Message from Revd Liz Hassall

I’m going to begin this month by sharing with you some news, which was announced on 3rd June. Some of you will have already heard, but do keep reading as I have more to say.

Dr John Sentamu, Archbishop of , is pleased to announce the appointment of the Revd Liz Hassall as Priest-in-Charge of the York City Centre Group, comprising St Olave with St Giles, St Denys, St Helen Stonegate with St Martin Coney Street, and All Saints Pavement with St Crux and St Michael Spurriergate.

This is fully endorsed by the Representatives of these parishes. Liz is currently Rector of and , and with Brandsby and , having been ordained deacon and priest in this Diocese.

Subject to any public health restrictions, Liz will be licensed to her new role in the days leading up to Christmas 2020.

This is not goodbye just yet – part of the reason for postponing the start of my new post until Christmas is to allow time to begin leading us out of lockdown and discovering how the Church will be in the future.

Since the announcement was made, I have been so touched by all the messages of support and thanks I have received. It is often difficult to tell in ministry whether things are going well or if you are making any difference at all. In my seven and a half years here, I have learned so much from you all about how to be a priest. Thank you all for being lovely parishioners to serve.

The churchwardens have asked me to mention that they are willing to answer any queries and concerns that you may have about the upcoming vacancy. Please do contact them, or me, if there is anything you think we can help with.

Revd Liz

2 Open churches - the difference between MAY and WILL I begin this article with a caveat – things move fast at the moment in politics. This may well be out of date by the time you read it. Please check the current situation with the clergy or wardens.

It was announced in early June that church buildings may open from 13th June for private prayer and reflection only. This is indeed cause for celebration. However, some of the headlines in the papers were a little premature – just because something may happen doesn’t mean it will, or at least not straight away. Our churches are public buildings and, as such, are required to be safe places for people to visit. We can’t just throw the doors open and go back to how things were in February. There are pages of government and church guidelines and rules which we are trying to work with in order to ensure we comply and this takes time. Part of the requirements are to clean, daily, those parts of the building that people may have touched. Where this is not possible, there must be a gap of 72 hours between each period of opening. At present, Coxwold church has recruited a team of cleaners so they are able to open daily. Access is limited to a small part of the church. Please comply with the directions and do not go in any taped off areas. Husthwaite and Crayke churches plan to open twice a week for short periods. Please consult notices on the door, or contact the warden or Liz to find out more. Husthwaite church will be open on Sundays 9am - 1pm and Wednesdays 2 - 6pm.

Wass remains closed due to planned building work. Brandsby church will open on Saturdays between 11.30am and 12.30pm. Plans for the other churches are not yet finalised. In all cases, 3 please use the hand sanitiser provided and maintain the customary 2m social distancing. I know that some people reading this will be rolling your eyes at the bureaucracy. Please bear in mind that the majority of people who use our churches regularly are in the vulnerable or extremely vulnerable category. We have a responsibility not to put anyone’s life in danger. Thank you for your patience and I look forward to welcoming you back into our buildings in the near future.

For now, please join us at for worship and keep the use of the church buildings for private prayer and reflection.

Until further notice all Annual Parochial and District Church Meetings are cancelled

Public services are currently suspended but the life and work of the Church continues. Find us online at or phone Revd Liz on 01347 822809 or 07388 510984 for prayer and pastoral support. Readings for July can be found on page 14

Any events which may be listed in the July edition of the Village Link are only provisional, as the Coronavirus situation changes on a daily basis. You are advised to seek up to date advice before you try to attend any event. Important message to all contributors: The deadline for articles for August’s Village Link is the 15th July Please send them to [email protected] Thank You. To advertise in the Village Link email: [email protected]

4 Archbishop lays down his crozier on the high altar at York Minster as his last act as Archbishop of York

The Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu, accompanied by his wife, the Revd Margaret Sentamu, laid down his crozier of office on the high altar of York Minster on Sunday 7th June.

