Mark Drew

Restoring and Amphibian Habitat in Osa Creek and Meadow

Upper Kern Fisheries Enhancement Fund

California Trout Curtsi Knight [email protected] PO Box 3442 O: 760 924 1008 Mammoth Lakes, CA California 93546 F: 760 924 1009

Dr. Mark Drew PO Box 3442 [email protected] Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546 O: 760 924 1008 M: 760 709 1492 F: 760 924 1009

Printed On: 3 September 2019 Upper Kern Fisheries Enhancement Fund 1 Mark Drew California Trout

FollowUp Form

Question Group Project Name* Name of Project. Restoring Kern River Rainbow Trout and Amphibian Habitat in Osa Creek and Meadow

Grant Amount* $63,787.00

Accounting Upload* Please Upload a detailed accounting of used funds. Word or Excel formats are acceptable. KCF1_FinalReportFinancials_Dec2017.xlsx

Project Description Please briefly describe the project funded through your received grant and how it benefits the fisheries in the Upper Kern Basin. The Osa Meadow Restoration Project has restored existing meadow gullies and degraded stream within Osa meadow, and installed a valley grade feature at the lower end of the meadow, which serves to anchor the new meadow elevation. The restored Osa has numerous new ponds that are served water by sheet flow, a more natural and desirable hydrologic process in many high Sierra meadows. Osa Creek is a tributary of the N. Fork of the Kern River and supplies cold, clean water to valuable Kern River Rainbow habitat. CalTrout will continue to monitor the outcomes of these restoration actions under our more comprehensive CDFW Greenhouse Gas Research Project, through 2019. Immediate results were observed in 2017, the most notable being much improved connectivity between groundwater and surface water interactions. Other data relative to hydrology, vegetative growth, nutrient cycling and carbon dynamics will continue to be collected and summarized as full datasets are compiled.

Did you encounter any obstacles in achieving the intended outcome? If so, what? Osa underwent restoration in September 2016, to take advantage of the driest possible conditions thereby reducing soil impacts. Some revegetation was done post restoration with plans of additional vegetation enhancement in the Summer of 2017. However, the record winter of 2016/2017 caught us by surprise and Osa Meadow was buried in record snowfall. During the spring melt out, the amount of water at Osa Meadow was impressive. During early Spring 2017 an intense pulse of hot weather caused exceptionally high run-off causing one of the ponds to breech and subsequently some damages to the restoration occurred. Fortunately, the damage was only over a small portion of the project and was relatively easy to repair. That repair work was performed in Fall 2017 and a more aggressive willow planting and graminoid seed dispersal

Printed On: 3 September 2019 Upper Kern Fisheries Enhancement Fund 2 Mark Drew California Trout followed. We anticipate as the roots from the various plants become established they will help to anchor the project and ensure its success.

Were all granted funds expended? Yes

If no, please give additional detail.

Picture Upload Pre-restoration gully within Osa.jpg Photo of dry gully in Osa meadow in Summer 2016. Gullies like this promote faster drying in fragile meadow systems across the Sierra Nevada. In the case of Osa meadow, there was no flowing water in this gully or anywhere in the meadow in later months of the summer in both 2015 and 2016.

Picture Upload Restoration area Spring 2017.JPG The newly restored Osa meadow. Note the absence of a defined channel is this photo but instead a sheet flow regime as naturally intended.

Picture Upload IMG-0543.JPG Emergent wetlands are ponds excavated out during the restoration process to supply needed fill for the channel. These ponds provide deep water habitat need for fish and other aquatic species, and are designed to retain water throughout the year. In summer of 2017 several 8-10 inch fish were observed in these emerging wetlands. Here CalTrout's Levi Keszey retrieves willow stakes for planting after restoration repairs were completed.

Printed On: 3 September 2019 Upper Kern Fisheries Enhancement Fund 3 Mark Drew California Trout

File Attachment Summary

Applicant File Uploads • KCF1_FinalReportFinancials_Dec2017.xlsx • Pre-restoration gully within Osa.jpg • Restoration area Spring 2017.JPG • IMG-0543.JPG

Printed On: 3 September 2019 Upper Kern Fisheries Enhancement Fund 4 Kern Community Foundation-#1 Osa Meadow Restoration Match Funds Total Category Expense Categories: Funds Requested Funds Expended To Date (CA DFW) Value Personnel $14,200.00 $217,425.00 $231,625.00 $17,248.72 Fringe Benefits $3,124.00 $47,833.50 $50,957.50 $0.00 Travel $1,507.00 $8,386.00 $9,893.00 $1,977.56 Equipment 0 0 $0.00 $1,703.15 Supplies $1,500.00 $15,600.00 $17,100.00 $188.16 Contractual $40,000.00 $585,899.00 $625,899.00 $38,664.32 Other $0.00 $0.00 Total Direct $60,331.00 $875,143.50 $935,474.50 Charges $59,781.91 Indirect $3,456.00 $46,622.00 $50,078.00 Charges $4,005.09 Grand $63,787.00 $921,765.50 $985,552.50 $63,787.00 Total

