British Birds YOI.IMF. 81 NUMBER 1 1 NOYEM BER 1 98 8

Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1987

Michael J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee with comments by R. A. Hume his is the thirtieth annual report of the Rarities Committee. Once Tagain, the work of the Committee has been supported by the much- appreciated sponsorship of ZEISS West Germany. This most welcome financial assistance enables us to deal more effectively with both the processing and the publication of records and to include photographs and drawings of some of the rarities within this report. Rarities Committee membership is listed on the inside front cover each month, and on the back of the title page in each volume. Points of interest arising mainly from the Committee's annual meeting in May 1988 have been published already in 'Rarities Committee news and announcements' (Brit. Birds 81: 464-465). It is most unfortunate that two batches of records (one from Shetland and the other from Wales) were lost in the post during the year. It is hoped that both can be rebuilt in the coming year. Details of the Committee's constitution and operation have been published in 'Rare birds: the work of the British Birds Rarities Committee' {Brit. Birds 80: 487-491) and are contained in a fact sheet, a copy of which may be obtained from the Secretary, Michael J. Rogers, whose address is at the end of this report. Also available from the Secretary is a list of the species considered by the Committee, and copies of the Rarities Committee Record Form, which should be used (or its format followed} when submitting reports. Please enclose a stamped addressed envelope of suitable size when requesting any of these items. All reports of any species on the Committee's list should be sent to the Secretary or, in the case of a trapped and ringed rarity, to the BTO Ringing Office, both preferably via the appropriate county or regional recorder.

I/Ml. «ii* HI: ,">:C>-.W«, NoM-iiibrr I9HK] 535 536 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987

1987 and earlier years The Committee has already dealt with 1,007 records for 1987, 86% of which have been accepted. A total of 441 records for 1987 and earlier years is still under consideration for a variety of reasons, including late submission, lack of adequate details, a need to refer to experts or to investigate escape likelihood here and on the Continent, the occasional intentional delay pending better definition of identification criteria, the requirement, for records of species new to Britain, to be verified also by the British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee, and several other factors. Pre-1987 records with which ,the Committee is currently involved include several Little Shearwaters Puffinus assimilis, Wilson's Petrels Oceanites oceanicus and Madeiran Petrels Oceanodroma castro, Marbled Duck Marmaronetta angustirostris, Saker Falco cherrug, two Red-necked Stints Calidris ruficollis, two Long-toed Stints C. subminuta, several South Polar Skuas Stercorarius maccormicki, Rufous Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis, Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturates, two American Pipits Anthus rubescens, two Blyth's Reed Warblers Acrocephalus dumetorum, Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis, four Short-toed Treecreepers Certhia brachydactyla, several Arctic Redpolls Carduelis hornemanni, two Pine Buntings Emberiza leucocephalos, and six Yellow-headed Blackbirds Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus. The Committee is also engaged upon reviews of both past and pending records of black-headed Yellow Wagtails Motacilla flava feldegg, Citrine Wagtails M. citreola, Olivaceous Warblers Hippolais pallida and Isabelline Shrikes Lanius isabellinus. Pre-1987 records still being investigated by the BOU Records Commit­ tee include those concerning Yellow-nosed Albatross Diomedea chlororhyn- chos, Falcated Duck Anas falcata, Barrow's Goldeneye Bucephala islandica, White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala, Oriental Pratincole Glareola maldivarum, Eagle Owl Bubo bubo, Egyptian Nightjar Caprimulgus aegyptius, White-winged Lark Melanocotypha leucoptera, Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos, Stonechat Saxicola torquata variegata, Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius, Varied Thrush Zoothera naevia, Yellow-browed Bunting Emberiza chrysophrys, Chestnut Bunting E. rutila, and Painted Bunting Passerina cms. Acknowledgments We wish to express our gratitude to observers and to county and regional recorders, bird observatory wardens and reserve wardens and their committees for their continued co-operation upon which the work of the Rarities Committee is totally dependent, and without which this report would not be so complete and accurate. We should like to thank the Irish Rare Birds Committee and the Northern Ireland Bird Records Committee for permission to include their accepted records, and their respective secretaries, Patrick Smiddy and Mrs P. M. Vizard, for supplying the details which enable us to provide a complete review and running totals of all rare bird records in the geographical unit of Britain and Ireland. We are grateful to Trevor Copp for liaising over Channel Islands rarity records, which are adjudicated by the Committee: accepted records are included in the report, but not in the running totals. Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 537 In addition, we are indebted to many individuals and organisations for assistance during the past year. R. A. Hume has written the report's species comments and D, J. Britton has again compiled the running totals for each species. Dr J. T. R. Sharrock joined the Committee for a two- month spell whilst T. P. Inskipp was abroad. The Seabirds Advisory Panel, whose members are P. Harrison (Secretary), P. R. Colston, W. F. Curtis, J. Enticott and B. A. E. Marr, enjoyed its first full year and the BTO, the NCC, the RSPB and the British Museum (Natural History'), Tring, have liaised over various matters. We wish to thank all photographers who have submitted pictures of rarities, a selection of which enhances this report. Photographs and slides, whether or not of sufficient quality for publication, are invariably of great assistance during the process of record assessment, and we wish to encourage their submission along with the written record. We are grateful to those observers who included drawings of rarities in their record submissions. Such sketches, even those with little artistic merit, are of great value to the Committee, but it must be stressed that all drawings should be representations of the bird in question and not general sketches of the species. Some of the drawings submitted with records are included in this report. PGL

Systematic list of accepted records The principles and procedures followed in considering records were explained in the 1958 report (Brit. Birds 53: 155-158). The systematic list is set out in the same way as in the 1986 report (80: 516-571). The following points show the basis on which the list has been compiled. (i) The details included for each record (iii) The sequence of species, English are (1) county; (2) locality; (3) number of names and specific nomenclature follow The birds if more than one, and age and sex if 'British Birds'List ofBirds of the Western Pakarctic known (in the case of spring and summer (1984). Any sight records of subspecies records, however, the age is normally given (including those of birds trapped and re­ only where the bird concerned was not in leased) are normally referred to as 'showing adult plumage); (4) if trapped or found dead the characters' of the race concerned. and where specimen is stored, if known; (5) (iv) The three numbers in brackets after date(s); and (6) observer(s) up to three in each species' name refer respectively to the number, in alphabetical order. In accord­ total number of individuals recorded in ance with our declared policy (see Brit, Birds Britain and Ireland (excluding those 'At 68: 1-4), the new county names have been sea') (1) to the end of 1957, (2) for the period used, and observers are asked to bear this in since the formation of the Rarities Commit­ mind when submitting records. tee in 1958, but excluding (3) the current (ii) In general, this report is confined to year. The decision as to whether one or records which are regarded as certain, and more individuals was involved is often dif­ 'probables* are not included. In the case of ficult and rather arbitrary, but the consensus the very similar Long-billed IJmnodmmus of members is indicated by 'possibly the scotapaceus and Short-billed Dowitchers L. same' (counted as different in the totals), gtiseus, however, we are continuing to pub­ 'probably the same' (counted as the same in lish indeterminate records, and this also totals), or 'the same' when the evidence is applies to observations of pratincoles Glar- certain or overwhelming. An identical eola and of such difficult groups as albatros­ approach is applied to records of the same ses Diomedea and frigatebirds Fregata. species recurring at the same locality after a 538 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987

lapse of time, including those which occur totals. A detailed breakdown of the figures annually at the same or a nearhy site. In for previous years is held by the Honorary considering claims of more than one indi­ Secretary. vidual at the same or adjacent localities, the (v) The world breeding range is given in Committee usually requires firm evidence brackets at the beginning of each species before more than one is counted in the comment.

White-billed Diver Gavia adamsii (18, 91, 10) Greater Manchester Audenshaw Reservoirs, adult, 7th to 8th December (R. Adderley, D. G. Lowe, R. Travis). Highland Dornoch Firth, Sutherland, adult, found oiled between 7th and 14th March, humanely destroyed at SSPCA oiled-bird cleaning centre, Fife, now at Royal Scottish Museum (Dr S. R. D. & Mrs E. S. da Prato). Sinclair's Bay, Caithness, adult, 14th March (E. W. E. Maughan, J. Smith); first-summer, long dead, 19th July (K. Banks et at.). Orkney Papa Westray, adult, 7th and 17th May (I. P. Robinson). Shetland Whalsay, adult, since 12th December 1986 to 27th March, same, 8th December to 1988, presumed same as individual first recorded 1979 (Brit. Birds 73: 402) and each successive winter (Dr B. Marshall, N. D. Poleson, W. Simpson et al.). Off Hascosay, Yell, first-winter, 14th January (P. V. Harvey, M. Heubeck et at.). Dury Voe, Mainland, adult, 7th to 15th February (D. L. Clugston, P. M. Ellis, P. V. Harvey et ai). Linga, Bluemull Sound, adult, 30th October (P. M. Ellis). Strathclyde Loch Sween, second-summer, 21st to 24th April (J. & Mrs J. Hyde, S. K. & Mrs E.J. Welch et a/.)(plate 278), probably same, 4th to 6thJuly (I. McGowan, R. W.J. Smith et al.).

278. Second-summer White-billed Diver Gavia adamsii, Strathclyde, April 1987 (Steve Welch)

Yorkshire, North Filey, second-winter, moribund, oiled, 31st January, died about 2nd February, now at Woodend Natural History Museum, Scarborough (P.J. Dunn, F. Nendick, H.J. Whitehead et al.)(Brit. Birds 80: plate 70). 1983 Shetland Whalsay, first-year, 5th January to 16th March; adult, 22nd April to 5th May (Brit. Birds 77: 508), now presumed same, former probably second-year or adult. 1984 Shetland Bluemull Sound, adult, 6th November (Brit. Birds 78: 532), also off Holm of Heogaland, Unst, 6th December (M. Heubeck, R. J. Tulloch, R. M. Wynde per J. N. Dymond). 1985 Shetland Burravoe, possibly first-summer, 13th May (Brit. Birds 79: 528), as first- summer, 13th May to 16th August (M. Heubeck, J. B. Higgott et al.). Colgrave Sound, adult, 15th October (Brit. Birds 79: 528), 24th December (M. A. Peacock per J. N. Dymond). 1986 Highland Dunnet Bay, Caithness, two first-summers or second-winters, another, age uncertain, one or another, occasionally two or all three, 17th August to at least 27th September (C. C. McGuigan, E. W. E. Maughan, G C. Stephenson et al.). 1986 Shetland Whalsay, adult, 15th November 1985 to 1986 (Brit. Birds 79: 528), to 3rd May, 12th December to 1987 (Dr B. Marshall per J. N. Dymond). Off Holm of Heogaland, Unst, probably adult, 23rd December (J. N. Dymond). 1986 Strathclyde Turnberry Lighthouse, adult, 20th April (B. D. & Mrs E. Kerr). (Arctic Russia eastwards to Arctic Canada) The year 1986 moves up to Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 539 a clear record, with 1987 hot on its heels. The inland record in Greater Manchester is extraordinary, as was the 1986 trio in Highland. The pattern of returning individuals in Shetland is becoming clearer; it also requires adjustments to the totals for 1980 (reduce by one) and 1983 (reduce by three).

Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps (0, 9, 3) Dumfries & Galloway Lochmaben, 24th to 25th April (Dr IS". Armstrong, O. & Miss S. Stalling, R. T. Smith et al.). Glamorgan, Mid Kenfig, 31st January to 25th April; presumed same, 31st October to 1st April 1988 (R. G. Hogarth, S.J. Moon, H. Nicholls et a/.)(plate 162). (The Americas) Also the first Irish record: at Lady's Island Lake, Co. Wexford, from 24th May to 19th June. The first new arrivals since one in North Wales in 1984. South Wales had not been visited before this individual, which was destined to become a typically long stayer, recalling earlier ones at Chew Valley Lake, Somerset, now Avon (1965 to 1968), and South Uist (1983 to 1985); the Dumfries & Galloway record is the second for the county, after one there in 1975.

Black-browed Albatross Diomedea melanophris (2, 24, 0) Shetland Hennaness, Unst, first seen 1972 (Brit. Ilirds 80: 521), again present, 16th February to 2nd July (per J. N. Dymond). (Southern oceans) A belated report of one in Ireland, ofFInishglora, Co. Mayo, on 11th and 13th August 1986. Several reports of this species remain under consideration in consultation with the Seabirds Advisory Panel.

Bulwer's Petrel Bulweria bulwerii (2, 1, 0) (Atlantic and Pacific Oceans) The record of one off Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork, on 26th August 1965 is no longer considered acceptable by the Irish Rare Birds Committee (this leaves only one Irish record, in August 1975).

Wilson's Petrel Oceanites oceanicus (4, 9, 1) 1986 St Ives, two, 26th August (D. S. Flumm et al.). 1986 Dyfed Strumble Head, 3rd September (G. H. Rees et al.). 1986 At sea North Atlantic, sea area Sole, 49° 25.16' N 7° 5.32' W, about 113 km southwest of Bishop Rock, Scilly, 10th August (S.J. M. Gantlett et al.); similar area, seven, 13th August: 49° 26.55' N 7° 3.81' W, about 71 km southwest of Bishop Rock (K. Hall, P. Harrison, K. Pellow et a/.)(fig. 1); 49° 26.55' N 7° 3.81' W (D.J. Odell, C. Towe, R. White et al); 49° 20' N 7° 2.86' W, about 88 km southwest of Bishop Rock (C. Baines, A. & Mrs L. A. Tate et al.); 49° 20' N 7° 2.86' W (J. C. Gregory, M. Grunwell, S. Horridge); 49° 23.15' N 7° 24' W (P. Harrison); 49° 01' N 7° 41.3' W (P. Flint); 49° 19.7' N 7° 22.75' W, about 113 km southwest of Bishop Rock (D. S. H. Coates, M. Edgecombe, J. A. Hazel] et al.). (Southern oceans) In Ireland, one off Ramore Head, Portrush, Co. Antrim, on 24th September, and singles at sea, 56 km west of Burtonport, Co. Donegal, on 15th August, and 13 km southwest of Mizen Head, Co. Cork, on 29th August. There was one off Bridges of Ross, Co. Clare, on 18th August 1985. A large number of records from the Western Approaches have still to be dealt with. Pelagic trips have (not unexpected- 540 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 ly) transformed records of this species; only in 1983 did the total number recorded break into double figures, and now we have them seven at a time. Note that 'At sea' records are not included in the totals.

Fig. 1. Wilson's Petrel Oceamtes oceanicus, at sea off Scilly, August 1986 {J. A. Hazelt) Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 541 Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus (150, 148, 3) Scilly St Mary's, Cf, 15th April (R. Frankum et a/.)(plate 296), presumed same, 22nd April to 3rd May (P. D. Hyde, H. P. K. Robinson, W. H. WagstafF et at.). St Agnes, Cf, 2nd May, additional to above (G. R. & Mrs M. Avery, J. W. Hale, J. D. Sanders). Sussex, West Chichester Gravel-pits, Cf, 10th to 15th May (C R. Janman, C. Leach et al.). (West Eurasia, Africa and Australia) Two further records remain under consideration; all the same, a poorish year, continuing the recent run of reduced numbers.

Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax (165, 166, 42) Berkshire Thatcham Marsh, probably juvenile, age yet to be determined, 24th July to 6th August, again, nearby site, 30th August to 17th October (Dr R. L. Flood, S. Lawrence et al.)(Brit. Birds 80: plate 336). Borders St Abb's Head, second-summer, 30th April (K.J. Rideout et al.), presumed same, dead, Coldingham Loch, 4th May, skin retained by J. Munro (E.J. Wise et al.). Cheshire Woolston Eyes, adult or second-year, 26th May (P.J. Dalglish, R. Taylor et al). Cornwall Near , adult, at least 27th April (C. C. Barnard, Mr & Mrs D. G. Griffin). Cumbria Longtown, Cumberland, first-summer, 7th to 17th May (A. Cremin, M. Tulloch et al). Kendal, first-summer, 1st June to 20th July (D. G. Newell, R. Ward et al). Dalton-in- Furness, first-summer, 15th June to 22nd July (Mrs J. Martin et al.). Devon Brampford Speke, first-summer, 2nd to 7th May (D. J. Jarvis). Slapton Ley, second- summer, 4th to 6th June (R. Crossley, J. A. Flynn et al.). Dorset Portland, adult, 17th April (P. M. Harris). , second-year, 16th May to at least 21st July (L. Forsyth, P. Smith et al). Humberside Swine, second-summer, 28th April to at least 2nd May, two, at least 30th April, one or other (o 7th May (B. Richards, C. C. Straw et al). Easington Lagoons, first- summer, 17th May, same as second Swine individual (S. Elliot, R. George, R. P. Mundy), same, Kilnsea, 22nd to 31st May (S. E. Duffield, S. M. Lister et al). Kent Sevenoaks, adult, 1st to 4th May (C. Bond, P. Meredith, R. H. Terry). Lydd, first- summer, 16th May (A. Harris). Bough Beech Reservoir, first-summer, 24th May (A. R. Benton, M. Narburton). Foreness, first-summer, 29th May (F. Solly, D. W. Taylor). Stodmarsh, first-summer, 18th August (P. W.J. Findley, I. D. Hunter, M.J. Pollard et al). Lancashire River Ribble, Preston and Ribbleton area, adult, 30th April to 5th May (D. Tucker et al). Lincolnshire Gibraltar Point, two second- summers, 3rd to 4th May (W. Paul, K. M. Wilson et al).

279. Adult Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax, Norfolk, April 1987 (Keith Atkin) 542 Rare birch in Great Britain in 1987 Norfolk Blackborough End, adult, 26th to 29th April (A. Banwell, B. J. Best, N. Bostock et

Green-backed Heron Butorides striatus (1, 1, 1) Lothian Tyninghame, first-winter, showing characters of North American race B. s. virescens, freshly dead, probably killed by fox Vulpes vulpes, 25th October; now at Royal Scottish Museum (D. Campbell, P. R. Gordon et al.). (North and Central America; other races throughout tropics) Previous British records were in Cornwall in October 1889, and Humberside during November to December 1983.

Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis (2, 45, 1) Cumbria Near Carlisle, 12th May (D. L. Clugston). Derbyshire Thornsett, Watford Lodge and New Mills area, since 22nd December 1986 to 7th January (Brit. Birds 80: 522). Also in Staffordshire. Hampshire Titchfield Haven, since 4th November 1986 to 11th January (Brit. Birds 80: 522). Staffordshire Doxey Marshes, Stafford, 7th January (Brit Birds 80: 522), same as Derbyshire individual, 1986 Cleveland Longnewton Reservoir, 10th October (B.J. K. Caswell). Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 543 1986 Cornwall Luxulyan, near , adult, freshly dead, 22nd November, now at County Museum, (G, J. Conway, R, Tonkin), 1986 Humberside Hornsea Mere, 30th September (D. L. Gardner, C. Hogg). (Almost cosmopolitan in tropics; nearest regular breeders South of France) Predictions of an increase after the nine in 1986 — now increased to 12 — may still prove correct, but there was little sign of dramatic change in 1987.