The Dean of York, the Rt Revd Dr Jonathan Frost and Head Verger Alex Carberry were witnesses to this final act as Archbishop.

The Dean of York said, “Today, in the simple and symbolic act of laying down his crozier, Archbishop Sentamu brought his ministry as Archbishop of York to a close. In current circumstances we have been unable to fulfil our hope to gather together for a service. However, in households and communities across the Diocese of York, the North and Nation, those whose lives have been graced by Sentamu and Margaret give thanks for their witness to the joy, simplicity and compassion of the good news of Jesus Christ.”

On 8 June 2020, Archbishop Sentamu concludes nearly 15 years in his role as Archbishop of York. He has served in ordained ministry within the Church of for 41 years. The Archbishop will continue to live in the North of England, and has said he will continue with his work on the case for income equality and sustainability.

“The Gospel offers forgiveness for the past, new life for the present, and hope for the future”.

The Rt Revd Dr John Sentamu

5 Election of Bishop Stephen Cottrell as 98th Archbishop of York Bishop Stephen Cottrell’s appointment as Archbishop of York will be completed in the Confirmation of Election ceremony to be held at 11.00am on Thursday, 9th July, in a service that will be broadcast entirely via video conference due to the Coronavirus restrictions. The service will be available on the Church of England website at Arrangements for Bishop Stephen’s Enthronement service at York Minster will be announced later in the year.

“I now look forward to returning and being a voice for the North, sharing the liberating good news of the gospel and helping to address the discrepancies of wealth and opportunity that too often favour the South.”

The Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell

Prayer on the Election of the Archbishop of York

Generous God, we give you thanks: you have heard our prayer, guided your people and raised up Stephen to serve as the next Archbishop of York. By your Holy Spirit, grant to him good counsel, holy insight and joy in the gospel, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

6 News from Crayke, Brandsby & Yearsley

St Cuthbert’s, Crayke Family Service Theme for the year:

We are God’s people

Crayke Church is on Follow our Facebook page to find out all the news for the church as it happens. Search for: @craykechurchstcuthbert

Flower Rota for St Cuthbert’s Church: July 2020 The flower arranging duties have been suspended during the Covid isolation period. As and when the rules are lifted Ann Chappell will contact the volunteers directly to discuss resumption of duties!

Coffee Mornings in Crayke I do wonder if we shall ever have another coffee morning? Once again I am postponing it. Surely August will be convenient? Valerie Black is still working in her garden & still waiting to greet you all. The next date is Wednesday August 12th 10.00am - 12 noon. See you there-- Shirley

Crayke Magazine Payment Here we are in July & in spite of all my efforts some people have not paid yet. Please hurry! SDH.

7 News from Crayke, Brandsby & Yearsley

Crayke Sports Club and Village Hall

Crayke Tennis Club Our tennis club is now open and under LTA guidance we are able to play both singles and doubles as long as social distancing is observed. Membership fees have been reduced this season. Please contact Sharon 07464973987 [email protected] for further details.

‘Safe spaces’ in Boots Boots has become one of the first high street stores to create ‘safe spaces’ to help victims of domestic abuse who need help during the coronavirus lockdown.

The pharmacy chain, which is the biggest retailer of its kind in the UK, has opened consultation rooms in its 2,400 high street stores. People who have been unable to seek help while trapped at home with an abusive partner can access these ‘safe space’ rooms.

There they will find posters providing the phone numbers of the key support services, as well as helplines whom they can call without fear of their abuser eavesdropping on them. Article reproduced by kind permission of Parish Pump

North County Council ‘safe places’ scheme. To find out more telephone 03307 260260 or email: [email protected] or visit:

8 News from Crayke Parish Council

Community Spirit Lives On Looking back after 12 weeks of Coronavirus restrictions, or lockdown, it is clear that our local communities have generally responded with great restraint, self-control and good neighbourliness. It’s very easy to look at recent media coverage of protests and riots in the cities and think that all our responsibility and hard work has been wasted. But remember, the misguided actions of a few hundred, even a few thousand is insignificant compared with the caring and responsibility that has been shown by millions.

