LV Stagnation Emotional upset, rib, chest or abdominal distention, lump in the throat, sighing, PMS & GB 34, LV 3, LV 13 (treats LV & SP) , LV 14 (treats LV & ST), TW 6, PC 6. Add LV 2 menstrual irregularity. Can turn to Heat: feeling hot, irritability if heat is generated. Rebellious LV Qi Indigestion: , belching, , (obstructs ST Qi) Same as above + Harmonize ST: LI 4, ST 19/21 LV Stasis Menstrual issues (painful, irregular, dark or clotted), palpable masses, purple nails/lips, GB 34, LV 3 LV 5 (luo), LV 6 (xi cleft), BL 17/18, CV6, ST 29. dry skin. : Vomiting of blood, nose bleeds Treat Chong Mai for Blood Stasis in uterus: SP 4, PC 6, KD 14, SP 10 LV Blood Deficiency Dizzy, dull pale, blurred vision esp. at night, dry eyes/hair/skin, brittle nails, numb Nourish Blood: BL 17/18/20/23. LV 8, SP 6 & ST 36, CV 4. Yuyao for dull limbs, weak crampy muscles, scanty menses, feeling aimless headache. If HT Blood Def is coexisting: HT 7, PC 6, CV 14/15 LV Yin Deficiency LV Blood Def + red cheeks, afternoon fever, hot palms, nervous, dizziness, dry eyes LV 8, SP 6 & ST 36, CV 4. KD 3/6. LV 2 if empty heat. LV Yang Rising Stems from LV Yin or Blood Def: temporal headaches, irritability, dizziness, tinnitus Nourish: LV 8, SP 6 & ST 36, KD 3/6. H/A: BL 2, GB 6,8/9/20, GB 38 () GB 43 with high pitched whistle, deafness, dry mouth & throat, anger, shouting, insomnia. If (). Calm Mind & Subdue Yang: LV 3, LI 4, TW 5, PC 6 generating from LV & KD Yin Def: sore lower back, night sweats LV Fire Blazing Fire dries up fluids, causes bleeding, and agitates the Mind. Headache, dizziness, high Cool Fire: LV 1/2/3, LI 11, SP 6 pitched tinnitus, deafness, rage, dream-disturbed sleep. More heat than LV Yang Local headache pts: GB 1/6/8/9/13/20, Taiyang Rising: bloody stools, , vomiting blood, red face & eyes, thirst, bitter taste Extreme Heat à Wind Xue Level Heat Victorious stirring Wind: high fever, neck stiffness, convulsions, arching Treat Du Mai/Yang Qiao Mai to subdue Yang & Wind: GV 8 (next to LV Shu), GV of the back. The blood is hot and the Yin is being burned away. 16/20 & GB 20. Cool the blood: Prick to bleed Shixuan pts & GV 14. LV 3 Yang Rising à Wind Extreme upset à Wind: Dizziness, fainting, convulsion, deviation of eyes and mouth Subdue Yang: LV 3, LI 4, TW 5. For Yin: SP 6, LV 8, KD 3. Wind: GB 20, DU 19 LV Blood Def à Wind Numb limbs, dry throat/eyes, blurry vision, facial , tremors Same as above + BL 17, CV 4 Cold Stagnation in LV Lower abd pain radiating to genitalia, worse with cold & better with warmth, vertex Warm the Lower Burner: CV 3 + moxa. LV 1/3. headache, cold hands & feet, dry heaving LV 5 (luo point goes to the genitals) Damp Heat in LV Damp: sticky taste, heavy body, poor appetite, abd. fullness, nausea Heat: bitter taste, Damp: GB 34, CV 12, SP 9 yellow foul-smelling vaginal discharge and genital itching & pain, mid-cycle bleeding. Heat: BL 18, SP 6, LI 11, LV 2 Urine: burning, dark, difficult, scanty LV Fire insulting LU SOB, , bloody , stuffy chest/hypochondrium, headache, dizzy, red face, Course the : PC 6 & LV 3, LV 14 (LV Mu). Descend Qi: CV 17/22, LU 7. thirst, bitter taste, scanty dark urine, constipation Clear Heat: LV 2, LI 11 LV Invading the SP Alternating constipation & diarrhia, dry pebbly bitty stools, flatulence, tiredness. Course the LV: LV 3/14, GB 34. Treat Chong for digestive px: SP 4 & PC 6. Tonify Example: IBS weak Spleen: SP 6 & ST 36, CV 12. Normalize Bowels: SP 15, ST 25, LV 13 (SP Mu) LV Invading the ST Epigastric px, , sour reflux, hiccup, belching, nausea, vomiting, weak limbs Descend ST Qi: LV 14 (harmonizes LV & ST), CV 10/13, ST 19/21, ST 34 (xi cleft), ST 36 (he sea), BL 21. Course the LV: GB 34