Little Egret Egretta garzetta (23, 376, 31) Cornwall , 10th May (G. C. Hearl, S. C. Hutchings, L. P. Williams). , 29th May 0. Hawkey). St John's Lake, at least 13th June (R. W. Gould); first-summer, 9th, 16th August (R. W. Gould, A. H.J. Harrop et id.). Restronguet Creek, near Penryn, 30th August (J. H. W. Wilson et a/.). Derbyshire Swarkestone, 23rd August (W. R. Crum). See Leicestershire below. Devon Otter Estuary, 3rd to 6th June (M. Mitchell), probably same, Teign Estuary, 7th to 8th (M. R. A. & R. E. Bailey, N. I. Hamzij, P. M. Mayer). Yealm Estuary, probably juvenile, 31st July to at least 1st August (P. Aley, J. R. Smart et al.). Dorset Radipole, juvenile or first-summer, 13th to 21st July (M. Cade, D. T. Ireland et al.), probably same, Stanpit Marsh, 26th (P. Morrison et a!.). Stanpit Marsh, adult, 1st to 14th September (P. Morrison et a/.)(plates 20 & 21). Puddletown, 18th October (C. R. Drake). Newtown Bay, Poole Harbour, 5th to at least 22nd November (B. Minhull et al.), probably same, Arne, 23rd December to at least March 1988 (R. M. Ward et al.). Dyfed Horsebox Ponds, Llanelli, 4th May (G, & Mrs D. B. Harper). Pen-clawdd, Llanelli, 26th to 27th May (A. Richardson). Essex South Woodham Ferrers and River Crouch, Foulness area, 6th to at least 28th November (L. G. Benson, A. W. Shearring, L. M. Wickens et al.). Gwynedd Foryd Bay, Caernarvon, 28th June to at least 19th September (S. Hugheston- Roberts). Hampshire Leckford and Longstock, 17th October (P.J. Puckering et al.), presumed same, Lower Test Valley, 17th November (J. Pain, A. Pow). Kent Cliffe, 31st May; same, Cooling Marsh, 1st June (J. C. Martin et al.). Pegwell Bay, 11th to 25th October (A. Sapsford, R. Titmouth et al). Leicestershire Eyebrook Reservoir, 22nd August (M. Cassidy, J. W. Walker), probably same as Derbyshire individual. Lincolnshire Holbeach Marsh, 15th August (P. Clement, N. P. Watts), presumed same, Witham Estuary, 15th (L. Proctor), and Gibraltar Point, 26th (M. Hughes), and Frampton Marsh, 7th September (C. R. & Mrs K. R. Casey), and Leverton Marsh, 27th (per A. Ball), probably same, again Frampton Marsh, 31st December to at least 26th January 1988 (S. Bevan, A. Golec, W. A. Temple el al.). Scilly Tresco, 15th April, same, St Mary's, 15th to 16th (D. F. & J. M. Hurley et al.). Suffolk Walberswick, intermittently, 6th June to 23rd August (G. J. Jobson, C. S. Waller et al.); same, Benacre, intermittently, 17thJune to 18thjuly (R. Fairhead,J. Minthane, D. R. Newton et al.); same, Minsmere, 14th, 19thJuly (R. N. Macklin, J. Sorensen); same, Reydon, 23rd July (per P. W. Murphy). Sussex, East Cuckmere Haven, 29th July to 10th August (G. W. Gowlett et al.), presumed same as July individual. West Sussex below. Sussex, West Pagham Harbour, 29th May (M. J. Tribe, R. B. Williams). Thorney Deeps, 26thJuly (C. B. & Mrs M. A. Collins); presumed same, Ferring Rife, 26th (S. W. Gale); also in East Sussex above. West Wittering area, juvenile, 4th to at least 20th September (P. & Mrs E. Catlett et o/.)(plate 22). Western Isles Between Benbecula and Grimsay, 12th to 17th November (P. R. Boyer,J. J. Gordon, T.J. Dix et at.). Wight, Isle of St Helen's and Bembridge area, 10th May (Mrs G. Brazier). 1985 Hampshire Fareham Creek, 5th September, Hayling Island, 14th {Brit. Birds 79: 530), now presumed same; presumed same, Titchfield Haven area, 12th June to at least 15th September (R.J. Wilkinson et al.). 1985 Yorkshire, South Fairburn Ings, 23rd May (Brit. Birds 79: 531), presumed same, 544 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 Potteric Carr, at least 19th (D. Forbes, G. Richardson, T. Rhodes). 1986 Cornwall Par, 31st August (B. T, S. & S. M. Christophers), presumed same as Ruan Lanihorne individual, 5th September (Brit. Birds 80: 522). 1986 Devon Otter Estuary, 2nd May (Mrs M. K. Doyle), probably same as Thurlestone individual, 30th April {Brit. Birds 80: 522). 1986 Dyfed Laugharne, 22nd June (R. Ballantine). 1986 Humberside Blacktoft Sands, 28thJune (A. Grieve, Miss L.Jenkinson, A. A. Murray), presumed same as North Cotes, Lincolnshire, individual, 29th (Brit. Birds 80: 522). 1986 Lincolnshire North Cotes, 29th June (Brit. Birds 80: 522), see 1986 Humberside above. Chapel St Leonard's, Skegness, 25th May (P. Sims et a/.), same, Gibraltar Point, 25th (P. I. Andrews). (South Eurasia, Africa and Australia) In Ireland, there were singles at Woodburn, Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim, on 12th May; at Bantry, Co. Cork, from 2nd to 5th April; at Ballycotton, Co. Cork, from 19th to the end of April; at Lough Beg, Co. Cork, on 22nd April; at Blanket Nook, Co. Donegal, on 20th May; and at Ballinafagh Lake, Co. Kildare, on 24th May. Also one at Fort Grey, Guernsey, Channel Islands, on 17th April and a late record of one at St Saviour's, Guernsey, from 1st September 1986 to 9th January 1987. Many long-staying individuals cropping up at several places, to be expected with such a conspicuous species as this, but still a good year.

Great White Egret Egretta alba (10, 26, 0) 1986 Strathclyde Gruinart Flats, Islay, 15thJune (G.Jackson, P. Moore). (Almost cosmopolitan, extremely local in Europe) This was the day before a previously accepted record just 40 km southeast of Glasgow, and eight days before one in Norfolk. The year 1987 ends a run of ten with annual occurrences of this supremely elegant heron.

Purple Heron Ardea purpurea (90, —, —) 1978 Kent Uungeness, immature, 8th August (S. P. Clancy). (North-central Eurasia, north to Netherlands, and Africa) This species is no longer considered by the Committee, but records for past years are still requested and published for completeness.

Black Stork Ciconia nigra (26, 33, 2) Wight, Isle of St Catherine's Point, 25th April (P. J. Barden, D. B. Wooldridge el al.). (Eurasia and Southern Africa) In Ireland, one at Foxrock, Co. Dublin, on 16th August, the first Irish record. A very rare bird indeed; the previous 14 in the 1980s included eight in 1985.

Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus (many, 43, 4) Buckinghamshire Willen Lake, 29th May (A. V. Harding, D.J. Scott). Dorset Radipole, 11th to 14th June (M. Cade, Mr & Mrs Elgood, P. M. Harris et al). Kent Stodmarsh, one of 1986 individuals (Brit. Birds 80: 524) 1st January to 1st March, 24th October to end of year; same, Seasalter, 31st January, Sheppey, 29th May to 18th August (per T. Hodge). Orkney Holm, Mainland, since 19th September 1986 to 10th January (Brit. Birds 80: 525). Sussex, East Pett Pools, two, 25th to 27th April (T. A. Hyde et al.). (Almost cosmopolitan, nearest breeders in Balkans) Few after the dramatic influx of 1986, but still a wide scatter of reports compared with all other years since 1977. Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 545 Bewick's Swan Cygnus columbianus (0, 6, 0) Individuals showing the characters of the nominate North American and East Siberian race were recorded as follows: Hampshire See 1986 Hampshire below. Somerset Curry Moor, adult, 12th December to at least 31st January 1988 (A. D. Fox et al.), presumed returning individual (see below). 1986 Hampshire Ibsley, adult, 31st December to at least 25th January 1987 (G. Armstrong, M. Reid, R. White et a/.)(plate 280).

280. Bewick's Swans Cygnus columbianus including adult of nominate race, Hampshire, December 1986 (Louis Rumis) 1986 Somerset Hay Moor and Curry Moor, adult, 5th to at least 25th January; same, Durleigh Reservoir, 26thJanuary, 12th February (A.J. Bundy,J. G. Hole, D. E. & L. Paull et al.), probably same as Hampshire individual. (North America) Clearly worth looking for; these are the first accepted records for Britain. Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus (47, 74, 1) Gloucestershire Slimbridge, first-winter, 7th February to 15th March (D. B. Paynter et al.). 1986 Strathclyde Near Bridgend, Islay, cf, 11th to 15th March (Dr M. A. Ogilvie et al.). (Northeast Europe and Siberia) The only previous record from Islay was in March 1980. In 1987, a presumed escape was at Amwell, Hertfordshire, during April; and in 1986 there were others in Derbyshire in August and September, and at Sevenoaks, Kent, in mid November. Brent Goose Branta bernicla (1, 37, 4) Individuals showing the characters of the North American and East Siberian race B. b. nigricans were recorded as follows: Kent Sandwich Bay, adult, 21st March (N. Odin et al). Norfolk Cley area, adult, 26th December 1986 to 22nd February (Brit. Birds 80: 525), to 28th; 546 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 another, at least 9th January to 28th February (S.J. M. Gantlett, E. T. Myers et al). Stiftkey, adult, 11 th January, presumed one of Cley individuals (E. T. Myers et al.). Sussex, West Thorney Island, adult, 24th December 1986 to at least 8th March (Brit. Birds 80: 525), also Pilsey Island, 19th February, Stanbury Point, 21st (C. B. Collins); presumed same, 9th November to at least 20th December (C. B. Collins et al,). Pagham Harbour, adult, 11th January, presumed same as Thorney Island individual (R. W. White et al.). (Arctic North America and East Siberia) In Ireland, there were two at Strangford Lough, Co. Down, on the remarkable date of 21st September; one at Tramore in December 1986 stayed until 3rd January. Late records were of one at Carlingford Lough, Co. Louth, on 11th January and, probably the same, on 28th December. Five other individuals remain under consideration. A problem with several is that they showed good characters of this race except for neckbands which were apparently slightly incomplete at the front; exactly what constitutes a pure example of the race is as yet uncertain.

Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis (15, 23, 0) Essex Althorne, Canewdon and Creeksea area, adult, since 27th December 1986 to 13th February (Brit. Birds 80: 526). Sussex, West Pagham Harbour, adult, 23rd to 27th January (M. G. W. Terry el al.), presumed returning individual of 30th January to 3rd March 1986 (Brit, Birds 80: 526). (West Siberia) A north Norfolk record remains under consideration. An escape was in Suffolk, at various localities, from 16th November 1986 to at least 1st August 1987 (knock it off your list if you haven't already done so). This sensational little goose has been annual since 1983.

American Wigeon Anas amerkana (22, 146, 18) Berkshire Thatcham, $ or first-winter, 21st November, same, Theale, 22nd November to 1988 (Dr R. L. Flood et al). Dorset Stanpit Marsh, cf, 3rd May (G. C, L. Dutson, M. Reid et al.), probably same, Brownsea Island, 4th to 5th (M. Cade, P. S. Read et al.). Lodmoor, Cf, 24th October (J. McMillan et al.). Fife Eden Estuary, O", 28th to 31st January (N. Elkins et al.). Highland Loch of Mey, Caithness, Cf, 4th to 10th October (M. I-egg, E. W. E. Maughan et al.). Kent Sandwich Bay, $, 25th to 26th February (C. Evans, R. H. Lawrence, N. Odin et al.). Norfolk Welney, 0\ 13th March (J. B. Kemp.D. Revett). Cley, cf, 22nd June (R. Chidwick, S.J. M. Gantlett el al). Northamptonshire Thrapston, d\ 5th May (D. Caswell). Orkney The Loons, Mainland, cf, 27th June (E. R. Meek, S. C. F. Palmer, B. Starck). Oxfordshire Dorchester-upon-Thames, first-winter, 28th February to 15th March (A. Brampton, R. Burgess, A. R. Collins et al.). Somerset Wimbleball Reservoir, Cf, 30thJanuary to at least 23rd March (R.J. Butcher, C.J. Gladman, B. Rabbitts el al.), presumed same, 28th December to at least 24th January 1988 (B. D. Gibbs, B. Rabbitts et at.). Warwickshire Wasperton, cf, 9th to 14th Mav (A. R. Dean et al.). 1984 Humberside East Park, Hull, cf, at least 17th March (Brit. Birds 80: 526), 25th (E.J. Abraham et al.). 1986 Cornwall Hayle, cf, 2nd November to 8th May 1987 (P. G. Akers, D.J. Chown, D. S. Flumm et al.). 1986 Highland Loch Loy and Culbin Bar, Nairn, Cf, 9th November to 11 th January 1987 (R. H. Dennis, R. Proctor el at.). 1986 Humberside Blacktoft Sands, 0\ 10th March to 5th April (A. Burn, A. Grieve, S. Holloway et at). (North America) There was a female at Lough Foyle, Co. Deny, on 5th Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 547 October 1986; in 1987, two males were on Lough Foyle, from 10th October to 5th November; there was an adult male at Tacumshin, Co. Wexford, on 23rd and 24th May and from 18th to 26th October; another at Ballycotton, Co. Cork, from 18th October, joined by a second male on 25th October (one remaining until late November); and one at Rostellan, Co. Cork, from 25th December into 1988. Also recorded at Vale Pond, Guernsey, Channel Islands, from 9th October 1985 to 14th March 1986; another from 18th January to 8th April 1986, and one from 11th October to 22nd November 1987, the first records for the Channel Islands. The Berkshire and Channel Islands (and perhaps Northamptonshire) indi­ viduals must be returning from earlier winters.

Teal Anas crecca (13, 244, 13) Drakes showing the characters of the North American race A. c. carolinensis were recorded as follows: Bedfordshire Radwell Gravei-pits, 12th April (M. J. Palmer, A. B. Tomczynski, D. S. Woodhead et al.). Cheshire Woolslon Eyes, 11th April (P. Dalglish, S. W. Kennedy, R. D. Riley). Cornwall Reservoir, since 15th November 1986 (Brit. Birds 80: 527), to 21st February (per S. M. Christophers), presumed same, 21st to at least 26th December (S. C. Hutchings). Crowdy Reservoir, 14th March (P. G. Akers, D.J. Chown). Colliford Reservoir, 28th November to 1988 (R. M. Bellinger, A. H.J. Harrop et al.). Loe Pool, 19th December (M. P. Semmens el al.), Fife Eden Estuary, 27th Febiuary, 12th March, 12th April (N. Elkins, G. Riddell, J. G. Steele et al.). Hampshire Near Romsey, 28th February (M. Baker). Lancashire Leighton Moss, 9th to at least 11th April Q. Bateman, P.J. Marsh et al). Martin Mere, 16th November, also in 1988 (G. R. Clarkson, D.J. Rigby, C. G. Tomiinson el al.), presumed returning individual of 22nd December 1985 (Brit. Birds 80: 527). Shetland Loch of Tingwall, 6th to 15th June (D. R. Bird, D. Suddaby). Tayside Kinkell Bridge, 20th March to at least 9th April (W. T. Appleyard et at), considered returning individual of same locality, 26th to 28th April 1984 (Brit. Birds 78: 537), and Madderty, 12th to 18th April 1985 (Brit. Birds 79: 535). Western Isles West Loch Oilay, South Uist, 2nd December (T. J. Dix, J. J. Gordon); presumed same, St Kilda, 4th 0. J. Gordon). Yorkshire, South Thorpe Marsh, Doncaster, 11th March (P. Sutton, J. Wozencroft et al.). 1984 Shetland Sandwater, Mainland, at least 20th March (D. Coutts, P. M. Ellis). 1986 Humberside Beverley, 11th to 13th March (P. M. Scanlon). (North America) A belated Irish record of one at Rahasane, Co. Galway, on 6th December 1985; in 1987, one at Belfast Harbour Estate, Co. Down, from 28th October into 1988, and one at Lismore, Co. Waterford, on 8th January. A typical scatter of records. Blue-winged Teal Anas discors (19, 117, 9) Bedfordshire Dunstable Sewage-works, age and sex uncertain, 11 th October {P. Trodd et at). Cambridgeshire Little Paxton Gravel-pits, 9, 13tlrto 16th September (T, Robson et al.). Cornwall Crowan Reservoir, adult, probably cf, 21st September to 11th October (S. Bury, D. Lewis, M. Southam et al.). Cornwall/Devon Upper Tamar Reservoirs, two, age and sex uncertain, 21st to 26th September, one to 5th October (I. Kendall, D.J. Rigby et al.). Devon See above. Norfolk Cley, cf, 16th September to 13th October (T. E. Bond. C. R. Kightley a al.). Suffolk Minsmere, $, 13th to 15th September (S. Abbott, D.J. Fisher, D.J. Holman et al); presumed same, 24th to 27th (W. E. Oddie, I. Robinson et at.). 548 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987

Western Isles Balranald, North Uist, Cf, 16th to 19th April (T.J. Dix,J. Vaughan et al.). (North America) One at Quoile Pondage, Co. Down, on 26th and 27th April. Mid September is a typical period for arrivals; a good total.

Ring-necked Duck Aythya collaris (1, 206, 9) Avon Chew Valley Lake, cf, 25th April to 5th May (K. E. Vinicombe el al.), presumed returning individual of 26th April to at least 10th August 1986 (Brit. Birds 80: 528). Cornwall , cf, 21st December 1986 to 1987 (Brit. Birds 80: 528), to 14th March (per S. M. Christophers). Loe Pool, Cf, 4th to 12th April, 9th November to 1988 (A. R. Pay et al.). Hampshire Mockbeggar Lake, first-winter cf, 22nd to 23rd November (J. M. Clark et al). Norfolk Hardley Flood, Cf, 2nd to 29th May (J. C. Eaton). Northamptonshire Ditchford Gravel-pits, 9> 16th November (N. McMahon, J. Moulton). Northumberland Woodhorn Pond, Ashington, Cf, 11th April (M. R. Navin el al.); same, Holywell Pond, discontinuously, 11th April to 6th June, Arcot Pond, 15th, 25th April, Bothal Pond, 17th to 18th April (A. D. McLevy et al. per M. S. Hodgson), presumed returning individual of Holywell and Arcot Ponds, 29th April to 23rd June 1986 (Brit. Birds 80: 528). Surrey Frimley Gravel-pits, Cf, since 9th September 1986 to at least 6th April (P. M. Troake et al. per J. M. Clnrk)(B)it. Birds 80: plates 145 & 169). Somerset Cheddar Reservoir, J, l?'h t0 25th November (D. L. Buckingham et al.); presumed same, Hawkridge Reservoir, 6th to at least 20th December (D. E. Paull et al. per B. Rabbitts). Hawkridge Reservoir, two cfcf, 2nd December to at least 1st January 1988 (B. Rabbitts et al.). Ashford Reservoir, O* and $, 19th December, $, 26th, two cfcf, 30th, all presumed same as Cheddar, Hawkridge Reservoir individuals (per B. Rabbitts). Yorkshire, West Allerton Bywater, Cf, 5th July (M. Newsome, P. J. Willoughby el al.), presumed returning individual of 1986 below. 1985 Hampshire Blashford Gravel-pits, Cf, 31st January (Brit. Birds 80: 528), not same as 1986 Hampshire and 1986 Surrey individual. 1985 Lancashire Stocks Reservoir, Foulridge Lower Reservoir, cf, 17th February to 24th November, also in in 1986 (Brit. Birds 80: 528), also Dean Clough Reservoir, 11th, 16th, 19th February 1986 (J- Metcalfe), River Calder, Whalley, 15th February 1986 (A. A. Cooper), Stocks Reservoir, 8th March 1986 (A. A. Cooper), Foulridge Lower Reservoir, 13th, 19th April (S. Duffield, M. J. Naylor); presumed same, Stocks Reservoir, 13th to 23rd December 1986 (A. A. Cooper). 1986 Cheshire Woolston Eyes, Cf, 14th June to 9th August (G. Baker, S. Kennedy, D. Riley et al). 1986 Hampshire Dogmersfield Lake, cf, 14th September (P. M. Troake per J. M. Clark), same as Surrey individual. 1986 Lancashire See 1985 Lancashire above. 1986 Scilly Tresco, cf, 29th October (J. Hewitt, J. M. Turton el al.). 1986 Shetland Loch of Tingwall, Cf, at least 7th June, presumed returning individual of 1984 and 1985 (Brit. Birds 80: 528), seen 7th only; presumption now considered inapplicable. 1986 Surrey Ash Vale Gravel-pits, Cf, since 23rd December 1985 to early April, also in Hampshire (Brit. Birds 80: 528), at former to 12th April, also Frimley Gravel-pits, 5th to 12th January, 2nd February, Badshot Lea, 16th April (per J. M. Clark); presumed same, Frimley Gravel-pits, 9th September to 1987 (P. M. Troake per J. M. Clark), also in Hampshire. 1986 Yorkshire, West Allerton Bywater, cf, 11th August into October (B. C. Forrester et al.), same, Fairburn Ings, 13th September (S. Dudley, P. Hill). See also 1987 above. (North America) Single males were at Carrowmore Lake, Co. Mayo, on 30th May and Charleville Lagoons, Co. Limerick, on 20th June. New arrivals rather than returning individuals seem to be rather erratic in number; 1987 saw a slight resurgence.

King Eider Somateria spectabilis (62, 125, 6) Fife Tayport, cf, 6th October (K. Brockie); presumed same, 21st November (R.J. Burness, J. S. Nadin,J. G. Steele), presumed returning individual of 8th January to 16th March 1986 (Brit. Birds 80: 529). Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 549

Grampian Peterhead, d\ 28th April (M. Innes); presumed same, Ythan Estuary, 29th April (R. D. Steele), 17th, 24th May (A. Webb et al.), 3rd to 20th June (S, Addinall, A. Leitch et al) (Brit. Birds 80: plate 259; 81: plate 294). Presumed returning individual of 24th May to 3rd June 1986 (Brit. Birds 80: 529). Highland Wick, first-winter Cf, 25th January to 26th February (E. W. E. Maughan et al.). Brora, cf, 29th January to at least 25th February (S.J. Aspinall et al). Golspie, cf, 1st January to at least 25th February (S.J. Aspinall et al.). Thurso Bay, d", 25th to 30th March (G. H. & Mrs K. French). Loch Fleet, d\ 30th December (A. H.J. Harrop). Brora, Golspie and Loch Fleet records all presumed one returning individual. Shetland Linga, Bluemull Sound, second-winter C?, 14th January (P. V. Harvey et al.); presumed same, Yell Sound, 14th to 23rd February (J. N. Dymond, T. M. Melling, N. J. Watmough et al.); presumed same, Eswick and Nesting, 30th April to 10th June (D. Coutts). Raewick, Sand Voe and Tresta, d", 31st January to 21st June, 16th December to at least 26th April 1988, presumed returning individual of 25th May to 7th June 1986 (Brit. Birds 80: 529) (J. N. Dymond et at.). Mousa Sound, second-winter cf, 20th February (J. N. Dymond, Miss C. E. Vawdrey); presumed same, Quendale, 5th to 27th June (C. & D. K. Lamsdell et al.); presumed same, Sumburgh, 6th July to 10th August (D. Coutts). Grutness, cf, 10th July (H. R. Harrop). Lunna Ness, $, 23rd February (J. N. Dymond, Miss C, E. Vawdrey). 1981 Shetland See 1983 Shetland below. 1982 Shetland Holm of Heogaland, cf, 24th November (Brit. Birds 76: 488), also Colgrave Sound, 28th January 1983, presumed to have wintered in the 'Bluemull Triangle' (J. N. Dymond). 1983 Shetland Colgrave Sound, see 1982 Shetland above. Lerwick Harbour, J, 20thJanuary to 26th February (D. Coutts et al.), presumed returning individual of 31st January to 8th April 1981 (Brit. Birds 77: 516). 1984 Shetland Bluemull Sound, $?, 20th January (Brit. Birds 79: 587), now considered acceptable; still present 12th February (J. N. Dymond), 17th April (Brit. Birds 79: 538). 1986 Highland Loch Fleet, cf, 11th January and 27th April (Brit. Birds 80: 529), two, 15th April (D. R. Moore, P. W. Murphy). 1986 Norfolk Scolt Head, cf, 5th to at least 14th September (B. Bland, D.J. Holman, D.J. Odell et al.). 1986 Shetland Sand Voe, Cf, 25th May to 7th June (Brit. Birds 80: 529), also in 1987. Sumburgh, first-year Cf, 4th July to at least 7th September, another 8thJuly to at least 10th September (Brit. Birds 80: 529), both to 22nd (per J. N. Dymond). (Circumpolar Arctic) There appear to be many old favourites here, but the 1986 Norfolk individual is especially noteworthy, being only the seventh English record since 1915. Harlequin Duck Histrionicus histrionicus (7, 2, 2) Shetland Sullom Voe, first-winter Cf, 16th January to 25th February (J. N. Dymond, M. Heubeck et al.). Strathclyde Claggain Bay, Islay, 9, 20th to at least 24th October (M. Porteous, members of Edinburgh YOC Group et al.) (plate 293). (Iceland, Greenland, North America and eastern Siberia) This much- desired little duck has not appeared since 1965, when a pair (themselves the first since 1954) was watched at Fair Isle, Shetland, and later at Wick, Caithness. Common Scoter Melanitta nigra (0, 3, 1) Individuals showing the characters of the North American and East Siberian race M. n. americana were recorded as follows: Lothian Gosford Bay, Cf, 31st December (A. Brown). 1982 Cheshire Frodsham, Cf, 5th February (B.J. Best,J. Bryant). (North America and East Siberia) The only records except for one in 1979 and one in 1980, but, especially as the possibility that it may be 'split' as a separate species is being considered by the American 550 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 Ornithologists' Union, it is worth scanning your local scoter flock; but you do need a close view.