And like the serene swan gliding across the lake, there is much activity below the surface. Our key workers, in health and caring, in our schools, transport and supply sectors have all been hard at work so that many of us could stay safe at home.

Even Crayke Parish Council has met twice by Zoom video call: Planning matters are still dealt with, essential duties continue, and community concerns are heard and debated. (Anyone can join these virtual meetings! Our next scheduled meeting is Tuesday 21st July at 7.30pm).

The Crayke History Group has also been ticking along and thanks to Felicity and Judy we now have a Crayke History Trail Guide in final draft form, soon to be available to download via our web site, and possibly even via an App! Check for the latest.

Our thanks to all of you for keeping our community spirit alive and well. We will all get together soon. Meanwhile keep up the good work, and enjoy those Zoom quizzes and that daily exercise!

For information, requests or concerns on Parish Council matters, please contact any Parish Council member or visit our website Chairman: Colin Merritt ([email protected]) or 07769 355222

Vice-Chair: Lesley Hartley ([email protected])

Clerk: Stephen Sangster ([email protected]) or 07849 250043 9 News from Brandsby cum Stearsby Parish Council

There are no plans to open Brandsby Village Hall up at present but we do plan to get on with the renovations shortly as the restrictions on activity are eased.

However, the following groups are offering zoom meetings.

Pilates by Zoom 4pm Tuesday and 9am Friday please contact Tracey on [email protected] or 07789 990261 for more information

WI – Zoom meeting every Tuesday afternoon. Contact Jane Pearce for more information on 01347 888607 or [email protected]

Message from Jane Pearce secretary of WI and Hazel Kaye chair of WI ‘We try to stay in touch with members either by Zoom; just for a laugh and a chat or occasionally to sing Happy Birthday to a member or have a literary quiz! We also keep in touch by telephone. We have had a walk in the village, of course adhering to the social distancing regulations. In short members still feel part of our WI

We feel it is so important to stay in touch and to be able to talk; it is something that women do so well. So stay safe and hope- fully we will meet in the next few months.’

Brandsby corona virus support group This is very much still in place.

If you need help with shopping Stillington shop has a list of people who will bring it to you and you can contact the shop for orders on 01347 811911 or [email protected]

If you need a prescription picking up from the Stillington practice you can ask the GP for a number of a volunteer or you can ring Ruth on 01347 888363 or Carol on 01347 889898 and they will arrange a pick up for you. Alternatively you can email on [email protected]

10 News from Brandsby cum Stearsby Parish Council

Any other queries or you wish to volunteer please use the same contact details – we are happy to help.

Thank you to all the volunteers who have already been out and about helping people who are self-isolating – there has been some great response from those who have received the help – it has made a real difference!

Dog Poo in Brandsby

Would dog walkers please pick up their dog poo and take it home. There has been a huge increase in the number of bags of dog poo left on roadsides, footpaths, bridle paths and even on top of fence posts. This is very disappointing behaviour spoiling the beautiful countryside we live in.

You may not be aware but dog poo can cause serious diseases in sheep. Disease transmitted to sheep through dog poo can be fatal, and can cause unpleasant effects such as impaired vision, and neurological symptoms. Some disease can cause sheep’s meat to be contaminated, making the animal worthless.

Please act responsibly, take your dog poo home, or place in the special bins provided in the village situated near the bus shelter and near the Notice Board. Close gates, keep to the footpaths or bridal paths and let everyone enjoy the countryside.

Richard Machin Chairman

11 Local charities offering financial help. If you live in the parish of Crayke or Coxwold, there are local charities which have funds available to help those in need. Crayke Parochial Charities and the Fauconberg Trust each receive the rental income from certain fields that have been left in trust. The income can be used for any resident of those parishes. Please contact Revd Liz Hassall on 01347 822809 or 07388 510894

Use your old clothes to help others in poverty

Lockdown drove many of us to do a Spring clear-out of our ward- robes. But what do you do now with the old clothes you no longer want?

