Rian Andriani(1), Nur Hawai Br Sembiring(2)

(1) (2) STP Ars Internasional [email protected] , [email protected] Submitted : 8 July 2019 Revised: 10 August 2019 Accepted : 1 September 2019

ABSTRAK Candi Borobudur merupakan candi atau kuil Buddha terbesar di dunia berbentuk tumpukan stupa dengan tinggi 42 meter dan memiliki relief dengan panjang lebih dari 1 kilometer yang terletak di Kota Magelang, provinsi Jawa Tengah yang dikelola oleh PT. Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur. Candi Borobudur tidak hanya menjadi tempat ibadah namun menjadi tempat wisata sejarah yang di kelola oleh PT. Taman wisata Candi Borobudur, dan Ratu Boko. Faktor tersebut yang menuntut manajemen Candi Borobudur untuk memberikan service excellent kepada pengunjung, terutama pada divisi frontline yang berinteraksi langsung dengan pengunjung. Upaya memaksimalkan faktor service exellent melalui karyawan frontline dapat dilaksanakan dengan memiliki polychronicity behavior. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektivitas polychronicity behavior dalam meningkatkan kualitas service exellent. Melalui observasi yang mendalam, peneliti mendapatkan hasil temuan bahwa sebagian besar karyawan Frontline mampu menjalankan polychronicity behavior. Kendala utama dalam pelaksanaan polychronicity behavior adalah faktor usia dan tingkat pendidikan karyawan frontline.

Kata Kunci: polychronicity behavior, karyawan frontline, candi Borobudur


ABSTRACT Borobudur Temple is the largest Buddhist temple in the world in the form of a pile of 42 meters high stupa and more than 1 kilometer long relief located in the city of Magelang, Central province. Borobudur Temple is not only a place of worship but a historical tourist place managed by PT. Borobudur Temple tourism park, besides Prambanan and Ratu Boko. This factor demands the management of Borobudur Temple to provide excellent service to visitors, especially in the frontline division that interacts directly with visitors. Efforts to maximize exellent service factors through frontline employees can be implemented by having a polychronicity behavior. The researcher used descriptive qualitative research methods in this study to determine the effectiveness of polychronicity behavior in improving exellent service quality. Through in-depth observation, the researchers obtained findings that most Frontline employees were able to carry out polychronicity behavior. The main obstacle in the implementation of the polychronicity behavior is the age and education level of frontline employees. Keywords: polychronicity behavior, frontline employees, Borobudur temple

119 Journal of Indonesian Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation --- Volume 2, No. 2, October 2019 eISSN: 2654-4687 ----- pISSN: 2654-3893

INTRODUCTION frontline employees who in their daily Borobudur is the largest Buddhist activities carry out several work activities in temple in the world with a height of 42 a period of time. In there are many meters and has reliefs of more than 1 problems related to HR, including lack of kilometer. Borobudur Temple is a Buddhist knowledge, most employees have very low monument in the form of a pile of stupas, education and training grounds so this low built by the Syailendra dynasty during the level of education will lead to their low period of the ancient Mataram kingdom 750- productivity (Andriani, 2014). 850 AD. The construction of the Borobudur Table 1 Temple stupa has 10 levels and the Data on Tourist Visits of Borobudur construction time takes 40 years. Borobudur Temple Tourism Park Temple is located in Magelang City, Central Year Domestic Foreign Total Java province. Because of the grandeur and Tourist Tourists majesty of the Borobudur Temple, in 1991 UNESCO established it as a world heritage 2013 3.147.164 224.287 3.371.451 of culture or one of the world's cultural 2014 3.159.744 268.664 3.428.408 heritages that had a major influence on Indonesian tourism especially in Central 2015 3.302.328 256.362 3.558.690 Java (Taylor, 2003). High standardization set by a tourist 2016 3.616.775 276.141 3.892.916 destination is useful in improving the quality 2017 3.969.550 332.720 4.302.270 of services to tourists visiting tourist destinations, this makes a note worth noting Source : (‘Kearsitekturan Candi Borobudur’, namely employees (Barata, 2003; Andriani, 2016) Brahmanto and Purba, 2019). Every company as a whole has a distinctive culture, A visit to Borobudur Temple in the last the important role of human resources in five years from 2013 to 2017 experienced a carrying out tourism activities in a tourism number of positive developments, this can be destination is very important, the company's seen from the number of tourist visits in 2013 awareness of the importance of managing which recorded a number of tourist visits of human resources who are qualified and have 3,371.451 tourists, then in 2014 the number the ability to carry out their work (Andriani of tourist visits increased by 1 , 6%, in 2015 and Disman, 2019). the number of visits was 3.6% then in 2016 The work industry, especially the tourism an increase of 8.5% and the latest data in sector, has the demand to provide maximum 2017 the number of tourist visits was service, so that a polychronicity behavior can 4,302,270 tourists or an increase of 9.5%. play an important role in improving positive The number of visits that each year has work outcomes for employees. HR needs to increased makes the management of PT. be developed continuously in order to obtain Borobudur Temple Tourism Park demands quality human resources in the real sense, that its employees, especially the frontline namely the work carried out will produce division, be more able to interact with many something that is as expected. Quality is not visitors. This makes the employee expected only clever, but can fulfill all the to be able to run the polychronicity behavior. requirements demanded in the work, so that Frontline employees of PT. Borobudur the work can be completed according to plan. Temple Tourism Park is expected to be able An employee who has a polychronicity to carry out various work activities at the behavior orientation can interact with several same time, such as public relations, arranging visitors at once, in this case as an example is scouting activities, providing information a frontline employee. The working pattern of related to Borobudur Temple, describing

