MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 THULHIJA 5, 1435 AH AWI chief US-led raids Clooneys Europe defeats Lang in hit jihadist oil show off rings USA by five Kuwait on as Qaeda after ‘perfect’ to retain cultural5 visit vows reprisals7 wedding40 Ryder18 Cup MoI takes action against Max 40º Min 23º cop for mistreating expat High Tide 01:50 & 15:18 Low Tide Dashti in hot water over anti-Bahrain comments 08:57 & 20:59 40 PAGES NO: 16300 150 FILS By B Izzak and Hanan Al-Saadoun that exist between Bahrain and Kuwait. conspiracy theories Ghanem’s statements came after strong KUWAIT: The Ministry of Interior (MoI) has comments against Bahrain posted by decided to interrogate a police officer for Dashti on his Twitter account triggered Why the surplus? abuse of power against an expatriate resi- strong reactions from several MPs who dent. The move by the ministry came as a demanded that the lawmaker be referred video was posted on social media show- to the public prosecution for legal action. ing a policeman mistreating a resident, the Dahsti, a Shiite lawmaker, has been issu- ministry said in a statement, blasting such ing statements in support of the Shiite a “misconduct that marks an individual protests against the Bahraini monarchy. By Badrya Darwish case”. “The Ministry of Interior Over the weekend, he rejects such an act against expressed confidence that citizens and residents,” it said, Bahraini Shiites will be victo- warning that necessary rious and that “invaders” will action would be taken go. [email protected] against the police officer MP Abdullah Al-Turaiji yes- once relevant investigations terday asked the foreign min- are over. ister why the ministry has eading the financial report released by NBK Separately, National taken no action against on the government’s finances and budget Assembly Speaker Marzouq Dashti for his offensive for the fiscal year 2013/2014, I don’t see any- Al-Ghanem said yesterday remarks against Bahrain. R that Kuwait-Bahrain relations Turaiji asked why the ministry thing interesting or different from the previous are historical and deep-root- failed to take action against years. Except one thing that caught my eye. ed and cannot be affected by the lawmaker although he Allocated budgets were not spent, amazingly. personal statements follow- publicly insulted and abused When I looked at the overall expenditure, public ing demands by a number of Abdulhameed Dashti the people and rulers of salaries took a little over a quarter of the budget. MPs for action against MP Bahrain. Responding to accu- Public salaries are those of civil servants at all min- Abdulhameed Dashti for statements sations against him, Dashti said yesterday istries, hospitals, firefighters, teachers, nurses, deemed offensive to the Gulf state. that he agrees with the statements of the municipality workers, immigration officers, etc, Ghanem said that any statements issued Assembly speaker on Bahrain that “what I etc. The other big expenditure was services and by individuals or MPs against any country expressed were my personal views”. But he goods which took about 17 percent. And then are their personal views and do not repre- added that he is a rights activist and those sent anyone else or the National Assembly. calling for legal action against him are about 8.1 percent was spent on projects, mainte- KUWAIT: A policeman is seen hitting an expat made to do pushups in this image nance and so called-land purchases. But where I He insisted that such personal views will “ignorant”. taken from a video circulating on social media. never impact the solid relations at all levels Continued on Page 13 have no idea - inside or outside Kuwait. The most intriguing part of the report is that half the budget expenditures - 50 percent nearly - Gulf electricity grid looks to expand went for so called miscellaneous and transfers. (Transfers included money budgeted to PIFSS, mil- ABU DHABI: A unified Gulf Arab electricity ing the grid, he said. That works out at up itary salaries, fuel subsidies, transfers overseas and grid created to share capacity in emergen- to $420 million. other items). But what’s miscellaneous? Usually cies is set for expansion by 2019 with an GCC member states - Kuwait, Saudi Budget surplus up miscellaneous in any budget on earth is the small- estimated investment of up to $420 mil- Arabia, Bahrain, , the United Arab est slice of the pie, the least significant. Even in lion due to rising consumption, an official Emirates and Oman -are all part of the ordinary companies, miscellaneous would never of the overseeing authority said yesterday. grid. They shared the cost of constructing as spending slows represent the major chunk of your budget. Except Officials also said they were looking to link the grid based on the benefits they would in Kuwait. the grid to , and to Europe via accrue from it. Each state maintains a min- KUWAIT: Kuwait’s budget surplus edged percent of GDP in 2019, the International Or maybe the government is saving the surplus Turkey. The grid has been working since imal reserve level in the grid to support up to KD 12.9 billion ($44.8 billion) in the Monetary Fund estimated in April. Total 2009 with trading touching the equivalent one another in times of emergencies. The for the future generations? Imagine if you owned a fiscal year to last March as government expenditure fell 2.1 percent from the of 800,000 megawatt-hours annually, said usage has varied from state to state spending fell, largely because of a drop previous year to KD 18.9 billion in the company and your accountant came to you and Ahmed Al-Ebrahim, chief operating officer depending on their needs, but the showed you the budget report with the miscella- in capital expenditure, finance ministry 2013/14 fiscal year, to well below the KD of the Dammam-based Gulf Cooperation biggest was when a state faced a deficit of data showed. The figures suggest Kuwait 21.0 billion originally planned, the data neous expenses making up 50 percent of the Council Interconnection Authority 3,000 MW, he said, declining to name the is still struggling to spend its oil wealth showed. budget! You know guys, I would sack him immedi- (GCCIA). country. “More than 1,100 emergency sit- on economic development because of Public wages, which account for more ately and call the police. “In around five years in 2019 we will uations have been faced in the past five bureaucratic red tape and political con- than a quarter of current spending, con- Let’s forget the miscellaneous and instead ask need to expand the grid as consumption years in which there would have been flict between the Cabinet and parlia- tinued to grow, adding 4.3 percent to KD why did we have a surplus? Do you know that this is increasing around 6 to 10 percent a power cuts if it weren’t for the grid,” said ment, which has slowed big infrastruc- 5.0 billion, although the increase was the was the 19th consecutive year of having a budget year,” he told reporters. “We have started Ebrahim. ture projects. The budget surplus, equiv- slowest in over a decade, National Bank surplus? Aren’t we a lucky nation? Other govern- initial studies for it and we hope to start Electricity demand in the Gulf states alent to around 26 percent of gross of Kuwait economists Dana Al-Fakir and ments all over the world - you will see them always the project soon. The study will be com- peaks in the summer months of June- domestic product, was up marginally Nemr Kanafani said in a research note. suffering from deficits for consecutive years and plete in around two years.” The current August, while there is surplus power dur- from KD 12.7 billion, or nearly 25 percent Meanwhile, spending on projects, main- total capacity of the Gulf Cooperation ing the rest of the year which can be of GDP, in the previous fiscal year. tenance and land purchases dropped 7.3 years. So we are a privileged nation. Council (GCC) grid is 1,200 MW, the maxi- exported outside the region. The intercon- But why do we have budget surpluses? Is the Kuwait has posted budget surpluses percent to KD 1.5 billion, which the ana- mum power that can be transferred to nection will also enable the six Gulf states since 1995 but its rising public sector lysts said was partly due to slow progress country perfect? We don’t need any repairs? Any any country at any time. The cost of to establish an energy trading market and streets? Any flyovers? Any schools? Any hospitals? wage bill and large subsidies are expect- in the government’s development plans. expansion could be about 20 or 30 per- in the long term link with Europe, he said. ed to slash the surplus to around 12.1 Continued on Page13 Airports? Metro? All is well, so we have a surplus? cent of the initial $1.4 billion cost of build- Continued on Page 13 What is a surplus, but extra money we didn’t use. Then why is the government moaning about high salaries and subsidies? If you have extra, then I’m Tweet confirms Kuwaiti sorry, you can afford it. I used to criticize the parliamentarians when Qaeda chief Fadhli dead they were demanding child benefits and scrap- ping the debts of Kuwaitis. And my God, parlia- DUBAI: A jihadist Twitter account said US officials have described Khorasan ment came after parliament and we didn’t see any the leader of the Al-Qaeda-linked as a network of seasoned Al-Qaeda fight- improvement. But if we have a surplus, it could be Khorasan group was killed in a US air ers with battlefield experience mostly in easily used to help the middle class in Kuwait and strike in Syria, SITE monitoring service Pakistan and Afghanistan that is now help thousands of new graduates who do not said yesterday after several days of working in league with Al-Qaeda’s Syrian have the means to buy houses. And maybe we uncertainty over whether he survived affiliate, the Nusra Front. Khorasan is a could even dream of seeing a new airport, for the raid. A US official said on Sept 24 the term for an area including parts of United States believed Mohsin Pakistan and Afghanistan instance, and the promised modern hospitals. Al-Fadhli, a senior Al-Qaeda where Al-Qaeda’s main council I hope next year I will see a budget spent on the operative, had been killed in a is believed to be in hiding. nation. We deserve it. We’re not a poor nation. strike a day earlier, but the After the Sept 23 strikes, US Pentagon said several hours officials said they were still later it was still investigating assessing how badly Khorasan Meeting between what had happened to him. had been hit. Islamist militants In a tweet posted on Sept on social media have said there FM and Israeli 27, a jihadist offered condo- were unconfirmed reports that lences for the death of the 33-year-old Fadhli had minister denied Kuwaiti-born Fadhli, otherwise been killed. KUWAIT: An official source at the Foreign Ministry known as Abu Asmaa Al- Mohsin Al-Fadhli SITE did not name the has categorically dismissed media reports on a meet- Kuwaiti or Abu Asmaa Al- jihadist who reported Fadhli’s ing between First Deputy Premier and Foreign Jazrawi, said SITE, a US-based organisa- death but said he had trained under a Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah tion that monitors militant groups close associate of Al-Qaeda leader and the Israeli justice minister on the sidelines of the online. In Washington, Tony Blinken, Ayman Al-Zawahiri and had fought in UN General Assembly in New York. “Such information deputy White House national security Khorasan before travelling to Syria. A is totally divorced from reality,” the source said in a adviser, said US officials could not yet 2012 State Department notice offering a statement yesterday. The source recalled Kuwait’s confirm the death. “We want to make $7 million reward for information on firm position on contacts with Israel and its commit- sure that he’s not trying to, in effect, Fadhli’s whereabouts said he was an Al- ment to Arab stands in this regard, reiterating the fake his death and go underground,” Qaeda financier close to founder Osama state’s opposition to normalization of relations with Blinken said on “Fox News Sunday”. “But bin Laden and among the few who there are serious indicators he was knew in advance about the Sept 11, Israel. — KUNA KUWAIT: Power lines stretch into the distance in Julaia. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat removed.” 2001, attacks. — Reuters MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 LOCAL

KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received At Seif Palace yesterday Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs, Acting Minister of Justice and Acting Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah Al- Mubark Al-Sabah and anti-corruption agency chief Abdulrahman Al-Namash. During the meeting, they briefed HH the Amir on the agency’s plans and mechanisms for next year. Also, HH the Amir received Minister of Finance and Chairman of the Board of Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA) Anas Al-Saleh, accompanied by KIA Managing Director Bader Al-Saad, members Mustafa Al-Shimali, Helal Al-Mutairi and Abdullah Al-Humaidi. The meeting was attended by Deputy Minister of Amiri Diwan Affairs Sheikh Ali Jarrah Al-Sabah. — KUNA Kuwait engages in flurry of diplomacy at UN meetings Gulf states sponsor resolution on foreign fighters Kuwait chairs committee meeting BRUSSELS: Kuwait will chair the September 29-30. 2015. The online services on the financial and administrative com- Justice Tareq Al-Shimaimri told ICC website and means to develop mittee meeting of the Permanent KUNA that the meeting will touch them will also be addressed dur- International Court of Arbitration on several subjects connected to ing the meeting, said Al- which will be held between the budget this year and also for Shimaimri. — KUNA

NEW YORK: Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled is pictured with the Kuwaiti diplomats. — KUNA NEW YORK: First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister South ties Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah engaged in a flurry Meanwhile on Saturday, Sheikh Sabah Khaled met South of diplomacy during, and on sideline of, the United Nations Sudan’s Foreign Minister Bernaba Marial Benjamin; who General Assembly’s (UNGA) 69th session. described the meeting as “excellent.” He also called on the pri- Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled held some 15 meetings with foreign vate sector in Kuwait to capitalize on “the special bilateral rela- ministers from the Gulf, Arab, African, Asian and Western coun- tions” to tap into the various investment opportunities in his tries during his stay here, accompanying His Highness the Amir country. Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah’s representative, HH “South Sudan is a huge country with wonderful farmland, the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. enormous water and livestock resources, and lots of mineral The Kuwaiti top diplomat, whose country holds the rotating wealth, including oil,” Benjamin said in a statement to KUNA Presidencies of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the and Kuwait TV. “We think we can encourage investment to Arab League, met with foreign ministers of Iraq, Iran and Turkey, develop these resources through contribution of private sector.” among the others, to discuss regional developments and other Moreover, Benjamin affirmed that the “Kuwaiti government matters of mutual interest. did a lot of projects” in South Sudan particularly-Al-Sabah ABU DHABI: Performers seen during the operetta. —KUNA “We are keen on being in contact with these friendly coun- Children Hospital in Juba which is the only children hospital in tries at this time to explore ways of addressing regional con- South Sudan. “Our people are very thankful” for the Kuwaiti flicts and threats, as well as boosting bilateral relations,” Sheikh contributions to South Sudan, he added. Al-Sabah Children UAE celebrates Amir honoring Sabah Al-Khaled said in a statement to KUNA and Kuwait TV on Hospital was established in 1983, and treats primarily children Saturday. Discussions also dealt with the threat posed by the suffering from malnutrition, malaria, pneumonia and diarrhea, ABU DHABI: The United Arab Emirates Buaijan, Kuwaiti and UAE officials and ally. Ambassador Al-Buaijan Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL). in addition to outpatients. Benjamin said he conveyed greet- (UAE) celebrated the recent United diplomats. expressed gratitude to the UAE lead- ings of South Sudanese President Silva Kiir Mayardit to HH the Nations designation of Kuwait’s Amir The celebratory gathering, held at ers for holding the special celebration Important resolution Amir. He said he and Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled also discussed the His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad “Shatea Al-Raha Theatre,” featured in honor of His Highness the Amir. The UN Security Council (UNSC) held a special session, outcome of the Arab-Africa summit that was held in Kuwait last Al-Jaber Al-Sabah as Humanitarian songs and folkloric shows depicting Such sentiments were also expressed chaired by United States President Barack Obama, and unani- year. Benjamin, on the other hand, said South Sudan was com- Leader and Kuwait as a Humanitarian the close ties between the two broth- by Muna Shaddad, a delegation mously approved resolution 2178 that tightened the grip on mitted to the peace process the cessation of hostilities. Center. erly countries, Kuwait and the UAE. member of the Kuwaiti Ministry of foreign terrorist fighters joining ISIL and other Al-Qaeda-affiliat- He also said relations with Sudan have been improving, and An operetta for that purpose was Sheikh Nuyahayan stated that the Information, stating that the activity ed groups in the region. that he would visit Khartoum soon to discuss relieving of debts held late Saturday, attended by UAE UN acclamation of His Highness the reflected a “bright image of the close “The State of Kuwait sponsored this resolution because of its on Juba. He said Mayardit and his Sudanese counterpart Omar Minister of Culture Sheikh Muhayan Amir came in recognition of Sheikh solidarity among the Gulf Cooperation importance,” noted Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled. Al-Bashir have agreed that differences should be solved Bin Mubarak Al-Nuhayan, Kuwaiti Sabah Al-Ahmad’s contributions at the states namely Kuwait and the United The 27-article resolution, sponsored by more than 100 coun- through dialogue.— KUNA Ambassador to the UAE Salah Al- Islamic and humanitarian levels glob- Arab Emirates.” — KUNA tries and is under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, confronts movement and finance of foreign fighters, and urges countries to exchange information about them with the major aim of eliminating them. “We in the State of Kuwait are keen to be part of the interna- tional community to fight this menace —,” said the Kuwaiti top official. “Kuwait is keen on prevailing of security in the Gulf region and our Arab area,” he asserted. Kuwait had to shoulder extra political burden because of its GCC and Arab League Presidencies, thus chaired several meet- ings in these two capacities. Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled led the GCC side in ministerial strategic dialogue meetings with other countries and organiza- tions. “We met with the US, Russia and the European Union, we also met with India, China and (South) Korea-All of them repre- sent great interests for the GCC countries,” he said.

Palestine and Syria Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled also led the Arab side in a meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, UN Special Representative to Syria Staffan de Mistura and President of the Syrian national opposition council Hadi Bahra. Kuwait is also president of the Arab-Africa summit that was held last November, and Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled briefed the African foreign ministers about Kuwait’s USD two billion contri- butions to investment and infrastructure projects in Africa, in addition to the USD million award by the name of late Dr Abdulrahman Al-Sumait. “We presented a detailed report about what we have achieved in the State of Kuwait in this period,” he said. Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled also noted that Kuwait would host a ministerial meeting of the Organization of Islamic Conference by the middle of next year. The Kuwaiti foreign minister also attended a ministerial meeting of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) and followed- up on Kuwait’s USD 300 million contribution to a fund it had announced for development in Asia through the Asia Development Bank (ADB). HH the Amir announced during an ACD summit in Kuwait October 2012 a USD two billion fund for under-developed non- Arab nations of Asia to support small and medium-sized proj- ects to be overseen by the ADB. “We urged the countries to help Kuwait to join the ADB so it can follow up this fund. We also urged countries to contribute and thanked those who already contributed,” said Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled.

Regional security HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak addressed the UNGA meeting last Thursday and highlighted Kuwait’s com- mitment to the regional security and stability, as well as deter- mination to fighting terrorism and extremism. Kuwait’s premier also met with the Presidents of Egypt and Iraq, as well as Prime Ministers of Iraq and Georgia. Separately, Sheikh Sabah Khaled met the Kuwaiti diplomats participating at the 69th session of the UN General Assembly. The Foreign Minister reviewed with the participants on Kuwait’s foreign policy, and urged them to exert their efforts as repre- sentatives of their country in the international arenas. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 LOCAL In Brief 450% jump Visa procedures KG evacuation

By A. Saleh KUWAIT: MP Kamel Al-Awadhi said that Kuwait KUWAIT: MP Khalil Al-Saleh applauded an Education should adopt a reciprocity-based relationship with Ministry decision to file a lawsuit against the Social Reform KUWAIT: MP Jamal Al-Omar inquired with Finance 32 countries whose citizens can enter Kuwait with- Society for failure to evacuate a building originally used as Minister Anas Al-Saleh about subsidization listed in out visa, yet Kuwaitis are required to issue a visa a kindergarten in Shamiya. The lawmaker argued mean- state departments’ budgets and those paid directly before traveling there. The lawmaker argued that from the treasury. The lawmaker pointed out in a while that the ministry should have pursued legal action complicated visa procedures threaten the careers of shortly after its contract with the charitable organization statement that governmental subsidization of serv- students studying abroad, and patients who receive ended on March 31, 2013. ices and goods jumped by 450 percent in ten years; treatment at hospitals and clinics overseas, among from KD 1,008 billion in 2004 to KD 5,580 million in others. 2014. Nouf Expo organizes ‘Gulf Family Business Forum’ ‘The backbone of a sustainable economy’

KUWAIT: Under the patronage of His shareholding members. Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al Sabah, the Amir of Kuwait, may God protect 2. Surviving the economic crisis represented him, Nouf Expo, in collaboration with ExiCon by the economic value of family business- international Group are holding the “Gulf es, business Politics in crisis management, Family Business Forum - The backbone of a adaptation to Change, and managing sustainable economy,” from December 16th risks and preventing downfalls caused by to 17th, 2014, at Crowne Plaza Hotel - Al personal problems. Barakah Ballroom. The forum aims at discussing the role of 3. Laws and regulations on shares covering family businesses in the economies of their the topics of family business manage- countries, and how to help these companies ment, governance, processes, and regula- to overcome the challenges they face and to tions, government regulations imposed raise their competitiveness, and develop their on family businesses, impact of managerial and technical capacities based on International Laws and Regulations. KUWAIT: Attending the event yesterday at National Library (from left), Sheikha Al-Zain Al-Sabah, undersecretary Ministry of State for Youth Affairs, modern foundations, to be able to expand Lisa Heilbronn-Public Affairs Officer-US Embassy, Jason Saltzman-CEO & Founder AlleyNYC, Khaled Al-Zanki-Al-Zanki Enterprises (Launch on Fire), into regional and global markets, especially 4. The socio-economic values of family busi- Haidar Al-Musawi-Sirdab Lab, and Hind Al-Nahedh-Socialobby. since the family businesses still form the nesses such as governments’ crucial role backbone of the economy in the States of the in supporting family businesses, the role Gulf Cooperation Council, along with many of Corporate Social Responsibility in Saltzman to inspire countries of the world. national projects, businesses’ contribu- Nouf Expo in collaboration with ExiCon tion to the national economy, and devel- international Group, have mobilized a large opment of a sustainable socio-economic group of participants and developed a full system. Kuwaiti youth program, reaching the culmination of their efforts to the success of the forum through 5. Employment and career development the Patronage of His Highness Sheikh Sabah that will discuss the issues of human ‘Youngsters need encouragement to achieve goals in life’ Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the Amir of the resources management and training, State of Kuwait, may God protect him. career development and motivation, By Ben Garcia they are a powerful force that produces and makes aspect. I am enthusiastic working in a country An official source at Nouf Expo stated that employee rights and job security, and hir- Kuwait. Thanks to the educated youth that do their whose government is already dedicating so many “the patronage of His Highness is the culmi- ing family members or in-laws. KUWAIT: Young people in Kuwait will have a rare best to build a solid economic edifice and protect resources for the advancement of youth affairs. nation to the efforts of the organizers, but it chance to meet a young entrepreneurial maestro the society at all times,” she mentioned. What we are bringing to you is very specific experi- also reflects his Highness’s keenness to his The source added that in addition to ses- based in New York. Jason Saltzman, CEO and ence of people who have already been in entrepre- sons as the head of the family who is keen on sions and researches, the “Gulf Family Founder of New York City’s entrepreneurial hub Creative youth neurial activities.” his family members, and thus puts his family Business Forum” shall be accompanied by a AlleyNYC, will be speaking tomorrow at the Gulf Sheikha Zain noted they are executing His and the Kuwaiti and Gulf companies in one specialized exhibition for international, University for Science and Technology (GUST) to Highness the Amir’s order by supporting all youth Rare opportunity frame, with no discrimination between them, regional, and local consulting companies, so approximately 500 Kuwaiti youth to provide them and sporting activities according to the Amiri Saltzman briefly introduced himself but prom- granting each the same amount of passion, as to grant these consulting companies and with proper guidance in entrepreneurial skills. decree. “Our ministry is embracing youth’s non ised a unique seminar experience and rare oppor- care and support.” their managers the chance to showcase to Speaking at a press conference held at the Kuwait profitable initiatives in all fields to ensure our role tunity to bring together entrepreneurs in Kuwait The source at Nouf Expo added that the the family business owners the successful National Library yesterday, Sheikha Zain Al-Sabah, of taking care of this responsibility, reflecting the and share their experiences, which he said could proceedings of the “Gulf Family Business institutional strategies applied by their com- the undersecretary for the Ministry of State for modern vision of our youth that is also embedded surely inspire entrepreneurship. “We want to show Forum” will address by research all the topics panies and their achievements in the related Youth Affairs, thanked the organizer for bringing in in our Kuwaiti traditions,” she said, adding: “Our to the world what we are doing here,” he said. related to the growth of the economy of the field of consulting. The exhibition will provide such a high-caliber entrepreneurial personality vision is reflected in our slogan ‘to a creative Saltzman, is an American technology entrepre- family business and the issue of adaptation to an excellent venue for owners of companies from the United States. youth... embracing national heritage and partner in neur with a background in sales and marketing. He change, and promoting corporate social to browse the latest in consulting services in “Sheikh Salman Al-Houmod Al-Sabah (Minister sustainable development”. The ministry’s role is considered a “must know” in the New York City responsibility. The Forum shall host interna- the field of business management, specially of State for Youth Affairs) and I extend to you my according to Sheikha Zain is coordinating to attract entrepreneurial scene. Jason is a passionate advo- tional speakers, consultants, and companies family business. Also, invitations have been sincere thanks and gratitude for all the support you youths aged 14 to 34. cate for start-up communities and collaborative that will address the following topics: sent to several high-profile officials of Trade provide today that contribute in youth empower- Lisa Heilbronn, Public Affairs Officer at the US environments. Through AlleyNYC, Jason has creat- and Economics, and family business owners, ment and development among all levels,” she said. Embassy, said the event related to entrepreneurial ed a co-working space in New York City for aspiring 1. Recurrent challenges to family businesses along with the managers of these businesses, She underlined that the Youth Affairs Ministry skills is one aspect of their cooperation to strength- entrepreneurs to launch their dream ventures. such as succession planning, jobs infla- and other important financial, investment believes that young people need encouragement ening youth and reaching out to them to succeed Jason has also experience in scaling businesses to tion with no significance to growth, gen- and legal institutions, to participate in the to achieve and accomplish their goals in life. “Young in life and help the country as a whole. “We are fit the demand in growing markets. He has also der equality & their engagement in deci- Forum so as to achieve its goals and guaran- people hope to accomplish greater achievements looking for ways to advance Kuwaiti youth in entre- published several articles in Entrepreneur sion-making, and engaging non-family tee its success. in life, but most of all for our beloved country, as preneurial skills. Jason Saltzman can help in this Magazine and The Wall Street Journal.

Sooty shearwater Black tern Paddyfield warbler Red knot Green Line warns bird reports inform hunters ‘Several new birds observed in Kuwait this year’

KUWAIT: A local environmental organization warned that bird birds and places where they make their stops in Kuwait. reads. The nongovernmental organization reiterated that the Plants defy harsh weather observers in Kuwait are inadvertently threatening the safety of But these sort of updates provide guidelines for bird hunters lack of laws which provide proper protection for migratory birds KEPS also announced that several summer plants blossomed migratory birds by releasing updates on their latest observa- who are searching for the best locations and times to carry out in Kuwait require professional or amatuer photographers to be during the past few months in Kuwait despite harsh weather con- tions. their illegal practice, the Green Line argued in a statement yes- ‘extra cautious’ when reporting their findings. ditions that varied between very hot days and others with high The Kuwait Environment Protection Society (KEPS) said in a terday. Instead, bird observation teams should release annual KEPS had announced Saturday that the list of birds observed humidity. These plants include the chrozophora, the Syrian recent statement that its observation and protection team documented reports outside the migratory birds’ passing sea- in Kuwait from May 1st to August 31st this year increased to 278 mesquite, the alhagi, the purslane, the colocynth and the bindii. observed hundreds of birds in Kuwait during the summer. The son, the Green Line said. “By rushing reports about observing different types. The most recent observations include the sooty They all grew in different place around the country despite lack of statement was the latest of periodic updates that KEPS provides flocks of birds, their numbers and locations, bird observers play shearwater, the black tern, the thick-billed lark, the paddyfield rainfall, said Moudhi Al-Dousary, Wildlife Protection Committee throughout birds’ passing season, with details about the kinds of the role of a radar that guides illegal hunters,” the statement warbler and the red knot, KEPS said in a statement. member at KEPS, in a statement to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA). NA panel discusses payroll alternative Minister confirms equal pay for GCC citizens

By A Saleh

KUWAIT: The National Assembly’s human resources committee held a meeting yesterday to discuss var- ious topics on its agenda. Committee chairman, MP Yaqoub Al-Sane said the committee discussed the strategic payroll alternative in a meeting with CSC representatives who stressed that they would soon have a vision on solving the payroll problem and that would have the strategic payroll alternative ready by October. “There will be pay hikes for Mr Ayman Al Mutairi, Senior Manager - Corporate Communications at VIVA receiving the employees and none of the current ones will be honorary trophy affected,” stressed Sane, noting that the increase would be subject to job description and qualifica- tion. He added that CSC representatives justified VIVA concludes Ejabi contracting a private company to prepare the pay- roll alternative by the fact that it was an internation- al one that had previously unified payrolls in Britain. Training Academy Committee rapporteur MP Abdulhameed Dashti KUWAIT: (From left) Committee members Khalil Abdullah, Abdulhameed Dashty, Yaqoub Al- stressed that the payroll alternative was still being Sane and Ahmad Lari during the meeting. — Photo by Fouad Al-Shaikh KUWAIT: VIVA, the fastest growing telecom activities, and from its belief in the impor- studied by the government. operator in Kuwait, hailed the successful tance for youth to acquire skills and moti- Duwaisan criticizes bedoon apparatus stressed that bedoons have every right to educa- conclusion of its sponsorship of Ejabi vate them, as well as strengthen the con- GCC employees to get equal wages, pensions MP Faisal Al-Duwaisan stressed that all the tion as a basic human right guaranteed by all Training Academy, one of the youth initia- cept of positivity and instill national spirit, Kuwait recently agreed to unify job descriptions Central Apparatus for Bedoons is doing is to issue a regional and international pacts and agreements as tives in Kuwait. and the development of their job perform- of GCC employees and giving them wages, indem- weekly statement with the total number of birth well as the international human rights declaration. During the closing day of the Ejabi ance which will produce a generation of nities and pensions equal to those given to Kuwaiti and death certificates issued to bedoons or those The society praised the acting minister of educa- Training Academy, six youth projects were leaders who are able to achieve their ambi- citizens, said the Saudi Al-Youm newspaper quoting getting Zakat House aid. “It is acting more like a tion’s decision to accept Kuwaiti women’s children presented to the judging committee who tions in serving society. Kuwait’s minister of state for Cabinet affairs and act- charity and not like a government establishment and the children of serving and retired bedoon mili- then chose the winning project, making VIVA will continue to looking for unique ing minister of justice Sheikh Mohammed Al- that aims at solving the bedoon problem once and tary personnel in government schools, describing it them the first Ejabi ambassador in Kuwait. opportunities to contribute to the welfare Abdullah, who stressed that this step was taken for all,” he underlined, urging apparatus chairman as a wise one. “Now since Kuwait was chosen as a VIVA’s sponsorship of the Ejabi Training of the society and help serve the youth after a GCC agreement was made to treat other GCC Fadhalah to either solve the bedoon problem dur- center for human activities, more steps forward are Academy program is a continuation of its best and shed the light on its ongoing cor- nationals equally as citizens during a meeting of ing the remaining time of his tenure or resign. needed to accept all bedoons in government strategy which aims to support all youth porate social commitment. GCC civil services ministers held last week. Separately, Kuwait Human Rights Society (KHRS) schools,” stressed the society. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 LOCAL Limited fire at KPC building in Shuwaikh Sicily refinery fire under control

KUWAIT: A limited fire broke out yesterday at an adminis- future, the KPC added, stressing employees’ safety accord- causalities of employees, saying the fire broke out at a Crime trative building of the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) ing to global standards. warehouse at an area far from production laboratories. Report in Al-Shuwaikh in Kuwait City. The fire started at 13:30 pm at Meanwhile Kuwait Petroleum Italia (KPI), a branch of Firefighters dealt with the fire, which lasted until the end of the fourth floor and was under control, the KPC said in a Kuwait Petroleum International, announced yesterday that all amounts of the warehouse’s fuel, according to emer- statement received by KUNA yesterday. it managed to extinguish the fire that broke out on gency systems in a short period, the statement pointed out. All employees were immediately evacuated from the Saturday at a gasoline warehouse at its refinery in Milazzo, The KPI and Eni S.p.A, an Italian multinational oil and gas Search for building and Fire Service Directorate rushed to the site and Sicily. In a press statement, the company said that firefight- company headquartered in Rome, operate Milazzo’s refin- controlled the fire. There were no reports of casualties, the ers could put out the fire using the firefighting system at ery whose production reaches 200,000 barrel per day, as statement added. A technical committee would be formed the refinery. part of shares of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, the second armed thief to reveal the causes of the fire in order to avoid it in the The company emphasized that there were no reports of largest oil company in the Italian market. —KUNA KUWAIT: Jahra detectives are looking for a sports-utili- ty-vehicle (SUV) driver who fired his weapon towards IS suspects remanded in custody Ministry to improve two persons he knows, then stole their phones and money before escaping. The incident took place in an orphanages open area in Abdally. ‘Khalid the Russian’ killed in combat KUWAIT: Social Affairs Ministry Assistant Undersecretary for Financial and Administrative Affairs Dr Matar Al-Mutairi Harassment By A Saleh Ghunaim Al-Enezi known as Abu Azzam Al-Kuwaiti, who said there are plans to improve all buildings of care homes was killed earlier during attacks against Daesh, in which A citizen accused her neighbor of fondling her in the (orphanages) to become model homes according to the KUWAIT: A detention renewal judge yesterday extended both are members. Khalid Al-Enezi, who is also known as best international standards after work has started at the elevator of the building she lives in Salmiya. The the detention of two citizens and a bedoon accused of “Khalid the Russian,” fought with Al-Qaeda against woman said that when she asked him to stop, he committee that was formed by Minister of Social Affairs financing and supporting the Islamic State (IS) for 10 more American and Afghan government forces, before returning and Labor and State Minister for Planning and complied to avoid being exposed. Detectives are days pending investigations, said informed sources. They to Kuwait, where he was imprisoned. Development Affairs Hind Al-Subaih. He said the efforts of working on the case. noted that the judge strictly refused releasing any of the He joined Al-Nusra front when the Syrian revolution start- developing the buildings of the care homes complex is due suspects on bail. The trio is facing charges of supporting a ed, then left to join the IS. He appeared in the most famous to the ministry’s keenness to bring all the buildings into Peeping neighbor taught lesson terrorist group, funding it and jeopardizing Kuwait’s picture when he beheaded a Kurdish man and held his head one administrative structure, and the committee started national security. while dripping blood. Al-Enezi is married with one boy. with preparations to award the tender through the consul- A citizen badly beat up his neighbor when he found him Separately, informed sources said that Khalid Al-Enezi tation department at the finance ministry. —Al-Rai snooping at his sister through a small hole in the gate, then was killed along with other fighters while storming a house MoH to compensate patient handed him to Qairawan police. A security source said the citi- used by Kurdish People’s Party as a command for their The court of appeal mandated the health ministry to FTZ closure overruled zen was surprised by the neighbor looking at his sister operations, Al-Rai local daily reported. The incident pay a KD 20,000 compensation to a citizen for a medical through the hole, so he beat him and called police. took place in “Ain Al-Arab area, it added. error while giving birth, which resulted in brain damage to KUWAIT: The Appeals Court overruled a government deci- Investigations are underway. Separately, a citizen accused his Khalid Al-Enezi, a bedoon, is the cousin of Wajdi the baby and kinesthetic disability. sion to terminate the Free Trade Zone (FTZ) contract with neighbor of violating his privacy when he opened a window the National Real Estate Company. Canceling the decision, that overlooks his house. A security source said the citizen told PIC posts 15 million which was originally made by former commerce minister Qairawan police that he attempted to solve the problem ami- Cut salt for better Falah Al-Hajri four years ago, could force the state to pay mil- cably, but his neighbor refused. The source said that Kuwait trouble-free lions of dinars in compensation for the company. The ruling municipality was informed, so that an expert can be sent to health: WHO also means that all companies that were closed at the FTZ make sure about any violations by the accused neighbor. work hours four years ago can resume operation, after the court said GENEVA: The World Health Organization (WHO) called for that the closure order had legal irregularities. —Al-Aan KUWAIT: Kuwait Petrochemical Industries Company has real- reducing amounts of salt as a step to cut the number of peo- Compromising position ized 15 million safe work hours free of any time-consuming ple experiencing heart diseases and stroke and save lives. “People in the Middle East countries consume more than five Stores closed for An undertaking at Salmiya police station closed the case accidents till end of August. The count of the safe working hours grams; required rate of salt on a daily basis,” Dr Ayoub of a man and a European girl of Arab descent who were AlJawaldeh, WHO Regional Adviser for Nutrition Affairs in the selling bad food found in a compromising position inside a university, began on December 11, 2010, Asaad Al-Saad, Chief Executive Officer, said in Middle East region, told KUNA yesterday on the occasion of but they were found to be married. A security source the World Heart Day, which is marked today. The consump- KUWAIT: Deputy Premier, Commerce and Industry Minister and said the man handed them a marriage certificate, a statement yesterday. He affirmed that Acting Education Minister Dr Abdelmohsen Al-Mudej issued 17 this achievement was due to fruitful tion of ten grams of salt on a daily basis poses a risk to heart adding that both are studying at the university and got decisions to close shops and supermarkets that sold foodstuff unfit cooperation among all workers of the and circulatory system inside human’s body, consequently married without the knowledge of their parents. for human consumption, adding that some of the closed stores company. It is also one of the objec- chronic diseases arise, he added. He pointed out that the WHO works with ministries of health in the Middle East sold expired products. tives of the 2017 sustainable policy. About whether a cooperative where the ministry said it found Officer insulted “We are aware that our success hinges countries to reduce salt in meals especially bread and cheese for ensuring better health. products unfit for human consumption was among those closed, An Ahmadi police officer was insulted by three persons on our personnel welfare and we also the sources said the closures do not include it, and that the min- Asaad Al-Saad realize our duties and commitments He stressed the importance of media to focus on heart dis- over a traffic violation at Fahaheel market. The officer was eases happening due to salt overuse as well as on raising istry sent it to the public prosecution to take the necessary judicial regarding health of our employees and action against it, because this is the first time it happened, and the carrying out his duties when he issued a citation for clients and contractors,” he said, affirming keenness on secur- awareness of housewives in particular to lessen salt while cook- obstructing traffic to a man, but he along with his friends ing. He also underscored the danger of processed and pre- timing of the closures coincide with preparations for Eid Al-Adha. ing a safe and healthy working environment for all the per- Meanwhile, the ministry of commerce is getting ready to did not like this, so they insulted him before driving off. sonnel. The company’s robust adherence to safety standards pared meals as they cause many healthy problems due to large The police officer went to the police station and filed a amounts of salt and fats. They cause obesity and high rate of remove cheese spread from ration cards after the ministry of has qualified it to be earned acclamation of international rat- health said the product is dangerous and has many ill-effects on complaint of insulting a public employee while on duty. diabetes, which lead to cancer diseases, he added. —KUNA ing agencies, such as the ISO. —KUNA health. —Al-Rai Detectives are working on the case. —Al-Rai MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 LOCAL Former French culture minister visits Kuwait

By Nawara Fattahova Ambassador of France to Kuwait Christian Nakhle not- officials by explaining some related issues. I also partici- Kuwait next September, as it would never have been reno- ed that Lang’s visit involves a range of activities and visits pated in founding the AWI, and Kuwait has always sup- vated without the support of Kuwait,” he pointed out. KUWAIT: The French Embassy in Kuwait held a press con- to various institutions and officials in Kuwait. “The visit ported this institute. The AWI has held various Kuwaiti There are many future projects to develop AWI. “We ference on Saturday at the Radisson Blu Hotel on the occa- includes Dar Al Athar Al Islamiya, Kuwait Women Cultural exhibitions such as ‘Kuwait in Paris’ in 1989, ‘Treasures of are preparing to hold a joint Kuwaiti-French initiative sion of the first visit to Kuwait by Jack Lang, President of Society and others. Furthermore, the French Embassy will Kuwaiti Art’ in 1992 and ‘Free Expressions-Kuwaiti Artists’ exhibition about Arabs and the sea. The institute also the Arab World Institute (AWI) in Paris and a former hold various activities during October and November, in 2006. Kuwait also participated in revamping the library appointed former French ambassador to Kuwait Nada Minister for Culture and Education. The conference was especially that this period coincides with the 50th anniver- of the AWI and it has become the best library for Arab lit- Yafi as the Head of the Arabic language program at AWI,” followed by a reception and music performance. Young sary of diplomatic relations between Kuwait and France,” erature. And as appreciation, we decided to name it after concluded Lang. he said during the press conference. The main reason of Lang’s visit to Kuwait is to congratu- late HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- Sabah for his honoring by the United Nations, in addition to discussing joint cultural projects with the Kuwaiti gov- ernment. He also noted that he is carrying an official letter to HH the Amir from the President of France, without elab- orating. “The French nation loves Kuwait, and this year we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of bilateral relations between the two countries, and I will be participating in this celebration in November. Many French officials con- gratulated HH the Amir for achieving the honor and title of ‘Humanitarian Leader’ by the United Nations for his huge efforts in this field. He is also one of the founders of KUWAIT: Ambassador Christian Nakhle speaks at the the AWI in Paris in 1987, which is the only institute of its press conference, with the visiting former minister Jack kind in the world, and which was established to highlight Lang sitting beside him. — Photo by Joseph Shagra Arab art and culture in France,” stressed Lang. Lang was the French minister of culture during the Iraqi Kuwaiti artist Ahmad Al-Ghanim presented an artwork to invasion of Kuwait. “France was among the allied forces Lang, showing a mix of Western and Kuwaiti cultures. that participated in liberating Kuwait, and I helped some US universities meet students in Kuwait

KUWAIT: A group of admissions coun- DC area organization dedicated to from large, public universities to small, selors representing a variety of helping students from around the private colleges. The range of aca- accredited universities from across the world connect with prestigious US demic programs at these schools is United States will be speaking with universities. For the past 20 years, extensive, and while most schools students at the Marina Hotel Kuwait Linden has been visiting Kuwait and offer Business, Marketing and on Tuesday, October 14th, from 6:00 - helping students pursue their goals in Engineering programs, students will 9:00 pm. Prior to the fair at 5:30pm, higher education. Linden works close- also find schools offering degrees in there will be a presentation called: ly with Education USA and AMIDEAST the sciences, fine arts and liberal arts. “How to prepare a winning applica- to ensure events of the highest cal- To learn more about participating uni- tion.” iber. versities and to register for the fair, The event, which is free and open University admissions officers visit- please visit us online at www.linden- to the public, is organized by Linden ing Kuwait this year represent a wide or Educational Services, a Washington variety of schools in the United States, denFairs.

A photo from last year’s event. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 LOCAL

In my view Full government support ... kuwait digest The Arab Spring Children’s day or the Arab Fall?

By Labeed Abdal By Khaled Al Mutawa Anticorruption Student at American University of Kuwait Administrative authority corruption

[email protected] [email protected] Al-Anbaa

n 1954, the United Nations General he Psychology of Revolutions, a book written by a Assembly released a resolution that Financial French writer Gustave Le Bon, illustrates the tran- corruption requires countries worldwide to recognize Tsitions and experience of all historical rebellions, I with a dose of critical analysis that asks such questions an international day for the child. The as: Why did rebellions begin? When will they stop? Universal Children’s Day was established to What happened in 2012 has lightened many souls; encourage all countries to institute a day, first- this event beautifully sparked from Tunisia, Egypt, Libya ly to promote mutual exchange and under- and other Arabic countries, was a dream that came true. Under the terror of the dictators who were taking standing among children, and secondly to ini- the heat that goes with the dominion of others, people tiate action to benefit and promote the wel- showed that they could no longer handle them any- fare of the world’s children. November 20 was more. selected for this occasion because the UN Many perceive the rebellion of Arab countries as adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the something called ‘The Arab Spring.’ Newspapers, maga- zines, and news reporters began using this phrase, Child on this date. kuwait digest except me. “Stop, for a minute,” I said to myself, “are we really in an Arab spring? Who is the one who enforced The reality in many conflict- Secrets of bin Talal’s success this phrase of people?” I stayed awake all night, thinking about this miscon- stricken countries around the ceived term, used by the majority of people, and I By Saad Al-Mo’tesh thought that this metaphor is inaccurate. We are not in world - makes me feel very an Arab Spring yet. disappointed. lmost everybody is in quest of the secrets of suc- around the world. During the autumn, leaves fall from the trees. Using cess and we all flock to books about individual About a month ago, I was privileged by visiting the this metaphor, I thought of all those dictators who have Apeople’s success stories, be them biographies of holy lands to perform umrah, where I stayed at the “fallen” just like those leaves. Then after autumn, comes In 2000, world leaders agreed to achieve a autobiographies. One of the most controversial and suc- Vermont Hotel and was stunned by the fine luxurious winter, winter as I describe it, is an “unbalanced” season, with strong winds, rains, and eventually thunderous set of goals that includes stopping the spread cessful figures is Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. I mean his end- service and the luxury furniture and decor. I stopped less economic successes, of course. These that have daz- wondering, however, when someone told me that the noise. Again, by using this seasonal metaphor, after a of HIV/AIDS and cutting poverty in half by zled the whole world, making everybody try to follow his hotel was run by the Kingdom Holding Co, which is rebellion, a country goes through an “unbalanced” 2015. I am confident that the UN has worked footsteps but fail. Whenever this man launches a project, owned by Prince Alwaleed. That hotel was ranked the state, corruption, death, divided army. Le Bon writes and continues to work in this regard - to pro- he manages to turn it into a best in the Middle East in that a nation after a rebellion needs an average of 10- vide protection for children around the world. complete success even if it was 2011. I have never been to any 15 years to regain stability. Back to the metaphor, so then after winter comes However, the reality in many conflict-stricken losing. My advice to anyone in of Prince Alwaleed’s palaces spring. Spring to me, is when a country has a leader countries around the world - where children I have never tried to imitate quest of achieving success in but found out that that hotel’s him in any of his projects staff was very keen on provid- and is in balance - with everyone’s rights distributed are targeted by attacks that leave them either because I simply never thought a certain project is to show ing palatial services to make accordingly. As Adam was very eager to reach for the dead or homeless - makes me feel very disap- of it even in my wildest dreams. each and every single guest apple, before God could even finish creating his legs, pointed. I never tried to probe the utmost dedication feel as if he was at his own human nature, was from that day impatient and cov- It is clear that new international standards secrets of this success either. house. etous. Nowadays, people are so excited that they jumped over fall, winter, and went straight to the ‘Arab’ are required to end the use of force in super- However, let me tell about those secrets through my own These staff members really follow Prophet Mohammed firsthand experience without meeting Alwaleed or read- (PBUH)’s hadith that urges Muslims to do their jobs at spring. It’s human nature. Us Arabs must be patient powers’ struggles. But make no mistake about ing books about him. their best. So my advice to anyone in quest of achieving because we are not in the Arab spring. it - instead of engaging in direct combat, these There is no magic about what I am going to say. success in a certain project is to show utmost dedication Because this sentence is so important, I’m going to superpowers watch safely in their own lands as Anyone can know and experience this himself in many and do the job the best way it can be done, or else leave repeat it. We are not in an Arab spring. When we have the groups they support and fund clash in oth- places. All you have to do is to stay in one of the hotels it to Prince Alwaleed who will surely make it a complete equal rights among us and the Arab world starts to progress economically, then we’ll say we are in the Arab er places, ruining other countries and the chain owned by Prince Alwaleed, such as the Four success. Long live those who do any job well, not those Seasons, because then you will realize for yourselves who think running projects is like playing games! spring. For now, let’s work, organize and pray to rebuild future of children there. how different these hotels are compared to any other —Translated by Kuwait Times from Al-Anbaa our past Arabic civilization once again.

kuwait digest Another shape of the pact

By Abdullatif Al-Duaij

he Gulf security treaty affects freedoms of GCC citi- In fact, I personally do not know if treaties and interna- zens and gives security authorities wide-ranging pow- tional commitments allow the exchange of suspects, that is Ters to chase whoever they think is a “suspect” among those who are not convicted, between countries. This them. This treaty seems to come to us through the window, seems impossible, or is not included in agreements and as they say, after we closed the door in its face, and this international treaties, but the head of the delegation pro- time from the widest of windows which is the judiciary or poses to have the situation this way between GCC coun- public prosecution. tries. This matter raises suspicion, or leaves a wide range in The head of the Kuwait delegation participating in the front of the prosecutions and investigation committees in public prosecutors, heads of investigations and attorney the GCC to impose its dominance over the behavior and generals in GCC countries’ meetings, said his delegation will destiny of GCC citizens, especially that the proposal did not present a proposal that leads to the arrest and extradition point to the nature of the charge or guilt according to the between GCC prosecutions, before the case reaches the statement of the head of delegation, nor the nationality of court. This means that arrest orders will be distributed to all the wanted person. In other words, GCC countries will be public prosecutions in GCC to arrest the “guilty” and send committed, according to his proposal, to hand over citizens him to the country that asked for his arrest. to whoever asks for them from the rest of GCC, and it is not I put the word guilty between quotes, because there is clear if this handover includes political suspects or “guilty”, no guilty person in our constitution until convicted, while according to the statement. the head of Kuwait delegation proposes the arrest of the The public prosecution or the head of the delegation is innocent “suspect”, according to our constitution, before his asked to correct his statement on handing over the “guilty” trial. But this may be a mistake by the journalist who report- person before his trial. They are also required to explain the ed the statement, especially that the news item lacks clarity. nature of the proposal and how can a Kuwaiti delegation go The head of delegation proposes to arrest the guilty, to a conference and negotiate the fate of citizens and according to him, without mentioning local laws of the rest expats without a law that allows this. of concerned state authorities. —Translated by Kuwait Times from Al-Qabas

kuwait digest Two days off!

