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A-18 THE EVENING STAR - SPORT Washington, D. C. Bratton Scores Knockout LITTLE TUESDAY, AVGUST 26, IMS Over Steen in Brooklyn By th« Associated Brass Collins Earns Chance BROOKLYN, Aug. 26—Johnny Bratton of Chicago stopped Irwin Steen of San Diego, Calif., in 1:11 For 'lnterim' Crown «{%ASEBA(,LBEAT of the third round of a scheduled By BURTON HAWKINS |a| 10-round main event at the East- ern Parkway Arena last night. By Beating Flanagan Ray Boone, the Indians’ short- jiI played under lights, will be an Bratton, 152 >4. floored Steen stop who was benched last night, ;i[afternoon affair. That night twice for a count of nine the By tha Associated Brass in 7-a was making no excuses for his . Jersey Joe Walcott and Rocky second round. Steen scaled 147 V2. BOSTON, Aug. 26.—Tommy recent] erratic fielding and light Marciano1 will battle for the Three left hooks to the head hitting. heavyweight Philadelphia’s right jaw Collins, Boston's featherweight:! . title in and a lightning to the ... 1 2 Olympic Aces to Report title contender, appears to have:' “Anybody who Municipal Stadium. dropped Steen in the third. Ref- Yesterday's Major League Box Scores Easter, Joseph stopped been short-changed by the boxing ’ walks out on Cleveland Infielders Luke eree Eddie the that field Bobby Rosen and Boone starting a count. Tigers, 1; Yanks, 0 Dodgers, 3-9; Cards, 1-5 Phils, 6; Cubs, For Football at USC experts Avila. A1 bout without 3 who rated him as strictly! shouldn’t season. In second action con- DetraH A.H.O.A.
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