12 TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, AUGUST 6, 1922 Benny Leonard Mauls Ever Hammer in Every Round of Championship Battle DES MOINES FANS KING PIN Fight bg llounda COME-BAC- LIGHT JOE LYNCH'S K ., l By Edgren Hound One Hammer put two ALL 'PEPPED UP' GIVES OPPONENT lights to tho body nnd ullnchrri' Leonard planted loft hook to tho i : stomach, In minor missed loft hook OVER NEW PILOT B0X1NGLESS0N stid Leonard Innded loft lightly to tho face I'0nnrd wns cau- tiously, trying to protect bin eye. Leonard romplnlned thnt Hammer Boosters Act Like Real) to hit him low whllo In a clinch. Loon-ai- d Hammer Manages hooked left to stomach. Hammer Ball Club Since Jack Brush Off Cham- tried a left for fbo stomach, but Plaster Leonard danced nwny. Hammer Graney Stepped in pion's Injured Eye missed right nnd ollnrh'd. Leonard put right and loft to ths body nt tho bell. DES MOINES. Iowa, Aug. 6 If Ilia Associated l'rss Hound Two They landed lefts In This town Is In tho throes of base KINO flIUR, MICHIGAN CITY, Lsminrd whipped over n ball hysteria, and that In spite of faco and represented by 'nil., Aug. t. llenny Leonard, hard right to tho chhi. Leonard the fact that It Is a struck n left In Hammer's faco nnd seventh placo club In tho Western vorld'a llghtwolght champion, Horn-mor- shot over n rlghl to thn Jaw. 's league. After enduring ft team that ti In t tt it-- for the third tlmn left was short and Leonard had loafed on tho Job for two sea- rlthln n month, outpolntod liver drove him to thn ropes with rights sons nnd which onrly this year made llammor (if Chicago In a nod li fts to tho body, rinmmer was no pretense of playing the baball boxing contsat heru lain hsvliut difficulty In reaching Ie"n-nr- d, of which It was capable, tho fans lodny. Leonard fought cant loualy who continually dimcoif out of havo become enthused over pie ind did not tnko any chnncos or hav- dstiKer. Leonnrd landed three lefts brand of hustle .Manager Ja k ing his dntnnitP'l right cyo split open. lo tho rhln without n return, Leon- A.wiseo Ociiwjy Burr Oraney has Instilled Into tho former. Leonard evidently had serious ard honked twlco to tho face as tho ly dormant aggregation, says a for Hninmer's Inft hnnd, ns tin round "booster" In tho Sporting News this long range to pro- endd. Jlnctcd to box nt Hound Three Hammer lnndod week. tect thn gush over his right eye us body. The increased attendanco, which possible. Ham- left to thn Leonard boxed nt year, con- much nil Whenever long rnngn nnd hnd tho belter of thn was remarkably good this mer rushed In rloso. Inimrd "t exchanges, sidering tho team and the way It on Ilia with rolld right-han- d lie landed two rights to him herls Ihn ns en too to played, has caused tho local dub pini'hos to thn rhln. mlngllm-thos- chin llnmmnr him owners to wonder if they did not jiurif litM with Hhiirp Inft hooks. Hammer stuck n left In Leonard' change nnso anil hooked thn champion sol- wnlt too long to mnke n In ' Untile. -- ' CtiiirnKCiiiiN idly to chin. Loonard blocked Toe CaOTWo managers. When "Jack Oraney Day Hammer fought courageous but- tho I was celebrated recently more than tle, cnntlntinlly trying to land with Hammer's load and ducked n left hook. Tho ohnmplon shook Hummer All 2,500 fans paid their way Into the his left, hut Leonard cnrrled ton GPK.SS park and tho attendance was around many guns. When Leonard wns up with a right to tho chin nnd re- ceived two rights to tho body In re- Hit. DAt. tho 4,000 mark, for women and shaken up a few times with liookii children were admitted without to thn ho nettled down nnd turn. hooked right nnd rhln. left to the head. Hammer was charge. proved that ho wan champion. After short When Oraney came hore several it wan over Hammer snld: with left and they clInchtA. Uy ItOUBKT EDOHEN. ged nnd redoubtable flyweight nil champion, other players were acqulrod, too, and "Leonard Is tho toughest mnn I Hound Tour Hammer walked In Joo Lynch never took a rcil llck- - fought Kid Herman and figured prominent- My, ng unexpectedly gave him tho beating all ot them hnvo ever fought of wnnt to fight. claim and pounded Leonard's body. In his lite. Perhaps that's why ly In the spurt of tho local aggrega- how ho can punch," Hammer tried two lefts to the head ho camo back Into the