By Ali Mahmoud Khajah

he whole issue is that the government is fully confi- national and liberation anniversaries fell on a Tuesday and a dent that whether the Wednesday and Thursday fol- Wednesday. At that time, we had full school days on Tlowing the vacation were off or not, employees in Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Years later, people started various state sectors will not show up to work and the sec- including Monday in the vacation that gradually started tors they work in will compulsorily take two days off. devouring the whole week the way we do nowadays and Endless employees will get sick leaves and various offices will, most probably, develop into days when we might long will be empty. for days when the Eid vacation was not more than a week! Accordingly, the government cut such a long story short How will we ever run a state in this manner?! How can a and decided considering those two days off so that people state function when the total number of working hours in could rest after the hardships they would have faced from its ministries and establishments is 1,440 hours a year, oversleeping or travelling during the Eid days. Naturally which equals only 60 working days out of 365?! It does not enough, the government did not justify its decision or why require a super mind to figure this out. All what we need is it ignored CSC’s recommendation to make these two days a decision that can be described as normal rather than official working days. The government only said that two bold, that determines the days off and strictly punishes all out of the week’s five working days would be off so that the those who do not show up to work before or after them. people can be happy. This would help re-discipline the people the way they were Regardless of agreeing with this or any other govern- not very long ago. ment taking the same path by making the same decision - Our story here in Kuwait greatly resembles that of a man because no government run in the same way would ever who inherited a huge fortune, and thus spent the rest of his be able to force people to work on days they have been life enjoying and spending it until he spent it all, and all of a taking as part of their vacations and a right they would nev- sudden, he had to work to make a living. The man simply er let go - Eid vacations MUST be over a week long in addi- died because he could not work, as he had never learnt to tion to taking an extra day off before and after the official do so all his life. Our fortune eventually will dry up and that vacation. So bye-bye work, productivity and other worth- day might be very close. At that time, we will not be able less formalities that can be caught up with later on, anyway! neither to retrieve the fortune nor to hold those responsi- Overdoing and exceeding vacation limits will not stop at ble for wasting it accountable because we helped them do this point. I recall my school days in the 1990s when the so. —Translated by Kuwait Times from Al-Jarida MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 More than 30 dead Police officers shot in Ferguson at Japanese volcano

Page 9 Page 12 US-led raids hit jihadist oil sites Iraqi forces repel IS, Qaeda threatens reprisals

DAMASCUS: US-led warplanes kept up strikes on oil sites funding the Islamic State group yesterday, as Al-Qaeda’s Syria affiliate threatened reprisals after a key operative was reported killed. The coalition raids destroyed three makeshift oil refineries in jihadist-controlled territory in Syria, intensifying efforts to deny IS funding after a wave of strikes on its oil infrastructure on Thursday night. IS controls a swathe of territory straddling northwestern Iraq and eastern Syria, that includes most of Syria’s main oil fields and which the jihadists have sought to exploit through impro- vised refining and smuggling. The coalition strikes hit close by the Turkish frontier, near Tal Abyad just across the border from the Turkish town of Akcakale, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. “At least three makeshift refineries under IS control in the Tal Abyad region were destroyed,” the Observatory said. “IS had been refining crude and selling it to Turkish buyers,” said the Britain-based watchdog, which has a broad network of sources inside Syria. Before the launch of US-led air strikes on IS in Syria last Tuesday analysts say the jihadists were earning as much as $3 million (2.4 million euros) a day from oil revenues. BAGHDAD: A black flag used by the Islamic State group flutters over their combat positions on the front line with Kurdish Peshmerga fighters at the Mullah The strikes around Tal Abyad came after Saturday raids near Abdullah Bridge, located between Irbil and Kirkuk, 290 kilometers (180 miles) north of Baghdad, Iraq, Saturday. —AP the mainly Kurdish town of Ain al-Arab, also very close to the Turkish border. The town, known as Kobane in Kurdish, has planes yesterday repelled an IS attack on the strategic western European governments have resisted joining the US-led air Washington has made a distinction between the wider Al- been under assault by IS for more than a week, sparking an town of Amriyat al-Fallujah, security sources said. campaign in Syria for fear of getting embroiled in the more Nusra Front and a cell of foreign fighters dubbed the Khorasan exodus of at least 160,000 refugees into Turkey. The coalition “Warplanes eventually engaged the insurgents and killed 15 than three-year-old civil war, forcing Washington to rely on Group that it says was plotting attacks against the United also kept up its raids on the jihadist heartland province of Raqa of them,” local police chief Aref al-Janabi said, without identify- Arab allies Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United States. early yesterday as it pressed what Washington says are “near ing the aircraft. The town “has strategic importance. It is a main Arab Emirates. Muhsin al-Fadhli, a long-standing Qaeda operative and continuous” strikes. The raids destroyed a plastics factory out- logistics road for the army and it is the link between Anbar and The opening salvo of the US-led bombing campaign in Syria alleged leader of Khorasan, was killed in the strikes, according side Raqa city, killing one civilian, the Observatory said. Karbala,” a Shiite holy city south of Baghdad, Janabi said. actually targeted not IS but its jihadist rival Al-Qaeda and drew to a jihadist who fought with the group. IS oil infrastructure has been one of the main targets of the Multiple European governments have approved plans to a threat of retaliation on Saturday after one of its leaders was The SITE monitoring group said a series of Tweets from the bombing campaign in Syria that Washington and its Arab allies join the air campaign in Iraq, including most recently Britain. reported killed. jihadist expressed condolences for the deaths of Fadhli and launched last Tuesday, building on the air war under way Al-Qaeda loyalists of Al-Nusra Front, who are prominent on another Khorasan leader, Abu Yusuf al-Turki. against IS in Iraq since August 8. First British mission the battlefield across much of western Syria, have been at But Al-Nusra said it was the target of the strikes and threat- Human Rights Watch, meanwhile, said apparent US missile British fighter jets flew their first combat mission over Iraq sometimes deadly loggerheads with IS since the Al-Qaeda ened reprisals for the deaths of its militants. strikes had killed at least seven civilians in Idlib province in on Saturday but returned to base in Cyprus without firing a leadership disavowed the group’s commanders in February. The allies had “committed a horrible act that is going to northwestern Syria last Tuesday, calling for a probe into possi- shot. “On this occasion no targets were identified as requiring But the group has still been targeted by the US-led air cam- put them on the list of jihadist targets throughout the ble violations of the laws of war. immediate air attack by our aircraft,” a defence ministry paign which has killed at least 57 of its fighters, according to the world,” Al-Nusra spokesman Abu Firas al-Suri said in an On the ground, Iraqi pro-government forces backed by war- spokesman said. Observatory. online video message. —AFP MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 INTERNATIONAL Islamic nations lobbying Palestinians to go to ICC

UNITED NATIONS: The world’s largest bloc become a party to the Rome Treaty that crimes against humanity and genocide were - with new leadership. Former British Prime pose,” he said. The Islamic State group, an Al- of Islamic countries has been lobbying the established the ICC. Abbas had been expect- committed in Gaza. Madani accused Israel of Minister Tony Blair has been the official Qaeda breakaway group, has exploited the Palestinians to join the International Criminal ed to sign up to the treaty during the recent “dehumanizing” treatment of the Palestinians envoy of the Quartet since June 2007. On the chaos resulting from Syria’s civil war to carry Court so it can prosecute Israeli politicians 50-day Gaza war that killed more than 2,000 for decades, “and we think there is a strong issue of terrorism, Madani said he fully sup- out a blitz in which it swallowed up roughly and military leaders for war crimes, crimes Palestinians, the vast majority civilians, and case to classify this current government of ports US airstrikes in Syria and Iraq targeting a third of Iraq and Syria. It has brutalized the against humanity and genocide, the bloc’s 70 Israelis. But he postponed an announce- Israel as an apartheid state that should be the Islamic State group, also known by its local population and imposed its strict inter- leader said Saturday. Iyad Madani said the ment, saying the Palestinians want to pursue dealt with internationally as an apartheid acronyms ISIS and ISIL, but only if they are pretation of Islamic law in areas under its 57-nation Organization of Islamic action in the Security Council first. “As OIC, state.” But the OIC secretary general said the part of a wider effort to dismantle the control. Cooperation strongly supports Palestinian we’re lobbying him to join the Rome Treaty quest for peace can’t be forgotten in the dis- group’s presence and deal with the causes Madani, however, criticized the US for dis- President Mahmoud Abbas’ plan to ask the and open the door as a member of the ICC cussion of “how we can penalize each other.” that created and bred extremism in the mantling state institutions in Iraq after invad- UN Security Council to impose a deadline for court to bring up charges against the indi- The thrust now should be “to bring the region. ing it in 2003 and adopting a policy that an Israeli withdrawal from Palestinian lands. vidual politicians and military people in Israelis to the peace camp” with the United “Drones and airstrikes will not do the job “emphasized sectarian differences” among In a wide-ranging interview with The Israel who are responsible for all those atroci- States, Israel’s most important ally, as a “mod- alone,” he said. He also derided extremist Iraqis. He also blamed the international com- Associated Press, Madani also described the ties, the latest of which is Gaza,” Madani said. erator,” not a party to the conflict, he said. groups like the Islamic State and Boko Haram munity’s failure to face up to the crisis in Islamic State extremist group which has cap- “I think you have to choose,” Madani said. in Nigeria who claim to represent true Islam. Syria and put an end to the Palestinian suf- tured a wide swath of Syria and Iraq as “crimi- Crimes against humanity “You are either a moderator or a party to a “This is madness. These people cannot be fering. While he said it was “impossible” for nal” and said he supports its destruction. The He said the OIC agrees with Abbas’ state- conflict,” he said. Madani called for a revival voices of Islam, they don’t understand Islam, Syrian President Bashar Assad to remain in Palestinians, under pressure from the United ment to the UN General Assembly’s ministe- of the stagnant Quartet of Mideast media- and just claiming the caliphate is simply a power, he said the state in Syria should be States and Israel, have been reluctant to rial meeting on Friday that war crimes, tors - the US, UN, European Union and Russia way of creating false legitimacy of their pur- maintained. —AP US drone, airstrikes kill 23 militants in Pakistan 5 hideouts destroyed, 15 terrorists killed

PESHAWAR: At least 23 militants have been killed in a US drone attack, raids by jet fighters and a gunfight in Pakistan’s restive northwestern tribal areas, offi- cials said yesterday. The air force staged attacks on five insurgent hideouts in the Shawal area of North Waziristan overnight, a military statement said. “In pre- cise aerial strikes last night 5 terrorist hideouts were destroyed and 15 terrorists including foreigners were killed in Shawal area of North Waziristan Agency,” it said. Separately a US drone attack yesterday killed at least two militants in Karezai Pal village in neighboring South Waziristan tribal district, security offi- cials said. “A US drone fired two missiles at a vehicle and at least two militants were killed and one was wounded,” a senior security official said on condition of anonymity. “The militants had just parked their vehicle outside the main gate of a compound and had asked for drinking water from inside. Just when they were drinking water standing on the road, drones fired two missiles.”

Checkpost attacked Their identities were not known but initial information indicated that they were not locals, the official added. A militant source who called said from an unknown location also confirmed the missile strike and casualties. In another incident, also in the northwest, six militants were killed early yesterday in a gun- fight that erupted after they attacked a paramilitary checkpoint in the Khyber tribal district bordering Afghanistan, officials said. The gunfight took place at the Ghundi checkpoint in the Khyber district which is a gateway for NATO sup- plies to Afghanistan. “A group of about 30 militants attacked the Ghundi check- post early yesterday, but security forces had prior information about it and were well prepared,” a senior security official said on condition of anonymity. “At least six militants were killed in the gunfight and the attacking militants were forced to flee,” the official said, adding there no casualties among security forces. The military has been fighting since June to destroy longstanding bases of the Taleban and other militants in the tribal areas. The semi-autonomous areas have for years been a hideout for Islamist militants of all stripes-including Al-Qaeda and the homegrown Tehreek-e-Taleban Pakistan as well as foreign fighters such as Uzbeks and Uighurs. Washington pressed Islamabad for years to wipe out the sanctuaries, which militants have used to launch attacks on NATO forces in neighboring Afghanistan. More than 1,000 militants and 86 sol- diers have been killed in the assault so far, according to the military. The area is LONDON: In this picture, Tornado GR4’S fly past during a mission to Iraq. British warplanes flew their first mission over Iraq cesin parliament off-limits to journalists, making it impossible to verify the numbers. —AFP authorized strikes against Islamic State jihadists, but returned without bombing on Saturday, the Ministry of Defense said. —AFP Saudi warns Yemen violence may threaten global security

DUBAI: Saudi Arabia has said “unprecedented challenges” facing said in a speech circulated by the Saudi mission at the United Yemen since Shiite Muslim rebels took over the capital could threat- Nations in New York. en international security, and called for swift action to deal with “Yemen faces accelerating and extremely dangerous conditions instability in its southern neighbour. that require us all to look and propose the necessary solutions to The world’s largest oil exporter, which shares a long border with confront these unprecedented challenges,” Prince Saud said. Yemen, welcomed an agreement signed in Sanaa on Sept 21 to form a new government incorporating the Houthi rebels and some Stability Yemeni southern separatist forces. Prince Saud said Yemen’s violence “will no doubt extend to But the kingdom, a key US ally which views itself as protector of threaten stability and security on the regional and international are- Sunni Islam, fears the accord could benefit its main regional foe Iran, na that could prove difficult to put down regardless of the resources which it sees as an ally of the Houthis, and might also bolster the and efforts that may be exerted.” Islamist militant al Qaeda group. Saudi Arabia in 2011 played a key role to push forward a Gulf It is not clear whether the power-sharing deal will satisfy the power transfer deal that saw long-serving President Ali Abdullah Houthis’ demands, or whether it will instead embolden them to seek Saleh step down after months of protests in 2011 in favour of his further powers. Under a security annexe to the accord, they had deputy. been expected to leave Sanaa in return for their inclusion in the new Yemen has since faced multiple challenges, including regular government. To date they remain in place. attacks by al Qaeda and its affiliate, Ansar al-Sharia, as well as In some of his strongest language about Yemen to date, Saudi protests by southern separatists demanding secession from the Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal told the UN General Assembly country. The Houthis say their move into Sanaa was necessitated by that hopes for an end to the crisis had been wrecked by what he sug- them being left out of a government formed after the 2011 protests gested was the Houthis’ failure to honour the deal. that they had participated in. “The lack of implementation of the security annexe of the agree- Saudi Arabia views the Houthis, who hail from the Zaydi branch ment and the lack of implementation of the agreement itself in the of Shiite Islam, as allies of arch-rival Iran. Iran denies interfering in required manner by the Houthi group has dashed these hopes,” he Yemeni affairs. —Reuters

SANNA: Yemeni activists carry a placard during an anti-Huthi rally, next to a car carrying Huthi rebels on yesterday. —AFP Protests in Yemen against Shiite rebels

SANAA: Hundreds demonstrated yesterday in Yemen’s capital, sparking the political confrontation now engulfing the country. urging state security forces to return to the streets and demanding Meanwhile, Yemen’s local Al-Qaeda branch claimed responsibili- Shiite rebel militias leave Sanaa. The demonstrations came a day ty for firing a rocket Saturday near the US Embassy in Sanaa. after Yemeni political forces signed a security deal in which the Militant websites posted a statement from Yemen’s Al-Qaeda on Shiite rebels, known as Hawthis, agreed to disarm their militia and Twitter claiming responsibility for firing the rocket. It said the attack withdraw from areas they recently seized. The Hawthis’ rivals - the was in response to a drone attack that targeted and injured children Muslim Brotherhood-linked Islah political party and other parties - in Al-Jawf province on Friday. It said the rocket assault wounded also signed the deal, part of a comprehensive agreement brokered several embassy guards and destroyed an armored vehicle. by the United Nations. Yemeni security officials said a man on a motorcycle fired the “For a secure capital free of armed militias,” read a banner raised portable missile, causing no casualties. They said the rocket target- by demonstrators in Sanaa yesterday, who also called for the ed a building some two blocks away from the US Embassy itself. In return of weapons seized by the Hawthis. The agreement would Washington, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said grant the Hawthis some executive power as it stipulates that the Saturday that there was no indication that the embassy was the president name two advisers, one from the Hawthis and one from target and that none of its staff were wounded. Al-Qaeda in the Yemen’s southern separatist movement. It also calls for the forma- Arabian Peninsula, Yemen’s local branch, is considered by tion of a new government within a month and the restoration of Washington to be the most dangerous affiliate of the global terror fuel subsidies, which the outgoing government ended in July, network. —AP MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 INTERNATIONAL Religious conservatives against Hillary Clinton

WASHINGTON: Hillary Rodham Clinton is lenged Clinton to “spend a day debating” the one figure uniting US religious conser- the Denver nuns who run nursing homes vatives frustrated by a leaderless for the poor, called the Little Sisters of the Republican Party that’s divided over for- Poor Home for the Aged, and have chal- eign policy, immigration and social issues. lenged the Obama health law’s require- The prospect of another Clinton White ment that some religious-affiliated organi- House stirred anguish at the Values Voter zations provide insurance that includes Summit this weekend where hundreds of birth control. conservative activists debated the Former Arkansas Gov Mike Huckabee, a Republican Party’s future and warned that once and perhaps future contender, the acknowledged but unannounced 2016 described Clinton as “tenacious.” “She’s got Democratic front-runner would cement all the skills and would be an incredibly for- what they see as President Barack Obama’s midable candidate,” Huckabee told attack on religious freedom. reporters, suggesting that Clinton is politi- “Never forget she will be Barack cally vulnerable. “She’s got to go out and Obama’s third and fourth term as president defend Barack Obama and her record in the of the United States,” Minnesota Rep. first four years she was secretary of state.” Michele Bachmann, an unsuccessful Clinton would be the overwhelming Republican presidential candidate in 2012, favorite to win the Democratic presidential said Friday night. She was among the high- nomination, while the Republican’s field is profile Republicans, including past and large and lacks a clear front-runner. Two prospective White House contenders, at Republican establishment favorites, New the annual conference attended by some Jersey Gov Chris Christie and former Florida of the most prominent social conservatives Gov Jeb Bush, were not invited to the con- and hosted by the Family Research Council, ference. As he did last year, Cruz won the well known for its opposition to abortion summit’s symbolic presidential preference and same-sex marriage. This year’s gather- straw poll with 25 percent of the vote, fol- ing expanded its focus to religious freedom lowed by conservative firebrand Ben - or the persecution of Christians and their Carson and Huckabee. Clinton earned one values at home and abroad. It was a mes- vote among more than 900 cast, although sage that Republican officials hope will Family Research Council president Tony help unify a fractured party and appeal to Perkins joked that even Mickey Mouse new voters ahead of November’s elections would have gotten a vote if listed on the and the next presidential contest. ballot. He said religious liberty “slipped as a FERGUSON: A police officer stands at Chambers Road at West Florissant on Saturday. — AP priority” under Clinton’s leadership at the Rallying cry State Department as she pursued a liberal But it was Clinton’s name that was as agenda “in complete contrast to what val- Police officers shot in Ferguson much a rallying cry as the theme of reli- ues voters care about.” “She’s going to have gious liberty. Texas Sen Ted Cruz, a a more difficult time this go around than prospective presidential candidate, chal- she did last time,” Perkins said. —AP Suspect still on the run, possibly wounded

WASHINGTON: Two police officers were the suspect who was still on the loose. overwhelmingly white police department shot at, leaving one wounded, in the city of and town council-prompting Missouri Ferguson, where the fatal shooting of an Second shooting Governor Jay Nixon to briefly call in the unarmed black teen triggered race riots and In neighboring St Louis, an off-duty National Guard to quell protests. national outrage. Saint Louis County Police police officer was shot at by an unknown Some demonstrators complained that Department spokesman Brian Schellman number of assailants while driving his own police used undue force against peaceful said a bullet struck one officer on foot patrol car on a highway shortly after midnight. protests. The military-grade equipment of in his left arm around 9:10 pm Saturday. The officer, who sustained minor injuries Ferguson’s force also prompted nationwide The officer had been conducting a busi- from broken glass but did not appear to discussion about whether police should be ness check at the Ferguson Community have suffered gunshot wounds, did not armed for warzones while engaging with Center when he noticed the male suspect return fire. “It is unclear at this time if the civilians. In the wake of the protests, US and tried to ask him why he was there. officer was targeted or if this was a random Attorney General Eric Holder announced a The suspect then ran away. “The officer act of violence,” Schellman said. Ferguson $4.7-million program to shore up police- initiated a foot pursuit of the subject. has seen large protests take place since community relations. The circumstances of During the foot pursuit, the subject spun Michael Brown, 18, was shot dead on August Brown’s death are contested, with police toward the officer armed with a handgun, 9 by a white police officer. claiming that Brown, accused of stealing a and fired shots at the officer,” Schellman The college-bound teen was shot at least box of cigars, was shot after a struggle with said in a statement. “The officer returned six times by police officer Darren Wilson and Wilson. But other witnesses say the teenager fire at the suspect, however there is no his body was left in the street for several put his hands up to surrender before Wilson indication at this time that the suspect hours before it was removed. Violence opened fire. Wilson has been placed on WASHINGTON: This photo shows former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, was struck by return gun fire from the rocked Ferguson-a St Louis suburb of 21,000 administrative leave pending an investiga- speaking at the Democratic National Committee’s Women’s Leadership Forum. — AP officer.” A police search failed to turn up with an African-American majority and an tion. — AFP p10 2_Layout 1 9/28/14 9:07 PM Page 1

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 INTERNATIONAL UK’s Labour leader Ed Miliband under pressure

MANCHESTER: With his party ahead in opin- as a heavyweight left-wing intellectual who ion polls eight months before an election, has a 10-year plan to rebalance the economy opposition leader Ed Miliband could be in favour of low-wage workers and society’s Britain’s next prime minister. Yet his Labour most vulnerable. Yet he frequently finds his party is in the odd position of trying to win policies overshadowed by his perceived pre- power despite, not thanks to him. sentational shortcomings with the press mer- An Opinium/Observer poll released yester- cilessly poking fun at the way he looks, talks, day after his party’s conference, the last before walks, and even eats. May’s national election, showed Labour’s lead That has kept his personal ratings low. In a over Prime Minister David Cameron’s YouGov poll released last week, 63 percent Conservatives had been cut to 2 percentage said they thought Miliband wasn’t up to the points, down 6 points in a fortnight, after job of being prime minister. He polls much Miliband forgot vital parts of his speech. better when it comes to how closely people Derided by the press as a socially awkward perceive him to be in touch with ordinary nerd, Miliband, an Oxford-educated career people, but poorly when it comes to leader- politician with the demeanour of an academ- ship and economic competence. ic, is seen by some in and around his party as an electoral liability rather than an asset. ‘Nobody thinks we are going to win’ “If they (Labour) win, they’re winning it in His centre-left party, most recently in pow- spite of him,” Peter Simpson, a worker for a er from 1997-2010, is more popular than him. non-governmental organisation who last Polls give it a lead over the Conservatives of week attended Labour’s annual conference in between 1 and 8 points. The same polls show Manchester, northern England, told Reuters. Cameron is much more popular among voters “Everyone is worried about real core issues than Miliband. like the National Health Service and the Cameron, a former public relations execu- Conservatives being seen to be in the pockets tive, is a polished speaker. He has his own DONETSK: Children play on top of an armored personnel carrier in the town of Soledar in the Donetsk region yesterday. Some 70 representa- of the rich. They’ll win it because of that, not image problems though - some voters regard tives of the Russian military under the command of of Russian ground forces Lieutenant General Alexander Lentsov are in eastern Ukraine for because of Miliband. If anything he could lose him as too keen to protect the narrow inter- separate meetings with Ukrainian forces and the pro-Russian rebels to talk about establishing cease fire conditions in the region. — AFP it for them.” Anxious to defuse his image prob- ests of the privileged part of society he comes lem, something that has dogged him since he from. Cameron, 47, often gets the better of won the party leadership in 2010, Miliband Miliband, 44, in weekly question and answer took the unusual step of publicly mocking his sessions in parliament which are televised and Leery Ukraine, pro-Russia own image in July, saying he rejected “a poli- shown on TV news bulletins. Miliband says he tics driven by image”. wants to change the format to place more But Britons, and some in his own party, emphasis on substance over style. remain sceptical amid signs that a perception Supporters concede his image has been a rebels eye troop pullback among some voters that he cannot be trusted problem at times. “Party leaders don’t get it to run the economy or to reduce immigration right all the time,” Harriet Harman, Labour’s - two of the country’s biggest pre-election deputy leader, told the party’s conference last issues - could be an obstacle to his party win- week. “And Ed - it’s fair to say - there have Low-scale clashes continues ning office. A protege of former prime minis- been a few incidents where the photograph KIEV: Ukraine held back to see whether a rary control of land from which they repelled 24 hours of uninterrupted calm across the war ter Gordon Brown, Miliband presents himself hasn’t quite worked out.—Reuters Russian-backed truce would hold through the Ukraine’s outdated armed forces with Russia’s zone could prompt the launch of a gradual with- day before beginning its own withdrawal of alleged help. The ceasefire was meant to take drawal from the front last night. forces from the frontline stretching across the effect last weekend as a prerequisite of any glob- But the self-proclaimed heads of Lugansk and war-torn country’s separatist east. al deal. Yet low-scale clashes continued and the Donetsk have remained conspicuously silent. The military reported suffering no casualties mooted pullback was not enforced. A ray of The insurgency’s political leaders were unable to but more than a dozen overnight attacks hope glimmered Friday when top Russian and force warlords to respect a ceasefire that Kiev overnight by pro-Russian insurgents who refuse Ukrainian commanders met for the first time revoked after just 10 days in June. to accept the new Kiev leaders’ decision to seek near the rebel stronghold Donetsk to pore over a closer alliance with the West. maps and set terms under which both sides Diplomatic warfare Their unilateral claim of independence could trust each other enough to order a retreat. The prospects of calm returning to Ukrainian sparked five months of bloodshed that has killed Russia’s state media-long viewed as the battlefields have been dimmed by Russia’s 3,200 people and threatened the very survival of mouthpiece of the Kremlin-portrayed the meet- refusal to soften its Cold War-style diplomatic the ex-Soviet state. But biting Western sanctions ing as Kiev’s first recognition of an actual inter- standoff with the West over the geopolitical on Russia and the drain of ceaseless warfare on national border being established across the future of former Soviet holdings. Ukraine’s economy and morale brought the industrialised Lugansk and Donetsk provinces. “Attempts to put pressure on Russia, to force sides together for negotiations in early Ukraine in turn stressed that the Russians it to renounce its values, the truth and justice are September that have since produced a broad promised to impress on the militias the need to completely futile,” Russian Foreign Minister truce and political settlement plan. respect the truce-a rare recognition by Moscow Sergei Lavrov told a UN General Assembly meet- At its heart lies an agreement to establish a of its sway over the separatists. “We are going to ing in New York on Saturday. BIRMINGHAM: Conservative Party badges are displayed during the Conservative buffer zone 30 kilometres (18 miles) wide convince (the rebels) — use reason with them. Lavrov accused his European and US counter- Party conference in Birmingham in central England yesterday. British Prime Minister between rebel and government forces across That is the most important thing,” Russia’s parts in the audience of legalising a criminal David Cameron suffered a double blow as a minister resigned in a sex scandal and a the economically vital but shattered rustbelt ground forces deputy commander Aleksander regime in Kiev that was waging war on ethnic lawmaker defected to eurosceptic party UKIP on the eve of the opening of his nestled near Ukraine’s Russian frontier. Lentsov told Ukrainian television after the meet- Russians after staging the violent overthrow of a Conservative party’s conference. — AFP The guerrillas would then be granted tempo- ing. The Ukrainian defence ministry said at least Kremlin-backed leadership.±—AFP Conservatives eye win in French Senate election

PARIS: President Francois Hollande’s ballots: The Senate is chosen by nearly head of state dies or resigns. Socialists and their allies appear on 88,000 electors, including many offi- Hollande’s political support in track to lose control of France’s upper cials and local councilors. The main- power has dwindled along with his house of parliament in Senate elec- stream right and far-right have a big- popularity ratings, now at the lowest tions yesterday, threatening to further ger say this year after winning munici- level of any postwar president in thwart the unpopular French leader’s pal elections six months ago. The far- France, according to polls. Only a few agenda and galvanize a once-ailing right National Front party could come years ago, the Socialists and their political right. away with some Senate seats for the allies captured their first-ever, if nar- Yesterday vote is more symbolic first time. row, majority in the Senate, and con- than substantive: The lower house, The conservative UMP party was trolled all but two of the country’s 22 the National Assembly, is still con- on track to sweep up a third strong regional administrations. trolled by the Socialists, and has final election showing in France this year, “There is a very good chance that say over the Senate in adopting legis- after the municipal vote and the Senate turns back to the right,” lation. European parliament elections in May political analyst Olivier Rouquan said. But it is likely to give conservatives - won handily by the National Front. Regaining the Senate, he said, would a soapbox to criticize and stall Those parties have benefited from provide “a soapbox for the opposition” Socialist policies, amounting to an widespread frustration with to air its differences - a welcome uncomfortable midterm election for Hollande’e persistent, but failed, development for the right with 2-1/2 the unpopular Hollande. The showing efforts to revive a moribund economy years to go before the next presiden- was likely to confirm a political turn- and bring down entrenched double- tial election. around for France’s recently embat- digit unemployment rates. The Senate traditionally represents tled mainstream right, which was rid- Half of the 348-seat Senate is elect- rural France, though reforms under dled with internal squabbling months ed every three years; Senators hold way aim to give cities and towns big- ago and is now riding high with the six-year terms. Under the French con- ger representation. More than three- return of former President Nicolas stitution, the chamber’s president - fourths of senators are over 60 years Sarkozy to the politic scene. selected by its majority - is first in line old; women make up less than a quar- All French voters weren’t casting to become France’s president if the ter of the body. —AP Frenchman’s murder puts Algeria back on the map

ALGIERS: When a little-known group of ship under Ayman al-Zawahri, and cy of Islamic State. Algerian militants beheaded a French specifically the AQIM chief Abdelmalek Gouri is a former head of AQIM’s cen- tourist last week, they were not only Droukdel, for recruits and support. tral region who began his militant lashing out at the West, but also staking “This was a message to Droukdel: career in Algeria in the 1990s, in the war an unmistakable claim in the shifting ‘Your territory of influence and opera- that followed the government’s cancel- ground of jihadist power politics. tions from now on will be ours’,” said lation of an election that appeared cer- Herve Gourdel’s murder by the Algerian security analyst Khalifa Rekibi. tain to be won by the Islamist FIS party. Caliphate Soldiers, ostensibly to punish Droukdel’s AQIM issued a statement He was a member of the Armed France for Western military strikes on calling for an end to divisions, but his Islamic Group, known by its French ini- Islamic State forces in Iraq, was testa- authority had already been undermined tials GIA: the most extreme of the ment to the pull now exerted by the al by the veteran militant Mokhtar Islamist guerrilla groups that sprang up Qaeda-offshoot in the battle for the loy- Belmokhtar, whose splinter group to fight the army-dominated state. alties of jihadists. “Those who Sign in Blood” last year Noted for attacking civilians whom it A week before Gourdel was kid- brazenly attacked Algeria’s Amenas gas considered to be collaborating with the napped and killed, the Soldiers’ Algerian complex, where 39 foreign contractors government, the GIA was blamed for commander Abdelmalek Gouri, also were killed. massacres such as one in the village of known as Khalid Abu Suleiman, had “Abu Suleiman is a well known AQIM Sidi Youssef, when at least 50 men split with al Qaeda’s North African wing commander. He wanted to follow wielding knives and machetes attacked to support Islamic State, whose battle- Belmokhtar’s path to set up his own homes, dragging people into the streets field successes and declaration of a armed group,” said another Algerian and slashing their throats. “Caliphate” in Iraq and Syria have stolen security analyst, Anis Rahmani. “Sources But even with his GIA history, little is al Qaeda’s thunder. say he clashed with Droukdel over how known about Gouri, or the size of his fol- “It seems the mother organisation Al to pursue the fight.” lowing, or the ability of his Caliphate Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has taken Soldiers to carry out any sustained cam- a wrong turn, we can no longer follow Veteran of Algerian war paign. Security experts say the group their guidance,” the Caliphate Soldiers Belmokhtar, an Algerian veteran may number as few as 15 to 20 men announced. of jihadist battles in Afghanistan who from the core of AQIM, who have hardly By executing a Westerner under the security analysts believe may be had time to formulate a strategy and “new shield” of Islamic State, Gouri was sheltering in southern Libya, has yet looked to benefit from Islamic State’s challenging al Qaeda’s ageing leader- to declare his hand on the ascendan- rise.—Reuters

INTERNATIONAL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 Philippine Muslim rebels start disarming process

KUALA LUMPUR: The difficult process of disarming be nominated. but you have to undertake the ultimate sacrifice just to 10,000. The group has not disclosed the size of its force Philippine Muslim rebels after a decades-long insur- “Decommissioning is a delicate and difficult compo- have the Bangsamoro,” Iqbal said. or the number of weapons in its arsenal. gency has started, negotiators said yesterday, with the nent of any peace settlement. It must be done effec- Bangsamoro is the southern region on Mindanao Decommissioning will be phased, depending on the decommissioning of a first batch of firearms expected tively and sensitively,” chief Philippine government island where the country’s Muslim minority will have delivery of government commitments under the peace before year-end. negotiator Miriam Coronel-Ferrer said in a statement. self-rule under a pact they signed with President deal, Iqbal said. Philippine government and Muslim rebel negotia- The meeting will continue until today. Benigno Aquino’s government in March. Ferrer said there was enough “goodwill” to push tors started meeting in Malaysia on Saturday to discuss Chief rebel negotiator Mohagher Iqbal had said ear- The peace deal seeks to end four decades of fight- through with normalisation after a bill that will grant the disarmament process, key to ending the insurgency lier that 75 assorted firearms, including high-powered ing that left tens of thousands killed and stunted devel- the country’s Muslim minority self-rule was submitted in the country’s south and sealing a peace deal. rifles, would be stored and padlocked in a warehouse opment in the mineral-rich area. Ferrer had said that to Congress earlier this month. The two sides have appointed three foreign experts- as part of the “normalisation” process that will see the “the first order of business” for the meeting would be Legislators said the Bangsamoro bill had bipartisan from Brunei, Turkey and Norway-to join an independ- rebels trade their weapons for a chance to join main- for the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) to submit a support and would be passed early next year, giving ent body that will oversee the decommissioning stream society. list of weapons and combatants. Aquino time to set up an autonomous government process, together with four local experts who are yet to “Decommissioning firearms is really very difficult, Military estimates place the strength of the MILF at before his term ends in mid-2016. — AFP

HK police use tear gas to clear thousands of protesters

HONG KONG: Hong Kong police used tear gas Earlier yesterday, thousands of protesters yesterday and warned of further measures as who tried to join the sit-in breached a police they tried to clear thousands of pro-democracy cordon, spilling out onto a busy highway and protesters gathered outside government head- causing traffic to come to a standstill. Police quarters in a challenge to Beijing over its deci- officers in a buffer zone manned barricades sion to restrict democratic reforms for the city. and doused the protesters with pepper spray After spending hours holding the protesters carried in backpacks. The demonstrators, who at bay, police lobbed canisters of tear gas into tried at one point to rip apart metal barricades, the crowd yesterday evening. The searing carried umbrellas to deflect the spray by the fumes sent protesters fleeing down the road, police, who were wearing helmets and respira- but many came right back to continue their tors. Police had told those involved in what demonstration. they also call an illegal gathering to leave the Students and activists have been camped scene as soon as possible, warning that other- out on the streets outside the government wise they would begin to clear the area and complex all weekend. Students started the ral- make arrests. ly, but by early yesterday leaders of the broad- The use of the tear gas angered the protest- er Occupy Central civil disobedience move- ers, who chanted “Shame on C.Y. Leung” after it ment said they were joining them to kick-start was used, referring to the city’s deeply unpopu- a long-threatened mass sit-in to demand an lar Beijing-backed leader. To many, it also election for Hong Kong’s leader be held with- seemed to mark a major shift for Hong Kong, out Beijing’s interference. whose residents have long felt their city stood Police used the tear gas after the protest apart from mainland China thanks to its guar- spiraled into an extraordinary scene of chaos, anteed civil liberties and separate legal and with the protesters jamming a busy road and financial systems. clashing with officers wielding pepper spray. The protesters were trying to reach a mass sit- Unlawful occuption in being held outside government headquar- Hong Kong “has changed to a new era so ters to demand Beijing grant genuine demo- the people have to be awakened. It’s no longer cratic reforms to the former British colony. the old Hong Kong,” said one protester, W.T. “It was very cruel for the police to use such Chung, 46, who yelled at police officers after harsh violence on protesters who had been they used the tear gas. completely peaceful,” said one of the demon- Earlier, police said they had arrested 78 peo- ple since demonstrations started late Friday, strators, Cecily Lui, a 30-year-old clerk. “They KISO, Japan: Rescue workers carry a climber rescued from Mount Ontake into an ambulance yesterday. — AFP were just sitting down on the road asking to though all but three were released. Leung said speak with (Hong Kong leader) Leung Chun- Hong Kong’s government was “resolute in ying to start a dialogue. Now, police have opposing the unlawful occupation” of the gov- solved nothing and students are more resolved ernment offices or the financial district by More than 30 dead to stay.” Occupy Central. “The police are determined to handle the situation appropriately in accor- ‘Illegal demonstrations’ dance with the law,” he said at a news confer- After using the tear gas, police issued a ence. statement urging the protesters to “leave The Chinese government agency that han- at Japanese volcano peacefully and orderly.” “Otherwise police will dles Hong Kong affairs condemned the use a higher level of force in order to restore protests. “China’s central government firmly public order and safeguard public safety,” the opposes illegal acts taking place in Hong Kong,” statement warned. and fully supports the local government in 250 trapped on the slopes, 45 still missing The demonstrations - which Beijing called handling the matter according to the law, the “illegal” - were a rare scene of disorder in the official Xinhua News Agency quoted the Hong TOKYO: Rescue workers have found 30 or more people Asian financial hub, and highlighted authori- Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State unconscious and believed to be dead near the peak of Afghanistan to inaugurate new ties’ inability to get a grip on the public discon- Council as saying. Protest organizers said police an erupting volcano in central Japan, local government tent over Beijing’s tightening grip on the city. took away several pro-democracy legislators and police said yesterday. Nagano prefecture posted on president as conflict rages on The protesters reject Beijing’s recent decision to who were among the demonstrators. Among its website that about 30 people had heart and lung restrict voting reforms for the first-ever election the protesters was media magnate Jimmy Lai, failure, the customary way for Japanese authorities to KABUL: Afghanistan will host a grand presi- around the world-these are all because of to choose Hong Kong’s leader, promised for who owns the popular Apple Daily, Hong describe a body until police doctors can examine it. At dential inauguration yesterday, with former international support and assistance.” 2017. Kong’s sole pro-democracy newspaper. — AP least four of the victims were being brought down from US-based academic Ashraf Ghani taking pow- Under the Taleban’s 1996-2001 regime, Mount Ontake on yesterday afternoon, one day after er as NATO troops end their 13-year war with- girls were banned from education and the volcano erupted. out defeating the fierce Taleban insurgency. women were not allowed outside unless A Nagano police official described the number of Ghani succeeds outgoing President wearing a burqa and accompanied by a man. unconscious people as more than 30. He spoke on con- Hamid Karzai after a three-month standoff Television and music were also outlawed, and dition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to over disputed election results that fuelled the men were beaten for not growing a beard. speak publicly. Mount Ontake in central Japan erupted insurgency and worsened Afghanistan’s dire shortly before noon Saturday, spewing large white economic outlook. NATO troops exit The ceremony will be the country’s first Both Ghani and Abdullah are moderate, plumes of gas and ash high into the sky and blanketing democratic transfer of power-a benchmark pro-Western leaders who have vowed to the surrounding area in ash. The mountain is a popular seen by international donors as a key legacy push ahead with the patchy social and infra- climbing destination, and at least 250 people were ini- of the costly military and civilian intervention structure progress since 2001, but the country tially trapped on the slopes, though most made their since the fall of the Taleban in 2001. Both still faces a major threat from Taleban mili- way down by Saturday night. Ghani and his poll rival Abdullah Abdullah, a tants. Security problems were underlined yes- Before the unconscious victims were found, Japan’s former anti-Taleban resistance fighter, terday when a bomb hidden in a vehicle door Fire and Disaster Management Agency said that 45 peo- claimed to have won the fraud-tainted June exploded outside the presidential palace ple had been reported missing. The exact location of 14 run-off election, tipping Afghanistan into a complex, injuring the driver. the bodies and their identities were not immediately crisis that threatened to trigger nationwide Large-scale insurgent offensives have known. Keita Ushimaru, an official in nearby Kiso town, unrest. been launched in several provinces in recent said that Nagano crisis management officials had But, under heavy pressure from the US months, with the Afghan army and police informed the town that at least four people with heart and UN, the two candidates eventually struggling to recapture lost ground. and lung failure were being brought down to the town, agreed to form a national unity government, NATO operations have scaled back rapidly and that there were others in the same condition. The and Ghani was declared president after an and its combat mission will finish at the end journey was expected to take about three hours. audit of all nearly eight million ballot papers. of this year. Only 33 NATO bases are still Abdullah will also be inaugurated on Monday active, down from a peak of 800 — leaving Unable to descend as chief executive, a new role similar to a local security forces to battle the Taleban with Rescue workers were also trying to help injured peo- prime minister, in a government structure far less and less help. Today’s inauguration will ple and others who had been stranded on the moun- different to Karzai’s all-powerful presidency. open the way for the new government to sign tain overnight, many taking refuge in mountain lodges. Karzai has had a rocky relationship with an agreement allowing 12,500 US-led troops the US-led NATO military coalition and other to remain into 2015 on a mission to support Some were unable to descend on their own, or unwill- international backers who pumped billions of and train the police and army. Ghani prom- ing to take the risk. Military helicopters plucked seven dollars into the war-wrecked country, but he ised immediately to reverse Karzai’s decision people off the mountainside early yesterday, and work- struck a conciliatory tone in his final days in not to sign the deal, and the document is due ers were helping others make their way down the office. “I can say with confidence that to be inked on Tuesday. Since the divisive slopes. One woman was being carried on a stretcher, Afghanistan will soon witness peace and sta- election, Ghani has stressed he wants to enact and a man with a broken arm was walking down. bility, and the new president and his govern- major reforms including merit-based selec- Seven people were picked up in three helicopter ment will have your support,” he told ambas- tion of all government employees. He is set to HONG KONG: People disperse after police fired tear gas upon pro-democracy demonstra- trips, said Defense Ministry official Toshihiko Muraki. All sadors at a farewell meeting on Saturday. prioritise stabilising the fragile economy, as tors near the Hong Kong government headquarters yesterday. — AFP are conscious and can walk, though details of their con- “Now we see children going to school, well as tackling insecurity-though any peace ditions were unclear, he said. Japanese television roads reconstructed, progress in the health talks with the Taliban seem unlikely in the footage showed a soldier descending from a helicopter sector and the Afghan flag proudly waving near future.—AFP to an ash-covered slope, helping latch on a man and China school then the two of them being pulled up. The Self-Defense Force, as Japan’s military is called, has deployed seven helicopters and 250 troops. Police stampede kills six and fire departments are also taking part in the rescue effort. A large plume, a mixture of white and gray, con- BEIJING: Chinese parents staged a protest Officials said the children killed in the tinued to rise from the ash-covered summit of 3,067- yesterday after six pupils were killed in a stampede were all in grades one and two, stampede at a primary school, as concerns meaning they were likely six or seven-years- meter (10,062-foot) Mount Ontake yesterday, visible over child safety mount. old. from the nearby village of Otaki. A convoy of red fire AFP photos show riot police confronting Xinhua said the accident happened trucks, sirens blaring, and rescue workers on foot head- dozens of parents, many of them wailing when a two-metre (6.6-foot) long cotton ed past barriers into the restricted zone around the with grief as they clutched photographs of cushion used for gym class, which had been mountain. their children, near Mingtong Primary propped against a wall, toppled over and Shinichi Shimohara, who works at a shrine at the foot School in Kunming, capital of the south- blocked a stairway corridor. of the mountain, said he was on his way up Saturday western province of Yunnan. Several children were apparently trapped morning when he heard a loud noise that sounded like The group of parents held a banner say- underneath and their schoolmates, stream- strong winds followed by “thunder” as the volcano ing “The killers should be severy punished” ing past, stepped on them without realising. erupted. “For a while I heard thunder pounding a num- as they marched down the street, appearing School safety is a major concern in China. ber of times,” he said. “Soon after, some climbers started to clash with a row of police who formed a Four children died in a stampede at a descending. They were all covered with ash, completely line. school in the central province of Hubei last white. I thought to myself, this must be really serious.” State news agency Xinhua said seven year when pupils left their dormitory on the Mount Ontake, about 210 kilometers (130 miles) west of people had been suspended or removed fourth floor and attempted to exit the block. Tokyo, sits on the border of Nagano and Gifu prefec- KABUL: Afghanistan’s security personnel gather at the site of an explosion on a road from their posts following Friday’s accident, The ground floor gate was closed, resulting tures, on the main Japanese island of Honshu. The vol- to the presidential palace. — AP which left 26 other children injured. in the crush. — AFP cano’s last major eruption was in 1979. — AP NEWS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014

