Trades Directory

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Trades Directory POST OFFICE CHESHIRE TRADES DIRECTORY, ACADEAXXES. Cocks J. HaU gi-een, Dukinfield Clayton A. Vale walk, Congleton See Schools. Davies C. Black Diamond st. Chester Cotgi-eave C. Northgate street, Chester Davies R. Black Diamond st. Chester Davenport J. Odd rode. Church Lawton ACCOVXTTANTS. Dickinson AA'. St. Paul's road. South Dearnaley T. Tintwistle, Manchester Ackerley R. 13 Clifton cres. Birkenhead Tranraere, Birkenhead Dickinson G. 4 RusseU road. South Andrews S. G. Mottrara rd. Stalybridge Tranmere, Birkenhead Blake S. 63 Oxton road, Birkenhead Evans AA'. Church street, Runcorn Farish AA'. Black Diaraond st. Chester Fletcher'T. Lymra, A^'anington Bolland J. General offices, Cathcart Ford H. Somerford, Congleton street, Birkenhead Golborne Thoinas Boydell, 239 Chester street, & 17 Brandon st. Birkenhead Hardem D. Curaberiand st.JVIacclesfidd Cheetham G. JVIottram road,Stalybridge Harrison S. F'ry street, Runcorn Collins R. Danebridge, Northwich Grice J. Frodshara Hancock Thoraas Strangman, Shore Fleap J. Portland place, Stalybridge Cutter H. J. 8 Paradise row, Chester Higgin T. AA'aterloo road, Runcorn Faulds J. R. 18 CUifton cres. Birkenhead road, Birkenhead Holland J. C. Black road, Macclesfield Hodgson F. & J. '28 Argyle st.Birkenhd Gask J. Bollington, Macclesfield Hunt H.'Throstlegrove, Heaton Norns, Green J. 21 Priory street, Birkenhead Howard AV. Church street, Runcorn Hallett AA'illiam, Chatham street, Mac­ Isaac R, Black Diamond street, Chester Stockport clesfidd Jones R. Black Diamond street, Chester Knott J. G. 8 Churchgate, Stockport Hardem D. Brook sfreet, Macclesfield Lowndes Sc Sraith, Black Diamond Leah G. 82 Churchgate, Stockport Harrison S. Fry street, Runcorn street, Chester Lewison Henry, 137 Northgate street, Johnson AV.18 Victoria patliway,Cliester Pugh AA'illiam, Hamilton st. Birkenhead Chester Jones & Roberts, AVestminster buildings, Reid W. II. 38 RusseU st. Birkenhead Loonie A. 5 Wan-en street, Stockport Chester Robinson S. 52 Churchgate, Stockport Mann R. 18 Hall street, Stockport Lewison Henry, 137 Northgate street, Rowlands R. Black Diamond st. Cliester Mellor G. 30 Castle st. Edgeley,Stockpt Chester Sirapson C. Black Diamond street. MiUigan \X. Twistdale, Stockport Lockwood A. 53 Princess st. Chester Brook street, Chester Punblott J. Marston, Northwich Mann R. 18 Hall street, Stockport Spencer J.Chorley,Aldei-ly.edge,Mnchstr Reece G. Odd rode. Church Lawton Meacock S. Crane wharf, Chester Stocks R. High street, JVIacclesfield Sergent J. AVarren street, Stockport JMcanwdl H. Queen's terrace. South AA'ardle J. Bridge street. Mill lane, & Smith J. AVaterloo road, Runcorn Stones AA'. AV. 55 AA'ellington road south, 'Ti-anmere, Birkenhead Black road, Macclesfield Oldhara J. Harailton street, Chester Ag^ents—Colliery. Stockport Pluraraer E, 169 Bridge st, Bfrkenhead Brice J. P. & Co. Shore rd. Birkenhead AValthew J. 27 AA'^eUington road nortli, PoweU 'T. 56 Princess street, Chester Buckley S. Spring street, Stalybridge Heaton Nonis, Stockport Price J. 4 Princess street, Ch<'3ter Bryn Malley CnUiery Co. (J. P. Brice AVilks J.Daii-yhouse,Nantwich rd.Crewe Priest H. P. 19 Market