.. ·~;~~~~~~;!, ~!~t~~t. "'" .:.. , .. ~-__,_T_h_e_.·_· _·l_n_:·.,...... !!!g~·: ~h:..:...__· _a~: r-:-l_1_·G_._,__. o_· -u___;· · _n_· ·.·_t---.!!!y!___.__·~-- J_e_~~~_:w_~.Din-~ll~'_S_.. \. ~ _ ~1,200 nhove expenses was re·il'j?lltnl sracc dl·oppecl $350, naclng - turned hy the l!l5G county fair, fees nlon fr~ll nff· by $•JOO. Nlnoty-Sevrmth Year, No, 38 ~.~sbn, Ml~:hlgan, Thursday, September 20, 1956 nncorrllng to Uw rcpurt suh·j Pmenmls fmm sules of ·Hf and mined to supervisors Monday. scrarnhle steers WC!!'e up hy $2,· 'l'olal Income! this year wu~. 400 hut that limn. cltd n!Jt In· unly ulmut $750 mom than In' creusn llw rrotlt of Llw .fulr. l!l55 bLit expenses were lower./ Hor~c• rudng dlt!hursemo)lt.; Primary Fund '!'he Income wns gmut cmuugh to wem $Hi,ts and councilmen who have bellcved all '';pu'rchasecl it. The belts happened Dunckel· told >!U!Jcr·vlsors Jre Buili(er !·Ill!: . Felt Piaiiis,·· $1,· part of the new sanctua1•y be,inl:< com~leted.".. 1n 1892 Epworth pletect, t.hc-.pr:esent.·sanctuary., will to come wilh the car. lie said he appreciated the opportunity to 0<12.26; Labcrteaux, $754.74; Bir· e'reded adjacent to· the old'. ; · ,League hall was added to the be converted into an educational reports .....-_ · ,} · · -~ ·• · of BarTy's promises::Ue lies rfght figured to malr nt ----·.-- the building ami contents were pervisors said, because of ~flp~al8 report won't mean too much any. Grand nap!.;s has declared that S~ffers reduced to ashes. Services ·were tal(en from county equaltzatwn. way," Taylor· said. All Improve· the GOC program Is important School Damage While the nppeals tnl

' ~· ( ', • :· J .:;. :~ .l· ~· .