Charity shops may be closed for the time being, but there's still a way to donate your old items and support your favourite charities. Just go online and visit Thrift+. Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash It is an online store where you can buy and donate great quality second-hand clothes. And you get to choose which cause to support when you make a donation.

While lockdown measures are in place, they've introduced a door- step collection service, so you don't need to leave your home to support life-transforming charities.

Article reproduced by kind permission of Parish Pump

12 In the Midst of the Garden – IX

Photo by Eco Warrior Princess on Unsplash

13 Church of England Readings for July 2020 Sunday 5th July: Fourth Sunday after Trinity Zechariah 9:9-12, Ps 145:8-15, Romans 7:15-25a, Matthew 11:16-19,25-30

Sunday 12th July: Fifth Sunday after Trinity Isaiah 55:10-13, Ps 65: 8-13, Romans 8:1-11, Matthew 13:1-9,18-23

Sunday 19th July: Sixth Sunday after Trinity Isaiah 44:6-8, Ps 86:11-17, Romans 8:12-25, Matthew 13:24-30,36-43

Sunday 26th July: Seventh Sunday after Trinity 1 Kings 3:5-12, Ps 119:129-136, Romans 8:26-39, Matthew 13:31-33,44-52

Sunday 2nd August: Eighth Sunday after Trinity Isaiah 55:1-5, Ps 145:8-9,15-22, Romans 9:1-5, Matthew 14:13-21

Visitors and new members are very welcome at any of our services. Do please introduce yourself if you are new. Church Contacts Rector: Revd. Liz Hassall 01347 822809 The Rectory, Church Hill, [email protected] Crayke YO61 4TA (Liz’s day off is usually Thursday) Assistant Curate: Revd. Stephen Pope 07816 168735 [email protected] Administrator: Carol Colbourne [email protected] List of Churchwardens Brandsby Alison Buckingham 01347 888202 Karen Rasmussen 01347 889089 07787 588985 John Butler 01845 501204 Coxwold Chris Stratton 01347 868854 Crayke Fiona Warriner 01347 823131 Husthwaite Roy Collard 01347 868195 Wass Margaret Naylor 01347 868577 Ros Williams 01347 868150 Yearsley John Foster 01347 889961 All enquires regarding Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals in the first instance please contact Revd Liz (details above). 14 15 News from Carlton Husthwaite

Just published - “Lowland Collieries in : , Coxwold, Kilburn, 1791-1865” by Stuart Marriott. Published under the Carlton Letterworks series. An excellent new publication, which covers three local collieries and a lime works. It is a well-written account with full colour illustrations and a bargain at £10 or £11 with postage and packing. A must for all with an interest in local history and industrial archaeology. Copies available from the author at: Rose Cottage, Carlton Husthwaite, , YO7 2BJ email: [email protected]

Or from John Butler, Winslow House, Croft Lane, Carlton Husthwaite, YO7 2BS. Tel: 01845 501204

News from Wass

Wass Closed Gardens On Sunday June 7th Wass would have been alive with visitors, Morris dancers, teas and tombola. Sadly, our open gardens and scarecrow display had to be cancelled this year.

A suggestion was made that we could open some of our gardens just to people in the village, strictly observing social distancing. So that afternoon nine gardens were opened. A map was provided with house names and host names. People who wanted to visit the gardens sent in a request via the community email group and a timetable was drawn up giving the visitors 15 minutes in each garden. Luckily the weather was fair. Our closed garden event was rated as being very successful. Individuals who were usually doing teas, running tombola or organising parking had a chance this year to visit gardens. New people moving into the village had a chance to meet neighbours and we had a chance to welcome them to Wass.

We raised £100 for Yorkshire Air Ambulance thanks to people's generosity in parting with cash for some handmade ceramics. Altogether it was a welcome afternoon in these strange times.

