Number 340: 1-17 ISSN 1026-051X August 2017 the TYPES of SCOLIIDAE (HYMENOPTERA), DESCRIBED by EDUARD EVERSMANN, with SO

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Number 340: 1-17 ISSN 1026-051X August 2017 the TYPES of SCOLIIDAE (HYMENOPTERA), DESCRIBED by EDUARD EVERSMANN, with SO Number 340: 1-17 ISSN 1026-051X August 2017 http/ THE TYPES OF SCOLIIDAE (HYMENOPTERA), DESCRIBED BY EDUARD EVERSMANN, WITH SOME TAXONOMIC NOTES AND CHECKLIST OF RUSSIAN SCOLIIDAE A. S. Lelej1), M. V. Mokrousov2,*) 1) Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, 690022, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] 2) Institute of Biology and Biomedicine at Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russia. *Corresponding author, E-mail: [email protected] Summary. A review of type specimens of nine nominal taxa, described by E. Eversmann is given. The lectotypes are designated for Scolia grisea Eversmann, 1849, S. sareptana Eversmann, 1849, and S. schrenckii Eversmann, 1846. The neotype is designated for Vespa galbula Pallas, 1771. New synonymy is proposed for Colpa galbula (Pallas, 1771), comb. n. = Scolia sexmaculata Fabricius, 1781, syn. n., = S. interrupta Fabricius, 1781, syn. n., = S. sareptana Eversmann, 1849, syn. n.; Scolia quadricincta Scopoli, 1786, stat. resurr. = S. flaviceps Eversmann, 1846, syn. n. According to Articles, 23.9.2 of Code (ICZN, 1999) Scolia fallax Eversmann, 1849 is nomen protectum and has precedence over the older name Vespa tricolor Pallas, 1771, nomen oblitum. Checklist of Russian Scoliidae (5 genera, 20 species) is given. Key words: Hymenoptera, Scoliidae, taxonomy, types, E. Eversmann, P. Pallas, new synonymy, fauna, Russia. 1 А. С. Лелей, М. В. Мокроусов. Типы сколиид (Hymenoptera), описан- ные Эдуардом Эверсманном, с некоторыми таксономическими заметками и списком сколиид России // Дальневосточный энтомолог. 2017. N 340. С. 1-17. Резюме. Дан обзор типовых экземпляров 9 номинальных таксонов, описан- ных Э. Эверсманном. Обозначены лектотипы для Scolia grisea Eversmann, 1849, S. sareptana Eversmann, 1849 и S. schrenckii Eversmann, 1846. Обозначен неотип для Vespa galbula Pallas, 1771. Предложена новая синонимия для Colpa galbula (Pallas, 1771), comb. n. = Scolia sexmaculata Fabricius, 1781, syn. n., = S. interrupta Fabricius, 1781, syn. n., = S. sareptana Eversmann, 1849, syn. n.; Scolia quadricincta Scopoli, 1786, stat. resurr. = S. flaviceps Eversmann, 1846, syn. n. В соответствии со статьями, 23.9.2 кодекса (ICZN, 1999) Scolia fallax Eversmann, 1849 является nomen protectum и имеет преимущество перед старшим названием Vespa tricolor Pallas, 1771, nomen oblitum. Приведен список сколиид России (5 родов, 20 видов). INTRODUCTION E.A. Eversmann was one of the first who studied the scoliid wasps in the Russian Empire. In his papers (Eversmann, 1846, 1949) he described nine new species (three of them currently are valid) from Russia and Kazakhstan and gave the first catalogue of Scolia (13 species). The Eversmann’s collection of insects, including most of his types, was bought by the Russian Entomological Society and currently is deposited at the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg. Here we gave in alphabet order the type material of described scoliid taxa. Because the Eversmann's scoliid species are