\' ' ,' provided 0 clewr game. ship will soon he lnvlte,l to the Chrlstlnn Sclonm ehurch; MI'R, He wns born ,July 2tJ, 1874, nt Hnmon Murtlnez, Mason, was cnm·t lllls werlt were llst(•rl hy lndPr-GJenn post · No, 510 next: Mrs. Boemnll gllve the secretnryH town hall Jo. rllsfllss township Clll'lstlnc Herzig, Losl!e Music Pulusld to Roher! Clinton. nnrl tnlmn Into custody Monclay night him 11s .follows: SHJIIg- duh; Mrs; l{cnneth Austin, Nnrw;r Marla Knowels Bra!!. For Monduy evrmlng, Seplemt1er ~4. report·, zoning, for rlrlvlng pn •EI mvolferl llce11Se. Don Phillips, Mason, running Having Degrees Wolvc'r·lne Boys Slate if! con• -- Losllo Hobhy club and OES; Mrs. 2•1 >'ears, Mr. llrull op.ernted a He plenr!ed !(l\llly Wednesday and stop sign, $·1.~0. dueled by I he state Amorlcun Lo· Mr•. an(! Mr~. Clnrence Mill· An.hnpoJ•fnnt point nhnul r.on· Halnil Wehor, Lamplighters club; hm•rlwnre slorC! nt Pnrmu, Dur~ wns.glven fi days In jnll, Officers · President or the Stoclthl'iclge hoU""· p.tj·en"ncl Ill!! DclJ•oii·New lng Is thai It Is nnt retmact.ivc Mrs, Erl Blnd ~ Whlli! lli1CI Mrs. In'' the• fllt~u·e." "· _. llH, WIll (!f)meH MrH. C. C. Hall, Mtlslc Slurjy E,; sons, Dr, Robcl'l. C. of Quincy, master's der,ree this summpr, at elect govornmont off.I.Clqj11 trom D!lVId Glenn wr.re Po-hosto~sos· ut club; Mrs. Ru~scll H. Shaw, J3np- Donnlrl L. or ,Jaelmon anrl .Tar:lt flier!, It wns lndlrnterl 'I'hmsclny. Dougl11~ J·Jryser·, Lansing, the recent bcull'fl meetlllif· T]Jey rlruln mmmlsslonorR to 11 govtlr· the Wnfle home Sntul'dny eve· ho~t·d fuJ•ilwr oxplnlnerl tlst olmrch; Mrs. Ethel McLillll, D. nf Mnsnn; hrolhr.rs, Theron of ,Judge Adams found 'Am!Jers sperrllng. $12. Ttf 1 nrc: Donovan Cronkhl(l!, Agrlcul· nor. It Is n very pmclleul educp· nlng,, nt a ll'fclllln shower· for 11 H1 11e w 10 1 c 11 111' lu~hlnrl ~onlng Splrltunllst. r:hurch: Mrll. nuth Hm•ton nnd Gl!'nn nf Homer; anrl Snmons of Holi: guilty Thmsrlny Clnlr Fllf!!t, Lnnslng, allowing 1ure; Robert M~Ciew, mallw· lion In govennncmt. Connie CJ&rl' of Tocums!!h, Is one of lwlpfulnoss lr) rJQiermln· Elrler·, clrect represonlntlve ot 6 grnndehlldrPil. on n cl1nrge of r·ecltless driving. rtil unlicensed 11Pr~on to ch·lvr, $4. matlcs; nnd Harland Nye, hand IJplcJe•tO·hr. of ,Terry Bal'lnn, son lng how the gJ•onto.~t good fm· !he Scrvir•e Connell; Mrs. c. J-I, W!il· Rev. Willard Del'·ll~ llCJie:.. for. a · frlrndl;r. uluh .. get·to­ son, with· rheodore Swift .appear· · D 11 11 II ·• 1 011 ~~~vl~f;e C~~fi!Jl/okf~g ~~~d~~~ Mrs. Elizabeth HFnrly we)•e P, ;1, ~ ~~Hfl!. Itt 11 n -·· nt Clawson ship I here .·nre nrens oJ' r*triels lng· fm• the people...... av r · nn·o r. 1'r nn, 1 o, 11 GA.R hnll, ware Mrs. FJ•cd Heuer, :{!ot:Jler and· horse .show at tha Icing contrar.t for the elementary Fleming of Munith nnd son, John, . · · w .e. • , . such 118 f:mnlng Ul'flns,. residen· cha!rmun for Leslie township; [\ncl B.o.h _Hnffman farm, The Benny. Fletcher or Stocldll'lrlge speeding, $1,1. · .~)Ice w!ls found guilty hy . .Jnclge Roher! SIJ·pets, Slorkhrlrlge, schools. - · of White Plains, New YorJ1, Mx%· · Mr.. llnd Mrs. l~:rnest Sm1th ~nrl tlnl amos without tnrmR, pa1•k Mrs. Rleharcl Frohr)ep, sr~r·eJnry; nc.xt ~egulai r hlh·mP('IIng wlll-hr __.. ______spr.erllng, $10 .. George WlnterR !IIIII IJ!lughter,· ;I,.orettiJ Dr!lves will attend B11l:1 and playgmun!l nrens und oihers, Authorized Willi the Plii'Chase KathJ·yn, of Pontiac and WJI) g:r{IQIJIJ.IIon nt Gre!lt Lnltes tmln· • The whole plan Is designed to ancl Mrs. Otto l~anchor, trcnsurm·.· Or.to'br.r 2: ... AlfrPrl Stnplr.ton, Plnelmey, of 3 adrlltlon!ll new Royal type· Cavendrw of .Jnclrlngs to Hi the 11pend the weclt end there. environments against practice.~ Chest aide from Lansing; and Roll Bn~l• DruilllneH Tolrl Allnnn Isanhart, Gmnrlvll!e, no numbnJ• of Royal typewrJtnr" Glen Drown agam led In Hhoot~ " ~' " Mr, lind MrR. John Oshorr1e ,"ncl · whleh would be ciel'n". ato.ry, and Lawrance Linde mer, area ehujr- . Sept em her 21 ~ Is . the deadline rhnuff,~ur's lierm~e. $2. • ad(lnd till" "Ummer Now "0 inrr_ honors Suncla,Y with 2 ~ounds ''I " .. mnn from St·oclly year's drive were Mrs. Robert VAtlon commlttres off!J1P.s Jm•atrrl · 1 1 r· th M 1wve returne 10me a ter.spen . ,., " 11 'l'l]e 26 attending guests were en- 1 $" t 100 Carts, Mrs. Joe Carls, Mrs. Dunne in eacl1 county. . I I I I I 1 ' ng, ''1' men ary RC · · rorn· e C· ing the summer at Houghlon Ornl!hll, Nebraska. They attended to tho desl~natlon ?f the nature .er a 11 ~' 1 IY P ayrng shower Donna Allen, Mlrllnnrl, running Fadden ·corporation In Lanl'llng. Lalte. nora! .services for a relative. of each chstrlct, 1ts suitability Kinch, Mrs. Harold Huffine and games. Aftel' Mrs. Dulte opened stop sign, $4.50. Mrs. Frohriep. · Memhers of the honrd of trus- F\tture ·mnterlal bids wll1' he Guests of Dr. and Mrs. ·G. D. 'Mr; jlnd Mrs·. Herold Ludtke, for particular uses as well as to gifts for the baby, refrPsiHnl'nts Fl• oyr 1 p cmn 1nglon, Cl. Jarlnflc, asked for drapes for the elemen- Culvar the past week were. her Mr.Pnd MrR. Elmer Lehman and sttndards to be observed in rlls· Caplalns of solicitation groups tees of the Congregational' church wcre Pervert. ' running stop sign, $.J. tary school nnd for basl\ethall 2 sisters and their husbands of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barber attended P?oal of sewage, the maintenance present were: VIllage of Leslie, and their spouses ·met iit· the 1 Rollnnrl Eckstnnn, Saginaw, black ?onrds· fo r the new gymnn· Milwaulwe, Wisconsin, Mr. and the '40 et 8 initiation and dinner nJ w.aiCJ' supplies or the provision huslness, George Luecht; reslclim· home of Mr. am! Mrs. Paul .Jupp J~uel,ro Clnh 1\li!t~l.~ speerllng, $10. s mn 111 the h1 gh school. Mrs. Roy Phillipp and Mr. nnd at J.,nnsing Saturday evening. !~Jr fire pr·event Ion or other health tlai,(Mrs. Ed Blacl' and Mr. and Mrs. Don Kuhls am! Mrs. Ruth Q~iffen in night at Turney's honoring Mrs. arbJtrnry. They must he reason· ship, Mrs. Lloyd Blaclpend· vacation to Washington, D. C., entertained by Mrs. Lu Hoepcke . Speaking in behalf of the drive day; hand prai~t.Jce, . 7 p.. m., Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Clarlt Mr. Moore wn~ horn April lG, mg 3 weelts m ·Michigan. ancl' the Smol:. v.crn Glo~er, chall'J?lan of b~fore the Lions club will. be Mr. ~hursclay; . choll' pract ire, S · p. entertained at Sunday dinner Mr. 1870, In Mr. and ivlrs. Isaiah ~------:--....------,tWerlrlP!ulav, September 26, at 1:30 the Leslie Serv1ce Council, ancl NICholas nnd Mr. Linde mer. A m., Thursday.·· , and Mrs. Dave Edwards of Flint. Moorc.at White Church, Canada. p.m ... M1·s. Mary Agnew, secretar·y, told speaker will nlso ·address the · Sunday guests o£ Mr. and Mt·s. At lhe age of Hl, he went ln. ' members of the council· of plans Teach.ors clith. Any other group · · · D' 1 C 1 · b th · Not·th Dakota. It was there he Win. atllllJ' Re~n·o·1'[. IC\ onner were 1er ro· er-m- , Stockbridge Uaptlst, James E. for the coming season's work at wishing to have a·spealtor•. 10:30 a. m., the ,recent meeting. United Che~t Fun (I facts before Chnr·le Be t t J f 'I f sclwol I eacher formerly of Ma; .: The . mercury • clroppcd . to . ~ s nne s, · anr amr y o 'worship service; 11:35, a. m., A more complete repres~nlf!tion. ~heir .• meetrng. shoulcl contact Lansing son. She died in Fe!Jrunry of this from each club and other• ·groups 'Mrs.' Fr;ed Heuer, the Leslie chair· new low fcir. the season in the . '· · · . , . . M M f ch~rc11 school,- Irene Cobb, supar· night Wednesday; A .low of .Mr. and Mrs. Lee Swartz and year. r·. oorl' was a armer. · · VC)Iume 97,flo. 38 .~ intendant; 7:15 p. m., .Junior ami interested in the alleviation ·of man:· 29 PUBLISHED THUR~DAY AFTERNOONS IN THE ~ITY Of suffering ot· general problems Tlte· breaiHlown .of' the $2175 1yas recorded \Vhich incllcates if .family of Perry nnd Mr. and Mr~. A daughter, Mrs. Maude Fer- SeJtio'l' B. Y. F., adult union, ,John it's MASO!'!, MICHIGArl , within the Leslie area was urged. quota for this y~ar is: United your toniatoe~ aren't. canned, Burt Swart~ .ancl family of Ver- nand of Alsen, North Dakota, Prentice, leader, subject', "Are montville v•srtr. t th 1 t8 came to Mason :3 weeks ago lo "lnt.red •• aecoad olau matter at vostolflce, Ill a son, Michigan, un~er Act The record of families and in- Community chesl services, $1100; probably too lat(?. · PrecipitatiOJi , · .. c e r paren ' help care for hc1· fnther. He had We Ready for Christ's Return?" amounted to .06 of an inch, which Mr. nml Mts, Lee Swartz, Satur· · · · o! March 3, l87D . . . · p. · m,, evangelistic hour. The dividuals helped ~ince the last Leslie service council, $500; lay heen sick for the past mont h. 1¥0th annual Michigan Baptist meeting of lhe group was read. CHOP, $300; cancer,'·$150; Girl fell on the 18th. Average tem- ·c · · · . Other survivors arc another Mrs. C. C. Hall gave the treafi· Scouts, $100 and operating ex· perature for ·the wee!\ ·was 57. . Mr. n~d Mrs. Cec1l Rosebury l:lU~CRIP-J'iON J!ATES convention convenes in the First against 69 for the average a· and famrly drove to Byron Su~- daughter, Mrs. Amold ilolherg of One re~r In· fnll'~oin and Dleploy advertl•lng ratoe on •P· ··Baptist church of .Jacl was earned by the. class sell· lng l)omemade candy, salt water taffy,. cupcakes and paper:. last ye11r. .. I ~--~----- .MICKEL,S()N~iiAKE:R • Ketchl~aJt; Alnskit, lies 500 miles closet• to the Orient than :I aiw part of the · conthterital -/. Lumbe.- Co·. · .United States, the National Geo· & r "YOUR. .·.. TOWN COUNTRY' . 'YA'RD'' ;;;f:~~~~~----..~-:-~-----..;....;..;....-...~..;..-1 sraphlc. So~lety says.. , · · · 1 se,.vioemen , Cnrlton B. Dennett, son of Mr•, lrmve, grnclttntes will report lo ·County Acquires nnil Mrs, Peter H. Bl!nnctt of lihiphonrrl duties or tJCI'Vice Wyeth .Take$ R!ch&rcl A. I.nxlon wns recent· 2[)~0 Plr!IIIIJs rorul, MnHon, grnrlu· .~chnols dorwncling on the qunllll· Jy promoted to nlrmun 2/n nnd ·ntcd fi"Om t·eer•ult tmlnlng Sept. t'llllnn!l rnd1 hns domonnmtml. ... ~erving h POll· , Pa reels of Land is with tho 7171 nh· 8 al tlw Nnval Tmln c(~ntor, ·------$20,000 Off '• lrol and warning Hq Luulron 111 11 s ot Arc you cnllerl on or:cuslonnlly t•cmolc roilnr silo In Alm:lw. Air· "boo! camp" lnc,ludorl drill and to rln some Jlllhlle spc!nltlng? '!'ips For New Route mnn Lnxlon was rnnlti!d fottrilt lnstntcllon In scnmnnshiJl, gun· in hnol dly r•nuncll· men hy City r~nglnP.r.r• Waller 7.1mmer• Mnnrlay nl~:ht. I 7.1mnwr :-;nlrl Wyl'lh offlr.lnls "have iiPr>n rnnsl cnopr.mllvr." In wor·itlng wilil llw dly to rcducn nnrl t!llrnlllniP. f:tl wasle thnt has n I limn.~ slower! I hn r.fflr.lency nf the rlly srwngP. rllsposnl plnlll. Wynlh l111s rlroslgnerl a nnw tlt·ainngP. nrr.n In rllvm·t mlllt ,· splllagc from emptying Into thr. 1 • C'lly Jiystcn"i, Zimmer· explnlnnrl. lir snlcl I hat n grouse lrnpllils nl· l'<'ndy nl'!'(VI'rl at I he plant nnd will he lnstallc>rl soon. Wlwn It Is, the engineer· rlcelnrcd, It will Kellogg•s prnclleally ellmlnnlo gnmsc .from VII{.. e11terlng srwr.rs fmm llw Wyeth 5 lb SUGAR .FREE CEREAL r>lnnt. All You Want Zimmer snlrl nrw disposal plnnt w8th p~a·chase of designs will lw rcnrly for inspcc' pkg. llc tlon hy thr slaiP. health rll'pnrt· SURE.FRESH mr!nl Novrmhcr· 1. It tho rmrgh OV~R-ZEALOUSr~iESS.may' hov~ prompted Mason Kiwanians to rip this bathtub plan Is nPccpterl, It will he re· G ' h · d · h Th b b ld h K l Cartons wiH'Iccrl Into flnnl drawings ami Kiwiinian Fran k uerriero s ouse Tue~ ay mg t. e tu wi 11 e so at t e annua 1 iwonis.· com- submit terl to tho council for liP· munity sale in the former Packard garage on Cedar street Friday and Saturday. Howard 'McCowan lB Bulb~) SY~VANIA CHEESE provnl together with estimates of and Lowell Robinson are resting on the rim of'the tub. Jack Davis and AI Rica are sitting in the c:osts yrt 1his winter, l1c added. toapsuds. These 4. plus other Kiwanians looted. M3son attics and basements this week in search ·of 2Ln 69c Tlw Pnglnecr sold dally tests community sale merchandise. G'uerriero wasn't home when his tub went out the front door. (Ingham LIGHT BULBS IJOOTH'S FRO~EN arcngc hclogsystem. marie F'nets In !hedarivcd rlty :o;cwct·· from __County....:...._..:...... :.... Ne~s photo.) ______, ______· _ 5 lb Sugar ' Hw lcsls will hr used In design· Dreaded Shrimp ing lhe rllspnsnl plant, he said. INGHAM CATS NEED SHELTER, TOO mnnagrr In LanRing A & P Only $1.52 10 Ounces An earlier rllsposnl plant de· StOI'f'S. 8 Light Bulbs sign wus thrown out hy the stnto • f R p f Tlwr·l' arl' ~ d1lldrcn in the 59c SOCie 1\uipc>rs family, .T .. y, 10; Glenn, health drpnrlmPnt last summer· Humane y e or s MINUTE-MAID her:ause its rffidoncy would-not Cats are lwcomlng almost .as'bl'en 8 pigeons, lfl ~quirrr.ls, 13 R; .John,;; ;mrl Sandra, 2. The 1 KuipP.r>: am mcmbm·s of the havr• matched slnto spccifica· numerous as dogs at the Ingham opossums, G raccoons, :J ehii,l<· FROZEN tions. The delny of drsignlng a county animal sheller·. Ml'S. Edith ens, 3 ferrets, a goats, 21 parn· .Plymnul II Congr·cgat ion a! church new plant upset n proposer! $.100,. · 1 f 1 I 1 lG hh' 3 1 13 Ill Lansing. lie is a· graduate of 000 revenuo bond issue which was Hosmer, presrc cnt o · t 1e ng· ra rls, eannr cs, · Battle Crrr.l< , Lalwview high to rover lhP rlispnsnl plnnl, wa· hnm County Humane Society, other birds, 9 ducks, 3 hamstf.'r.o; school and an army vcternll with Orange Juice made tire report to Ingham su· and a !ami>, a phcasnnl and a :l':, YPllr!;,in England, Fr·ance ancl Candidate Asks ter anri sewer extensions. pervlsors Monday. For tlw first muskrat given sheller, she snirl. Gc1·mnny. 2 FOR 43C 8 n1on~hs of this year, she said, I If aninwls can he relenscr! in His cllli.V tour in England was Republicans :to tho unrmal shelter hanrllerl 3,738 nntural surroundings they. are n profitnhlr. nnr. His wife, Vinlel, rings and 2,2!l3 cats. given Iihertv. MrR. Hosme:· ~aiel. is fl'nm Nottingham,· England. 12·0t. Eoch 41 C Leroy Farmer The county pnys the cnsl of If they nrc ·hadly crippled Ol' arc The Kuipers plan to move to Seek Labor Vote har~clling dogs hut the llllmane apt to br. caged in a zoo, Uwy go Mason as soon a~ hnm:ing can he SHURFINE socwt)' pays fot• Joocl and care into the gns rhamhcr, she ex· loratl'rl. In a tall( before the Ingham Dies Suddenly · given cats ·nnrl other nnimals. In plaincd. Yottng Republican club ln Lan· CREAM CORN MEAT PIES .1 liT t tl 1 t. tl 1 1. I " Till' Znngcrs inlrncl to J(cep on sing Wednesday night a candl Frank Oesterlr, GO, prominent ' ~~I Ion --~ .. C':___:n s. __ ~ e_w~ej Of the 3,73R rings handlrcl so living in Mason. 'l'hl'y came here ~late urged 'the youn" ~en anci CHICKEN Lern•· farmer anr! lifl'·l imc res!· far· ll1is ynar 2"> I \Ver·e ''Olll 41'1 f J\1 11 1 1 " 303-Size BEEF- "fUR KEY FOR J • ~· ' • o • rom · arcc us w wrc w was women to Invite support from 4 99c dent of I he community, died sud· were redeemed i111Cl 10 escaped,: store manager·. labor. Charles E. Chamberlain, FOR 33C rlcnly nf !wart attack Satul'llny Mason Men'.s Kl·n leaving 3,0G3 for the gas cham·, _..::::.____ Republienn enndldate fo~ eon· 2 at St. Lawrence hoSJlital,• Ian· ber Mrs Hosmer· rerJorlrd · "' f II k ' ·· · . · · gressman, was the spealter. PRIVATE GROWTH s • j sing. He was bnl'll December 18, Taxpayers contribute $1,000 a Ch. amberlain' called the Repub· 18~11, lhr snn of .lol111 anrl Agnes ata v · trlc. en. month lowal'll operation of 1111'' Mother o·les at Oestrrlc • lican party the party of the fll· . .. , ..· ,., . animal sheltct• hut only for thl' I) t h 1 COFFEE Frank Oesterle and Bernice . :a tally stucken. Salu_r, ay . at care nf dogs. The society pays h ture, the party t at draws peop e I aug ter s Ho e Reg. 99c Lay wer!' married F'ri))'llary 17, hiS ,,h.nm~. In Lansmg WolS ~ttlrus about an r>qunl.· amo.un.l ft.·om it~ ' • ' ' • m together, not apart.. If Republl· 1921. HI' s!'rvl'rl in World War I I~. I r y, G.~. hrothcr of Albert and own funrls, Mrs. Hosmer snirl. cans are to · be successful this nnd was a memher of lhc Wil· J.rerl F'ry of Mason, who died at Mrs. Eva Russ, 77, died at the year, he said, they must ujfpeal ONLY liamstnn VF'W posl. Mr. Oesterle Sparrow hospital, Lnnsing. ., . home of her daughter, Mrs. Har· to independent voters, discerning 79c ·was rlireclnr nf Baker school for Julius fo'ry wns horn tile son A & p p t riC'IIe Dillon, 42,1 East Ash, last Democrats and men and women 23 ,V!'ars. He rl'signerl tilnt post of Rudolph and Maggie Yunl sons ancl ment of labor. Republicans made MORR.ELL•s PICNICS Iiams ton; and •I grandr:llildrcn. .Tewet t funeral home with Rev. next week cln ughters, Daniel Russ, Barry· the head of that department a ?.Oz. GLASS 39c Ftt'nm·al services were con· Raymond Norton, pastor of Ma· George J