120 Rian Andriani and Nur Hawai Br Sembiring: IMPLEMENTATION OF POLYCHRONICITY BEHAVIOR IN FRONTLINE EMPLOYEES PT. TAMAN WISATA CANDI BOROBUDUR model areas around Borobudur Temple, because this division is a line division receiving telephone calls, serving front of the first to face customers. announcement services, broadcasting news Work Behaviour lost and car calls, in addition to these The terms of behavior are activity, action, activities frontline Borobudur Temple performance, response, and reaction. In employees are also required to be able to general, behavior (behavior) is defined as operate audio visuals, along with ticket something that is said or done by someone. purchase services to watch audio visuals. Employee behavior as a series of activities, Based on this background, the authors are while the activity is always oriented to the interested in taking the research title " goals or objectives. In carrying out human Implementation of Polychronicity Behavior work take actions or behaviors to realize the in Frontline Employees PT. Borobudur work. Behavior is generally carried out with Temple Tourism Park ". behavior. According to Koentjaraningrat (1979) behavior is a human behavior whose LITERATURE REVIEW process is not planned in its genes or which Tourism does not arise instinctively but as a matter that Tourism is a journey carried out by must be taken into account by learning (Sari, individuals or groups from one place to U. M., Yusuf, A. M., Bentri, 2016). In another that is temporary in an effort to find working behavior, humans realize themselves balance or a harmony and happiness with the as social beings who must always work environment in the social, cultural and together with other people. Cooperation natural dimensions (Hariyana, I. K., & between humans is intended to meet the Mahagangga, 2015). The term tourism needs of his life. appears in the community around the 18th century, originating from the implementation Polychronicity of a tourism activity, which means a change The term "polychronicity" refers to the of residence activity from someone who is ability or tendency of someone to do many temporary for any reason other than activities in the same period of time (Hall, conducting activities that can produce a wage 1959). The concept of high and low context or salary (Putra, 2016). culture can be distinguished between two Frontline cultures. This research analyzes different Front office is part of the organization patterns of behavior based on the orientation where the employees directly serve of use of time, space, friendship customers. Every employee is given a relationships, material, and social relations decentralized authority to the job description. (Martins and Nunes, 2010). Hall was the In this way, employees can improve services expert who first introduced the terms to the community, as in the teller system. polychronic and monochronic. Frontline consists of, customer service, teller Polychronicity refers to the culture or and security guard (Hasibuan, 2017) . Every orientation of individual psychology which is employee is given a decentralized more inclined to change and flexibility in the authority, in this way employees can use of time (Davis, Lee and Yi, 2009). improve services to the community. Based (Benabou, 1999) in its efforts to find links on this understanding, it can be concluded between individual time perspectives that frontline is the spearhead of the (polychronicity) and dimensions of company in direct service to visitors, who organizational culture. Polychronicity / become first impression and last monochronicity is more of an individual's impression (first impression and last "temporal personality" than group behavior impression) for visitors who play an (Daskin, 2016). Polychromic individuals tend important role in the guest service process to do many activities at one time. Individuals