of his young life. Huff Is only a bantam pounder, ne slug tion, which now seems destined to Leonard tilmply snldt "IIo's a ns they clinched snapped relght championship by stopping 113 out could witn climb higher In tjie lenguo rnco than good tough hid." over a, rlghl and landed two upper, onnny ns tough a b any of them. Perhaps Duff's man- - iiuff little tl acor. Innklni? apcarcd possible threo weeks ago, 1'loyd Fltzslmmous' big blue howl culs ns they ramo Into a clinch. of fighting machinery as any of his nrnunrl fnr mm nnn wns Iobi than half full when Just ns Hammer hooked loft lightly to the we ignt. Kfor Johnny to heat some bankroll Gonln an Star. rays sotting mm foil rattoner picked Lynch big the lout of the head and Leonard landed right to I've known Joe Lynch rather wall Joo because One of the factors has been across tho ennvns, Hammer climbed tho body. Tho tltlnbolder hooked years Joo wns popularly supposed to bo tho play ot Walter Oenln, who was through ropes, followed n min- for several and always liked tho two solid lefts to tho chin, and to see him fight. There's action supping. purchased from Portland, Oenln has ute Inter hy tho ohnmplon. The dnnend nwny from a right. Ham- every In nny case Joe was nicked and proved to bo an athlete ot such ex- unto receipts woro estimated nt mer hooked n loft to thn stomach minute when Joe's In the ring he wns so anxious to have a chance traordinary ability that one wonders (28,000, and tho about up lies a fighting Irishman by de attendance nnd f'hnok llenny with a left to scent an ny to win back the tltlo that ho al why Portland was willing to let him even thnuannd. tho chin nt tho bell. and American fighter lowed Huff to bo Guaranteed J 30,- - go. He can do everything that is re- '' displayed nn abiding re- education. He loves a good hard Hound Wvo L"nnard lionked fight. eyes 000 for his end. Tho event proved quired of an outfielder. He Is fast ) spect for llnmmor's left from tho His sparkto with Inter- in 1.1 left to the budy Ho repeated It with r that Huff was a good bargainer, as both afield nnd running buses. start. Tho challenger put over t j est nnd pleasure when tho othi-- gato 130,000, - a left to tho nose. Hammer landed - the ran far below and a tlmoly hitter, nnd a fine . fellow hits him a devastating wal Uor-ma- light lef- to tho holy and they U.v.1- - VtXIKl VIWf"" fa. n two lefts to tho head ns they u i ri- t l Vrt.o'"J-- sic awny Lynch was called upon to make Ihc Ho lies displaced Charley clinched In thn first 10 seconds. lop on the chin. He bounces lend-of- Oen- clinched. Loniinrd snapped n right CAH OUT BOX Ailb Impact ot guarantee good out of his own ns f man, nnd until Leonard felt out his rival with a OOTPVINCM AiUU fteAA- under the tho blow. pocket. wns considered plain- over to tho chin, forcing Hammer to lTMUf He saw - SBwjiter.i In again fighting ln arrived Gorman cautious folnt or two, nnd wan nwny. whipped IUJ RMM.I - A MtT and bounces Tho crowd came to tho fight ex the best man In tho leaguo at the op-- , back Leonard, over get good ly nnxlous to keep hln damaged a right to tho chin, forcing Inmmer the instant his toes a pectlng to sec Huff rip Into Lynch top ot the batting order. Oenln Is tlo turned away from tho hlond back, llenny "JohmhV ground hold. and bent him loose his foundt- - suro to go up, if not this year then Dane's left hooks, blocked Hnmmcr's left, Burr. Joo Lynch Is the kind of a fel from nnd planted another right to tho I I Hons, Just ns ho had tipped over a next. Touched "Had" Kyi'. low who can't be discouraged. Tho ot had same Hammer touched up Leonard's hend. J oughcr ths fight the more fun ho lot others. Huff the Another man who has helped win Hound Six They rnlssod lefts, Idea. He rushed and plunged and games Is Guy Cooper, a giant pitch- right eye patch In tho fourth nnd LABOR DAY RING and R Sluggers has. Instead of delighting In slug, drew n fnlnt trace of hlood. Tho Luonnrd lauded right to tho chin. AMATEUR 'trimming a sap," Joo is disgusted tried to hut Joe foiled him at er, who does not conflno his work to Hnmmcr mlasod a left to the head. every point with bewildering speed the box, but also pinch hits with champion enmo hack In tho firth Put Skids Beneath when ho finds himself In the ring skill, Huff lay a glove nnd