NEW YORK: A crowd of US-based supporters await the arrival of Prime Minister Narendra Modi (inset) of India for a community reception yesterday at Madison Square Garden. — AFP MoI takes action against cop for... Continued from Page 1 government-MP meeting in which the government Modi, in rock star US debut, briefs the lawmakers on the latest developments. In a related development, a number of MPs called for Kuwait has announced its total support for the war on IS vows to make India proud the need of a meeting to discuss implications for Kuwait and is providing logistical and humanitarian support to over the US-led war against the Islamic State group that the operation. NEW YORK: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi basked basketball team and a top destination for big-ticket controls huge swathes of territory in Syria and Iraq. MP Meanwhile, MP Dashti called on Oil Minister Ali Al- yesterday in a rock star welcome to the United States as musicians, with Billy Joel to play later this week. In a Abdulrahman Al-Jeeran called on the Assembly speaker Omair to take administrative measures against Kuwait he vowed to work tirelessly to make his nation a major touch inspired by US political conventions, balloons fell to convene an emergency session of the Assembly to Petroleum Corp and its subsidiary companies that have power. In a massive show of support for a right-wing as Modi finished his speech while he waved to a crowd discuss developments in the region and the implica- failed to terminate the services of non-Kuwaitis who leader once shunned by Washington, some 18,500 peo- that chanted in Hindi, “Long Live Mother India.” tions for Kuwait. have reached the retirement age of 60 years. Dashti ple of Indian origin from across the United States and More than 30 US members of Congress took part in But MP Humoud Al-Hamdan pointed out that it is dif- expressed outrage at the fact that Kuwaiti employees in Canada packed into New York’s Madison Square Garden the reception that warmed up with Bollywood and tradi- ficult to convene an emergency Assembly session now, oil companies are forced to retire even before reaching where they chanted his name and wore T-shirts bearing tional dances. But from the start, the crowd chanted for especially since several MPs and top officials are out of the legal age while expatriates are allowed to continue his picture. Modi, who today will enjoy a red-carpet wel- Modi. At one point co-emcee Hari Sreenivasan, an the country. MP Hamdan Al-Azemi said that he prefers a working even at the age of 65. come at the White House, renewed campaign pledges to Indian-born news correspondent on US public televi- unlock India’s economic potential. He hailed Indian sion, gently tried to quiet the crowd, saying: “This is Americans for showing an example through their pro- starting to sound like a campaign rally. He’s already been Budget surplus up as spending slows fessional successes and announced an easing of visa elected.” rules for people of Indian origin. “There was a time when While foreign leaders often hold community recep- Continued from Page 1 average of 2.9 million barrels per day, NBK said. Gross domestic people thought that we were a country of snake-charm- tions when visiting the United States, an event on the product grew a meagre 0.8 percent in calendar 2013, the IMF ers,” Modi said. “Our people used to play with snakes, but scale of Modi’s is exceedingly rare, with only popes regu- “We expect to see some improvement within the coming has estimated, the worst performance since a 2009-2010 reces- now they play with the mouse -and that mouse makes larly packing stadiums. Modi’s predecessors held large years as the new five-year development plan for fiscal years sion and sharply down from a 6.2 percent expansion in 2012. the whole world run.” Modi, who won India’s widest elec- receptions for Indian Americans, albeit more subtly 2015/16-2019/20 gets underway,” NBK said. Kuwait’s new five-year plan, which has yet to be approved toral victory in three decades in April-May elections, inside hotel ballrooms. But Indian-American activists Revenue edged down to KD 31.8 billion last fiscal year from by parliament, envisages spending of over $100 billion in the fired back at critics who have urged him to launch quick- have been eager to demonstrate support for Modi, who KD 32.0 billion in the previous year because of a 2.3 percent next five years on infrastructure projects, hospitals, power er reforms as he recalled his humble background run- was refused a visa by the United States in 2005 on decline in oil income. Crude oil accounts for more than 90 per- stations and more than 100,000 residential housing units, ning a tea stall as a teenager. human rights grounds over anti-Muslim riots when he cent of Kuwait’s government revenues. Kuwait’s crude oil price state media have reported. Some of the projects are sup- “People ask for a big vision? Well, I got here by selling was leader of the western state of Gujarat. averaged $103 per barrel last year, down 3 percent from a year posed to involve the private sector in public-private partner- tea,” Modi, speaking for an hour in Hindi without notes, Modi has denied wrongdoing and was never earlier, while oil production remained largely unchanged at an ships. —Reuters said to thunderous applause. “I’m a very modest man, charged. An activist group on the eve of his visit and that’s why I plan to do big things for modest peo- announced a lawsuit against Modi on behalf of three Gulf electricity grid looks to expand ple,” he said, listing promises that include building more victims alleging “attempted genocide” and offered toilets and cleaning the holy Ganges river. Pointing to US $10,000 to anyone who served the prime minister a Continued from Page 1 capacity line which could potentially be doubled in a later leaders’ statements that Asia will dominate the 21st cen- summons. The United States shifted course on Modi phase, Awaji said. Consumption in Europe peaks in winter, tury, Modi said: “And some say it will be India’s century. and rushed to court him as it became clear he would Saleh Al-Awaji, the Saudi deputy electricity minister, said a when the Gulf has excess capacity. “This is why we expect to India has the capacity to achieve that potential.” “This rise to power. Obama plans a two-day welcome for link to Europe could be established through Turkey. “Now we have good trading opportunities with the European market,” he kind of love has not been given to any Indian leader Modi starting with a dinner today. Officials said that are at the stage of negotiations and discussions with the said. In the shorter term, the GCC grid aims to connect with the ever,” he said of the huge community reception. “I will Modi, later yesterday in New York, would hold his first Turkish authorities in order to have a first phase connecting the Egyptian network through Saudi Arabia. The two countries plan repay that loan by building the India of your dreams.” meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin regional network with Turkey,” Awaji told a meeting of the a power grid that will allow them to share up to 3,000 MW. Sporting a vest in the saffron associated with Netanyahu. The two countries have cordial relations and GCCIA. Awaji said bidding for that project would be launched in early Hinduism, Modi spoke from a slowly revolving stage in a previous Hindu nationalist government in India The first phase of that project would involve a 5,000 MW 2015 and he expected it to be in operation by 2018. — Reuters the storied arena that is home to the New York Knicks moved eagerly to increase cooperation. — AFP MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 ANALYSIS


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Issues US govt takes on the Internet

By Anne Flaherty

hould the company that supplies your Internet access be allowed to cut deals with online services such as Netflix, SAmazon or YouTube to move their content faster? The Federal Communications Commission is tackling that question this fall after the public submitted a record 3.7 million com- ments on the subject - more than double the number filed with the regulatory agency after Janet Jackson’s infamous wardrobe malfunction at the 2004 Super Bowl. The FCC’s chairman, former industry lobbyist and venture capitalist Tom Wheeler, says financial arrangements between broadband providers and content sites might be OK so long as the agreement is “commercially reasonable” and companies dis- close publicly how they prioritize Internet traffic. But not every- one agrees, with Netflix and much of the public accusing the Italy fights mafia by banishing sons FCC of handing the Internet over to the highest bidders. “If Comcast and Time Warner - who already have a virtual monopoly on Internet service - have the ability to manage and By Frances D’emilio this violent Cordi’ past when he faced were called in. Expecting resistance, the the feeling that he was discovering the manipulate Internet speeds and access to benefit their own Riccardo in court on a July day two years ago. officers arrived in force. But there was no child in himself, because he had a child- bottom line, they will be able to filter content and alter the user alk into the Cordi’ family home, and He had even sent Riccardo’s older brothers to fight. Just Riccardo emerging wet from a hood as an adult.” One day, another super- experience,” said Barbara Ann Luttrell, 26, of Atlanta, in a recent you see photographs of solemn jail as juveniles. The day had begun well for shower. Riccardo was whisked away to the visor recalled, Riccardo surprised every- submission to the FCC. men, one after another, staring the 16-year-old and his family. In the juvenile sleepy hamlet of Roccalumera, across the body by clucking like a hen to make the The major cable and telecommunications companies that W down from the walls. These images tell the court of Reggio Calabria, Di Bella declared Strait of Messina from Calabria. Home was children laugh. supply most of the nation’s broadband say blocking or discrimi- story of one of Italy’s most powerful mafia the boy not guilty of attempted theft and now a facility for troubled youths, where Riccardo’s exile wasn’t all hard work. On nating against content would never be in their best interest families, as brutal as it is sad. There is Cosimo damage to a police car. There wasn’t enough nobody cared that Riccardo was a Cordi’, a Saturday nights, Interdonato took Riccardo commercially. But, some industry officials say, data hogs like - husband, father and reputed clan boss - evidence for a conviction. Who would testify clan prince. Rules were rigid, including no out for pizza and some beers, and even to Netflix might need to bear some of the cost of handling heavy gunned down on a bicycle during a turf war. against the son of one of Calabria’s most going out at night. Everyone made their discos. Riccardo was eventually allowed to traffic. “Why should everyone subsidize fans of ‘House of And Salvatore, the eldest son, recently notorious ‘ndrangheta families? own bed and sat down for meals at a com- visit home every other weekend. He took Cards?’” asked Michael Powell of the National Cable and ordered into solitary confinement while serv- But the judge wasn’t finished. Something munal table. the ferry by himself to Calabria, where a Telecommunications Association, a lobbying arm of the cable ing a 30-year murder sentence. There’s in Riccardo’s silent, tough-guy stance For two days, Riccardo refused to eat. He family member would meet him. Each time industry, referring to the popular Netflix series. Domenico, jailed for Mafia crimes, and reminded him of the cold, contemptuous felt like an inmate doing time. A few Interdonato held his breath: Would he The question is how far the government should go to pro- Antonio, battling depression in a prison psy- manner of Antonio, the Cordi’s’ second-to- months later, he was transferred to a four- return? Each time, he did. Once he brought tect “net neutrality” - the popular idea that Internet service chiatric ward. last son. After Di Bella convicted Antonio of bed group home in Messina, just in time for nougat for the kids at the center as a providers shouldn’t manipulate or slow data moving across its Then there’s Riccardo, the youngest, still a a weapons charge in 2002, Antonio dropped the start of the school year. He took public Christmas treat. networks. As long as content isn’t against the law, such as child boy with melancholy eyes. Antonia Spano’, his steely facade and confided that he want- buses to a vocational high school in a pornography or pirated music, a file or video posted on one site the family matriarch, pauses before his por- ed to shed the mantle of budding mafioso. rough neighborhood. Riccardo, then 17, Brush with Rebellion will load generally at the same speed as a similarly sized file or trait. By age 16, Riccardo seemed destined to He wanted to leave Locri. But with a wid- also bonded with an unlikely ally, a wiry Just weeks before the end of exile, video on another site. go the way of his brothers; that’s the rule of owed mother and Riccardo at home, that psychologist 11 years older named Enrico Riccardo rebelled. He didn’t want to wait blood in Calabria’s powerful ‘ndrangheta dream was impossible. Interdonato. Interdonato had helped found for his next visit home. Maybe he missed Net Neutrality clans, a global force in the cocaine trade. But Maybe things could be different for the the Messina chapter of Addiopizzo, a group his mother’s cooking. Or his girlfriend. If he President Barack Obama in 2008 ran on a campaign pledge his mother is tired of making prison pilgrim- youngest brother. Riccardo was as old as of brave young Sicilians who encourage broke the terms of his exile, he would fail to protect net neutrality, and in 2010, the FCC issued a rule pro- ages up and down Italy, and wishes for him a Antonio was when he appeared in Di Bella’s business owners to rebel against paying probation over a past brawl in Calabria. hibiting providers from blocking or discriminating against con- different fate. And even in the ‘ndrangheta, courtroom. He gave every indication that systematic “protection” money to Cosa That would give him a rap sheet - a formal tent. But in January, a federal appeals court agreed with Verizon there’s a chance for destiny to be derailed. he, too, was destined for the path of crime. Nostra. entry point into criminal life. Riccardo that the FCC did not technically have the authority to tell broad- Two summers ago, Riccardo became the According to a juvenile court document, The pairing was a bold one - for, investi- packed his bags. He didn’t care. He wanted band providers how to manage their networks. The decision first of about 20 young men from some of the psychologist who spoke with Riccardo gators contend, one of the Cordi’ sources of out. Interdonato pleaded with him not to overturned important parts of the 2010 rule. the most notorious crime families ordered by before the ruling observed that the boy income is shaking down businesses on leave, but the boy was adamant. It took By then, the FCC had a new chairman in Wheeler, who in a court into exile, into a kind of rehab away showed a “certain resignation to a life their turf. Interdonato became Riccardo’s somebody else to make him listen: His the early 1980s led the National Cable and Telecommunications from the mob. This daring tactic by a judge is mother. The ‘ndrangheta mom - who once Association, and later the Cellular Telecommunications and threatening the ‘ndrangheta by taking away spurted venom at the judge for taking Internet Association. Obama called him the “Bo Jackson of tele- its most precious asset: its sons. away her son - had had a change of heart. com”. Antonia Spano’ crossed the Strait of Instead of appealing the court’s decision, regarded as a long Inside the Fortress Messina with a cream cake as a thank-you shot, Wheeler proposed in May to prohibit Internet service This southern region of Italy is the dark for Interdonato. providers from blocking content by applying the heartland of the ‘ndrangheta clans, now Telecommunications Act of 1996. But Wheeler’s plan also left among the world’s most dangerous organ- Making a Wish open the possibility that broadband providers could charge ized crime syndicates, eclipsing even the On his 18th birthday - Feb 8, 2014 - Netflix and other content companies for faster, guaranteed more famous Sicilian Cosa Nostra. Here in Riccardo’s exile ended. The after-school cen- access. the forbidding Aspromonte mountains, ter treated him to a birthday cake ringed The proposal received little attention until June when fol- clansmen of decades past kept kidnap vic- with strawberries. In a photo, the teenager lowing a satire sketch by HBO comedian John Oliver, the FCC tims in chains for months and even years, with the arresting good looks is intent on system temporarily shut down due to heavy traffic. Since then, drawing ransoms that funded an interna- blowing out the candles. What is the young public response continued to rise, with Netflix urging the public tional drug-trafficking business. These days, man wishing? Stretching out on a couch to fight against “paid prioritization.” The FCC comment period the ‘ndrangheta runs a multibillion-dollar back at home, Riccardo smiles bashfully at ended Sept 15 with the record response. Wheeler has defended narcotics empire, and launders money from the idea of a career in fashion, a world that his approach as still upholding the basic principal of net neu- resorts in Italy to pizzerias in Germany. has always appealed to him. But it’s just as trality because providers wouldn’t be allowed to slow down The ‘ndrangheta is built on family rela- possible that he’ll work in a relative’s elec- other content. He says the FCC could step in if broadband tionships and strategic marriages, making it tronics shop after he finishes high school providers act unreasonably, such as giving priority access to a highly impervious to turncoats and infiltra- next year. subsidiary. tors. And one of its most important families It’s too soon to judge the success of Di “If someone acts to divide the Internet between ‘haves’ and is the Cordi’s. Spano’s home sits within a In this June 26, 2014 photo, Riccardo Cordi’ stands on a terrace in Reggio, Bella’s pilot program; it will take years to see ‘have-nots,’ we will use every power at our disposal to stop it,” he compound of clan residences, cut off from Calabria in Italy with the Strait of Messina in the background. —AP whether a taste of the clean life can separate told industry officials at an annual convention this year spon- the outside by a forbidding steel fence. The the ‘ndrangheta’s sons from the syndicate. sored by the NCTA. But doesn’t allowing Comcast, AT&T or matriarch walks through formal rooms with marked” by crime. Di Bella concluded that shadow. To help Riccardo begin to compre- But the strategy is grabbing attention, and Verizon to prioritize online content - essentially creating a “fast marble-topped tables and displays of crystal removal was the only way to save Riccardo hend the terrible human toll of organized some 200 residents turned out in a town lane” - put the remaining Internet traffic in a “slow lane” by goblets, typical of affluent Calabria house- from “an otherwise inescapable destiny.” So, crime, the psychologist took him to com- square in Reggio Calabria this summer for a default? Many of the 3.7 million public comments filed with the holds, into a spotless kitchen that once hid a with a stroke of the pen, the judge ban- memoration ceremonies for the victims of discussion about it. The exile approach costs FCC said it does, and suggested that the government regulate secret bunker. ished him. And not just from the Cordi’ Cosa Nostra. He was always introduced roughly six times less a day than keeping broadband providers just like phone companies. No precaution is too extreme for a family home, but also from Locri, the seaside incognito, so neither Riccardo nor the fami- someone in an Italian prison, social workers Some lawmakers, including Senate Judiciary Committee whose past is writ in blood. Riccardo was stronghold where so many of his kinsmen lies would feel embarrassed or upset. say. And if it keeps another generation from Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., say Congress should settle the 11/2 when his father became another cadav- were slain, and from Calabria itself. If the psychologist acted as a surrogate growing up to be drug kingpins or killers, issue altogether by outright banning paid agreements er in a decades-long feud in Locri between Antonia Spano’ seethed. Her eyes brother, a Messina construction company the potential savings are priceless. between broadband providers and content providers. the Cordi’ and Cataldo families. So many bul- burned. All she could think was that the owner practically became Riccardo’s sec- As for Spano’, she is overjoyed to have her Broadband providers have been lobbying Congress aggressive- lets ripped through Cosimo’s head that fall state was about to take yet another of her ond father. Mariano Nicotra recounted son home again - but also torn. She knows ly to avoid being designated as a “common carrier” under com- day, as he rode his bike on a country road, men - her last son - away from her. “So, I what happened when he refused to pay that for his own good, perhaps for his safety, munications law. This would subject broadband services to that he was almost decapitated. Riccardo won’t see my son?!” she cried. “How can I protection money to the neighborhood he must leave Locri. Youth unemployment tougher regulations. According to the Sunlight Foundation, the never knew his sister Paola, who died of a see my son?!” The judge told Spano’ to her Mafia boss. His car was torched. His daugh- in Italy’s south is staggeringly high, and for organizations most active in filing lobbying reports on net neu- brain tumor at age 10. A few months later, face that she was incapable of handling her ter was ostracized by schoolmates. Nicotra many youths the only reliable employer is trality in recent years are Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, and Wheeler’s the surgeon who operated on her was son, just like his brothers. Riccardo had even gave away the family dog, because organized crime. “I want Riccardo to get a former employer, the NCTA. —AP gunned down outside the entrance to the been staying out late at night, hanging Mafia threats made walks too dangerous. job. Maybe in Rome,” Spano’ said. “Maybe I’ll Locri hospital. Investigators never solved the around with adults with criminal records, Nicotra saw something in the shy, taci- go with him.” Ever the reserved teen, slaying. cutting class, flunking courses. “This is an turn Riccardo that few back home even Riccardo is taciturn. All he will say about the When Riccardo was 12, he watched wide- ‘ndrangheta family,” he told her. “We want bothered to look for: a normal kid. If you initial shock of his exile is, “It was tough. I All articles appearing on these eyed on the patio here, half-hidden by to avoid having Riccardo end up in jail, or want, he told Riccardo, there will always be was counting the days.” plants, as police stormed Spano’s kitchen slain like your husband. ... If you don’t like it, a job waiting for you at my company. However, in a letter to Corriere della Sera pages are the personal opinion of looking for fugitives including Pietro Criaco, we’ll take him away anyway.” Slowly, Riccardo began to change. Twice a newspaper, published on May 8, 2014 on its the writers. Kuwait Times takes no a clansman on Italy’s most wanted list and Di Bella invoked a law that allows the week, he helped out at an after-school cen- front page, he expresses his feelings more responsibility for views expressed close family friend. They opened a wooden state to remove minors from parents ter for children from broken homes, even clearly. He takes pains to say that he is not cabinet door under the gray stone counter deemed unable to properly raise them, though doing something for nothing is an repudiating his family or Calabria, but also therein. Kuwait Times invites read- and came across a trap door. It led to an often children of drug addicts. Why not alien concept in the ‘ndrangheta. Many had thanks Di Bella for giving him a chance at a ers to voice their opinions. Please underground bunker, complete with electric- children of clansmen? one parent, even two, in jail. Some fathers fresh start. “I did things, met people, lived in send submissions via email to: opin- ity and room enough for three men. Criaco were convicted Mafiosi. places I never knew,” he wrote. And he pays [email protected] or via snail wasn’t there. But not long afterward he was Banishment Blues The work didn’t come naturally. Riccardo tribute to Interdonato, the psychologist. captured as he tried to flee across rooftops in The months passed. Social workers was always buttoned up, wearing a jacket, “One morning, together with that guy, I mail to PO Box 1301 Safat, Kuwait. a nearby town - wearing pajamas. always seemed to have some excuse not to even at outings at the sea. “He moved went to see the sea. You could see Calabria, The editor reserves the right to edit take Riccardo away from the Cordi’ home. stiffly,” said Debora Colicchia, who works at my land. This time, however, I saw it from any submission as necessary. Judgment Day One happened to have a vacation day; the center. But “he came willingly, and another perspective: I was seeing it from Judge Roberto Di Bella knew all about another was sick. In the end, the police when he couldn’t come, he called”. “I had another place. But it was I who was differ- p15_Layout 1 9/28/14 9:06 PM Page 1


Fujita wins Diamond Cup Ali and Brown reunite Johnson to play Test/ODIs TOKYO: Japanese veteran Hiroyuki Fujita won the $1.4 million Asia- LOUISVILLE: Muhammad Ali was on the ropes for refusing induction into SYDNEY: Australian coach Darren Lehmann said yesterday fearsome fast Pacific Diamond Cup yesterday firing a five-under-par 66 on the final the Army, and Jim Brown wanted to help. But first, the NFL great wanted to bowler Mitchell Johnson will play in the upcoming Tests and one-day series round. hear the boxing champion’s reasons for not answering the call to military against Pakistan in the United Arab Emirates. Fujita sank six birdies and one bogey on the 7,117-yard Ohtone service during the Vietnam War. Johnson was withdrawn from the Twenty20 Champions League with a rib injury, but left with the national squad for the UAE yesterday. Country Club course in Ibaraki, northeast of Tokyo, and managed a four- So Brown led a group of prominent black athletes who hit Ali with a flur- day total of six-under-par 278. Johnson is the world’s leading pace bowler after prominent roles in the ry of questions during a two-hour meeting in Cleveland in June 1967. Ali recent Test series wins against England and South Africa. Lehmann allayed The 45-year-old player soared to the top spot after didn’t duck the questions and stuck to his principles, citing his religious fears that Johnson was in any doubt for the first Test against Pakistan, start- settling for a 14th place tie on the previous day. “All beliefs in refusing to join the military. ing in Dubai on October 22. “He’ll be fine to go. Expect him to play the one- day today, I was able to submit satisfying golf. I am The dozen athletes, including Bill Russell and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, dayers, obviously not the T20 but the one-dayers and the Test series,” extremely happy with the result,” he said. emerged from the meeting to publicly support Ali at a time when the Lehmann told reporters in Melbourne before the team’s departure. “The fact that I was able to play among Asia’s lead- champ was one of the country’s most polarizing figures. “We’re lucky enough that in terms of the preparation, he ing players and win the tournament gives me a lot of “People got the answers that they wanted,” Brown recalled Saturday. did a fair bit of bowling before (getting injured), so it won’t confidence.” He was followed by Kiradech Aphibarnrat Nearly 50 years after the meeting, now known as the “Ali Summit,” several be an issue.” Lehmann was also upbeat that hamstrung of Thailand, South Korea’s S.K. Ho and Jason Knutzon of participants including Brown and Russell were at Ali’s side again Saturday captain Michael Clarke will be fit for the opening Test. “I’m the United States, who finished with a four-day total of night in the boxing champ’s hometown. Brown received a lifetime humani- confident, he’s confident-and that’s about where it is at the 280. Asian Tour Order of Merit leader David Lipsky tarian achievement award bearing Ali’s name. moment,” Lehmann said. of the United States finished with a four-day While posing for photos with the 72-year-old Ali, Brown leaned over “The tour game (on October 15-18) will be the telling total 292, settling for a 56th place tie with and whispered to the seated former heavyweight champion. Later, Brown time, I suppose, getting him out and playing that... but two other men.—AFP said he told Ali: “You’re the greatest of all time.”—AP I’m pretty confident he’ll play.”—AFP Reds pound Pirates

CINCINNATI: The Pittsburgh Pirates’ NL innings for the Royals. He allowed four runs, single and left for a pinch hitter in the fifth Central chances were hurt when Todd five hits and one walk. The White Sox inning. Even he wasn’t going to pull the Frazier had a tying two-run homer in the jumped on him, scoring three runs in the Yankees out of this hole in the next-to-last seventh inning and Ramon Santiago hit a first inning. Abreu capped the rally with his game of his 20-year big league career. grand slam in the 10th, powering the 36th home run. Boston chased Masahiro Tanaka during an Cincinnati Reds to a 10-6 victory on Abreu broke a 31-year-old franchise eight-run second inning that backed Joe Saturday. record for the most homers in a season by a Kelly, and the Red Sox beat New York. Pittsburgh started the day a game rookie, previously held by Ron Kittle. They After sitting out Friday night’s series behind first-place St. Louis, which played at are the most by a rookie since St. Louis’ opener following his emotional Yankee Arizona later. The Pirates have already Albert Pujols hit 37 in 2001. Stadium finale the previous night, Jeter clinched at least a wild card and would host White Sox catcher Josh Phegley home- returned to his usual second spot in the that game on Wednesday. red in the second and seventh innings for lineup but as the designated hitter, not the John Axford (0-1) walked Frazier to open the first career multi-homer game. John shortstop. He received standing ovations the 10th and gave up Chris Heisey’s single Danks (11-11) pitched seven solid innings before each at bat as fans chanted “De-rek and another walk with one out. Left-hander to earn his first home win since June 17. Je-ter! De-rek Je-ter!” Tanaka (13-5) allowed Bobby LaFromboise relieved, retired Bryan seven runs - five earned - in 1 2-3 innings, Pena on a shallow fly out, then gave up MARINERS 2, ANGELS 1 the shortest of his 20 starts with the Santiago’s first career grand slam. Dylan The Mariners stayed in the AL playoff Yankees. Kelly (4-2) allowed four runs in Axelrod (2-1) retired the side in the top of race, forcing the chase down to the final seven innings. the 10th. day when Austin Jackson barely beat a double-play relay in the 11th inning to BLUE JAYS 4, ORIOLES 2 DIAMONDBACKS 5, CARDINALS 2 edge the Los Angeles Angels. Jose Reyes had two hits and two RBIs, Mark Trumbo homered twice and Seattle moved within one game of J.A. Happ won consecutive starts for the Arizona prevented St. Louis from clinching Oakland for the second AL wild-card spot. first time since late May and the Blue Jays the NL Central title. The Cardinals secured Mariners ace Felix Hernandez will start beat the AL East champion Orioles. at least a tie for the division crown when against the AL West champion Angels on Happ (11-11) allowed two runs and four Pittsburgh lost to Cincinnati earlier Sunday, the last scheduled day of the regu- hits in 6 1-3 innings for his first winning Saturday, but they need to win or have the lar season. Brad Miller hit a one-out double streak since posting three straight victories Pirates lose on Sunday to finish alone in in the Seattle 11th off Mike Morin (4-4) and from May 15 to May 25. first place. Chris Taylor’s short fly to center fell in for a Casey Janssen got three outs for his 25th Trumbo’s three-run shot off Seth Maness single, sending Miller to third. save in 30 chances. Left-hander Wei-Yin (6-4) broke a 2-2 tie in the seventh inning. Jackson, who had twice previously been Chen (16-6), expected to start the second Trumbo hit a solo drive in the first in his the third out in innings when Seattle game of the division series against Detroit second multi-homer game in six days. stranded runners on third, hit a grounder to or Kansas City next week, allowed three David Peralta also had a solo shot in the second. The Angels got the forceout at sec- runs - two earned - and five hits in six first. Randal Delgado (4-4) pitched three ond, but the relay throw was a shade late as innings. scoreless innings of relief to get the win. the speedy Jackson crossed the bag. Addison Reed worked a perfect ninth for Dominic Leone (8-2) pitched the 11th to NATIONALS 5, MARLINS 1 his 32nd save in 38 tries. The Cardinals, los- earn the win. Stephen Strasburg took over the league ers of four of six, scored on a sacrifice fly lead in strikeouts and gave up only two hits and wild pitch. RANGERS 5, ATHLETICS 4 through six scoreless innings in his final Oakland stalled in its bid to clinch an AL tuneup ahead of his first postseason, help- TWINS 12, TIGERS 3 wild-card spot, losing to last-place Texas on ing the NL East champion Nationals beat Eduardo Escobar had a homer, four hits home runs by Jake Smolinski and Robinson Miami. and a career-high six RBIs, and Minnesota Chirinos. Strasburg (14-11) spotted his fastball at CINCINNATI: Yorman Rodriguez No. 33 of the Cincinnati Reds watches the ball fly into left ensured that the AL Central race will come Oakland couldn’t take advantage of the 97 mph and mixed in breaking balls that field against the Pittsburgh Pirates at Great American Ball Park . —AFP down to the very end with a rout of Detroit. first chance to clinch a playoff spot by itself, confounded a Marlins lineup missing the chance to win the AL batting title. He leads two runs and eight hits with five strikeouts The Tigers entered with a one-game lead even though trade deadline pickup Jeff injured Giancarlo Stanton. Strasburg fin- the majors at .340. and two walks in 6 2-3 innings. Craig over second-place Kansas City, but the Samardzija (5-6) faced spot starter Scott ished with seven strikeouts - giving him Astros starter Samuel Deduno gave up Kimbrel pitched out of a jam in the ninth to Tigers fell short of clinching. Minnesota Baker after Derek Holland was a late scratch 242, three more than Clayton Kershaw of one hit in four innings, striking out four earn his 46th save in 50 chances. scored six runs in the fifth. Escobar and Eric with a migraine headache. the Dodgers - and one walk. and walking one. It was his first start since Justin Upton doubled and scored in the Fryer both hit two-run singles during that The Rangers used eight pitchers to beat Strasburg also was credited with an RBI June 14 with Minnesota at Detroit. second and B.J. Upton put Atlanta in front big rally, and Escobar added a three-run the A’s for the fifth time in six games since in the second, when Harper charged home New York’s Rafael Montero, starting in 2-0 by leading off the third with his 12th homer in the eighth. last week. Spencer Patton (1-0), the fourth from third and slid headfirst ahead of the place of fellow rookie Jacob deGrom, homer. Rookie Kyle Lobstein (1-2) allowed six reliever, earned his first major league win, tag after Strasburg bunted off Nathan escaped trouble several times in the early It was third time this season the Upton runs in 4 2-3 innings for the Tigers. Ricky and Neftali Feliz notched his 13th save. The Eovaldi (6-14). innings. brothers homered in the same game and Nolasco (6-12) allowed two runs and five A’s have the second-worst record in the the sixth time in two years. A.J. Burnett (8- hits, including a solo homer by Detroit’s majors since they were 11 games up in the DODGERS 6, ROCKIES 5 RAYS 2, INDIANS 0 18) became the first Phillies pitcher to Nick Castellanos in the second. wild-card race and four games ahead of the Scott Van Slyke scored the winning run Alex Colome and three relievers com- record 18 losses since Hall of Famer Steve The Tigers have secured a postseason AL West-winning Angels on Aug. 10. on Franklin Morales’ wild pitch in the 12th bined on a five-hitter as Tampa Bay Carlton went 13-20 in 1973. spot, but the division will still be in doubt They’ve lost eight of their last 12. Josh inning, and the Los Angeles Dodgers edged blanked Cleveland. Colome (2-0) allowed when they send David Price to the mound Donaldson and Josh Reddick had three hits Colorado. four hits in 6 1-3 innings. Jake McGee BREWERS 2, CUBS 1 Sunday against Minnesota in Game 162. apiece for Oakland, including singles in a The Dodgers (93-68) have won four struck out the side in the ninth for his 19th Jonathan Lucroy set a major-league two-run eighth that ended with Alberto straight, including an NL West-clinching save. The Indians, eliminated from playoff record for doubles in a season by a catcher, WHITE SOX 5, ROYALS 4 Callaspo’s fly ball that was caught by victory over San Francisco on Wednesday. contention on Friday, got only two runners and Francisco Rodriguez moved into 10th Jose Abreu hit a two-run homer, and the Smolinski at the wall in right field with two They are locked into the league’s No. 2 play- to second base. They committed two place on baseball’s career saves list in Chicago White Sox kept Kansas City out of runners on base. off seed. errors, raising their major league-leading Milwaukee’s win over the Chicago Cubs. first place in the AL Central. Kansas City Colorado’s bullpen retired 18 straight, a total to 116. Wily Peralta (17-11) struck out a career- clinched at least a wild card spot on Friday. RED SOX 10, YANKEES 4 stretch that spanned from the sixth inning Carlos Carrasco (8-7) allowed one high 13 in seven innings, allowing five hits Danny Duffy (9-12) lasted only two Derek Jeter went 1 for 2 with an infield until the 12th. Van Slyke singled with one earned run and four hits, and struck out 10 and one walk. Rodriguez pitched a score- out, advanced to second when Tim in 7 2-3 innings. Indians All-Star left fielder less ninth for his 348th career save, and Federowicz was hit by pitch, stole third and Michael Brantley had his 200th hit of the 44th this year, to move ahead of Randy came home on Morales’ wild pitch. season with a fourth-inning single. Myers. Carlos Frias (1-1) pitched three scoreless Rodriguez has converted all but five innings for Los Angeles for his first major BRAVES 4, PHILLIES 2 save opportunities in 69 games. Lucroy’s league win. Morales (6-9) took the loss for Brothers BJ and Justin Upton each double off Tsuyoshi Wada (4-4) in the fifth Colorado (66-95), which has dropped three homered and Atlanta held on for a victory inning snapped a 1-1 tie and gave the All- straight. over Philadelphia. Justin Upton also dou- Star his 46th double as a catcher, topping bled for the Braves, who won for just the the 45 hit by Texas’ Ivan Rodriguez in 1996. GIANTS 3, PADRES 1 third time in 15 games and are 6-18 in a Lucroy has 53 doubles this year, tying the Brandon Crawford hit a two-run single forgettable September. Brewers’ franchise record. Seven were hit with two outs in the eighth inning, leading Ryan Howard had three hits with a when he played first base. Milwaukee (82- the Giants over the Padres. Crawford, one homer and two RBIs for Philadelphia. 79) is assured of finishing the season with a of just two Giants regulars in the starting Atlanta’s Aaron Harang (12-12) gave up winning record. —AP lineup, was hitless in three at-bats until his broken-bat single to left off Dale Thayer (4- 5) broke a 1-all tie. MLB results/standings Hunter Strickland (1-0) pitched two scoreless innings for his first decision in Cincinnati 10, Pittsburgh 6 (10 innings); Boston 10, NY Yankees 4; Washington 5, Miami 1; San Francisco 3, San nine big league appearances. Santiago Diego 1; Toronto 4, Baltimore 2; Tampa Bay 2, Cleveland 0; Atlanta 4, Philadelphia 2; Minnesota 12, Detroit 3; Chicago White Sox 5, Kansas City 4; Milwaukee 2, Chicago Cubs 1; NY Mets 2, Houston 1; Texas 5, Oakland 4; Casilla worked a perfect ninth for his 19th Arizona 5, St. Louis 2; Seattle 2, LA Angels 1 (11 innings); LA Dodgers 6, Colorado 5 (12 innings). save in 23 chances. American League National League METS 2, ASTROS 1 Eastern Division Eastern Division Lucas Duda hit a two-run homer with W L PCT GB Washington 95 66 .590 - Baltimore 95 66 .590 - Atlanta 78 83 .484 17 two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning, NY Yankees 83 78 .516 12 NY Mets 78 83 .484 17 rallying the New York Mets over Houston. Toronto 83 78 .516 12 Miami 77 84 .478 18 Held to two hits by four Houston pitch- Tampa Bay 77 84 .478 18 Philadelphia 73 88 .453 22 ers through eight innings, the Mets came Boston 71 90 .441 24 Central Division back against Tony Sipp (4-3). Eric Young Jr. Central Division St. Louis 89 72 .553 - Detroit 89 72 .553 - Pittsburgh 88 73 .547 1 tripled with one out and stayed there on Kansas City 88 73 .547 1 Milwaukee 82 79 .509 7 Daniel Murphy’s flyout to shallow left field. Cleveland 84 77 .522 5 Cincinnati 75 86 .466 14 Chicago White Sox 73 88 .453 16 Duda followed with a line drive off the Chicago Cubs 72 89 .447 17 Minnesota 70 91 .435 19 right-field foul screen for his 29th home Western Division run, and the first game-ending homer of Western Division LA Angels 98 63 .609 - LA Dodgers 93 68 .578 - his career. Oakland 87 74 .540 11 San Francisco 87 74 .540 6 Jenrry Mejia (6-6) pitched one inning for San Diego 77 84 .478 16 PHOENIX: AJ Pollock No. 11 of the Arizona Diamondbacks is tagged out trying to steal Seattle 86 75 .534 12 the win. Jose Altuve, hitless in four at-bats Houston 70 91 .435 28 Colorado 66 95 .410 27 second by shortstop Jhonny Peralta No. 27 of the St Louis Cardinals during the fifth Texas 67 94 .416 31 Arizona 64 97 .398 29 inning. —AFP for Houston, heads into Sunday with a p16_Layout 1 9/28/14 10:31 PM Page 1

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 SPORTS American football growing quickly in Brazil

SAO PAULO: Brazilians are starting to pay The Associated Press in a phone interview. football in Brazil. The sport was virtually third season that there is a fan base which been growing and some of the games are attention to a different type of football - Brazil even has a national team playing exclusive to foreigners who lived in the is already very familiar and very engaged broadcast on local TV. the one played with the hands. American competitively, and the level of talent is country and Brazilians who used to live with the NFL,” said Fabio Medeiros, the Mitchell, who played in the NFL in the football, once the sport nobody could improving. Games are being played on the abroad. Brazilians often said the rules channel’s content director, adding that 1990s, was hired to coach the Maringa understand, is quickly gaining space in famous Rio de Janeiro beaches, sharing were too difficult and criticized that it was during this year’s Super Bowl its hashtag Pyros this season, a year after leading the the land of soccer, attracting a growing sand space with soccer and foot-volley, as too violent. #NFLnoEI was among Twitter’s trending Coritiba Crocodiles to the title of the IV number of fans and participants. well as in other parks and fields across the But with the growth of cable television, topics worldwide. Brasil Bowl. His arrival made headlines in Brazil already has two well-established country. Some traditional soccer stadiums more people started to have access to the Brazilians aren’t just watching local newspapers on sports pages usually semi-professional leagues in place, and are also hosting American football games. sport. ESPN began broadcasting NFL American football. They are playing it too. filled with soccer stories. television ratings for the NFL are increas- The sport is not likely to ever seriously games in Brazil in the early 1990s, and in There are more than 120 American foot- “The next step for American football in ing rapidly. Some of the country’s most challenge the popularity of soccer, but it’s the last few years ratings started to reach ball teams in the country, and new ones Brazil is to find someone who sees the traditional soccer clubs have created their starting to leave its mark. Some fans say significant levels. are being created every year, according to business opportunities of the sport here, own American football teams, with one of they are not watching as much soccer as The channel is broadcasting up to six the Brazilian Confederation of American then it will really take off,” he said. them boasting the fact it has more they did before getting to know American games each week and viewership last sea- Football, which was established in 2012 to Mitchell says there is a good founda- Facebook fans than some NFL teams. And football. son grew 29 percent. ESPN had cable TV’s help develop the sport. It says there are tion in place and a few of the local players Nike is selling NFL jerseys here for the first “I decided to cancel my pay-per-view top rating the day of this year’s Super more than 4,800 active players in Brazil, already have enough talent to be playing time, and saying the company expects package for the Brazilian league and used Bowl, and in 2013 it led all sports channels not counting those with flag-football in the Canadian Football League or the interest to grow. One former NFL player that money on high-speed internet to watched by men 18-24 when NFL games teams and youth and women’s categories. Arena Football League. working as a coach in the country is excit- make it easier to follow the NFL,” said were shown. Although there are many foreigners play- “I think that in seven to 10 years you ed with the sport’s potential, saying it may Priscila Santos, a 30-year-old Brazilian who The league is also available on the ing in local teams, the vast majority of could have talent on the level of the NFL,” not be long before American football got hooked on the sport through a friend broadcast channel Esporte Interativo, players are Brazilians. he said. “The Brazilians have size, they just becomes one of the nation’s most popular who already liked the NFL. “I realized that which said games reached 23.8 million “There is no doubt the sport is growing don’t have the technical support right sports behind soccer. the sport is so much more organized than people in Brazil last season, with an aver- rapidly,” said Daniel Stoler, the Brazilian now. What is needed is someone who can “American football is just pregnant soccer is here. I fell in love with it immedi- age of almost 900,000 per game. confederation’s director of international buy out all the leagues and put a commis- right now in Brazil, getting ready to give ately and now it’s my No. 1 sport.” “We are still trying to help the viewer affairs. “We notice that people are becom- sioner in place and really teach these kids birth to something great,” former New Not long ago, it was hard to find many understand some of the rules of the sport, ing a lot more interested in the sport, they around Brazil. We are talking about 200 York Jets tight end Johnny Mitchell told people who knew much about American but we are already noticing during this are coming to us.” The local leagues have million people in this country.”—AP All Blacks seal hat-trick of Rugby Championship titles

LA PLATA: Captain Richie McCaw equalled with flyhalf Aaron Cruden dropped for a record for All Blacks appearances as the missing the team’s flight to Argentina after world champions sealed their third succes- a boozy night out and hooker Dane Coles sive Rugby Championship title with a 34-13 made a late trip home for the birth of his victory over Argentina in La Plata on first child. Saturday. The All Blacks earned a bonus McCaw’s side simply got on with the job point by scoring four tries through Ben and dominated, taking a 13-0 lead after Smith, Israel Dagg, Julian Savea and TJ Barrett slotted two penalties and converted Perenara while Beauden Barrett kicked 14 Ben Smith’s try which followed a superb points. The win gave the All Blacks an unas- backline move from a lineout. sailable six-point lead over South Africa The All Blacks then showed how danger- with a match to play in the four-nation ous they can be on the counter, soaking up southern hemisphere tournament. a sustained period of pressure from the Flyhalf Nicolas Sanchez slotted two first- Pumas, turning the ball over, spreading it half penalties for the Pumas, who were quickly and putting their runners into unable to breach the tourists’ defence until space with Dagg popping up outside Ben replacement Horacio Agulla scored a con- Smith to take the final pass. solation try in the final two minutes. The All The Pumas, despite having the majority Blacks, on 21 points, meet South Africa of possession and territory, committed too next week in Johannesburg where McCaw many turnovers and were unable to com- should play his 134th match and surpass bat the All Blacks’ tactical kicking. They con- Colin Meads to solely own the record for All verted just two penalties to flyhalf Sanchez Blacks appearances. “It won’t take much (to to go into the break 20-6 down. re-focus for South Africa),” said McCaw, who The second half descended into a tight holds the All Blacks’ tests record with 132. tussle with the All Blacks camped inside the “When the All Blacks play South Africa, Pumas’ territory but they were unable to especially in South Africa, that’s one of the break down a stubborn defence until the games you live for so the boys will enjoy 57th minute when winger Savea bumped tonight and then look forward to next off three tacklers to score their third try. week.” “The Pumas came to play and it was Savea played a part in Perenara’s try, a pretty good match to watch because which secured the bonus point and title, both teams came to play, I’m just proud the when he gave the final pass to the replace- guys took their chances. ment scrumhalf after the All Blacks had “We defended really well and didn’t let swept downfield with flanker Jerome Kaino them across the line until the end and I’m providing a 50-metre burst. really proud of the guys because it really Agulla scored the home side’s conso- showed their backbone.” lation try with less than two minutes BERLIN: Kenya’s Dennis Kimetto celebrates winning the 41sh edition of the Berlin Marathon in Berlin. Kimetto set a new world record, becoming remaining to excite the vocal crowd the first man to break the 2hr 03min barrier with a run of 2hr 02min 57sec. —AFP JUMBLED BUILDUP who showered the pitch with seat cush- The All Blacks’ preparations were upset ions. —Reuters Kenyan Kimetto smashes marathon record in Berlin

