African Journal of Marketing Management Vol. 4(4), pp. 130-151, April 2012 Available online at DOI: 10.5897/AJMM12.020 ISSN 2141-2421 ©2012 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Analysis of consumer attitudes towards integrated circuit (IC) cards

Yasuo Ishii 1*, Yuki Higuchi 2, and Kazuhiro Takeyasu 2

1Department of Management Design, Osaka International University, 3-50-1, Sugi, Hirakata, Osaka 573-0192, Japan. 2Osaka Prefecture University, 1-1 Gakuenchou, Sakai, Osaka-fu 599-8531, Japan.

Accepted 28 October, 2011

This paper analyzes the attitudes of consumers towards integrated circuit (IC) cards, which has a big influence on the buying behavior of consumers. For this purpose, we created a questionnaire survey of using IC card on purchasing, and we utilized the text mining method. In reviewing past researches, some related researches were used, but the analyses were based on simple accumulation, though there have been a few investigations on this. The purpose of this survey is to examine the attitudes of consumers to the convenience and need of purchasing with IC card. Additionally, this survey seeks to clarify the general opinions of consumers concerning an IC card system. Moreover, this survey strives to learn about consumers’ awareness of the IC card system, their expectations for the IC card system, and the information they need. Some interesting and instructive results were obtained. These were utilized for constructing a much more effective and useful IC card system.

Key words: Integrated circuit (IC), consumers, key graph, electronic money, attitudes.


Electronic money usage is widespread at the present and which were easier to issue from 2001. time such as integrated circuit (IC) traffic cards on the Afterward, 2 major groups of the retailing business newly railroad. Payment by electronic money has become issued the group cards such as and WAON in possible in such places as convenience stores, April 2007. They made the enriched card of the point supermarkets, and restaurants as well as railroads. program to become popular in promoting payment inside There are two types of electronic money and they are the convenience store and supermarket. As a result, categorized by payment method. One type is the prepaid nanaco of the “Seven & Eye Holdings” sprang to the top, type which is centered on JR East’s Suica, private at the number of the purchase payments within only 2 railways’ PASMO in the Kanto region (metropolitan area) months after being launched in June, 2007. At the same and bitWallet Edy issues, and the other is the post-paid time, as the rapid popularization of the IC card was type. There are some electronic money such as iD, promoted, the severity of companies contending for new QUICPay and Smartplus which are connected to the customers increased greatly. credit card mainly in the cell phone wallets and private General summary of the prepaid type of electronic railways’ PiTaPa in the Kansai region. money is shown in Table 1. Number of cards issued by Use of the traffic system and convenience stores was the prepaid type of electronic money has already developed mainly in the prepaid type of IC cards such as surpassed 120 million at the time of September 2009. It means that each person has more than 1 card in average. Reviewing past researches including the following *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: +81-72-858- (Arcar and Day, 1980; Osawa, 1992; Ueda et al., 1987), 1616. Fax: +81-72-858-0897. there are some related researches made on this. Oshima Ishii et al. 131

Table 1. General summary of electronic money of prepaid type (Number of card issue at the time of September 2009).

Main promoting Number of card Number of settlement Electronic money Starting period company issue (Million) (Million) Edy Sony etc. 2001 52.00 25.00 Suica JR East Japan 2004 27.35 28.37 PASMO KEIO Railway etc 2007 13.42 12.28 WAON AEON 2007 11.30 25.30 nanaco Seven & i Holdings 2007 9.0 35.00

Based on data from Nihon Keizai Shinbun-Sha (6/Nov./2009).

(2005) clarified that electronic money is more superior The major single variable summary results of the than IC credit for the settlement of small account. questionnaire investigation are shown in Table 2. Nakashima (2007) made an overview of current Analysis methods were as follows and the questionnaire Electronic money status in Japan. Oyama et al. (2006) results are analyzed in five methods. Firstly, summary of built made of cash currency and applied to Electronic single variable is executed in order to examine the money. Kurokawa A., et al. (2003) analysed the “FeliCa” pattern of responding to each item. Secondly, analysis by technology and its application. There are some related Multi-corresponding analysis is executed in order to papers such as these, there are few papers concerning visualize the relationship among the items. Thirdly, consumers’ analysis for the need of the purchasing with analysis by Factor analysis is executed so as to clarify IC card. the viewpoints of important factors. Fourthly, We utilize the Key Graph method for the analysis, Quantification Method Ⅱ is executed in order to analyze which is also a relative new method (Osawa et al., 1999; the contribution of each item to the total index. Fifthly, Osawa, 2003) and we can hardly find researches in these analysis by Key Graph is executed in order to grasp the fields using this method. This paper analyzes how total structure of the items, which are summarized in electronic money was introduced into the market at Table 3. present under the rapid popularization of using IC cards, which have a big influence on the buying behavior of consumers and how they will become popular in the ANALYSIS BY SINGLE VARIABLE future. While considering the advantages and disadvantages of the various kinds of electronic money, a Usage condition of electronic money true appearance of the development of electronic money using IC cards is discussed. We show the usage condition of electronic money The purpose of this survey is to examine the attitudes concerning the following questions in Figure 1. of consumers to the convenience and need of purchasing with IC card. Additionally, this survey seeks to clarify the Q1. What kind of electronic money do you have? general opinions of consumers concerning the IC card Q2. What kind of electronic money do you use? system. Moreover, this survey strives to learn about Q3. What kind of electronic money do you use the most? consumers’ awareness of the IC card system, their expectations for the IC card system, and the information Electronic monies of high holding rate are IC traffic cards they need. such as Suica, PASMO, ICOCA and PiTaPa. Another genre card is Edy.