STORE At Grieve lJ'Ien 's·Boys' W'ear Mason 142 W. Maple I IT'S TOPCOAT TIME


A Full I 6.0z. BIG S'HAKE Our Hart, Shaffner & Marx and Curlee ' ' I, ' and a topcoats have arrived. For three weeks,

'\ ~LARGE! HAMBURGER till October 13, we are giving a HAT, ' of your choice away "FREE" ·(value Only 41c . I to $1 0.95) with the purchase· of.any top· Sc C)ff coat regardless of price. on all . ' . AIRBORNE REPAIRS--AI·,' .. Sund~es -·Sodas.- Malts phonse Traber clambers from . ' ' ·:'\ ' . ' . . . . ' . the saddle of his motorcycle to• · make a minor repair as the crowd, 120 fee_t below, holds Its ' i , breath. 'l'rnber, with his ~~~n~·: ., gllng partner-Sonja Trabel'"'-" \ . was in the middle of his circus: MEN'S WEAR net in · Snlnt .Nazaire,. France.' Watch for· Next,, Weelcis .. Special· After making the engine ad·: \ (F~rmerly· Neely's)'. \ l~. \ ' justrpent, Alphonse cllln bed' \ ' I. GRIEVE ' \' .. back into the saddle to.contlnlie · 344 1. " .t)!~~Ct./ •. ,-.. ----,-.--·· Jefferscm · ' ,··: •'. ' .... ' .. •:·.' I , , 6venfl Personal~ Junior Child .Study .Ciuo· Soctal I anJ·/ ·. : • • • • • • . . ' Meets at. Dines Terrace. '1'wcnty·one mcm\JCI'S or Muson 1\frs. Clinton,' Mt·s. Selnnldt IIIII! 1t(nlor Cl!lld Sturly f!\nh nnrl Mrs, Winston Danect·. Mrs, Shower Given ·heir guasts 'gnthct•erJ nt Dines Bmwn, Mt·s. Cnvunnugh unci Mp;, l'crrnce Wednesday lot• u soda! Humid Lnvls won pt·Ize~ In For Mrs. Curtis •venlng und llrst meeting of the c1mnstn. year, At till' next mer.Jing nf the cluh Guests lncludcrl 1\fl·s. Morrice Inn 0Ptnhet• 21 ut the home of At Locke Center .~avnnnugh of Leslie, Mrs. Nnt Mrli. (•'rank Sl'llmlclt, Mrs. Mel 1 UIIIng of Bunlwt· Hill 111111 Mrs. Avery will he gLlest Hpcalter, He1· Vllllnm Thnrburn, Mrs. Rny AI· t np\e will be "Can Homemaking · 'ermnn, .Jr., Mrs. Genn::e Clinton Be u llewanllng Cnt·ccr'l" md MI'S, Hlli'Old Bull, 'l'hey Wl!l'e • • • ' ;reeled by the lHJKtcs~cs, MrK ·.P.Hter Pnlmcl'. Mrs. l•'mnl< ~chm!dt, Mt·s. Rollin Dart, Mrli. )onald Cnlrns and Mrs ..James Surprise Party Brown. Prngl'llms {or the yen1·, In the Is Given for theme of "It 'l'al ' ~venlng. u surprise party Saturday eve· Table prizes· 111 ht·Jr!gc Wl!lll tn nlng honoring his liith birthday nnnlvCJ-sary. The party was given hy his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Hills to Observe G. Langham. Doug's ft•\cnds at the party 25th Anniversary were TC!rry Hell, Mll

Ingham County News September 20, 1956 Page 4 I IT•s Christmas Lay-Away Mrs. Williams Is Grange Speaker Time at Ware's Shipment·s Arriving Daily

Use Our Lay-.Aw·ay Plan Do it Now!

. DRUG & CAME~A. · · Mason WARE'S· ,,..

Those discharged from Mason .Genel'al hospital this wee!< were Mt•s·. Robert Ray of Lansing and Mary Dlngwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dingwell; Mrs. Charles Hills, Mrs. Joe SanMi· I gun!, Melinda Bunker, (raughter

1 of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bunl

ltlthy ltontl Mrs. Alton Kinney Rahy Road 4·1! cluiJ nwl rc· cently al the Waller Simon home ]>_1·iv1•1• ]s ]Uflll't'll with 10 members present. Riclwrd M Arlsll, ::2. 12:11 W.tl Michael Guhry pJesJd~rl over the son avenue, IIoJJ, is 111 St. Law· business meet mg. Fa1r 1 ibbons renee hosp11 c~J, Llllslng, for 1rc.Jl Hm!l'tl 1111 ,., ~at ely Of'l it•e•· were given out. t f 1 1 1 f men o a JIO wn nose .1nr ace I!olt ho.tnl of l'rlucat•on ap- Hemy Ifnusl'mdn anrl Clement .tnd se.1lp ~he JecC'JVerl Sun JIIlacing,,, lite lairs the hotilevarrl. J\J•, J\l<Jssncr L11mb~1 (J ;11 and cookies were served. \ potts g1ven on 1itc Nd 1l

Mrs. P,llli Phillips. 'I' S A open house Mond11y ntglli 1 S<'ptemhl'r 24, at Ch,ulot te. The Mr .nul Mrs. l<,..nncth Brown at t11e sdtool. Guests WPtc tnJ,en v,ns1ty will ph•~· Grand Ledge B 1 11 /' 1 entertained at a card party Sal· on a conducted tour of tile sr-lwol i September 28 <~I Holt OOIC (l It~ urday cvenmg. Guc~ts present Carl Cl,u·J;, pres1den~. i;ttl'Oduced 1 Women's As~odation nl ~Holt were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H1II ~obert Scluefer, pt1nc1pal, wlw Ptcsh"'ll'tJ.I ogram started Mon· BACl\ Otltet· f,wets of the game dnv 1 me expilllcd In Roy Duncan's \ 'l'lw dtcst X-I'HY uniJ Will be at the htqh scho·•l Monday, Scptcm· SIX MAN FOOTBALL and How· hnr 24, It om 8:30 11:30 a. m. for ani Roberts' 'I'll!!: S'l'OR~ OF PRO l•'OOTBALL ' We ··Deliver Day or Night st udl'nts In the 10, 11 and 12 -septemb,er; gr~rtes. Sl,\listlcs on pa~t g.unes--bolh ·l0-29 PHONE OR 7-0411 Roher! Sr'lttefcr p'ans to at college and pr·ofesslonal-are tpnd the m(!rotlng of the North avallablr• in such hoolts as Frani1 Central Crerliting association at Menlw's gNCYCLOPEDIA OF S~ee Hom.e Fashions As Presented on TV H-0-M .. E Sho\v Each Week .. Ann At·hor Monrluy, SP.pt~mlwr SPORTS and his ALL-SPORT:5 2'1, to obtain lnfo1·mation In te, RECORD BOOK · ' · . / \ Day ,Morning I 1\L WAYS FREll garils lo Holt high school beeom- A recent bool1, Edwin Po1>e's Itt~-! a member of the association [? 0 0 '1' BALL'S G H. E A TEST ... D1·. Wesley A. Berbe of the ~OACI·ms, tells the stories of 28 University nf Mlehlga,n. acredit· lop-ranking. cmlchcs, Including in« hmeau of school services will ~ltch football greats at I

