
Section Two


Press, Vol. 18, No. 36 KADOKA, S. D., FRIDAY. FEBRUARY, 13 1920 Reporter Vol. , No. 85

tlelpati enjoyment. Ills hands were with terror; but turned, and thought. Dusk came, und after r.\ the jungle chanced to show himself to the cupped to receive the life blood of the gathering La in his arms raced for the dusk came night. A great fire blazed enraged Tautor. The great heaai victim—the red nectar that at nearest tret*. bore down upon side, down upon within the little thorn boma about turned to one bore would have filled the golden sacriticiul hint trumpeting shrilly. La clung with uinn, snuffed him the camp. The flames played upon the crooked little goblets. both white arms about the ape-man's out, then, diverted from his the new altar erected in the center of and La approached with upraised knife, neck. She felt him leap into the air blundered away toward the the clearing, arousing in the mind of course, her fuce turned toward the rising sun and marveled at his strength and his eveu the the high priestess of the Flaming God south. In a few minutes and upon her lips a prayer to the ability as. burdened with her weight. noise of his tnunpetlug was lost in a picture of the event of the coming swung nimbly ARZAN burning deity of her people. The high Ite Into the lower the distunce. dawn. She saw this giant and perfect AND THE priest looked questlouingly toward dropped to the ground and form writhing amid the flames of the Tarzan her —the brand was burning close to 7 Lu to her feet from his back. burning pyre. She saw those smiling slipped his bund and the faggots lay tempt- together," suid Tar- lips, burned and blackened, falling “Cull your people ingly near. Turzan closed his eyes zau. nwny from the strong, white teeth. psp and awaited the end. He knew that "They will kill me,” replied La. She saw the shock of black hair tou- he would sufTer, for he recalled the “They will not kill you.’ contra- JEWELS OPM sled upon Tarzan’s well-shaped head or faint memories of past burns. He ape-uian. “No oue willkill dicted the [EDGAR BICE BURROUGHS] disappear in a spurt of flame. She inew that he would suffer and die, you while is here. (2*” saw these and many other frightful /453%E2£> . hut he did not flinch. Death IS no Cull them und we will tulk with them.’ pictures as she stood with closed eyes great adventure to the jungle bred, raised her voice in a weird, fiute- *TAI'ZAN OF THE APRS" and clenched fists above the object La who walk hand in hand with the grim call that carried fur Into the of her hate—ah! was it hate that La llke specter by day and ,lie down at hi> jungle on every side. From ueur and “cSOH Of TARZAN" of Opar felt? VE|% jJrflflV. side by night through all the years of far came answering shouts iu the burk- night The darkness of the jungle their lives. As a matter of fact, as ing tones of tlie Opuriau priests: “We had settled down upon the camp, re- his end approached his mlud was oc- come! We come!” Aguin aud ugain. lieved only by the fitful flarlngs of the cupied by thoughts of the pretty peb I.a repeated her .summons until singly fire that was kept up to warn off the ales he had lost, yet his every faculty and iu pairs the greater portion of her lay quietly "The man took it away vfl'th him when man-eaters. Tarzan In his still open to what pussed around following approached aud hulled a he «lip|jt*d away during the night. Of bonds. He suffered from thirst and him. short distance away front the high from the cutting of the tight what good was your knife, anyway? strands He felt La lean over him and he priestess aud her savior. They eame about his wrists and ankles; but he TARZAN You can make another. Did you fal- opened iris eyes. He saw her white, with scowling brows and threatening made no complaint. A jungle beast low us all this way for nothing more drawn face and he saw the teurs mien. When all had come Tarzan ad AND THE was Tarzan, with the stoicism of the i than n knife? Let me go and hud him blinding her eyes. “Tarzan. my Tar- dressed them. beast and the intelligence of man. He ape-man. and I will bring It back to you." zan !" she moaned, "tell me that you “Your La is safe.” suid the knew that his doom was sealed —that Jewels Opar La laughed u bitter laugh, for In her love me—that you will return to Opar “Had she slain me she would now her- of no supplications would to tem- heart she knew that Tarzan’s sin was avail with me—and you shall live. Even in self he dead and many more of you; per the severity of his end, and so he greater than the purloining of the sa- the face of the anger of my people I but sin* spured me that 1 might save cred sacrificial knife of Opar; yet as wusted no breath in pleadings, but I give her. Go your way with her back to = willsave you. This last chance E waited patiently in the firm convic- < way Into she looked ut him lying bound and you. Whut is your answer?" tpur, ami Tarzan