forced tho challenger to tho Hammer knocked off the plaster CARD FOR TULSA BASEBALL with n poor fish who can't clip him and couldn't hucccsr. Ho Is a splendid hitter and ropes right to tho chin. Ho over Leonard's right eye, wllh n rasp-lu- g on Joe, and he was lost. Lynch in addition looks to nn anoin ns with a clout on tho chin at least occa helpless s sec- blocked llnmmcr'n loft nnd plnntol left hook. Hammer missed a left, sionally. spoils the whole eve beat him and Huff good as any pitcher on the local nnd lionnril rushed him to tho Pierce Combine It onds hurled In tho sponge. A real staff. another right to tho hend. A amateur nlng for Joe. Tho sixth started with Hammer re- ropes, landing half dozen punches PROMISES WELL column tlctotiil lo master boxer with a punch had Of courso Jack Grancy's fielding without n return, loonard hooked Iiiim'IiiiII In Tiilxn mill the entire You sec. Joe grew up on tho cast beaten a rugged slugger. batting havo been a feature. newing tho nttnrk on Henny's right P. It. took a fast and rye, finally succeeded In left to tho body and they clinched. iiorlJicnMcrii purl of Oklnhonin. Tho nnd clan side In , whero his father Joc'm In Class. And tho surprising part of hl3 "play nnd ho n game 6 to 3 at thn Dixon knocking off tho patch, reopening Hammer hooked light left to tho The nil-- World will he Kind al from tho Plerco clan ran nn express wagon, and ho nl has been his flno throwlrv! from the head and brought up two more light nil lime id publish the scores, McNu tv nark Saturday afternoon, ways lived in a fighting neighbor Joo Lynch la a great boxer, with Graney, tho wound tho champion received In Will Be First Time Jeff Although Pierce tenm outhlt much speed and one of the coolest outfield. As a matter of fact tho fight with L'W Tcudlcr 10 days lefts at close quartern, Lconanl wan challenge nml all news of all the hood. His Idea of of pleasant re Oenln nnd Koran havo thrown out Heal tho five errors cess one In he heads in tho ring when under fire. ign at Jorsoy city. short with right and loft at tho Smith Has Met a nniiitciir roiiics. nway. at school wai which past moro runners nt tho plato in less was all tho bell. helned to toss tho enmo got nnd gave a black eye. When In view of his performances threo weeks local fans Tho rest Leonards the- come-bac- k to cham- than than way, champion's foot work was They (elided for nn Opponent Here Tho baseball team of - l'lcrco ho was working for his father, tos and his tho have seen in two years preceding. tho Hound Seven INTKIt-CITlK- S SOUTH Oil company played Its last game pionship he dhould be ranked with lout nnd tho boxlrii: clover, hut Ham- opening nnd clinched. Hammer sing trunks, ho'd lay oft any time Cross n Hitting Pitcher. (Jainc.i Today. under tho colors of that company 10 to see or tho great llttlo men of Dixon's day. mer's hopes of puttltiK thn champion smacked H left to thn body and rn Fistic followers ot Tulsa aro look- Haywood vs. Mounds. will be known In the as tor minutes whether many ways. Pitcher Duko Cross, who came conn glimmering, though colvod In re- - nnd future not some rival baggage smasher Ho resembles them in muds lwsv hnd a Inft Jolt to tho uhln ing forward with koon anticipation (At 2 o'clock) tho team of tho Sand Springs It's my opinion that Lynch would hero from Vernon, also has no did est tho pace for n moment In turn. Ixionnrd honkod three rights 10 glovo program to could trim him. good, while tho other two men who tho Jjihor day Koystnno vs. Picket Prairie. chamber of commerce. Tho hus It was sure sport with Joo. He make a wonderful fighter over ,the Ihn seventh. and lefts to tho head. Ho repeute.d bo presontod by tho local Klks club (At Mounds nt 4 o'clock.) tllng crowd of business men of the long routo. came nt about tho same time as In tho d opener, Jack Kilo with right nnd loft to tho chin. An In uncrowned middle- City Olcnpool. never hold a grudge. Hn fought Graney havo boon a. big help. Catch- which tho Garden at neighboring municipality are taking It. Naturalty Incidentally in winning back a of Now York had a shndo tho bettor Hammer came In Leonard hooked weight champion, Joff Hmlth, will hard-luc- k for thn delight ot er Mlko Wilson is doing virtually all of Chicago. They to body. snap over the destlnleH of