Interstate Bridge

Fig 30 Route 5• Orogoa Approach vis St* Johae- Profile Fig 31 Route 5 fachlngtcn Approach - OoXusshla River to Woodland*- Hap |

Fig 32 Route 5 Baahlngton Approach * CoXisiihla River to Woodland^ ProfiXe

fahXo X Troffie Foluine ly cXacseo of Fehlolec «> Ai^ 1949

Fable IX traffic Bolaye 7abl© XII Projected AAB and ElshcBt hour Folmes

Fable X9 RstiisateB OoXuotbla River ^eelnge fabJi 7 Eetijsatee Oregon Approsuhcc

Fable FX Betleigioe - Hhohlagtoa Approach©^ Table VH ^lapooit© Bstlsiatee - iteldgea and Approaches

^abXe fill diverted s^ad Eepected Traffic FOBSWOHB

fhlfl ie a report ©f tha Joint lurestlgatioii ty tbo Bl^^ay Bepartasata of the States of Oregon and Washington of the Xooatlcm and feaelhiXlty of a etrocrtnre aeroes the OoXuahla River hatttees Portland^ Oregon and ^anooaver^ Washington vlolnlt|r to reliove the ccmgestod eomditlon of vehleuXar traffic 00. the essietlng intoret to Bridge and to provide an ade^oate faeiXl^ for

present and ftxture traffic hetveen the two centers* Xn cimjnnctlon with l^ls report^ reference chouXd he node to the foXXow-> lag studies and reports td&loh have famished the necessaxy tooXs and data used in arriving at the c^dnsion preoented in this reports ^ y (X) Origin and Beetination Traffic Purvey of V^ancenvor^ Washingt^ dmidncted hy State of Oregon and State of Washington EUghoey

Planning Sor^^aye* (2) ^Origin and Bastlnatioa,Traffic Surrey of Portland HetropoHtaa Area •»» X9A6^« Conducted hy tho Oregon State Highway Bepartaaent-^

Teohttle&l Report Bo« (3) ©Bovloe of CoXmhla Elver Greeslng Traffic and FaclXltics^i pri^» par^ ly the State of Bashlngt^f Bepartaent of KlghTmy6> ©rteai SectioBi Office of Traffic Saiglneer ^aauary X950f herelxanfter

referred to as the "1950 Eovtre©#

(X) Report on TToxie-OoXinQbla Blver Baterstate Bridge Studies^ l^b- Xlshad by the Oregim State Hlghroy Coesmla Ion February X944i

fechnlcal EuXXetln So* 16* s 2 I I I


£ t! a 11 5 I $ I I ^ 2 I I I ^


7^ ^ 'S a I After tJie wssp^ tdii tiis cloaiBg of car Jjaduatilca may of -Qso

^^arkora^ with fandllos, £ik»v^ awa^ shout aB&»^xird of tho wax^tiEG saigration reaaaincd ia Vaac^iivQap# ISiIq proTid^ a nm soarea of ialw asid housing facilities at'br&cted a coasidorable eKpaaaicixi ptrograci for hoih induatrlaX and retail actixdt^ to servo icucroaec^ ^mde* lb the north md eaat of ^aneoimsr lioa a f(3rtll@ farmlag eoSiHitii^ ly tio^r reaeurcoa. dty la the pariLsoipal gatoso^ for hi^my ^pavol to the state of \7aeMaigtoa rro!3 the smjth» fso is^port^Eit liS»S» aaabert^ pass through Vazi03Uvor| 99 oad ll*S. @30 (Sgo X)*

His foUodUsg is a ree^ituXation of the poimXatica growth of Fos^tXaad and Vancottwor tsm I8@0 to 1950* (FigtEres froa ®X946 - PortXaad Motro- poXlton Area 'Srofflc Sttrvey and froia PreXXoiaer^ X950 Censue £igua?Gs)»

PopoXstioB Statistlo©

teas Paetlanil FgnctsissBr

1860 2(764

X670 6(293 —

1880 t7,9f7 1,722

1890 46(365 3,345

19t» ^t4a6 3,126

1910 9,300

1920 ss^^asa 12,637

193) 301,0X5 15,766

1940 305,394 10,7^3

1950 m,oix 41,449

Popalatioa fsOTd to XWlfO is shoraa in Fig* III*

fig* HI* FopiXatioa fTesid

Fop^tian (tov© Fro|ected to 1970 70

« 60 o z < CO 50 3 O X 40

- 30 z o 20 t- 4 3 10 a o 0. n

YEAR I860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 I960 1970







n O * 250 4 (A 3 O 200 z


100 o

K 4 J 50 3 O. o 0.

YEAR I860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 I960 1970 CITY OF PORTLAND


& s r 3 1 a


5 1 I f

U 0 I

f $ ^0^ fepldgoa Qp©goa aad Colombia sloops are sts^ slrdea? te?idgos oa QOBCseto pieaps asd hs^vB tli© S/nsie roadeay section as tli© mla fepldse* 331© fam@r Is I3J7»5 foot in longth and c

307 foot in length and eonadsta of 4 span©*

TRrtFFXC fOJUJMEB As a result of tiie ts^eea^t rapid grcr^rtai of this area^ vohicailar baffle tjetwson tho tijo cffis nirdtlas^ ^ieh ig served the oxisiiag four land la?id^^ has laereasca to tha point inhere to? essistlag laddgo is no tosgsr ^Kipable of baadllng toe traffic sffldentl^^

July ij? usually the peak f^oath ou th© Interstate Mldgo ^ito ^anday traffic voluEi-:5 being approxiaiatcdy 13S psrcant of the nvorag© daily for the monto# 13io average peak hour of tho traffic oeciars between AtOO and

5l(^ B3 anrl is of the avorag© ainmal ;?j^hotir ^^fle volaacs toaran atfov©*

^he bif^est hourly voltnaes are sho^n in Table IH. Traffie voIifroq in too vicinity of to© interstate bridge have increased at an avara^^^jo rat© of 10»7

I^pc^at per year for th© past tea ysssrs*

I3as©d on mtorlty at tho year 2000^ tho aatioi^mtcd avoi^igo rate of is^ croasQ froa 1950 to 1930 is percent (®^ ^S» in* In 1946 and 1947 an origin destination traffic aurvcy of th© ?ancenv@r

v:/©© conducted jointly by to© Stat/^> of Orcgca ond tasMngtcn Highssy

Ktaordag Cisrveya^ cad daring too ©ana i?©riod a shiiilar atus^ of to© Bortlazid

Metropolitan Area conduotai by th© Chfcgon State UighKoy De|)artomt» Bach mmp^ ms conducts in cooperation ^ito the Bureau of Boods and the local goveraBsnts of tij© dtlos of Tfoncoav^^ ^iuaMsgtua and PortlaQd^ rej^activaXy* IhsEJ© d^p^alopai a (^roat deal of vatoahl© date baarlng

too need of a fbelHty bot^eoa the tm c4tictaa eoooo 60000

I1 T—

I % Increase-1937TO /948 1/7 or Avg. of /OJZ/Ve. *Z3j.

*! 0 ' jo,ooo °/o lNCJi.EASE /937 To /980 =286 or Avg. of 6.£%/Ya. ^0,000 % /NCJi.'EASE-/93O,To 7^80 = G8 OR Avg. of UX/Vt.

40OQ0 40,000


S 0/ k: ^ 30.000 30,000 Q

v\ <«j Cj d 0 X jF 0 I 20,000 20,000 ^



- • -•» - -»-• 1 --- • Qi I '^N I YEAB. '1980 Mafurify Avg % Increase F/GURE IT 2000 A/lafur/fy ©IS folXo'slfig record mera^o anmial rasabor of v^hidss por dfjgr ixsing ^slstisg bxl%^ sinca izidicatos tbe growth tsmi of vs^goIbt traffic botsraen t^o esatorst

Annoal Avarag© Ammal A'^erag© ^oldeXas Per IDajr leas? ?ohlcl03 For Day

1936 \S//0b 1946 26,51^^

1941 X9iiXU 1947 29,103

1942 kZfiOU 194^ 2S,6£K)

1943 21f210 1949

1944 21»516 1950 30,747

1945 24,596

Xa th© foUostiiE fabiid #1 is sho^ a broas&^oon of 1949 average daily ta^afiio fcy elasBaa of viMdesi

TAEI^ #1 "teifftc VolBaos Xntaratat© Bridg© l?aaccitv£^ Claosoc of Vo^des ^ AD® 1949 120 vobiclea per day

dagisog of Vehideo per Fercmt of Total

Orsgoa Pac^cfiDcer Ccrs 162/40 57.5

PoroigB » ® >2,2

Ll^t rruLcks

Eesvy Tracks i^4

'Iruelts - Seal Trailer o.a

Tameko - ? Trailer o»6

ISoaes 0^9

Total 100^0


Delsgrs to traffic crossing the intersts-te feiddge Is an vinfa-Toralsle foature of a low level biridge having e lift span which naist b© op^ied to servo river navigation. The number of times Ihe bridge is opened for navigation has been steadily increasing, Sie following tabulatioa obtained ftpon the ^Drawbridge Oporator^s Report for the Ihterstato Di-idge® shows ^ xKuaber of openings and Ihs time traffic is delayed for each cionth of the years 19^, 19A9 and 1950 and for the first three luonths of 1951*


^^0 12^ of Tiao ,Delayed Bfo* of Time Delayed Month Opeaiags Hours Mixi* Oponlnga Hours mn*

Jamxaxy 161 12 0 141 9 56 Febraaiy 1R3 12 18 236 17 8 Msreh 215 15 34 240 15 4B April 197 14 3 289 20 43 May A03 26 2 431 30 15 Jnne 350 23 55 385 26 19 JtOy 303 21 26 2A2 16 49 August 250 U 49 228 15 7 Septcmbsr 2ia 15 47 256 16 59 Q Oc^ber U5 ✓ 40 234 16 21 Itovraaber 191 23 37 260 17 15 l^s^abor 277 12 30 244 18

Total 2957 202 20 3186 230 48

1950 jaa. January 170 11 54 286 19 28 Fetetary 223 17 3 264 IS 25 March 278 19 36 267 18 12 AprH 272 18 31 l^y 319 22 7 Juno A52 32 0 My 427 31 5 Augost 327 22 40 Septaabsr 319 21 53 October 228 15 33 ^ovmber 312 22 52 Decanbc^ 255 17 17

