The Plan of the Father, Adoption
Blessed with every Spiritual Blessing January 31, 2016 The Plan of the Father, Adoption Eph 1:5-6 Introduction Ephesians was written to normal people, God expects us to understand this vs 1-14 The Divine Plan of God’s Grace vs 3-6 The Work of God the Father vs 7-12 The Work of God the Son vs 13-14 The Work of God the Holy Spirit “to the praise of His glory” The Plan of God, Every Spiritual Blessing vs 3 Blessed with every spiritual blessing, ____ _________ Positional Truth, Union with Christ, Every believer is baptized into the Body of Christ, 1 Cor 12:13 From our position in Christ, flow a myriad of divine blessing (last week) But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption, that just as it is written, Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord, 1 Cor 1:30-31 The First Blessing from God the Father vs 4 Just as He chose us the means: _____ ________ when: before the foundation of the world for what purpose: that we would be ______ and _____________ The emphasis of Paul, the choice of God in the unfolding of His Plan 2 Thess 2:13-14 God has chosen you all, (plural), How: “through the sanctification by the Spirit, and ________ in the truth” The Second Blessing vs 5 He predestined us to ______________ as ________ The word: pro orizo to set boundaries beforehand, to appoint or determine beforehand Best translation: to pre determine, to pre appoint Modern day example: A Will predetermines what happens when a person dies (See Predestination Notes, page 3-4) The word is used six times in the NT, in each case, some aspect of God’s Plan has been predetermined.
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