Surf Scoter Melanitta perspiallata (75, 207, 18) Cornwall St Ives Bay, first-year 9, 4th, 17th April (L. P. Williams). Dyfed Strumble Head, four cfcf, 13th November (R. H. Davies, K. Lloyd, G. H. Rees). presumed one of same, Nolton Haven, 14th November to at least 16th January 1988 (N. A. Lethaby, G. H. Rees et al). Fife Largo Bay, 20th March to 1st May, two Cfcf, one 9> 20th to 24th March, cf, ?, 11th April, three cfO", two $$, 12th, cf, 9, to 1st May (C. C. McGuiganJ. S. Nadin.J. G. Steele et al); cf, 7th November, probably returning individual (J. S. Nadin). St Andrew's Bay, cf, 14th October to at least 14th November, two, 17th to 24th October (N. Mann, Miss S. Rowe et al). See Lothian below. All presumed returning individuals from 1986 (see Brit. Birds 80: 529). Grampian Balmedie, second-winter cf, 7th November (A. Lyndon), probably same, Rattray Head, 8th to at least 2lst (G. M. Cresswell, W. M. Hughes, J. S. Nadin et al). Gwynedd Portmadoc, Cf, 25th February to at least 12th March (R. M, R.James el al). Lothian Gosford Bay, two Cfcf, one 9, '6th February, probably later seen in Fife (K. Chapman, P. R. Gordon). Gullane Bay, cf, 3rd to 4th August (A. Godfrey, P. R. Gordon, M. Griffin et al), also probably in Tayside. Shetland Aith Voe, Bressay, first-winter cf, 23rd January (D. R. Bird et al), presumed same, 15th February (P. Dale), Bressay, to 27th May (per D. Coutts), Catfirth, South Nesting, 29th (G. Palmer, P. V. Harvey). Tayside Lunan Bay, O*, 10th August (R. Youngman), probably same as Gullane Bay, Lothian, individual, 3rd to 4th August, above and presumed returning individual of 8th to 21st September 1986, see below. 1985 Cornwall Off Cot Valley, Cf, 23rd March to 26th April {Brit. Birds 80: 530), 27th (D.J. Holman et al). 1986 Clwyd Abergele, O*, since 31st December 1985 to 1st January {Brit. Birds 80: 529), 26th (D.J. Odell). 1986 Fife Largo Bay, two cfcf, one 9, 19th to at least 28th March (Brit. Birds 80: 529-530), Cf, 9, 12th April (D. R. Moore, P. W. Murphy). 1986 Grampian Burghead, d", 15th October to 1987 {Brit. Birds 80: 530), only to 1st November (per M, J, H. Cook). 1986 Gwynedd Llanfairfechan, cf, at least 23rd February, presumed returning individual of December 1983 to 11th April 1984 (Brit. Birds 79: 538)(per T. Gravett). Bardsey, cf, 24th October (P.J. Donnelly). 1986 Tayside Lunan Bay, two cfcf, at least 14th September (Brit. Birds 80: 530), present 8th to 21st (J. G. Steele et al.); possibly one of same, Kinnaber, 8th September (J. G. Steele et at.). (North America) One late record of a male at Ballinskelligs Bay, Co. Kerry, on 1st March 1986. Three (two males) were at Dundrum Bay, Co. Down, on 17th February; two males near Goat Island, Lower Lough Erne, Co. Fermanagh, on 28th May; a male and a female at Rossnowlagh, Co. Donegal, on 7th February; a first-year male at Laytown, Co. Meath, on 14th and 15th March, and a female or immature there on 15th November; and a first-year female at Nimmo's Pier, Co. Galway, on 19th April. Some typical records, including presumed returning individuals, but also some remarkable ones, especially the four flying together off a Welsh headland, and 1985 and 1987 reports from Cornwall.

Hooded Merganser Mergus cucuilatus (5, 1, 0) 1983 Buckinghamshire Willen Lake, 9, 28th to 29th December (G. Bray et al.). (North America) Not recorded as apparently wild since 1957. The Committee does not pretend to have the full knowledge required to judge Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 551 the escape likelihood of this particular individual, but any other records should be submitted to help establish the pattern of occurrences; meanwhile, the origins of this one must remain suspect, but perhaps no more or less so than many other wildfowl noted in this report.

Black Kite Milvus migrans (5, 89, 10) Devon Prawle Point, 16th October (D. A. Cope, N. C. Gobbett, P. Saunders). Dorset Hengistbury Head, 4th May (E. C. Brett, J. H. Morgan et al), also seen in Isle of Wight. Dumfries & Galloway Lochanhead, 28th August (G., P. & S. Roxley). Gwynedd Cefn Coed, Anglesey, 24th April (H. A. Knott). Hampshire See Isle of Wight, below. Kent St Mary's Bay and Dymchurch, 2nd May (S. W. Gale et al.). Norfolk Hickling, 11th April (C. R, Jupp, D. Petrie, D. Sampson et al.); presumed same, Blofield, 12th (G. Bowen.J. Charman). Castle Acre, 3rd May (N. A. Driver). Repps, 9th May 0. R. Whitelegg). Sussex, East Beachy Head, 4th May (R. H. & Mrs M. E. Chartwood et al). Wight, Isle of The Needles, 4th May, observed from Milford-on-Sea, Hampshire (B. D. Gee, J. A. Norton), also seen in Dorset. Downend and Ashey area, 11th to 16th May (J. Baldwin, j. C. Gloyn el al.). 1986 Dorset Stratton, 30th May (Brit. Birds 80: 531), also 31st (per M. Cade et al.). 1986 Kent Dungeness, 28th May (M. Bailey, S. McMinn, A. Willcox et al.). (Most of Eurasia, Africa and Australia) One near Torr Head, Co. Antrim, on 28th April. The rejection rate for reports of this species remains very high, and particular attention to detail would still help a good record get through; nevertheless, a good crop of fly-bys in spring.

White-tailed. Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla (many, 14, 0) 1985 Humberside Blacktoft Sands, immature, 26th October (Mr & Mrs A. Hall, A. Grieve et al.), presumed same as east coast individual, various localities, 27th (Brit. Birds 79: 539). 1985 Suffolk Walberswick. 13th November (Brit. Birds 79: 503), observer was P.J. Heath. (Southwest Greenland, Iceland and northern Eurasia) This species is still considered by the Rarities Committee, and records outside Scotland should be sent to the relevant county recorder, as with all other rarities. Records from Scotland, however, should be sent to Roy Dennis, RSPB Highland Office, Munlochy, Ross & Cromarty rv'8 8ND.

Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni (11, 9, 1) Shetland Fair Isle, cf, 23rd June (A. G. Pitches, N.J. Riddiford et at). (South Europe, West-central and East Asia and Northwest Africa) The first since 1983, and the third in June; the two previous June records were also the most northerly in recent years (North Yorkshire and Humber­ side), although there is an older record from Aberdeen.

Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus (100, 290, 15) Cambridgeshire Little Paxton, cf, 24th May (T. G. Gunton, D. & M. H. Lowe). Cleveland Longnewton, Cf, 1st May (1). Raw). Dorset Town Common, Christchurch, first-summer cf, 23rd April (D.J. Hughes). Sttidland Heath, cf, 13th, 16th to 24th May (G. C. L. Dutson, S.J. Morrison, S. F. Smith et al.)(Brit. Birds 80: plate 213; 81: plate 281). Essex Hanningfield Reservoir, advanced first-summer cf, 25th July (D. Rhymes). , J, possibly first-summer, 30thJuly to at least 10th August (Dr S. Cox, J. Miller, B. 552 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987

Smith et a/.). Holland Haven, first-summer cf, 5th September (Dr S. Cox, P. Loud et al.). Hampshire New Forest, $, 2nd July (P. Combridge), 5th (C. Heyward, K. Ilsley). Humberside Blacktoft Sands, advanced first-summer d", 15th July to 4th September (G. Carr, C. Gear, D. & D. Preston et a/.). Kent Stodmarsh, first-summer cf, 25th April (J. K. Archer, Dr A. M. Hanby et al.). Walland Marsh and Dungeness area, first-summer cf, 2nd to 6thJuly (N. R. Davies, M. Ticknerrf al.). Norfolk Near Titchwell, 9, 26th May (J. & P. H. Wilson et al.). Horsey area, cf, 27th to 30th May (P. R. AUard, G. E. Dunmore et ai). Oxfordshire Standlake Common, cf, 27th to 29th May (A. Heryet, Mrs C. Ross). Sussex, East Near Woodingdean, J, 3rd July (R.J. Fairbank). (East Europe and south from Siberia) Like Black Kite, this species, often prone to providing only brief flight views, suffers a high rejection rate. Fifteen, with others still being considered, makes this the best year since 1981. A spring influx followed by a few midsummer wanderers seems typical.

281. Male Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus, Dorset, May 1987 (S. Morrison)

Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus (many, 86, 1) Durham Pikestone Fell, 7th February (D. Raw). 1986 Devon Lundy, 11th to 12th April (N. A. Willcox), presumed same as Berry Head individual, 31st March to 9th April (Brit. Birds 80: 532). (Circumpolar Arctic) With falconers' escapes, possibly involving 'experimental' hybrids, perhaps increasing, proving a pure Gyrfalcon is not easy unless it is a 'white' one.

Little Crake Porzana parva (68, 29, 2) Clwyd Shotton Pools, Cf, 18th to 23rd April (E.J. Abraham, B. S. Barnacal e«a/.)(plate 282). Dyfed Upper Lliedi Reservoir, Llanelli, Cf, 30th April to 2nd May (R. O. Hunt, C.Jones et al). (Central and East Europe and West Asia) The ninth and tenth in March/April since 1958, but the first in Wales since 1967. Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 553

282. Male Little Crake Porzana parva, Clwyd, April 1987 (Pete Wheeler) Crane Grus grus (many, 1,199, 29) Berkshire Slough, first-winter, 11th January (P. F. Cook). Langley, adult, 11th January (C. Lamsdell), also seen in Buckinghamshire. Borders Reston, first-summer cf, first-summer J, 8th to 15th May (A. Brown, D. Graham et al), two, same, St Abb's Head, flying north, 16th (K.J. Rideout). Buckinghamshire Withybridge, adult, 11th January (C. Lamsdell), same as Berkshire individual. Cornwall Camel Estuary, 8th January (Mrs J. Keat); presumed same, Marazion, 13th January (M. P. Semmens), and Newtown-in-St Martin's, at least 21stjanuary to 13th March (R. Butts, A. R. Pay et al)(Brit. Birds 80: plate 143). Derbyshire Middleton Moor, 14th June (D. Hatfield). See Derbyshire/. Derbyshire/South Yorkshire Burbage and Hallam Moors, 14th June (J. Hornbuckle), same as Middleton Moor individual above. Essex Shoebury, 11th January (A. Perkins). Localities withheld, two, 29th May to 31st August, 16th and 20th September (per J. Miller). Grampian Teindland, two, 8thJune, 21st to at least 5thJuly (M. Borrell, M.J. H. Cook et al). Gwynedd Near Moelfre Mountain, Anglesey, 25th May (J. Evans, M. W. Smith), probably same, Aberdaron, 31st (E. T. & Mrs S. Urbanski). Hampshire See West Sussex. Humberside Willerby, 10th May (K. & M. K. Rotherham). Blacktoft Sands, 3rd September (A. Grieve, N. Holton et a/.). Kent Stodmarsh, three, 10th March (M.J. Pollard, G. Skelcher), probably part of party in Norfolk (East Coast area), see below. Lincolnshire Seacroft, 25th October (K. Durose), same, Gibraltar Point, 25th (C. R. Casey). Norfolk Cley, 26th March (S. Betts, T. Fletcher, E. T. Myers et al.); two, 25th to 27th April (R.J. Brunton, S.J. Wright et al); 17th May (A. M. Stoddart et al), same, Wells, 17th (A. G. Barstow, M. A. Beevers, C. Bradbury). Snettisham, 26th September to 9th October (Mrs B. Coombs, Mrs G. Crossley, P. Hugo), 22nd (per G. E. Dunmore). East Coast area, six, since December 1986 (Brit. Birds 80: 532), to 12th January; three returned by 7th March; further three by 11th, probably same as Kent individuals; all six to end of year (per G. E. Dunmore). Orkney Loch of Boardhouse, Birsay, C? and $, 27th April to 2nd May (G. Christer, Ms C. Gunningham-Harvey, B. Starck et at.). Shetland Fair Isle, adult, 4th June (Mrs C. Thomson el al). Exnaboe, Mainland, sub-adult, 5th June (R. L. Howells), same, Aith, Mainland, 6th to 8th (K. Alexander, M. I. Dowie), presumed same as Fair Isle individual. Strathclyde Near Trabboch, Ayrshire, 15th to 25th October (D. B. Gray, W. Robinson). Suffolk Walberswick, Reydon and area, two, 5th May (B. M. Wentworth et al), same, Wrentham, 6th (per P. W. Murphy). Surrey Thursley Common, 30th May (D.J. Eland, S. W. Gale, K. Morgan et al). Sussex, West Thorney Island, 27th to 28th September, also East Hayling Island, Hampshire (C. B. & Mrs M. A. Collins, R. J. Senior et al.). 554 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987

Yorkshire, South See Derbyshire/South Yorkshire. 1980 Cumbria Wolsty, 20th to 25th January, probably since 11th, possibly discontinuously since October 1979, probably same as Flockborough individual, 30th September 1979 to at least 6th January 1980 (Brit. Birds 73: 503)(R. Spencer el al.). 1985 Humberside Blacktoft Sands, 10th May (S. Grover, W. H. Smith). Near Beverley, 17th May (B. Richards). 1985 Shetland Hillswick, 11 th to 13th May (R. Gall, E. Gardener, I. Sandison et al.), presumed to be Fair Isle individual of 5th May (Brit. Birds 79: 542). 1985 Yorkshire, North Cayton Carrs, first-summer, 24th April, Filey, 6th May (Brit. Birds 80: 532), again Cayton Carrs, 11th (J. R. Hough et al.). 1986 Humberside Bempton Cliffs, 28th May (M. Davies et al). 1986 Strathclyde Ballinaby, Islay, 13th to 25th May (P. Moore, Dr M. A. Ogilvie, P. Pierce). (North and Central Eurasia, locally south to Turkey) Also two adults at Churchtown South, and later Ballymaloe, Co. Cork, from 27th December until late February 1988. No longer considered by the Committee, but earlier records should still be submitted. Three (in addition to long- stayers) on 11th January is mysterious, and a small, mainly northerly influx in June was notable, but no large flocks this year.

Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax (92, 10, 3) Suffolk Sudbourne, three, 20th December (R. Clarke). (Northwest Africa, Iberia, east across South Europe, Asia) Undoubtedly one of the events of the year, but in a sensitive site from which information could not be released; anyway, they were soon gone. The first since 1975; all ten previous records during 1958-86 were of singles.

Great Bustard Otis tarda (many, 14, 7) Norfolk New Buckenham, two immature cfcf, 7th to 10th February (A. J. Prater, R. Shawrf al). Suffolk At least five, probably six, possibly nine: Harkstead, four ($($, 16th to 20th January (A. Britten, A, Bothwell et al. per S. H. Piotrowski); three of same, Kirton and Waldringfield area, 18th January to 7th February (D. Finch, M. R. Morley, H. & P. Vaughan et at); presumed same, Theberton, 11th to 21st February (B. & Mrs J. K. Harrington et al.); presumed same, Sizewelt Levels, Minsmere and Blythburgh, all briefly, also 21st. Horham, two CfCf, 14th to 28th February (Mr Alderton, H. Botwright, B. & Mrs M. Hart et at.); presumed same, Benacre and Kessingland, 7th (B. J. Brown, D. R. Newton, R. Smith). Sudbourne, immature Cf, 7th March (C. Wright et al.), probably one of above individuals. (Central and South Eurasia) Like those in 1979 and 1981, these were clearly associated with ajanuary influx into Belgium and the Netherlands. Occurrences have been very sporadic—May 1936, March 1963, then in five years in the 1970s and four individuals in 1981—-and this influx is without recent precedent. What a dance they led frustrated observers!

Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus (98, 94, 31) Cambridgeshire Nene Washes, 19th August (G. R. Welch). Cornwall Par, four, 15th May (R. Lane). Devon Powderham Park, 24th to 25th May (P, Edmonds). Dorset Stanpit Marsh, two, 3rd May (J. Hunt, P. A. Stancliffe el al.). Radipole and Lodmoor, first-summer, 17th to 19th June (M. Cade et al.). Dyfed West Dale, Pembrokeshire, at least 5th to 6th April (J. H. Barrett et al.). Essex East Tilbury, 31st May (J. Miller, R. Tomlinson el al.). Gwynedd Foryd Bay, Caernarvon, 5th April (S. Hugheston-Roberts). Hampshire Pennington Marsh, two, 3rd to 7th May (R. A. Barrett, R. A. Harris et al.). Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 555

Winchester Sewage-farm, 17th May (J. Cloyne). Farlington Marshes, 11th to 25th July (R. P. Clay et ai). Humberside Barton-on-Humber, 5 or immature, 6th, 8th to 9th September (M. Broadbridge, G. P. Catley, D. A. Robinson); same, Winteringham, 10th (J. T. Harriman), South Ferriby, 11th to 12th (per G. P. Catley). Staffordshire Belvide Reservoir, two juveniles, 1st to 7th September (S. Jaggs, B. Smith, K. R. & N. Stone et ai). Sussex, East South Mailing, 25th May (A. M. Wheeler). Sussex, West Pagham Harbour, 19th May (T.J. Edwards, Mrs J. M. Withey el ai.). Tyne & Wear Swallow Pond, Wallsend, 15th to 24th September (T. M. Melling, B. Widdows el ai). Wight, Isle of Binstead, 27th April (N. Boynton & family, Mrs F. E. Hudson, G. & M. J. Sparshott). Wiltshire Collingbourne Ducis, 3rd to 8th May (Miss L. H. Cady, P. E. Castle, E. C. Cook el ai). Cleveland Gravel-pits, Ashton Keynes, two, 26th May (M. E. Buckland et ai). 1983 Norfolk Wisbech Sewage-farm, 29th April (J. A. W. Moyes). 1986 Hereford & Worcester Larford, Worcestershire, 14th to 16th June (B. Westwood, S. M. Whitehouse et ai). 1986 Yorkshire, South Wilsic and Wadsworth area, 17th August (K. Rich). (Southern Eurasia, Africa, the Americas and Australia) In Ireland, a male at Enistymon, Co. Clare, from 22nd to 26th April; one at Belfast Harbour Estate, Co. Down, from 19th May to 30 June; a male at Thurles Lagoons, Co. Tipperary, from 28th to 30th April; a male and female at Ballycotton, Co. Cork, on 10th May, and one at Akeragh Lough, Co. Kerry, on 9th and 13th October. Also one at Pulais Pond, Guernsey, Channel Islands, on 2nd May. A rather important record is yet to be reported to the Committee: a pair bred at Holme, Norfolk, and reared two young, which must certainly have been the juveniles seen in Staffordshire. The Norfolk episode represents only the third instance of breeding, the first being of two pairs in Nottinghamshire in 1945, the second an unsuccessful pair in Cambridgeshire in 1983. The earliest-ever was on 2nd April in 1985, so two on 5th April is surprising; otherwise, typical dates, but exceptional numbers.

Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola (30, 40, 3) Hampshire Mockbeggar, near Ringwood, 6th May (M. & M. Reid et ai). Kent Minster, 23rd to 26th May (C. Evans, D.J. Howe, C. R. Newton et ai). Sussex, West Pagham Harbour, 4th July (K. Benyon-Tinker, E & D. Elliot, C. & P. O'Brien et ai). (South Europe, Southwest Asia, Africa) The years 1986 and 1987 mark a return to typical form after two thin years.

Pratincole Glareola pratincola/G. nordmanni (36, 73, 5) Devon Eundy, 1st May (P. Bache, C. McShane et ai). Shetland Near Uyeasound, Unst, 25th May (E Spence). (South Europe to West Asia and Africa) The totals include those specifically identified.

Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii (0, 7, 0) 1985 Norfolk Cley and Blakeney Harbour, 30th July to 22nd August, and 2nd September (Brit. Birds 79: 544), was first-summer or adult. (Southern Russia east to Mongolia) 556 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica (3, 112, 9) Cheshire Middlewich, juvenile, 20th to 24th October (B. Bowyer, A. G. Goodwin, D. E. Norbury et al.). Cornwall Lands End, adult, 30th September (M. D.James, I. C. Whitehouse et al), same, St Just, 30th September to 4th October (M. P. Semmens, D. Riley el al). Hayle, probably juvenile, 8th to 11th October (G. Lewis, M. P. Semmens el al). Davidstow, adult, 17th to 22nd October (S, M. Christophers, A. M. Jewels, I. Kendall et at.). Predannack, juvenile, 31st October (A. R. Pay). Humberside Stone Creek, adult, 4th July (S. M. Lister et al.). Kent Dungeness, first-summer, 10th to 15th May (G.J. A. Burton et al). Scilly St Mary's, juvenile, 7th October (R. Crossley, D. Goldsmith, P. I. Holt et al). Shetland Fair Isle, adult, 28th September to 11th October (A. Banwell, N. Bostock, B. Reed et al.). Yorkshire, South Near Bawtry, adult, 5th July (M. Lynes, D. & J. Wozencroft et al.), presumed same as Humberside individual above. 1986 Humberside Whitton Sands, first-summer, 28th to 29th June (T. A. Ede, C. C. Straw). (Arctic North America and extreme Northeast Asia) The best year since the 13 in 1985. There was one in May in Kent in 1982, and an April record from Cornwall in 1985, but spring sightings are very much the exception and September/October the rule.

Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis falva(3 , 6, 0) 1986 Lincolnshire Tetney and North Cotes, adult, 21st to 29thJuly, 3rd to 8th, 18th to 19th August (T. Baker, I. G. Shepherd, R. S. Slack et al). (North and Northeast Asia) The first Irish record was of an adult at Tacumshin, Co. Wexford, from 17th to 23rd August 1986. The one above is the fifth British record and typically at an East Coast site; the coincidence with an American at the same place (Brit. Birds 80: 534) is amazing.

American or Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica/P. falva (6, 119, 9) 1986 Lincolnshire Tetney, adult, 7th August (T. Baker, R. S. Slack). The totals include those specifically identified.

Sociable Plover Chettusia gregaria (5, 24, 1) Cornwall Davidstow, first-winter, 19th to 20th October (J. C. Pett, G. P. Sutton). (Southeast Russia and West-central Asia) This confirms the October peak for an otherwise erratic visitor. Semipalmated Sandpiper Calidris pusilla (2, 49, 2) 1986 Sussex, East Rye, adult, 2nd to 4th August (P. J. Grant, Dr B. J. Yates et al). (North America) From Ireland, records of an adult at Fethard-on-Sea, Co. Wexford, on 26th July 1986; in 1987, a juvenile at Bally cotton, Co. Cork, from 18th to 28th October, joined by a second juvenile on 22nd and 23rd. Remarkable! Western Sandpiper Calidris mauri (1, 4, 0) (North America and northeast Siberia) The species is now removed from the Irish list after review of the records at Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow, on 14th October 1960 and Akeragh Lough, Co. Kerry, from 17th to 23rd September 1961, both of which are now no longer acceptable to the Irish Rare Birds Committee. Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 557

Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis (0, 1, 0) 1986 Humberside Blacktoft Sands, adult, 22nd to 29th July (B. Richards el al.). (Siberia) The first accepted British and Irish record of this troublesome stint, in roughly the area of the country where it might have been predicted.

White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris Juscicollis (24, 273, 9) Cheshire Frodsham, adult, discontinuously, 24th to 30th August (M. S. Garner el al.). Hampshire Farlington Marshes, adult, 10th to 16th August (R. W. White el al.). Scilly St Agnes, juvenile, 17th October (P. Fuller, D. C. Gilbert, C. W. Stone, J. G. Threadgold el al.). Somerset Cheddar Reservoir,juvenile, 16th to 28th October (P.J. Knight, B. Rabbitts el al.). Sussex, West Sidlesham Ferry, juvenile, 25th to 28th October (A., I. & P. Whitcomb et al.). 1985 Humberside Blacktoft Sands, adult, 26th September to 11th October (R.J. Arnfield, A. Grieve el al.), additional to adult or first-summer, 29th August to 14th September (Brit. Birds 80: 537). 1986 Hampshire Farlington Marshes, adult, 3rd September (K. Ilsley, R.J. Wilkinson etal.). 1986 Western Isles Village Bay, St Kilda, juvenile, 9th October (D. Miller). (North America) In Ireland, one at Belfast Harbour Estate, Co. Down, from 3rd to 6th August, and another from 5th to 10th September; an adult at Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow, on 5th and 6th August, and an adult at Tacumshin, Co. Wexford, on 8th August. Also one belated record, at Clonakilty, Co. Cork, on 28th September 1986. A typical pattern, but continuing the low level of reports in recent years.

Baird's Sandpiper Calidris bairdii (5, 120, 4) Kent Dungeness, adult, 20th to 24th September (M. Coath et al.). Scilly St Agnes, juvenile, 2nd to 4th October (C. G. Bradshaw, A.J. Fossey et al.). St Mary's, juvenile, 27th October (P.J. Grant, I.. Jonsson, K. Mullamey et al.). 1986 Western Isles Village Bay, St Kilda, juvenile, 16th to 21st September (D. Miller) (plate 283).

283. Juvenile Baird's Sandpiper Calidris bairdii, Western Isles, September 1986 (David Miller)

(North America and northeast Siberia) Also one at Belfast Harbour Estate, Co. Down, on 12th July. A slightly below-par year. 558 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata (5, 14, 1) Kent Sandwich Bay, adult, 4th to 13th September (W. E, Fletcher el al.). (Northeast Siberia) Late August/early September is the typical time for this highly-rated wader, but as yet there is little real pattern to its geographical spread.

Broad-billed Sandpiper Limkola fakinellus (23, 89, 8) Cheshire Frodsham, 11th to 12th May (D. I,. Clugston, W. S. Morton), same, Neumann's Flash, Northwich, 13th to 14th (D. & L. Goulding, P. Kenyon). Gloucestershire Slimbridge, 14th June (B. Stewart et al). Kent Elmley, 24th May (J. M. Clark, J. A. Eyre et al). Norfolk Breydon, 4th May (P. R. Allard); 21st June (P. R. Allard). Hickling, 10th May (A. Currey, D. J. Holman et at). Shetland Urafirth, Mainland, 26th May (J. N, Dymond). Suffolk VValberswick, 29th May to 1st June (S. H. Piotrowski, C. S. Waller), 1985 Humberside Saltend Marsh, Hull, 25th May (Brit. Birds 80: 537), full details: two, 22nd to 29th May, third individual, 27th (S. Griffiths, S. L.James et al.). 1986 Dorset Stanpit Marsh, two, 16th to 17th May (G. Armstrong, S, Davey et al). (North Eurasia) One at Charleville Lagoons, Co. Cork, on 2nd June 1978 is now accepted after previous rejection. The full details of the 1985 Humberside reports reveal an astonishing trio, for the second successive spring in the county. The year 1987 had records in late spring/early summer, typical of recent years; in the earliest of our reports, it was considered to be a late July/August bird.

Stilt Sandpiper Micropalama himantopus (1, 16, 1) Kent Cliffe, adult, 18th to 25th August (A. & J. McKee et al.). (North America) This splendid and well-watched individual was a typical early-autumn one; two other claims remain under consideration.

Great Snipe Gallinago media (180, 54, 5) Norfolk Blakeney Point, 25th to 27th August (B. Bland, J. B. Kemp et al). Shetland Fair Isle, four, probably first-winters: 26th to 27th August (S. J. Aspinall, N. J. Riddiford et al.); 15th to 18th September (R.J. Arnfield, N.J. Riddiford et at.); 17th to 24th October (N.J. Riddiford, S. Thomason,J, Wilson et al); 4th to 6th November (S.J. Aspinall et al). (Northeast Europe and Northwest Asia) The Norfolk record was a source of great satisfaction to its finders, with no great sniping from those who dipped out or may not have believed it, as it gave good views to many observers, despite bad weather. Four on Fair Isle equals or beats all records put together in any year since 1958, except for 1976. Exceptional numbers were reported in Finland in autumn 1987 (Brit Birds 81: 333).

Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus (9, 112, 15) Cornwall Camel Estuary, adult, since 9th August 1986 (Brit. Birds 80: 537), to 19th April (D.J. Chown). Cumbria Anthorn, Beckbrow, Kirkbridge, first-winter, 9th to 10th October (I. Kinley, D. G. H. West et at.). Anthorn, first-winter, two, 7th to at least 29th November, presumed to include earlier individual (D. G. H. West et al). Devon Fremington, juvenile moulting to first-winter, 4th November to 1988 (A. M.Jewells, I. Kendall, D. J. Rigby et al). Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 559 Dyfed Gann Estuary, first-winter, 12th December to January 1988 (G. H. Rees et al.). Highland Near Arisaig, Lochaber, inverness-shire, adult, 23rd July (G. F.J. Baker). Surrey King George VI Reservoir and Staines Moor, age uncertain, 4th to 7th October, 24th to 10th November, also Perry Oaks Sewage-works, 8th to 18th October (J. A. Hazell, P. Naylor et al,). 1986 Strathclyde Islay Airfield, adult, 18th to at least 19th June (R. Elliott, P. Moore et al). (North America and Northeast Siberia) In Ireland, records previously accepted as Short-billed, but now referable to this species, are at Lough Funshinagh, Co. Roscommon, from 1st to 10th October 1963; up to five at Rahasane, Co. Galway, from 2nd to 20th October 1963; and one at Ballycotton, Co. Cork, on 8th and 9th October 1966. In 1987, singles at Castle Espie, Strangford Lough, Co. Down, on 31st May; on the Bann Estuary, Co. Derry, on 13th September; at Lough Beg, Co. Deny, on 30th September, and at Belfast Harbour Estate, Co. Down, from 14th November into 1988; a juvenile at Rogerstown, Co. Dublin, on 23rd September; two juveniles at Lady's Island Lake, Co. Wexford, from 26th September to 26th October; one at Tacumshin, Co. Wexford, from 3rd to 18th October; and one at Ballymacoda, Co. Cork, from 6th to 15th November. A typical scatter, but midsummer records are rare.

Dowitcher Limnodromus scatopaceus/L. griseus (31, 212, 15) (North America and Northeast Siberia) One in 1986, at Fort le Crocq, Guernsey, Channel Islands, on 5th February. See also under Long-billed Dowitcher for Irish records previously accepted as Short-billed but now considered to be Long-billed Dowitchers. The totals include those specifically identified.

Little Whimbrel Numenius mimitus (0, 2, 0) 1985 Norfolk Blakertey, Cley and Salthouse area, age uncertain, 24th August to 3rd September (Brit. Birds 79: 548; 80: 494-7, plates 247-8), was adult. (Central and Northeast Siberia)

Upland Sandpiper Bartramia longicauda (15, 25, 0) 1986 Devon Topsham, 22nd February (R. H. Montgomery). (North America) There are three December records, but this is the first in late winter.

Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis (12, 47, 3) Kent Stodmarsh, 22nd to 26th April (J. Harriett, D. F. Yates et at.). Lincolnshire Witham Estuary, Boston, 8th to 15th August (C. R. Casey, S. Keightley et al.). Norfolk Cley, 22nd July to 2nd August (M. R. Flack et at.)(Brit. Birds 80: plates300 & 301). (Southeast Europe, West and East Asia) Kent in spring seems a good bet for this species, but Norfolk definitely has the edge. The year 1987 saw a pair breed in Finland for the sixth time.

Greater Yellowlegs Tringa melanokuca (12, 17, 0) 1985 Strathclyde Glenegedale, Islay, 25th October (Dr A. A. & I. Clark). (North America) The second on a Scottish island in 1985, after a May record from Skye. Though rather late, there have been two November and three December records. 560 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987

Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes (35, 155, 1) 1986 Hampshire Farlington Marshes, adult, 17th to 27th August, trapped 25th (Brit. Birds 80: 540), joint finders/identifiers included D. Bell, P. M Potts. (North America) One at Tacumshin, Co. Wexford, on 10th May.

Solitary Sandpiper Tringa solitaria (6, 18, 0) (Northern America) The Committee would be grateful for details of an individual in Scilly which has yet to be reported.

Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus (3, 25, 1) Orkney Tankerness, 5th to 8th June (M. Gray, E. R. Meek el al). (Northeast Europe and Siberia) This mysterious wader from the east appeared at about the right time, though late May and July have been more productive than June. This was the first for Orkney.

Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularia (6, 78, 5) Cornwall/Devon Upper Tamar Reservoirs, 9th to 16th May (B. W. & M. Litherland, K. Spalding, G. P. Sutton). Devon Plym Estuary, possibly first-winter, 20th December to 15th February 1988 (E. M. S. Kilburn et al). Also see Cornwall/Devon above. Hampshire Titchfield Haven, first-winter, since 4th October 1986 to 11th January (Brit. Birds 80: 540). Lancashire Lower Rivington Reservoir, adult, since 22nd November 1986 to 11th January (Brit. Birds 80: 540; 81: plate 284).

284. Adult Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularia, Lancashire, December/January 1986/87 (Guy Shorrock)

Scilly Tresco, juvenile, 13th September to 6th October (G. M. Haig, T. H. Smith, A. Vittery et al.). Wight, Isle of Seaview Duver, age uncertain, 22nd December to at least 7th February 1988 (J. C. Gloyn, R. A. Hargreaves, D. Nurney et al). 1986 Cumbria Longtown, Cumberland, adult, 4fh to 6thJune (A. Cremin, D.Johnstone et al). 1986 Hampshire Titchfield Haven, 4th October to 12th January 1987, trapped 25th November (Brit. Birds 80: 540), aged as first-winter. (North America) A juvenile was on Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork, from 4th to 8th October. About average, but a single autumn arrival in Britain was rather poor, and wintering individuals seem to be becoming the norm rather than the exception these days. Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 561 Wilson's Phalarope Phalaropus tricolor (1, 191, 17) Berkshire LovelPs Lake, Hurst, age uncertain, 30th August (P. Andrew, C. Clacey et al.). Cheshire Burton Marsh, age uncertain, discontinuously, 21st September to 4th October (E.J. Abraham et at); same, Weaver Bend, Frodsham, 23rd to 25th, 30th September (per E.J, Abraham). Cornwall Hayle, age uncertain, 31st August (R. N. Mason, M. & E. V. Southam). Dorset Radipole, age uncertain, 6th to 17th September (J. D. Fearnside, M. Whitelock). Grampian Findhorn Bay, juvenile moulting to first-winter, 8th to 13th September (R. A. Mavor, R. Proctor et al.). Lothian Aberlady Bay, age uncertain, 29th August (P. R. Gordon); same, Musselburgh, 29th (A. G. Gordon, Or L. L.J. Vick et al). Norfolk Cley, $, 9th to 12th May (S.J. M. Gantlett, D. J. Holman et al.). Breydon, age uncertain, Kith August (P. R. Allard et al.). Snettisham, age uncertain, 28th August to at least 1st September (J. E. Corlett, D. Lake, J. Wilson et al). Sussex, West Sidlesham Ferry, juvenile moulting to first-winter, 18th to 26th Sep­ tember (P. Bowley, O. Mitchell et o/.)(plate 19).

285. Wilsons Phalarope Phalaropus tricolor (right) with RufTPhilomachus pugnax (left), Co. Cork, August 1987 (Richard T. Mills) (North America) One at Belfast Harbour Estate, Co. Down (having a purple patch for Nearctic waders), from 25th to 27th August; one at Victoria Park, Belfast, on 18th October; an adult female at Tacumshin, Co. Wexford, from 23rd to 24th May, and an adult there from 12th to 15th August; one at Ballycotton, Co. Cork, on 21st and 22nd August (plates 247 & 285); a first-winter at Lady's Island Lake, Co. Wexford, on 23rd August; and one at Douglas Estuary, Co. Cork, on 17th October. A better- than-average year after the blank one in Britain in 1986. June records are not unusual, but there has not been one in May since 1982, and none so early as the Cley individual since 1975.

Laughing Gull Larus atricilla (2, 47, 0) Northumberland Seaton Burn, adult, 31st March (A. I. & G. Bowman, A.J.Johnson), same as Tyne & Wear individual. Tyne & Wear South Shields, adult, first recorded 1984 (Brit. Birds 80: 541), 10th January to 24th March (G. K. Gordon, T. I. Mills, J. Strowger et al.)(Brit. Birds 80: plates 166 & 167); same, Shibden Pond, 24th January (per A. Armstrong), also in Northumberland. 1984 Humberside Hull, second-winter, 14th December (S. L.James), considered additional to those already published (Brit. Birds 78: 554). (North America and Caribbean) The record year of 1984 moves on to six British and two Irish records. 562 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987

Franklin's Gull Larus pipixcan (0, 12, 2) Cheshire Neumann's Flash, Northwich, adult, 11th, 14th, 17th May (D. Quinn et at.); same, Rostherne Mere, 16th to I7th (G. & S. Barber, H. Fearn et at). Cornwall and , second-winter, 2nd to 6th February, 2nd to 22nd March (C. C. Barnard, A. R. Pay, L. P. Williams et al.)(Brit. Birds 80: plate 174; 81: 286 & 287); same, Hayle, 24th, 26th, and Marazion, 28th (per S. M. Christophers).

286 & 287. Second-winter Franklin's Gull Lams pipixcan, Cornwall, March 1987 (.4. R. Pay)

1986 Gwynedd Aber Dyssyni, second-summer or adult, 22nd March (B. Averts, J. P. Martin). (North America) Since the first and second in 1970, and the next in 1977, this species has become almost annual.

Bonaparte's Gull Larus Philadelphia (11, 43, 3) Cornwall Drift Reservoir and , adult, 2nd November 1986 to 8th March (Brit. Birds 80: 541, plate 173), to at least 22nd March (L. P. Williams et ah). Derbyshire Ogston Reservoir, adult, 17th to 26th February (J. Calladine et at). Shetland Loch of Spiggie, first-summer, 23rd May (J. N. Dymond). Tyne & Wear Whitburn, adult, 17th January (D. M. Foster, P. Hogg, T. I. Mills). 1981 Cornwall Mount's Bay, first-year, 16th March; Penzance, Newlyn, Hayle area to 28th March (Brit. Birds 75: 506), again Hayle, 29th (R. A. Barrett et at.). (North America) Another good year, with the Derbyshire record, the first far inland (although there was one at Cheddar Reservoir, Somerset, in 1968), being really outstanding.

Slender-billed Gull Larus genei (0, 3, 2) Norfolk Cley and Blalceney Harbour, two, probably a pair, 12th to 15th May (B.J. Cooper, M. Gilbert et aL) (Brit. Birds 80: 215; 81: plate 288). (Northwest Africa, Southern Europe, Southwest Asia) The first since Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 563

288. Slender-billed Gulls Larusgenei, with Black-headed Gulls /.. ridibundus, Norfolk, May 1987 (Peter Wheeler) 1971; with only two records prior to that year, these strange but lovely gulls were the highlight of the spring for many people, despite a much shorter stay than might have been hoped for.