this when he grew up he went Into tho lost championship, Joo Lynch has of Charley Glnaer n rlEht tho Leonard enter tho ring against thn toughest flame.' August 13, ball club and in the future wutch performed a rnro feat. Stanley of tho bnckstopplng and whllo not a welshed 124 pounds, ped over a right and loft to tho opponent over faced In Tulsa, (Henpool longer be ring. And naturally, with his strong hitter has found the ball In ho nt Mounds. out for them. It will no fighting early Kctchel did It when ho beat limy Sammy Fracgor of Chicago scored head. Leonard backed Hammer Jackie Clark of AlUntown, I'a. Picket Prnlrln it t tuirden City. enso of picking on tho cripples ancestry and his fight. - timely fashion and has caught all n n ml tho ring hooking solidly to training, ho made good from the I'nnke In a return Jack Ilrlt- games faultlessly. Con- a technical over "Irish" ni Already tho bugs aro beginning to Haywood nt Keystone. and fattening their own averages ton and Kid Lewis each performed his Infielder PatBy Clayton ot Pittsburgh In tho the body, Loonard danced awny discuss tho comlnir battlo, and thn In oil start. nolly has been used In a utility role 1mhi-nr- d for tho other teams the couple of come-bac- k con-to- tt from hooks nnd clinched, INTUIt-CI'fTu- S Defeat of Loadmon. a green, has econd preliminary. Whon tho left fact thnt Hmlth Is conceded to hnvo NOHTH leaguo. Joe's championship fights between only. He looks a little but Chicago lad twlco with 11 along, young them given wob stopped by thn reforco nfter hit tho chance to win from tho votemn Clinics Today. r. and When the war camo tho earmarks of a comer It rights nt tho boll. to J' Joe Lynch was already famous selves, and Kid Herman lost aim play regularly one po- Clayton had boon floored twlco In Kmlth in nddlng much Interest Avant nt Turley. AD n H PO is title. Hut about a chance to in bo tho tlmo postponed on account 2 1 tho man who knocked out Kid Wil won a world that tho fourth round. Thoy weigh 120 HOUND r.KlHT Hammer tried the bout. This will first Uame of Williams, 2b .2 tho list. All other beaten sition. :pounds. to land with hln left, but loonard Hmlth over hn appeared In Tulsa denth. Willis, 11 . . .3 6 0 liams, one ot tho strongest and most end. All ot the holdover players are full champions In years. champions "stayed put." seml-wlndu- p blocked. Leonard planted two whon tho result vn.s not a foregone Hnmona at Colllnsvllle, .3 1 rugged bantam of bustle. They seem to have a lot In the Harold Smith, Paul, rf manager a Chicago bantam, scored a technical rights on Hnmmcr's chin and then conclusion. Sporry at Sklutook. Hays, cf 3 1 Tho bantam championship nt that of respect tor their now of shot over n loft to tho snmo placo, Thnt ho will not havo nny walk- Marcum, c 2 6 timo wns in a muiiuio, wiuinm! nnd no one would bcllevo they v.ero knockout over Kddlo O'Connor dllly-dnlllc- Leonard unticrcut Hammer to tho over with Clark gnoa without say- Clnmci Siindny, August in, Sweeney, m 4 0 having lost on an alleged "foul" to the snmo players who d Orand Haplds, Michigan, In tho fifth - eight-roun- ing, Allentown scrapper had Colllnsvllln nt AVanL 3 3 one "Kcwple" Ertlo. Dick Load- nlong In two months of tho of n scheduled d chin nnd also two loft punches to for tho Klnnerman, If tho first round kept boring in, tho edgo If there was any odgo llarnsdall nt ltnmoiui. Pntton, 3b 2 1 man of Buffalo handed Ertlo the ponnnnt race. Charley Gorman nnd contest. Tho roforeo wnlvod O'Connor tho hend. llnmmer Sporry. The fimUh had him trying to connect with body punch whon they met In tholr ono previous World nt rtoyd, p 3 1 brass bound works, nnd thero was 'sjs$. Joo Horan, two ot tho old players to his corner whon engagement Camden, N. J., back Sklatook nt Turloy. question as to appeared bo best on tho verso of a knockout. es. Leonard landed two rights to nt some whether Joo who to trying their tho head nnd thoy clinched. Tho In 1920 shortly after Clatk loft tho Totals 2E C 6 31 9 Lynch or Ulck I.oaaman had tne under tho old regime, are doing even champion hooked n rlMhl to tho nrmy. It wns a event, OITICI2 liKACtUK. Pierce. better claim to the bantam cham better now and the rost of their chin. Leonard landed threo to tho ns nil ring battles nro In New Jersey, Monday