will go his £ E tion that his sufferings could not en- (here be peace al- EDGAR RICE helpless before her, tears rose to her At the last moment the woman in La the jungle. Let dure forever. ways Tarzan und La. What E BURROUGHS E eyes so that she had to turn away to had triumphed over the high priestess between hide them; but she remained Indexible In the darkness La stooped above ot a cruel cult. With heaving bosom is your answer?” in her determination to make him pay him. In her band was a sharp knife or The priests grumbled und shook := Author she leaned close above hint. "Yes He Swung Nimbly Into the Lower E their heads. They spoke together aud in frightful suffering and in eventual and in her mlud the determination to ao?" she whispered. Branches. § "Taman qf th, Apm" = La and Tarzan could see that they death for daring to spurn the love of initiate his torture without further de- Through the jungle, out of the dis- Tanan" = lay. large tree quickly were uot favorably Incllued toward E "Sonrf La. The knife was pressed against tance, came faintly a sound that uranches of a and bore ber upward beyond reach of the the proposition. They dltl uot wish to When the shelter was completed La his side and La’s face was close to brought a sudden light of hope to trunk of the pachyderm. take I.a buck aud they did wish to OoprngM. lilt, by A. C. MoClorg *Co. had Tartan transferred to it. “All his when a sudden burst of flame Turzuu’s eyes, lie raised his voice sinuous night shall torture from new branches Momentarily huge complete the sacrifice of Tarzuu to I him," she mut- thrown upon the in weird scream that sent La hack battled here, the u Flaming God. At lust the apc-uian tered to her priests, “and at the first tire without lighted up the interior of or two. The impa- elephant wheeled ami l>or»* down the BYNOPBIS. from him a step Impatient. streak of dawn you may prepare the the shelter. Close beneath her lips priest grumbled and switched the upon tin* hapless priests, who had now became tient "You will obey the cuinniunds of CHAPTER I.—Hiding In the Jungle llaming altar upon which his heart La saw the perfect features of the one to other, at scattered, terror-stricken, in every dl- torch from hand the go to after killing his captain In a fit of brood- shall Flaming forest god and into her woman's raction. The nearest he gored and your queen." he said, “and hack ing madness, Lieut. Werper, be offered tip to the the same time holding it closer to the Albert Bel- high among brunches of a Opar with her or Tarzan of tin* Apes gian officer, is captured by Achrnet Zek. God." heart welled all the great love she had tinder at the base of the pyre. threw" the Arab slave raider, who spares his life and During of the felt for Tarzan since first she had seen tree. One he seized in the colls of his will call together the other creatures proposes to him a scheme to the balance the day “Your answer!” Insisted Lu. “What kidnap Jane, him, upon a huge bole, the Jungle and slay you all. I-a wife of Tarzan (Lord Greystoke) and sell priests of Opar were busy erecting an and all the accumulated passion ,s your to the love of La of trunk and broke Jof her slavery. accepts. answer charge, saved me that l might save you and into Werper altar in the center of the clearing, and of the years that she had dreamed of dropping the mangled pulp to i DparV” (ter. I know not where the sacred CHAPTER ll.—Posing as Jules Fre- while they worked they chanted weird him. trumpeting, after another. Two he i Closer came the sound that had at- is; hut you can fashion another coult, French traveler, Werper is hos- Dagger hand, La, trampled beneath his huge feet, aud 1 knife received by the Greystokes. He hymns in the ancient tongue of that in the high priest- Tarzan’s attention, and now you pitably tracted by then the others had disappeared Had I not tuken it from La would learns his host is In financial straits and lost continent that lies at the bottom ess, towered above the helpless crea- —the shrill trum- plans an expedition to the treasure vaults the others heard It jungle. Now Taator turned have slain me and now your god must of the Atlantic. ture that had dared to violate the elephant. looked into the of Opar to procure gold. Werper informs peting of an As 1-a once more to Tarzan. he glad that i took it siin-e 1 lutve Achrnet Zek of the opportunity to seize the La paced sanctuary of her deity. There should his attention In shelter of the hut .vide-eyed into Tarzun's face, there to saved his priestess from love-mud Tun- Lady Greystoke, and follows Tarzan to be no torture —there should be Instant Back to (he tree where I,a aud Tarzan learn the secret of Opar. to and fro beside the stoic ape-man. -ead her fate for happiness or heart- Will you go liack to opar with death. A single stroke of the heavy perched he came, lie reared up with tor. CHAPTER lll.