Ring-billed Gull Lams delawarensis (0, 531, 62) Avon Chew Valley Lake, first-winter, 26th December 1986 to 10th January, 12th February to 10th April, 30th April to 13th May, returned as second-winter, 13th November to 1988 (A.J. Merritt et a/.)(plate 80); adult, 3rd January, 22nd February, 17th March (K. E. Vinicombe et al.)\ adult, 26th December to 12th March 1988 (K. E. Vinicombe et a/.). New Passage, near Bristol, first-winter moulting to first-summer, 28th February (B. Lancastle et at,). Chittening Warth, first-summer, 10th May (B. Lancastle). Cheshire Woolston Eyes, first-summer, 8th July (D. Riley). Cornwall Hayle, adult, since 23rd December 1986 (Brit. Birds 80: 542, plate 170), to 21st March; presumed same, 26th November to 1988 (L. P. Williams et at.); first-winter, since 24th November 1986 (Brit. Birds 80: 542), to 26th April, presumed same, as second-winter, 26th July to 1988 (L. P. Williams et al.); additional first-winter, 16th to 17th February (D. S. Flumm); additional adult, 28th February (P. G. Akers, D.J. Chown et al.). Marazion, first- winter, 6th March, additional to Hayle individuals (P. G. Akers, D.J. Chown, R.J. Taylor et al.). Millbrook Lake, first-winter, 28th February to 1st March (R. M. Belringer, R. W. Gould, R. Smaldon); adult, 8th March to 5th April (R. M. Belringer, R. W. Gould et al.); adult, 21st to 22nd March (R. W. Gould et at.), same, St John's Lake, 28th (S. C. & Mrs P. S. Madge); second-winter moulting to second-summer, 16th March (D. J. Chown), same as Plym Estuary, Devon, individual, 19th February to at least 25th March below. Porth Reservoir, adult, 23rd September (S. M. Christophers, R. Smaldon). Devon Plym Estuary, first-winter, 18th February to 6th April (D.J. Chown et al.); second- winter moulting to second-summer, 19th February to at least 25th March (D.J. Chown, A. D. Crawford, R. W. Gould et al.), also in Cornwall. Plymouth Hoe and Plym Estuary, adult, 11th to at least 21st March (A. D. Crawford, D.J. Chown et al.). Paignton, adult, 16th November 1986 to 10th March (M. R. A. & R. E. Bailey et al.), first recorded as second-winter, 12th December 1985 (Brit. Birds 79: 553). Passage, Plymouth, adult, 20th December (J. C. Nicholls). Dorset Portland, first-winter, 13th January (G. Walbridge). Langton Herring, adult, 21st February (C. E. Richards). Lodmoor, adult, 9th to 14th February (M. Cade, P. Fisher); first- summer, 7th to at least 22nd May, also at Radipole (M. Cade et al.). Radipole, adult, 8th February (M. Cade et al.); adult, 19th December to January 1988 (M. Cade, D.J. Chown, P. M. Harris et al.). Dyfed Aberystwyth, two adults, 28th March (A. D. Fox et al.). Essex East Tilbury, adult, 22nd March (M. Clarke). 564 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987

Hampshire The Kench, Hayling Island, adult, 29th November (P. M. Potts, K. A. Turner et al). Lancashire Martin Mere, adult, 3rd April (A. D. Fox, M. G. Pennington et at.). Merseyside Seaforth, adult, 3rd January (C. Kehoe, S. Young); first-summer, 26th April (A. Bielinski,J. Moore, E.J. Smith elal), probably same, 3rd May (M. S. Garner, W. S. Morton et al.), 17th (E.J. Smilh)(Brit. BirdsQO: plate 193); adult, 17th May (E.J. Smith); first-winter, at least 31st December (]. R. Hough). Scilly St Mary's, first-winter, 12th to 13th November (C. D. R. Heard et al). Shetland Loch of Hillwell, first-winter moulting to first-summer, 27th to at least 28th April (P. V. Harvey et al.). Staffordshire Westport Lake, first-winter moulting to first-summer, 14th to 16th, 21st, 29th March (D. W. Elmley, W.J. Low,J. P. Martin et al.). Strathclyde Doonfoot, adult, 19th January to at least 28th February (R. H. Hogg et al.). Ardnave Loch, Islay, first-winter, 21st April (S. Holloway, J. Simons). Sussex, East Cuckmere Valley, adult, 1st January (W. J. M. Scott). The Crumbles, Eastbourne, first-summer, 6th June (R.J. Fairbank). Warwickshire Coton, Kingsbury, adult, 20th December (A. R. Dean), 1984 Dorset Radipole and Lodmoor, first-winter, 8th November to 31st December (Brit. Birds 78: 555), see 1985 Dorset below. 1985 Cornwall Millbrook Lake, second-winter, 23rd November (Brit. Birds 80: 543), identification not supported by two of quoted observers, no longer acceptable. 1985 Devon Paignton, second-winter, 12th December to at least January 1986 (Brit. Birds 79: 553), to 2nd March (R. E. Bailey). 1985 Dorset Radipole and Lodmoor, second-winter, 8th November to 31st December 1984 (Brit. Birds 78: 555), 1st January to 14th April, when moulting to second-summer (M. Cade, M. A. Hallett et al); adult, 18th to 22nd February (M. Cade, D. Elliot, Dr J. F. Ryan et al.). Lodmoor, adult, 10th February (M. Cade); first-winter, 27th March (M. Cade); adults, 13th to 14th April, two, 14th (M. Cade, D. Elliot, Dr J. F. Ryan). 1985 Glamorgan, West Blackpill, at least ten, possibly twelve: adult, 15th to 30th January, possibly again, 13th March; adult, 23rd January to 22ncl February; adult, 23rd February to 15th March; adult, 5th March; adult, 9th to 13th March; adult, 13th March; adult, 16th to at least 17th March; adult, at least 23rd February; first-summer, 11th April, possibly to 12th September; first-summer, 14th May, also possibly that seen, 12th September; second- summer, 11th to 15th April; second-winter, 28th to 30th September (R. H. Davies, C. Evans, R. H. A. Taylor et al). 1985 Yorkshire, South Redmires Reservoirs, adult, 19th October (P. A. Ardron, J. S. Holland). 1986 Avon Chew Valley Lake, first-winter, 26th December to 1987, see above (A.J. Merrill et al). 1986 Cornwall Hayle, first-winter, 17th F'ebruary (R. I. Allison, J. S. Hargreaves). 1986 Devon Paignton, adult, 16th November to 1987, see above, 1986 Glamorgan, West Blackpill, at least six, possibly eight: adult, 15th February; adult, 22nd February to 9th March; adult, 24th February to 1st April; adult, 6th April; second- winter moulting to second-summer, 23rd March to 27th April; second-summer, 14th April to at least 10th May; second-summer, 29th April to 16th May (R. H. Davies, C. Evans, R. H. A. Taylor). 1986 Hampshire Eastney, second-winter, 30th March (P. M. Potts), same as Sinah Gravel- pits, 28th to 30th March (Brit. Birds 80: 542). 1986 Lancashire Martin Mere, second-summer moulting to adult, 5th to 9th, 30th August, 23rd September (Brit. Birds 80: 542), intermittently to 20th December (per C. G. Tomlinson); first-winter, at least 23rd November (S.J. & Mrs J. A. Riley). 1986 Sussex, West Wier Wood Reservoir, adult, 3rd November (N. A. Driver). (North America) In Ireland, there were two adults at Sandymount, Dublin, from 3rd to 25th January 1986, and single adults at Galway Docks on 23rd February and 25th October 1986. In 1987, there was a big crop: single adults at Newcastle, Co. Down, from 14th November into 1988, and at Lurgan, Co. Antrim, on 28th March; and nine or ten at Belfast Harbour Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 565 Estate, Co. Down, with six adults in January and early February, up to four remaining until early April; a first-winter on 7th February; single first-summers on 14th and 21st April, one remaining until 19th May, and an adult or second-summer on 22nd July. There were two first-winters at Blennerville, Co. Kerry, on 3rd January; an adult at Wexford from 12th to 15th January, and a second-summer there on 18th April; adults at Sandymount, Dublin, from 15th February to 14th April, from 15th March to 12th April and on 28th March; a second-summer at Sandymount from 17th March to 17th July; two first-winters there from 14th to 20th April (one until 18th July); a first-winter at Galway Docks on 13th April; an adult at Clonakilty, Co. Cork, from 10th October into 1988, and another at The Lough, Co. Cork, from 22nd November to mid April 1988, with another adult and a first-winter there from 5th December into 1988; and an adult at Ballymacoda, Co. Cork, on 29th December. Also one at Fort le Crocq, Guernsey, Channel Islands, on 31st October and 5th November. The removal of this species from the list of rarities considered by the Committee will considerably reduce postage costs, the wear and tear of MJR's typing fingers and the not inconsiderable gnashing of Committee members' teeth. There is still a high rejection rate, something county recorders will do well to consider now that they alone have the burden of record assessment. Many of these gulls are presumed returning indi­ viduals of this species, which shows strong attachment to favoured sites (and is one of many rare species which raise the question of just how extensive site-fidelity is among less individually recognisable common birds). Of special interest are records in Essex, Staffordshire and Warwickshire; the East Coast is still largely devoid of sightings. Many records remain under consideration (particularly from South Wales), and unsubmitted reports up to 1987 should still be sent to the Committee, so we haven't lost these long lists from the report just yet . . .

Iceland Gull Lams glaucoides (0, 7, 0) An individual showing the characters of the North American race L. g. kumlieni was recorded as follows: / Grampian Banff Bay and Harbour, adult, since December 1986 to 14th March (M. Innes, J. D. Law, R. Proctor et at.); presumed same, 30th December (P. T. Hurst, R. Proctor). 1986 Grampian Banff Bay and Harbour, adult, 25th to 26th December (Brit. Birds 80: 544), see above. (Baffin Island and Northwest Ungava Peninsula, Canada) Annual since 1981, but, with one returning adult at Banff and irregular Irish records having a monopoly since 1983, claims that it has been overlooked before and will prove to be regular may be premature.

Ross's Gull Rhodostethia rosea (2, 44, 1) Grampian Girdle Ness, adult, 26th to 28th September (K. D. & Mrs K. A. Shaw et al.). 1983 Yorkshire, North Scarborough, adult, 11th February (N. C. Moores), previously rejected (Brit. Birds 78: 588), presumed same as Cleveland and Filey individual (Brit. Birds 77: 534). 1985 Highland Thurso, adult, since 12th November 1984 to at least 7th January, also 19th (Brit. Birds 79: 556), also 20th (A.J. Booth, A. D. Mould et al). (Northeast Siberia and Canada) There were mid-August records in 566 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 1967 and 1976; this is the only other autumn record, although there have been several in April, May and June.

Gull-billed Tern Gehchelidon nilotica (52, 172, 9) Cheshire Frodsham, 31st May (P.Jordon). Cornwall Marazion, 19th April (D. Foot et al.), 30th (D. S. Flumm, M. P. Semmens et al.); same, Hayle, 19th to 26th April, 22nd May (M. P. Semmens, L. P. Williams et al.); same, Nanjizal and near Sennen, 27th to 28th April (per S. M. Christophers). St John's Lake, 31st August (S. G. Christmas), probably same as Devon individual. Stithians Reservoir, 1st October (M. Reid, R. D. Riley et al.). Devon River Plym, adult, 22nd August to 11th September (D. M. & Mrs E. Grant, E. Wilson et al.). Dyfed Llanelli, 20th April (F. B.Jenkins, E.J. Smith et al.). Suffolk Benacre, 24thJune (J. M. Cawston, S.J. Ling)(fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Gull-billed Gehchelidon nilotica (left) and Sandwich Terns Sterna sandvicensis (right), Suffolk, June 1987 (S. J. Ling) Sussex, East Langney Point, 20th June (R. H. & Mrs M. E. Charlwood); 15th August (I)., J. F., T. E. & Mrs D. M. Cooper). Western Isles Drimsdale, South Uist, 3rd to 6th May (T.J. Dix, Dr A. Hudson, D. B.Jackson el al.). (Almost cosmopolitan, nearest breeding colony Denmark) The best year since 1967, except for 1974 (12) and 1982 (when 11 included seven at Beachy Head on one day). Arrivals on 19th and 20th April are the earliest since 1968, with one in East Lothian on 22nd March and one at Hayle, Cornwall, on 18th April. There had not been a long-stayer since the Norfolk individual of 1980; virtually all records are one-day birds.

Caspian Tern Sterna caspia (30, 137, 5) Norfolk Hickling, intermittently, 23rd May to 5th July; presumed same, Breydon, 12th, 27th to 28th June, 4th to 7th July; another, 4th to 7th July (P. R. Allard, K. R. Dyer, G. J. Etherington et al), Cley, adult, 20th August (G. M. Cresswell, G.J. White et al). Shetland Fair Isle, 29th May (S. J. Aspinall). Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 567 Suffolk Minsmere, 8lh to 11th May (J. Oates, D. Whaley et al.). (Almost cosmopolitan except South America, everywhere local) A good year.

Lesser Crested Tern Sterna bengaknsis (0, 5, 0) Cleveland South Gare, 14th June, 23rd August (D.J. Britton). See also Humberside and Lothian. Humberside Flamborough Head, 9th August (D. Bradley, T. Davison, R. C. Hart el at.), presumed same as Cleveland, Lothian individual. Lothian Musselburgh, 21st to 22nd August (I.J. Andrews, M. R, Leven el at.), presumed same as Cleveland and Humberside individual; and all presumed a returning individual from earlier years. 1986 Northumberland Hauxley, 2nd July {Brit. Birds 80: 545), also Fame Islands, 14th to 15th May, 20th May, 1st June, 8th July and 10th July when associating with chick in colony of Sandwich Terns S. sandvicemis (P. Hawkey el al. per M. S. Hodgson). (North and East Africa, east to Australia) Presumably the same wandering individual from 1984; as identification criteria become better known, the severe problems for observers encountering it should reduce, but it is still not an easy bird of which to be sure.

Forster's Tern Sterna forsteri (0, 13, 3) Cornwall Hayle and St Ives Bay, adult, 27th January to 3rd February (C. C. Barnard, D. S, Flumm, L. P. Williams el al.). Gwynedd Great Orme, adult, 23rd August (T. Gravett el al), presumed same as 1986 Gwynedd individual (Brit. Birds 80: 545). Somerset Hinkley Point, adult, 7th to 12th February (B. Rabbitts, A. M. & B. E. Slade et al), presumed same as Cornwall individual. 1986 Gwynedd Penmon, Anglesey, adult, 25th October to at least 23rd November (Brit. Birds 80: 545), first seen 22nd (P. K.Jackson et al). (North America) One in Co. Wexford in 1986 stayed into 1987 (see Brit. Birds 80: 545). There was an adult at Sandymount, Co. Dublin, from 22nd March to 5th April, and an adult at Rosslare, Co. Wexford, on 12th July and later in Wexford Harbour on 14th and 15th September. Reports on a first-winter individual in North Wales, for which details were requested in last year's report, have now been received and remain under considera­ tion; reports of two in Clwyd and one again in Gwynedd also remain under consideration, since the initial circulation was lost in the post. May and June are the only months for which there are no records.

Elegant Tern Sterna elegans (0, 1, 0) (Pacific coast of tropical America) The first record for Britain and Ireland was in 1982: one at Carlingford Lough, Co. Down, from 22nd June to at least 3rd July, and at Ballymacoda, Co. Cork, on 1st August. Details will be published in due course.

Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus (20, 63, 8) Cornwall Stithians Reservoir, 23rd July (P. & R. N. Mason). Cumbria RockclifTe Marshes, 8th June (A. Cremin et al); same, Linstock and Aglonby area, 9th (F.J. Roberts et al). Devon Thurleston and Slapton Ley area, 12th to 17th April (R. Bower, H. & Mrs J. Huggins et al), presumed also in Dorset. Dorset Lodmoor, 18th April; same, Radipole, 20th to 23rd (G. Moyser, P. G. W. Salaman et al)(i\g. 3; Brit. Birds 80: plates 188 & 189), presumed same as Devon individual. 568 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987

Fig. 3. Whiskered Tern Chlidomas hybridus, Dorset, April 1987 (S. R. Cole)

Lincolnshire Covenham Reservoir, probably first-summer, 10th to 15th June (G. P. Catley, K. Wilson et al.){Brit. Birds 80: plates 219 & 220). Norfolk Pentney Gravel-pits, 30th June to 1st July (N. Bostock, A. Curl, R. Partridge et al.). Warwickshire Kingsbury Water Park, 18th May Q. K. Higginson, E. G. Phillips, I. C. Whitehouse el al.). (South Eurasia, Northwest, East and Southern Africa, Australia) An adult at Goat Island, Lough Derg, Co. Tipperary, from 15th to 21st June, and an adult at Nimmo's Pier, Galway, on the extraordinary date of 14th November into 1988. One of the best-ever years, and the Devon individual is the earliest on the Committee's files.

White-winged Black Tern Chlidonias leucopterus (50, 485, 12) Avon Chew Valley Lake, adult, 1st September (A. D. Whatley et al.). Cumbria Burgh-by-Sands, adult, 11th to 13th July (J. &J. Chapman). Derbyshire Ogston Reservoir, juvenile, 5th September (M. F. Stoyle). Grampian Meikle Loch, 23rd to 26th May (A. Webb et al.). Kent Dungeness, 18th June (S. P. Clancy et al.). Minnis Bay, adult, 17th September (N. Hando, T. Hodge et al.). Lancashire Leighton Moss, 1st June (D. Cavanagh et al.). Norfolk Hickling, 10th May (A. Curry, D.J. Holman). Methwood Hythe, 13thJune (R. E. Newham, A. R.J. Roe et al.). Sussex, East Rye, 14th June (H. TafFs et al.). 1985 Cambridgeshire Ferry Meadows Country Park, two, 7th June (T. P. Daunt). 1986 Dorset Christchurch Harbour, 21st August (B.J. K. Caswell); same, Coward's Marsh, 21st to 28th (B.J. K. Caswell, A. Hayden, L. Pike et al.). Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 569 1986 Somerset Sutton Bingham Reservoir, juvenile, 12th August (M. A. Hallett, B. J. Mathews, B.J. Widden et al,). (Southeast Europe, West and East Asia) One at Lough Arrow, Co. Sligo, on 31st May, and an adult at Lady's Island Lake, Co. Wexford, from 2nd to 21st August. A below-par year, especially for autumn juveniles, but at least some splendid summer adults to admire.

Briinnich's Guillemot Uria lomvia {2, 20, 2) Shetland Off Hamnavoe, Burra, 3rd to 7th February (C. F), R. Heard el al.); another, freshly dead, 7th (D. Coutls el al.). 1980 Shetland Burrafirth, Unst, dead about two weeks, 24th February (M. Sinclair et at.). (Circumpolar Arctic) With four records, 1980 has an unassailable lead, though only one was seen alive. Shetland has by no means the monopoly that might be expected, with only four previous records since 1958; the 1987 individual is only the third British record of a live one.

Great Spotted Cuckoo Clamator glandarius (6, 22, 0) 1986 Wight, Isle of Brighstone Bay, 26th May (Brit. Birds 80: 547), also 28th and was first- year (D. B. Wooldridge). (South Europe, Southwest Asia and Africa).

Yellow-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus americanus (22, 26, 1) Devon Lundy, first-winter, 16th October (Dr S. F. Tanner, N. Trout). 1986 Devon Lundy, first-winter, 31st October (P. A. T. Clabburn, N. A. Willcox). (North America) A report from Lincolnshire remains under considera­ tion. Lundy proves its worth again.

Scops Owl Otus scops (64, 16, 0) 1985 Devon Kenn, near Exeter, $, dead on road (Brit. Birds 80: 547), full date, 20th April. 1986 Orkney Sanday, 5th to 16th June (M. Gray, A. Saunders el al.). (South Europe, Russia, West Asia and Northwest Africa) Now five records of this elusive bleeper in the 1980s, but no hint that it will ever regain its status as the regular visitor which it was in the early part of this century.

Snowy Owl Nyctea scandiaca (many, 91, 0) Shetland Fetlar, two 99 from 1986 (Brit. Birds 80: 547) to 26th April, up to two discontinuously to 30th August, at least one to end of year. One or both of same, Unst, occasionally, 26th April to 1st October (per J. N. Dymond). 1983 Shetland Fetlar, four $9 by 16th November to at least 10th February 1984, including one immature, probably second-winter (Brit. Birds 77: 538); the immature considered new to local stock (per J, N. Dymond). 1984 Shetland See 1983 above. (Circumpolar Arctic) The Shetland totals have been reassessed by J. N. Dymond, hence the reduced total for 1958-86.

Chimney Swift Chaetura pelagica (0, 3, 1) Cornwall Near Truro, 18th October (P. A. Maker)(plates 289-292). (North America) Several species have appeared for the first time ever, only to be followed by a succession of subsequent records in a short time; 570 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987

289-292. Chimney Swift Chaetura pelagica, Cornwall, October 1987 {P. A. Maker) this species was not recorded until 1982, but it has now been seen in two autumns since.

Alpine Swift Apus melba (150, 229, 17) Cornwall Tintagel, 21st September (J. C. Foster). Devon Modbury, 18th to 19th April (S.J. Ellis, H. R. Harrop, R. G. Smith)(Brif. Birds 80: plate 190). Dorset Portland, 28th April (H. W. Wallis); another, 5th May (G. Walbridge). Studland Heath, 1st May (I. M. & Mrs J. A. Lewis, S.J. Morrison); presumed same, Stanpit Marsh, 1st May (D. N. Smith), both presumed same as first Portland individual. Dyfed Borth, 1st March (A. Gaunt el al.). Gwynedd Bardsey, 1st September (R. D. Moore). Humberside Spurn, 30th April (B. R. Spence); another, 9th May (R. Gilbert). Kent Dungeness, 21st July (N. Odin). Whitstable, 14th October (M.J. & Mrs J. Pointon). Lincolnshire Gibraltar Point, 24th April; presumed same, dead, Seacroft, 2nd May (A. J. Bellamy, M. Ellis, K. M. Wilson el al'). Norfolk Cley, 18th April (C.J. Small); presumed same, Wiveton, 20th (P. Gooden). Northumberland Holywell Dene, 13th to 14th September (R. Johnson el al.), presumed same as Tyne & Wear individual. Suffolk Minsmere, 18th April (B. A. & C. A. Buttle, P. Sawer)(fig. 4). Dunwich, 2nd May (A. Dixon). Sussex, East Langney Point, 2nd May (D., J. F. & Mrs D. Cooper). Tyne & Wear St Mary's Island, 13th September (R.Johnson el al.), same as Northumber­ land individual. 1983 Humberside Near Spurn, 24th September (A. C. & Mrs A. Hall). 1986 Cambridgeshire Cambridge, 29th May (P. M. Gazeley). (South Eurasia, Northwest and East Africa) There was also one on Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork, on 23rd August. A belated record is of one over Wicklow town on 10th September 1978. The best-ever year for this powerful and impressive swift. April records are not unusual (though six Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 571

Fig. 4. Alpine Swift Apus melba, Suffolk, April 1987 (B. A. Buttle) in April certainly is), and in 1967 there was one on 24th and 25th March, but the Dyfed individual was extraordinarily early.

Bee-eater Merops apiaster (154, 216, 26) Cornwall Trevose Head, five, 15th June (R. Mayer). Essex Walton-on-the-Naze, two, 5th to 6th July (Dr S. Cox, DrJ. C. B. & Mrs A. E. Shutes). Paglesham, two juveniles, 26th to 31st August (G. Wright et al.). Humberside Flamborough Head, 30th May (A. M. Allport, R. C. Hart, D. G. Hobson el al). Kent Walmer, six, 20th June (D. Hall, D. J. Howe, M. J. Pollard et al.). Foreness, 5th July (S. D. W. Mount). Lincolnshire Gibraltar Point, three, 5th May (R. P. Mundy, A. Shaw, K. M. Wilson et al.). Suffolk Benacre and Covehithe area, 14th June (J. Masters, D. R. Newton el al.). Sussex, East Beachy Head, 25th May (D., J. F. & Mrs D. R. Cooper, A. Quinn et al). Yorkshire, North Pickering, four adults, 27th to 29th August (M. & Mrs A. Brewer et al). (South Europe, Southwest Asia and Northwest Africa) Also a belated record of three at Forest, Guernsey, Channel Islands, on 25th June 1986. There were two at Fort Hounnet, Guernsey, on 17th April, andjhree at Vale, Guernsey, on 29th June. Small parties are not unusual.