nt thn A. A. A. field No. 1. An 11 II PU pionship. mates, apparently inspired by the .TulsfkTCkib head without a return and smiled but tho nowspnper accounts of tho Kxchangu National vs. Tidal. Hcrndon, cf 2 1 0 0 About this time, joe i.yncn was series of victories recorded by the scrap gave the verdict to Clark. Tuesday nt the A. A. A. Held No. Black, u 4 1 1 0 and went recently nothing to be approvingly nt the rlngnldo fans, vs, & called Into the sorvlce team leavo Slnco Clark Jumped Into promi- 2. Texas O. P. H. Thayer, 2b 4 0 0 2 2 Sixty-secon- d way !. Shoots a Match in HOUND NINH llenny Jabbed Wednesday Into tho Pioneer In desired In tho ot sonsatlonul loft to the head and landed a right nence in tho glovo throwing world nt tho A. A. A. Hold Drown, c 3 0 2 6 fantry, Colonel Foster's regiment. Play. by winning tho middleweight cham- No. 1 C. C. & a, vs. Twin Slate. Shunttono. ss , 3 0 1 1 It was a great fighting regiment, smash to tho chin. Tho champion 11. K. Thursday A. A. A. field No. 7 )" Downpour of Rain n pionship of tho A. from Mlko at the Gordon, lb ..3 1 0 and many ring men of reputa- Western League. ducked a left hook but received 2. vs. 0 0 fair O'Dowd In Franco In tho snmo tour- Tidal Texas. Haldwln, 1 0 well-know- n W L. Pet. right on tho chin ns ho dnnend 'iwny A. A. 1. rf tion and athletes were American Team nament whero Hob Martin and Clono Friday nt the A. field No. Wright, 3b 3 0 2 0 In its St. Joseph 3t .053 Hammer landed two loft hooks to Tuunoy honors In tho O. P. & H. vs. Twin Stnto. 3 o 1 0 ranks. ....73 .(111 Tt, tii1.t nlflo club held Its rest- - tho head but Loonard made him nnnexed their Johnson, p Hilly Wellman. then famous the TULSA , oil 41 heavyweight nnd classes, Saturday at tho A. A. A. filed No. 3 0 0 1 1 biweokly shoot nl tho Archer nway Illdcnour, cf country ovel as "Hoy Sioux City 47 .005 To Meet British . ular back with right to tho hend ho linn been busy In tho 2. Exchtmgo National vs. C. C. & C. 1 0 0 the Promoter" range Saturday nucrnoon in epuo m Thn champion brought n right and a battler. Cone, rf JL who started by building a velo Anemia. . 02 .fi32 nndltlons, tho mlddle,welght ranks ho has mot 16 years age Omaha, . . .'. ..&( very trying weather eft lo tho body nn ther ol lie led nmnng Mc- - Monday at the A. A. A. field No. 3 7 18 drome at of and not bulug fired during n Ihiin-.i,,i,.- .r (ho others Joff Kmlth. Mlko Totals 28 races, Oklahoma City 49 .1 3 .137 Golfers AreNamecf first part Hammer rushed champion Into Tlgue, Mlko O'Dowd, Auglo llolsum vs. Firemen. long afterward ran big auto .3!iS ii nil thn Inst Ileitis shot Ilatnar, K,nrn hv lnntncn boxing was Dcs .Moines jv 70 tho ropes, but did not land, llen- Carbone. Tommy llobson. Tuesday at tho A. A. A. fiold No. 3 air contests and bouts, .333 whllo tho setting sun was glailng ny planted n right and loft to Frank Kvonlng paper Plerco 0120000 i In the ranks. Denver 37 74 t'i Joo Chip, Ooorgo Chip nnd Soldier vs. American Ex nml R -- 3ZOUUIX 0 t Aug. n. w. c. straight Into tho eyes of tho Hill Job regiment national W. riTTsnunair, almost hend ns Hammer rnmo In clon. Tommy press. Two-bns- o Hays, With on the the Trim w. - rr.i. Trim t. ftt commit- copped the llnrtflcld. Ulblinns, Jinrry Hiinunarv! hits 91 Fowncs, Jr., captain of the shooters. Harry Urlll Wiggins, Fny Wednesday nt the A. A. A. field lived a life of delirious Joy, with Stw lurk r.i to ,r,m rtfttlnastl 31 .911 to- Ulld G00- - HOUND TUN Leonard blocked Orob, Chuck Kolaor Williams. Patton. Drown. Struck 12 Rronklrn 50 30 .31)0 tee on selection, nnnounccd here hlc-- r.mron at both 300 nwny some No. 2. Itynn Motor vs. First Nu 0 baseball every afternoon and ring St. Louis ., ej .sit ' having an nggregato left hook nnd backed from and ucorgo Hoblnson nro of out Hy lloyd 8, by Johnson CblTMl 4S ttlliikll&la 3T tt .3t day the personnel of the American vnrd ranges, 1 llonnl. G battles every night. tl .ill 63 Hvcrhart was run Hammer's rushes, Hammer wasn't tho no una oncoun WniUni ltv Ilovd 3. by Johnson ritlsbiuch it IT .32.1 lirelwi 33 .337 team which will play a British team of 91, whllo mil nblo to connect with his left. Leon- torcd. Whon you go over this list Thursday nt the A. A. A. field No. Mrrnru Hcrndon. Cordon. Wright Joe Lynch naturally felt right at Anierlrun League, on national golf links courso nt with Kfi. vs. Evening Trtm v. u rn. Trtm IT. L. ret tho ard sent u right to thn chin nnd you sco ho battled practically nil llolsum Paper. Marcum. Umpire home. 91 on Aug- Icht there will bo hold has Friday A. A. A. Hold 2. 