16 Free national phoneline bringing worship and prayer Government figures show that 2.5 million people aged 75 and above have never used the internet. And so, to help them, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, recently launched a free national phoneline to bring worship and prayer into the homes of those without access to the internet.

Daily Hope, which is available 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044 – offers music, prayers and reflections as well as full worship services from the Church of England.

“With many in our country on lockdown, it’s important that we support those who are feeling lonely and isolated, whatever age they are."

Archbishop Justin Welby

News from Coxwold Coxwold payment of the Village Link Payment of £5 is now due. If you are out when I call, could I please ask you to put your payment in an envelope with your name and address on the front of the envelope and post it through my letterbox at “Dale Croft, Main Street, Coxwold”. Access is gained through the metal hand gate adjacent to No 5 Almshouses. Payment should be made please by the end of June. If you do not wish to receive a copy of the Village Link, please let me know. Many thanks. Jean Richardson

17 Anandini Yoga Online Yoga 5 days a week live streaming! Unlimited access each week for the price of just one normal session £9 or book an unlimited 5 week block for £35. Classes suitable for all abilities! For more information and booking contact Photo by NEOSiAM 2020 from Pexels Verity via email [email protected]

The Fauconberg Inn Coxwold Tel 01347 868214. Their recently opened shop is stocked with grocery, fresh fruit, vegetables and house- hold goods. It is also offering a new take-away meal service with orders and payment taken by phone, and optional free delivery. Ask at the pub to see the shop which is by their rear car park.

News from Coxwold Village Hall Our regular weekly and monthly groups are suspended for July whilst the lock-down continues. We hope that you stay safe in these unprecedented times, and we look forward to seeing you again soon. Whilst the lock-down is in place, the village hall is closed, as are the out- side Ladies and Gents toilets. The outside accessible toilet remains open. Coxwold Village Market To protect our stallholders, customers and villagers, we have suspended the market whilst we remain in lock-down. For regular updates, including from our stallholders many of whom are still operating, you can follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

There is a possibility that the Market will reopen for the last Saturday of July – Saturday 25th July. Please check our social media and local posters for updates closer to the date.

18 Husthwaite Methodist Chapel

Minister: The Reverend Elizabeth Cushion: 01347 821460

As you will all be aware, there are no services at Husthwaite Chapel. However the members of the Little Chapels in the surrounding villages, meet via Zoom on Sunday afternoons at 3.00 pm. for a time of worship and fellowship. If you are interested in joining us please contact Linda Davison on 01347 868449, or Jackie Earley on 01347 868504.

News from Husthwaite Village Hall In these exceptional circumstances, there are currently no plans to open up Husthwaite Village Hall for our regular clubs and activities. However, as soon as it is safe to do so, we will make sure everyone is made aware.

In the meantime, many of our clubs and activities are taking place “virtually”, including Wine Appreciation, Quizzes, Yoga & Zumba. This is an alternative way to stay in touch and connected and keep the mind and body active.

Updates on what is happening in the community are posted each week in our alternative newsletter “Husthwaite Connections”, which goes out by email to around 150 Husthwaite villagers.

If you want to be added to the distribution list, please let Sheila know on 868196 or email [email protected], alternatively, if email isn’t convenient, we can try and get you a printed copy!

