Page 2 CURRENT LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Please see our current schedule below

Masks are required at all mes, covering both mouth and nose, and social distancing guidelines will be followed

MASS Monday through Friday 8:30 am (Upper Church) ST. PAUL OF THE CROSS WELCOMES: Saturday 4:30 pm (Upper Church) Sunday 7:30 am (Upper Church) Charlee Joelle Olmen 9:00 am (Holy Family Chapel) child of Zachary and Rebecca Olmen 10:30 am (Upper Church) Connor Thomas Paso ADORATION child of Andrew and Amanda Paso 1st and 3rd Fridays immediately following 8:30 am Mass in Upper Church (must register for and aend Mass to stay for Adoraon) Domenico Louis Orlando Adoraon chapel remains closed at this me child of Michael and Samantha Orlando CONFESSION Hannah Grace Pinter Wednesday 3 pm to 4 pm child of Joseph and Tara Pinter Saturday 8 am to 9 am FUNERALS Monday through Saturday Morning WEDDINGS Friday and Saturday BAPTISMS Sunday

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL MASSES To register for Mass, call 847-825-7605 or visit our SignUpGenius registraon pages below: Car Masses: hps:// All Other Masses:

III Brian Green and Emily Sherbin Registraon opens every Friday for the following week Registraon closes 24 hours before the start of the Mass



Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 18, 2020

“Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God.”

— Mahew 22:21 Page 3 A LETTER FROM OUR PASTOR, FR. BRITTO BERCHMANS Dear St Paul of the Cross Parishioners,

No maer who we are or what we face in life, we all have enough reasons to be grateful. One of the blessings that I constantly thank God for is our parish community. From her humble beginnings in 1911, the parish has grown to be a spiritual home to thousands. As we approach the feast of St Paul of the Cross (October 20), we express our gratude to the who founded our parish under the leadership of Fr Scannell. In this column, I would like to reflect on our spiritual heritage.

Paul Danei (that was his given name) was born at Ovada, near in Italy, being the eldest son of an impoverished businessman of noble ancestry. From an early age he was devout and his heart was set always on the Lord and on things spiritual. As a young man, he rejected the opportunity both of a rich inheritance and an advantageous marriage. Aer serving as a volunteer in the Venean army in 1714, he spent several years in prayer before he decided in 1720 to found a new religious congregaon. His decision came as a result of a vision.

Paul was an extremely effecve preacher, especially on the subject of Christ’s suffering. He was also given the gi of prophecy, healing, and reading the secrets of hearts. His one passion was to reconcile England with the Holy See. Even though he did not see this dream become a reality in his lifeme, one of his sons, Fr , had the privilege of receiving St John Henry Newman into the . In his later years, Paul resided in near the basilica of Ss John and Paul which was given to the Passionists by Pope Clement XIV. He died on October 18, 1775, and he was canonized almost a hundred years later, in 1867.

The saint was given the gi of heavenly visions and apparions. The first of these took place when he and his brother fell into a raging river. A beauful lady appeared and helped them to safety. The major vision came when Paul was twenty-six. When he was praying before the Blessed Sacrament, he saw an angel approach him with a golden cross. He also saw a scourge with golden cords. From that vision, Paul understood that God wanted him to bear the Cross just like His Son. On another occasion while he was returning from daily Mass, he was given a vision of the habit which he and his companions were to don. The habit would be a black robe, with a white cross and the name of Jesus over the breast. This vision was confirmed when the Blessed Mother appeared wearing the same habit. Thus even today the Passionists wear the black habit, with the white heart and cross, and the words, Passion of Jesus Christ with three nails.

The life, spirituality, and mission of Paul revolved around the cross. So much so, the saint gave up his given name and adopted the name, Paul of the Cross. His own personal journey was filled with crosses. His efforts to start his religious community were oen sfled by numerous obstacles. The Rule that Paul wrote took a long me to obtain the Church’s official approval. On his way to Rome, he fell in the snow exhausted and he could have easily died were it not for the kindness of the border patrol. Oen the devil aacked him. However, the heaviest crosses came from good people who could not understand his austere way of life. Some even tried to destroy a retreat house that he built. Some of his novices le protesng that their life was too hard. In all his trials and tribulaons, he found consolaon and strength in the passion of Jesus Christ.