lie. 37w2p 1 thermo~tat and fan. Fern Helm- Phone Dansville MA 3-3241. aluminUJll roof, ladcler and All datry hrerrls and Angus . ------tl-~~-- ~ '\\w ------I Phone Lansing ED 7-7353. . lstered Yorkshire spring gilts. HOLS'fEIN HEIFERS -2 large, REGISTERED black Angus bulls, ·--I . 1. 38w2 Wal!er Kranz & Son, :ll88 Tom- 2 LAHGE Holstein Heifers from ready _f~r set·vice. For sale or 1195<1 FERGUSON T0·36·30 tractot , l: · _ . 1955 CHEVROLET, 2-!loor sedan, IT . ·r 11 nson r o ad , M"~""Otl ··- Rottlc_ , 1_• high-producing cows, ready to lease. W.tlham Musolff,D 2_0641 Dex·MA ancl -"·14 inch ·plow, 12 inch BEAN PULLER - Horse·drawn, V·8 engine, 1.80- horse power ra1 ers ' phone Mason OR 6-1781. .3m 7ptf freshen. H. w. Mason, 3795 Den- tcr TJ'aJI, phone ansvtle tires on rear, tractor like new can be used with traciOJ', Good pacl1, radio and healer, new whit!! - ---- 3-2891. 38w1 Price Tractor ancl Implement Co. condition. Ralph Walltet·, Dans· OK userl cars defy comparison- wail li_res, ex.ccli.~J;t_ conclit~m~, I I-IOUSE-~l'RAIUiR - A~~ REGISTERgn OxFORD·y~-;~:ling n~s roar!, phone 70 .T11 We?~er· ----- Mason. Phone Mason OR 7-8761. ville, phone Dansville :MA 3-2453. ·_rams. Henry .Siegrist, _41!l ..R \"ttie~----- ______,3tw2 HOLSTEIN HEIFER, ready 1o w 3SwJp in condition-in style-in price. low mtleagc.~ Sacu1lce at $l,:fJ,).I house Irailer, 21l' long. All 1 38 11 1034 S. Lansmg s~~;t, Mason. alttminum. In goort condition. R. I-Iarp r 0 a 1 1 rmle \Vest (1 1 us ·----- freshen soon, $140. Also Pam· ~ et· ' l' ·, _. _ ·-· RAM- Y~arling Corriedalc ram, worlh boar for sale or lease. WI!· 1947 w. c. ALLIS-CHALMERS Lnle Moclel Used Car Clearance Phone Mason OR r-~~36. A. Thompson, Dansville MAdison 121. Phone Mason OH l'ol82_9. 50 good ewes. !'tam Mttsolff, 2064 Dextet• Trail. . -Gigantic Savings for You- 38w1p 3·.~852. 38w1 37w31i. 38wlp Webberville 4-F-13. 37w2p ------·-- 1!!55 CHEVROLEr De!Ra~· . 2- after 5 or on week ends. Phone Hb3 Pratrte Schoonm·, 21 foot, IInson road, Mason phone Mason -- ·------HAMF'SHIRE SOWS to farrow RELY' ON BUD'S rloor. This hiac~. and . while- M;t>:on OR 7.7683. Loris Curtis, in A-1 r.oridilion. Buy m~· equity, OR 6·1787. :Wwlplf REGISTERED Yorkshire hoar, soon, Joe Hutchison, 2165 Dex.. 2 NEW HOLLAND Forage Blow!- AUTO PARTS FOR THE beauty has only .J,OOO mtles on 585 Harper Road. 38\VI f balance cin easy lmnl1 terms. ______.. ____ _ 2 ycat·s old. Healthy, sound and Ier Trail, Dansville. Phone Dans· ers, never used with pipe 01 1 FINEST NEW AND USED it and has the powerful V-8 en· · ------Algen A. Ewers, 714 E. Race St., SEVERAL Corrierlale yearling has sired very good litters for us. ville MA 3-2895. 38w1p rub bel', A buy nt only $375. Price A.U70MOBILE, EQUIPMENT gine with Powergllcle. CHEVROLET-1938 2·rloor, good Leslie. 37w2 ·rams. PIJDne Mason OR Stanley Knopf, phone Mason OR ------Tractor Co., phone MaRon OR AT THE LEAST 1955 CHEVROLET 210 2-cloor. motor. Dale Will1ins, phone ------7-5042. ·Wilfred Jewell. 37w:l G-1ll72. 38w2p . · 38 1 .POSSIBLE COST! 7 876 2·tone brown with Powm·glicle. Lansing ED 7-7679. :l8w1, TERRA-CRUISER house trailer. ------A nice clean one-owner car. ·-· ------·------·--- Modern, go or! condition, sleeps REGIS'l'ERr<:D ~~EEDER PIGS-Yorkshire, 2% Hay-fee_d-Grain - 1. ~ ·-'!:'~ '_Yc:As%s~;;~I~~Ci ;r~~~~mn· 'i, wrought iron porch, new paint months old, $10 each. Roy Don· Farm • MOTOR~ .....:.. Many11 J!lte models l955 PONTIAC 870 '1-dom•. V-8 job, and dollies fol' hauling, It's Hampshire air!, 12S7 Lamb i'Oad, phone Ma· --·---·------• BATTERIES• engine, power pac, hyclramatic, Good WI' II ready to go, no added expense. son OR 7.0582 . 38w1 FEEDS-Wlrthmorc and Rowena • NEW MUFFLERS •• . ______feeds. A feed' for every farm Equ'1pment · radio and healer. See it at fi38ll West Barne~ road, Boar and Gilt CALVES - 11 Hereford feedet• need. Salt Pearl!',. for water soft· J , • NEW TAILPIPES 19fi5 PLYMOUTH Savoy 4-rloor. phone Aureliu~ ,11 L. Powerflitc transmission, radio Used Cars cnlvcs for snle. A. G. Can1!lhcll, eners and Kasco dog food. Tom~ NEW EQUIPMENT 38w1 Sale ancl healer. · ------1 5 miles east of Mason, corner Iinson's Phllllps 66 Service and . ' Bud's Auto Parts 19fi5 FORD Cttstomllnc V·8 Tu· MONDAY, OCTOBER R Meridian road nncl M-36. Phone Feed Store, Hoit, pi10ne Holt.OX Wagons and Unloaders CRATES - 150 5-peck crates at dor. Extra clean and painter)· a 195fi FORD' Falrlane club sedan. 7:20 p. m. Ma~on OH 7·71 94. 38wl , ·1·2881. 28wtf Cover Boards for most Plows 50c each, Don B. Ci'ark, 4fi64 2 miles south of Holt on !uS-127 R'nhins eg-f( blue: l~ord-o·mal ic; . healer a 1111 radio. Barnr.s road at Aurelius Center. Lincoln Wel~ers ·and Supplies Phone OX 9-2154 1!)54 PLYMOUTH 4·door. Has One mile weRt of Mason :1t :I04f\ 1 TWO RED SOWS due 1o farrow. ... 2·tone. paiilt. . Phone Aurelh1s 3'102. a7w2 Sitts road any time, $55 each; hl'aclt heif· Klng·Wyse Elevators 9wt1 overdrive. -----· -·------· · e1·, $!10; black anrl white steer, 1~1!14 CHEVROLET 210 2-door. 1955 Dcsoro Firerlite sj!dan, 4- Flrestone Tires 1 MASON AND HOLT residents, 20 BOARS 40 GILTS $55; .John Deere corn binder, in Fertilizer Specials TRUCK ..,..... 1952 Ford truclt, 1 ,~ Powerglicle, onP.·owner. door.- Power hrakes, heater and please notice: Volunteers of BIMBO r,ARMS - Bim Franltlin good shape, $30. Paul Strouse, Chore-Boy M111ter Parts • tqn, 750x20 tires 28,000 miles, 1.953 MERCURY Monteray 4-cloor. · 2-tcine pain I: Analysts Price America trucl> will be coming to LaJACK FARMS- H. M. Silsby lf'i3fl Harper road, Mason. Phone Gates Belts Ilk~ new •colllblnntlon. grain and Overdrive, 2-tonc paint, white Holt and Mason Tuesdny of each !.2·12-12 . $70.55 New Oliver St1per 55 Tractor­ stock rack, f.li1050 .or 1947 Ford walls, radio with rear :;;eat l!J:H PONTIAC Slarehlef, custom & Sons Mason OR 7-58fl8. :l8w1p · '1-door . Hydramatic, week from now on. Be sure to 'LOCI{ HAVEN FARM- Russell . ------1.0-20·10 75:50 $1,995.00 truclt, 1 ~~ ton, 750:.:20 tires, 6.3,· spenker. . ~erlan. healer. nnd l'adlo. phone Lansing IV 4·441,1 a day Ol' Lock I G5 HEAD Polancl China boat'S 8·16·16 69.40 New- Power Talte·Off. Balers 000 miles, good 14·!t. grain box, 19!)3 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4· two before if possible. Your donn· , 1 and gilts at auction Friday, Oc· $550. Tal1e yom· choice, I need cloot·. Powerglicle. A locai ·one· 1952 PONTIAC sedan, 4-door. I-Iy· ,We are offering our Itncst: toher 19, 1 o'clock. Meat·type, 6·24-12 73.20 Mayrath Elevator , tions of clothing, just plain rags, ~e- only one. Glenn <>estei~Ie, 1285 owner car with radio and heat· dramatic, heater and rnrlio. papers, magazines, furniture and of boars ami quicl;: maturing, sl'ate tw'alth r.er­ . 5·20:20 69:50 ihlmzacle Products )~clio~ me~t-type Eden road, 3 miles south of Ma· er. metal helped to support in 1955 gJlls m our ftrst annual regis- tifiecl·. Howard Riley, 2 miles cast 4-24·12 . 66.15 Fertilizer Spreader son, phone Mason OR 7,8552. · 1!153 CHEVROLET Sport Coupe. 1952 PLYMOUTH sedan, 2-door. l.ered Hampshire Gene Ma- of Charlotte on M·50. Wrlt·e for our old follm program (Sunset ~ale. 4·16·16 58.30 Corn Piclwr · 38w1 A l'eal sharpie and has Power· Heater and .. radio. Ovnrrlrive. club). Provided jobs for 192 ,pee· son of Hampshire Swine Regis· ratalng. Route :3, Charlotte: ---,------0·20·2b Corn Crib glide nnd white wa Us. pie, enabled us to give furniture try will be on hand to help you ' 38w3 58.10 BUICK-1955' Bulclt,2·door. Heat- 1ilfi1 CHEVROLET 4-door. Pow· DEMONSTRATOR and clothing to 171 families. Fi· with yom· selection. A few off. These are the cash prices of Innes Bean Wind Rower er and defroster, airfoam cush· ergJide, Olle·OWIIel'. belts wlll he offerer). REGISTERED Oxford ram, also l{!eln's Plant Foods, delivered to nan cia 1 assistance to 142 parolees •. USED EQUIPMENT ions. Excellent condition. Reason· 1950 . CHEVROLET 2-rloor. Pow· 1956 PONTIAC sedan, 4·door. 5lwt1 · I registered Hampshire rnm 'lOlli' farm in 80·lb bags. Bulk able. Phone Mason OR 7·3224 or WRITE FOR F'REE Clare Showerman, 1170 Ies I'll· ~_:s_o_n ~~~-~:~,~~~·-,---- ~~~P ~~P~~~::r:, rri'atlc transmission, neater. and Feeder Cattle· Mason Phone OR 7-1801 paired and serviced. Also used FEEDER PIGS - 8 weells old 3ATISFACTION GUARANTEED Dmgs r1Jcllo - $1,295. CHEVROLET, 1951, In good con· Open Friday Night Till 9 P. M. portable machines for · sale. We will also sell Monday aftm·· . $10 each. Call Lansing ED 1954 DODGE' 2·door sedan-'-$995. dition, Tarllo, heater, good tires . Woodij!rd Sewing Machine Serv· noon 200 head of good and chalet! 7-736£3. W. R. Gannaway, 1901. E Order directly from the Must sell l1efore traveling Icc, phone Holt OX 9·2245, 4665 quality feeder cattle. These cal· Cavanaugh roacl. 38wtf Manufacturer Fra·ncis 1953 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4· ahroaci.,Phone Mason OR 6.4625. 1955 CHRYSLER 4-door Wind- Krental Ave:, Holt. 33wtf tie are acclamatecl mul on grass · · ··------,. Platt door sedan - $995. 38w1p sor deluxe or 1955 Olds 2-rloot• .. 1 f 11 HAMPSHIRE BOAR- Purebrer' at t te arm. They w I be sold In and llroven, 18 mont11s old 1953 CHEVROLET 210 2·door se· . 88 for sale or wlll tcode for a AUCTION SATURDAY, 7 p. m. . lots of 5 and 10 heacl. They con- Klein Soil Service CJ Finest In Farm Machlnecy dan - $895. CHEVROLET Convertible, beau· good 6% contract. Howard Biggs, at Lansing Economy Fumlture, sist ·of: Emest Dalby, first farm east o' M·M Rnd Oliver . 1953 DODGE Coronel: V·8 4·door · tl!uf 1956 with white lop ovet• 4 miles north of Dansville on 3081 Eaton Rapids road, across 50 Hearl Choice· Quality .Angtls .Aurelius on Barnes road, soutll ¥.! mile north of Mason on US·127 Fowlerville, Michigan sedan _ $895. plum colored bottom. This car is ·Waldo road. Phone Williamston from Maple Grove school. Tools, . . Calves, 450-500 lb. side. Phone Am·allus 523. · Phone OR·7·5971 Phone Ck 3·8732 1953 PONTIAC \Chieftain 8, '1· a V·8 with powe1· pacll, '!1as over 608·F·21. 3Sw2p appliances, tow e I s, _bedding, fil. Head Choice Quality Hereford 38wtJ 38wl1 door sedan _ $995, size white walls, l'adlo, heatct', lumps, tables .and many other ___,;_ ___ .,..-'--'-----. MERCURY cttstom hnrcl'top fender sldrts and only 6,000 HARLEY-DAVISON motor cycle. Items. You can't afford to miss . Callies, 425·500: lb