Sheila Mowatt

19 Crossword Across 1: ‘I pray that out of his glorious — he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being’ (Ephesians 3:16) (6) 4: ‘Saul’s father Kish and — father Ner were sons of Abiel’ (1 Samuel 14:51) (6) 7: ‘Praise the Lord, O my — ’ (Psalm 103:1) (4) 8: See 5 Down 9: Laws (1 Kings 11:33) (8) 13: ‘Who of you by worrying can — a single hour to his life?’ (Luke 12:25) (3) 16: Artistry (Exodus 31:5) (13) 17: ‘Your young men will see visions, your — men will dream dreams’ (Acts 2:17) (3) 19: How David described his Lord (Psalm 19:14) (8) 24: ‘If this city is built and its — — restored, you will be left with nothing in Trans-Euphrates’ (Ezra 4:16) (5,3) 25: ‘The holy Scriptures, which are able to make you — for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus’ (2 Timothy 3:15) (4) 26: Intended destination of arrows (Lamentations 3:12) (6) 27: Eve hit (anag.) (6) Down 1: ‘For I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find — for your souls’ (Matthew 11:29) (4) 2: Where Peter was when he denied Christ three times (Luke 22:55) (9) 3: Remarkable early 20th-century Indian evangelist, a convert from Hinduism, — Sundar Singh (5) 4: ‘Now the king had put the officer on whose — — leaned in charge of the gate’ (2 Kings 7:17) (3,2) 5 and 8 Across The Lover describes this facial feature of the Beloved thus: ‘Your — is like the tower of Lebanon looking towards — ’ (Song of Songs 7:4) (4,8) 6: ‘Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled — your waist’ (Ephesians 6:14) (5) 10: Trout (anag.) (5) 11: Easily frightened (1 Thessalonians 5:14) (5) 12: The ability to perceive (Ecclesiastes 10:3) (5) 13: One of the clans descended from Benjamin (Numbers 26:38) (9)

20 14: “It is one of the Twelve,” he replied, “one who — bread into the bowl with me”’ (Mark 14:20) (4) 15: Resound (Zephaniah 2:14) (4) 18: Traditional seat of the Dalai Lama (5) 20: Precise (John 4:53) (5) 21: Build (Ezekiel 4:2) (5) 22: Beat harshly (Acts 22:25) (4) 23: Darius, who succeeded Belshazzar as king of the Babylonians, was one (Daniel 5:31) (4) Crossword Answers on page 22.

21 Crossword Answers

Local Contacts Parish Councils

Brandsby Chairman Mr R Machin 01347 888295 Clerk Mrs S Ward 01347 888651 email: [email protected] & (Ryedale District) Clerk Mrs Jenny Clarke 01347 868534 email: [email protected] Carlton Husthwaite (Representative) Mr K L Harrison email: [email protected] Coxwold Clerk Mrs C Wyn-Jones 01347 868558 Crayke Chairman Mr C Merritt 01347 823983 email: [email protected] Clerk Mr S Sangster 07518 516100 email: [email protected] Husthwaite Clerk Mrs J Coulthard email: [email protected] Yearsley (Representative) Mrs M Liddle 01347 888678

22 Village Halls Brandsby Bookings Mrs Christine Waite 01347 889353 Toddlers Mrs Christine Waite (as above)

Carlton Husthwaite Bookings Erica Cornish 01845 501316 or Sarah Lees 01845 501811

Coxwold Bookings Roy McGhie 01347 868837 email [email protected]

Crayke (Sports Club & Village Hall) Chairman John Chappell 01347 823711 Bookings Allyson Rae 01347 824845 Toddlers Becky Ritchie 01347 811717 or 07866 635190 Sports Club Treasurer Alison Levin 01347 823809 Tennis Club Chairman Mr D Redfern 01347 821610 Tennis Club Treasurer Mrs L Pocklington 01347 824163 Match Secretary Mrs C Redfern 01347 821610

Husthwaite Bookings Sheila Mowatt 01347 868196 or 07836 721775 email: [email protected]

Oulston Bookings email (preferred) [email protected] or phone Angela Pontefract 01347 868617.

Wass Bookings Roger Statham 01347 868350 Womens’ Institute Brandsby Secretary Mrs Jane Pearce 01347 888607

Byland with Wass Secretary Nancy Walker 01347 868774 Doctors Surgeries Ampleforth Surgery 01439 788215 Back Lane, Ampleforth, York YO62 4EF Millfield Surgery 01347 821557 Millfield Lane, , York YO61 3JR Stillington Surgery 01347 810332 North Back Lane Stillington York YO61 1LL