related with two scoliid species described by P.S. Pallas (1771), the latter are discussed also. MATERIAL AND METHODS The type material of Scoliidae, described by E. Eversmann and neotype of Vespa galbula Pallas, 1771 are deposited in the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. Comparative and additional material of Scoliidae from the collection of this institute, M.V. Mokrousov personal collection, Nizhni Novgorod and collection of Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Vladivostok were studied also. Photographs of the specimens and labels were taken by a digital camera Canon EOS 50D with objective Canon Macro Lens EF 100 mm. Composite images stacked with the software Helicon Focus®. The final illustrations were post-processed for sharpness, contrast and brightness using Adobe® Photoshop® software. The generic and subgeneric classification follows T. Osten (2005). The regionalization of the Russia and Europe see Loktionov & Lelej (2017). The order of distribution follows forthcoming Catalogue of Hymenoptera of Russia. 2 LIST OF THE TYPES Scolia amabilis Eversmann, 1849 Fig. 1 Scolia amabilis Eversmann, 1849: 433, ♂, "Hab[itat] in provinc[iae] Astrachanensi". TYPE LOCALITY. Russia: North Caucasus, Stavropol Terr. HOLOTYPE. ♂, "Cauc. // amabi- / lis mihi // Holotype ♂ / Scolia amabilis / Eversmann, 1849 // Scolia ♂ / fuciformis Scop. / Mokrousov det., 2016 // [bottom label] amabilis, mihi". CURRENT STATUS. Scolia fuciformis (Scopoli, 1786) = S. amabilis Evers- mann, 1849, syn. confirmed. Junior subjective synonym of Scolia insubrica Rossi, 1790 (=Sphex fuciformis Scopoli, 1786) according to Burmeister, 1854: 44. REMARK. The holotype with the label "Cauc[asus]" has been collected by E. Eversmann and student Ludwig in 1830 in the places between Stavropol and mountain Magshuk (!) (near current Pyatigorsk) (Geptner, 1940) and Astrakhan Governorate in the description possibly erroneous. Fig. 1. Scolia amabilis Eversmann, 1849, holotype, ♂. Habitus and labels. Scolia concolor Eversmann, 1849 Fig. 2 Scolia concolor Eversmann, 1849: 432, ♂, "Hab[itat] in campis Kirgisorum orientalibus" [Eastern Kazakstan] 3 TYPE LOCALITY. Eastern Kazakhstan: Eastern Kazakhstan Prov. HOLOTYPE, ♂, "Songaria [Eastern Kazakstan] // concolor / Evm / an cyani- / pennis F.? // Holotype ♂ / Scolia concolor / Eversmann, 1849 // [bottom label] cyanipennis / F.? / concolor Evm". CURRENT STATUS. Valid species Scolia (Scolia) concolor Eversmann, 1849. Fig. 2. Scolia concolor Eversmann, 1849, holotype, ♂. Habitus and labels. Fig. 3. Scolia fallax Eversmann, 1849, lectotype, ♀. Habitus and labels. 4 Scolia fallax Eversmann, 1849 Fig. 3 Scolia fallax Eversmann, 1849: 434, ♀, "Hab[itat] ad Volgam inferiorem" [Lower part of Volga River]; Burmeister, 1854; Hamon, 1993; Osten, 1994; Madl, 1997; Osten, 1999; Osten & Özbek, 1999; Osten, 2000; 2002; Osten et al., 2003; Anlaş & Çevik, 2004; Osten & Arens, 2004; Tezcan et al., 2004; Tüzün, 2004; Milko & Kazenas, 2005; Osten, 2005a; 2005b; Fallahzadeh & Saghaei, 2010; Sakenin et al., 2010; Özbek & Anlaş, 2011; Amolin, 2012; Elçin, 2012; Fateryga & Shorenko, 2012; Samin & Bağrıaçık, 2012; Samin et al., 2014; Elçin & Bağrıaçık, 2015; Fateryga & Shorenko, 2015; Bağrıaçık, 2016. TYPE LOCALITY. Russia: South of European part, Volgograd Prov. LECTOTYPE (designated by Hamon, 1993: 90). ♀, "Sarepta [Russia, Volgo- grad]" // Lectotypus / Sc. fallax Ev. / design. J. Hamon 1987 // [bottom label] fallax Evsm". Paralectotypes. 