Roller Coracias garrulus (135, 76, 1) Hampshire Furzybrow, Pennymoor and Rowbarrow Pond, New Forest, at least 30th May (M. J. W. Hay, K. W. Maycock, R. J. Senior et al). (South and East Europe, West Asia and Northwest Africa) A record from Gwent is under consideration, after details became lost in the post. Hampshire has previously been conspicuously absent from this species' entry in these reports. Most individuals in Britain stay a few days, but rarely do more than three or four arrive in any year.

Short-toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla (40, 266, 12) Berkshire Slough Sewage-farm, 2nd to at least 16th January (C. D. R. Heard et al). Cornwall Reskajeage, 8th to 10th November (D. S. Flumm, A. R. Pay et al). Dorset Portland, 19th September (G. Walbridge et al.). Kent Foreness, 28th to 29th May (M. H. Davies, D. C. Gilbert, F. Solly). Orkney North Ronaldsay, 2nd to 3rd May (M. G. Pennington, Dr K. F. Woodbridge). 572 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987

Scilly St Mary's, 3rd to 4th May (P. H. Aley et at.); 21st to 31st October (R. A. Schofield et at.). Bryher, 7th May (G. R. Avery.J. W. Hale,J. D. Sanders). St Agnes, 14th October (A. P. Goddard, C. R. Wills et at.). Shetland Fair Isle, 29th May (S.J. Aspinall). Scatness, 28th September (Dr C. F. Mackenzie). Grutness, 6th October (J. D. Okill et at.). (South Eurasia and North Africa) An average year; the January and November records recall one in Devon in December 1985, and there have been eight November arrivals (and several hangers-on from October) since 1958; nevertheless, the Berkshire record is unprecedented.

Red-rumped Swallow Hirundo daurica (7, 88, 40) Cornwall Kenidjack, 27th October (A. Birch el al.) (fig. 5). Rame Head, 28th October (L. A. C. Truscott). Zennor, 5th November (D. S. Flumm). Marazion, three, 5th to 7th November (M. P. Semmens el at.).

Fig. 5. Red-rumped Swallow Hirundo daurica, Cornwall, October 1987 (Andy Birch) Devon Lundy, 24th October (P. H. Aley, B. R. Field, B. & L. Tollitt et al.). Dorset Stanpit Marsh, 1st to 2nd May, two, 2nd (J. Firth, M.J. Gibbons, P. Lord et al.). Hertfordshire Amwell, 15th April (B. Reed, G.J. White). Humberside Flamborough Head, 5th to 8th November (P. A. Lassey et al.). Kent Reculver, 22nd October (T. Hodge, C. A. Osborne et al.). Lincolnshire Gibraltar Point, 2nd to 5th May (I. E. Eyre, G. E. Redgewell, K. M. Wilson et al.)(Brit. Birds 80: plates 217 & 218; 81: plates 299 & 300). Lothian Cammo Park, Edinburgh, three, 6th November (K. Heron). Norfolk Cley and Wiveton, 8th to 12th April (E. T. Myers et al.)(Brit. Birds 80: plates 183- 185). Winterton, three, 12th November (B. W. Jarvis). Scilly At least seven: Bryher, four, 19th October, three of same, 23rd (G.J. Etherington et al.). Tresco, three of same, 20th to 21st (per M.J. Rogers). St Mary's, one, 21st, at least five, 23rd, one, 24th, seven together, 27th, two, 28th (A. H. Davies, C.J. Mackenzie-Grieve, D.J. Odell, M.J. Palmer, K. E. Vinicombe et al. per M.J. Rogers)(plate 53). St Martin's, 23rd October (D. M. & Mrs L. F. C. Love et at); 28th (per M.J. Rogers). Gugh, 23rd, 24th (M.J. Palmer et al.), presumed one of same, St Agnes, 23rd (P. G. Lansdown et al. per M.J. Rogers). 293. Female Harlequin Duck Hislrionicus histrionkus, Strathclyde, October 1987 (Gordon Langsbuiy)

294. Male King Eider Somateria speclabilis, Grampian, June 1987 (Stav Young) 295. Adult Rose-coloured Starling Stumus roseus, Grampian, June 1987 (Roy Ingleston) 296. Male Little Bittern Ixobiychus minutus, Scilly, April 1987 (Keith Warmington) 297. Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis, Humberside, September 1987 (A S. Butler) 298. Male Desert Wheat ear Oenanthe deserti, Suffolk, October 1987 (D. A. Darling) 299 & 300. Red-rumped Swallow Hirundo daurka, Lincolnshire, May 1987 (Keith Atkin)

301. Wilson's Warbler Mlsonia pusilla, Cornwall, October 1985 {K. Fellow) 302. Female Rose-breasted Grosbeak Pheucticus ludovicianus, Co. Cork. October 1987 (A. McGeehan) Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 511 Shetland Fair Isle, 24th October (S.J. Aspinall). Clickimin Loch, Lerwick, 3ist October (M. Holmes et al.); Lerwick, two, 3rd to 8th November (D. Coults, 1. Sandison el at.}, probably including Clickimin Loch individual. Somerset Porlock Marsh, 29th October (J. L. F. Parslow). Suffolk Eastbridge, 21st April (J. Keep, A. Mullins). Benacre, 14lh November (W. Stone). Sussex, East Pett Level, 17th April (A.J. Stones). Beachy Head, 12th to 17th May (G. W. Gowlett, D.J. Standing et at.). Rye, 26th May (A. 1)., S. & Mrs S. Brown). Tayside Broughty Ferry, 7th to 8lh November (R. 1). Ooater, S. Green el al.). (South and East Eurasia and Africa) In Ireland, singles at the Old Head of Kinsale, Co. Cork, on 26th April, Loop Head, Co. Clare, on 7th November, and at Hook Head, Co. Wexford, on 8th November. One at Fort le Crocq. Guernsey, on 6th May, the first for the Channel Islands. A number of other reports remain to be evaluated, but the late-autumn influx is clearly astonishing. In fact, 11 in spring would themselves make the best year since 1980 (and better than any other year) and should not be overlooked. The scale and spread of the October-November flood is extraordinary and was quite unpredictable, though the lateness of the dates is not, in itself, unusual for this species,

Olive-backed Pipit Anthus hodgsoni (1, 39, 20) Hampshire Sway, at least 13th to 18th November, trapped 15th, 18th (S. H. Sporne, E.J. Wiseman), Humberside Spurn, 5th October (G.J. Speight el at.), Norfolk Blakeney Point, 2nd October (1). Abdulla, S. J. VI, Gantlett). Sheringham, 7th November (R. A.J. Forsyth, R. W. Saunders). Orkney North Ronaldsay, 5th lo 6th October, trapped 5th (A. Bielinski, M, G. Pennington, Dr K. F. Woodbridge el al.); 30th October to 6th November, trapped 30th, 2nd (Miss A. ¥,. Duncan, M. G. Pennington el al.). Scilly St Martin's, 20th to 21st October (A.J. I.. Smith, J. Williamson el al). St Mary's, possibly same, 23rd to 24th (A.J. L. Smith, W. H. WagslafTel at.), Shetland r'air Isle, at least eight, possibly eleven: 2nd to 20th October (P. H. Aley, S. J. Aspinall, S.J. Cox el al.); 14th to 20th (S.J. Aspinall, K. Osborn el al.); another three, 15th (R.J. & S.J. Aspinall, K. Bowey, C. Donald el al,); at least five to at least 20th, possibly to 21st, two to 22nd, probably one of same to 23rd (J. N. Dymond, N.J. Riddiford el al.); another, 22nd (S.J. Aspinall); another, 28th October to 1st November (K. Osborn el al.); another, 30th to 31st October (S.J. Aspinall el al.), Sumburgh, 3rd October (J. N. Dymond). Grutness, 29th September to 1st October (Dr C. F. Mackenzie). Sussex, East Beachy Head, 11th October (R, H. & Mrs M. E. Charlwood). Yorkshire, North Filey, 22nd October (D.J. Scanla'n, H. J. Whitehead). 1986 Tyne & Wear St Mary's Island, 13th October (M. P. Frankis). (Northeast Russia to Central and East Asia) Totally eclipsing the previous best year of 1984, when there were seven; Fair Isle and Scilly have been the classic places and, other than in Norfolk, mainland English records are still exceptional.

Red-throated Pipit Anthus cewinus (30, 160, 9) Dorset Hengistbury Head, 25th May (D. N. Smith). Humberside Kilnsea, 10th May (N. A. Bell el a/.). Spurn, 4th October (B. Fendley, K. & M. K. Rotherham, A. Wrightson), Kent St Margaret's, 4th October (I. P. Hodgson el al.). Northumberland Druridge Pool, 10th to 11th May (M. G. Anderson, M. Hepple, M. S. Hodgson et al). Holy Island, 10th May (K. W. Regan, N.J. Watmough); another, 17th (J. E. Wilson, Miss C. Woodward). Shetland Fair Isle, 28th August (S. J. Aspinall el al.). 1985 Scilly St Mary's, 13th October (J. Gregory, S.J. Ling, P. Wheeler et al). 578 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 (Arctic Eurasia) Also one at Garretstown, Go. Cork, on 15th May. Back to a more typical year after a bad one in 1986.

Citrine Wagtail Motacilla dtreola (2, 41, 1) Shetland Fair isle, first-winter, 1st to 2nd September (S.J. Aspinall et a!.}. 1986 Sciliy St Mary's, juvenile or first-winter, 31st August to 4th September (M.J. Palmer, R. J. Wilkinson, J. A. Wolstencroft et al.). (Northeast and East Russia, West Siberia, West and Central Asia) Two further reports are still being considered. The year 1986 becomes the record, with four.

Thrush Nightingale Luscinia luscinia (2, 69, 2) Humberside Spurn, in song, 23rd to 25th May, trapped 23rd (J, Cudworth et a!.}. Norfolk Holkham Meals, in song, 24th May (P. Clement et al). 1984 Cambridgeshire Welches Dam, in song, 2nd to 3rd June (R. K. Green, G, J. M. Hirons). 1985 Shetland Bressay, adult, trapped, 16th August (D. Gilbert, C. R. McKay). Noss, first- winter, 20th August (C. R. McKay). (Scandinavia, East Europe and West Asia) Rather on the low side, but for them to be singing is not unusual.

Stonechat Saxicgla torquata (1, 95, 18) Individuals showing the characters of one or another of the eastern races S. t. mama or stejnegeri were recorded as follows: Dorset Portland, 9 or immature, 3rd to 4th October (G. Walbridge et al,). Essex Hanningfield Reservoir, first-winter 9, since 6th December 1986 to lOthJanuary (Brit. Birds 80: 551)/ Fife Balcomie, near Fife Ness, $ or immature, 3rd October (J. S. Nadin, J. G. Steele). Humberside Flamborough Head, Q*, trapped, 15th October (J. C. Lamplough, P. A. Lassey et al.). Lincolnshire Donna Nook, $ or immature, 2nd October (G. P. Galley, D. Hursthouse). Sciily St Mary's, 9 or immature, 29th September to 1st October (P. Bagguley, D. S. H. Coates et al.). 'Fresco, 9 or immature, 3rd November (W. H. Wagstaff rf at). Shetland Quendale, 9 or immature, 27th September, possibly since 26th (A. F. T. & G.J. F1tchett et al). Fair Isle, Cf, trapped, four 9$ or immatures, 29th September, two to 30th (S.J, Aspinall, R. Proctor, N.J. Riddiford el al); 9 or immature, 4th October (D. R. Bird el al.); $9 or immatures, two, 29th October, one to 1st November (S. J. Aspinall, N. J. Riddiford et al). Bridge of Walls, 9 or immature, 2nd to 6th October (C. Moar). Wiltshire Chirton Down, 9> 21st November to 7th February 1988 (Miss L. H. Cady, P. E. Castle, R. Turner et al). Yorkshire, North Staveley, 9 or immature, 4th to I Oth October (R. Evison, G. T. Foggitt, P. T. Treloar). 1986 Humberside Paul], 9 0r immature, 5th October (S. M. Lister). (White Sea, eastwards across Siberia, East Caucasus and Northern Iran) A new peak for these attractive, pale and variegated little chats, due largely to the Fair Isle series.

Pied Wheateaf Omanthe pteschanka (3, 10, 1) Kent Foreness, 0\ age uncertain, 7th November (M. H. Davies, S. D. \\r. Mount, F. Solly et al.). (Southeast Europe and South-central Asia) A typically late record of this great rarity. Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 579 Black-eared Wheatear Oenanthe hispanica (15, 23, 5) Cornwall Hill Tor, Moor, first-summer Cf, showing characters of O. h. hispanica, 12th to 13th June (B. A. Mason el al.)(Brit. Birds 80: plate 252)." Hampshire Farlington Marshes, cf, 5th June (G. Farwell). Sussex, East Beachy Head, $, 31st May (R. H. & Mrs M. E. Charlwood). (Southern Europe, Northwest Africa and Southwest Asia) A record from Great Blasket, Co. Kerry, on 14th August 1973 is now considered unacceptable by the Irish Rare Birds Committee. There was a first- summer male at Great Saltee, Co. Wexford, from 7th to 10th May, and a male at Newcastle, Co. Wicklow, from 17th to 24th September. The best year since 1974 and 1975, which each had three; this is still a considerable rarity, and females and immatures seem still to be difficult to prove.

Desert Wheatear Oenanthe deserti (11, 13, 2) Devon East Prawle, (f, 26th to 30th October (R. C. E. & Mrs S. M, Titman et a/.)(plate 55), see Suffolk below. Essex The Naze, $, 12th October (P. M. Griggs, A.J. Long, C. M. Poole el «/.)(plate 59). Suffolk Landguard, 0", 20th to 24th October, trapped 23rd (M. D. Crewe et a/.)(plate 298), later in Devon (see above). (North Africa, Northwest Arabia, east to Mongolia) It seems that we now need to read ring numbers in the field to keep up with travelling rarities. Recent records have tended to be even later in autumn/winter or early spring.

Hermit Thrush Catharus guttatus (0, 2, 1) Scilly St Agnes, 15th to 16th October (S. Howat, R. McCann, T. M. Melling el al). (North America) The third record, after one on Fair Isle in June 1975 and one in Scilly in October 1984.

Swainson's Thrush Catharus ustulatus (1, 9, 2) Devon Lundy, 15th to 31st October, trapped 15th (A. Gosler, B. & E. Tollitt et al.). Scilly St Mary's, 12th to 13th October (B. G. Brown, Mrs A. Dixon, A. Hannington et at.). (North America) All previous arrivals in Britain have fallen between 14th and 27th October, except for one end-of-September record in 1984; the first British and Irish record was in May 1956.

Gray-cheeked Thrush Catharus minimus (1, 31, 0) 1986 Devon Eundy, 26th October to 2nd November (P. A. T. Clabburn, A. M. Taylor et al.). 1986 Scilly St Agnes, 24th October (P. G. Eansdown, R. McCann). St Mary's, 27th October to 16th November (Brit. Birds 80: 558), probably same, different locality, 26th (J. M. Clark, A. le F. Dobson, I. Lewington el al.). (North America and Northern Siberia) This takes the number of individuals in 1986 to at least 12.

Veery Catharus fuscescens (0, 1, 1) Devon Lundy, 10th October to 11th November, trapped 10th and 20th October 0. Blakey, J. M. B. King, B. & E. Tollitt et al.)(p)ate 303). (North America) The first record for Europe was in Cornwall in October 1970; this is the first in Britain since then, and continues to show the quality of Lundy as a Nearctic-vagrant hunting-ground. 580 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987

303. Veery Catharusfuscescens (left) and Redwing Turdus iliacus (right), Devon, October 1987 (B. Tollitt)

Eye-browed Thrush Turdus obscurus (0, 8, 3) Scilly St Mary's, first-winter, 12th October (J. M. Cawston, S. M. Dean, J. Frost el at.). St Agnes, first-winter, 27th October (K. D. Shaw et at.). Shetland Fair Isle, first-winter, 7th to 15th October, trapped 7th (K. Osborn, N.J. Riddiford et ai). (Siberia and Eastern Asia) One of the best trios of a stunning autumn; the first records were in 1964, when there were also three. Four of the previous records were in October, the others, surprisingly, in April, May, September and December.

Black-throated Thrush Turdus ruficollis (3, 11, 3) Scilly St Mary's, (f, 23rd to 24th October (R. P. Bowman et a/.). Shetland Bigton, Mainland, cf, 30th October (D. R. Bird et ai). Yorkshire, South Botanical Gardens, first-winter, 9th, 19th to 20th January (P. A. Ardron, K. R. Gould, S.J. Roddis)(plate 304). (Central Asia) October and midwinter records are typical, but three in a year is the best total yet..

Lanceolated Warbler Locustella lanceolaia (9, 28, 4) Shetland Fair Isle, first-winter, trapped, 19th September (P. Milford, K. Osborn, N. J. Riddiford et ai); 20th September (P. Milford, N.J. Riddiford, W. Underwood et ai); first- winter, trapped, 26th September (H. Joliffe, N.J. Riddiford el ai). Scatness, 17th September (D. R. Bird, P. M. Ellis, P. V. Harvey et al). (East Eurasia from Central Russia to North Japan) Mainland Shetland at last has its first record. These little groups of reports continue in typical fashion. Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 581 Paddyfield Warbler Acrocephalus agricola (2, 11, 1) Shetland Fair Isle, trapped, 22nd September (S. J. M. Gantlett, B. Ram, N.J. Riddiford et al.). (South Russia and Asia) Mid September to late October is the classic period, with single British arrivals in May and November, and an Irish one in December. Blyth's Reed Warbler Acrocephalus dumetomm (9, 4, 2) Shetland Fair Isle, first-winter, 27th to 29th September, trapped 27th, probably present since 26th or earlier (S.J. Aspinall, N.J. Riddiford el at.). Tyne & Wear Prior's Park, first-winter, trapped 20th October, released 21st (M. P. Carruthers, L. Hall et al.). (Northeast Europe, across Asia to Lake Baykal) A record of one trapped was received late, and sight records from Kent and, from 1984, Norfolk remain to be considered. The much-argued-about bird in Cambridgeshire also remains to be assessed by the Committee; many people think that Blyth would have done better to have ignored this species (but then we would have been left with his equally exasperating pipit). Previous reports have mentioned that identification problems, have obscured the true status of the species here, but that the clouds are blowing away. It is sobering to think that six or seven were recorded on Fair Isle between 1910 and 1928, a little befoie Svensson's Identification Guide to European Passerines.

Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus (23, 119, 3) Humberside Blacktoft Sands, in song, 13th May (T. A. Fde, A. Grieve, C. C. Straw et al.). Orkney Papa Westray, 29th April (I. P. Robinson et at.). Shetland Dale, Lerwick, 13th to 27th June (D. Coutts, A. Nicol et at.). 304. First-winter Black-throated Thrush Turdus ruficollis, South Yorkshire, January 1987 {K. R. Gould) 582 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987

1980 Sussex, East Locality withheld, Cf, 15th August (K. M Johnston). (Europe, Southwest and East Asia and North Africa) An average showing.

Booted Warbler Hippolais caligata (1, 21, 4) Dorset Portland, trapped, 13th September (G. J. Hinchon, P. Howletl, I.. P. Mulford et «/.)(plates 15 & 16). Kent Dungeness, 4th to 5th September, trapped 4th (P. Boxall, S. McMinn, N. Odin et at.). Scilly St Mary's, 18th to 21st October (I. Lycett, A. S. Vials, P.J. Willoughby el at). St Agnes, 23rd October (B. A. & Mrs K. Barnacle, M. Hepple, T. M. Melling el a/.), presumed same, 27th (M. P. Kccles, R. A. Schofield, K. D. Shaw et at). (Northwest Russia, east to Mongolia and south to Iran) A year matched only by 1981 for this five-star rarity.

Subalpine Warbler Sylvia cantillans (12, 158, 20) Cornwall Kenidjack, cf, 18th to 20th April (I. Prophet, V. R. Tucker et at). The Lizard, O", 27th April (A. R. Pay). Devon Near Start Point, Cf, 21st April (J. Mitchell). Lundy, C\ 9th August to 5th September, trapped 17th August (R. Bower, R. A. Duncan et ai). Dorset Portland, first-summer cf, trapped, 21st May (Mrs S. Coe, P. Howlett, M. & Mrs W. Rogers). Verne Common, d", 20th to 29th May (P. Callaway, C. E. Richards, B. Small et at), Grampian Rattray Head, J or first-year Cf, 28th May (G. M. Cresswell). Gwynedd Bardsey, first-winter, 21st to 24th August, trapped 21st (S. W. Anderson, T. Collins et a/.). Humberside Grimston, Cf, trapped, 25th May (S. G. Wilson). Kent New Romney, O", 18th April (B. Banson, A. G. White et ai). Lothian Tyninghame, first-winter cf, 1st October (G. J. Clark). Northumberland Holywell Dene, cf, 9th May (J. Swalwell). Scilly St Mary's, Cf, 23rd to 25th April (Miss R. Lewis, H. P. K. Robinson, VV. H. WagstafO/ ai). St Agnes, 9, 2nd to 10th October (P. A. Dukes et a/.)(plates 57 & 305).

305. Female Subalpine Warbler Sylvia cantillans, Scilly, October 1987 (Andrew Moon)

Shetland Fair Isle, cf, 28th April (S.J. Aspinall et at); cf, 29th May (S.J. Aspinall et at). Cunningsburgh, cf, 21st July (P. M. Ellis, J. Nicolson el ai). Whalsay, d", 31st July to 1st August (D. R. Bird, A. Sandison, D. Suddaby). Western Isles Castle Bay, Barra, cf, 19th May (J. S. Austin, K. Huxley, S. H. Robson et ai). 1986 Bedfordshire Whipsnade, Cf, 7th May (W.J. Drayton). Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 583 1986 Durham See 1986 Tyne & Wear below. 1986 Shetland Bigton, O*, 24th May to 2nd June, trapped 24th (J. Morton, J. Murphy el at). Dunrossness, first-winter 0\ 23rd September {Brit. Birds 80: 560), also 24t1r. 1986 Tyne & Wear Finchate Abbey, Cf, 11 th May (Brit. Birds 80: 560), locality is Finchale Prior)- in Co. Durham. (South Europe, West Turkey, Northwest Africa) Also one on Great Saltee, Co. Wexford, on 20th May. The increase continues; generally earlier in spring than in 1986.

