TANGIWAI DISASTER 1953 Ngā Whenu | Levels: Year 3 - Year 13 1 hour

PĀTAI MATUA | BIG QUESTION Is alive? What happens to the local environment when a volcano erupts?

Using language, symbols and text TIROHANGA WHĀNUI | PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Students will interpret written aural and visual cues to Experience understand the cause and effect of volcanic action on the • The National Army Museum Te Mata Toa is located environment and the people living in it. 9.5km from . Christmas Eve 1953 Mt Relating to others Ruapehu erupted and a large lahar flowed down Students will empathise with the victims and survivors of the River to Tangiwai where the flow the Tangiwai Disaster. weakened the bridge supports of the rail bridge. At midnight the to express crossed the bridge and plummeted into the river. NGĀ HUA O TE AKO | LEARNING OUTCOMES • At National Army Museum we hold the George • Students will observe how the natural world affects Medal awarded to Cyril Ellis who tried to stop the communities. train and then after it went into the river entered • Students will learn about volcanic eruptions and the carriages to help in the rescue. lahar. • View Cyril Ellis’ medal and the accompanying • Students will feel emotions and empathise with display. victims of natural disasters. Reflection • Students can compare the response of the NZ • In groups discuss what you know about volcanoes Army to the Tangiwai disaster with the response and report back to the class. What is a lahar? What to current natural disasters – Christchurch and causes eruptions? Kaikoura earthquakes, Pacific Tsunami and cyclones. • Imagine you were in the train. What would your • Understand how places affect people and people feelings be as you fell into a river? Can you swim? affect place.

HONONGA MARAUTANGA | CURRICULUM LINKS RAUEMI AWHINA Social Sciences, Science, English. Pre-visit • NZhistory.net.nz - search Tangiwai disaster. ĀHEINGA MATUA | KEY COMPETENCIES • Teara.govt.nz - Ruapehu and the Tangiwai disaster Managing self Post-visit Students will be introduced to an outdoor, potentially • Visit Tangiwai on the way back to your dangerous environment. How they act will determine the accommodation (10 minutes from museum). Use success of the visit your sense of smell to work out why Tangiwai (weeping waters) is so named. Participating and contributing • Compare the significance of this disaster with All students will be encouraged to participate in the group other recent natural disasters in the Pacific Region research task and especially in the delivery of any findings (cyclones in Fiji, Tsunamis etc.) to the wider group • What effect did the Tangiwai disaster have on the Thinking New Zeaalnd Cricket team in South Africa? Students will need critical and creative thinking processes • What was the All Blacks response when playing a to develop understanding of the forces generated in nature test match against England the next day? to create an exploding volcano and to reflect on their own • NZhistory.net.nz - search Tangiwai disaster. prior knowledge to convey their findings to others. • Teara.govt.nz - Ruapehu and the Tangiwai disaster.

Bookings and Enquiries To book a visit or talk with an Educator please contact us. P (06) 3876911 E [email protected]