3. Williams, getting up St. iMlll SI 12 .392 ClerellKj 53 .103 Southnmpton, I)ng Island, pushed Hammer Into the ropes, best-know- n boys oi tuo east in nt tho No. Cone's running bout this time I was 40 33 .IIS named small-bor- o rlflo match but tho Itynn .Motor vs. Express. Paddv Hauman. York si it .nit Utitilnitoa ust 28 nnd 29. Tho committee tho nnminl fulled to follow It up. llenny Ills division. American fly ball In tho fourth a boxing show at Madison Square Milrico 33 30 .311 40 l .341 following golf follower! rango at tho nr- - catch of Willis' .311 tho noted tho blocked left ' Tu hr'h Ijilior day fight card com Entiirdny at tho A. A. A. field No. garden for the army athletic fund, Prtroil sr it ,i6 IMIs.leMIS 36 tl represent colors: Sr nnother and Innded Firemen vs. National. featured IHUy American Association, to the American pares very favorably with others to First with Wellman's assistance W. Prt. During tho coming week tho mem- right to tho rhln. Hammer's left Trtm W, I. Pet Trtm I. Hobby Jones, Jr.. Atlanta; Jc" bo staged In southwest on tho and got Joe Lynch a furlough Juif T ; 9 .4)3 Jr., entered tho National to the hend was wldn and tho cham thn Sunday Krtiool Lenguo St Tsui 40 ,2t Kinut Ot; tS Guilford, Hoston; Charlos Kvans, ber whf havo day. no question before the regiment s departuro ror InilliaspolU 112 10 .311 Lwuruie 32 St ,m Boston, . the In pion landed tnn rights to the head. fall ho There's With Cory back In tho game Chicago; Francis oulmet, tim neanMntlnn match for Is so tight" Dick Milwaukee r,s ,3To rolumboi 11 tt .382 Sweet-ro- r. CO Leonard snapped over but that It n good deal better than YESTEft0 France, that he could is Chicago; Jesae a right to K, they S 11 Hay Gardner, dividual chnmplonihtp at yards dish to bo nerved up to Okla Thurston, for tho First M. Loadman. was ono of the illciicipolU 61 .553 Toledo tl ,3U position. tho head and clubbed Hammer on the Played urn lant bxscball behind him It fastest huulliern Assvctstlon, New York; Max Maraton, Phila- fired In nrono homa City fans In tho clasli bo and prettiest tights I ever looked W. Trtm w, L. F.I. Pitts- pol- tho hoad nt tho boll. whllo ho held tho hard hitting Or-cu- tt Trim I. i delphia, and W, C. Fowncs, Jr., Slnco tho sovero retrenchment tweon Hob Honer and Hilly Mlske. at. Mentis 39 .633 Plrmlncbim 92 3" .113 burgh. Paul, nnd government loft no bunch to ono meaaley blnglo DAYS fl 31 H. It. Johnston. St. icy of tho has That's another match whero tho Joo went to tho war, was a star Mobllf 63 43 ,611 t'ruttaiKmca 10 .136 Rudynrd Kncpper, Sioux City, Iowa, money available to send national Worchculcr Goes in mixing may bo eutertnlnlng but tho nnd that a scratch lilt. This Is the In the army 'e Orlrint 61 in .96 Kubillle 61 ,iti teams to tho Cory's second one hit game of the in action nnd a star LI1IU lock 62 10 .939 AtUnls 10 61 .381 were named alternates. cuard or civilian rlflo result Is not In doubt, Mlsko being rings, saw a lot of real fighting British team, composed n Cnmp 1'crry, Ami Mack Drops Out season. Tho playing of shortstop ESULTS Teias JuRlie. W, pie national matches conceded u big edgo on ltopor. with the boys tho and fin Trim W. L, rrt., Tetm U Pel. ft plnnnlng to Dunhnm of M. E. also at front 31 .16) Bernard Darwin, ltoger WethenU Ohio, tho local club Is First featured ally came home unhurt, a llttlo run Worth 20 11 ,T13 flilrnton 18 Cyril Tolley, W. IP. between Ihn clubs or Tho came was called at the end ot t r. 91 t .6117 I IliHHlnn 13 31 .361 Robert Harris. J. stRgo a match B. gaunt and thin, but full ambition. .3111 Antoolo 23 It. Hooman, Colin decldo tho state cham- Sl'IHNaFIKLI). Mass.. Aug. Mldgt'ts lllank Drillers. the sixth Inning. Score 0 and 0. This of mil,. 