By analyzing Q3 (What kind of electronic money do Questionnaire research you use the most?) for Kansai and Kanto regions, we can A questionnaire investigation was carried out using IC obtain Figures 2 and 3. Regional traffic cards occupy card on purchasing. The outline of the questionnaire more than 70%. In Kansai region, ICOCA and PiTaPa research is as follows: occupy 73% and in Kanto region, Suica and PASMO occupy 88%. 1. Scope of investigation: Student, a member of society etc., Japan. 2. Period: October to December 2008. Reason to use electronic money (Q4) 3. Method: Mail and self writing. 4. Collection: Number of distribution is 500, number of The biggest reason is “ Able to use as a ticket for a collection is 348 (collection rate 69.6%) and number of railway and / or bus”, then ““ Able to settle payments valid answers is 346. without having change”, “ Able to get additional points” 132 Afr. J. Mark. Manage.

Table 2. Major single variable summary results.

Question Answer Number of answer Share Hold 265 76.8 Q1. Hold Electronic Money Do not hold 80 23.2

-20 13 3.8 -30 137 40.2 -40 86 25.2 Q13. Age -50 61 17.9 -60 42 12.3 60- 2 0.6

Male 255 74.6 Q14. Sex Female 87 25.4 Kanto Region 118 35.1 Q15. Residence Kansai Region 194 57.7 Miscellaneous 24 7.1

Table 3. Analysis method.

Step Aim of analysis Used method 1 Examining the pattern of responding to items Single variable analysis 2 Examine the relationship among questionnaire items about important factors Multi correspondence analysis : (Positioning) 3 Clarifying the viewpoints and axes for the important factors Factor analysis : (Extracting) 4 Analyze the contribution of each item to the total index Quantification method Ⅱ: (Contribution) 5 Visualize the Total structure among questions systematically ⇒ Important factors are extracted Key graph analysis: (Text mining)

140 120 100 80 60 haveHave 40 20 useUse

0 mostMost use use Edy Suica ① ICOCA PiTaPa WAON Cmode nanaco ⑧iD PASMO ② ⑥ ⑦ ⑤ ⑬ ④ QUICKPay ③ Smartplus Visa Touch Visa ⑨ ⑩ Podel(taspo) ⑪ Miscellaneous ⑫

Figure 1. Usage condition of electronic money (Q1, Q2, Q3). Ishii et al. 133

Visa Kansai PASMO Touch Edy Suica 1% 1% 9% 6% ID 6% nanaco 2% PiTaPa WAON 37% 2% ICOCA 36%

Figure 2. Most used card (Kansai region).

Kanto Visa PiTaPa ID ICOCA Touch 0% 2% WAON 0% 0% 0% nanaco Edy 2% 8%

PASMO 35% Suica 53%

Figure 3. Most used card (Kanto region).

as shown in Figure 4. shown in Figure 5.

Important points when using electronic money (Q7) The place electronic money is often used (Q8)

We can observe that ““ ①Able to use when buying at “① Convenience store” is the most often used and then the shop (usually used)” is the most important point and “③Shop in station”, “⑪Only railway” and “ ⑥Vending then “ ⑪Convenient to settle debts” and “ ②There are Machine” as shown in Figure 6. many shops in which electronic money can be used” as By analyzing Q8 (Where do you use electronic money 134 Afr. J. Mark. Manage.

250 217 200 140 150

100 51 36 50 28 33 25 21 13 14 17 15 0 5 8 0

Figure 4. Reason to use electronic money (Q4).

Q7 ⑰Have a variety of money charging services 11 29 116 67 35 Q7 ⑯Upper bound restriction when using 16 42 97 66 37 Q7 ⑮Many people use it 14 55 81 67 41 Q7 ⑭Able to confirm purchase history 30 56 92 60 20 Q7 ⑬Able to use via mobile phone 30 21 73 82 51 Q7 ⑫Ample service besides points and discounts 28 49 99 60 23 Q7 ⑪Convenient to settle debts 95 83 58 19 6 Q7 ⑩Reliable company issues electronic money 80 82 75 16 7 Q7 ⑨Able to confirm residual money 47 87 83 30 13 Q7 ⑧Able to charge by various means 41 68 87 51 12 Q7 ⑦Discount 69 77 72 33 10 Q7 ⑥Security is strengthened 78 74 71 29 8 Q7 ⑤Points are added 69 66 62 47 17 Q7 ④There are many places when we can charge money 80 85 63 23 11 Q7 ③Easy to handle 84 68 81 23 5 Q7 ②There are many shops in which electronic money … 87 68 59 32 14 Q7 ①Able to use when buying at the shop usually used 101 62 51 32 15 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ⑤Esteem very much ④Slightly esteem ③Ordinary level ②Slightly do not esteem ①Do not esteem

Figure 5. Important points when using electronic money (Q7).

most often?) for Kansai and Kanto regions, we can obtain Average utilization frequency of electronic money Figures 7 and 8. The tendency is the same. Convenience (Q9) store is the most often used which occupies nearly 1/3, then shopping in station is nearly 20% and Vending From Figure 9, we can observe that nearly 30% of people Machine is nearly 10% as indicated in the figures. use electronic money every day and more than half of the Ishii et al. 135

⑫ Miscellaneous ⑩Department 3% store 1% ⑨Specialty ⑪Only store railway 15% 2% ①Convenience ⑧Net-shopping store 2% 32% ⑥Vending ⑦Restaurant Machine 3% 12% ③Shop in ⑤Library station ②Super market 5% 0% ④Book store 21% 4%

Figure 6. The place electronic money is often used (Q8).