The great apostle Paul exclaimed: “I must preach Christ, Him crucified.” That is what St Paul of the Cross did. He understood that there is no salvaon except in the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Almost a hundred years later, St John Bosco, another Italian saint, would hear these words on the day of his ordinaon from his mother, Mamma Margaret: “To say Mass is to begin to suffer.” What she meant was that a priest must carry the Cross in his personal life so that his celebraon of the Eucharist will be meaningful and effecve. The same thing is true for all of us. In order to parcipate more fully in the saving work of Jesus Christ, we must take up our crosses and follow aer the Master.

The crosses in our lives are the inevitable sufferings that come our way, sufferings over which we have no control. Somemes the crosses visit us through the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, the breakdown of a relaonship, economic hardship, sickness, or mental pain caused by those dear to us. Instead of allowing them to make us bier, we must use them to make us beer. If we offer them up for our sins and for the conversion of sinners, we will parcipate in the redeeming work of Christ.

Let me leave you with some powerful words from the saint:

Look at the number of pains, hurts, insults and tortures of every kind Jesus Christ went through for our sake, even though he was the Savior, the Son of God himself… Be happy to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, and to be ‘scorned by men and despised by the people’, to be hidden from the eyes of the world, and to do in everything what God desires.

Happy feast of our patron, St Paul of the Cross!

Yours warmly, Page 4

Due to COVID-19 consideraons, our annual Mass of Remembrance will not take place. The names of the deceased, whose Funeral Masses or Memorial Services have been planned for St. Paul of the Cross, will be read on All Souls’ Day, November 2nd, at the 8:30 am Mass. If you have family members or friends you would like to add to our list, please email them to Margaret Teich, [email protected] no later than Friday, October 23rd.



Our choir's second virtual performance, "Sound the Trumpet," was extended to our 8-voice chamber choir. As before, each singer recorded their individual part and Ed Eicker, our talented Director of Music, assembled, edited, and mixed them for the final recording. To listen to the beauful recording, go to our website and click the link in the arcle entled Virtual Choir Performances. Or, go to the following url: -trumpet-spc-chamber-choir Page 5


Visit our website at to read more about this important second collecon.

You may give at our online GiveCentral page at or by sending a check to our parish office with a note in the memo line stang “World Mission Sunday.”

Thank you for your generosity.


The Park Ridge Apache Wilderness Princesses and their leaders held a food drive in their neighborhoods last week. Fliers were hand delivered to homes telling residents about their event, what food was needed for the SPC Food Pantry, plus pick up and drop off direcons. Not only did they bring an impressive amount of food and monetary donaons to the pantry last Sunday, but they also stayed to help shelve with great enthusiasm. Thanks to the dads and daughters who planned and executed this very successful food drive. You are true disciples of Jesus. Page 6 ANNUAL MASS SUPPORTING PEOPLE WITH MENTAL ILLNESSES, FAMILIES, FRIENDS, AND MENTAL HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS


In these unprecedented mes, mental health is in the forefront of our concerns. We know our faith is a key part of our being well. Whether you, a family member, or a friend are experiencing mental health condions for the first me or for a long me, the annual mass is a me for all to pray together and share our similar journeys.

We will gather this year on October 25th at 2:00 pm on zoom. There will be opening comments from Cardinal Cupich followed by the celebraon of Mass and an opportunity for casual conversaons in zoom breakout rooms.

Please register in advance by using the following zoom link, and a “log on” link to the mass will be sent to you: hps://

For more informaon contact Deacon Tom Lambert at [email protected]

FEAST OF ST. PAUL OF THE CROSS FEAST DAY: OCTOBER 20 Let us implore our patron, St Paul of the Cross, that just like him we may embrace the Cross in our lives.

