600 . . [KELLY'S

Post, M. O. &; 'r. &; Telephone Call Office ...... Joseph Barrow-on-Soar Workhouse, Ernest William Carter. Alfred Archer, sub-postmaster. Letters received from master; W illiam Paul son, medical officer; Mrs. E. W. at 6.55 a.m. &; I.25 p.m.; dispatched thereto Carter, matron at 10 a.m. &; 4.35 & 7.35 p.m.; dispatched sundays at Public Elementary School (mixed), rebuilt in 1871 by 5.5 p.m the vicar, at a cost of [,500, for 140 children; average Post Office Telephone Exchange & Call Office, Miss Ethel attendance, 138; Arthur Edwin Keyworth, master Dra.per, clerk in charge Public Elementary School (infants), erected in 1902, for Wall Letter Box, near station, cleared at 10.15 a.m. & 125 children; average attendance, 95; Miss L. T. 4.50 & 8 p.m.; sunday, 5.30 p.m Haywood, mistress Pillar Box, The Ridgway, cleared at IQ.IO a.m. &; 4.45 Railway Station, Charles Hodkinson, station master & 7.50 p.m.; sundays, 5.15 p.m Carriers to Leicester.-Baker, daily; Fearn, daily; Hyman, wed. & sat . PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Smith Herbert Alderson, Wharmton, Hickhng James, tailor Backhouse Henry, Maplecote Rothley Plain Hickhng Tom,wheelwright & beer ret Bailey lViIliam Edward, Berhampore, Spencer Alfred Thorn, Woodlands, Hickhng WiIIiam, grocer lane Swithland lane Hunt John Thomas, farmer Bennet! Arthur Henry LL.B Spurway John WilIiam, The Coppice Hunt Thomas George, boot manufr Bentley Mrs. Woodgate Stibbe Chas. Lexden, Rothley Plain Hyman Harry, market gardener, Brooks Mrs. Stringer Griffin, The Lodge Rothley Plain Brown WiIIiam Henry, The Elms 'raylor Geo. The Gables, Rothley PIn Johnson WiIliam Newstead, Old .Bryan Thomas Leigh, Temple Garth Twite Chas. Jehol, Swithland 'lane Crown P.H Burfard Samuel Francis, Ridgeway Viccars Wm. Arnold, The Homestead Moore George, market gardener Daven Arthur Winton, Springfield Wagstaff Sidney Herbt. The Bungalow .\Ioore John Thomas, market gardenr Dlare George E. The Shrubbery, Walker Edmund, Ingledene, Roth- Nurse Thomas, carter Swithland lane ley Plain Padmore George, hosiery manufactr Davies Alfd. The Oaks,Rothley Plaill IVhitwell Henry John Palmer Thomas, wheelwright Dicks Horace, Redholm, Swithland la Whitworth Miss, Highmill Hill house Payne Henry, architect Eastwood Joseph, Holmcroft, Swith· Wilkin.on Mrs Rich Florence (Miss), preparatory land lane school EIIis Claude, Clonmel, Swithland la COMMERCIA.L. Richardson Stephen, farmer 'EtcheIIs Herbert, Swithland lane Ball Philip Arthur, confectioner RodweII Joseph, draper Facer Wm. Glenariff, Swithland la Bates Alfred, market gardener Ross Fredk. & Oliver, market gardnrs Farmer Ernest George, Midrise. Botterill George Charles, beer retailr Rothley Constitutional Club (J. H. Swithland lane Boyer Harry, carpenter Wright, sec) 'Fosbrooke Thomas Henry B,ewin Alfred & Geo. hair dressers Rothley Liberal Club (A. E. Wykes, Garner Amos, Sunnydene, Swith- Broad John, shopkeeper (postal ad- sec) land lane dress, , ) Rothley Park Golf Club (R. E. B. Garner Arthur Tustan, Linkfield ha. Bryan Thomas Leigh M.B.Durham, Overton, sec) (postal address, Mountsorrel, physician, Temple Garth Rothley Temple Estate Office (J. Loughborough) . Bursnall Charles, baker Bruce Galloway, resident surveyor Grice John, Charnwood house, Swith- Cemetery (James Staples, clerk to the for F. Merttens esq.). T N 17 land lane Burial Authority) Rothley Hanford Albert WilIiam, Ridgeway Cattell Clara Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer SeweII Martha (Miss), dress maker Harvey Robert D.L., V.D., LL.B. ChapIin Arthur, insurance agent Shuttlewood Ernest & Albert, farmers Uplands Clare George Edward. architect Sibson Sarah (Mrs.), farmer Hetherill James, Swithland lane Coleman Louis Kossuth, coffee house Sleath Elizh. (Mrs.