Department Kansai store Miscellaneous 1% Only railway 2% 17%

Spcialty Convenience storee store 1% 34% Net-shoping 3%

Super market 6% Restaurant 4% Vending Machine Book store 9% 3% Shop in station 20%

Figure 7. Often used place (Kansai region).

users use electronic money several times in a week. By analyzing Q10 (How much electronic money do you By analyzing Q9 (How often do you spend electronic spend in a month?) for Kansai and Kansai regions, we money in a month?) for under 30 years old and others, can obtain Figures 13 and 14. Usage amount of less than we obtain Figures 10 and 11. As for heavy users who use 3000 Yen occupies nearly 60% for both Kansai and electronic money every day, under 30 years old group Kanto. As for higher usage amount of more than 10,000 occupies 32%, while others occupy 23%. Users who use Yen, usage percent is 23% in Kanto and 16% in Kansai. electronic money for more than two times in a week This may be so because IC card holder rate is high in occupy nearly 60% for both groups. Kanto region. Usage amount is analyzed by clustering of different ages. The case of persons under 30 years of age and Average usage amount of electronic money per another case of persons that are 30 years old and above month (Q10) are shown in Figures 15 and 16. The usage amount of less than 3000 yen occupies nearly 60% for both cases, Those who spend electronic money less than 3000 but as for the high usage amount of more than 20,000 Japanese Yen for a month take more than half of the yen, the case of persons under 30 years of age takes share (Figure 12). nearly 5% and the other case takes nearly 11%, which 136 Afr. J. Mark. Manage.

Department Kanto store Only railway Miscellaneous 0% 14% Convenience 4% store Spcialty 33% storee 3%

Super market Net-shoping 2% 1%

Vending Shop in Restaurant Machine Book store station 3% 13% 4% 23%

Figure 8. Often used place (Kanto region).

⑧several ⑨do not ⑦less than 1 times in a use/quite time in a year few month 4% 7% 3% ⑥1-2 times ① in a month every day 9% 27% ⑤3-4 times in a month 5% ②4-5 times ④1 time in a in a week week 13% 13% ③2-3 times in a week 19%

Figure 9. Average utilization frequency of electronic money (Q9).

suggests that it is influenced by their income. is the most expected and then,” ①Combine plural electronic money”, “ ②Strengthen security”, “ ③Add additional services such as points, discounts” and Reason for not holding electronic money (Q11) “⑤Increased places where users can charge money”

follow respectively. From Figure 17, we can observe that almost 1/4 holders of electronic money think it is troublesome to hold it and almost 1/4 holders of electronic money do not feel merit MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS by using it.

Multi correspondence analysis

Expectation to electronic money in the future (Q12) We carried out multi correspondence analysis based on the selection of answers made concerning Q7 (What is From Figure 18, we can observe that “ ④Increased the important point you note when you use electronic amount of shops in which electronic money can be used” money?) and Q12 (What do you expect for electronic Ishii et al. 137

sevel imes Under 30 years old in a year do not 3% use/quite less than 1 few time in a 10% month 1% every day 32% 1-2times in a month 4-5times in 8% a week 10% 3-4times in 2-3times in a month 1time in a a week 9% week 12% 15%

Figure 10. Utilization frequency (Under 30).

sevel imes in do not a year 30 and over use/quite 5% few less than 1 6% time in a month 4% every day 23% 1-2times in a month 4-5times 9% 1time in a in a week week 15% 2-3times 14% in a week 3-4times in a 21% month 3%

Figure 11. Utilization frequency (30 and over).

money in the future?) and analyzed the intimacy among “⑨Able to confirm residual money”, “ ⑭Able to confirm items from the scattering figure of discrimination purchase history”, and “ ⑯Upper bound restriction when measure. using.” The second one is items concerning safety of card settlement such as “ ⑥Security is strengthened”, “⑩Reliable company issues electronic money”, and Important points when using electronic money (Q7) “⑪Convenient to settle debts.” The third one is items

We can observe four clusters from Figure 19. The first concerning additional services such as “ ①Able to use one is the group which indicates the easiness in when buying at the shop (usually used)”, “ ②There are confirming usage data and the reliability of card such as many shops in which electronic money can be used”, 138 Afr. J. Mark. Manage.

⑥-¥30,000 ⑦¥30,000 - 6% 2% ⑤-¥20,000 11% ①-¥1000 29% ④-¥10,000 12%

③-¥5000 ②-¥3000 13% 27%

Figure 12. Average usage amount of electronic money per month (Q10).

Kansai ¥30000- ¥-30,000 1% 5% ¥-20,000 ¥-1,000 10% 27%

¥-10,000 16% ¥-3,000 28% ¥-5,000 13%

Figure 13. Average usage (Kansai region).

“⑤Points are added”, “ ⑦Discount”, “ ⑧Able to charge by one is the group which indicates items of the expansion various means”, “ ⑫Ample service besides points and of usage channel and restriction of usage such as ⑨ discount”, and “ ⑮Many people use it.” The fourth one is “ Increased kinds of mobile phone by which users can the group which indicates convenience for its usage such use electronic money”, “ ⑫Age certification by electronic as “ ③Easy to handle”, “ ④There are many places where money card when the user enters into a bar or an adult ⑯ we can charge money”, and “ ⑬Able to use via mobile movie theater”, and “ Upper bound restriction when phone.” using.” The second one is the items concerning convenience of settlement and safety such as “ ⑬Able to use by Expectation to electronic money in the future (Q12) mobile phone”, and “ ⑰Have a variety of money charging services.” We can observe four clusters from Figure 20. The first The third one is the group which indicates convenience Ishii et al. 139

¥30000- Kanto 4% ¥-30,000 7% ¥-1,000 27% ¥-20,000 12% ¥-10,000 8%

¥-5,000 ¥-3,000 15% 27%

Figure 14. Average usage (Kanto region).