"Your crosses, dear God, are the joy of my heart. How beauful to suffer with Jesus!" Page 7 ACDVO 2020 MASS TO END DOMESTIC VIOLENCE


The Domesc Violence Outreach Ministry of Chicago invites you to its 5th annual Archdiocesan-wide Mass for domesc violence survivors

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2020 10:00 am Mass livestreamed from Holy Name Cathedral, Chicago

During the Covid-19 pandemic, ACDVO invites all parishes in our network to view the live-streamed Mass from Holy Name Cathedral. Join us virtually to pray for an end to domesc violence. We are the voice of the Catholic Church in Chicago.

You can access the livestreamed Mass by going to the Holy Name Cathedral website:

1. On the scrolling banner at the top of the HNC homepage, click "Livestream Mass from Holy Name Cathedral" 2. The link to the October 18th Sunday Mass from Holy Name Cathedral YouTube page will be live 48 hours in advance 3. Click the down arrow to see the celebrant, readings and hymns


October is the month of the rosary and St. Paul of the Cross will hold an in-person and live-stream Candlelight Rosary from the Upper Church on Wednesday, October 28th at 7:30 pm. Limited seang will be available, following the safety protocols currently used for Masses.

For those who are unable to aend in person, we invite you to watch and pray along from home as we li up special intenons for our community, country and world. Informaon about the livestream will be available on our website at:

PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED To register, call the rectory office at 847-825-7605 or sign up here: Page 8 PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL


The experience that we Americans are going through with the pandemic in 2020, has taken much out of us. Our lives have changed because we see that many of our comforts have been taken away from us. We lost so much that we previously had taken for granted. Some have lost loved ones, many may have lost their spiritual habits, others have lost jobs, and so many of us have lost the ability to be with our friends and our spiritual communies. We may feel listless, having neither direcon nor hope but with a wish embedded in our soul to be happy again yet laced with uncertainty.

The ugliness of this situaon can be a blessing in disguise. The only way out of this suffering and toward true happiness is the Light of our Life, Almighty God. He is the true certainty, oen ignored by men, but searched for in dire mes.

Our Father, through Jesus, has given us a recipe for happiness. Jesus, armed with the Ten Commandments given to Moses by the Father, brought forward His message to the world. St. Thomas Aquinas said, “Man was made by God to be happy and it is only through sin that he brings unhappiness on himself. He has the freedom to acquire happiness but oen mes does not use the strength of his freedom to control his acts, because of fear, concupiscence and ignorance.”

Many books have been wrien about the complexity of man. We must seek aids to help us manage ourselves. The Eucharisc Adoraon Chapel is such a guiding power. Vising there, we form strong spiritual habits, helping us to maintain an unyielding freedom to control our acons. Walking away from such a habit may take away the support we have learned to enjoy. Page 9 BECOME A FULLY INITIATED CATHOLIC

Do you know someone who is interested in exploring the Catholic faith? Or are you an adult Catholic who has not yet completed receiving the Sacraments? We invite you to consider joining the Rite of Chrisan Iniaon of Adults (RCIA) Program, which is currently forming, to help you prepare to receive the Sacraments and learn more about Catholicism in an open and welcoming environment.

The RCIA sessions also provide opportunies for you to ask the quesons you may have about the Catholic Church. You will be able to learn what the Catholic Church believes, teaches and proclaims to be revealed by God.

For more informaon, you can email [email protected]. You can also call the St. Paul of the Cross parish office at (847) 825-7605 and ask about the RCIA program.

God Bless! Beshar Bahjat RCIA Director


Come join Praying with Scripture as we let the APOSTOLATE OF WOMEN Holy Spirit guide us through meditaon and reflecon invites all women of St. Paul of the Cross parish on the Sacred Scripture. to a special virtual event on No experience necessary. All are welcome! TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, AT 7:00 PM

We are meeng virtually every Thursday at 7:30 pm FACING THE NEW REALITY: LESSONS LEARNED AND CHALLENGES FACED

If you would like to join, Father Brio will lead us in a mely discussion about please email the lessons we can learn from enduring the ongoing [email protected] pandemic. This pandemic has been going on for more and you will receive than eight months and it is beginning to try our a link to the paence. In spite of all the negaves it has brought, virtual meeng. this virus has also taught us wisdom as to how we can live authencally. In this talk, Fr. Brio will discuss some of the great lessons we can take from this harrowing experience.