121 Journal of Indonesian Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation --- Volume 2, No. 2, October 2019 eISSN: 2654-4687 ----- pISSN: 2654-3893

like this tend to be very strong oriented in natural conditions. Qualitative research towards the current situation (when doing method is a research method used to activities) and don’t think much about the examine natural object conditions, where the sequence of time and procedures in carrying researcher is a key instrument, the technique out their activities compared to a of data collection is triangulated (combined), monochromic person (Capdeferro, Romero data analysis is inductive, and the results of and Barberà, 2014). They regard time as an qualitative research emphasize meaning inexhaustible resource and consider rather than generalization (Sugiyono, 2013). interpersonal relationships with other people The relationship between research and the during activities as important to them as the scientific method is very close or even work they must complete (Kirchberg, Roe inseparable from one another, the point is and Van Eerde, 2015). that the scientific method is a way of Polychronicity Indicator applying logical principles to discovery, Culture is a predictor of the validation, and explanation of a truth (Sollaci orientation of polychronicity (König and and Pereira, 2004). In this study, researchers Waller, 2010). In the sense that someone with determined several techniques in collecting a certain culture does not show a striking data needed in this study. Following are the difference in the orientation of polychronicity data collection techniques : with someone from another culture. Some 1. Deep Interview predictors of polychronicity orientation (Jang The key informants used in the study were and George, 2012) : the Head of HR Section, Assistant Manager a. Work environment of Visitor Services, Assistant sales & The work atmosphere or workplace marketing, Visitor Service Supervisor, environment can be a predictor of Administrative Customer service and Staff polychronic orientation. In an effort to Information Center, regarding the achieve maximum work performance in a application of polychronicity behavior to work environment, individuals are frontline employees of PT. Borobudur required to be able to do many tasks Temple Tourism Park. quickly. Certain work situations that 2. Observation demand multitasking have an impact on Observations in this study were conducted the development of one's polychronic for 6 months from May - November 2018, orientation. This assumption is based on to find out how much the effectiveness of the assumption (1) that certain types of the application of polychronicity behavior work do require individuals to do in frontline employees of PT. Borobudur multitasking and (2) individuals who work Temple Park is in excellent service quality in situations requiring multitasking will to visitors. develop polychronic orientation 3. Documentation tendencies (Love, 2009). Documentation is carried out during b. Personality interviews in the form of recording the Efforts to understand more about results of interviews and photos of multitasking behavior in polychronic interview activities. orientations some researchers connect In the validity of the data, researchers use polychronic orientation with five big data triangulation. Triangulation in personality traits (Barrick and Mount, credibility testing is defined as checking 1991). data from various sources at various times (Sugiyono, 2012). Thus there is source RESEARCH METHOD triangulation, triangulation of data This study uses a qualitative or collection techniques, and time. naturalistic method because it is carried out