GB SYMPTOMS PULSE TONGUE GB Deficiency Timid, lack of courage & initiative, sighing. Concurrent with LV Blood Deficiency: GB 40 (source), LV 8 (tonify LV Blood), ST 36 + SP 6 to build blood, CV 4, BL18/47 dizziness, blurred vision, floaters, startles easily to tonify the spiritual aspect of the LV GB Damp Bile backing up: jaundice (eyes/skin), not digesting fats, subcostal pain & fullness, nausea, GB 24 (Mu), LV 14 (Mu), CV 12, GB 34, BL 19/20, GV 9, TW 6, ST 19 turbid urine, no thirst, sticky taste, dull headache, heaviness LV/GB Damp Heat LV Damp Heat + can’t digest fats, alternation of hot and cold feelings, numbness of limbs, GB 24 (Mu), LV 14 (Mu), CV 12, GB 34, BL 19/20, GV 9, TW 6, ST 19 heavy body, thirst without desire to drink, swollen feet Add LI 11 to clear heat and Dannangxue


Full Heat in the SI Stems from HT Fire: restlessness, insomnia, mouth/tongue ulcers, throat pain, heat in chest. SI 2, SI 5 (fire pt), HT 5 (luo pt connects to SI), HT 8 (clear HT fire), SI & BL: deafness, abd pain, thirst for cold drinks, scanty dark burning or bloody urine. ST 39 (Lower He Sea of SI) SI Qi Pain Stems from Stagnant Qi in SI and LV: borborygmus, lower abdominal twisting pain radiating Harmonize the LV: GB 34, LV 13, LV 3, SP 6. Harmonize the Middle to stop to back or testes (worse with pressure, relieved by flatulence) pain: ST 27, ST 29, ST 39, LV 13, CV 6 SI Qi Tied Like SI Qi Pain, but acute/sudden, and more severe (possible vomiting & constipation) ST 39, CV 6, GB 34, ST 25, SP 6, LV 3 SI Deficient & Cold Caused by SP Yang Def à Cold obstructing SI: dull abd. pain alleviated by pressure, desire CV 6, ST 25, ST 39 , ST 36, BL 20, BL 27 (SI Shu) for hot drinks, borborygmus, diarrhea, clear copious urine, cold limbs


HT Qi Def Palpitations., SOB on exertion, spontaneous sweating, tired, depressed, pallor HT 5 (luo), PC 6, BL 15 (HT Mu), CV 6, GV 14 (Sea of Qi) with moxa tonifies HT Qi HT Yang Def Palpitations, SOB on exertion, spontaneous sweating, listless, tired, chest discomfort, Same as above. cold feeling (esp hands), bright pale face, purple lips (can lead to Blood Stasis) HT Yang Collapse Palpitations, weak shallow , profuse sweating, cold limbs, blue lips, greyish Rescue yang with moxa on ginger: CV 4/6/8, GV 4, BL 23. white face, coma possible (can lead to Blood Stasis b/c yang fails to move blood) Rescue HT Yang: ST 36 + PC 6, direct moxa on GV 14 + BL 15. GV 20 raise the Yang. HT Blood Def Palpitations, insomnia, poor memory, dizziness, pale, anxiety, easily startled HT 7, PC 6, CV 14/15, CV 4, BL 17, BL 20 HT Yin Deficiency HT Blood Deficiency + mental restlessness, fidgety, dry mouth, 5 palm heat, night HT 7, PC 6, CV 14/15, CV 4. Nourish Yin: SP 6 (3 Yin crossing), KD 7 stops nights sweats, afternoon fever, feeling hot and bothered sweats in combination with HT 6 (HT Yin) HT Qi Stagnation Suppressed emotion causing Qi Stagnation: palpitations, slight SOB, sighing, Move Zong Qi: HT 7, PC 6, CV 17, LU 7 + LI 4 (regulate ascending & descending of Qi) depression, chest & throat hurt, weak cold limbs, pale face, purple lips Calm the Mind: CV 15, HT 5 & ST 40 ( both are luo pts and treat emotions) HT Vessel Palpitations, SOB with inability to lie down, mental restlessness, depression, flustered, Open the Chest: HT 7, PC 6, CV 17, LU 7 + LI 4 (regulate ascending & descending). Obstruction stabbing or prickly that comes and goes and might radiate to upper back or Resolve : ST 40, CV 12. shoulder. Signs of Phlegm & Cold: aggravated by cold, better with heat, expectoration Move Blood & Qi: BL 17, CV 15, BL 15, HT 5 to regulate rhythm & calm the Mind of phlegm, heavy, cold hands, sighing, purple lips, face & nails HT Blood Stasis Stems from HT Yang Def + Qi Stag: palpitations, stabbing/pricking chest pain, can Move Blood in chest: PC 4 (xi cleft), BL 14 + 17, CV 17, HT 7, PC 6, SP 10, KD 25 radiate to inner aspect of left arm/shoulder, blue lips/face/nails, cold hands, sweating (especially if there is HT & KD Yang Deficiency) HT Fire Blazing Palpitations, mental restlessness, dream-disturbed sleep, impulsive, agitated, thirsty, Clear HT Fire: HT 8/9, LI 11. red face, hot, bitter taste in the morning only after a bad nights sleep, mouth & tongue Calm the Mind: HT 7, GV 19/24, CV 15. ulcers, hot dark urine, excessive sweating Nourish Yin to cool Fire: SP 6, KD 6 Phlegm Fire HT: palpitations, depression, manic behavior, Phlegm: coughing up phlegm, unclear Resolve Phlegm: PC 5, ST 40, BL 20, CV 12, SP 6. Cool Fire: HT 8/9, LV 2. Open the Harassing HT mind. Fire: agitation, dream-disturbed sleep, thirst, red face, bitter taste, constipation, Minds orifices: GV 20/24, GB 13/17 … Or the 13 Ghost Points: GV 26, LU 11, SP 1, dark yellow urine PC 7, BL 62, GV 16, ST 6, CV 24, PC 8, GV 23, CV 1, LI 11, Haiquan] Phlegm Misting Mental depression, confusion, weeping & laughing w/o reason, fainting, throat rattle, Resolve Phlegm, PC 5, ST 40, CV 12, Bl 20, GV 14 to mobilize Yang in transforming the Mind problems speaking, vomiting, very dull eyes phlegm. Clear the HT: BL 15, HT 9. Revive if necessary: GV 26

STOMACH SYMPTOMS POINTS Rebellious ST Qi Nausea, belching, vomiting, , difficulty swallowing. Can occur when LV Qi invades CV 10/ 12/13, SP 4 + PC 6, ST 21, ST 19 + KD 21 (adjacent), GB 34, ST 34 ST Qi Deficiency Mild epigastric pain lack of taste, fatigue in the morning, weak limbs, loose stools, no appetite ST 36, CV 12, BL 21, CV 6 ST Deficient + Cold Stems from SP Yang Def: epigastric px worse after bowel mvmt, better after eating & with ST 36, CV 12, BL 21, CV 6, Add BL 20 to tonify the SP massage. preference for warm liquids, cold limbs, fatigue, loose stools, no appetite Cold Invasion in ST Exterior: sudden epigastric px, worse with cold, drinking cold liquids then quickly vomiting, ST 21 with moxa, SP 4, CV 13, ST 34 (xi cleft for acute px) better with warmth over abdomen