Total 35^4 252 31

- *7 ^ PEM5iim fii PE^

a^tiSsssSaatioa of t^ tx^i£flc cr-ss^iag cr^paei'^ of ths csd0tlJ3g la?iago ms ia tbe 1950 ot ColsciMa Riwr Crossing asi j^^;cilltlc^» SsL tMs uso laaSe of siotk^ds^ pirlfieiplos aM Itetocatalo of to ^^aighsjajr Capaeitg^ ^aaaai** ^ to Slghwy BesM?ch Soard^ Coirf.'ttc^ ca Si^teiy Capadly^ pi23?li^isi Igr to> Biapeau of FqIiHq

Bosds» priniciple fact^s tMeh offeet -to ca^^adty and tak^ iato coisduteatloa ia to» analysis aro (X) Classiflcatioii ^ cih^raGtsriatins of dircotlQS of jasstecQ £lan?| (2) Coe55»sitiosa of traf£io fesTGeaatag© of eosk- v©Mo1@3)| sssd (3) and isn^oc of -toffic lonea*

It foand tot to fEE^etdcal i^orkiiDig ca^tacl-^ of to ^i©tog bridgo is voSddos pas* hew for 4 lanos as^dfig tot 5^ of -to poals hew fto 10 in to mjor For 0QX»7miciit roforsBiO® to dotallod GOES' pitattos ora roirro^ced m^^ssS^SSii heradto

mmc^ ci^^^s: of to xsrsssifAfE maim

W^Bp^ ^byo foilodng oafpacity deteminatiUai la basted on Si^w^ny no£^(^LEeh Board data as pjhlitod is ?ol« 25# So# 10^ l^bHc Roads^ actofear 1949^ (f^e. p# 229) pjmfiticol capacdtp oio diraetlon of cm a fosssilans di^dad ^th a ?ddo c^odian# ICSfoot toaidsra^ sisd l3«foot laiass ia I#5C)0 pasaengor ears pes* Isne per feoEHpo.

X mi€hE covrnmimt'^ tejpaa ^afSie iteiiity SsahLas repcwpt m svorogo of 10»4 ^ iSossicaroSal \n0hl£das ^ to leg of Etatdcm 26-4? A toffie @tsm^ cmtaistog 1Q@ ctmiisrclal rcMcloa has ^ to eapa^^ of a ©toaa camtstsd of c«p3 ^•P.» Talala 9# ^4*229) (0#09} ilSK^) 9**"^35 u hAOE m (?»b« tsiog % p^;^) |3 foot roatey v^MI^ -5 fsi3^ 9i tot lanes Oatalsto g (0,30) (1500) j whicleaAflas/hoor

- Q - :bi3ide Lasted ^ 33^ (0.I9) (1000) s -^5 ^^clesAoW^iouP m CAPACXTsr of m)9*5 Kiot ums for mm m pgr. oiRHn!i(^$> Oixtside Lsaa© - 1500 pL35 + 450) ^ %$ vcldelo^^!la£t&Aow Xaaido lane « l^K) (135 ^ ^5) r v^icles/laae/haar Ts7o-I@as3^ Qno Dixecti^ Capacitor - 1995 vehicles/tolonosAoaa?

55? of Peals-^our flo^? Is In Major Direction (Assuacd - So Ifeta Available) Liajor Flow js 1995 vehicles/tivolaaesAoar Minor Plow - iA (1995) x 1630 vehieles/tBolenes/aoiir

^Msa^^aas, Ttjo-Blreetlcm Cipacity s 3625 vetd^SLes/fouplanee/baiar

. CA?ACITZft^» -

Volasio s: 8«6? of valseie (Ore, T,E. ^49-2, table (KJO) (36^5) A-VI^p« 1^) 24r^cxHr Capaoiigr:; s 42^200 Vehicles For Day

IMS ea|>acl't7 is based npon KKJ? green tiao for Biterstate Bridge tamffic at the interseetlons s'lt grade imedlately to the brtdi^e aDoroachss# ^°Fbr tBidlvid^ fons^lans tho lateral clearance on the left side of the lanes for trsv^ in ^bo one direotioa bo asaocted to be e^^valeiit to the distsne® from left edge of these lanes to a vehiolo centered in the odjoccait lane used by trafflo travelling La tlio opsosito direction^ (PJfl,p.229)

2^ origin and d8StinatiQr day. Brnmr&t, the oritcsriOB for the ©eamsre of th© traffio carrylag capacity ^f a facility io ^io n{>ab-hattr volmae. Practical working capacity is in the ®Cap3Clty MoHmal" r©fexTcd to in the 1950 Eevisw^ as tho aHaslaas nambar of voliloles that can pass a given point on a or ia a dosiipisted Ian© dtu'lng hoar wlthoul IhB traffic density boliag so <::r©at as to cause nareasenable deley# hassisi, or restriotlon to th® drivero freodos to nEaao^Rr^ under the prevslll®^ voadmy and traffic condltlOiui''.' Sjj0 hlghsBt boaaps traffic volmiee for 194^ 1950 prajected to ©rc siOMi 3a fahXo Ho, m titei from the 1950 la this tabl© 1950 U^eet hocB* wlU2iG.a are awJuEted to final Instead of esttsatsd i.Mft



IBTSlSfA^ fffilBQB

:^94B I9S0 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1930 SF* AASTTroffle Folviso) 28,600» 30,717 37,000 a,7(» 15,500 18,100 50,600 52,100

Per Cent Voltuie leoreaee^ (O^r 19A3) 100.($ ia7.6)( 129.3iS U5.7? 159.3? 169.3? 177.0? 182.3?

MEtsstaraa Highest Hour 6,950 7,lg0 9,000 10,125 11,050 11,750 12,3a> 12,6j^ (24*3^ Ahir ?cao

lOth Highest Hour 5,175 5,570 6,700 7,550 8,250 8,750 9,150 9,125 (xe.i$ mm voi.)

2Mb Blghest Hour 1,625 1,980 6,000 6,750 7,350 7,850 8,200 8,150 <16.:$ mi Vol.)

30tti Hl{;hest Hoar 1,350 1,^ 5,625 6,350 6,900 7,350 7,700 7,925 (19.2JS fibV Vol.)

50tb Rlfbeat Hour (U.^ Sm Vol.) 1,0«> 1,310 5,175 5,850 6,375 6,775 7,075 7,300

Average Peak B(na«»» 2,160 2,650 3,180 3,585 3,920 1,170 1,360 1,<^0 te.6)S of Afiir Vol.)

SOVBi The varlone Blgbest {&)nr 8ata vere derived sveragiag eisillar Inforoft'tlon for foor (l) Oregon and five (5) SasMagtan Itersl Stations, as r^eorted Vol. 25, t)o. 11, PubUo Boads, Sad. 1950, P. 271. • 1918 ABB Vraffle Volume reported Ughsajr Ploaaing Survejr, Sta te of Bashtngton, Eopsrtaeat of HlghBoye «• Par cent Voluma Inoroaae 1@ tessd upon Tear a)00 Haturlty Curve presented on the THimC VOtD«E fHSSTO sauBb. «» Avorace peak hour added In 1991 b? thlB coaaltliee. S^apo PRACTICAL CAPACm & ?EAK ^OLtTulES (ConH*)

®io de£iGi^<^ of the esdsting structstpc in carrying capacity is poadily Sean by a e625 '^^hicles per boor ^th the l^i^iest hoiir traffic volumes ^lo^sn in Table !lo« ZII« Bie jacactical ^orldag capacity of 3f^5 r^sreseata tiic vaios taador the most favorable coaiditicais t;Mch cannot always be at"taitied. It is basod

!• CcK^aercial Vehicle Corroction#- ^09 X 150D » -135

2, Lane Oidtht- 1 CHstcdde lano - *19 ^ 1500 s -2O5 Inside lano - ^QQ x 1500 - - 50

Capacity of 2 ontold® lanes s 2 (1500-(155+285l ^ 2I6O " "1 inside lano - (l500-(l55<' 50) - 1335 Total capacities of 3 lanes in on© direction •• 3493

PlrecfhQal Vlow Correctiont-' Major Flow ^ 3A93 v^^clea/5 lonooAoy^ Minor flow SSk^ 3495 5 2860 on otructee ^th EJinor Fio^r 55

- 11 - wmnQAntm

o^ postdtillQ JLoeaMxim ^ MLdgo aosroHio tlis Cktlnabia bo/tsem ^'as^io^tcsi ^oitiXmS^ OregOBj togotJjar with ap^xaroaches thsr^to fmec tlio ^acSJiagta® Dcjjarteat# Job ms^i^ tf>^5 ir4^<» A alallsr staSy by tegca Sl^ay ms ly of ^ Or®^ M^bs^

Ctedsalfliia.* gist difftosat or Xooatloaaj imoiviag 5 dlffiefipcait ^^nsr crossiagfii t^aps ijwsstlgatea*

I Usrato So» 1 ^©000 tJio ^lieibda M.v^ m -asi c^^tsasdoa of Portlm^o SM Av®Eafc9^ aad Sateysoots §B ia ^i^JasMagts® soar ©tatloa ott tbo S. P# fii £» Raitejadi* Ftm tho iat«eCti!im !(di^ P^ M it mtaads ^sotoiy m r^^sated il^ to a ^Smotlen Routo So# Z {33jd ^%mQim)i> It tbCB cmirigin northerly nod joins P$B #1 {0S 1^) jtjst north of S'^lson Oresh:#

XI Bouto lio# 2 croscea tb© River (»a an of Port3U»Bd*0 B* !§• 33jpd Aveosfc© euad jnias Ibute So# X at ^0 oad of this brXdcjOji at the 4*motisai with FSB #8 (U#S« B30)« ^oea jaactVoa aorth^ly it follows Eodti So® 1®

WL0 route will ba roforred to ia this re^jort /?0 tho Avo« BstsRsicai®®

tH Boote 3 is GO Q3sto5isi<»i of Fortlaad^s Xat^atat^? Avtsatto ond orooiscS the river oaa £. location to asjd 03 foot dom otreasj fnsa thi? oasistlng Xoteratato Bridge B® £<, 99® Freia the ssid of tJie bridge^ the route eataade oorl^hiarXy oM joias #l (^®Sv #99) the S® ?« lacolt bransh Ovsfrhoad Croasiog® IM0 win bc5 rofexred to qb the °Biterstato Xooatioo®®

V! Rouio SOf 3# aXtomatOj iavolv^j^ the oase rivtsr oroasing and the same approAGh

V Houte -4 iai^Xvea t!ie eoaBtPttatioia. of a tiranol uo/dor the C-^Xumbia flivar 'ibout 300 fo^st upstrena from csistiag brldfo®

VI Bsaito £3o® 5 fcegias at Portload^® bsjveJojr i:trost cs tho y^( side of inXaiiette Tdwr and estcnis aortharigr vit the esistiBg

-» 12 Jolms Hridge in Portlaaii^ crosses th© Colmbia Sivor near

tha west end of Hoyden Island and iatorsects PSH }?l at a point

about 3<»5 ailec; nor^ uf f-oodland* This route and eroasing wdUJL

bo referred to tko ®£t« Johns I^at© ^ or ®St. Johns Crossijogn.