},shopkeeper Hilton Joseph Arthur, Ridgeway Ooltman Thomas, wheelwright Sleath Frank, builder Holyoake Edward John M.A Cook Frederick William, butcher Smith Frederick James, draper JeIley Robert, StansweIl,Swithland la Co-operative Society (Fredk. Reeve, Staples James, assistant overseer &; Lane Wm. Claremont, Swithland la manager) clerk to the Parish Council, Rose- Langton Joseph, Ridgeway Date Harry L. market gardener bank Lead WiIIiam Henry Dean George T. sanitary surveyor & Stead & Simpson Limited, boot & 'Moss Robert, Wayside, Rothley plain inspector to Barrow-on-Soar Rural shoe makers Oliver Arthur Charles, Ridgeway. District Council, Britannia lodge Taylor Harriett (Mrs.), shopkeeper Dram Thomas, Sunnycroft, Swith- (postal address, Mountsorrel, Tomlinson James, market gardener land lane Loughborough) I Toone John George, fruiterer Paget Miss, Vine cottage Dormer John, grocer Village Hall (J. Staples, clerk) Paget Mrs. "llidgeway Draycott J. T. &; W. E. butchers Wain George, farmer Perren Arthnr William, The Laurels, ElIis Joseph & Sons Limited, coal Walker Richard, blacksmith Swithland lane merchants, Rothley station Walton Geo. In. Rothley House P.H Perry Douglas, Nilgiris, RothleyPlain Ellis Edwin, Royal Oak P.H Waugh In. frmr.Rothley Grange frm Preston Ben, Springfield villa (postal Emerson In. Edwd. boot & shoe ma Whittle James, market gardener address, Mountsorrel) Felstead George, draper Whittle William & Co. Limited, Richardson Reginald E. S Garner Arthur, boot & shoe manu- market gardeners (postal addres., Robinson Abbot Harold J.P. Rothley facturer (postal address, Mount- Mountsorrel, Loughborough) grange sorrel, Loughborough) WiIlett Bros. boot manufrs. T N 6 Sanders Rev. Canon Samuel John Godwin Goorge H. insurance agent Williamson John WiIIiam,drug stores Woodhouse LL.D. (vicar), Vicarage Hamer Harry, general dlr. & beer ret Wilson Arthur, farmer Savage Wm. Forest view,Rothley Pin Hames Brothers, hosiery manufac- Woolston James, builder Shardlow Howard W. Westfield turers, Victoria mill Wright Joseph, faTmer Sharpe Geo. Fairview,Swithland lane Hames John Joseph, insurance agent Young John, market gardener Sheppard John, Swithland lane Hancock WilIiam, provision dealer SADDINGTON is a parish, situated on a lofty M.A. rector, ob. 10 May, 1628, his daughter and three eminence, 2! miles south-we'Bt from Kibworbh station sons: in the chancel is a tablet to WilIiam Shield, On the main line of the Midland railway, 8 north-west rector and donor of a charity, d. 12 Oct. 1732: the from Market Harborough, and 10 south-ea.st-by-south church was thoroughly restored in 1873: there are 200 from Lfficester, in the Southern division of the county, s'ttings. The registers date from the years, baptisInJI GaTtree hundred, Market Harborough petty sessional and marriages, 1538; burials, 1543; they are in excel­ division, union and county court district, rural deanery lent condition and beautifully written. The living is a of Gartree (seoond portion), archdeaconry of Leicester rectory, net yearly value £I8I, arising from 231 acre! and diocese of Peterborough. The Grand Junction canal of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Lord Chan­ passes through the parish by a tunnel three-qna.rters of cellar, and held since 1912 by the Rev. William FoyIe 8 mile in length, partly in this parish and partly in Th.A.K.C. Here is a Baptist chapel. Mr. John Hey­ that of Gumley, and' ha.. a reservoir, covering an area cock, in 1828, gave a bequest, which produces [,n of over 60 acres, in a valley south-east of the village. yearly, and is distributed among the poor in beef .B' The chnrch of St. Helen is an edifice of stone in the Christmas; there is also a charitv of [,2 128. for • Early English style, consisting oI chancel, nave, aisles, weekly distribution of bread, left in 1732 by the Rev. north porch and an embattled western tower containing W. Shield, rector, and Johnson'. charity of [,3> distri- 5 bells, dated respectively 1760, 1761, 1762, 1762 and buted in bread at Christmas. Palmer's charity of 178. 1777: the chancel r"t"ins a pisoina, and the east window yearly, and £6 arising from 4~ aCres of land and Cave'. is stained: on the north side, in the floor, is an alabaster charity of 18 •. yearly, are distributed in coal. Thomas .lab with a!moat illegibl~ inscription to Riohard Holland Guy Frederick Paget esq. of SuIby Hall, Sulb,-, S. B.