Sardinian Warbler Sylvia melanocephala (1, 13, 0) (South Europe, Middle East and North Africa) One on Guernsey, Channel Islands, on 17th October.

Greenish Warbler PkyUoscopus trochiloides (13, 127, 19) Borders St Abb's Head, 29th August (I. J. Andrews, M. Griffin, IX Thome). Cleveland Boulby ClifTs, first-winter, 27th to 31st August, trapped 29th (I. Boustead, N. Jackson et id.). Humberside Flamborough Head, 29th to 30th August (A. S. Butler, R. C. Hart, V. A. Lister et at.). Norfolk Holkham Meals, 25th to 28th August (G. Allport, A. Long et al.). Blakeney Point, 25th to 30th August (R. Aberdein, S. J. M. Gantlett et ai). Waxham, 26lh to 27th August, two, 26th (G.J. Ktherington et at.). Paston, 28th August (M. Fiszer). Stiffkey, 28th August (A. Long, C. Poole, R. Thomas et ai). Shetland Fair Isle, 26th to 27thJune (S.J. Aspinall, K. Osborn, N.J. Riddiford et at.); first- winter, 24th to 25th August, trapped 24th (N.J. Riddiford, A. 1). Warren and members of YOG Group el ai). Bigton, first-winter, trapped, 13th August (J. N. Dymond et al.); first- winter, 13th to 17th, trapped 13th (P. V. Harvey, J. D. Okill, D. Suddaby et at.). Foula, first- winter, trapped, 15th August (J. N. Dymond, J. D. Okill, M. A. Peacock et at.). Fetlar, first- winter, trapped, 19lh August (M. A. Peacock). Catfirth, first-winter, trapped, 9th September (A. Graham, J. 1). Okilfrf a/.). Strathclyde Sanda Island, South Kintyre, first-winter, trapped, 31st July (W. Ellrick, I. Livingstone, J. Morton et at.). Yorkshire, North Filey, first-winter, 24th to 28th August, trapped 27th (P.J. Dunn el al); another, 28th (P.J. Dunn, A. Stonier el at.). 1983 Highland Aberfeldy, in song, 21st May to 25th June (Brit. Birds 78: 576; 79: 493; 80: 561), locality is in Tayside. 1983 Tayside See 1983 Highland above. 1984 Lincolnshire Gibraltar Point, first-winter, trapped, 22nd September (R. Lambert, B. Wetton). 1986 Shetland Out Skerries, 15th to 16th August (E. Tail). (Eurasia, east from Northern Germany) An Irish record, previously accepted as Arctic, now as Greenish, is of one on Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork, on 29th August 1961. Comfortably the best-ever year, with a classic August peak; the Strathclyde individual was, however, exceptionally early.

Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis (19, 133, 3) Orkney North Ronaldsay, first-winter, 20th September (R.J. Safford, B. G. Sheldon et al). Shetland Fair Isle, 12th September (A. Illingworth,J. Regan, N.J. Riddiford et at.). Norwick, Unst, 10th September (G. Petrie, I. Sandison). 1978 Norfolk Blakeney Point, 8th September (N. Bostock, E. "1". Myers et al.). 1985 Highland Wick, Caithness, 30th September to 2nd October (K. W. Banks, S. G. Mackay). (Northern Fenno-Scandia, east to Alaska) Irish records rejected after a review by the Irish Rare Birds Committee include those on Cape Clear 584 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 Island, Co. Cork, on 29th August 1961 (accepted as Greenish) and on 27th September 1976. A belated record accepted is of one on Loop Head, Co. Clare, on 6th September 1986. A below-average year, but very typical pattern.

Pallas's Warbler Phylloscopus proregulus (3, 354, 37) Cornwall The Lizard, 31st October (B. Cave). Porthgwarra, 31st October to 1st November (C. C. Barnard, L. P. Williams). Dorset Portland, 20th October (G. VValbridge et al.); 31st October to 1st November, two, 31st (D. & G. Walbridge et al.). Essex Holland Haven, 28th October (G. C. Bond, L. Steward et al.); 24th November (P. Whiteman). Holliwell Point, two, 1st November (A. Beardwell, A. Cook, J. Torino). Gwynedd Bardsey, 7th to 8th November, trapped 7th (T. Collins et al.). Humberside Spurn, 9, trapped, 17th October (J. K. Baker et al.); 9, 29th to 30th, trapped 29th (N. A. Bell, J. Cudworth et al.). Kent Sandwich Bay, two, one trapped, 20th October (D. M. Batchelor, A. Sapsford et al.). Dungeness, 28th October (D. A. Coleman, N. Odin); 31st (N. R. Davies); first-winter, 5th to 9th November, trapped 6th (N. Odin et al.). Foreness, 5th November (M. H. Davies et al.). Norfolk Holkham Meals, 21st to 22nd October (A. I. Bloomfield, J. R. McCallum); 24th to 29th November, two, 24th (J. B. Kemp et al.). Cley, 29th October (P. & D. Lambert, D.J. & Z. C. Pearson et al.). Blakeney Point, 4th to 5th November (R. Fowling et al.). Paston, 6th November (J. R. Appleton). Waxham, 6th to 7th November (B. A. & C. A. Buttle). Lodge Marsh, Wells, 8th November (J. R. McCallum). Scilly St Mary's, 1st to 2nd November (C. D. R. Heard et al). Shetland Fair Isle, 20th October (J. N. Dymond); three, one trapped, 30th (J. R. Allan, S.J. Aspinall, N.J. Riddiford et al.). Shropshire Pelwall, trapped, 18th November (G. Austin, J. Langford). Suffolk Landguard, 31st October (C. Lamsdell). Wight, Isle of St Catherine's Point, 22nd to 23rd October (R. P. Attrill et al). Yorkshire, North Filey, 30th October (P. M. Scanlan et al.); another, 31st (J. E. Turner); another, 7th to 8th November (J. E. Turner et a/.)(fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Pallas's Warbler Phylloscopus proregulus, North Yorkshire, November 1987 (Jane E. Turner) 1986 Dorset Hengistbury Head, 7th to 11th November (S. Davey et al.). 1986 Sussex, West Climping, 11th November (Brit. Birds 80: 562), also 15th November, 7th December (P. A. Rolph). 1986 Wight, Isle of St Catherine's Point, 15th November (S. Smith, K. Turner). Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 585 (Central, East and Southern Asia) Also one at Galley Head, Co. Cork, on 7th and 8th November. Still a star attraction, despite its upsurge earlier this decade; this is the best year since the vast influx of 1982. A number of records (notably from Suffolk) remain to be assessed. In 1982, the main arrival (of a staggering annual total of 126) was in mid October, and, in the first 'big year' of 1968, late October was the prime time. The year 1986 showed signs of a return to the earlier end-of-October/early-November peak period, and 1987 increased that trend. The year 1987 saw a large influx in Denmark (at least 15) and the highest annual total (42) in Sweden (Brit. Birds 81: 337).

Radde's Warbler Phylloscopus schwarzi (1, 50, 10) Gwynedd Bardsey, 29th October (T. Collins, C. Felton, G. McLardy). Humberside Spurn, 1st to 4th October, trapped 1st, 4th (J. Cudworth, A.J. Gramauskas, T. Robinson el at.); 5th to 11th, trapped 11th (J. Cudworth, J. E. Dale, G.J. Speight et at.). Kent Dungeness, first-winter, 20th to 21st October, trapped 20th (S. McMinn el at.). Norfolk Holkham Meals, 2nd October (G. D. Elliot, M. J. Everett, K. Morton). SciJly St Mary's, 16th to 18th October (D. M. Harris, B. E. Wright et at.); 20th October (P. Bristow, M. Fiszer et at,). Shetland Fair Isle, first-winter, trapped, 2nd October (A. Banwell, N.J. Riddiford et at). Scatness, 3rd October (P. D. Dean, J. N. Dymond, Dr C. F. Mackenzie et at.). Yorkshire, North Filey, 20th to 21st October, trapped 21st (S. Cochrane, H.J. Whitehead el at.). (Central and East Asia) The best annual total other than the record dozen in 1982.

Dusky Warbler Phylloscopus fuscatus (1, 50, 13) Essex The Naze, 22nd October (C.J. Mackenzie-Grieve et at.). Gwynedd Bardsey, first-winter d", trapped, 7th November (T. Collins, P. Jenks). Kent Reculver, 19th to 23rd October (Dr A. M. Hanby, C. Hindle et at.). Sandwich Bay, trapped, 25th October 0. Frazer, J. N. Hollyer el at.}. Minnis Bay, 31st October to 2nd November (Dr A. M. Hanby, J, Young et at.). Dungeness, 31st October to 2nd November, trapped 31st (B. Banson, J. R. H. Clements, S. McMinn et at.). Norfolk Blakeney Point, 3rd to 4th October, trapped 4th (D. Atkinson, S.J. M. Gantlett, P. Hobson et at). Happisburgh, 7th to 11th November (M. S. Oavanagh, M. I. Eldridge, A. M. Stoddart et at.). Shetland Fair Isle, first-winter, trapped, 14th October (J. R. Allan, J.» N. Dymond, N. J. Riddiford et at.); 6th November (S. J. Aspinall, N. J. Riddiford et at.). Dale of Walls, 30th October (Dr C. F. Mackenzie). (Central and Northeast to Southern Asia) In Ireland, one at the Old Head of Kinsale, Co. Cork, on 31st October and 1st November and one on Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork, on 1st November. Easily the best year yet, continuing the extraordinary reflection of the pattern of Radde's Warblers.

Bonelli's Warbler Phylloscopus bonelli (3, 92, 2) Kent St Margaret's, 28th April (I. P. Hodgson). Scilly St Mary's, 30th September (J. G. T. Hamilton, K. R. Lloyd et at.); presumed same, 8th to 10th October, identified as first-winter with call-note resembling that of eastern race P. b. orientalis (C. Fentiman, M. Reid, M. T. Wilson et at). 1986 Scilly St Agnes, 1st September (V. A. Stratton). (Central, West and South Europe, Levant and Northwest Africa) In the 1972 report, it was noted that only two of 13 records in three years were in 586 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 late autumn, and one of those, at least, was of the eastern race orientalis (at Spurn on 15th October 1970). Perhaps the split between early southern birds and late eastern ones is typical.

Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis (2, 14, 0) 1986 Shetland Fair Isle, first-winter, trapped, 8th October (A.J. l.ivett, M. G. Pennington, \. J. Riddiford el ai). (Central and Southeast Europe and West Russia) The May 1985 record from Norfolk remains under consideration. This is the first autumn record since 1962.

Penduline Tit Remiz pendulinus (0, 12, 5) Norfolk Hickling, in song, 4th to 10th April (D.J. Hewitt, R. Rowe el a!.). Sussex, East Pett Level, adult, 4th October (Mrs J. V. Bale, Mrs J. M. Butt el at.). Near St Leonard's, two adults, one first-winter, 26th to 27th October (observers* names withheld). 1986 Merseyside Moreton, immature, 14th September (J. G.Jones). (Western Europe to Manchuria) With the late 1986 acceptance, this species has made an almost annual appearance in this report since 1980 (there was none in 1985), although in two years the birds were simply hanging on from a previous arrival.

Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus (0, 1, 0) 1985 Shetland Sumburgh, adult, 30th September to 2nd October (M. S. Chapman, D. Coutts, G.J. Kitchen et ai). (Central and East Asia) The first record for Britain and Ireland. The 1978 report warned observers of the possibility of Brown Shrike occurring in western Europe, but it was A. R. Dean's paper on field characters of Isabelline L. isabellinus and Brown Shrikes {Brit. Birds 75: 395-406) that really helped to point out the possibility and presented a tentative review of identification criteria.

Isabelline Shrike Lanius isabellinus (1, 17, 1) Devon Wembury, first-winter, showing characters closest to /„ i. phoenicuroides, 8th November (N. Bray, R. Kynon et ai). (South Asia to China) This species is removed from the Irish list following the review by the Irish Rare Birds Committee of records at Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork, on 9th and 10th October 1962 and 20th August 1976. An October record from Shetland and a November record from Norfolk remain under consideration. There were November records in 1982 and 1984, the latter also in Devon.

Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor (32, 95, 1) Hereford & Worcestershire Wythall, C?, 4th June (J. Bishop, G. C. Hunt). 1959 Humberside Spurn (then Yorkshire), 12th May (J. S. Armitage, A. R. Hall). (South and East Europe and Southwest Asia) The 1959 record is the only one for that year, and better late than never; a late record also comes from Ireland, with a juvenile at Ballycotton, Co. Cork, on 6th September 1985. The single in 1987 continues a run of rather poor years. Until the 1950s, this was a very rare vagrant; in the 1960s, records increased, with up to seven a year, and this continued until 1977. Since then, there have only once been more than three in a year. Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 587 Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor (1, 2, 0) An individual showing the characters of the southern and eastern Siberian race L. e. palUdimstris was recorded as follows: 1986 Suffolk Landguard, trapped, 6th December (M. C. Marsh el al.). (Southern and Eastern Siberia) The two previous records, referred to in the reports as 'Steppe Grey Shrike', were both on Fair Isle, on 21st September 1956 and on 18th October 1964, This species may be 'split', so watch out.

Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator (101, 400, 10) Cornwall The Lizard, cf, 18th April (Mr & Mrs D.J, Leigh); presumed same, 24th to 26th (A. R. & H. C. Pay). Hayle, cf, 30th April to 1st May (I- P. Williams el al.). Porthgwarra, $, 4th to 6th May (H. P. K. Robinson, M. P. Semmens el al.). Devon Prawle, cf, 4th May (J. Bragg, K. Tucker, N. Ward). Dorset Portland, first-summer cf, trapped, 5th May (P. Howlett, M. Rogers et al). Kent Dungeness, first-summer cf, 26th April (C. D. Powell et al.). Lancashire Fairhavert, juvenile, 29th to 31st August (E. Stirling et al.). Scilly Samson, probably first-summer cf, 17th to 23rd April (J. M. Hurley, J. & J. Protherough et al.). St Agnes, juvenile, 22nd August to about 19th September (W. H. Wagstaffd al.). Sussex, West Pagham Harbour, juvenile, 14th to 15th August (C. M. & Mrs B.James, I. R. Watts el at.). 1974 Scilly St Agnes, juvenile, dead, 4th September (C. Rutter, D. Smallshire et al.). 1986 Dumfries & Galloway I .org, High Water of Ken, 9, 23rd July to 17th August (M. Kery, A. 1). Watson el al.). 1986 Humberside Bempton Cliffs, probable cf, 22nd to 26th May (M. Davies et al.). (West, Central and South Europe, Southwest Asia and North Africa) There was one in Ireland in 1986: at Great Saltee, Co. Wexford, from 3rd to 8th May. A fair showing from this very consistent and always-exciting species.

Nutcracker Nucifraga caryocatactes (45, 357, 1) Cambridgeshire Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, 13th February (Mrs J. Warner). (Eurasia from Scandinavia and the Alps to Kamchatka and China) This remains an elusive, erratic and rare species, more expected in late autumn than in midwinter.

Daurian Starling Stumus stuminus (0, 1, 0) 1985 Shetland Fair Isle, 7th to 28th May, trapped 21st (P. V. Harvey, N.J. Riddiford, K. B. Shepherd el al.). (East Asia) The first record for Britain and Ireland (accepted in Category A). Surely one of the most unexpected birds ever (if only because many of us had never heard of it). The species breeds from Transbaikalia south through Mongolia, and winters in Southeast Asia and Java. The first record for Norway was on 29th September 1985.

Rose-coloured Starling Stumus roseus (160, 165, 9) Grampian Near Dufftown, adutt, 13th June to 5thJuly (M. J. H. Cook.J. Dunbar rf al.)(Bril. Birds 80: plate 253; 81: plate 295). Norfolk Stalham, adult, 14th to 25thJune (D.J. Holman et al.). Scilly St Mary's, juvenile, 7th to I3th September (W7. H. Wragstaff<>< al.); juvenile moulting to first-winter, 5th November to at feast 7th December (C. D. R. Heard et al.). 588 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987

Staffordshire Hockley, Tamworth, adult, 27th July (VV. Hayes, J. Oliver). Strathclyde Port VVemyss and Portnahaven, Islay, adult, 10th August to 3rd September (M. G. Collis, Dr M. A. Ogilvie el al.). Surrey Normandy, Guildford, adult, 17th October to 6th January 1988 (J. M. Clark, Mr & Mrs J. R. Romaine, Mr & Mrs D. R. Tier el a/.)(plates 87 & 306).

306. Adult Rose-coloured Starling Sturnus roseus, Surrey, November 1987 (Dominic Mitchell)

Tyne & Wear Sunderland, adult, 3rd to 5th July (P. Boughton, A. & Mrs R. Donnison et al.). 1985 Highland Watten Mains, Caithness, adult, 25th September (S. Manson). 1986 Cornwall Davidstow, juvenile, 21st September (N.J. Cabbie et al.). 1986 Shetland Noss, possibly first-summer, 14th to 18th June, East Burra, first-summer, 23rd to 28thJune (Brit. Birds 80: 563), considered same (perJ. N. Dymond), still present 29th (J. Regan et al.). (Southeast Europe and Southwest Asia) Also an adult at Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, on 12th July. An average year, with a summer record in Scotland and autumn juveniles in Scilly conforming to the usual pattern.

Philadelphia Vireo Vireo philadelphicus (0, 1, 1) Scilly Tresco, first-winter, 10th to 13th October (J. Brodie Good, R. A. Filby et al.). (North America) One of the best finds of the autumn, this came quickly after the first Western Palearctic record in Ireland, only two days short of exactly two years earlier. Will it follow the example of some other recent additions to the list and crop up again soon?

Red-eyed Vireo Vireo olivaceus (1, 36, 6) Cornwall Nanquidno, first-winter, 9th October (K. G. Croft, A. Davies, P. Wheeler et al). Trevail, first-winter, trapped 17th, 25th October (G. Gynn). Devon East Prawle, first-winter, 11th to 17th October (P. M. Mayer, M. C. Powell, A. L. Stewart et al.). Dorset Hengistbury Head, first-winter, 12th October (P. Morrison, D. N. Smith et al.). Scilly St Mary's, first-winter, 9th to 11th October (G. N. Smith et al.). St Agnes, first-winter, 9th to 16th October (M. L. Passant et al.). 1985 Highland Wick, Caithness, first-winter, 13th to 16th October (K. W. Banks et al.). (North America) The year 1985's record total moves on to ten, plus Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 589 three in Ireland; 1987 beats 1981 (when there were five) to take its place as second-best year ever. Seventeen have been in Scilly (matching Blackpoll Warbler Dendroica striata), the rest quite widely spread, but the 1985 record above is the first in Scotland. There are six late-September records; otherwise, the first half of October is the almost invariable period of arrival.

Arctic Redpoll Carduelis hornemanni (30, 117, 3) Gwynedd Bardsey, 3rd to 4th May (S. Anderson, T. Collins, P. Slade et at.). Shetland Fair Isle, 25th September to 2nd October (K. Osborn, N.J. Riddiford et at.); 12th October (R.J. & S.J. Aspinall et at.). 1984 Humberside Spurn, 7th November (S. L.James). 1985 Humberside Spurn, first-winter cf, 14th to 17th January, trapped 17th (B. R. Spence). Saltend Marsh, 25th November (S. L.James). 1985 Norfolk Holkham Meals, 14th April (M. C. Buckland el at.), probably additional to those already published (Brit. Birds 80: 565). 1986 Norfolk Winterton Dunes, 26January (P. R. Colston, A.J. Livett); probably another, 16th February (T. H. Barker). 1986 Suffolk Benacre, 18th February (P. M. Beeson, D. R. Powell). (Circumpolar Arctic) A normal year after the sudden bursts of 1984 and 1985. The May record from Gwynedd is, however, exceptional.

Two-barred Crossbill Loxia leucoptera (40, 26, 1) Shetland Bigton, juvenile cf, 11th to 19th August, trapped 11th (J. Morton et at). 1986 Central Region Carron Valley Forest, 5, since 14th October 1985 to 31st March (Brit. Birds 80: 566), 19th April (G.J. Etherington). (Northeast Europe, North-central Asia, northern North America and West Indies) After the appeal in the report for 1985, the record from the New Forest in 1984 remains under active consideration, as do 11 further reports from the Northern Isles in 1987.

Parrot Crossbill Loxia pytyopsittacus (10, 220, 1) Highland Locality withheld, first-winter cf, 11th to at least 22nd March, trapped 11th (R. H. Dennis, R. Proctor et at). 1985 Derbyshire Longshaw and Padley area, three juveniles, 27th June, 3rd, 13th July (P. A. Ardron, A. Worthy). 1986 Suffolk Locality withheld, cf, two $ $ or immatures, at least 8th March, cf, 17th (Brit. Birds 80: 566); nearby locality, two, at least one cf, presumed of same, 16th February (M. D. Crewe). (Scandinavia and West Russia) After recent events, it is good to see that the species has not entirely deserted us, yet.

Trumpeter Finch Bucanetes gtthagmeus (0, 5, 1) Northumberland Holy Island, cf, 1st August (R. K. Stephenson). (Southeast Spain, Canary Islands, Northern Africa and Southwest Asia) The second in autumn; why they have begun to turn up here remains a mystery, and little real pattern has yet emerged (three in May, one in June, one in August, one in September, from West Sussex to Sutherland and Orkney). M. Greenwood has commented on the note by P. James (Brit. Birds 79: 299-300), reaffirming that the absence of a ring does not necessarily rule out captive origin, that feather abrasion of captive birds is 590 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 quite rare and that Trumpeter Finches, though quite rare in captivity, are offered for sale by British dealers.