ST Yin Deficiency Epigastric px (burning, empty), feels full quickly after eating or hungry but can’t eat, dry CV 12, ST 36, SP 6, SP 3 heaving, hiccups, dry mouth with desire to drink in small sips, constipation Damp Heat in ST Epigastric px, heaviness, facial pain, blocked nose, sticky mouth & nasal discharge, no desire Subdue Rebellious Qi: CV 13, ST 34, CV 12 + ST 21, ST 25 for constipation to drink, feeling hot, nausea Clear Heat: LI 4, ST 44, LI 11, CV 11. Resolve Damp: SP, ST 40, CV 9 ST Fire or Epigastric px (burning), sour regurgitation, vomiting after eating, foul breath, always hungry & Subdue Rebellious Qi: CV 13, ST 34, CV 12 + ST 21, SP 15 for constipation Phlegm Fire in ST hot, bleeding gums, thirsty for cold drinks, dry mouth & stools, mouth ulcers Clear Heat: LI 4, ST 44, LI 11, CV 11 ST Food Retention Epigastric fullness, sour regurgitation, nausea, better after vomiting, belching, foul breath, CV 10/12/13. ST 21, KD 21, SP 4 + PC 6, ST 44/45, ST 40 (the body insomnia, no desire to eat. Can be either a hot or cold pattern recognizes food stasis as phlegm), ST 19 (empirical pt for food retention). ST Blood Stasis Epigastric px (severe, fixed, worse w/ heat, eating or pressure). Vomiting blood that looks like Descend ST Qi: LI 4, CV 11, ST 21, KD 21, SP 4 + PC 6, ST 34, ST 40, GB 34 + coffee grounds, bloody stools, nausea CV 12 (harmonizes the middle). Move Blood: BL 17, SP 10. TW 6


SP Qi Deficiency Poor appetite, abd distention, sleepy after eating, weak limbs, loose stools, yellow face Moxa on SP 6 + ST 36, SP 3, CV 12, BL 20, BL 21 (adjacent to CV 12) SP Qi Sinking SP Qi Def + bearing down sensation in abd, any organ prolapse, frequent urgent urination SP Qi Def + GV 1/20 (prolapse), ST 21, CV 6 (general qi def) SP Not Holding SP Qi Def + heavy menstrual bleeding, bloody urine/stools, red skin spots, easy bruising. SP Qi Def + SP 1 with moxa, SP 4/10, BL 17 Blood Some LU Qi Def signs (Taiyin): dislike of speaking, SOB SP Qi Def à Damp SP Qi Def + nausea, epigastric fullness, heaviness in head & limbs SP Qi Def + SP 9, CV 9, BL 22, ST 28 (Big 4 points to resolve Damp). SP Yang Deficiency SP Qi Def + cold limbs, edema, bright white complexion. Abdominal px (worse w/ eating, better SP Qi Def + SP 9, CV 9, BL 22, ST 28 (Big 4 points to resolve Damp). with heat or pressure), desire to lie curled up When damp is present, moxa the point and reduce with needle. Damp Cold in SP Heaviness, better with heat, sticky saliva, sweet or no taste, no thirst or appetite, leucorrhea Same as above + ST 8 (for heavy head), CV 11 + ST 22 f(or bloating) Damp Heat invading No appetite, sense of heaviness esp in abdomen, drinking only small sips, nausea, vomiting, foul Resolve Damp: SP 9, CV 9, BL 22, ST 28, CV 11, ST 22, SP 6, BL 20. the SP/ST smelling stools, burning anus, scanty dark urine, low grade fever, headache, yellowing skin For Damp Heat: GB 34, GV 9, LI 11

LUNG SYMPTOMS POINTS LU Qi Deficiency Weak cough, SOB, clear , weak voice, dislike of speaking, tired, aversion LU 9 (tonifies), LU 7 (descends), CV 6 (general qi def), BL 13 (LU Shu) + to wind & cold, daytime sweating, catches colds easily, bright white face GV 12 (chronic cases). Tonify SP/ST to nourish : ST 36 + CV 12 LU Dryness Occurs before Yin Def: DRY (cough, skin, throat, mouth) thirsty, hoarse voice Nourish Yin fluids: LU 9, CV 4, KD 6, SP 6, CV 12 + ST 36 LU Yin Deficiency Cough (dry, scanty, sticky, or blood tinged), dry mouth, itchy throat. Essentially LU 9 (tonifies), BL 43 (chronic def), CV 17, BL 13 + GV 12. Nourish Yin: CV 4, KD 6 LU Dryness + yin deficiency signs like 5 palm heat, night sweats (esp if KD Yin Def), CV 12 (fluids), SP 6. Clear Empty Heat: LU 10, LI 11. LU Heat Cough, slight SOB, flaring nostrils, feeling hot, achy