5br .parposoe of cor^ris estiaatce ha'ire been prepared for the ^merel socti^© of eaeh route frm a point of hsgimiSJig on an esietisif: in or near Portland, Oregon to a eo::siffia point on Prissry Stsita Highsay *?o. 1 (US about 3*5 milGs north of T^-oodland, ¥?a8hingt<3n* The letter point is the end of Houte liha St- Jdms n^uto, and the aost northerly '.oial of the sevejml proposed Ld^way rolocatloao#

The estimates in Tables Ilo^8« V UI includo tha cost of iOQ the portiim of the asleting hii:in7ayB elthin the licdts of each routo to the desi^i standarda, as woH as th© neis loc!?tic3i£J iavolvad in each route. Houererj the plans for improTFing tha e:d.sting routsQ aot lnclnd<^ as ©shibita in this report^T^ere the allgBSKmt of the oectioo fallows the aslstiag high\5ay» "Iheso msgr ba reforred to, if dp^tred, la tha Highway Doperlzaeattof Oregon am Washington^

- 13 - mjft ®). 1 - 82Bfl SI. nCSDIE

1. Cg08Bla«t-

12ie por^sed brldgo oa 1M8 route erossod tlie Columbia Pdver on a line

is tije exteasioa of Portlocd's S» B« B2sd St» 5 ailos upstreaa

tli^ (SsiBtiiig: Xnterstatc; bsridge* Boooaoe of distaaco tjsm tho (sdjst^ iflg ^tfifipstats bridge a 4^Iaao straeturcp with a 5^ ft« roadsay boteecaa 5 0id®sa3to|, earacying 3-5JGy traffic was estiastiai at tbio sitc« Two alt£3rsiate

^er© coaalder^* Quo is a i:ii^ IotoI fised eteel opaa bridge with ctssfispote T beaa appoeoachos cad a cantiX&vered saspcaiided steel aa?ch epaa oxrer the %^atloB ShoBSsl# Uiis dosi^ is 5436«75 f^-et in loagth of whldi a ligagth of 2081,^25 feet is T Beasj cQHatractlQa aad 3355*5 fset is ate^l co®^ structioa#- 'Bib csEatHepeorod arch span has q 320 foot hosi.s^tsI clearsnce and a 160 foot vea^cai cloGraaco aboij^a Imr water alevatio& -fS.OS (s©o Pig. ?)•

^ ncw?^i®rly md span also crossos ovor the P* & &• before fot^sing an intcrsootion and intoTGhang© tho csistiag and new locations of PSH #8 (tJS ^30)9 The cost of the high lo^l fiagd sp^ desi^ is ^#957tX0» Bm alteaenate dooi^ coaoistG of a low lefvel bridge with a lift sp^n oror th0 Ha^gnticn Cbmn^Lm Bm lift span has a 250 foot hoi^sontnl cloaraneef 0

V^^rticaX cleas^e© of 6B feet above the low water elevation ^en olosod

20 feet above lew water when op^ed* Bds etraoturo alsio crosses over tbus S« P« & Da %• on the Earth cod before foming a J^ction with 01 (U8 030)• 5310 brldgs in 5^90 fe^t la leng^u Qi© estimated coot iff |6fl59»0(XI« Btre averago artmial cost of oj>ora*Wnn of lift span on th© garf-fttiytg Interstate bridgo is opprofjdiimtQly 047fiWO oxtd the avurago mvraal mintsaaiKt© cost (diargsablo t-o th© novsble feataires is about §35^^ or a total of Ells l9 sssiclusivo of p^tlagj MiOh ivtmigos abmi ^500 fr^r year and ihich for all pFactic-il pnrposesj^ is^ bo coasldes^ as not being incident to thn iar3vabl

"14* Oa tliis ba^ tho bi^ liridge is ths most eeosQideal« It has

follo^Kte^ advoniageat- (1) It is frae Sxsm iatcsroptloa to tvoiHc £la^ (2) X^is&r conQtraetioa and EsaiatozKmce costs

^Qae oslgla cmd dostinaticm stnclios to heroin and soamri&ed ia Table VXX ims&oatQ tbat *^110 site is not f^mos^bX/ located ^th respect

is} tbe desire lOTmoQta of traveX* Thoso studies indicate that about 19*^

of traffic m tho esdsting Sntorstate bridge moy be espectai to bo diverts

to a now bridg© n.t this sltoo IMXo this would afford seas© isiscfdiato roltof to

tho €^lsiSag Xaterstats bridge, it ci^moot bo eoasidorod as a solutloB of the

proscat tToffie problcssu

Upon tho Isaots of 1950 withes, the eoastaractloa of this bridge tho average dolXy traffic on the casting bridge would be replaced to 24.9^0 vehicles or m erialvsLleat 3Qth Id^host hour volmse of 3,750 vehicles, ehiXc

tho cfiSBiputed practical r.o:^lng capacity of the ogistiag bridge is 3,62$ vohiolcs*

Qregon; Approach

^Qio sou^ €32d of ^10 CoXsmbia ^vor I^dge on thi© rrmte i^ bai^ of the €Ske and ctf the Xcv^ road E* Marine Ihive) and m a mrfh^ard eistensien

of M* E* 0^^ i:mnm in Portl£}ind« This oatonslon Intersects tho dike just o^et

of the iMerwood Golf CoFiiPiio* ®i© roato crosseo

ovarSXcm chamol and over CoXtmhla bXoti^h ^d a comblaed aBder

Bcn;dLovaa?d the Paoifle tracks ^th a traffic intas^hss:^ to ColusMa

BauX<^v^Fd» A ©l®rt diBtme© north of Coteibla Boulevard the bridg© cosm^tion pames tsndGf !!• SilHogswor^ Awniao aad mrakoe cosmeeticmo to it# 2hs scctii^ fros north of ColuMbia B aicvard to Craady Eoulovasd is ia a dc^oscKka

- 15 - fr0{5i?ay iis c^rcrossed ly H, E. Preecott Street smd Ssady Boulermrid*

He coQzieetltm is propose to Baui^ard as tMs arterial street Is mm

earxyiag sisost its mssdssm j^pactical lead* South Stm Shindy Baulo^^ayd the) routo cHtere an area of heeviiy bollt

up residential and sgiall basiness dsTrolopneats* Bocause of vi^s^£^s^

costs snd intesrfe^ onea with the fTos flov of local traffic tho aost feasible

<»mdtraotion is ?. cut ant! com>r tasajQl cdthln tho present liiaits of BSnd

Pmms00 Tbe brlije'S ecmnoctlon traffic hoing carried on the lotJor level and th©

noriael BSxid Avsme traffic on the upper dodc at present street Isvol. Ihle

tsmnel iatrodac^s a major probl

ing {^eratlng costs of ccoisMorable magoitude*

!ad8 soetion of taranel would be r^pproxtuataly 3^300 feet in length .ind would

in the low Xjing area north of SolXivans Gul^ Atlrose this arcn

Siroxfcr^ vslnes arc net so cro&t^ and an eabaEteoat con be used v;ith

soparaiion of laain ci^ streets at !• Iteseo Street and £!« Tillaaaook

Street* At Baleey Street the B2std ^tvenoe route crosses SuUlvens ilttldb* State of OregeB^ as a of it© urban highway progxna^ proposes to eoos^uet

a froQuay in SuIIlvane Oulch ao ati east md west arterial ko^i^ ao HU

Bajgfleld Saja^s^Twi^* A coanootion to the Gaod Avmuo hridg© approach can be

made at this poiiit so tliat trciffie bmaiKS for downtown Portland w juM have a convmient route* is iotEndcd that the T* Ho BanfioM I^^s^pg^essway wiH carry tbo laajor part of tho troffie entorias Portlend fToia th© easto Ihe dltlcual traffic from "^to> bridgo CxmaBOtioa Wf-suld add to the heavy load this

mite Is esp^sst^ to carry* IMo Qddlti

— 16 — 32&S. AvismsG Roirto (€oB*t*) OxHjgtsa Approadi

'OiQ estteito^ sx»st of the Oregon conaectloa to the SSnS k^msm bri%o

fs^ the ^bad^gc end to SatlivasB Gulch is as foHoost Grading and Tonnel ^30355,Cm) StanaetorQB 930,000 Sixrfaciag 400,000 l^nginoering Ceatingoncies LMI Total CoBLstyactioa Ck)st $5,l53,0tk) FAght of \'?Q7 3t#fCW Total ^,9a,(m

Bio csBnoctioa at SaHivaas CJalch doog cot Ade .nstely servo traffAe destined fcjr south of Portlimd ox' for Traffic orlgiaating south of , Portland sad bound for Western Frishingtoia points^ Such would be foreed into a cireoitous r::;Ute through dotnto^ Poiptland over roatos sdresd^ carrying hsavy local Ixaffio. If the 82nd Avenue location were BGloctedp direct southerly eonacetloa to Route 99E In the vicinity of Oregon City mat bo psmtd'sa* TSals rout© TOild to throuF^ a depressed fTeaway located a block or S3>r© cast of Avenue* ihe fteeway would bo throu^ an eeseavati^Mi deep osiiKA^ pomit ^ raain cast and west streets to pas© over the fro^^way* Biis type of constructivva would b© coatisttcd to the south city Umite of Portland shore a vi?.duet w vuld cavry the f^oms^j over the Portland TracUon Qos^pBS^ tracks and over Johnson Crot^k* Bio line of the ner/ connection south of Portland mold b© west of th present and would connGCt to the cs^stiae Pacific Hl^ way (U«St E ut© 9?S) at Oregon Clty« Bie ©stim'ted cost of this sectica froa SaHivoi^ Mjeh to Orogon Gi^

1® as folloisa GrcdlB^ mi Turmalo ^,638,^ Otruetaro® 4f8^C^ Curfaeiag 1,^5,000 ■ ngiaeeriag Ccmtiagcaoles Total CcmetpaGtion Cost Eigh of Way 6.Sa6>aOO Total $15;^;®

The total cost of sn adeiiuate mpr^rcach ccmxeotion m the 0aid ,^eiaie

^ute w 34 be ^ mm of th© two seoticiia descsibod sfc©vet

-17 - Gratog aad Tunaels Stroctus'es 5^766^0^ Cm'facists ^5^030 Biglneerisis and C<»3tiagsncie@ XmMS^QGQ Total CkKistructian Cost S4»799#553 Ri^t of Wegr Total $22,a93i>C0a