Black-and-white Warbler Mniotilta nana (1,9, 1) Devon East Prawle, 8th to 15th October (N. L. Trigg et a/.). (North America) This is a remarkable American passerine, with one in Shetland in 1936, no more until one in Scilly in 1975, and now nine more since then; and only one of those in Scilly, where it might be expected to be most regular. This is the second for Devon.

Northern Parula Parula americana (0, 10, 1) Cornwall Nanquidno, cf, 13th to 23rd October (A. Rosier, P. A. Wain et al.). (North America) A typical date for this delicate vagrant.

Chestnut-sided Warbler Dendroica pensylvanica (0, 1, 0) 1985 Shetland Fetlar, first-year, 20th September (M. A. & Mrs V. M. Peacock). (North America) The first record for Britain and Ireland.

Yellow-rumped Warbler Dendroica comnata (1, 15, 1) (North America) There was a juvenile at Loop Head, Co. Clare, from 31st October to 2nd November 1986 and, in 1987, a male at Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork, on 8th and 9th October.

Blackpoll Warbler Dendroica striata (0, 24, 1) Scilly Tresco, first-winter, 12th to 22nd October (M. Cade, N. C. Moores, G. Walbridge et al.). (North America) The seventeenth for Scilly.

American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla (0, 7, 0) 1985 Hampshire Winchester College Water Meadows, first-winter cf, 4th to 6th October (A. Baldock, D.Jackman, S. K. Wooley). (North America) Perhaps not ideally placed for hundreds of observers to see it. The year 1985 was already on record as a sensational autumn for American landbirds, with a wide geographical scatter as well as exceptional numbers and variety. Two extra species for the British list plus this lovely American Redstart make it that much more extraordinary.

Wilson's Warbler Wilsoma pusilla (0, 1, 0) 1985 Cornwall Rame Head, cf, 13th October (R. Burridge, K. Pellow, R. Smaldon et al.) (plate 301). (North America) The first record for Britain and Ireland.

Savannah Sparrow Ammodramus sandwichensis (0, 1, I) Shetland Fair Isle, first-winter, 30th September to 1st October, trapped 30th (P.J. EMis, N.J. Riddiford et al.). (North America, Mexico and Guatemala) First recorded as recently as April 1982, but predicted as a possible American vagrant (Brit. Birds 73: 448-457), now reconfirming that promise, and a major prize for Fair Isle. Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 591 White-throated Sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis (1, 13, 2) Shetland Norwick, Unst, 13th to 15th May (G. Gray, M. Sinclair, I. Spence et al). Kergord, 16th June (C. & D. K. Lamsdell)(Bn7. Birds 80: plate 256; 81: plate 307).

307. White-throated Sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis, Shetland, June 1987 (C. Lamsdelt)

(North America) One or both may have been first-summer individuals, but they differed in plumage detail. May and June are typical months.

Pine Bunting Emberiza leucocephalos (2, 7, 4) Orkney North Ronaldsay, first-winter cf, trapped, 19th October, released 20th (Miss A. E. Duncan, M. G. Pennington et al); first-winter (J, 3rd to 9th November, trapped 3rd, released 4th (M. G. Pennington et al.). Shetland Fair Isle, cf, 11th to 20th October (R.J. & S.J. Aspinall, K. Osborn, N.J. Riddiford et al.); $ or immature, 22nd October (S.J. Aspinall), probably same, aged as first-winter J, 29th October to 13th November, trapped 29th (S.J. Aspinall, N.J. Riddiford et al.). (Urals, across Asia to Sakhalin) A record year, like a better version of 1980, with October and November records on Fair Isle; otherwise records are in January, April (three) and August.

Rustic Bunting Emberiza rustica (34, 156, 12) Dorset Portland, 20th to 22nd October (G. Walbridge et al.). Dyfed Skomer, cf, 31st May (M. Greenhalgh,J. Hayes, S.J. Sutcliffe). Lothian Skateraw, 9> 26th May (G. Anderson, A. Brown, P. R. Gordon et al.). Norfolk Cley, cf, 23rd May (M. R. Leven et al.). Orkney Stronsay, 21st October (J. F. Holloway, D. Peace)(fig. 7). Shetland Fair Isle, sex indeterminate, 22nd May (Dr J. R. Allan, P. A. T. Clabburn, N.J. Riddiford et al.); cf, 4th to 5th June, trapped 4th (DrJ.R. Allan, S.J. Aspinall, N.J. Riddiford et al.); 9, 8th to 9th June (Dr J. R. Allan, N.J. Riddiford et al.); 23rd to 24th September (M. Corner, N.J. Riddiford et al.); 2nd October (B. Reed, N.J. Riddiford et al.). Out Skerries, 3rd to 21st October, trapped 8th, 16th (Dr B. Marshall, E. Tait). Strathclyde Hynish, Tiree, Cf, 4th June (M.J. Everett, M. Green, A. Knight et al.). (Northeast Europe across to North Asia) A fine year for this perky bunting; May and October are the classic months, and the rather wide scatter of localities is also typical. 592 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987

Fig. 7. Rustic Bunting Emberiza rustica, Orkney, October 1987 (J. F. Holloway)

Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla (93, 298, 35) Berkshire Datchet, 18th to at least 31st January (C. I). R. Heard et ai). Buckinghamshire Woodlands Park, Iver Heath, cf, 17th March to 26th April when in song (C. D. R. Jones, R. J. SafTord el ai). Devon Prawle Point, 23rd October (D. A. Cope). I.undy, 25th October (A. H.J. Harrop et ai). Essex East Mersea, 25th October (C. A. Harvey, R. P. Hull, A. Undrill). Gwynedd Bardsey, J>, trapped, 9th May (S. Anderson, T. Collins et at.); 1st October (P.J. Donnelly, I). Okines et ai). Northumberland Hauxley, 18th to 20th September (I. Fisher et at.). Orkney Near Kirkwall, 22nd September (R.J. Wilkinson). North Ronaldsay, at least four: 2nd to 7th October (P. A. Gammage, J. Young el ai); 5th to 12th (Dr A. M. Hanby, R. E. Innes et ai); 29th (M. G. Pennington, Dr K. F. Woodbridge et al.); probably same, 3rd November (M. G. Pennington); 7th to 16th November, trapped 8th (Miss A. E. Duncan, C. C. McGuigan, J. J. Sweeney et ai). Scilly St Agnes, 4th October (R. A. Hargreaves, C. D, R. Heard el at); 18th (J. D. Holding, A. Noeske et ai). St Mary's, 11th to 16th October (J. Gates, G. K. Gordon, P. N. Prior et ai); 23rd to at least 27th (C. D. R. Heard et ai). Tresco, 11th to 14th October (D. Middleton el at.); 25th to 3rd November, two, 29th to 2nd (R. A. Filby, K. E. Vinicombe et ai). Shetland Fair Isle, at least nine: 21st September (Mrs S. M.Johns et at.); 21st to 27th (S.J. Aspinall,J. N. Dymond, K. Osborn et ai); 1st to 4th October (S.J. Aspinall,J. R. Delve et at.); 2nd to 5th (N.J. Riddiford et al.); 2nd to 9th, trapped 7th (S.J. Aspinall et ai); 4th to 7th (S.J. Aspinall, N.J. Riddiford et at); 12th to 20th (N. J. Riddiford et at); 29th to 1st November (J. R. Allan, S.J. Aspinall, N.J. Riddiford el at); 31st (J. R. Allan, S.J. Aspinall et at). Out Skerries, 22nd to 23rd September (Dr C. F. Mackenzie et ai); 1st to at least 13th October, trapped 4th (Dr B. Marshall, E. Tail); first-winter, 8th to 23rd, trapped 13th (E. & M. Tait). Suffolk Landguard, trapped, 19th October (D. P. Butterfield, J. Grant et at.). Sussex, East Litlington, trapped, 4th October (D. A. & T. W. Parmenter et ai). 1986 Essex Landguard Point, first-winter, trapped, 10th October (Brit. Birds 80: 567), locality is in Suffolk. 1986 Humberside Spurn, 15th October (N. A. Bell, I. Crowther); probably same, 18th (I.J. Degnam, D. Page, J. M. Turton). 1986 Shetland Whalsay, 8th to 12th October (Dr B. Marshall). Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 593 1986 Suffolk See 1986 Essex above. 1986 Yorkshire, North Skipton, 21st September (P. M. Wright). (Northeast Europe and North Asia) One was on Dursey Island, Co. Cork, on 3rd October. Also one on Guernsey, Channel Islands, on 20th October, Winter records are still unusual, but appear to be becoming more frequent. Otherwise, a fairly typical batch.

Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberiza aureola (10, 119, 5) Shetland Fair Isle, five 9? or immatures: 27th to 28th August (S. J. Aspinall); 2nd September (S.J. Aspinall, M. O'Rourke el al.); 15th to 16th (IX R. W. Gilmore.J. P. Hunt, R.J. Martin el at); 16th September (J. N. Dymond, S.J. M. Gantiett, N.J. Riddiford el al.); 20th (R. J. Arnfield, N. J. Riddiford et al.). (Northeast Europe across North Asia) The record of one at Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork, on 11th October 1961 is now considered unacceptable by the Irish Rare Birds Committee. Fair Isle is still the place.

Black-headed Bunting Emberiza melanocephala (9, 61, 4) Dyfed Skokholm, Cf, 26th May (A. Newman). Humberside Broomfleet Ponds, Cf, 20th June (T. A. Ede). Kent Dungeness, C?, 27th June (S. P. Clancy el al.)(Bril. Birds 80: plate 251). Scilly Tresco, cf, 7th to 21st September (W. H. Wagstaff et al). 1986 Gwynedd Carmel Head, Anglesey, cf, 18th May (S. Clethro). (Southeast Europe and Southwest Asia) Another crop of males (females are not so nondescript). The 1983 report implied that a decline in reports may have been due to reduced importation of birds from India, but 1986 was the seventh year since 1958 with more than three individuals, and 1987 becomes the eighth; the species has never become more than a very rare vagrant, usually in May and June, though some records in the 1970s were surprisingly early in May, or even in April, well before the species arrives in strength in Southeast Europe.

Rose-breasted Grosbeak Pheucticus ludovicianus (0, 18, 2) Scilly Tresco, first-winter 9, 9th to 21st October (R. Crossley, Miss D. Goldsmith, P. I. Holt et al.). 1985 Devon Eundy, first-winter cf, trapped, 27th October (Brit. Birds 79: 583), was first- winter 9. (North America) Also a juvenile female on Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork, from 7th to 24th October (plate 302), and one on Guernsey, Channel Islands, from 10th to 13th October. With the alteration of the Lundy record, the British and Irish occurrences of this splendid species now involve 12 males and eight females.

Bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus (0, 14, 0) 1986 Western Isles St Kilda, 28th September (D. Miller). (North America) The second for 1986, one day before an individual on Fair Isle. 594 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 Appendix 1. Category D species accepted (see Brit. Birds 64: 429) Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius (0, 3, 1) Gwynedd Moel-y-Cest, near Portmadoc, cT, 4th June (P, Robinson). (Southern Europe, Southern Asia and Northwest Africa) The categor­ isation of this species is under consideration by the BOU Records Committee, Chestnut Bunting Emberiza rutila (0, 4, 0) 1986 Gwynedd Bardsey, immature O", 18th to 19th June, trapped 19th (J. Alexander, T. Collins, O. Walker el at'.). (East Asia) The comment in last year's report (Brit. Birds 80: 568) was incorrect; all three records have not been males, the 1985 record on the Isle of May involving a female of undetermined age. This species is under consideration for promotion to Category A. Appendix 2. List of records not accepted 1987 White-billed Diver Doonfoot, Strathdyde, 24th April; Peterhead, Grampian, 15th May; Pennan, Grampian, 2nd August. Pied-billed Grebe Otter Estuary, Devon, 31st January, Great White Egret Near Spurn, Humberside, 28th June, Black Stork Lamarsh, Suffolk, 24th October. American Wigeon Brimpton Gravel-pits, Berkshire, two, 16th February; Elford Gravel-pits, Staffordshire, 6th to 7th September; Stanpit Marsh, Dorset, I6th September; Bardsey, Gwynedd, 30th September. King Eider Dovercourt, Essex, 13th February'. Black Kite Exe Estuary, Devon, 26thJanuary; Holbrook Gardens, Suffolk, 28th March; Aldeburgh, Suffolk, 19th April; Hanningfield Reservoir, Essex, 7th May; Stanpit Marsh, Dorset, 11th May; East Rudham, Norfolk, 16th May; Titchwell, Norfolk, 23rd May; near Titchwell, 27th May; Histon, Cambridgeshire, 28th May; Calver, Derbyshire, 28th June; near Taunton, Somerset, 9th August. White-tailed Eagle Tregaron Bog, Dyfed, 21st November. Lesser Kestrel Cley, Norfolk, 13th September. Red-footed Falcon Wivenhoe, Essex, 21st April; Tophiil Low Reservoir, Humberside, 4th May; St Osyth, Essex, 9th May; Stanpit Marsh, Dorset, 10th May; Pow Hill, Durham, 24th May; Tophiil Low Reservoir, Humbe -, 12th June; Thetford, Norfolk, 14thJuly; Nesting, Shetland, 14th August; Shoreham, West Sussex, 14th August; Halesworth, Suffolk, 28th August; Hengistbury Head, Dorset, 24th September; Exminster Marshes, Devon, 2nd November. Gyrfalcon Twynholm, Dumfries & Galloway, 25th February. Crane Chawton, Hampshire, two, 12th April; Bath, Avon, 26th June; Walton- on-the-\Volds, Leicestershire, twenty, 9th August; Darlington, Durham, 24th August. Collared Pratincole Clevedon, Avon, 14th June. Pratincole Church Norton, West Sussex, 14th May; Northam Burrows, Devon, 27th May; , Essex, 9th July; Street, Somerset, 2nd August. Western Sandpiper Stewartby, Bedfordshire, 12th September. Baird's Sandpiper Dawlish Warren, Devon, 2nd September. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Don Estuary, Grampian, 4th to 5th February; Stanpit Marsh, Dorset, 20th September. Broad-billed Sandpiper Pegwell Bay, Kent, 23rd May; Frodsham, Cheshire, 19th October; 22nd October. Great Snipe Needwood, Staffordshire, 4th October; St Leonard's, East Sussex, 9th November. Dowitcher Martin Mere, Lancashire, 1st May; Spurn, Humberside, 8th, 9th August; Holland Ha%'en, Essex, two, 7th September. Marsh Sandpiper Martin Mere, Lancashire, 18th August. Spotted Sandpiper Stithians Reservoir, Cornwall, 19th August. Laughing Gull Aberystwyth, Dyfed, 9th March; Hebburn, Tyne & Wear, 6th September. Franklin's Gull Pett Level, East Sussex, 2nd January. Bonaparte's Gull Taw Estuary, Devon, 20th January; Folkestone, Kent, 18th July, Slender-billed Gull Anglers Country Park, South Yorkshire, 15th October. Ring-billed Gull East River, Cornwall, 18th January; William Girling Reservoir, Greater London, 20thJanuary; Lossiemouth, Grampian, 4th February; Tywyn Point, Dyfed, 15th February; Doonfoot, Strathclyde, 12th March; Ynysyfro Reservoir, Gwent, 17th March; Slimbridge, Gloucestershire, 10th April; nearCaldy Island, Dyfed, 24th August; Kildonan, South Uist, Western Isles, 31st August; Titchwell, Norfolk, 6th September; 13th September; Southsea, Hampshire, 17th to 18th October; Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 595 Amroth, Dyfed, 22nd November; Willingdon, East Sussex, 29th November. Ivory Gull North Ronaldsay, Orkney, 10th December. Gull-billed Tern Hengistbury Head, Dorset, 1st April; Rustirtgton, West Sussex, 9th May; Blakeney Point, Norfolk, 1st September; Calshot, Hampshire, 25th October; Pagham Harbour, West Sussex, 28th October. Caspian Tern Beachy Head, East Sussex, 27th May; Frimley, Surrey, 22nd August. Whiskered Tern Havergate Island, Suffolk, 20th September. White-winged Black Tern Landguard, Suffolk, 12th August; Blakeney Point, Norfolk, 30lh August. Chimney Swift Wool, Dorset, 19th October. Pallid Swift Ipswich, Suffolk, 14th September. Alpine Swift Porthgwarra, Cornwall, 19th August. Bee-eater Thumby, Leicestershire, 11th July. Black Woodpecker Dulverton, Somerset, 11th May. Crested Lark Barnstaple, Devon, 7th March. Red-rumped Swallow Black Gutter Bottom, Hampshire, 24th April; Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, two, 6th October. Red-throated Pipit Near Tintagel, Cornwall, 19th May. 'Black-headed' Yellow Wagtail Bardsey, Gwynedd, 11th May. 'Siberian' Stonechat Tresco, Scilly, 29th October. Isabelline Wheatear Retford, Nottinghamshire, 11th to 13th October. Pied Wheatear Weybourne, Norfolk, 15th May; Treeton, South Yorkshire, 7th to 11th June. Black-eared Wheatear Calf of Man, 24th May. Desert Wheatear Neumann's Flash, Cheshire, 16th May; North Ronaldsay, Orkney, 13th to 14lh October. White's Thrush Northam, Devon, 17th January. Dusky/Naumann's Thrush Worthing, West Sussex, 17th January; St Leonard's, East Sussex, January, date not stated; Bothenhampton, Dorset, 28th April. American Robin Honiton, Devon, 30th December. Greenish Warbler Alum Bay, Isle of Wight, 4th September. Pallas's Warbler Littlehampton, West Sussex, 16th November. Radde's Warbler Donna Nook, Lincolnshire, 3rd October. Dusky Warbler Stanpit Marsh, Dorset, 18th September. Bonelli's Warbler Folkestone Warren, Kent, 5th July. Nutcracker Pengan Airport, Mid Glamorgan, 15th January. Rock Bunting "I'idenham Chase, Gloucestershire, 22nd March. Rustic Bunting Buckie Loch, Grampian, 14th March. Little Bunting Ringwood, Hampshire, 3rd January; near Arbroath, Tayside, 7th February; Girdleness, Grampian, two, 21st October.

1986 White-billed Diver Hunstanton, Norfolk, 9th December. Cattle Egret Bittaford, Devon, 13th April. Surf Scoter Aqualaie Mere, Staffordshire, 15th November. Black Kite Balsdean, East Sussex, 21st August. Red-footed Falcon Holme, Norfolk, 20th July. Gyrfalcon Fair Isle, Shetland, 20th February. Crane Blacktoft Sands, Humberside, 30th May. White- rumped Sandpiper Stanpit Marsh, Dorset, 16th to 18th September. Dowitcher Spurn, Humberside, 26th August. Laughing Gull Church Norton, West Sussex, 16th November. Ring-billed Gull South Walney, Cumbria, 17th February; Aberogwen, Gwynedd, 22nd April; Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, 30th November. Gull-billed Tern Willen Lake, Buckinghamshire, 9th to 12th August. Sooty Tern Near Newton of Murcar, Grampian, 7th September; Loch Fleet, Highland, 12th September. White-winged Black Tern Porlock Marsh, Somerset, 11th August. Snowy Owl Exmoor, Somerset, 23rd November. Pallid Swift Blacktoft Sands, Humberside, 10th June. Red-throated Pipit Belvide Reservoir, Staffordshire, 6th April; Lodmoor, Dorset, 16th August. White's Thrush Kirkwall, Orkney, 3rd January. Swainson's Thrush Ashley Green, Buckinghamshire, 24th September. Greenish Warbler Spurn, Humberside, 26th August. Dusky Warbler St Mary's, Scilly, 9th October. Collared Flycatcher Minchinghampton, Gloucestershire, two, 4th April; Bryher, Scilly, 25th to 28th October. Nutcracker Eastbridge, Suffolk, 4th May. Rose-coloured Starling Truro, Cornwall, 1st November; Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 2nd November. Arctic Redpoll Winterton Dunes, Norfolk, 26th January; 20th March; Molesey Heath, Surrey, 15th February; Marlow, Buckinghamshire, 26th December. Two-barred Crossbill Talkinhead, Cumbria, 6th May. Little Bunting Marlow, Buckinghamshire, 4th April; Skaw, Unst, Shetland, 14th September; Greenan Farm, Ayr, Strat'hclyde, 22nd December.

1985 White-billed Diver Holy Island, Northumberland, 22nd September. American Wigeon Tophill Low Reservoir, Humberside, 12th April to 6th May. Black Kite Benacre, Suffolk, 18th August. Red-footed Falcon Upper Coombe Dale, Derbyshire, 24th September; Isle of Whithorn, Dumfries & Galloway, 4th December. Ring-billed Gull Southsea, Hampshire, 20th January; Hartley Reservoir, West Midlands, 1st March; Hilbre, Merseyside, 4th April; 596 Rare birds in Great Britain in 1987 Millbrook Lake, Cornwall, 23rd November. Caspian Tern Pagham Harbour, West Sussex, 16th May. Alpine Swift Little Marlow, Buckinghamshire, two, 19th October. Bee-eater Fosdyke, Lincolnshire, 16th September. Booted Warbler Saddlington Reservoir, Leicester­ shire, 5th May. Arctic Redpoll Hornsea, Humberside, two, 3rd February; Cley, Norfolk, 29th December. 1984 Night Heron Welches Dam, Cambridgeshire, 15th June. 'Black' Common Scoter Orphir, Orkney, 16th July. Great Snipe Bishop's Dyke, Hampshire, 20th November. Yellow- breasted Bunting Lundy, Devon, 28th September.

1983 'Black' Common Scoter Hengistbury Head, Dorset, 23rd September.

1981 Cory's Shearwater Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, two, 12th August.

1978 Great Snipe Sheringham, Norfolk, 9th December.

1977 Rustic Bunting Kinloch, Rhum, Highland, 23rd May.