chest, thirsty, red face Clear Heat & Descend Lung Qi: LU 1/5/7/10/11. BL 13 Wind Cold Invasion Cough with clear mucus, aversion to cold, stuffy clear runny nose, itchy throat, Expel Wind: LU 7, Cup and moxa BL 12, GV 16 (occipital headache) sneezing, occipital headaches, body aches, no sweating Wind Heat Invasion Cough with yellow mucus, fever, thirst, heat sensation, aversion to wind & cold, Expel Wind: LU 7, LI 4 (source/luo), Cup BL 12, GB 20 sore throat, yellow nasal discharge, headache, body aches, sweating Clear Heat: LI 11, LU 11, GV 14, TW 5. GV 16 (occipital headache) Wind Water Invasion Yang edema: sudden facial swelling, then spreads. LU is obstructed by Wind- Expel Wind: LU 7, LI 4 (source/luo), BL 12/13, GV 26 (facial edema) Cold & Damp: scanty but pale urine, aversion to wind, fever, cough, SOB Open Water Passages: CV 9, LI 6 (lung edema), LI 7 (xi cleft acute px) Dry Phlegm in the LU Dry cough with difficult to expectorate scanty sputum, wheezing, dry throat, Nourish Yin fluids: CV 12, ST 36, SP 6, KD 6, ST 40 (resolve phlegm). SOB, heaviness, pasty dry complexion, Descend Lung Qi: BL 13, LU 7, CV 17 Phlegm Damp Obstruction Internal Full Cold Pattern: Chronic productive cough with sticky white sputum, Resolve Phlegm: LU 5, ST 40, CV 12, BL 20, CV 9 to regulate water metabolism. stuffy chest, SOB when lying down Descend Lung Qi: LU 1/5/7, CV 22, BL 13. Open Chest: CV 17, PC 6 Phlegm Heat Obstruction Barking cough w/ chest pain, thick yellow/green, bloody or foul smelling sputum Resolve Phlegm: LU 5, ST 40, CV 12. Clear Heat: LU 10, LI 11. SOB, asthma, coarse breathing, dry mouth, yellow urine, constipation Descend Lung Qi: LU 7, BL 13, LU 1 Phlegm Fluid Obstruction Chronic condition. Frothy white & watery Phlegm-Fluids obstructs LU b/c the Resolve Phlegm: LU 5, ST 40, CV 12, BL 20, ST 36, CV 9 to regulate water. Yang of SP, KD, LU is failing to transform fluids. Seen in elderly, cough Tonify Lung Qi: LU 9, BL 13, CV 17, BL 43 (chronic def). BL 23 tonifies KD Yang to sometimes elicited by a scare, splashing chest sounds. promote transformation of fluids

LARGE INTESTINE SYMPTOMS POINTS Damp Heat in LI Diarrhea w/ mucus & blood, burning anus, foul stools/flatulence, abd pain, scanty dark Resolve Damp: SP 6/9, BL 22, CV 12, BL 20 Harmonize the LI: ST 25 (Mu), BL 25 urine, sweating does not abate fever, damp thirst, heavy limbs (Shu), ST 27/37, CV 3/6 to treat the lower burner. Clear Heat: LI 11, SP 10 LI Heat Interior Pattern: dry hard stools, burning mouth & anus, scanty dark urine LI: ST 25, BL 25, CV 12, ST 37 Clear Heat: LI 2/11, ST 44, SP 6, KD 6 Heat Obstructing LI Acute, always a fever, constipation, abd pain, burning anus, thirst (Qi Level) LI: ST 25, BL 25, SP 15, ST 37 Clear Heat: LI 2/4/11, ST 44, SP 6, TW 6 Dryness in LI Occurs with ST Yin Def: Dry stools, mouth and throat, thin body, foul breath, dizziness Nourish Yin fluids: SP 6, CV 4, KD 6. Promote BM: ST 25 + SP 15, ST 36 LI Cold From SP Yang: loose stools like duck droppings, cold limbs, dull abd pain, borborygmi ST 25, CV 6, ST 36, ST 37, BL 20, BL 25 Cold invading LI Exterior full pattern. Sudden cramping pain, diarrhea, and cold. LI: ST 25, ST 36, ST 37, ST27. SP 6 to stop pain, LV 3 to move Qi in intestines LI Qi Stagnation Abd distention & pain, bitty stools, irritability aggravating the condition CV 6, STS 25, SP 15, ST 37, BL 25, SP 6 LI Collapse Stems from SP Qi Def & Sinking: tired after bowel movement, prolapsed anus, chronic ST 25, CV 6 diarrhea, hemorrhoids, poor appetite, cold sx. Might affect BL Tonify SP/ST to raise the Qi: ST 36, SP 3, BL 20, BL 21, GV 20