DISCUSSION ability to conduct polychronicity behavior. Analysis of Work Quality Produced by The company's demands and capabilities that Frontline Employees PT. Borobudur must be owned by employees include age Temple Tourism Park factors related to quality and effectiveness of Based on the results of interviews performance. New employees rcruited by the according to 6 informants, namely the Head company are aged 20-29 years. Employee of HR Section, Assistant Manager of Visitor discipline is a very important component for Services, Assistant sales & marketing, all employees other than that foreign Visitor Services supervisor, Admin Customer language skills that must be stocked and used service and Information Center Staff, it can in daily work activities that aim to be be concluded that the quality of employee effective in providing information and performance is good but not very good, this communication need to be supported by is because the productivity factor of employee knowledge capabilities about employees is characterized by 85% of the age company facilities or tourist attractions of employees at the age of 40-55 years, age around the Borobudur area. The level of factor becomes an analysis factor of the education is the provision of employees in productivity or not of employees in providing excellent service to visitors, with producing quality performance. the high level of education of employees it Based on observations that the will also increase the competence of the researchers did this because of the age of employee's expertise. Frontline employees senior employees, most of whom are already are front service employees who deal directly over 40 years old, it will affect productivity with guests and become a source of and trigger a decrease in the quality of information for visitors to facilities, models employees in the quality of work produced, of Borobudur Temple tourism parks and supported by the Head of HR Division who other information, besides that a high level of stated that HR factors the current criteria are education will have an influence in dealing above 40 years old which should no longer with problems that occur in the work be in the frontline division. By switching to environment so as to minimize widespread new HR, it is hoped that it can provide problems. enthusiasm and improve the quality of Factor Analysis Affecting Frontline performance. Age becomes one of the factors Employees Running Polichronicity that have an influence on employee Behavior productivity is age factors that are still in the Based on interviews from several past usually have a higher level of informants, it can be concluded that salaries productivity compared to workers who are affect someone who can conduct old so that the physical possessions become polychronicity, this is indeed very evident weak and limited. with the low level of community income Analysis of the ability of Frontline PT which is still below the minimum wage of employees in Borobudur Temple Tourism regional work. PT. Borobudur Temple Park to provide excellent service tourism park itself provides salary standards Based on the results of interviews from along with other facilities, such as health, several informants produced several answers transport, holiday allowances and others. to the ability of frontline employees of PT. This becomes the interest of the community Borobudur Temple Tourism Park in in order to become employees of PT. providing excellent service. The results of the Borobudur Temple tourism park or can interview show that the polychronicity survive at PT. Borobudur Temple tourism behavior of employees is indeed required by park, this is a motivation for employees to be companies to be able to carry out more than able and able to run the polychronicity one activity in a period of time and have the behavior well. The company's openness in

123 Journal of Indonesian Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation --- Volume 2, No. 2, October 2019 eISSN: 2654-4687 ----- pISSN: 2654-3893

providing assessment and direction as well as Borobudur Temple Tourism Park does have the condition of the company becomes a trust employees who are mostly over 40 years old, for employees, especially low management this has caused decreased service in carrying out its work activities, under any effectiveness, especially in the Frontline circumstances and situations. division, this should immediately get Polychronic is defined as a behavior attention from PT. Borobudur Temple tendency or a person's ability to complete Tourism Park, the best way to deal with this many tasks or work in a period of work time. problem is by rolling the department and This term refers to the ability or tendency of recuitment. Psychological factors can have a someone to do many activities in a period of positive and negative impact on employees, time. We often encounter polychronic especially frontline employees in carrying cultures in every division of tourist out a culture of polychronicity, this is destinations, one of the divisions in tourist because even though the frontline employees destinations which currently uses the culture of the Borobudur Temple Tourism Park have of polychronicity in its work environment is done a lot of work in a period of time, they frontline employees. Every work activity still complain due to their dedication to work. from frontline works is always accompanied no, the status of employees active age 20-29 by several things that must be done years, the majority of which are still simultaneously in a period of time. The outsourced even though they have worked number of work activities carried out by for more than 5 years, and the lack of frontline employees makes employees who regeneration in staffing makes them work occupy the position of Frontline are required less innovation in service renewal. to be able to run every work activity to the Several factors and ways that can be maximum and very well. taken to overcome the problem in order to The fact is that in the field, the majority achieve company goals are management of employees who work as frontline policies that must provide concrete solutions employees are high school graduates, this in resolving complaints of Borobudur makes their work productivity not optimal so Temple Tourism employees, this is intended that every employee, especially the frontline to increase the work productivity of each division needs an intensive training to frontline employee in maximizing support the quality of work of PT. Borobudur performance and service company that wants Temple Tourism Park especially frontline to be achieved, if the psychological factors of division. Service excellent training is needed employees can be met by the management, it by employees to become a tourist destination is not impossible their performance in that has the best service excellent carrying out polychronicity behavior can run standardization. better in the future. Companies should provide training to at least 168 hours of employees in each annual CONCLUSSION period, this is supported by Dessler's theory The conclusions of this study are as follows: that only less than 35 percent, training 1. The quality of employee performance is participants can transfer what they learned in now quite good but it is expected to be training to their work a year after training. improved, because the productivity Implementation and provision of longer factor of employees is declining, marked training time in training employees is a by 85% of the age of employees at the solution to maximizing the training gained by age of 40-55 years. Regeneration that applying it to employment. does not work well causes employee Referring to the causes of the lack of work productivity to be not optimal. maximization in services caused by age, 2. Based on age, discipline, knowledge, based on direct reviews in this study PT. level of education, solving problems and


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