3m ^^sbdngton faaggosicht^ ^ ostcnssicax of Uds mit© atsposs the Golssihia lators^ets Psrimary State Slo« oa ^sblngton sldo near loago St^tiOxi oa tibs Sp^sa©^ PorUaad oad Seattle Hell^^ay. Eecanso of tfe® topogpa^^ of iho eomtey in this ^clnity,

Vlan© road *JUt ad/dtioosl iiipror^^^iait 1^? necossaiy to it up to lEit!3rstat<= cyati^ stnndjjrds. Pron the Ssasm Eosid northerly to 1h© intersecticai Hauto Ho. inllaD mrt2i of Woodland, the exlstinr: road ig a road* Ihls r-:ut -? would r.Qaaist of ,-t Frcewj^f Y.lth In torchons© prowid^ at inportaat lat arsootloii!3» A 1Mi>bor© tiem 1 wlH bo r©ftpired tllsroi;^ Hasaoy Hill

beti^eea stations 23lt-t75 Tiio pros©?i?d P^ dw^y sooti-oas gfeo^ in Tigp 2.5♦ The eStfe»atsa cost of this r -uto brtfLon ;jf>wa into eewal

seetions axo 0hom in the tabulatlGfn of E0tiEi:i.te© Tobias Hos^ V aad ?I* Th®

IS « totol cost of the Hoshliagtoa ajsproach tho Caleuabia Bridge to the

JusE^tion i3lth ^ooto 5 i^vth of WoodLand is a@ foUo^ss Coi&stractlQa $12^73^535S Ei^t of ^ Total ei3,55^93^ fbd total ecng^oslta estimate of the <»>8t of Boate 1, iaoiiidiag the Golasabia Bl'ver Bfl^t Oregon e^pzoaoh and the Washington approach is 0A6,4Q4,389«

aoims 2 - 39th avmks iDTJK2

2.. Columbia Slveg Cgaastottt-

proposed hridgo on this r utv crosses the ColUFshdU Uiver on a line

^^ich ItJ approadtotsly £ua ^teastoa of Partlaadc Korthesst 33rd iivsaone abcsut

2^3 allefl apstroaa fipcfa the ossdsting laterstato taridge^ lha factors ccmferdll- iflg the do3l©a OP© elailar to those of Route Ho* !• Because of the distance from the Qsifltiag interstaie hridgo, a 4. loao struotmr© carryias two-«ragr dai^ traffic is plawiad* lioaignsj olailar to planned for Boat© 2Jo* 1 end shorn in Figare VI, tjor© considered* One is a bl^ fiscd stool span bridge wi*^ coacreta T beaa approoidies and a cantilev®rcd steel arch spaa over the nsvigatiou channeX tiTith a total length of 343^*5 feet (Jhr .ot?^tistleal da^ oeo tabl© IV)# caatilovered srch span has a 320 f«^t herisoatal cloaraneo ^nd a IdO

iSoot v^srtdeal dcaraac© above low water cljovatioa ♦I*?# estimtod ©oat of the hi^ level bridge is i9,493|0Q0«

5hj© alternate design coasioto of a low lev^ fci^idge uith a Hft spaa hsving a 2$0'b^risontal clearanco, a vertical cleamic© of 39 foot above low water (^^sration whsai closed end I60 foot above low water olovatloa idien op«ja©d* tothl i^-jth of this ctaigsi is 45€7*Si feet* It hao 13 fised steel apms bosides th© lift Qprm tho ccncrete f boom apptxsachea* The roodWiiy width eijrbs i© 5^ fe^et tdiich providso for 4.-12 ft* laaoe, a 4 ft* iatedion end a 2 ft* cIoJT^snce adjacent to oaoh sorb* Ih© ootteitiai cost of th© bw lov^ lift bridge is 1^9^064.0tK) (^00 taUe IV)#

- 19 - the diffeysace in the coet of the tvso designs is $43X|D00^ vMlt) ecipitalisation of the costs'- ch

2^03 th£ traffic stozidpoiat & river crossing ■m this ruuto eonld divctrt abottt ^05^^ of the traffic frcnn the eafiattn?-' bridge. This maid rodnee "to

Tverage dally trafile voltise for 1950 on tho e^dstSjat;: bridga to 19,150 vohiclos, or an 30^ highest hoar volume of 2,910. For the 3r3arJS!3©-''^8 would lncrea(so to A,5Bo7^^3^'«osiQj£lerably in ssicess cotapatod practical wos^riag cnpaclty of 3,625, without delay?? frosi opening of -to torld^^to-^s^^ati^sa and tnterseetton^l delays ad!hr'=^=ridg@ ends*'

Zm Qref^n Ao->agD&oha8t-» 39th Avanas ro-ato w -uld cross th© Coltjabl?i Bivor at a point joet east of tho ^caieouver Sbipyarda^ iho end of this bridge ond?r iisnQdiatoly coa^ of ^h.o levoc alcmp, th^.:- south took of th© Colmbia Fiver 'iad is at m, elovatloa

^Ich pci^ts the cixioting 1::vqo road to cross under th© -jppyo-iich to the bridge. ostia-tos ?iven for the Oregtm appronehfiB cover tho cc®tD froa to fj-jsath €nd of to hridg© o utherly to the connection with the eiietiag Pacific

S^*£aa th© Boat^ vod of th© proposed Columbia nivcar bridge the line crosses the low lyln,^ river bottoms ^hloh fir© r^rotected by the lovo© along th© river bgck. line

®lth gh overeropsiog of the flr- 'd r-oad which is the riala service ircad for th® riverwbcttiim load, '^t the Grc??dm3or Golf Coarse th© IIbs swings! to the ©mat until it iei is line -witb 39th Avmue sstcndod, eroacing Colsmbla CJlough,

Oolmbia Boulevard, th© ^ioa Faslfic railrotd traeka, and H. v.. ioabard &tr©at.

20 A coimecticm is provi^ie^ at r., Loabard Slaroot so that traffic bound fcsr East^PK Oregon points aay usq tbis stroot to a junction oith tho Colasibia

Eiver Highway in Paricpaso#

Td th© uorfcSi of N* Xiosbard utroot a wid© right of through the

residlontlal oroa ho pui^ased and tho high^ray oopresssd in on ©sc^ivatlGn so that east and streets eould overpass r;ighs73y ^jsd traffic oa streets flops' tvitfeottt iatorrapticn2i« ihis dopreased hi^way sacti^ foUmmp in geaaoral^ n route apP^osiaatQly 100 feet to ^ ©sst of 3» £. Steeot untiX Pio I?^pe3i3int is reached* Betsocn S» 21* Emusmt Street and the WUaff bordorlag H, ilaaeda Sfe^st a tociol Vi-juld be constructed passing under the ground in this area 'ji^out disturbing tbo eodstlQg devolopmaits* ^ron the south i^irtal of the tunneX %& and across Sullivasis Ouleh an ©l©vat<^ viaduct is proposed stid at the soutii end of tSais viaduct^ just to the south of Silllvims Gulehf a traffic interchange woiald be provided aJJLoMng acceas to ^ propo£ied T. iU Easfiold IbrprG^isuay in ^llvans Qul<^« Iho ?• H# ranfiojUi Sspress^cy is plaaued ao tho major

^te toaitcia Portliatd ai^ owr H:.ute 9?E threu^ the busines© seeticEa of PbrtlaBd^ in cjsrd^ to proceed in a e utherly direotisga* A conasotioa ceuld^ fe^woveTj to mcjd© to tho iVeoway ^md this comcoticEa wroM b© th© miaiuai faollity l^tceuia be provide to mko the 39th Avmae routo werkahle* Hi© / QBtlButQQ of eo&t for thsi CtrogGn np -roadh from the s -uth ^ of the Columbia rdv^T b3?idgo to th© T# FiauftQid sspi'ca^ESBy is euUivsns (Mlcb ere as fellowss - 21 - Grading and Ttmael ^ 2^015,000 Straotures 3f2539000 Sorfaoing 426^0CK) SBgineerlng and Gontingeneles ^Q»QOO Total Gcmstruetion Cost § 69264f(KK) Bight of fey 5»700f(^

Total 011,964fOOO

If the 33rd ATenae-39th kv&oxts route should be seleoted for a Golumbla River eroselngy the ultloate developiaent to make the route adequate for north and south travel uould require the eztmuiion of the route as a freeeay through East Portland to a oonneetion with the Pacific Highway near the south city limits. The most feasible plan would he the purohase of a wide right of way through the residential district and the constmotlon of a depressed freeway in an excavation which would allow the i^dLn east and west streets to be carried over freeway. Such a development if possible al^umgh at least one short section of tunnel under the high ground lying to the south of S. E. Pivlaion Street would be necessary. The xoute would follow a line lying near Imit to the east of East 39th Avenue to a point near the south city limits of Portl&ndf At this point the freeway would enter the Johnson Creek ValX^ and follow it to the west to a connection with the existing Pacific ffiL^hway (9.8. Boute 99E) with a traffic interchange at this oonneotlon# 8uoh a route would adequately s

The estimated cost of the freeway section from Sullivans Gulch to a connection with the Pacific Highway (Mel*aughlin Boulevard) at S. E. Tacoma Street Is as followst

Grading and Ttmnels $ 2^427f009 Btructuros 3,72$«00() Sorfaeing ^AfOOO feglnoerlng end Gontingencios 684*000 Total Constmotion Cost 8 7*520^000 Bight of lay 7*300*0fK) ¥otaI ^*82d,mh> The total estimated cost for the Oregon apprcHiches on the 33rd Avenue- 39^ Avemi© rout© wuld bo the sum of the costs of the two sections described abovet Grading and Thonele ^ 4*442*000 Structures 6f97d9(K^ Sorfecing 1^110*€H[h} IhiglnQQytng sad Contingencies 1^254*0^ Total Oons^ractien Goat il3*784*(£^ of fey 13*000^0i©

Total 3. Anamiadu-

Aft(3®' erossiag "Uio laaia stractuapei spgganlBig the GeluBbia Pdvos» oa the QKteaaioa ef Portlands S£ 337^ Av^mo^ the route centiimoe northerly

joiJEiB Eouto I3o» 1 r\ trafJ^ic iatcr^iaago at isaterseeiioa ^th iB (0»S« tEhe QfJtlEoated cost of the T boaa -ridg© over the S*?«. & S« By* Jl UO^/^QQ. Is 8HB» Wrcm point to the 3tira Road ^ore it joins oslBting MtBsry State Xg ^ #99» this route Is the Bmss as Eouto Bo« 1

dQBcrihcd afcovo# Frofa tho csra Poad acn'^erly to tho Junction uith SoutQ So# 5, this r:ut© follows aliChaeat of ^^stian Priaaxy ^^tate Si^sjoy Ho* 1