BLADDER SYMPTOMS POINTS BL Deficient & Cold Associated with KD Yang Def: frequent, pale copious urination, incontinence, GV 4, CV 4, CV 3, CV 6, BL 28, GV 20 enuresis, LBP, dizziness, nocturia, white discharge Damp Cold in the UB Frequent, urgent, difficult urination (stopping mid-stream), heavy in hypogastria SP 6/9, Bl 22, ST 28, BL 28, CV 9 Damp Heat in the UB Frequent, urgent, burning, difficult, dark, cloudy, bloody urine, gravel/stones in Resolve Damp: SP 6/9, BL 22, BL 28. CV 3 (Mu), BL 63 (xi cleft), BL 66 (ying spring), urine, fever, thirst, heat, lower abd fullness ST 28 (promote urination)


KD Qi Def Weak sore back & knees, dribbling after urination, nocturnal emissions w/o dreams. KD 3, BL 23, BL 52, Jinggong Men: premature ejaculation. Women: uterine prolapse, clear leucorrhea KD Yang Def Cold, backache, low libido, infertility, dizziness, tinnitus, bright white complexion BL 23/52, Jinggong, GV 4, CV 4, CV 6, KD 3/7. Use moxa KD Yin Def Backache, excessive libido, dizziness, tinnitus, restless, irritable, poor memory, CV 4/7, KD 3, LU 7 + KD 6 to open Ren Mai (Sea of Yin), KD 9 (xi cleft of Yin Wei, esp night sweats, dry mouth & thirst, 5 palm heat, constipation, dark scanty urine for anxiety), KD 10 (water pt), SP 6 KD Essence Def KD Yin Def. In Kids: slow development, late fontanel closure. In Adults: brittle KD 3/6, CV 4, GV 4, Bl 23, BL 11 (Bones), BL 15 (Heart Mind/), GV 16/20 (Sea of bones, falling/greying hair, senility, loose teeth, poor memory, weak libido Marrow), GB 39 (Bone Marrow), KD 13 (Essence), GV 14/17/20 (Marrow/Brain) KD Yang Def à Water KD Qi Def + edema of legs, ankles, abdomen, cold signs. Water in HT: palpitations, KD/SP Yang: BL 20/23, GV 4, KD 7. Resolve Damp: CV 9, ST 28, SP 6/9, BL 22 Overflowing SOB, cold hands. Water in LU: watery frothy sputum, cough, asthma, SOB HT Yang: GV 14, BL 15. Lung Qi: GV 12, BL 13, LU 7 KD Yin Def à Empty KD Qi Def + scanty dark bloody urine, nocturnal emissions with dreams, insomnia, KD 2 (empty heat) KD 3 (source), KD 6 (KD Yin), KD 9 (xi cleft of Yin Wei, tonifies KD Fire Blazing dizzy, tinnitus, afternoon fever, night sweats, dry throat esp at night, sry stools, Yin), KD 10 (water pt), HT 6 (HT Yin), CV 4, SP 6, LU 7 (descends Qi away from head), excessive libido, mental restlessness, desire to drink in small sips, hearing loss HT 5 (luo pt for irritability), LU 10 + LI 11 (heat), GV 24 (calms the mind) KD not receiving Qi Subset of KD Yang Def with pronounced SOB on exertion or inhalation Warm KD & Tonify Qi: BL 23, ST 36, KD 3/7, DU 4, Open the Ren Mai & respiration: LU 7 + KD 6 with CV 4/6/17, KD 25, GV 12 + BL 13, KD 13 (essence) KD Qi not Firm Decline of Ming Men Fire à weak Lower Burner: incontinence, dribbling or profuse Raise Qi: GV 20, CV 6. Tonify KD & Yang: BL 23/52, GV 4, KD 3, KD 13 (sperm urination, prolapse, chronic vaginal discharge, premature ejaculation gate/essence), BL 32 (sexual organs) KD/HT Disharmony Palpitations, tinnitus, insomnia, dizziness, night sweats, afternoon heat, sore back HT 6, HT 7, KD 9, KD 3, SP 6, REN 4.