If you would like to aend, please visit our arcle on NO STUFF THE TRUCK St. Paul’s website ( for the link to register or email [email protected]. A zoom EVENT THIS YEAR link will be sent to all parcipants prior to the call.

Due to the pandemic, our annual "Stuff the Truck" We hope you can aend. clothing drive that benefits our sister parish,

St. Benedict the African, will not be taking place Jessica Armour and Melissa Poindexter this year. AOW Co-Presidents Page 10 ATTENTION: ALL VETERANS

Webster Dental Care extends a small thank you in honor of your service to our country NOVEMBER 10 and 11

Webster Dental will be offering a limited number of complimentary appointments for a teeth cleaning to thank you for your servcie to our country. If interested, please contact their office at 773-775-2210 to schedule your appointment or ask any quesons you may have. All you need to provide is a picture ID and a smile.

Webster Dental Care Edison Park 7760 West Devon Avenue Chicago, IL 60631-1551 Ph: 773.775.2210 Fax: 773.775.2001 [email protected]


Dear Friend of the Passionists.

On Tuesday, October 20, Passionists worldwide will celebrate and commemorate the feast day of our Founder, St. Paul of the Cross. At 11:00 AM (Eastern Time), a special virtual Mass will stream from the magnificent and historic St. Joseph Monastery Parish in Balmore, one of the first missions of the Passionists in America. I hope you can join us as Fr. William Murphy, C.P. returns to his home parish and leads us in the celebraon along with Fr. Michael Murphy, current pastor. To join the live stream, simply access the event on Facebook at either St. Joseph Monastery Parish or SJMP and click on “Live.”

Aer the liturgy, please enjoy at your leisure a special video presentaon by our Provincial, Fr. Joe Moons, C.P. and Fr. David Colhour, C.P. on the ministry and mission of the Passionists. Access the video at hps:// stpaul2020

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any quesons. May the Passion of Jesus Christ be always in our hearts.

Angela Kwasinski Director of Donor Relaons The Passionists of Holy Cross Province 660 Busse Hwy., Park Ridge, IL 60068 847.715.8918 - cell [email protected] Page 11

WATCH, LISTEN, AND READ. ANYWHERE, ANYTIME. FORMED provides the very best Catholic content from more than 60 organizaons to help parishes, families, and individuals explore their faith anywhere. Supporng thousands of movies, children’s programs, ebooks, audio, parish programs, and studies direct to your browser, mobile, or connected device. And best of all, it’s FREE! To begin using FORMED today: 1. Go to 2. Select your parish 3. Register with your name and email address 4. Check that email account for a link to begin using FORMED


On October 22nd, we celebrate the feast day of Beloved St. Pope John Paul II. This new film is the world's biggest documentary on Pope St. John Paul II. It reveals his remarkable legacy in the history of the Church and the world as well as how his extraordinary personality, generosity, courage, and sense of humor united people on all connents, regardless of their social status, age, or religious beliefs.

It ulizes exclusive archival footage featuring St. John Paul II, as well as a lot of original shots made for this comprehensive film. Produced in HD quality, and four years in the making, it was filmed in thirteen countries. It features many world famous figures from the Church as well as polics, entertainment, and news industries, and their inspiring, insighul thoughts about, and experiences with, John Paul II.

Some of the many famous people featured in the film include Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz (the Pope's longme personal secretary), singer Placido Domingo, actor Eduardo Verastegui, Cardinal Frances Arinze, journalist Marco Poli, Italian polician and philosopher Rocco Buglione, former Polish President Lech Walesa, and many more.