I • Countv News ALI4 I YPI~S 01" for 1en I lnol1aru phone Mn September 20, 1956 Page 8 24wtf Legal Notices Electrical Work 1\h li IJ~lll <~mluu d!il~ In FOrt HEN r - 2 story house, 7 NEW PIIONE 1oom 3 bedroom, 2 nc1 es of Mr~ Auhlo llouoe cullurl u11 Mason on 7 7013 mel Some varying fr uH t1ees M1 s hale• Mlllm last l\londuy Want A.-.s har!cs Mohr Sr 1740 Plnnlt Mr .111d M1 s Edwurd Strubel nml Onond tgn Phorw Onon IIH! chlldten Mr nnd Mrs Jucoh Wdl1am Fountain ltgn LA 8 3301 3£lw~p ,IIC>Iwl Br tsy Ann nnd Donnie 23wll wert gucsls ut tho Erl SlrollC!I Wanted horne Sunrlny nigh I honor lng Mr Hll CIIEniNG AND PROCES<: >illlhtl s l1lr lhduy unniversury POUL !RY WAN!! D- lii)HI) lNG - Tlornr frt rmr nnrl lnrl Mr nncl Mrs C len West 11m c you Ill OJ~ f1 I yrllll )lOIII II Y r sm vir e Frr.ezt•r spuc e nvn!l (lie sis 111 n fnmlly dlnrur lust Call Wull:; S ,f) M Wllllumnlon ble Lr.sllc I nrui I nr IH r s phnn '3unriuy nl the home of Mr H Ed 32wll .I'Hilf' JU 9 'i~61 or MIIHIIII OP l 111 r rl In Wlllltmslon O~ll 46wtl Mr 1111!1 Mr H rom Miller lllld tamll~ of Delrull Wile Sunday lT(l(i[NG Ji'OO I TNflS - ln"tul vlsllr s 111 the Lime 1 llnrnllrr ing snwer tiling nnd lrrrlllln lwrnc r>pllr I rnlrN omplrotP Jlrll Service slnllun 1'111 11111 Mrs ~lllu Whiled rc nower cllllgPr nncf rlo~er Phon II)([ g'l JCeJ y I n liS 127 llC II 1111 rrccl from Minnesul.t Ins! Sal '"lfl 7 Hl7~ Cllcmn f.itrn r ~nwt 1nson Hcasonnhlo rent Cnll Mr 111clny 11ml11tc vislllng M1s Gtuce UIHiiL IV I anslng IV 9 1271 Slrobtl fHlor lcJ rctlllnlng horne CUSTOM SA WING Will g-er lnrx In C -.,emi c home ttues muter inl tor plumbin Mr nnd 1\lrs Jim Smith rnl rncl sheet melal Do your JWI 1\lr tiHI l\11s !1 )Ill SIH pier lr lnslalllnll rnrl s lVI' C J Pur rlr 113 State street M 1son HJwt c tlled tl IIH I lrh ed Jluuse home Its! S tllltdny Mrs Mlldrrrl NcisJJI urd 1\hs Dr 11 tlry Speth of I crnd rle and Jlc x l!OL c 1 tiled oll Mr and Mrs Ar chic J11 usc ltsl wecl1 Mrs M y Smith Is s[lcmllrlg lhls \\telt l the Leo V (,erhard stern home She wlll soon leuvo Wf~LL DIULLING - Ir 1 Dally memhur I C Jl her home In IJc 111rnr nt Cullf Also 1epah wurl< an 1 In of the Wt)ne Muclktl Sorrel) Sltlc troopers Roy West tnrl stall waler system' All worl slnr;c l'l2l the yc 11 lh I lw 11 ts J.tdt ll1~dcn were supper guests gu tranteed Darly and Bolles gwrlutiPd fr 11n lhc Unrver slty of 11 llw C len Wesl home lusl Mon 2763 Aurelius ro HI Lansing Mrchig 111 me lk tl ~rlwol lie d.ty night phone I anslng 1 U 21710 I I sc1 veri 1s s1 ~~ clu ~ of WCMS In Nell West of Camp C trson Hl II li bee me r lruslee dill! In spent 2 d.tys at home last week MASONRY WORJ{ stone bee unc pr cs de 111 of 1he I he flftlr 11 my division of b rse bloclt I a y I n g floors County So~rcty h rll won the championship f:(flme foundations c~r p!!nler work anr In 1\llssouu Mr and Mrs West plastering Clyde Starr 2 1 ~ mile• went lo New Jersey whctc he ~outh of Mason on US 127 to Coy pl.tys m I he series there road, east on Coy roml to slonr "ou~r or phone OR 7 294"i 4!lwt I

FARM MORTGAG!!. wANS Ji'OR REN I - 3 room upstairs WAN rED-20 40 ten: farm with Long Term - Low Interest Pat1 modern Lpar tment Private en 111 a 2'3 mile radl us of Lansing Write or see trance Utihtles furnished No Born 111 Pontr1c 1n IS!Jj Dr Must be G I approved for $10 chlldr en or pels Ellis Haynes W 1lls was gr adualccl fr urn Pon 000 cash 01 less F'OI fur I her 111 128 West Asl1 Mason phone Ma t ac h gh s~hool before cnle tng fotmalron phonl! Mason OR Paul B Cheney son OR 7 1521 38wtf the Unrvcrs1ty of Mrchlg rn Hrs 1 6 5591 or v. lte V G Langham Farm Loan Service college ffcrson Mason nlrlltlcs furnished $65 a month lrcutcn nl 111 the rnf tnt! y clutrlg mobiles $1 a hundred title Phone Mason OR 7 2161 World W tr r After hrs drscharge weight Also scrdp han $20 a HEATING SALIW5 untt service he complclerl his rncdr~ t1 educ.t Lennox furn tees Cacly Hard ton sc tic werghl J 1m~s Whll Iron and litter ned at Ilar pet hos taly •Jte Ingham County Hu Pvr r vone relatives friends and WAN I ED - Large srzc tent m manCl Society or t.y Clayton Hu 1eirxhh Hs for therr mnnv acts of good condllron Call Aurchus le•t county dog warden are held l

DOGS-Report own or struy dog• to Clay HuiP.tt county dog war len OR 7 5839 o1 to slu~rlii offic~ OR~ !lfihl i!lwtl LOS r-Cit lids whrtc 01lon betel RISCH - 1 o all who remem from ~ar In do\\lllown ber eel me with car cls letters Sn!th lien hill roads $'5 reward fc r rctt rn 01 STERLE-We wish to express ry L Jes 127 N L tnslng St rr Phone Lansmg ED 7 7679 D tie E our srnccre thanl­ * MANY FABRICS sl.oci{ed with 50 head of cattle, I can't · see how the cn&ual $5,615; Brool{fleld extension, $6,. Two schools, dentistry and _ cnll It what you will - doetot·s and this boy was our rlght·hnnd drlnlter could have much good cf· called It 11 "teddy-bear squeeze." 680; and Cadillac avenue, $8,755. medicine, have no summer gfnd· rna n. My husband has been Ill feel In trying to help either the New drains under construction uatcs, while sessions In the school M11do By Chippewa The doctors und nurses were ~!nee February, und at the pres­ youth to abstain or tha alcoholic astoumled at this game, To play to give it up. ' and scheduled· for completion this· 'cit natural resources and the law or Woolrich ent lime Is unable to carry on the fall· are: Kalamlnl{, $70,000; school ended later and have not the game you stand up and pu~ '!here fore as for me and my Duvltl necessary load alone. While I Dietz. Creek, $64,000; Sulllvan yet announced their graduates. both arms straight out In front st you very much. church ancl the _reas~ns w IlY the biles are going up $100. Call it I noted, too, that you made' church conducts 1 ~ 01 ser~lces in what you will; this Is inflation. You Name If Any- Partial~, List of Goods at 'Sale reference to the malwup of the the manner that she does. How long can the American dol· - Catholic Bible. With due ;espect W_ah. a prayerful hope tha.t liar endure this pressure? · to your personal convlcllons, I this wlll ct·eate such an under· t' tl t t t am sure your sense of honesty ·standing, I .am 1n 11 11b tfon 1stl JeAmos 1mpor ani · DltESSES HUGS AND l'ADS d • . . . 1ssuc e ore 1e mer1 can peop e would lead you to es 1re 1nfor· Smcereiy youro 111 Clmst, although few politicians are will· matlon about some facts on the FATHER PAUL J. DeROSE lng to tall< about lt. They thinlt WOMEN'S COATS UGIIT }riX'I'UimS matte!' you mentioned co~corn.ing Pastor, St. James Church the people don't care or don't thi.ng that ~ddltions to the Calhohc Bib.le hitVe any effective remedy. ·But SCAIWES JIA'fS NEW WALLETS "dade by the Council of Trent m they do, so speali: up. Whel) you The Big Issue WO~IEN'S SHOES PAIN'!' AND BUUSIIES liJ46. are approached by anyone see!<, It has been my privilege as Tom Marshall gained lasting ing public office, demand cut· 11 .•. POCKETBOOKS·;· .,·;::~' :.SWEA'l'ERS WAJ.LPAPERING EQUIP!UENT . \veil as my duty to mai{C a seri· fame by saying, ·"What this back. When ·the -scelter. Is after a .. · . . ~:.·;,, ~-· ··1.·· . . . cius study of church history and country needs Is a good five-cent J'egislative· or · congressional of· NIGIITGOWNS CLOCKS COOIHNG U1'ENSILS the proceedings of the Council of Icigar." ' flee, demand that . he tal11 about Trent. The Council merely con· Things, of course, have Inflation, and ilisist that if he firmed what the Council of Hippo' changed and now ti1e youngsters wants your vot:e he must do BJ~OUSES SLIPS GOOD DISIIES AN'l'I(!Ul~ DISHES fixacl as· the Canon of Sacred are 'bidding goodby to the good something besides talk. Scripture in the year 393. The old nicl DOOHS attacl I•'l~MIES day. The Catholic Bible exists to· portion o[ theit· income to sup· lllte that which occurred at Ionia !\lEN'S WINTER COATS day in the same form that it ex· port the national government. last weelt where a man murdered PAN'l'S DUOOl\lS SHOVELS lsted In 393. Any revisions since Marshall could not have been his friend and then committed be for sale SPORT COATS that time have been made only thlnltlng of r:ongressmen of to· In the Interest of modernizing the day when he made his remarl' suicide, we can lay the blame DRESS AND WORK SHOES FOHI\S · SEWING !\'lACHINE language, never In the mallet• of about the need for a five-cent cl· directly to the use of alcohol. Jhe number of bool: ...:.:· •. ,.·· 0: .. ··.· : . . ··, -'·. ·. · .· · .... ··.:··.: '.i .. ::.·· · · ·· ... •, ·,;' .. ·.• . .· . , · . !9I~ctlon :tl~te. · It's.· bee11 .a. big lt?qk at a few ·~acts. ~Ilk. today leaders do not abstain and just , y h p • 'li.elp._...... •... -- ·-' . ' . Is, $5.3S at the fa~m !Wholesale. Ignore the .whole problem to their .' . . All Pr·o' ceeds Go' to out rolec·ts :-~~;~ .. ~~.J~S~l~~~p~-~~~s~~-U*d~~s~.~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~-~·~··~;-·.~-~·~··~·:~:.~.,~-~·~··~·~~··~··~~-~~~~~~·~·~--~h~-~-~·*~·---~~-~~~---~-~~~~ '·.. -'.1! ·. ·-~'!!,;:·',. ·;.;::. ,;·., ..... >.;~· .. :--..·;:·,·. ~.:.~:· ..·-~··> ~- .~ ... :· .. _.. :· .. .-.: .. :..: .... ,_.: :... ~·-~-.-/.-' ... ·..... ,,'\·:.· ;:_:. ·.: .. : ,·: .. :.. , ...... _, .· ...... ' ~: ,·. ". ' . .. :_•. . '.·· ·b 20 1956 n Olnb Flnnn DnnrB lngfmm County Ncws Scptcro er '· r~ge 2 Mr. And Mra, r.Iuh of St. Dansville · mode!hu:the farm theracantly houae, and, tlrEI re· ·I ·=----...... ------;-Mary'!! IJ"riHh met nt the )wme Webberv·l·lle North White Oak of Bernnrd Simons In Webber· Bill Fouty L\llrl Mi'S, Pale 1\fl'li. For1111t FIIJIOWII , ville Sunday evening to formll· Swltzenlwrg nnd claughtora luu:t MrR, Oe11rgln Bohm of Fowll!r· 1 ·I IIIII! plans for 11 square rlonce School Groups . Sunday dinner with thell' fnthor, ' Mrs. Myrl GrahaJI! - Phone 66·f·2 ville, Mra, Lottie Fellows, Mra, Williamston Snturduy, September 22, in the Lorn J~ot1ty of .Tnekson, Lila Clements And Ml'llo Abbl~ Mrs. Reah Horstman parish hall, Dnnclng from !l to Elecf Officers MrH. Hnl'nlli Lantis rtncl chll· d WSCS l'lnnf! 8uziiE!r Fortman attended tho meeting .of 1 will he open to the public, dren, Mrs. Mntlde Utntls, Mrs. PTA 'Con ucts 'rilL! w. s. C, s. met at the the Liberty Button club at tha Thelen's 9rchestrn from West· Guerdon Uslwl', Mr. nnd Mt·s. home of Mrs. Rex Nlchohf last: home of Mrs, George D. Srnlth In FniY J~ns 1\lecllng . phalln with a caller will provlrl~ For New Year Erwin Barth nncl son, Mrs, Don· t' 'Phttrsdny, Plans for tho annual LLtnslng We(!nesdny. . 'l'lw I''· M. Y. of the Free Meth· F' t M 1956 Graduates music for both round and squam nrt Slnntly, Mrs. 'I'homns Bell and Irs ee Ing hnzanr nnrl supper ll)'n l)elng Mt•s, Blllnch Strobfll II! enter· ocllst ehurch met at the D, chmclng. Tlclceta are avnllltble Officers fm• Dansville AgrlcuJ. Mrs. Lydia Crlhley attended a made. talnlng on aunt !rom Ca!Uornlu Arnnlrl hnme ln~t. 'I'uesday eve· !rom. memhers of I he club or tural school student council, Fu- Stanley pnl'ly nt Mrs. LeHter Tlw PTA had Its first meeting this 'weelt, Select Colleges Jllng fr1r 1he first meeting o! the ut the door. tu1·o Homcmalters and Future Barth's homo WedncHrlny. of lhl! I!Chool year nt the school • Mr, and Mrs, nolnnd Droolts new year, Aflr!r business, re!res.h· Farmers tm· 1956-li7 have been 'fhe 4-I-r c1~1h met at the home last Woc!nesday evcnjng, Prasl· ot Detmlt wora sunday dinner A numbL!r nf 1!l56 grmluntcs of me1it's of lee cmnm nnrl calm were Fl'reman'·.S D.ay f{niJ>erll Goes to 1\la.~on selected. Orvllle Emorson Is prcsl· of Nancy Kyse1· Wednesday dent Marvin Hodge Introduced g\lests -at Mr. and Mrs, l~OJ·est Wllllnmston high school are nl· served. 'J'hQ eulws were made' hy dent of the student coun~ll. night to organize for llwh· win· Eldon Ross, superintendent, who F'ello\'m, 1cncllng college this foil. 'fhose Gemlrllne Arnolrl nnd were min· George Kuipers, former man· er. II, 'i nl Michigan State nre Anlt~ ogC!r of the Williamston A. & P, Other ol'l'lcers of the student ter pro,. 1 t • In turn Introduced all the tench- Is ·BI'g Success Mrs. Metta Hayward of Ho II lalut·e sull eases In honor of a council Include: VIce-president, M1·, and Mrs, Owen Kennell of ers. visited her brother and sister-In· Diet~. D01ilse Buxton, BLU'J'Y Zln· member, Miss Marilyn Hoclmcluy, Food Stores, will tnlce over mnn· agement of the A. & P, Food Dorothy Dunsmore; secretary, Holt spent 'l'uesrlny evening with The 11th grade won the prize 'J'he firemen's field days Jnst law, Mr. and MrR. Rulph I·Inynct·, clel, .James Lightfoot and Joyce who Is .Jenvin~ to nt.lend school Store~ In Mason Septemhei' 21. Mnry Shea! helm; treasurer, .Janet Mr. nnd Mrs. JeHse Campbell and for the most parents present, Friday and Saturday was I'll· Thursday evening. • Elaine Madden, at St>rlng Arhor. Dick Wagner, Larry Hill, Kay His successor is· Dunne Everet.l:, Briggs; nnd assistant treasurer, Mr, nnd Mrs. R. Sngnrt spent Committees for the year Wfii'C ported ns ll great success. Mr. and Mrs, Grnnt Fellows who assumed his dulles os man· Lucille Wheeler. ClusH represen· Ft•lday evening with the Camp· appointed, • A large crowd 'uttended the and Mr. and Mrs, Dicit Dunsmore Moore nne! 'I'Im Reese ure at· JCngngr!ment. Told ager, lost Monday. He was head tenrl!ng Wlll!nm ,Jennings Brynn Mr. 1111rl M1·s. D. Arnoltl nn· tnllvcs are: Senior, Marvin GauHs hells. Refreshments were served hy trnctor pulling contest Snturdny spent the weel< end at the Strnlts, of the meut department nt iho and Dm·othy Dunsmore; junior, the executive committee, afternoon· at the ball diamond, nnd other points of Interest In· unil•m·slty In Tennessee. Marlt nounee the engagement of their Grnncl Ledge A. & P. store. l-Ie Brett, 11 former student of Wll·l daughter, .Joyee, tr> Cnrl ,J. Ives Die]( Lampman nnr) Judy Craft; Ok d v· . 't Results were: Milan Grlftes, Web· northern Michigan. ' Is married and has 2 children. sophomore, Mary Sheathe1m llJJd effiOS ICinJ Y 'l'ed Hubbard Is In the Veterans bervlUe, first; o. Beeman, Grass Miss Irene Strobel hns been llmnston high school, Is ulso of l~owlcrvllle, son nf Mr. and '!'hey will !Jve In Williamston. an th~re . .To Ann Latham will he at Mrs. Claurlc Hong of Owo~so, A Katherine Risner; freshman, 1\lrs. Wnller lake near Rex Townsend attended the base· development of the common cat· Hastings. ·, hall game In Detroit. tie grub Joolcs promising in tests Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gretfon and Mr. and Mrs. Towers and sons by the U. S. Rapids Satmday evening. Price- Increases Will Plainfield . in-law, Mr. and Mrs·. Julian Ralph Furtney, . Jr., returned 1\lrs. Hazel Stephens Lyons, and Dennis. home Saturday from' the Detroit Mrs. Marguerite David spent Edison company, where he was Go Into Effect Jos.ie Dyer viS"ited her broth· the weel< end as a guest of her a summer student engineer. · ~r. Rob Wasson; at mercy hos· son·in·law and daughter, Mr. and Nellie McClintoclt of Coi~:~.m· .. pltnl, Jackson, Saturday aHer· Mrs, Otto Kramien, and family bus, Ohio, was a. guest of lier SOON noon. of Lansing. niece, Mrs. Clarence Irish, last Mrs. Maxine Sweet retumed Sunday dinner guests of Mrs:'. weelc., Mr. and · Mrs. Clarence home Fl'fday from n Jacl~ ~'!!8i,~~:r. ·~~ ~~'\ l!rol