st. Birkenhead Wilton AV. Hatton, Warrington & Co. agents). Shore rd. Birkenhead AVood J. Huntsraan's brow, Heaton Roberts W. 16 Paradise row, Chester Farish AA'illiara, 6 Brook street, Chester Rogers J. 7 AVliitefriars, Chester Hadwen John, Poynton, Stockport Nonis, Stockport . Shawcross J.46Gt.Underbank,Stockport Moss William, HamUton street, & Rail­ Agrents—Iiand, Kouse &. Estate. Sutton J. Danebridge, Northwich way station, Jackson st. Birkenhead Thomas G. 3 Abbey street, Chester Agnew G. 46 Russell st. Birkenhead AA'right J. Lancaslure hill, Heaton Allen & Hunt, 15 & 26 Heaton lane, AVade J, Fligh street, Runcorn Norris, Stockport Whittaker F\ Stockport road, Hyde Heaton Norris, Stockport AVilson J. Hurdsfield road, Macclesfield Ag:ents—Commission. Ashworth T. Poynton, Stockport Woodford R. Trinity street, Chester Beaumont B. 21 George st. Birkenhead Barker T. Henhull, Nantwich Worsey H. High street, Nantwich Hallett AVilliam, Chatham street, Mac­ Bradford J. George street, Altrincham Wyatt R. Hamilton street, Chester clesfidd Brittain AA'. IVIalpas, AA'hitchurch Hunt T. E. 48B, Wellington road north, Brown J. AValleys 'gi-een, Minshull ACCOVItTT BOOK IKANFCTR. Fleaton Nonis, Stockport V'ernon, Middlewich King E. H. 11 Bridge sfreet, Stockport Jones & Son, Great Neston, Chester Carter P. Lymm, Wan-ington JVIargetts D. High sfreet, Crewe Catterall E, J.'Tobin's cottages, Liscard, AGEITTS. Nicholson James, Craven rooms, 97 Birkenhead Ag^ent—Agrricultural. Chester street, & 143 Price street, Cawley T. Bunbui-y, Tarporley Nicholson James, 97 Chester street & Birkenhead Cooke W. BradweU road, Sandbach 143 Price street, Bfrkenhead Nolan J. 118 Brook street, Birkenhead, Cooper T. St. Paul's ter. Macclesfield Ag:ents—Bre^irers'. & 21 Sir Thoraas's buildgs. Liverpool ' Cooper AA'. Blacon point,Blacon,Chester Haworth M. Witton st.AVitton, Nrtbwch Rigby T. & AV. Waterloo road, Runcorn Cotes AV. Buckley terrace, Macclesfield Watson E. Northgate sfreet, Chester Sirapson & Potter, High st. Runcorn | Craven J. 1 Price street, Birkenhead Agrent—Cbeese. Tborapson H. Cumberland st.Macclesfld! Cross J. Sandiway, Northwich Lomax J. S. Crane wharf, Chester Waller G. F. High street, Congleton j Davies John, Great Mollington, Chester Agents—Coal. AVluttle Thomas, 32 Queen st. Chester Dickinson J. Brook house, Sandbach Bailey A. 10 Tfrinity sfreet, & Cow lane AVood J. 39 Old Bidston rd. Birkenhead Dumville C. Ollerton, Knutsford bridge & RaUway station, Chester Agrents—General. Evans J. 16 New Bridge lane, Stockport Bailey A. Black Diamond street, Chestr Albiston J. 90 Heaton lane, Heaton Evans R. B. 1 Claughton rd.Birkenhead Bain D. Beech lane, Z^Iacclesfield Norris, Stockport I Firth & Booth, Jordan gate,Macclesfield Booth AV. Black Diamond st. Chester Alderson AV. Heath side, Knutsford Fluitt T. 2 Stanley street, Chester Carruthers J. Waters, JVIacclesfield Barklay T. John street, Altrincham Garfitt C. Over Tabley, Knutsford Cawley T. AVaters green, Macclesfield Beever T. N. Cheadle heath, Stockport Green AV. 11,13 Sc 15 Market st.Brknhd Chaulk T. 30 Price street, Birkenhead Broadhead 1.19 Gt. Portwood st. Stckpt HaUettWUliain,Cluitham st.Macclesfidd 298 CHESHIRE POST AG KNis—LAND &C.