BERLIN: Kenya’s Dennis Kimetto smashed the marathon world record in Berlin yesterday, winning the race in a time of two hours, two minutes and 57 seconds after setting a scintillating pace from the start to shave 26 seconds off the previous best. Kimetto dazzled hundreds of thousands of spectators along the inner-city course with his quick and seemingly effortless running style that saw off any challenge during the race. The 30-year-old pre-race favourite broke away in a seven-man group, including fellow Kenyans Emmanuel Mutai and Geoffrey Kamworor, after 20 kilometres on a sunny and cool Berlin morning. With four km remaining, he pulled clear from Mutai after the pair had shaken off Kamworor a lit- tle earlier to become the first man to complete the race in less than two hours and three minutes. Kimetto, whose time also eclipsed the 2:03:02 clocked by Geoffrey Mutai in 2011 on Boston’s record-ineligible point-to-point course, clocked under three minutes for all but three kms with an average of two minutes and 55 seconds per km in a sensational race. His second half was about 30 seconds faster BERLIN: Ethiopia’s Tirfi Tsegaye celebrates on the podium winning in the women’s category of than the first. This is the second consecutive world the 41sh edition of the Berlin Marathon. —AFP record along Berlin’s flat race, considered the world’s fastest marathon course, after Kenyan RECORD PROMISE The last pacemakers stepped aside at around 30 Wilson Kipsang’s previous world best of 2:03:23 The tall Kimetto had provided evidence of his km as the Kenyan trio gradually broke clear. Mutai was set in the German capital last year. class at the distance with wins in Tokyo and Boston twice attempted to attack but Kimetto stayed “I feel good because I won a very tough race,” last year. He had promised to attack the record in strong and made his own move at the 38 km mark, the soft-spoken Kimetto told reporters. “I felt good Berlin if conditions allowed and on Sunday he with his compatriot soon dropping some 20 metres from the start and in the last five kilometres I felt I could not have hoped for better weather. behind after losing their nail-biting duel. With the could do it (break the record).” With temperatures hovering around eight iconic Brandenburg Gate in full view, Kimetto ele- Tirfi Tsegaye won the women’s race with a time degrees Celsius at the start of a cool day and grad- gantly powered through the final stretch to clock a of 2:20:18, nine seconds ahead of fellow Ethiopian ually inching warmer as the race progressed, the world best, with Mutai second 16 seconds behind, LA PLATA: New Zealand’s All Blacks’ flanker Richie McCaw holds up the trophy after Feyse Tadese who was second. American Shalane Kenyan stayed in the lead group from the begin- and Ethiopian Abera Kuma overtaking a fading his team won the 2014 Rugby Championship. —AFP Flanagan was third. ning and was always positioned near the front. Kamworor late on to claim third. —Reuters Zain sponsors Kuwait’s National Jet Ski team for the fourth consecutive year

KUWAIT: Zain, the leading telecommunica- ing Kuwaiti athletes to represent Kuwait in and it further confirms its commitment tions company in Kuwait, announced its the various internationally renowned cham- towards Kuwaiti champions, which resem- main sponsorship of the Kuwait National Jet pionships. bles the company’s endless confidence of Ski team’s champions for the fourth consecu- The National Jet Ski team is authorized by the competencies of these young athletes tive year. The company’s sponsorship will the Kuwait Sea Sport Club to officially repre- and their capabilities in excelling in different extend during the team’s participation in the sent Kuwait in regional and international Jet fields. upcoming World Jet Ski Championship 2014 Ski championships. The team champions As a leading telecommunications compa- that will be held on October 3rd in the won a number of prominent titles during ny in Kuwait, Zain is constantly looking to United States. In a press statement, Zain past participations, most notably the first identify and support excellence across the explained that its sponsorship falls under its place title of last year’s World Jet Ski sports sector. The company will continue to solid Corporate Social Responsibility strategy Championship, held in the United States. put Kuwaiti National teams and individual towards the youth and sports sectors as well The company expressed its pride in all athletes at the forefront of its priorities and as supporting Kuwaiti athletes. The company National teams that raise the Kuwaiti flag pledges to continue motivating them to further expressed its keenness on encourag- high by achieving top international titles, achieve all the recognition they deserve. p17 2_Layout 1 9/28/14 10:30 PM Page 1

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 SPORTS Nishikori triumphs Photo of the day in Malaysian Open KUALA LUMPUR: Japan’s new tennis star not have it easy against Benneteau, who Kei Nishikori clinched the Malaysian Open finished as runner-up for the third consecu- yesterday after taming France’s Julien tive year. Benneteau in two tightly fought sets. Benneteau has also now reached 10 The top seed, the first Asian man to tour finals without winning one. “It was reach a Grand Slam singles final at the US really tough. (Benneteau) was aggressive, Open this month, beat the fourth seeded but I was waiting for my opportunity, and Benneteau 7-6 (7/4), 6-4. He is now the first when he got tired in the last game I took Asian to win the Malaysia tournament. my chances and am happy it paid off,” The showdown at a packed Putra Nishikori said. Stadium in Kuala Lumpur got off to a crack- “It wasn’t my best tennis, but I’m really ing start. Benneteau took an early hold of happy to come away with the win in this the tie to lead 3-1, but Nishikori showed tough game.” Nishikori said he was looking resilience, powering back to draw level ahead to playing in Japan, after the strong before going on to clinch the first set 7-6 support in Malaysia. (7/4), which included two sublime back- “It’s really an honor to have won this hand volley winners at full stretch. tournament. It’s not even in my country In the second set, the world eighth and so many people showed up,” he said. ranked player again trailed world number “I want to do well in my next tourna- 28 Benneteau 2-3, but smashed some ment in Japan after this.” He next plays in cross-court winners to move to 5-4 up. The the Japan Open which starts in Tokyo 24-year-old Japanese sealed victory with a today. In the doubles, fourth seed Marcin power serve, which Benneteau returned to Matkowski of Poland and Leander Paes of the net. India beat second seed Britain’s Jamie The pupil of American tennis star- Murray and Australia’s John Peers 3-6, 7-6 turned-coach Michael Chang said he did (7/5), 10-5. —AFP

Nils Buller performs at the Red Bull Martin Sooderstrom Invitational in Uppsala, Sweden. — Sharapova, Halep and Kerber through in China

BEIJING: World number four Maria Sharapova powered through her opening match at the $5.4 million China Open yesterday, joining second seed Simona Halep and Angelique Kerber of Germany in the second round. The Russian eased past Estonia’s Kaia Kanepi 6-4, 6-1 in her opening match of the tournament, while Romanian Halep also won convincingly against Czech player Barbora Zahlavova Strycova 6-1, 6-4. World number eight Kerber, meanwhile, took three sets to overcome Casey Dellacqua of Australia 6-1, 3-6, 6-3. Halep, who has risen from KUALA LUMPUR: Men’s singles champion Kei Nishikori (right) of Japan poses with 11th to 2nd in the WTA rankings since the start runner-up Julien Benneteau of France after their final match at the Malaysian Open of the year, faces Chinese wildcard Zhu Lin in the tennis tournament. —AP next round, while Kerber will meet Zayina Diyas of Kazakstan. Sharapova, meanwhile, will be confronting a player in high spirits when she comes up against Lorenzo wins rain-hit world number 34 Elina Svitolina. The Ukrainian beat Kerber earlier this week at the WTA Wuhan Aragon Grand Prix Open to make it to the semi-finals of the pre- mier-ranking event, and will have her confi- BARCELONA: Spaniard Jorge Lorenzo won a record of becoming the first rider to finish dence sky-high. rain-affected and crash-strewn Aragon second in five successive races in the top But Sharapova will go into the game taking Grand Prix for Yamaha yesterday while category. “I was concentrating on not crash- positives from her showing in the Chinese capi- Honda’s MotoGP championship leader Marc ing and was ready to finish third,” added the tal. The 27-year-old crashed out in Wuhan with a BEIJING: Maria Sharapova of Russia returns a shot against Kala Kanepi of Estonia during their Marquez fell for the second race in a row. Spaniard, who has now won at all four demoralising two-set defeat against Timea women’s singles first round match at the China Open tennis tournament. —AFP Bacsinszky in the third round, but she looked The two Spaniards swapped the lead until Spanish circuits on the calendar. “I thought I played a difficult opponent, 6-1. But the American could also face a tough three laps from the end when the reigning Lorenzo and Rossi had struggled with the more assured at Beijing’s Olympic Park. She traded breaks with her opponent twice someone that I’ve had trouble against in the battle in the next round, as she is set to play world champion, chasing a record-equalling choice of tyres on their Yamahas during past,” she said. “I knew it was a challenging first Caroline Garcia if the French rising star wins her 12th win of the season, crashed after choos- practice but while the Italian fell, the 2010 midway through the first set, before breaking again with the scores 5-4 in her favour to take round opponent and I thought I handled that game against China’s Zhang Shuai. ing not to change to a wet set-up as rain and 2012 world champion had an inspired quite well considering I didn’t have a great result The 20-year-old dumped Williams out of the began to fall. ride. “It was a crazy race. I wasn’t happy the opener. Kanepi won only the fourth game of the sec- last week.” Wuhan tournament in the first round last week. Lorenzo had already pitted and the victo- when it started to rain as the Hondas were Elsewhere in Beijing, Sara Errani became the Also in Beijing, 2011 US Open winner Samantha ry was his first of the year, with compatriot starting to get away from me. I wasn’t com- ond set, as Sharapova took command and wrapped up the match in 90 minutes. The first seed to tumble as Kurumi Nara of Japan Stosur finally ended her miserable run in China, Aleix Espargaro finishing second on a non- fortable at all,” Lorenzo explained. sealed a 3-6, 6-3, 6-4 victory. overcoming Francesca Schiavone of Italy 6-4, 6- works Yamaha after holding off Ducati’s Cal “Then it started raining more and I decid- French Open champion made six double faults in the match, which was the only stain on an The 11th seed was hoping for a good run in 2. Crutchlow by 0.017 seconds. It was Yamaha’s ed to go for it, go into the pits and see what Beijing to improve her slim chance of making The Australian world number 20 had second successive win in a season Honda happens. Returning it was very difficult as it otherwise dominant performance. The victory was her fourth against her 29- next month’s WTA Finals in Singapore, which fea- crashed out both the Guangzhou Open and had seemed set to dominate completely. was slippery with the tyres not warm tures the top eight women’s players. the Wuhan Open in her opening match earlier Marquez, who also crashed in San Marino enough and I had to take risks. year-old opponent, in all meetings between the pair, but Sharapova said she had to battle hard Venus Williams eased through her first-round this month. The China Open will reach its cli- and had started on pole, rejoined the race “Bit by bit it got better, I dug in, tried my tie against British rising star Heather Watson 6-3, max on October 5.—AFP and finished 13th and ahead of Repsol best. I saw on the board that I was 12th for the win. Honda team mate and title rival Dani which meant I was going to finish well down Pedrosa, who also fell on the slippery sur- but then after the next lap I’m first.” face. The 21-year-old champion now has 292 Both Marquez and Pedrosa had opted for points to Pedrosa’s 217 with Rossi on 214 hard rear tyres compared to Lorenzo’s choice Murray wins Shenzhen title and four races remaining. Italian Valentino of a medium, and their decision not to Rossi, the winner of his home race at Misano, change proved costly. SHENZHEN: Andy Murray has won his first title since crashed out after four laps and was carried “It was all or nothing. I saw there were his historic Wimbledon victory last year, surviving a off on a stretcher for medical checks four laps to go and as I would have lost a lot scare to beat Tommy Robredo in three sets yesterday although he was able to stand and did not of time I decided to stay out to see if I could at the inaugural ATP Shenzhen Open. appear too seriously hurt. finish the race,” Marquez told reporters. Others fallers were Italians Andrea “I am not experienced in these condi- Murray, who is currently ranked 11th by the ATP, Dovizioso and early leader Andrea Iannone. tions, it has never happened to me before. overcame the 32-year-old in a tense match in which “It has been a long time without a win and The important thing though is that I was he saved five match points at the tie break in the sec- to get it in these conditions is incredible,” able to finish the race ahead of Dani, who ond set as he appeared to be heading for defeat. said Lorenzo, who avoided an unwanted also sadly fell.” —Reuters The 27-year-old Scot then powered through the third set, losing only one game as he closed in on his first title for 15 months with a scoreline of 5-7, 7-6 (11/9), 6-1. “It’s been a long time since I won a tournament,” said Murray. “The way that the match was won doesn’t happen very often. It’s rare to win a match like that. I was very close to losing. “It was an emotional week for me. I managed to fight my way through it, win the title, and hopefully I can win another one before the end of the year.” The victory boosts the British player’s hopes of qualifying for November’s ATP World Tour Finals in London, the end of season finale which features the top eight mens players. Murray has now won the last four of his six meet- ings against Robredo, which includes a victory over the Spaniard in his march to the 2013 Wimbledon final. He will move into tenth position on the back of his win in Shenzhen, the ATP said on its website. Murray is now on 3,405 points, just 105 points behind eighth-placed Tomas Berdych, who currently occu- pies the final place for the London tournament. Murray is also scheduled to play two further tour- naments in China where 1,500 points are available. He is the sixth seed at the China Open this week, which is worth 500 points for the winner, and he will play at the Shanghai Masters, which is worth 1,000 points. SPAIN: Yamaha Team’s Spanish rider Jorge Lorenzo (center) celebrates on the podium The Shenzhen Open is a new ATP tournament in next to second-placed NGM Forward Racing’s Spanish rider Aleix Espargaro (left) and China, and its introduction this year means China in third-placed Ducati Team’s British rider Cal Crutchlow after winning the MotoGP race 2014 has three successive men’s tournaments over SHENZHEN: Andy Murray of Britain lifts his trophy after winning at the inaugural ATP of the Aragon Grand Prix. —AFP three weeks. —AFP Shenzhen Open. —AFP MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 SPORTS Rivalry, friendship on and off course

GLENEAGLES: “So who are you rooting for?”. shot staying on the green, not Rory munch- It is a question Rich Hendrickon, of Seattle, ing on Bubba. Wash., gets asked frequently as he roams the grounds of Gleneagles at the Ryder Cup. UNUSUAL COMBINATION The question is a joke as even a passing The Ryder Cup storyline also involves an glance at Hendrickson will suggest. He is unusual combination of plots and subplots- dressed head-to-toe in an American flag out- national, team and personal. Does something fit, signalling his loyalties about as subtly as a in the American character impair its perform- sign on Times Square. ance in team golf? Will England’s Ian Poulter, Other Americans are here in garb that the hero of Europe’s 2012 miracle comeback, seems deliberately sacrilegious: American- rise to the Ryder Cup despite having a lousy flag kilts. Not to be outdone, dozens of 2014 season? How will the absence of the Europeans are sporting neck-to-ankle outfits injured Tiger Woods affect the American in their colours, deep blue and gold. For team? How about Scotland’s unlikely love for Americans, like me, it is not easy to enjoy the American team captain Tom Watson, who biennial Ryder Cup showdown between the won four Open championships on Scottish United States and Europe. America have won courses? And will the youngest Ryder Cup only once in this century, in 2008, and have pairing in history, 21-year old American not prevailed on European soil for more than Jordan Spieth and his playing partner Patrick 20 years. Reed, 24, stand up against battle-savvy oppo- But no matter. The Ryder Cup is my nents? (They did well the first two days, win- favourite international sporting event, hands ning two matches and halving one.) down, partly because it is okay for adults to Finally, the Ryder Cup packs plenty of ebb- act like kids again and be ostentatiously silly. and-flow drama into a compact three days- Garish garb is only part of the picture. A less time than baseball’s World Series or the GLENEAGLES: Team Europe and their caddies pose with the trophy after they retained the Ryder Cup on the final day of the Ryder upC golf tour- group of British former university chums, call- Olympic Games. The momentum usually nament at the Gleneagles Hotel in Scotland. —AFP ing themselves Guardians of the Ryder Cup, shifts back and forth, often dramatically, in greeted each European player at Friday’s first individual matches and on the team level and tee with a personalized serenade- “Bjorn v the the competition is littered with tales of stir- USA” for Dane Thomas Bjorn, and a simple ring comebacks. Europe win Ryder Cup foot-stomping chant of “Rory, Rory,” for America posted a strong start on Friday Northern Ireland’s world number one Rory morning, only to falter in the later matches. McIlroy. Then the U.S. hinted at a potential comeback GLENEAGLES: Europe’s finest golfers captured Attention then turned to Donaldson, who run. Masters runner-up Spieth won three of the Twelve visiting fans from the Minneapolis on Saturday but were routed in the after- the Ryder Cup for the sixth time in seven tries had birdied to win the ninth, 11th and 12th first five holes but McDowell began the back area are doing their best to redress the bal- noon. yesterday at Gleneagles, delivering a resounding holes for a 4-up lead over Bradley, who sank a nine by winning four in a row, three on Spieth ance. Dressed in Minnesota Vikings NFL jer- Entering yesterday’s singles matches, defeat to an American squad that once dominat- short putt to halve 13 and extend the suspense bogeys, to move 1-up. McDowell birdied to win seys with viking helmets complete with gold- Europe lead 10-6, the same commanding ed the rivalry. Welshman Jamie Donaldson, a 38- before Donaldson halved 14 and 15 to seal 15 and closed out with an eight-foot par putt at en pony tails, they have serenaded the U.S. advantage the Americans had two years ago year-old Ryder Cup rookie, dropped his America’s fate. the par-3 17th. team with their own customised songs. before their final-round collapse. approach at the 15th hole just inches from the “Really happy for JD to get the job done,” “I just got off to such a slow start,” McDowell At the 2012 Ryder Cup in Chicago, There are, to be sure, off-putting aspects hole to clinch a 4 and 3 victory over Keegan McIlroy said. “He has been fantastic all week.” said. “I dug in. We halved eight and nine on America suffered a humiliating meltdown on to the Ryder Cup. Sometimes the cheering Bradley that gave Europe an unbeatable total of Americans lead the overall series 25-13 with two birdies and I felt something turn inside me. I was the last day. But that did not squelch the sig- brushes the boundary between ardent and 14 1/2 points. halved, but Europeans have a 10-7 with one happy to come out and get that big point.” nature American cheer for Bubba Watson: xenophobic. Mega-money commercialism is “Hit a really good tee shot down 15 and hit halved edge since the team was expanded Rookie Patrick Reed edged fifth-ranked “Give me a B. Give me an ‘ubba.’ What does it rampant (even though the players don’t get the wedge of my life to close the game out,” beyond British-Irish talent in 1979. Henrik Stenson 1-up for the day’s first US point, spell? “Bubba!” paid), as in other big-time sports events. And Donaldson said. “You can’t really put words to it. Europe built a four-point lead entering sin- the Swede missing a short birdie putt at 18 to Watson, hugely popular with both sets of viewing conditions for many of the 45,000 It’s unbelievable. It’s just an incredible week.” gles thanks to a 7-1 edge in foursomes matches, hand the American the victory. His 3 1/2 points fans, summed up the spirit of the competi- fans trying to follow only four matches at a Europeans matched their longest win streak equalling the 1975 US squad for the format’s are the most by a US rookie since 1979. “It was a tion, on and off the course, when asked on time can also be difficult. in the series with a third consecutive triumph most lopsided domination. “You killed us in the battle,” Reed said. “We were making a lot of Saturday if his relatively poor record But this year’s Ryder Cup seems a much- while Tom Watson’s US squad failed in its bid for foursomes, man,” Watson told McGinley. birdies.” stemmed from having too good a time with needed tonic for golf-crazed Scotland, barely their first victory in Europe since Watson cap- World number one McIlroy, coming off major his opponents. a week after the divisive referendum in which tained a 1993 triumph at The Belfry. “Proud is the wins at the British Open and PGA Championship, ROSE UNBEATEN “I don’t want to play golf if I have to be it voted to remain in the United Kingdom. first word,” European captain Paul McGinley said. produced Europe’s first singles point by routing But Kaymer answered for Germany by chip- mean to anybody” he said. “These are good And there is another, more personal rea- “It has been a huge team effort.” Rickie Fowler 5 and 4, a top-fiver in every major ping in for eagle to win the par-5 16th and com- friends of mine. If they beat me, they beat me son, why it is my favorite sporting event. I am Trailing 10-6 when Sunday’s 12 final singles this year but winless in eight Cup matches. plete a 4 and 2 victory over reigning Masters - and you are watching great golf.” attending this year, as in 2012, with my son matches began, the Americans needed the “It would be nice to get a win one day soon,” champion Bubba Watson. This year’s soccer World Cup in Brazil also Charlie, a young attorney from Chicago. greatest rally ever on European soil to pull off a Fowler said. McIlroy opened birdie-eagle-birdie “I played very well,” Kaymer said. “To chip it in featured creative cheering and silly costumes. Between the two of us, father and son, we Stunner in Scotland. Instead, Europe emerged for a 3-up lead, birdied the fifth and sixth to go like this is amazing. It’s a big rush. You get the But there were also darker moments, includ- have survived five separate bouts of cancer- with the trophy for the eighth time in 10 starts. 5-up, lost the seventh with a bogey but won 13 emotions you don’t usually get from players.” ing the occasional street riot and the incident the odds against which were enormous. If we Early triumphs yesterday by European talis- with a birdie and halved 14 to win. The Americans would not go quietly, Matt when Uruguay’s Luis Suarez bit an opponent. can beat those odds, maybe there’s hope for man Rory McIlroy and 2010 Cup-clincher “Very satisfying. I knew what was expected of Kuchar beating Dane Thomas Bjorn 4 and 3 and At the Ryder Cup, “bite” means an approach America yet. —Reuters Graeme McDowell, both of Northern Ireland, me and what I expect of myself,” McIlroy said. “I five-time major winner Phil Mickelson beating plus reigning US Open champion Martin Kaymer was probably more up for this day than I was the Scotsman Stephen Gallacher 3 and 1. of Germany lifted the hosts closer to their goal. last day of the majors I won. There for no option But Hunter Mahan, 4-up after six holes, took A halved match by England’s unbeaten Justin other than to win.” bogey at the last to halve with Rose, who won Rose, who won three and halved two this week McDowell followed by rallying from 3-down four holes in a row starting at eight to battle to lead all point producers, put Europe a half- at the turn to beat US rookie Jordan Spieth 2 and back. “He threw it all at me and I was able to point from keeping the trophy. 1 and finish 3-0 in the event, his first perfect Cup respond,” Rose said. “An honorable half.” —AFP Qatar’s dope-ban Ogunode smashes Asia’s 100m record

INCHEON: Qatar’s Femi Ogunode made a victo- rious return from a doping ban yesterday as he smashed Asia’s 100 metres record and snatched Asian Games gold with 9.93sec in wet condi- tions. As China soared past 100 golds, Nigeria- born Ogunode was all smiles after he lowered the Asian mark by 0.06sec and finished nearly two-tenths ahead of China’s Su Bingtian. Hopes of the first sub-10sec run by an Asian- born athlete were doused as Su timed 10.10, Japan’s Kei Takase clocked 10.15 and Zhang Peimeng was fourth in 10.18. Ogunode returned in January from a two- year ban for using clenbuterol and he said he was hungry for more success in next year’s world championships and the 2016 Olympics. “I had a feeling that I would break the Asian INCHEON: Japan’s Takuya Iwanami (left) tackles South Korea’s Kim Younguk (right) record and I promise I’ll win more gold medals during their men’s football quarter-final match of the 2014 Asian Games. —AFP here,” said Ogunode, who is also running the 200m and the 4x100m relay. “Look out for me in the world championships in China in 2015 and S Korea beat Japan to the Rio Olympic Games in 2016.” Ogunode’s time puts him among the top 50 reach football semis fastest men of all time but still some distance from Usain Bolt’s world record of 9.58. Teenage steeplechaser Ruth Jebet finally got INCHEON: Hosts South Korea overcame are often politically charged given the histori- her gold after being disqualified on Saturday as INCHEON: (Left to right) Bronze medallist Japan’s Kei Takase, gold medallist Qatar’s Femi Seun Ogunode and silver medallist China’s Su Bingtian pose with their medals on the podi- fierce rivals Japan 1-0 in a feisty Asian Games cal animosity between the two countries. she prepared to step onto the podium-and then um during the victory ceremony for the men’s 100m athletics event during the 17th Asian quarter-final yesterday thanks to a late penal- Korean player Park Jong-woo inflamed a being reinstated on appeal. Games. —AFP ty from captain Jang Hyun-Soo that triggered diplomatic row over a territorial dispute by The Kenya-born 17-year-old, who switched to wild celebrations. The Koreans, looking to end waving a political flag after their 2-0 win in Bahraini nationality last year, said she had high- es to Lin including the 2010 Asiad final. “They will become better players for this a 28-year title drought, play Thailand in the the 2012 Olympic bronze medal game. level support from her new country’s king dur- “He looked really confident in the third set experience,” head coach Gong Luming said of his last four after finally breaking down Japan’s Yesterday’s contest was free from contro- ing the bizarre turn of events. and I could not follow him any more,” said the players. Captain Jang Hyun-Soo struck a late stubborn resistance in front of 43,000 raucous versy, however, despite some full-blooded Jebet was first disqualified for stepping off Malaysian world number one. “I have done my penalty as hosts South Korea overcame fierce fans in Incheon, many wearing flashing “Red tackles from both sides. Kim Young-uk missed the track, a decision which was announced to best and I accept defeat. Now I’ll go back (home) rivals Japan 1-0 to reach the men’s football semi- Devils” horns. a point-blank header and Lee Yong-Jae had a the crowd during her victory ceremony as she and have a rest before the next tournament.” finals in front of 43,000 raucous fans. Jang calmly tucked away a spot kick in the shot cleared off the line in the first half, before was standing behind the podium. But China did not have it all their own way And South Korea also celebrated the men’s 88th minute after substitute Lee Jong-Ho had Lee Jong-Ho also had an effort blocked on But after late-night protests and wrangling by and the seven-time winners were sent crashing baseball title as they beat Taiwan 6-3. With six been clattered from behind and left with the line as South Korea piled on the pressure Bahraini officials, she was awarded the win after out of the men’s basketball, ending a run of nine days to go, the hosts are second on the medals blood pouring from his nose. after the break. all and finally received her medal in a delayed consecutive finals. table with 42 golds, 63 behind China. —AFP As the stadium erupted with unbridled Japan coach Makoto Teguramori failed to ceremony on Sunday. joy, match-winner Jang sprinted to the bench mask his frustration after a rash challenge “After the problem I had yesterday with the Medals Table where he was mobbed by team-mates. from skipper Ryota Oshima two minutes from line I was so worried,” she said. “But my king promised me that we would get back my medal.” “A few of the players were feeling the pres- time gave the referee a simple decision.“It’s INCHEON: Asian Games medal standing after yesterday’s competition (gold, silver, bronze, total): sure tonight,” South Korea coach Lee Kwang- hard to swallow,” said Teguramori. “The TARGET 199 China 105 63 48 216 Vietnam 1 7 20 28 Jong told reporters, a long sigh of relief as he Koreans showed real power but they had put China romped past 100 golds to 105 as they South Korea 42 48 47 136 Uzbekistan 1 4 9 14 entered his news conference speaking vol- so much into it that I felt if we could hold out raised the prospect of breaking their record of Japan 34 46 46 125 Singapore 1 4 7 12 umes. until extra time, they might start to tire. It’s a 199 wins achieved four years ago on home soil Kuwait 1 3 2 6 “We need to show more composure in waste to give away a penalty like that,” he Kazakhstan 9 11 20 40 in Guangzhou. Saudi Arabia 1 1 0 2 front of goal. The players must stay calm. added, shaking his head. North Korea 8 8 9 25 China clinched five athletics titles, including Tajikistan 1 1 0 2 Games are coming thick and fast and we’re Japan were testing a young side in prepa- Iran 7 8 6 21 the men’s and women’s 20km race walk, Pakistan 1 0 1 2 picking up a few injuries, but we can’t use ration for the 2016 Rio Olympic qualifiers and Taiwan 7 5 11 23 women’s 100m, women’s hammer and men’s UAE 1 0 1 2 that as an excuse.” the gulf in class showed against a South Qatar 5 0 1 6 pole vault. Macau 0 3 0 3 South Korea’s players will be excused two Korea squad featuring three wildcard selec- India 4 5 26 35 They also tasted success in archery and Kyrgyzstan 0 2 2 4 years of mandatory military service if they tions who were part of the country’s World Hong Kong 4 5 20 29 wrestling, while Wang Yihan beat team-mate Philippines 0 2 2 4 win the tournament, which is played under Cup set-up this year. and rival Li Xuerui to women’s badminton gold. Mongolia 4 4 10 18 Turkmenistan 0 1 2 3 the same under-23 format as the Olympics. Korean coach Lee decided not to risk In the men’s badminton, all eyes were on Lin Thailand 4 2 13 19 Laos 0 1 1 2 Thailand beat Jordan 2-0 earlier to set up a beanpole striker Kim Shin-Wook, who is still Dan against Lee Chong Wei and Chinese great Malaysia 3 8 8 19 Bangladesh 0 1 0 1 meeting with South Korea, who threw every- recovering from a calf injury, but he could Lin did not disappoint in a 22-20, 12-21, 21-9 Indonesia 2 3 7 12 Lebanon 0 1 0 1 thing but the kitchen sink at defending cham- return for tomorrow’s semi-final against the defeat of his closest challenger. Bahrain 2 2 1 5 Iraq 0 0 1 1 pions Japan but lacked end product. Thais. North Korea take on Iraq in the other For Lee, it was an all too predictable end to Myanmar 2 1 0 3 Sri Lanka 0 0 1 1 Matches between South Korea and Japan semi-final.—AFP his last Asian Games and added to his list of loss- MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 SPORTS Frankfurt pile on misery for Hamburg

BERLIN: Lucas Piazon’s spectacular 90th- minute free-kick gave Eintracht Frankfurt a 2-1 victory at Hamburg yesterday as the former European champions remain rooted to the foot of the Bundesliga. Haris Seferovic gave Frankfurt the lead in the 44th minute, striking home Timothy Chandler’s pass. Hamburg final- ly found the back of the net for the first time this season in the 58th minute as Lewis Holtby crossed to Nicolai Mueller, who got his shot through the legs of Frankfurt keeper Felix Wiedwald. Hamburg’s first goal came 508 minutes into the season, comfortably snapping VfL Bochum’s previous Bundesliga record of 475 minutes without a goal to start the 1979-89 season. Hamburg looked like they would grab a point but 20-year-old Piazon unleashed a per- SPAIN: Valencia’s Gaya (right) vies with Real Sociedad’s midfielder Markel Bergara fectly-placed free kick into the upper right cor- (left) during the Spanish League football match. —AFP ner to secure the victory. “He can do that,” said Frankfurt coach Thomas Schaaf. Frankfurt jumped to seventh Valencia in second spot place on nine points, five off leaders Bayern Munich, while Hamburg, who were European after draw with Sociedad champions way back in 1983, have just with two points from six games. Augsburg are MADRID: Valencia moved back into second The home side weren’t discouraged, eighth with nine points following a 1-0 home place in as they extended their though, and their dominance was eventu- win over Hertha Berlin earlier yesterday. unbeaten start to the season with a 1-1 ally rewarded with an equaliser nine min- Augsburg captain Paul Verhaegh hammered draw away at Real Sociedad yesterday. utes before half-time. home a penalty in the 27th-minute after Carles Gil’s early volley had Los Che on Inigo Martinez thought his header had Hertha keeper Thomas Kraft had brought target to join Barcelona at the top of the crossed the line when Jose Gaya cleared down Raul Bobadilla in the box. table, but la Real were deservedly level from underneath his own crossbar, but the “The victory was enormously important before half-time when Sergio Canales’s hosts weren’t to be denied seconds later as because we have two away matches coming cross found the far corner. former Valencia playmaker Canales’s cross up,” said Augsburg coach Markus Weinzierl. Still without star summer signing Alvaro avoided everyone on its way into the far “We knew that Hertha would defend and Negredo due to a foot injury, Valencia corner. not give us a lot of chances, so it was impor- lacked the firepower to find a way through La Real continued to enjoy the majority tant that we got the win.” Reigning champions after the break. However, a point was still of possession after half-time, but were Bayern Munich remained top on Saturday with enough to edge them ahead of Atletico thankful to goalkeeper Enaut Zubikarai for a 2-0 win at FC Cologne. Bayern kept a clean Madrid on goal difference ahead of their keeping them level two minutes from time sheet for their fourth straight Bundesliga meeting with the champions at the as he flew to his right to make a fine save match to move to 14 points, two points clear of Mestalla next weekend. Valencia had won from Nicolas Otamendi. Borussia Moenchengladbach. four consecutive games since an opening The home side still went close to win- Pep Guardiola’s Munich opened the scoring day draw at Sevilla to move top of the table ning the game twice in stoppage time as on 19 minutes as Mario Goetze struck his third before Barcelona’s 6-0 thrashing of Granada Shkodran Mustafi headed Canales’s goal- goal in the last two matches. Lucas Piazon celebrates in this file photo. on Saturday. bound effort over his own bar before The visitors doubled the lead midway However, the visitors were reliant on Esteban Granero nodded the resultant cor- secure VfL Wolfsburg a 2-1 victory at home Hanover 96 went down 1-0 at struggling VfB through the second half as Daniel Halfar put goalkeeper Diego Alves early on as the ner inches wide. against Werder Bremen. After Ricardo Stuttgart, Daniel Schwaab scoring his team’s through his own net. Gladbach won 2-1 at Brazilian produced two stunning saves to Earlier, Deportivo la Coruna failed to Rodriguez pushed Wolfsburg ahead in the 15th first goal at home this season in the 69th Paderborn thanks to early goals from Patrick deny Carlos Vela and Imanol Agirretxe. move out of the relegation zone as they minute, Marnon Busch equalised for Bremen minute, while Mainz and Hoffenheim played Herrmann and Raffael, with Jens Wimmer get- Yet, it was Valencia who went in front were beaten at home 1-0 by Almeria thanks after 37 minutes. out a scoreless draw on Friday.—AFP ting one back for the promoted club, who had against the run of play with a fine team to Edgar Mendez’s stoppage time strike. been top before losing at Bayern in midweek. goal on 15 minutes as Paco Alcacer headed However, Getafe did move out of the bot- Gladbach’s win took them above Leverkusen, Rodrigo’s cross back into the heart of the tom three as they were also 1-0 victors over German League results/standings who had to play more than an hour with 10 area for Gil to volley home. Malaga.—AFP men but held on for a 0-0 draw away at SC Freiburg. FC Augsburg 1 (Verhaegh 27-pen) Hertha Berlin 0; Hamburg 1 (Mueller 58) Eintracht Frankfurt 2 (Seferovic 44, Piazon 90). Spanish league results/standings Leverkusen defender Emir Spahic was sent off in the first half, although Freiburg also fin- Played Saturday ished the game a man down after Pavel Krmas Schalke 04 2 (Matip 10, Choupo-Moting 23), Borussia Dortmund 1 (Aubameyang 26); SC Freiburg 0, Bayer Getafe 1 (Herrero 25) Malaga 0; Deportivo la Coruna 0, Almeria 1 (Mendez 90+2); was dismissed. Leverkusen 0; VfB Stuttgart 1 (Schwaab 69) Hanover 96 0; FC Cologne 0, Bayern Munich 2 (Goetze 19, Halfar 66-og); Real Sociedad 1 (Canales 36) Valencia 1 (Gil 15). The visitors might have won it but Karim SC Paderborn 1 (Wemmer 70), Borussia Moenchengladbach 2 (Herrmann 8, Raffael 14); VfL Wolfsburg 2 (Rodriguez 15, Olic 57), Werder Bremen 1 (Busch 37). Played Saturday Bellarabi and Son Heung-Min both hit the Villarreal 0, Real Madrid 2 (Modric 32, Ronaldo 40); Barcelona 6 (Neymar 26, 45, 65, Rakitic 42, Messi 61, crossbar in the final 17 minutes. In 81) Granada 0; Atletico Madrid 4 (Koke 19, Saul 42, Raul Garcia 83-pen, Raul Jimenez 89) Sevilla 0; Gelsenkirchen, Schalke 04 picked up their sec- Played Friday Athletic Bilbao 0, Eibar 0; Levante 0, Rayo Vallecano 2 (Baptistao 12, 32). ond straight victory with a 2-1 win at home Mainz 05 0, Hoffenheim 0. over bitter rivals Borussia Dortmund. Played Friday German Bundesliga table after yesterday’s matches (played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points): Elche 0, Celta Vigo 1 (Nolito 90). Dortmund’s recent defensive struggles con- tinued as goals from Joel Matip and Eric Maxim Bayern Munich 6 4 2 0 11 2 14 Schalke 04 6 2 2 2 10 10 8 Spanish league table before yesterday’s late match (played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, Choupo-Moting left them trailing 2-0 by the M’gladbach 6 3 3 0 8 3 12 SC Paderborn 6 2 2 2 8 8 8 points): midway point in the first half. Bayer Leverkusen 6 3 2 1 11 9 11 Dortmund 6 2 1 3 9 11 7 Jurgen Klopp’s side did reduce the deficit Hoffenheim 6 2 4 0 9 5 10 FC Cologne 6 1 3 2 2 3 6 Barcelona 6 5 1 0 17 0 16 Granada 6 2 2 2 4 9 8 Mainz 05 6 2 4 0 9 5 10 Hertha Berlin 6 1 2 3 8 12 5 Valencia 6 4 2 0 14 3 14 Malaga 6 1 3 2 3 6 6 shortly afterwards courtesy of a Pierre-Emerick Hanover 6 3 1 2 5 4 10 VfB Stuttgart 6 1 2 3 4 9 5 Atletico Madrid 6 4 2 0 11 4 14 Getafe 6 2 0 4 3 10 6 Aubameyang strike but they could not find an Eintracht Frankfurt 6 2 3 1 9 8 9 SC Freiburg 6 0 4 2 6 9 4 Sevilla 6 4 1 1 9 7 13 Real Sociedad 6 1 2 3 8 9 5 equaliser and have collected only seven points FC Augsburg 6 3 0 3 8 8 9 Werder Bremen 6 0 3 3 9 15 3 Real Madrid 6 4 0 2 20 9 12 Espanyol 5 1 2 2 7 8 5 from six games this season, one fewer than VfL Wolfsburg 6 2 2 2 10 8 8 Hamburg 6 0 2 4 1 8 2 Celta Vigo 6 3 3 0 11 7 12 Athletic Bilbao 6 1 1 4 4 6 4 Schalke. Villarreal 6 2 2 2 7 6 8 Deportivo 6 1 1 4 7 15 4 Eibar 6 2 2 2 5 4 8 Elche 6 1 1 4 5 14 4 Ivica Olic scored in the 57th minute to Rayo Vallecano 6 2 2 2 10 10 8 Levante 6 1 1 4 1 12 4 Almeria 6 2 2 2 5 5 8 Cordoba 5 0 2 3 3 10 2 Mourinho concerned over Costa fitness

LONDON: Jose Mourinho admits Diego Costa runs the risk of breaking down if the injury- Bordeaux keep pressure plagued Chelsea striker is pushed too hard. Costa took his season’s tally to eight goals as on Marseille Chelsea remained top of the with a 3-0 win over Aston Villa at Stamford PARIS: Bordeaux went provisionally back their temporary home in Amiens. On Bridge on Saturday. to the top of the Ligue 1 table yesterday, Saturday, Paris Saint-Germain were held But the fitness of former Atletico Madrid star striking late to beat Rennes 2-1 and to a 1-1 draw at Toulouse, their fourth Costa, who has been struggling with a ham- leapfrog leaders Marseille. draw in their last five matches meaning string problem for several weeks, remains a con- Willy Sagnol’s side have surprised that they will not go into Tuesday’s cern for Mourinho. many with their excellent start to the Champions League showdown with The Chelsea manager believes Costa needs a campaign, although it looked like they Barcelona in the best shape. rest to protect his hamstring and revealed how would have to settle for a point when France’s other Champions League he is not taking full part in training as he nurses Wahbi Khazri’s opener for the hosts was group stage representative Monaco suf- him through the season. cancelled out by a Habib Habibou fered a fourth loss in just eight league In the circumstances, Mourinho insists his equaliser with just 10 minutes remaining. games this season, falling 1-0 at home to Spain forward can only play one game a week, but he could yet utilise him for Tuesday’s However, youngster Thomas Toure, Nice in the Cote d’Azur derby, while there Champions League game at Sporting Lisbon-a who until three days ago had not started were wins for Lille, Metz, Montpellier and fixture Chelsea can ill-afford to lose after draw- a Ligue 1 game, scored his first goal at Evian.—AFP ing their group opener against Schalke. the highest level in style in the third “Diego’s doing almost nothing. He’s just rest- minute of added time to give Bordeaux ing and recovering from the tight muscle he has the points. every time he accumulates fatigue,” Mourinho The six-time champions move a point said. clear of Marseille, although Marcelo “I think if he doesn’t go to the national team, Bielsa’s side will have the chance to and stays here for 15 days of treatment, recover- regain first place when they host Saint- ing, and making muscle and the other areas Etienne later yesterday. around muscle stronger. I think he has perfect “The players never gave up. They were chance to be top for Chelsea and the national cooked at the end, but they kept looking team. for the winner into the final minutes,” “If he doesn’t have this period, he will be said a delighted Sagnol. “They can be always play one game and the other game he is proud but they also know that there is in trouble. The muscle is in danger of rupturing.” work to be done in terms of the perform- Even on one leg, Costa proved too strong for ance.” Villa. Chelsea led via Oscar’s early goal but Villa Elsewhere, Lyon made it four games handed the hosts numerous scares before sec- unbeaten but threw away the lead in a 1- ond-half goals from Costa and Willian sealed the Chelsea’s Spanish forward Diego Costa win. 1 draw away to Nantes at the Stade de la , which give us a guarantee that been kind on boss Paul Lambert and it won’t get Beaujoire. Good feeling next weekend we will still be top of the league. any easier with a game against Manchester City, Burkina Faso defender Bakary Kone Mourinho insists being top of the table This is very, very important. the Premier League champions, next up. headed in Alexandre Lacazette’s free-kick counts for nothing at this stage. But leading “It’s not crucial because it’s too early. But it’s a However, the imminent return to fitness of to put OL ahead six minutes into the sec- from the front is a position that sat comfortably little bit of space. And it gives you a good feeling Belgium striker Christian Benteke after a six- ond half, but he then shoved Georges- with him during his first trophy-gathering spell that you are top of the league. month absence with an Achilles injury will pro- Kevin Nkoudou to the ground inside the in charge at Stamford Bridge. “Not to lose many “I think everybody knows that everybody is vide a welcome boost. “We are playing without a box, allowing Jordan Veretout to level points at home during the season always going to lose points. Nobody is convinced recognised striker at the moment. That does not from the penalty spot in the 72nd becomes important factor,” Mourinho added. Chelsea is going to keep this run for 10 or 15 make it easy,” Lambert said. minute. FRANCE: Bordeaux’s Nicolas Andre “We are playing well, scoring goals and we matches, getting positive results. “We are also in a run of games that is really Yesterday’s other game saw Lens draw Biyogo Poko (right) vies with Renne’s are happy. But we go match after match. The “We know this Premier League. Everyone tough. You are playing against top sides. You 0-0 with fellow promoted club Caen at player Ola Toivonen during the French next one for us in the Premier League is Arsenal. knows it’s possible for top teams to lose points.” know it’s tough and we are up against L1 footbal match. —AFP “We have a lead of three points over Aston Villa’s early-season fixture list has not Manchester City next.” —AFP Kenyan Kimetto Nishikori smashes marathon triumphs in record16 in Berlin 17Malaysian Open MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014

Qatar’s dope-ban Ogunode smashes Asia’s 100m record Page 18

ITALY: ’s forward Pablo Osvaldo kicks and scores during the Italian football match against Cagliari at San Siro Stadium in Milan. — AFP Ekdal hat-trick stuns 10-man Inter