·~ .. ~· . .·' .·· . .. ':': lnghom 'County New5 · "P,~~rrib~r 20, 1956 Page 3 1

_.._ I f.t~~~~~!a!~l~VII, ~.. I~ .. > Mr. and Mrs, Orson Garrison of NunitiJ culir.rl on Mr. and Mrs, ,_ ~l.lmes Mcintee Sunday, i !r;!r, und Mrs. Thomas Oglesbee ' :I visited relatives In Detmlt Sun· . day. , ~I Mrs·. Millie Rice spent Wednes·

1 day aftel'lwon and 'l'hm·sdny with ll~r daughter, M1·s. R. G, Elliott, ~oooWHERE YOU ot Leslie. . . ·Mr. nnrl Mrs. Russell Wainright llfld family of East Lansing called 1 !Ill' M1'. und Mrs. Glen Wahll'lght b Mllndny nflel'noon. Itll · ~ir, und Mrs. EllsWOI'th Bow· r. nlin of Olmstead Falls, Ohio, SAVE· DOES MAKE A. DIFFERENCE Pl!!, Nellie Forehand of Fort 1. !lfyers, VIrginia, and Pfe. Cal'! , 'Cavender of. Wurlng, VIrginia, sprmt last weelt with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip ~qvcnder. Fred Giedler of Pontine Is 87c,b. spending a few weelfast party Tuesday. Guests wet·e Mrs. Ralph Chocolate Reg. 43c J

. i. DEN-SMORE'S IGA_ FOO-DL·lNER ,• I ' . . .1 • :9J.ne~udh1Q; ~~.md~y~ · . ... -·.· ··: '•· /

