odensebib.dk Valid from august 7th 2019

odensebib.dk RULES RATES OPENING HOURS The Libraries Information and switchboard Phone: 66 13 13 72 e-mail: [email protected] Rules and regulations

Registration can be replaced against a fee. Please see • Everyone can use the library. rates at page 5. • It’s free to use The Odense Libraries. • If you change your e-mail address or • You can register at your local library phone number, please remember to notify during the staffed opening hours. Please, the library. You are also able to change it remember your health insurance card yourself by logging on to the library websi- or other valid ID containing your social te, Odensebib.dk using your social security security number. number/pin code and edit your profile. • Citizens above the age of 18 can register via Odensebib.dk using their NemID. Loans and loan period • You are free to borrow library materials. Library Card However, certain rules may apply for some • Your health insurance serves as your li- of them, some can only be used at the brary card, and the card can be used in all library, and some are only accessible for departments under The Odense Libraries. citizens’ in . • If you wish to get a regular library card, • Most materials have a loan period of 30 you can get one against payment of a days. Some may have a longer or shorter small fee. However, the library card is free loan period. for children/young people below the age • You’ll find your loan period on the receipt of 18. or in your personal status at odensebib.dk. • If you are below the age of 18, you will • Most loans can be renewed up till 5 need to bring both your health insurance times, if nobody else have reserved the card and a registration form signed by given materials. your parent/legal guardian. • Interlibrary loans are renewed tentati- • When signing the form, parent/legal vely. You will receive a notification, if the guardian accept the responsibility for renewal of your interlibrary loans is not loans made by the child below 18 years, permitted by the lending library. and will be held liable for potential fees • You can renew your loans via the library and replacements. website, at the library self-service machi- • If you are not a permanent resident in nes, via SMS (please see section on SMS- , or you do not have a health in- service) and by telephone. surance card, you can get a regular library • If you return your borrowed materials card when showing valid ID (e.g. passport, later than the stated date, you must pay a white card). fee. Please see rates on page 5. • Kindergartens, organizations etc. can • Fees are calculated based on the initial get a special library card. Certain rules loan dates. This means that if you return apply for this card. Ask your local library. materials too late and they have different • If you lose your library card, you must loan dates, there will be more than one immediately notify the library to prevent fee, even though you have renewed the misuse. Lost or damaged library cards loans to the same return date Rules and regulations

Please note that your loans may cause Getting you materials more than one fee, if: • When an ordered/reserved material is • The materials have different return ready, we usually notify you via e-mail, dates SMS or letter. If you wish to use the SMS • The materials are borrowed on dif- service, you’ll have to sign up for it at the ferent dates, even though they e.g. have library or via odensebib.dk. Please refer to the same return date because you have section above. renewed your loans and they therefore • Notifications are free of charge. have the same return date • Materials borrowed on the same date, are not returned together Responsibility and replacement • Materials have the same return date, • Your health insurance card/library card but are returned or renewed too late on is personal, and you are liable for any different dates materials borrowed with the card. • If you chose to return your loans using • The Odense Libraries is not to be held the letterbox at one of our libraries, liable for any potential damage, that mate- please notice that this will be at your own rials may cause to your playing devices. responsibility. Also, please note that loans • Lost or damaged materials must be are only considered returned, when they replaced in accordance with current value are registered in the library system the or assessment price. following day with regular opening hours. • Upon determining the replacement This may cause a fee. price, the price of preparation and the price of e.g. annexes will be added. SMS and e-mail service • In case of multi-volume works, which • As a user of The Odense Libraries you are only sold in sets, the library can claim have access to different services via SMS to have the entire work replaced – also or e-mail. even if only one volume is lost/damaged. • If you are registered for this service, you • You will not have to pay the copyright fee will receive an e-mail and/or a SMS 3 days when replacing videos (DVD, Blu-ray, VHS before your loans expire, when materials and CDROM). are ready at your library, or you can renew • Replaced materials are still library your loans via SMS. This service is free. property. • Registration will not happen automati- cally. You must register at the library og Withdrawing the right to borrow mate- via Odensebib.dk/paamindelse rials • In case of no SMS or technical problems, • The library holds the right to withdraw both children and grown-ups will have to your right to borrow materials temporarily pay a fee if materials are returned too late. in case of misuse and in case of lack of payments of 200 kr. or more. • Theft of library materials will be re- ported to the police. Rate overview


Period Adults Children below age14 Loan periode exceeded 20 kr. 10 kr. 1-7 days Loan periode exceeded 120 kr. 55 kr. 8-30 days Loan periode exceeded 230 kr. 120 kr. more than 30 days New library card 20 kr. 10 kr.