Ws ^)*

2ho estizaatea cost of the proposed route froa th© oast eaad of the

O^lmahia EIyqt dj^dgc to the Junction with Route Ho* 3 north of ;"oodlriad is

as follows Cimstoujtloca t^l0^6^j79S Si^t of i7ay «al

Fior ccuapleto ostiiaa'tes Table© T9f V and VX« total cosposlto estinato of the cost of Eouto Ho« 2 ineludins tho Cotoshia Bivtiir Brldlg©, th© Oregon approach and l^ajshiagton approach is


Oa this rout© across th© Colusibla flltrsr a low lewsl with a lift spaa is pr^^sed ©a c Iscatlcsi parrallel to "^nd 83 f©ot toaistc^aia frt^ th® esistisig Interstate- EridgQ» A sketch of the ^dLomtiaa cM ssotlon is shOTn

iQ I^ge m*

^33® ©Quotas?© omsp th© oain chaiiasl of the nXv

fisad stetai spans and 1 steel lift Bpm in csaosrot© piers^ 5EEd 2 ecaacret© f iKsam appronehfiS* ftod Gjarias £md the Hft spaci whsa toyered wHl hsv® a elaoriSEica of 39 tmt abova Iovjj isater el£?vatiQ2i M»4# lift ispon will hav© a cloaspaaoo of 2$0 feet boffiaoatally and 175 fa^t vertieallgr abow lC5^ tratssT olewatioa whsa

h&tmm tho oooerate piers cotxaops&d to the distasees ceator to cantor of piers in ihs egrilstlag bridge T3tth tbe ozicsption of the aasd spaaa. ®ie length of bridgo

12 foot lanes a 2 ft» de^iraac© adjacent to the carbs« Ihc estlaated coat of th© hvidC'Q se^osa oaio cliamiQl is ^6,445^000* (Sbr eoapsrigaa of

Ctatietical data ae© Table 17)♦ Sy the coastractlon of sacfc a paroHal bridge, tho operation of tho lift spaa can to bandlod by tho saao crew that operatos tha existing lift bridg© fvom the ecsisting ccmtroX tower* So the cost of operation of the two spane would not QsxtQod that of the eadstli]^ bridge* The only Oidditioaal cost over that of a flsod ap^m bridge wonld^ tharoforo, b© tho aaiat^anea cost of t3#5C0 year, eh'»rgcabl0 to tho acjvable fcatares of the lift span*

Beeaiao of ■Uio better apoearaaco fjsd Cuosdlaatioa of tho tm low level structso^os, Bovo satisfactoxy conaectiona with ealsting and proposed facilitlQa by the low l^vel dcsi^ -ad mall &stTa mintsnance cost ia» volvcd, CQa£d.d©ration of a level fised span was dropped*

Becsns© of Ita proosiMlty to tho eadetins structare, th© psfopossd bridge

1© dsslgac^ for oaoHway ts^iffic* 7nder tM® plan the cmlstlog brldgo wjuild also cariy 3 lanes of traffic

■aovlns in th© directioa* would lacyeaso the practical vTorbing e^.paoity on tho esdstlsg brldgo for th© direetioa of isajor flow from 1,995 vebdcles psr ho^r for the tisoOs-sQ® to 3,495 v^cles per hear for the ^hrce- IsiBSS or m tEcreao© of 75^* For th® direction of olnor flo^ it would

^ 24 - ioa?55s3© iSpffls 1^630 to pffiictieal v-orldBg c of trro ©tsuot^TOfii diX|j tSaareforo^ bo 6^355 v^aicieB ^ser day» Aitliou^ thia la eosjo* 1.083 tbatt 30i2a Mgbest hoiar for ctfeom iba tado TOC^ it is 52•5^ , groatsr tJian iSie jsrajeetod 1970 average s^taai: iioaro Iia ceso of oiscoeoity th©

^ praatleal tsca^dag- cai^aclty of ^ tm structeos ^ iiwsreaSQd to cteJit ^5-250 vohteloe per ty «!ES|kaEttiag tho Xaass ia e.jeh diraciioa to 4,

1^00 is ©GOb dfsctioa & iaiadgism laao t^idtb of 9#5 foot as at prosfsat® ; comtraotioa of tiio i:«mvll

is tSao nost offleiont® ,

2® OrgMoa lorafo^iebe0»» She lat^erstat© Bridgo P^:mt© a dsipHcato etrueteir© 83 fcot dofmejtreeia and 5^arQll©i dtia tho Gsdetijag bridge is n^eidisrod dtb tsfo altosa^to rontos for ths3 Drofion cn*--'-;:?r©Gch» The tF-o rcAitss wajX^ bo Gorsjoa fSrcra th© ©ou^ tiiad of 'tbo t^idg© t'? a polat aor-'X^slmtely IpOOO i'mt ajwrth of tbe oadoUas GolissMa f. aicrng^i Bridg©® fraa this poiat th© first altGaaaato ^-uM follow tizo ^3c®t < rout© on Xataratato t^wasm to a eoaaectioa the precoat aarbor hrivo a-» otiuotlon at tbo lat^rs«5otloR of H® Zo Mlmcok liJtareat ciiad Xnteretat® ^csmi©® ftm oocoEtd altsmat© m^viXd enlsg to th© wed and follow a aes? rout© aissom

• • teUand ^ a Qommtton tdth Harbor litrivo at tho e«i poisat as th® eosnoatiott

Hifid® by laters'tat^ jivmei© altoieaato® (a) fh® prepooed Hivor will ood at lha e^a point ao th®

brlci^jo® siio Qrogon nppsmc^ will b© on ©jabaatoent paraH®! to th© pro^^t biiihwciy to Oregon Cloogh ^bieh will oroocad a vioxSaet p^p®ll®l to . and hgv2ni' the ctaso apai l-^^ngth© ae viadoot on tho osdoting higtey an in Fig* fl® At tb35 nouth cmd of th'D ^rogoai Sloii^ ^ reviaion of tfe® g^roaeist intarGhmjgo would pitmlt r^'Utlag of to tNLc® Avenue (!?^S.e Ec-ut® 99B)jj iJasivGr A^'-mau® F«>ate <5^;?) or tcj Gdft £a®v>n4w Icaciiiag to th®

-» 20 **► £5to

The oatilmateii cost of this soetlon fjraa ■Qie isouth <3ad of tb© bri%0 to tlk© traffic lat<2r^isiig!R -1 tb© scruth sid of the Oregon Sleai^ structttre is ©s

follorrss Gradiog § 35,000 Stroctarcs 1,091^000 Surfacing S9,0©5 EagioQ^'iag aad CkjntlagQaciQS 115^000

Totsl Coinstnietloa Cost Bight of V^ay ^,0IX)

Total ^,320,CS»

^i© major part of the transrivor traffic origlaates la or le destlaed for do^nrtom ^ortlasjd saad ^?ill follow Boavor ATsaoa Boute 99i?)« Si© preasnt Interstate Bcmt© is aot siciesjiiata t:> carry traffici^d iSji in t^ot, overloijded' now, Bgoaaso of property valuov? and Xoggd i^ffic ooaSitloa^^^d^oost f^aoiblo a^fane of making the rcjute odp^^te is th© con^ s1aE

Hsd Qslstlog street sarfhc© for local traffic uso» ih© vlsdisct wr-uld ®paa all

©ast and otrootB s^^idljag all interforcac© cross«»^Ba tr^»fflc| this viodGtot i?Quld fdlow the pposeat Interstate Av^iime vmM to a eomsaotioa with

Rar'w S3?lve at i, TU fillGnoak Street, TtiB esttoitai cost of the fJootion i'roia ths traffic tntarobsmg© the sscHith

feadlng ir 15?®0C© i5teieta3Poe ^■arS^ciag X35j^09© Eo^i&.^sdag sasd Coatiagescitas S$^^QOO

X'ataX teBtSPmetioa Ca^t $ FJU^t Of VJQ^ gg/>5X;^000

th© total aost of tJa© O^egoa approaoh cj® -^o latiorstate j5wot^ Alt^mato IJmxt ? I0 "Ste SUES of t3ao two soetloas <3to3ri^A absms axad 18 ^ folXOSJ84 teieSlag; 0 19S^0C^0 StsniotsBfos 9#W#000 X^p^fQ I5agta©«iPla£)t and Coatiags®ieio8 966^000

XOtal Gmstoictlon Cost @L0«63Xf0Q9 Hi^t 0^ wcsr I 501,000

Total S13,132,000

{b) Polaw-ga fmmaa AUfSCTittte Boate ^Sse r^»ut© of tS^® sXtaTOfttQ v aid be tSta ©aao m tfeo 5iita^ of Op(^gon BsliSgo as glwos Eiamol^

£tSU«^33P© 1,091»0C^ X&A €

Total CoastcuLction Cost BX^ht Of nay pQ»W

Total flj32O^OC0

]^m tipalfio to «a paint ©ppif^:!dtoQtaly £m% xm^ of 'to) JAl£r-)#i I'irldgo t^o is tb© sam© a® fe® ^0 lat€a?©tat© A^ojshjO Altointfitfa Roui^ ssiid deacribed mlcfr that isiips^o^darAtaly l^OGD ^©ist

Ki3cpth of C&Xiysbie r. utc "vi^i^s to tho cmsisrcjs C^ljos^a CoIUHibia i^d the rallsNs-d ",ncl cojiilmcff ^s^uthorl^ m a IXatJ a u'sif blocij. v.o0t 9^ •ujidp.isr'rvIliHl to Z^'c-la^virs AV'-m-4i>« 1!he fee R ue5?irQ03f;d fres^i^iy Vailt la gn ex-ca-^^stlon would pisnait tha priaoifsal

&TACt nad {streots to p»Qs- sj-g^ar the 'M.b doctioa ^uld rea^ blttff boidfiQElas the ViiXli5si©itc --.t ths foot of .llfeaHa T'troot^ *0x0 r;nat© wotild than follow ^^loas the hXuff in a Sr^uthivasi^^ly diu^aetion to tl^o iatsisw aofltioa «9f ^Wth dx^jsley asad latAMmtatia Avcnae It woyld Joia th© lino pi.-opo:3£^ foy ^ laterotivte I'msm Al-taraQte aouto rtad fee o^jTyisd

!S!he offitiaiiitGd ooat of thi^i fseciioa tlxo interohoa^ it tho south tmd

€)f t^i© Orogoa ir:Xau=.h t:.^ Of/ufbar Driv® Iss as fol C3re,di»s '?uX>.^6ljOGQ Stauctutpo® l^:^32p000 .'tofucins 5l6pOOO Ea^ifiaooriag jitad Gontingeaeiop 371j 000