PAP.T'l HONORS 3.YEAR·OLP ·Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gt~llawny Couple Excha11ges Nuptials Mr. and Mrs. J..ermarct Cnrter und c]uughtor were Sunday din· entertained nt n pn1•ty \honoring nei· gtjesta of Mr, and Ml'S, .1;4W•, their son, .r effrey CartQr, Monday renco Oosterlo. In the atternoon At .Presh.rterian Par.t;onage on his third hlrth~lny anniversary, Hoy Lnntz of Leslie cal\erl nt the 6venlf Oeoterles. Soclal anJ Persona~ Guests lnclllllml Mr. nnrl Mr~. .Mr. nnd Mrs. Har'I'Y .TnJll's, .Tr., UN!U(JIIon llonm·s C:mt(lln Glen Shcren, Mrs, Alfred Dough· Mr. anrl Mt·a. fo'I'IIIWIS' Fiedler exchnngod their nuptlnl vows ut A reception 11l Vr.vny town hnll ty anrl .Teffrey'a :>lstcr·s, Shnrr!n hnvc been In Chlengo 'this weolt OX ROAST PLANS MADE 7 o'clocl< Jl'rlr\ny evening, Sap· Snturr]ny evening honorer! the am\ Charlene, Mrs. Curter ~ervml nttrmrllng the nnllonnl conven· Wllllnmslon St, Mary's nnnunl tembor 14, at Mason Preshyterlnn Icc cream nncl cnlw. tlon of Frozon F'ood Locl1er Qpcr· Open House Is Planned Stork Showers. pnrsnnnga before Rev, Paul ncwlyw(~ds. Baslmts of glndlnlull ox roust and !estlvnl Is an event • ;~ ljl ntors nssoclntlon nt. the Hotel of Sunday, September· 30, Dinner Arnold, 'fhe hrlrle. Is tho daugh· decnrntcr\ the hnll for· the occn· Mr, nne\ Mrs. Fmnl1 Smith llntl Slwrmrm. will he served countl'Y·slyle from Are Given 'for ter of Ml'. und M1·s, Ed South· slon, Wer\dlng cnlta, groom's family nnd Mr. nne! Mrs. Reuhrm .Mr. nnrl MI'S. Clnrlt Heenan o! For William Moore, 90 12 to 4 p. m. In the parish hnll. worth of Grand Lcrlgr., and the calw, and Ice cream with pink !{nuf!mtm nnll !umlly visited nt Ponllnr! were wer!ll encl guosts of Ar.cordlng to the committee, 750 hrlclegrnom's parentS' are Mr. unci bell cent cr~ were sm·verl with the home ot Mr. lliiCl Mrll. Aliord Mr. uml Mm, .James Jcrew, Wllllnm Moore will ob~ervo his gnrrlen and raspberry pntch, and Jb of beef. hnve been orc\cred for Mrs. L. 'Spink- Mrs. Haglnnld Hlce of Mnson, coffee nnrl · punch, Those who Powelson Sunday. · Mr. anrl MI'H, Kenneth Me· !lOth birthday unnlver~ary nt: nn helper! with chores nhout the the affair. A fancy booth nne! The hrldo wore nn oxford grny server! were Mrs. Murl Grimm, Mrs. Anna Vll'lli'.Y of Mnson Mnnns nnd sons were Sunday vls· While awaiting the storl<, Mrs. dress trimmed with velvet. She Mrs. Wllllnm Niswonger, Mrs. open house celabrntion Sunrlny, fm·m, Unlll this spring when ho country store nre special nttrnc· was 11 guost of Mrs. Seth Carlson llorH nt the home of Mr. nnrl Mrs. Loren .T. Splnl1, has attended sev· complemented her ensemble with Joseph Chonay and Miss Hull. September 23, ut the farm iJOillf! hurt his !mel' Inn !nil, Mr. Moore! tlons pl'annerl for tho festlvnl. ruesday. Clayton Hulett. of his son·ln·lnw unrl rtauglttlH', harl not heen bedridden In over * • * ern! S"howcrs given In her honor. white accessories and wore a (!Or· M11ry Anna Cheney presided at Mr•, ancl Mrs. Clut•ener! Dihhle, nt 20 years. He Is ncnrly recovered Mrs. Coe Emens entertnlned 11 sngrf of while cnrnnllons nnd yel· the guest register nnd Ann St. guests at n buffet supper' last low rosebuds. John assisted nt: the gift lahle, "Maple Manor," Hfi~ Cava1wug!J• hut has had tu give up some of Ingham County News September 20, 1956 Page 4 road. , thu hcr1vler and more 11ctlve worl1. Calico Squares Thursday. Pre8cnt: were Mrs. Miss Lucille Hall, niece of the Guests attended from .Taclcson, He lms novcr worn glasses and Russell Hpber nnd Miss Mar· bridegroom, served as maid of Lansing, DnnsvlliCf Holt, Grnnrl· Mr. Moore Is a forme•· owner gnret Barrett of Lansing, Mrs. honor, nnd Donald Gt·avos was Ledge nnd Mason. Thore were GO of the Lenox hotel that was attributes his long sp~n of years to the fnct I hnt he never worries. Elect Officers Nut Pulling, Mrs. Floyd Mitchell best mnn. Miss Hall donned n present for the reception. raised nnd replnccd by F. N. i\l'· nnd Mrs .•Tames Wlll1lnson, all of green dress trimmed In while The couple Is residing In Mn· baugh Co. as n part of t lwlr rc· He snys "I mlnrl my own husl· n!'ss, nml If somet hlng comes up Mnson Calico Squares elected DnnRVIIIa, and Miss Tholmn with white ncccssorles. Her flow· son. Mr.• JonP.s ls employed as a cent remodeling operation. Ft•om otrlcers at their first dance of the Snyder, Mrs. Russr!ll Garrison, ars were carnations and rose· trucll driver for David Weclt of 1956 Norge Washer I cannot correct, I let the other 1933 11111!l~fl. Mr. unrl Mrs. Moore Mrs. Charles Johnson, Mrs. Ivan buds. Holt:. fellow do it." scaRon Saturdny evening. Mr.' and llved on 11 farm Hotilh of Wll· Bellinger and Miss Betty Mt•. Moore would lllce to have Mrs. Walter Poyet were chosen Hand·---~------­ llamston. At that time, Mrs. as presidents, with Mr. and Mrs. Icy, all of Mason. The honored Special Sale - Save $100.00 Moore brolw her hlp and the Dlh· friends and neighhors drop in guest received mnny nice gifts. Sunday afternoon for a cup of Rohert Leonard as secretaries, hies moved In with them to care nnd Mr. and Mrs. Richard' Fer· feoffee and some of his bh·thdny Mrs. Douglas Spink of Lnn!jlng for her. In Apl'll of 1!H7, the Dlh· ris, treasurers. Attending the Methodist Church Circles mke, and chnt: nwhlle, He hns 2 gave a pink nnd blue shower Au· bles hought. their prr•sP.nl farm meeting were guests !t•om Lan· other daughters, Mary Mead Cory gust: 30 for the mother·to-he. on Cnvnnaugh rood. sing, Miller road and Fl. Wayne, Guests· Included Mrs. Ben Gucn· of Downey, Cnllfornla, and Verna Indiana, ', Plan First' Fall Meetings Mrs. Moore died In '1!1:11. Mr. Smith of Williamston; 6 grand· !her, Mrs. John Bell and Mrs. Moore hns continued In good The group meets on the first Orton Greemnn, all of Holt, Mrs. . Mason Methodist church clr· charge of the pi'Ogrnm nnrl clevo· dtildren, JR great;grnndchildren and third Snturdays ot every health nne\ carer! for his large ami 2 grent·grent-grnndchlldren, , Lois Splnlt, Mrs. John Mlllhlsler clcs hnve scheduled their first fall tlons. on the month for' western-style sqllare nnd Miss Marlene Andrews, all meetings for Monday, Tuesday Me.mbers of Rachel circle will dancing to the calllng of .Joe Roe. of Lansing, ami · Mrs. Harold nnd Wednesday of next week. meet Wedne11day for a 1:30 des· bahlr.s, and several games were During the meeting It was de· Splnlc, Mrs. William Fountain, Priscilla circle members wlllmeet sc!rl: at the home of Mrs. Otis NORGE played in the same theme. · Shower Honors clded that there is room for a Mrs. Milbourn Surato and Mrs. Monday evening nt 8 o'cloclt with Mnntavcn, 2320 Phlllips road. Mrs. Re!rC.~hmenls of pink Ice few more couples. Anyone lT!ler· George Thorburn. Mrs. Spink Mrs. Willlnm Crowe, 500 North Clyde Otis ls en-hostess. Mrs. AUT.OMATIC cream, decorated cakes, mints, ested In Joining may contact Mr. served plnl1 unci blue open-face Dart road. Mrs. H. S. Pulver and tea and eoffee were served. Roc or any of the officers. Charles Lawton has charge of I WASHER Mrs. Rex Gillett sandwiches and strawberry icc Mrs. Olin Strlcltllng are co·host· the progrnm. Devotions are to he ~~~ I~ * ~,1 1:1 if! cream cake from a pink linen· asses. Mrs. Herh Southwick hns by Mrs. Cllfforrl Petty, Twenty-five relatives attended CHURCH BOARD HAS DINNER covered table. Candies, storlt mo· eharge of devotions. Mrs. Leland a stork shower fnr Mrs. llex Gll· Mrs. V. G. Burgess; '115 Steele Ole! and new hoard members tlfs nnrl pink and blue flowers wlll give a pledge service, lett Snturrla>· evening at Wheat· Pink·Biue Shower Aus~ln street, will entertain Deborah of t lw Mason Church ~Jf the Naz. decorated the tnble. Many nice after which a social hour nnd get· complete with field Gleaner hall. Mrs. Gonrge arane anrl their families had Uln· Fetes Mrs. -Warner gifts were presented to the han· ncqunlnted gnmes are planned. circle members at a one o'clock time line conlrol Manwarrlng of Lansing was host· ncr al the Regent cafe In Jaclt· luncheon Wednesdny. Assisting P.SS at the party. Mrs. Burt Warner, Jr., was or guest. Mrs. Howard Norton, 1063 N. as co·hosteFses are Mrs. Bernard ~nd suds saver ~on Saturday evening. Twenty." guest of honor at a star!< show· On August 25,· Mr. and Mrs. College road, wlll open her homo Tables were nltrnr:l i1•ely r\ecn· seven were present. Smith anrl Mrs. George Burgess. and short er given Friday evening by Mrs. Kenneth Darling, ·Mr. and Mrs. In Ruth circle members Tuesday Mrs. Cnrlylc is program chair· rated with llowrrH, appi'Dpriatc ·~ 1J: It: cycle for Earl .T. Ewing, .rr., of Lansing. Lyle Darling, Mr. and Mrs. El· 11t 8 p. m. Assisting as co-hostess· man, nml Miss .J can Farr will pink and blue tnhle rovers anrl Mr. anrl Mrs. Alhcrl Newman Eighteen guests were present'. mer Crandall, Mr. ·and Mrs. Ed· es are Mrs. Paul Decess nnd Mrs. small loads matching nnpl