MILAN: Swede Albin Ekdal hit a first-half hat- responsibility for.” to parry Cossu’s spot-kick, Ekdal grabbed his trick as Cagliari stunned ten-man Inter Milan 4- Zeman, a cult figure in Italian football fol- third on the stroke of half-time when he Italian Serie A results/standings 1 at the San Siro yesterday while city rivals AC lowing memorable coaching spells at Lazio, pounced on a loose ball as Inter failed to clear Sassuolo 0, Napoli 1 (Callejon 28); Cesena 1 (Succi 10) AC Milan 1 (Rami 19); Chievo 1 (Meggiorini Milan had to settle for a point at promoted Roma (twice) and Napoli, told the club’s inter- a corner. 50) Empoli 1 (Pucciarelli 59); Inter Milan 1 (Osvaldo 18) Cagliari 4 (Sau 10, Ekdal 29, 34, 44); Torino 1 Cesena. net site “Inter are right- He became the first Swede since Zlatan (Quagliarella 62) Fiorentina 1 (Babacar 78). Unbeaten champions Juventus sit top of ly regarded as one of the league’s top three Ibrahimovic to achieve the feat in Serie A. the Italian top flight on 15 points, the same as protagonists, so we came here to play football. “Obviously I’m delighted, I dedicate the goals Saturday second-placed Roma, following their respec- “I’ve always said this squad has special qual- to my girlfriend and friends who were all in the Roma 2 (Florenzi 75, Destro 86) Hellas Verona 0; Atalanta 0, Juventus 3 (Tevez 35, 59, Morata 83). tive wins over Atalanta and Verona on ities,” added Zeman, who has tinkered with the stadium,” said Ekdal. Italian Serie A table after yesterday’s afternoon games (played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals Saturday. Sardinian side since taking over. “Players like “I was in the right place at the right time. against, points): Udinese are six points adrift before hosting (Victor) Ibarbo and (Andrea) Cossu were used These are three important points, but we have Juventus 5 5 0 0 10 0 15 Torino 5122355 Parma on today, with Inter stuck in fifth place, to defending, but I want them to attack.” to keep on working hard if we’re to move up Roma 55009115 Cesena 5 1 22495 seven points behind the leaders after suffering Marco Sau broke the deadlock after 10 min- the table.” Udinese 4 3 01429 Cagliari 5 1 13784 their first home reverse to Cagliari since 1995. utes after beating the offside trap although Milan coach shook up his Sampdoria 4 2 20528 Chievo 5 1 13574 Inter had scored 10 goals and gone unbeat- Inter were back on level terms when Pablo formation for the trip to Cesena, with Inter Milan 5 2 2 1 11 5 8 Atalanta 5 1 13274 en in their first four games but within half an Osvaldo tapped into a virtually empty net Fernando Torres preferred as the lone striker in AC Milan 5 2 2 1 11 9 8 Palermo 4 0 31673 hour coach was on his knees amid Cagliari protests following Hernanes’ a 4-2-3-1 designed to get the Rossoneri back Verona 5221558 Lazio 4 1 03453 Napoli 5 2 12667 Parma 41038103 in despair against a team which had started cheeky free kick. But Inter’s hopes were dent- on the winning trail after last week’s draw Fiorentina 5 1 31236 Empoli 5 0 32583 the day rooted to the foot of the table with ed inside the half hour when Nagatomo was away to promoted Empoli. Genoa 4 1 21445 Sassuolo 5 0 32193 just one point. cautioned for a second time following a need- But despite showing glimpses of promise, While some pundits hailed a tactical master- less foul on Cossu. the visitors-reduced to 10 men on 73 minutes Marilungo shot and Davide Succi we don’t concede goals like that in stroke by wily Cagliari handler Zdenek Zeman, Cagliari immediately capitalised. Although when Cristian Zapata saw red-failed to spark. pounced to tap home from close range. future,” Rami told Sky Sport Italia. Torres Mazzarri promptly offered a mea culpa. Samir Handanovic did well to parry a Daniele “I don’t know if the players were distracted,” Milan pulled level nine minutes later was replaced by Giampaolo Pazzini on 70 “Today was a black day for us,” Mazzarri told Dessena drive, Ekdal picked up the rebound to said Inzaghi. “We had command of the game when Adil Rami rose to head past well minutes and Zapata was givenk his Sky Sport Italia. “A few players like (Rodrigo) sweep home from the edge of the penalty and created a lot of chances that we should beaten ‘keeper Nicola Leali, but the marching orders three minutes later for a Palacio and (Pablo) Osvaldo are still not at box. Ekdal grabbed his second on 28 minutes have put away.” French defender admitted Milan were foul on Gregoire Defrel. Late yesterday their best. “But we lacked Cagliari’s spark and when he swept Victor Ibarbo’s cutback past Cesena grabbed an early opener when lacking in defence. Genoa host Sampdoria in the Genoa der- enterprise and this is something I take full Handanovic and although the ‘keeper did well Christian Abbiati spilled a simple Guido “We have to work harder to make sure by. — AFP Berahino sinks Burnley EPL results/standings Ahly storm West Brom 4 (Dawson 30, Berahino 45+1, 56, Dorrans 90) difference, while West Brom moved up to 10th Burnley 0. place, level on points with seventh-place into final West Brom 4 Manchester United. Played Saturday: JOHANNESBURG: Al-Ahly became the first “We never got started and never got to Arsenal 1 (Oxlade-Chamberlain 74) Tottenham 1 (Chadli 56); Chelsea 3 (Oscar 7, Costa 59, Willian 79) Aston Villa 0; Crystal CAF Confederation Cup finalists from Egypt grips,” Burnley manager Sean Dyche told Sky after defeating Cameroonians Coton Sport 2-1 Sports. “It’s important we grow and learn from Palace 2 (Campbell 51, Jedinak 54) Leicester 0; Hull 2 (Mangala 21-og, Hernandez 32-pen) Manchester City 4 (Aguero 7, Dzeko in yesterday. Burnley 0 it.” After bossing the early exchanges at The 11, 68, Lampard 87); Liverpool 1 (Gerrard 65) Everton 1 (Jagielka The come-from-behind victory at the Cairo Hawthorns, the hosts went ahead in the 30th 90); Manchester United 2 (Rooney 5, Van Persie 22) West Ham 1 Stadium, coupled with a 1-0 first-leg win last minute when Dawson met Chris Brunt’s right- (Sakho 37); Southampton 2 (Bertrand 54, Pelle 68) QPR 1 (Austin weekend, took the ‘Red Devils’ through 3-1 on wing corner with a downward header at the 66); Sunderland 0, Swansea 0. aggregate. WEST BROMWICH: Burundi-born striker Saido back post to claim his first West Brom goal. They will face Sewe Sport twice more in the Berahino’s double inspired West Bromwich Having drawn their three previous games 0- English Premier League table after yesterday’s match (played, won, decider having won and drawn against the Albion to a 4-0 victory that sent promoted 0, it was the first goal Burnley had conceded in drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points): Ivorians in the group phase of the second-tier Burnley to the foot of the Premier League table four matches. Burnley goalkeeper Tom Heaton Chelsea 6 5 1 0 19 7 16 African club competition. yesterday. then had to tip over a 25-yard shot by the influ- Southampton 6 4 1 1 11 4 13 Coton, who have never beaten Ahly in six After Craig Dawson had broken the dead- ential Dorrans, before West Brom made it 2-0 in Man City 6 3 2 1 12 7 11 meetings, stung the home side by taking an lock, England Under-21 international Berahino first-half stoppage time. Arsenal 6 2 4 0 11 7 10 early lead through Joseph Kombous. But scored either side of half-time and Graham The goal also stemmed from a corner, with Swansea 6 3 1 2 8 6 10 Burkinabe Moussa Yedan equalised before Dorrans claimed a late goal as West Brom James Morrison’s delivery from the left flicked Aston Villa 6 3 1 2 4 7 10 half-time and Amr Gamal got the match-win- on at the near post by Dorrans for Berahino to recorded their first home win of the season. Man Utd 6 2 2 2 11 9 8 ner and tie-clincher 12 minutes from time. nod in from barely a yard at the far post. Following last weekend’s 1-0 victory at Tottenham 6 2 2 2 8 7 8 Ahly, who boast a record 18 CAF titles, are Tottenham Hotspur and the mid-week success Dyche introduced Ashley Barnes and on- competing in the Confederation Cup having Crystal Palace 6 2 2 2 10 10 8 against Hull City in the League Cup, new West loan Chelsea midfielder Nathaniel Chalobah at been demoted after losing a Champions Brom manager Alan Irvine has led his side to half-time, but within 11 minutes the game was West Brom 6 2 2 2 7 7 8 League final-round qualifier. three consecutive victories. over as West Brom scored again. Leicester 6 2 2 2 9 10 8 Sewe drew 0-0 with 2012 Confederation “We were terrific,” said Irvine, whose side Dorrans was again the creator with a West Ham 6 2 1 3 10 10 7 Cup winners AC Leopards in Congo Brazzaville play Liverpool and Manchester United in their through ball for Berahinho, who angled a low Liverpool 6 2 1 3 8 9 7 on Saturday to squeeze through 1-0 on aggre- next two matches. “I believe we have got a great shot across Heaton and into the bottom-left Everton 6 1 3 2 12 14 6 gate. group of lads, but I also know how hard it is corner. Hull 6 1 3 2 9 11 6 EGYPT: Cameroon’s Coton Sport club for- ASEC Mimosas were the last Ivorian club to going to be to win games in this league. We will West Brom goalkeeper pro- Sunderland 6 0 5 1 5 6 5 ward Jean-Joseph Kombous (left) fights for reach a CAF final, defeating Zimbabweans not get carried away.” duced an alert save to repel a header by Stoke 5 1 2 2 4 5 5 the ball with Al-Ahly defender Saad Samir Dynamos to win the 1998 Champions League. Burnley are still without a win since return- Lukas Jutkiewicz, but Dorrans had the final QPR 6 1 1 4 4 13 4 (right) and midfielder Ahmed Khairy (back) Fixture congestion means the first leg of the ing to the top flight and have not scored since say, sweeping a low shot past Heaton from Newcastle 5 0 3 2 5 11 3 during the second leg of their CAF final in Abidjan will be staged only at the end the season’s opening day. They now sit bottom substitute Cristian Gamboa’s right-wing cut- Burnley 6 0 3 3 1 8 3 Confederation Cup semi-final football of November with the return match one week of the table, below Newcastle United on goal back. — AFP match. —AFP later in Cairo. — AFP Kuwait FY2014/15 budget surplus rises to KD12.9bn Page 22

Creeping angst in Germany as Business economists fear best is over Page 24 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 KBT wins ‘GCC Best Employer Total tempted by ambitious TAPI Asian pipeline project Brand Awards 2014’ Page 25 Page 26

BANGALORE: US founder and CEO of Jeff Bezos poses on a lorry after handing over a two billion dollar cheque to Indian Vice President and Country Manager of Amit Agarwal (unseen) in Bangalore yesterday. The investment will go towards raising the bar for online shopping in India. — AFP Air France pilots end record strike Protest lifted to allow discussions ‘in a calmer climate’

PARIS: Air France’s main pilots’ union sidiary Transavia, which is an asset”. 160,000 euros a year but clocks up sig- yesterday ended the longest strike in Valls said the 14-day strike was “mis- nificantly more flights than one flying the carrier’s history to allow “calmer” understood and penalized passengers, for Air France. Co-pilots on both air- talks to go ahead over the contentious the company and the country’s econo- lines earn roughly the same amount at Profit-taking ahead of issue of the airline’s low-cost subsidiary my”. the beginning of their careers, accord- Transavia. A spokesman for the SNPL The protest saw half of Air France’s ing to sources. The French state holds a Eid break hits stocks union, Guillaume Schmid, said the fleet grounded, and cost the airline 16 percent stake in Air France-KLM, the pilots were ending the protest-which between 15 million and 20 million second-largest European carrier after has cost Air France more than 200 mil- euros a day. Thousands of passengers Germany’s Lufthansa. MIDEAST STOCK MARKETS lion euros ($250 million) over the past had travel plans disrupted. Air France’s share price plunged two weeks-so that the negotiations nearly 15 percent since the stoppage DUBAI: Most major stock markets in the Middle East fell yesterday as over Transavia can proceed. Air France Talks deadlocked began and the protest fuelled wide investors resumed profit-taking ahead of the Eid al-Adha holidays, sees Transavia’s development as vital in On Friday, Valls ruled out a proposal concern in France. The strike was “cata- against a backdrop of large share flotations and falling oil prices. Dubai’s the struggle to retain market share in by the pilots to lift the strike if an inde- strophic for the French aviation sector,” bourse led the decline, sliding 1.3 percent with most stocks in the red. the cutthroat medium-haul sector, pendent mediator was named to run a joint statement from key industry Leading real estate developer Emaar Properties fell 0.4 percent after ris- which is steadily being overrun by no- the thorny negotiations. Talks over the unions, including those representing ing as much as 2.6 percent earlier in the session. frills airlines such as easyJet and issue have been deadlocked. The latest travel operators, had warned. The firm’s subsidiary, Emaar Malls Group (EMG) IPO closed subscrip- Ryanair. round, which ended early yesterday, “In a more-than-morose economic tions for its initial public offer last Friday and is due to announce the But Air France pilots, who earn up to “did not suit us,” Schmid said. But he context, it is compromising a future PARIS: Air France general director final offer price today. Sources familiar with the matter told Reuters last 250,000 euros a year, fear some of their said the decision had been taken to lift that is already seriously under threat,” Frederic Gagey gives a press confer- week that the offer’s institutional tranche had been subscribed 7.5 times flights will be replaced with services the protest to allow discussions “in a read the statement. Air France wel- ence yesterday in Paris.—AFP at the top end of the 2.50-2.90 dirham price range, while the retail operated by Transavia, or their con- calmer climate”. comed the end of the strike but tranche was subscribed 20 times. tracts will be squeezed by the expan- The pilots are fighting for a “single deplored the fact that it “has been Air France has already implemented That means the IPO, which is expected to raise $1.58 billion, attract- sion of the subsidiary. contract” across Air France-KLM and its costly and harmful”. “The company an ambitious restructuring plan to ed as much as $17.8 billion in total, or a fifth of the market capitalization Immediately after the pilots’ union subsidiaries to avoid being forced to deplores that despite long negotia- reduce costs and improve efficiency. of Dubai’s main index. The prospectus does not set an exact date for the announced the end of the strike, accept less attractive working condi- tions since the start... a fair and equi- While Air France management agreed refund of surplus IPO funds but says it must be done no later than Oct 1. French Prime Minister Manuel Valls tions at Transavia, which serves holiday table proposal to end the conflict pro- to scrap the development of Transavia The large, temporary outflow of funds is one of the reasons behind called on all sides to “regain the confi- destinations across Europe and the posed by the management was not abroad, it has vowed to maintain at the market’s weakness, said Shakeel Sarwar, head of asset management dence of everyone and resume the Mediterranean. signed,” by the unions, a statement least some part of its plans to enter the at Securities & Investment Co (SICO) in Bahrain. development of Air France and its sub- A Transavia captain earns up to said. low-cost market. —AFP Among other factors are strong year-to-date returns, which has left many stocks fully valued for now, as well as the upcoming Eid Al-Adha holiday and declining oil prices. The price of Brent crude has fallen 16 percent from its June peak and moved below $100 per barrel this Saudi authorities engaged in month for the first time in more than a year. Saudi Arabia, in particular, could swing to a state budget deficit next year and start running down its huge foreign reserves if it does not rein in the growth of government chain of construction projects spending, the International Monetary Fund said last week. Most economists expected the Saudi economy to continue growing JEDDAH: Saudi authorities are currently construction of Makkah and the sacred including three ring roads, radial roads, ing it as the largest transport venture in solidly, and the government could easily cope with a budget deficit by engaged in the execution of a series of shrines,” said Dr Osama Al-Bar, Makkah’s monorails, bus and rail stations, parking the Middle East. Southern sector of the drawing on past surpluses or borrowing from the market. Nevertheless, construction projects namely a network of Mayor and Chairman of the Authority for lots, prayer corners, shopping malls, network is forecast to finish in middle of the prospect seems to be dampening the mood of some investors. roads and highways linking up key cities Developing Makkah and the Mashaer, in a hotels and furnished apartments. It is 2016. The year-end will witness conclu- “All of these factors collectively are causing investors to take profits,” and towns including the sacred shrines. statement. designed to facilitate pilgrims’ residency sion of building the four main stations. Its Sarwar said. Shares in retail and restaurant start-up Marka, which One of the key ventures under imple- This project envisages developing and movement to and from the sacred northern section linking Medina and King jumped 59 percent when it listed last Thursday, fell 2.5 percent yester- mentation is “King Abdullah project for existing roads and building new ones sites in Makkah. Dr Al-Bar indicated that Abdullah Economic City in Rabegh (north day. Abu Dhabi’s bourse fell 1.0 percent as most blue chips declined. the authority is currently examining of Jeddah) with Madina, is due to finish in National Bank of Abu DHabi fell 2.7 percent, Abu Dhabi Commercial potential contractors’ qualifications, indi- middle of 2015. Bank slid 1.9 percent and Aldar Properties dropped 3.0 percent. cating that the ventures envisions con- “Dar Al-Mashaer” project is under struction of railways, importing and man- examination, said Dr Al-Bar, explaining Saudi, Qatar ufacturing carriages, construction and that it is designed to link up the holy Saudi Arabia’s main index fell 0.8 percent in a sell-off that affected all maintenance of equipment. Up to 16 shrines with the main sacred mosque. The sectors. Like Dubai, the market is being affected by a large IPO as international conglomerates are bidding authority is also supervising execution of National Commercial Bank, the kingdom’s largest lender, prepares to for construction of two metro lines, both the “parallel King Abdul Aziz road,” due to float next month. The stock exchange will close for the whole week of a length of 46 kilometers, forecast to include a series of cultural, entertainment starting on Sunday, Oct. 5. Qatar’s benchmark edged down 0.3 percent include 22 stations. Most of the lines will and commercial sites. as trading volumes were low and focused on property developer Ezdan be under the ground, stretching 25 kilo- He mentioned other ventures in the Holding , which is not part of the index but will join it from Oct.1. The meters, with 12 stations, along with over planning and execution phase, such as stock added 0.8 percent. the ground 21-km-long causeways, with “Bawabet Makkah,” aimed at building Egypt’s bourse fell 1.0 percent as most stocks declined. Commercial 10 stations. government buildings and other facili- International Bank was the main drag, sliding 0.9 percent. Egypt’s stock Another major project currently being ties, in addition to preparations for market and banks will close for three days starting yesterday for the Eid carried out is “the two sacred shrines building “King Abdullah Park,” due to Al-Adha holiday and a national holiday, the bourse and central bank JEDDAH: An artist’s rendition of King Abdullah project under construction in train,” which links Makkah with Median occupy 86 million square meters of land, said.—Reuters the holy city of Makkah. — KUNA through Jeddah, said Dr. Al-Bar, describ- west of Makkah. — KUNA BUSINESS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 Kuwait FY2014/15 budget surplus rises to KD12.9bn


KUWAIT: The closing public finance figures for budgeted amount. The fall was largely due to an includes transfers to the defense sector, Public fiscal year 2013/14 revealed a bigger than 11.6 percent y/y decline in spending on goods Institution for Social Security (PIFSS) and for expected decline in government spending. The and services, as a result of lower fuel costs. Goods training. decrease was visible in both current and capital and services accounted for around 19 percent of On-budget capital expenditure continued to spending. Declines, however, particularly in cur- current spending. The amount spent on “miscel- decline, decreasing by 3.9 percent y/y to KD 1.7 rent spending, were primarily in categories which laneous & transfers”, which among other things is billion. The decline was mostly led by a 7.3 per- have little or no impact on the domestic econo- comprised military salaries, transfers to the social cent y/y fall in the projects, maintenance & land my. In fact, we estimate that demand-impacting security fund, fuel subsidies and transfers abroad, purchases segment (the bulk of the capital spending was up around 2.1 percent during the also witnessed a decline, decreasing by 1.3 per- expenditure component). Transport and equip- fiscal year (ie spending that creates demand as cent y/y. ment expenditure, the other smaller segment of opposed to transfer payments). Wages and salaries expenditure continued to capital spending, rose by 32 percent y/y. This 15th consecutive budget surplus for grow, but at a more moderate pace of 4.3 percent The decrease in the projects segment may Kuwait came with revenues at 176 percent of y/y. This is its slowest rate in over a decade. partly be due to the slow progress seen on the budgeted while the state spent 90 percent of its Wages and salaries account for 28 percent of cur- government’s previous development plan (FY10/11-13/14). We expect to see some improvement within the coming years as the new five-year development plan for FY15/16- 19/20 gets underway. Still, spending for many of the planned and recently awarded projects will appear off-budget, as those would be public-pri- vate partnerships (PPPs) or oil-related infrastruc- ture (on the books of the autonomous oil state companies). Government revenues declined by about 0.6 percent y/y to KD 31.8 billion following a very strong year. This was a result of lower oil rev- enues, which declined by 2.3 percent to KD 29.3 billion, which was in turn due to a lower average oil price during the year. Kuwait’s crude price averaged $103 per barrel, down 3.0 percent from the prior year. By contrast, oil production remained largely unchanged at an average of 2.9 million barrels per day. Non-oil revenues continued to see healthy growth supported by a growing economy and a vibrant real estate sector. Non-oil revenues rose by 24 percent y/y to KD 2.5 billion. The rise in non-oil revenues was predominantly driven by a sharp rebound in income tax revenues and visa registration fees. Significant gains were also seen in property fees (transfer of title fees), amid increased activity in the housing sector. Miscellaneous revenues and fees (which includes UNCC payments and non-cash revenues) also budget in 2013/14. Planned expenditure was to rent spending as a whole, and are deemed to jumped during the year. decline by 1.1 percent year-on-year (y/y) in have direct bearing on the macro economy as With spending down and revenues seeing FY13/14 (which ended in March 2014) according they help to support the consumer sector. A only a slight decline, the budget saw its surplus to the official budget, to KD 21.0 billion. However, broader measure of wage-related expenditure widen to KD 12.9 billion. This is equivalent to a actual expenditure fell by 2.1 percent y/y, to KD (which includes miscellaneous subsidies and robust 26 percent of 2013 GDP. The budget sur- 18.9 billion, driven by declines in both current transfers) and makes up nearly half of total plus is expected to shrink to a still strong 20 per- and capital spending. spending, came in little changed on the previous cent in FY14/15 amidst projected growth of 7.8 Current spending decreased by 1.9 percent fiscal year at -0.3 percent y/y. As well as including percent y/y in total expenditure, and a 4.6 per- y/y to KD 17.2 billion which was 87 percent of the the wages & salaries segment, this measure also cent y/y decline in revenues. Gold pursues Booming Irish property sector raises bubble fears DUBLIN: Ireland is mounting a spirited fightback from was valued at almost 1.4 billion euros by mid-year, 63 point to a lack of supply and years of pent-up demand, bearish trend economic collapse but as recovery takes hold, a hous- percent up on the same period last year. rather than a credit-fuelled bubble that defined the ing shortage has sparked talk of another dangerous When the bubble popped in 2008, house prices “Celtic Tiger” years a decade ago. Kieran McQuinn property bubble. Residential property prices in Dublin plummeted by 50 percent, unemployment soared from the Dublin-based Economic and Social Research KUWAIT: Gold price continued bearish trend from purchasing the yellow metal. As to fore- surged 24.7 percent in August compared with a year and the taxpayer eventually bailed-out the banking Institute (ESRI) believes prices, which fell 50 percent in for the third consecutive week reaching casts, some experts believe that the rate will earlier, according to official data. Nationally, prices rose sector to the tune of 64 billion euros ($82 billion). the five years from 2007, had dropped too much. “The $1,206 per ounce, affected with the dollar settle at $1,200 per ounce, others say it will by 14.9 percent in the year to August. On the verge of running out of money, Ireland market had over-corrected and property was proba- robust rate and bullish US stocks, according to reach $1,180 and only a countable number of The sharp jump in prices reminds many of the turned to the EU and IMF for emergency funding in bly somewhat undervalued. Positive signs in the econ- Rajab Hamed, Chief Executive Officer of analysts speculate the rate will fall to $1,115. decade to 2006 when cheap credit and reckless lend- 2010. The following year, just 18,000 residential trans- omy right now coupled with high demand is driving Sabaek Kuwait. However, most of the experts believe that ing fuelled a property bubble that saw Irish house actions took place. pricing up at present.” The surge in demand means The gold has shed lots of its gains, posted the gold price will go up to $1,250 before the over the past eight months, Hamed said yes- year-end. Silver price dropped 1.7 percent, prices rocket by about 300 percent. “The Irish property Now almost a year since exiting the bailout pro- property prices are now 41 percent lower across terday, indicating that along with the robust during the past week trades, reaching $17.35 bubble is back with house price increases in double- gram, with growth levels not seen since the mid- Ireland than their peak in September 2007. According status of the green-back, weak demand per ounce. Meanwhile, the exchange rate of digit gains,” VTB Capital economist Neil MacKinnon 2000s, more people in work and banks starting to to the latest survey by property website, the caused the gold price to fall. The weak the US dollar against the Kuwaiti dinar rose said. lend, house prices are surging again. “It was cheap average asking price for a residential property nation- demand is posted in India and China, “and to KD 0.288 yesterday while the euro money, greedy banks, excess leverage, a sharp wide is 187,000 euros, compared to 171,000 euros a this is not a normal occurrence for these mar- dropped to KD 0.365 compared to Thursday’s Buying frenzy increase in mortgage debt followed by an inevitable year ago and 380,000 euros at the peak of the market. kets have always posted high demand partic- rates. The Central Bank of Kuwait said in its Earlier this month, images of people queuing for bursting of the bubble that brought about the last One of those home-hunters is Karen Creed, who ularly when the rate reaches $1,200 per daily bulletin that the sterling dropped to KD days to secure a house in a new development in north financial crisis and in the process shattered the Irish moved back to Ireland to start a family after working ounce,” he added. 0.468, the Swiss france dropped to KD 0.302, Dublin triggered a media frenzy that a property bub- economy,” said MacKinnon. “We don’t seem to have as a journalist in Paris. Despite almost two years of try- Hamed indicated that investment funds while the Japanese yen was unchanged at ble was underway. Approximately 35,000 residences learnt any lessons from the crisis and appear con- ing to find a family home with her husband Peter and and central banks have largely abstained KD 0.003. — KUNA changed hands in the year to July 2014, nearly double demned to repeat the same mistakes.” their young baby, she has been unable to find an the figure for 2011. Meanwhile new mortgage lending However, other experts argue that the price rises affordable and suitable property. —AFP EXCHANGE RATES

Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. UAE Exchange Centre WLL Syrian Pound 2.800 Sierra Leone 0.000063 0.000069 Nepalese Rupees 3.950 Singapore Dollar 0.223163 0.229163 Malaysian Ringgit 89.405 South African Rand 0.019839 0.028339 ASIAN COUNTRIES COUNTRY SELL DRAFT SELL CASH Sri Lankan Rupee 0.001912 0.002492 Japanese Yen 2.648 Chinese Yuan Renminbi 47.530 Australian Dollar 231.65 228.65 Taiwan 0.009418 0.009598 Indian Rupees 4.739 Thai Bhat 9.910 Canadian Dollar 263.04 264.04 Turkish Lira 127.780 Thai Baht 0.008808 0.009156 Pakistani Rupees 2.801 Swiss Franc 308.18 306.18 Srilankan Rupees 2.208 Euro 369.44 370.44 Arab Nepali Rupees 2.968 US Dollar 289.10 292.10 Bahraini Dinar 0.759855 0.767855 Singapore Dollar 228.110 Sterling Pound 472.19 475.19 Bahrain Exchange Company Hongkong Dollar 37.169 Egyptian Pound 0.039007 0.042107 Japanese Yen 2.68 2.70 Bangladesh Taka 3.714 Iranian Riyal 0.000080 0.000081 Bangladesh Taka 3.725 3.995 CURRENCY BUY SELL Philippine Peso 6.488 Iraqi Dinar 0.000186 0.000246 Indian Rupee 4.724 5.024 Thai Baht 8.968 Europe Jordanian Dinar 0.403379 0.410879 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.213 2.648 Irani Riyal transfer 0.271 Belgian Franc 0.007516 0.008518 Kuwaiti Dinar 1.000000 1.000000 Irani Riyal cash 0.273 Nepali Rupee 2.952 3.487 British Pound 0.462354 0.471354 Lebanese Pound 0.000142 0.000242 Pakistani Rupee 2.809 2.790 Czech Korune 0.005290 0.017290 Moroccan Dirhams 0.023493 0.047493 GCC COUNTRIES UAE Dirhams 78.56 78.03 Danish Krone 0.045411 0.050411 Nigerian Naira 0.001163 0.001793 Saudi Riyal 76.857 Bahraini Dinar 767.32 769.39 Euro 0.360639 0.368639 Omani Riyal 0.744363 0.750043 Qatari Riyal 79.192 Egyptian Pound 40.32 40.92 Norwegian Krone 0.040625 0.045825 Qatar Riyal 0.078643 0.079856 Omani Riyal 748.700 Jordanian Dinar 410.30 415.95 Romanian Leu 0.083650 0.083650 Saudi Riyal 0.076403 0.077103 Bahraini Dinar 765.510 Omani Riyal 749.75 757.05 Slovakia 0.008380 0.018380 Syrian Pound 0.001711 0.001931 UAE Dirham 78.491 Qatari Riyal 79.61 80.16 Swedish Krona 0.036039 0.041039 Tunisian Dinar 0.158286 0.166286 Saudi Riyal 77.01 77.41 Swiss Franc 0.292858 0.307058 Turkish Lira 0.129702 0.136702 ARAB COUNTRIES Turkish Lira 0.129702 0.136702 UAE Dirhams 0.077675 0.078824 Egyptian Pound - Cash 41.400 Yemeni Riyal 0.001304 0.001384 Egyptian Pound - Transfer 40.208 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd Australasia Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.345 Australian Dollar 0.244694 0.256194 New Zealand Dollar 0.220698 0.230198 Tunisian Dinar 163.040 Rate for Transfer Selling Rate Jordanian Dinar 407.010 America Al Mulla Exchange US Dollar 288.650 Lebanese Lira/for 1000 1.934 Canadian Dollar 0.253522 0.262022 Canadian Dollar 261.770 Syrian Lira 2.054 US Dollars 0.284800 0.289500 Sterling Pound 459.820 Currency Transfer Rate (Per 1000) Morocco Dirham 33.894 US Dollars Mint 0.285300 0.289500 Euro 367.310 US Dollar 288.350 Swiss Frank 303.855 Euro 368.450 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES Asia Bahrain Dinar 768.295 US Dollar Transfer 288.100 Bangladesh Taka 0.003304 0.003904 Pound Sterlng 471.100 UAE Dirhams 78.565 Euro 371.940 Chinese Yuan 0.045553 0.049053 Canadian Dollar 260.850 Qatari Riyals 80.165 Sterling Pound 472.480 Hong Kong Dollar 0.035150 0.037900 Indian Rupee 4.715 Saudi Riyals 77.230 Canadian dollar 264.550 Indian Rupee 0.004398 0.004799 Egyptian Pound 40.305 Jordanian Dinar 407.705 Turkish lira 129.110 Indonesian Rupiah 0.000020 0.000026 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.208 Egyptian Pound 40.316 Swiss Franc 308.130 Japanese Yen 0.002557 0.002737 Bangladesh Taka 3.722 Sri Lankan Rupees 2.215 Australian Dollar 267.180 Kenyan Shilling 0.003324 0.003324 Philippines Peso 6.450 Indian Rupees 4.719 US Dollar Buying 286.900 Korean Won 0.000267 0.000282 Pakistan Rupee 2.805 Pakistani Rupees 2.812 Malaysian Ringgit 0.085503 0.091503 Bahraini Dinar 767.650 Bangladesh Taka 3.725 GOLD Nepalese Rupee 0.002952 0.003122 Philippines Pesso 6.444 UAE Dirham 78.550 20 Gram 232.505 Pakistan Rupee 0.002738 0.003018 Cyprus pound 708.985 Saudi Riyal 77.000 10 Gram 118.950 Philippine Peso 0.006400 0.006680 5 Gram 60.155 Japanese Yen 3.640 *Rates are subject to change

BUSINESS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 Creeping angst in Germany as economists fear best is over

BERLIN: Germany, which has long seen itself as that the bare facts paint an angst-inducing European countries. Fratzscher argues that bounced back from the debilitating 2009 puts Germany at 156th out of 166 coun- the star pupil among debt-mired European vision of the future in which some of the key Germany’s own flattering self-image when it financial crisis. tries, just behind Polynesian archipelago economies, is heading for a steep decline driv- sources of German national pride-discipline comes to management of its economy, a mod- Meanwhile Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Tonga, and in the same ranks as Italy, en by serious delusions about its own model, and thrift-become the tools of its undoing. el driven by deficit-trimming and trade surplus- left-right “grand coalition” has for next Portugal, Ukraine, Haiti and Greece, prominent experts are warning. This gloom- “The economy of this country is sputtering. es, is simply “dangerous”. year put forward the first balanced Gersemann notes. and-doom scenario for Europe’s top economic Its growth since 2000 is weaker than the Germany, he says, is “resting on its laurels” German budget since 1969. And despite a steep drop in the num- power is at the heart of a new book by Marcel European average. Salaries have risen more while the average household income has sunk ber of unemployed, many have gone back Fratzscher, head of the influential German slowly and poverty, on the rise, is impacting three percent since the turn of the millennium, Enormous lack of investment to work in part-time or temporary jobs Institute for Economic Research, which is com- one child in five.” and five percent for the poorest citizens. He All the trumpeted achievements, how- that offer far less financial security. ing out Monday and already inviting wide So opens the 277-page call to action. The acknowledges that the country has come a ever, cannot mask “the fundamental Gersemann questions the credit given to scrutiny. reader could be forgiven for thinking the sub- long way since it was known as the “sick man of weaknesses of the German economy”, former chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, a In “The Germany Illusion”, Fratzscher argues ject was any number of ailing southern Europe” a little over a decade ago, and notably its “enormous lack of investment”. Social Democrat, for labor market reforms Outlays for investment, still at 23 percent widely touted as restoring Germany’s rela- of gross national product in the early tive economic strength in Europe. 1990s, have now fallen to 17 percent- Gersemann argues that it was rather the markedly below the 20 percent average country’s renowned automobile industry- for industrialized countries. This has hob- with champions such as Volkswagen, bled growth in output as well as salaries. BMW and Daimler-and its robust machine “The downfall of the German economy tools sector that have been able to exploit will accelerate if we do not fundamentally the emergence of a large middle class in change the current policies,” Fratzscher countries such as China. warns. After watching a dreary march of negative indicators in recent months, the Demographic collapse business editor of Germany’s Die Welt and The final component of a German fall Welt am Sonntag newspapers, Olaf from grace will be the ticking time bomb Gersemann, also presents a bleak outlook that is its shrinking population, the in a book released earlier this month, “The experts argue. Fewer than 700,000 chil- Germany Bubble”. dren are born in Germany each year, half We are witnessing the “swan song of a the figure seen in the mid-1960s. great economic nation”, he warns, con- Germany in 2050 will slip from the top vinced that the country is taking advan- to become only the third most populous tage of a mix of “very favorable circum- country in Europe, after Britain and stances” that will “soon disappear”. France. “No later than the beginning of next ‘Pride comes before a fall’ decade, the number of retirees will start Gersemann, like Fratzscher, frets that to rise... and pensions will be paid by gen- Germany is on its way to becoming the erations that are smaller and smaller,” “sick man” again. “Germany is hailed as the Gersemann said. To turn the trend around, model for the world... but pride comes 400,000 to 500,000 immigrants would be before a fall,” he writes. A ranking of eco- needed per year-a prospect the experts nomic growth over the last two decades say is “unrealistic”. — AFP MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 BUSINESS Fed rate hike hope fuels demand for dollar


KUWAIT: Last week the dollar trad- the US dollar. conditions. Sustained improvement ed 22.6 percent jump in July. Firings are hovering near decade ing state-controlled banks, totaled ed near 4-year highs against a bas- The Japanese yen opened the in the job market will be needed to Excluding transportation, lows and companies are hiring in 11.6 billion pounds in August, up ket of major currencies, as demand week at 108.96 against the green- push up pay and sustain a stronger durable goods orders rose 0.7 per- anticipation of a sustained pickup in 6.1 percent from a year earlier, for the dollar remained supported back. The dollar dropped as disap- recovery. cent after falling 0.5 percent in July. household spending. Still missing broadly in line with economists’ by mounting expectations that the pointing housing data prompted However, purchases of previous- Non-defense capital goods orders from the equation are bigger wage expectations in a Reuters poll. Federal Reserve could raise interest investors to book profits, pushing ly owned US homes unexpectedly excluding aircraft, a closely watched gains, which would give a major Public borrowing for the tax year to rates sooner than expected. Solid the USDJPY to reach a low of 108.24. declined in August for the first time proxy for business spending plans, boost to the economic expansion. date, excluding banks, was 45.4 bil- US jobless claims supported the The dollar quickly reversed its losses in five months as investors retreated rose 0.6 percent. The so-called core lion pounds, 6.2 percent higher greenback as well despite a decline and reached a high of 109.52 as data from the market. Existing home capital goods orders fell by a revised Europe than between April and August in durable goods. The dollar saw showed that the US manufacturing sales dropped 1.8 percent to a 5.05 0.2 percent in July, which was previ- Sliding prices slow euro-zone 2013. Britain’s very weak pay growth added support after Dallas Federal sector expanded in September. The million annual pace, from a revised ously reported as a 0.7 percent. Core business growth helped limit annual growth in Reserve President Richard Fisher dollar moved lower against the yen 5.14 million pace in July, as per the capital goods shipments edged up Euro zone business activity has income tax receipts and social secu- stated that the US central bank after Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo National Association of Realtors. 0.1 percent last month after July’s expanded at a slightly weaker pace rity payments to just 1.6 percent in might start raising benchmark inter- Abe voiced concerns over the eco- upwardly revised 1.9 percent than expected in September as August. In the tax year to date, est rates around the spring of 2015, nomic impact of recent weakness in US Durable Goods increase. Shipments of these goods firms cut prices for the 30th month income from those sources was 0.6 earlier than many market expecta- the Japanese currency. The pair Orders for long-lasting US manu- are used to calculate equipment in a row. The data will discourage percent lower than a year earlier. tions. While the Fed has suggested the European Central Bank, which is its bond-buying program could struggling to spur growth and China industrial profit falls close in October, uncertainty as to revive inflation entrenched way Profits at industrial companies in when rate hikes may begin in 2015 below its target. Markit’s Composite China declined last month for the has investors concerned. Flash Purchasing Managers’ Index, first time in two years in a sign that The Euro opened the week at based on surveys of thousands of the slowdown has accelerated. Total 1.2835 and managed to reach a high companies across the region and profits of China’s industrial enter- of 1.2901. The single currency quick- seen as a good indicator of growth, prises fell 0.6 percent from a year ly came under pressure after dipped to a nine-month low of 52.3, earlier in August, compared with European Central Bank President shy of expectations in a Reuters poll July’s 13.5 percent increase. This first Mario Draghi reiterated on Thursday for no change from August’s 52.5. drop since August 2012, based on the bank’s commitment to act with previously reported data. more policy measures to boost infla- Business confidence According to China’s beige book, tion in the euro-zone. “We stand German business confidence fell Growth in investment slowed fur- ready to use additional unconven- for a fifth month even after the ther, borrowing costs rose and the tional instruments within our man- European Central Bank stepped up share of firms applying for and get- date, and alter the size or composi- plans to revive the faltering euro- ting bank loans remained at “rock tion of our unconventional interven- area recovery. The Ifo institute’s bottom levels.” tions should it become necessary to business climate index, based on a further address risks of a too pro- survey of 7,000 executives, dropped Kuroda’s inflation target longed period of low inflation,” to 104.7 in September from 106.3 in Consumer prices excluding fresh Draghi said. The currency dropped to August. Economists predicted a food rose 3.1 percent Y-o-Y in Japan, a nearly two-year low of 1.2675 and decline to 105.8, according to the undershooting the median projec- closed the week at 1.2683. median of 36 estimates in a tion for a 3.2 percent. That seems Cable remained supported at Bloomberg survey. Europe’s largest high but one must remember to the beginning of the week as the economy contracted in the second take away the effects of the sales market returned to focus on the quarter and euro-area growth tax, which brings the number down Bank of England’s monetary policy stalled as international political ten- to 1.1 percent, still substantially off in the wake of the previous week’s closed the week at 109.30 factured goods in August posted spending in the government’s gross sion and stubbornly high unem- Kuroda’s 2 percent target. Indeed Scottish independence referendum. their biggest drop on record as the domestic product measurement. ployment exhausted sentiment. The the forecasts do not paint too much However, the currency struggled to Mixed data from housing market prior boost from aircraft unwound, They were previously reported to risks prompted the European of a rosy picture. build on gains after data showed New-home sales in the US but a rebound in business spending have increased 1.5 percent in July. Central Bank this month to say it The Bank of Japan is likely to that UK public sector borrowing surged in August to the highest lev- plans pointed to underlying would be more active in adding maintain its strong commitment to increased from a year earlier in el in more than six years, a sign that strength in the manufacturing sec- Initial claims stimulus to the euro area by starting achieve 2 percent inflation, and the August. The pound reached a high the housing recovery is making tor. The Commerce Department Applications for unemployment asset purchases. current speed of the monetary base of 1.6415 only to lose most of its progress. Purchases of new houses added that items ranging from benefits in the US increased less expansion (at JPY60-70tr a year) is gains and close the week at 1.6245. jumped 18 percent to a 504,000 toasters to aircrafts that are meant than forecast last week as an Public sector net borrowing likely to be maintained at least Bank of England Governor Mark annualized pace, the strongest to last three years or more, dropped improving economy prompted Britain’s public finances contin- throughout 2015 in the monetary Carney said that the time at which since May 2008 and surpassing the 18.2 percent, the largest decline employers to retain staff. First-time ued to deteriorate in August after a policy meeting at the end of rate hikes kick in is “getting closer” highest forecast by the market. The since the series started in 1992. That jobless claims climbed 12,000 to weak start to the financial year, pos- October. but stressed a decision to tighten one-month increase was the partially reversed July’s aircraft-dri- 293,000 in the week ended Sept 20, ing a challenge for Chancellor policy will depend on data and biggest since January 1992. The ven 22.5 percent surge. the Labor department reported in George Osborne as next year’s Kuwait added the BOE does not have a pre- housing market is improving in Economists expected durable Washington. Economists expected national election approaches. The Kuwaiti dinar at 0.28810 set course, comments that cush- spasms and starts this year amid goods orders to fall by 18 percent a rise to 296,000. Claims reached a Office for National Statistics said The USDKWD opened at ioned the pound’s losses against slow wage growth and tight credit last month after a previously report- 14-year low of 279,000 in mid-July. public sector net borrowing, exclud- 0.28810 on Sunday morning. Total tempted by ambitious TAPI Asian pipeline project Project to link gas fields from Turkmenistan to India

ISLAMABAD: French firm Total is working behind Chevron and ExxonMobil are trying to convince namely, how to lay the pipeline across southern the scenes to take the lead on an ambitious Turkmenistan to cede control of some of its gas Afghan valleys, controlled in part by the Taleban, pipeline connecting Central and South Asia, fields, so far without success since Turkmenistan and Pakistan’s restive Baluchistan province, home sources close to the project say, pioneering a nov- law forbids handing over onshore assets to foreign to a separatist insurgency with a history of blow- el gas exchange mechanism to overcome legal companies. Total, on the other hand, “may agree to ing up pipelines? According to Christophe hurdles. It is one of the most ambitious energy be the leader of the consortium without holding Jaffrelot, a regional expert at the Sciences Po in projects in the world, connecting the giant gas direct shares” in Turkmen fields, said another offi- Paris, even if the “Baluch question” can be over- fields of Turkmenistan to Pakistan and India, two cial in the sector requesting anonymity. come by redesigning the route to avoid rebel emerging energy-hungry markets, while crossing To work around the problem, TAPI partners areas, the Afghan problem remains. “There is no the rocky valleys of southern Afghanistan which envisage an exchange system: companies control- ideal route,” he said. are partly controlled by Taliban insurgents. ling gas reserves in the Caspian Sea will pump in Afghanistan desperately wants the mega-pro- Following the withdrawal of Soviet troops from an equal amount of gas to Turkmen territory to ject in the hope of profiting from valuable “rights Afghanistan in the late 1980s, US group Unocal that which they want to export from the country, of passage” for its cash-strapped reserves. “One and Argentina’s Bridas were chomping at the bit allowing them to abide by local law. can hope that the Afghans need the cash so A Sri Lankan resident transports cinnamon leaves to an oil mill in the to build major gas routes in a re-play of the 19th “Nobody wants just to have a pipeline, everyone much that they reach a deal to share it around Hikkaduwa region. Ten years after the Asian tsunami devastated Sarath century “Great Game” when Russia and Britain jos- wants a piece of the cake,” said Werner Liepach, rather than letting it get blown up, but this is a Kumara’s cinnamon plantation in Sri Lanka, forcing him to start over with tled for control of the strategic region. Pakistan director of the Asian Development Bank gamble because there are always extreme groups nothing, the farmer faces a new threat from further afield. —AFP Over the past few years, rivalry has given way (ADB) which wishes to find a lead company by the that can raise the stakes by taking action,” said to the idea of regional cooperation for an 1,800 end of November. Jaffrelot. kilometer (1,100 mile) pipeline connecting On the subject of the proposed exchange, he Beyond the issue of securing the pipeline, Sri Lanka seeks to trademark Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India, or more said: “We looked at various options on how to regional politics, in particular Indo-Pak tension, simply TAPI. Last year, sources close to the project make that happen, so that is certainly one option.” could impact the final outcome. Hopes were high cinnamon spice success had indicated US giants ExxonMobil and Chevron “(You) give the volume back to Turkmenistan in the two countries could finally move to normalise were interested in leading the $7.5 billion project. that area and instead they will get the volume ties after the election of two right-of-centre lead- HIKKADUWA, Sri Lanka: Ten years after the mon. The Spice Council of Sri Lanka wants to Since then, new players have announced their from where our pipeline will start,” explained ers this year and last in New Delhi and Islamabad Asian tsunami devastated Sarath Kumara’s protect the brand “Ceylon cinnamon” and has interest. Saulat. respectively, but that has so far not materialized cinnamon plantation in Sri Lanka, forcing him approached the World Trade Organization “Other companies, including Total are now in “That is new. Last time, it was considered but with Pakistan’s Nawaz Sharif distracted by a politi- to start over with nothing, the farmer faces a and the European Union about gaining copy- the race and they are actively negotiating with not in details because we were hoping that these cal crisis at home. new threat from further afield. Sri Lanka is the right or a patent. “In many Western countries, Turkmenistan,” said Mobin Saulat, director of the companies like Chevron and Exxon will be able to “The multiplicity of the factors involved is not world’s leading cinnamon supplier thanks to cassia is passed off as Ceylon cinnamon (in Pakistan’s Inter State Gas System which is charge negotiate and get the stake upstream.” really good for the pipeline, there has to be some its centuries-old industry, whose lush, green supermarkets and other shops),” council head of the Pakistani part of the pipeline. definite, very strong geopolitical will among not plantations are strung along the island’s Sarada de Silva said. “The true cinnamon is He also named UAE’s Dragon Oil as a con- A pipe dream? only the oil companies but the countries involved southern coast where European colonists and Ceylon cinnamon.” tender. Total declined to comment on the reports Even as a clearer picture of the project begins in this” said Simbal Khan, an analyst who has fol- Arab traders once flocked. The council wants the WTO to declare when contacted by AFP. to take shape, there remain several major hurdles- lowed the project. —AFP But the industry says its product known “Celyon cinnamon” a specific product based the world over as “Ceylon cinnamon” is being on a “geographical indication” along the same undermined by a cheaper rival called “cassia lines as Champagne which comes from the cinnamon” grown mostly in China, Southeast region with the same name in northern Asia and neighboring India. France. Arabtec plans for $40 billion “It took about four years before I could get Under Portuguese, Dutch and finally any crops from new trees and it is only now British colonial rule from the 1500s, the Indian they are giving a full yield,” Kumara, 54, said at Ocean island was called Celyon and switched his ancestral farm in Hikkaduwa, 100 kilome- to Sri Lanka upon becoming a republic in Egypt housing scheme ready ters (60 miles) south of Colombo. “I have not 1972. The aromatic spice — used in savory seen cassia, but we know that some people dishes and desserts-grew naturally in Sri (abroad) adulterate our cinnamon with cassia Lanka for centuries before Dutch invaders DUBAI: Dubai construction com- not only mark a huge expansion thousands more staff, a potential- results in its discussions with the or sell cassia as Ceylon cinnamon.” Kumara lost started commercial crops in the 17th century. pany Arabtec is close to complet- of Arabtec’s business but also ly disruptive process. concerned authorities in Egypt in a brother and a sister-in-law, while half of his ing the planning and design boost Egypt’s struggling econo- In a brief statement to the order to commence the project as 9,000 trees were uprooted, when walls of water Tsunami forces upgrade stage of its $40 billion deal to my and help to resolve a housing Dubai stock exchange yesterday, soon as possible, which will destroyed plantations in the 2004 Boxing Day Sri Lanka’s industry, which supplies 80 per- build one million homes in Egypt, shortage that has become a Arabtec denied a recent media reflect positively on the Company tsunami and left 31,000 people dead and a mil- cent of the world market, is enjoying record the company said yesterday. major source of political discon- report suggesting it was no and its shareholders.” It did not lion homeless across the country. export earnings for the island. High-grade cin- Arabtec originally announced tent. longer as committed to the elaborate. The industry eventually recovered to namon oil, extracted from the bark, has been in March that it had agreed with Since the announcement, how- Egyptian project. “The Company Arabtec is 18.94 percent owned become stronger than ever thanks to interna- fetching up to 65,000 rupees ($510) a kilo- the Egyptian army to build the ever, Arabtec has released few will commence the project imme- by Abu Dhabi state fund Aabar tional donors and a herculean effort by its gram. Cinnamon earned Sri Lanka a record homes at 13 locations around the concrete details of the scheme, diately after the finalization of the Investments. Its Egyptian project is farmers who replanted half a million cinna- $135 million from 13,866 tons exported last country on land provided free by and said it was reviewing its busi- planning and design stages seen as part of economic and mon trees in Hikkaduwa, and adjoining year compared to $47 million from 12,000 the armed forces. Construction ness after the sudden resignation which have been nearly complet- political support of Egypt by the Balapitiya area. With cinnamon prices now tons in 2005 — with Mexico, Colombia, Peru was to start in the third quarter of of chief executive Hasan Ismaik in ed after achieving significant United Arab Emirates, which has soaring, the Sri Lankan industry fears whole- and the US the major buyers. “Prices have nev- this year, with the first homes to June. Analysts have questioned progress in this regard,” it said. provided billions of dollars of aid salers will increasingly turn to the cheaper er been so good,” de Silva said. “The challenge be delivered in early 2017 and the how the firm can implement the It added: “We would like to to Cairo since Islamist president product which is darker in color and accord- is to get our geographical indication recog- whole project to be completed Egyptian project without subcon- inform you that the Company has Mohammad Morsi was ousted last ing to purists leaves a bitter aftertaste-but still nized (by the WTO and others). That is the before 2020. The project would tracting out much of it or hiring made positive progress and year. —Reuters label it “Ceylon cinnamon” or simply cinna- best way to deal with cassia.” —AFP BUSINESS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 KBT wins ‘GCC Best Employer Brand Awards 2014’