21 days after the loan period has expired you will receive a notice. Balances towards the library can be paid in all departments and via our homepage, unless the balance has been handed over to collection via Odense Municipality. It that case, it is a matter between you and Odense Municipality. For further information, please see odensebib.dk/selvbetjening.

Using computers at the library • The Municipality of Odense states the ru- • There is free wi-fi in all departments un- les for using the departments under The der The Odense Libraries. Odense Libraries. Rules and regulations • You can use public computers in all de- and the rate overview in force will be han- partments. ded out when registering as a user of The • The computers give you free access to Odense Libraies and at the user´s request. search the internet. • In most departments, you will have to Print and copy book at computer in advance. To book, plea- • You are able to print and make photoco- se contact your local library. pies at the library. • You are not allowed to use the computers • In order to do so, you will have to buy a to search for racist, violent or pornographic print/copy card, which will give you access content. to the self-service system. Buy your card at • Directions from the library staff must be the library. followed at all times. • Purchase of print/copy card: 20 kr. Black/ white prints or copies: 1 DKR per page. Co- Rules of conduct and statutory authority lour prints or copies: 5 DKR. per page. • The library has specific rules of conduct For more information, please visit odense- concerning use of the library. The rules of con- bib.dk/selvbetjening duct are displayed visibly in all departments.



THE MAIN LIBRARY & Monday-friday *8-10 THE MUSIC LIBRARY 10-19 Borgernes Hus *19-21 Østre Stationsvej 15 5000 Odense C Saturday 10-14 Phone: 66 13 13 72 *14-16 e-mail: [email protected] Sunday(sept.-maj) *10-12 12-16 *Unstaffed

BOLBRO LIBRARY Monday-friday 8-20 Middelfartvej 81 Saturday-Sunday 8-20 5200 Odense V phone: 65 51 43 04 Staffed e-mail: [email protected] Monday 13-16 Tuesday 13-16 Thursday 11-15

DALUM LIBRARY Mon. and Wed. 13-18 Dalumvej 95 Tue., Thu. and Fri. 10-16 5250 Odense SV Phone: 65 51 43 07 Saturday 10-14 e-mail: [email protected] OPENING HOURS


HOLLUF PILE LIBRARY Mon. and Thu. 10-18 Nøglens Kvarter 10 B Tue. and Fri. 10-16 5220 Odense SØ Wed. and Sat. Closed Phone: 65 51 43 51/65 51 43 52 e-mail: [email protected] Sunday (Oct-March) 12-16

HØJBY LIBRARY Mon. and Wed. 11-17 Højbyvej 66 Tuesday and Thursday 10-16 5260 Odense S Fri. and Sat. Closed Phone: 63 75 09 12 e-mail: [email protected] Sunday (Oct-March) 13-16 Please note: Holidays = different opening hours

KORUP LIBRARY Monday-Thursday 6.00 - 22.00 Præstevej 12 Friday 6.00 - 20.00 5210 Odense NV Phone: 61 39 94 31 Staffed e-mail: [email protected] Monday og Tuesday 12.00 - 16.00 Thursday 10.00 - 14.00 Weekend opening hours: see www.kkic.dk or www.odensebib.dk for schedule



TARUP LIBRARY Mon. and Wed. 13-18 Rugvang 40 Tue., Thu. and Fri. 10-16 5210 Odense NV Phone: 65 51 43 38 Saturday 10-14 e-mail: [email protected]

VOLLSMOSE LIBRARY Mon. and Wed. 13-18 Alle 10 Tue., Thu. and Fri. 10-16 5240 Odense NØ Phone: 65 51 43 44 Saturday 10-14 e-mail: [email protected]

LIBRARY OF LOCAL HISTORY Monday and Tuesday 12-16 Historiens Hus Wednesday 10-16 Klosterbakken 2 Thursday 14-19 5000 Odense C Friday and Saturday CLOSED Phone: 65 51 44 26 e-mail: [email protected]