2♀, "Sarepta". CURRENT STATUS. Valid species Scolia (Scolia) fallax Eversmann, 1849. See discussion below under Vespa tricolor Pallas, 1771. Scolia flaviceps Eversmann, 1846 Fig. 4 Scolia flaviceps Eversmann, 1846: 441, tab. 5, fig. 3, ♀, "Habitat in Caucaso". TYPE LOCALITY. Russia: North Caucasus, Stavropol Terr. HOLOTYPE. ♀, "Cauc[asus] [Russia, Stavropol Terr., near Pyatigorsk] // flaviceps / mihi // Holotype ♀ / Scolia flaviceps / Eversmann, 1846 // Scolia ♀ / quadricincta Scop. / Mokrousov det., 2017 // [bottom label] flaviceps / mihi". CURRENT STATUS. Junior subjective synonym of Scolia (Scolia) quadricincta Scopoli, 1786, stat. resurr. = S. flaviceps Eversmann, 1846, syn. n. REMARK. More data about the label of holotype see Scolia amabilis above. Scolia grisea Eversmann, 1849 Fig. 5 Scolia grisea Eversmann, 1849: 431, ♂, "Hab[itat] in campis australibus inter Wolgam et Ural fluvios" [Volga-Ural interfluves; Russia, Western Kazakhstan]. TYPE LOCALITY. Russia: South of European part, Volgograd Prov. LECTOTYPE (designated here). ♂, "Sarepta [Russia, Volgograd]" // Lectotype Scolia grisea / Eversmann, 1849 / Design. Mokrousov et / Lelej, 2016 // Colpa ♂ / quinquecincta F. / Mokrousov det., 2016 // [bottom label] grisea Evm.". Paralecto- types. 1♂, "Calmucc" [Kalmyk steppe, probably Astrakhan Prov.]; 2♂, "Inderm" [Western Kazakhstan, Atyrau Prov., Inder Lake]; 2♂, "Spassk" [Russia, Orenburg Prov.]. CURRENT STATUS. Colpa (Heterelis) quinquecincta (Fabricius, 1793) = Scolia grisea Eversmann, 1849, syn. confirmed. Synonymized with Scolia quin- quecincta Fabricius, 1793 by Burmeister, 1854: 44. 5 Fig. 4. Scolia flaviceps Eversmann, 1846, holotype, ♀. Habitus and labels. Fig. 5. Scolia grisea Eversmann, 1849, lectotype, ♂. Habitus and labels. Scolia laeta Eversmann, 1849 Fig. 6 Scolia laeta Eversmann, 1849: 433, ♂, "Cepi in campis australibus inter Wolgam et Ural fluvios" [Volga-Ural interfluves; Russia, Western Kazakhstan]. TYPE LOCALITY. Russia: South of European part, Kalmyk Rep. 6 HOLOTYPE. ♂, "Calmucc" [Kalmyk steppe, probably Astrakhan Reg.] // laeta / Evm. // Holotype ♂ / Scolia laeta / Eversmann, 1849 // Scolia ♂ / garrula Er. / Mokrousov det., 2016 // [bottom label] laeta Evm". Fig. 6. Scolia laeta Eversmann, 1849, holotype, ♂. Habitus and labels. Fig. 7. Scolia sareptana Eversmann, 1849, lectotype, ♀. Habitus and labels. 7 CURRENT STATUS. Junior subjective synonym of Scolia (Scolia) garrula Erichson, 1849 = S. laeta Eversmann, 1849, syn. confirmed. Synonymized with Scolia garrula Erichson by F. Morawitz, 1891: 182. REMARKS. In spite that both species were described in 1849, the dating of Erichson's paper is November (the reprint may be in 1848), while Eversmann's one in December. Scolia sareptana Eversmann, 1849 Fig. 7 Scolia sareptana Eversmann, 1849: 431, ♀, "Hab[itat] Sareptae" [Russia, Volgograd]. TYPE LOCALITY. Russia:
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    Türk. entomol. derg., 2004, 28 (4): 247-252 ISSN 1010-6960 Contribution to the knowledge of Scoliidae (Hymenoptera) fauna of Turkey Serdar TEZCAN* Yusuf KARSAVURAN* Esat PEHLİVAN* Sinan ANLAŞ** Summary In this study, it has been determined that totally 10 species belonging to Scoliidae occuring in the collection of LEMT (Lodos Entomological Museum, Turkey). Amongst those Megascolia maculata maculata (Drury, 1773) is the most common subspecies. Key words: Hymenoptera, Scoliidae, fauna, Turkey Anahtar sözcükler: Hymenoptera, Scoliidae, fauna, Türkiye Introduction Scoliidae is a small, cosmopolitan family of aculeate wasps. They are a group of solitary habits which develop externally on the larvae of Scarabeoid beetles. Their large body is hairy, black with yellow, orange or red marking. Faunistic studies on the Scoliid wasps of Turkey have been conducted by Betrem (1935, 1961), Bradley (1950), Tkalcu (1987), Madl (1997) and Osten & Özbek (1999). Scoliids have been collected from the different parts of Turkey, but the data of which have not been published yet. They have been preserved in the collection of LEMT (Lodos Entomological Museum Turkey) of Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Aegean University, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey. The aim of this paper is to present the complete records of preserved material to researchers and relevant people. * Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ege, 35100 Izmir, Turkey e-mail: [email protected] ** Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, University of Ege, 35100 Izmir, Turkey Alınış (Received): 18.11.2004 247 Material and Methods Material have been collected by sweeping of vegetation from the different parts of Turkey mainly by field studies of the projects (TUBITAK-TOAG/168, 336, 502) during the years of 1962-1986.
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    ANNALES HISTORICO-NATURALES MUSEI NATIONALIS HUNGARICI Volume 88. Budapest. 1996 pp. 171-222. Generic synopsis of Scoliidae (Hymenoptera, Scolioidea) Q. ARGAMAN Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection and Inspection P.O. Box 78, Bet Dagan, 11-50250, Israel ARGAMAN, Q. (1996): Generic synopsis of Scoliidae (Hymenoptera, Scolioidea). - Annls hist.-nat. Mus. neun. hung. 88: 171-222. Abstract - The classification and nomenclature of Scoliidae is reviewed and a comprehensive key to genera is presented. A new subfamily (Colpinae), together with 21 new tribes (Agombardini, As- coliini, Austroscoliini, Bctremiini, Carinoscoliini, Colpacampsomerini, Colpini. Curtaurgini, Da- syscoliini. Dielidini. Discoliini, Dobrobetini, Hangasornini. Heterelini, Lisocini, Megascoliini, Pseudotrielidini, Tetrascitonini, Trisciloini, Triscoliini, Ycasbraini) are described. In order to ac­ commodate natural groups of species, there are 62 new genera proposed (Agombarda, Bagonasuna, Batalanga, Borongorba, Burgamurga, Buzatlana, Citberaysa, Curlaurga, Dobrobeta, Elpáholta, Fiharbuxa, Gondiconda, Hangasorna, Haralambia, Hayderiba, Hitfoidra, Iforborha, Iksalonca, II- kamilka, Jupadora, Katapolda, Kokarevta, Kukkiya, Laskariska, Lobhargita, Molzinarda, Mooki- tena, Murahutka, Naysebwa, Niyaranta, Nokbibula, Noybarilta, Onkoknoa, Ordatirga, Orlovinga, Oscaiosca, Paconzitva, Pardesiya, Pupunluiga, Rahosmula, Ri/iamlika, Rostopasca, Rucarcana, Sisakrosa, Sobolpiha, Stiboranna, Sugorpilfa, Susaynata, Tatusdayca, Titbisayda, Tonsoygala, Torbesula, Turlurayca,
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