—Hpying on Tarznn, Resigned to his fate was Tarzan. No break, she saw an expression of con- |,it, promising that no harm spall be- sees load his blacks with and then the corpse the flam- his forefeet aguiust the hole and Werper him hope of succor gleamed through the blade to cern shadow his features. Now, for from the treasure chamber of the ing reached toward them with his long full her?" un Worshipers. A convulsion of Nature dead black of the death sentence pyre without. The knife arm stif- she gifessed the mean- Sold he first time, trunk; hut Tarzan had foreseen till* The priests gathered together In a causes the collapse of the vault impris- hanging over him. He knew that his fened ready for the downward plunge, ng Tarzan’s shrill scream —he had oning both men. of and clambered beyond the bull's long ; little knot arguing and discussing. It giant muscles could not part the many and then La. the womun. collapsed summoned Tantor the elephant to his est reach. Failure but tended to fur \ became evident to Tarzan that one CHAPTER IV.—Werper recover* from strands that bound his wrists and weakly upon the body of the man she rescue! La’s brows in a the shock and finding Tarzan apparently contracted ther enrage the mud creature. He bel !of their number was preventing the dead he leaves him. Seeking a way to ankles, for he had strained often but loved. savage scowl. “You refuse La!" she lowed and trumpeted and screamed acceptance.of bis proposal. This was safety Werper Is seized by priests of the ineffectually for release. He hud no She ran her hands In mnte caress The torch!” she 1 Flaming God, a degenerate race. He Is cried. "Then die! until the earth shook to tin* mighty the high priest, whose heart was filled about to up as a sacrifice when hope of outside help and only enemies over hls naked flesh; she covered his .‘onimandcd, turning toward the priest. i be offered volume of his noise. He put his head with Jeulous ruge because l.a openly the ceremonies are Interrupted by the ap- surrounded him within the camp, und forehead, hls eyes, his lips with hot looked up into her face. peal ance of a hunger-maddened lion Tarzan a gainst the tree and pushed and the i acknowledged her love for the struu yet he smiled at La as she paced nerv- kisses; she covered him with her bod) eorulug,” he said. "I thought V.~Believing doau 'Tantor is v mighty strength, ger, when by the world customs of CHAPTER Tarzan length as though to protect him from the tree bent before ld 1 his black followers return home with the ously back and forth the of that he would rescue me; but I Know- she should have belonged to gold. Achmet Zek, acting on Werper’s him, yet still it held. their cult the shelter. hideous fate she had ordained for now from his voice that he will slay was to be no Information, has attacked the Greys'oke Finding that the tree would not fall j him. Seemingly there and off Lady and In trembling, piteous tones she me and you and all that fall In his path home, burned It, carried And La? She fingered her knife and eu- : solution of tlie problem, until another Greystoke. Mugambi, Tarzan’s lieuten- begged him for bis love. For hours searching cunning ot to his pushing. TaMtor was but but looked down upon her captive. She out with the stepped forward aud, raising ant. Is severely wounded recovers the frenzy of her passion possessed ruged the more. He looked up at the priest and follows the raiders. Sheeta the panther those who would ills hand, addressed the burning handmaiden of the Flam- two perched high above him, his red- La. hide from him. for Tantor is mad with high priest,” he an- CHAPTER Vl.—Lord Greystoke recov- ing God, until at last sleep overpow- rimmed eyes blazing with Insane hat- "CadJ, the ers consciousness, but the accident has the madness of love. nounced, again he wound his trunk “would sacrifice you both to destroyed his memory and he !b ered her and she lapsed Into uncou love you, Lu,” Turzan red. and then Apes Fleeing from the “I cannot Flaming Cod; hut all of us except Tarzan of the sciousness beside the man she had yoke, about the hole of the tree, spread his the scene of his misfortune he finds himself went on lu u low “I dt« not would gladly return to opar with In the Jewel room of Opar. He fills his sworn to torture and to slay. And snow wuy, lor you are very ueuuiiiui. great feet wide upurt and tugged to FiidJ pebbles." Readi- our queen." with the "pretty Tarzun, untroubled by thoughts of the I could not go back and live in Opar- uproot the Jungle giant. A huge crea- fiouchng the sacrificial chamber he Is recog- many aguiust one," spoke nized by La, high priestess, whom he had future, slept peacefully in La’s em- I who have the whole broad Jungle ture was Tantor, an enormous bull lu “You are years. you not known In previous He slays the brace. for my range. No, 1 cannot love you the full prime of his stupendous up Turzan. “Why should have lion and releases Werper. The latter your will? Go your way with l.a to sees the Jewels and covets them. At the first bint of dawn the chant- but I cannot see you die beneath the strength. Mightily he strove until t’adj slay him." ing of the priests of Opar brought goring tusks of mud Tantor. Cut my presently, to Tarzan’s consternation, Opar. aud If interferes CHAPTER Vll.