21 13 n 14 JIK Torrance, C. V. the. state to Loaguo Wetrrn lscue. Fighting In a ring was mild sport BUmrfort IS 10 .III! Peiuinont 9 26 .337 C. Aylmer, Cavan, V. W1HU The Hastern club, formerly RPHINOFIULD. Mo.. Aug. 5.. puts a handicap on urcutt as tney AT TV1SA 0. OMAHA I. John cap- pionship nt In Ues MolnM 4. for Joe. He cleaned up his rivals Wnteru Assoelatlan. MacKentle Angus Hambro, was: Yorceter, but which was taken Paul Jones held the vlaltor now havo three tied games which At OKUhom City I. W, rrt. Tetm W, I. Prt. and Tho score yesterday John City 10. I. Two ot the Tela I. United Statti o away and located In Fltchburg nt helpless today nnd Springfield won they will have to play In order to go At Flout Wichita one after another. Colli ' 5 ,S11 lliAIIMrr 11 19 .421 tain, sailed for tho Namo At St. Joupli 3, Dcnvrr :. fights I In were 14 ,413 3, The plJ .45 4R 91 tho opunlng of tho season by M. J. tho second camo of tho sorlcs from Into first place. The hard hitting best saw him llrnrrtlU :i IS ,51 Scrtncllfld 30 on August Fownes said. 1. Harry llrlU ... American Sharkey, wns go-In- rr Joplia 18 16 .629 Fort Smllh 14 23 ,3VJ bo Scotch fou . 42 85 .Mo.M.mon .laoit). tna wncr. Okmulgee 3 0. visiting Uapttst bunch Jumped onto Ifusoo. ngalnst Jack who nt Southampton will Everlmrt . ,.43 t.iacK to Tho First . I. Okmulgee 16 19 1ST 11 31 .311 2. Will hpc.-iu.'.- get Collego 8 At Potrolt lloilon like a champion then and looked I's.huiis some, S6 hole An August 2S tini Onmblll , .40 42 S2 ho could not n luari on players were retired In order, nnd Wright of hill for rune At Chicago !, Washington f. Mouthnentern 3. Luther Lynch him. W. singles on August 29. Hngllsh ..42 .IS 80 tho Worcester ball nark at terms local outfielders mnu. dui one put- - whllo the best Collego hill could do At 1, Nw Totk T. unbeatable. Hut beat Trim W. L rrt, Trtm L. Pet 4. Frank Cllindlunula 4, l'MladilphU 1. Sharkey fights Lynch was 22 12 .611 Tot 16 20 . . . .41 31 70 that suited him, Is returned to Wor- out. was l run off of Saunders. First At Rl. In his lodTd'rnes .III B, Ed I'rccman always Musif- - ,20 13 .666 Hsllm IT 21 In 3S 70 cester by notion of thn league, tak 11. K, Christians defeated 2nd Pres by 1 to National lamif. staggered several times, but ' .lit Joplln Wins Tenth. 6. E. Oarrlson ..41 Score by Innings; Jl. Ilronklyn Cincinnati Ital- Kspulpe 19 14 .." llutlMnw 19 30 .429 Mo.. Aug. 8. A tripH J. H en a meeting 5 1 0. At came back at the tough little 20 JOPLIN, 7. Dick liroklng . . ..24 24 nt in this city. Okmulgee .,..000 000 000 At lioilon t. rittibursh . coirerrtili It It .52J Blrtlrrrtlil It .413 Greens 4K 1 crew ian with such speed und fury that by Davis In the tenth scored W. E. 1'owell . .CS 19 was Invited to dlsposo ot his Springfield ..101 000 lOx J 11 The Doston Ave. wrecklnr At , SI. Louli 1, Joplln 8. 19 32 tho Jumped onto Immanuel last night Chicago T. Sharkey, not Lynch, was on in with the winning run nnd 0. Harry Cllnp . . . ..13 Interest in club nnd ho did, the llatterles iiaty ana Agnow: At Kiw Totk II,. Oil Stnrs Wnnt Gamin. Moles- Innguo selecting tho purchaser, who Jones and White. on the Cosden grounds getting 10 Amrrlrnu Aclstlon. defensive. In the end Lynch was There hns been a now club organ- took a pitchers' battle from Indians. Is Albert Powell of New Haven, runs In C innings oft of Smith, the At Columbut 41, Minneapolis 10-- undoubted master of the fltld. ised from the several clubs now in ter today, 2 to 1. , liens Heat Indlanapnlla MJIwaukta Surprise, Innings: R. 1J "; Aug 6 Henrycttn who got tho franchlso with the vetornn Immanuel hurler while the At IiYiich's Come. Hack n the Oil league whio haggregntlon de. Score by HENKYKTTA. ng Knld Heats Iliirlo. best Immanuel could do with Allen At Tolado II, 8t. Paul I. Jon astonished tho snorting world McAlester ..010 000 000 him In th? third inn ho would return It to At Louisville I. Kansas City . sires games with some ot the fnst 01 bunched game of the Worcester, whero President Dan FOHT SMITH. Ark.. Aug. B. of Doston slants wan 6 runs. ThU by whipping Kid Herman of Now nround Tulsa. Joplln .. ..000 001 000 12 and took tho second Hnathwrttrrn Iasue. a teams Bogart White; in- Pnwhuskn. 