—continued. Lomax J. jun. {for Black Ball line of APPRAISERS &. VAIiVERSi lleapH. Cocker liUl, Stalybridge jiackets), Francis street, Stockport Allen & Hunt, 15 & 26 Heaton lane, Hei-ksJ. Ince, Chester Lowe J. B. {to Macclesfield CanalCo.), Heaton Nonis, Stockport Hignett T. Cholraonddey, Nantwich AA'harf, Canal street, Congleton Beckett P. Newton, Middlewich HUl J. Somerford, Congleton MacGregor D. {to the Marquis of Chiuton W. P. & J. Auction mart, Fore- Flodgson F. & J. '28 Argyle st. Birkenhd Westminster), Eccleston gate street, Chester Hogginson T. Mickle Ti-afibrd, Chester Manock Thoraas {for raw, ground Sf Cotes W.Buckley ter.Hibd rd.Macclsfld HoUand G. 30 Lancashire hill, Heaton boiled bones,nitrogenized boneSf other Crosby W. Northgate st. & Music hall Nonis, Stockport manures), Tarporley, Crewe place, Northgate row, Chester Hughes R. 53 Church st. Birkenhead MitcheU C. {to'flie Bridgewater Tms­ Furber J. Crewe Jones & Roberts, Westminster buildings, tees), Stockton heath, Wan-ington Gerrard J. 32 Foregate street, Chester Newgate street, Chester Oldfield T. {to the Bridgewater I'nis- Hodgson F. & J. "28 Argyle st. Birkenhd Lee C. 20 Newgate street, Chester tees), Lyrara, Warrington Margetts D. High street, Crewe JVIartiu E. H. HenhuU, Nantwich Rhodes G. {for Bridgewater Trustees' MeUor J. Rainow, Macclesfield Matthews J. the Station, Crewe canal), AVheelock wharf, Sandbach Monis W. G. High street, Runcoi-n i\Idlor John, Rainow, JVIacclesfield Shaw J. {for the Rookery bridge bone Oulton T. C. Market place, Knutsford Mills & Fletcher, 38 HaraUton street, ivorks). AVliedock, Sandbach Stringer J. Bridge street, JRuncorn Birkenhead Smith Y.{to the Bridgewater Trustees), Twells J. High st.&Moody st.Congleton JVIorris R. Church street, Seacorabe Latchford, Wan-ington WaUer G. F. High street, Congleton iMonis AA'. G. High sfreet, Runcom StaghaU William Benjarain {for Everth's Whitaker John & Jaraes, WeUington Moss J. UtkintoUjTarporley bone dust S^- bone manure), MUl road north, Heaton Norris PaUn J. AA'estrainster buUdings, New­ street, Macclesfield Worsey H. High street, Nantwich gate street, Chester Stewart AV. {to Rowland Errington ARCHITECTS. Rigg J. Mount view, Higher Tranmere Stanley, esq.), Puddington, Chester See also Surveyors. Rogei-s J. 7 AVhitefriars, Chester Swindells C. {to Victoria dye works, Marked thus t are Surveyors. Scrag —. Calveley Stockport), Oxford road, Dukinfield tBayley J. Sandiway, Altrincham Sirapson J. Buxton road, Macclesfield Walker Sarauel {to Lancashire Manure tBrattan Joseph, 38 HamUton street, Sirapson R, Nether Alderley, Congleton Company, of Moss bank, Widnes), Sraith J. Pott Shrigley, BoUington 103 Chester sfreet, Bfrkenhead Birkenhead Sraith T. 13 Duncan street, Birkenhead Agrents—Timber. fCole Henry, 40 Hamilton street, Tipping H. Hatton, Warrington Collier J. Kettleshulrae, Stockport Birkenhead Townshend C. Eastgate street, Chester Mellor J. Rainow, Macclesfield Cole W. 6 Duncan street, Birkenhead Tiu-ton AV. High street, Altrincham tDavies Richard, 129 Boughton,Chester AVade J. High street, Runcorn AGRICVI.TURAII iniPI.E- Firth & Booth, Jordan gate,Macclesfield Wakefield J. UpperJVorthgatest.Chester mEPTT niAKERS.
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