China, Japan Approve Manchurian Armistice
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mg Devoted to Developing the Great Bay District Established Oct 13, 1875 Member Associated Press TEMPERA Tt'BIg FORECAST . Hterh te (put 24 houra, I a.m.) Low H Cloudy tonight and Satui'daT. unsettled at times in West: moderate temperature; I A. M. READINGS IN OTHER CtTX** moderate north to northwest winds. ; LM AnielM -*-,*.. t Lake OUT •** OCEA.N TIDES Boston ,-BlVnHf u_ ' " TI Tamea __—__-__•••_• Vert . • ***-* Huh Lev Pittsburgh 64 Kansas CStS • II 6:40 a ..... 7r2S p.m..0:24 a.m.: 1 37 p.m. Des Moines _ _ 54 San Francisco - M ION RISES | ' ' SON SETS EVE LOOK New Orleana _73 Chlcaio SS 6:31 o'clock: • 4:41 o'clock (AP)—The Associated Press (UP)—The United Press " (CNS)—City News (CPA)—Consolidated Press TRICE TWO CENTS VOLUME LVH NUMBER 281 SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1931 CHINA, JAPAN APPROVE MANCHURIAN ARMISTICE Red Cross Nurse Re-Elect Mayor Herman Michel Jobless to Sip Royal Outlaw Democrats Will The Evening Outlook is for the re-election of Mayor MAY ASK U. S. TO Herman Michel because we believe him to be the best equipped candidate before the voters in this campaign. And Army Lassie Tills is written ln full recognition of the unquestioned Up Saturday for Fi?fit Tax Raise honesty and standing of his opponents in the race. «_» MEDIATE STRIFE In the 40 years he has lived in the Bay district, Herman At Tront' A?ain Michel has built/a business house that for extent of trade Aoueduct Wor! Io Lower Frame PARIS, Nov. 20 (UP)—-China and Japan have acceptsd and standards of quality has few if any superiors ln South an armistice in the Manchurian conflict "to principle," the Girls Selling Tickets to ern California. He has grown up with the Bay district. The Registration Expected to Bourbon Spokesman Says league of nations secretariat announced today. The council Theater Benefits for progressive group among the livestock and dairymen of Attract Throngs to Sales Levy, Exemption also announced that both nations had accepted the proposal the coast count him among its leaders. City's Jobless City Hall Bureau Cut Unacceptable ln principle to send a commission of inquiry Into Manchuria. Before Michel became mayor of Santa Monica he had I Chinese and Japanese reservations to the proposal will be Memories of war days were served honestly and efficiently as a member of the Venice Close to 1,000 men from the WASHINGTON. Nov. 20 stated at a public council session Saturday afternoon. Tha revived in Santa Monica today board of education and as president of the Santa Monica- I ranks of Santa Monica's un (UP)—Democrats served no council, it was reported, favored a neutral commission, head when 60 young women, Ocean Park Chamber of Commerce. His first election in a employed are expected to tice today they would oppose ed by an American of the type of Gen. John J. Pershing, Am dressed In the uniforms of recall campaign was by a majority of only 300 votes. After | storm the city hall tomorrow any attempt to increase taxes bassador Charles G. Dawes or Chief Justice Charles Evans morning when representatives on the "little fellow." This Hushes. While China and Japan Salvation Army lassies and he had been ln office two years, he was re-elected for the accepted the commission Idea "la Red Cross nurses enlisted in battle I of the Metropolitan water distric* was the way they met Secretary oi four-year term by the largest vote ever given a candidate begin the registration of applicant: the Treasury Mellon's proposals for War Bulletins principle,'* tie formal acceptance de*» against destitution and started tbe pended entirely, on adjustment. Iff sale of ticket! for the benefit per for office in Santa Monica, a majority of more than 2,000 for work on the $220,000,000 aque Increased normal taxes, lowering oi duct. Registration will begin at I) exemptions to make more people pay the questiorfsKef evacuation of formances to be given ta Bay dis over the combined vote of his opponents. ANGANCHI, Man-Tnirla. Nov. troops, on which both the Chinese trict theaters next Wednesday as a. m. Only men who have been taxes and a "selective" sales tax that ttt (UP1—An Independent govern- residents of this city for one year among other things "would levy en and Japanese are expected to make part of the national drive by the In addition to his business training and ability, there is mrnt ta HelluoKklang province official declarations tomorrow. motion picture industries for un or more will be eligible. such "semi-luxuries" ae automobiles! waa declared at Tsitsihar today by employment relief. an even stronger reason why the voters of Santa Monica Santa Monica citizens will gel and radios. Mellon wants to raise a Chang C'hin-llul, the Chinese po The