This is a unique, dynamic, high quality, and sweeping epic film on the amazing life and legacy of St. John Paul II. Page 12 Page 13 A LOOK AHEAD... READINGS FOR THE WEEK

Monday: Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday: Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40

Their mission was to New France, but these SAINT SPOTLIGHT missionaries found in present-day New York State SAINTS ISAAC JOGUES (1560-1646) and the province of Ontario a world wildly JOHN DE BRÉBEUF (1593-1649) different from the homes they le behind. Six Jesuit priests, Fathers Isaac Jogues, John de AND THEIR COMPANIONS Brébeuf, Anthony Daniel, Gabriel Lalemant, Charles Feast Day: October 19th Garnier, and Noël Chabanel — and Jesuit lay volunteers René Goupil and John LaLande — shared the gospel with the Nave Americans they met, in languages they painstakingly learned, and through images they creavely adapted to the indigenous cultures (for example, John de Brébeuf’s “ ’Twas in the Moon of Winterme: the Huron Carol”). But their evangelizaon was caught up in turmoil beyond their control: a smallpox epidemic, bales between French and English trading interests — the traders united only by their willingness to exploit the Nave Americans — and conflict among the tribes themselves, Huron, Mohawk, Iroquois. The missionaries’ perseverance despite exhausng hardships, their steadfast courage in facing unspeakable tortures, and undaunted love even for those who martyred them, bore fruit, immediately in Kateri Tekakwitha’s sancty, eventually in the Catholicism that sll flourishes in the United States and Canada. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

”God is the witness of our sufferings and will soon be our exceeding great reward. Let us die in this faith…Sustain with courage the few remaining torments. They will end our lives. The glory which follows them will never have an end.” - St. John de Brébeuf Page 14 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEN’S RETREAT: A CALL TO MISSIONARY DISCIPLESHIP SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24TH FROM 9 AM - 3 PM Our Lady of Hope (9711 W. Devon Avenue, Rosemont)

The Knights of Columbus Maria Council #4836 invite all men from St. Paul of the Cross and other area parishes to parcipate in this one day retreat. Our intent for this year's retreat is to inspire the men of our northwest-side parishes to answer the call to renew their relaonship with Christ and understand why the new evangelizaon popularized by St. John Paul II is an essenal element of the Church’s mission.

“Faith is strengthened when it is given to others!” -JPII

Ancipated retreat speakers include: Fr. Brio Berchmans (Pastor, St. Paul of the Cross) Fr. Nick Cavallari (Associate Pastor, St. Paul of the Cross) Fr. Ma Bozovsky (Pastor, Our Lady of Ransom)

In addion to thought provoking presentaons by our speakers, the program will include Mass and Eucharisc Adoraon. Coffee and pastries will be available in the morning, and lunch will be provided. A donaon of $25 is requested from those aendees who can afford to do so.

Due to social distancing precauons, space for this year’s retreat is limited. To reserve your spot, register for the retreat by emailing your name and contact informaon to [email protected].

Autumn whispered to the wind: “I fall but always rise again.”

- Angie Weiland-Crosby credit: Mark Miller Photo


We're excited to announce a series of Saturday tour opportunies for 8th graders interested in checking out the Notre Dame difference this fall! Experience the home of the Dons in the safest way possible with a custom tour!

Sign up today at

Please contact Mike Smith for more informaon at 847-779-8622 or [email protected] Page 15 YOUR SUNDAY DONATIONS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER!

St. Paul connues to experience a reducon in giving during this pandemic. We are taking many measures to reduce our expenses at this me. Your donaons connue to be crical in helping us to funcon.