KUWAIT: KBT has been awarded with the presti- owning and managing Residential Towers in Kuwait gious ‘GCC Best Employer Brand Awards 2014’ dur- and the UAE and also provide Hospitality services. ing “Asian Leadership Awards”, hosted by Employer Eng Yousef Al-Saqabi, Vice-Chairman & CEO of Branding Institute, World HRD Congress and Stars of KBT, said: “The award show that KBT is a preferred the Industry Group at Taj Palace, Dubai, UAE. employer and an employer of choice. The company’s The award recognized KBT as a leader in attract- prudent and sound policies are relevant to modern ing and retaining top national and GCC talent. KBT times, making attraction and retention of talent shared its success with other top brands like Dubai exemplary. As an Employer Brand, KBT believes in Airports, du Telecom, Etihad Airways, Unilever Gulf continuous training and development of its people, FZE, RAKBANK, Savola Group, etc, to name a few. making them proactive to the business needs and Kuwait Business Town Real Estate Company (KBT) the environment in which the company operates. is one of the leading real estate companies in Our goal and ambition is to remain as an employer Kuwait. The company was established in 1999 and of choice for both current and future employees.” was publically listed on the Kuwait Stock Exchange “With the support of its talented and dedicated on Dec. 16, 2008. KBT is head quartered in Kuwait staff, KBT has turned around to be a profit making with current operations mainly in Kuwait and the company and reduced its debt ratios considerably. United Arab Emirates. KBT was the pioneers in Moreover, KBT was the first company to announce establishing a Financial Hub in Kuwait during the its financials in Kuwait Stock Exchange during the year 2007, named “Kuwait Business Town”. It is last quarter,” added Rishi Jacob, Finance Manger of strategically located in the financial district, down KBT. town Kuwait City. The company’s operations include The KBT team played a vital role in for the past Real Estate investments - trading and development, two years in completely transforming and restruc- mainly focused in the GCC countries. KBT own and turing the company and making it the one of the manage Commercial Tower in Kuwait apart from most sought after Employer Brands in GCC. Lu&Lu Hypermarket launches ‘Dream it... Drive it...’ promotion KUWAIT: Lu&Lu Hypermarket, the premier to shop at any Lu&Lu Hypermarket outlet to get lifestyle shopping destination is offering its cus- their hands on the raffle draw coupons. tomers a chance to win three amazing Chevrolet Lu&Lu Hypermarkethas gained popularity Trailblazers. From September 25 to November for providing a unique shopping experience by 29, with every purchase of KD 5 worth of mer- emphasizing a customer-friendly approach and chandise, customers receive a raffle coupon that value-added offerings. The growth of the multi- allows them to enter into the draw that could faceted business conglomerate stems from the see them win one of many exciting prizes. brand’s association with a diverse product selec- Lu&Lu has three Chevrolet Trailblazers, and tion, modernity, quality and customer satisfac- KD 50 gift vouchers for 60 lucky winners to offer tion. After all the work to ensure that every busi- for this promotion. Lu&Lu Hypermarket has ness aspect of Lu&Lu Hypermarket operations been successfully organising the best promo- reflect the highest standards, the company has tions that reflect the dreams of their patrons. become a name synonymous with a pleasant This time around the customers are encouraged shopping experience. Al-Tijaria enters new investment

KUWAIT: Abdulfattah Marafie, Chairman & stream, equating to an average of 7.75 per- Managing Director at Al-Tijaria Real Estate cent per annum, payable monthly, from only Company, said that the company has made a the 60 percent occupied area. What is unique new property investment for an amount of about the asset also that it is located in Lake $5 million in alliance with a group of County near downtown and near O’Hare investors and in cooperation with Arzan International Airport. This location advantage Wealth (DIFC) Limited, its advisor of the provides us 50 percent reduction on the real investment. The property is located in Deer estate taxes in comparison with Cook County Oil prices at two-year lows, Park - a suburban area of Chicago, Illinois. which is located just across the bordering Chicago is considered the 3rd biggest city road. after New York and Los Angeles and one of the most economically stable cities. It is one likely to remain weak of the most important economic centers in the world. Marafie also added that the property con- sists of various office departments supple- KCIC WEEKLY ANALYSIS ON ASIA mented by research, development and test- ing laboratories. It is 60 percent occupied by By Camille Accad highs of 92.6 million barrels per day in August. Stable large enough to increase prices, and further reduc- “Continental Automotive System INC “USA oil producers, such as Gulf Cooperation Council tions are unlikely given the high level of spending of headquarters for their automotive interiors The price of crude oil has fallen to its lowest level in (GCC) members (and more specifically Kuwait and the country. Stockpiles also increased in the US. division, under a new 13-year lease agree- over two years, in line with current economic condi- the UAE) have contributed to that output rise. Kuwait Given the volatile and uncertain nature of Africa and ment with 2 percent annual rent increases tions. Oil prices have been trending down since mid- increased crude output from 2.8 million barrels per the Middle East, a gradual sustained increase in sup- while the remaining 40 percent is available June this year, when Brent crude was priced at day at the start of the year to 2.9 million in ply is unlikely in those regions. For instance, Libya’s for lease, thus providing an immediate around $115, to around $95 per barrel today. It will September, while signaling that it may rise to 3.0 mil- largest oil field was temporarily shut down in opportunity to create value through a new Abdulfattah Marafie be nearly a month that Brent crude is trading below lion barrels per day next month. UAE’s oil production September due to rising violence in the region. leasing strategy. The property comprises $100 per barrel. Prices hovered around the $110 level also rose this year from 2.7 to 2.9 million barrels per However, if high global production was to continue, 351,425ft2 over eight floors. This includes a He also added that this quality of income for half a decade following the global financial crisis. day. In contrast, market leader Saudi Arabia cut its an agreement among petroleum exporting countries 300 person auditorium, a 500 person cafete- stream investments provides an added value In that period, the barrel of Brent oil traded below production this month by close to 5 percent, the (OPEC) to cut output will become a real possibility. ria and a 1,209 space car park in a high quali- to the shareholders rights and to the cash $100 only for a few days in two short periods of time largest reduction in two years, trying to support The last time OPEC unilaterally cut supplies was in ty setting. Furthermore, the property flows of the company. It also supports and in 2012 and 2013. The recent dip reflects an adjust- prices. 2008. A stronger economy would also push up oil includes land wherein up to 528,575ft2of increases the company’s assets and positions ment in the misbalances in the oil market rather than But a key differential factor in this period is that prices higher. However, global demand remains space can be built or sold separately if as well as its leadership roles as one of the a reduction in geopolitical risks. volatile producers in Africa and the Middle East expe- weak. The largest economies after the US - the euro required. He also added that the Continental biggest companies in real estate investment Compared to the start of the year, global oil sup- rienced a spike in production. Nigeria and Angola zone, China and Japan - decelerated this year. The US asset is expected to provide a secure income field in Kuwait and GCC. plies have increased considerably, and the glut of oil accounted for nearly 60 percent of the increase in oil is not importing as much oil as it used to, mainly due has driven crude oil prices down. According to the output last month, and despite a surge in violence in to a surge in domestic production. Global growth is US Energy Information Administration (EIA), global Iraq and Libya, oil production rose in those two high- not expected to rebound this year, and this is a major ABK’s exclusive offer for World supply of crude oil and liquid fuel reached all-time ly unstable countries too. Saudi Arabia’s cut was not factor behind oil prices remaining subdued. MasterCard cardholders KUWAIT: Al-Ahli Bank of Kuwait (ABK) is launch- Stewart Lockie, GM Retail Banking stated: Al-Tijari announces winners NREC completes ing its exclusive 10 Mile offer for its World “The ABK World MasterCard is a Premium credit MasterCard Credit cardholders in collaboration card that offers its holder exclusive features and of Najma Account draw KD154.4m debt with MasterCard and Emirates, where ABK World benefits, and this October in celebration of the MasterCard cardholders receive 10 Skywards upcoming Eid Holidays we will reward our ABK KUWAIT: Miles for every Kuwaiti Dinar they spend for pur- World MasterCard cardholders with 10 Skywards Commercial Bank of Kuwait highest in the country and another 4 refinancing chases made in a foreign currency. Miles for every KD1 of their foreign currency held the Al-Najma account daily draw mega prizes during the year worth KD ABK’s World MasterCard cardholders have transactions during the month”. yesterday. The draw was held under the 100,000 each on different occasions: The successfully access to the award-winning frequent flyer pro- Lockie added, “At ABK we ensure that our supervision of the Ministry of Commerce national day, Eid Al-Fitr, Eid Al-Adha and gram Emirates Skywards, where they are reward- customers are rewarded by offering them a & Industry represented by Saquer Al- on the 19th of June which is the date of KUWAIT: National Real Estate Company KPSC, one of ed with up to 7 Skywards Miles for every Kuwaiti unique range of financial services aimed at deliv- Manaie. the bank’s establishment. Dinar spent in a foreign currency, however for a ering their personal banking needs. This offer With a minimum balance of KD 500, the leading real estate companies in the Middle East and period of one month commencing on October reflects ABK’s commitment to continuously The winners of the Najma daily draw are: customers will be eligible for the daily North Africa (MENA) region (referred to as “NREC” or the 1, ABK’s World MasterCard cardholders will be develop its cards’ services whilst maintaining its Ahmad Mohammad Safwat — KD 7000 draw provided that the money is in the “Company”), announces the refinancing of a KD 154.40 earning an extra 3 Miles for every KD 1 of their leading position as the bank with the best credit Ahmed Aziz Kheniab — KD 7000 account one week prior to the daily draw million loan facility. foreign currency spends. card reward program in Kuwait.” Jamila Naser Al-Heraiti— KD 7000 or 2 months prior to the mega draw. In The previous KD 154.40 million loan facility consisted In addition, ABK’s World MasterCard card- Skywards Miles earned can be redeemed for Mohammed Khaled Abdullah— KD 7000 addition, for each KD 25 a customer can of a KD 88.40 million short-term loan and a KD 66 million Mohammed Taher Mohammed— KD get one chance for winning instead of KD holders benefit from a variety of other premium reward flights and upgrades on Emirates, con- medium term loan. With the completion of the refinanc- features, such as the Complimentary Priority necting travelers to 141 destinations in 80 coun- 7000. 50. Commercial Bank of Kuwait takes this opportunity to congratulate all lucky win- ing, the new loan facility now consists of a KD 11 million Pass Airport Lounge Access for cardholder and 1 tries. So travel, shop and experience the rewards short term loan and overdraft facility and a KD 140 mil- guest, Complimentary Travel Insurance, Local with your ABK Emirates World MasterCard card. The Commercial Bank of Kuwait ners and also extends appreciation to the lion long term loan to be repaid in seven years. The and International Concierge Services, Instant dis- For more details, please visit any ABK branch announces the biggest daily draw in Ministry of Commerce and Industry for counts with ABK Advantage, exclusive or call Ahlan Ahli 1899 899, alternatively you Kuwait with the launch of the new Najma their effective supervision of the draws Company’s total debt level remains unchanged. MasterCard Offers and Promotions, and access could also chat live with ABK’s customer service account. Customers of the bank can now which were conducted in an orderly and Commenting on this development, Jamil Sultan Al- to the MasterCard Global Emergency Services. representative on Ahli Chat at enjoy a KD 7,000 daily prize which is the organized manner. Essa, Chairman of NREC said: “This refinancing is an important part of our continued focus on creating share- holder value. Aligning our capital structure with our strategic objective of being a MENA focused real estate company provides NREC with the financial strength to Nissan’s Safe to School promotion pursue exciting regional development opportunities.” Commenting on this development, Sam Sidiqi, CEO ‘Your safety is our concern’ of NREC said: “This new loan facility perfectly matches our assets and liabilities to enable us to achieve our KUWAIT: Abdulmohsen Abdulaziz Al-Babtain Co Wll, the a specially designed Safety kit will also be gifted to the cus- Kuwait market.” This campaign is yet another example of this growth plans. In addition to the extended maturities and exclusive distributors of Nissan in Kuwait, and leading auto- tomer for use during any emergency. Offer is for Nissan vehi- synergetic cooperation between Nissan Kuwait and Total improved covenants, NREC will benefit from a signifi- motive dealers in market, are successfully running their latest cles bought in yr. 2011 and before and the kit is offered free to Kuwait.Nissan Al-Babtain with a wide network of eight service cantly enhanced working capital capacity. The revised Nissan Aftersales Promotion from 10 Sept till 2nd October ‘14. any vehicle owner upon spending KD20 or more at Nissan centers all across Kuwait represents the best standard in auto- cost of debt will further support the underlying cash- ‘Your safety is our concern’, while schools have reopened and service outlets. motive services through a team of qualified customer friendly flows of the business. Our ability to successfully imple- there is a big rush on the roads to reach the schools & offices, “Total Marketing Middle East is a wholly owned subsidiary staff and the latest maintenance equipments. Use of Nissan ment this refinancing is a reflection of the quality of safety of your children cannot be left unnoticed. of Total Group, with operations serving the Gulf countries, Iraq, genuine spare parts and Periodic maintenance services, as per NREC’s rental asset and development portfolio.” “Peace of mind and safety of customers, especially the chil- Yemen, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. manufacturer recommended standards, ensures your Nissan is Established in 1973 in Kuwait, the National Real Estate dren” is a major priority for Nissan Al- Babtain. Hence to pro- Based in Dubai the company is involved in the manufacturing ready to go anytime. Company (NREC) is a listed real estate company with a mote safety for them Nissan Aftersales, Kuwait and Total and marketing of the entire range of automotive & industrial Nissan Al-Babtain invites all its customers to avail the offer presence in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Middle East joined hands to present a unique offer called “Safe lubricants, greases, aviation fuels, special fuels and special benefits. Call us on 1804888 to know more about the amazing region. NREC is involved in the acquisition, develop- to School”. additives to clean and enhance the performance of your offers and to set an appointment for the free vehicle checkup. ment, sale and management of real estate properties During the promotion, Nissan owners can avail Free 13 engines”. Strong partnership between the Al-Babtain group We strive to provide best performance, safety, and security for across asset classes. The Company’s portfolio of projects point’s vehicle checkup, along with 10 percent discount on and Total as well as continuous focus on customer satisfaction the driver, the passengers and the whole community. This includes office space, mixed use centres, industrial parks, labor and 25 percent on genuine spare parts. On the top of it, has enabled TOTAL to emerge a strong retail brand in the offer ends by October 3, 2014. residential communities and super-regional malls. technology MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014

Inventor of World Wide Web warns of threat to Internet

LONDON: The British inventor of the World Wide Web val on the future of the internet. charter credited with guaranteeing basic rights and times that it has been abused, so now the Magna warned on Saturday that the freedom of the internet “If a government can block you going to, for exam- freedoms. Concerns over privacy and freedom on the Carta is about saying...I want a web where I’m not is under threat by governments and corporations ple, the opposition’s political pages, then they can internet have increased in the wake of the revelation spied on, where there’s no censorship,” Berners-Lee interested in controlling the web. Tim Berners-Lee, a give you a blinkered view of reality to keep them- of mass government monitoring of online activity fol- said. computer scientist who invented the web 25 years selves in power.” “Suddenly the power to abuse the lowing leaks by former US intelligence contractor The scientist added that in order to be a “neutral ago, called for a bill of rights that would guarantee the open internet has become so tempting both for gov- Edward Snowden. medium”, the internet had to reflect all of humanity, independence of the internet and ensure users’ priva- ernment and big companies.” A ruling by the European Union to allow individu- including “some ghastly stuff”. “Now some things are cy. “If a company can control your access to the inter- Berners-Lee, 59, is director of the World Wide Web als to ask search engines such as Google to remove of course just illegal, child pornography, fraud, net, if they can control which websites they go to, Consortium, a body which develops guidelines for the links to information about them, called the “right to telling someone how to rob a bank, that’s illegal then they have tremendous control over your life,” development of the Internet. He called for an internet be forgotten”, has also raised concerns over the before the web and it’s illegal after the web,” Berners- Berners-Lee said at the London “Web We Want” festi- version of the “Magna Carta”, the 13th century English potential for censorship. “There have been lots of Lee added. —AFP

Tech sector sizzles as Myanmar embraces Internet for masses

YANGON: From navigating gridlocked city the West where web design began with a roads to playing a favorite national sport, focus on computers and laptops, Myanmar new homegrown apps are blossoming in Internet consumers will be primarily using Myanmar as cheap mobile technology cheap smartphones. ignites an Internet revolution in the once- “People are going to be able to afford isolated nation. Myanmar web surfers were one thing and they are going to want it to once paradigms of patience and ingenuity do a lot,” he told AFP. “It’s the thing you as they dodged and weaved through the want in your pocket, it’s the thing you former military regime’s communications want when you are sitting in a bus stuck in blocks in decrepit backstreet Internet cafes. traffic.” But commuters in Myanmar’s biggest cities can now be seen tapping away on Local twists smartphones as an online awakening Social media giant Facebook has domi- sweeps the country, fuelled by the loosen- nated the Myanmar web to such an extent ing of junta-era restrictions and foreign that it is the first-sometimes only-port of telecoms firms unleashing a flood of afford- call for web users. But Google’s Myanmar- able SIM cards. Big brand names like language search engine has struggled to Facebook, Google, Viber and Instagram attract users because it uses a standardized have rapidly expanded their presence in font-unicode-whereas many Myanmar the country, lured by the growing market- websites are written in a locally-produced and web-savvy local entrepreneurs are also zawgyi font, meaning they are unreadable seizing the chance to create Internet ven- on the international search engine. tures in Myanmar style. A local firm Bindez, led by former “There are so many things I want to do-I Google employee Rahul Batra, is taking on think about it not as business but as a way the web Goliath as it tries to create a zaw- to find solutions to problems I face,” said Ei gyi-compatible search engine. The boom- Maung as he demonstrated his prototype ing tech scene has also given the country a traffic app in a car inching through the con- chance to showcase local passions, from gested streets of the commercial hub checking personalized horoscopes, to a Yangon. “Yangon commuting is worse than game that allows armchair sportsmen to bad. It’s terrible. You waste countless hours play virtual “Chinlone”-a beloved traditional queuing in traffic every day,” he told AFP. cane ball game-with a quirky owl avatar. His Cyantra: Crazy Yangon Traffic app went And while connections often remain live in June and allows smartphone users to glacially slow, online entrepreneurs are SAN FRANCISCO: Visitors examine “With Wind,” an installation by Chinese artist Ai WeiWei’s that is part of @Large: Ai WeiWei on share traffic problems and view potential now grappling with the dilemma that has Alcatraz. The piece, which includes a quote from whistleblower Edward Snowden, features kites meant to convey the contrast snarl-ups on their driving routes. tormented web-based firms the world between freedom and restriction. —AFP over-how to turn clicks into cash. Mobile Internet boom money-using the credit bought to top-up Internet access has already increased mobile phones to make payments for other Whistleblower phone app exponentially since the country began to goods and services-helped by the flood of throw off the shackles of military rule. Just affordable SIMs now entering circulation, one percent of the population was thought could help. It is seen as a vital potential tool to be online three years ago, as the demo- for the vast swathes of Myanmar’s largely seeks to outsmart corruption cratic transition began, but the loosening unbanked and rural population to access of web controls and greater access to anything from loans to retail payments. affordable phone cards has opened the One popular Myanmar comic, Putet, has Communities armed with crucial information Internet up to millions. already begun using this style of payment On Saturday Norway’s Telenor launched system — 495 kyats a month (50 US cents) KAMPALA: Douglas Buule, a teacher at Kiwenda they suspect money is being misused-for exam- “When people know they’re being monitored SIM cards costing just 1,500 kyat ($1.5) in is skimmed from users’ mobile phone primary, a government school outside Uganda’s ple if the government provides funds for an they’re less likely to squander or misuse money,” Mandalay-a far cry from the $3,000 a card charges, giving them unlimited access to capital Kampala, has a recurring problem. “The ambulance which then is nowhere to be seen- said Businge. could cost under military rule-ahead of a hundreds of colorful cartoon strips. money used to access the chalk comes late, even the user can simply click on the app’s whistle icon Community monitors such as Twahah Musoke wider roll-out in Yangon and Naypyidaw. “It is important to make money-we have to towards the end of term,” explains Buule. “It is a to send an instant report to the A4T website and visit schools and health facilities in their area a The move comes after Qatari firm Ooredoo buy cartoons, pay our staff. Advertisements big burden to keep on writing on a chalk board. their Facebook page. “If it is a police case we’ll minimum of two times in a quarter. The institu- began selling its SIM cards at the same do not make enough money,” editor Aung So sometimes the head teacher buys chalk on report it to the police,” said Moses Karatunga, the tions and facilities can also access the app from price last month, throwing open the Chit Khin told AFP. Readership of Putet’s paper credit or even uses her own money.” Funds arriv- program officer for Transparency International the TI representatives. Already Musoke has been mobile Internet floodgates. version had plummeted from 10,000 to just ing late or going missing altogether also mean (TI) Uganda. “If it’s an advocacy issue we can take to five schools, including Kiwenda primary, and An estimated 25 percent of people are 4,000 in the eight years before the app was the school’s 529 students usually only take exams it up with the ministry.” three health centers in the Busukuma area, home already online and the Myanmar Computer launched, as it vied for attention with foreign twice a term instead of monthly, said the teacher. to about 16,000 people, in Wakiso district. Federation expects around half of the pop- comics, television and games. While the comic “There is lack of transparency in many govern- Keeping tabs on the cash flow Challenges related to monitoring money include ulation, over 25 million people, to be surf- still is not turning a profit, there are now 8,000 ment institutions on the funds that are supplied In the past year, Uganda’s corruption rating financial committees not knowing how much ing the net in the next three years. David app users, attracting more buyers of the and used,” said Buule, complaining of the coun- has deteriorated, according to TI. They are intro- government money is being sent, and informa- Madden, whose Yangon-based Code for paper edition, which has seen its circulation try’s endemic corruption. “That lack of trans- ducing the app along with the Fojo Media tion and money staying with one person, for Change group seeks to promote and sup- swell to 6,000. “The app has saved it in a way,” parency is affecting day-to-day learning.” But Institute, part of Linnaeus University in Sweden, instance a school headmistress, instead of a port budding techies, said that unlike in he said. —AFP now, a new project is shifting the balance of the Uganda Media Development Foundation team, he said. power. Through the Action for Transparency (UMDF) and the African Center for Media “We need to empower people to realize it’s (A4T) Smartphone app, being piloted in three Excellence (ACME). Gerald Businge, the A4T proj- their responsibility to access this information,” Ugandan districts, communities are being armed ect coordinator, said Ugandans feared blowing said Musoke. “If they go and seek the information with information allowing them to report anony- the whistle on corruption. the administrators of these facilities will be in a mously when budget allocations for health cen- “They think they could get sacked, they could position to account for and utilize (the money) ters and schools fail to match public expenditure. get victimized,” he said. “There is also that worry the way it’s meant to be utilized.” Businge said Using the GPS-enabled A4T app, a user can ‘I report and nothing is done.’ So we’re saying phones were chosen for the project as “very receive the location of a school or health centre, ‘take this to the public court’.” But it’s hoped that many Ugandans have mobile phones and at least the number of staff allocated to them by both through A4T, which has been funded by SIDA, every family has a mobile phone”. “We’re telling the government and the institution, and the the Swedish International Development Agency, people that phones can do much more than amount of money approved and dispersed. If mismanagement of money can be prevented. what you’re already doing,” he said. —AFP ‘Anti-Facebook’ social network gets viral surge

WASHINGTON: In a matter of days, the these moments of new social media all before this paint even dries,” he said lectively come to the realization that the new social network Ello, described as the when conversation explodes, moved to on his Ello page. rise of social media has been accompa- “anti-Facebook” for its stand on privacy imagine how social media can be differ- “Ello is getting so much attention nied by handing far too much power to and advertising, has become perhaps ent, questioning core assumptions precisely because it promises social far too few people, and there’s energy to the hottest ticket on the Internet. instead of just fretting and complaining- media of a different politics. We’ve col- shake things up, even if just a bit.” Created last year as a “private” social net- Ello’s rise also comes amid com- work, Ello ( recently opened plaints against Facebook from the gay its doors on an invitation-only basis. community that the world’s biggest Because of the limited supply and strong social network began disabling YANGON: A shop owner looks at Myanmar mobile applications on Google demand, the invitations have been sell- accounts using stage names instead of play in a mobile shop in Myanmar. —AFP ing on eBay at prices up to $500. Some real names. A San Francisco protest is reports said Ello is getting up to 35,000 planned against Facebook supporting requests per hour as a result of a viral “drag queens” who lost their Facebook Microsoft boss Nadella promises surge in the past week. accounts. Ello does not require real Ello appears to have caught on with names. cooperation in antitrust probe its simple message which seems to take aim at frustrations of Facebook users. Business plan? BEIJING: Microsoft Corp chief executive ment’s regulatory practices helped create “Ello doesn’t sell ads. Nor do we sell data It remains unclear if Ello will end up Satya Nadella promised to cooperate fully beneficial conditions for the growth of about you to third parties,” the company being a flash in the pan, or if it will devel- with Chinese authorities in their antitrust Chinese and foreign companies, the SAIC says. Its “manifesto” states: “We believe a op a profitable business plan. Ello states investigation into his company during a said. Zhang pledged a fair and transparent social network can be a tool for empow- it plans to remain “completely free to meeting with a top regulator in Beijing, the investigation and said his agency wel- erment. Not a tool to deceive, coerce, use,” but that it could start offering some Chinese government said. Microsoft has comed Microsoft’s questions and sugges- and manipulate-but a place to connect, premium features for a fee. been ensnared in an anti-monopoly inves- tions about the investigation, according to create, and celebrate life. You are not a Some question if Ello can succeed on tigation launched this summer by China’s the SAIC. Microsoft declined to comment product.” this kind of model and keep its princi- State Administration for Industry and on the government meeting but said in a Ello’s policy states that the practice of ples. But former Ello collaborator Aral Commerce (SAIC), which has already seized statement that it is “serious about comply- collecting and selling personal data and Balkan said Ello has already been com- evidence from multiple Microsoft offices ing with China’s laws and committed to mapping your social connections for promised by taking $435,000 in venture across China and summoned high-level addressing SAIC’s questions and concerns.” profit “is both creepy and unethical.” capital funding. A designer and founder executives for questioning. Nadella, whose planned visit was first “Under the guise of offering a ‘free’ serv- of, a privacy advocacy group, Nadella, who took the helm of the reported by Reuters last month, swung ice, users pay a high price in intrusive Balkan said he worked briefly for Ello but world’s largest software company in through the Chinese capital as part of his advertising and lack of privacy.” Based in left when he learned of the venture February, met with SAIC chief Zhang Mao first trip to Asia as CEO. Nadella also spoke Vermont, Ello was launched by a group investments. on Friday in what was portrayed as a con- to students at Tsinghua University in of artists and programmers led by Paul “When you take venture capital, it is ciliatory encounter by the SAIC, one of Beijing, where he said extolled China as a Budnitz, whose previous experience not a matter of if you’re going to sell three antitrust agencies in China. Microsoft source of human capital and a vibrant include designing bicycles and robots. your users, you already have,” says a blog will turn over information requested by innovation culture, according to the official Budnitz says on his page that Ello was post from Balkan. “It’s called an exit plan. investigators in a timely fashion, while the China Daily. Nadella is the latest foreign designed to be “simple, beautiful and ad- And no investor will give you venture company is confident the government tech executive to arrive in Beijing to diffuse free.” capital without one. In the myopic and probe will be fair and transparent, Nadella tensions with regulatory authorities, whose upside-down world of venture capital, told Zhang, according to an account pub- muscular enforcement of a 2008 anti- ‘Different politics’ exits precede the building of the actual lished on the SAIC website. monopoly law has unsettled Western com- Nathan Jurgenson, a social media thing itself. It would be a comedy if the Nadella also said the Chinese govern- panies. —Reuters researcher at the University of Maryland, repercussions of this toxic system were welcomed Ello’s fresh approach. “I love WASHINGTON: The Ello website is seen on the monitor screen. —AFP not so tragic.” —AFP HEALTH & SCIENCE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 Beds scarce, staff scarcer, in Liberia’s overrun Ebola wards

MONROVIA: They carry photos, bags of food- forced to act as a “bouncer” there, quit and and hope. But what the families idling at the returned home, traumatized by the need to turn gate of this Ebola centre in Monrovia lack is away the 1sick and dying. “A lot of people are news of the fate of their sick loved ones inside. saying this is the hardest mission they’ve ever George Williams brought his wife and daughter had,” an MSF colleague says, requesting to the Island Clinic on Tuesday and since then anonymity. has had “no news, no contact with my family”. “I But the colleague also pointed to progress, trust the doctors and the government,” he says. saying that “slightly fewer arrivals” since But his faith draws hoots of laughter from the Thursday has meant no one needed to be 40-odd others also waiting. For days, they say, turned away-”perhaps because new centers no news of their family has ventured beyond the have been opened”. International efforts are clinic’s barbed-wire and high walls-only cadav- finally building speed to get critical supplies and ers. staff to stricken nations, following a call for fresh The keeper of the clinic gate, in protective aid by US President Barack Obama, and along white gear from head to toe, looks like he is with fast-track funding from the International transported from outer space to this sweltering, Monetary Fund. misery-infected African city. The crowd’s noisy The UN has estimated that nearly one billion complaints fall silent as the gates open, and two dollars will be required to effectively fight the Red Cross trucks, each carrying a dozen body disease. “In the next two to three weeks, we’ll bags, emerge. A woman cries out, then two-and have over a thousand beds available in then anger surges again. Monrovia,” Frank Mahoney, the representative of “I want to see my son!” Janjay Geleplay, hard- the US health body Centers for Disease Control faced, demands. She brought 12-year-old and Prevention, says. The WHO is planning on Joshua yesterday from the “72nd” district of creating 500 new beds within the month, and Liberia’s capital, where “there is a lot of Ebola”. MSF plans to have a total of 400 beds, while “We get no record from the authorities. They Obama has also charged the US army with set- always say we should wait. I come here every ting up beds. day. I want to see my son! Maybe he is already Jean-Pierre Veyrenche, in charge of the con- dead,” she says, dry-eyed. struction of clinics in Monrovia for the WHO, says The Island clinic opened on Sunday. By the the task is especially complicated in the dense next day its 120 beds were full. “As of Friday, we Liberian capital. “You need 5,000 square metres had 206 patients,” a spokesman for the UN’s (5,400 square feet) for a 100-bed clinic-not easy World Health Organization, which runs the cen- to find in a big city like Monrovia, with marshy tre, told AFP. Like all the NGO-run Ebola centres terrain. And the heavy rains are an enormous LABE: An employee of the prefecture sprays antibacterial foam soap onto the hands of a young boy, as residents attend an awareness cam- in Liberia, the Island is under-resourced and obstacle, as is the high water table which makes paign on the hemorrhagic fever Ebola by local authorities in Lelouma, near Labe, western Guinea. — AFP overrun by demand, forced to fill in for a public it impossible to dig latrines and is forcing us to health infrastructure that has been decimated build septic tanks out of concrete.” Like all NGOs by 14 years of civil war and grinding poverty. and political leaders, he appeals for more aid Scientists grapple with ethics in “There is supposed to be a system to allow workers on the ground. the patients to talk to their families while keep- “I think people are scared,” Veyrenche says, ing a distance of several meters (yards) — but “No one knows how to deal with Ebola in an rush to release Ebola vaccines apparently it’s not up and running yet,” a clearly urban zone, and in such numbers.... But the embarrassed WHO official there says. Of the four international humanitarian community must Ebola emergency demands speed, more risk in vaccine tests west African nations affected by the Ebola out- act. There are ways of working here. You can’t Normally it takes years to prove a new vaccine is drug firms that have either started or announced Normally researchers testing a vaccine would break, Liberia has been hit the hardest, with get Ebola from stepping down onto the runway.” both safe and effective before it can be used in plans for human trials of candidate Ebola vac- give some volunteers a placebo, or dummy, to 3,458 people infected, and 1,830 of killed by the A group of aid workers in Monrovia noted the field. But with hundreds of people dying a cines. Others include Johnson & Johnson, create a “control” group to compare against those disease. A total of more than 6,500 infections, the same problem. “Supplies are coming in, but day in the worst ever outbreak of Ebola, there is NewLink, Inovio Pharmaceuticals and Profectus who get the real drug. That seems unthinkable in almost all in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, what we’re still missing are healthcare person- no time to wait. In an effort to save lives, health Biosciences. The WHO says it hopes to see small- a situation where disease with a death rate of up have been recorded since the beginning of the nel,” one of them tells AFP. After a devastating authorities are determined to roll out potential scale use of the first experimental Ebola vaccines to 90 percent is raging through villages. year according to a WHO count as of Saturday. earthquake in Haiti in 2010, 820 NGOs mobilized vaccines within months, dispensing with some of in the West Africa outbreak by January next year. “Would it be ethical to do a trial where some Of those, 3,091 people have died so far. with on-the-ground efforts, he says. In Liberia, the usual testing, and raising unprecedented eth- It has convened vaccine specialists, epidemiolo- people don’t get the vaccine because they are in there are fewer than 10. Outside the Island clin- ical and practical questions. gists, pharmaceutical companies and ethicists, for the control group? Most people think it wouldn’t More beds, few aid workers ic, 32-year-old Finley Freeman handed his home- “Nobody knows yet how we will do it. There a meeting today and tomorrow to discuss the be - especially if you have reasonable evidence In the other city of Monrovia, a 160-bed made meals over to the gatekeeper to deliver to are lots of tough real-world deployment issues moral and practical issues. that the vaccine might work,” said Hill. Jeremy Ebola clinic run by Doctors Without Borders his mother. He has not seen her for days but gets and nobody has the full answers yet,” said Adrian “Normally safety is the absolutely paramount Farrar, an infectious diseases expert and director (Medecins Sans Frontieres, MSF) had to turn his news directly. “I talked to her on the phone Hill, who is conducting safety trials on healthy thing when you’re developing a new vaccine, but of the Wellcome Trust medical charity, said limit- away patients for days. A Belgian aid worker, last night. She keeps praying,” he says. — AFP volunteers of an experimental Ebola shot devel- this time we’re going to have to take more risks,” ed supplies of any candidate vaccine could result oped by GlaxoSmithKline. Hill, a professor and said Brian Greenwood, a professor at the London in a form of natural control group being formed director at the Jenner Institute at Britain’s School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine who will anyway. Researchers can compare populations University of Oxford, says that if his results show take part in the WHO-led meeting. “Quite how we where the vaccine is available with those where it no adverse side-effects, GSK’s new shot could do that, and what risks we take, hasn’t really been isn’t. used in people in West Africa by the end of this thought through yet. That’s what people are try- GSK has said it is aiming to have 10,000 doses year. ing to figure out.” of its experimental shot by the end of the year, Even if a drug is shown to be safe, it takes while Canada has given 800 vials of the NewLink longer to prove it is effective - time that is simply Two things at the same time candidate vaccine to the WHO, expected to yield not available when cases of Ebola infection are The chaos caused by the epidemic itself makes at least 1,500 doses. Most experts interviewed by doubling every few weeks and projected by the it even more difficult to deploy and track use of a Reuters favor the idea of the first doses going to World Health Organization to reach 20,000 by new vaccine, said Hill. “You’re trying to do two frontline healthcare workers, since their exposure November. Among questions that scientists are things at the same time: you’re trying to evaluate to risk is so high. Researchers could then compare grappling with: should an unproven vaccine be a vaccine and deploy it - when normally you infection rates among health workers who given to everybody, or just a few? Should it be would evaluate the vaccine first, by doing a ran- receive the vaccine to those working in regions offered to healthcare workers first? The young domized double blind controlled trial, and then still waiting for it. Peter Piot, a co-discoverer of the before the old? Should it be used first in Liberia you’d deploy it if it was shown to be safe and Ebola virus in 1976 and now director of the where Ebola is spreading fastest, or Guinea where effective.” London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine it is closer to being under control? Because Ebola virus is so deadly, those who said that however complicated the ethics, revert- Should people be told to assume it will protect receive a trial vaccine must be told to take all oth- ing to the traditional years-long process of testing them from Ebola? Or should they take all the pro- er precautions and protect themselves fully. This vaccines, and withholding them from West Africa tective measures they would if they hadn’t been could make it harder for researchers to decipher until then, is not an option. “It may be that with- vaccinated? And if so, how will anyone know whether the protective clothing and safety proto- out a vaccine, we can’t really stop this epidemic,” MONROVIA: Medical staff carry the body of an Ebola victim, at the French medical whether the vaccine works? GSK is one of several cols, or the new vaccine, is what kept them safe. he said. — Reuters NGO Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) in Monrovia. — AFP Roche breast cancer drug ‘unprecedented’

MADRID: A new breast cancer drug from Roche has shown tive. “The results, I think, are phenomenal,” lead researcher Sandra who got Herceptin and chemotherapy. by 2018, according to consensus forecasts compiled by Thomson “unprecedented” benefits in extending lives in a clinical trial and Swain from the Washington Hospital Center told the European While both Perjeta and Herceptin have side effects, including Reuters Cortellis. experts urged its widespread use for women with an aggressive Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) annual congress in Madrid rash, diarrhea and a potentially adverse impact on heart function, But it poses a challenge for healthcare providers, since Perjeta form of the disease. Patients with a type of breast cancer known as yesterday. using the two drugs together did not make these issues any and Herceptin are costly injectable drugs and the multiple-drug HER2 positive, which makes up about a quarter of all breast can- “The survival improvement of nearly 16 months... is unprece- worse. “I think these data are really compelling,” said Eric Van regimen promises to strain budgets. In the United States, the cers, who were given Perjeta on top of older medicine Herceptin dented among studies of metastatic breast cancer.” Perjeta, which Cutsem of the University of Leuven, who was not involved in the monthly price of Perjeta is approximately $5,900, while Herceptin and chemotherapy lived 15.7 months longer than those on was approved by regulators two years ago, was tested in the research. “When you see in breast cancer such a big change in sur- costs around $5,300, a Roche spokeswoman said. Prices in Europe Herceptin and chemotherapy alone. Roche-backed study involving more than 800 women. vival with not a lot of cardio-toxicities then that is really practice- are lower. For Roche, Perjeta is an important new product that That is the longest extension to survival ever seen for a drug Researchers had previously reported the Perjeta drug regimen changing.” should help defend its position in breast cancer, following the suc- studied in metastatic breast cancer and also an unusually good significantly extended progression-free survival, or the period of cess of Herceptin, which was first approved in 1998. The company result for any type of metastatic cancer, where disease has spread time patients live without their disease worsening, but the final Remarkable results said the latest data would be submitted to regulatory authorities to other parts of the body. The result is a vindication of combining overall survival data has taken longer to collect. Swain and Javier Cortes, another researcher on the study from around the world for inclusion in the prescribing information for medicines that fight tumor cells in a variety of ways. The median overall survival time was 56.5 months for those the Vall D’Hebron Institute of Oncology in Barcelona, said the Perjeta. The Swiss drugmaker also has another related drug called Both Herceptin and Perjeta are antibodies designed to block given Perjeta against the already impressive 40.8 months for results suggested using Perjeta should now be the standard of Kadcyla, which is also being tested in combination with Perjeta. the function of HER2, a protein produced by a cancer-linked gene. patients taking only the older drugs. Looking at the study results a care for HER2 positive breast cancer patients. A favorable reaction Some analysts believe Kadcyla’s prospects could be curbed if Perjeta, also known as pertuzumab, binds to a different part of the different way, the risk of dying was reduced by 32 percent for from oncologists will underpin expectations of strong sales for results from that combination are not better than the impressive same protein, which makes combining the two drugs extra effec- women who received the Perjeta regimen compared to those Perjeta, which analysts currently expect to sell $3.1 billion a year findings reported this weekend. — Reuters Refugees settle in thanks to small US farm plots

DES MOINES: The rapidly rising demand for locally grown fruits this year through the federal Refugee Agricultural Partnership and vegetables has created a robust new market for refugees who Program, which started in 2003 and provides about $1 million a fled violence in their home countries and found peace in farming year, said Ron Munia, director of the Division of Community small plots of land in several US cities. With help from a federal Development in the Office of Refugee Services. The program also grant program and local charities, refugees like Angelique has funded plots in New York City; Buffalo, New York; Cleveland, Hakuzimana in Des Moines, Iowa, are now harvesting crops - Ohio; Honolulu, Hawaii; Nashville, Tennessee; Providence, Rhode some of which are native to their home countries - to meet local Island; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; and Tampa, Florida. demand. They’re also finding their place in new communities through an activity many are accustomed to, the federal program Language barriers director said. “The big thing is that many refugees come from agrarian back- Hakuzimana, 39, was displaced by war in Rwanda in 2009 and grounds and this is something that they are extremely accus- settled in Iowa through a program sponsored by the United tomed to,” said Munia, whose office is part of the US Department Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. On a recent September of Health and Human Services. “The interaction with the local morning, she picked vegetables as farm manager Zach Couture population and other refugees is a huge factor in helping them read off an order sheet from a food cooperative. She excitedly integrate. “The fact that they’re growing food, sharing it with each showed off rows of tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, kale, lettuce and other, sharing recipes and cooking for each other really helps. eggplant planted as part of the Global Greens program through Their kids are out there playing together which helps with the lan- the Lutheran Services of Iowa. The hotel housekeeper also grows guage barriers.” cassava, a carbohydrate-rich root that’s a dietary staple in Africa. Lutheran Services has helped refugees farm for several years, “I really like my garden. I like to work myself. Here you can do but sought grants after some families asked to expand their plots, anything you like to do,” Hakuzimana said, at times struggling to program supervisor Hillary Burbank said. Eighteen have beginner find the English words to express her thoughts. “I’ve got a lot a gardens of about 50 feet by 50 feet (15 meters by 15 meters) to food.” The organization received $85,000 for its program, which grow food primarily for their own use, and eight families have offers farm plots on land owned by a West Des Moines church to advanced to larger quarter-acre plots (0.1-hectare), the products RAMALLAH: A Palestinian man takes his pet python in a street on September 27, 2014, in the occupied West Bank 26 refugee families from several nations, including Bhutan, Burma, of which are sold at a farmers market and to the Iowa Food city of Ramallah. — AFP Burundi and Rwanda. It’s one of 11 organizations to receive grants Cooperative.—AP HEALTH & SCIENCE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014

COLUMBUS: Zack Brown, the man behind the potato salad Kickstarter campaign is photographed in Ohio. COLUMBUS: Katie Unrath, of North Columbus, Ohio, samples potato salad. — AP photos Man who raised $55K for potato salad throws party

COLUMBUS: An Ohio man who raised $55,000 in a jok- ing crowd-funding appeal to pay for his first attempt at making potato salad threw a huge public party Saturday that promised “peace, love and potato salad.” PotatoStock 2014 was held in downtown Columbus and featured bands, food trucks, vendors and, yes, plenty of potato salad. With more than 3,000 pounds (1,360 kilo- grams) of potatoes, the charity-minded party was open to people of all ages. Zack Brown had jokingly sought $10 on Kickstarter - a website which allows people to raise funds for projects - in July to buy potato salad ingredients, but his mission drew global attention and earned tens of thousands of dollars. The Idaho Potato Commission and corporate spon- sors donated potato salad supplies for the party. Brown is partnering with the Columbus Foundation to support charities that fight hunger and homelessness. The account started with $20,000 in post-campaign corpo- rate donations and will grow after proceeds from PotatoStock are added. “His fund will have potential way after this potato salad is forgotten,” Lisa Jolley, the foundation’s director of donors and development, told The Columbus Dispatch. Brown told the newspaper that he intends to “do the most good that I can.” — AP COLUMBUS: This photo shows a new recipe for potato salad by Piada Italian COLUMBUS: A participant wears a stuffed potato doll and a temporary tattoo Street Food chefs Mike Bomberger and Jorge Martinez at PotatoStock. reading “Spud Life” at PotatoStock. Frac sand mining threatens health Failed cancer vaccines might

CLAYTON COUNTY: The growing demand for frac sand Advocates, which participated in the study. live again with immune drugs - mined primarily in Wisconsin and Minnesota but also Elected officials and the Wisconsin Department of in northeast Iowa - threatens human health, the envi- Natural Resources largely have dismissed residents’ con- MADRID: Using vaccines to fight cancer is a field littered But he thinks the new checkpoint inhibitors, which are ronment and local economies, according to a report cerns about their health and the environment, she said. with failures but experts believe it is possible the approach designed to stop the molecular trickery that is used by issued Thursday. Mining interests are shifting many Neither Minnesota nor Wisconsin has adopted air quali- could get a new lease of life if such shots are combined tumor cells to escape detection by the immune system, with a new class of drugs called checkpoint inhibitors. could finally unlock the value of such vaccines. “For future costs of frac sand mining to the public, report co-author ty standards for airborne silica that will adequately pro- Unlike traditional preventative vaccines, therapeutic cancer progress, I think a combination of vaccination and check- Grant Smith, senior energy policy adviser with the Civil tect people living or working near frac sand mining vaccines are designed for people with established disease point inhibition may be of major interest,” he told the Society Institute, said during a telephone news confer- sites, said Heather White, executive director of the and are supposed to boost the patient’s immune system to European Society of Medical Oncology annual congress in ence to announce the study. Environmental Working Group, which also participated keep tumors at bay. Madrid. “Local and state governments have a responsibility in the study. Unfortunately, the theory has not worked out in practice Advances with checkpoint inhibitors - particularly so- to balance those interests and not just look the other Chronic exposure to airborne silica can lead to emphy- because, while the vaccines are successful at triggering a called PD-1 and PD-L1 drugs being developed by Bristol- way,” Smith said. Citing analysts’ estimates, the study’s sema and lung disease, she said. The volume of water response from the “foot soldiers” of the immune system, Myers Squibb, Merck & Co, Roche and AstraZenec is domi- authors projected that 95 billion pounds of the fine-par- used to remove impurities from frac sand can strain cancer cells still manage to escape detection. The result has nating discussion at this year’s ESMO meeting. The new ticle sand will be used this year in the hydraulic fractur- water supplies, and chemicals added to the water could been a series of failures with high-profile experimental can- drugs are generating promising results in a growing range ing of wells to extract oil and natural gas - an increase of pollute surface and ground water, the study authors said. cer vaccines such as Merck KGaA’s Stimuvax and of tumor types and scientists are now casting around for 30 percent from the 2013. Wisconsin and Minnesota Among economic harms cited by the authors were GlaxoSmithKline’s MAGE-A3. novel ways to combine them with other therapies to get combined have 164 active and 20 proposed frac sand potential loss of nearby real estate values and shortened GSK threw in the towel on its vaccine in April, dashing even better outcomes. Therapeutic vaccines could be one facilities, they said. life spans of roads and other infrastructure. hopes for a project that was once seen as a potential multi- such promising avenue, since they have very few side Iowa has only one operating frac sand mine, the The authors said political action at the local level can billion-dollar sales opportunity in lung cancer and effects compared to many harsh cancer treatments. Roche melanoma. Johan Vansteenkiste of Belgium’s University Chief Executive Severin Schwan said earlier this month that Pattison Sand Co. in Clayton County, but it has extensive slow the frac sand rush and buy time to evaluate poten- Hospitals Leuven, who led research into use of MAGE-A3 in the Swiss drugmaker - the world’s largest maker of cancer deposits of suitable sand. “Citizens living near frac sand tial risks and pose solutions. Iowa’s Allamakee County, lung cancer, reported full results of the failure at a medical drugs - was already exploring ways of combining its check- mining in Wisconsin are witnessing a massive destruc- where supervisors imposed a frac sand mining morato- meeting yesterday and said the setback was a clear disap- point inhibitors with vaccines that had failed in tests when tion of their rural landscape,” said Kimberlee Wright, rium before enacting a restrictive zoning ordinance, is a pointment. given on their own. — Reuters executive director of Midwest Environmental good example, they said. — AP WHAT’S ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014

DHL Express Kuwait celebrates Global Volunteer Day 2014

HL Express Kuwait, part of Deutsche Post DHL, the the day with the kids and their parents. A total of 80 par- ness into the hearts of kids with special needs and their Ahla volunteering team and For Fun Group. Introduced in world’s leading postal and logistics group, dis- ents and children attended the activity packed day that families, Daher stated, “During this day, DHL volunteers Asia Pacific in 2008, Volunteer Day has expanded into Dplayed their commitment to better their local com- ended with the distribution of gifts presented by DHL helped boost the children’s self-esteem and wellbeing by Americas, Middle East, Africa and Europe over the years, munities with 30 employees taking part in a visit to Al- employees to all kids celebrating their birthday in using different playing techniques, like free play, arts and and continues to build on its success by involving more Kharafi Activity Kids Center for the disabled, as part of September, which left them feeling very special and quite crafts and competitive games all of which had a positive employees than ever before. In 2013, the initiative was Global Volunteer Day 2014; a global drive to give back to happy. impact on the children. It is very important to promote the rolled out as a year-long program and was a tremendous local communities and to inculcate a passion for volun- “When volunteering, people get the chance to make a positive effects of play and its vitality on a child’s develop- success, achieving the support of about 100,000 employ- teerism among employees. The day was filled with birth- difference in each other’s lives, which fosters socially ment and wellbeing,” he added.” ees and over 3,000 customers and business partners in 127 day celebrations, activities and gifts for all, which left all the responsible leadership,” added Hariri, “We always do every- Additionally, Daher stated “The center’s administration countries and territories, who participated in about 1,600 kids with a smile on their face. thing possible to inspire the spirit of volunteerism in our has proceeded since Its inception in 2005 to promote and community programs. “DPDHL’s commitment to give back to the community people, they are our greatest resource and we like to develop voluntary work and to encourage community For Global Volunteer Day 2014, Deutsche Post DHL conveys our corporate strategy to act responsibly as indi- encourage them to actively participate in community members to join in due to the great humanitarian value it offices around the world are participating in many diverse viduals and as a company towards every environment and efforts which is also part of our responsibility towards our holds and to the positive impact to the development of community projects in support of various local causes. society in which we operate,” said Omar Hariri, Country society,” communities and advancement between its members”. These programs deliver to the company’s three Corporate Manager, DHL Express Kuwait. Vice manager of Al-Kharafi Activity Kids Center, Raad The center’s administration thanked DHL Express Responsibility programs -GoGreen (protecting the environ- DHL Express employees organized a visit to Al-Kharafi Daher , has praised the excellent initiative of the DHL vol- Kuwait for their generous sponsorship of this event and all ment), GoHelp (delivering help) and GoTeach (improving Activity Kids center on September 27th, where they spent unteers for their contribution for spreading joy and happi- those who contributed to a successful event from Bukra educational opportunity and employability).