ISbtai CSBi3tl?!^«tlcsi C0©t ^fOaO^OOO of 3,930^000

i^tal |S;>030,Oao

^ total eo«5t of tiio 03? goa ap^rojxch the DolWiSp© Avojsa® Altoaat©

IkfiXto iUs ths of tha r^ectl^ias dosCTifeed jabi^vo -aJid is oa iollowsi

Grodiag Cl,39<^^0a9 i;)tm©tu3?oo 23|923|fQ(K) (iurfaoiog 543j00t^ 'au:ini5asdn£i tmd CoaUs3a®"<^^

total Ceaotameti'm Caat Jl5.^3?OpOQO iUj^t AtdOO^COQ Am til® StotSa ut® osteaadiB omr tJi© p3?o^eM freaway tm Stato Sistoy X^ !jr« S«

9$ tooiag^ fasiOaQW m shm& ita ^9 ^-skiag GomoeUoa -^t&i eaElfltJjag PM #1 aaiaar' tSi® Sr^soit of tiiS Borfeksm Fsieii^o Eall^posdi about dssicj

ms^M of ^ eity Uiaits '-■sf V^ecsavoF* 5Sao pXa» of tJie ooenoetiea to ^ Gotofeia %v«jy bi^idso I0 i& Fig# 24* Aa Iiatea?<^i4mgo PgB # mt acjai f©^ m 8ad©a?m0aiaf? of th^s liaic of S* P# a: S» %« win

be pmrisM^ feb© ^aaia ?;ortioB of ^attecEow coaisista essc^- tlsJUiy' of a depressed sta^aot Tdtii ^ laterscjcted q%^ streoto paosla® mm tiao f'yeewsy, latorchaagoip av^ pyiUf tfedofforoseiagQ lat«ar(ShaE*g©e sro at F» M1^ St»} a9th Stt#$ S# 333Fi asd »i th© Basm@vllla Por»^jf j'ldiaisiistratlea Psoad, ^ <55ai0tiJ3g %iy©5*cyomiaig the ilo3?tU

£^qi^o ^?lte3i33g to imnide for li ©emocticm to ^sdotiiE^ FCB fSrsra the iatc'j'aoetioa of the froowsy aith asistlag ^ jaoythariy to th© iBtQs^aotiQn \glth fijuto #5 aor^ of V^oodlaad^ the 3?oTite follows th® of tho ©KisUsg ryat® in «n th© XatiSsr^tato m^ay %at^ to OKiotlfiS foad^ th© poist Whore tho px^po^gd int®raeet® itf to th© iB [, ^ leaa read but Jbi^ovomeats are aeeosaasy to tapiag

it up to iati^stato eyetei £jts®das?do# Ffoa Vm cc^ rvO.?d ^■oaet'oa ?i©rt3"iea?ly to the jwoctiOB with Ecute #9^ the cadstias roac? isi a 2 l4;a^-i road wm

also lUtKxr© impmvmmtti Flaoo for the in-j^jwcciiaat of the perttois

of o^atirtg M #1 -Jfe ssot inei«£i®d in thi© ropori# toae m oa rocoM la

th® of toi estteito ©f tho ctsos-tructi^ c/4iat0^ howeirori

iti lajeludod ia the dot^ilod o^tisiat® tables numbers V and VI, The Alternate for Eo^ii© 0^ Mo affoets tlso Os';>gon ^.ppyoach oxO^, ife eliGjaijo is iavolvod iii tfe© 'J^ashiagto a-ppsrosch# tha ostimtsd ©90t of W.«.0iitog;toa ^pj:»K»a(^ iVora tfe© aor^ end of tJj®'

to to Jtmo'Uoa ledth Ibut© #§ aortb of \1oodlaa& is ass foUss^sa Om^tSPiiotlooi 8X0^6221^05^ Bi^t of Way 663^7^3 fom C>u,2a6j^a4i

Tiie total eotQ^s»ito eatiact© of tlio cost of Houto Ho« 3 via latorstate iacliidiiig tho Co^bla P.iv®i Sri%Q^ to Oroc^m approacJi to

jir^^Poacli is to oorxm9m&ism ^tial oattor'.to for

Boat© 3 Altomato via Oolawsro A^romio Is $^#O^|^04l* mm^.4 - fwa t^c4TE X, - On© of to posBiblo routseeonoidarodj coa;^ts cf vehicular toa^

tjadomc4sth to Colmbia Bivor# to uso of tonols ia-feroduo©? 0<»\r0r3l oxm^

ijllisatiOBS not itoj?©nt la to Goafsidemtion of other hridg^a

Jt is not cffiaaiftood aofo to .-^llow Xooded oil ta?uohs or trus^ loaded i^itli cK|?toitro0 to la©© toig v«3il

3?53mlt la a Eisjor eata©tfoi?h0« la of this lOTaels n&uH aoeoss^aslly fe©

operated in conjuaotlcm to

oil ts%2£^ or «^tor siorth or southhounfi emUd h© st^iad ome

to h9^%0« •Htj© poii fosslblo twaael apt?ut©^ under those 0oaditi«M| would bo .ia a looattei upatf^aa fpom tk^y o^stlag !;ridie .^ujd es elo©© praotieol ©aasld^tisa r/ouM tsrmel uador to would be built by precasting

- SO tlie soetloas ^ gjnldw,' iato pXace in a trsoch prtzwlaaoly 033&fkvotedl ia t&a river isj&ttsa# Appa?osdc3ati&ly 300 feat of Glffioraaeo irm tho csaietiog

b(pidg9 ol50uld be alln^e^ for coa^truetl^# the tsim«5l upgta estdn-ateji) aro 'oasoA walnS eonaiist df to tob^jg^ oap for northbapjad sad on'.;- for ?3oatli5bcMM ta^iaffia^ these tabso wenlci provide a 26-foot a 2|-fhot rel^o

walk oa csae ei<2o of ©ash tahOi^ AXhsf^moQ met be taodo for voatHatia® the tonal« A s©stl<3a shoii^in^ propoaed arrangea;'nt of stdssfalk^ and vmtiletios itoto i-3 shcmi on the (o ttachoid pfofilOi Fig<» 7«»

the seopo of this report daoB not persit. a. coaploto dosi^ of tho tam^

.fToai lahieh accosfat^i cost oj3tisi?>tGO coxtX^ hi aids# there aroj feowtrer^ a sKSalw

of eoi^arebl© tamiels in the Salted iJtate? for Tihich costs aro av^dlahlfi'« the avoroge costs of similar twaaols have been ia the Bi^i^boitiood of $3^7^ gw XlBear foott Shs tsiattol oaotioB to the paint vher© open as^iaroaeheo con bo used wsuli ho 5^050 feet in length* ostiaated cost of tho tonaol saotion %Bf

therefore, ao follows# tonol cost foot --it $3,720 per foot $is^,786f(^ I'Mlir^erisa^ «sd Conttn^fiajoioo hmM Oo0t for thio tonol 1^,665,000

fot2?i t^ot far te towels

fii© ate3V© le the eatto^.ted cost for thetiiQ^oI aXlminiaee^i ^ thif would

add^ -Ui© soso approa<^ roid eoats w previa'ttQly i;^v®a for Eouto Ho* 3 aad Hotste £5o* 3 Altortiate, iiicludlag both the 'i.-r.ebiatr^on approach rmd either the

stato itvenu© Bout© or th© Pol^ware Avisauo /itestiaie* It E?ill bo noted that th®

cost for the tnsaaels I0 f.-^ ;-pes\nti'3a eost® in that li^tiag, witHatioa, s^ta policing w.-uld bo c^^tifsnously required* It i'jijoM Q

3( •g# % It 1^ mii ^|3^si(3fe £^ "BmU Ha# ^

to W^ ^ to eoiJt ®Jt 4 iit^Wijae "to to ^|s^s?oa«^ to 1^ BOQ¥S ao. 5 - JOBOS ^OtB

1. Mw CroBalag

Boato So« tho s^t sestdrXy of tho routos iixvostig&tod« ^uld croeo tho GoXosilxia Slvor at a pol&t ismediatoly east or al^TO the jwiotion of the WllXa*' matte anO €oXumbla Blvers* fhls is 1& the Xower Vaaootivor harbor osd siavigetlon ra^ulroaenta are suoh that onXy a high XaveX brl4ga isf^oXd be aooeptable* tha eXearaBcos raqoired are the some as at the Longviaa BriOge* Tho struoWe assoeied in the study has a 630-foot oantiXover as the malB span proridi&g 196 feet of vertloaX cXearoaca over a of 450 feet* The struetare is eotimatod on the iM^sis of & four-lese roaduay 5d foot in \7ldth be- ti^een 5 foot aide^Efolks* The H20-SX6 loading of the ijaerioea Assooiatio& of State

Highosay Officials ms used*

The structure would have a total length of 7»673 feet end would be syossetrical abmit the dver channel* There would be 830 feet of eonorete viaduclji ^,254 feet of deck stO(^ truss spans in each approach* Tho river main spans would consist of two 420 foot side sp^a and the 630 foot main span*

Tho foundations would bo conoreto piers on timbor piles driven Into the sand and gmvel of tho river bed* The estimated quantitleo and eosts of the structure are as followsi

Esoavation 37f300 Ou* Tds* at 023*00 6l»430»^^ Foundation mes 4^,(m Un* Ft* » 0*40 184|800 Oriving mee 7«700 Fieees » 40*00 308^000 Seal Concrete ^,000 Cu* Yds* » 23*00 300^^ Pier (kmcrete 26,$$0 Co* Tds* « 33*^ 939*700 Structural Oonc* 23*660 Cu* Tds* « ^*00 X»419*60D ISetal Bdnforoement 3*800*i^ ibs* « 0*U 63S,im atructural Steel 32*844*01;^ lbs* » 0*22^ 7*389*W SasdraU 13»400 Un* Ft* « 10*00 134*000

Shgineering and OontixigesKdeo ^*296*000 Total ^*260*000 ?• OregoMi Aprgoaeb fhe St* Johns route lo the most ^sterXy of routee cmsidered* The popQposed ^n^elng Is immediately above the Juaotion of the ISilXaaetto and OoXumbla Bivers* Tlie requlreneate of navigation make a hi^^»leveX bridge mandatory# This high grade line requires a long approaoh viaduet to reaeh a point ubero embankment heights are practieal# The south approach viaduet BouXd end approximately 1^X00 feet scnith of the Columbia Biver tetnk. The allgnm^t there is in a southerly direetion aorost* the low and ow^iflQjy bottcss grotmd to a point near tbo Oregon iSilpbuilding Corporation ahipyarde In Sorthweet Portland# This eootlon would be on embankment with no intersee ting traffic problems# Throiigh the induetricl district the highuay would underoross or ovororoeo the important streets and the railroad lines serving the area# South of the industrial devel opment the route would be on the edge of the bluff overlooking the Mllametto River to a traffie interchoago ooanecting with the existing si# Johns Bridge over the WlHamette Elver# Aftar crossing "Ms bridge a connection eaa bo mad© to the Coltambia Elver Highway^ B# S# Route 30| at the west end of the bridge# The estimated cost of the Oregon approach from the Columbia River to the Columbia River Highway oonneotion is as foUowet

