Eyre Peninsula Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem Data Analysis: Wetland condition data for Lake Pillie and Sleaford Mere A report for Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula, Department of Environment and Water, Port Lincoln, South Australia. Prepared by: Kerri Muller NRM Pty. Ltd. Authors: Dr. Kerri Muller and Dr. Jason Nicol with Dr. Alison Charles from Water Technology Pty. Ltd. Date: 26 June 2020 Reference: 7219/CE394 Document Management Version Date Released Authors Released by Released to v0.1 5 June 2020 K.L. Muller & J. Nicol K.L. Muller A. Freeman Draft report for discussion Draft for comment 15 June 2020 K.L. Muller & J. Nicol K.L. Muller A. Freeman Final 26 June 2020 K.L. Muller & J. Nicol K.L. Muller A. Freeman Acknowledgements: The authors wish to thank the staff of Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula, especially Andrew Freeman, Ben Smith, Greg Kerr and Michelle Clanahan, who developed the monitoring program, collected the field data, provided valuable insights, reviewed our initial data analysis and assisted with report finalisation. We would also like to thank Alison Charles from Water Technology Pty. Ltd., for preparing the groundwater and rainfall graphs. To contact the authors: Dr. Kerri Muller Kerri Muller NRM Pty. Ltd. PO Box 203 Victor Harbor SA 5211 E:
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