¥-30,000 Under 30 years old 5% ¥30000- ¥-20,000 0% 11%

¥-1,000 27% ¥-10,000 12% ¥-3,000 33% ¥-5,000 12%

Figure 15. Average usage (Under 30).

for its usage such as “ ⑤Increased places where users money in the future?” can charge money”, and “ ⑥Easy explanation on how to Factor analysis is executed so as to extract viewpoints use.” or axes for the users’ appraisal. As for the extraction The fourth one is the group which indicates additional method of the factor, “the principal axis factoring” is adopted, and as for the rolling-method, “the varimax services such as “ ②Strengthen security”, “③Add rotation which is accompanied by the normalization of additional services such as points, discounts”, Kaiser as orthogonal rotation” is adopted. Also, we “④Increased amount of shops in which electronic money confirmed the validity of the KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) can be used, “ ⑦Combination of credit card function and specimen validity measure. cash card function”, and “ ⑩Age certification by electronic money card when the user uses Liquor or Tobacco vending machines.” Important points when using electronic money (Q7)

KMO is 0.877 and we can confirm an appropriate Analysis by factor analysis common factor. From the factor matrix, after rotation, we can extract 5 meaningful axes. The accumulated sum of Factor analysis is used to analyze Q7 “What is the the square of factor loading is 54.941%. important point you note when you use electronic We can see in Table 4 that the 1st axis is the factor money?” and Q12 “What do you expect for electronic concerning relief in the use of card based on such items 140 Afr. J. Mark. Manage.

¥30000- 30 and over 4% ¥-30,000 7%

¥-20,000 ¥-1,000 10% 30%

¥-10,000 ¥-3,000 11% 24% ¥-5,000 14%

Figure 16. Average usage (30 and over).

⑦Uneasy to spend ⑧Miscellaneous too much for post- ( ) paid card 3% ⑥Already have 12% too many cards 3% ①Do not feel merit by using it ⑤There are few 25% stores in which it can be used ②Troublesome for 8% subscription 26% ④Troublesome in making money ③Feel uneasy charge for the security 9% 14%

Figure 17. The reason for not holding electronic money (Q11) .

as “ ⑬Able to use via mobile phone”, “ ⑭Able to confirm card based on such items as “ ⑥Security is purchase history”, and “ ⑮Many people use it.” strengthened”, and “ ⑩Reliable company issues The 2nd axis is the axis concerning reliability in the use electronic money.” of card based on such items as “ ⑯Upper bound restriction when using”, and “ ⑰Have a variety of money Expectation to electronic money in the future (Q12) charging services.” The 3rd axis is the factor which indicates additional As regards this question, KMO is 0.936 and we can value when using card based on such items as “ ⑤Points confirm an appropriate common factor. From the factor are added”, “ ⑦Discount”, and “ ⑫Ample service besides matrix, after rotation in Table 5, we can extract 2 points and discounts.” meaningful axes. Accumulated sum of the square of The 4th axis is the factor which indicates convenience Factor loading is 56.651%. We can see that the 1st axis in the use of card based on such items as “ ①Able to use is the factor concerning improvement of service quality when buying at the shop (usually used)”, and “ ②There based on such items as “ ①Combine plural electronic are many shops in which electronic money can be used.” money”, “ ②Strengthen security”, “ ③Add additional The 5th axis is the axis concerning safety in the use of services such as points, discounts”, “④Increased amount Ishii et al. 141

Q12 ⑰Have a variety of money charging services 29 66 139 58 27 Q12 ⑯Upper bound restriction when using 46 63 134 53 25 Q12 ⑮Many people use it 48 66 140 47 20 Q12 ⑭Able to confirm purchase history 77 83 119 36 6 Q12 ⑬Able to use by mobile phone 60 41 115 65 38 Q12 ⑫Age certification by electronic money card … 36 45 120 79 41 Q12 ⑪Able to use to paying tax 61 55 111 64 32 Q12 ⑩Age certification by electronic money card … 44 44 109 69 57 Q12 ⑨Increased kinds of mobile phone by which … 60 39 117 66 38 Q12 ⑧Certification of card owner using the … 62 69 122 53 17 Q12 ⑦Combination of credit card function and cash … 80 58 102 61 21 Q12 ⑥Easy explanation on how to use 95 69 120 31 9 Q12 ⑤Increased places where users can charge… 116 77 101 21 7 Q12 ④Increased amount of shops in which … 163 86 64 73 Q12 ③Add additional services such as points, … 136 94 66 19 8 Q12 ②Strengthen security 158 89 70 91 Q12 ①Combine plural electronic money 161 82 50 26 7 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%100% ⑤Expect very much ④Slightly Expect ③Ordinary level

Figure 18. Expectation to electronic money in the future (Q12).

Discrimination判別測度 measures

0.45 Q7⑭ Q7⑯ Q7⑨

0.40 Q7⑥

Dimension2 Q7⑪ Q7⑰ 0.35 次次次 Q7⑩ 2 2 元元元2 2 Q7②

0.30 Q7③ Q7① Q7⑦ Q7⑮ Q7④ Q7⑧ Q7⑤ Q7⑫ 0.25


0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 次元1 Dimension 1

Figure 19. Important points when using electronic money (Q7).

of shops in which electronic money can be used”, “⑥Easy explanation on how to use”, “ ⑦Combination of “⑤Increased places where users can charge money”, credit card function and cash card function, 142 Afr. J. Mark. Manage.

Discrimination判別測度 measures


Q12⑨ Q12⑫ 0.45 Q12⑯ Q12⑧ Q12⑬ Q12⑭ Q12⑰ 0.40 Dimension2 Q12⑮ Q12⑤ 次次次 Q12⑪ 0.35 Q12⑥ 2 2 元元元2 2

0.30 Q12④ Q12② Q12⑩ Q12⑦ Q12③


Q12① 0.20 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Dimension次元1 1

Figure 20. Expectation to electronic money in the future (Q12).