Oradine $ W,OOQ Structures 710»C00 Surfaeing 4R5»000 Snglneering and Contingencios 205*000 Total OcBStruotion Cost |2|240,000 Right of Way 530#000 Total ^,770,000 The present route of the Columbia River Slgbuay from the St# Johns Bridge into downtown Portland Is over eity streets wtdeh ore narrow and congested with present traffic# Xt is not accept^t^e as a routing for an interstate highway such as B# S« Route 99* The adoption of this general route would require e»» poaslvo eonstruetion through the Sorth Portland Industrial dtptrlot to a cosnce- tion with the present E^irbor arlv© rout© at the west end of the Ste!5l Bridge at Front and Qlieen Streets in Portland# This would require an elevated viaduct ITum a point south of the Portland Cas and Coke Company plant to the under- oroeeing of the railroads at the west end of tl^e Bteel Bridge* This viadoot would Carry the bridge traffic on the upper level and leave ^e esistUig streets available to local traffic# Studies wero also mode of a depressed freowSteel Bridge is us followst

Grading 0 Stmoturos lJtA35>0dC Surfacing Hngineerlng and Contlngenolos 1S65#Q0G Total Comstructioa Cost $l3f02Qf^Qm Right of Way

fbtal Ifes total cost cf tlio Oragoa approsich be "Uie em of the itro s;octioQ@

000 Ourfadag I15,Q00 ajgiavioring oM Coattagsneloa 1,570,000

Total Coaatpiictioa Cost 117,260,000 liigbt of 930,030

I'otal HOjl-^jQCO

9. mahtottea Ai>wrt>a<^i- 3?5rm tho |>3?0j^3eii crosaia^ of the Golmbia ?±rmr ai"iattt 3,700 feet abow tb© raoutb of the WillaBette, thi(^ rout© esfeeads acwrthtsriy, (spprosaUaatoly aloag tbe 12^ AP MorlOlan of VJest I,oBgltw^ to tbo propoacd oroagiag of the Lstsis Biwr '?,"bc)ut 3 i']iles of Woo<51®®^* thla poiat the r ^ut© pa®all©le iJis P# (k^sasr's trails to a proposed Itttorchr^sgo, and a cf3iis<3:Ctioa to (33d.0tlag P£H 0X abaut 5^ Jallea north of VJoodXaaaijU The Qligsaji^t of tJais route frcaa the Coluiibla Hivscr northorly ia on practically e. direct line idtb vor;/ little curvaturo. It is alang a mtsr- grad© for practically Ite csatlro leng^, juid ^ould bo isxa idml ^xJlraulio

Sabaialffii'^at conn^Gt the ladufit^iel area© of Portla&d and yaacouTQP, end e'f.uld bo rb ©ircoSlent truck r.uto* It also ^joald generate a largo volaao of nm traffic* The propo3«l r

Hidgefleld# route orossee the tent© Elv;^ a dra^ ©pan about 300 feet demetream fsrcs the H* P* Fy* ^Idg©# Beynad ihe hmi$ Rivcap the souto p^allela

^ iS52?©a mtiX it. mrmn ®asta^3f ^ ei^g th© 'fesraiSiku far ^Eja^^m t9 M #l« ^gi jiiaila feae ttm tho itai3%&ia^ ©f %Q of

to Is^astglal ^ roff^jsa^e© ta TOt it b@ m^t©^ tot it Ws® ^5^ faSsi-iut 13$ of to lamffie i^mi to sssistia® qekI| toap©f^f%, w©^ ^t ser^e to retStt©© to traifle ®oa@$@tiem m ita ^tal ^3t to WaiMo^to f^m to ot to ^cteMtt M-w ^saiiss^ t© ^ Jwetleji ^ akjfsrt ^ lailiss

©f .1^

€«m0toatto |a.^fi44^sa|0


to ioML aii5tiaiist«! tf to oost of B&uts a?, 5^ SsielK^is^ to OalossHa Plw to Oara'ji^ mM. to ia TABLE IV. RECOimAISAIICE ESTIMATES - COLO&dBlA RIVER BRIDOES

Roole No. of NovigoBon CMtsnel EstSmotedCost No. Locatten Leoglh Loses Type Clearance •Feet Col. RIv. R*f HPr. Vert. (Rtc. £ & C) Vj

1 82nd Avenne Extension 5436.75 4 Fixed 320 160 $ 7,957»000 1 82nd Avenue Extension (Alt.) 9290.00 4 ua 250 68*160 8,159.000

2 39th Avenue Extension 5571.5 4 Fixed 320 160 9.655.000 2 39Bi Avenue Extension (AIL) 4702.5 4 Uft 250 39*160 9.244.000

3 83* Downstream from £x. Bridge 4830.5 3 Lift 250 39*160 6.599.000

4 300* Upstream from Ex. Bridge 5050.0 4 Twin 41.330.000 Tunnels

5 St. lolnia Croseing 7678.0 4 Fixed 450 196 14.260.000 TASUE So, V RECaaHiISi^:;SIC£ EbTIEfifS:^ - OREGON A?5TOAGHES


XI So, 2 - via 39^ Ave* s (e) tiE^^aogliliJi Blvd at 6,H« faooiia Street to Sullivan Qtsleb 5o6 2,427,000 3,725,000 6a$.,ooo 664,000 7,580,00) 7,300,030 14,823,090 (b) Siillivan Ooleh to Oolnmbia Hiver 5o6 2,015,000 3,253,000 426,000 ^,000 6,264^00) 5,7a),00Q 11,964,000 Total Eoate So* 2 U*2 4,442,000 6,978,000 1,110,000 1,284, ^*784,0^ 15,«»,000 26,^,009

XIX Begto So* 3 Sfatgrstcito Br* Roiate*»«via fcttorstate Avet (a) &rbor l)rive to Oregon Slongh Bridge 4<»36 157,000 8,218,000 135,009 851,009 9,361,000 2,451,009 U,812,039 (b) Oregon Sloiigh Br. to Ool* Elver 0*24 35,000 l,m,0 29.049 U5«oao l«i 59,000 1.320.090 Total Boute So* 3 via Xnteretsito 4,60 192,000 9,3«^,oao 164,000 966,090 10,631,008 8,501,«»0 13,138,000

19 Roate So* 3 Xotoratate Br* Rsate-^^vla B* Balogare Ave» (a) Brive to Oregon Olon^ SrltS^ 4,40 1,361,000 1,832,000 ^,000 371,000 4,089,008 3,950,000 8,030,000 (b) Oregon ilough BridfO to Colmbia Mver iridgp 0*24 35,000 1,091^000 29,009 115,000 1,270,008 50,000 1.320.098 Total Route So* 0 via Belamre ^8 4,64 1,396,000 2,923,qqq 945,009 436,990 5,350.9aa 4,000»000 9.359.000

Elvsr Bunool aoatet A,eo X'92,0«> .Qi iaimriitsie i.vo Apj

n Bout* Bo. »~iy4a St. gabnat fa) Biifejp to St. Sotmis Bpi<5e® 130,009 13,635,000 W,000 1,365,000 15,020 400,000 15,420,000 (b) @t. jfobna SHdgs to OoXssbla MMg artiiB* nWaOT jasum Aas.8ia §42^ mm 2.770.000 fotDl Eaota Bo. 5 10.49 1,030,000 U,U5,000 515,080 1,570,000 17,260,om 9^,(»9 lS,i90,«)0


Grading Paviag & Engiao^iag & ©ib-fotal Xt^ Xd»eatlon Sf@aj|:th->ISia« & Tozmels Strueturee Surfacing CotttlngexLoioo Constr. Costs Blght-of-^jr ^otol Cost

X Botfte Bo» I - 82aa A?®» Sxt^aioai-' (&) FSfi ^ Goliamblt^ River BTo to J 39th &V0* Kstoosioa a.Tas 4^,451 IpOOOaSOO A07p73S 13998^ 2p08B,5$S m^m 2,269,558 (b) 39^ Ave. BastdnolosKColtffiabla &lv@r bridge to FSH #L &ira Boad ^et* 7^363 l,ii7$,210 3p971pAS0 Ip429p2^0 880pn6 7p7569C^ 1,92$$^ 9,®1,276 (o) FSB ^ ^ire Eoad ^cst. to B90fll£a!id Vieietity 16*472 il8A,320 2piSJ3p200 2^9252 299399772 663,783 3,6)3,555

Total Route Bo* 1 26o5S7 2oiA%9Sl A,9nj9SO A,(K5««® 1,337,237 12,784,356 3,77Q,tg3 15,954,^

n Bgnto Ha. 2 - Sqth Ag»» Eatanslgnt- (a) GaiiraHa Hlvar Br. to ^ aera Soad Jet. 7.363 1,475,210 3,971,480 1,429,220 800,116 7,756,026 1,925,250 9,6S1,;?76 (b) PaB #1 3ara Bd. Jet. to Bbodland 71eialt7 16.472 484,320 2,180,200 267,292 2,939,772 6^,783 3,603,555

7otal Hooto Bo. 2 23.035 1,959,530 3.971.480 3.617.420 _ 1.147.368 10,695,798 a.S89,<»3

QZ Ronte Bn- 3 - ^terstttfa* Boata - batagatata fiva,.. (a) FSH #1 lateretQte Bridge to Zaeolt Braneh Vleiaity 3.396 937,000 1,635,000 660,000 ^5,080 3,557,000 1,633,038 9,193,090 (b) PSB #1 Sacolt Br. 71o. to Bora Boad iat» 3.770 65,975 717,921 78,390 862,286 1,631,030 2,493,^ (e) PSB PI Sara Road Jet. to loodlaad Vio. 16.472 484,320 2,120 200 .207,252 2,939,772 ^,783 3,603,559

Total Boute Bo* 3 23.448 1,487.295 1,635,000 3.566.121 _ ^^,642 7,3^,9% U,28S,a41

If Boote 3 Altermte-lhterfltat^ ]& via M* Delaware Avot« I gamo as Soste 3 CaseXXX) l,il87,295 1.635,000 3,566,181 670,642 7,359,058 1,128,Stt 7 Eonta Bo* A *> ColaaMa ^ver Ttamel gggt*«~ Total (aaise ae Bonto 3 CcceXII) 23.443 1,487,299 1,635,000 . 3,566,1^ 670,6^ 7,359,056'^ 3,^*783 l,12@,©4l