·, ' night, Funeral services were 1\t ell and 1\fr. n111l Mrs, 81mer Otis Henrietta Gor11llno Brothers funcr111 home apJlenrjil;, h!ls retnrnr.rl home. .Millville Farm Bureau at Tqesday nfternonn In Williams· or Leslie, Perry Klmmorllng Is In m•lt leu] Onondaga Mr•s. Vernon Cl!u·It nnr!'MuJ•)ene ton, ronrlltlon nt hlH home. J•:nulr•o Unlwr• Ele·cfs Officers for Year Mrs. Burton Baldwin spent lhe wr.el< llllrl vlslllng Mr•. M1•, nnd George Lnntz Chur1'11 SPl'VIPes nt Mlllvlll() are ·'' 'T'hls Snndny nl tho Vnntnwn nud Mrs. Cyrl Rntemnn of Atll'f'· Mr·s. Methodist churah (juring Sunrln,Y spcnl Stmrtny nflrrwrnn with Hoy 111 10;15 11, m. with Sunrlny sr.hon) Hnrold Hnrr I~; clwlnnnn ru1cl crs; Mrs. Monuc Womlnrrl nnrl Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith of !ius. Lnntr.. nt 1'1. sdwnl nl 1·1 o'clod< n sound colol· Mrs. Bcwnnrllur. Mr.Mirhnr.l Jm~1 Forcl Miller i~ vlrr.·chnlrmnn of Mrs. Bttrton Coffey, tmerelnrles; Lansing Wllre SunriPY vlsJtors o~ I'll!'. nncl Mrs. Elmer Oils spPnt 'l'ho W. S. c. S. Will IJIIVO 1i the Hr.nrletln Fnrm Hurenu lllm, "1•'11.1' Ji'r•nm Alnnc," will tm ncceplr!!l thr. chnh·mnnshlp of Ml'H, 1\cmnl!lh Hoger·s, rccmnHan; shown. Evm·yonc mny nttencl. Circle Elects Mr, nnrl Mrs. Joe Huff find Bev· Sunday evening with Mr. nnd drklwn· suppc!t' nt tlw hnll Sep· gruuv for• the comlng·ycmr. They nne! Mrs. Lurlell Cheney, news erl)', Ononrlagn townshlrr for• tlw nn· MrH. Geralrl Mnrlln nl Onnndng11. tmnher :n. Serving will hegln at: were elcderl nt n rnncllng last t'C!JIOI'IH Nlethnm· Forrest Miller, sc!eretary; Goi·atrl pr·o!Jiems. Mrs. I~llsworth Brown Mrs. Lestoi' Enr·th entertained dcty nt the home of Mrs. Esther In Fort Wayne, Indiana, anrl Mrs. lloy llrr.vllinH nnrl fnrn· Mr, llllrl Mrs. Hobert Bmttalu nwr home Sunday. Dixon, nl nf tiH' P.hnr•1· Willow Hun alqmrt nnrl Green· D1oris Bienz. Richard Corser, Ron of Mr. and Millet•, nllern11te eommlllcewom· MI'H, Bllllr W<'lier was n Sunday ancl Bcl'llarcl Otis famili<•s. llclri Vllluge. nn; Freel Ford, rcerr.ntlon leur!· '!'he Lnunstclns served pump· lA special meeting of the offl· Mrs. Harvey Corser, Is llttenrllng evening enllPr of Mt•. and 1\ll's. ldn pie nnrl lee crcnm at 11w Jt iaJ\es iiO l'Ullrond cnrs to cet'H of the Rulh ami Nnoml clr· Washington high school In Port· Edwnrd TJenriorwn nne! fnmlly of llnlph Wchrt• wns sld< during S<•vr.t•al from the communlly cr; Mrs. 1-Jnrold Hnr'l', rcporler; transport the New York City cles wns contlucled at lhe home land, Oregon. !he past wePk anrl not nhlr> to altenderi tlw Dansvlllr.·\VIlllnms· Mrs, Ford Mlllm·. Sl!errnnn Hurl· dose of 1hr. meeting. Holl, tPlephone directories from Chien· of Mrs. Bernlr•e Bush Thursday Mr·. and Mrs. Robert Smith nnd wot'k ton foothall gnme ut Jcowlm·vllle m11n and l•'r•crnoon and Mr. nncl Mrs. Ora na!;cr re­ man of cit lzcnshlp commit Ice, unnunl HUpper, whlcl.l will he .lrf dny afternoon cnllers of Carl unci Mrs ..Jar l~ranl\lln and fam­ rllrect orles. Oct oiler. Zeitz. Ily Sunclny evening. illlll'llf!nn gur.sts of Mr·. anti Mrs. t urnccl home Friday night nfter 'rhe Misses Holen nnd .Jane 1\li'S, 1\lr•rlon flll'cl Hobert Brattain and Str.ve. 'NpPmllng tlw flllHI W('Plc In norlli· \ Mrs. Edna Glov!'thwest Stockbridge and were family· of Bellevue road. I St nwc';·. hirlhrlay ;lllnlvcrsary. Max Grimes last 'ruesday eve­ rest Miller at 8 o'clock Thursday dinner r~uests of his hrot her there The group discussed duties of Mrs. Dorothy Corwin and Mrs. ttlght, Oclohr1· 11. Sunday, the various officers. At the cir· ning. Mr. Grimes ls Scoutmaster. Harold North from Miami, Iren'e Bartlett reported for the Bruee Grnnger and Mr·s. Dar· cle huslncss session they adopted fall term of . .Jury duty at Lansing Drxtcr •rrall win Williams and Patrice went the name Mildred Black circle, Florida, his mother, Mrs. •J_,Jzzie North, of Fowlerville and Mrs. Monday. New officcr·s elected nt lhe to Willow RUI\ Tuesday to meel named for a missionary who Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hoyt and Dexter '!'mil Farm Bureau meet· thP farmer's son·in-law ami spoke in tilnue from (;l'lllltK ,,,,,,,,, ...... ;,,...... 2Sli,837 .R7 ltt•V[I!l\1i< ...... 3~8.441.04 millions. Successful results seem -~ssured. She is in Room 114, Community Nnn-HI'y~nlll! llt•£•rhlt~ ...... i''""'""'"""''-'__ 1,:10fi.<1R hospital, Mt. Pleasant where she underwntn ~ ~ group of frlemls . 11nd relatives J\ 11 n1init~tr·u t Inn ...... 17,107,82 Friday evening of last WC>ck at a ln~tl·uetion ...... 2!i8,707.82 for all, and be a part of this great effort for the Operntion or gchool Plant ...... ·10,103.20 showf'r for the new baby of Mr. Mlllnl~nnnce of School Plnnt ,,, .. , ...... ,,, ...... 11,017,89 good of humanity, and Mrs. Carl Miller of Liln· Fixccl Chnr·geH ...... 3,3MI'i.OO sing. Anxilin1·y SPt'vict>R ...... 12,104.40 Mr. and Mrs. Percy Barrett 'l'otnl CUI'I'Cnl· (Opcrnting) DiAburRem(lnts ...... $ 3'19,1.·16.13 went on a trip to Sault St. Mlll'lintB nncl Stta•tin~ nulnnce ...... , $l,r.H1,17:1.·11 Calking Compound ~::a- family were dinner guests Sun· Deduct 11iRbtJJ'8aments ...... Crttlitul Outlny, BuildinJ.(H ...... $ 138,·10fi,79 day at the home of her mother, Rund IntPreHt nntl chnr~cm ...... 31,238.7/i Weather-'Stripping. 1 All Hand ' Mrs. Mary Bucldngham. c,:rtificntl!R of Depo~it l urrhn~£!U ...... t,r.oo,ooo.oo Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Swift and 'l'otnl DiKhttJ'tlcntentH ...... ,...... \ $1,66D,GH.64 Window Glazing p•••••••••••••••••••••••.. Steven were at the home of his Lawn Mowers CnHh ht Bank June :10, 19/ifl ...... ~ 11,528,87 Farm and Household parents for lunch Sunday eve· Cr.o·t\ficnt.e• of Deposit on Hnnd Juno ao, IOoG ...... 1,350,000,00 ning. ,- $11 Beryl Bishop•of Franldln, West •ratnl lluihllug nnd Site Fund Jnne 30, 1or.o .... $1.~6l,G28.S7 Virginia, is visiting a'f the ·home of his brother, Bernard, and other ATHLETIC FIELD BUILDING·& SITE FUND RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS CnRh in nnnlk July ,; l{lil/i .. : ...... : ...... $ ooo.oo relatives. Adtl nece!pbl: rrt•nnKfcr from GPilf!I'HI Fund ...... 15,000.00- AUCTION Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bishop DAduct niHhuraerncnt~ ...... 000,00 spent from Friday till Sunday in Cn•h In nnnk Juno :10, 19nG ...... ,...... ;...... $ 16,000.00 Ann Arbor with· their daughter, Mrs. Clinton Seldin. Mr. Soldin was in Minnesota because of the 1952 DEBT RETIREMENT FUND RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS .Saturday. September 29 Cnoh In llnnk July I, IOr.r. '""""'""'"'""""'"""""""'"$ $ n,GIJ.:I7 sudden death of his father. Add Uocolnts 1 Revenue from GcnCl'nl Property 'rnx ...... 83,043.20 o'cloek p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Geisen· Revenue from InlerCRt on InveslmonlR ...... 1,628,30 haver and children from Tecum· Ce1·tiflcntes of DcllDHit CnHhcd """'"'''""""'"'''"'":" 112,710.00 1 Locate1l G miles no1·th of Charlot.te on Cochran roacl to seh were nt the home of Mr. ancl Gre.~hrun highway, 1~ mile west:, Mrs. James Hart over Sunday. Totnl l~eeeiplR ...... ~ ...... ,,,,, Sunday evening the Harts called Totnl$ocoipt. nnd Stnrtlnp; Dnlnnoo ...... :.... Bulbs lOIH Ford Tractor ' Augm· Dr.tlnct DIRhiii'AentC!ntn lmportod From Grain at the home of her sister, Mrs. lutercot on Bond• ...... $ 10,f,S7.50 Woods Bros. O·ft', .Combine Grain Elevator Leo Preadmore, In Lansing. . Rand Reth·crnont ·...... 'l06,00o.oo Nothort•nds with motor• Ilny Loader Mr. and Mrs. Asll Towsley en• Pt·cmlum on llond• Cnllotl ...... ;.. 1,800,00 1948 Ford -)4 ·ton Pickup AdvcrtiRing of Cnll, Pnying Agent ...... 1 fi6,84 Tulips 9c 2·whccl Trallm· tertained her uncle and aunt, Mr. Certlflcntou or Dopo•lt Purchnsod ...... ;...... ; no, 71 o,oo Forti 2·bottom, 14-ln. Plow 2lm·size Chlcl' Bs·ooCl'tlng oohedule:., ')ireoent.IBirl,- 'tho current pooltlon· of the NN L. ARC R, .. · ·R, .J, HILL, C er 1 funds nnd fund bnlnncun and the rcoults of the cnoh operutlono of the Bonrd of A tt ' · Afterward they had a Wlenel' Educntlon-iind tho Uelt Public School• for the tlsenl yoor ended June 30, 1050, In / .. · . IIC oncer \)IRS;~ G. L. ARClmR, Cashier ron,st at. the ltome' nf Rl"lla.;,.l eonf~rmlty with ll~llefJll)y !!CcPp,wcctfully oubmltted, Gnrlock. und Jlowland, o.,l', A.'s · • · · · · ·.1 1 ·. . I :,·, ·' . ~ . ·.• · ' . ·., .. Page 6 PTA Meeting Notice of Adoption of Ordinance !lhli Lylo G1111V Is Scheduled Providing fo1• the esb:tbllshmen~ of lhe Ingham County Metwpolltun Wutm and Sewage Leslie News System, Mr~ Juhn Br~tdot Jf I~ vlslllng P1'A President Leslie VInce ex her ~on, II vlng, and f.tmlly I I Clara C, Strange tendqrJ an Invitation to parents, The following ordinance was enacted by the Ingham Boat d of Supm vlsm s nl its meet­ Ing ln Mason Tuesday, Sep1cmbet 18, 1956; '!'heW S C S mctut the home Lencltels and non patent:> who nrc of M1s Lmma Btlstow with J,l Interested to heir> tcnch tho mem memilcts unci otw vlsltm ptcsenl hershlp goal of 300 fot this yom Pl.1ns wet e murle !01 ,1 putlu~k lions Club Has which Is a jump of 100 members HliJlJlm In he tills fnll The dale over !nat year's Will ho dedderl lnt1 1 New Workers The tltst meeting wtll be In the form nf 11 11 eept ion fol' the tc.teh lng stnlf and will be on Thu1 sdny For 1956-57 evening In the high school audl Lions rnc~ldPnl Donnld M01 torlum at 8 gun, announced hi~ rommlltccs Vince Lit ged 1111 who nrc Inter for the cuttent yc,u at Mond<~y cslccl to mn1 It theh cuiendnt s for night's meeting 111 liH• GAH hall the following dales thzoughout 'fhey Ute' Constitution rlll!J hy the school yc,IJ Octobet 18 mom htws, DoiMid llolrncs, 11, Miller bet ship pi ogrum, November 15, and Robel t Sillpm.m, convention educallon.tl night, Dccembm 20, Richard Schmidt and Lcon.u d Clulstmns ptogzam, .January 17, Robinson, llnancc 1'1 .tnl< Ancsl safety program; l'ebt ua1 y 21, Harold l crtclwut .tnd Chmles foumlcts day dlnnet, Match 21 Lay, Lions lnfollnnllon, Lloyd school open hou~e, Aplll meeting Dutton, Lisle A Gull .tml Wllllum to be announced later M.ty JG J R.lllll, mPmhctsillp and ut lnslull,I(Ion night lenduncc Mlllm d I r~ylrJJ, Gcu1 gc In ptep.ur~llon for .t purposeful Luer hl rtnd Chrll Jes L.ty, p1o yem, 8 members of the board al g1 um !'nlet t ORDINANCJ~ l•'Oit Sl'El!:U (UN I' HOI Hopo d1omond whon he wanted ON 1'0WNSilll' ROADS Sun., Mon., Tue., Wed., Thur. 5 Days to sell 1t 1 Janot Thoro 11 •uch • th1ng •• SI!:C1'10N I. No pet son shall dr1ve any motor velucle on any ruud or I Exclusive First Run Lansing Showing runn1ng out of suporlal1vos 1n Librarian Gives doscnb1ng some of our nome highway within the limits of Ingham townslup, except as brand p1cco•, like tho rhmo Vacation Awards herelnaftCI provtded ut a speed In excess of 50 miles pet hom, Sensational 4-~nit Show - Adults Only stone sot, Her Grace of Men provided, that notwithstanding the above named m.txlmum speed ~co There probably IS ~ pl~c• Leslie's llbnu ian, Mt s Robctt whtch shall be prima facie lawful, no person shall operate any for lnOXpOniiVO (DWOJry but Fat ley, will present 51 certificates said vehicle on any said road or highway at a speed in excess when you reolly want o lmo to school chtldren who zcad a of or less than a careful, reasonable and p1 uclent speed, having sot, or tho p1cco do rosut mmlmum of 10 boolts dllllng the due regard to the su1face and width of said ro.td or htghwny to anco to top off your now summer the volume of traffic thereon, and to any other pel tmcnt condl lion then existing; provided further, that no pe1son, In uny Fall outl1t, noth1ng qullo doos She wtll go to their zoom~ at It but • n•mo br•nd p1oco event, shall drive any motor vehicle on any such road 01 htgh school to gtvc them ce1 tlllcates way at a speed greater than will permit him to bring smd ve Z1m You mo~c towolry sound like suitable for Itamlng, which say hlcle to a stop within the assured, clear distance ahead Cadlllocs-• luxury for tho low that they have 1ead Mrfflclent bool\s to be em olled In the Ing SECTION II. The provisions of this ordmance shall not be .tppll Janel I d1dn I mo•n to It's rust ham county summer leading p1 o cable to the followtng roads or highways In Ingham town that some folks •ron'! awaro of ship: tho foci !hot they can buy gt am One little girl read 56, 2 1 'fhose designated as US or Michigan State II unl< lines. I nomo brand costume r•wolry lor tied with 54 and 12 l'ead 20 or 2 'fhose within the limits of any city or viHagc • modorolo pr~ce and tho joy mme 3 Those on which the maximum speed of vehicles has been of woormg • really l1no p1oco Each boolt read en tl tied the limited to less than 50 miles per hour under the p1 ovl 1 makoi up lor tho dolloronce 1n 1 cadet• to one vote for a favorjte slons of Act 246 1lf the Public Acts of 1915 j prlco fictional chmacter Lama Ingalls 4 Those on which the speed is limited to less than 50 miles Z1m. In othor words-cheap Wlklet won first with 100 votes, per hour by action of the State Highway Commissioner/ jewelry 15n't choop-1t c.rme second with or the County Road Commissioners and the Comm1ss10n onds up 1n • Black Beauty er of the Michigan State Pollee under the provtslons of mago solo, 53, Roblnhood and Petct Pan tied Section 628 of Act No 300 of the Public Acts of 1949 1 Iot• third place, each with 41. ~•not You sound qu1to poohc Considered as a favorable fuel SI!:C'I'IUN Ill. The speed limit set forth In this ot dina nee shall not Janel and z,m togothor We diD 01 In granting u scholllrshlp from apply to vehicles when opetated with due tegard for s.tlety un d11play1ng our now towolry this der the direction of the pollee In the chase or app1ehenslon of wool, folks Stop by and havo an outside source this past year, violators of the law or of persons charged with or suspected of • look You too, can bo • was the 1 ange of subjects read any such violation, nor to a fire department or file puhol ve Duchou! by the one being consldeted 'l'he hlcles when travellng In response to a the ala1m nor to public or gt·aduate hnd been one of Mrs. private ambulances when traveling In emergencies This ex· rurley's regula!' attendants In emption shall not, however, protect the d1lver of any such ve· taking bool