Table 4. Important points when using electronic money (Factor matrix after rotation).

Factor Q7 :::What is an important point when you use electronic money? 1 2 3 4 5 ①Able to use when buying at the shop usually used 0.173 0.057 0.265 0.658 0.212 ②There are many shops in which electronic money can be used 0.241 0.146 0.151 0.934 0.096 ③Easy to handle 0.075 0.252 0.228 0.310 0.458 ④There are many places when we can charge money 0.122 0.246 0.246 0.321 0.227 ⑤Points are added 0.124 -0.010 0.788 0.225 0.175 ⑥Security is strengthened 0.205 0.328 0.300 0.204 0.542 ⑦Discount 0.144 0.176 0.676 0.153 0.272 ⑧Able to charge by various means 0.322 0.293 0.353 0.175 0.207 ⑨Able to confirm residual money 0.419 0.231 0.182 0.154 0.416 ⑩Reliable company issues electronic money 0.291 0.267 0.132 0.142 0.750 ⑪Convenient to settle debts 0.307 0.116 0.229 0.280 0.377 ⑫Ample service besides points and discounts 0.456 0.286 0.504 0.201 0.107 ⑬Able to use via mobile phone 0.627 0.123 0.146 0.173 -0.058 ⑭Able to confirm purchase history 0.699 0.206 0.149 0.123 0.330 ⑮Many people use it 0.611 0.332 0.071 0.137 0.171 ⑯Upper bound restriction when using 0.269 0.706 0.135 0.089 0.115 ⑰Have a variety of money charging services 0.268 0.830 0.086 0.132 0.032 ⑱Miscellaneous ( ) 0.013 0.062 -0.042 -0.012 -0.224

“⑧Certification of card owner using the electronic money bound restriction when using”, and “ ⑰Have a variety of card when the user uses net banking”, “ ⑭Able to confirm money charging services.” purchase history”, “⑮Many people use it”, “⑯Upper The 2nd axis is the axis concerning convenience by the Ishii et al. 143

Table 5. Expectation to electronic money in the future (Factor matrix after rotation). . Factor Q12: What do you expect for electronic money in the future? 1 2 ①Combine plural electronic money 0.691 0.207 ②Strengthen security 0.772 0.185 ③Add additional services such as points, discounts 0.745 0.204 ④Increased amount of shops in which electronic money can be used 0.791 0.248 ⑤Increased places where users can charge money 0.792 0.252 ⑥Easy explanation on how to use 0.722 0.290 ⑦Combination of credit card function and cash card function 0.532 0.406 ⑧Certification of card owner using the electronic money card when the user uses net banking 0.600 0.449 ⑨Increased kinds of mobile phone by which user can use electronic money 0.420 0.673 ⑩Age certification by electronic money card when the user uses Liquor or Tobacco vending machines 0.311 0.663 ⑪Able to use to paying tax 0.447 0.561 ⑫Age certification by electronic money card when the user enters into a bar or an adult movie theater 0.343 0.787 ⑬Able to use by mobile phone 0.379 0.704 ⑭Able to confirm purchase history 0.660 0.403 ⑮Many people use it 0.613 0.461 ⑯Upper bound restriction when using 0.585 0.452 ⑰Have a variety of money charging services 0.558 0.536 ⑱Miscellaneous ( ) -0.006 0.264

expansion of utilization channel based on such items as the analysis, which is a kind of purchase behavior theme, “⑨Increased kinds of mobile phone by which users can an analysis was carried out by converting the 5 answer use electronic money”, “ ⑩Age certification by electronic level division into a 3 level division, that is, 5, 4 to 3, 3 to money card when the user uses Liquor or Tobacco 2, 2, and 1 to 1. vending machines”, “ ⑪Able to use to pay tax”, “ ⑫Age certification by electronic money card when the user Case 1 ⑬ enters into a bar or an adult movie theater”, and “ Able to use by mobile phone.” Outer criterion is tagged “Hold or does not hold IC card”. Explanations for the variables are given for each question in Q7. Through the result of the coefficient of canonical Analysis by quantification method II discrimination function, the discrimination equation of the outer criteria can be stated as follows: Considering the volume of data and the characteristics of

Z = −6.484 + 0.43 Q701 − 0.032 Q702 + 0.082 Q703 + 0.087 Q704 + 0.099 Q705 − .0 052 Q706 + .0 013 Q707 − .0 031 Q708 + .0 059 Q709 − .0 026 Q710 + .0 145 Q711

+ .0 060 Q712 + .0 073 Q713 − .0 030 Q714 + .0 154 Q715 + .0 095 Q716 + .0 194 Q717 (1)

where question number is added to Q7**. For example, parameter weight (Equation 1). Q712 means that the question number is 12 in Q7. The discriminate hitting ratio is 99.7%. It is quite good in this case. We can make good forecasting of “Hold or Case 2 does not hold IC card” in utilizing this equation and we can see the contribution of each item in Q7 by its The outer criterion is tagged in the same way as Case 1. 144 Afr. J. Mark. Manage.