—Tarzan and Wei pet priests of Opar welcomed this watch the former’s party return to the Tarzan to wakefulness. Initiated lu bonds before it is too lute. Already (lie great tree gave slowly ut the roots. The the gold. suggestion loud cries of approval. ruined Greystoke home and bury low and subdued tones, the sound he is almost upon us. Cut them and Jhe ground rose iu little mounds and with Tarzan has no memory of the place. He hole, They rushed and seized CadJ. buries the Jewels, which Werper digs up, soon rose lu volume to the open diapa- I may yet save you.” ridges about the base of the the forward and escapes while Tarzan sleeps. son of barbaric blood lust. La stirred. A little spiral of curling smoke rose tree tilted—In another moment It They tulked in loud, menacing tones would be uprooted und fall. into his ear. They threatened him » CHAPTER VIII. Reaching Achmet Her perfect arm pressed Tarzan closer from one corner of the pyre—the knife until nt last Bek's stronghold, Werper tells him of the to her —a smile parted her lips, and flames licked upward, crackling. La The ape-man whirled La to ills back witli bludgeon and gold but not of the Jewels. Lady Grey- in tlielr demands, though Btoke is there, a prisoner. Achmet dis- then she awoke, aud slowly the smile stood there like uohcuuttfui stHtue of and just as tin* tree inclined slowly in lie acquiesced stepped covers Werper has the Jewels, and the faded and her eyes went wide in hor- despair, gazing at Turzan and at the Its first movement out ot tin* perpen- sullenly, und then Tarzan Belgian, fearing for his life, escapes with dose before t’adj. the gems. ror as the significance of the death spreading flames. In a moment they dicular, before the sudden rush of Its q final collapse, he swung to branches ‘ Priest," lie said, “La goes back to rzal nilsses Werper chant Impinged upon her understand- would resell out ami grasp him. From the CHA PTER IX—Ta neighbor. but does not dlscor er t*.e theft of the ing. • the forest came (lie sound of of a lesser It was a Isng her temple under the protection of her a wild H® resumes life of “Love me, Tarzan!" she cried. "Love cracking llmhs ami crashing trunks— and perilous leap. lat closed her eyes priests and the threat of Tarzan of man. t,a and the pr , *sts of 'he Flamlns God seek Tarzan an d Werper to recover me, and you shall be saved." Tantor wus coming down upon them, mid shuddered ; but when -dm opened (lie Apes that whoever harms her shall which the latter the sacrificial knife had Tarzan’s was a huge Juggernaut of jungle. The them again she found herself safe and die. Tarzan will go again to Opar carried off. They on >ture Tarzan. bonds hurt him. He the suffering the tortures of long-restricted priests were becoming uneasy. They Tarzan whirling onward through the before Mu* not rains, and if harm has CHAPTER X. circulation. With an angry growl he cast apprehensive glances in the di- forest. Behind them the uprooted befallen La. woe betide t'adj the high rolled over with his back toward La. rection of the Hpproachiug elephant tree crashed heavily to the ground. priest." Condemned to Torture and Death. That was her answer! The high and then hack at La. • urrying with It the lesser trees in Its Sullenly CadJ promised not to harm La had followed her company and priestess leaped to her feet. A hot “Ply!" she commanded them, and path, and then Tantor, realizing that ills queen. when she saw them clawing and bit- flush of shame mantled her cheek and then 6he Stooped and cut the bonds Ida prey had esenped him, set up once “Protect her,” cried Tarzan to the ing at Tarzan she raised her voice and then she went dead white and stepped securing her prisoner’s feet snd hands. more his hideous trumpeting and fnl other Opartans. “Protect her so that cautioned them not to kill him. She to the shelter’s entrance. In an Instant Tarzan was upon the lowed at a rapid charge upon their when Tar/.an comes again he will find saw that he was weakening and that She Fingered Her Knife and Looked “Come, priests of the Flaming God!” ground. The prie>is screamed out trail. La there to greet him.” soon the greater numbers would pre- Down Upon Her Captive. she cried, “and make ready the sac- their rage and disappointment. He “La will bo there to greet then/’ nor had she long to ‘ a menacing step CHAPTER XI. vail over him, rifice." with th€f torch took exclaimed the high priestess, "and La mighty jungle crea- and muttered but she did not ape-man. “Trai- wait before the The warped things advanced and toward