WAYS TO GIVE: • Text donate to 847-865-8370 • Sign up for online giving at • Mail your gi to the parish office: 320 S. Washington St., Park Ridge, IL 60068 • Return the completed enrollment form below to our office at 320 S. Washington, Park Ridge, IL 60068


First Name ______Last Name______Address ______City______State______Zip ______Phone (home) ______Phone (cell) ______Email (required) ______Payment Informaon Credit Card Type (circle one): MasterCard Visa Discover American Express Credit Card Number______CVC______Exp Date______- OR - Bank Account Bank Name______Account Type (circle one) Savings Checking Roung Number______Account Number______Signature______Date______Donaon Amount $______Payment Frequency (circle one): Annual Monthly Bi-weekly Weekly One-me

Contact Sandy Labouvie with any quesons: 847-825-7605, x2249 [email protected] Page 16


Monday, Oct 19 — Saints John de Brebeuf and Isaac Jogues Frank Agosno 8:30 am UP Anthony Simone, Adeline Wolkowicz, LeRoy and Doris Lunniss, J. Albert Roman and Helen Stefanski, Joseph and Marguerite Lunniss Vincent Albachiaro Sco Andrews Sue Beaumont Tuesday, Oct 20 — St. Paul of the Cross John Brunke 8:30 am UP Healing and Blessings for John Keane Michael Campanelli Bryan Charnot Wednesday, Oct 21 — Weekday Paul Clark Joe DiCola 8:30 am UP Julie Griffin, Healing and Blessings for John Humm Holly Finan Connie Gallius Thursday, Oct 22 — Pope St. John Paul II Maggie Gotski Sunny Greinke 8:30 am UP Healing for Mildred Bradshaw Mary Jane Gregory Ignacy and Chrisne Grabowski Friday, Oct 23 — St. John Capistrano Paul Hinz The Horon Family 8:30 am UP Donald A. Hughes, Poor Souls in Purgatory Karen Johnson John Keane Saturday, Oct 24 — St. Anthony Mary Claret Therese Kodner Dolores Komornicki 4:30 pm UP Julie Griffin, Jacques Heilingoeer, Dr. Robert Strzyz, Mary Kurkowski 50th Anniversary Blessings for Tom and Diane Keane, Harold Lake Birthday Blessings for Mike Mark Lawrin Jacqueline Lastovich Sunday, Oct 25 — Thireth Sunday in Ordinary Time Kathy McLaughry Jim McMahon

7:30 am UP Eugene Bauer, James Gerke Irene Musur Baby Zahrabelle Pulickal 9:00 am HFC Nicole and Ernest Brunke, People of the Parish Diane Rey Leo Rizzeo

Mary Gail Reding 10:30 am UP Dr. Charles "Chuck" DiFranco, Mr. and Mrs. Guerrez, Edward Scannicchio Eleanor Fitzsimmons, Serapio, Maria and Carlos Gomez, Michael Scannicchio Eleanor Geras, Bernice Urbanski Christopher Szymanski Dominick Sharkey Lois Ann Suter OCT 24/25 LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE Linda and Paul Suter Day and Eucharisc Altar Patricia Taglialavore Presider Lector Time Ministers Servers Amanda Velez John Viallo Saturday Robert Vering Fr. James Owen Walker 4:30 pm UP Marn Walsh Peter Wasyliw Sunday Carole Williams Fr. Nick 7:30 am UP Irene Zimmer NOT AVALAILABLE AT THIS TIME Sunday Fr. Brio IN LOVING MEMORY 9:00 am HFC

Sunday Frank "Buddy" P. LaBarbera Fr. Peter 10:30 am UP “Our Family Serving Yours Since 1936” Clement J. Ryan — Michael C. Ryan Lifelong Parishioners