Explanations for the variables are given for each question discrimination function, the discrimination of the outer in Q12. Through the result of the coefficient of canonical criteria can be stated as follows:

Z = −1.484 − 0.366 Q1201 + 0.377 Q1202 + 0.179 Q1203 − 0.250 Q1204 + 0.075 Q1205 − .0 007 Q1206 − .0 276 Q1207 − .0 214 Q1208 + .0 144 Q1209 − .0 177 Q1210 − .0 107 Q1211

+ .0 288 Q1212 + .0 111 Q1213 + .0 500 Q1214 − .0 036 Q1215 + .0 194 Q1216 + .0 060 Q1217 ( (2) where question number is added to Q12**. For example, charge money". "Able to settle payments without having Q1205 means that question number is 5 in Q12. charge" has high co-occurrence rate with "Able to get The discriminate hitting ratio is 68.7%, which is rather additional point", which also has high co-occurrence rate good in this case. We can make rather good forecasting with "Able to exchange points" linking "WAON". of “Hold or does not hold IC card” in utilizing this equation and we can see the contribution of each item in Q12 by its parameter weight (Equation 2). Attributes of answerers and usage condition of electronic money (Q13-15, Q8-10)

ANALYSIS USING KEY GRAPH Overall, we analyzed six items: Q8 - “Where do you use electronic money most often?”, Q9 - “How often do you Key graph is a method used to visualize the data spend electronic money?”, Q10 - “How much electronic structure using key words. Data occurrences at the same money do you spend in a month?”, Q13 - “How old are period of time are exhibited by the link of Key graph. you?”, Q14 - “Sex”, and Q15 - “Residence”. From Figure Jaccard coefficient is utilized for the analysis of co- 23, we can observe one “island”. Items of high co- appearance rate. occurrence rate are “Kanto”, “Kansai”, “Male”, “20-30 years old”, and “convenience store”. The highest co- occurrence rate of used money within one month is “less Kind of electronic money and reason for its usage than ¥1000”, followed by “¥1000 ~¥2000”. The former (Q1~Q4) one has high co-occurrence rate with “several times in a year” and “less than 1 time in a month”, while We analyzed four items altogether by utilizing Key graph: “¥10,000 ~¥20,000” has high co-occurrence rate with Q1 - “What kind of electronic money do you have?”, Q2 - “Every day”. “What kind of electronic money do you use?”, Q3 - “What kind of electronic money do you use the most?”, and Q4 - Analysis of electronic money's non holders (Q1, Q11, “Why?” Q13-15) As shown in Figure 21, we can observe high co- occurrence rate among “PiTaPa”, “ICOCA”, “Suica”, The analysis of 80 people that did not hold electronic “Pasmo” and “Edy”. Items concerning convenience are money is shown in Figure 24. The co-occurrence rate is derived, for example, “ ①Able to use as a ticket for a high among items "Do not feel merit by using it", "Feel railway and/or bus”, “ ②Able to settle payments without uneasy for the security", "Troublesome for subscription", having change”, “ ③Able to get additional points.” "Uneasy to spend too much for post-paid card", and However, “PiTaPa”, “Post-paid” and “Auto-charge” have "Troublesome in making money charge". The former four also rather high co-occurrence rate. items have high co-occurrence rate with "Kansai region", where "Troublesome for subscription" and "Uneasy to spend too much for post-paid card" may depend on the

characteristics of PiTaPa in Kansai region. Most often used cards and its reasons (Q3-4 and Those who do not hold electronic money have high co- Q13-15) occurrence rate with "20-30 years old", "Do not feel merit by using it", "Feel uneasy for the security", "Troublesome As shown in Figure 22, we can observe that co- for subscription", and "Uneasy to spend too much for occurrence rate is high with ICOCA and PiTaPa in Kansai post-paid card". region, and Suica and PASMO in Kanto region, though The main results obtained by Key Graph are as follows: PiTaPa has high co-occurrence rate with Post-Paid style. "Able to use as a ticket" and "Able to settle payments i) In Figure 21, high co-occurrence rate was observed without having charge" have high co-occurrence rate with between the IC card often used and its reason for usage. "Suica", "30-40", "Male", "Kansai" and "Kanto". ii) In Figure 22, high co-occurrence rate was observed "60-" has high co-occurrence rate with "Safeness in between railways’ IC card for their region (Kanto and Security" and "There are many places where we can Kansai). Ishii et al. 145

Figure 21. Kind of electronic money and reason to use (Q1~Q4)

Figure 22. Most often used cards and its reason (Q3-4&Q13-15).

and their corresponding regions (Kanto and Kansai security", "Troublesome for subscription", and "Uneasy to respectively). spend too much for post-paid card". iii) In Figure 23, the results are similar to those of single variable analysis. REMARKS iv) In Figure 24, the reason why 20 to 30 year-old people do not hold electronic money has high co-occurrence rate The difference between multi correspondence analysis with "Do not feel merit by using it", "Feel uneasy for the and factor analysis was stated hereafter. 146 Afr. J. Mark. Manage.

Figure 23. Attributes of answerers and usage condition of electronic money (Q13~Q15, Q8~10).

Figure 24. The analysis of electronic money's non holders (Q11,Q13-15).

Case of Q7 discount”, and “ ⑮Many people use it.” Cluster 4: Convenience for the usage such as “ ③Easy to We obtained the following 4 clusters from multi handle”, “ ④There are many places where we can charge correspondence analysis: money”, and “ ⑬Able to use via mobile phone.” Cluster 1: Easiness in confirming usage data and the reliability of card such as “ ⑨Able to confirm residual In factor analysis, we obtained the following 5 meaningful axes: money”, “ ⑭Able to confirm purchase history”, and

“⑯Upper bound restriction when using.” Cluster 4 (1st axis): Relief in using card based on such Cluster 2: Safety of card settlement such as “ ⑥Security items as “ ⑬Able to use via mobile phone”, “ ⑭Able to is strengthened”, “ ⑩Reliable company issues electronic confirm purchase history”, and ⑮Many people use it.” money”, and “ ⑪Convenient to settle debts.” Cluster 1 (2nd axis): Reliability in using card based on Cluster 3: Additional services such as “ ①Able to use such items as “ ⑯Upper bound restriction when using”, when buying at the shop (usually used)”, “ ②There are and “ ⑰Have a variety of money charging services.” many shops in which electronic money can be used”, Cluster 3 (3rd axis): Additional value in using card based “⑤Points are added”, “ ⑦Discount”, “ ⑧Able to charge by on such items as “ ⑤Points are added”, “ ⑦Discount”, and various means”, “⑫Ample service besides points and “⑫Ample service besides points and discounts.” Ishii et al. 147

