RiverRiver Poets Poets Journal Journal 2016 2016Special - Seasonal Edition issue Tightrope by Catrin Welz-Stein Photographer - Jeffrey Dunne A Collection of Signature Poems 2016 Volume 10 Issue 1 $20.00 2016 Volume 10 Issue 2 $23.00 2 River Poets Journal 2016-Seasonal Issue Photographer - Jeffrey Dunne 2 River Poets Journal Published by Lilly Press www.riverpoetsjournal.com Judith A. Lawrence, River Poets Journal Editor & Publisher 2016-Seasonal Issue
[email protected] River Poets Journal All future rights to material published in River Poets 2016-Seasonal Issue Journal are retained by the individual Authors/Artists and Photographers Seasonal Issue - 2016 A Collection of Poems, Prose, and Stories Volume 10 Issue 2 Photography by Jeffrey Dunne John Grey 6 Rich Ives 7 Jessi Elana Aaron 8 Alice Norman 8 Bill Gillard 9 Ronald J. Pelias 9 Carl Boon 9 & 10 Saloni Kaul 10 Jack Daniel Miles 10 Greg Moglia 11 David Francis 12 Jacqueline Jules 12 Ted Mc Carthy 12 Jeff Bernstein 13 & 19 Andrew M. Bowen 13 KG Newman 13 Tom Sheehan 14 Walter Lawn 14 Daniel Edward Moore 14 Diane Webster 15 Judith A. Lawrence 15 Jerry McGinley 15 Ruth Z. Deming 16 ayaz daryl nielsen 17 W. M. Rivera 17 Marina Celeste Little 17 William Ogden Haynes 18 Justine Mathis 19 Bob Meszaros 20 Charles Carr 20 Karen Jones 21 Casey FitzSimons 22 Greg Stidham 23 Lauren Suchenski 23 Scott McPherson 24-27 Catalina Claussen 28-30 John Meyers 31 Ute Carson 32-33 Tom Sheehan 34-37 Dan Reynolds 38-42 Geoffrey Craig 43-49 3 Editorial Please Note Dear Poets and Writers, River Poets Journal retains one time rights to publish your work online and in You know that old cliché about “life is what print.