Tour Highlights : Tour code: IRAN10 Nasir al- Mulk Imam square (UNESCO) Tour code: IRAN10 Karim Khan Fortress Imam (Shah) Mosque Zandieh Complex Ali Qapu Vakil Mosque Sheikh Lotfollah Qavam House Chehel Sotun Palace (UNESCO) Si-o-se pol Bridge Naqsh-e-Rustam Khaju Bridge Quran gate Vank cathedral Holy Shine of Shah Cheragh Friday Mosque Garden of Eram Qeisarieh Tomb of Cyrus The Great (UNESCO) Taba- tabai house 4000 years old cypress tree Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse Ice house Mausoleum of Imam Khomeini Jama Mosque Amir Chakhmaq Water meseum Lavish Golestan Palace Museum Tower of Silence Sa’dabad Complex Dolat Abad Garden Azadi Square Fire Temple

Meals include: 7 Breakfasts, 7 Lunch, 7 Dinner

4-5 Stars Hotels

Day 1 SINGAPORE SHIRAZ Assemble at the Singapore Changi Airport for your flight to SHIRAZ, the former capital of and known as the heartland of Persian culture, the City of Roses and City of Gardens.

Day 2 SHIRAZ (Meal on Board / Lunch/ Dinner) Upon arrival, embark on an exciting city tour of Shiraz, we will visit the Nasir al-Mulk Mosque ,the mosque extensively uses colored glass in its facade, the multitude of stained glass windows turn the inside of the mosque into a riotous wonderland of color, hence it is also known as the Pink Mosque. After lunch, we will see the Karim Khan Fortress and walk through Zandieh Complex which comprises of Vakil Mosque, traditional bazaar and bath. End your day with a visit to the Qavam House, which literally means The Qavam’s Orange Garden, one of the most beautiful garden and also know as of the historical buildings which is related to the Qajar era.

Day 3 SHIRAZ – PERSEPOLIS – SHIRAZ (Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinner) After breakfast explore the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Persepolis .70 KMs away from Shiraz, Persepolis the last and ultimate expression of the ancient Middle East. Nearly 2500 years ago, construction for its magnificent structure was begun by Darius the Great with the intent to make it the focus of the mighty Achemenian Empire. Visit the Naqsh-e-Rustam the burial place of Darius the Great and his successors. Pass by Quran Gate, visit the tomb of Hafez. Iran’s greatest master of Persian lyric poetry and the literary giant of the 14th century. Visit The Holy Shrine of Shah Cheragh from outside. Next, visit the Garden of Eram the Persian garden (UNESCO SITE) a garden named after one of the four gardens of Paradise described in the Quran.

Day 4 SHIRAZ – PASARGADAE - YAZD (Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinner) Today head on to Pasargadae (UNESCO SITE) a former Achaemenid capital and site of impressive excavations including the remarkably well-preserved tomb of Cyrus the Great the founder of the Persian Empire. After lunch, stop at Abarkuh, a charming desert town to see the 4000-year old cypress tree and the Ice House, an ancient building used to store ice and food throughout the year. Continue your journey to the city of Yazd.

Day 5 YAZD - ISFAHAN (Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinner) Embark on a city tour of Yazd with visit the Jame Mosque (1324 A.D.) with the highest portal and minarets in Iran within its fortified walls. Check out symmetrical alcoves of the Amir Chakhmaq, next visit the Water Museum to see how the quants (underground water channel build by thousand years ago)brought water to city , then visit Dolat Abad Garden which has a Wind Tower standing at 33.8m and is the world’s tallest. followed by visit the Zoroastrian abandoned Towers of Silence (Dakhma), dating back to the 18th century, where until some 50-60 years ago the dead were carried and left to decompose and be devoured by birds. Continue to the active Zoroastrian Fire Temple, the fire of which has been burning for about 1500 years, Thereafter, travel to Isfahan for an overnight stay. Day 6 ISFAHAN (Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinner) Good morning to Isfahan, a city in central Iran, known for its Persian architecture. Begin our city tour in Imam Square (UNESCO SITE) said to be three times the size of St. Mark’s Square, Venice, around which are the most famous grand buildings of Isfahan. While here, visit Imam (Shah) Mosque, Ali Qapu Palace on the west side, and Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque on the east side of this square. After lunch drive to the Chehel Sotun Palace, built by Shah Abbas II in the 17th century; its twenty wooden columns reflected in the surface of the pool give rise to its name ‘The Palace of Forty Columns’. Final stop of the day is see the Si-o-se pol Bridge with its 33 arches and the Khaju Bridge by the Zayanderud River.

Day 7 ISFAHAN (Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinner) Another full day sightseeing of Isfahan, proceed to Jolfa, the Armenian and Christian quarter of Esfahan. Visit Armenian Vank Cathedral, It is a combination of Iranian and Armenian architecture, and this has made it a unique structure in the world. Afterward, see the magnificent Friday Mosque of Isfahan, the grand, congregational mosque of Isfahān city, finishing the day with a visit to the Qeisarieh Bazaar with hundreds of shops displaying the Iranian arts and handicrafts, for which Isfahan is world-famous.

(**bazaar is closed on Fridays)

Day 8 ISFAHAN – KASHAN – TEHRAN (Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinner) Today we transfer to Kashan. to visit the historical Fin garden which was first planted during the Safavid period and kept alive with water from the nearby Sulaimanieh Spring. This beautiful garden was expanded by the Zand and Qajar monarchs, with many open pavilions added. You will also visit a fine example of a 19th century merchant residence known as Taba-Tabai House with its beautiful stucco dome and inlaid mirror work, with some of the best examples of existing “badgirs” (wind-catchers) and Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse; continue to Tehran and drive by the Mausoleum of Imam Khomeini, transfer to hotel for overnight stay.

Day 9 TEHRAN (Breakfast)

Today, Visit the lavish Golestan Palace Museum (UNESCO World Heritage), a masterpiece of the Qajar era, embodying the successful integration of earlier Persian crafts and architecture with Western influences. Travelling to the Sa’dabad Complex in the northern part of Tehran. Next stop at Azadi Square and see the façade of Azadi tower one of Tehran's most iconic landmarks. Visit where you can have a panoramic view of the city (own expenses to top), free and leisure before transfer to the airport for our flight home to Singapore.

Day 10 Hope you have a pleasant journey with Hong Thai travel.

Remarks :  Due to seasonal / weather subjective conditions of itinerary, we reserve the right to arrange alternative attraction / transport should started be unavailable.  Sequence of itinerary is subject to change without prior notice. Updated 20JUN’18 PL  * Subject to hotel availability.