The Magazine of the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan December 2020 · Volume 52 · No. 12 Happy days are here again (If we’re careful) OFFICIAL 02 | FCCJ | DECEMBER 2020 In this issue December 2020 · Volume 52 · No. 12 In the last month of a very difficult 2020, we’re doing our best Contact the Editors to send you some seasonal cheer. The President sees light at
[email protected] the end of the tunnel, and so does Yuriko Koike. Jonathan Watts Publisher FCCJ celebrates the perfect chaos of the best-ever PAC event in Editor Peter O’Connor Club history. Robert Whiting recalls a romance so doomed you Designer Julio Kohji Shiiki, could almost be glad to be in 2020, while Yoshiko Miwa shows Editorial Assistant Naomichi Iwamura Photo coordination Hiroko Moriwaki, Norio Muroi us how heart and determination will always win through. Yes, Publications Committee we do have an obituary, but an unusally upbeat Regular sees Peter O’Connor (Chair), Suvendrini Kakuchi, Monzurul Huq, Robert Whiting, David McNeill one good reason for cheer. And of course all of us at Number 1 Shimbun wish all of you a very restful and happy holiday and FCCJ BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Isabel Reynolds, Bloomberg L.P. peace and safety in 2021. Special Advisor to the President Monzurul Huq, Prothom Alom, Dacca 1st Vice President Andy Sharp, Nikkei Asian Review 2nd Vice President Walter Sim, Straits Times THE FRONT PAGE Treasurer Mehdi Bassiri, O.B.M. Co., Ltd Secretary Ilgin Yorulmaz, Freelance/BBC World Service Turkish 03 From the President Directors-at-Large Isabel Reynolds Peter O’Connor, Freelance Simon Farrell, Custom Media K.K.