AAW employees volunteer to help replenish Kuwait’s Blood Bank supply

he employees of Ali Abdulwahab Al-Mutawa Commercial Co (AAW) donated blood to the Kuwait Central Blood Bank during What’s On - Submission Guidelines Ta collection drive to help replenish the bank’s blood supply fol- lowing Ramadan and Summer season. General Director of the Administration and Medical Director at The Kuwait Central Blood All photos submitted for What’s On Bank, Dr Reem Al-Radwan said: “The supply of blood locally is con- should be minimum 200dpi. stant concern, and donations are especially needed at this time to off- set shortages during the Holy Month of Ramadan. Kuwait currently Articles must be in plain text and requires about 250 blood donors a day and this number is expected should include name and phone to increase to 400 in the next five years. We thank AAW employees for numbers. Articles and photos that taking the time to donate to the Kuwait Central Blood Bank.” fail to meet these requirements will AAW Chairman and CEO, Faisal Al-Mutawa said: “This isn’t the first time AAW employees volunteer and mobilize to donate blood and it not be published. will not be last either. We are very proud of our employees for contin- Please send them to uing to set the standards for good corporate citizenship and for being active members of the community.” The Kuwait Central Blood Bank is [email protected] open for donations weekdays from 7 am to 9 pm and anyone over 17 years of age can donate a pint of blood every 60 days. WHAT’S ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014

India International School salutes HH the Amir

ndia International School dedicated a day to salute the world. With his acts of kindness he has risen to the The principal also recalled His Highness the Amir’s Kuwait flag while the school choir song a beautiful His Highness the Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al- height that any ruler can soar to, setting a living exam- tireless work with high energy to improve Kuwait’s rela- Arabic song prepared by the faculty of Arabic depart- IAhmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the Humanitarian Leader. ple in himself for the present and future generations. tionship with other countries. He also mentioned the piv- ment eulogizing the countless generous acts of His School Principal F M Basheer Ahmed, in his address in His Highness, the embodiment of benevolence, gives otal role that His Highness, played to mediate between Highness the Amir. The senior students of the school the special assembly organized in this regard, reflected shape to the noble qualities that many rulers lack in the countries at the time of conflict. The school Director performed an informative skit highlighting all the great on the remarkable acts of generosity and charity that present world. May his sovereign power continue to Malayil Moosakoya also addressed the audience. deeds done by him to various needy countries of the His Highness the Amir shows to the humankind all over posterity! The whole school joined the celebration by swaying world. KDNA elects new office-bearers

ozhikode District NRI Association, Kuwait (KDNA) elected its new committee members for the year 2014-2015. The new Kcommittee was unanimously elected by the executive mem- bers under the leadership of advisory members Krishnan Kadalundi and Basheer Batha. The new team comprises Zubair MM, Basheer Batha and Krishnan Kadalundi as Advisory Board members. Azeez Thikkodi (President) Sathian Varoonda (General Secretary), Zaheer Alakkal (Treasurer). The Vice Presidents are Suresh Mathur, Kalathil Abdurahiman and Sajeevan Kunnimel. The other main secretaries are Naser Thikkodi (Organizing) K nology). The joint treasurer of the association is Hakkim Villiapily. Alikoya (membership) Illyas Thottatil (charity and welfare) Praju TM Rasheed Payanthong, Mohammed Ali Arakkal, Mohammed (arts and culture) Rafi Kallai (media) Ubaid Chakkitakandy (sports) Vazhayil, Shyjith Kumar, Balan Koomulil, Suhesh Kumar, Shoukath Ali Raveendran Mukkam (employment) Asha Premaraj (academic) RN, Abdurahiman Naduvannur, Shahina Zubair, Sandhya Shyjith, Asha Karunakaran (investment and benefit) Ashraf VKM (information tech- Premraj etc felicitated the event.

Khadamat Marketing & Automotive Services Co announces bumper prize winner

hadamat Marketing & Automotive Services Co WLL, Edge oil have received a scratch and win gift option, in announced the bumper prize winner of the lucky addition to the chance to win the bumper prize ‘Mitsubishi Kdraw competition conducted in connection with the Attrage Car’. The lucky customer Mohammad Adul Sattar Khidma/Castrol FIFA World Cup 2014. Mohammad Adul said that this is the first time he was winning such a prize. Sattar and family was declared the winner for the prize of “Though I already have one vehicle, my family is very hap- KES Year 4 students visit ‘Mitsubishi Attrage Car’. The GM- Hisham Fakih/and Aboo py to win a new car through Khidma lucky draw contest.” Backer and Nabeel Mustafa from AlMulla Automotive He also added that the Khidma Service is so convenient for aquarium at Scientific Center Khidma handed over the keys of the car to Mohammad him in his busy lifestyle where it is open all the seven days Adul Sattar , during the prize distribution ceremony on a week and selected 24 hours service, where he gets more s part of their studies on Habitats and Deserts this term, students in Year 4 at Kuwait English School Tuesday, September 18 2014, at Sharq Head office. The value for his time and money. “Also the Khidma technicians function was attended by elite operation partners Castrol: at the branches perform reliable; efficient that delivers visited the Scientific Center to carry out some independent research about animals that live in the Adal and Hani, Oula; Jaseem Mohammed Al-Mahmeed and quality service and ready to provide assistance at any time Adesert. They also found out some interesting facts about the coastal marine life of Kuwait. Heba, Abdulziz Mohammad Al-Raees other invited guests. need.” Mohammad Adul Sattar also said he is fully satisfied the Education Officer for the Scientific Center, was on hand to help out the students with their research Customers who visited Khidma Centers during July to with the services, and will certainly refer his friends and rel- and share lots of knowledge about living organisms in the desert and sea. The students certainly enjoyed August 2014 for service of their vehicles with Magnetic and atives. their trip and took away lots of important facts which they will be able to use back in the classroom. TV PROGRAMS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014

02:05 Jungle Junction 02:15 Jungle Junction 23:30 Quest For A Heart 06:00 Champions League T20 02:30 Violetta Highlights 03:15 The Hive 07:00 ICC Cricket 360 00:45 I’m Alive 00:25 Antiques Roadshow 03:20 Art Attack 07:30 Natwest T20 Blast Highlights 01:35 Animal Cops Houston 01:20 MasterChef 03:45 Art Attack 08:30 Natwest T20 Blast Highlights 02:25 Treehouse Masters 02:15 MasterChef 04:10 Jungle Junction 09:30 Natwest T20 Blast Highlights 03:15 Echo And The Elephants Of 03:05 MasterChef 04:20 Jungle Junction 00:00 Ice Soldiers-PG15 10:30 Champions League T20 04:00 MasterChef Amboseli 04:35 Jungle Junction 01:45 Pacific Rim-PG15 Highlights 04:50 MasterChef 03:40 Echo And The Elephants Of 04:45 Jungle Junction 04:00 Arthur 3: And The War Of 11:30 Champions League T20 05:45 Valentine Warner Eats Amboseli 05:00 Art Attack Two Worlds-PG Highlights Scandinavia 12:30 Champions League T20 04:05 Roaring With Pride 05:25 Art Attack 06:00 Hope Springs-PG15 06:15 Extreme Makeover: Home Highlights 04:55 Sharkageddon 05:50 Mouk 08:00 Mirror Mirror-PG15 Edition 10:00 Epic-PG 13:30 ICC Cricket 360 05:45 I’m Alive 06:00 Jessie 07:00 Come Dine With Me 11:45 Pacific Rim-PG15 14:00 Champions League T20 06:35 Meerkat Manor 06:25 Liv And Maddie 07:50 Bargain Hunt 06:45 Dog With A Blog 14:00 The Incredible Burt Highlights 07:00 Meerkat Manor 08:35 The Planners 07:10 I Didn’t Do It Wonderstone-PG15 15:00 Champions League T20 07:25 Dogs 101 09:25 Valentine Warner Eats 07:35 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 16:00 Mirror Mirror-PG15 Highlights 08:15 Dick ‘n’ Dom Go Wild Scandinavia Teenage Witch 18:00 R.I.P.D.-PG15 16:00 Champions League T20 08:45 Dick ‘n’ Dom Go Wild 09:55 Come Dine With Me: South 07:55 Win, Lose Or Draw 20:00 Oblivion-PG15 Highlights 09:10 Too Cute! Africa 08:20 Suite Life On Deck 22:15 Insidious-PG15 17:00 ICC Cricket 360 10:05 Call Of The Wildman 10:45 Come Dine With Me 08:45 A.N.T. Farm 17:30 Live Champions League T20 10:30 Call Of The Wildman 11:35 Come Dine With Me 09:05 A.N.T. Farm 21:00 ICC Cricket 360 11:00 I Escaped Jaws 2 12:25 Bargain Hunt 09:30 Sonny With A Chance 21:30 Champions League T20 11:55 Meerkat Manor 13:10 The Planners 09:55 Sonny With A Chance Highlights 12:20 Animal Airport 14:00 Valentine Warner Eats 10:15 Suite Life On Deck 05:30 Ryder Cup Closing Cermony 22:30 Champions League T20 12:50 Tanked Scandinavia 10:40 Suite Life On Deck 06:00 Trans World Sport Highlights 13:45 Treehouse Masters 14:30 Come Dine With Me: South 11:05 That’s So Raven 07:00 Golfing World 23:30 Champions League T20 08:00 FEI Equestrian 14:40 Wildest Africa Africa 11:25 That’s So Raven Highlights 15:20 Come Dine With Me 08:30 Top 14 Highlights 15:30 Dogs 101 11:50 A.N.T. Farm 16:10 Come Dine With Me 09:00 The Rugby Championship 16:30 Dick ‘n’ Dom Go Wild 12:15 A.N.T. Farm 17:05 The Hairy Bikers Ride Again 11:00 The Rugby Championship 17:00 Dick ‘n’ Dom Go Wild 12:35 Good Luck Charlie 17:30 Bargain Hunt 13:00 FEI Equestrian 17:25 Pandamonium 13:00 Good Luck Charlie 18:15 Homes Under The Hammer 13:30 Top 14 Highlights 18:20 Call Of The Wildman 13:25 Jessie 19:10 Food & Drink 14:00 Champion Tour 00:10 Hoarding: Buried Alive 18:45 Call Of The Wildman 13:45 Jessie 19:35 Come Dine With Me 17:00 ICC Cricket 360 01:00 The Next Great Baker 19:15 Too Cute! 14:10 Austin & Ally 20:25 Antiques Roadshow 14:35 Win, Lose Or Draw 17:30 Top 14 Highlights 01:50 Ballroom Blitz 20:10 My Cat From Hell 21:20 Antiques Roadshow 15:00 Mako Mermaids 18:00 Golfing World 02:40 I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant 21:05 Wildest Africa 22:15 Bargain Hunt 15:25 I Didn’t Do It 19:00 NFL 03:05 Secretly Pregnant 22:00 Too Cute! 23:00 Homes Under The Hammer 15:50 Liv And Maddie 21:30 NFL 03:55 Long Island Medium 22:55 My Cat From Hell 23:50 Food & Drink 16:10 Violetta 04:20 Say Yes To The Dress 23:50 Jaws Comes Home 17:00 Dog With A Blog 04:45 Say Yes To The Dress 17:20 Jessie 05:10 Toddlers & Tiaras 17:45 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 06:00 Oprah: Behind The Scenes 02:00 European LE Mans Teenage Witch 07:00 Driving Me Crazy 06:30 ICC Cricket 360 18:10 I Didn’t Do It 07:50 Little People, Big World: Big 07:00 Indycar Highlights 00:00 Hotel Secrets With Richard E 18:30 Win, Lose Or Draw Changes 00:45 Outback Truckers 11:00 Ryder Cup 2014 Grant 18:55 Liv And Maddie 08:40 Say Yes To The Dress 01:35 Outback Truckers 14:30 Ryder Cup Closing Cermony 00:45 Big School 19:20 Violetta 09:05 Say Yes To The Dress 02:25 Outback Truckers 15:00 Golfing World 01:15 Dead Boss 20:05 Mako Mermaids 09:30 Toddlers & Tiaras 03:15 Outback Truckers 16:00 World Match Racing Tour 01:45 Silent Witness 20:30 Mako Mermaids 10:20 Say Yes To The Dress 04:05 Outback Truckers 17:00 World Match Racing Tour 02:35 Call The Midwife 20:50 Mako Mermaids 10:45 Say Yes To The Dress 05:00 Dynamo: Magician 18:00 World Match Racing Tour 03:30 DCI Banks 21:15 Mako Mermaids 11:10 Cake Boss Impossible 19:00 WWE Experience 04:15 The Weakest Link 21:40 Mako Mermaids TEH EXPANDABLE 2 ON OSN MOVIES HD ACTION 11:35 17 Kids And Counting 06:00 Classic Car Rescue 20:00 WWE Afterburn 05:00 Me Too! 22:00 Good Luck Charlie 12:00 Little People, Big World 06:50 Deadliest Catch 21:00 WWE This Week 05:20 Boogie Beebies 22:25 A.N.T. Farm 21:00 Eric And Jessie: Game On 16:00 The Colbert Report 18:00 The Expendables 2-PG15 12:25 Oprah: Behind The Scenes 07:40 Fast N’ Loud 21:30 ICC Cricket 360 05:35 Teletubbies 22:50 Shake It Up 21:30 Eric And Jessie: Game On 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 20:00 Hudson Hawk-PG15 13:15 The Next Great Baker 08:30 Storage Hunters 22:00 Top 14 Highlights 06:00 Nina And The Neurons 23:10 Wolfblood 22:00 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 19:00 How I Met Your Mother 22:00 The Chronicles Of Riddick- 14:05 Ballroom Blitz 08:55 American Diggers 22:30 Indycar Highlights 06:15 Me Too! 23:35 Wolfblood 22:30 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 20:00 That Mitchell And Webb PG15 14:55 Brides Of Beverly Hills 09:20 Storage Hunters 23:30 Indycar Highlights 06:35 Boogie Beebies 23:00 THS Look 15:20 Cake Boss 09:45 How It’s Made 06:50 Teletubbies 20:30 Wilfred 15:45 Driving Me Crazy 10:10 How Do They Do It? 07:15 The Weakest Link 21:00 The Daily Show With Jon 16:35 Toddlers & Tiaras 10:35 Wheeler Dealers: Trading Up 08:00 Friday Night Dinner Stewart 17:25 Say Yes To The Dress 11:25 Wheeler Dealers 00:00 Servitude-PG15 08:25 After You’ve Gone 21:30 Last Week Tonight With John 17:50 Say Yes To The Dress 12:15 Bike Battles 02:00 Dr Seuss’ Cat In The Hat-PG 08:55 The Impressions Show With 00:00 The Soup Oliver 18:15 17 Kids And Counting 13:05 Storage Hunters 04:00 3 Times A Charm-PG15 00:30 Champions League T20 Culshaw... 00:30 Giuliana & Bill 22:30 Hello Ladies 18:40 Little People, Big World 13:30 American Diggers 06:00 The Runway-PG15 Highlights 09:25 Doctors 01:25 Keeping Up With The 00:35 The Hungry Sailors 23:30 That Mitchell And Webb 19:10 Oprah: Behind The Scenes 13:55 Storage Hunters 08:00 The New Guy-PG15 01:30 Champions League T20 09:55 Casualty Kardashians 01:30 Coach Trip Look 20:05 Something Borrowed, 14:20 Deadliest Catch 10:00 Shrek The Third-FAM Highlights 10:45 The Weakest Link 02:20 E! News 02:00 Emmerdale Something New 15:10 Extreme Car Hoarders 12:00 Big Trouble-PG15 02:30 England Women v South 11:30 Friday Night Dinner 03:15 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 02:55 Coronation Street 20:30 Cake Boss 16:00 Fast N’ Loud 14:00 Three Men And A Little Lady- African Women T20I Highlights 11:55 After You’ve Gone 03:40 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 03:25 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 21:00 Alaskan Women Looking For 16:50 How It’s Made PG 03:30 Caribbean Premier Leaue 12:25 Walk On The Wild Side 04:10 E!ES 05:15 Take On The Twisters 00:00 Royal Pains Love 17:15 How Do They Do It? 16:00 Romy And Michelle’s High Highlights 12:55 The Impressions Show With 05:05 THS 06:10 Big Star’s Little Star 01:00 Defiance 21:55 Breaking Amish: Los Angeles 17:40 Gold Divers School Reunion-PG15 04:30 ICC Cricket 360 Culshaw... 06:00 THS 07:05 Coach Trip 02:00 Grimm 22:50 Long Island Medium 18:30 Siberian Cut 18:00 Fun Size-PG15 05:00 Champions League T20 13:25 Doctors 07:50 Style Star 07:30 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 03:00 Breaking Bad 23:15 Secretly Pregnant 19:20 Outback Truckers 20:00 Blades Of Glory-PG15 Highlights 13:55 Casualty 08:20 E! News 09:20 Monroe 05:00 Parenthood 20:10 American Diggers 22:00 Nick And Norah’s Infinite 14:45 Friday Night Dinner 09:15 Giuliana & Bill 10:15 Take On The Twisters 06:00 Royal Pains 20:35 Storage Hunters Playlist-PG15 15:10 BBC Proms 2011: Human 10:15 Giuliana & Bill 11:10 Emmerdale 11:00 Parenthood 21:00 Siberian Cut Planet Prom 11:10 THS 12:00 Coronation Street 12:00 Emmerdale Kathryn Bigelow 21:50 Outback Truckers 16:30 The Weakest Link 12:05 E! News 12:30 The Hungry Sailors 12:30 Coronation Street 22:40 Chrome Underground 17:15 Eastenders 13:05 Extreme Close-Up 13:25 Big Star’s Little Star 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show decries ‘Last Days’ of 23:30 Siberian Cut 17:45 Doctors 13:35 E!ES 14:20 Coach Trip 15:00 Royal Pains 18:15 The Inspector Lynley 14:30 Style Star 14:45 Take On The Twisters 16:00 Emmerdale the African elephant Mysteries 15:00 Kourtney And Kim Take 15:35 Harry’s South Pole Heroes 16:30 Coronation Street 01:00 Faces In The Crowd-PG15 19:00 My Hero Miami 16:30 Harry’s South Pole Heroes 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 03:00 Beautiful Creatures-PG15 hen you buy something made of ivory, 19:30 Lead Balloon 16:00 Kourtney And Kim Take 17:25 Paul O’grady: For The Love Of 18:00 Criminal Minds 05:15 Everything Must Go-PG15 where does the money go?” asks an 20:00 DCI Banks Miami Dogs 19:00 Perception 07:15 Pop Star-PG15 “Wonscreen question at the start of Kathryn 00:00 Violetta 20:45 Silent Witness 17:00 The Drama Queen 18:20 Big Star’s Little Star 20:00 Revenge 09:00 Hyde Park On Hudson-PG15 Bigelow’s “Last Days,” a remarkable three- minute PSA on 00:45 The Hive 21:35 As Time Goes By 18:00 E! News 19:10 Coronation Street 21:00 Resurrection 11:00 Everything Must Go-PG15 the subject of elephant poaching and the illegal ivory 00:50 Art Attack 22:05 Call The Midwife 19:00 E!ES 19:35 Harry’s South Pole Heroes 22:00 Boardwalk Empire 13:00 Beautiful Creatures-PG15 trade that premiered on Saturday at the New York Film 01:15 Art Attack 22:55 BBC Proms 2011: Human 20:00 Keeping Up With The 20:30 Harry’s South Pole Heroes 23:00 The Leftovers 15:15 Love And Honor-PG15 Festival. The unsettling answer: a veritable roll call of the 01:40 Jungle Junction Planet Prom Kardashians 21:25 Paul O’grady: For The Love Of 17:00 Hyde Park On Hudson-PG15 world’s leading terror organizations. 01:50 Jungle Junction Dogs 19:00 The Magic Of Belle Isle-PG15 Directed by Bigelow from a treatment she devised with 22:20 Coronation Street 21:00 All Is Lost-PG15 screenwriter Scott Z. Burns, and produced by Megan 22:50 Emmerdale 23:00 Texas Killing Fields-PG15 Ellison’s Annapurna Pictures, the visually stunning short 23:45 Take On The Twisters combines staccato 2D animation with flashes of live action 00:00 Bones to trace the insidious flow of ivory income backwards from 02:00 Good Morning America the point of sale-in markets and tourist shops from Manhattan to Shanghai-to the point of slaughter, culmi- 03:00 Banshee 01:30 All Things To All Men-PG15 nating in the pointed assertion that “sadly, there is no way 04:00 True Detective 03:00 Rachel Getting Married-PG15 to make extinction go backwards.” Along the way, other 00:00 Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler 06:00 Good Morning America 05:00 Robot & Frank-PG15 07:00 Emmerdale startling facts fill the screen, including that endangered 01:00 Megastructures 07:00 The Gospel-PG15 species trafficking is the world’s fourth most lucrative 02:00 Is It Real? 07:30 Coronation Street 09:00 Cool It-PG15 09:00 Once Upon A Time In transnational crime (after drugs, weapons and human traf- 03:00 Wild Case Files 10:30 Robot & Frank-PG15 ficking); that one elephant is killed every 15 minutes; and 04:00 Zambezi Wonderland 12:15 Fat Man And Little Boy-PG15 10:00 Emmerdale that, at the current rate of poaching, the entire species 05:00 Close Quarter Battle 14:30 Cinderella Man-PG15 could be extinct in just over a decade. The beneficiaries of 05:30 Close Quarter Battle 10:30 Coronation Street 17:00 Cool It-PG15 12:00 Chicago Fire this, according to “Last Days,” are militant groups like 06:00 Sea Patrol 18:30 Texas Killing Fields-PG15 Nigeria’s Boko Harem, Sudan’s Janjaweed Militia and 07:00 Apocalypse World War I 13:00 Bones 20:30 Abandon-PG15 14:00 Live Good Morning America Somalia’s al-Shabaab, whose 2013 assault on the Westgate 08:00 Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler 22:15 Beasts Of The Southern Wild- shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya is seen here in terrifying 16:00 Once Upon A Time In 09:00 Megastructures PG15 fragments of surveillance and camera-phone video record- Wonderland 10:00 Is It Real? ed during the attack. 17:00 Chicago Fire 11:00 Zambezi “I’ve been an animal advocate as long as I can remem- 18:00 Bones 12:00 Aftermath ber,” said Bigelow, introducing a post-screening panel dis- 19:00 Once Upon A Time In 13:00 Mega Factories 01:00 Bachelorette-PG15 cussion for which the filmmaker was joined by Somali- Wonderland 14:00 Shark Men 03:00 Standing Ovation-PG15 born singer-songwriter and poet K’naan Warsame; New 20:00 Chicago Fire 15:00 World’s Deadliest Animals 05:00 Muhammad Ali’s Greatest York County Assistant District Attorney Julieta V. Lozano; 16:00 Wild Case Files Fight-PG15 journalist and filmmaker Peter Godwin; and activist Peter 17:00 Apocalypse World War I 07:00 Hitchcock-PG15 Knights, whose nonprofit WildAid organization has been 18:00 Human Lampshade: A 09:00 After Earth-PG15 leading the charge in the global anti-ivory campaign. Holocaust Mystery 00:00 D-Tox 10:45 Man Of Steel-PG15 Bigelow traced the origins of the project to a meeting with 19:00 World’s Deadliest Animals 02:00 Unbreakable 13:15 There Be Dragons-PG15 Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, shortly after Chelsea had 20:00 Wild Case Files 04:00 Piranhaconda 15:00 Stuck In Love-PG15 returned from a trip to sub-Saharan Africa, where she had 21:00 Apocalypse World War I 06:00 Special Ops 17:00 After Earth-PG15 learned of the dramatic uptick in elephant-poaching num- 22:00 Human Lampshade: A 08:00 The Saint 19:00 G.I. Joe: Retaliation-PG15 bers. The “Hurt Locker” director chose to work in animation Holocaust Mystery 10:00 Chain Reaction 21:00 The Wolverine-PG15 for the first time, she said, because “it would have been 23:00 Zambezi 12:00 The Expendables 2 23:15 Star Trek Into Darkness-PG15 impossible for me to sit in a cutting room and look at live 14:00 Terminal Velocity footage of an animal suffering day after day.” She also 16:00 Unbreakable heaped praise on her collaborators, including animation 18:00 The Saint designer Samuel Michlap (a veteran DreamWorks 20:00 The Expendables 2 01:00 Tony Hawk: Boom Boom Animation production designer) and three-time Oscar- 00:00 Wilfred 22:00 Hudson Hawk Sabotage winning sound editor Paul Ottison, who worked on “Last 00:30 The Daily Show With Jon 02:30 Santa’s Magic Crystal Days” on nights and weekends while juggling various fea- Stewart 04:15 The Legend Of Sasquatch ture projects. 01:00 The Colbert Report 06:00 Barbie In The Nutcracker 01:30 Saturday Night Live 08:00 Wheelers ATM machines 10:00 Fred 2: Night Of The Living Bigelow then turned things over to Warsame, who 02:30 South Park 00:00 Unbreakable-PG15 Fred offered a brief history of Somalia’s political chaos, including 03:00 Hot In Cleveland 02:00 Piranhaconda-PG15 11:30 The Apple & The Worm the “covert and overt” efforts of the Bush administration to 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 04:00 Special Ops-PG15 13:00 Santa’s Magic Crystal topple the Islamic Courts Union, which had brought a Jimmy Fallon 06:00 The Saint-PG15 14:30 A Cat In Paris fleeting sense of stability to the troubled region for a few 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 08:00 Chain Reaction-PG15 16:00 Quest For A Heart years in the early 2000s. “And out of that came al-Shabaab,” 09:00 Hot In Cleveland 10:00 The Expendables 2-PG15 18:00 Fred 2: Night Of The Living he noted-a group estimated to receive more than half of its 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring 12:00 Terminal Velocity-PG15 Fred income from the sale of ivory. “These elephants are basical- Jimmy Fallon 14:00 Unbreakable-PG15 20:00 Marvel’s Ultimate Avengers I ly ATM machines for them,” added.—Reuters 15:30 The Daily Show With Jon 16:00 The Saint-PG15 D-TOX ON OSN MOVIES ACTION Stewart 22:00 A Cat In Paris Classifieds



SHARQIA-1 FANAR-1 AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 12:30 AM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 12:30 PM TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA THE NOVEMBER MAN (DIG) 2:30 PM TURTLES (DIG) 1:30 PM MARINA-2 NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 4:30 PM TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 1:00 PM LIFE OF CRIME (DIG) 6:30 PM TURTLES (DIG) 3:30 PM INTO THE STORM (DIG) 3:00 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 8:30 PM IF I STAY (DIG) 5:45 PM INTO THE STORM (DIG) 5:00 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 10:15 PM TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 7:00 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 12:05 AM TURTLES (DIG) 7:45 PM TEENAGE MUTANT NINJ IF I STAY (DIG) 10:00 PM TURTLES (DIG) 8:45 PM SHARQIA-2 TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA T NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 11:00 PM TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA URTLES (DIG) 12:05 AM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 12:45 AM TURTLES (DIG) 1:30 PM TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA FANAR-2 MARINA-3 TURTLES (DIG) 3:30 PM AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 1:00 PM TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 5:30 PM AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 3:00 PM TURTLES (DIG) 1:30 PM TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA INTO THE STORM (DIG) 5:00 PM JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 3:30 PM TURTLES (DIG) 7:45 PM FINDING FANNY (DIG) (HINDI) 7:00 PM HERCULES (DIG) 5:45 PM JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 10:00 PM AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 7:00 PM JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 7:45 PM TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA INTO THE STORM (DIG) 9:00 PM JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 9:45 PM TURTLES (DIG) 12:15 AM AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 11:00 PM TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 1:00 AM TURTLES (DIG) 12:05 AM SHARQIA-3 AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 12:45 PM FANAR-3 AVENUES-1 AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 2:45 PM SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR 12:45 PM HERCULES (DIG) 2:00 PM INTO THE STORM (DIG) 4:45 PM SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR 2:45 PM HERCULES (DIG) 4:00 PM IF I STAY (DIG) 6:45 PM HERCULES (DIG) 4:45 PM NO FRI+SAT FOR SALE AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 8:45 PM LIFE OF CRIME (DIG) 6:45 PM POWER (DIG) (Telugu) 4:00 PM INTO THE STORM (DIG) 10:45 PM HERCULES (DIG) 8:45 PM HERCULES (DIG) 7:00 PM Mitsubishi Lancer 2010, AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 12:45 AM SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR 10:45 PM HERCULES (DIG) 10:00 PM dark blue color, excellent SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR 12:45 AM POWER (DIG) (Telugu) 7:00 PM condition, 79,000 km, price MUHALAB-1 POWER (DIG) (Telugu) 10:00 PM KD 1,350/-. Contact: NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 12:30 PM FANAR-4 HERCULES (DIG) 1:00 AM 66729295. (C 4775) NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 2:15 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 12:30 PM 29-9-2014 LIFE OF CRIME (DIG) 5:00 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 2:30 PM AVENUES-2 NO FRI+SAT+MON NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 4:15 PM INTO THE STORM (DIG) 12:45 PM DENON 7.1 AV Receiver POWER (DIG) (Telugu) 4:00 PM JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 6:00 PM INTO THE STORM (DIG) 3:00 PM (Model-AVR 3311) brand FRI+SAT+MON NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 8:15 PM INTO THE STORM (DIG) 5:15 PM new condition, KD 225/-. NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 7:00 PM JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 10:00 PM INTO THE STORM (DIG) 7:30 PM Contact: 99725095. TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 12:15 AM SONE3A FI MASR (DIG) 9:45 PM (C 4772) TURTLES (DIG) 8:45 PM INTO THE STORM (DIG) 12:05 AM 27-9-2014 NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 11:00 PM FANAR-5 ACCOMMODATION SITUATION VACANT NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 1:00 AM THE EXPENDABLES 3 (DIG) 1:00 PM AVENUES-3 THE EXPENDABLES 3 (DIG) 4:00 PM JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 1:45 PM CHANGE OF NAME Sharing accommodation Required a driver, any MUHALAB-2 POWER (DIG) (Telugu) 3:30 PM THE NOVEMBER MAN (DIG) 4:00 PM available in Farwaniya, near nationality for a Kuwaiti HERCULES (DIG) 1:30 PM MARY KOM (DIG) (HINDI) 6:30 PM JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 6:15 PM I, Syed Maqsoodur the Garden, in a C-A/C, 2 businessman, familiar with AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 3:30 PM POWER (DIG) (Telugu) 6:30 PM JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 8:30 PM Rahman holder of Indian bedroom and 2 toilets. Kuwait areas. Contact: IF I STAY (DIG) 5:45 PM NO THU JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) Passport No. G 6675119 Contact: 66625901/ 97334456. (C 4770) 24-9-2014 AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 7:45 PM POWER (DIG) (Telugu) 9:30 PM 10:45 PM hereby change my name 24716975. (C 4774) INTO THE STORM (DIG) 9:45 PM POWER (DIG) (Telugu) 10:00 PM THE NOVEMBER MAN (DIG) 1:00 AM 28-9-2014 AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 11:45 PM THE EXPENDABLES 3 (DIG) 12:30 AM to Maqsood Ahmad, AVENUES-4 House No. 503-42, Sharing accommodation - MUHALAB-3 MARINA-1 NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 1:30 PM Baroliya near Manka two fully furnished & spa- TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 1:30 PM IF I STAY (DIG) 12:30 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 3:30 PM Mishwar Mandir, PO cious bedrooms in CAC flat TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 3:45 PM TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 5:30 PM Daliganj, Lucknow, UP. are available in Ishbiliya, TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 6:00 PM TURTLES (DIG) 2:30 PM Special Show “THE NOVEMBER MAN (DIG) 5:30 PM (C 4773) block 1. Bachelor/Single JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 8:15 PM AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 4:30 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 7:30 PM 27-9-2014 Pakistani/Indian Muslims JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 10:30 PM IF I STAY (DIG) 6:30 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 9:30 PM are preferred. Contact Afzal TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 12:45 AM IF I STAY (DIG) 8:30 PM THE NOVEMBER MAN (DIG) 11:30 PM Shafi: 99714430. (C 4771) 112 AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 10:30 PM THU+FRI+SAT 25-9-2014

Directorate General of Civil Aviation Home Page (

Arrival Flights on Monday 29/9/2014 SVA 500 Jeddah 14:30 Departure Flights on Monday 29/9/2014 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 Airlines Flt Route Time KNE 472 Jeddah 14:40 Airlines Flt Route Time THY 767 Istanbul 14:10 QTR 1084 00:05 FDB 081 Dubai 14:55 AIC 982 Ahmedabad/Hyderabad/Chennai 00:05 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 KAC 1912 Jeddah 00:20 KAC 562 Amman 15:30 JZR 562 Sohag 00:10 FDB 058 Dubai 14:35 JZR 267 Beirut 00:25 ABY 127 Sharjah 15:35 JAV 622 Amman 00:15 QTR 1079 Doha 14:55 ZR 539 Cairo 00:30 OMA 645 Muscat 15:50 JAI 573 Mumbai 00:20 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:05 DLH 637 Dammam 00:35 RJA 640 Amman 15:55 UAL 981 IAD 00:25 KAC 673 Dubai 15:05 JZR 239 Amman 01:00 KNE 460 Riyadh 15:55 MSR 615 Cairo 00:30 KAC 617 Doha 15:30 PGT 858 Istanbul 01:25 KAC 118 JFK 16:00 BBC 044 Dhaka 00:35 KNE 473 Jeddah 15:35 MSC 403 Sohag 01:30 JZR 535 Cairo 16:05 PIA 206 Lahore 01:00 FDB 082 Dubai 15:35 AFG 416 Jeddah 01:30 QTR 1072 Doha 16:15 JZR 502 Luxor 01:30 SVA 501 Jeddah 15:45 THY 764 Istanbul 01:40 NIA 251 Alexandria 16:20 DLH 637 Frankfurt 01:35 JZR 188 Dubai 15:50 RJA 642 Amman 01:45 FDB 051 Dubai 16:25 THY 773 Istanbul 02:20 KAC 773 Riyadh 15:50 GFA 211 Bahrain 02:00 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:45 AFG 416 Kabul 02:30 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:15 UAE 853 Dubai 02:25 UAE 857 Dubai 16:45 MSC 404 Sohag 02:30 KNE 481 Taif 16:40 PYA 2396 EVN 02:30 FDB 073 Dubai 16:55 PGT 859 Istanbul 02:55 OMA 645 Muscat 16:50 JAI 576 Kochi/Abu Dhabi 02:35 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 FDB 070 Dubai 03:40 RJA 641 Amman 16:55 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 02:45 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 UAE 854 Dubai 03:45 JZR 266 Beirut 17:05 FDB 067 Dubai 03:05 JZR 177 Dubai 17:45 FDB 068 Dubai 04:05 FDB 052 Dubai 17:10 CEB 7694 Manila 03:10 FDB 075 Dubai 17:45 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:10 QTR 1073 Doha 17:20 MSR 612 Cairo 03:15 JZR 777 Jeddah 17:50 MSR 613 Cairo 04:15 NIA 252 Alexandria 17:20 QTR 1076 Doha 03:25 KAC 542 Cairo 18:15 QTR 1077 Doha 04:25 FDB 074 Dubai 17:35 MSC 401 Alexandria 04:00 RBG 553 Alexandria 18:20 CEB 7695 Manila 04:40 JZR 538 Cairo 17:40 JZR 555 Alexandria 04:10 QTR 1080 Doha 18:25 MSC 406 Sohag 05:00 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 17:45 FDB 077 Dubai 04:15 KAC 786 Jeddah 18:30 FDB 078 Dubai 05:00 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 THY 770 Istanbul 04:35 KAC 104 London 18:45 QTR 1085 Doha 05:20 JZR 184 Dubai 18:20 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:10 FDB 063 Dubai 18:45 JZR 560 Sohag 05:35 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 RBG 555 Alexandria 05:25 KAC 618 Doha 19:00 THY 765 Istanbul 06:00 UAE 858 Dubai 18:25 JZR 563 Sohag 06:35 YYY 5555 GYD 19:00 RBG 556 Alexandria 06:05 FDB 076 Dubai 18:25 BAW 157 London 06:35 ABY 129 Sharjah 19:00 DHX 172 EBL 06:10 JZR 238 Amman 18:45 JZR 503 Luxor 07:40 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:00 JAI 575 Abu Dhabi/Kochi 06:30 JZR 134 Bahrain 18:50 FDB 053 Dubai 07:45 UAE 875 Dubai 19:05 RJA 643 Amman 06:35 RBG 554 Alexandria 19:00 KAC 206 Islamabad 07:50 KAC 774 Riyadh 19:15 THY 771 Istanbul 06:50 QTR 1081 Doha 19:25 KAC 302 Mumbai 07:50 KAC 674 Dubai 19:25 GFA 212 Bahrain 07:00 FDB 064 Dubai 19:25 QTR 1086 Doha 07:55 JAI 572 Mumbai 19:35 KAC 537 Sohag 08:00 ABY 120 Sharjah 19:40 ABY 123 Sharjah 07:55 SVA 4113 Jeddah 19:40 BAW 156 London 08:25 GFA 218 Bahrain 19:45 UAE 855 Dubai 08:25 OMA 647 Muscat 19:55 FDB 054 Dubai 08:25 KAC 283 Dhaka 20:30 KAC 362 Colombo 08:45 KNE 478 Jeddah 19:55 ABY 124 Sharjah 08:35 UAE 876 Dubai 20:35 ABY 125 Sharjah 08:50 FDB 061 Dubai 20:05 QTR 1087 Doha 08:55 JAI 571 Mumbai 20:35 KAC 284 Dhaka 08:55 DLH 634 Frankfurt 20:15 JZR 534 Cairo 09:15 FDB 062 Dubai 20:45 IRA 667 Esfahan 09:00 MEA 402 Beirut 20:15 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:30 KNE 479 Jeddah 20:45 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:30 JZR 189 Dubai 20:25 UAE 856 Dubai 09:50 KAC 331 Trivandrum 20:50 KAC 344 Chennai 09:35 MSR 618 Alexandria 20:30 IRA 666 Esfahan 10:00 OMA 648 Muscat 20:55 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 AFG 405 Kabul 20:40 KAC 561 Amman 10:15 KAC 351 Kochi 21:05 KAC 352 Kochi 09:55 DHX 173 EBL 20:50 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:15 SVA 5113 Jeddah 21:10 QTR 1070 Doha 10:00 FDB 079 Dubai 21:05 FDB 056 Dubai 10:20 JZR 554 Alexandria 21:15 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 ALK 229 Colombo 21:10 QTR 1071 Doha 11:00 MEA 403 Beirut 21:15 IRC 6521 Lamerd 10:50 FDB 069 Dubai 21:10 KAC 541 Cairo 11:30 MSR 619 Alexandria 21:30 MEA 404 Beirut 10:55 UAE 859 Dubai 21:15 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:35 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 SVA 4111 Jeddah 11:10 QTR 1074 Doha 21:30 IRC 6522 Lamerd 11:40 FDB 080 Dubai 21:50 MSC 405 Sohag 11:20 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:30 KAC 165 Rome/Paris 11:45 YYY 5555 Dubai 22:00 FDB 8051 Dubai 11:45 JZR 135 Bahrain 21:45 MEA 405 Beirut 11:55 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:15 FDB 065 Dubai 11:55 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:15 ALK 230 Colombo 22:20 JZR 561 Sohag 12:00 KNE 480 Taif 22:00 MSC 402 Alexandria 12:20 UAE 860 Dubai 22:25 SYR 341 Damascus 12:20 FDB 059 Dubai 22:10 FDB 8052 Dubai 12:30 QTR 1075 Doha 22:35 FDB 071 Dubai 12:35 ETD 309 Abu Dhabi 22:15 KAC 103 London 12:30 KAC 301 Mumbai 22:40 UAE 871 Dubai 12:45 AIC 975 Chennai/Goa 22:25 FDB 066 Dubai 12:40 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:45 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 JZR 185 Dubai 22:55 SVA 5111 Jeddah 12:40 KNE 461 Riyadh 22:50 MSR 579 Sohag 13:05 TAR 327 Tunis 22:55 PYA 2397 Tehran 13:00 FDB 060 Dubai 22:50 THY 766 Istanbul 13:10 PIA 205 Lahore 23:15 KAC 785 Jeddah 13:00 ETD 310 Abu Dhabi 23:00 KAC 538 Sohag 13:40 JAI 574 Mumbai 23:20 JZR 176 Dubai 13:10 KAC 205 Islamabad 23:35 QTR 1078 Doha 13:45 MSR 614 Cairo 23:30 FDB 072 Dubai 13:15 KAC 411 Bangkok/Manila 23:40 FDB 057 Dubai 13:55 KLM 411 Amsterdam/Dammam 23:40 SYR 342 Damascus 13:20 TAR 327 Dubai/Tunis 23:45 GFA 221 Bahrain 14:20 THY 772 Istanbul 23:45 MSR 580 Sohag 13:50 JZR 1540 Cairo 23:50 DIAL161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION stars34 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014


Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22)

You may feel like being different, trying something unusual today. There You worked hard to get where you are now and you will continue to are new ideas forming. There is a yearning to broaden your options for work hard so as to secure your future. You like where you are and where professional advancement and you spend a little time to think over the ways in which you are going; if asked, you would not trade lives with anybody else. You and a friend you could do just that. Law, politics, education, travel or religion, among other things, may talk about ways to make improvements financially and a little future planning may take part in this search for advancement. Lectures, self-help literature and tapes may occupy some of your free time today. Time for contemplation does not last long or books seem to attract you at this time. Books on tape or attending a lecture today as friends or family members have planned your afternoon. This evening you can take are possibilities. You enjoy working with your mind and your sharp perceptions make a deep breath and be thankful for all that you have. There are some relaxing moments finding new solutions easy. You like to keep in the know and sharp witted. You enjoy this evening with loved ones as conversations are quiet and easy and appreciative of helping others with self-help techniques as well. After all, it is a good way for you to each other. There is a special glow in this room for you to remember always. Happy review. birthday!