VX Kanto Bo. 8 - St. Jofena Hontat- Colni^dLa River Bridge to Jet. P8H #1 SoodlaBd Oie. 21.«?7 8,360,715 2,978,879 2,698,803 1,403,640 15,442,2^ 860,000 16,302,230

Totcvla 21.297 8,360,715 a??78,e73, 2.698.800, 1,403,840 15,442,230 860,303 16,302,230


Route Route #2 Route #3 Route #4 Route ^5 Item 82iid Ave. am Ave. toterstute River Tiia« St. 7o]m*8 Est. Ext. Br. Route Bel Route Route

Columbia Riv. Br.*Higli\level 7,957.0ee 9,495,000 14.260.000 Colombia Riv. Br«*Low level 8,159.000 9,064,000 6.445,000 41.330.000 15,954.389 13,284,831 11.286.841 11.286.841 16,302.230 Oregon Approaclias 22,893,000 26,784,000 9.350.000 9.350.000 18.190.000 : O Totel 46,404,389 49,132,831 27.081.841 61,966,841 48.752.230

Total Alternate 46.606,389 49.563.831 (low level) (lilgk level) m mmmm vmno

fabltt SIo* TOI CGHtaiap traffic analyela of tfeo 5 ^Ifforant rivor eroaelns:®* la tble aaalyslo th© ©sdatlng Xnterst&to Bridge wae eoupled «flth one of the other arossia^a etadlod tdth Its appoadaat routes* From origia and deotlaatloa atudiea, eetiBsates were mad© of the mtmbor of v©^ hlele© ^hioh ^sould b© diverted from the ©dieting bridge to eaeh proposed erosalng If it were built, Xn arriving at th© values of divert<^ truffle eertaia features of higfesay ooonomice ^er© tciesn into coneideratloa^ eu^ as tlaai aileagei oonv^aleaee aad directness of travel (md oeenlo attrao-^ tlone* It lEfill be noted that if Bout© Ko* 3 were improved to embody teia one-^y bridges^ the Fresent volume Tfiould be dietributed equally between the ©Eistiag struoturo and the no\r parallel ©trocture* In the other cases> ho76ver| the eeoaomto factors would govern the volume of traffic ohleh trould b© diverted from the eststini! bridge to the nee structure* fh© volu©© and poreontageo developed from the origin oad do0tin{itl

1970 t»lth the eorrespoadiag values and paroentagos of traffle vfhleh eould he diverted in each case* the 1970 projection is based on o factor of increase of 1*56 of the 1950 values developed W the *0.950 Beview ef Columbia Blver


the third ^xption of the table shoe© the adjusted 1970 projected value© to inoludo generated trofflof that is the additional increment of volume tdilch will b© attracted to the now facility becsuo© of it© increased ©fflcionoy and attractiVQaass* ?lii©c© vialues are based on a factor of Ceneration of 1*25 oppllod to the 197Q A,l)*f6 figures* 'sma vnz


vmsem md ssFEOfSD mmc

19S0 m s v.p.flu 2/ iqro AM Diverted vm Eawstea 3/ Boute Paes Oomu Pass* Com* Pass* Com* Bo* Bridge Oars ?0hs* Total Percent Oars Fobs* Total Care Fehs* Tol^

1 Ss* Xnteretate 22092 2549 80*2 34464 3976 38440 43080 4970 48050 82 Ave* i^* 5A88 618 6106 19*8 8561 964 9525 l)07OX 1205 U906

2 Sz* Interatate 17072 2078 19X50 62*5 26633 32a 29874 3329X 405X 37342 39 Ave* Bzt* 10508 1089 11574 yr.5 16392 1699 1809X ^90 2124 226I4

E^* Xaterstato 50* 21513 2470 23983 2689X 3088 29979 V 3 13790 1584 15374 Parallel Bridge 13790 1583 15374 50* 21512 2470 23982 26890 3087 29977 29978 4 Bs* Intoretate 13790 1584 15374 50. 21513 2470 23983 26S9X 30^ :W78 Biv^ 13790 1583 15374 50- 21512 2470 23982 26890 3087 527X0 £k* Xnteretate 24298 m3 rf031 87.8 37905 4263 42X68 4738X 5329 5 7246 St* Joloie 3282 434 3716 12*2 5120 677 5797 6400 846

^ Based OB assigniaeBt of Zone — Zoiio« ZoBO-statloa or statloa-etotioB voXtmes froa 1946 PortlQnd->^9^aiiooi]Yer Qrigla and DastinatloB Study*

2/ Baaed oa Facftor of fooreaee of 1.56 obtained trcm WaehliigtoB Departa^t of filgb^^rs 1950 «aOTlew of Coluabla Biv&r OroQBlngs " Flg», 8 - year 2,000 maturity Curve* ^ Based OB Ffeicjtor of Cenerotloxi of 1*25 applied to 1970 Alff - Diverted nmsm urn of mm

On® of the lisportont fe&ttire& of the origin end doetlnetloa etudiee is the

^oteroln&tlon of the desire llnee of tmvel« The roporte referred to herein ahow thst 85 percent of all the motor vehicle travel hat^oa Oregon and Wmehlngton which eroseee th© CdBaMs Bivor is served hy the existing Interstate Srldge} that ahout 51^ of the trips on the Interaii!:t© Bridge is intercity travel hetwecsi Fortlttnd and^'Feneottverf Ic travel between adjacent ecntntles and 15^ la travel heteeen other cones In Oregon and ^asfhlngion or other states* The desire lines of traffic^ rcOated to the 5 different erossings Is clearly Indieated W TahL©

yfXt tdilch also shot?© the dtvertable and generated traffio* Thoae figures do not represent ell the treffle th^t twold use tho arterial fecHlty were it located at the oroeslng shown* Tbo vol\ncie shown do» however» re^areseat the Tainltjmm traffio whloh could espeeted to use an arterial facili^ located at th© oroeeing shomi^ hut which no^ ^osee over th© Interstate Bridge* These flguree^ developed frost th© ssono to senei soae to station or station to station volume0 from ■Ute 1946 Origin and Deetination study on fHa in the Traffic

^^ineoring departmont of the Oregon Btat© Mghs?ay Popartaent ©etahlishod the feet that an arterial facility looeted at or n€^r the existing Intoretato feidge would most effectively aerv© the doolre lines cf travel* The t^h^fle v^Ijmob in Table eho^ thaV^ai-nrtariel facility ^cr near the rap^eat In'^- tIng in Ah©/ only^ W which wojud dlym a euffldlent'' ^olnae eveytho ooagoettoa^,th0"^0tlng


The oapi^KCilty ©tndioo Indloiite thft the traffic volumel^ carried by the exiatlag hrldecj ^^crose th© Colunitela aiver 1© alpeady In esoess of the ppaGtleal

Worhlng Capt^clty of the tsrlcge* The prolection of traffic voluaes late the future ladlOQtee the neeoselty

for immediat© pl^Janlag to se©t the neede of traffic between the tso centers f^ad result in to Rvold exceeslv© aengestioa which irniy/undue delay and aa ©Comaale iosa to wm vho obliged to ue© the bridge, guoh oongestlon Hcruld dlacoiurage the use of the bridge «na T?oold retard the ©ooBorale developaent of the t^o eo^aarmities* Qrlgia fand deotlnation etudioe indicate that a oroeeing of the Columbia

Blver vioiaity of the oxlstlag bridge is most favorably located to relievo this eongeetion. St. rou.t<^ bo^ jF^ftFit aaRfivt to the ^f,jtheUs^^1 / \ ' \ |be/ tfce. Xea^.' effo^iv^'^ '■ in ri^liyWug^t^\ /' \ o4b-/ goetioB\oB ^be eadstlte otra^$U2^. A loe level three Ijmo bridge for one-way traffic on Boato Bo. 3, 03 feet douttstreaai from the existing struoture uould pi^ovtdo the aaxlsium emouat of relief for traffic on the enletlng etroeture. It would involve the least amount of approach reconstruction on both the Oregon and Washlogton sides and would be the most ecenocoleBl of the several sitea Investigated. Of the OJ'ogoa approach roado to (tossing Bo. 3 Alternate Bcute Bo. 3 via Belaware i^venue^ coneistiag of a depressed Freeway la the most eccaoaical. Altemsto Hcute Bo. 3 via Portland'o Belaenre Avo«| eonsleting of the

OregfHi approach beginning at Harbor Hrive in Portland at B. £• flllamooh Street, a low level lift bridge over the Columbia Hiver, S3 feet downotroam from the J es^dUting taridge, soad 'Uie Washington approaoh to a Junoticn with oxistisg

PrlEtarjir State Highway Bo. 1 near the laoolt branch of Bortherti Pacific

Bailway I0 hereby rec^smcaded. S. F. No.4339—1-51—lOOM. 26988. STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF fflGHWAYS

Inter-Office Communication Date. ■^....y^.. , m../ To...

From ■


"€{.41 ^

Juujf , 7U,/ M^M.1-/!^/ ' !7^T"T'"''"^''W'(/pzi♦ "LIVE ALERT TO LIVE" . . U4<^0(^*^4.*^' /^ X 1 V

V /t^6C/J /fs^ Jl^^tU2£^^^

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-e^ ^ ^ —'ly-^/ ^-oc'vc-/^ S. F. No.4339—1-51—lOOM. 26988. STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS

Inter-Ofl&ce Communication Date ,195. To ,





Inter-Office Communication Date V To





T~-. rT •^-'TrT'trrr-y TT /\t • M'.J ? = 1J.L.U 4 Lj^LJ v. i:i/Ll.( 1/ h i i,ili f I\'. r^flAL OL /f-Y^HIilCUO/-

■/v." -rr;j-1-:;—ikw kaj' ^ S. F. No.4339—4-50—20M. 24754. STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTOENT OF HIGHWAYS

Inter-departmental Communication Office at Date ,19^k

Prom Subject — Interstate Bridge

You will note from Table 16 of the Capacity Manual (page 64) that the mflxinmm practical capacity for any four-lane urban expressway (in terms of AiUD) is 37,500, and this assumes no commercial traffic, uninter rupted flow, tangent alignment, 12-foot lanes, and no lateral restrictions. The only assumption valid in the case of Interstate Bridge is possibly alignment. There is approximately 10^ commercial traffic which reduces the capacity by the flow is interrupted by both traffic signals end bridge openings which reduces the capacity en additional amouiit; lane width is about 9^ feet, and lateral restrictions ere present reducing capacity by an e.dd.itional 25/t.

The 42,000 vehicles per day mentione'^ practical working in the bridge report is obviously


^'5 Wli
