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Pdf | 316.91 Kb CCCM Cluster Mozambique – Complaint and Feedback Mechanism Monthly Report – June 2021 Overview Cases per Site Demographics 26 The CCCM cluster, through its operational partners, established a standardized 22 F M complaints feedback mechanism (CFM). The 20 20 Women CFM aims to support improved 33% accountability to affected populations as well as increase communication with 14 12 12 communities. It is designed to offer the 9 affected population additional avenues for 8 8 8 7 7 7 Men accessing information, registering 6 5 5 5 67% complaints, providing feedback and 3 enhance transparency. 1 1 1 1 The CFM started on the 21st of April and has Unidade Nangua Nicavaco Saul 25 de Nanjua A Manono Marrupa Cuaia Centro Centro Katapua People with Junho Agrario Desportivo 5% been covering the sites in Chiure, Metuge disabilities and Ancuabe districts. Complaints have During the month of June a total of 208 cases were filed, for a total of 435 cases. Out of the 208 cases received, 54 per cent were complaints, 42 per cent request Between the age of been collected using Kobo Tool through IOM 73% mobile outreach teams and at CCCM for assistance, 2 per cent request for information and 2 per cent feedback. 18 and 59 information desks. The complaints that A total of 65 per cent of the cases received in June were closed within the same required feedback are shared with Over the age of 60 individual concerned partners on a weekly month. Of this 74% were closed after referral and 26% were closed at site. 27% basis. As showed in the graph above majority of the cases, were filed in Unidade and Nangua, Metuge District. Katapua was the site with least complaints received. A Over the month of June, majority of the This monthly snapshot highlights important new site, Nanjua A in Ancuabe district and the transit center in Pemba (Centro complainant were male (67 per cent of IDP complaint-related trends and Desportivo) were reached by the CFM over the month of June. male versus 33 per cent of female). The tendencies for locations where CCCM MostGedo of the cases were related to the NFI sector (26%) and FSL sector (25%) CCCM CFM team planned to carry out in partners are active. followed by NFI (25,6%). The number of cases field related to the WaSH and Health sector has increased over the month of June compared to the month of May. July an awareness campaign among the sites to increase female representation 53 435 Total Number of cases 52 amount the complainant. Cases per Sector Majority of the IDPs reporting complaints or 208 Number of cases -June 38 assistance requests are ranged between the age of 18 and 59 (73%). The number of complainant over the age of 60 have 65% Percentage of cases closed in June* 23 23 increased compared to the prior month: from 14 per cent to 27 per cent. 74% Cases closed after referral in June** 12 *Cases closed by the end of the month ** The percentage refers to the number of cases closed with referral compared to the total number of 3 2 2 cases closed at the end of the month (on site + referral) NFIs FSL WASH CCCM Shelter Health General Child Education Protection Protection CCCM Cluster Mozambique – Complaint and Feedback Mechanism Monthly Report – June 2021 Shelter Food Security andLivelihoods Non-Food Items ! Shelter complaints and information requests featured FSL complaints and information requests featured 26 per cent of the cases filed were related to NFI sector, out of 11 per cent of all filed issues. 25 per cent of all filed issues. Although the which 43 per cent were from female IDPs. • 40 per cent came from women. percentage reduced since April, the sector is still • Majority of the IDPs requested assistance in terms of blanket and • Need for tarps was the main requests raised in among the ones with most cases registered. For a mat, as they are feeling cold at night, particularly in Nicavaco, 25 Unidade, Nangua and Marrupa. more effective response CCCM and FSL are de Junho and Nanjua A. • In 25 de Junho and Nanjua A IDPs are requesting collaborating closely at site level organizing joint • Cooking set was the second most requested item mainly in support with a shelter kit. field visits to complainants when needed. Unidade, Cuaia and Manono. • Out of the 52 cases filed, 17 came from female • 65 per cent of the cases were closed. complainants and 35 from male. • 30 per cent of the cases filed were requests for WASH support to be included in distribution lists. • 30 per cent of the case filed were request for 18 per cent of all cases filed were related to WaSH support to be included in the cash for work sector. programs. Education • Majority of the case (51%) are complaints related • Complaints about the food ration were raised to the lack of water and come from Saul, Unidade and Cuaia. In particular in Cuaia this is creating by 8 IDPs. Only 2 cases out of the 208 received were related to the tension with the Host Community. • 34 per cent of the cases filed were registered Education sector and all were from men. • 8 IDPS, out which 7 male, requested support with by displaced persons with disabilities about not • Both the cases were requests for support to build a school at hygiene kit in Unidade, Saul, Nangua and Manono. being included in the lists. the sites. • In Centro Agrario IDPs complained about the • 73 per cent of the cases were closed. • One requests come from Unidade and one from Nicavaco. lack of latrines. Gedo HEALTH Camp Coordination and Camp GeneralProtection andChild Protection 12 of the cases received were related to the Health Management sector, of which only 1 came from a woman. Complaints and information requests on Protection represented • All the cases were requests for support in terms of CCCM complaints and information requests only 2.5 per cent of all filed issues. medical assistance as there are no health center in featured 11 per cent of all filed issues, out of • At Centro Desportivo 1 man with disability is requesting support the area. which 20 per cent came from women, while 80 in terms of transport for his wife to come to Pemba from Palma. • The cases came from Unidade, Saul, Nicavaco, per cent from men. His wife is his only primary caregiver. Cuaia and Nanjua A. • In Unidade, IDPs requested support in the • In Nicavaco 2 men requested assistance in obtaining personal creation of a management structure at the sites documents and IDs. CCCM Cluster contact details: that includes IDPs representatives. • 2 requests came from a displaced person with a disability. She was Priscila Scalco National Cluster Coordinator • In Saul there were filed 2 requests for assistance requesting for assistance in terms of clothing and to reduce the [email protected] +258 873598351 in building a church at the site. barriers she has when collecting water. Kathryn Ziga Sub-national Cluster Coordinator [email protected] + 258 862756977.
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