Cluster 3 (4th axis): Convenience in using card based on Clusters 1 and 2 (2nd axis): Convenience by the such items as “ ①Able to use when buying at the shop expansion of utilization channel based on such items as (usually used)”, and “ ②There are many shops in which “⑨Increased kinds of mobile phone by which users can electronic money can be used.” use electronic money”, “ ⑩Age certification by electronic Cluster 2 (5th axis): Safety in using card based on such money card when the user uses Liquor or Tobacco items as “ ⑥Security is strengthened”, and “ ⑩Reliable vending machines”, “ ⑪Able to use to pay tax”, “ ⑫Age company issues electronic money.” certification by electronic money card when the user enters into a bar or an adult movie theater”, and “⑬Able The analyses are relatively similar for both of them. In to use by mobile phone.” detail, factor analysis separated the items of Cluster 3 The results are rather different for both methods. As into two axes (3rd axis and 4th axis), therefore it can be Q12 depicts an abstract question that seeks to know conveniently said that factor analysis derives more about the desire and expectation for electronic money in detailed analysis in this case. the future, factor analysis shows 2 big groups, that is, “Improvement for service quality” and “Expansion of the channel”. Case of Q12

We obtained the following 4 clusters from multi DISCUSSION correspondence analysis: Comparison of each method Cluster 1: The expansion of usage channel and restriction of usage such as “ Increased kinds of mobile After examining each item, we can observe that the phone by which users can use electronic money”, “ Age results obtained from both single variable and certification by electronic money card when the user multivariate analyses are rather similar. While single enters into a bar or an adult movie theater”, and “Upper variable analysis can make analysis only in one question bound restriction when using.” item, multivariate analysis can make versatile analysis Cluster 2: Convenience of settlement and safety such as among items. In particular, users’ “psychological “⑬Able to use by mobile phone”, and “ ⑰Have a variety evaluation” for IC card could be performed utilizing of money charging services.” multivariate analysis, where nominal data are handled. Cluster 3: Convenience of its usage such as Key graph is used for analysis after visualizing the total “⑤Increased places where users can charge money”, structure of items. There is need for further study based and “ ⑥Easy explanation on how to use.” on the results obtained from both the single variable and multivariate analyses. This study demonstrates that Key Cluster 4: Additional services such as “ ②Strengthen graph could grasp the total structure among items; security”, “ Add additional services such as points, moreover, it could grasp the psychological structure of discounts”, “ ④Increased amount of shops in which each demographic and geographic variable. electronic money can be used, “ ⑦Combination of credit card function and cash card function”, and “ ⑩Age certification by electronic money card when the user uses Conclusion Liquor or Tobacco vending machines.” We made analysis from various aspects and the following In factor analysis, we obtained the following 2 meaningful results were confirmed: axes. 1. Nearly 80% of consumers hold IC card. These cards Clusters 1, 2, 3 and 4 (1st axis): Improvement of service are mainly traffic cards. quality based upon such items as ““ Combine plural 2. Important points in using electronic money are “having electronic money”, “ Strengthen security”, “ Add many channels” and “convenience in settlement”. additional services such as points, discounts”, 3. IC cards are often used in such places as convenience “④Increased amount of shops in which electronic money store, shop in station, railway ticket and vending can be used”, “ ⑤Increased places where users can machine. charge money”, “ Easy explanation on how to use”, 4. Users are expecting IC card to increase places where “Combination of credit card function and cash card they can use, combine plural electronic money, function, “ Certification of card owner using the electronic strengthen security and include additional services. money card when the user uses net banking”, “ Able to 5. Reason for not holding electronic money is that it is confirm purchase history”, “ Many people use it”, troublesome and they do not feel merit in using it. “Upper bound restriction when using”, and “ Have a variety of money charging services.” We could confirm that Key graph is useful in such 148 Afr. J. Mark. Manage.

questionnaire investigation analysis. Based on the Osawa Y (2003). Information Technology of Finding Opportunity - analysis results of the single variable, multi Decision Support for Post Data mining Era. Tokyo Electrics University Press. correspondence analysis, factor analysis, quantification Osawa Y (1992). Marketing and Consumer Behavior: New wave of the method II and Key graph analysis were implemented. In Marketing Science. Yuhikaku Publishing. utilizing them, we could confirm that systematic and Ueda T, Shibata N (1987). Occasion of Using Goods and Price effective versatile analysis could be made. Various fields Organization. Using of Radaring Methods and Text Mining ~ For example “Beer & Sparkling Sake.” Mark. J. should be examined hereafter. Oshima K (2005). Appication of Electronic Money to Payments. Univ. J. Nihon Univ., 6: 335-346. Nakashima M (2007). New Development of Electronic money in Japan. RESEARCH LIMITATION AND FUTURE RESEARCH Reitaku Int. J. Econ. Stud., 15(2): 97-112. Oyama K, Nohara Y, Yasuura H (2006). Modeling of Cash Currency and DIRECTION Its Application to Implementation of Electronic Money System. IPSJ SIG Technical Report, 2006-MPS-59(9): 33-36. After a comparison of the study’s population was carried Kurokawa A, Morita T, Kusakabe S (2003). Contactless IC card out, it was observed that the sampling number is limited. Technology “FeliCa” and New Approach. International Symposium on Speed-up and Service Technology for Railway and Maglev System However, making suitable sampling of the population is a 2003 (STECH’03), 2003.8.19-22 Tokyo, Japan, pp. 323-327. future issue to be resolved. Based on the results obtained from this study, effective information was provided to each company concerning marketing strategy via IC card system, though further research may be carried out on these areas.