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

A drive to question situations may find you working through some In the past you have been flexible, only when necessary. Now you are strong internal changes now. Push too hard and you may find your goals do not come learning flexibility without the push. There is time for you to try out new to a positive end. Be patient, these energies will swing in a more positive direction things or break away from an old routine. Looking for a part-time job, you might check soon. When it comes to business and career, you have a mind that just cannot help out tutoring young people, especially along the area of writing or speech. You enjoy but take care of business. This is where most of your energies and concerns will be for working with people and would make a good counselor, teacher or mentor for those today. You will see good results from your efforts. Your thoughts and ideas are practi- young people that have a bit of difficulty with their school work. You seem compelled cal and your clear-sightedness makes some form of management or supervision to deal with the challenges of others and you enjoy solving difficult problems. Yours is almost unavoidable. Many people prefer not to work today but you enjoy the quiet a passionate life. Intense feelings and strong attachments make for hot times and you non-stressful attitude of your clients and the time to work through and achieve posi- are fiercely loyal, if not sometimes possessive. You have a sense for power, wealth and tive results. passion.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) This day is a natural for self-expression and lends itself to your particular The power of organization on a social scale seems to take on a larger thinking. Your very own opinions are beneficial to the best outcome than life aura as you enter into a new cycle. It’s as if ambition and today. You have been holding back on your best moves but your participation in some authority are answers in themselves, rather than only a means to an ideal objective. home project is very important today. An elderly person in your family needs your Careful-this can lead to duplicity, confusion and ambitious schemes that tend to become lost along the way. It is easy to overdo, strain or explode with temper under ACROSS between two symmetrical parts. attention this afternoon. Encourage the elderly to write down genealogy facts for the next generation, to write stories for the children to enjoy and to place them away for these aspects, so take it easy. Bide your time and count to ten when needed. Secrets, 1. A steep rugged rock or cliff. 3. Highly excited. safekeeping. This activity might be a fun project for more than just the eldest member conspiracies and the hidden links that unite all things take on greater importance in 5. A human fetus whose weight is less than 0.5 4. Daughter of Nehru who served as Prime of your family. Recording the stories might also be fun-the young will enjoy hearing your life now. Your patience is rewarded. Digging into the past for hints about the kilogram when removed or expelled from Minister of India from 1966 to 1977 (1917- their childhood voices when they are older. Communicate more often with those you present and future uncovers a lot of answers to the questions that will not go away. the mother's body. 1984). love. You lead a full and most positive life. 12. The act of hauling something (as a vehicle) 5. An alloy of mercury with another metal by means of a hitch or rope. (usually silver) used by dentists to fill cavi- 15. Port city that is the capital and largest city ties in teeth. of Latvia. 6. These words are used to express a low opin- Cancer (June 21-July 22) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) 16. Relating to a style of design popular in the ion of someone's intelligence. Europe and the United States between 7. (Norse mythology) Ruler of the Aesir. Right now, the key to relaxation involves attending to nagging details- You are a born leader; others find it easy to take instructions from you and 1920 and 1940 (sometimes known as Art 8. A recurring sleep state during which dream- whatever you have neglected or put aside for later. A planning notebook tend to follow your example. You enjoy helping others solve their personal may be an essential item to help you with your daily, weekly and monthly goals that or technical problems today. Your patience is rewarded. There are opportunities to make Deco). ing occurs. plans or decisions and find your way through just about any problem. You feel success- 17. Any of various primates with short tails or 9. (medieval legends) The nephew of King help you increase your productiveness. If you are in sales, this is an imperative tool. You will prosper through new insights, inventions and an independent point of view ful and able to handle difficult situations at this time. Good advice from a guide or older no tail at all. Mark of Cornwall who fell in love with his whether you are at home or work. All people need a day away from the intense, pro- person may be helpful. This could just be the time to really examine and analyze your 18. A primeval personification of air and uncle's bride (Iseult) after they mistakenly fessional planning; this afternoon you are invited to grab your golf equipment, tennis goals. It can be easy now to separate the unimportant from the important and revise a breath. drank a love potion that left them eternally racket or skates and meet a friend or family member to enjoy a little competitive few goals and dreams. The results are solid goals that support you. You may find yourself 19. Give life-like qualities to. in love with each other. sports. The remainder of this day is filled with rest, recreation and refurbishment. enjoying your friends this afternoon, sharing some good experiences together. 20. The basic unit of money in Albania. 10. A transuranic element that has not been 21. A reformed prostitute. found in nature. 23. The capital and largest city of Bangladesh. 11. The vessel that contains the seeds of a 25. Greater than normal in degree or intensity plant (not the seeds themselves). Leo (July 23-August 22) Aquarius (January 20- February 18) or amount. 12. A fine grained mineral having a soft soapy You could be seen by others as just the person to be placed in charge of 28. Large family of important mostly marine feel and consisting of hydrated magne- You will prosper by pursuing your ideals and most deep-seated dreams of how life could be. Don’t be afraid to project your image and make your some project requiring a traditional mind-a day for thinking and ideas. A food fishes. sium silicate. bout of philosophy or even a little religion could have an enormous effect on your 31. A city in southern Japan on Kyushu. 13. An organization of countries formed in dreams real. Ideas of group cooperation in some spiritual effort could bring you new friends. Give attention to how you can be most helpful and stretch your imagination. If career during this time. Lasting values and whatever you find to be true can guide you 35. Title for a civil or military leader (especially 1961 to agree on a common policy for the you are not working today, your organizational skills will be used in your ability to now-opening up avenues that have remained blocked. Generally, this is a fruitful peri- in Turkey). sale of petroleum. round up a group and play sports or create some social gathering later this afternoon. od for real-estate investments, particularly if you are realistic; know your limitations. 36. An attribute that fits a person for some- 14. Flightless New Zealand rail of thievish dis- You may not be a coach but you can get the group together and allocate responsibili- You may feel like talking a bit more than usual, exploring new ideas or getting happily thing. position having short wings each with a ties, like one person brings refreshments and one person brings something else, etc. lost in a conversation. A short trip or a special phone call is in order this afternoon. 38. A Chadic language spoken in northern spur used in fighting. You can expect a little boost for your efforts; friends want to make this day a repeat! Family, home and the other roots in your life give you a sense of mission. Nigeria. 22. A resource. 39. A noticeable decline in performance. 24. An associate degree in applied science. 42. The last (12th) month of the year. 26. An agency of the United Nations responsi- 43. Upright in position or posture. ble for programs to aid education and the Virgo (August 23-September 22) Pisces (February 19-March 20) 45. A historical region of southwestern India health of children and mothers in develop- on the west coast. ing countries. You are able to reflect on the present and plan some future event. You have a great desire and drive to be thorough and responsible down 47. Massive plantigrade carnivorous or omniv- 27. One of the five major classes of Perhaps a wedding is at hand. There are opportunities to converse and commiserate to the smallest detail. You always know what is essential and what is orous mammals with long shaggy coats immunoglobulins. with friends. There is a greater appreciation for things of value and the idea of value not-you love the routine. A majority of your planets at this time suggest that right and strong claws. 29. (Greek mythology) One of the three itself is in order. You are cautious, thinking ahead and planning for some future event. here and now is where you like to be and operate. You tend neither to spend much 50. A dull persistent (usually moderately Graces. There are many blessings to enjoy at this time-not always from other people. time in procrastinating about the future nor reminiscing about the past. You like to be in the moment, of the day. Obtaining and exchanging information is fun and you may intense) pain. 30. Cause to lose courage. Sometimes the best rewards are realizing that you have done a good job with your choices in life. Take a step back to appreciate your life at this time and spend more find yourself talking about world affairs and sipping mocha at your local bookstore. 51. After a negative statement used as an 32. Any of several tall tropical palms native to time contemplating over the positives. This evening is a good time to enjoy the com- This evening there is more interaction with neighbors as well as loved ones. Being intensive meaning something like `like- southeastern Asia having egg-shaped pany of a loved one, read a romantic book or take in a movie. aware of the activities and feelings of the people you love and the people around you wise' or `also'. nuts. keeps you in-touch. 52. A rounded thickly curled hairdo. 33. Summer cypress. 53. A quantity that is added. 34. Have in mind as a purpose. 54. A hard gray lustrous metallic element that 37. Cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a Word Search Yesterday’s Solution is highly corrosion-resistant. skewer usually with vegetables. 55. A chronic inflammatory collagen disease 40. Austrian composer (1860-1911). affecting connective tissue (skin or joints). 41. Clean with one's bill, of birds. 57. A ductile malleable reddish-brown corro- 44. A motley assortment of things. sion-resistant diamagnetic metallic ele- 46. A colorless and odorless inert gas. ment. 48. Type genus of the family Arcidae. 58. A public promotion of some product or 49. Coarse food high in fiber but low in nutri- service. ents. 62. A human female who does housework. 56. (electronics) Designating sound transmis- 66. A short labored intake of breath with the sion from two sources through two chan- mouth open. nels. 69. A former agency (from 1946 to 1974) that 59. An indehiscent fruit derived from a single was responsible for research into atomic ovary having one or many seeds within a energy and its peacetime uses in the fleshy wall or pericarp. United States. 60. A coffee cake flavored with orange rind 73. Aircraft landing in bad weather in which and raisins and almonds. the pilot is talked down by ground control 61. (Irish) Chief god of the Tuatha De Danann. using precision approach radar. 63. (of persons) Highest in rank or authority or 74. Resinlike substance secreted by certain lac office. insects. 64. (Roman mythology) Roman god of death. 75. The quantity broken. 65. Fastener consisting of a resinous composi- 76. A light touch or stroke. tion that is plastic when warm. 77. A federal agency established to regulate 67. Someone who works (or provides workers) the release of new foods and health-relat- during a strike. ed products. 68. A metabolic acid found in yeast and liver 78. Not close together in time. cells. 79. A loose sleeveless outer garment made 70. The law enforcement agency in the Justice from aba cloth. Department. 71. Take in solid food. DOWN 72. Having any of numerous bright or strong 1. Crowd or pack to capacity. colors reminiscent of the color of blood or 2. A narrow elongated opening or fissure cherries or tomatoes or rubies. Yesterday’s Solution

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 information

For labor-related inquiries and complaints: INTERNATIONAL Call MSAL hotline 128 CALLS

Afghanistan 0093 Luxembourg 00352 GOVERNORATE PHARMACY ADDRESS PHONE Albania 00355 Macau 00853 Algeria 00213 Macedonia 00389 Ahmadi Sama Safwan Fahaeel Makka St 23915883 Andorra 00376 Madagascar 00261 Sabah Hospital 24812000 Abu Halaifa Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd 23715414 Angola 00244 Majorca 0034 Amiri Hospital 22450005 Danat Al-Sultan Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd 23726558 Anguilla 001264 Malawi 00265 Maternity Hospital 24843100 Jahra Modern Jahra Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 24575518 Antiga 001268 Malaysia 0060 Madina Munawara Jahra-Block 92 24566622 Argentina 0054 Maldives 00960 Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital 25312700 Capital Ahlam Fahad Al-Salem St 22436184 Armenia 00374 Mali 00223 Chest Hospital 24849400 Khaldiya Coop Khaldiya Coop 24833967 Australia 0061 Malta 00356 Austria 0043 Marshall Islands 00692 Farwaniya Hospital 24892010 Farwaniya New Shifa Farwaniya Block 40 24734000 Ferdous Coop Ferdous Coop 24881201 Bahamas 001242 Martinique 00596 Adan Hospital 23940620 Modern Safwan Old Kheitan Block 11 24726638 Bahrain 00973 Mauritania 00222 Ibn Sina Hospital 24840300 Bangladesh 00880 Mauritius 00230 Hawally Tariq Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25726265 Barbados 001246 Mayotte 00269 Al-Razi Hospital 24846000 Hana Salmiya-Amman St 25647075 Ikhlas Hawally-Beirut St 22625999 Belarus 00375 Mexico 0052 Physiotherapy Hospital 24874330/9 Hawally & Rawdha Hawally & Rawdha Coop 22564549 Belgium 0032 Micronesia 00691 Ghadeer Jabriya-Block 1A 25340559 Belize 00501 Moldova 00373 Kindy Jabriya-Block 3B 25326554 Benin 00229 Monaco 00377 Ibn Al-Nafis Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25721264 Mishrif Coop Mishrif Coop 25380581 Bermuda 001441 Mongolia 00976 Kaizen center 25716707 Salwa Coop Salwa Coop 25628241 Bhutan 00975 Montserrat 001664 Rawda 22517733 Bolivia 00591 Morocco 00212 Bosnia 00387 Mozambique 00258 Adaliya 22517144 Botswana 00267 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 Khaldiya 24848075 Brazil 0055 Namibia 00264 Brunei 00673 Nepal 00977 Kaifan 24849807 Bulgaria 00359 Netherlands 0031 Shamiya 24848913 Burkina 00226 Netherlands Antilles 00599 DAY: 6XQGD\  Issue Time  Burundi 00257 New Caledonia 00687 Shuwaikh 24814507 Cambodia 00855 New Zealand 0064 Abdullah Salem 22549134 Expected Weather for the Next 24 Hours Cameroon 00237 Nicaragua 00505 Canada 001 Nigar 00227 Nuzha 22526804 %<'$< +RWDQGUDWKHUKXPLGRYHUFRDVWDODUHDVZLWKOLJKWYDULDEOHZLQGZLWKVSHHGRINPK?Q Cape Verde 00238 Nigeria 00234 Industrial Shuwaikh 24814764 Cayman Islands 001345 Niue 00683 Central African 00236 Norfolk Island 00672 Qadsiya 22515088 %<1,*+7 )DLUDQGUDWKHUKXPLGRYHUFRDVWDODUHDVZLWKOLJKWYDULDEOHZLQGZLWKVSHHGRINPK Chad 00235 N. Ireland (UK) 0044 Dasmah 22532265 Chile 0056 North Korea 00850 WARNING Bneid Al-Gar 22531908 1R&XUUHQW:DUQLQJV China 0086 Norway 0047 Colombia 0057 Oman 00968 Shaab 22518752 STATION 0$;(;3 0,15(& 6)&&+$57 87& Comoros 00269 Pakistan 0092 Qibla 22459381 .8:$,7&,7< ƒ& ƒ& Congo 00242 Palau 00680 Cook Islands 00682 Panama 00507 .8:$,7$,53257 ƒ& ƒ& Ayoun Al-Qibla 22451082 Costa Rica 00506 Papua New Guinea 00675 Mirqab 22456536 $%'$/< ƒ& ƒ& Croatia 00385 Paraguay 00595 Cuba 0053 Peru 0051 Sharq 22465401 %8%<$1 ƒ& ƒ& Cyprus 00357 Philippines 0063 -$+5$ ƒ& ƒ& Salmiya 25746401 Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 Poland 0048 )$,/$.$,6/$1' ƒ& ƒ& Czech Republic 00420 Portugal 00351 Jabriya 25316254 6$/0,<$+ ƒ& ƒ& Denmark 0045 Puerto Rico 001787 Maidan Hawally 25623444 Diego Garcia 00246 Qatar 00974 $+0$', ƒ& ƒ& Djibouti 00253 Romania 0040 Bayan 25388462 -8/8,$+3257 ƒ& ƒ& Dominica 001767 Russian Federation 007 Mishref 25381200 4$52+,6/$1' ƒ& ƒ& Dominican Republic 001809 Rwanda 00250 Ecuador 00593 Saint Helena 00290 W Hawally 22630786 800$/0$5$'(0 ƒ& ƒ& Egypt 0020 Saint Kitts 001869 Sabah 24810221 4 DAYS FORECAST El Salvador 00503 Saint Lucia 001758 England (UK) 0044 Saint Pierre 00508 Jahra 24770319 Temperatures DAY DATE WEATHER Wind Direction Wind Speed Equatorial Guinea 00240 Saint Vincent 001784 New Jahra 24575755 MAX. MIN. Eritrea 00291 Samoa US 00684 West Jahra 24772608 0RQGD\  +RWUHODWLYHKXPLG ƒ& ƒ& 95% NPK Estonia 00372 Samoa West 00685 7XHVGD\  +RW5KXPLGDWWLPHVRYHUFRDVWVƒ& ƒ& 95%6( NPK Ethiopia 00251 San Marino 00378 South Jahra 24775066 :HGQHVGD\  +RW5KXPLGDWWLPHVRYHUFRDVWV ƒ& ƒ& 95%6( NPK Falkland Islands 00500 Sao Tone 00239 North Jahra 24775992 7KXUVGD\  +XPLGRYHUFRDVWV ƒ& ƒ& 95% NPK Faroe Islands 00298 Saudi Arabia 00966 Fiji 00679 Scotland (UK) 0044 North Jleeb 24311795 PRAYER TIMES RECORDED YESTERDAY AT KUWAIT AIRPORT Finland 00358 Senegal 00221 Ardhiya 24884079 Fajr  MAX. Temp.  °C France 0033 Seychelles 00284 Sunrise MIN. Temp. °C Firdous 24892674   French Guiana 00594 Sierra Leone 00232 Zuhr  MAX. RH  % French Polynesia 00689 Singapore 0065 Omariya 24719048 Asr  MIN. RH  % Gabon 00241 Slovakia 00421 Sunset MAX. Wind km/h N Khaitan 24710044  1  Gambia 00220 Slovenia 00386 Isha  TOTAL RAINFALL IN 24 HR.  mm Georgia 00995 Solomon Islands 00677 Fintas 23900322 All times are local time unless otherwise stated. 83  UTC 9 7 ŵŤŚƀ Germany 0049 Somalia 00252 Ghana 00233 South Africa 0027 Gibraltar 00350 South Korea 0082 Greece 0030 Spain 0034 Greenland 00299 Sri Lanka 0094 PRIVATE CLINICS Grenada 001473 Sudan 00249 Guadeloupe 00590 Suriname 00597 Guam 001671 Swaziland 00268 Guatemala 00502 Sweden 0046 Ophthalmologists Plastic Surgeons Paediatricians Endocrinologist Guinea 00224 Switzerland 0041 Dr. Abidallah Al-Mansoor 25622444 Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaf 22547272 Dr. Khaled Hamadi 25665898 Guyana 00592 Syria 00963 Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Othman 25339330 Dr. Samy Al-Rabeea 25752222 Dr. Abdal-Redha Lari 22617700 Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rashed 25340300 Haiti 00509 Serbia 00381 Dr. Masoma Habeeb 25321171 Dr. Abdel Quttainah 25625030/60 Dr. Zahra Qabazard 25710444 Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari 25658888 Holland (Netherlands) 0031 Taiwan 00886 Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmy 25739999 Family Doctor Dr. Sohail Qamar 22621099 Honduras 00504 Tanzania 00255 Dr. Mohsen Abel 25757700 Dr. Kamal Al-Shomr 25329924 Dr Divya Damodar 23729596/23729581 Dr. Snaa Maaroof 25713514 Hong Kong 00852 Thailand 0066 Dr Adnan Hasan Alwayl 25732223 Physiotherapists & VD Hungary 0036 Toga 00228 Psychiatrists Dr. Pradip Gujare 23713100 Dr. Abdallah Al-Baghly 25732223 Dr. Zacharias Mathew 24334282 Dr. Deyaa Shehab 25722291 Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Tonga 00676 Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Dr. Esam Al-Ansari 22635047 Iceland 00354 Tokelau 00690 Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mouner 24555050 Ext 510 Dr Eisa M. Al-Balhan 22613623/0 Dermatology Dr. Musaed Faraj Khamees 22666288 India 0091 Trinidad 001868 Dr. Abdallah Al-Ali 25644660 Gynaecologists & Obstetricians Dr. Mohammed Salam Rheumatologists: Indian Ocean 00873 Tunisia 00216 Dr. Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taweel 25646478 DrAdrian arbe 23729596/23729581 Bern University 23845955 Indonesia 0062 Turkey 0090 Dr. Sanad Al-Fathalah 25311996 Dr. Verginia s.Marin 2572-6666 ext 8321 Dentists Dr. Adel Al-Awadi 25330060 Dr. Mohammad Al-Daaory 25731988 Iran 0098 Tuvalu 00688 Dr. Fozeya Ali Al-Qatan 22655539 Dr Anil Thomas 3729596/3729581 Dr. Ismail Al-Fodary 22620166 Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah 25722290 Iraq 00964 Uganda 00256 Dr. Majeda Khalefa Aliytami 25343406 Dr. Shamah Al-Matar 22641071/2 Dr. Mahmoud Al-Booz 25651426 Ireland 00353 Ukraine 00380 Dr. Ahmad Al-Khooly 25739272 Dr. Anesah Al-Rasheed 22562226 Internist, Chest & Heart General Practitioners Italy 0039 United Arab Emirates 00976 Dr. Abidallah Al-Amer 22561444 Dr. Mohamme Y Majidi 24555050 Ext 123 Dr. Salem soso 22618787 DR.Mohammes Akkad 24555050 Ext 210 Ivory Coast 00225 United Kingdom 0044 Dr. Faysal Al-Fozan 22619557 General Surgeons Dr. Yousef Al-Omar 24719312 Dr. Mohammad Zubaid Jamaica 001876 Uruguay 00598 Dr. Abdallateef Al-Katrash 22525888 Dr. Tarek Al-Mikhazeem 23926920 Dr. Amer Zawaz Al-Amer 22610044 MB, ChB, FRCPC, PACC Japan 0081 USA 001 Dr. Abidallah Al-Duweisan 25653755 Dr. Kathem Maarafi 25730465 Dr. Mohammad Yousef Basher 25327148 Assistant Professor Of Medicine Jordan 00962 Uzbekistan 00998 Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Eyadah 25655528 Dr. Bader Al-Ansari 25620111 Internists, Chest & Heart Head, Division of Cardiology Kazakhstan 007 Vanuatu 00678 Dr. Nabeel Al-Ayoobi 24577781 Neurologists Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital 25339667 Dr. Adnan Ebil 22639939 Kenya 00254 Venezuela 00582 Dr. Dina Abidallah Al-Refae 25333501 Dr. Sohal Najem Al-Shemeri 25633324 Dr. Mousa Khadada 22666300 Consultant Cardiologist Kiribati 00686 Vietnam 0084 Urologists Dr. Jasem Mola Hassan 25345875 Dr. Latefa Al-Duweisan 25728004 Dr. Farida Al-Habib 2611555-2622555 Kuwait 00965 Virgin Islands UK 001284 Dr. Ali Naser Al-Serfy 22641534 Gastrologists MD, PH.D, FACC Dr. Fawzi Taher Abul 22639955 Dr. Nadem Al-Ghabra 25355515 Kyrgyzstan 00996 Virgin Islands US 001340 Dr. Sami Aman 22636464 Inaya German Medical Center Dr. Khaleel Abidallah Al-Awadi 22616660 Dr. Mobarak Aldoub 24726446 Laos 00856 Wales (UK) 0044 Dr. Mohammad Al-Shamaly 25322030 Te: 2575077 Dr. Adel Al-Hunayan FRCS (C) 25313120 Dr Nasser Behbehani 25654300/3 Latvia 00371 Yemen 00967 Dr. Foad Abidallah Al-Ali 22633135 Fax: 25723123 Dr. Leons Joseph 66703427 Lebanon 00961 Yugoslavia 00381 Soor Center Liberia 00231 Zambia 00260 Psychologists [email protected] Tel: 2290-1677 Kaizen center Noor Clinic William Schuilenberg, RPC 2290-1677 Libya 00218 Zimbabwe 00263 /Psychotherapists Zaina Al Zabin, M.Sc. 2290-1677 Fax: 2290 1688 25716707 23845955 Lithuania 00370 LIFESTYLE36 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 Music & Movies Jay Z, Beyonce take stage at Global Citizen fest ay Z is in a global state of mind: The rap favorite. Jay Z’s electrifying set opened with He opened the Barclays Center in Brooklyn star performed Saturday for thousands audio from Frank Sinatra’s “New York, New with eight consecutive shows in 2012. Jin New York’s Central Park and encour- York” and Billy Joel’s “New York State of No Doubt’s set included hits such as aged the crowd to help end world poverty. Mind.” The Brooklyn-born rapper then went “Don’t Speak” and “Hey Baby,” while a preg- Jay Z headlined the Global Citizen Festival into his own New York anthem, “Empire State nant Underwood belted during “Before He on the Great Lawn, where Beyonce surprised of Mind,” and followed it with his rich catalog Cheats” and “Jesus Take the Wheel,” where the audience by performing with her hus- of hits, from “Big Pimpin” to “Izzo (H.O.V.A.)” she was misty-eyed. The Global Citizen band. He told the crowd of 60,000 - many of to “99 Problems.” Festival coincides with the UN General whom earned free tickets by volunteering - He left the stage, but moments later the Assembly meeting. Indian Prime Minister to support the Global Citizen Festival’s effort crowd roared as Beyonce entered alongside Narendra Modi and UN Secretary-General to end poverty by 2030. her husband. She sang the choruses from his Ban Ki-moon were among the world leaders “We out here for a good cause,” he said songs “Holy Grail” - where she danced excit- who attended in support of the anti-poverty onstage. “I want to thank everybody out here edly - and “Forever Young” as the audience campaign. Hugh Jackman hosted the third for this good movement.” Dressed in all cheered and sang along. The concert marked annual event, which also featured Olivia black, Jay Z wore a hoodie with the Global another New York venue that Jay Z - hip- Wilde and Jessica Alba and aired on MSNBC. Citizen Festival’s logo and the names of oth- hop’s most powerful voice - has performed Stevie Wonder headlined the festival last er headliners, including Carrie Underwood, in. He has had numerous sold-out shows at year, and Neil Young and Foo Fighters were The Roots, Alicia Keys, Tiesto, fun and No Madison Square Garden, where he held a among the lineup it its inaugural year.—AP Doubt, who brought out special guest Sting Sept 11 benefit show in 2009, and he is one Jay-Z performs at the 3rd Global Citizen Festival at Central Park on Saturday in New to perform “Message In a Bottle,” a crowd of a few rap acts to perform at Carnegie Hall. York—AP

Aretha Franklin CD of diva classics due Oct 21

retha Franklin is showing some R-E-S- with longtime collaborator Clive Davis. “I P-E-C-T to her fellow divas: The mean, it is great,” he said in an interview. AQueen of Soul will release an album “For her to do all these songs, it’s very excit- Oct 21 covering classic songs from other ing.” Kenneth “Babyface” Edmonds and female singers. “Aretha Franklin Sings the Andre 3000 are among the album’s produc- Great Diva Classics” will include songs such ers. Other songs covered by Franklin as Gladys Knight’s “Midnight Train to include the Supremes’ “You Keep Me Georgia,” Barbra Streisand’s “People” and Hangin’ On,” Alicia Keys’ “No One” and Dinah Whitney Houston’s “I’m Every Woman.” The Washington’s “Teach Me Tonight.” The icon’s most contemporary track is a reworking of version of Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive” Adele’s colossal hit “Rolling In the Deep,” will incorporate some of Destiny Child’s which is the first single off the album. It will “Survivor.” The opening track is Etta James’ be available digitally Monday, when the 72- signature song, “At Last,” and Franklin closes year-old will also perform the song on “Late the 10-track set with Sinead O’Connor’s Night with David Letterman.” “Nothing Compares 2 U.”—AP “Great Diva Classics” reunites Franklin

This CD cover image released by Warner Bros Records shows “Art This file photo taken on June 2, 2014 shows US singer Prince attending the Official Age,” by Prince.—AP French tennis Open round of sixteen match between Spain’s Rafael Nadal and Serbia’s Dusan Lajovic at the Roland Garros stadium in Paris.—AFP Prolific Prince goes funk, rock, sci-fi with two albums

s the funky bass quiets down near the night. “I don’t need to be on the radio,” he was and the poppier “This Could Be Us”-which, true start of one of Prince’s two new albums, a quoted as saying. “I’ve been on the radio all my to the album’s motif, brings a futuristic element Asoothing female voice informs that med- life.” Prince’s 33rd and 34th albums-Prince’s first to Prince’s raw sexuality. ication has put him in “suspended animation” for since “20Ten” was distributed four years ago for “Sex with me ain’t enough / That’s why we 45 years. Is the 56-year-old megastar speaking of free in European newspapers-mark his return to got to do it metaphysically,” sings Prince, who his own career, or does the song imagine his Warner Brothers Records after one of the music appears on the cover of “Art Official Age” sport- body being frozen? No matter-the voice explains industry’s most famous label disputes. ing shades that cover a third eye, a mystical con- that he is now “in a place that does not require When he fell out with Warner Brothers nearly cept in Indian tradition. On the other album, time.” The themes of science fiction and timeless- 20 years ago, Prince wrote “slave” on his cheek to “Plectrumelectrum,” Prince and 3rdEyeGirl move ness run throughout the album “Art Official Age” protest his contractual terms and changed his forcefully into new directions in the course of as Prince, still prolific and genre-merging four name to the unpronounceable “love symbol” as songs. “Boytrouble” moves from a funk groove to decades into his career, brings in funk, rock and the singer-born as Prince Rogers Nelson said hip-hop while “Aintturninround” climaxes into soul. that the label had taken over his name. Under guitar riffs that would not be out of place in This image provided by RCA Records shows the cover for Aretha Franklin’s new CD of Along with “Art Official Age,” Prince is simulta- the new deal, Prince has regained control over heavy metal. diva classics due to be released Oct 21, 2014.—AP neously releasing a second album: his catalog and Warner Brothers is reissuing his Both albums feature the track “Funknroll,” “Plectrumelectrum,” a tighter and at times more classic album “Purple Rain” for this year’s 30th with the versions indicative of the albums’ styles. hard-charging work performed with his new col- anniversary. “Funknroll” on “Art Official Age” would suit an laborators 3rdEyeGirl, an all-female trio. The arena show, while on “Plectrumelectrum,” the singer who performed 1980s smash hits such as A still powerful voice song feels like it’s being played at a small, seated “Little Red Corvette,” “1999” and “I Would Die 4 U” “Art Official Age” at times echoes the epic gig. On “Plectrumelectrum,” Prince shows that he ‘Magical Girl’ wins recently told his hometown newspaper, the Star sound of “Purple Rain.” On “Way Back Home,” can still master a powerful ballad in “The Tribune of Minneapolis, that he was focused on Prince’s nuanced rock guitar and synthesizers Breakdown.” After disclosing, “This could be the albums and had little interest in singles. bring a greater aura to the funk beat, as his still saddest story ever been told,” Prince’s voice soars Spanish top film award “I’ve finally got something that is a cohesive wide-ranged voice goes introspective. “I never to his dramatic extremes. “Give me back the time statement,” he told the newspaper, which said wanted a typical life / Scripted role for a trophy / You can keep the memories,” he sings of lost that Prince-true to his eccentric reputation-initi- wife / All I ever wanted is to be left alone,” he love. For all of Prince’s sci-fi experimentation, he ated the interview at a moment’s notice by invit- sings. Prince reaches back to bass-driven funk on still has a keen sense of time.—AFP ing a reporter to his Paisley Park studio late at tracks “The Gold Standard,” “Breakfast Can Wait” Swift, Metallica set for Rock in Rio fest in Vegas aylor Swift and Metallica are among the performers set for the US debut of the Rock in Rio music festival next year. Festival organizers say No Doubt, Linkin Park, The TDeftones and John Legend also will perform during the four-day event in Las Vegas. Rock in Rio USA debuts May 8-9 and May 15-16. No Doubt attended a press conference Friday announcing the lineup in New York’s Time Square, where John Mayer also surprised the crowd with a live performance of two songs. Spanish film director, Carlos Vermut, left, celebrates with his film staff after receiving Mayer performed at the 2013 Rock in Rio festival alongside Beyonce and Justin the Golden Shell for his film, “Magical Girl”. Timberlake. A group including casino company MGM Resorts plans to build a 33-acre, open-air music venue on the Las Vegas Strip for the festival. Plans call for five stages. Rock panish director Carlos Vermut won this Javier Gutierrez won the best actor award in Rio launched in 1985. The festival also will be held in Rio de Janeiro in September 2015, Gwen Stefani of No Doubt performs during the 3rd year’s top award for his film “Magical Girl” for his interpretation of a policeman poles featuring Katy Perry and Legend.—AP Global Citizen Festival at Central Park on Saturday in Sand also claimed the best director prize apart from his partner in Alberto Rodriguez’s New York. Saturday at Spain’s San Sebastian Film Festival. thriller “La Isla Minima” (“Marshland”). The two The movie, a Spanish-French co-production cops are sent - as a reprimand for a previous starring Luis Bermejo, Jose Sacristan, Barbara mistake - to investigate the disappearance of Lennie and Lucia Pollan, is Vermut’s second two teenagers in a remote village firmly feature film - after his debut with “Diamond anchored in the past. There they must pit their Flash” - and is a crime drama in the film noir wits against a brutal killer. “The real winner is tradition, set in Madrid and with references to the atmosphere of the film,” said cameraman Japanese manga comics. Alex Catalan who stepped up to collect the It tells the story of Alicia, a sickly child who best filmography award for the movie in which dreams of a dress in a comic strip called Gutierrez starred. Danish actress Paprika Steen “Magical Girl Yukiko.” Her father, Luis, will do was given the best actress award for her role in anything to make his ailing daughter’s dreams “Stille Hjerte” (Silent Heart), directed by fellow come true, but the characters become Dane Bille August. At the festival, actors Denzel enmeshed in a plot of blackmail and irre- Washington and Benicio del Toro were also sistible fate. “Cinema is a trip you don’t embark awarded with the Donostia Award acknowl- upon alone,” said Vermut. “I ??like characters edging their careers. The awards were handed more than plots, and I’ve featured as a charac- to the winners at a glittering ceremony In this June 28, 2014 file photo, James Hetfield of ter in the previous award,” he said when pre- Saturday night in the northern seaside resort In this Sept 19, 2014 file photo, Taylor Swift performs at the iHeartRadio Music Metallica performs at Glastonbury festival, in Pilton, sented with the best film statuette. city of San Sebastian.—AP Festival in Las Vegas.—AP photos England.

lifestyle MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014

Fashion Fashion made-in-China: Fine for everyone but the Chinese

t has been called fashion’s dirty little secret but duced in China is difficult to measure because of according to Miuccia Prada, soon everybody the complex and variable ways in which such Iwill be doing it. Made-in-China’s just fine with things are assessed. Prada’s supremo and a host of other influential It’s clear, however, that powerful industry trends industry figures. But for Chinese companies and are driving more production China’s way. The post- designers seeking to become global style players, 2007 fallout from the global financial crisis ham- producing high-end clothing on home soil is com- mered a sector dominated by profit-driven con- plicated. Trade barriers, brand perception issues glomerates that covet cost-savings. The downturn and the sourcing of certain fabrics combine to has also made China’s new rich more important as form an obstacle to them competing internation- consumers of luxury products. By one estimate, the ally with an exclusively homegrown product. combined purchases of shoppers in China and the Uma Wang, China’s best-known international tourists it sends abroad will account for 50 percent designer, says the nature of her business dictates of the sector’s worldwide turnover by next year. a 40 percent made-in-China, 60 percent made-in- All of which makes it noteworthy that one of Italy production model. The creative work includ- the companies declining Chan’s Pepsi challenge is ing production of samples is mostly done at his own designer subsidiary, Ports 1961. Originally Wang’s headquarters in Shanghai. But she spends a Canadian brand, Ports 1961 moved its HQ from half the year in Milan overseeing production and New York to Milan two and a half years ago and is dealing with suppliers. For Wang, whose sales are in the process of making itself as Italian as a thim- mostly outside China, import/export taxes are the ble-sized espresso. “For us it is an issue about posi- key issue. tioning,” says Salem Cibani, the company’s youthful “An item produced in China, by the time it is CEO. “Our commercial line (Ports International) is Designer Uma Wang greets the audience after the presentation of her collection during sent to the shops, it adds an extra 30 percent to luxurious and very well-made with some expensive the 2015 Spring / Summer Milan Fashion Week on September 18, 2014 in Milan. — AFP the price,” Wang told AFP. The add-on costs are fabrics. But when we are producing in Italy, there even greater if high-tech fabrics, an area in which are certain artisanal things that we are doing at a Italy is acknowledged as having an edge, have to very high-level designer way that are not necessari- be imported and subjected to China’s textile tar- ly very doable in China. iffs. So for Wang, with 58 shops around the world “Also the best materials are coming from Italy. but only six in China, sticking with Italy makes To move them all the way to China and back is also sense. Even if the trade barriers were to be swept Italian designer Miuccia Prada poses during a an exercise that takes time and adds cost. “Yes Italy away, she could not easily move production closer press conference announcing the ‘Schiaparelli is more expensive, but for what you get, the value to home. and Prada: Impossible Conversations’ exhibi- is still there.” That view is endorsed by Italian cash- “The quality, for making the clothes, the basic tion on February 24, 2012 during the Women’s mere magnate Brunello Cucinelli, a titan of the sewing, is no problem in China,” she says. “But for fashion week in Milan. “absolute luxury” sector which he sees staying in the fabric it is 100 percent from Italy. For the old Europe. “The French have been making cham- material I have to say that China is not yet at the pagne for 500 years and it is very, very special,” he level. “And now I’m really used to the switch-two The Pepsi challenge says. “When I hear people saying there are other time zones, two cultures, the two foods! It’s amaz- Seven years ago, Alfred Chan, the Canadian ‘champagnes’ that are the same, it’s just not true. ing.” Zhu Chongyun, another Chinese female fash- owner of Hong Kong-listed group Ports Design Ltd, “My grandfather and grandmother were simple ion entrepreneur, has just begun to share Wang’s declared that the world’s biggest fashion houses farmers but already they were making clothes. It is two-continent lifestyle following her acquisition should “take the Pepsi challenge” and try Chinese part of our culture. In these things, it takes cen- of venerable Italian house Krizia earlier this year. manufacturing. Armani (for its diffusion ranges), turies to arrive at a certain level.” — AFP Shenzhen-based Zhu said she would retain Krizia’s Burberry and Prada, among others, did and found Italian identity. “We don’t want to mislead the they liked the taste. Miuccia Prada told the Wall public into thinking that because (Krizia) is now Street Journal in 2011 that: “Sooner or later every- In this file picture Italian textile entrepreneur Brunello Cucinelli poses during an inter- Chinese-owned it is going to have more of an body will be doing it because (Chinese manufac- view in a hotel in central Rome on June 10, 2010. Asian culture-that is not what I want,” Zhu told turing) is so good.” Exactly what proportion of top AFP. menswear, womenswear and accessories are pro- FASHION WEEK FASHION PARIS

Models wear creations for Kenzo’s Spring/Summer 2015 ready-to-wear fashion collection presented in Paris, France, yesterday. — AP lifestyle MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014


French designer Jean Paul Gaultier celebrates with models at the end of his last ready-to-wear collection. Brazilian model Izabel Goulart takes a selfie as she presents a creation by Jean Paul Gaultier.

Women perform during the Miss Jean Paul Gaultier election event as part of the 2015 Spring/Summer ready-to-wear collection fashion show, on September 27, 2014 in Paris. — AP/AFP photos

Steve Madden unveils its ‘Autumn Winter 2014’ collection for men and women et into the swing of the new season with Boots continue to thrive and Steve Madden is lights a wide range of styles that cater to the high- the eclectic range of ‘Autumn Winter 2014’ just the designer to spin the trend in unique and spirited urban young man. A perfect blend of intri- Gcollection for women from Steve Madden. eye catching ways. Styles like NYRVANA and GILTE cate detailing and classy designs makes this col- From combat boots to stylish flats, the new range feature quilted details and colors. The GRETCHUN lection a must-have in every man’s wardrobe this is designed for the woman of today who is a born and MUNCH-C offer a new take on combat boot season. Steve Madden’s attention to detail is what explorer and loves to flaunt her style at every with a higher heel, hardware and a foldable upper. sets the brand apart and subtle details like con- occasion. Another lace up style, the RASPY sports a beautiful trast stitching go a long way. The technique is Steve Madden is throwing it back in a big way stacked heel. used on the grittier styles of the ANTONN and this season.The collection showcases a mix of Even when she’s casual, the Steve Madden girl MAKLEMOR to add a touch of refinement to the glamorous and casual styles that reflect the eclec- is chic. The laidback feel of the sneaker trend is ele- combat boot style. The stitching technique is used tic tastes of every fashionista! Styles like ODYSSEY, vated in Steve Madden’s interpretation of the to achieve the opposite effect in the classic desert with their chunky heels and at-to-above knee style. The EROS and ECENTRCQ styles boast of boot style, DURVISH. shaft heights, channel the 90’s. The HIGHTING snake skin that add a luxe quality to the trend and Whether it’s a formal event or a casual hangout, boasts an over-the-knee shaft height along with the espadrillesole and mesh upper of the DES- the AW’14 collection from Steve Madden will keep platforms and heels that remind us of the cool TINEY manage to combine edge and chicness into your look modern and edgy at all times! Revamp Goth girls who wore black lipstick. The retro move- the look. BADORN with their tassel details and your shoe closet this season with Steve Madden’s ment extends into Steve Madden handbags; the straps accomplish the same, taking the style to the fabulous AW’14 collection available at The BESSIE tips its hat to the 80s with geometric new level. Avenues- The Mall. inserts and slouchy style. Steve Madden’s AW’14 collection for men high- Jay Z, Beyonce take stage at Global 36Citizen fest MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014

A close up shows the wedding band of Amal US actor George Clooney and his wife Amal Alamuddin stand on a taxi boat on the Grand Canal Alamuddin as she stands next to her husband George yesterday in Venice. Clooney aboard a taxi boat on the Grand Canal yester- day in Venice. George Clooney, Amal Alamuddin tie the knot in Venice

he world’s most famous bachelor, George Clooney, main dining room of the Aman, where local media had report- broke a vow to remain single on Saturday and married ed the pair was to say vows informally. Thuman rights lawyer Amal Alamuddin during a weekend Kentucky-born Clooney, who shot to stardom in the televi- of lavish celebrations in Venice. The Italian city of gondolas sion series “ER”, had vowed never to remarry after his 1993 and palazzi looked like Hollywood on the Adriatic as A-list divorce from actress Talia Balsam and is said to have made a guests cruised between luxury hotels for the extravaganza, $100,000 bet with Michelle Pfeiffer that he would stay single. billed as the party of the year even as details were kept largely The Lebanese-born Alamuddin, who had no previous connec- secret. tion to Hollywood, has represented Ukrainian former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko at the European Court of Human Rights, and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in extradition proceedings. “She will keep him on his toes because she is bright,” said Judith Graham, 59, of Surrey, England. “He’s had all these actresses fawning over him before. I hope he’ll be happy.” Alamuddin, who is based in Britain, also advised former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan on the conflict in Syria, an issue about which Clooney has spoken publicly. Clooney has also led campaigns to highlight the plight of refugees in Darfur, Sudan, and is expected to donate the fees A picture shows Ponte Rialto outside Palazzo Papadopoli, Hotel Aman, is pictured in earned from selling rights to the wedding photos to that Venice. cause.

What better spot? As the sun shone over Venice, locals and tourists alike were excited to witness a memorable moment in the city’s long his- tory of hosting stars for its film festival, the world’s oldest. “I thought he was like the world’s most eligible bachelor so I didn’t realize he was ever going to get married, but I guess if you’re going to get married what better spot than a beautiful Italian city like Venice?” said Canadian tourist Philip De Vooght. A slick, wooden speedboat called “Amore” brought the couple into the city on Friday in a convoy of boats, a modern- day version of the ceremonial entrances of the Doges of the Venetian Republic, which lasted from the late seventh century until 1797. Alamuddin, who is rumored to have 12 outfit Bono Vox arrives at the Cipriani hotel in Actor Matt Damon leaves the Cipriani hotel changes prepared for the weekend, wore a black-and-white Venice. to go to the George Clooney wedding. The boat taking George Clooney’s representative, Stan Rosenfield, broke a long striped dress as she arrived with Clooney on the speedboat. Clooney to his wedding silence about the actor’s personal life on Saturday, issuing a The 36-year-old picked a more formal red dress with black with Amal Alamuddin, is statement confirming the marriage. “Confirmed. They were butterfly patterns for a party in her honor on Friday night. She surrounded by photogra- married Saturday evening in Venice,” he told Reuters in an has reportedly chosen an Alexander McQueen wedding phers and televisions boats email. The pair had been expected to wed officially on gown. Guests were ferried around the city in speed-boats as they parade Canal Monday in a civil ceremony at Venice’s 14th-century town hall. bearing small flags marked with “AG”, for Amal and George, Grande. It was not clear if that would still take place. and a brown swagged canopy was put up in front of the Venice’s Grand Canal turned into an aquatic red carpet as Aman on Saturday to shield guests from prying eyes and pho- the tuxedo-clad actor and his guests crossed the lagoon from tographers’ long lenses. the Cipriani hotel for dinner at the seven-star Aman Canal People magazine reported that the pair had been married Grande Venice, housed in the 16th-century Palazzo by the former mayor of Rome, Walter Veltroni, a film buff and Papadopoli. Actors Matt Damon and Bill Murray mingled with Clooney’s friend, confirming previous Italian media reports. model Cindy Crawford, Vogue editor Anna Wintour and singer Venice’s city government said last week it would close a few of Bono at a reception on the terrace of the plush Cipriani before the town’s narrow pedestrian streets for two hours on embarking. Monday, in case the “celebrity status” of the event caused Passing “vaporetti” public boats tilted sideways as passen- overcrowding and threatened people’s safety. — Reuters gers crowded to see two-time Oscar winner Clooney, who Actor George Clooney, right, waves from a boat with Ramzi Alamuddin, third from right waved to onlookers and rubbed his hands together on arrival front row, father of her fiancee Amal Alamuddin, his father Nick Clooney, fourth from at the Aman, as if to show he was looking forward to a good right front row, and his mother Nina Bruce, second from right back row on their way to meal. Drinks were laid on in a rear garden before dinner in the the Aman hotel ahead of his wedding in Venice.

Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber wave from a boat as they Guests leave Palazzo Papadopoli Aman hotel. Vogue America chief-editor Anna Wintur leaves the Aman US actor George Clooney waves to fans from a taxi boat on go to George Clooney’s wedding with Amal Alamuddin. hotel. the Grand Canal on his way to the Aman hotel.