TNT Rri Rrrniteotoluenes AND
TNT rri rRrNITEOTOLUENES AND MONO- AND DINITBOTOLUENES THEIR MANUFACTURE AND PROPERTIES BY G. CARLTON SMITH, B.S. Instructor in General Chemistry, School of Applied Science, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa, LONDON CONSTABLE AND COMPANY, LIMITED 10 ORANGE ST., LEICESTER SQ., W. C. 1918 Copyright, 1918, by VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY WHOSE SACRIFICES AND LOVE HAVE MADE POSSIBLE MY EDUCATION THIS BOOK IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE writer wishes to thank all those who have so kindly aided him in the preparation of this book. He is especially grateful for the valued comments and criticisms offered by the members of the Staff of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Institute of Technology; for the facts which form the basis of Chapter X, by Dr. Samuel Haythorn of the Singer Memorial Laboratory, Allegheny General Hos- pital; and for data on TNT manufacture by Mr. Robert M. Crawford of the Grasselli Powder Co. The Chemical and Industrial Journals have been consulted freely, and much valuable material has been extracted therefrom. Department of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Institute of Technology, PITTSBURGH, PA., May, 1918. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAGE INTKODUCTION 1 CHAPTER II HISTORICAL 6 CHAPTER III THE THEORY OF THE NITRATION OF TOLUENE 20 CHAPTER IV THE MANUFACTURE OF TNT 29 CHAPTER V THE PURIFICATION OF TNT 52 CHAPTER VI INSPECTION AND TESTING OF TNT 61 CHAPTER VII PROPERTIES OF THE TRINITROTOLUENES 77 CHAPTER VIII PROPERTIES OF THE MONO- AND DINITROTOLUENES 95 CHAPTER IX ACCIDENTS IN TNT PLANTS 106 CHAPTER X TNT DISEASES 112 TRINITROTOLUENE CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION THE almost universal adoption of trinitrotoluene as the most efficient explosive in modern warfare; the development and refinement of its manufacture, and the interesting chemistry of its compounds, as well as those of the lower nitro-derivatives of toluene has prompted quite extensive research as to their composition, structure, manufacture, properties and uses.
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