Arcar DA, Day GS (1980). Marketing Research: Private and Public Sector Decisions. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Osawa Y, Nels EB, Yachida M (1999). Automatic Indexing by Segmenting and Unifing Co-occurrence Graphs. The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Vol. J82-D-I No.2.

Ishii et al. 149


Questionnaire about using electronic money by IC card

Please answer the following questions. Please write down ○ to the answering items. Plural selection is allowed for Question 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11. Select ①~⑤ of the right column for Question 7 and 12.

1. What kind of electronic money do you have?

Q1 ①Edy ②Suica ③PASMO ④nanaco ⑤WAON ⑥ICOCA ⑦PiTaPa ⑧iD ⑨QUICPay ⑩Smartplus ⑪ Visa Touch ⑫ Pidel(taspo) ⑬ Cmode ⑭Do not have ⑮Miscellaneous ( )

2. What kind of electronic money do you use?

Q2 ①Edy ②Suica ③PASMO ④nanaco ⑤WAON ⑥ICOCA ⑦PiTaPa ⑧iD ⑨QUICPay ⑩Smartplus ⑪Visa Touch ⑫Pidel(taspo) ⑬Cmode ⑭Do not have ⑮Miscellaneous ( )

3. What kind of electronic money do you use the most?

Q3 ①Edy ②Suica ③PASMO ④nanaco ⑤WAON ⑥ICOCA ⑦PiTaPa ⑧iD ⑨QUICPay ⑩Smartplus ⑪Visa Touch ⑫Pidel(taspo) ⑬Cmode ⑭Do not have ⑮Miscellaneous ( )

4. Why ?

Q4 ①Able to use as a ticket for a railway and/or bus ②Able to settle payments without having change ③Able to get additional points ④Able to exchange points with other goods/services ⑤Able to use when buying at the shop (usually used) ⑥There are many shops in which electronic money can be used ⑦Only have that kind of electronic money ⑧Because it is a pre-paid style (not credit card style) ⑨Because it is a post-paid style ⑩Because it can be charged automatically ⑪There are many places where we can be charged ⑫Able to use in net-shopping ⑬Able to use an application of mobile phone ⑭Safeness in security ⑮Miscellaneous ( )

5. What kind of method do you often use when riding on a railway?

Q5 ①Suica ②PASMO ③ICOCA < post-paid style > ④PiTaPa

6. Why is that?

Q6 ①Able to use as a ticket for a railway and/or bus ②Able to settle payments without having change ③Able to get additional points ④Able to exchange points with other goods/services ⑤Able to use when riding on the railway ⑥Able to use when riding on the bus ⑦Only have that kind of electronic money ⑧Because it is a pre-paid style (not credit card style) ⑨Because it is a post- paid style ⑩Charging money is troublesome ⑪Able to use via mobile phone ⑫Miscellaneous ( )

150 Afr. J. Mark. Manage.

7. What is the important point you note when you use electronic money?

Do not Slightly do Ordinary Slightly Think so Importance think so not think so level think so very much Q7: ①Able to use when buying at the shop (usually used) ②There are many shops in which electronic money can be used ③Easy to handle ④There are many places where we can charge money ⑤Points are added ⑥Security is strengthened ⑦Discount ⑧Able to charge by various means ⑨Able to confirm residual money ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑩Reliable company issues electronic money ⑪Convenient to settle debts ⑫Ample service besides points and discounts ⑬Able to use via mobile phone ⑭Able to confirm purchase history ⑮Many people use it ⑯Upper bound restriction when using ⑰Have a variety of money charging services ⑱Miscellaneous ( )

8. Where do you use electronic money most often?

Q8 ①Convenience store ②Super market ③Shop in station ④Book store ⑤Library ⑥Vending Machine ⑦Restaurant ⑧Net- shopping ⑨Specialty store ⑩Department store ⑪Miscellaneous ( )

9. How many often do you spend electronic money in a month?

Q9 ①every day ②4-5 times in a week ③2-3 times in a week ④ once in a week ⑤3-4 times in a month ⑥1-2 times in a month ⑦less than once in a month ⑧several times in a year ⑨Do not use/quite few

10. How much electronic money do you spend in a month?

Q10 ①-\1000 ②-\3000 ③-\5000 ④-\10000 ⑤-\20000 ⑥-\30000 ⑦\30000-

11. Why is there no electronic money?

Q11 ①Do not feel merit by using it ②Troublesome for subscription ③Feel uneasy for the security ④Troublesome in making money charge ⑤There are few stores in which it can be used ⑥Already have too many cards ⑦Uneasy to spend too much for post-paid card ⑧Miscellaneous ( )

Ishii et al. 151

12. What do you expect for electronic money in the future?

Do not Slightly do Ordinary Slightly Think so Importance think so not think so level think so very much Q12: ①Combine plural electronic money ②Strengthen security ③Add additional services such as points, discounts ④Increased amount of shops in which electronic money can be used ⑤Increased places where users can charge money ⑥Easy explanation on how to use ⑦Combination of credit card function and cash card function ⑧Certification of card owner using the electronic money card when the user uses net banking ⑨Increased kinds of mobile phone by which users can use electronic money ⑩Age certification by electronic money card when the user uses Liquor or Tobacco vending ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ machines ⑪Able to use to pay tax ⑫Age certification by electronic money card when the user enters into a bar or an adult movie theater ⑬Able to use by mobile phone ⑭Able to confirm purchase history ⑮Many people use it ⑯Upper bound restriction when using it ⑰Have a variety of money charging services ⑱Miscellaneous ( )

About yourself

Q13 ①-20 ②20-30 ③30-40 ④40-50 ⑤50-60 ⑥60- Q14 ① Male ② Female Q15

Prefecture : ( ) City : ( )