847-823-1171 120 S. Northwest Highway, Park Ridge 847-518-0266

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PAUL A. MEYER, D.O. MICHAEL J. MEYER, D.O. Physicians and Surgeons, Osteopathic Elm, Realtors Board Certified Family Practice Hours By Appointment Oak Mill Mall, Ste. 2-23 Parishioners 847-966-9878 7900 N. Milwaukee Ave., Niles SUE HALL, Realtor • BRICK WORK, LINTELS • CHIMNEY, PARAPET WALLS 847.917.3188 • ROOFING, CONCRETE & MORE 741 Devon Avenue SAVE 10% FREE ESTIMATES The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Park Ridge, IL 60068 Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. (773) 774-0444 Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call Welter Plumbing Inc. New Work • Remodeling • Repairs J.S. Paluch 737 DEVON AVENUE 847-823-1439 All Types of Sewer Rodding “YOUR HOME DECORATING HEADQUARTERS!” Lic. # 11475 Lic. # 055-008817 1-800-621-5197 8420 Lehigh, M.G. 847-965-1883 000102 St Paul of the Cross Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” Ed the Plumber and Present It The Next Time You Ed the Carpenter Patronize One of Our Advertisers Design/Build 847.492.1444 Exteriors • Interiors • Additions Best Work • Best Rates I Visit our Showroom in Niles D FRANCO WE DO ALL OUR OWN WORK Thank you for advertising in Family Owned & Operated since 1964 Since 1965 our church bulletin. ORTHODONTICS Lic# 055-026066 I am patronizing your business Specializing in Orthodontics 847-647-9900 PARISHIONER DISCOUNT because of it! 401 W. Talcott Rd., Park Ridge JOHN’S ROOFING INC. GOLDY’S GRILL ? ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS ? SEMI-RETIRED 847-318-7711 847-297-9984 1023 Northwest Hwy Roofing • Gutters • Siding 847-825-9725 FULLY LICENSED Member American Association of Orthodontists Soffit • Fascia Mon-Sat 6AM- 3PM Sun 7AM - 2PM MASTER ELECTRICIAN Parishioner Insured Free Estimates “Small place with great taste” 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE Catholic Cruises and Tours and The Apostleship NO JOB TOO SMALL of the Sea of the United States of America FREE OF COVID-19 Take your FAITH ON A JOURNEY. COMPLETELY PROTECTED Call us today at 860-399-1785 or email 773-908-2271

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000102 St Paul of the Cross Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170

REV. BRITTO M. BERCHMANS, PASTOR frbri[email protected] REV. PETER GNOINSKI, ASSOCIATE PASTOR [email protected] REV. NICK CAVALLARI, ASSOCIATE PASTOR [email protected] ALOYSIUS J. MEMMEL, ROBERT T. BULGER, ANDREW P. CAMERON, DEACONS ST. PAUL OF THE CROSS PARISH SCHEDULE 320 S. Washington MASS Park Ridge, IL 60068 Monday through Friday 8:30 am (upper church phone: 847-825-7605 Saturday 4:30 pm (upper church) fax: 847-825-5186 Sunday 7:30 am (upper church 9:00 am (HFC) 10:30 am (upper church) DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Register for Mass online through SignUpGenius: Sandy Labouvie: [email protected] 847-825-7605 x2249 ADORATION ST. PAUL OF THE CROSS SCHOOL PRINCIPAL 1st and 3rd Fridays immediately following 8:30 am Mass in Upper Church Erika Mickelburgh: [email protected] (must register for and aend Mass to stay for Adoraon) (847) 825-6366 / CONFESSION DIRECTOR OF CATECHESIS Wednesday 3 pm to 4 pm Anna Mae Parkhill: [email protected] Saturday 8 am to 9 am

(847) 692-2758 / FUNERALS Monday through Saturday Morning OFFICE MANAGER Madeleine McCoy: [email protected] WEDDINGS Friday and Saturday DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRY Call the parish office at least 6 months in advance

Edward J. Eicker: [email protected] BAPTISMS (847) 825-7605 x2253 Sunday If this is your first child, bapsm prep class is required and DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL SERVICES MINISTRY provided on the fourth Thursday every month at 7:00 pm. Adrienne Timm: adrienne[email protected] Currently the classes are being scheduled through Zoom. Please contact the parish office to register at 847-825-7605 (847) 692-6767 NEW PARISHIONER REGISTRATION RCIA TBA (847) 825-7605 x2237 / [email protected] ANOINTING OF THE SICK

TBA BULLETIN EDITOR spcbulle[email protected] COMMUNION FOR THE HOMEBOUND Please call 847-825-7605 CALENDARS ROSARY [email protected] TBA