NSN6 Comparing and Orderin
Name:_________________________ 1 8 0 % ( 5 6 ( 16 ( 1 8 0 ( 5 $ 7 , 2 1 & 203$5,1*$1' 2 5 ' ( 5 , 1* ' ( & , 0 $ / 6 'RQ·WIRUJHWWRSOD\WKH2UGHULQJ'HFLPDOVJDPHILUVW*RWRPDWKIURJFDIRUWKHOLQN 1. Fill each blank with > or <. Remember that because 9 is greater than 5, we write 9 > 5. a) 54.45___45.54 b) 0.123___0.120 c) 3.333___33.33 d) 1000000___100000.01 2. On the number line, place a dot at each of the given numbers. a) 0.57, 0.68, 0.60 b) 0.223, 0.210, 0.207 c) 0.105, 0.110, 0.113 3. On the number line, place a dot at each of the six decimals. Then, write the decimals in order. a) 0.123, 0.112, 0.212, 0.221, 0.121, 0.222 Decimals: b) 0.8, 0.88, 0.89, 0.898, 0.888, 0.869 Decimals: c) 0.2, 0.02, 0.002, 0.01, 0.1, 0.12 Decimals: 4. a) Match each decimal with a picture of the corresponding fraction. One has been done for you. 0.25 x x DID YOU KNOW? 0.5 x x There are 293 different ways to make change for a dollar! One example is 50¢, 0.2 x x 25¢, 10¢, 10¢, 1¢, 1¢, 1¢, 1¢¸1¢. 0.4 x x 0.333 x x b) Write these decimals in order from smallest to largest. Expectation: i) represent, compare, and order decimal numbers from 0.001 to 1 000 000; ii) demonstrate an understanding of place value in whole numbers and decimal numbers from 0.001 to 1 000 000.
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