lassies and nurses made then- should elect Michel at this time. He has declared himself about 4 per cent of the jobs avail billion dollars to balance the budget. litical leader, who was carried to NEUTRAL GROUP WILL first appearance between quarters of able on the aqueduct projects if they House Group Silent power with the Japanese army ad INVESTIGATE CONDITIONS in an unequivocal manner for the manager form of govern are apportioned on the basis of the TOKIO. Nov. 20 (JD — The gov the benefit football game played ! assessed valuations of the various The Mellon program, which also vance ta Manchuria. by the 8anta Monica and Inglewood ment as the next forward step for Santa Monica to take. include, some Increases in surtax ernment announced today that*- a cities comprising the district. The group made of the American, high school teams. From now until This places his candidacy ln a class by itself. No other work is expected to get under way Never again, it seems, will Don rates on large incomes, has been en WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 Ut**- next Wednesday night they will be Alfonso de Bourbon wear the dorsed by several senate admlnlstra- Washington haa been informed French, British and Polish military candidate has taken this position. \ some time next spring and will call attaches would start today for Man ln evidence throughout the district. \ for the services of men trained in royal finery in which he is tlon leaders, though house republi tbe Japanese armies will retire Dr. Smyley ia Charge pictured above, for today he ls a can leaders, r— the most part, have from Tsilslhar, barring untoward churia, as official guests, to Investi It means that he stands for tiie divorcement of city I various trades, as well as for a great gate actual conditions there. Dr. Dorothy Smyley, with an ex amount of unskilled labor. "man without a country." thus far declined to commit them developments, as soon as they fin administration from politics and for the adoption of the stripped even of his right to set selves. The latter, however, are gen ish defeating thoroughly the Chi At the same time official circles perience gained in the World war, Registration will continue on flatly denied that Japan had made methods followed in all successful business concerns. He alternate Saturdays, being carried foot upon Spanish soil ns the erally acquiescent to a tax rise as nese General Mah. is director general of the drive. The result of a decree declaring htm necessary to balance the budget. acceptance of its five-point demand recruits are representatives of the finds his warrant for this in the experience of 442 cities of | on in the office of the city engineer on China a necessary condition foi* five relief agencies which will be l on the second floor of the city hall. guilty of treason. The tax bill must originate in the MUKDEN. Manchuria, Nov. 20 the United States that have demonstrated by years of ex house. And within the next few its approval of a Manchurian inves given the receipts from the benefit WP)—The bodies of 11 Japanese tigation by an official commission performances. These are the Salva perience that the manager plan means economy for the days leaders there, both democratic dead, the flrat casualties of Expert Will Study and republican, are expected to de of the League of Nations, tion Army, the Red Cross, the taxpayer and accomplishment for ths city. New cities are Wednesday's Nonni river battle, Inquiry Approved Council of Social Welfare, the Bu velop the general outlines of their together with SO wounded soldiers, reau of Catholic Charities and the added to the roll of the manager plan every year—38 in the Broadcasting Room Spain Banishes plana. arrived here by train today. A It was emphasized, however, that Parent-Teacher organizations. last year—and of the total of 442 that have adopted it since Dr. Vern O. Knudsen, of the The man who will be chairman of group of weeping women met the Japan considers this as a consider S. C. Frost, chairman of the San physics department at the Univer the house ways and means commit train. able concession on her part and it ta Monica-Ocean Park chapter of 1908, only 36 have reverted to older forms of government sity of California at JUxs Angeles, tee, if the democrats organize—Rep. waa intimated that the original in the American Red Cross; Capt. Vic during that entire time, and these through machinations of will make an acoustical analysis James W. Collier of Mississippi— TIENTSIN, China, Nov. 20 (m— tention was to compromise on a tor Bowyer, of the Salvation Army: self-seeking politicians who play government for their own of room 32 in the Library building, Its Former King made it plain that he would fight Martial law was decbufed here two-fold suggestion — that the Mrs.