La and the will wait, longing, always longing, un- her strike, "lonlght. she thought. To- ‘ Priestess but ture lay helpless and bound at entered the shelter. They laid hands tor 1" he shrieked al the woman. For A Yet a Woman. til you come again. Oh, me night, when it is dark I will torture e».:ng tell that feel upon Tarzan and bore him forth, and this you too shall die!" Raising ills At first La closed her eyes and • him." She looked upon his perfect, yo« will come!” “Bring him to the place at which we as they chanted they kept time with bludgeon he rushed upon the high to Tar/.iiu iu terror, though she made figure and upon his huudsome, “Who knows?" asked the ape-man stopped," she commanded, and they «°dlike their crooked bodies, swaying to and priestess; but Tarzan was there be- no sutcry; but presently die gained smiling she steeled her as he swung quickly Into the trees and carried Tarzan back to the little clear- face and then fro to the rhythm of their song of fore her. Leaping in to close quarters sufficient courage to look about her thoughts of her love raced off toward the east. lag and threw him down beneath a heart again by blood deuth. Behind them came the ape-man seized the upraised to look down al the ground beneath, religious and For a moment La stood looking after spurned; by thoughts thut swaying unison weapon wrenched from the uud to keep her eyes open dur- tree Lu, too; but not In aud it even him. then her head drooped, a sigh • infidel who had desecrated Build me a shelter!" ordered La. damned the with the chanted cadence. White and hands of the frenzied fanatic, nml then ing the wide, perilous swings from tree * of holies; who had taken escaped her lips, and like an old “VVe shall stop here tonight and to- th holy drawn was the face of the high priest- the priest closed upon him with tootli to tree, aud then there runic over her of Opar woman she took up the march toward morrow in the face of the Flaming the blood-stained altar ess—white and drawn with unrequited and nail. Seizing the stocky, stunted a sense of safety because of her con- the offering to the Hamlng distant Opar. God La will offer up the heart of this God-and love and hideous terror of the mo- body In his mighty hands Tarzan fidence in the perfect physical crea Three times had Through the trees raced Tarzan of defiler of the temple. Where is the not once hut thrice. ments to come. Yet stern In her re- raised the creature high above his ture In whose strength and nerve and cheated the god of her fathers. the Apes until tin* darkness of night sacred knife? Who took it from him?" Tarzan solve was La. The infidel should die! head, hurling him at his fellows who agility her fate lay. A strange anom thought La paused and knelt had settled upon the jungle, then he But no one had seen it and each was At the The scorner of her love should pay were now gathered ready to hear down Hly was La of Opar—a ereature of his side. In her hand was a .harp lay d«WS ami slept, with no thought positive in his assurance that the sac- the price upon the fiery altar. She upon their erstwhile captive. La stood ; circumstance torn by conflicting emu ft™te. She placed its point against beyond the morrow and with even La rifieiiil weapon had not been upon •saw them lay the perfect body there proudly with ready knife behind the tious. Now the cruel and bloodthirsty upon but the shadow <>f a memory within person when they captured the ape-man s aide and pressed upon the rough branches. She saw ape-man. No faint sign of fear marked creature of a heartless god ami again Tarzan's hilt; only smiled and his consciousness. ape-man looked upon the the but Tarzan the high priest, he to whom cus- her perfect brow —only butighty dis- a melting woman filled with comps*, him. The But a few marches to the north shrugged his shoulders, tom would —bent, crooked, for and admiration slon and tenderness. Sometimes tin- menacing creatures which surrounded unite her dain her imlests Lady Greyatoke looked forward to the defiance. He How beautiful he was! La bent gnarled, stunted, hideous —advance for the man she loved so hopelessly incarnation of Jealousy and revenge him and snarled his day when her mighty lord and master low over him, looking into his eyes, with the flaming torch and stand her thoughts. and sometimes a sobbing maiden, gen looked upon La and smiled. In the filled should discover the crime of Achniet was How perfect was his figure. She awaiting to apply it to Suddenly upon this scene burst the erous aud forgiving; at once a virgin face of death he unafraid. her command Zek, and he speeding to rescue and compared it with those of the gnarled surrounding sacrificial mad bull—a huge little and a wautou; but ulways—a woman “Where Is the knifer La asked the faggots the tusker, his aveuge, and even us she pictured the llim and knotted men from whom she must pyre. Hls hairy, bestial face was