Hours Rate Time Fringe(.22) Invoice #5 July-Sept. 2016 Staff Mark Drew 38 $64.20 $2,439.60 Janet Hatfield $40.20 $0.00 Levi Keszey 60 $28.86 $1,731.60 Staff Subtotals $4,171.20 $0.00 Contract A Plumas Corps $25,000.00 Contract Subtotals Hours Rate Time Fringe(.22) Invoice #6 Oct-Dec 2016 Staff Mark Drew 35 $64.20 $2,247.00 Janet Hatfield 44 $40.20 $1,768.80 Levi Keszey 32 $29.80 $953.60 Staff Subtotals $4,969.40 $0.00 Miles Rate Days Per Diem Travel Levi Keszey 423 $0.54 2 25 Travel Janet Hatfield 2 25 Travel SubTotal Invoice Totals Invoice #7 Jan.-March, 2017 Hours Rate Time Fringe(.22) Staff Mark Drew $64.20 $0.00 $0.00 Janet Hatfield $40.20 $0.00 $0.00 Levi Keszey $29.80 $0.00 $0.00 Staff Subtotals $0.00 $0.00

UC Merced Contract $507.23 Contract Subtotals

Invoice #8 April-June, 2017 Hours Rate Time Fringe(.22) Levi Keszey 98 $29.80 $2,920.40 $642.49 Staff Subtotals $2,920.40 $642.49 Miles Rate Days Per Diem Travel Levi Keszey 235 $0.54 4 25 Travel Subtotals Contracts Ryan Price 400 $0.54 4 25 UC Davis $1,849.84 Contract Subtotals Invoice Total Invoice #9 July-Sept, 2017 Hours Rate Time Fringe(.22) Staff Mark Drew 2 $61.01 $122.02 Janet Hatfield 4.5 $39.40 $177.30 Levi Keszey 130 $28.86 $3,751.80 Staff Subtotals $4,051.12 $0.00

Miles Rate Days Per Diem Travel Levi Keszey 1250 $0.54 7 25 Lab Mailing Fees $73.09 Travel Subtotals Equiptment Trimble GPS $1,171.27 Batteries In SituTransducer $531.88

Contracts Plumas Corporation Hydro $9,176.95 USFS $2,130.30 Contract Subtotals $11,307.25 Invoice Total Invoice #10 Oct.-Dec, 2017 Hours Rate Time Fringe(.22) Staff Janet Hatfield 13 $40.20 $522.60 $114.97 Levi Keszey 10 $29.80 $298.00 $65.56

Staff Subtotals $820.60 $180.53 Miles Rate Days Per Diem Contract Subtotals Invoice Total CDFW Invoice # Invoice #5 Invoice #6 Invoice #7 Invoice #8 Invoice #9 CalTrout Indirect Cost Recovery $667.52 $667.52 $667.52 $667.52 $667.52 Kern Community Foundation-#1 Osa Meadow Restoration Funds Expended To Date Funds Remaining

$17,248.72 ($3,048.72)

$0.00 $3,124.00 $1,977.56 -$470.56

$1,703.15 -$1,703.15 $188.16 $1,311.84

$38,664.32 $1,335.68 $0.00


$4,005.09 -$549.09

$63,787.00 $0.00

Staff Subtotals Indirect Invoice Totals

$2,439.60 $0.00 $1,731.60 $4,171.20

$25,000.00 subtotal $29,171.20

$2,247.00 $1,768.80 $953.60 $4,969.40 $4,969.40 Lodging Rental Car $0.00 $278.42 $50.00 $328.42 $5,297.82 subtotal $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$507.23 $507.23 subtotal Supplies $3,562.89 $34.58 $3,562.89 $3,562.89 Lodging Rental Car Supplies Totals $226.90 $226.90

$316.00 $1,849.84 $2,165.84 $2,392.74 subtotal $122.02 $177.30 $3,751.80 $4,051.12 $4,051.12

Lodging Rental Car Other Totals $240.75 $21.74 $1,106.24 $73.09 $1,179.33 $1,171.27 $58.75 $58.75 $531.88 $1,761.90

$2,130.30 $11,307.25 $18,299.60 subtotal $637.57 $363.56

$1,001.13 $1,001.13 Lodging Rental Car Totals

$1,001.13 Invoice #10 Total Indirect

$667.52 $4,005.09