7 to 1. Art- - O'.N'ell ot tho league hai made ar l'.nld bunched hits on Harle In the puts Doston in 3rd place while Im At Independtnr S, Hutchinson I. Orleans, bantam champion and The club Is a pot pourl composed of Batteries and tmm - place. days be cleared tho banes with a homo rangements for uso of the nark. first Inning- and took a lead that manucl drops to fourth At lurtlfsvllle-lluskot-s- tain. mlchtv clever boxer, a few the best players now playing In the grain and Hlnkle. klpj wns not. overcome, winning 4 to At Topeka 0. Ssllna 1 Herman went to England tor lengue. The action means that McMahon Colfsyvllls . fore Tulsa Oil Any run in tne - by Innings: K At fiapulpa 1, ngnt Score by Innings-mi. u. h. i.. gets cut of baseball. That ho had Score It. H. Troop I Defeats Owasso. Trass Lrnsur. an International championship mutineer deslrious of booking a game 1 300 001 8 4 Jimmy I'awhttska ...000 010 000 1 0 ucb Intention In Indicated by tho Enid 0004 Troop-- had an easy time de At Oalvfston 4, namnnl 1. with Wl de. The astonisn with this club please call J. K. . 000 OO- x-7 S 1 fact that he had disposed ot most Fort Smith ..000 020 0002 7 featInK owasso Troop 1 In a ono At Houston. Run Antonio, ratn. mcnt grow when Herman knockod make at Cedar 1854 or addressing lranryetta .100 Palls, Buravsport, bo iamt BASEBAU Howard nnd Bpollmnn: of tho aseetfl of thn club In tho way Batteries Abrams and Diamond; sided game, hero Saturday. When Aat Wichita Wilde out. showing that he hadn't abovo person at 1211 Kast Twenty-firs- t Batteries Hayes, Harlo nnd Ping. stopped missed tram. lost anv class. Coming back Her Cunden, Jolsma and ot pinycis before tho league Invited the ringing of base hits At Calls 8. Fort Worth . street, Tulsa, Okla. TODAY him to retire. Troop 4 had the game sewed up 23 Southern Assoewllon. man beat a lot of gopd bantams and s 4. I. xyncn s Pells InteiH-st- in Hills. . Jack I'lynn has boon selected to Hurt In Plcnlo Kmnshup. to 3. At Ntw dries ns Nashvllts then cot another flcht with Get No. Hit Star. an- At Chattanoosa Atlanta bo In a -- Aug. 5 It was manage tho Worcester team. sue. "Andy Gump" Murry, Troop 4 1 At this tlmo Joo seemed to Tenn., Aug. 5. Tom CINCINNATI, AIIDMOUE, Aug. fi. Mrs. M. A, the At Mobile T. Msmphls Ills). you nniSTOU here today that Jul us coedlng McMahon, nnd Powell, the ace, was In the box he 4. Mlttt Hock T. slumn. He was so skinny could Rich, pitcher of the Cleveland team nounced of. Cin- Davis, 70 years old, ot Mangum and At lllrmlnisham OILERS Fleischmnn. former mayor now owner, plans to strengthen It and should have had a shutout as the rveotern Aitloe. stand behind him and count his of the Appalachian league, who re- York, sold nt once. At 13 At Joplln 1. MoAlesisr 1. was eager and quick. double-head- er cinnati now of New has present It Is a sorry tho eldest member of a party ot three runs were gifts. He struck , front ribs. He cently pitched and won a holdings In tho Cincinnati looking Class A hum At Kprlnsfleld . Okmuties strength He VS. hie i entire nrcrcentlnn nnd who were on a picnic truck this aft out 11 men. Clark, Heath, Handy At llenryetta 7, rswhuska 1. but his wasn't there. for his team against Bristol, National leaguo been n stendy games 4. championship, al baseball tcun In tho loer of under ernoon was seriously Injured when and Hooker were the hitting stars of At Kurt Smith t. Hnld lost the and allowing no hits and no runs in the 6Br. shores to Lou Wlldrle. Au. s Handling. tho game, though he came back and fought first game, has been sold to the St gust Herrman nnd Walter Vrledland. tho brakes of the car slipped and Owasso , . ,.000 000 003 3 3 Pntrnna of n vending machine In with greater skill and speed than Louis Drowns. Hlch by most critter heavy owners On tho gone by. OMAHA cr, who nro nlroad roof of a hotel lo bo erct It ran nway down n hillside nnd Troon 4 . ..131 663 Six 23 21 vented by a Wisconsin man shoot ever, he seemed to have Is held, to be the best pitcher de- nunoiinced. will od In C hicago five, bungalows The irirsfor. it is will ho eras' cd Into a tree. Until nt her Hatterles Pyott. It. Smith. Holer coins from a pistol at targets wnicn nnd few expected mm 10 come oacn veloped 'n this league this season Double-Heade- r Today, First n on tuu management mint, wiin gardout mid tennis und lower I mbs are It I Aiassey, canny or bae frot pan shattered and and Monger. Murry and it niL release oiner cut azaln. Tho Browns buy him on recommen- P. M ot tho cjub mum courts, thoueht hx wns lnimd Inturmillv, I Haudv, lues, Aleanwhlla Johnny Duff, the rug dation at their ficout. Jack Ryan. Game Startirut at 2s30